Crapshoot Ch. 01 free porn video

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Nick scanned across the lobby, sizing up the guests as they came and went from the elevators to the casino floor. The unctuous smile, ever present, concealed the contempt he held for the suckers that filled the casino in hopes of a quick buck. It was simple, the odds favored the house, not greatly, just slightly, just enough that if you played long enough, the casino would eventually win everything you put at risk. It was a mathematical certainty, and therefore if you played, you were a sucker.

The suckers all generally fell into four categories.

First, there were the couples that were there on a lark, risking and losing a few hundred bucks and calling it entertainment. They were never a problem and were the lifeblood of the casino.

Second, there were the loners, guys mostly who were convinced that they could beat the house and willing to lose a few thousand for the trill of the game. They too were generally never a problem. Willing sheep. A small percentage lost more than could really afford trying to get back to even, then they might become obnoxious or possibly combative requiring to be physically ejected.

Third, there were the penny ante players, quarter slots were their game, but they did help fill the hotel, buy a ticket to the show, and maybe buy dinner. These were mostly grandmas and housewives, accompanied by husbands who understood the odds and were loath to throw away hard earned money. The casino never made any real money on these players, but grudgingly tolerated them for public relations.

Fourth, there were the losers. He could see it in their eyes, the desperation, the fear. He could smell the fear. They bore watching. It was bad for business for a guest to fling himself/herself off a balcony. Like everybody else, the casino was going to take their money too. They just bore watching.

“Mr. Clametti?”

Nick turned towards the desk clerk.

“Mr. Clametti, sir, we have a problem.”

Nick looked at the desk clerk’s computer monitor and frowned. He looked over at the couple standing nervously at the front desk. He was tall, maybe six feet, and a little overweight. He had that desperate look in his eyes. She was shorter, maybe five foot six, cute with a nice body. She radiated fear.

Nick looked her over. ‘Not bad,’ he thought. Nick glanced back down at the monitor, American Express had declined the loser’s card. That meant one of two things, either the card was stolen, or he didn’t pay his bills.

Nick approached the desk. Looking him straight in the eye Nick requested, “May I see some identification Mr. Marsh?”

John Marsh glanced at his feet and then stammered, “Is there a problem?”

“No, sir, I just need to verify who you are.”

“Of course.” John fumbled around and pulled out his wallet. He dug out his driver’s license and handed it to Nick.

Nick noted the thick stack of bills in the wallet as he took the license from John. Comparing the names, Nick concluded that the card was not stolen, it was just that this loser was a dead beat. Nick looked back to the attractive young woman and smiled broadly. “Is this your wife?”

“Yes. Do you need to see her ID?” John answered irritably.

“No, that’s not necessary. It’s just that she’s very pretty.”

Judy Marsh blushed at the compliment. She was pretty and she knew it, she just wasn’t accustomed to flattering comments from strange men.

Nick noted the hostile look from her husband as he handed back the license and credit card.

“Will you be staying long?” asked Nick nonchalantly.

“Two, maybe three days.”

“I see. Well, you two have a grand time. If you need anything, anything at all, just let me know.” Nick scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed the note to the desk clerk. “Kelly, please take care of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh.”

“Uh, yes sir,” answered the somewhat surprised desk clerk.

Nick moved away from the desk. Picking up a house phone, he called security.

“Bruce, Security,” answered the other end.

“Bruce, Nick. See these two losers at the front desk?”

Bruce switched his monitor to the camera screening the front desk. “Yeah, got’em.”

“That’s Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh. He’s a deadbeat loser. Watch him. I want to know as soon as he’s busted.”

“Sure Boss. She’s a doll.”

“Watch them.”


Nick hung up, then turned to watch the Marshes get onto the elevator. “Nice butt,” he muttered to himself.

Kelly the desk clerk, looked at him questioningly. “Sir?”

Nick smiled and reassured her, “It’s alright Kelly. Don’t worry about it.” He paused a moment before asking, “Which room did you put them in?”

“The room you wrote down on the paper, Room 642.”

“Good. Thank you Kelly.” Nick stepped back from the front desk and returned to watching the suckers come and go. After a few minutes, Kelly noticed that the boss was no longer there.


John sat on the California king bed, rubbing his temples, the ever-present knot in his stomach contributing to misery of a headache. The agony he was in tore at Judy’s heart. Three months ago, he was on top of the world, an up and coming corporate tiger, a young man on the move. His rapid rise up the corporate ladder was only matched by the meteoric demise of the company he worked for.

First there were rumors of accounting anomalies. The next day the value of the company’s stock values vaporized to nothingness, taking with it the livelihoods and lifelong savings of thousands of loyal employees. It took weeks before the magnitude of the disaster sunk in.

As always, John tried to take the situation in stride, but there were no offers forthcoming from the flood of resumes he had prepared and sent out. As the weeks wore on, people he dealt with on a regular basis no longer would return his calls. He discovered that he was tainted, washed with an indelible patina of corporate corruption and malfeasance.

Soon the cash reserves of his checking account dwindled to a paltry sum, forcing him to forego payments of any sort to anyone, just so that they had enough money for groceries and utilities. It was a crushing blow to his ego to have his Lexus repossessed right out of his driveway while all the neighbors watched with wagging tongues.

Creditors and the collection agencies began calling at all hours, to the point that they dreaded answering the telephone. Still the resumes went unanswered. John’s future seemed to have melted away. Even if he could get a job and began paying off his creditors, his credit rating would be damaged for years to come. With a damaged credit rating, his ability to land a high paying job became increasing difficult, after all, who would hire someone to help manage the financial affairs of their company if John couldn’t even manage his own financial affairs? If was vicious circle, a vortex actually, like a penny in a gravity well, accelerating in ever smaller rotations until the thing disappeared from the universe.

He was about to go down the financial gravity well and he knew it. Then after a few warning calls, the postman delivered a certified letter from his mortgage company, warning of the imminent foreclosure on their home. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Now they sat in a room at the Lucky Dawg Casino, their last thousand bucks in his wallet.

“Honey, lets just go home,” she said pleadingly.

“We’ve been over this. If I don’t come up with the money for at least one payment by Wednesday, they will foreclose. Now we can either go home and let it happen, or I can shoot craps and win enough to keep the wolves away for a few more weeks. A few weeks are all I need. Eric Thompson said he had something for me, but it would be a few weeks before the
opening is available.

“Honey, he’s been telling you that for months now.”

“Not really. This time he’s certain something will come up. You know, a headhunter can’t force someone to hire you, what they’re good at is finding a good match. We don’t have a choice but gamble with what we have. If I lose, we really won’t be any worse off than if I didn’t try anything. This way I have a chance of making enough to hang on a while longer.”

“I don’t know honey. It seems so…so desperate.”

“We are desperate! We are about to hit bottom and go right through the floor. I know how to shoot craps. I have a system that’s worked very well in the past. Remember the last time we were here with the Dolton’s? I won, didn’t I?”

“You could afford to play then, now…”

John angrily cut her off, “I can’t afford not to play! Now drop it!” He abruptly stood up, pulling away from Judy, storming out the door to the casino floor.


Judy sat on the bed crying for ten minutes. When the tears began to dry, she decided that she would feel a lot better if took a long, hot soak in the Jacuzzi.

“Yeah baby, take it off!” exclaimed Mickey as he watched the security monitor.

The other three security personnel quickly gathered around the monitor surveying Room 642.

“Gawd damn!” added Hank as Judy dropped her D cup bra to the floor. “Lookit dem titties!”

The four guards leered and cheered as she pulled her panties down. “Oh, gawd damn,” leered Hank, “she shaves her pussy! Oh baby, you give me a hard-on!”

“Turn around sweetheart,” urged Lonnie. As if she heard him she slowly pirouetted, as she looked at herself in the full-length mirror. “Oh sweet Jesus, look at her ass! Oh, man would I love to stick my face between those buns!”

“She’s a knockout alright,” added Bruce who rarely said anything at all. “Man wouldn’t you like a toss with that?”

“You bet, I could fuck that one all night long!” answered Mickey to the laughter of his coworkers.

The four men watched as she walked unsuspectingly towards the bath. Mickey flipped a switch bringing up a view of the bath. Moments later, she strode into view.

“Okay guys, back to work!” The four guards turned with a start at the gruff voice of Nick and scurried back to their posts. “I only need one man to watch the cunt! Lonnie, what’s her old man up to?”

“He just made it to the craps table. Hasn’t started playing yet.”

“Okay guys, we’re a little short handed here, so keep a sharp eye out Bruce. That goes double for you Hank.”

“Yes sir!” answered Hank as he returned to the task of monitoring the Blackjack tables for card counters or anyone using a computer to place their bets.

An electronic beeping sound filled the room. Nick looked up at the status board. “Table twelve!” barked Nick.

Bruce switched to table twelve. Bruce and Nick watched as the dealer glanced up while dealing the cards, subtly signaling which player needed scrutiny. The casino didn’t mind someone winning, but it hated anyone who had a method of shifting the odds against the casino. Scrutiny fell on a young fellow who had the temerity to win just a little too often.

Mickey zoomed in on Judy’s delectable ass. The resolution of the new little cameras was remarkable. “Oh yeah baby, bend over!” he hooted as she leaned forward to draw her bath. “You know what? This broad don’t have any tan lines! She must sunbathe naked! Bet she fucks the pool guy when her old man’s not around.”

“Cool it, Mickey,” growled Nick. “We got a potential problem here!” Nick turned his attention to table twelve as the young guy won yet another hand.

Mickey watched in silence as the young woman prepared her bath unaware of the intruding electronic eye, following her every movement, recording her for posterity and possible profit, feasting on the sumptuousness of her nude body.

“She’s taking a leak,” observed Mickey to no one in particular. “Man, I’d wallow in her piss just to lick her clean.”

“Mickey, pick up on her old man,” ordered Nick. “Let’s see how the dumb fuck’s doing.”

Mickey reluctantly switched to the craps table where John was making modest gains. “He ain’t busted yet. Looks like he’s doing okay. He’ll be here for a while.”


John certainly felt he was doing okay, as he had nearly doubled his money over the past thirty minutes or so of play. Mickey switched back to watch John’s wife.

Judy still sat while the bath filled with hot water, contemplating the plight that she and her husband were in. It just wasn’t fair, she thought, none of the mess was John’s fault, but stench of the scandal seemed to cling to him. She was worried mainly about John himself. His normally confident self was seemingly disintegrating from the pressure. He was becoming sullen, irritable, and increasing despondent. She feared that he was becoming depressed and quite possibly suicidal. She thought back on happier days, of the dumpy apartment they shared as students at State U, of their wedding day and honeymoon in St. Thomas, of John’s incredible advancement with the company. It was hard to believe that they only met a mere five years ago.

She laughed to herself at the absurd manner in which they met, when she literally ran over him with her bicycle at the Quadrangle. There he was sprawled out in his jogging shorts, all hot and sweaty, seemingly unconscious. Kneeling to render aid, he grabbed her and pulled her down onto him driving his tongue deep into her mouth. She screamed and pulled back, only then did he realize that she wasn’t who he thought she was. He had thought that it was Sara, an easy girl who hung out at his frat house, screwing anybody who needed or wanted to wet his dipstick.

Gathering up a wad of toilet tissue, Judy wiped herself, then stood, flushed the toilet and entered the bath. Soon the swirling waters had soothed her, releasing the tensions that had built to near the breaking point over the past several weeks.

As she relaxed, she reflected that she only had one regret regarding John, they were childless. They had been trying to conceive a child for over two years. It was only a week before the company collapsed that they knew the reason why, his sperm count was low. The doctor didn’t know why he had a low sperm count, just the fact that he did. The doctor counseled patience, as it only took one sperm to fertilize an egg. If after another year, timing intercourse with her most fertile moments, and she wasn’t pregnant, only then would the doctor consider a more radical approach like in-vitro fertilization. She ruefully realized that now was her most fertile time, but John wasn’t interested in sex and conception. His erstwhile robust sexual appetite had dwindled along with his financial condition.

“Hey Nick, come see! She’s playing with her nipples.”

Nick turned away for a moment from scrutinizing the kid winning every hand in Black Jack and glowered at Mickey’s back.

“She’s one hot little cunt!”

“Mickey! Shut the fuck up!”

Mickey hunched his shoulders and grimaced. “The boss is in a really in a foul mood,” he whispered to himself. Normally Nick took great pleasure from eavesdropping on a naked cunt. Mickey resigned himself to watching the hot-ass broad in comparative silence. Not that he minded.

Judy closed her eyes as she gently swirled her fingers around her hard nipples. Her nips were especially sensitive and if simulated just right, she could bring herself off. John knew how to bring her off like that, but it had been months since he even touched her for anything other than a quick, hard fuck to relieve his mounting tension. She pretended that John was with her, that it was he who was driving her building passio
n. She didn’t know how long she had been feeling herself up, only that she was getting ever closer to the unique sexual release of a nipple-driven orgasm.

“Holy fuck! She’s gonna pull her titties off!” Mickey exclaimed to no one in particular as she twisted and stretched her long nips to a seemingly impossible length, blending in a measure of pain to trigger the pleasure she craved. Mickey turned up the volume slightly just as she began a mournful wail of blissful agony.

Nick lost interest for the moment in table twelve and leaned over Mickey’s shoulder to watch as Judy jerked about, splashing water over the edge of the bath, consumed with the self-inflicted pain/pleasure. Nick hissed, “She needs some dick, eh Mick?”

“Love to oblige her, Boss.”

Judy sank down into the swirling bath and slowly opened her eyes. As good as it had felt, her autoerotic play hadn’t sated her need, it merely intensified her yearnings for a good fuck. A fucking she knew she wouldn’t receive. Holding on to the tub sides with her hands, she slid forward, hiking her right leg out of the water and over the edge of the tub while folding her left leg under her buttocks. It took a minute to get properly positioned but she was soon rewarded with a stream of bubbles and jetting water pounding directly on her clit at the nexus of her labia.

“Take a look at this, Boss.”

“Not now damn it!”

“You’re going to miss it Nick,” Mickey taunted.

Nick looked at Mickey’s monitor and watched as Judy arched her back, bending her head back until it almost touched the surface of the water. Her jaw became slack, her mouth forming a rictus as her breathing became harder and harder. She seemingly looked straight at the hidden camera and began to moan, her body quaking in the water. “Damn,” muttered Nick at the salacious display.

“Yeah baby, put on a show for all the folks,” added Mickey with a laugh.

Once the intense orgasm passed, Judy pushed herself back fully into the tub to enjoy the orgasmic afterglow. Lazily she washed her tits and shoulders. Suddenly she rose and stepped out of the whirlpool. Water running in rivulets down her shapely body glistened and gleamed on her near perfect skin. She stood dripping for a moment, then she stepped out onto the tiled floor.

With an oversized fluffy towel, Judy began drying her skin, all the while studying her image in the mirror. She turned, back and forth, so that she could see all of herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw, a beautiful, sensuous and desirable woman, ready and eager to fulfill billions of years of evolution and biological function to bear children. She was at her peak moment for the month. She knew that the intense horniness she felt was due in part to the slight rise in body temperature that she had been charting for nearly a year now. She always got intensely horny when her heat went up and she was ovulating.

Frowning, she thought of John, downstairs, gambling when he should be with her, impregnating her. She yearned for the feel of his tongue on her breasts, getting her so hot that she nearly always went insane with unbridled lust and passion. She yearned for the feel of his wet tongue sliding down her belly and then up between her sopping labia. She yearned for the feel of his cock inside of her, filling her up, and making her feel whole. But most of all, she yearned for the feel of his glans, pressed up against her cervix, the shaft throbbing in her pussy, shooting semen directly into her fertile womb.

She brought her hand up from her burning cunt and licked the tangy juices from her fingers. Then she strolled into the room, lay on the bed and began pleasuring herself.

“Man, oh man! This chick is a hot one! That’s it baby, spread’em for the camera!”

Circling her clit with her thumb, she plunged two fingers up her needy fuck hole, stroking her sweet spot as well as the walls of her burning vagina. With her other hand, she kneaded her voluptous bosoms. Lewdly she spread her legs wider, hiking her knees into the air as she squirmed around on the bed. As she got close to her climax, she began to pull on her nipples again.

She quaked and shuddered as her orgasm tore through her like a tornado. She inhaled sharply and twisted madly on the bed as wave after wave of intense pleasure swept over her. Finally as the orgasm began to recede, Judy curled up into a fetal position, her wet hand trapped between her clutching thighs, gasping for breath. She lay nearly still for several minutes before she began to uncoil as she rolled onto her stomach.

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Hello, I'm mr.Thong , the creator of this alloy , including all students of this school you have been selected to take part in these bra and panties match to determine the wrestler more good of this school ; To win a Bra & Panties Match one needs to leave the players in bra & panties precisely , or in their underwear and bra ; at times , at the discretion of the wrestlers , you can make changes in this type of match :-Evening Gown Match : the goal is the same as the B & P , but in this kind of...

3 years ago
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Revenge Is Sweet2

It was a normal day. He had been working late, as he had been for the last six months. He had been told a promotion was coming his way if he helped the company make the transistion with a new system. It had had its teething problems- and brian had been working hard. He was driving down the motorway towards home- he was meant to be staying in the city overnight- but decided to suprise his wife Carrie on their 10th anniversary. He picked up the box on passenger seat and opened it- one hand on...

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Yes of Course You Can Model for Me

A found story with too many Is – ands – thens – wes but a likeable tale. I had innocently advertised on the internet for mature models, but with a strong and clear emphasis. on lingerie shots. It suited Patsy Klinger a model I had heard of, met briefly bumping into each other at a casting agents office in London ... and lusted over, who wanted to expand her portfolio having spotted the much more frequent adverts, especially on day time shopping TV channels for the mature fuller figure. She had...

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Kolir Ful Fota

Koli amar premikar bon. Amar premikar khub khai. Kintu ok chude amar mon vore na jhola mai ar hol hole gud mere ar maza pai na eroi modhye vagban much tule chailo. Amar premikar ichhe holo or barir loker sathe parichoi karabe. Prathame or du bon er sathe dekha karalo big bazaar e. or porer bonke dekhe amar matha kharap hoye galo. Chotota farsa khuboi sundari kintu borotake dekhe mone holo jeno kam debi. 5’4” height. Ekta white sleeve less blouse ar kalo sari pore ache. Maigulo ekdom gol gol...

2 years ago
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DentistryChapter 6

Just before Brad was ready to leave to go to the clinic one morning he was surprised to hear his doorbell chime. Opening his door he saw a young man standing there. “Is that the boat I put it on and where does the old one go?” said this young man pointing at Brad’s boat. “Put what on?” said Brad. “The electric start eighteen horsepower outboard motor along with its battery. I was supposed to give this to you,” and he handed Brad an envelope. Opening the envelope he read the note it...

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The Photoshoot

Latisha wasn’t like every other girl on the block. She had a wild side, that she kept a secret, and never talked to anybody about. Every girl should have a private collection hidden away somewhere. A video or photo-shoot of some sort, that she had never done before, and had the courage to do with a professional photographer. She always wanted a nude photo shoot, but had to do it discreetly. She knew a photographer who also had a discreet side. They were friends for some time now and she phoned...

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Hey Sana I Like Your Pussy Stubble 8211 Pt 2

Boys and girls, I can understand that a lot of you liked the first part of the story with Sana with the sheer number of likes and I would be more happy and glad if you could please let me know your feedback/love/hate/tips. Without wasting any time, I will get on with what happened the following day. Remember, my colleague Sana and I were yet to rehearse and perfect our dance presentation, but before that, we had already explored each other orally. Here we go: — “Hey.. whatever you did with...

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Holiday fun pt3

The eight of us relaxed for a while and soon Edna and Carmen went out to the kitchen and returned with drinks for us all. I heard Joe make the comment that he had never had a black girl before and found Elysha very good at sucking and fucking. "Practice makes perfect" Elysha replied and we all laughed. "Care to practice on my cock?" I then heard Carl ask Elysha and I knew we were about to start another round. "Fuck yeah" Elysha answered back, looking over at Carl's nice cock in his hand....

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A Spiders Web Ch 07

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

3 years ago
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Sarah Bryant A real life fighter

At first shocked, Sarah soon broke into a run, not giving any of the attackers a chance to react to her presence by warning them. She sent a right high kick into the head of an attacker who was shaven bald, and followed it up by a middle kick into his back which was amplified by Sarah’s somewhat high heels. Crying out in pain, the attacker went down, dazed and with a likely spinal injury, but wasn’t completely out. A bottle and a rag had dropped from his hands. This was definitely a rape about...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 19 Ghosts

“Circuit, are you there?” “Yes, Captain but there are green vapor things in Engineering.These things affecting the injector spear blades of both Chandelier diverters. We can’t tap TransDim energies right now and I switched to secondary power.” “Can we still lift off?” “Not at the moment Captain. Most of my engineering crew is acting weird and two have pulled the auxiliary reactor down into maintenance cycle. I need to contain them and get the reactors back up. We are on battery power...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Flashes

Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I was in my head with resentment that my dad and stepmom had kept me in all-boy schools since I was nine. They were strict about dating, my ascetic lifestyle and the health risks about intimacy. With those fears drilled into me, I barely dated, and those dates I did have were always chaste. Emotionally, I knew I was still thirteen. When a girl tried to kiss me, since I wasn’t trying, I made fearful excuses and avoided the inevitably painful death from...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Jeff sat in a comfortable chair in Linda's old bedroom while Jill slept and Little One worked on her. The door quietly opened and Diana peeked in, then pushed a serving cart through. "Are you hungry?" she whispered as she neared Jeff. Jeff smiled at her. "You don't have to whisper. A bolt of lightning could strike the retreat and Jill would sleep on." "Well, good," his wife answered in a normal voice. "It is way past lunchtime, so while the others are eating, we can as well," she...

1 year ago
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Flossies RevengeChapter 14

School the next day started just as it usually did, with the kids arriving in twos and threes, while Flossie finished writing the lesson on the board. While they waited for class to start, the kids usually just chatted quietly with each other, about this or that. On this day, though, almost all the older kids had things on their minds that they didn’t want to chat about ... at least not with everybody there. With the exception of Ruth Ann, all the older girls present in the room had thoughts...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex With Guy From Building

So one day, I enter the lift to go up to my floor and as the lift door is about to close, out comes a hand from outside the lift to block it from closing. It was the sexiest hand I’ve ever seen. Veins popping out like rivers on a map. The lift door flung open again and in comes a man. A young man, in his early twenties, excruciatingly hot. He had a rough manly beard, and a lean body with a chiseled jaw that you can cut yourself trying to rub it. I instantly felt something for him. An...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Brianna Rose Are You A Grower Or Shower

Man, I (Johnny The Kid) got a big fucking mouth. My step aunt Brianna Rose came into town & I was just sitting down to have a nice wiz when my bro called me. We got to chatting – bro shit ya know – and I tell him, I’ma bang the fat knockers right off my stepmom and he’s all like ‘you’re full of shit bro!’ Truth is I probably was bullshitting a bit, but I didn’t realize Brianna overheard the convo! Embarrassingly she calls me out and strangely...

4 years ago
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Nude Beach for Christmas 3

On our last day in Antigua, we met Nick, Suzette, Rolf and Heather for breakfast. Afterwards we headed back to our rooms to gather our things and then headed back down to the nude beach. The weather was still great with a few puffy clouds here and there, but mostly sunny skies.We made our way down to the far end of the beach and spread out our towels and stripped off our swimsuits. The gentle breeze felt great against our naked skin. The girls didn’t realize that I had planned for some fun. I...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

2 years ago
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The Fall of Brooklyn ch01 A New Life

As the year had drawn to a close Zack told her he was going to be moving to Paris in the summer as he had an internship. She begged him to let her come with him, and he agreed. She had to tell him the truth about her age, she would turn eighteen before they left but wouldn't have a passport. He was angry at first but told her he knew a few people who might be able to help. After they made up he had asked her to help with his final project, he had to do a "glamour shoot" sort of sexy but...

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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 6

Over the next few days, Mark experienced a lot of that same feeling from the first night in his parents' room. He was naked, and everything else about the world seemed to go on as if nothing was wrong. It didn't make sense! How could everything be so... normal? Of course, he didn't really know what disaster he was expecting. His family, even Tori, would never ridicule him, even the frequent times he was erect. No one else but the family would see him. It was just... he couldn't even...

1 year ago
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A Cuckold By Choice Chapter 4

David I felt bad as I sent the message to my wife, but the soft arms that snaked around my neck soon put any regrets out of my mind.“You’re not neglecting me are you?” she said and I felt her long fingers gripping my semi-erect cock.I’d practically bumped into Susie on my way home from the pub. She looked as if she was struggling with three big bags of shopping.Reaching down I made to take a bag, but she pulled away. “I’m all right th…., oh it’s you Dave.”“You look like you could use a hand,” I...

3 years ago
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A little Spa encounter and whatever pops in mind

Hey,This is my first entry in here so where do I begin. I'm an 18yo female, bi-sexual (By the way, it's quite strange that you can't check a box somewhere for being bi-sexual on a site like this) and I was born in Germany but I've been living in the US for a couple of months now. So if anything I have written is totally unintelligible feel free to correct me so I can edit it; I promise I won't get offended ^^I was thinking about telling the 3 or 4 people who will be reading this about an...

4 years ago
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 11 Gary Joins the Club

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 11 -- Gary Joins "The Club" I called Kay when I got home and she told me she was definitely going to spend another week with Heather, or until she was sure her mother was going to be okay. Imagining what they were going to do relieved any guilt I felt about my weekend with Kimberly and Christie. I told her to take all the time she wanted, that she deserved a vacation, even though I would miss her. She said, "I'll make it up to you when I come home."...

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Barbara Ch 03

This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * Barbara sat back on the floor to catch her breath after the black pounding that just took place. Two more guys were unable to wait any longer after the show they had just seen. While Barbara rested on her elbows with head back, they just shot their loads over her face...

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MySistersHotFriend Kiley Jay 23215

Kiley Jay’s frustrated. She’s at a slumber party at her friend’s house, but she can’t sleep. On top of that, she tries to make herself go to sleep by masturbating in the bathroom a bit. But no matter how much she fingers herself and plays with her clit, it’s nothin’ coin’. But then a light bulb goes off in Kiley’s head: her friend’s brother Jax is home! So, being the little creeper she is, Kiley tiptoes into Jax’s room, turns on the...

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Booking the GirlsChapter 20

As much of a disturbance as Sabrina was in the midst of my tranquil life of teaching teenage girls, in only ten minutes I had returned to my typical self and my cock had returned to its typical hardness. Jacqueline, a 15-year old blonde, was my next client for Personal Services and she wanted her anal virginity properly removed. "It's not like popping your cunt cherry," I explained. "Each boy who fucks your ass has to do it properly. I'll show you how to have your ass fucked properly...

4 years ago
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Wan Chai encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shitholes, I have encountered many people, men, women, couples. One of my encounters went like this… It had been a long and sweaty day, Hong Kong was as usual hot with a high humidity. The meetings went on and on, jetlag still bothered me no end, so I was happy to call it a day and get back to my hotel. The hotel was a typical 4 star place, smack in the middle...

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Hiking Trips 1

Introduction: Two best friends discover new things On a warm sunny day two best friends named Tami and Greta trekked through the valley. Both girls lived out in the country and unlike most girls their age they loved to explore the valley. It was nothing but grassy fields and occasional trees for miles. At the age of 18 the two girls could be mistaken for sisters, both had heart shaped faces, were 58, had beautiful c-cup breasts, and perfect perky asses. What set them apart was the fact that...

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Naughty Babysitter

Paul and Tina have been married for about 6 years, and have a 3 year old.Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a babysitter come in to watch her during the day. They had just recently hired a new babysitter, Jennifer, an 18 year old freshman at the local university. Jennifer only took afternoon and evening classes, so she was able to babysit until Tina or Paul got home.Jennifer stands average height, with an average build. She did play sports in high school, along with being...

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CommunityChapter 17

Tina's view: Sometimes I curl up on the sofa in those rare moments when I need some 'me' time and I think about things. Mommyhood. Little girls always think of being mommies. I did until I realized that my own 'mommy' saw me as a problem to be solved. Fortunately the solution was her own mother, Grandma, who did me right. When Grandma died and I ended up with Mom again, I pretty much decided that motherhood wasn't for me, not if I had a chance of ending up like Mom and me. Rethinking...

2 years ago
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What the Hell Am I Doing Ch 6

This is also posted in my Literotica Account. I retain copyright, and all that. Please enjoy, and reading the first chapters will help this chapter make a lot more sense! Enjoy!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What the Hell am I Doing?- Ch.-6I was awoken by Ben’s gently shaking my shoulder, my body so wracked with exhaustion, I had cried myself to sleep right there on the couch. Still wearing just the...

1 year ago
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Tranny Surprise Part 1

After being cheated on for months here I am alone in a bar having a drink. I dont understand whats wrong with me im above average in looks, im fit, im successful for my age. Its time I move on though and so far no girls ive dated have been worth a second date. As I look around the bar I see her. I immediately start to stare. Looks like she was there with a couple of her friends. I order another beer and decide to scope it out for a little bit. I just couldnt get over how pretty she was. She...

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Firehouse Cock Sucker and Cuckold

My wife Megan and I were born and raised in the Atlanta area, and got our degrees from the University of Georgia. We got married right after graduation and moved to Baltimore for my civil engineering job and Megan got a job in finance there. By the time we were 32 years old, we had two children, and my company promoted me to a management position back in the Atlanta area.Megan was able to quit her finance job and stay home with the kids, due to my big increase in pay. I had a little more free...

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Allysons New Adventure Part Three

Allyson had bought a hot tub which would be delivered later in the day. She had fond memories of going over to Rachel's house and losing her virginity to her older sister, Shelly. She remembered how Shelly taught her how to masturbate with the jets on the hot tub. She was excited to invite Shelly over to her house and show her the new hot tub. She knew when Shelly would see it, they would rekindle old memories. Her new house was perfect and had all the privacy to enjoy one. She planned on going...

Group Sex
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SexAndSubmission Dresden The Inseminator

It’s the end of the world and beautiful blonde Dresden hasn’t seen a man in months. On a search for water and a place to rest, she stumbles onto the property of survivalist Charles Dera. Charles catches sight of Dresden out the window and likes what he sees. She may just have all the parts he needs. He corners her, grabs her by the throat, and gets his hands all over her young fertile body. Dresden tries to scream and asks her captor to please not hurt her. Charles grins, and asks...


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