Boy Seeks Lady free porn video

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Boy Seeks Lady John and I had been friends since we could remember. We had gone to the same secondary school and now I was at University while John took a gap year. We rarely saw each other, but when we did, we made up for lost time. It was Easter and I was back at home for the holidays. As per usual, John and I had arranged something together and I drove over to his house, where he still lived with his mum and dad. "Hello Lee." John's father had opened the door. He was 6'2" in his late forties, but still seemed in good shape for his age. His stocky frame filled the doorway. "Hiya Alan. How are you?" Alan motioned me in, nodding politely, "Good, good. How's University?" I talked enthusiastically about my course, while he listened patiently. Soon we ran out of small talk. "I'll get John." He said quickly, and went up stairs. As I waited alone, I saw a pile of ironing sitting on the counter in the hallway. On the top of the pile was a slightly sheer, cream chiffon blouse. As I moved closer to it, I could see the detail on the feminine garment; the flowery patterns of the cream lace collar; the little white silk buttons down the front and on the cuffs. It was a beautiful blouse and I began to wonder what it would look like worn. John's mother had a job in a bank. She was 45 and had shoulder length hair, a similar colour to mine, which she usually styled into a side parting with a fringe down to her eye-line. I imagined her wearing this blouse at work, with a smart, black, pencil skirt and black heels, all the men unable to resist her cleavage, framed nicely by the lace on the front... John coming down the stairs interrupted my thoughts. We exchanged the casual smile that between good friends says it all. "Your hair's grown." John commented. I had grown my hair while I had been away and tied it back into a ponytail. It now came down to just below my shoulders. Of course, my dad hated it. Over a few beers, we caught up on each other's lives. John told me about his job, and how he was promoted to assistant manager at the shop where he worked. "Great! How is it?" I asked. "Pretty shitty! They gave me a load of hours, and I've got to work tomorrow morning, seven-thirty to five!" "Poor you. Does that mean I've got to drive home tonight?" I asked. "No, you can still crash here if you like. My parents are both out at work tomorrow so you'll be home alone. Just remember to lock the door when you leave and hide the key under the mat." With that, John handed me another beer, and we spent the rest of the night watching films and getting more and more inebriated. Finally we had had enough, and we groggily went to bed. I slept in the spare room, letting my hair down as I climbed into bed. - The next morning, I was woken by the sunlight streaming through my window. It took me a few moments to work out why I wasn't in my usual bed. After a while, I pushed up enough drive to get me out of bed. At the realisation of needing to use the bathroom, I started to put on some underwear. I then remembered that everyone was at work, and I was alone in the house. I let the boxer shorts slide off my leg and I confidently strode to the toilet completely naked and commenced the morning ritual. On my way back from the bathroom, for some reason or another, I felt the need to browse around as some people do sometimes when they are alone in someone else's house. As I floated in and out of the rooms, I took in the titles of books on the bookshelves, the faces of family and friends in the framed photos, fiddling with the random little knick- knacks that littered the house. As I entered the master bedroom where John's parents slept, my eyes raked the room for interest. At the foot of the bed, I saw the pile of washing that had been in the hallway last night, and on the top of the pile was that gorgeous blouse. I was drawn to it, floating like a feather being blown on the wind. I stood there naked, in front of the pile. As I once again took in the finery of the lace, my arms moved forward to allow my fingers to gently trace the flowery patterns. The feel of chiffon was so soft on my fingertips. I ran along the tops of the sleeves with my thumb and forefinger. As I reached the cuffs, I lifted the blouse up and again thought of John's mum wearing it in the office, men staring and flirting with her all day. A little squeeze on the knee as she sat next to a colleague, a gentle pat on the ass as she walked by a desk, maybe even the brush of a hand as she handed over some documents. John's mum was desirable, and the men at her work all desired her. They couldn't keep their hands off her. They couldn't resist those smooth legs in tights, the click of her heels, her ass in that skirt, the lace detail on her bra through that luscious blouse and the temptations beneath. At that very moment, I wanted to be just like John's mum. I wanted to be desired by all those men. I wanted to be flirtatious, and coy and demure. I wanted to be feminine and attract those touches and pats. I wanted to feel small in the arms of a big, strong, man. I decided there and then that this was the time that I could make my fantasy come closer to life. I walked over to the nearest set of drawers by the bed. Opening the top drawer, I could see a pair of silky knickers, white with lace trim and a little bow on the front. I gingerly held them in my hands for a second, before throwing them on the bed. Next, I rummaged through the draw, trying to find a matching bra, which I did. Again, the lace trim and the bow on the front were adorable. I grabbed a few more pairs of knickers and threw them and the bra onto the bed. I opened up the wardrobe and found rows of blouses, tops, skirts, dresses and shoes. I spent a while thumbing through the garments like silky pages in a feminine book. John's mum certainly liked to dress like a lady. I found a black cotton skirt, which stopped, just after my knees and had a slit at the back. I threw the skirt on the bed and looked through the shoes. I was saddened to realise that John's mum had small feet and none of the shoes fitted me. I walked over to the bed and held the knickers in my hands. I stared at them for a second. Was I really going to do this? Was I really going to wear my best friends mums underwear? I rubbed the silk on the knickers with my fingers. Of course I was. I slipped them up my legs, relishing every moment. I tucked my penis behind me and pulled the knickers up tightly. I was wearing the underwear of my best friends mum. It felt wrong, but at the same time, I felt I was more like the desirable woman I wanted to become. I was more like John's mum. John's mum wore these knickers under her skirt. So did I. I unzipped the skirt and pulled it up my legs, the silk lining cold on my skin. It was tight, but it zipped and the small button at the back just about did up. I put my arms through the straps of the bra, and hooked it at the back. The tightness across my chest and back felt good. I stuffed each cup with some knickers and shaped them into breasts. I gently massaged them, feeling the lace trim on the cups. I walked over to the blouse. God it was fabulous. I carefully picked it up and slid my hand into the sleeve. The material caressed my back as I brought around the sleeve to my other arm. Starting from the bottom, I did up the little silk buttons, stopping at 2 before the collar, making my bra visible beneath. I thought to walk effeminately to the bathroom where I could see myself in the big mirror on the wall. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the reflection. It wasn't exactly the desirable office worker that I had fantasised about, but it was certainly feminine. In women's clothes, I looked cute. I did a half-turn and looked over my shoulder at the reflection of my back. The straps of my bra were clearly visible through the thin material of the blouse, always on display to all those office men. I loved that. My hair wasn't right. It wasn't feminine enough. I began to play with it. "Cute." My heart stopped. I saw her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a white silk blouse with a medium length red skirt. Her red lipstick matched her outfit and her dark eye shadow emphasised her dark eyes. Her hair was kept back with a clip and her nails were painted red. It was John's mum. I didn't dare turn round. My legs trembled and I started to feel sick. I was wearing this woman's clothes. I was wearing this woman's underwear, in front of her! I couldn't move. "Come here." I did as she said. As I slowly walked towards her, I looked down at the ground, wishing it would swallow me up. I stopped a few feet in font of her. "That's my favourite blouse you know." She said. I said nothing, just kept staring downwards, my head bowed in quiet acceptance. "I love the feel of the material on my skin; the delicate lace detail and the way it makes me feel all feminine when I wear it. Is that what you like too? Do you want to feel feminine, like a woman?" I nodded slowly, still looking at the floor. "I love the way that men stare at my breasts when I wear that blouse. Is that that you want? Do you want men to stare at you with desire?" I waited a while, and then nodded finally. "I like a man to be strong and firm. I like to feel small in his arms. Is that what you want? To be pretty and submissive in a strong man's arms?" "Yes." I said. I couldn't believe I was standing there, in front of my best friend's mum, wearing her underwear, telling her that I wanted a man to desire me and treat me like a woman. "Would you like me to help you look more feminine?" I looked up at her to see if she was joking. Her face was hard to read. "You'd do that?" I said cautiously. "Sure honey." She paused. "I know what it's like to want to look desirable. I know what it's like to want to look pretty and I know what it's like to want a man close to you. Why should the fact that you're a boy prevent you from doing this?" I couldn't believe she was saying this. "I'd love it if you could make me more feminine. I want to be desirable." I said eagerly. "Well let's do it then!" She went to the airing cupboard and took out a big pink towel and laid it on the radiator, "The first thing you should do is go have a nice long soak in the bath. Take my clothes off while I run you one." She walked over to the bath and turned the taps. As I stripped off my feminine garments, I was giddy with excitement. I couldn't believe that John's mum was so understanding. Here I was, having been caught dressed in her clothes, and she wanted to help me look better! "Okay, the bath is ready, get in." said John's mum. I felt pretty self-conscious standing there in the nude with John's mum present. I crouched in the bath and quickly sank down into the warm water. "I need to go out for a while. I want you to shave off your body hair while I'm gone okay?" I was a little shocked at this, but I so wanted to be feminine that it didn't matter. I'd love having a smooth body. "Here's something to make you smell feminine too." She handed me a bottle of bath oils. "The razor and shaving foam is on the side there... I'll see you soon." With that, she turned around and I watched her curvy body glide out of the bathroom. A few seconds later, I heard the front door open then shut. I was alone again. I lay relaxed in the bath for some time enjoying the flowery scent of the bath oils. Then, after washing my hair, I picked up the razor, and began to shave my body, admiring the way my skin became smooth and hairless. As I pulled the plug on the bath, I heard the front door open again. John's mum walked in as I was drying myself with the fluffy pink towel on the radiator. In her arms was a pink silky bathrobe. She opened it up for me to step into and then tied a big bow at the front with the silk chord. I could feel the silky material slide over my hairless legs. "Okay, now let's dry that lovely long hair of yours." - I could feel my scalp warm up under the blow dryer, the hairbrush gliding over my head in John's mum's hand. "So how long have you been dressing up in ladies clothes?" John's mum raised her voice slightly over the noise of the hairdryer. I remember when I was seven and my mum kept some of my younger sister's dresses in the wardrobe in my room. I remember setting my alarm clock for three in the morning. I remember my hands shaking as I held my sisters dresses out in front of me. They wouldn't stop shaking until the dress finally fell down over my body and I had done up all the little buttons on the front. "Ever since I can remember." I replied. My scalp was getting hotter. The sound of the hairdryer was a roar in my ears. "Who's clothes did you wear?" John's mum shouted. I remember when I was 11 and I crept into my parent's bedroom, even though I knew I was alone in the house. I remember opening the laundry basket and fishing out a pair of knickers. I had never worn female underwear before. My body would shake as I pulled them up my legs. I never forgot that alien feeing I got the first time I wore my mums underwear. "I started off with my sister's clothes when I was a child. As I grew, I could fit into more of my mum's things." I said. "Did you ever get caught?" I remembered when I was 12. I came home from school one day to find a pair of knickers and a bra arranged on my bed. I distinctly remember hiding them better than that. "Once or twice. My mum didn't understand it and although she never told my dad, she far from approved." The hairdryer went dead. The silence. "What are you? Gay? Bisexual? Do you like women?" She said in a voice without a hint of negativity. I remember when I was 13. My first orgasm. I remember I was lying in my bed wearing my sister's silk pyjama top and matching shorts. I wasn't thinking of anything in particular, just concentrating on the feelings of the tight silk on my skin, as I rubbed my crotch against the bed. I remember every orgasm I've had since has never been over a female, yet I don't find men attractive. I remember when I was 16. I had begun to imagine men kissing me and touching me when I was dressed as a girl. I remember no longer thinking that a man's cock was disgusting. I remember when I was 17. I had gotten fully dressed up one time when my parents were out. I had put on makeup and wore jewellery and even a black leather handbag. I remember wondering how feminine it would be to use a tampon. I remember my hands shaking yet again as I took one out of it's packaging and slowly inserted it. I remember when I was 18 and I found my mum's vibrator. Smooth and golden, I masturbated it with lubricant, imagining it was a real cock. I remember how cold the lubricated end was when it was when it touched my skin, and when I had it all the way in, how I feared that it would go in too far and not come out. I remember when I was 19 and looking at personal ads on the Internet, for another transvestite man to have sex with. Yet I never thought about men unless I was in female mode. Girlfriends feel right. I've fallen in love with women. I want to be married and have children, in bed with my wife. But in all my experiences, women never aroused me enough to maintain a full erection. "I don't know. I love and adore women, but I've never orgasmed over one. I find men unattractive, but I yearn to be fucked like a woman by one. I feel so alone. I hear about all my friends having sex like it's the easiest thing in the world. So why am I afflicted with this complication? This unnaturalness?" I looked down at my hands. I stared at them for what seemed like forever. We sat in silence. "Tell me more about what it feels like when you dress up?" John's mum said, quietly interrupting the silence. I tried to think of how to describe it. The tingling sensation, the excitement, the warmth, the happiness, the arousal. The paranoia, the disgust, the shame, the sadness, the loneliness. The longing. "It feels absolutely wonderful, yet never for too long. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see myself wearing poorly applied makeup, broad shoulders noticeable beneath a sleeveless top. A man's jaw and thick eyebrows stare back and just won't go away." John's mum stopped combing and put the hairbrush down. She looked me in the eyes while she took my hand and stroked it. Without saying anything, she walked over to her bedside draw and opened it. She returned with a pair of white satin knickers. "Here you go baby. These are mine, and I want you to enjoy wearing them. From now on, my clothes are your clothes. I want to share my femininity with you. I will help you look as beautiful as I can." I stood there, shocked into to speechlessness by what she had just said. She handed me the knickers and I stepped into them, bringing them up my smooth legs, and underneath the pink silk of the bathrobe. They felt fantastic. "Why are you doing this?" I asked her. "Because in a perfect world, you shouldn't have to deal with the fear and the pain and the shame of who you are. I want you to feel that with me, you can be beautiful." This pushed me over the edge. I grabbed for John's mum and wrapped my arms around her. As I stood there in an eternal embrace, I felt her silk blouse against my hands. So smooth, so feminine. And at the same time, I knew that my pink silk bathrobe rubbing against my hairless body and my satin underwear were smooth and feminine like her.

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One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

1 year ago
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Sissyboy Conversion Therapy

One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

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Femboy Domination

In this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...

3 years ago
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Kate Seeks Revenge

The snows came early in 1949 and stayed late so cattle were sold off at a loss as supplementary feed dwindled to sweepings and empty drums littering barn floors. The banks were all too ready to decline to extend overdrafts, knowing the feed shortage would continue into the next season. Rejected by the bank, Roy Holmes told his young wife Kate – a real sweetie with golden curly hair and arresting pale blue eyes – he’d visit their wealthy neighbor Dirk Hamilton to plead for bridging finance....

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Chapter 27 Wife Seeks Rough Affair Then Realizes Bad Boy Is Simply Bad

After William rushed to cuddle his true love, his abandonment of me to fend for myself, my being trapped behind her car, his ignoring me as he moved her Mercedes, the caught in the act event slowly boiled into an identity crisis which swept over my perception of who I was.My comparing him to a potato chip lover failed to cure hurt feelings. His lover's shoe was a poisoned dart.  The venom where it hit first inflicted shoulder pain but then shifted to my heart and mind. Her, "Bitch, you, you...

2 years ago
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College COED seeks Financial Freedom

Candice is 24yr old college student heavly in debt with student loans. She is 5' 5'' tall with a curvy body, angel face, 34C breasts with prominent nipples and long brunette hair. Candice immediately accepted my offer, I flew to meet her. Candice was waiting in the lobby of a 5 star hotel. I pulled up in my red jaguar convertible, the doorman signaled for Candice. I opened the passenger door for her and she jumped in wrapping me in a hug. As we pulled away I said " Wow... you are a...

3 years ago
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Young Doctor seeks Older Man as a Lover

I'm 48-year old with salt and pepper hair, stand 6' tall and athletic. She thought I was around 30 when she first met me a year ago. She met me at a community social event and we hit it off as friends right away. Over time she would see me come and go and I was always nice to her and smiled but never once did she see me with a woman. After work one Friday she went to grab a bite to eat at a seafood place down the street and saw me sitting at a table by myself so she just came over to say...

1 year ago
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Lawyer Seeks Good Sex Life

CHAPTER 1 The sun reflected out the breeze-rippled waters of Lake Plume near the center of New Zealand’s North Island as Chester Wigg looked out of the offices of Chester Wigg Law. He watched the big breasts of a middle-aged tourist, probably American, spill out of her inadequate bikini top. He sternly quoted aloud to himself, ‘Council bylaw 31 – 4: 3a. Males and females aged seven and over must have their breasts (females), posteriors and genitals adequately covered at all times whether in a...

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A frustrated wife seeks help

The knock on the door had been gentle. When I opened the door Kay’s voice was very nervous. And now we were sat opposite each other on the arm chairs drinking coffee. And Kay was clearly upset. We had known each other for many years, but not as strong friends. Kay and her husband Tony would sometimes pass the time chatting to either me of my wife Judy when we met, but we didn’t go to each others houses or socialise more than that. It was me who broke the ice. “So what’s...

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Str8 Scally Seeks GBF

As I turned the shower off, the first sound I heard was the sound of my friend, Jessie, laughing. The kind of cackling laughter that you just know is going to end badly for someone. In this instance I had a sinking feeling that it was going to be me. I dried myself and got dressed – boxers, socks, jeans, t-shirt – brushed my teeth and my hair, sprayed a little aftershave and walked through my apartment until I got to my lounge where Jessie was sat – sprawled – on the sofa, a copy of the local...

2 years ago
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Wife Seeks Tantric Guru Part Two

Ever since Nisha’s initial encounter with Russell, I had agreed that Nisha could travel and see him periodically. In fact, she would spend a Friday and Saturday night with Russell once every six weeks. She would leave on a Friday morning and return mid-afternoon on Sunday.I would yearn for her arrival and look forward to smelling the scent on her body. Her lips tasted different and so did her body. I enjoyed the sensory changes that resulted from her being so physically intimate with another...

Wife Lovers
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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of te year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in EuropeSweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

3 years ago
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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 2

Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of the year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in Europe!Sweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...

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Sweet Santa Seeks Jolly Juicy Jessie 1

Sweet Santa has the hots for dear Debby, a fresh female friend, not far from his Winter whereaboutsSweet Santa has another erotic eye open for Debby's dear daughter, jolly juicy Jessie, educated freelySweet Santa ponders: "Proper presents for two tasty blonde beauties, who have already all, what can I do?"Sweet Santa wonders: "I search something special, a thing the two blonde beauties can't buy themselves!"Sweet Santa finally finds what he had been looking for all week long, just in time, as...

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Cute teen next door seeks older mans guidanc

I can remember the day about six months ago when the new neighbors moved in. They were a couple I would say in their mid thirties and their eighteen year old daughter. I saw them move most of their stuff in as I always spend allot of time working in the yard on the lawn or trimming the shrubbery. I always managed to find some project to work on to keep me busy. I couldn't help noticing the daughter. From a distance she appeared to be a rather cute looking girl. In the past six months I haven't...

4 years ago
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Mature man seeks mature woman who loves sex

Erotic fantasy plays a big part in my sex life and sharing fantasies with a like-minded lover is a pleasure that is so wonderful, so thrilling, it's almost beyond description. I'm looking for a very special woman who has the same interests. A woman who would love -- no, a woman who would adore -- to indulge in all forms of sexual fantasies about c***dren, with very, very few limits, if, indeed, any at all. Does the idea of making love, having sex, fucking, masturbating, and talking openly...

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Nazia Seeks My Opinion On Her Dress

Hi this is Rahul; I was working in Bangalore, I was living in an upscale apartment, I was in a live-in relationship with Anju at that time. Anju had gone to Delhi to visit her parents and I was alone in my apartment. On a Saturday evening, I heard a knock on the door. I answered it and was greeted by the woman who lives next door. She and her husband had lived next to us me for about four months, we used to greet when we would pass each other in the apartment. She introduced herself as Nazia...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Lactating MILF Seeks Relief from Neighbors

My husband, Bryan, and I met in our senior year in college. After graduation, we got married and moved to Charleston, where we worked and saved our money, while living in an apartment in the city. Three years later, we had enough saved for a down payment on a home, and we moved to the suburbs, finding a modest home on a cul-de-sac in a nice subdivision.We also decided to start a family, and at the age of twenty-six, I gave birth to our beautiful daughter. My name is Jennifer, although most...

Wife Lovers
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Pregnant Lactating MILF Seeks Relief from Neighbors Part 2

It will be more informative to read Part 1 of this story first, but in case you want to begin here, I’ll briefly recap Part 1.My name is Jennifer, and my husband, Bryan, and I were living in a Charleston suburb at the age of twenty-six, when our beautiful daughter was born. I got a lot of attention from the other husbands living in our cul-de-sac, since I’m told that I look a lot like the actress, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and since I began lactating, my breasts had grown to 34DDs.Four months later...

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Sylvia Seeks Spankings

John Harrison sighed. Once again Sylvia, the new lab technician, had not provided all the chemicals needed for his practical lesson. He was going to have to have a word with her about it. And while he was about it discuss her poor timekeeping, he sent her an email saying simply: “Sylvia, see me after classes finish. John”, and adapted the lesson as best he could.When she came to collect the equipment at the end of the lesson, she said, “I saw the email, was anything wrong?”“Yes, there was – you...

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HoustonChapter 6 Argie Seeks Revenge

Argie, still seething, set out to find a suitable man with whom to extract some semblance of revenge on John. There was no way she was about to let him off the hook. She had decided that she would have at least three affairs before letting him beg for forgiveness; and then only if he managed to control his sexual antics. 'Addicted to sex, my ass, ' she fumed. 'He's just a horny god damned male pig.' Argie made stops at the hairdresser's and several boutiques.When she arrived back...

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Young woman seeks older lover

Hi, I am Kelli. I am a 26-year-old college graduate that works in the finance industry in a very large southern city. I am not a small girl but, although I don’t consider myself fat, I am by no means petite or small. Most everyone says that I am cute but I know that I need to lose 10 to 12 pounds. I am 5’8’ tall, measure 36(firm and perky D cups with deep red silver dollar size nipples)-32-36 and have long dark hair. I work out regularly and I am toned and in good shape. I am fortunate enough...

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Femboy Funtime 1 Luke Myers

Look, I run a business, alright. Everyone needs to make a living, and I make mine. Sure, some people shit on the e-girl lifestyle, I get it. They're uncomfortable with video games, uncomfortable with promiscuity, and they're stuck in a backwards mindset of what constitutes real work and what doesn't. But what they don't realize, is that I make more in 3 months than they do in a year, and a girl has to pay for college somehow, right? The thing is, streaming the standard stuff can only earn...

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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Seeking the Mysterious Lady

The old man, whose name was Calvin, woke up startled. He had been having a dream. Vague images now, nothing clear. Pain was there in his dream. Laughter too, but there had also been grief. Oh, and always there was lust. Before Laura, many women had willingly parted their thighs for him, a promising young artist.He tried to dredge up the dream again. Nothing remained. He couldn't even recover the lust. Ah, sweet desire. All such thoughts had died with Laura, it seemed. He allowed himself a...

Love Stories
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Pussyboy, Part 1By Greg Stone Part 1Greg peered over the menu to check out the young waiter working the lunch tables. He'd wanted to avoid the noise of the business lunch crowd on a Friday, so he was at this trendy little place filled mostly with students. The menu didn't interest him, but the fair-haired young man breezing between the tables did.He looked about twenty, with a small build and rather effeminate mannerisms. The highly styled hair and close-fitting clothes suggested a...

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Femboy Funtime 2 The Bang Brothers

Bobby Martingale had a hard job. See, frat life is fun, until you decide you want to try and build your resume and take a leadership role. Then all of a sudden you're not one of the guys getting up to wild antics anymore, rather, you're the one who has to protect the brotherhood's reputation and keep up relationships with university administration. Bobby was the president of Rho Sig, and there was a reason he was the only candidate. No one in their right mind wanted that job. Maybe...

1 year ago
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Femboy bully

You are Jack Connor, a 22 year old white male that finally got accepted into libidine college. You were so excited, since now you could finally be build your own future for yourself. You also have brown hair, blue eyes, no beard or mustache, a white tshirt, black jeans, grey sneakers, and a good attitude. You are a single bisexual and ready for anything. As soon as you enter the college itself, there was a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a black tanktop, blue jeggings, a blue jeanjacket, and...

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Ladyboy DP for Thai Wife

I opened my eyes and lay still in bed, awake unusually early. I could feel the warm presence of Noi snuggled up in bed bedside me. She was sleeping face down with her little bottom next to my right hand. I reached out and touched the warm butt cheeks of Noi's tight and shaped ass. I gave them a fond little squeeze and felt my cock stirring with desire. Noi was your typical lovely pleasure loving Thai woman, very petite with a slender shaped body and girlish hips. She had lovely soft silky brown...

3 years ago
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JuniorChapter 18 Gladys

Attending Greg and Trisha's wedding was an obligation that could have been avoided; I wouldn't have been missed. On the way back to school, I reflected. This was a good time to make some decisions. Why had I pussyfooted around and let Charlie take advantage of me? I told myself it was because of his mother. She had asked me to look out for him. But really, I knew in my heart that I was afraid of losing my only male friend. I didn't correspond with anyone from C.M.A. and doubted they even...

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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 19 Gladys Sheila Gladys

Gladys wanted to stay in my room and I let her. I didn't know if she was afraid of Charlie or if it was for the reason she gave; she liked the way I fucked. "Did you mean what you said about my tits?" she asked, snuggling against me so I could feel her nipples bore into my chest. "Yes." "Charlie never says nice things to me the way you do." "I know." "You're sweet. But, God Damn, you can be mean, too!" "I know." "You're not generally like that, are you?" Remembering...

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