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Synopsis - Vanessa is invited to another party given by Mrs. Watson. She reluctantly attends wanting Carol to be there. Instead a man comes into her life, which leads her to have to make a decision. Milk By ShannonQ Part 3 Making executive decisions came easy to me as I worked and played very hard. With over one hundred years of experience, I borrowed things from Jack Holiday to make my own conclusions. Almost always I was right. I'd been COO for B&D for eighteen months now and under my leadership, the company grew in strides. I made billions for my agency and the board of directors raised my salary from ten million per year to fifty million. I thought that I deserved every penny since I put in long hours and some weekends to make B&D a success. We now had offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, Saint Louis, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Detroit, New York City, Houston and of course Chicago which was our headquarters. Every man or woman who were in charge of these diverse offices was on the nonvoting board of directors. I had Jim Pepper relocate back to Chicago to be my number one right hand man to help with some decisions that I didn't have time to make. My accountant found many loopholes in the tax laws so I could keep a large portion of my wages. On his advice I gave generously to many charitable organizations as well as giving to the each major party with the majority going to the Republicans. I spoiled myself in buying the most expensive designer clothes, shoes, furs, jewelry and lingerie. I had a new Jaguar every year but mostly used the company limo to pick me up for work and drop me off at night. I redecorated my apartment suite twice, which cost me a tidy sum. However, I kept the place clean myself. Sometimes Carol helped me dust and vacuum but usually I did this alone. Doing these mundane things I found this to be good therapy for me. A year from the night I was turned from Jack Holiday into Vanessa Brooks, the trio of friends appeared before me. "Do you wish to change back to a man?" Alice asked me. "Most certainly not!" I stared at her determined to keep this gender. "This life is a blast. I love it!" "I thought you enjoyed being a man," Mona stated. "I enjoy being a female more! It doesn't mean I don't miss my wives in my previous life, but as the saying goes, 'Blondes have more fun.' " "We see that you prefer women to men," John stated nonjudgmently. "So far it seems so," I returned. "I find them very intoxicating and addictive," I answered with a smirk in my eyes. "Then we guess you won't be needing us anymore," Alice observed. As they disappeared. I sat in my office one evening going through the sales accounts. Most of them either met or surpassed their quotas. A few hadn't. I looked at their individual charts on my computer. Mel Leaman continued not to meet his goals each month for the past year. He would have if he didn't try to screw every secretary of his customer base, I thought being disappointed. He failed to bring in any new accounts in the last six months. "Time to dump this one," I said aloud, writing a note. I personally fired all those who didn't make the grade in sales or upper management. Leaning back in my seat, I stretched my arms and yawned at the same time. My thoughts were of Emily. Why does she enter into my thoughts so often? The beautiful young girl wasn't into girl-girl sex. And even if she was, I couldn't do anything about it. This kind of thing was forbidden in the work place. I frowned on office romances between a man and a woman. There were some and I had turned a blind eye to it as long as their performance didn't fall below accepted standards. Yet the petite blonde with her cute face and ponytail continued to pop into my thoughts on a regular basis. Emily never missed work, always did an efficient job for me, and was into good looking guys. She took up swing dancing and had much so fun every Saturday night. Her legs grew more attractive and her waistline dwindled. Her breasts were more profound but had not grown any. The thing that bothered me the most was me stupidly daydreaming being nude in my bed with her like Carol and me. Then she would walk into my office with a report I had asked her to work on. The feeling I got was that she somehow knew what I was thinking at the moment. Hell, I had Carol. She satisfied me to no end, but why did I dream about Emily? Yawning again, I shook the thoughts of Emily out of my mind, turned off my desk light. 'Time to call it a week,' I thought, grabbing my purse and left for home. At the last minute I wondered whether to take any work home for the weekend. 'No! I have that boring party tomorrow night,' I grumbled. I wondered if Carol was going to be there? I felt extremely horny right now. I arrived late as usual to the Watson's party. I was dressed in a white satin blouse, black miniskirt, nylons and heels. I had my 'fuck me' thong satin and lace panties on with a matching bra. Both in white. I wore the undergarments hoping that Carol might be there in her stunning maid's uniform. I was not disappointed. We smiled and winked at each other. I grabbed a glass of champagne as Carol served me. I hated champagne but it was my party prop. I looked around the room, smiled and shook hands with some familiar faces, then approached a new man I'd never seen before. "A wonderful view." I stood next to him. He was dressed in an ill-fitting suit. He was about my height in my four inch heels. "Yes it is," he responded quietly then looked me in the eyes. "I never tire of it," I stated. His eyes never left mine. Usually I had to converse with guys who stared at my breasts as we talked. Sizing me up to see if I put out or not. There seemed to be a loneliness in his look. "I was up on the top of the Hancock Building once but it was during the day and not at night. It seems prettier now than in the daytime." "Do you need a drink?" Carol asked, approaching them from behind. "No thanks, I'm not a drinker." he replied. "You ma'am?" she looked all business like. "I'm fine thanks." I played the role between us. Carol left but not before gave me a goose in the ass with one of her long fingernails causing me to jump slightly. My panties started to get wet. These were not ones to absorb much moisture. I made a fist toward Carol who smiled back at me. "I'm sorry for being so rude," the man stated. "I'm David Russell." "Vanessa Brooks." "Nice to meet you, Vanessa," he smiled. I noticed that he wasn't particularly a handsome looking man. His face had traces of femininity to it, but everything else was male. He had a barrel chest, bulging muscles under that coat with his hands plunged in his pants pockets. "Likewise," I replied that he never once checked out my body. Is he gay? were my initial thoughts. His blonde hair was cut short, his blue eyes were piercing, and there was a slight smile on his face. I spotted two open spots on one of the sofas. "Do you mind if we sit down?" "No, not at all." we walked over and he allowed me to sit at the end where I could put my drink down on the end table. I had only taken a sip. "These high heels and all," I laughed. "Standing too long in them can put a strain on my feet. These shoes weren't designed for comfort, but to make a woman's legs look nice." "They do make a lady's legs look very beautiful." he agreed. "Men should wear them." I joked. He laughed along with me. He unbuttoned his jacket to relax. He wore an everyday button down plaid shirt. He really needs some fashion advice, I thought. We were silent for a moment then he asked. "What kind of job do you do?" "I'm an executive for B&D Ad Agencies. You?" "I've got my own software business I work out of my home." "Oh! How did you get to know the Watson's?" "I just installed some software onto their computer systems then did some upgrades on it. It's a very office friendly program so everything can be accessed from anywhere in that suite. Only you have to have a password to get in and the executives have an additional one to get into everything. It took me eight months to write it." "It sounds like something we've got," I added. "Too bad, I can always use the business," he grinned. "I might toss something your way," I smiled. "You say you work from your home?" "Yes." "What does your wife think of this?" "My wife died five years ago," he said all choked up. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I put a hand on his arm. "Forgive me." "There's nothing to forgive. You didn't know," David replied. "You'd think it would hurt less after five years but I still miss her." "How long were you married?" My memories went back to Jack Holiday and how he felt when Lia was killed during Pearl Harbor. When my mind went there, I, too, still felt pain in my heart. As Jack, Lia was the light of my life. "Three years, right after we graduated from college. We met there, got married, settled in the house where I live now. Two years later she found a lump in her breast, went to doctor and was told it was too late." "That's a shame," I stated, thinking of Jack's second wife Helen. How she had suffered the same fate. I felt a lump in my throat for him and myself. "It's over with. I've decided to move on with life and take the hand that has been dealt to me. Eventually, I'll get to the point that I can look at other things. Right now the best I can do is bury myself in my work." "That is the best thing," I agreed. "When my parents died. I had to do the same thing. My father died of a heart attack shoveling snow during the blizzard of nineteen seventy-nine. My mother died of a broken heart but lived long enough to see that I was taken care of in college." "I know what you mean." "Do you want a drink now, sir?" Carol asked. I might have been angry at her for the interruption but she was only doing her job. "Can I have some water, please?" "Of course," Carol sensed that neither David's nor my mood was very good at that moment. It reflected in his voice and she could see it in her lover's eyes. "I'll be right back." Carol returned with the water and left right away being astute enough to know that this wasn't the time for lighthearted banter. I spent over an hour with David trying to lift his spirits. He soon came out of it a bit. We exchanged life experiences until I had to pee. I told him I'd be right back that I needed to use the ladies room. "That's the longest you've ever talked to a man at one of these parties," Carol observed sitting on the couch rubbing her sore feet. "He needs a little uplift. He lost his wife to cancer." "Oh! Do you think he's telling you the truth? Or is he lying so he can get in your panties? Some guys are like that, you know." "No, it's the real McCoy, Honey. I can see it in his eyes he's telling the truth. Unless he's a great actor like Anthony Hopkins, he's being truthful to me. I think I'll spend a little more time with him before going upstairs. Are you staying the night with me?" "Are kidding? Baby, I am as horny as hell. I need your tongue desperately." As soon as the words were out, the door opened and an elderly lady went straight to one of the stalls. "I need yours, too." I whispered, giving Carol's breast a nice squeeze. I smiled like she did when she goosed me. Payback was such fun, I thought walking back to be at David's side. I had a warm footbath ready for Carol upon her arrival. She was so tired, she put her feet in without removing her fishnet stockings. I only had on a silk robe when I handed Carol a glass of banana rum. "I need this." she took a swallow and coughed a little. "See what's waiting for you!" I opened my robe and flashed my nudity to her. "Just wait until I get out of the shower. I'll be a new woman and then I'm going to rape you and fuck your brains out." "Promises, promises," I teased. "I had on some lilac satin panties and when you goosed me, I got all wet. You might have ruined them." "Put them in my purse, I'll sleep tomorrow night with them on my face smelling your wonderful sex." "You're depraved, you know." "Takes one to know one," Carol shot back. "Take your shower," I took a drink of rum. "I'll have my legs spread for you when you get out." "So you want a cumfest tonight!" Carol smiled. "You bet!" I flashed my ass to her and walked to the bedroom. Carol was still sleeping when my eyes opened. I smiled at the delightful and wild night we spent. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom to relieve myself. Afterwards, I stepped into the shower to wash mine and Carol's odor off me. I felt completely satisfied, for now. It was one of those rare occasions where Carol didn't join me in the shower. She was so bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Last night must have taken more out of her than I expected. I shampooed and conditioned my hair. I rinsed off, got out and combed my long blonde hair out finding some tangles to work them away. I slipped on my silk robe then took my towel back to the bedroom and snapped it on Carol's bare ass. Jack often did that to other men while he was in the navy. "Owww," she complained. "That hurts." "Good, now take your shower and I'll fix us breakfast." "What time is it?" "Two in the afternoon." "Oh shit, I've got to run. I promised my sister I'd take care of the kids tonight while her and hubby go to dinner and dancing." "Shower first, eat second, then get out... until next time." I smiled as the nude auburn haired beauty raced to the bathroom. I sat in front of the TV watching Dateline when the phone rang. I picked it up. It was Eddie, the doorman. I never tipped him except at Christmas when I'd give him a check for five thousand dollars for the great service he did for me during the year. He treated me like a queen all the time. "Ms. Brooks, there's a gentleman here that has some flowers for you." "Flowers for me!" "Yes ma'am, he's driving an FTD van." "Send him up." I severed the connection then ran to put some jeans and top on. I was in a black teddy. By the time I was dressed, the door knocked. I grabbed my purse and walked to it as he knocked a second time. "These are for you." the deliveryman eyed me up and down. "Thank you.' I tipped him with a ten dollar bill then closed the door. I opened the box, it was a dozen roses. On a Sunday night? I thought. Who delivers flowers on Sundays? Especially at this time. I opened the box and saw the card: 'Thanks for listening to my tale of woe. Sorry that I bored you so much. David 312-555-0866.' My heart felt warmed by this act. I dialed his number. "Hello?" "Thank you for the beautiful flowers," I said gratefully. "You didn't bore me at all. In fact I was very interested in what you had to say, David. I was glad you saw fit to share your thoughts with me." "You're welcome. I was wondering if I could take you to dinner sometime." I had mixed feelings about this. I just had a torrid night with Carol and being seen with a man at this point in my life sounded awfully foreign to me. But why not? He seemed harmless enough and I did like his company last night. "When?" I asked. "Anytime you say." "Next Friday, sevenish?" "That's great," his voice seemed to smile. I gave him my cell phone number and after a few remarks, we said goodnight and hung up with a warm glow in me. I picked up the roses smelling their fragrance as I got out a vase large enough to hold them. I set them on the kitchen table so I'd see them in the morning. Smiling, I decided to turn in early. Firing Mel tomorrow wasn't going to be very pleasant but it had to be done. The time with Mel Leaman went very well. He expected to be axed and told me that he had been offered a job elsewhere. He confessed he didn't give it his all and for that he apologized saying that B&D had been very good to him. We agreed to a one month severance package, shook hands and wished each other luck. I wanted to advise him to try staying out of secretary's panties but it was no longer my business. He didn't work for me any longer. With an ugly mess out of the way, I concentrated on a new contract with WGN and a few other local independent stations to run car ads for a big dealer in town. I had watched their ads and thought they were too stupid for a large city like Chicago. A good comedy ad would fit in nicely. I called Art Pyle the head of the Ideas Department to come up with something funny even if he had to call around to some local comedians for advice. "Ms. Brooks, I just purchased us a block of tickets to the Bears Season. We have eighteen seats for every game spread around as usual," Emily walked in to inform me. "Thank you, Emily. Good job. You're an angel." My stomach was turned upside down again. That swing dancing had done wonders to her figure and her new wardrobe showed it off to perfection. "Thank you," she smiled. "That's lovely blouse you're wearing where did you get it?" "Like it?" she twirled to show me all sides. "I got it on sale at Nordstrom's." "Very beautiful," I smiled. Indeed, I thought lustfully. "Thank you, Ms. Brooks," she said, heading back to her desk. I shook my naughty thoughts about Emily out of my head. There was a lot to do and dreaming about something you could never have wouldn't do me any good. I had often thought I had a little of Jack Holiday in me. I didn't lust after every female I saw and neither did Jack. He had only one true love in his life and that was Lia. Helen he did, but not the fire and passion he held for his first wife. Helen was a very good wife and he had been loyal to her, but many times when they made love he often thought of Lia. Was it fair to Helen? No, of course not. He loved her, but not like that girl he met at that church picnic way back when. Did I have any leftover testosterone in me that made me have fellings for Carol and especially Emily? I might have to seek out a shrink to get me through this. The girl in the next room drove me to lust after her that I had to take it out on Carol. Not that she ever complained about my hot passion but then again, it was Emily in my mind as we made love. Again I brought myself out of my trance and began reviewing contracts and proposals for the rest of the day. I dressed in a red hot spandex dress that left nothing to the imagination when I got into David's car on Friday. I had on a lacy red bra and panties. "You look gorgeous," David smiled as he pulled onto Lake Shore Drive heading north. "Thank you," I smiled back. Since I was going on this date with a man, I thought about giving it my best shot. It was hot and humid out so the air conditioning in his new Acura felt great. "Where we going?" "I was thinking about a new place my friend opened up on Clark Street near Fullerton called Oysters. It's supposed to be a seafood place. You like seafood, I hope." "Seafood is fine," I almost had a song in my voice. "Good. I pulled some strings with Joey, he's my friend and owner, and got reservations. He is booked up for the next two weeks. I told him that I was bringing someone very special to his restaurant." "Thank you for your kind compliment," I returned. David wore a very nice dark blue suit, white shirt and matching tie. I noticed he was a bit old fashioned about his footwear but his wing tipped shoes looked great being nicely polished and all. The valet took our car the he escorted me into the establishment where a big man with a large grin under his walrus moustache greeted us. They hugged and shook hands. Then David turned to introduce me to Joey. As big as he was, he took both of his huge hands into mine and gently shook it before kissing the back. I guess that chivalry wasn't dead. "David and me go way back, don't we?" Joey beamed. "Back to the Stone Age," he joked. "We hunted dinosaurs together." That got Joey to laugh. His laughter spread throughout the restaurant. "You have to be a very special lady, David has not dated since his wife died." I watched David's smile fade. Joey must have realized that he said something wrong and led us back to a booth. "Enjoy!" he grinned. "I'm sorry about that," David said quietly. "About what?" "Joey is a nice guy but sometimes he talks before he thinks." "Oh, about your wife?" He nodded. "You don't have to apologize to me. It didn't bother me at all. In fact I am flattered that you asked me out tonight. And I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way." "I was embarrassed for you." "Oh, don't be. No harm, no foul." The waiter came by to take our drink orders. I ordered a glass of white wine, David wanted a coke. Then I recalled that he didn't drink alcohol. "If I sound redundant, I just have to say how beautiful you look tonight." "Flattery will get you everywhere, Mister," I gave him my loveliest smile. I liked his attention to me. Our drinks came and we hadn't even looked at our menus yet even though I was famished. We asked the waiter to give us a few more minutes as we picked them up to read. They had things on there I never heard of. The prices were sky-high. I hope he could afford it. I had a few one hundred dollar bills in my little handbag along with a compact, tube of lipstick and a small brush. I decided upon the Copper River salmon with a salad. David ordered swordfish with a baked potato and salad. "I can't believe these prices," I said. "Don't worry, I raided my piggy bank. I think we have enough," he grinned. "Nice place isn't it?" "It most certainly is," I said, gazing around with paintings of fishermen making big catches, fighting off storms, and one at the wheel as a wave overlapped him. The ambiance was superb. "You never told me that you're the COO for B&D," he said. "Where did you hear that?" "Mrs. Watson told me after you left the party." "Big blabbermouth," I said lightly. "I just don't want to broadcast it." "Well you're easy to find on the web. I just typed in [email protected] and there you were sitting on the edge of your desk with that pretty smile of yours." "Every business has a website," I replied. "You've got to be the best looking COO in Chicago. Even in all the country." His comment made me blush. Had I ever blushed before? In anger, yes. The day I was voted in as the COO I was royally pissed to say the least. I had wished back then I had an Uzi. "Thank you, David. Can we get off the subject about me and talk about you? You look very handsome in your suit. Brand new?" "Yes," he admitted. "It was supposed to be ready last Friday for the Watson's party but the tailor took sick and I was out of luck. So I had to wear what I did because I dumped my gray suit off at the cleaners only that afternoon." "You looked presentable," I replied. "So did you." "Now David, we agreed to talk about you. Not me." "I agreed to nothing," he smiled impishly which made me smile too. Our salads came and we ate with such gusto. I had to purposely slow down or I'd be like a pig at a trough. I could almost hear Miss Piggy actually make that sound. Our talk turned to his software business then to softball, which he played twice a week in some league on the northside near Wilson Avenue. I gave him my undivided attention and even asked a few questions about his love for softball. Personally I had never seen a Chicago softball game. I recall when I was Jack Holiday in the navy tossing a ball back and forth on the Carrier Yorktown for the exercise. I used to be a good player in my youth as a boy back in Kansas. Strange how a few words can trigger memories that were almost one hundred years ago. A few minutes later the waiter took our finished salads and gave us our main course. The salmon looked delicious baked the way I liked along with the broccoli and carrots with a light cream sauce. "So do you like any sports?" David asked. "I used to play volleyball in high school. We weren't very good though. In the years I was there we were always in the middle of the league. I was a pretty good server but my other skills in everything else were so-so." "In intramural sports back in my college days we used to play volleyball under jungle rules. It was great fun." I took a bite of my salmon, it was excellent. "What are jungle rules?" "Everything goes. You can pull down the net so your ball can go over it, push a guy away on the other side before he spikes it back, pull down his shorts, anything went," he grinned. "Sounds like there were no rules to me," I observed. "Exactly!" his grin widened. "What was the point of it?" "Just to have fun," he took a bite of his swordfish and smiled. It was infectious to me and made me smile back. "It sounds to me like two corporations battling each other," I stated. "Anything goes." "Isn't capitalistic America great?" he smiled. I laughed with my mouth full and put the linen napkin to my mouth in case anything came out. I scolded David not to make me laugh with something in my mouth. After we ate, we declined dessert and headed out after David paid the bill. We stepped out into the darkened skies with only the bright streetlights showing. It was still hot. "Would you like to take a short walk and do some window shopping?" he asked. "Yes," I replied. David took my hand and our fingers interlocked. It felt nice. He had strong hands. My fingers seemed like pencil sticks while his were meaty and thick. We walked down the street looking at some store windows. A gang of young toughs walked by and whistled at me. David was going to do something. He was about to turn on them but somehow I tightened my grip and pulled him forward. "Ignore them," I almost whispered. "Sorry," he apologized. "I didn't think about this happening." "Let's get the car," I suggested. We turned and walked back toward Oysters. The gang had crossed the street. They were loud and annoying. The valet had our car back to us in less than two minutes. He tipped him and we got in with him holding the door for me. Once I was securely in, he went around to the driver's side and got in. "Wasted lives," David shook his head. "If they applied themselves in their education they'd probably be successful in life." "You're right, but I don't think learning is in their vocabulary," I replied. He drove us until the Drive ended at Peterson then turned around to take me back. We chatted briefly as he pulled up at the entrance of my complex. "I had a wonderful time," I smiled. "Me too. Think we can do this again?" "Uh-huh," I took my hands to his face and kissed him on the lips. "Thanks for the lovely evening." "That kiss made it worth it all," he smiled as Eddie opened the door for me. "Call me," I said waving to him with fluttering fingers. Once back in my suite, I thought about the evening. I genuinely liked the man. I had such conflicting thoughts all evening. What the hell was I? Am I a lesbian as I previous felt? Or bisexual because of my attraction to David? My mind was all messed up. I got out of my pretty dress, took off my bra and panties, then slipped a full-length black satiny gown for bed. I had a few swallows of peach brandy. The warmth got to me right away. I peed, wiped my cunny, and was asleep in no time. I woke up the next morning knowing I didn't have to work. I smiled to myself about the night before. My date with David came off very well. I wondered if he would call again? He said he would. I stretched then rested a hand on my abdomen and ran my fingers through my long blonde hair. I had it pinned up last night to show off my long slender neck. Since I met him I had warm feelings toward the man. The phone rang. "Hello." "Did I wake you up?" came David's greetings. "I'm awake. Not up and about, but definitely awake," I smiled. "Are you doing anything this afternoon and tonight?" "I was thinking of watching a pay-per-view movie, what do you have in mind?" "I have two games tonight. First at five, the second at eight. Then I'll buy you some of the city's finest cuisine." "You mean softball games?" I rolled over from my back to my stomach perching up on my elbows. "Very good, Holmes," David laughed lightly. "My teammate is bringing his wife and you two could have a chat while we play. That way you won't feel lonely in the stands." "That sounds interesting. I'd rather be out than cooped up in my ivory tower for the night." "I'll pick you up at three-thirty?" I glanced at my clock radio. It was just past ten. "That'll be fine." "Dress casual. Bring a sweater and some Off in case the mosquitoes come out." "Yes sir," I giggled like a little girl. "And eat something because I won't be able to feed you until after the second game." "All right," I almost laughed at hearing his orders. "See you later," he said. "See you later," I responded and hung up. With a bounce to my step I raced to the bathroom to relieve myself and shower. I wore some Capri pants, a long sleeved white cotton, and a sweater. I had gone to the commissary for some bottled water and a small can of mosquito spray. Then bought two corned beef sandwiches on rye with their special mustard at the deli. I combed my hair out and let it fall softly down my back. I brought a silk scarf in case of wind, put the second sandwich in my large purse along with the Off, grabbed two hundred dollars, and set off at the appointed time. As I got off the elevator I saw David pulling up in his Acura. "Hi," I smiled, scooting in. "Hi," David smiled. "How was your day?" I asked. "I had to rewrite a program that I developed..." I listened to him with interest as he told me the problem with it. In essence, too many problems to make it workable. He had to go back to square one. By the time he finished, we were there. It was four, which meant I had to wait an hour before the game started. I was introduced to a very pretty redhead named Maureen. She was the wife of one of David's teammates. We hit it off instantly. I loved the freckles on her nose. Maureen was wearing much like my own. Jeans, long sleeved white blouse and little pair of sneakers like I wore. She led the way as we climbed the wooden bleachers and perched on the top step. We settled in as the guys went out onto the field to warm up. "So you are the COO of B&D," Maureen smiled. "Did David tell you?" I asked, feeling like I was under the microscope. "No, my husband did. He works for Canton's one of your competitors." she explained. She pointed to him. "He claims to have met you." "He looks familiar. Now I remember...yes, Bob Edders." "That's him," Maureen smiled. "Pretty good memory from meeting just once." "Well he impressed me. Tell him if he ever needs a job, B&D would love to have him." "I'll keep that in mind." We chatted for hours. Maureen and Bob had two daughters, their own home was in the exclusive area called Edgebrook, which meant he made good money. Maureen didn't need to work and was a stay-at-home mom. David and Bob joined us between games. I handed him a cold bottled water, which he devoured in ten minutes. I had one left that I was sipping on, when I offered it to him he refused. The men watched our things as we went to the public bathroom. The place had an awful odor in it but we both had to go. We got into the stalls, did our job, washed our hands and got out as fast as we could. "I almost forgot how bad the smell is," Maureen commented as we exited to join the guys. It was sometime into the second game when the subject of David was brought up. I was very interested in the holes in the details David's life. He was born and raised here in Chicago, 33 years of age, degree in computer science, owns his own business. While in college David met Bethany Daniels. They dated exclusively then married upon their graduation, honeymooned in the Bahamas, one miscarriage, two years later Bethany discovered the lump in her breast. She took a battery of tests after a biopsy. All of her lymph nodes were infected. She died a year later. David was devastated and withdrew into his work. Maureen had related all of this to me as the game progressed. I had listened carefully, asking questions to clarify a few facts. "I really appreciate you telling me all of this," I smiled as the game finished. I had no idea that David's team won both games. Neither did Maureen since we were too busy chatting talking from David's life to her family. "I hope you can get him out of his self imposed exile in the world. He only plays softball for the exercise. He's never had a girl friend after Bethany. She was a real sweetheart but he has to get over her." I nodded. "David and Bob have been friends for years. We just can't stand it when he is eating himself up from the inside out. Vanessa, I hope that being with you will get him out of his shell." "Well I like him very much. I'll do what I can." "That's all we can ask," she remarked as Bob and David joined us. "Ready for Chicago's finest?" "Oh David," Maureen sighed. "You're not going to do that to her?" "She'll love it," he took my hand and headed to the car to change shoes and put his aluminum bats away. "Enjoy yourself tonight?" "Yes, Maureen is very nice. Down to earth kind of girl." "That she is," he led me to a hot dog cart. "Two of your best, Mike," he told the proprietor. "Everything on them?" Mike spoke with a Spanish accent. "Uh better cut out the celery salt. No hot peppers." "Okay, the usual," Mike began to work on putting his masterpieces together. David reached into the cooler and pulled to ice cold bottles of water. "How were the mosquitoes tonight?" "Not bad, I hardly noticed them." "Damn, forgot my wallet," David cursed. "I'll get it out of the car." "No, this one's on me," I pulled out a twenty to pay for it. We drove over to Montrose Harbor, got out and finished our delicious hot dogs on a seat by another hot dog stand. When we done David asked me to take a walk on the rocks with him. It was nearing ten but there was still a crowd in the area. The Park closes at eleven except for fishermen. They were permitted to fish all night and the place was pretty well patrolled by lots of police cars. Some teenagers and young people were partying in the lot we parked in but they weren't bothering anyone. They were doing their own thing and minding their own business. The rocks are a local term in Chicago. They are huge granite blocks set side-by-side in three layers one step down. Each step was almost three feet. David helped me down to the first step where the fishermen sat hoping to catch some perch or be lucky to snag a Coho salmon that resided in the large lake. "Catch anything?" David would asked many of the fishermen. Sometimes there was nod or shake of the head were their only answers. One showed us a stringer full of perch with a big smile. Just then a bell rang, he had something on his line. He reeled it in and we saw it was a small fish. He carefully worked the hook out and threw it back in. "Still a baby. Come back in two years," he said aloud talking into the lake where he tossed the perch. We watched him bait his hook and toss it back into the water. We walked on holding hands until we reached the end where fishing was not permitted. As we turned, David took me in his arms and kissed me. At first I was startled by his sudden move but then I returned the kiss. My arms went around his muscular neck and I tried to get my tongue into his mouth. He opened it slightly and I plunged into the opening moving my body closer to his. I had expected for him to kiss me that night but not in this place. But come to think of it, it was a perfect place for it. The coolness of the breeze lightly coming off the waters made it a beautiful spot for it. We kissed for a very long time. I felt his hardness poking me just above my sex, which only made me feel more passionate. I ran my fingernails about the nape of his neck. As Jack I recalled Lia doing this and how wonderful it felt. When we parted, we traded light smooches on the face, neck, and lips. I felt wonderful chills all over. David's hand was on my butt at the crack but didn't go any further down. I wanted to grind myself to him but I was cautious and restrained myself. When I made love to Carol, it was reckless abandon. Here, I had to control myself. Going right up to the line but not crossing it. His hand held mine a little more tightly as we leisurely strolled back to the car. I broke the silence. "That was wonderful, David. You're a very good kisser." "I was nervous how you would receive that." I remembered Jack the first time he kissed Lia like that. He almost lost control of his bladder getting the nerve up to do it. When she kissed him back, he relaxed and they both enjoyed it. So I could understand what David went through. "Am I that wretched?" I smiled. "Just the opposite. You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and I had my doubts..." "Where is that other woman, I'll kill her," I laughed to break his uncertainties. When we got to the car, he held the door open for me and got in on the other side. We attacked each other instantly. We kissed with such desires the windows were fogging up. His hand went to my breast and stayed there. I felt my cotton panties getting very wet. After a moment, he started kneading my tit, which only got me worked up some more. My aroused hormones were taking control of me completely. I licked his ear and kissed his neck. Then I nibbled on his earlobe. Suddenly he pulled away quickly. "What wrong, David?" "You brought me to the verge," he replied still breathing heavily. "Here," I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. I reached down and rubbed his manhood. It exploded sending his hot sperm all over himself. He bucked his hips as he came. Some of it soaked through to my hand. When he finished, he put his head on the wheel to regain his composure. "Sorry," he apologized. "For what?" I asked. "For being a human? I'm very happy that I have that affect on you." "I'm sorry that you didn't get anything out of it." "I did. I had an orgasm too." I told a little lie. I had a small one but it wasn't very intense. "You did?" "Of course, you feeling my breast got me to the verge too and it spilled over when you had yours." "I think I'm falling in love with you," he said softly. "Think?" He nodded. "I'm very fond of you, David. Maybe it is love too." "Let me get you home," he turned the key. We kissed lightly before he drove the car toward the drive. I smelled the odor of his cum and liked it. Sort of a bleachy. He drove slowly down Lake Shore Drive knowing he'd have me home in no time. I looked at the clock on the dashboard. It was past midnight. Time flies when you're having fun. "Dinner tomorrow night?" "Yes, I'll cook. I'm pretty good." He grinned and nodded. "What do you like, beef?" "Surprise me," he kept up his smile. "Be here at seven," I kissed him lightly on the lips and got out with Eddie opening the door for me. We said our good nights and he moved to allow another car that pulled up. "Mr. Russell will be my guest tomorrow evening. Put him in one of your special spots and charge the bill to me," I instructed Eddie. "Yes, Ms. Brooks," the black man tipped his hat. On the way up in the elevator, I smelled my hand. His odor was still there. I couldn't decided what I liked better, Carol's or David's. Both were completely different but both were wonderful. When I got myself securely locked into my suite, I undressed quickly, pulled out my vibrator and laid there on the bed as it brought me to an intense climax. I showered and went to sleep with pleasant thoughts of David. I fixed dinner. I set the table with an expensive linen cloth and two candles with a centerpiece of fresh flowers. I spent the whole day downstairs shopping for this meal. I bought two filet mignons (one large one for David and one small for me), baking potatoes, mixed veggies from the freezer, makings of a nice salad and cheesecake. Knowing David didn't drink, I got a large container of mountain water. After preparing everything, all I needed to do was pop the filets from the refrigerator into the oven. Then I took a nap until five. The alarm woke me at that time, I had set out what I would wear that evening then went into the bathroom for a long soak in the tub filled with perfumed bead. I put a shower cap on to avoid my hair getting wet and daydreamed about David. After I dressed, I put a call in to B&D's mainline and punched in Emily's extension. I left her a voice message saying I might be in a few hours late in the morning. After checking everything out it was seven. David was on time. Eddie had alerted me that he arrived and when he stepped off the elevator I greeted him at the door with a kiss. I asked him how he wanted his steak, put in the oven and timed it for twenty minutes with a light bell to tell me when to turn the meat. I fixed him a Coke, sat right next to him on the couch as we chatted. I hoped he would smell my perfume Poison and he noticed saying how nice it smelled on me. Through dinner we chatted about the warm day, his softball games the night before, and our walk along the lake front. We didn't mention the kissing or petting. Now that I knew almost everything about him I could understand his devotion to his late wife. Much to my surprise he cleared the table, cleaned off the scraps and loaded the dishwasher. I put all the things away except for the centerpiece. I felt him giving me the eye many times. I was wearing a very tight black tube dress, thigh high nylons, sexy panties and bra, a few bits of jewelry. He seemed to like how I looked. We sat back into the front room, I turned on the stereo with a CD playing romantic music plus Ravel's Bolero. I took sips of my banana rum while he drank his customary water. Our hands touching, turned into light kissing, which led to more passionate ones, which involved our tongues. I felt his hand on my breast lightly caressing it. I had chills run through me. My hand dropped to his lap and his manhood was hard as a rock. He stood up, swept me off the couch in his strong arms, and I directed him to the bedroom. The rest of the night was a blissful blur. His hardness entered my sopping wet pussy and in no time I had an orgasm. He kept pumping in and out of me as another consumed me giving me another shocking wave of pleasure. It was like tremors of small earthquakes leading up to the big one. My vaginal muscle squeezed his rod as strong as possible. Then his breathing increased, his cock was swelling and getting more heated. I felt an intense orgasm building inside me. He grunted then I felt his hot sperm shoot up me into my womb. At that moment I couldn't care less if I got pregnant or not as I had the greatest orgasm of my life. I felt my voice give out some noises but it sounded so far away as I was in a state of nerve ending paradise. Carol never made me feel like this. Our after play consisted of light kissing and gliding our hands over the other's skin. I felt like I wanted to jump out of mine. That night he took me again and again. We showered together cleaning each other off. The he took me orally. We kept this up until almost 2am when we both fell asleep from exhaustion, happy and satisfied. End of Part Three

Same as Milk Part 3 Videos

2 years ago
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Milk you Later BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business. ...

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Milk U Later

It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business. Sitting in my big SUV......."Wham! ...

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Milk U Later An Adult Story

It all started on the drive to work. It was just before 9am. I had missed all the traffic on the beltway. I took the first exit. Then down some side streets. I was using a short cut to get to work faster. I was hoping my Friday would fly by. Then I could go out tonight. It had been a few weeks since I got out. I took a sip of my Coke. Before I slowed down at the next intersection. I was looking out the side window. I was minding my own business. Sitting in my big SUV......."Wham! ...

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Milk Problem

Lisa is a 32-year-old single mother, 5'11", large 36H breasts, green eyes, and light blonde hair who lived in a house in an upscale neighborhood. She divorced about a year ago and is now raising her four-month-old girl Paige on her own. She is very attractive, has a slim frame with large, round breasts, wide hips, not a big booty but a decent ass. Her chest got a lot of stares from men. Because her breasts were so supple and sagging, they would jiggle uncontrollably, especially when she walked...

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Milk My Full Breasts Please

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Hi sarit,I am Kishore. To tell about me I am fair and had a normal youth body. My age is 26. I completed my PG. The incident which I am going to narrate is happed during my PG college days. I completed my PG in Noida. Since it was business school our class is packed with all type of age grouped peoples. Among the students there was a girl called “Rajini” who is around 32. She is married and have 8 month old child. Her husband is a business man and most of the time he use to move to Bombay or...

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Milk Maid

"Milk Maid" I awoke this morning like any other day. I would soon be in my proper maid's uniform dressed to serve my Mistress and Master in their opulent home. But in the evenings the man of the house often liked to have me dress up a bit more, he liked the "French maid" type, complete with a lace trimmed, black satin maid's outfit with frilly apron and maid's cap, stiletto heels and seamed fishnet stockings. He loved my jewelry, my perfume, my makeup and loved the selection of wigs I...

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Milk Duds

When I was twelve, I discovered girls. Then turning thirteen, I decided I preferred girls with tits, not just tits but the bigger the better. By the time I'd passed my fourteenth birthday I was becoming more aware of my mother. It's not as she'd been in hiding during my discovery of tits but more because she was my mother and I considered her off limits. I don't know how many times I tried to sneak peeks at her chest while uncovered but it was often. Just watching Mom walk around the...

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Have you ever seen a nipple and aureola distended after breastfeeding? The aureola becomes dark brown with milk nodes standing proud. The nipple, swollen and engorged, stands out and is swollen to over an inch in length. When looking at a nipple that has been sucked on you can almost imagine it fitting perfectly into a mouth and down a person's throat, with its sweet milk gushing out.Have you ever tasted breast milk? It is thin and smooth in texture and very sweet. It is an acquired taste,...

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Milk Maid Lover 2

The next morning, we were preparing for discharge and I was saddened I haven’t had any more contact with the girl. Darla’s milk still hasn’t come in and we were worried as to if it ever would. The nurse gave Darla and I a pamphlet on different vitamins and techniques that would improve milk production. They also told us we could come by as often as needed to get more of the surrogate’s breast milk. There was no fee, but a donation would be appreciated to enable the only surrogate they had...

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Milk for Heat

On this day, they ran out of oil and he was putting it in using cans before he got hauled away. I have jerked off many times over the thought of sucking Lori's milky udders. I know the furnace won't start because it ran out. I watched her sister who for the record, I would love to fuck as well, came over and took the kids because of no heat. Lori made a couple of trips outside and I decided to see if she'd let me help her. I knock on her door and she answers, but with a blanket wrapped...

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Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Milk By Patricia Josh had always been a shy, quiet boy. His father had left his mother when he was quite young and he often kept to himself. His mother Rachel had often wondered...

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I am the regular reader of this site. And I am happy to share my experience with you all. This is true story of mine and was happened a week back, like others it was not just a fantasy story. I am Lucky and am working as computer professional in Kochi. I am 36, 5’7” tall, athletic body. This is the story of my experience with a lady, who is about 32 yrs old and is working with me, she was a Muslim ,tall, fair and very gorgeous lady. I heard that she had some sexual affair with some other in...

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Ben had been nursing on Julie's huge milk filed tit for over twenty minutes. She then turned his head to move to the other big globe. She loved nursing him as much as he loved sucking the milk from her huge tit. He found a hormone that made her produce milk and her 32 D tit was now 34 GG. He liked her naked so he could see her huge mounds and nurse any time he wanted. He also liked when she squirted milk over his dick and licked it off. Her nipples were also getting longer from being sucked on...

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Milk 5 The Conclusion

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Milk 8211 does the body good

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Milk and Cookies

T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until She...

Adult Humor
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Milk Maid

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3 years ago
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Milk and Cookies

Thanks to my editor, AnInsatiableReader, for helping my clean this up. Also, thanks to my fiancee, for putting up with the time it takes for my neurotic ass to write, and for helping me clean it up, too. This is my entry in the 2012 Winter Holidays contest. Vote, comment and send feedback! * ‘Now I know what he likes for a late night snack, for years now it’s been bringing him back, milk and cookies…’ I kept my voice mostly to myself, but I still sang along to Clint Black’s tribute to...

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Synopsis--Jack Holiday is an ordinary man who lives an ordinary life as a sailor and for the government. It isn't until the end of his life that he is given a chance to live it all over again. Milk By ShannonQ Part One My name is Jack Holiday. I was born in Lawrence, Kansas on January 10, 1910. I was the son of a prominent farmer in these regions. I had two older brothers and one sister younger than me. On my seventeenth birthday, I left a note to my family saying that I loved...

4 years ago
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Milk and Cookies

T'was the night before Christmas, and in MzDominica's house, Santa crouched next to the Christmas tree, pulling packages out of his sack. The ornaments and lights on the tree twinkled and shimmered, even though no one else was in the room to appreciate them. Suddenly, from somewhere in the tree, a light mist, like an air freshener, sprayed into his face. Santa's thoughts went blank for a moment, and he did not realize that MzDominica had entered the room and was standing next to him, until...

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Milk Slave 2

They shoved all three of it into her babybag,and it all fits since her pussy was loose enough after all the double fuckings in her pussy. They took all of it out after several minutes, and checked the signs. The first one was positive,but it doesn't mean she's pregnant.It maybe a fluke.The second one showed negative. If two third of the items are positive, it may mean she's pregnant. And lastly, it came up positive. It was a high chance that she was pregnant. The men then blindfolded...

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Milk From My Neighbor 2 by loyalsock

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Milk feeding by mother8217s sister

I am a regular reader of ISS. I want to share this wonderful experience of tasting my chitty’s breast milk ( Chitty in Tamil means younger sister of my mother) we belong to orthodox Brahmin family. My chitty is only 30. Her boobs are enormous in size- almost 38-40. I am now 18 only. I know about sex by reading sex books and seeing blue films. I satisfy with masturbating, mostly fantasying my friends mom. I never thought that I will get my first experience with my own chitty. She has birth to...

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Milk the Cow get the cream

A lazy summer afternoon.... I lived on the edge of town near the railway tracks. If you crossed the tracks you were in the countryside. I used to visit a farm and play in a barn there. One day Rick asked me if I wanted to play on the farm with him. Rick lived in the street behind my house. I knew who he was but we never played together before. He was two years older than me. And always played with guys his own age. So I was flattered when he asked me to play with him. I of course...

2 years ago
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Milk It Till It Hurts

"Oh God Jenny it hurts so bad." My eleven year old sister had walked in on me while I had my dick in my hand, of course I had intentionally left my door unlocked so she would. "What's the matter?" "The pressure sis, there's just too much inside." "I didn't know guys made milk." Earlier Jenny and I had watched while our much older sister, Debbie, had breastfed her new baby. I of course got hard just watching her, seeing my sister's breasts for the first time. After putting the...

3 years ago
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Milk of Desire Chapter 3 She set me up for my first time

By EFon Chapter 3 : She set me up for my first time. I woke up to my mom calling me at my door to get up for school. I woke and wondered if yesterday was real or a dream. Oh shit! Why hadn’t I thought about it earlier? Two nights ago I thought I had dreamed getting my first blowjob in the night by a mysterious girl, but only my mom and sister were home so I chalked it up to a wet dream. But with my waking of listening to Jen fingering herself with my name upon her lips it was...

4 years ago
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Milk the Piper

“I have something to tell you,” he said as he stroked my hand.I stared at him with a bewildered look on my face as we stood at my front door. He was the man of my dreams and I couldn’t believe he was going to do this, here and now, after such a perfect evening. His hands grasped my wrists as he took a moment to compose himself. My heart sunk into my gut as I imagined every possible outcome to this moment. He took a deep breath before stroking my cheek with an outstretched finger.*The lights...

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Lactating breastsI have a friend that had a baby 2 months ago, she was over for the weekend and every time she fed the baby I got turned on. After she put her to bed I looked at her and asked if I could suck her breasts to see what it tasted like, we have had sex before she got married and always enjoyed each other. We started by necking and feeling each other up, I kept touching her breasts and could feel that her bra was very wet. I opener her top and took off her bra and started to suck, it...

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Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Milkman Milks My Wife

This is a story of how my innocent wife got fucked by the milkman. My name is Ajith and my wife is Ramya. We have a 10 month old baby named Rakesh. Ramya is a very conservative lady. She prefferes t wear saree even though she used to wear salwars. She is 36 and I am 38. After she gave birth to the child we came to know that she wasn’t able to produce enough milk for the baby. Doctors said that it was because of her age that she wasn’t able to produce enough milk. But she also said that there...

1 year ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 8 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 8: Clyda & Jordan Part 2Jordan's eyes wandered to Clyda's crotch. "All right, love," said Clyda. "I guess you've waited long enough. You've hardly taken your eyes off my crotch since you came in here." Jordan nodded her head, her eyes filled with uncontrolled lust as she stared at Clyda. "I'm sorry," said Jordan. "Have I been that obvious?" "That's Ok. Just sit back and just watch the show for a minute," said Clyda. Clyda unzipped the workout pants, and stepped out of them, and...

2 years ago
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Milk and Cream

My wife was seven months pregnant and I couldn't have been happier. Not only did she have that glow that pregnant women are supposed to have, but her breasts kept getting larger and her nipples were darkening. There was only one problem. Unfortunately her sex drive was non- existent. The only answer I got from her was that "You were getting it daily when we were trying, and my hormones don't have me in the mood at all." My daily (and sometimes hourly) begging didn't help. I was...

4 years ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 2 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 2: Ebony & Jordan Part 1Jordan stopped by briefly at her quarters to change into a light green, one-piece workout suit. It covered her from mid thigh, and fitted over her shoulders like a tank top. While not nearly as skimpy and revealing as the bikini, it still emphasized Jordan's figure nicely. Jordan then went to the gym where Ebony held her conditioning class, and took part in the aerobics and other workout exercises with both the new girls to the Island, as well as some of...

2 years ago
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Milk and Honey 2

Chapter 2 A warm sweet fluid filled my mouth, and an equally warm sensation sparked through my body. I dont know how many of us still remember that correct way for breastfeeding is to put  lips around the nipple and then suck it using tongue and palate. A lot of us would latch on the entire areola and put teeth on it too. Guys, please do that only during foreplay.  Mausmi and I kept an intense  eye contact as I drank her in. In truth my entire carnal self ached to roll her over, tear...

4 years ago
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Milk and HoneyChapter 2

McKayla knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, when she walked into Theo’s bungalow. Because he was living in a small town, she’d just been imagining him in a farmhouse - which, considering he was a professional landscaper, made no sense. But that wasn’t what surprised her the most - it was how familiar everything felt. After all, they’d lived together for fourteen months; a lot of Theo’s possessions felt like hers, and so walking into the small house he was renting was surprisingly like...

3 years ago
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Jenna was a petite probably 18-year-old girl in summer camp (happy xnxx??). She enjoyed activities such as swimming, archery, minibikes, and horseback riding. Everything was going great, except she always got hungry late at night. Dinner was at 6, but she had trouble sleeping, and come midnight, she was desperate for a snack. Being around 18, her hormones were kicking in, and was interested in all things sexual. Jenna: If only there was a fat load of cum, I could swallow, that would hit the...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

1 year ago
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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 9 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 9: Clyda & Jordan Part 3For a few moments, Jordan lay on the bed and simply gasped in astonishment at what she'd just done, and the incredible glowing feeling of sexual excitement that was rushing through her. Clyda's cum had tasted more delicious and more satisfying than anything Jordan could recall, and she had loved every second of the blow job she had given Clyda. Clyda lay down next to Jordan, and for a moment, they simply held each other. Clyda had let her cock soften and...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 10 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 10: Clyda & Jordan Part 4As Jordan and Clyda lay on the bed and basked in the warm afterglow following sex, Jordan reached over and pulled Clyda's head close to her and whispered, "Could I have more, please, mistress?" Clyda's eyes widened in astonishment. "They told me that you were a horny little thing, but I had no idea, you'd want it again so soon." "Now that I've felt how good it can be here, I can't seem to get enough of it," replied Jordan. "All right then," said Clyda. "If...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 11 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 11: Clyda & Jordan Part 5Jordan awoke a few minutes later, to find that she'd been turned back over onto her stomach, and was lying on the pile of pillows again. The first thing Jordan noticed was a probing, almost burning sensation in her ass. "What happened?" muttered Jordan, as she regained consciousness. "And what happened to my rear? It feels funny." "I see you're awake," replied Clyda. "That's good, because I certainly don't intend on letting you sleep through what's going...

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Milking my exwife Angeliques huge tit

Milking my fat ass wife Angelique’s huge tits...Using a real cow milking machine..... Angelique really tried like hell to please me from the day we met in anyway she could just to show me just how much she thought she loved me and wanted to stay with me, cause I was the best thing that ever happened to her fat ass and she damn well knew it. Hell she would do any damn thing I told her to do, no matter how wild, fucked up or i*****l it was. I explained to her the first time we ever went out,...

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Milk From My Neighbor 1 by loyalsock

"Please wait!" Sam heard a feminine voice as he entered the elevator. He turned and saw his neighbor Kaye, carrying a bag of groceries on one hand, and on the other, a baby girl. He knew her casually; they sometimes exchanged hellos and small talk. He lived across the hall from her; they occupied apartments on the 4th floor of their building. "Had a good day?" Sam asked, as the elevator door closed and they started to ascend. No other person was with them. "Oh, the usual," Kaye replied. "A bit...

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