Heart-shaped Box: Act One free porn video

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Warning: I write cruel stories of humiliation (although I'm not into physical pain). If this isn't your particular brand of vodka, there are many other fine authors on this site to turn to. The following story is based on real people as described to me by a fan requesting to be inserted into one of my twisted fantasies. This is my first strictly TG fetish tale. heart-shaped box By tainted x Case #345-98A66 CONFIDENTIAL; Nondisclosure 15C; Clearance lvl 5; USERnAME: CAYCEC; PASSwORD: *********; ACCESSgRANTED; DECRYPTING....... //RUN_*// File Ia (letter_Ia.txt) January 15, [DATE_REMOVEd], Dear Sarah [NAME_REMOVEd], I am pleased to inform you that the application submitted on Nov 9, [REMOVEd] has been accepted. You and your husband, Chad [REMOVEd], are invited to participate in CDQ Behavioral Health Clinic's couple's therapy test group starting Jan 28, [REMOVEd] at 7:00 PM. Please arrive an hour early to fill out the necessary paperwork. If you are unable to make it at the scheduled time, please call our offices during business hours (8:00 AM - 5:30 PM) at (505) 956-2[REMOVEd] to reschedule. As stated in the advertisement, you will not be charged for the initial consultation or subsequent treatments associated with the study. I look forward to meeting with you and your husband. Sincerely, Cayce Champion, Ph.D, MD. Psychiatrist CDQ Behavioral Health Clinic Ninth Avenue and C Street [REMOVEd] (505) 956-2[REMOVEd] //ENDrUN// Part One. signs of a storm You find it in the bathroom. You're sitting on the toilet. One hundred five pages. Plain white book jacket titled in plain black font: ARIEL. The last collection of poetry by Sylvia Plath. Sarah must have bought it, you think. Odd. The back of the book tells you it was written in the months before her suicide. The back of the book does not mention Sylvia's jealous rage. The back of the book does not say that her suicide was preceded by her husband leaving her for another woman. More strange than the book or the verse is the bookmark stuck between pages eight and nine: "CDQ Behavioral Health Clinic Finding Better Ways to Better Mental Health Each and Every Day" The picture on the pamphlet shows a huge multistory complex, all steel and silver tinted windows offset by black tar parking lot and burning sunset sky; no trees, no grass, and the flaming clouds beyond offer no clue as to what time of year the photo was taken. Right now, though, it's early October. This is before your wife shows up with the application. This is before the argument that is concluded with, "Maybe we should call Kristin and ask her if our marriage needs work." This is all before Dr. Cayce Champion. And when you ask Sarah about it she says, "Oh nothing." She says, "Just something they were handing out at the mall." And somewhere in the middle of the night asleep and dreaming in bed next to Sarah, she turns and looks at you and smiles and mouths the words from the bottom of page nine: "Herr God, Herr Lucifer, Beware Beware. Out of the ash I rise with my red hair And I eat men like air." (Author's Note: In a story there are three possible conflicts: Man vs. Man; Man vs. Nature; Man vs. Himself. In a courtroom there is only Man vs. Man. This is true too for the senate hearings following the investigation of Y-Tech Incorporated and its subsidiary, CDQ Behavioral Health. What becomes clear when watching the thirty-two days of C-Span coverage, or, even more so, when reading the full transcript of the hearings, is that what was sold as an inquiry was in actuality only a witch-hunt with expensive suits and rehearsed smiles. This is the action movie solution. No matter how heinous or complex the crime, it all boils down to one evil mastermind who will ultimately get shot by the hero and fall a very long way to his death at the end of the third act. There is no need for understanding. No cause for details. Only blame, a shot and a long fall. Roll credits. Sarah, lying in bed next to her husband, quoting the last few lines of "Lady Lazarus," this is how you setup a villain. Man vs. Man. Or Man vs. Woman, if you like. But to include the scene without comment, as I originally intended, would be an injustice to those who lived it. I am forced to remind myself and the reader that this is not a piece of fiction, this is not an action movie: This is real life. Every scrap of evidence I've managed to salvage and archive is only the surface of what really happened. The skin, the bra size, the shape of her face and curve of her ass. The girl in the bar you have an immediate hard-on for. The most beautiful girl in the world. Surely the love of your life, who later stabs you to death with a screwdriver in a cheap motel and cuts out your tongue to keep as a trophy. In any situation we can only speculate what lies beneath. And while we are on the subject of speculation, allow me to offer my own quote to juxtapose the Plath poem. Not to imply that one is truer than the other, but rather to say one is perhaps deeper--the cause of the first. This is the real story of Chad and Sarah: "When the boy was a boy and the girl was a girl, they found each other in a wicked world."* So then here we have a tale of Man vs. Nature. Or, to be more precise, Men and Women vs. Nature which, also too, through a causal chain becomes Man vs. Himself. A story without heroes or villains. Even Cayce Champion, whose past was a cold trail and whose suicide ensured her motives and motivations would forever remain a mystery, left clues that despite all her cruel infamies, on another day, in another account, she would have played the part of the victim. *10,000 Maniacs, "Eat For Two") //RUN_**// File 0206 (audiolog_0206.wav) CAYCE: Nervous? CHAD: Just wondering why I'm the only one strapped to a chair. CAYCE: It's for your own safety. If you move around too much the machine can cause damage to the brain and motor functions. CHAD: Not really my point. CAYCE: The helmet produces a fair amount of heat. You may also feel a slight tingling sensation in your frontal lobe. Some people find it uncomfortable, but it's best to just relax and not struggle. CHAD: Struggle? SARAH: Isn't this moving a little fast? SILENCE. THE MICROPHONE'S HISS. SARAH: I mean, we've only had one session... CAYCE: People spend their whole life in therapy and never get any better, Sarah. It's the treatment, not the diagnosis that's always proven ineffective. That's what this study, this procedure is all about. CHAD: Why do I get the feeling you're about to drill a hole in my head to let the evil spirits out? THE CLICKING OF SWITCHES. THE LOW, DULL HUM OF THE MACHINE. [Part Two.1. a crack of thunder The helmet warms. You're reminded of all those women in beauty parlors sitting under huge beehive dryers flipping through fashion magazines. Sweat beads down your forehead. The tingle Dr. Champion mentioned isn't really a tingle at all, but more of a distance. The voices around you, the room you're in; the office with the brown leather couch Sarah is sitting on, the desk Cayce Champion sits perched behind adjusting her thick glasses with the black rims, flicking back her brown hair as she flips more metal switches, occasionally glancing at her laptop--this is all so very far away. But not so far away as your own thoughts. In your mind, what was clear moments before, the voice inside your head, is now only the indecipherable shouting of someone down a deep well. "I don't like this," maybe you hear yourself say. You are ignored. This is Dr. Champion talking to Sarah, reassuring her. The far off words are heard but not comprehended. Not right now. Dr. Champion is reading from a book: "Melissa Schemell explains it best." She flips a few pages. Then a few more. "Ah, here it is: 'The adolescent boy's primary identification lies with the mother. The subsequent realization that he is unlike her (he has a penis; she doesn't; he is different) results in an intense feeling of displacement and loss.'" She closes the book. "The devastating psychological implications of this loss are later explored by Camille Pagilia." She is flipping through another book now. She puts her finger on the page. "'Men are haunted by that infinite hollow and its sense-making allure, and so they crave it, desire it, desire its end, its knowledge, its--to use here a Strangelove-ian phrase--its essence. They must penetrate, invade, conquer, destroy, inhabit, impregnate and if necessary even be consumed by it. It really comes down to what men lack. They lack the hollow, the uterine cavity, any creative life-yielding physiological incavation. The whole thing's about womb envy or vagina envy, whatever you prefer.'" Cayce Champion looks up from her book and right at you, and, at that moment, she is very clear, very close, and she says, "Chad needs to be reimbursed for his loss. He needs flowered dresses and pretty pink panties. He needs to be immersed in the feminine. Everything he has futilely tried to stick his dick into throughout his entire life--as if that could ever offer any true contentment or solace--he needs to know, to experience, to become. He needs to know what it's like to spread his legs." The machine hums. "I'm not sure I agree with you," Sarah says. "It sounds like a bunch of sexist propaganda." "He's cheated on you." Dr. Champion's voice is not unkind, nor is it sympathetic. She speaks, as always, with the dry confidence of a woman quoting an encyclopedia. Sarah stiffens. "That's over now." "Is it?" Now the sympathy shows in Cayce Champion's meager smile. "Treating the symptom is not the same as curing the disease." "What do you mean?" Sarah's brow furrows. That look of suspicion. "I'll show you," Cayce says, typing on her laptop. "I'm going to bring memories and thoughts of the girl in question to the surface of Chad's brain." Her fingers pause and she looks up from the screen. "Now tell me if this looks 'over' to you." She hits Enter. Now you feel the slight tingling in your head. So mild, so soft, hardly noticeable. And your mind wanders. No longer trying so hard to focus on the unfocusable room, but instead your thoughts are flooded with Kristin. Your mind is vibration; an all encompassing two syllable beat. It gets in your blood, the thumping of your pulse: Kristin, Kristin, Kristin. You're sweating. At the brow, your armpits stained. And Sarah sees the erection straining your jeans and fumes. But you don't notice her. Your dick aches. There is nothing but Kristin: Kristin's tits, Kristin's ass, Kristin naked, her cunt, her nipples, her hair her eyes her lips, her voice, "Do you like me down on my hands and knees like this, Chad?" Kristin yelping like a French poodle as you fuck her from behind. So many dirty, naughty Kristin fantasies racing through your head. "Do you like me in pigtails and dressed as a cheerleader, Chad?" "He's stuck in a loop now," Dr. Champion says. "This is how we force patients to deal with an issue they'd rather keep buried. We make it impossible for them to think about anything else." She flicks several switches and the humming clicks off with a boom. The arm and leg restraints snap open and the helmet rises.] CHAD: Kristin, Kristin, Kristin, Kristin... CAYCE: How do you feel, Chad? CHAD: Kristin, Kristin, Kris...uh, what? CAYCE: Chad, are you aware that you're masturbating right now? CHAD: I'd watch Kristin masturbate. That would be hot... CAYCE: That's nice Chad, but right now we're watching you masturbate. You've pulled your pants and underwear to your ankles and you're sitting there jerking off in my office. This isn't acceptable behavior. CHAD: If Kristin pulled her underwear down I'd grab her tight ass and stick my dick in her slick--Oh..ohhh...mmph! SILENCE. CAYCE: Well, Chad, now you've gone and made a mess all over yourself. (Author's Note: Because most of the program records were destroyed before the police could secure the facility, it is unknown exactly what Dr. Champion's so-called treatments entailed, particularly in the more subtle cases of behavior modification where multiple scenarios could theoretically yield the same result. Was Chad's extreme behavior merely a result of digging up memories of his past infidelity, as Dr. Champion claimed? Or did she use stronger methods of mental manipulation in order to put on a show for Sarah? Whichever the case, his little performance had the desired effect.) [Part Two.2. a crack of thunder Sarah is red-faced, biting her lip. Through clenched teeth she says, "Lock him in the chair." This is all a blank to you. The world around you is gone. Time has no meaning. To try and recall it now only brings a blur of perversions all revolving around your former fling, all crashing into one another, mixing together, none of it in any particular order, none of it making any sense. Sarah later tells you how you had fallen and curled up on the floor. How you had laid bare-assed on the green carpet playing with yourself, drooling, and muttering the forbidden name over and over again. She tells you how it took both her and Dr. Champion to get you back in the chair, to pry your hand away from your rock hard cock. Later, Sarah bitterly recounts how, once restrained, Dr. Champion asked if Kristin was really that attractive and how you answered by squirting all over yourself a second time, this time without any prompting from your secured fists. But you don't remember any of this. The next thing you are aware of is Sarah's voice: "What do you recommend?" You are stuck in the steel chair you remember from before. But now, for some reason, you aren't wearing any pants; you're naked from the waist down. Even your shoes and socks are gone. Semen is drying on your shirt, your hands, your arms. You struggle but you can't move. You feel yourself flush. "What is this?" you say. Both women ignore you. Cayce is looking at your wife, the soft green glow of the laptop reflecting off her face. She adjusts her glasses. "You will need to be closely involved with the specifics of his treatment. Your husband is sick, Sarah. Like most men, his desire, his envy of the female sex has grown into a deep seeded resentment. It has twisted him. Something no loving hand will ever cure. No, in this case, what seems like cruelty will be the greatest kindness you can offer him. He needs to be purged of a lifetime of masculine torture and misconception. Like leeches draining an illness. It's bloody work. But any doubt, any hesitation on your part will result in failure. You must be fierce, firm and unrelenting. Can you do that, Sarah?" Your wife's eyes briefly flicker on the semen stains covering your shirt. "Yes," she says. "Sarah..." you say. But again, you are ignored. "Good," Dr. champion says. "First, I think it's best we deal with this Kristin issue. He's hurt you tonight. More importantly he's done wrong, and, like a child, he needs to be spanked. Come over here and we'll decide on a proper punishment." You open your mouth to speak. And that's when Dr. Champion flicks a switch on the silver panel sitting on her desk. You hear the hum. And then the room, the people and your own mind extend off into infinity...] CAYCE: Hello Chad. Sorry for turning your brain off for a bit, but your wife and I needed some alone time to talk. CHAD: What did you do to me? CAYCE: Nothing yet. You see, Chad, I find it best to let the patient know what to expect before we proceed with treatment. I want you to know and understand exactly what and why something is happening. You running around a confused mess would be counterproductive. CHAD: (Sneers) How thoughtful. CAYCE: I've had quite enough of your attitude, Chad. CHAD: You're pretty impatient for a shrink. Maybe that's something we can work on in our sessions. A PAUSE. CAYCE: I think it might be best if you keep quiet during our sessions, Chad. CHAD: I prefer to keep talking, thanks. CAYCE: Oh? THE SOUND OF KEYSTROKES. [Part Two.3. a crack of thunder The buzzing of the machine. The electric pop and crackling of the wires. The warmth on your forehead like a sunburn. And that strange tickling in your brain. And then you are no longer in Dr. Champion's office. You are kneeling inside the stall of a public bathroom. The place is dirty and reeks of urine. The filth rubs off on your bare knees. Your long blonde locks wave back and forth in front of your deep blue eyes. You've pulled your top down and your large naked breasts bounce up and down as your head bobs furiously on the dick you're sucking; your cheap pink lipstick smearing the throbbing member. You can't believe it. You are acting like such a slut! You barely know this guy. His name is John, you think. You met him in the bar not a half hour ago. He's sitting on the toilet watching you work with delight and disbelief. He has a bit of a gut. And being such a naughty girl is getting you so wet! You reach under your tight black mini-skirt and pull your panties down to mid-thigh. The cold air on your bare pussy makes you even wetter and you bob faster. And then you are back in the office. And Cayce Champion is there and Sarah is there and you know who you are. Only, your mouth is wide open and you can still feel the huge cock sliding in and out of your throat; you can still feel the weight of your big titties as they jiggle, the strain of your painfully erect nipplels, even though they aren't really there; and you still feel so very wet and horny. "Ah, much better," Dr. Champion says. "Perhaps you'll find it easier to listen now that you're incapable of being anything but a good little cocksucker." You try to speak but manage only a muffled gurgle. Sarah stares at you wide-eyed. "Is he really... Does he really think he's...?" "Oh yes. As real as any blow job you've ever given him, except now he's the one with the mouthful." "Oh my God..." Sarah says, putting her hand to her mouth as she tries to suppress her laughter. And when it comes, her laughter is piercing. And you hear your wife say, "So Chad, you've never told me, do you spit or swallow?" And you want to say something back; some insult, some accusation. But your twat aches and twitches and your bare breasts make smacking sounds as they rise and fall against your chest, it feels so good, and, deep down, you are just too big of a slut to pull this guy's dick out of your mouth for even an instant...so instead you say: "Mmph ogh ough mmougch!"] THE SOUND OF A WOMAN LAUGHING IN THE BACKGROUND. CAYCE: Now, as I was saying, the first phase of your treatment is going to involve uploading a program into your subconscious. The application will initiate the punishment Sarah and I agreed upon for your past infidelity and the lewd display you treated us to earlier. Really, though, you shouldn't blame yourself entirely for your actions. Men, when it comes to sex, are simply too easily amused. Women, on the other hand, are far more complex. Which is exactly what Sarah and I decided you need: complexity. CHAD: (Gurgle) CAYCE: As you might have guessed based on your little bathroom adventure, we have the minds of thousands of women completely mapped, stored and catalogued on the CDQ database. Any part of those women's psyche can end up in your brain with the press of a button. A few clicks here and there, a memory uploaded and played in real time, and you think you are a horny nineteen year old blowing some fat guy in the men's room. CHAD: (Gurgle, gurgle, slurp) CAYCE: Oh, don't worry. I have it on a loop. If I left you like this you'd spend the rest of your life dolling out a nice sloppy blow job without ever reaching any kind of climax. Keep that in mind the next time you feel like mouthing off or I'll make you think you got fucked in the ass so hard you won't walk right for a week. THE SOUND OF KEYS CLICKING. CAYCE: What I'm about to do, Chad, is replace your sexual inner workings with that of a sixteen year old named Beth who happened to have a very strict Catholic upbringing. CHAD: Mff! Mff! (Slurp, slurp, slurp.) CAYCE: Don't worry, your libido and sexual preferences will remain intact. You'll still be your horny old self, it's how your mind and body reacts to those feelings of lust that are going to change. One side effect you can expect is an overwhelming feeling of guilt and embarrassment regarding masturbation. You're going to become very girlish and naive on the subject. The mere thought of touching your private parts will make you blush. And, should you become desperate enough to actually get your hand on your cock, you won't have a clue what to do with it. Like any inexperienced young girl, your crotch will be a complete mystery to you. And this will carry over into sex. Once I run this program, achieving orgasm will be nothing but a frustrating jigsaw puzzle: the right place, the right mood; timing must be flawless, technique exact; the right time to kiss--not too much tongue not too little--the right time to tug here, lick there, suck and pull, and the exact right words to say. Fucking without foreplay will feel clumsy and awkward and leave you hot and hard and unfulfilled. Not that you'll be able to communicate any of this to your partner. No, from now on in the bedroom you're going to be reduced to the timid young virgin, the good little Catholic girl, the prude who is too embarrassed even to moan... CHAD: Mmmfff! THE SOUND OF THE ENTER KEY BEING STRUCK. //ENDrUN// Part Two.4. a crack of thunder That night you insist on making love with the lights off. You're shy. Sarah has been prancing around the apartment in her underwear for a good hour now and you haven't even taken your shoes off. She's been teasing you, you know. Leaning forward at every opportunity to give you an eyeful of her ample chest; always dropping things--"Oopsie!" she'd say and bend over displaying her round pantied ass. The skimpy panties. The good kind. The kind that barely contain her cheeks. She never used to walk around like this. She never used to squeeze her tits together and ask if you thought they were sexy, asked if they turned you on, if you wanted to lick them until they were all slick and wet and then stick your dick between them. But she likes to see you blush. She likes that you can't maintain eye contact when she talks dirty like that. That you look at the floor and nervously shuffle your feet, and, red-faced you say in a stutter, "N-no, that's gross. I...I'd never do anything like that."--you say this despite the hard-on in your jeans. You just can't admit that you want to. You don't want to be a bad girl...er boy. "No?" she says, pressing in close to you, arching her back so you're staring straight down into her cleavage. "I thought you liked my big boobs. I thought you couldn't get enough of them. Lord knows you're always staring at them." "C-can't we just cuddle for a while?" you hear yourself say. And you do cuddle. Sarah holds you, and kisses you and it feels like a thousand butterflies in your stomach. Your eyes might as well be shaped like hearts, that's how bad you've go it. Crushing on your wife like some sixteen year old school girl. You know that's what you're doing, but you can't help it. You make lists in your head of how smart, and funny and sexy she is; how much you like her lips her eyes her toenails. And all the while you are so nervous around her you quiver at her every touch. You've never felt this self-conscious. You spent forty-five minutes in the bathroom trying to get your hair just right. You wonder if she thinks you're a good kisser; if she thinks you're smart; if she likes your hair; if she thinks your glasses make you look like a nerd; you wonder what she is thinking right now. When her hand finally goes for your zipper, you're tentative. You put your hand to hers. "Can't we just hold each other some more?" you say. This is your wife's wicked smile. "Come on, baby. You know I love you." The cheesiest line in history, and you melt. Sarah loves you! Your mind is poetry and birds tweeting, your heart is every love song ever written, you're harder than you've ever been in your entire life. You are so hers. And this is you asking your wife if you can be on the bottom. (Author's Note: Although Chad was almost certainly unaware of it, it should be mentioned that he was not the only one to spend some time in "the chair." While he was out in Dr. Champion's office, it was agreed that some tweaking needed to be done to Sarah as well. All accounts suggest the treatments were far less aggressive in Sarah's case, leaving her fully conscious throughout the procedure, while at the same time altering her sexual tendencies to better match a stereotypical male.) One minute and twenty-seven seconds. Sarah is humping you recklessly, riding you like a spastic five year old on a hobbyhorse. It feels invasive and uncomfortable, almost painful, but you force a smile anyway. And she's yelling, "Oh yeah baby!" And she's yelling, "God you're so hot!" And every time she does you feel yourself getting harder and hotter and more frustrated by her awkward movements yet still wanted her so desperately. One minute and twenty-seven seconds. And it's over. Sarah bucks in orgasm, lifts herself off your still very hard cock, kisses you on the cheek and says, "Thanks babe, that was great." When she rolls over to her side of the bed she does think to ask, "Was it good for you too?" But she's already asleep before you answer. And the rest of the week you learn the meaning of the word "insomnia." Sarah humps you a couple of times each day, easily bedding you whenever she likes with a few bad pick-up lines, each instance a duplicate of the first. And every night you lie staring at her back with a huge hard-on. Wishing she would hold you, wishing she would kiss you some more, fantasizing about her touching you, gently stroking your hair, and one or two times even letting your hand drift downward, but ultimately ending up crying in shame after only a few clumsy strokes. (Author's Note: What made Chad go back? This topic was never brought up during the senate hearings, the underlining assumption being once Dr. Champion had gotten into his head he no longer had any choice in the matter. But the recently uncovered "background noise" in file 0311X, a recording of two orderlies talking in room 113E, reveals what sounds like a brief exchange between Sarah, Chad and Dr. Champion: "...[INAUDIBLE]... (Female Voice 1) own good, right?... [INAUDIBLE]... (Male Voice) sure?... [INAUDIBLE]... (Female Voice 1)...just think that [INAUDIBLE]...love you... [INAUDIBLE 17 SECONDS]...(Female Voice 2) or you'll [INAUDIBLE]... little virgin the rest of your... [INAUDIBLE]..." When combined with the silent black and white surveillance footage from the conjoining room, 114E*, this appears to be fragments of Chad's final exchange carried through the ventilation system before he stepped into Booth1 for the first time. The discovery has raised some interesting questions. How much control did Cayce give Chad this early in her study? Was Chad merely a puppet as was originally assumed? Or could he have escaped with only a poor sex life to show for it? If so, did Cayce Champion gamble the entire project on her intimidation skills and Sarah's influence? Or were there other undocumented factors involved? *Commonly referred to as "The Chamber.") Part Three. objectification Coming Soon...

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I guess I should try and tell you how I got into this situation. I did not plan on it. It just happened. I had been married sixteen years. We lived in a medium sized southern city where my husband, Titan, worked as a research scientist. Titan is an exceptionally brilliant mind. He was given full scholarships by the military to the best schools where he got two PhDs without hardly ever studying. The fact that this could happen under his nose would have been amazing. His education and street...

Wife Lovers
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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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The Devils Pact SideStory Tiffany Wants a Nooner

Introduction: Tiffany is alone at home and horny, so she decides to visit her husband at his work for a little afternoon delight. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Tiffany Wants a Nooner Note: This takes place during Chapter 34, following Tiffany Sullivan. Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 I was bored. Ever since I gave my son-in-law my Gift, my life had been so busy, so full. After so many years I was happily reunited with my...

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Wife Becomes An Actress Act 3

When we got back Sandra caught us as we walked in. She was very excited and said, “Come with me to Ben’s dressing room, we need to talk.” Titan had already told me he was going home and would be back at 10:00 to pick me up and take me home. We kissed goodbye and I went with Sandra to Ben’s dressing room. When she closed the door she said, “Everyone is raving about the play. I spoke with five different critics and they all agree that this is a very, very good play. One of the most erotic in...

Wife Lovers
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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 33 Unmoored

Ah, damn, it was raining. Carter didn’t exactly feel like going out in the rain, but Taz could care less about that and needed out like five minutes ago. Well, it wasn’t like he was the one depressed, right? There was no point for him, as a dog, to mope around the house, in slippers and pajamas. Could dogs feel depressed? He wondered. “Wanna go outside?” he scratched the dog’s fluffy ears. Taz placed his head on his master’s knees and stared up, right into Carter’s eyes. He whined. “I...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 10 Letrsquos Make A Salad

All right, at least he had managed to make the leather chair look decent after the online BDSM groups had supplied him with useful information on how to clean cum off leather. The best part was that he hadn’t needed to call Mark to the rescue, and a tissue and some rubbing alcohol that he had luckily found in the small vanity cabinet available in his office, had done the trick. He dropped his head on his arms, as he stood there, knelt before the chair that had so silently accepted his semen...

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Memoirs of Ida Mae Jensen RedactedChapter 2

Now that I am all grown up and a full-fledged member of the female sisterhood, I can relate that I sometimes have a sort of yearning to get a lot closer to some of the other girls that work with me in the pole dancing club. I purely get mortified when I hear people use the "L" word when we are sort of congregating real close in the dressing room or even when things get hot and heavy if two of us are taking care of a customer who likes being taken care of by a pair of friendly ladies...

1 year ago
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A BOX OF FREE PANTYHOSE... WELL NOT EXACTLY FREEMy friend Ken called me a few days ago and asked if I was free to help him with a project. I said “Sure, what’s going on?” Ken asked if I would help him pack up his girlfriend’s things. I was taken aback and asked “What do you mean? Pack up Lisa’s things? What’s going on? Ken let out a long, deep sigh and said “It’s over. I’m breaking it off with her. She has been cheating on me and it’s not the first time. It’s over.” I told Ken I’d be right...

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It's pretty gimmicky sounding, you conclude as you step into the store, immediately bomboarded by an onslaught of business talk, high tech mumbo jumbo, and an almost too good looking saleswoman with words emitting from her mouth like shots off a sling. And yeah, that's true. It is pretty sketchy--the idea, at least. (and they could go with friendlier sales associates...) But being one of a select few to have received an exclusive offer to test one of these babies out for the low low price of...

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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 4 The Final Act

The next day we sat at the breakfast table and I had to ask Titan a few questions. “Your friends, they are in decent shape but don’t look like well built, rough soldiers and they have never come onto me like soldiers would. It doesn’t make sense what you said they do.” He stared at me and said, “We are closer than brothers. They would never even think of it. We have a code of honor. As far as their build, they are not special forces. They are covert specialists. They are there for their brains...

Wife Lovers
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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

4 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 24 Not Good at Feeling

Was he really ready for a visit? Aron wasn’t a stranger, but that didn’t mean he should receive him wearing pajamas. There was too much mess lying around, too. Mumbling to himself, he began tidying up the small living room, which now, after staying at Aron’s house for a while, seemed unqualified for the ‘living’ part of the phrase. It wasn’t like he could not afford something more expensive. He just didn’t want anything else. For him, the little shoe box, as his mom had called his apartment...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 28 Experimenting To Be With You

“This is, Taz, what is called a stake out,” Carter spoke to his dog, as he sipped from his iced coffee through the straw. “You see,” he explained to his pet, “Alex is bound to make a mistake, sooner or later, and we will be able to expose the douchebag to Aron. We’re making a great team!” Now, as he stood behind the wheel of his car, talking to his dog, he didn’t feel that convinced that he was making any progress, though. He wasn’t exactly the most skillful detective in the universe, and...

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HeartShaped Ass

I couldn't believe my luck. Just came home from a long day at work and wanted nothing more to unwind. Alone. Get my thoughts together, shower, and have a nap. I then noticed my trash bin was getting full and said "Fuck it!". Might as well take it down now and be done with it. After tossing the garbage bag in the dumpster I headed back up the stairs to my apartment. I noticed the cute boy who lived next door having trouble with his key. He was fresh out of college and new in the building. I had...

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Acting Job2nd Act

She wanted us to do the scene again, and this time we were to take off the underwear and get under the covers. This time when Ben got between my legs he did not have anything to hold his dick against himself which made it free to bounce when he moved, every now and then I would feel it bounce onto my tummy. And when he lifted my legs up I felt him a few times touching my right thigh. God, I was so turned on all I could think about was having sex with Jack tonight. We did the acting part of...

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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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Boxing with Ms Victoria

Boxing with Mistress VictoriaMistress Victoria was a tall Native American dominatrix, with long straight black hair, a quiet smile, and a wicked sense of humor. She was trained in kick-boxing and Tai Kwan Do. Each time I had a session with her (and I saw her weekly for over a year), I marveled at how long and hard she whipped me-- making me take so much punishment and still not ever marking me. Even when she used a single-tail, she was so accurate (and considerate) that the bright red welts...

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I Love You Stephanie Mahoney

I fell in love at an early age. Really early. I remember it clear as day, seven years old, like a bolt of lightning. Her name was Stephanie Mahoney, and she was a sixteen year old goddess assigned to babysit my precocious little self. I told her within minutes of her walking through the door that I planned on marrying her, and bless her, she didn’t laugh, just smiled and said she liked younger men, but she expected to be kept in a certain fashion when we did get married. My parents were in a...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 3 The Lionesses

Monday, September 2nd, 2013 – Paris, Texas Selling my soul was the single greatest decision of my life! Being invisible was the greatest freedom in the world. And molesting the girls that I used to spy on was the marshmallow in the moon pie. I spent my Sunday the same way I spent my Saturday, cruising the Paris Commons and porking a few young things. I followed one home and spent the night in her bed; her parents had no idea just how much of a filthy whore their daughter was. Her name was...

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Shift Happens Lionel

Shift Happens: Lionel by Kaitlyn Autofield It had been such a long Friday, and Lionel was eager to get home to his apartment and rest for once. ?He walked up the two flights of stairs just as Silvia was on her way down. ?She flashed a smile at Lionel which sent tingles down his spine. Silvia was obviously dressed for a night out with her friends, making her quite a lovely sight for Lionel. ?Secretly, he wished he would sum up the courage to ask her out, but living...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 21 Happy Fpping Everyone

Sleeping next to Aron was the best thing ever. Especially since the guy now had a signature way of waking him up, with slow kisses and caresses. “Hey,” he smirked, as he stretched like a cat into the man’s arms. “Hey back,” Aron chuckled. “I hate not being able to cuddle some more, but I need to go to work early. They’re sending someone over from New Entertainment, to ask us about a new motivational book we publish. Apparently, these guys like to wake up with the chickens.” “Why do you...

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Boxing Girl

I was walking thru the Union when I found a notice for a boxing club. What really caught my eye was that they were looking for female boxers. I had done some of this in High School and enjoyed it very much. I took the number down quickly and reread the flyer. Then I took a picture of it with my phone because it was a little confusing and I was in a bit of a rush. I had a class in thirty minutes and was in the Union to grab a bite for lunch. The Union is a big building that houses student...

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GoddessChapter 12 The Rape of Persephone

THE TRILL CAME TOO LATE for me to save Persephone. Early that morning I'd opened my eyes to see Hebe, her face inches away, her smile an open invitation. In answer I rolled onto her and settled myself in the cradle of her hips and entered her with a single stroke. She grunted and locked her legs around my butt. "Don't wait for me, Sam," she whispered. "I'm right on the edge." She was. After I finished I slid down and used my tongue to give her a little vibrato of my own. She shoved...

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Activa Sikhane Ke Chakkar Me

Mera yani Rajnish Choudhary aaj aapni ek aur kahani me aap sab ka dil khol kar sawagat karta hoon. Jo dost meri kahani padhte hai, wo mujhe kafi ache se jante hai. Mujhe kawari choot ki seal todane ne bahot maja aata hai. Wese dekha jaye toh sex ka asali maja isi me hai. Bhagwan ki kirpya se mera lund ka size bahot hi mast hai. Isko dekh kar har ladki kehti hai, tumhara lund toh bana hi choot ki sea todene ke liye. Kyoki main aaj tak 26 ladkiyo ki seal tood chuka hoon. Aap sab jarur soch rhe...

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Josie in Tombstone

After all the noise and smoke and killings of 1881, Tombstone, Arizona began attracting scribes the way a buffalo corpse attracts vultures and flies. It seemed as if every newspaper back East had to have an eyewitness account of the big shootout between the Earps and the Clantons. These overly romantic seekers of Truth and Beauty inevitably ended up sitting across from Big Minnie, buying her drink after drink at the Bird Cage Theater and scribbling furiously in their journals. Minnie had a way...

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Intergalactic Roller Coaster

Wyoming/Ute, Intergalactic Roller Coaster By: Malissa Madison Coyote was sitting across from Otter in the joint Trucking terminal when Little Elk called from Earth. He was wanting to discuss something big with Tim and Old Elk. "Yo, Jumper, you got your ears on?" asked Coyote over the long range Interstellar Radio. "How about it Bull Elk you copy?" began Otter. Bull Elk had just dropped through the Lyconian Portal to the Terrellian System. Jumper was...

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Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone porn, sex, and nudes! Pornstar Sunny Leone is one of few Indian actresses whose career has been very successful. She has also succeeded in founding her mainstream with plenty of works in Desi porn. She has also managed to convince a few of her friends to upload content on her site. Walk with and let’s find out what Leone has in store for us.To start with ThePornDude was very impressed with the fabulous layout, the colors, sexy pictures of Leone on the background and colorful...

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Fucked by George Clooney

I awoke in a lavishly appointed bedroom with talk windows overlooking the ocean. The sand was white, the water was a gorgeous deep blue, and the coconut palms were waving in the gentle breeze.But, where am I? How did I get here and why am I here? All I remember is being in my own bed in Brentwood. Now I’m here!Then there was a brief knock at the door and in walked George Clooney! I had swooned over him for years and now here he was in this room…alone with me!"Hi, Arianna. I'm George Clooney,"...

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Sienna loves Cactus

"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...

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Sienna loves Cactus

"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...

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Stocks BlondesChapter 22 Exactly What Is lsquoSafersquo About a Safe Deposit Box

One good thing about the impending destruction of all privacy rights in our country: It will be hard to blackmail anyone. Our lives will be laid open and bare for all to see. As a person who makes her living uncovering secrets, the destruction of privacy rights spells disaster for my income. Banking I spent extra time Monday morning putting my makeup and clothes together. Taking a day off is always dangerous. I have to remember every detail of who I am and rehearse my role in front of the...

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SRU The Costume Box

Feel free to archive my stories anywhere you'd like. All comic characters mentioned in these stories are the property of their respective comic book publishers, such as Marvel, DC, and Image. No profit is being made from their usage here, and are strictly used for non-promotional purposes. Steve Zink ------- SRU: The Costume Box, part 1/? CATching the Party by Steve Zink The fraternity was hosting a costume party for Halloween. The elder members of the frat made sure that...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 32 Sometimes Itrsquos All About The Plates

“Microwave recipes,” Carter mumbled as he began browsing cooking websites. Maybe he could make lasagna! But wait, Aron was making a much better lasagna, anyway. The best. So maybe something else would be a better idea. Like a surprise. Hmm, maybe something healthy? Okay, he started reading, with Taz cuddled next to him on the sofa. Flaxseeds? What the fuck were those? Were they even edible? Somehow that recipe didn’t sound too tasty. Moving on, moving on. So many types of cheese, Carter...

2 years ago
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The Box

The Box By M John Mathias "Man, I can't believe I lost that last match," Mike grumbled to himself for the umpteenth time since leaving the dojo. He was heading home from Karate class, where he was a brown belt in tae kwon do. "If only I was bigger and stronger," he said to himself, and picked up his pace. He always ran home from class, and today was no exception. He liked running along the railroad tracks, because they ran pretty much from the dojo to his house in a straight...

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Mansion of Zedd Tinas Box

The Mansion of Zedd - Tina's Box I opened the box I'd found, wondering if there would be anything valuable in it or not. Probably not considering where I'd found it to begin with. The old house just outside of town, though everyone else referred to it as a mansion, was kind of run down and abandoned. No one not even realestate agents ever went there because it was haunted or something. It was about the size of a small hotel I guess, but with lots of that old type architecture I'd...

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The Famous Four and the Box

CHAPTER ONE     'Well? What do you think of that?' Robbie asked proudly.   Evadne regarded our finished work dubiously.  'It's bigger than I thought,' she said at last.   Robbie bridled. 'It's made to the the specified size,' he said stiffly. 'Inside measurements, four feet long, three feet wide, and three feet high, with a foot of insulation all round.'     'But will it work?' Rebecca asked. 'I mean, is it really sound-proof, and will it be warm enough inside?'   Robbie shrugged. 'It should be...

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The Famous Four and the Box

CHAPTER ONE     'Well? What do you think?' Robbie asked proudly.   Evadne regarded our finished work dubiously.  'It's bigger than I thought,' she said at last.   Robbie bridled. 'It's made to the the specified size,' he said stiffly. 'Four feet long, three feet wide, and three feet high on the inside.'     'But will it work?' Rebecca asked. 'I mean, is it really sound-proof, and will it be warm enough inside?'   Robbie shrugged. 'It should be sound-proof enough for our client's purposes,' he...

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Sometimes I loved being a professor. Most of the time, really. My class is such that usually students don't take it if they aren't serious about it. Classical Mythology is not on the general education list so there are no general education credits for taking it. Teaching a specialized subject typically meant mature and dedicated students.This semester, however, my Thursday evening class had a handful of miscreants in it, one miscreant more troubling than the others. It seemed Blake...

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Uncle Petes Box

Uncle Pete's Box by Grimbo I hadn't heard from Uncle Pete in almost two years. Mom was the one to bring the bad news to me. Uncle Pete had died whiledriving home from work. A tractor trailer truck driver had fallen asleep while driving and he ran over uncle Pete's car on the highway. Not the way he wanted to go, but a least the end came quickly. We went to uncle Pete's funeral two days later. I wish I could say that I missed him, but since I went off to college, we had grown apart....

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The Box

The Box By RH Music Chapter 1 "Thunk, thunk," a noise, from inside the box. The cable from the machine twitched, causing a twinge of pain in my crotch where the cable entered my body. "Whirrrrr..." The machine buzzed for a second. "Thunk, thunk," it continued. I could feel something shifting in my abdomen. "Thunk, thunk," This continued for about five minutes, and then: "Ping!" The cable detached itself and zipped back into the box by the side of the...

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Please Someone Open the Box

‘Ron honey, I’m home,’ Swiveling my recliner around I noticed that my wife Gerry had her arms full of bags that were stuffed full of goodies of some kind or other. She and her girlfriend Freda had spent the day at their favorite past time, shopping and stopping off at all of the garage sales. I’d spent the day trying to get the grass mowed as the rains had been extensive and after several weeks the grass had frankly gotten away from me. Gerry walked to the fireplace while reaching into a...

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In the cut throat world of stage magic, Scarlet was at the sharp end. Huge competition for gigs ensured that magicians guarded their own secrets jealously and envied any competitor whose act was more cutting edge than their own with a passion.None were more jealous and envious than Francisco the Magnificent. He’d already gone to great lengths to conceal that he was really plain old Frank Potts, descended from a long line of slate miners. His rise to the pinnacle of his profession he owed to a...

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His Little Brown Box

Linice’s boss wants more from her than her nine to five work output. Help comes from the past; the far, distant past. If you can hold on, the sexy part is not far ahead. Part I. His Little Brown Box Jed Maroni at 20 years old wasn’t like the other young men that grew up with him in Saintly Hallows. Whereas his neighbor friends had smart phones, iPods and video games, girlfriends and big plans for their future, Jed was happy with less. He was 18 when his parents died in a plane crash. Jed...

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The Box

THE BOX I must acknowledge Mike Vickers, whose "TotalRubber Occlusion" set this whole thing in motion and also The House ofGord for never ceasing to give me ideas…. A bright sunny morning. She wanted coffee and croissants. He asked if she were pregnant. She slapped him. It was a normal Saturday. He eased himself through the door balancing the cardboard platter in onehand. A ray of sunlight filled with dust motes nearly blinded him, but he stumbledonward and through the door to the front...

1 year ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 3 Gay Thoughts Gay Thoughts Everywhere

“Are these all mine?” he stared critically at the walk-in closet, without daring to put one foot in front of the other. There must have been one thousand clothing items, without counting the shoes. Carter was the kind to have three-four changes of clothes, each one for a particular purpose. But this Alex dude was just over the top. He remained there, staring, and wondering how on earth he was going to go through this and escape unscathed. He flinched when Aron moved next to him. Apparently,...

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Box Shaped HeartChapter 8 Look At You Now

The sofa was clearly there only for visual appeal and nothing more. Carter tossed and turned, but no matter what he did, how he coiled and uncoiled himself, he could not find an ideal sleeping position. Eventually, he settled for throwing his legs over one end, and lay there, like the perfect crash test dummy. There was no way he was going after Aron, like before, or sleeping in the same bed. In a way, this was convenient. He wasn’t going to engage in penetrative gay sex with his best...

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