Topaz's Jewel free porn video

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Topaz's Jewel By Peg Thebois Mistress Topaz rubbed her fingers frantically over her panties providing a meager relief to the burning itch she felt between her thighs. Her eyes half glazed over in rapture but she fought to keep them open, revel in her perfect work of art. Months of preparations had all lead up to this moment, this portrait of more than sight. And within moments it would all end, and the momentary perfection would become flawed, but at this moment there was only the build-up, the sound of flesh upon flesh, the heady scent of arousal and a tingle of lust in the air that set every tiny hair on her body to stand on edge. The entire scenario was building to a pinnacle and Topaz pushed herself harder to match their pace. It was such a beautiful submission by her latest plaything. She pulled the crotch of her panties aside, needing the more direct contact with her burning cunt. Topaz bit on her lip as she watched in blissful ecstasy, using the pain to heighten her arousal, and then, just as she peaked the scenario came to a climax and for a half a fraction of an instant everything seemed to freeze. Mistress Topaz locked that particular beautiful memory away for posterity as the waves of heaven rolled outward from the center of her being. *** It had started so simply for Corey Hayes. It had been his first trip to Victoria Steele's. He had known when he went that it catered to the local, S&M crowd, that was why he chose it, but it couldn't have been further from his expectations. Corey had envisioned some gothic club, incorporating elements of a medieval dungeon with live sex shows and people chained to the walls being whipped in front of everyone. Instead he found a fairly typical club playing fairly typical music, the lack of a dance floor was unsurprising but there was no atmosphere of sex whatsoever. Instead of racks and walls of manacles there were booths with tables. Instead of the parade of wild and exotic costumes he had been expecting the patrons were dressed like real people, many of them professionally attired as though bankers or lawyers during the day who had not bothered to change before they came here. The only real indication of what type of clientele favored the club was in the slim number of people adorned with leather collars and leashes, and in the general attitudes of the some of the patrons. He stood just inside the doorway for a moment, perplexed by the contrast between his expectations and reality, but soon decided he wasn't disappointed and strolled up to the bar. The atmosphere was clearly a social club and that was fine by him, he was never much for dancing anyway. Once he had his drink Corey sat down and nursed it while he looked around at the crowd, there were singles everywhere interspersed with couples of all definitions. Despite not matching his expectations Corey found he was rather fond of this place. It seemed perfectly suited to his needs. *** Mistress Topaz had spotted a candidate for being her next playtoy as soon as he walked into Victoria Steele's. It was always easy to spot a newcomer to the bar, and even easier to judge their bend by their initial reaction. Dominants always looked like they had walked into a candy store, there was the immediate urge to sample everything before it got snatched up by someone else. Submissives on the other hand reacted like this one, they stood there looking for all the world like a lost little child, frightened and stranded out in the big world. She watched him very closely for a few minutes, particularly watching his eyes. By the time he had collected his drink and sat down Topaz had observed him watching several women, but he didn't bat an eye at the godlike bartender. Her mind was already spinning with ideas of fun ways to play with a straight man, best to make her play before anyone else snagged him. Topaz swiftly made her way to the bathroom and redid her make-up, switching to a slightly darker, more striking style. Then she hurried back out to the bar, once her prey's table was in view she walked slowly up and sat down at his table, he turned to her, obviously puzzled by her failure to ask if she may join him but he didn't object, instead he froze as he looked at her, perfect. They engaged in some pointless small talk, and he introduced himself as Corey, she gave him her scene name. Corey told her it was his first time here, as though she couldn't tell. They spent the evening engaging in small talk. The conversation mostly revolved around Corey, as men are known to do, and Topaz let it stay that way, better to remain a mystery to him. The few times that Corey tried to guide the conversation towards her Topaz neatly steered it back to being about him. A couple times that evening Corey poked towards the topic of the scene but once again Topaz was not ready to give that tidbit too early. Near the end of the evening she dropped a couple little bits about the scene and herself, just to keep him hooked, and hooked he was, well and truly. She took his phone number, refusing to give up her own, and called him nearly a week later. This time was very different, this time she started off right away discussing the scene and his interest in it. He was straight and submissive, both of which Topaz had guessed before he even mentioned it, as well she knew ahead of time where his interest in the scene originated. Topaz had grown up with two mothers since she was five, not that she shared this information with Corey, as such she probably knew more about men and how they thought than most girls who grew up with fathers. She had not been raised under the blinding veil of male dominance, she could look at them objectively and see what they really wanted and deserved, and when those were not the same. Corey was like all other men, he was looking for someone to treat him as his own mother had. As most male subs in the scene his mother had been strict but fair, a woman of strength. His father was absent for much of his childhood and so his mother was the center of his youth, beloved icon and firm disciplinarian, an ideal combination for a properly behaved male. Topaz reeled him in with a few well chosen tales about her experiences as a dominant. By the end of their third conversation she had Corey, and he gingerly approached the topic of her showing him the scene. She agreed, setting a condition to help further her now well developed plan for her final scene with Corey. "I want proof that you are serious about the scene, I want something that can show me you aren't just using this for some kind of agenda." "What kind of proof?" "I want you to go out and buy yourself a pair of panties, yes women's panties, something sexy. I want you to wear them and meet me tomorrow night at Victoria Steele's." She heard a note of hesitation on the other end of the line, the fish was starting to panic at leaving the water. "If you can't leave yourself in my hands and trust me, I don't think I can help you explore yourself." That clinched it, like batting a fish in the head, Corey was in the boat, now all that was left was to prepare him. *** Corey almost didn't show up at Mistress Topaz's loft that night, several months after first meeting her at Victoria Steele's. She had told him that tonight was the night he was finally going to submit himself fully to her, and he had a fairly good idea how that was going to be engineered. Since the beginning of his experimentation in the scene Mistress Topaz had led him to realize the inherent submissive nature of many feminine trappings, and how they were designed for that purpose, to ensure the servitude of a woman. She had acclimatized him bit by bit to such things, not as a whole but piecemail, on one occasion using the feminine scents of lipstick and perfume, on another the sensual nature of women's undergarments. He had even recently serviced her while wearing high heeled shoes and a cruelly tight vinyl corset. And since their second session Mistress Topaz had exercised her ownership of his body by instructing him to keep it delicately smooth for her. Reassuringly she had always accepted his limitation that even in his submission he would not touch another man, or have another man touch him in an intimate fashion. There was no question whether he would go through with tonight in the end however, Corey had committed himself when he had given Mistress Topaz several hundred dollars to prepare this scene. Not even mostly because of the financial outlay but more because of the symbolism of the act. When Corey finally galvanized himself enough to ring the buzzer Mistress Topaz greeted him at the door wearing black leather pants and a matching jacket. Her chocolate hair was pulled back firmly against her scalp and hanging behind her in a ponytail, and her make-up was dark, emphasizing her eyes and minimizing her mouth. Her lips seemed thin and severe, even though she was smiling it seemed more like a faint smirk. She showed Corey into the main room, which now boasted several large lights, forming a ring around an area set up almost like a stage with a mattress in the center. "Are you ready Corey, Are you ready to give your will to me, and allow me to initiate you into the world of blissful dominance?" They both knew the answer, if Corey was not prepared to obey her every whim he would not have come that night, but they both knew she wanted him to say the words. "Yes Mistress, I am as a shapeless lump of clay, ready to be molded into anything you desire." Mistress Topaz smiled and showed Corey to the bedroom, " Your attire is on the bed. We will dress you and then I will make you ready, but I give you one last chance. If you can not commit to doing anything I may ask of you within the realms of your limitations, then you should leave now, and perhaps seek someone else to guide you. I could not continue with a submissive who does not trust my judgment." Corey took a deep breath, he knew he was being manipulated, but that was the nature of domination. "Mistress, my only fear is that I will fail to serve you to your satisfaction. I will proceed." "I have no such fears, go now and we shall make you ready." Mistress Topaz replied. Corey stepped into the bedroom and nearly wept at what he saw, laying upon the bed was a pale pink panty and garter belt set, with white stockings. Beside that was a frothy white petticoat, to go under the pale pink dress that lay, like a present, upon the black satin sheets. The dress had two sets of spaghetti straps over each shoulder and a sparkling bodice that laced up in the back, the skirt was widely flared and had a second layer of transparent white material overtop of it. Between the natural flare of the dress and the accompanying petticoats it would no doubt transform Corey into the very manifestation of the virginally sweet prom princess. For the next half hour Mistress Topaz was as a little girl, gleefully playing with her doll. Garter belt and stockings were followed by panties and petticoat, and finally she pulled the dress up around him and laced the cords across his back. Then came every little girls paint set, a fortune in make-up supplies. Corey relaxed and obeyed his Mistress' instructions as she unlocked the woman she desired inside him. As she painted and brushed away the shameful example of manhood Mistress Topaz set to explaining what was going to happen. "The night of a girl's prom is a very special night for her. It is her final night in the submission of her father's will. It is also for many the beginning of a new type of submission, a submission to her man." Corey stiffened at the phrase, for a moment forgetting that Mistress Topaz had promised to abide by his limitations, he would be touching no man tonight. The man in this case must be his mistress. Once she had applied the final strokes to the canvas that was Corey's face Mistress Topaz crowned him with an elegantly styled wig of the same rich chocolate color as her own hair, but worn up and curled and then finished the look with a glittering tiara. Then she placed a pair of pink high heels on his feet and led her creation out to the stage. Corey stopped in his place and nearly lost his feet when he saw the stage again, it was surrounded by six men all wearing swimsuits that bulged with their masculinity. Immediately his Mistress was by him whispering in his ear, "Don't worry pet, they won't touch you, not so much as a brush of their skin. You trust me, in order to help you relish in your submission I have to take you to the very limits of your boundaries. We must shake your world to it's core so that you can constantly re-evaluate your limits, but I promise you, your limits will be respected until you tell me that you wish to transcend them. Remember you do not do this just for your mistress, you do this for yourself as well." Corey allowed himself to be taken by the hand and led to the mattress. She gently lay him down on his back, fluffing the flared skirt of his dress around him. When she was finally satisfied Mistress Topaz backed away from Corey to observe and the men closed in the circle around him. Corey lay there in the center of the circle of blinding lights, he could see the shadows of men standing over him but with their backs to the lights he couldn't see them clearly. Neither could he see his new Mistress, however he heard her voice and she instructed him to stroke himself. So this was to be his initiation, to humiliate himself in front of these other men. He would be made to get himself off, all while dressed in the meekest, sissiest clothes imaginable. Obediently Corey bunched the side of his skirt up so that he could slip a hand in and free his cock from it's satin confines. To his surprise his member was already slightly engorged with blood, making it fat but not yet hard. Unsurely he began to stroke himself, encouraging his not so proud soldier to attention. He found it much easier than he had expected to get himself hard, oddly the humiliation of this situation was giving an extra buzz to the pleasure he was giving himself. As he got harder he paused his hand at the top of his stroke to stimulate the head of his penis with his thumb before sliding back down his shaft spreading pre- cum along his member. Slowly he began to relax and enjoy the situation when something changed and his heart almost stopped. The six men surrounding him freed their own members from their swimwear and started to stroke themselves over top of him. This wasn't just a spectator show, this was a circle jerk. Corey sat up to break away when he heard his mistress' voice command him to stop. There was a forceful edge to her voice like a razor blade fresh from a deep freeze. "I promised they would not touch you, and you agreed to do anything I asked of you providing that was met. If you wish to go against your commitment, then do so. I will return you your clothes and you may leave but I will not tolerate someone who lies to me. Not even long enough for you to change, and if you leave now then you do not exist to me. Now make your choice, can you fulfill your promise to your mistress or are you too weak to be a submissive?" Corey swallowed and looked into the face of his mistress, unfortunately because she was in the darkness and he was in the light she was just a shadow to him now. He had wanted to be a submissive, he had wanted to cater to the whims of a beautiful woman, and she had given him what he had asked for. Surely this was another test. Initiating him with the most drastic request she would ever make of him, if he could serve this scenario anything in the future she asked would be easy. All he had to do was endure one night of humiliation and then he would have proven himself to Mistress Topaz. With this in mind Corey lay back down and nervously fluffed the skirt of his dress again. "Good girl," his mistress purred as he reached back into his skirt and grabbed hold of his now flaccid penis. He closed his eyes, took several deep breaths and started to stroke himself again. Immediately he heard the sounds of the six men jerking on their own cocks and started to panic again. He opened his eyes nervously, but continued to get himself off. As he jacked himself off Corey noticed two things, first that each of the men here was substantially larger than his own respectable 6.5 inches, and secondly when one of the six men started to get too excited he would slow down his pace, keeping himself just barely under the heat of climax. Both things were likely according to his mistress design, these men were probably to try and match their own orgasms to his, and probably chosen for their size. Corey jerked himself harder and faster, hurriedly trying to bring this scenario to it's final although horrifying climax, better to be done with it than lay there in fear. It took him some time but Corey finally started pushing the envelope of orgasm, and from the sounds coming from the shadows his mistress was right there with him. Finally he felt the rush in his loins as semen poured over his stroking hand like an erupting volcano, the real kind, not the Hollywood type which throw magma miles into the air. As soon as his flow started the man by his left hip came too, but he came with force like in the porn films spraying his load across Corey's abdomen. Then came the man standing over Corey's head released his load and Corey just barely managed to close his eyes and mouth before the horrid slime splattered across his face. *** Regina Jacobs sipped her Irish Coffee and replayed the video she had recorded the previous evening as her alter-ego Mistress Topaz. The sweet gullible male climaxing and then being sprayed with the combined cum of six real studs. Three focused on his face while the other three came all over his delicately sissy dress. Casually she reached for the phone and dialed a number she had taped to the phone. "Hello Shakers Movers, John Shaker, how may I help you?" "Hello, I'm moving from my loft to a house, I would like all my things transported." As she gave the address Regina made a mental note to move her belongings out of the living room so it would look like she was just moving in. There were still a dozen more moving companies in the city so in a month when the urge struck her again, Mistress Topaz could acquire a new plaything and no-one would be any wiser. THE END

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She could hear the ocean waves as they pounded against the rocks she was sitting on. Coming closer ebbing and flowing like the waves of thoughts that were going through her mind. Her eyes shut and she remembered the softness of his skin, the light scent of his body and the sound of his voice in her ear. Low, sexy, urgent helping her say what she never could. She stood up and started walking home along the cold beach trying to shake the thoughts that she knew would follow her throughout the...

2 years ago
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My first tatste of Greek pussy Christmas sex holi

I wasn't sure if I was any good at writing my personal experiences but after hearing only positive messages from people about my last story, I feel like I want to share my latest experience with you all! Sorry I didn't post this as soon as I got back from Greece but you know I don't spend my whole life on porn sites!For a joint Christmas-early19th b'day present me and a friend of mine decided to go on a trip, for about 10 weeks now I have been studying Greek so naturally I wanted to try out my...

3 years ago
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Pass the Pussy III

Pass the Pussy Part Three By M NBSUJO "Will I see you tonight?" Mike asked as he pulled his shirt on. "No I'm going to hang out with Julie at her house and then I've got a paper to finish." "Then what about tomorrow night?" he asked now putting on his shoes and socks. "Yeah, but not 'til after nine." "Alright. I'm gonna be late. See ya tomorrow night." And with that he left. Mike had been my best friend since high school. There were many things I'd imagined that...

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Curse of the Bitch

Author's note. The circumstances surround the main character's entry into the erotic writing world are autobiographical. I am scrunching my body as far back into the crevice as humanly possible. The cold concrete helps me to feel every bump and bruise on my aching body. I know if I can survive until first light I should be able to make it out of town alive. I also know if they manage to catch me under this bridge, I'm fucked. My shoulder stings from a near miss earlier this evening. I...

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First time dominating

Tuesday 18th June 2013 Dear Diary Well the day is almost here… This is the first time I have done something like this and to be honest I’m quite nervous about it. What if it doesn’t go to plan or he doesn't enjoy it? I mean don't get me wrong I've imagined doing it fantasied about it if you will but to actually do it is another thing. He mentioned he liked a dominating woman and being a submissive myself I aim to please so here I am writing this down in my diary hoping to get some of my nerves...

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Gloryhole Girlfriend Part I

This is based on true events. I used to date a woman – I’ll call her ‘Amber’ – who got pretty wild once she had a few drinks in her. One night we were fooling around and I asked her if she had ever been to an adult bookstore. She replied that she had been in one once, with her old boyfriend. I asked her if she had liked it, and she said yes. So that night I took a little detour while driving her home, and we visited a seedy adult bookstore in a neighboring city. There were a few men in the...

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Let off Lightly

The rolling text below the TV pictures described a drunken brawl. One of the miscreants was jailed for two years, the second got a year's suspended sentence while the third had only a fine. The was a fleeting picture of the defence counsel Anthony St-John Whittingham.“Damn,” said Judge James Thomas. Dressed in his bathrobe, he slumped back in the chair with half an eye on the flames in the log fire while he toyed with the TV remote. To any outside observer, the scene was a picture of a...

2 years ago
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Looking after BBC neighbour

Tony is my next door neighbor, he is a young black man about 19 years old. He lives alone and often when my husband is away on business he comes over and keeps me company. Tony had a job working at a restaurant, one day I get a call from him at the hospital. He had burned his hands at work while cooking and he wanted me to go and pick him up and drive him home. I got to the hospital and the poor baby's hands were both wrapped up to his forearms. On the drive home he explained what had happened...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 06 Lesbian Babysitter

After the birth of my second child, a cute little girl, we decided to hire a part-time nanny or babysitter. The agency sent a young girl to us and after only one session, we decided to change as she was totally clueless as to what to do with the baby. The second nanny came and she was in her late twenties. She had previous experience before and she had brought up her own child before. Hence, we were very comfortable with the way she handled our baby. She dressed simple but she looked sweet...

4 years ago
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Beverlys Dreams Come True in the Worst WayChapter 6

As I was driving away she asked, "This is taking it easy on me?" I laughed and said, "We could have spent the next four or five hours in there. It's a good thing you learned that little trick. I could take one or two of them. But I couldn't take them all on." "I thought that first asshole was going to start a fight. I was scared. Everyone in there seemed so violent!" "A place like that has a slightly different etiquette than the places you're used to going when you go out. You...

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School from hell

John Walkins was a practical joker. In fact, his last practical joke almost got him expelled from his last school. So, on the advice of the principal, John’s parents decided to enroll him in a special school, one for troubled students. This school had the reputation for turning students around and setting them on a new course. Naturally, John’s parents never told him this. However, in their haste to enroll John, they failed to read all the papers they signed, which allowed the school to use any...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Blondie Bombshell Creaming a Bombshell

Blondie Bombshell was swimming in her pool. She had the tiniest bikini which barely covered the nipples of her giant breasts. Her body was covered with beautiful tattoos. Jay Bangher sneaked up and started to watch her. She left the pool and went for the shower. Jay followed her and watched how she soaped her body and enjoyed the shower. Then he sneaked out again. Blondie got out of the shower, went to the living room and started to masturbate. Jay was watching through the window. Now finally...

2 years ago
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Chelles Day Off Part One

The sun’s rays shining through the partially open blinds fell upon Michelle’s beautiful, sleeping form as she lay alone in bed. It caught her eyes and she stirred, momentarily startled to have been awakened by the sunlight instead of her alarm before remembering that it was her day off, as the office where she worked was closed a few days that week for renovations. She smiled at the thought of a day with no obligations and a chance to take advantage of the beautiful weather outside. As the haze...

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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 18

Julie and Samantha came home from the hospital 2 days later. Julie was still on an emotional high. The first time she sat down in the rocker and rocked her baby to sleep put a smile on her face that I didn't think would ever fall off. After she put the baby to bed, she came back out with Becky and me. She didn't seem as happy anymore. "Julie, what's wrong?" "I wish my Mom could be here to see her new granddaughter. I still haven't heard from them at all." "Give them time. It takes...

2 years ago
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Learning Curve

Megan, the high school senior and the new girl of the school, has just been totally humiliated. Her cute bum still stinging and now glowing a luscious red as her legs continue to struggle to support her slight weight – and now, her face the same shade of red as her behind. The new girl, with her hands gripping the bed sheets, leans forward so her dark brown hair covers her face and embarrassment; and her tight, pink pussy still on display for all of the other girls in the room to see. With her...

3 years ago
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The Trees Are Alive

1 The flat seemed empty, like my life. Oh, physically it was the same; the same furniture, books, bedding, but there was an aching void left by the departure of the girl who had been sharing my life off and on for the previous six months. Not even a photo – for some reason she had refused to be photographed. The one attempt I'd made to sneak a snap when she wasn't looking had failed; so blurred (I assumed by camera shake) as to be unrecognisable. It wasn't the first time I'd been without...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Werewoman

The bar was full of the smoke and noise of people happily celebrating the end of the work week. Sitting at the end of the bar was Alex, who was more than happy to spend his Friday night as far away from the cheery, happy people of the pub and as close as possible to a bottle of booze. "Hey there stranger," said a voice from behind. "Is that seat taken?" Turning around to the source of the sound he finds a slender woman with fiery red hair, legs that seemed to go for days, and a face...

1 year ago
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CommunityChapter 18

Sweet little Susan's turn: "You did WHAT?" Alan asked me. I took a breath. The guy actually sounded disturbed. "I gave some of Terri's writings to the English professor who's working with us." I looked at Tina. "Did I do something wrong?" "Alan, she didn't do anything wrong, you know." "I know. I'm just surprised." Alan smiled at me. "You know they'd have figured it out when she started school in the fall," Tina said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "Do you...

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ModernDaySins Kenzie Taylor Lilly Bell Lust Triangles Her Younger Self

A husband, Mick Blue, comes home and is greeted by his wife, Kenzie Taylor. As soon as she pulls herself close and starts fawning over him, Mick’s curiosity is piqued since he’s sure she’s up to something. Kenzie admits that she is and clears her throat, which signals Lilly Bell, who looks and acts just like her, to step into the room. Mick is pleasantly surprised as Kenzie admits that she noticed he was attracted to pictures of her as a young woman. Because of that, Kenzie...

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In My Life Ch 02

Maria had no doubt what would happen next. She saw the rage in Emerson’s eyes and knew he would fight Hogan. What she didn’t know was how the fight would go. Emerson had learned long ago to keep his temper in check. He had lost it on occasion and the results worried him. He had made it a practice to remain in control of his emotions. This time, it was impossible for Emerson to control his feelings as he saw what Hogan had just done. Stepping between Hogan and Maria, Emerson looked Hogan in...

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation, you knew many would consider wrong? No, I’m not talking murder wrong, so calm down, dear reader. I guess to tell this story right; I have to begin at the beginning of my story. A while back (no, I’m not telling you when, as for all I know, the wrong person or people are reading this) I was helping a friend move into her new place. Now, I know, helping a friend move isn’t a bad thing, but it was what happened after that was, well, so to speak. My...

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College Gym

I didn't know him. I didn't remember seeing him on campus before. I went to as large state university so this was no surprise.It was a Wednesday night, just after closing time at the student gym. He and I were the only ones left in the locker room. The place would be locked down in 15 minutes which was enough time for me to take a quick shower.I walked into the shower room and there he was. A very attractive looking black guy, tall and lean, with chocolate brown skin. We nodded hello as a...

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Masters Perfect Pet

Marissa is awaiting her punishment. She is naked, her head is bowed, her hair is loose and falling around her shoulder and face. She is licking her glossy lips and thinking over in her mind how her mouth has once again got her in this predicament. It is that same mouth that will likely get her out of it she thinks shaking her head. Earlier in the evening, Mark and Marissa where relaxing on the couch watching Sunday Night Football. Both had a long hard work week and so enjoyed their weekends...

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Escaping the Streets

True Story: I've had my share of difficulties in this life and then some. But I've survived. Had to sell a little pussy and suck a few dicks. Kept my self clean, but it's not a good life. Every man thinks it's a great life, but for a woman it's not. Been robbed a few times, but nerver beat up.So one afternoon I'm a little, innocent looking black girl waitint for a city bus in a bus stop shelter in Richmond, Virginia and this white guy stops his car to ask for directions. Found out pretty...

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My Pakistani Cousin Edited

Being born and brought up in the UK to Pakistani origin parents I visited Pakistan every summer.A very conservative society where women were kept indoors and not allowed to converse with other men.Never in my dreams would I have ever thought to loose my virginity in that country, well my wildest dreams would become reality in the next few lines. A hot June afternoon I was resting on my bed while the hot air was making me go crazy.Suddenly the doorbell rings and I open up the door to be blown...

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Wife Gets Me a Special Massage Gay

It was Scott's birthday and I had surprises in mind for him. Last night my husband and I had arrived at this luxurious desert spa near Miami and I had a whole day of treats planned for him today. First we'd have a special caviar breakfast and take a quick swim, and then, for later in the afternoon, I had arranged for a masseur to come up to the room. I had requested a specific special masseur, and not another or a masseuse, because that masseur, I hoped, was going to be a big part of the very...

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Married daughter with driver and her papa

Hi i am manjula aged 24 yrs.i am a married lady and my hubby rajan is working for a famous company as a sales representative.besides him i have a lovely mother-in law and my one yr old baba.i was married to rajan around three yrs back.since my husband is working as a sales-rep for a medical company. He is generally away on the tours.i also have a sister-in-law,but she is married and staying with her husband and kids .my sis-in-law is staying in some other city,so she comes to meet us on very...

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Habitual Changes

From the makers of the World Processor, Master PC, and BlueBerry Soothsayer comes the newest advancement in changing your life: the Task Master App! Having issues being the person you want to be? Well, that’s no longer an issue! Just install the app from whatever reputable app store your device uses, and you’ll be given a unique experience tailored to who you are! During installation, the user is scanned for who they are versus the deepest, darkest wishes of who they could be! Those...

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Michaels SearchChapter 4

One day Mike got the phone call he had been expecting. Jeffery said, "Well Mike it looks like you've done a superb job down there for us. Do you want to move on, stay or quit and come back to Steelville?" "I've enjoyed the last several months but I don't think I want to stay here indefinitely. Why don't we search for another Plant Manager to replace me? I think I want to come home for a while and decompress then if I can't find a short Active Duty tour with the Navy I could do...

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GirlsWay Penny Pax Chanel Preston Adria Rae Surviving The Alters

Adria Rae doesn’t realize that her life will forever be changed in the blink of an eye. While Adria waits in her car, the emotionally unstable Mrs. Pax sneaks up on her sexual prey. Penny takes Adria against her will, with the intent to use her as she pleases. Adria wakes up in a room unknown to her and desperately tries to find a way out. The red-haired woman introduces herself as Mrs. Pax, and Adria demands answers as to why she was taken here. Mrs. Pax assures Adria that she has no...


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