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Eftom Predators By Sue Kidder It is a tough time to be a woman. I was not always a woman, but when the Great Shift happened two years ago, I and many other males had to adjust to a sudden change of gender. And for every male who found 'him'self occupying a female body, there was usually a female who was discovering 'her' new masculine attributes. For a while, chaos reigned. Many people died when they suddenly found themselves in control of a vehicle or aircraft they did not know how to handle. Others died because they were in the path of such an out-of- control vehicle or found themselves as passengers. Some died before their time because they were swapped into bodies that were far older than their original bodies. Many people just simply vanished, their body still alive and occupied, but their personality (or soul) forever gone. While many people were swapped with others who were miles away, most swaps happened in fairly close proximity. A few lucky souls in nursing homes, for example, found themselves in possession of bodies much younger than they had previously, when they swapped with the nursing staff. Some unlucky students in schools found themselves suddenly decades older than their classmates when they swapped with the teachers. But most swaps were lateral as far as ages went, with most age differences being just a few years plus or minus. Schoolchildren swapping in a classroom, husbands and wives swapping, etc. So the effects of the Great Shift could have been much worse. I was Jack Longley, a twenty-two year old college student who had the misfortune (or good luck? Who knows?) to find myself in possession of the body of a very attractive nineteen year old coed. The coed's wallet identified her as Marla Kinsey. I recognized her building as the girl's dormitory, which sat next door to the boy's dormitory where I had lived. As soon as I managed to gather my wits about me and realize that I was not the only person this amazing event had affected, I ran to my dormitory to find my body. I was not sure what I expected to do once I found it, but it seemed somehow important to learn what had become of it. For all I knew, it might be dead; the news reports were bewildering but seemed to agree that many people were dying because of this disaster. On the way to the boy's dormitory, it occurred to me that maybe I did not want to know what had become of my original body. If it were not dead, then it would very likely be occupied by somebody who might not be happy to meet me. I had a horrible thought that my body might be inhabited by ME -- that somehow all the memories and personality currently residing within the body of Marla Kinsey might just be a copy of the original Jack Longley. If that were true, then I would have lost everything; I would not be able to reclaim my property (such as it was), my academic credits, my family, nothing! I suddenly realized that while I was running toward the boy's dormitory, many of the boys were running in my direction. One of them looked familiar and I recognized my body! I ran to intercept him, hoping that he was carrying the memories and personality of Marla Kinsey. He saw me approaching him and said, "Marla! Do you know what has happened? I'm Shirley Flint! Do you know where my body is?" I was disappointed. If it had been Marla it would have greatly simplified both our lives, and we could have helped each other adapt if this switch could not be reversed. I told Shirley that I was the original owner of his body and still considered myself the owner of Jack's computer, bankbook, car, and other possessions. I agreed that I had no reasonable claim on Jack's clothing, since little of it would fit my new body. This discussion happened while Shirley invaded the girl's dorm looking for his original body. He finally found it and learned that it was inhabited by a girl named Wanda Simpson, who had lived two rooms down the hall. The original Marla Kinsey never identified herself and I never learned what became of her. I could only assume she was among the unfortunate many that died during the panic following the Great Shift. Eventually the chaos diminished and life settled down to something approaching normalcy. People adapted. What was left of the government created identity cross-references so people could track down family members and friends. Property was distributed where possible to the original owners, whatever bodies they found themselves inhabiting, after they identified themselves. Disputes over identity and property were handled in the courts, although even after two years there were almost two hundred people claiming to be Bill Gates -- including the current resident of Gates' body who insists he was among the few people who did not switch. I managed to establish my identity and regained possession of my meager properties and most importantly my academic credits. After working toward my degree for four years, I would have hated to start over. The college closed down for a month until things could be restarted and I resumed my education, graduating as a twenty-year-old woman with a four-year degree. Many people opted to keep their original names, so it became common to meet men named Becky, Marsha, or Sandra, or women named Fred, Tom, or Charles. I decided to keep my name, thinking a girl named Jack would fit right into this new society. Big mistake, as it turned out. Due to the Great Shift, new words were added to the lexicon. Females who became males were known as 'eftoms' -- eff-to-ems. Males who became females were known briefly as 'emtofs,' but that word did not catch on. Almost immediately we were called exmen and the term stuck, in spite of Marvel Comics' litigious consternation over the corruption of their 'X- Men' trademark. After the initial shock wore off and people started adjusting to their altered circumstances and lifestyles, the gender-switched began to realize that they were going to have to come to terms with their new genders and sexuality. For months you could see women dressed as men and trying to behave as men. Some men could be seen wearing women's clothing and attempting to continue a feminine lifestyle in spite of their masculine physiology and appearance. People were very uncomfortable with a man acting like a woman, even if they knew the man had been a female before the Great Shift. And effeminate men soon discovered that their mincing behavior was hazardous to their health, especially if they tried to seduce a man who had always been male. It just didn't work. For the sake of their sanity, the eftoms had to become men as much as they were able. And we exmen had to learn to be women. The eftoms soon discovered that men no longer had any appeal to them sexually, but women were suddenly very interesting. The exmen likewise found that a pretty face, shapely legs, a well-rounded butt, or a magnificent bosom just did not draw their attention anymore, but a skinny butt, angular features, muscular arms, and a prominent bulge in the crotch were becoming very attractive. Shortly after I graduated and began my career with a large corporation whose name you would surely recognize I realized that I had to do something. Before the Great Shift I had definite educational and professional goals, but only a vague notion about marriage and family. That could wait, I figured, and would probably work itself out in due course. No doubt I would eventually meet a woman who satisfied my requirements for a wife and the mother of my children, and we would get married. Offspring would surely result, and my life would follow a path very similar to my father's life. If it did not happen immediately, so what? A man can wait for decades if he is not happy with the females he encounters. In fact, an older man is usually better equipped to afford and provide for a family. So marriage and family was not a priority in my life. Then the Great Shift happened, and the rules changed. Suddenly I was a woman and my biological clock was ticking. I realized that a family and children were very important to me and I no longer had decades to look for a mate. I would have to bear my children myself, and a woman needs to have her kids while she is in her prime reproductive years to improve the odds of having healthy babies. Like it or not, the hunt was on. Men had been hitting on me ever since the Great Shift. I politely turned them down, always trying to be sensitive of their feelings. I remember what it was like to ask a pretty girl for a date when I was a man. I knew it often took courage for the guy to ask a girl out, and even a gentle refusal was a disappointment. I could not bring myself to bruise their egos if I didn't have to. And I did not want to date men. It seemed somehow perverted in spite of the obvious fact that I was now the 'opposite' sex. After two years of being a woman, learning to live as a woman, seeing the world react to me and treat me as a woman, and having my body and brain marinated constantly in female hormones, I finally decided I was ready to re-enter the dating game. I became more receptive to approaches by men, realizing that I needed to start looking for a potential mate. It was not as easy as I expected. The guys still hit on me, but as soon as we got past the preliminaries and introduced ourselves, that would be the end of it. "By the way, my name is Gerald Arken," one guy said after we had shared a table at the shopping mall's food court where we met. "Hi, I'm Jack Longley," I said. His posture changed slightly, giving almost the appearance of a defensive attitude. "You're an exman?" "Well, yeah," I admitted. "Uh, how old were you at the Great Shift?" he asked. "I was twenty-two. Why do you ask?" "That makes you twenty-four now. It's been nice meeting you, but I don't go out with older women," he said. Men have such strange hang-ups. Never mind that I was physically younger than he was, he used my age to justify bolting from the food court, leaving me sitting there. It was easy to see that he was more freaked about my previous gender than my age. You'd think that two years after the Great Shift people would have come to terms with the idea of gender-switched folks. The eftoms and exmen had to deal with it, but people who did not switch or who switched into bodies of the same gender are still having problems with it. The Great Shift had proven a windfall to psychiatrists, psychologists, and counselors of every kind. Nobody could count the number of books published advising eftoms and exmen how to cope with their new genders and lifestyles. These books were equaled by the titles exploring the gender hangups of the non-switched population. Men, it seems, view exmen with suspicion and distrust. Theories abound that they were concerned that an exman would be resentful of her situation, and hard to fool because she would know how a man really thinks. Men feared that an exman would constantly be competing with them and trying to become the dominant partner. They thought an exman would think of herself as the 'husband' and would emasculate and even feminize her mate. All nonsense, of course. The previous scene, or variations of it, happened often enough to be very discouraging. The men who did not run when they found out I was an exman all too often saw it as their duty to introduce me to the pleasures of womanhood. Dozens of dates were aborted early when the guy started getting too close or kept suggesting in inventively euphemistic ways that I should let him make a 'real woman' of me. I'm not that kind of girl! It began to look like I would have better luck with an eftom. After all, who would better understand a woman than a man who used to be one? Surely an eftom would be sensitive, caring, and patient -- as well as sympathetic to the plight of an exman. As luck would have it, I learned that Shirley Flint had just signed on with my company. I decided to see if I could look him up and maybe develop a friendship. Perhaps things would progress from there. Maybe my hopes were too optimistic or unrealistic, but I was driven by a fantasy of possibly marrying my original body, having kids, and thus perpetuate the genes I was born with. Since I could not be the father of 'my' kids, it might be possible to become their mother. I found Shirley in the company cafeteria sitting by himself. I guess he was still new enough in the company that he had not made many friends yet. I selected a salad and orange juice and sat across from him at his table. "Hi, Shirley," I greeted him. "Fancy meeting you here." He looked up at me, puzzled briefly. Then, "Oh, hi, Marla. No! It's Jack, isn't it?" "That's right. It's good to see you again. And I'm happy to see that you've kept my body in good condition," I said. He smiled. "Yeah, this is a great body! After the initial shock wore off I really started to enjoy being a man." "I know what you mean. Once I accepted that I was going to be a woman for the rest of my life, I began to see the good things about it. Anything else would have driven me crazy. That's not to say I wouldn't swap back in an instant if it were possible," I said. "Don't get any ideas," he grinned. "Even if it were possible to swap again, you aren't getting this body back! It's mine now, and I'm keeping it. I see you've kept Marla's body in great shape too. You'd be crazy to give that up. You look good!" "Thanks." I smiled at the compliment. The ice was broken, and we enjoyed the rest of our lunch. Shirley brought me up to date with his life. He had been a couple years behind me and just graduated this spring. The Great Shift had given me a couple of years, but it had cost him a couple. He is physically two years older than I am, even though I was born two years before 'she' was, in our previous lives. Since his specialty was also sought after by the company, he was offered a position immediately upon graduation. He worked in a different department, but we would be in fairly close proximity nearly every day. When we returned to work after lunch, I felt like a friendship had been ignited. Over the next several weeks we saw each other frequently and often ate lunch together. After some maybe not-so-subtle probing I learned that Shirley did not have a girlfriend, although he had dated occasionally and had even experimented sexually. When Shirley did not pick up on my many hints, I decided to push our friendship to the next stage. I made some preparations, and the next day at lunch, "Shirley, I have a couple of big steaks that my parents gave me. It is far too much for me, so I thought I might cook a dinner for two tonight. Would you have dinner with me?" He seemed slightly startled, as if he was not used to women asking him for a date. I could see the idea percolating in his mind as he studied my invitation. He smiled and said, "I'd be delighted, Jack. When do you want me there?" "How about seven-thirty?" "I'll be there," he said. I gave him my address and telephone number. I went straight home after work. On the way home a car that had a bumper sticker reading "Shift Happens" passed me. I wondered what that driver's story was. There are so many stories of the Great Shift. Sad stories, tragic stories, happy stories, and strange stories. My own story may be rather bland compared to many, but I am still hoping it will have a happy ending. Home finally and took a quick shower. I debated whether to dress seductively or casually, finally opting for a casual look of jeans and a nice blouse. This friendship may eventually blossom into a passionate romance, but I did not want to rush it. For this date, I wanted to present an image of a girl-next-door who was comfortable in her gender and capable of cooking for and entertaining a gentleman. I was hoping this would be the first of many dates. Shirley showed up promptly at seven-thirty. I was impressed with his punctuality, all the more since I knew he was an eftom. My experience with women, before I became one, was that they were rarely on time for anything. I suspected their mothers taught them that it was 'mysterious and seductive' to keep the man waiting, though it only annoyed me. After the Great Shift, I swore I would never use that tactic. He brought flowers and a bottle of wine. "You're looking good, Jack. And that dinner smells wonderful!" "Thank you, Shirley." I put the flowers into a vase. "Thanks for the wine, but I should have told you I don't drink." "Not even a little bit?" he asked. "I'm afraid not. There is a history of alcoholism in my family, and I figure the only way to escape becoming an alcoholic myself is to avoid all forms of the stuff." "Okay, but remember that you are no longer biologically related to the alcoholics in your family since the Great Shift," he said. "That's true," I agreed. "But old habits die hard. I don't know how Marla's family copes with alcohol, and I don't want to risk it. I've seen too much of what alcoholism can do to individuals and families. Complete abstinence may be a drastic remedy, but I am resolved that I will never end up the way my grandfather and some of my uncles did." "You're right, that is a drastic remedy. A little sip every now and then never hurt anybody. Maybe you'll share some with me after dinner?" "No thanks. And don't forget, if my family has a biological tendency toward alcoholism, you are now in line to inherit that legacy. You may want to consider abstinence too," I pointed out. "Nah, I can handle it. If you won't drink with me, then I'll drink by myself," he said. "If you insist." I poured some of his wine into a plain tumbler, since I did not own any fancy wineglasses. "Bring it to the table. Dinner is served." Since becoming female, I have learned how to cook. I knew it would be expected of me, and I had always wanted to learn anyway. My dinner turned out very well, and Shirley confirmed it by finishing his plate and complimenting me on the meal. I refilled his glass and suggested, "Why don't you go into the living room while I tidy up a bit?" "Don't keep me waiting," he said. I threw the leftovers into the refrigerator and the dishes into the dishwasher. I found Shirley in the living room sipping on his wine and channel surfing on the television. "I notice you have an interesting variety of DVD movies in your collection. Since you were a guy, I expected to see the action and adventure movies, but you have several 'chick-flicks' in your collection also," he observed. "Yeah, my tastes have changed over the past couple of years. Do you see one you would like to watch?" "Nah. Let's cut to the chase and stop wasting time," he said. "What do you mean?" I asked, although I was getting an unpleasant feeling that I already knew. "Enough of the game playing. I am a man and you used to be one. It is obvious that you asked me here for sex. Well, I'm ready and willing," he said. Shirley took a quick step toward me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pinning my arms to my sides. He kissed me on the lips, much more forcibly than I felt comfortable with, and I could feel his tongue trying to force itself between my lips. I jerked my head back and said, "No! This is not what I wanted. You're moving much too fast! Let me go!" "Come on, you know you want it. Just because you wear pantyhose now instead of boxers doesn't mean you don't still think like a man. Men only want sex, and I am here to give you what you want." I could smell the wine on his breath. I did not think he had drunk enough to really be inebriated yet, but with his biological tendency toward alcoholism I wondered if the small amount affected him more than it would have affected someone else. I also wondered if he had been drinking before he arrived. He refused to release me, and was beginning to hold me with one hand while fondling my breasts with the other. He started unbuttoning my blouse. "That's enough!" I told him. "Let me go!" "What kind of prude are you?" he asked. "You've been a woman for two years and never yet indulged yourself in the ultimate feminine experience? Well brace yourself; you are going to learn what being female is all about!" "I'm not going to be raped by the likes of you," I told him. He was still holding me face-to-face in a grip I could not break. So I did the only thing I could think of. I brought my knee up between his legs as hard and as fast as I could. There was a sharp intake of breath and he pushed me away. His eyes were huge and his mouth was wide open. He grabbed his crotch with both hands and collapsed on the floor, doubled up in obviously excruciating pain. Then he screamed. As soon as he pushed me away I ran to the door and opened it. His scream echoed down the hallway and brought my neighbors running. I was on the verge of tears and some of the women comforted me. A couple of their husbands stood over Shirley and asked me what I wanted them to do with him. "Just get him out of here. I never want to see him again," I told them. They gave Shirley a few minutes to recover enough to get back on his feet. Then they escorted him outside and explained to him in very explicit language just how dangerous it would be for him ever to be seen in this neighborhood again. This whole episode was a crushing disappointment to me. Even the knowledge that eftoms lack the almost instinctive compulsion to protect their testicles did little to cheer me up. It had been a gamble, but in hindsight it made sense that an eftom did not grow up learning to shield the most vulnerable masculine organs from accidental or deliberate attack. I would be willing to bet that Shirley won't be caught like that again, but his carelessness this time saved me from being raped. I took a perverse pleasure out of the idea that I had introduced Shirley to the 'ultimate masculine experience,' even if it was not the one he was hoping for. I could not let this misadventure deter me. Obviously, eftoms were not going to be the sympathetic and understanding potential mates that I envisioned. Certainly not all of them, anyway. Separating the good eftoms from the bad eftoms is evidently going to be every bit as hard as evaluating any other kind of man. I resolved to change my name, however. Jack has been a disadvantage, tagging me for an exman before I could even get a chance to know someone. As soon as the paperwork is done and the court agrees, I will become Marla Longley. If necessary or expedient, I can pretend to be a 'born' girl until I decide whether to reveal my pre-Great Shift identity to my prospective mate. Just thinking about doing that makes me feel deceitful, but I've come to believe it is necessary. I'm not giving up. I will find a mate and I will have beautiful children and a wonderful family. If it is within the realm of possibility, I intend to live happily ever after. It may not be easy, but let the hunt resume! Yes, it is a tough time to be a woman. But then, I suspect it has ALWAYS been tough to be a woman. The End. Author's Notes: My thanks to Morpheus for the loan of his Great Shift universe. My thanks also to Terry Sarkel for her work in reading and editing this little tale.

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The next morning, Carly was waiting for me alongside the Gym ... the moment I saw her, we bolted for the door to go inside, in an effort to get out of the freezing cold. She took me by the arm, and led me to an empty spot in row four of the bleachers. Maybe ten seconds after we sat down, a friend of hers walked up below us at floor level, and started asking her something about an upcoming class ... Carly gave her the "evil eye" (as if to say "leave us alone!" ... something I had never...

2 years ago
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The HandshakeChapter 2 Ken A Predator

Ken: As you might know, the womanizer men have two types: the Casanova and the Don Juan types. The Casanova-type philander do not rush after the women, because the women rush after them. Opposite that type is the Don Juan-type womanizer. Differentiated by their goal of pushing the women to conquer the womanizer. The two different lady-killer types can achieve their success with different groups of women. I straddled the middle of the two types, so my successes at the hunt were hit or...

3 years ago
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Let Her Eat Cake an afternoon doodle a fond memo

Let Her Eat CakeThe association of food with sex is ancient and wondrous. At its simplest is such as the time honored route to the male heart through the stomach. But what young man could realize that it might work with a woman?!Once upon a time he and a delicious colleague were engaged in that exquisitely awkward dance to enchantment when the ankle sprained, the boat ran seriously aground due to unfortunate inadvertence. Whatever caused the sublimation of fire to ice is unrecalled if...

1 year ago
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Friends Go Lesbian

My name is Lara. I knew Ellen since we were little. We lived in the same apartment building, our parents were friends and it seemed natural that we hang out together, too. I am 3 years older but we never really bothered, and we became really good friends. Now I'm 19 and Ellen is 16. I live in my own flat now and Ellen still lives with her parents. She comes to visit me sometimes, or I come to visit her. Here is what happened not long ago... It was a nice autumn day. I woke up early in the...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 242 The First Saturday of Summer Vacation

Saturday, June 18, 2005 Two and a half hours of sleep is a ridiculously short period. If I go to bed at 10pm, then it's only half past midnight when I wake up. The night's barely started and I've already finished all my sleeping. I decided to go for a run. Ever since my last merge my body had felt more energized. Not dramatically so, but it was noticeable and I was very curious about it. Now that my casts were off, and my leg seemed unlikely to break in half again (I'd take my cellphone...

3 years ago
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You and Me and Pandora makes Three

I remember one morning, I was standing in line for coffee. It wasn't my usual place and I was killing time before a very boring meeting. The woman at the counter was dealing with a very confused pair of women who kept changing their order. I shook my head in sympathy, some people really shouldn't buy coffee if making an order is that much work.The door tinkled behind me and closed with a creaking thud. I saw a shadow tower over me, a very thin shadow. Probably one of the college kids on the...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Chloe Temple Winter Bell I Want To Suck It First

Chloe Temple and her adopted sister Winter Bell have been locked down together. As they do laundry together, they commiserate about how much they miss dick. Chloe points out that they have a stepbrother, Jay Romero. The girls laugh about it, but now that Chloe has the idea in her head she decides to take some action. She asks Jay how he’s handling the lockdown. Winter sees what Chloe is up to. She wants some of the action, so she plops down beside Jay and strongly suggests that he should...

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My Boss My SlutChapter 7

The alarm went off at seven and we all got up. We all had to pee but there were only two bathrooms. Amy went to hers and I said to Brenda "Sit on the toilet and spread your legs, I'll pee in between them." Brenda was about to say something in objection but wisely kept her mouth shut. We proceeded into the john where she sat on the throne, spread her legs and began to pee. I took out my cock and aimed it at the toilet and let loose with a long yellow stream. "See Brenda, nothing to...

1 year ago
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Taking revenge with my step son

My name is Lisa and I have curly red hair and blue eyes. About six years ago now I married a man named Joe. He already had a son named Tim who has brown hair and eyes. At the time Tim was 13, and I was 29, now I’m 35 and he is 19. His mom divorced Joe after he was caught cheating. Even though I heard that story and a few others, I still loved him and wanted to marry him. Although after six years of marriage, I’ve had better luck with his son in terms of having a good relationship. Tim never...

4 years ago
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Holding Down The Fort

Here is the story of another particularly memorable guard shift...        Well it was a Saturday night, and there I was, stuck on CQ (Charge of Quarters-guarding the soldiers barracks while they sleep.)  CQ is a 24 hour duty, and can get pretty boring sometimes, so I called my husband, Joe to come keep me company.  He picked up the phone and said he would be there in about 20mins. The other soldier on guard is what we like to refer to as part of the 'geek squad,' or the group of soldiers that...

2 years ago
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The Davins And The Comptons Get Closer

A few days had gone by since fifty-nine-year-old Beryl Davin had been spanked by her husband John in front of long time friends Theresa and Philip Compton.The Compton's were aged in their early sixties and actually employed Beryl in their shop and the spanking that she received was because she had stolen cash from them to replace money lost in gambling.Witnessing the spanking had turned both Philip and Theresa on and when they returned home Theresa had her bare arse spanked, at her insistence,...

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A Little Help from My Bro

Jenny was her best friend, who recently helped her buy a sex toy . . . to satisfy her horny cravings. And not just any toy . . . we’re talking about her own Lelo Iris Vibrator, which she earned by babysitting at her friend’s house over several weeks. The wild thing about the babysitting job, was that Jenny talked her boyfriend into going downstairs . . . as Shelly babysat her two younger siblings . . . 2 and 3 years old upstairs. On a couple of occasions . . . after her Jenny’s siblings had...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving with my ex and her girlfriend

I was invited over to my ex wife and her girlfriends house for thanksgiving , I asked if I should bring anything and was told nope we have everything here . figuring there would be some hot kinky sex after dinner I wore my Tuxedo g-string and my long black coat and nothing else . when I arrived at her house upon entering my ex's g/f said can i take your coat ? I said sure and I dressed for the occasion ... I took off my coat and she noticed my thong right away and said I love it , she called my...

3 years ago
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The Vampires

Nick turned up to Freya's Halloween party alone as the Sun went down, his girlfriend Tess having spent all day here at her best friend's place. For weeks, she'd been preparing her costume, one she knew Nick would really like. It was sort of embarrassing for Nick when Tess found out about her boyfriend's ultimate fantasy, even worse when he found that it was Kate, his ex, who told her. That said, the first time Tess had dressed up for him, it took all of his might not to cum right there. Safe to...

1 year ago
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Home Maid Part 6

Home Maid, Part 6 Part 6 About a month later, I thoroughly accustomed to sleeping in a form fitting box. My nipples had already begun to become distended and my waste removal valve had healed in place. Once I was catheterized, it was like a switch turned in madam's head. She replaced several of my silk uniforms with rubber or plastic ones. "That way I can just spray the service unit down with a hose if it gets dirty." She had a friend over one day, the first time she's had...

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Wifes first blowjob to a black man

We were at a lounge. My wife (age 42) was dancing with this younger guy (about 25). She loves to dance and I don’t. After about a solid hour of dancing with him, she drifts back to me and says, "um, honey, You know our fantasy with me having sex in our van with you watching. The guy I’ve been dancing with... He’s really interested....I told him I had to ask you first.” “Are you interested?” I asked-my heart starting to beat real fast. My wife rolled her eyes, smiled, blushed... “This time...

1 year ago
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The Mall

Sara was walking out of the mall. She had just bought new sexy lingerie. She was just s*******n and had been a very wild c***d for her parents. Pete was siting in his car watching girls as he loved young pussy. He was sixty five but very sexual. He had his car door open watching when Sara walked by with her packages. He said "Hey cutie. Want to see my cock?" Sara stopped and walked to him and replied "So are you an old dirty man?" Pete told her "I can be as dirty as I need to be. You like dirty...

4 years ago
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Now Addicted to Black Meat and Cum Gay

The job of a traveling salesman can be very lucrative, but being a road warrior can also be exhausting. This type of job is usually handled better by younger men, but I have been very successful. It is hard to give up the commissions and bonuses for a mundane desk job back home at our Minneapolis headquarters. I have been on the road an average of four days a week for the last twenty-five years. My name is Ed, and now at forty-nine years old it has taken a toll on my marriage.With me being gone...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 349 Im Surrounded by Idiots

Saturday, June 2, 2007 Just because the interview had been in progress didn't stop the rest of the world from responding, especially because some of the news teams had been able to get live feeds set up in time. Those that hadn't still had the angel's email to rave over, with either excited breathlessness or cool skepticism, depending on which attitude the producers or network executives thought would be the most profitable. All the networks had plenty of material about Mark Anderson...

2 years ago
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Dylans Summer Back Home

But nearly three years ago, I left home for the city to enroll in a prestigious tennis program for the top talents of the nation. My dad was a former pro, you see, and he’d always expected me to follow in his footsteps ever since I was a child. And so I moved away from my friends and parents during my first year of middle school to undergo a rigorous tennis program, training under the best coaches in the sport. It didn’t take very long before I began to burn out from the daily practices,...

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Owned by the MotherinlawChapter 9

Eventually, my tongue a little worse for wear, only Arabella, Miranda, and Agnes and her sissy remained as the fat ginger woman said her goodbyes. Though chubby, she was just as attractive as any of the other women, just as dominant. I had thoroughly enjoyed delving into her soft folds when punished, and had been closed to coming when she took her turn with the cane. She smiled at Blanche and Miranda. "Tuesday then; my usual suite at the hotel." I was made to kiss her soon to depart feet,...

1 year ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 14

I woke at five thirty. It's amazing that my body will wake up when I need to. I hopped to the bathroom, peed, shaved, brushed my teeth, and showered. I was hopping out to get dressed as Bobby came in with a cup of coffee. We kissed and she said, "I hope that wasn't too far out for you. It was heaven for me. I hope Marie is okay with it. I can't wait to enjoy Wanda, she is something." The conversation was causing my dick to rise. I said, "Cool it; I don't have a lot of extra...

2 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 10 Whack

On the way to class I made a mental list of things I needed to do that day. See instructors after class to tell them I would be absent the next day and find out what assignments would be handed out for the following Monday. Swing by the brothel on the way home to drop off paychecks and let Jimmy know I would be at the hospital the next day but I would see him on Saturday. I needed him to go with me to do some estimates. Call Lacy to let her know that I might get tied up at the hospital...

2 years ago
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Deidre Chapter 1

Deidre Paris Waterman High School – Senior Year I am a very, nasty, very promiscuous lady; if anyone really considers me a lady at all. Even though I started doing gang-bangs at the age of 18, it still took me quite a while to formulate my current perverted outlook on sex. Do you find that surprising? You shouldn’t. It really takes a while to get as extreme as I am. But if you’ll read on, I’ll tell you all about how I got there.I never knew my father. My mother had me in the backseat of an old...

First Time
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love part 2

LOVE (Part 2) by Belinda Robin is dreaming if Batgirl would love her in a lesbian relationship.... Robin is sleeping in a woen's and children's center she runs to help those experiencing domestic violence. Robin is in a room by herself. She is sleeping a fluffy French provincial bed wearing a sheer white, short nightgown and bikini string pany along with garter to her lace, sheer stockings. In the room is sensual music that is soothing and hypnotic. The hypnotic aspect lets Robin...

3 years ago
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Jan becomes a slut

Jan was eighteen years old and laying on her back looking up at the ceiling fan in her apartment thinking back to when she had her first sexual experience. It was a little over two years ago, and it was with a married man. And as far as Jan knew his wife didn't know.When Jan was fifteen years old her parents were both killed in a car accident. Her parents had put in their will that Jan would live with their oldest and most trusted friends until she was at least eighteen years old.Jan didn't...

Straight Sex
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whyill change it later

i felt my every heart beat as i walked the winding drive-way to the mailbox. this was my last chance to get away start anew leave the abis of self pity i that called home. i just looked at the letter debating on wether or not i was ready to have my dreams become reality or die. ''shaun harris, accepted full scholarship''. are the only words that stood out. YES' i yelled but amediatly regreted it when i saw a group of kids laughing even so i was walking on clouds and breathing...

4 years ago
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Who The Hell Is BOBChapter 2

The next night, just like always, they got done with work and gathered around the computer. And, as usual they tittered and moaned. "Dirk!" yelled Linda. "Don't you want to read with us tonight Dirk?" I had a feeling that Julie had been less than discretionary with her two co-workers, concerning our little tryst. Boy, was I wrong. But then, I wouldn't know that until later. Anyway, I almost put a wrench in the spokes without even knowing it when I said "Naw, I don't think so."...

1 year ago
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My Surprise Internet Date

The story you're about to read is total fiction. I hope you'll like it.For the past few weeks I'd been checking out dating sites. My profile said a lot about me. I hadn't posted a photo of myself. Hoping that the lady who would show interest would understand why. As the weeks went by I didn't get any response to my profile. That was until a week ago. I'd received a message from a single lady who called herself lover_girl. Like me she didn't have a picture on her profile either. We have been...

4 years ago
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Hi Honey, Here is what happened a while ago.........I replied to Rubio’s text message and told him that I was willing to meet him on Friday night. He said “you are willing to taste me now! I’m excited to see you again”. I texted him back “I’m horny lately and I want have a wild sex now…. hmmm”. He replied, “I’m glad finally you decided to have fun with me, ok see you then, what time and where?” I replied “I have to meet some friends so I’m free at 10 and I prefer to meet at Italianis at...

1 year ago
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Private Kitty Cat Sex in the Sun

A warm bench in the sun is Kitty Cat’s favourite place to fuck and in Private Specials, 5 Eurobabes in Mini Skirts, she showed us why! So watch this hot twink getting horny in the great outdoors as she lures in motorcyclist James Brossman with her seductive charm and sexy body for some foreplay fun. Then enjoy the rest of the action on as Kitty shows off her blowjob skills before going on to take a hard pounding on the bench, moaning and screaming with pleasure all the way to a...

3 years ago
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Cupids ApprenticeChapter 4

That evening in the dining hall, Kenny caught Sandy leaving with her girls and asked for a moment. She sent the girls ahead to the van. Kenny’s earlier flirtation left little doubt about his hopes. He hoped to reinforce it a bit. “Um, I just wanted to say again that you really keep yourself in great form. I mean, I tried not to stare, but you’re a beautiful woman with a beautiful body.” “Why, thank you, kind sir,” Sandy laughed. “And as I said, you’re not so bad yourself. My girls couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Selena Fucked on a Train

Hello readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of I cleaned my face and left the room where Shiva and Sanjay fucked me to their content for close to one hour. They let me wear only my top and skirt and kept my red lingerie with them as a souvenir. I did not want to argue with them. I just left in haste, just in my top and skirt. The top was tight, and one could easily shape out my boobs. The skirt was a skimpy one. If moved just a little would give some depth of my pussy for the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 566

This one is compliments of John A. The Mexican maid asks for a raise. The wife was very upset about this, and decided to talk to her about the raise. She asked: “Now Maria, why do you want a pay increase?” Maria: “Well, Señora, there are tree reasons why I wanna increaze.” “The first is that I iron better than you.” Wife: “Who said you iron better than me? “Maria: “Jor huzban he say so.” Wife: “Oh yeah?” Maria: “The second reason eez that I am a better cook than you.” Wife:...

3 years ago
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First Time With My Cousin

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I am Deep, a resident of Bangalore city, aged 27 years & this story is set back a few years ago. Am quite fat and look chubby with a height of 5 feet 7 inches, an average cock at 6 inches length & 2-3 inches thick. Without wasting much time let’s get into the story. Her name is Priya. One of my cousin quite distant relation. We got introduced in one of relatives marriage. She is lean but with good assets. Good sized boobs and huge butts. She used to tell...

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For the first couple of months after Dad left, Mom was a mess. She was always crying or depressed. I did my best to comfort her, without trying to make any moves. I didn't want to take advantage of the situation just yet. If I moved too quickly, it could blow up in my face. The next part of my plan was subtle. I slowly started to take over the "Husband" role. That is, fix things around the house, dealing with insurance issues, organize and take care of bills, ect. Mom let me help because she...

2 years ago
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The General

© Copywrite 2003 by Girl Friday, all rights reserved. Prologue "There she is! That's her, the General!" "Who's the General?" "There - the tall one, long brown hair, perfect breasts. Oh man what I wouldn't give..." I smiled to myself when I heard this whispered exchange on my way out of the dining hall. Two guys, sophomores maybe, were following me with their eyes as I walked by them. "Why is she called the General?" I chuckled quietly and thought, if you only knew......

2 years ago
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I Knew Ch 04

Jeremy had picked Lisa up from the hospital and they had gone back to her place so she could pack some clothes and essentials so stay at Jeremy’s. The doctor had said they she didn’t know how long it would be until Lisa would be allowed to actually go home it could be weeks or months, it all depended on her recovery. Doctor Stevens believed the therapy process would take a while. ‘Nice place,’ Jeremy commented. ‘Yeah it’s nice, just right for me I guess,’ Lisa blushed, as realised she had...

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