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I really like Jennifer Adams' Altered Fates universe. I particularly like the stories in which a loving couple find the medallion and have fun with it. In addition, I have seen many TG transformation situations in which a transformed male gets stuck as a female because he gets pregnant. I thought that there had to be another way, so I wrote this one. Altered Fates: Variations By Mr. Ram Colin pushed open the back door and called into the house, "Gina, we're havin' salmon tonight!" Colin had just had a successful day fishing and had caught a couple of nice Kings. "Look what I found in the belly of this big one here!" He held the big King salmon up in one hand and a bronze medallion on a chain in the other. Gina hurried into the kitchen from her small painting studio, wiping paint off her hands on her ratty, paint stained sweatshirt, one of Colin's old college shirts, the sleeves were cut off and it hung on her like a tent, but it was one of her 'painting uniforms'. "What is it?" "I dunno, but it looks old! I thought it was gold at first, but it's not." Colin tossed it to Gina. "EEW! Did you clean it?" she said as she gingerly held it by its chain with her thumb and forefinger. "Yeah, Yeah, with soap and water." Gina studied it more closely. It had a worn picture of a fairy or an angle who was holding a wand, Gina decided that it was a fairy, she didn't think that angels carried wands. There was writing around the edge, but it was either in a foreign language or it was to worn out to read. The back was worn smooth, though there may have been writing on it once, it was hard to tell. The chain was made of the same reddish gold metal as the medallion. She put it over her head. "I don't think it's worth much, but it is interesting. I wonder how it got in the fish?" "Who knows, it probably fell off a boat and the fish thought it was something to eat." suggested Colin. Gina got a knife from a drawer. "Do you want to fillet them or cut them into steaks?" "Fillet the big one and we'll make steaks out of the smaller one." He nodded towards the ice chest on the back porch. "'K" Colin sniffed under an arm and said, "Whew! I gotta take a shower, I'll grill those up when I'm through." Gina cut up the fish and wrapped most of it for freezing, keeping two nice steaks to cook for dinner. Colin came back smelling fresh; he had on a pair of sweat pants like Gina's, and a tee shirt. He began to cook... Dinner was delicious; they each discussed their day. There was nothing planned for the next day, they had just moved into town, Colin was taking a teaching position at a local college in the fall, teaching engineering drawing and drafting. Gina had recently been 'discovered' by a big Los Angeles art gallery and had enough work to allow her to live anywhere, making it easy for her to pick up and move for Colin's new job. Colin was an orphan and had been raised in foster homes. Gina's Mom and Dad were deceased, having succumbed to lung cancer after years of heavy smoking, she'd had an older brother, but he was killed in an accident while he was in the military. They had no children, It wasn't that they hadn't tried, Gina just didn't get pregnant. Both were healthy and they wanted kids, they just weren't lucky. They were each very fit, they were both now in their early 40's, Colin was 43, his family background was a hodge podge of Scandinavian countries. He was tall and blond with cheerful blue eyes. Gina was 41 and of Italian ancestry. She was petite, with dark hair and eyes. They were happy with their lives and were enjoying the summer off. In the summer they pursued their hobbies. He restored old cars. He would buy one during the school year, fix it up, sell it in the fall and look for another to do his magic on for the next summer. Just after moving to their new house, he'd found a suitable project. Gina kept herself busy building up her portfolio of paintings to sell. After dinner, they both cleared the table and took the dishes into the kitchen. The dishwasher was full and had to be unloaded before they could load the newly dirtied dishes. Colin rinsed and stacked their dinner dishes on the counter and generally cleaned the kitchen while Gina emptied the dishwasher. "Put this pot up here for me will you?" asked Gina. "I'm too short to reach!" "Ahh, you're not short, I think you are just right." said Colin as he took the pot from his lovely wife and put it on top of the cabinets. The kitchen chores all taken care of, they retired to the living room to watch some television, the TV Guide said that there was a movie about to start that neither of them had seen. They settled back on the couch with the remainder of the wine from dinner. While waiting for the film to start they necked a little. As Colin reached under Gina's shirt to cup her breast, he brushed up against the medallion as he laid a passionate kiss on her. "Ooo! I felt tingly all over, let's kiss again!" cooed Gina. "Any time Ma'am, I aim to please." They kissed again. "Aww, no tingle!" Gina mock pouted. "I felt a tingle the first time too, but it came from that medallion and then spread all over my body." "Static electricity?" suggested Gina. "Darndest static shock I ever felt, if that's what it was." The movie started and drew their attention to the television. Both had started their day very early and the movie wasn't really very interesting, they were asleep in each other's arms in minutes, so neither of them noticed as they slowly exchanged forms over the next half hour. Gina was the first to awaken, the movie was half over and the elastic on the legs of her sweat pants was digging into her calves. Colin's head was resting on her chest. 'That's got to be uncomfortable for him', she thought. "Wake up honey, we'd better get to bed" Her voice was all wrong! "Huh, Wha.." said the woman sitting next to her. They both sat up and stared at each other. Colin, was about to ask the man on the couch who he was, when he recognized the face he saw in the mirror everyday. "Gina?" "Colin?" Colin looked down at his chest and saw breasts pushing his tee shirt out; he grabbed one and immediately let go, as if burnt. "Wha, what's happened?" he asked. "Oh, Oh, I, I don't know!" Gina stuttered. She stood up and felt her crotch. Colin remained seated and probed the smooth space between his legs. He noticed the medallion, still around Gina's neck. "It's that necklace that did it, I felt a tingle all over, when I touched it while kissing you!" Gina lifted the medallion off of her now broad flat chest and looked at it. "You may be right! I felt that tingle too!" She had an idea, "Here touch it!" she held the medallion out to Colin. "Maybe it will change us back!" Colin stood up and held the medallion, nothing happened. "I don't feel anything happening!" he said as he looked up into his former eyes. 'My god', he thought, 'I've shrunk about a foot!' He looked at his, now oversized, tee and his ridiculously baggy sweat pants. "We didn't exchange bodies, we changed into each other!" Colin observed. "What'll we do?" Maybe the magic needs to recharge, we can try it again tomorrow. Let's go to sleep, we'll try it in the morning. The couple always slept in the buff, they nervously undressed and got in bed on their preferred side of the bed. It wasn't long before they were each doing a little surreptitious exploring of their newly altered forms. Colin started by fondling his breasts, his nipples soon became erect and the pleasant, warm, feeling seemed to be mirrored in his crotch. Gina fondled her new 'wedding tackle', she too found herself becoming aroused. She heard her husband's breath coming in shorter and shorter pants. From her own experience with that body, she knew exactly what was happening. Gina rolled over onto her side and kissed her aroused husband. Colin stopped his self-pleasuring and started to mumble an apology, Gina pressed a finger against Colin's lips, silencing him. She then pulled the bedclothes away and pushed a pillow against Colin's shapely rear. "Here, put your butt up on this on this." She told him. Colin lifted his derriere off of the bed and let Gina put the pillow under him. "You're going to really like this!" She put her head down between her husband's lovely legs. Gina's gentle ministrations drove Colin wild and the resulting orgasm was like nothing he'd ever dreamed of. Gina lay alongside her husband and held him in her strong arms. Colin was enjoying the 'afterglow', his eyes still closed, a smile on his face, when Gina rolled over him and easily pushed herself into Colin. Colin opened his eyes in surprise at the alien feeling of penetration, but quickly relaxed and enjoyed the unusual feelings that were assaulting him. He came two more times, though they were less intense than that fist orgasm, he felt Gina slow her rhythmic motion and then speed up as she finished. Gina rolled off of Colin and sighed, "My god, that was intense! Everything was concentrated right down there! The tension was delicious, and the release incredible!" Colin replied, "Thank you for that! I never realized... Oh Jeeze, I'm dripping!" He threw his legs over the side of the bed and holding his delicate hand over his crotch, shuffled to their master bathroom, his breasts jiggling with every step. Upon his return, they fell asleep in each other's arms. Colin woke when he felt something poking him from behind. As soon as he realized what it was he smiled; at the same time he was surprised at his own positive reaction. Yesterday, if a stiff penis prodding him from behind had awakened him, he would have been horrified. Instead, he bent forward and guided Gina's penis into his vagina. It wasn't as easy as last evening, he wasn't lubricated, but with a little digital help on Colin's part, Gina entered Colin's vagina. Gina's motion was very pleasant, but Colin was not even close to climax when Gina finished. A little disappointed, he could feel her softening member slip out of him. He turned and embraced his mate. "Good morning, Lover! "Good morning, honey!" They'd reversed their usual morning greetings. They took turns in the bathroom using the toilet and performing their morning ablutions in their unfamiliar bodies, all this took a little more time than usual... Gina was the first to finish; she put on Colin's bathrobe and went to the kitchen to make coffee. When Colin finished, he, at first, looked for his familiar robe and seeing it gone hesitated and then put on Gina's very feminine satin robe. They sat across from each other at the kitchen table drinking coffee and eating toast with jam. Gina said, "You know, I wasn't ever satisfied with the way I looked, but seeing you in my body I have to say, I'm cute!" Colin fidgeted uncomfortably at Gina's statement and glanced down at his bust. "Let's see if we can switch back now, OK?" "Alright, but first I want to arrange some boxes in the attic, It'll give us more room. Now that I have your height and strength, I can get it done in no time!" "I can do it after we change back." "I'd rather do it myself. I promise, we'll try the medallion after I'm finished." Gina gulped down the last of the coffee and went to the bedroom to get dressed. Colin stayed at the table and nibbled at his toast and sipped coffee, a little upset that Gina didn't want to try the medallion right away. It wasn't like he couldn't stack boxes after they switched back! Besides, he felt uncomfortable walking around in his wife's body, sure, the sex was fun last night, but this was the next morning and he wanted to be a man again! Nothing felt right, things jiggled when he walked that had no business jiggling and his crotch felt weird. He got up from the table to insist that they try the medallion again. When Colin got to the bedroom, his robe was on the bed and Gina was nowhere to be seen. 'She's gone to the attic', he thought. He picked the medallion up from Gina's nightstand, put it over his head and went looking for Gina. He went to the laundry room, where a pull down ladder accessed the attic. Sure enough, the ladder was down. Climbing the ladder he called, "Gina! Are you up there?" "Yeah, just a sec." "I want to try the medallion again!" "Gimme a minute." Colin climbed the ladder. Their attic was very tall as the roof of their house had a steep pitch, but it wasn't very wide. Gina was dressed in his jeans and a tee shirt; she had stacked up boxes that had been on the floor into a neat pile at the end of the attic, she was on her tip toes trying to push one last box into place near the peak of the roof. He walked up behind Gina, holding the medallion out just as the box Gina was trying to stack fell, spilling its contents onto Colin. He felt a tingle all over his body. "What is this?" Collin asked as he pulled the garment off of himself. Gina took it from him and held it up. "It's my senior prom dress!" She watched Colin as twenty-three years melted from him in minutes. Colin's hair changed from Gina's short sassy coiffure to a mid back, long wavy style. He also seemed to lose a little weight, his breasts, waist and bottom slimming to more youthful proportions. She was soon looking at herself as she was on her prom night, seventeen, with the bloom of childhood not quite gone from the young woman that Colin had become. Gina said, "Wow, that thing works with clothes too!" "Ow!" Colin put his hand over his lower belly. "What is it?" asked Gina, concerned. "I just felt a pain, right here." Colin nodded at his hand. Gina looked blankly at Colin and then her eyes lit up with understanding. "I had my period prom night, I was really upset!" "No Shit! So I'm stuck like this for how long?" He sounded like a petulant teen. "Let's see, we ate dinner about seven o'clock, so it was around eight when we changed. It must be about nine now, So I'd say it takes about thirteen hours or less, for it to recharge or whatever it is doing." Gina gently put her hand on Colin's shoulder to guide him to the ladder. "Let's get you dressed and find you a sanitary napkin before you start leaking." Walking to their bedroom, Gina observed, smiling, "I haven't even been a man for a day and I'm already married to a girl young enough to be my daughter." "It's not funny! If we'd changed when I wanted to, I wouldn't be in this fix!" "Aww come on Colin, we know now that it's only temporary! Besides, I've had monthly periods most of my life, a half day period isn't going to kill you!" Gina gave Colin a quick course on feminine hygiene and some Ibuprofen for his cramps. She then laid some panties, jeans and a tank top out for him. She decided to keep Colin's form for the day so she could take advantage of Colin's body's superior height and strength to do some work around the house. At first, Colin just laid around and watched television, but soon got bored of that and went to the garage to work on the project car. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his smaller, more flexible body and slender fingers, allowed him to more easily get under the dashboard for repairs to the car's wiring harness. By dinnertime, he was in a pretty good mood, having accomplished a lot that day. Colin barbequed some steaks and Gina saut?ed vegetables. They had a nice bottle of red wine with dinner. Colin caught a little buzz after just one glass of wine and let Gina finish the bottle. They settled down to watch television, there was a car program on Speedvision that Colin wanted to watch, Gina wasn't interested and excused herself. She decided to return to her own form and went to the attic to find her wedding dress. Half an hour later, the twenty nine year old woman that Colin married, sat beside him. Though at the time, Colin looked more like a younger sister than a husband. "Wow Gina, you look great!" "Let's try this again." said Gina as she handed Colin the medallion and a jacket. "My old army uniform jacket?" "Yeah, you've worn the suit you got for our wedding many times. But you haven't worn your army uniform since you got out of the army, how old were you then twenty six, twenty seven?" "Twenty six." 'So, instead of being two years older, you'll be three years younger than me." Colin put the medallion over his head and touched it to the jacket... nothing happened, no shock, tingle, nothing. "It didn't work." Gina took the jacket from Colin and laid it over a chair. "We'll try it later, it only been eleven hours since you changed last and we know it worked after thirteen hours. Gina leaned forward and kissed the teenaged girl who was her husband. Colin closed his eyes and imagined he was in his familiar male body as he returned the kiss. The fantasy ended as he felt his breasts crush up against Gina's, but he held their embrace anyway. An hour later, they tried the medallion again, using Colin's old jacket. Collin said, "I felt that weird shock, it's working! Colin's pert breast's melted into his chest as it expanded and grew more muscular. The six-pack abs he'd had when he was discharged from the army came into focus as his feminine subcutaneous fat faded away. For a few minutes he had the muscled arms and torso of his younger self, with the teen Gina's head, ass and legs. With his clothes getting tight, Colin stripped them off. After about half an hour, Colin was the image of the young veteran that he'd been, except that he still had Gina's vagina. "Almost done." Colin happily observed as he felt his hard stomach. Then, the changes started to reverse themselves. "Shit, I'm changing back! What the heck, Why?" In the same amount of time it took to change initially, Colin watched helplessly as he morphed back into the teen girl he'd been. "Maybe it's because I'm having YOUR period that it worked that way on me." "If that's true, then you'll have about four more days before you can change again." "Aw crap!" Over the next few days, Gina experimented with the medallion. She found that clothes that had never been worn altered the wearer of the medallion to fit the new clothes. She made herself taller by using pants that fit her waist, but had legs that were much too long for her. She went from 5'2" to 5'8"; she also tried out different size breasts from DD to A and settled on a C, which was larger than her normal B cup. Her slightly larger breasts were more proportional to her taller body. The minor changes didn't take as long as the radical alterations. They tried the medallion on Colin one more time, with the same results as before. They decided to wait until Colin was finished menstruating before they tried it on him again. Colin became more comfortable in his borrowed form. But, even after a couple of days he was still surprised at his reflection and the different balance and sway of his body. It was strange, for him, to have to look up at his now taller wife. Gina, and Colin ventured out of the house a number of times, to shop for food, pads for Colin and other things. They even did a little bit of clothes shopping. Colin reluctantly allowed Gina to buy him a few pieces of clothing, and underwear. He indulged her by trying on myriad outfits, as well as making constructive comments on the clothes that Gina modeled for him. He had to admit that it was kind of fun to bond with Gina on that level, more like sisters than husband and wife. He was acutely aware of the stares of men as they walked downtown and nervously avoided making eye contact with them. Finally, Colin woke up with a clean sanitary napkin. They tried the medallion, touching it to the Army jacket. Colin held is breath when he felt the tell tale tingle, hoping that he wasn't stuck looking like Gina's younger self. He looked kind of odd for a while, as the Medallion again changed the parts of Colin's body that were covered by the jacket first. Soon enough, the girl parts also stretched and changed until Colin finally look like the man he was when he was discharged from the army, complete with genitalia. Smiling with relief, he took off the medallion and put it on the dresser. Still grinning, he spread his arms and turned around slowly, so that Gina could get a good look at him. The new, improved Gina ran into his arms and kissed him as she pushed him back onto the bed. They didn't get a lot done that day. Colin resisted using the medallion, fearing that he would get stuck again. But Gina continued to experiment with it. She was continually surprising Colin with different versions of herself, one night she was only four feet tall with enormous breasts, on another night she was waiflike, with almost nonexistent breasts and skinny arms and legs. Colin thought that she was way too skinny, so the night after, she was Rubenesque. Colin didn't mind, it was like making love to a different woman every night. Both Colin and Gina found that they became aroused when they watched Gina change form, they even bought a three-way mirror, as used in department stores, so that Gina could more easily observe the changes in herself. Gina kept trying to convince Colin to try some different forms, but he told her that he was happy with the one he had, after all, he'd lost 17 years and was in the best shape he had been in his life. Why change? He reasoned. Late one Friday afternoon, Colin came home from the auto parts store to find a strangely familiar man in the kitchen, cooking. "What do you think?" asked the man turning around in place. "Gina!?" "Yeah! I wondered what I would look like had I been born male." Colin could see Gina in the man's face, only a little more rugged looking. She was taller, about 5'10" and quite handsome, Gina had good bone structure male or female. "I thought that you could use the medallion to become a female version of yourself." "I dunno..." "Aw common! I can't change back until early tomorrow morning. Besides, wasn't sex really good when you were a woman?" "Well, yeah." "So, let's do it again, as the people we would have been, if we'd be born the other gender!" Gina had changed forms many times, in the last few weeks, with no problems. Colin had been thinking of trying the medallion again anyway. After a pause he said, "Ok, I'll do it!" Gina said, "Thank you!" and gave him a big hug and a kiss. It was really weird, for Colin, kissing a man, even knowing that it was Gina. "OK, What do I have to do?" Gina ran to their bedroom and returned with the medallion and a plastic packet with panty hose in it. "These are some 'one size fits all' pantyhose so they shouldn't force any particular size on you. I used men's socks to give me this body, they had a large size range, so my current size should be accurate for my genes." Colin took the medallion and put it over his head, opened the package and held it to the pantyhose. He felt the tingling sensation. "It feels like it's working." "Good! Hey, take your clothes off so we can watch the change!" "Alright." As Colin walked to the bedroom, still holding the medallion to the hose, he could feel his shoes getting looser, he kicked them off and set the panty hose on the bed. He turned, faced the mirror and quickly stripped off his clothes. Colin's legs were already visibly less hairy. They watched as his upper body stayed unchanged while his lower body became more and more feminine, giving him a quite shapely derriere and legs. His genitals shrank, his balls separating into to discrete sacks that formed into labia majora as his testicles pulled up into his body, changing to ovaries. At the same time, his erect penis grew smaller and smaller until it disappeared into the upper fold of his labia. Colin could not see, but he could feel it when his vagina formed. He reached down and felt his new sex, gently moving his vaginal lips apart and inserting his middle finger, he felt himself growing wet. His clitoris was engorged and sensitive, he shivered with pleasure as he brushed against it. Colin was a woman from the waist down and his flesh started to remodel itself in a noticeable zone that slowly moved towards his head. Gina said, "It looks like you're going to be a tall woman, you haven't lost very much height." Colin's areola first grew in diameter, a lot, then they grew puffy, it seemed that his breasts were going to be all nipple, but his chest continued to swell and his nipples stuck out prominently. Soon enough, Colin's large beautifully formed breasts finished growing. His arms grew thinner, but kept some of the definition of his buff, post army look. His hands became smaller and daintier. For a few minutes Colin's male head sat incongruously on his female body but the changes continued, as his face seemed to grow younger, his jaw line softened, his nose became smaller and his more prominent ocular ridges faded and disappeared into his forehead. Colin's hair was already pretty long, he cut it once a year in the fall before school started, so his hair was near the end of its 'long' stage. His hair was now finer but his hairline filled in, he'd had a rather prominent widow's peak that was now gone. Gina was right, Colin was a tall and statuesque woman, they stood eye to eye. Gina smiled broadly, "Wow! You're stunning" Colin hefted his large breasts and said, "Thanks, I guess." His voice had a pleasant feminine tone. Gina watched Colin check himself out in the mirror. His excellent physical condition had translated over from his buff male form giving Colin an athletic look, not over muscled, but well defined. Watching Gina change always aroused Colin. Watching himself change was no different, he felt warm and gooey 'down there'. Gina was also obviously aroused from watching her husband change form. She quickly stripped off her clothes and took Colin's hand, leading him away from the mirror and to their bed. They spent the weekend in bed, breaking only to snack, nap and shower together. Monday morning, Gina suggested that they go to the beach for a week. "What, like this?" Colin said gesturing at his curvaceous form. "Sure, why not? Colin thought about the great sex they'd had over the weekend and the fact that there was a beach resort town only a couple hours drive from their new home. Besides, he'd been a teenage girl for a few days, and they'd had a good time, after he'd gotten over the shock. This would add another dimension to their relationship. "Yeah, why not!?" agreed Colin. "Then let's go shopping!" "Shopping?" asked Colin. "Sure, we don't have beachwear for these bodies. We don't need to buy much anyway. Come on!" None of Gina's clothes would fit him, so they put together an outfit out of Colin's male clothes, some clothes Gina had bought to use with the medallion, along with some of Gina's accessories. Colin's shapely female body would have looked good in a potato sack, so the ensemble worked. Gina was through shopping pretty quickly. She bought herself some jeans and some khaki Dockers, a button down shirt, some tennis shirts, and deck shoes as well as a pair of swim trunks. Colin wandered around the women's section, confused, refusing help from the sales personnel. When Gina found him, she took charge and got him to try on many outfits and different kinds of swimwear, despite his initial protestations. They ended up getting Colin, some lingerie, a low cut sun dress, a little black dress for dinner wear and a nice khaki skirt with a few blouses to mix things up. Colin insisted on buying some jeans, though he wasn't happy with how tight the women's styled jeans were. To Gina's surprise, Colin agreed to get a bikini. Gina thought that it was because he was so eager to ogle the blond bombshell in the mirror and that he'd forgotten that he'd have to wear that tiny thing in public. Gina picked out a matching cover up for the bikini, telling Colin that he'd thank her later. They both agreed that Colin should wear flats, after an almost disastrous try at three inch heels, they also picked up some sandals. While Colin gathered up their new clothes to take to the check out; Gina saw a pretty woman with very long, beautiful wavy blond hair trying on sun hats. The woman decided on a hat and walked away, Gina picked up one of the hats the woman had tried on and joined Colin at the checkout. Tossing the hat on top of the pile, she said, "You'll need this for the sun." The clerk scanned the hat and bagged it before Colin could try it on. The next day, Colin was looking in a mirror checking himself out before they left for the beach. Colin could hardly believe that he was enjoying being a beautiful woman; their trip to the mall and the admiring looks of men felt good! He felt just like he did when he was driving one of his restored cars, only people were admiring him instead of his car. He was wearing the cute sundress, it really showed off his bosom. "I would look sooo much hotter if I had longer hair." "I think so too" said Gina. "Put the medallion on, I know what to do." "What!?" "Just put it on, I promise, you won't be sorry." Colin put the medallion over his head. Gina touched the sun hat, they'd purchased the day before, to the medallion. "Take it off when I tell you to." Colin held the chain with both hands. His hair poured out of his scalp and cascaded down past his shoulders, as if he were filmed in time laps. "Now! Take it off now!" Colin almost threw the medallion onto the bed. "How's that?" Gina asked, smiling. "I saw a woman with that beautiful hair yesterday and got the hat after she tried it on." Colin looked in the mirror and tossed his head back and forth, so his long hair swung form one shoulder to the other. "I look like a shampoo commercial!" he marveled. They had a great time at the coast, sunbathing, walking on the beach and dining out at some of the excellent restaurants at the small resort town. They also had a lot of sex. Gina noticed that she was looking at women in a different light, not comparing herself to them, as usual, but desiring them, not that she was getting tired of her lovely husband, she thought he looked totally hot! What had really brought her altered outlook to her attention was when they were laying on the beach, sunbathing; Colin decided to take a quick dip in the ocean to cool off. As Gina idly watched Colin run to the water, she realized that she was watching his ass and that she was getting an erection! It was an alien feeling to her, she decided that she would never again give Colin a bad time for looking at other women, after they had their old forms back. She mentioned it to Colin, he said that he also noticed a difference in his people watching. He had started to look at men in a way that would have bothered him previously. Their different perspectives helped their love life, not that it needed helping. The week at the beach seemed to fly by and Sunday greeted them with another warm sunny morning, reluctantly they packed to go home. They walked on the beach one last time before the long drive home. They were wearing their swimsuits and walking at the water's edge, holding hands and letting the waves lap over their bare feet. "It'll be good to get home and change back into myself, but I'm glad we did this." Colin said. "I was kind of afraid, at first. Getting stuck as your teen self was a little scary. But, I've been a woman for about a week, and even though the novelty hasn't worn off, I've come to enjoy the softness and sensuality of this body." He looked down at his barely covered breasts. "It's been fun." "Me too." agreed Gina. "I like having muscles!" She stopped and assumed a body builder's pose. Colin put his hand over his mouth and giggled at Gina's antics. "Oh, you like that? How about this? asked Gina. Though they were about the same height, Gina had almost fifty pounds on Colin, most of it muscle. She lifted her beautiful husband in her arms and spun around, laughing. Colin reveled being held in her strong arms, he put his head against her neck and smiled as Gina set him on his dainty feet. They kissed. They had all day to get home, so they stopped at every roadside attraction on the way, doing their best to wring every last second out of their trip. They arrived home late and exhausted. They collapsed into bed and were asleep almost before their heads hit the pillow. It was almost noon when they finally got out of bed. After a brunch of fried egg and bacon sandwiches, Colin put the medallion around his neck and touched the Army jacket to it. He felt the expected tingle, his body started to bulk up, as his breasts melted into his chest. The changes followed their expected pattern, just like when he'd used the Army jacket before. Colin became concerned as the changes spread past his waist and down his legs without affecting his genitals. "Crap! What now, I'm not menstruating!" "Give it time," said Gina, "you're not finished changing yet." Colin now looked like himself except for a vagina and shapely legs from just above his knees down. Just like when Colin wore Gina's teen body, the changes stopped momentarily as they reached his feet then reverted. Half an hour later, Colin was once again a beautiful blond woman. "What now? Why did this have to happen? Damn, damn, damn!!!" complained Colin. "You are probably about to start your period, it just hasn't shown up yet" "Great! So I'm stuck like this for what, another week?" "Yeah, almost. But is it really so bad? You're acting like being a woman is the end of the world!" "But I don't WANT to be a woman, I'm a MAN! It seems like every time I use that damn medallion, this happens!" Colin's voice was cracking. Colin's eyes were wet with tears, Gina could tell that he was fighting to hold them back. Suddenly, he broke down and sobbed loudly. Gina held her arms wide and Colin stepped into them and cried into Gina's strong shoulder. Gina held her husband and let him cry himself out. Finally, Colin leaned back and sniffed, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm not usually so emotional. I really did have a good time last week and I'm glad we did it, but I don't feel like I should be a woman. I was so looking forward to being me again." Gina kissed him and said, "You may have a man's mind, but you have a woman's body, it might be biology, we cry easier. Speaking of biology, let's get you a pad, come on." "I know what to do." said Colin in resignation. He turned and walked to the bathroom. Gina decided to keep her male form, while Colin was stuck in his female form. She spent the afternoon painting in her studio. Colin, at fist, just sat and watched TV, but he got bored with that and went to the garage to work on the project car. Gina was glad to see that Colin was more cheerful at dinner, he seemed to have come to terms with his enforced stay in his feminine form. They watched a little television and then decided to go to bed early to catch up on sleep. The next morning, Colin came out of the bathroom, looking concerned. "The pad is still clean!" Gina, still in bed, looked up at Colin. "Ohmygod, Colin, I just had a thought!" "What! What thought!" asked Colin nervously. "Maybe you're pregnant, maybe the medallion won't transform a woman who's pregnant!!" "No! I can't be pregnant! How'd I get pregnant!?" Gina just looked at him, like he was stupid. "Oh... yeah." They quickly dressed, skipped breakfast and drove to the drugstore to buy a home pregnancy test. As soon as they got home again, Colin started for the bathroom. Gina called after him, "It may not show positive, if you've been pregnant for less than a week, so don't get your hopes up if it show negative." Colin disappeared into the bathroom, about ten minutes later, Gina heard the toilet flush. A few minutes after that, Colin silently came out and held out the test stick to Gina, it showed a plus. "Oh honey!" said Gina as she embraced Colin. "I'm so sorry, but at least we're young, we can raise a kid." "I'm NOT having a baby." said Colin flatly. Gina stood back. "What!" "I said, I'm not going to have a baby! I'm going to get an abortion!" "But we've always WANTED a child!" "That was when YOU were going to have it. You were born female. I know that you've been longing for motherhood all your life, I haven't. I really sorry that, as a man, I couldn't give you a child, but I won't carry this baby for nine months, I don't want to be a woman, this was supposed to be a short term, fun thing, I'm not staying any longer than I have to." "But we couldn't have a baby before, this may be our last chance to have a child!" "I'm sorry, I just can't do it. I'm afraid that I may loose myself, that I'll never be ME again if I carry this baby to term!" "But you ARE you, just a female version of you.!" Gina was grasping at straws. "You know what I mean. I know I'm female, I even think that guys are cute, but that's not me, it's my biology. That medallion gave me a female brain as well as a female body. But I'm a MAN, I've always been a man. Sure, it was fun to pretend that I was a real woman, but I KNEW it was temporary. Think, would you really want to stay male?" Gina was quiet for a minute. "no" "Then you know how I feel, I can't bear the thought of staying this way for the nine MONTHS it would take to have this baby. I'm calling Planned Parenthood to arrange an abortion." Colin looked up the number in the phone book and took the phone into the living room, leaving Gina sitting on the bed, in shock. She tried to think of a way they could keep the child, there had to be a way! She looked at the medallion on the nightstand. A little later, she followed Colin into the living room. Colin was just hanging up the phone. "They recommended a clinic, I have to have a pregnancy test, before they will schedule me for the abortion. I called the clinic and gave them your name, I could hardly tell them that I'm Colin. I'm to go there Friday for the pregnancy test, They said I could have the procedure done as early as Tuesday, if the test comes out positive. Damn, this sucks!" Gina sighed and said, "You said we could have a baby If I carried it, Right?" "Of course, it's what we've wanted all along, but..." "I think I know how I can carry the baby." She interrupted. "How?" "The Medallion" "That thing is bad luck!" "Listen to me! That medallion is the only way to fix things." "I'm listening." "OK, I can wear the medallion and touch it to you and we exchange forms, like we did the first time we used it, but you will revert to your present form because you're pregnant. I'll take a home pregnancy test, just to be sure, but I think that we would then be identical, pregnancy and all. Then YOU have the abortion, and I'll carry the baby to term. You can use the medallion again and have your male body back." "But you wouldn't be you, you'd be stuck as a female version of me!" "But I'd be female, and we could have the child we've always wanted. I was willing to stay male, if you were to carry the baby, even though I wouldn't have been happy about it. Besides, this way I'd be a tall, gorgeous, pin-up girl, instead of a short Italian cutie." Gina smiled. "You know, if we do this, you'll have to keep my female form, even after you've given birth and I can't return to my post army body; I'll have to take your male form. We have new jobs to start and gallery openings to go to in the next nine months, we'll have to choose bodies and stay with them. Fortunately, we've only just moved to this state, this neighborhood and we don't have roots in this community, so when we get our new ID, it'll match our looks." "Why do you have to change too?" "That would be worse than a brother and sister being married! We would be almost identical genetically. If we were to have more kids, who knows what kinds of defects they'd have!" "You'd want more kids!?" Gina smiled. "...well, YEAH! I just don't want to stay a woman, be pregnant and have babies." "And you don't mind having this body?" said Gina as she held her arms out and looked down at her male form. "Not at all, you're better looking than I was, I'd be trading up!" Colin smiled sadly. "Oh, Colin!" Gina hugged him. So, they followed their plan, Gina becoming Colin's twin. Another home pregnancy test showed that she was with child also. Colin kept his appointment at the clinic, verified his pregnancy and had an abortion the following Tuesday. Because Colin's pregnancy was in it's early stages, he had a manual vacuum aspiration, rather than a dilation and evacuation, so there was less bleeding. He felt like a great weight had been lifted from him as he left the clinic. Colin tried the medallion as soon as he returned home, but had the same results as when he was pregnant, becoming the male version of Gina, with a vagina and then reverting to his female form. Colin was worried that he might still be stuck, but Gina reminded him that he was still bleeding a bit and suggested that he wait until he healed before trying the medallion again. They waited a couple of days, then Colin tried touching the medallion to the pants that Gina had worn to the beach. Finally, it worked. First, Colin's lower body became more masculine, then male genitalia formed from his female folds. Colin whooped with joy. The changes continued and soon, he was the image of Gina's handsome male self. Colin started work that fall, meeting his new boss and colleagues for the first time. No one had any idea that the dark, handsome, new teacher didn't look at all like he had at the beginning of the summer. Gina continued to paint and grow larger as her pregnancy progressed. Her paintings were a big hit at a local upscale art gallery, as well as with the out of town dealers. The next spring, Gina gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who grew up to look a lot like Gina had before the whole medallion experience. In the next few years, Gina had two more kids, both boys. They put the medallion away and didn't use it again. Occasionally, they would come across it, but were afraid to use it. Eventually, it was lost. They didn't care, life was too good for them to risk another Altered Fate. ~fin~

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Sasha The Sexy Nurse

Sasha Green was a nurse at Loving Heart nursing home. She had worked there for a few years. Most days were very depressing, but other days were happy and bright. Some of the patients there had no family visiting them. Sasha tried to be nice to everybody but some of the patients were hard to deal with.Their health problems made them difficult. A lot of the patients had dementia and really were not in their right mind. Some of the women would sit in their wheelchairs rocking plastic dolls who...

3 years ago
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The AdministratorChapter 6

Lisa was in Doug’s office when the subject of Walter Karl’s passing and what was going to happen to his realty business came up. “Do you think Nancy is going to try and manage the business?” asked Doug. “No, because after the funeral I talked to her and she said she was going to try and sell the business. Nancy told me she will probably move back to Tampa which is where she was living when she met Walt. Her parents are fairly well-to-do but need help because of some medical problems. I...

2 years ago
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A Lady and the Student Ch 04

Chapter 04 A bimbo is sold Marvin rolled over in bed slowly waking up, to find Candy had gone. There was no hurry, as the bed was still warm where she had been laying, and he had little to do today. He sighed. There was always something to do, with a house full of dumb bimbo’s. He chuckled at the very idea of becoming bored, with looking after four attractive women. A gentle knock at the door brought him up on one elbow. ‘Come!’ he said. Candy struggled in with a tray. ‘I heard my master...

3 years ago
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Felt Like A Whore That Night 8211 Part II

Hello all ISS readers. My name is Rajveer and I am 29 years old Bisexual bottoms guy from Bangalore. I am fair, with a height 5’7; average built and weigh about 80 Kg. I am a regular reader of ISS and been trying to post my story since a long time, but due to busy schedule I was not able to spare time to ink it. I am glad that finally I am writing my story which happened to me about 2 months back. I am on an adult dating site and one day I received a mail from a guy named Rajesh. He said he was...

Gay Male
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Aging WellChapter 26 Sandy writes

I was standing with Jack when that car drove into the driveway. He muttered, “Who are they? I don’t know that car.” We watched as men got out of the left and went around to let the other passengers out. Jack looked more closely. “It’s John and Pam and Becky! Who is the guy with Becky?” “I guess we’ll find out. They are headed this way.” We met them at the door. Pam and John were holding hands but ran to us with Pam hugging Jack tightly and John doing the same to me. Pam and John pulled us...

2 years ago
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This must never happen again right Part 2

Introduction. It is highly recommended to read the previous story, 'This must never happen again! Right?’ it will give you the background information for the following story but here is a short synopsis anyway. Matthew and Sarah Jones are brother and sister but they have entered a whole new forbidden world. It started when Matthew was in a bad mood and Sarah was angry at being dumped for a hot date (she had done some extra special shopping for that date). The atmosphere was...

1 year ago
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Jack Session leads to Sex with Friends Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! Home for the holidays and feeling horny as usual, I headed over to my best childhood friend's house for an afternoon watching porn, looking at girlie mags and, if our history mean anything, with a mutual jack and blow session. (We not gay -- it's straight porn -- but when we've got massive hard ons, you never know what's gonna happen and usually it means we end up in a 69!) So, this afternoon, we're going at it: there's some black-on-white porn on the...

2 years ago
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Jeannies Story

I read each magazine and book cover to cover every chance I got. I learned about so many different kinks and fetishes. One of the earliest cuckold stories I read involved a husband daring his wife to answer the door for the pizza guy while wearing only a towel. Of course, the wife took the dare while the husband hid in the closet to watch what happened. The young wife opened the door for the pizza guy, pretended to be searching for money and dropped the towel. In a moment of uncontrolled lust...

3 years ago
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A Day Of Amusement With Maid

To tell about myself I am 35 yrs old single and currently staying alone @ Bangalore. Incident was a long time back. Not disclosing particulars about the person’s name. I live in Bangalore. The day turned out to be a great day indeed. I have taken a small house. Since I will be home during weekends I used to keep maid for housekeeping activities during weekends. I have no great intentions of sex to be clear. But a day turned out all of a sudden unexpectedly. It was on Sunday I used to wake up...

2 years ago
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Cassies Dream Date 3

This is the third chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of "Love, Lies, and Lust", a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been daydreaming the...

2 years ago
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Morning Masturbation

Licking my finger I think, What a wonderful life. Rubbing spit between my legs, wondering if he enjoys himself while he mows his ground, I hear the sound of the engine move further and further a way from the house. He is a good man. The thought of him pushes my hand below. The softness in the ripples there turn me on. I like that spot where my wrist rest on the inner thigh where the leg meets the wet. Around like a merry-go-round fingers push and massage and make me plump. I think about last...

4 years ago
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She loves me

I am here with my bhabi feature. First of all I would like to tell you about my Bhabi. She is much highly educated. As in our home is purely Punjabi we all speak Punjabi and she speaks Hindi with everybody but to me she speaks English. She is 24 and has weight about 50 kgs. And have a perfect figure 37,28,35. She is from Pune. Now a days I used to call her Pune ki randi and she accept to what I say to her. It all started that she is married to my brother 6 months ago and she had good and...

1 year ago
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COBRANDO 1ordf parte

Desde hacia un tiempo tenia un amigo, más o menos fijo, con el que quedaba en su casa y me follaba muy bien. Era su putita, como el decía y yo hacía todo por complacerle.Era madurito, bien conservado, depilado y vicioso, con ganas siempre de hacer cosas nuevas, probar, etc. etc. Me hacía vestir de cosas que le ponían. Me marcaba una especie de guión y yo, su putita, se lo hacía. Me compraba la ropita y los zapatos que quería que me pusiese, los juguetes con lo que me penetraba o me excitaba,...

3 years ago
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Married Crossdressing Fun Ch 1

I was lying on our marital bed blindfolded, with my hands cuffed to the bedhead, wearing a pair of sheer black knickers. I was waiting for my beautiful wife to come home from her date with Antwan, her big black lover. I thought back to how this all began. Caz and I met when we were both studying at the State University. I was doing an MBA having completed my degree in Business. She was finishing her degree in International Finance. She was the most beautiful woman I had seen and I thought I had...

1 year ago
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After Tuition Class Part IV

By: Devteen Hi everybody, I am back with the fourth part of my story, After Tution Class. Without wasting anytime everybody except me became naked. I didn’t say anything because all my attention was in TV. Now the milf is fucking by 3 dicks at sametime. Suddenly I started to think about my mom which my mom was in that milfs place. In my mind I saw my mom’s big ass and boobs were moving rhythamatically with the speed of the fuck and my mom were moaning loudly. Those scenes in my mind made me...

2 years ago
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To Please a Daughter

You awake to the sound of your alarm "BEEP BEEP BEEP-ing" and quickly turn it off. You blink away the sleepiness and you focus on the clock, 6:30am. You sit up, crack your stiff neck, and stretch your long arms corded with tight rock hard muscles over your head, feeling the soreness you have come to love the next day, after an intense workout. You look around your room the sun peeking through the shades already, telling you the day will be sunny again. You get out of bed, wearing just your skin...

2 years ago
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Little Black Bikini

I've known Sarah for a number of years now. She'd gone a bit of a challenging start when she got pregnant at 17 but she and Robert decided to get married and make a go of it. Despite working two or three jobs at a time and raising a c***d, they both managed to make it into college. Robert pursued Business and now worked in the world of investing. Sarah followed her passion and became a teacher. Another c***d had followed, but they had planned that event and they had a little girl. They moved...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 41 Feeling Out Of Sorts

April 1, 1989, Chicago, Illinois As I walked to Kimmy’s apartment I wondered if I should try some kind of ‘April Fool’ joke, but decided against it. I usually found them annoying, and it didn’t seem right to try to perpetrate one if I didn’t like them myself. I put those thoughts out of my mind and thought instead of all the changes that were occurring in my life. Penny was no longer working for NIKA, though that was a temporary situation. On the other hand, her upcoming marriage and the...

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