Witness Protection Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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While I was running this throught the spellchecker this morning, I had the idea that this might make an interesting new universe. Bill -------------------------------- Witness Relocation and Protection Program by Bill Hart "On behalf of the state, Mr. Marwell, I'd like to personally thank you for coming forward and testifying." the judge said. "Without your testimony, its very likely we would have had to release Frank Farnelli for lack of evidence." "Prison's the best place...
The days began to blend together and Missy and I established a workable and comfortable routine. She really was enjoyable company, not at all like the horror stories I had heard from others who had done similar work. In fact, it got to where we were almost like a married couple, we could anticipate what the other one was thinking or wanting without being told. I was thinking that if this was what witness protection was like, I would like to do more of it! For me, it was the closest thing to a...
Historical"Why don't you take those pajamas off and let me see what I can do make you a little more... um... comfortable?" Missy said, biting her fingernail coquettishly.As I got up out of bed to get undressed, she scooted over for a better look. Seeing her keen interest in watching me get undressed, I decided to build the suspense and make a little show of it. I slowly lowered my pajamas watching her face as they slid down past the bulge that seemed to have her so transfixed. Of course, with my boxers...
HistoricalWitness Protection Chapter 1: A Way Out "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Rack turned around and stared at the quivering, shaking figure in front of him. "Warren," he growled, "something tells me that you just did something awfully, fatally stupid." He sniffed the air. "I sense a dark presence following you. I can smell it, the darkness. It's creeping its way toward you, trying to wrap itself around you. When it succeeds, it'll crush your very living soul. So why...
This story probably shouldn't be told. It would give up too many secrets. Most people wouldn't know and it would hardly be worth mentioning anything about Lanai, Hawaii. Most people wouldn't know nor would they care it is the sixth-largest of the Hawaiian Islands and the smallest publicly accessible inhabited island in the chain or that it is the 42nd largest island in the United States. Who cares? The FBI seemed to care. In fact, that was part of the decision to put her there. Jenny had...
This time last year I was 24 years old and had just moved into my first apartment. It was an exciting stage of my life. I had just finished graduate school and accepted my dream job. I had known what my goals were since the start of high school and had focused all of my attention on achieving those goals. My intense focus resulted in people misunderstanding me. People mistook my drive for being stuck-up. I’m actually a very friendly person, but I knew that if I spent time socializing and...
Chapter Three - Do You Have Anything Besides 'Cheap American Hooker' In Your Wardrobe? "And that's everything." Poppy drained the last of her scotch and put the glass on the coffee table. Elliot remained silent and she wondered if she had put him to sleep with her story. She looked up at him and saw the tears rolling down his cheeks. After telling Elliot her story she was jonesing for a cigarette. Poppy had not had a cigarette since she arrived at the safe house, Elliot...
Willow stopped and stared for several seconds, before rushing forward and planting a big, warm kiss on the mouth of who she thought was her Tara. "Tara, you're back, but how?" "I found a way to bring her back," said Rack. Willow rushed up to him, planted kisses on his cheeks and pressed all the money that she had in her pockets into his hands. "Thank you... I'll always remember this, if you ever need a favour from me, just ask." "Willow," said Warren, expecting his disguise to fall...
Chapter Two - Penelope Poppy lay on the couch in a very undignified repose. She was wearing a black vinyl micro-miniskirt, a pink crop-top and transparent white lycra tights. Her legs were splayed, lying side-on watching TV. Elliot could see what he thought was a camel-toe in her tight pink nylon panties, but he knew it wasn't and quickly averted his eyes. "I saw you looking." Poppy caught him averting his gaze. "You're intrigued aren't you? How has she got a god-dammed...
Chapter One - Cooch-Curtain Miniskirt "Move to the left a little." The kid with the camera waved his hand accordingly. His friend seemed to be cracking up. Something was hilarious anyway. "Yeah that's it, I want you framed in the doorway." Poppy put out her hand to lean on the jamb of the battered door, her heels were killing her. "Hurry up kid, you're scaring away the trade." Poppy lifted her foot and picked a cigarette butt off the bottom of her high heel. The kid had...
Warren quickly muttered the words from a spell he had read in Willow's own personal hand written Book of Shadows. Even before becoming Tara he had learned a couple of spells from Andrew, who knew several of his own. Andrew groaned in pain and dropped to his knees as his guts felt as if they were twisting around inside him. "Listen, you freaks, if you try anything, one of two things will happen. Either Willow will come after you after killing me, with murder in her mind - she would...
Chapter Four - Braidwood "If you hadn't spent all your time trying to put your pee-pee in her pooper and done your job we wouldn't be in this predicament." Brett Mendelsohn was ropeable and taking it out on Elliot Granger. "I know you're angry Brett but you better curb your mouth. The tranny cooze had changed her mind and I did everything I could to get her to stay the course," Elliot replied. Brett eyed him suspiciously. "Everything? What does that mean?" he asked. "I'm...
Chapter Four - Braidwood "If you hadn't spent all your time trying to put your pee-pee in her pooper and done your job we wouldn't be in this predicament." Brett Mendelsohn was ropeable and taking it out on Elliot Granger. "I know you're angry Brett but you better curb your mouth. The tranny cooze had changed her mind and I did everything I could to get her to stay the course," Elliot replied. Brett eyed him suspiciously. "Everything? What does that mean?" he asked. "I'm...
[Preservation – Janice] After George finished (see Protection and Preservation, Books 1 and 2) telling his story, I asked the question no one else seemed willing to ask. "George, how does marriage work?" George replied, "We allow plural marriage. All parties have to have reached the age of consent, which we voted to be fifteen. All have to be willing and publicly announce their union. I started out with one wife but she and Judith got me to go along with Judith coming into our marriage....
[Protection – Janice] As soon as I heard the bolt, I was ducking behind Jeff and drew my pistol. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see two men with rifles. They were much older than Jeff and his friends. I took in all of this in an instant. An instant later, it was over. Robby had dropped and rolled. As he rolled, he drew his pistol and shot the one nearer to him without stopping his roll. I shot the one near me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Robby reach cover with his rifle at...
[Preservation – In Missouri] She pulled sideways and, as she stopped, I began to shoot. The lions not hit in our initial shots ran off quickly leaving the area clear. "Darryl, open the door." I then said, "Protection Force, come around the Bradley and enter with the Humvee's. Tractors, turn around, close up, and run inside. Pam, we will be last." As those in the tractors ran for the entrance, lions came out and Melissa and I cut them down. The lions quickly gave up the attack. We drove...
We stayed over and got to know the people of Perth. They were independent and friendly though they had a strange accent. I mentioned this to Matilda and she laughingly said that I had the accent. She was probably correct in this case. One event of note was George meeting Matilda's oldest daughter, Sophie. There was an instant connection! However, they were both fourteen and I explained to Matilda that George was below the age of consent. Matilda asked, "When will he turn fifteen?" I...
[Janice] Bennie said, "Roger. We're here waiting." I always enjoyed watching planes land but the Connie was impressive. We had moved the horses into a hanger. Experience had shown horses that hadn't heard motors did not like airplanes. Tom brought the Connie in gently flaring it down to land with a gentle chirp of the tires. He let it slow gently since he had plenty of runway. He turned and taxied to us on two engines cutting them as he came near. We had found a rolling stairway and...
[Preservation - In Missouri] We waited for more news about Dave being broken up about his wife's death. A few minutes passed. Mel came on sobbing. "Charles is. Charles is dead. Dave is, too. We're coming in." Pam and I looked at each other. A young woman came into the room. I said, "Monitor the radio. One of the Bradley's is coming in. We're going in to meet them." We left for the garage area. We went armed. I think anger showed on both our faces. When we arrived, the machine gun...
[Protection – Robby on the Road] All four of us were nervous, as were the horses. We had made very good time and I called a halt a bit earlier than I might but we could see a fine house with a good barn. We pulled in the drive and were met by a man with a rifle at the door. He looked more worried than belligerent. He said, "Have you seen the lions?" Pam answered, "Yes, sir. They were around us last night. My name is Pam. With me are my spouses, Melissa, Robby, and Charles. We were going...
[Janice writes] We went to their home and tied the horses. We sat on their porch drinking water and talking. I was introduced along with the rest of our party. I told Tim and Wendy a synopsis of the tale of Protection and Preservation and heard, in exchange, their story. Looking about, I felt that this couple had led a remarkable life and accomplished much in the world. Leaving a good place for your children is a big accomplishment. With their permission, we set up an HF radio and antenna....
Witness Sex Change (WitSex.); By: Allison. I had always thought being in the witness protection program would be a fascinating experience, but I had came to that conclusion mostly through watching TV and mediocre Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. In the real life, it is much, much different and even more different in my particular case. It was about six months ago and I was out and about in quite suburbia minding my own business, just a regular 26 year-old guy making his way in the...
[Janice] We were airborne again after lunch and flew to Oklahoma City for the evening. We found the airport and landed. I taxied to the general aviation section. We were getting good at this. We left the plane and found fuel and refueled. Then, we looked around to figure out where we would eat and sleep this evening. We found a lounge and put the cushions on the floor and rolled our sleeping bag over the cushions. There was an attached café and the natural gas worked. We would have an easy...
[Jack] She continued, "We are going to marry them. Our full-time residence will be in Protection but we want to keep the house here and will make frequent trips to see you and everyone else we know and love here. We also talked to Tom and Vic about a larger plane to bring all eight of us here. "You haven't lost a son and daughter but have gained another son and two more daughters plus two grandchildren with another on the way." We jumped up and hugged. Shirl told them that she looked...
[Tennessee] “Lovie, go as fast as you can safely. They’re coming this way.” She sped up. “Melissa, have you got a grenade or three ready?” “Yes, sir. I’m not sticking out but I can be in a second.” “Good, wait until we’re ready. I can see headlights in my rear-view mirror. They’re too far yet. When you throw, pull the pin, count three and throw in front of them. It will be more effective if a grenade blows up right in their faces or under them.” I paused for a second. “Melissa, Murray...
[Janice writes] I found it hard to believe that, within twenty-four hours of reconciling and marrying, Andy and Charlie would be off in separate directions to complete commitments they have. I managed to trap him alone while Andy talked to her parents. "Charlie, is everything really okay? This separation worries me." "It shouldn't, mom." "It does. It's me, Charlie. Explain things. I'm feeling very old and very slow." He hugged me. "Mom, it will be a long time before you're old...
[Protection – Janice] We learned a lot from Tom and Vic. Tom was more the flier and Vic was more the mechanic though the difference was more one of degree than anything else. Vic was a very good flier and Tom a very good mechanic. Both of them were also very comfortable with the theory of aeronautics as well. As we worked with them, they explained what we were doing and why interspersed with aviation theory and knowledge. Tom told me that we would pick a plane for our use and go over it...
It was a masterful trap. Robby was driving with Bennie, Pam, and I up front and not a one of us saw it coming. Suddenly, the road was blocked front and back. People with guns were on both sides. A voice came powered by a big public address system. "You folks in the bus. You can surrender. That means you come out the door at the front slowly and without any weapons. The other option is to die. We dislike killing women and children but it's your choice." We surrendered. If you are...
[Janice] We watched as two wagons pulled by horses came toward us with people waving excitedly. We stood with hands hanging loosely at our sides until they came close. We waved back as they came close. They pulled up about fifty feet from us and piled out. Two men and two women approached us slowly and with a little care. I noticed one of the men eying me a little harder than really appropriate. Bennie saw that and gave him "the look." He moved his gaze away from me. The other three...
[Janice] We were all on foot and Bennie and I seemed to have our hands tied behind us. We came into a subdivision and I noticed four or so homes that looked occupied. People came out and began to gather around. Jerry said, "They fly. Joe and the others are looking over their plane. Marty and Jamie, you are to take the girl back with Sheila, Angie, and Joan. We're to hold the man here. Joe wants you to bring the truck." One man said, "Jamie, I'll get the truck." I saw another man nod...
[Charlie writes] I found Grandpop and Grandmother talking to Marco and Isabella through the same older woman. I notice that my grandparents were using some phrases in Italian now. I listened for a bit. Finally, I said, "Please excuse me but I must speak with my grandparents." Grandpop said, "Go ahead, Charlie. We're among friends." "Grandpop, you may not like this and I know of no way to sugar coat it. "There will be no, I repeat no, agreements to bind any person or group that are...
[Janice writes] Our learning efforts were beginning to pay off. Everyone was learning and Andy had a totally new attitude about helping and teaching. I would describe her as wistfully beautiful. She had lost something but I could tell she hoped to get it back. It, of course, was Charlie. The new attitude from her was utterly attractive. Along with her physical beauty, the young men were being drawn in. She politely ignored their overtures that started less than a week after she returned to...
[Janice writes from Lavaca] There were six or eight horses and five trucks in the party coming our way. They quieted when they saw us waiting there. Melissa and I were the only ones not carrying a rifle and we had pistols strapped to our sides. Even Charlie had a small-bore rifle. His instructions were to drop the rifle and grab Doris on the way to safety. Right now, all we could do was wait and trust Melissa's feeling that things were right. I trusted my spouse. When she had a feeling...
[Janice writes from Mexico] The man said, "I apologize for Raymon's actions. I am Martin Gonzalez. We are glad to see someone new. Where are you from?" Robby said, "I am Robby Cook-Thomas-Sullivan and Janice is one of my spouses. We are residents of the communities of Preservation and Protection up in Georgia and Tennessee. We also represent Port Lavaca, Texas. "We are on an exploration trip to make contact with surviving groups to let people know they aren't alone." The woman...
A little over three months ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When I felt the need, once or twice a month, I would...
Cuckold[Janice writes] We stood in plain sight with our rifles at rest. We were wearing sneakers, shorts, and tee shirts. Mine were tighter than Robby's were. The two people approaching us on horseback were a man and a woman. They were good-looking people though both looked to be in their mid to late forties. The woman was Hispanic and still very attractive. I couldn't resist it. "Arnold and Maria Ralston, I presume?" They looked shocked and nodded slowly. "I am Janice Cook-Thomas-Sullivan...
We landed in Taipei. We were met very soon by a group in trucks and military vehicles. Ellis was with us again. He began to speak and was interrupted by a man who kindly said, "Many of us speak English and practice it regularly. Let us use your language." We were surprised but he quickly continued. "My name is Lee Shan. We would be friends. Please call me Shan." He shook David's hand. "I believe you are the leader of this group?" David said, "Yes. My name is David Lewis and this is...
[Jack] They flew into the Carrollton airport to be met by Shirl and me and by Bennie's dad and step-mom. It felt good to have them back but I knew something was different. Bennie and Janice talked for a day. I could tell they were troubled about something but waited for them to talk to us when they wanted. Shirl said that I should ask them what was wrong but I counseled that we should wait. They came over the next morning after breakfast and chores. Bennie said, "We need to talk to both...
[Tennessee] The next morning saw the four of us having breakfast together. We used our smaller SUV and all of us went into town and met up with the people gathered there. I had almost fifty people. Amos would oversee the eight including him who were watching the north and south approaches into Henderson. Arnold was in charge to my west. We would take the rest south and swing around to Whitesville and hunt for the group that might be between us at that point. Jim Bob had come through...
[Janice writes] We continued our planning for the trip while living and performing those functions of everyday living. Charlie and Andy went to their home. Wendy and Tim visited them and were flown by Andy and Charlie to Protection to meet Doctor George. The older couple was enchanted by Doctor George and his wives. That's what my daughter in-law told me. Jane told me that Andy and Charlie entranced everyone. They make a beautiful couple with a kind word for everyone. Jane reported that...
But I'm getting ahead of myself here. My name is Martin Michaels, First infantry division of the United Male Domination Forces or U.M.D.F, and this is my story. Chapter 1 Protection By the time I had graduated the High school, the world had become a terrifying place. Social clubs focusing on Gender superiority had become quite a common thing. Unfortunately, extremist feminists flicked the switch about a year ago with there attack. One of the oldest men's clubs in the world had been...
Later that afternoon, David got on the radio and arranged for Ben and Noah to meet by radio and talk. David listened in and told me later that those talks were productive. Both men wanted to stay in contact and work together in whatever way possible. We made plans to leave a radio and antennas set up and operating. Ben worked with people in his community in Adelaide to have the radio maintained and appointed a regular listening watch. During all this time, Sophie and George were together...
Other than that one incident, our time at Cairns was peaceful. We wound up staying two days and did go out to the beaches. We shocked a number of the local folk, male and female. They did get over it but many eyes followed us as we went in and out of the water. I noticed that David caught some looks from a number of the women including Ian's wife, Nancy. George and Trina were watched by everyone. They look so amazingly beautiful. Only once was the good time marred. David and I were about...
Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter One: Editing Protection By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. The game is turning interesting. The malaise is falling away. That pleases me to hear, Most High. I am curious to see what the mortal Jophiel selected will do to counter Anael's piece. Indeed. It is an interesting gambit to give his opponent more power. Yes, Most High. The members of the Divine Counsel are all speculating endlessly on this...
The meal progressed nicely very similar to others I had been to over the years in other places. Everyone was friendly and I enjoyed talking to many of the men and women in the community. Covertly, I watched Charlie and Andrea. She looked like no girl I had ever seen. Interestingly, she seemed to enjoy Charlie's company. He came by my seat during desert and whispered, "Wow! She's smart." I whispered back, "Just be you. Watch out for other guys who might be jealous." "Yes, mom!" He...
It was cold. The land was beautiful but there was a slight wind and a definite chill to the air. It forcibly reminded us that it was winter in this hemisphere! We put on another layer of clothing and explored in the same manner as Wellington. We found no one and no sign of anyone in a long time. "It makes no sense to me. Someone should have survived." I didn't realize that I had spoken aloud. George said, "It really doesn't make sense to me either. David, what do you think?" David...
[Jack] George came on through the repeater, "Jack, everyone is okay, here. The plane suffered some kind of electrical fault. They landed a bit hard and the plane is wrecked. We're loading their luggage and people into the trucks. Once we're loaded, we will attempt to contact those waiting in the woods. Vic says he isn't seeing anything threatening here. He will expand his circle to cover you and will work the repeater." "Roger." I thought for a second. "Shirl, pull forward even with...
[Charlie writes from Spain] We watched for the people to come from in front of the terminal. There was no radio traffic. We saw two wagons and a number of out riders come across the north end of the terminal area. People were waving and I saw open hands with guns still holstered or lying in the wagon. Andrea said, "When we get out, Myra take my place at the wheel. Tom, be ready to pop out at the turret and shoot. We do want to give them a chance though." I looked at Andrea and nodded. We...
[Charlie writes from Valencia] It was a quiet night. Bobbi snuggled up next to Andrea at some point and we slept spoon style with my wife in the middle. The three of us woke early, dressed, and went outside. It was quiet. We could hear the sound of no people. I was used to it now. We had heard it often on our trips to Europe. "Andrea, would you be okay with it if I were Director of Protection?" "Charles, I want you to be happy in what you do or don't do. I think you have so much to...
[Charlie writes from the farm] Elena and Henrique were farmers and, with help from our neighbors, were soon established in a farmhouse with power and began farming with our and their neighbors to help them. They and their children already spoke some English and, over the next few years, they became fluent though with a decided accent that was popular with many. They came to love our church having been casual Catholics before coming to America. Monica caught the eye of a number of the older...
[Janice writes] We planned our first trial trip for the European expedition. We would leave Protection for Bangor, Maine. It was approximately one thousand, three hundred miles, under half our range. I grinned at that statement remembering some of the short hops Bennie and I had made years before in the Cessna to not go more than half a tank before landing. It was early September when we left. We packed for cool temperatures. We had supplies but figured to be out overnight at most. We left...
1The Society - Witness ProtectionBy The TechnicianBDSM, Non-consensual, Punishment, Depilation, Flogging, Public Bondage, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A member of The Inner Circle of The Society has agreed to become a traitorous informant in return for being taken into Witness Protection. Things do not turn out quite like she had anticipated. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of...
[Tennessee] It wasn't far to Henderson and it took us about three hours to make the trip. Henderson appeared to be deserted when we pulled in. Jane motioned me to stop at the middle of town. She said, "Let me get out and call for people that I knew." "Okay, wear a vest." She grimaced but pulled it on and got out. She began to call names and walking toward a corner store. Finally, she shouted, "Is anyone here? Please." It was quiet and then the door to the corner store opened and an...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Without a purpose, I wandered the castle aimlessly. I found Connor, excitedly talking with a Circle mage I vaguely recognised from the ritual that had saved the young mage. I left them alone, as it seemed the mage was teaching Connor, and I didn't want to interrupt. I then ran into Teagan, who pulled me aside. "Dare I ask what my sort-of nephew did?" "Pardon?" "I'm not an idiot. I see the guilt in his eyes when he looks at you, and you avoiding eye contact. I know how you feel about...
(Author’s Note: Every so often, I may post some background on a key part of the universe that could use further explanation but I couldn’t find a way to shoehorn it into the text -- FB) An excerpt from “Rights and Responsibilities” 37th edition The Right Of Protection: The Terran Federation formed from the remnants of the Terran Empire, a neo-feudalist reaction to the Collapse that shattered interstellar travel. Under the Empire, feudal relationships were normal, where citizens would...
When I woke, Alistair was creeping into the room, and I startled him when I sat up. Laughing and clutching his chest, he lit a couple more candles and came in. I helped him off with his breastplate – I could barely lift the thing, so it was a bit difficult for him to take off alone, though I knew he could manage. He told me he and Wynne had wandered the market, and he thought he had located Gorim for me. He promised to take me there with Aedan the following morning. Otherwise, Wynne had...
[Virginia] Not really awake, I groggily reached over and accepted the call. "Hello?" A youngish voice said, "Are you real?" I woke up quickly. I said, "Yes, I'm real. This is no recording. I'm George. Who are you?" "My name is Dan. I'm by myself. I was out searching for food and saw your flyer. I had to call. I woke you up. I'm sorry." I got in, "It's okay." Then, the rush of words started again. "I've been so alone. My parents died of the virus. I'm an only child so I...