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The Day After III By Bill Hart I enjoyed being inside my lamp. Floating about so freely in whatever form I could imagine was simply the best of all possible worlds. The longer I remained a genie, the better I liked being one. My world and its peaceful serenity defied any attempts to adequately explain it. To put it as simply as I could, everything was just so wonderful inside my lamp. My world inside the lamp was a sharp contrast to that world outside. If I never had to return to that world that was fine with me. I suppose the outside world might have been a little more appealing if my Master hadn't been a sneaky, conniving, mean and evil, rotten to the core, slimy damn bastard. As Masters went, he was - from the latest batch of statistics the Guild of Masters had given HIBGEPUU - somewhere around the middle of the pack. It was easy to believe there were better Masters out there, but I had a really hard time believing there were any worse than him. Of course, I was still fairly new at being a genie and didn't have a lot of experience with Masters. Unless you considered them different people, my Master had been my only Master except for that time he'd been my Mistress. That made me wonder if Hortense and Agatha had shown up expecting to find Effie all prim, prudish, and prissy. If they had, they would have been disappointed. They would have had no power over the Master, despite having made the Mistress believe her name was Effie. If they hadn't, it was no big loss. However, as unlikely as it seemed, I was curious if they'd get the next available Mistress as compensation for losing the last one. I also started wondering how Charli and the Master were getting along. With the difference in how time passed between our worlds, I wasn't too sure how much time had passed out in their world. However, it seemed reasonable that enough time had passed for her hormone levels to finally even out. If that hadn't happened, then the Master would have rubbed my lamp and started making more wishes for me to fix the things he'd screwed up. With her hormones at more reasonably normal levels, I hoped Charli wouldn't be quite as jealous or bitchy the next I saw her. She had to know I had no designs on the Master whatsoever. As far as I was concerned, she could have that slimy damn bastard all to herself. It made no difference to me what was being subliminally pumped into my mind while inside the lamp. I didn't really mind being a girl on top of being a genie, but there were no magic carpet rides coming from me in the Master's future. Unfortunately, there might be another reason that better explained Charli's bitchiness toward me. When the Master had wished Charli was normal, I'd simply assumed that Charli wanted to remain Charli and not get turned back into Chuck, because that was what I would have wanted. It was only after I'd returned to my lamp that I realized my decision regarding Charli - as several of my other thoughts had been - might have been influenced by earlier subliminal instructions I'd received while inside my lamp. There was this possibility - it had to be something real small - that Charli might be pissed off at me because I hadn't asked her what she'd wanted. But that might be a moot point. It would take another wish to change things and make it up to her. That clearly presented a small problem. With his fixation on busty women and sex, I could never see the Master wishing Charli back into Chuck. Doing anything nice like that for someone else would have definitely been out of character for him. Even in the highly unlikely event that I could grant Charli a wish, she might not use it to become Chuck again. Even though Charli remembered that she'd been born male and her name had once been Chuck Dalton, I'd also tweaked her mind just a bit so those things would never trouble her. I suppose I shouldn't have done that just because I could and thought it would make her a happier person. It might have been an integral part of making Charli normal again - that was what the Master had wished - but I'd used my concept of normality not hers. Or had it been more the Master's concept than mine? There were definite indications it could have been more his idea than mine, but I might never know for sure. Just as oddly, I got no help on it from the mystic forces, which made me think I wasn't supposed to know the answer. However, Charli had unquestioningly become extremely enthusiastic about and excessively over possessive of her relationship with the Master. She certainly couldn't wait to get him alone and into bed the last time I'd seen her. With what I thought of the Master, I doubted I could have done something like that to any other girl. But then, maybe I could. As long as the Master kept his focus on Charli, he wasn't likely to be thinking any of those same damn thoughts about me. On the other hand, whatever Charli might or might not wish for if she were given a wish had little, if any, real relevance. It seemed unlikely Charli would ever be given any opportunities to make any wish. There just weren't too many viable ways I could imagine that happening, especially with the Master being the selfish bastard he was that had never learned to share with others. Even though he could always wish I'd grant Charli her own a wish, I knew he never would. And Hell would have to freeze over several dozen times or more before the Master might consider loaning my lamp to Charli. Besides being a bastard, the Master was a control freak. He wasn't about to do either of those things. There was no way Charli would ever make any wishes I'd have to grant. Unfortunately, I knew I was just plain stuck with that sneaky, conniving, mean and evil, rotten to the core, slimy damn bastard. Although it wasn't a pleasant thought, I wasn't about to let thoughts of that little shit ruin the rest of my day. *** I wasn't too sure how much time had passed before I started having that strange sense of being squeezed out through some kind of small opening again. It didn't bother me a bit; it kind of tickled. At the same time, I wondered what the Master wanted from me this time. I could easily imagine that he'd grown tired of Charli and had some new boy lined up he wanted changed into his newest hot sexy babe. If nothing else could be said about him, the Master was certainly consistent. Even before my smoky form began solidifying, I started sensing there was something somehow different this time. I didn't know what it meant. Perhaps if I'd been a genie longer I would have had some idea what this new funny feeling meant. I didn't even have a single clue to guide me. And given that the mystic forces hadn't jumped right in then and there with the answer made me think that answer would be obvious once I was solid again. I wondered what kind of mischief the Master had gotten himself into since the last time I'd seen him. Knowing him as well as I did, it had to be something mighty strange. Once I became fully solid, I looked around the room. I had to admit that I was more than just a little surprised with the sight that greeted me. "What is your wish, Mistress?" I asked, seeing Charli standing there with my lamp held firmly in her hand. I wondered what had happened to that rotten to the core damn bastard Gary. I could never imagine him loaning my lamp out. However, it would have been most impertinent of me to ask my new Mistress what had happened to he who been my former Master. Charli could have very easily bumped him off in order to steal my lamp from him. Given what he'd put her through, I wouldn't have blamed her if she'd done just that. But whatever she'd done to him was her business, not mine. "How are you feeling today, Sammi?" "I'm feeling just fine, Mistress," I replied. "It's so very nice of you to ask." "I'm glad to hear that, Sammi," replied the Mistress. "I thought you might be upset with me. I'm afraid I was a bit curt and snippy with you the last time I saw you." The Mistress shook her head slowly. "I don't really know why I was acting like such a bitch. It was almost as if I'd been someone else. Isn't that strange?" "That's all right, Mistress." I might have been worried about her actions before, but I no longer was. Now that she was my Mistress, if she wanted to be curt and snippy with me, then she was well within her rights to be that way. "No harm was done, Mistress." She smiled at me. I had the strangest feeling the Mistress might be testing me. But whatever her reasons for doing whatever it was she was doing were of no concern of mine. I was her genie; she was my Mistress. That was all there was to it. "Aren't you concerned about Gary?" "Not especially, Mistress," I replied, still trying to figure out what she was doing. "Gary's no longer any of my concern. You're my Mistress now, Mistress." "Would you like a male form again?" "If I have a choice... no, not really, Mistress," I replied. I sure hoped this wasn't heading where it seemed to be headed. I didn't want to be Sam Whipple again; I liked being Sammi. "But that choice isn't mine to make, Mistress. It's yours." "Don't worry about it, Sammi. I would never wish being a man on you again," said the Mistress. "I might have been born male, just as you were, but I've decided being a woman is just so much better. Chuck Dalton was an old stick in the mud bore that always had trouble getting laid. Being Charli is much better. The sex is definitely superior, but there is one little problem. I can't begin to tell you how many times that pathetic little bastard just pooped out on me." I didn't want to hear any of this. Whatever the Mistress had done with that little weasel was nothing that held any interest to me. "I can certainly see why you had no interest in Gary." The Mistress looked across the room at something. "It's so perfectly logical now that I've spent some quality time with him alone. He's not overly interesting. I've pretty much lost interest in that silly little boy too. I think it all started when those two old biddies dropped by looking for some girl named Effie." "Effie, Mistress?" Those two old biddies had to be Agatha and Hortense, but I didn't need to volunteer that information to my new Mistress... unless, of course, she asked for it. "That was who they asked for. Can you believe that shit? They came to the door and leaned on the bell. Those damn biddies interrupted us," said Charli. "They seemed a little confused to me. Those old bats said they were the girl's Tri-P union representatives. They got a little when huffy when Gary told them there was no one by that name living here. Have you got any idea what this Tri-P union represents?" "Yes, Mistress," I replied. "Tri-P is short for PPPLM, Mistress." "That doesn't help me a whole lot, Sammi." "Forgive me, Mistress," I replied. I'd been hoping PPPLM would be satisfactory information for her, but wasn't really surprised it was insufficient. "It's an acronym, Mistress. It stands for the Prim, Prudish, and Prissy League of Mistresses, Mistress." "That damn bastard! What the hell's wrong with him?" swore Charli. "You'd think he wasn't getting enough from me. But no; he had to go out and seduce some little prim, prissy prude. It was a good thing for that sorry bitch she was gone before I could find her." If that was what the Mistress wanted to believe, I could live with it. That interpretation might actually be better than the actual truth. There was simply no way of knowing how the Mistress would react if she discovered how Gary had been less than precise in a making a wish and inadvertently turned himself into a busty girl, making him my Mistress instead of my Master. Or that he'd been a girl long enough for those two old biddies Agatha and Hortense from Tri-P to show up and change him further into Effie, a mostly model Tri-P member. "That explains a lot." The Mistress, still fuming, shook her head. "Clearly, they weren't very happy with Gary. That was clear from the way they kept looking him over. I can understand why if the conniving little bastard had been bonking one of their junior members. It also kind of explains that 'You'll get yours soon enough' comment one of those old bats snarled at Gary before they left in a huff." I had no idea what she was looking for, as the Mistress looked about the room. "I take it this Tri-P union is the equivalent of the Guild of Masters that Gary kept telling me about." "Not exactly. Among the Mistress unions there is no real equivalent to the Guild of Masters, Mistress," I replied. This seemed like something I'd already been through before. "Unlike the Masters, the Mistresses just never seem to agree on anything. As a result they keep splintering into smaller and smaller groups. There are currently forty-six different associations and sisterhoods." "Forty-six?" "That was at last count, Mistress." Since there were only nine more groups now than there had been the last time I was in this world, I knew not much time could have passed. "There might be more now. They seem to fracture at the drop of a hat." "I see. To which of these groups might I belong now that I'm your Mistress, Sammi?" "I have no idea." At the moment, I couldn't eliminate any of the groups. My new Mistress was in a totally different situation than the one in which Gary had been when he became my Mistress. I had very little information available for me to base any logical guesses on. "Membership in one of the Mistress unions is based solely on a random selection process, Mistress. It's the only thing they've ever been able to agree on in more years than anyone can ever imagine. Some of the smaller, less popular or more extreme, groups could never hope to survive otherwise. It could be any one of the current forty-seven groups, Mistress." "There are forty-seven unions now?" "The Tri-F's have dissolved. The Frugal Mistresses have just split off from the Fussy and Frumpy Mistresses and formed FEMA, the Frugal Earthy Mistress Association," I replied. "The Fussy and Frumpy Mistresses haven't yet decided whether they're going to remain one group or split into two. I told you before they seemed to fracture at the drop of a hat." "So you did. It had better not be that damn PPPLM. Having seen those two old biddies, I'd never be happy being one of them. If I even see either of them, they'll regret it," said the Mistress. "What do you think my chances are of being a Tri-P, Sammi?" Damn! I wished she hadn't asked me that question. As soon as she'd asked the question, I immediately knew I could eliminate the Tri-P's from further consideration and why. "This will please you. You have no chances whatsoever of becoming a Tri-P, Mistress." "Don't get me wrong, Sammi. I just know I'd hate being a Tri-P. Just the idea of being turned prim, prudish, or prissy is enough to make me gag," said the Mistress. "However, I'd still like to know why I have no chance of being one." "They got the last new Mistress, Mistress," I replied. "Depending on their size, the Mistress union getting the last new Mistress has to sit out the next one to five rounds in the random selection process." I also knew that had to be the reason they'd been so ticked off at Gary. They felt cheated. Even though he was a man again, they also knew he had been Effie. Had Hortense and Agatha done something to help my Mistress take the lamp away from Gary? That didn't seem very likely, since they would have had no power over a man. "Interesting. How do you know they got the last Mistress, Sammi?" Damn! I wanted to tell her it was just one of those genie things, but I couldn't. I had to tell her. I was afraid the shit was just about to splatter all over the fan. However, I thought I could still save my pretty little ass. "I was there, Mistress. Gary made this really dumb wish; you know how he is. He turned himself into a girl. Since he was a girl, he couldn't be my Master and so became my Mistress instead. As a new Mistress, he was subsequently placed via their random selection process into PPPLM. Those two old biddies, Agatha and Hortense, thought the girl he'd become wasn't quite the prim, prudish, and prissy young woman she should have been, so they renamed her Effie and kind of helped her become a better Tri-P. They were coming back the next day to check up on her." The Mistress began laughing. I couldn't blame her. It was kind of funny when you thought about it the way I'd explained it. "That also explains a lot, Sammi." The Mistress continued smiling. "Although I'm surprised those old biddies would have permitted it, Gary must have wished himself male again. But he was different than he'd been before. Being a girl must have changed him somehow. Either that or he made an error making the wish that returned his manhood." I didn't want to contradict the Mistress, but she was also different than she'd been before. Her mind had been split in half. She'd been stuck in her horny mode when I'd been summoned the last time. That was where she would have remained if Gary hadn't made that wish to return her to normal. She clearly wasn't the same girl she'd been the last time I'd seen her, but then her hormones had still been out of whack. As I had yet to see Gary, I could have no opinion about whether or not he'd changed. He certainly hadn't seemed the least bit different before I'd returned to my lamp that last time. "You still have some doubts. I can see it in your eyes, Sammi." "If you say Gary has changed, Mistress, then Gary has changed." But the Mistress was right; I had my doubts. "You're only saying that because you must," replied the Mistress. "It doesn't mean you believe it." The Mistress smiled knowingly. "But I have the proof even you must believe, Sammi. When I asked Gary if he'd give me a present that would allow me to make a wish of you, he replied, 'Sure, why not, babe? Better yet, why don't you just rub the lamp yourself and have Sammi grant all the wishes you want.' Can you still doubt that Gary is no longer the same Gary he'd always been?" My mouth dropped open. I wouldn't have believed what I heard if the Mistress didn't have possession of my lamp. "He's definitely changed, Mistress. He would have never let you touch my lamp before." I wondered what had happened to Gary to make him so generous all of a sudden. What had happened to him? And then I knew. "Gary made another mistake, Mistress." I doubted Gary realized that he'd even made an error. I might not have known if the mystic forces hadn't just told me. "His inadvertent wish that turned him into a girl was for me not to think of him as a sneaky, selfish, conniving, mean and evil, rotten to the core, slimy damn bastard." "A redirected wish. I can certainly see how that might wind up turning him into a girl." "The wish restoring his manhood was for me to think of him as a sneaky, conniving, mean and evil, rotten to the core, slimy damn bastard again." "Another redirected wish. Those can be tricky business all by themselves without compounding it further," replied the Mistress. "But it explains the failure of that wish inhibitor those old biddies kept mumbling about. However, the two wishes essentially cancel each other out. I still don't see what either wish has to do with Gary giving me your lamp." "Don't you, Mistress?" I replied. "Gary's wishes were different. He left 'selfish' out of the second wish, so he remained generous as a man. I never noticed the change in him before he returned me to my lamp. His mind was preoccupied with other things." "So that's the reason he was going to let me rub your lamp," replied the Mistress. "I thought the bastard was up to something - you know how Gary is - so I slipped a little something into his glass of water before he went to bed. He's there now sleeping like a baby." Although I wasn't entirely sure why, I was relieved the Mistress hadn't hurt Gary. Perhaps I'd simply evolved past any thoughts of revenge. Gary couldn't help being a slimy damn bastard; that was just who he was. "Excuse me, ladies," said an unfamiliar female voice. "I've always hated breaking into these touching Mistress-Genie moments, but we have a little work to do and then I'll be on my way." The Mistress and I both turned to face our visitor, an attractive young woman with light brown hair. I had a good idea who she might be, even though you never really knew when, or even if, they might show up. I had this good feeling about her. "Who are you?" asked the Mistress. The young woman shuffled through some papers in her satchel. "You must be Charli, the new Mistress," she replied in a bubbly manner. "I'm Veronica, but everybody calls me Roni. I'm here to welcome you into PAM. I'm your union representative." It was no wonder I'd had such a good feeling about her. "What is this PAM, Roni?" asked the Mistress nervously. "Oh silly me. I always think everybody knows these things, Charli," replied Veronica. "PAM is the Progressive Association of Mistresses. We're one of the largest Mistress Unions in the entire world. We have the very best benefits imaginable." Veronica kept smiling. "Our philosophy is simple. As you may or may not know, PAM believes in the basic hands-off approach of dealing with its membership. PAM believes Mistresses become better Mistresses by making mistakes and learning from them. Unless you have some major problem, you won't see me again after I leave. Whatever you want to do and however you want to do it will always be just fine with PAM." "I see," replied the Mistress. "Do you have any questions I can answer, Charli?" "If I have one of those problems, how do I get in touch with you?" "Oh silly me again. It's all in the handout," replied Veronica. "You just have to call out 'Hey, Roni' or 'Roni, I need to see you', or just about anything like that and I'll be there right beside you lickety-split." "Lickety-split?" "Or even faster if it's really important." Veronica scratched her head. "I don't remember. Did I give you that handout, Charli?" "No you didn't, Roni," replied the Mistress. "Oh silly me," bubbled Veronica. "I think I'd forget my head some times if it wasn't permanently stapled onto my shoulders." She reached into her satchel and after a few minutes of fumbling about pulled out a couple of pages that she handed to the Mistress. "I feel so silly. I put your name on these so I wouldn't forget to give them to you and I almost forgot anyway. PAM doesn't have a lot of silly rules, Charli. As long as your dues are kept current you won't get any grief from PAM." "I see," replied the Mistress. "I'll read this over later, if that's all right with you, Roni?" "Whatever you want to do and whenever you want to do it is fine with PAM, Charli," said Veronica. "Do you have any other questions for me?" "Not right now, Roni," replied the Mistress. "I might have some after I've read your handout." "If you do, just give me a holler," smiled Veronica. "And if I never see you again, Charli, have a nice life." And with that, she was gone. "A very odd young woman," said the Mistress. "Agreed, Mistress. From what I've heard, all the PAM representatives are a little on the odd side," I replied. "But of all the Mistress unions, PAM was probably your best fit. At least they won't be coming around all the time bothering you. They'll never second-guess you. Nor will you have to worry about them making you fit in some mold they think will make you a more acceptable or appropriate member." "From everything I've heard, being a member of PAM is definitely better than a PPPLM membership," replied the Mistress. "Poor Gary having to be stuck with the Tri-P's." With everything that had happened since my arrival in the mortal world, I'd almost forgotten - not that any genie could ever forget their function in the overall scheme of things - why I was here. The Mistress had rubbed my lamp. That could only mean one thing. "What is your wish, Mistress?" I asked again. "I was just thinking about that myself, Sammi," replied the Mistress. "But first, why don't we go see how Gary is doing?" *** Gary was right where the Mistress had said he'd be. He was laid out on his bed, sound asleep. He looked kind of cute and cuddly, but I knew why that was and just ignored it. He might have been even cuter and cuddlier if he hadn't been making all that noise sawing logs. I'd never known Gary snored before, but then, why should I? "Isn't that racket of his annoying, Sammi? Even when he's drugged, he still snores." "If you say so, Mistress." It wasn't as if I could do anything about Gary's snoring by myself. Something like could be easily fixed. It just took a simple wish. "I've never heard anyone snore so loudly." "He denies he snores, you know. All that noise gets on my nerves after a while," replied the Mistress. "We'd be going at it all hot and heavy and the next thing I knew he was snoring. Isn't that just like him?" "I wouldn't know, Mistress." I really didn't want to hear any of this shit. I didn't want to know anything about whatever they'd done together, especially in bed. "His snores are rather loud, Mistress." "You bet your ass he's loud. All of the damn noises coming out of this mouth have always been loud. I could never sleep a wink whenever Gary was snoring," replied the Mistress. "You know, I just wish he'd quit snoring." "Done, Mistress," I replied, as the room suddenly grew quiet. As far as I was concerned, the silence was much better than all that noise. I liked how peaceful it had become now that Gary was no longer snoring constantly. Not that I was overly surprised, Gary now had one of those big silly-looking grins plastered all over his face. I could tell that he definitely wasn't dreaming about being some damn fool lumberjack. "What did you do, Sammi?" "I granted your wish, Mistress," I replied. "You wished Gary would quit snoring and he has. I also fixed whatever made him snore in the first place. Never again will he snore like a buzz saw and bother you, Mistress. I hope you're pleased with the results. However, if you don't like the quiet, you can always wish he'd start snoring again." "I don't think that will be necessary. I like the quiet a lot better than the continual noise," replied the Mistress. "It's just that I didn't realize that I'd made a wish." "I know, Mistress," I replied knowingly. "Making wishes without realizing you've made one is one of the more common occurrences among mortals. But you must never forget I'm your genie, Mistress. Even if you don't mean it, any wish I hear you make is still a wish I must grant, Mistress." The Mistress smiled. "I understand, Sammi. I'll try to watch what I say from now on," she said calmly. "I wouldn't want to make any wishes I might regret later." "It doesn't really matter what you do or don't wish, Mistress. As long as I remain your genie, anything you wish you can easily undo with another wish," I replied. "It would take less of my energy if you only made wishes I wouldn't have to reverse later, but no matter how hard you try to prevent making those foolish silly kinds of wishes you're still going to make them, Mistress. You won't be able to help yourself. It's just part of your mortal human nature." "You might be right about that, Sammi," said the Mistress. "Even back when I was Chuck Dalton, I was always making these little wishes that something be different than it was. It's an old habit; I can't help myself." She began smiling. "But I've also been doing a little thinking about what kind of real wish I should make, Sammi." That was good news. "All wishes are real wishes, Mistress." Although granting her last wish had helped somewhat, all this inactivity since being summoned from my lamp was making me feel a little edgy. "What is your wish, Mistress?" There was nothing else I could say. After all, I was her genie and genies granted wishes. "It was something you said earlier, Sammi. It made me curious," replied the Mistress. "I wish I knew what Gary looked like when he was turned into Effie." An interesting wish. Of all the myriad of ways I could think of granting that wish, I quickly settled on the most obvious. Although I wasn't sure, I was fairly certain that it was just what the Mistress had in mind. "Done, Mistress," I replied. In the wink of an eye, his alternate self Effie had replaced the still slumbering Gary. Now that Gary was again Effie, her short light brown hair, still somewhat longer than his had been before, was once more tied in a tight bun. She had a few barely noticeable curves to go along with a pair of very small breasts. Clearly, the figure on the bed was now that of a young girl, but, aside from those two small swellings on her chest barely noticeable beneath her full-length flannel nightgown, she could have easily passed as a prepubescent boy. Effie might have been a girl now, but she definitely wasn't going overboard about showing it off. Nor was she still grinning from ear to ear. "You've got to be kidding." The Mistress wasn't overly happy with what she saw. "Although it would be too kind, those damn old biddies from PPPLM should be taken out somewhere and shot right between the eyes. If that's their idea of a model Tri-P member, then Effie might as well have been a boy." "As you can easily imagine, the Tri-P's are an odd lot, Mistress." That was something I could have never told her if she were a Tri-P. At the same time, I thought Effie would be safe from them since she was an ordinary girl now and no longer my Mistress. I wasn't sure what would happen if she became some genie's Mistress again. "No shit!" exclaimed the Mistress. "I'm glad I'm with PAM and not PPPLM." She looked at Gary, or Effie - not that I really cared what she called him or her or whatever - and shook her head in disgust. "If those old bats had tried doing something like that to me, I would have killed them... on the spot... with extreme prejudice." "There was nothing I could do about what they did to Gary earlier, Mistress," I replied sullenly. Even though there had been nothing I could do to stop them, I still felt kind of bad about all the things that had happened to Gary, or Effie, at the hands of the Tri-P's. "Even though most of them never realize what's going on before they get changed into someone else entirely, Tri-P members blindly gave their union complete and total control over nearly everything in their lives. Without the random selection process they'd never get any new members." I decided I should also tell my Mistress I hadn't been immune to their madness and could have easily fallen victim to their plans for Effie. "If Gary had gone to sleep and awakened with Effie's personality in complete control, then she would have quickly wished me into a form very similar to hers." "How horrible," said the Mistress. "Agreed, Mistress. I would have hated looking like that. Genies were always meant to be busty and bubbly, not flat-chested bores," I replied. "The Tri-P's should have never been granted so much power over their membership, but they were." I sighed. "My hands were completely tied, Mistress. There was nothing that I, or any other genie, could have done about it." The Mistress smiled. "I'm still curious about something, Sammi. Very clearly, this boyish looking waif Effie wasn't the girl Gary had accidentally wished himself into becoming." Her smile suddenly widened. "I know what I want now. I wish Gary now had the female form he'd originally wished upon himself." I'd been expecting that wish sooner or later. "Done, Mistress," I replied. Gary's light brown hair swiftly lengthened. Her hair now flowed down to the middle of her back. Her breasts had also noticeably swollen from near non-existence to a rather large, perhaps even overdeveloped, size. There would be no mistaking her for some boy now, especially wearing that skimpy little teddy that had replaced her former flannel nightgown. "Wow!" exclaimed the Mistress as she gazed upon Gary's new form. "That's better. Now she looks like someone Gary would have wished for. She's definitely someone Gary would have called a babe, but then he's always called all good-looking girls babe." "He's always had a small vocabulary and a one-track mind, Mistress," I replied. I thought about adding 'even as a girl', but decided against it. Even though we'd both been girls at the time, I knew he'd started thinking those kinds of thoughts about me. It could have gotten ugly. I didn't want to think about what might have happened if Agatha and Hortense hadn't arrived and changed his mind. "Tell me something I didn't already know. He's always considered girls useful for just one purpose. Knowing Gary as well as I do, I can't imagine he was too happy about wishing himself into a girl and the possibility of having to serve that purpose." As the Mistress sighed, she crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "I sure wish I knew what Gary thought about being turned into a girl." I didn't think that was such a hot wish. I needed to wake Gary to grant it properly. Who knew better what Gary thought about being turned into a girl than Gary? However, it was nevertheless a wish made by my Mistress. I had no choice but to grant it. "Done, Mistress," I replied, just in time to hear a soft moan coming from the direction of Gary's bed. "Damn! I did it again. Didn't I?" Since I didn't want the Mistress feeling bad for making another of those wishes, I decided to say nothing. It was an acceptable practice among genies. "What the hell's going on?" mumbled Gary as he sat up on the edge of his bed. With a casual sweep of his hand, he brushed several strands of his long hair away from the front of his face. "Well, out with it! I'm waiting!" he said impatiently. At least some things never changed. Gary had never been known as someone overly observant. He just never seemed to notice the totally obvious. I wondered how long it would take before Gary realized he was a girl again, especially dressed as he was. "Are you feeling all right, Gary?" "Of course I'm feeling all right, Charli," he replied sullenly. "Why wouldn't I be feeling all right?" "No reason, I suppose." The Mistress looked questioningly toward me. I could only shrug my shoulders in response to her unasked question. What could I possibly say? She knew as well as I did how poorly Gary grasped what was perfectly obvious. And his becoming a girl again was something very definitely obvious. "I'm still waiting. What's going on here?" Gary plopped his hands down on his slim waist and stared at the Mistress. "Damn you! You must have drugged me, Charli. That explains my dry mouth and why you asked me if I was feeling all right." As he shifted his position on the bed, a mass of his long hair fell across his face again. Without thinking about what he was doing, Gary simply brushed it away with a quick flick of his wrist. "Don't you feel any different, Gary?" "Why would I feel any different, Charli?" Gary crossed his arms beneath his overly large breasts. "Well? Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or do I have to start guessing?" But before Charli could answer his question, a look of puzzlement spread quickly across his face. After unfolding his arms, one of his hands bolted for his chest. Gary quickly paled at the rather large mound of flesh his hand had discovered hanging there. "Damnit. I've got boobs again." His other hand flew down to his crotch. "Shit! I've got a damn pussy again too. I don't believe this lame shit. I've been turned into a girl again." "I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever notice," said Charli. "You certainly make a very pretty girl, Gary. I'm sure you'd be very popular among the boys we know." "Very funny, Charli." As he got off the bed, Gary was a little wobbly on his feet. Given the abrupt change in his center of gravity, it wasn't too much of a surprise he'd have a little trouble walking. As he looked slowly around the room, he spotted me. "Now you're in a lot of trouble, Charli," he grinned. "I wish you'd change me back to normal, Sammi." Either Gary was confused - always a very strong possibility - or the Mistress had been somewhat less than truthful about how she'd gained possession of my lamp. But whichever was the truth didn't really matter. Charli held my lamp; Charli was my Mistress. I was her genie. "I can't grant that wish, Gary," I replied. "And why not?" he asked in that sexy soprano voice of his. Not too surprisingly, he didn't notice I'd called him Gary. "I'm your Master. Am I not?" "Not any longer, Gary," I replied. "You're simply Gary Anderson now. You are currently my former master." I was a little surprised that someone so totally inept as Gary could have held onto my lamp for as long as he had. But Gary was no longer my concern. "The Mistress is my new Mistress now, Gary." Gary turned and glared at Charli. "Why did you steal my genie, Charli?" he asked. "When you asked me for your own wish, I said I'd consider it." "Why not?" replied Charli. "You were taking too long to make your decision. And when I started thinking about it, I decided why should I settle for just one wish when I could have them all?" "You damn bitch!" "And you're a pathetic loser," smiled Charli. "I don't know why it took me so long to see that for myself." I was beginning to think I'd discovered where Gary's missing selfish streak might have wound up. The Mistress had certainly fooled me. "How'd you ever find the lamp's hiding place?" "That was easy. When you weren't snoring, you were talking in your sleep," replied Charli. "You even answered questions. Once I knew where the lamp was, everything else became very simple." Gary looked nervous. I couldn't really blame him. He knew what he'd done to the Mistress while he'd possessed my lamp. The shoe was on the other foot now. "You have the lamp, Charli. Obviously, you've won this war," said Gary, clearly hoping he could somehow cut his losses and survive. "This house was Sam Whipple's before I wished it was mine. As long as Sammi remains a genie and has her lamp, she doesn't have any need to own this house. You can wish this was your house. Once you have Sammi change me back into my normal self, then I'll be on my way. I'll disappear; you'll never see me again." "I think I can live with that," replied the Mistress. She looked around the bedroom. "I wish this were my house and my bedroom." "Done, Mistress," I replied. I didn't feel anywhere near as put out as I'd felt when Gary had first wished my house was his. Perhaps it had something to do with that crooked thief Gary losing this house to my Mistress. It just seemed so appropriate. On the other hand, it was more likely - as odd as it seemed - that Gary was probably right. I was a genie, not a mortal, now. Why did I need some house when I had my lamp? My lamp was far better than some stupid old house. For a few seconds I kind of wondered what all these changes in ownership had done to the property taxes. But that was no longer any of my concern. Genies didn't pay any taxes. With the Mistress now being the owner of the house, the bedroom had taken on a decidedly more feminine decor. I liked what she'd done with the room and wondered what the rest of the house's interior was like. The Mistress returned her attention to Gary. "Now that this has become my house and home, I suppose you want to be normal again." "That was what we agreed to, Charli," replied Gary. "I don't want to be a girl. The quicker I'm my old normal self again, the better I'm going to like it. And once I'm finally me again, then I'm history." "An interesting choice of words," replied Charli with a wide smile. "You've always had more than your share of odd thoughts about girls. You should have to live with them for a while." She noticed the worried look on Gary's face. "But don't worry, a deal is a deal. You want to be normal again, so you'll soon be perfectly normal again." The Mistress turned to me. "Sammi, I wish Gary considered being a girl the most perfectly normal and natural thing for her to be." I smiled. My Mistress was just as sneaky and conniving as Gary had always been. "Done, Mistress," I replied. Gary was slowly shaking her head when I looked over in her direction. Since being a girl was supposed to be the most perfectly normal and natural thing for Gary to be, it simply made sense that we'd all think of her as one now. Otherwise, a lot of other things just might become very confusing. "How are you feeling now, Gary?" "I feel fine, Charli." With practiced ease, she casually brushed her long hair away from the front of her face. "In fact, I don't believe I've ever felt better in my whole life." "I glad to hear that. Are you still having some problems being a girl, Gary?" The Mistress smiled, already knowing what she would answer. "Of course not. Why would I have any problems being a girl?" replied Gary. "I like being a girl. Being a girl is so much better than being some dumb old boy. Didn't you know that? Ever since I was a little boy, I've wanted to be a girl. And now, thanks to you, I'm a perfectly normal girl. I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you." Gary suddenly hugged the surprised Mistress. As she was being hugged, the Mistress looked over in my direction. Although clearly surprised, she didn't seem unhappy about how I'd granted her wish. The Mistress had wished for Gary to consider it normal and natural for her to be a girl. That was exactly what she now thought. I'd only had to tweak a few other things in her mind. However, the Mistress had never said anything about making Gary forget being her former male self. That was a part of who she was and always would be. It just wasn't such an overly important part of her life any more. "After I change my clothes, I'd best be on my way, Charli," said Gary. "That won't be necessary." "I really should put something else on. If I go outside wearing this, I'm liable to get into trouble." "Probably," agreed the Mistress. "But how you're dressed wasn't what I was thinking. You don't have to leave." It's what we agreed to," she replied. "Now that I'm my normal self, I have to leave." "I changed my mind, Gary. You can stay here with me, if you'd like," smiled the Mistress. "I have plenty of room in my house. I wouldn't mind having a little company." I didn't think inviting Gary to stay here with us was a very good idea, but I couldn't contradict the Mistress. It was her decision to make, not mine. Gary might be a girl now, but that didn't mean I had to trust her. Deep down inside her, nothing had really changed. She was still the same old sneaky, conniving, mean and evil, rotten to the core, slimy Gary she'd always been. "If you're sure it's all right, I wouldn't mind staying here," replied Gary. "I really didn't have anywhere else to go." That settled that. I sure hoped the Mistress wouldn't regret letting Gary stay here. Even though I thought she was totally wrong, I could never tell her she was. Something like that just wasn't allowed. Genies were never allowed to contradict their Mistress, even when she was clearly wrong. That was one of the few things that all Mistresses and Masters had in common; they always thought they were right all the time. But then, if the Mistress screwed up with Gary, it was her problem, not mine. "Now that you're going to stay, Gary, we should get your room ready," said Charli. The Mistress turned to me. "I wish the guestroom was Gary's room and was fully equipped with everything a young girl like her needs." "Done, Mistress." The guestroom was now Gary's. It was also the room belonging to a girl; nothing even hinting at maleness remained inside that room. However, I thought the Mistress was being too kind to Gary. As far as I was concerned, she didn't deserve any of these things the Mistress had given her. But that was my opinion. I could never voice it. "We should all go out and celebrate," said Charli. "If we're going to go out, I really need to change my clothes first," replied Gary. "My hot and sexy little teddy was never meant to be worn outside." Oh, give me a break, I thought. If this was the way Gary was going to act now that she was a girl, she was going to drive me crazy. I was beginning to think that returning to my lamp would be better than going anywhere with Gary and the Mistress. Unfortunately, I couldn't simply ask the Mistress for something like that. It was one of those stupid rules that all Masters and Mistresses agreed on. My Mistress had to think returning me to my lamp was her own idea. "I wish Gary was wearing something more appropriate to going outside." "Done, Mistress." Instead of the skimpy teddy she'd been wearing, Gary was now dressed in a short skirt and a tight, form-fitting, short-sleeved, pullover sweater. Since I didn't think she was ready to wear heels quite, her shoes had none. But once she was ready, there were plenty of shoes - with heels of various heights - just waiting to be worn in her room. "That's much better," said the Mistress. "I wish I was wearing the same thing." "Done, Mistress," I replied. I thought that was probably another of the Mistress' idle wishes. But a wish was a wish in my book. Since I didn't think there was enough room in Gary's clothes for both of them to fit comfortably, the Mistress was now wearing an identical skirt and sweater. I'd left her shoes alone. I could only hope she didn't think about wishing me into a similar outfit. "What happened to my sexy teddy?" asked Gary. The Mistress looked over at me. Although she didn't seem to mind the change in her attire, she clearly wanted me to tell Gary what I'd done with that hot little number she'd been wearing. "It's in your room, on your bed, Gary," I replied. While I could have just turned it into the new clothes she was wearing, I'd decided she might need it again later when the Mistress was too occupied to wish one up for her. The Mistress suddenly smiled. "I'm sure dressed like this, we'll attract plenty of boys. Wouldn't you agree, Gary?" This was something I didn't want to hear. "Boys?" asked Gary nervously. "I don't think I ready for boys." She shook her head. "All this time that I've wanted to be a girl, I never thought about I'd be doing with boys what all those girls had been doing with me." The Mistress turned and stared at me. What did she expect? I'm a genie, not a mindreader. She'd wished Gary consider it normal and natural to be a girl. Even though it would eventually integrate into her female mindset on its own, the Mistress had never said anything about her doing that right away. "I wish that Gary thought about boys what she always thought girls were thinking about Gary." "Done, Mistress." I wasn't too sure I liked that wish. It didn't seem that much different than what the Tri-P's had tried doing when they'd made Gary think she was Effie. On the other, the bitch had it coming. It was just like the Mistress had said earlier, Gary would be learning to live with some of those odd thoughts her former male self had always had about girls. After shaking her head, Gary casually flicked away the hair that had fallen across her face. "Why are we still here, Charli? I thought we were going out to celebrate my moving in here." "We are," replied the Mistress. "I've been trying to figure out where we should go." "Any place where there's plenty of boys is just fine with me." "I thought you weren't ready for boys yet." "Where did you get a lame idea like that, Charli?" asked Gary, as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "I may not have been a girl as long as you have, but I know what I like." She looked at the Mistress and smiled. "Besides, you know me, I'm feeling hornier than shit right now. If I don't laid tonight, I'm going to scream." "I think I know the perfect place." "Then let's go." I really didn't want to go with them. Picking up guys, especially mortal ones with only one thing on their little minds, didn't interest me. "There's one more thing to do before we leave." "What's that?" "It's your name, Gary," replied the Mistress. "What kind of name is Gary for a pretty girl." "I hadn't thought about that. I've never meant another girl named Gary before." "You never will." The Mistress turned to me. It wasn't too hard to tell what was coming. "I wish Gary's name was Gina and everything identifying her identifies her as Gina." "Done, Mistress," I replied. The first part of her wish had come as no surprise. However, I was convinced the Mistress had no idea just how complex that second part had been. I yawned. It had taken a lot out of me. "Are you all right, Sammi?" "Yes, Mistress." I yawned again. "Maybe you should return to your lamp," replied the Mistress. "I'm afraid I've overtaxed you and your powers need recharging." That was just fine with me. "Yes, Mistress," I replied again. I'd had enough of the mortal world for now. As my physical form turned to smoke, I was glad to be heading home. "Let's go, Gina." "I'm right behind you, Charli." However, as I felt the pull start drawing me inside my lamp, I wasn't convinced the mortal world was quite ready for Charli and Gina. I knew I wouldn't be when the Mistress called me back to the mortal world. I could only hope that wouldn't happen for a few more years, mortal time. THE END

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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

2 years ago
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Toothbrush Part III

TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Angel S1 E3 Pilot Part III

Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part III of III

Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...

2 years ago
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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

4 years ago
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60 Days as a Woman Part III

60 Days as a Woman Part III By Fictiongirl Chapter 9 When the story last ended Faye and I were laying in bed, basking in the afterglow of some really great sex. Over the course of the next 3 weeks my hair grew longer and I no longer needed a wig. I kept the Paige boy look, but I changed my hair color to red. Red haired women always turned me on, so I decided to run with that. Faye was teaching me everything she knew about makeup and fashion. But, she was also making me...

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Bobbys Rainy Day Adventure Chapter III

Dinner conversation turns into an asparagus eating contest between Bobby and Cori. But why is Cori grinning like that? Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure Copyright 2005 by Heather Rose Brown CHAPTER III As we entered the small, brightly lit kitchen, Corina announced, "After a daring rescue from the bathroom and a dangerous journey through the wilds of the hallway and living room, may I present to you our special dinner guest, Bobby!" Corina's mom, Aunt Joan, and her sister, Terri,...

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Danis Story Book II First Days Chapter III

Book I - Awakening dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II covers the remaining eight days of Dani's vacation and her kinky little band's further exploits. Although each Book is meant to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex together with all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or...

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The Day Tucker Became His Sister III

The Day Tucker Became His Sister Part III By Wolverine "I wonder what Tucker wants." said Patrick after hanging up the phone. Tucker's mom had just called and said that Tucker wanted to see him. Patrick started to get dressed. He was 6'1", husky, but not really fat, and intelligent. He was the type that would probably beg for sex. Fortunately for him, he could be quite witty at points. Patrick started to leave, but then stopped himself. He needed to call Laura. Laura was a...

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Mathews Resurrection III

Scene Five I was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage. Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual...

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Holi K Rang Udaye Mausi Aur Un K Beti Sang 8211 Part III

Main Priya ki taraf dekh kar muskura raha tha. Priya samajh gayi k ussey mera saath dena hai mausi ko chidha ne k liye. P: Mom mainey pehley kabhi nahi yeh socha tha, but Tiger sahi keh raha hai. Tum western dresses kyu try nahi karti. M: Nahi beta meri aab umar kaha rahi yeh sab pehanane k liye. Tum he pehano woh sab. R: Mausi aap aab bhi 24-25 saal ki college girl he dikhti ho. Bura mat manana, par aap sach main gazab ki sexy dikhogi western wear main. Priya muskuraaney lagi. P: Ha mom....

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After World War III

After World War III By Kathy Smith Harry Zeissler had a good life. He was the Director of Software in a biotech company near Boston. He had 50 engineers working for him. He was married to a lovely woman, Hannah Zeissler for the past 17 years. They had 5 children, all between 6 and 14 years old. He is a handsome man. He is 6'3" and dirty blonde hair and piecing blue eyes. He looked like he was 25, not 45. He met Hannah at their synagogue, in Brookline, MA. He was in...

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Tammy Goes Black After the Prom Part III

Tammy Goes Black After the Prom... Part IIII was so lost in lust for James big black cock. The sensations it was giving me and my once faithful married white pussy. My emotions had overwhelmed me; my first tryst at being unfaithful even though my husband had encouraged and set the wheels in motion, my discovery that the sexual satisfaction my body/pussy had longed for and craved was now being fulfilled. What seemed like new sensations coursing through my sexually charged body with each stroke...

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Antheas Baby Part III

Jack was already home following his visit to his parents when Anthea got in. He was holding a half-empty glass of Merlot in his hand. “That bad was it?” she asked.He nodded. They hugged and kissed. “I’m so sorry,” she commiserated. “I should have come with you or even gone on my own to tell them.”He shook his head. “No, she would only have upset you and we couldn’t have that in your condition,” he responded. “Dave and Helen took it well then.”She nodded. “They were quite shocked at first but...

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Mathews Resurrection III

Scene FiveI was out of town on business the entire next week and my return flight wasn’t scheduled to arrive until 8:30 Friday night. I hadn’t gone three nights in a row without fucking since Kerri and I met and I wasn’t looking forward to it. However, I decided to use it to my advantage.Before I left, I told Kerri to check her email every day at noon and at midnight for any instructions I may have for her. I sent her stories from various websites that covered a wide variety of sexual wonders....

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Chudayi Ke Din Chdayi Ki Raaten 8211 Part I

Meri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...

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The ship the Oasis the Book the Slave Part III

The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, Part III. By Geneva. The former corsair Rami, now the woman Nesrine, makes a life for herself and her family in Marseille. Unexpectedly, she come into possession of magic book and uses it to save a family member and destroy an enemy. This story is a continuation of my earlier stories, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave', and its sequal, 'The Ship, the Oasis, the Book, the Slave, part II'. This story can stand on its own, but it might...

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The Prince Bride III

The Prince Bride III By Missy Crystal Chapter 3 - Elisse Queen Charlotte found the King in the Council chamber. He was anxious to hear of her reunion with their son and dismissed his advisors, so that he could speak with her in private. Once they were alone, he instructed the royal guards outside the door to permit no one to enter. King Henry, fearless in battle, stood nervously before his wife, anticipating her anger at the harm he had caused by keeping the Prince from her....

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The Best and the Brightest part III

The Best and the Brightest Part III By Maggie Finson "Are you really going to turn into a girl, Uncle Eric?" Jack questioned with a doubtful look in his eyes that I couldn't argue with at all. I'd returned to Claire's specifically to talk with the kids about my decision and what it might mean. "If I go to work for Care Givers, I will." My answer was slow, as I watched for reactions...

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The Entity Part III

This is the third part of the story. Be sure to read The Entity and The Entity Part II first. The Entity Part III by Quicksilver I stared at the entrance to Steve's sports bar. I was due to start work now. I was still trying to gather the courage to go inside. The last time I was here was pretty wild and Steve wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole thing. So much so that he called to give me an extra day off just to avoid me. Finally, I gathered up the courage to go...

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The Hendricks Inheritance Part III

The Hendricks Inheritance Part III Dating Heath had gone surprisingly well over the passing weeks, and William had started to become much more at ease and accustomed to his role as his sister Cynthia. It really helped that underneath all the bluff exterior, Heath was really the talented makeup artist Heather and in the bedroom little William could come out and play if he wanted. More often than not though, Cynthia was fully prepared to lie back and receive what Heath had to offer...

1 year ago
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The Researcher III

The Researcher III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This is a work of Fiction and will have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is the third installment of a story I began in January. The plot is settled but the scenes and details have required more time than anticipated. The curve of the plot is shifting to the couple Maris and Jon (aka serge). I hope the readers will pardon my errors of...

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The Curtsey part III

The Curtsey Part III By Sissy Smith As the three ladies sat and waited for Tammie to appear, they got to know each other better and Lisa was brought up to speed on Tammie's situation. Lisa found the whole thing really hard to believe and thought that this really was some kind of joke her mother was pulling on her. Ms. Brenda then changed the subject to inform Ms. Baldwin that she had a lot more in store for Tammie when they got home. She said she had been working on finding a...

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The Corruption of CeCe Part III

The Corruption of CeCe, Part III by Carly I. Anyone under the age of 18 or states/municipalities where such erotic material is prohibited should cease to read any further. Please be aware this story also contains drug use and sex between two consenting teenagers and/or consenting adults. -First Day of High School- My alarm woke me up at 5:30am so I had about 2 hours before mom dropped me off at school. I went into the bathroom, used the toilet, brushed my teeth, and got into the...

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The Chace McCartson Tale RW Chapter III

This is a rewrite of a story I had published here in 2012. This is an attempt of finishing it, taking over where it stopped in 2015 after I am done rewriting. It has re-checked and better English, additional scenes and lines, probably heading to a totally new experience altogether, as I took in consideration all the evaluation and comments I received back then. So, if you're new to this, please, don't go looking for the old ones that are still up, as it may ruin your reading. Some...

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The Roommate III

"The Roommate" (Pt. III) I finished dinner then did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. I didn't move upstairs with Ted that night but then again I didn't move out either. I got up the next morning and realized that since I didn't have to go into work now and since it was only a minimum wage job anyway it was easy to just call in and quit on the spot. It was a liberating feeling but then I began to wonder what I would do with all my time. I'd...

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The Rise of Miss Hyde Part III

The Rise of Miss Hyde: Part III By Argus Foreword This is the final part of my Miss. Hyde story. At some point in the future, I may put all the parts together and add a few extra bits and modifications to create a complete version. For now though the story has run its course and I'm looking forward to writing something else, going in another direction. In terms of story, this one is kinda just wrapping up loose ends and bringing things to a conclusion. If you look at the first...

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The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church III

The First Woman Cardinal of the Catholic Church. III Melissa Tawn INTRODUCTION: While each story in this series is independent of the others, it is highly recommended that one read the first two stories, in order to understand how Cardinal O'Connor transitioned and became the first woman cardinal of the Catholic church. A few weeks after the taping of Mary-Anne Cardinal O'Connor's interview with the BBC, which was never broadcast, Cardinal Leone, the Vatican Secretary of...

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The Choir III

“You have a lovely cock, Mickey.” “So do you, Roddy. I’ve grown especially fond of its lovely little cover. It’s one of my favorite things, peeling back your foreskin with my tongue.” “Mine, too, Mickey.” “So, tell me,” I asked as I stroked his shoulders and belly, “How is it that you’re such an expert at sex?” “Private tutoring, of course. I came to the Cathedral school at 9. The older boys didn’t take much notice of me then, but at 11 I caught the eye of the head...

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