Postcards From THE ESTATE:My Wife, My Pimp, Chap. 1 free porn video

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POSTCARDS FROM THE ESTATE: MY WIFE, MY PIMP, PART 1: I BECOME A WOMAN 1946EW "Remember," my wife said, kissing the tip of her forefinger and pressing it to my lips lightly, so as not to muss my lipstick, "Keep track of everything you do with the St. Clairs. We've let them have too many extras." I kissed her finger looking directly into he eyes. Wordlessly, I opened the passenger side door and swung my nylon-encased legs out, planting my three-inch heels firmly on the pavement before exiting our Lincoln town car?a car made possible by the St. Clairs. I stood and walked up the flagstones leading from their curved driveway to the colonnaded veranda, remembering how I fell flat on my face the first time I made this walk over a year ago. At that time, nervousness, shame, anxiety, unfamiliarity with heels?and yes, fear?made my gait unsteady, something one shouldn't be when walking on uneven pavement. Now I make this walk at least one week-end every month, and am as familiar with the contours of this walk as I am with the bodies of its owners. My name is Valerie. Well, my en femme name is Valerie. I'm a whore. Yes, a whore. A person who sells her body to others for their sexual pleasure. Or should I say his body, for anatomically I'm still a male. But only anatomically. For the past two years I've lived as a woman?dressed as woman, presented myself to the world as one, think like one, been fucked like one, and about to be fucked like one again. * * * This started nearly three years ago. Not the whore part, just the woman part. My wife and I belong to an exclusive sex club known as THE ESTATE. We use our membership for me to indulge in my fetish for crossdressing. My wife did not approve of this fetish, but went along with it, especially if I restricted it to our visits to THE ESTATE. As I became more accomplished at make-up, deportment, and fashion we began indulging in more and more of the activities at THE ESTATE for couples like us. Naomi and I were befriended by Helga and Marvin (en femme Thelma) St. Clair. Helga had devised an elaborate ritual for Thelma's defloration, and some dozen others had since gone through it and were members of a special clique at THE ESTATE. Inevitably, the time came for me to complete my role as a woman?to lost my anal virginity to a man! The man chosen to perform this rite was THE ESTATE's ultimate womanizer, William. (author's note: for those who have not read DEIDRE'S FIRST DAY or GUY HUGHES, a womanizer is the label given an ESTATE escort who specializes in deflowering transvestites, not a heterosexual rou?.) It was being deflowered by William which was the basis of membership in the St. Clair circle. The defloration was to take place at the home of the St. Clairs, because the rite required the bride to suck off William and for him to cum inside both her mouth and ass, acts not permitted at THE ESTATE. The scene was nearly out of some medieval consummation drama. I was clad in a white wedding dress that consisted of a white corset laced front and back, with garters holding up my seamed white thigh-high stockings. Several layers of diaphanous material formed the skirt, and I wore white leather three-inch pumps, the outfit topped by a garland headpiece. As usual, I was perfectly made-up: red, red lipstick and nails, with a ghostly white make-up. This was an elaborate bridal shower with all the transvestite husbands that William had deflowered, dressed as bridesmaids, and their wives dressed as matrons of honor. Each bridesmaid told her own experience with William, each ending with the revelation they had never been able to perform with women as a man again. At this point, Helga, the dean of the matrons, informed me that I didn't have to go through with this, citing THE ESTATE's rules against rape. Although we no longer were on THE ESTATE's premises, the St. Clairs abided by most of its rules even off-premises. Helga then informed Naomi that none of the bridesmaids who had been deflowered by William had ever been a husband again in the biblical way, and that she should consider this before we went any further. Both Naomi and I were apprehensive. We knew most of the bridesmaids were living their lives away from THE ESTATE as women. We thought this was just their personal choices. Now we were informed that the experience with William was so traumatic that they had been "womanized:" turned into sissies so thoroughly that they never could function as men sexually, or even at work or socially. For most of them, they were so financially comfortable it took very little to change their lifestyle to accommodate their changed status. For the others, some continued the masquerade of being men, while others made the adjustment to female jobs, or being female in their former lines of work, although at different firms and usually in different cities, or even states. THE ESTATE's connections and membership, not just the clique of William- womanized sissies, made this adjustment quite easy. "In for a dime, in for a dollar" I thought. Naomi agreed, reading my mind. The shower then proceeded to the unwrapping of gifts. There were the usual boudoir gifts: baby doll nighties, thongs, sleeping gowns of various lengths and colors, lingerie, oils and gels. But it was Helga and her spouse's gift I found most ominous: five paid sessions with a marriage counselor! "We like you and Naomi," she explained. "We would hate to see your marriage break up. And that has happened to most of William's turnouts. What you see here," she turned and waved her hand at the assemblage, "are those who have adjusted to their situation. Of course, there is always the chance that you will be the first to survive and continue to function manfully." Naomi and I looked at each other, the anxiety showing on each of our faces. We nodded to each other, this also signaling acceptance to the group. With some fanfare, William was introduced, brought in through the hallway leading to the bedroom. I could see why he was chosen. Tall, well-built, very handsome, he was every woman's?and sissy's?dream. He was wearing dark pants, a starched white shirt, a cravat, and a smoking jacket. He strode into the room, a cross between a smirk and a sneer on his face. All the bridesmaids looked at him, then away, nearly all blushing. Only a look from Helga and two or three of the other matrons brought the smirking sneer into a leering smile. William was still an employee of THE ESTATE, while the rest of us were members and guest. Even away from THE ESTATE, rank and place must be respected! Helga assumed responsibility for the rite at this point, like the chief witch of a coven. Given that there were thirteen of us present, this somehow fit. "Valerie, this is William, your husband for this night. William, this is Valerie, who you will make a woman this night. Valerie, William, show your acceptance of this nuptial by kissing." This was the substitute for the marriage ceremony. I was not sure what to do. I had never kissed a man before, although I had kissed Naomi when she dressed as a man for various occasions. William was not uncertain at all. He stepped forward and took me in his arms like I was a rag doll and lifted me bodily into him as he took my upper lip between his and sucked. Before I knew what was happening his tongue was inside my mouth, one of his hands was pressing my back between the shoulder blades and the other was on my ass, pushing me into him. I am only a few inches shorter than him, and with heels that made us equal in height. My build was about the same, although he had a much better developed upper body. I probably could have broken the clinch, but for some reason I submitted. Submitted! I just opened my mouth and let his tongue have its way. As he pressed his body into mine, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. In the background I heard applause. William began grinding against me, letting me know the size of his member. For the first time that night I knew fear. If what I felt against my own pubic area was real, I was going to be split in two! I released my hold on William letting my hands drift to his chest. I pushed gently, and he broke the kiss. I looked around at the others, shamefaced. Naomi looked at me with a mixture of shock and surprise. The other matrons smiled knowingly, as did the bridesmaids. I stepped back from William, and waited. Helga came up and kissed me on the cheek. "I see we won't have some scared bride tonight." Naomi then came up and kissed me fully on the lips, further smearing my lipstick. She broke the kiss and smiled at me, giving me her blessing. "Valerie," Helga began, pulling Naomi away. "You should show your husband how much you plan to enjoy this night. That smoking jacket looks awfully uncomfortable. Why don't you help him remove it?" I unfastened the sash at his waist, then moved behind him to take the jacket off of him. One of the bridesmaids took it from me. "Now, Valerie," Helga continued, "help William with his shirt and cravat." I came around and faced William who had already undone the cravat. I unbuttoned his shirt, not really believing the red-lacquered fingers that was undoing a man's shirt belonged to me. When I reached his pants, I stopped. "Go on, Valerie," Helga encouraged. William stood there, his hands on his waist just above his pants tops. The smirk-sneer had returned, looking somewhat comical with my lipstick on his lips. I unfastened his belt and started to pull the shirttails from his pants. "No, Valerie," Helga chuckled, "Don't pull his shirt out, pull his pants down!" The room tittered with laughter. I unzipped his pants and pulled his pants down, dropping to my knees to finish the job. William wasn't wearing underwear, and as I pushed his pants down his legs revealed was the monster that was to deflower me. It hung down like the proverbial third leg! At this point, Naomi stepped up behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "This is what you wanted, Valerie. To be a complete woman for this weekend. Well, this is your wedding night, and your husband stands before you. Do you remember what I did for you on our wedding night? Now you're the bride." On our wedding night, Naomi had stripped me when we were in the bedroom, then, kneeling before me as I was before William, gave me a slow and loving blow job, in effect worshipping my cock. Of course, she had given me blow jobs before, and my cock was no stranger to her cunt. But it was the ultimate of submission the way she did it. And Naomi was not the submissive type! I looked around the room, sensing expectation in the air. I looked up at William. His grin was back to the smirk-sneer. From my position, he looked large and ominous, standing over me. I looked back at his cock, when I felt a hand on my left shoulder, and its arm across the top of my shoulders. "Just put the palm of your hand underneath the head, honey, and bring it to your mouth." I did as instructed. As soon as I touched it, it jumped as if alive. The term "trouser snake" immediately. I slowly lifted my hand, bringing the head to my face. It looked angry, being all purplish with its one eye. "Kiss it, Valerie," my wife instructed. I did, leaving a large lipstick print along the top. "Now stick out your tongue and run it along the outline of the lipstick print you just made." Again I followed my wife's instruction. "Now slide your tongue along the slit from top to bottom." I did so. "As you slide your tongue along the underside of the head, open your mouth and take as much of him inside as you can." Again, I followed Naomi's instruction. William is big, nearly as big around as the proverbial soft drink can. I was only able to get about half the head in, when the room burst in applause. I then felt two strong hands?masculine hands?grip my head firmly. The cock in my mouth began to grow, pushing my jaws apart until they ache. "Easy, William," I heard Helga say. "Remember, she's a virgin to cocksucking too." I felt William back away. By now his cock was fully rigid and pointing straight from his crotch to my mouth. "Place your left hand around the shaft, just in back of the head." This time the voice was of one of the bridesmaids. I did as instructed. "Now just work the head. Lick it, suck on the tip, kiss it. Whatever you feel comfortable doing." I did everything. There was now a general murmur in the room. Everyone was offering her suggestions, while a few made snide comments about this not being my first time sucking cock. Without warning, William grabbed my head so that my jaw opened wide, stuffed as much of himself into my mouth as was possible, and came. And I mean came! One second my mouth was full of cock, the next full of cum! "Just swallow!" a chorus of voices said. I did. I nearly choked. Cum coated my lips and chin, and had dripped to the bodice of the corset, and was dripping onto the skirt of my outfit. William just stood there, cum steadily coming out of his cock. "Well done, Valerie," I heard Helga say among the din. "If you don't mind, we'll let the other ladies finish him. I was pulled away, to be replaced by Thelma. She practically jumped into the spot I had just vacated and swallowed William's spurting cock. No cum escaped her lips, but after a minute or two, another bridesmaid rather unceremoniously pulled her away and replaced her. There were five bridesmaids altogether, and each took her turn at William's cock. I watched in amazement, for William never seemed truly drained. As I looked around at the other matrons, I noted a look both of longing and of satisfaction as they watched their husbands suck cock. When they were finished, there were six sissies with cum over their faces: cheeks, lips, mouths, chins, noses. Helga then stepped up to Thelma and French kissed her. She then looked at Naomi. Naomi stepped over to me and pulled me to my feet, then Frenched me, tasting William in my mouth. When she broke the kiss, all the matrons and bridesmaids applauded again. "Welcome to the club, Naomi," Helga smiled. "Not every wife can kiss her husband once she has seen him suck a cock. Especially when the cum of that cock is in her mouth. Matrons, you may kiss your husbands!" With this, the other four women Frenched their bridesmaid-husbands. William was now in full glory, his cock standing its full ten inches pointing upward. Somehow while his cock was being sucked by the others he managed to step out of his pants and shoes, and stood there bare except for his socks. The matrons and bridesmaids then looked at me, then at William, then at Helga. She nodded to William, who took my hand and led me into the room from which he had entered. It was large; I later learned it had been a rather spacious den in the St. Clair's large house, and had been converted into a sex chamber where trannies like me are made into women. All of the bridesmaids had been deflowered there. In the center of the room was a large four-poster bed of some dark polished wood. It had once been a canopied bed, but the canopy had been removed so that all could see the proceedings. For my defloration was not to be a private event. No way! I was to have my ass reamed while 22 eyes watched, and at least six cameras recorded it from various angles. The bed was also on a dais, with three steps leading to it, while there were a series of loveseats forming a semi-circle around the sides and foot of the dais. William led me to the foot of the bed, then turned me to face him as he unlaced the corset. As he unlaced me, the bridesmaids each took one of the loveseats while their wives procured camcorders or activated the other video equipment in the room. When he was finished, he roughly pushed the material away from me and kissed me again. As he did so, he pulled the strings at the back of the skirts and they all fluttered to the floor. I just stood there as he undid the garters then threw the corset into a corner of the room. I stood there: wig on my head, garland headpiece, stockings and heels. My cock had shriveled so that I did not even think of it. William then pushed me up the steps of the dais onto the bed. The mattress on the bed was not flat, but had been especially made so that my ass was on a rise while the rest of me sloped toward the headboard. William positioned me so that I was on my back, my legs splayed, my asshole exposed. He then sat on the edge of the bed and removed the rest of his clothing. As he did so, I took in the scene around me: three matrons with camcorders, one at each side, and one at the foot; their spouses dressed as bridesmaids sitting in back of them on loveseats. My wife was in a loveseat at the left side of the bed, right in line with my hips. The fourth matron I did not notice, but she was making sure that the other video recording equipment was functioning properly. "Naomi," Helga intoned. "Do you consent to this act?" Naomi nodded. "Then you must prepare Valerie." She then produced a large tube of KY lubricant and handed it to Naomi. Naomi climbed onto the bed and applied a finger tip of lubricant to my asshole. "She's gonna need a helluva lot more than that, sweetie," one of the bridesmaids quipped, followed by tittering. "Use it all, dear," said Helga in a tone that quieted the room. I next felt a nozzle enter my ass then a copious amount of lubricant. The nozzle was removed and I saw my wife sit down shamefaced. William strutted around the bed like Achilles dragging Hector's body around the walls of Troy. As he came to Naomi he stood there, his giant cock pointing at her. "Use the remainder of the lube on him," Helga commanded. Naomi did so, greasing up William from the tip of his cock to his pubic hairs. I thought he was going to cum again. When she had thoroughly lubed him from balls to pee hole, he turned to me, climbing on the bed and positioning himself between my legs. He placed his hands on my hips, pressing his cock against my hole. He then snapped his hips and the head was inside me. He snapped his hips a second time and it breached my sphincter. "Aieee!" I cried. The pain was unbearable, yet I bore it. Or rather William bored me. He moved his hands up my body to my waist and snapped his hips again. I kept screaming, seeing nothing through the pain. What I tell you now is from viewing the videos of that night. William kept snapping his hips, each time sending another inch or two into me until his balls were against my ass. William then lay down on me, his arms framing my head. Once he had settled into position, he began a long withdrawal until only the head was inside my sphincter, then a long push inside until his balls kissed my ass again. In and out, in and out for fully ten minutes. I just lay there like a rag doll, being ravished. The video cameras that was overhead or at a distance?I'm still not sure where they were located?showed a woman in a garland headpiece, stockings and heels, being fucked by a man. The cameras at my hips had the same view as my wife: one long, thick cock going in and coming out, the lubricant becoming mixed with feces, and blood. The one at the foot of the bed gave a bedbug's eye view of my ass being reamed. One of the cameras concentrated on Naomi's face. She was horrified at what was happening to me, yet either powerless or unwilling to intervene. Another camera concentrated on my face, taking in every grunt, grimace, yell, blanche or other facial contortion. I must have yelled or moaned or groaned during the entire defloration. Other cameras panned the matrons and bridesmaids, whose expressions ran the gamut from sympathy to gloating. After the initial onslaught, two of the bridesmaids approached the bed from either side, taking my legs and bending them so that my knees were at my chest. They then sort of rolled me on my back so that my ass was more upturned. At this point, William covered my mouth with his and began pistoning in and out of me faster. The pain was excruciating, brining me out of my delirium. I now realized the kiss was not affection, just his muzzling my mouth with his. As he began this more rapid second assault, I instinctively grabbed the sides of his body to brace myself. This elicited another round of applause. The applause spurred him on and soon he was sliding in and out of me rapidly. After what turned out to be another fifteen minutes, he stiffened on top of me and came ... and came ... and came! He lay on top of me for a full five minutes, pumping shot after shot of cum into me. When he became less turgid?he never actually became soft?he pulled out of me with an audible "plop." The room burst into applause as William swung to the right side of the bed. A bridesmaid came up and began washing his cock. An extended view of my extended hole with the mixture of cum and cream flowing out was video recorded. William, cock cleaned and rampant, stood at the side of the bed, arms folded triumphantly, looking down at his cockmanship. He and all the rest knew that I was not to be the lady who remained a man. My hole was now permanently widened; anyone who viewed me naked from the rear would know I had been fucked in the ass by one helluva cock! As I lay limp on the nuptial bed, they all knew I would never function as a man with a woman again. I was a William turn-out. I had been womanized! The two bridesmaids who had held my legs then escorted me to the adjoining bathroom, where one prepared a bath and the other removed my soiled stockings, shoes, wig and headpiece, then helped me into the bath. As they washed me, Helga and Naomi came in to watch and to talk. "I'm sorry it was so rough on you, Valerie," she sympathized. "It's clear you're not going to be the first survivor of William. Too bad." The bridesmaids finished washing me, and were now drying me. "Still, you and Naomi should try to have sex as man-and-wife tonight. I strongly advise you do so. ... But I also suggest you don't get your hopes up too high. Thelma screamed like that when William first fucked her. So did Antoinette, Hermione, and Karen. It comes with the territory." One of the bridesmaid had me bend over the tub and applied a cream. Helga continued, "That's a specialty of THE ESTATE developed for this purpose. It was supposed to both sooth the anal opening and help close it. Contains aloe vera, an astringent, some type of menthol, other ingredients. It works damn well!" The bridesmaid then produced a tampon, coated it with the same cream, and inserted it in me. "You should leave it in overnight," Helga advised. "Change it in the morning, and whenever you need to during the weekend." The bridesmaids then handed me one of the bridal gifts: an electric blue baby doll with full cut briefs. They left as Helga fished out two more gifts: a pair of open-toed slides and an electric blue lounger. She then turned to Naomi. "Valerie has done all that is required of her, Naomi. There is one more ritual that you'll have to perform in the morning, but I'll tell you about it then. For now, I suggest the two of you go to your room and try to make love as husband-and-wife.

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I Pimp My Own Mom Part 8211 2

hi guys this is south Indian fucker back with the second installment of I pimp my mom series I am sorry for the late posting of my stories if you have any fantasies even if it is weird share with me and inspire me to write stories my email is … story continues….. I accidentally sent that troll to another contact … it was praveen …he was second year in college and staying as a paying guest near our home… I started feeling tensed… vinu:are you OK pimp? me:shut up man… Jacob:what happen...

2 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 4

Daisy was a little annoyed when she broke the connection. But then she wondered, would sophisticated Black men really pay to fuck her? She didn’t have to do it but it might be fun to find out if they would pay. How much could her pimp sell her pussy for? She realized that she had thought that she had a pimp but that would be OK, he was only a business manager. She quickly stripped and went to her bureau where she kept her bikinis. She got out her skimpiest. It barely covered any of her ass...

2 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 16

Daisy phoned Tyrone and informed him that her mother was OK with her fucking and that she was now on the pill. Tyrone was ecstatic. That removed a big problem. If the mother was OK with her fucking, he should be able to whore her out as much as he wanted. Tyrone had found that it was harder to get customers for his slut than he thought. He had set up a web site called For Black Cocks Only and he had placed videos and pictures of his slut up there. He included the video of her sucking his...

3 years ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 4

In the next room, looking through a peep hole, Tyrone, Quanesha’s Black Daddy chuckled to himself. He couldn’t believe how these naive white sluts bought into that racism bullshit. He also continued to be surprised that even very young teenage white girls were addicted to interracial porn. Quanesha was an expert at getting the sluts to first be ashamed of their whiteness and wanting to make amends and then dangling the carrot of fucking a big Black cock that they all fantasized about. Of...

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My Brother My Pimp

I grew up in a trailer park and so any class discussion would be irrelevant. We had a roof over our heads and fortunately never starved, but my parents worked their arses off in menial jobs to give my brother and me a reasonable education and stability in our daily existence.At the time of my story, my brother was in his final school year, one he enjoyed so much that he was compelled to do it twice. Although Nate was two years older than me we now found ourselves a year apart at school, with me...

Gay Male
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 24

The next day when they woke up, everyone was satisfied. The girls cooked breakfast for the men. Tyrone drove Tricia and Elaine home while Dazhawn drove Latoya home. Latoya packed away some regular non-sexy girl clothes and then thought that she should pack away her old Catholic middle schoolgirl clothes. “Why are you packing those schoolgirl clothes?” “I think that some of the Daddies might think that it would be sexy to fuck a Catholic schoolgirl. My friends and I used to wear those...

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High School PimpChapter 4

For various reasons, Bill had been forced to put off taking revenge on Horsey for his treatment of Sally. It had been nearly a month since the latest attack on Sally French, and Horsey had not heard any repercussions from Bill or anyone else, so he felt safe on that score. Thus, Horsey had gotten careless, and that was his undoing. Bill had taken some time to arrange a place where he could deal properly with Horsey. Bill had found an abandoned building that still had lights, water, and heat....

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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 33

Lee Roy looked down at the submissive slut that he had just bought. When he saw the slut in the program, he had to own her. He had been pimping for 20 years. He loved pimping out white sluts. Mostly he recruited runaways at bus terminals. But he would also buy some of the young sluts who were kidnapped by pimp gangs. He loved crushing their spirits as they realized that Black cocks would be fucking their holes for the rest of their lives. That was racial justice! But this slut was special!...

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Albanian sadics pimps

ALBANIAN SADICS PIMPS(for the illustrated part go to my website (blog) or google : Maria Proco )The brothels.Clans of Albania, criminals who have exploited the tragic misery of their own people have created an entire underworld regime, a nexus of pimps, traffickers and enforcers. There is now a pattern of pimping on a wide scale in some ethnic Albanian communities: If a man can afford to buy one, two or three girls, why should he work? That is the attitude among a number of people from the...

2 years ago
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I Pimp My Own Mom Part 8211 1

Hi guys this is south indian fucker back with another story… This is a story which lots of my readers and my fans told me to write… Feel free to chat with me.. My email id is Story begins………. My name is sebin….Am a school student ……….. My mother is nafisa and dad is rahim… We are from a middle muslim family….. My dad is working in partnership with is brothers in coimbatore and come home twice a month… Our family earns enough to live a simple life … I have many friends at school….My best...

1 year ago
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Interview With a PimpChapter 11

"So how long has Tracy been working for you?" "'Bout two years." "And her husband has never found out?" "Nope. The poor sap has no idea. He even bought her a new BMW not long ago for an anniversary present -- and get this, she begged off from a weekend in Aruba so she could do a movie star's husband while the movie star jetted off to Aspen with her two boyfriends. You should have heard the story Tracy gave her husband as to why she had to be away on their anniversary...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 13 Hogwarts Pimp

Chapter Thirteen – Hogwarts Pimp Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, Mf, ncon, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, mc, preg, spank, unif, The Triwizard Cup feast had gone off without any problems; Ron had used a wondrous little potion to seduce the beautiful Fleur Delacour, and Harry had finally picked up the trail of his missing Spellbook of Desires. Even...

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Jo blows the pimp

In the condominium complex where lovely JoAnne had lived since she was a young girl, there was one woman whom she always had admired. A single mother now of two teens, one boy and one girl, Tiffany somehow always had managed to work out daily, maintain a spectacularly trim and fit figure, and otherwise look so amazing all the time. Even now, in her late thirties and with a daughter age nineteen and a son of seventeen, she could pass for early to mid twenties. Jo once remarked, years ago, that...

Group Sex
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 23

After the ass fucking, they both fell asleep. When Latoya woke, she didn’t know where she was at first. Then she thought back to the events of the day. She had been sold, sold to Dazhawn. He was her Master now, her owner. He was also the sexiest man she had ever met. And his cock was wonderful. She thought back to how wonderful his cum had tasted and how wonderful her pussy had felt when he fucked it. And he had fucked her in the ass! It had hurt at first but then it had felt wonderful. It...

4 years ago
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Fucking the Pimp

Those of us who work as IT contractors frequently use the term “pimp” to describe the recruitment agent who has found us the job, and who subsequently pay us (after deducting their ongoing commission). This is the story of how I fucked my pimp one day. I had talked to Joanna ( just call me Jo) for about two weeks during the process of applying for the job, and going through the contract signing process. I had done a search on LinkedIn and found a photo of the young lady. Yumm ... she was a...

1 year ago
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 30

When Marci’s mother came home, she was surprised that Marci wasn’t downstairs. She went up to Marci’s room and noticed that her computer was gone and she saw the note. When she learned that Marci had run away because of her parent’s racism, she felt sick. She frantically called her husband. He told her to call the police. In the meantime, he went to the train and bus stations and showed Marci’s picture. Of course, no one had seen Marci. That night, they called all of Marci’s friends to see if...

3 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 30

Jane sat up in the bed as she remembered what had happened the night before. She put her head in her hands. OMG! OMG! She wasn’t a virgin anymore! She had been fucked! She had been Black fucked! She started to cry in her hands. Her movement had woken Dazhawn up and he sat besides her and stroked her body with his strong Black hands. “Why are you crying little one. I know that you had a good time last night.” She tried to pull away from his hands. She shrieked, “You raped me! You fucked me!...

2 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 11

The next day, Daisy was completely distracted at school thinking about sex all day. She woke up feeling her Daddy’s collar around her neck and felt so submissive. She had given her self to her Daddy. She was his property. All day long she felt the butt plug in her body. It was training her ass so that she could get fucked by her Daddy’s big Black cock! Thinking about that made her feel so horny. She started debating with herself all day. Why shouldn’t she meet with her Daddy for real and...

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Part 16 Malini Becomes A Pimp

Reena Joy was a Malayali Christian lady, who lived on the first floor of our apartment. When I took her to bed, she was 37 and I was 35. She was a surprise partner. She was extremely good looking, very fair and stood at 5’3”. She had extremely large breasts for her frame and stood out. She had the right amount of flesh at the right places. She and Lois were married for the about 17 years and they had a 15 year old school going daughter Rhea. Unlike other women of the apartment, she was very...

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High School PimpChapter 5

Bill paid a visit to the next man up the ladder in the loan sharking ring. Somewhat reluctantly, this man supplied the names and locations for four more of the men who actually made the customer contacts. This guy reported directly to Archie, so Bill learned that the loan sharking ring was not very thick and could be easily broken. There was nothing more for Bill to learn from him, so Bill sent him to the hospital with the usual complement of broken joints. By the middle of the following...

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Black Pimps sex slaves Maria Proco

Black penises were a part of psychological landscape of the white sex slaves life in the black pimps brothels. All the slaves were being forced to worship the big, black dick at least 50 times a day.Can you imagine how many times these girls must have been ****d if they were turned into whores when they were just 18 — hundreds of thousands of times by age 40.Over and over she had to take one cock after another in her vagina,ars and mouth.When they had done the deed, more men showed up in and...

3 years ago
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Motherrsquos my pimp

I’m daisy I’m 34 and a prostitute. 4ft 11 tall, slim body 34cc tits and firm ass. This story is about how I became a whore. My father walked out when I was young, leaving me and mom. My mother started drinking a lot and had regular men friends over ( who always ended up in her bed ). But she always protected me from them. Then when I was 16 she came home early one day and caught me getting fucked by a boy called Jake ( he took my cherry ). Instead of screaming she said carry on laughing as she...

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Postcards From the PacificChapter 5 Surf Sand and Fish

0400 Rise and dress 0430 Microwave oatmeal, no egg. 0455 Kiss sleeping wife 0500 Meet Don at boat dock 0500-0930 Fish while Don makes morning rounds 0930-1000 Discipline wife Sean: Sheila claims I help her sleep. Something must, because she was out all night. I was not so lucky. I had accepted an offer to go fishing with Don, while he did his morning duties. Dramamine did not help keep me awake. Fortunately, Don traveled with Navy grade coffee. He and Francine would get along. For a guy...

1 year ago
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Postcards From the PacificChapter 4 Time Share

Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May 31 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 5:50 p.m. Wed., May 30, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time: 6 hr 35 mn Travel Time: 6 hr 35 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q) Meal: Dinner No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: There is an old joke. A student answers a professor by saying, "I have a deficient education. My high school did not offer mind...

2 years ago
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Postcards From the PacificChapter 7 Homeward Bound

Depart: 9:45 p.m. Sat., June 3 Honolulu, HI (HNL) Arrive: 4:57 a.m. +1 Day Sun., June 4 Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Flight Time: 5 hr 12 mn Distance: 2,556 miles Flight: UA7534 Aircraft: Boeing 777-200 Fare Class: United First© Meal: Snack Change Planes. Connect time in Los Angeles, CA (LAX) is 5 hours 29 minutes. Depart: 10:26 a.m. Sun., June 4 Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Arrive: 6:51 p.m. Sun., June 4 New York, NY (JFK) Flight Time: 5 hr 25 mn Distance: 2,475 miles Flight:...

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Postcards From the PacificChapter 2 Gaum

Depart: 2:15 p.m. Arrive: 6:00 p.m. +1 Day Sun, May. 27 Mon, May. 28 Honolulu, HI (HNL) Guam (GUM) Travel Time: 7 hr 45 mn Distance: 3,801 miles Flight: UA2011 Aircraft: Boeing 777-200 Fare Class: United Business (Z) Meal: Lunch Sean: When we reached the gate, a virtual fist fight was in progress. It was virtual in the sense that both men were battling only with wills and words, but the intent for physical harm was clearly stated in their body language. My Japanese is rudimentary,...

2 years ago
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Wife8217s lover is her boss and pimp

My wife Manju works for a dental agency and is well liked by all the patients and is very personable in general. She is 26 years old, 5’1” and 100 lbs. She is a 34B cup and very light skinned. She worked there for the first 2 years we were married and then a new partner (male doctor) came in and took over half the business. My wife was promoted to manager and was in charge of more than just assisting the doctors. As such she didn’t have to wear scrubs anymore, she was allowed to wear dresses...

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Motherrsquos my pimp ndash 2

Hi I’m daisy, I’m 34 prostitute and in first story I told how my mom made me a slut and was my pimp at the age of 17. As time moved on we had a lot of regulars who loved the idea of mother-daughter fun. When I was 19 I had my first couple experience. This guy contacted my mom looking for someone to join him and his wife. My mom worked out a price for them. The guy wanted sex bareback, after my mom agreed but only cum over her body or in her ass. It was arranged for me to their house ( I’ve only...

2 years ago
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Pimped out wife

Having seen some stories here about women being pimped I thought I'd add my own account of how this happened to me not long before our wedding. My boyfriend and I shared a flat in a seaside town in the south of England. It was a tiny, two-room bedsit type place, old, crumbling and damp. We desperately wanted a home of our own. We had tried to save for a deposit on a house but were finding it difficult as the wedding itself was taking all our savings. My father was in poor health so I could not...

Wife Lovers
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Pimped My Wife

Now that I have gotten my wife to fuck other guys, and that she has been servicing a few of my friends on a regular basis for the last two months, an event that happened with my best friend Tony stands out.Tony and I grew up together since the beginning of high school. Tony is as black as black can get. He is also a very smart guy in the communications industry. Tony at one point lost his job due to downsizing.One night soon after he lost his job, he was over at our place, and he and I were...

3 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 15

Daisy woke up the next morning with a start. Where was she? She wasn’t in her bedroom. Then she looked down at the Black hands holding her tits and smiled. She was with her Daddy. She thought back to their last round of fucking last night. It had been incredible. Tyrone had stayed hard forever. Her stupid white boyfriend had cum within a couple of minutes but Tyrone just fucked her and fucked her and fucked her. It showed her how superior Black cock was to white cock. She resolved again to...

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Hubby became the pimp of her wife

Hi, i am back with a real incident, those who are reading me for the first time i am 28yr old single guy from Delhi, good looking and well educated and loves to live life to the fullest. The incident i am sharing with you all today is my Bhabhi (she is my friend’s wife), it’s an incident which completely changed her life and her hubby had made a real slut which she is enjoying. This is a true incident of a middle class family couple who are trying new things to enjoy their sex lives. I hope you...

2 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 1

"Horsey" had started his business at an unusually early age! Not many boys become independent businessmen before they leave middle school. Of course, Horsey had a great mentor in his oldest brother, who was one of the most successful pimps in their housing complex. Horsey's brother ran a stable with women of all ages, starting with his mother who was 39 and their youngest sister who was 17. That brother had taught Horsey all he needed to know to keep his whores in line and how to extract...

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Postcards Ch 06

Author’s note: You may want to check back up to the previous chapter. Sean has been up a while when this chapter begins. Chapter 6 Sheila: I woke with a start—Sean was not there. How quickly we adjust to new situations. Sleeping with Sean was one of my favorite things, though building sand castles had to rank high on the list. From a technical difficulty standpoint, his work the previous night was only fair. For originality and execution, top grades. The wet sand bound my legs tightly. Sean...

1 year ago
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Postcards Ch 01

Prelude: Economy Flight Author’s Note: This short section is largely a repeat of the end of How [K]itten Met [T]eddybear. If you have read that story, you can skip this chapter. *** Depart: 9:20 a.m., Arrive: 12:05 a.m. Sat, May 26 Philadelphia (PHL),Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Travel Time: 5 hr 45 mn Distance: 3,406 miles Flight: IT641 Aircraft: Airbus A301 Class: Economy Meal: For purchase Sean: Every girl supposedly dreams of her wedding. I had no such illusions about Sheila, but I...

3 years ago
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Postcards Ch 05

Author’s note: Sean and Sheila finally made it to their island paradise. No one told them to expect perfection, so they were not disappointed. Chicken salad, at $1000 a day, is only part of it. Chapter 5 0400 Rise and dress 0430 Microwave oatmeal, no egg. 0455 Kiss sleeping wife 0500 Meet Don at boat dock 0500-0930 Fish while Don makes morning rounds 0930-1000 Discipline wife Sean: Sheila claims I help her sleep. Something must, because she was out all night. I was not so lucky. I had...

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Postcards Ch 02

Author’s Note: This is another Sean and Sheila story. For the beginning, try Kitty & Teddy, LLC. This is more a travel chronicle than a sex story, though some airplane sex is required. ,-) Chapter 1 Depart: 1:45 a.m. Sat, May 26 Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Arrive: 6:25 a.m. Sun, May 27 Honolulu, HI (HNL) Travel Time: 5 hr 40 mn Distance: 2,556 miles Flight: UA6041 Aircraft: Boeing 777-200 Fare Class: United First (Z) Meal: Breakfast Sean: The flight to LA turned out to be nicer than the flight...

4 years ago
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Postcards Ch 04

Author’s Note: This section contains an attempted mugging, with the possibility of of rape. This passage is non-erotic. If violence distresses you, use caution. Chapter 4 Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May. 31, 2014 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 6:42 p.m. Wed., May. 30, 2014, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time:6 hr 35 mn Travel Time:7 hr 27 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q)...

3 years ago
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Pimp my pumps and panties

Meet my great girlfriend, a slender sexy sweet long legged blonde beauty - she is still only eightteenHer foxy fancy is to tease and turn on guys so much, without allowing any touch of her, till they comeThey are warmly welcome to stain her high heels or her classy panties with their thick white tributesMeet my fresh girlfriend from the terrace I took Goldie-looks from Gouda - she shares that fancyLovely looking Lotte is a typical tight tasty redhot real redhead, a bit pale and a bit shy at the...

1 year ago
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Story Puzzle Pleasing a Pimp

Story Puzzle: Pleasing a Pimp By Anne-Mal Magical Mindy, a fairy godmother in training, was invisibly flying though the city when she noticed a group of five pimps talking at the street corner. They were deep in conversation about the best type of woman one could have to make money. Outraged, Mindy listened as the men described their perfect woman. 1) Arthur said, "I like brunettes, yeah a lesbian brunette, you know they won't get involved with the customers." 2) Danny...

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Sisters Pimp

                               Sister's Pimp        I grew up in a very loving family that also practiced corporal punishment as a means of instilling discipline in both myself and my younger sister. Counter balancing this was my parents firm belief in sexual freedom. My gorgeous, well-built mom never wore more than her underwear around the house and most of the time she went braless. It didn't take her long to notice my erections and so one afternoon she escorted me into her bedroom, took...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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