Mi Primera Experiencia Lé,sbico-Fetichista free porn video

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Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones.

Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte fetichista, ya que es poseedora de una espectacular belleza y hermosura, y en particular posee el má,s perfecto y sensual par de piernas, y el par de pies má,s sexys y atractivos que son capaces de volverme loca de placer y excitació,n.

Hoy me propongo relatarles có,mo es que comenzó, mi locura por esos hermosos pies&hellip,

Su nombre es Norma, y a la sazó,n era mi compañ,era de clases cuando ambas nos encontrá,bamos cursando el primer añ,o de bachillerato, allá, en la dé,cada de los 80s. Debo, antes que nada, decir que en cuanto a la moda, la mayorí,a de la moda ochentera me parecí,a aborrecible, en particular la de los zapatos, pues los colores fluorescentes, los estoperoles, moñ,os, encajes, hebillas y botas de gamuza a los tobillos, me parecí,an punto menos que aborrecibles&hellip,

Estudiá,bamos en un Colegio femenino muy conservador administrado y dirigido por monjas de la orden josefina, y por reglamento nos obligaban a usar un uniforme al que odiaba cordialmente, entonces solí,a pensar que si esas monjas josefinas pudieran, nos habrí,an obligado a vestir los mismos há,bitos que ellas usaban. En particular, del uniforme odiaba la larga falda de tablones de tela escocesa, las gruesas y largas calcetas que debí,amos portar hasta las rodillas, pero mi odio má,s acendrado, lo recibí,an los zapatos escolares negros de hebillas y gruesa suela crepé,.

Todos estos elementos del atuendo escolar, parecí,an ser producto de una conspiració,n tramada con el ú,nico y perverso objetivo de no dejarme lucir, lo que en mi opinió,n era uno de mis mejores atributos personales, me refiero a mis piernas. Sin á,nimo de parecer pretensiosa, debo decir que poseí,a un par de bien torneadas piernas, así, que cada vez que podí,a, doblaba la pretina de mi falda varias veces sobre sí, misma para reducir así, la longitud de la prenda y convertirla automá,ticamente en una minifalda, pretextando calor bajaba las largas calcetas hasta los tobillos, y entonces me dedicaba a disfrutar el efecto magné,tico que mis piernas ejercí,an en las miradas masculinas.

Norma tambié,n solí,a desafiar el reglamento escolar concerniente a la portació,n del uniforme, y me regalaba así, el portentoso espectá,culo de sus hermosas extremidades. Solí,a extasiarme contemplando la perfecció,n de sus muslos, la turgencia de sus pantorrillas y las delicadeza de sus tobillos, casi me obsesioné, con la idea de contemplar el resto de sus pies desnudos, fantaseaba con la perfecció,n de sus talones, con la curvatura de su arco plantar, la perfecció,n de sus dedos, mi vagina se humedecí,a con só,lo imaginar el aroma de sus pies, con poder lamer sus dedos y en sentirlos penetrando mi hú,meda vagina para hacerme estallar en intensí,simos orgasmos.

Como seguramente se imaginará,n, Norma y sus bellas extremidades eran continuos protagonistas de mis fantasí,as sexuales e inspiració,n del desfogue masturbatorio con el que entonces aliviaba mi obsesió,n.

En una ocasió,n, recuerdo que era una fiesta de Halloween, Norma apareció, ataviada con un sexy y entallado minivestido negro, pero lo que me pareció, má,s eró,tico y atractivo de su atuendo fue un par de largas y elegantes botas negras de tacó,n alto, le llegaban arriba de la rodilla, a medio muslo. Bajo las botas calzaba un par de sexys medias de encaje con ligueros, un gran bolso negro, grandes lentes obscuros y una corta y lacia peluca rubia complementaban su atuendo. Tan extasiada y excitada como estaba, tardé, algunos minutos en reconocer su disfraz, era la vestimenta de Julia Roberts en Mujer Bonita.

En un momento determinado, nuestras miradas se entrecruzaron y me sonrió, mientras agitaba su mano a manera de saludo, y continuó, mascando un imaginario chicle acorde con el personaje que encarnaba. Crucé, el saló,n como hipnotizada, me dirigí, a ella como polilla a la luz, cuando llegué, hasta donde se encontraba, sentí, una agradabilí,sima sensació,n de calor y humedad en mi bajo vientre. Me sentí, un poco estú,pida, pues yo no habí,a acudido disfrazada. Elogié, su atuendo, tratando de evitar ser muy obvia en la fascinació,n que su belleza y hermosura ejercí,a sobre mí,. Halagué, en particular el hermoso y sexy par de botas, y cuando hice la pregunta obligada sobre la boutique donde las habí,a adquirido, tuve mi primera gran decepció,n, pues ocurrí,a que las habí,a comprado en un viaje reciente a la Cd. de Los Angeles, California. Mi segunda y aú,n mayor decepció,n ocurrió, cuando un galancete disfrazado de pirata apareció, para invitarla a bailar, la vi alejarse hacia la pista de la mano de aquel adolescente filibustero y lamente no tener a mano un alfanje, o un sable con el cual retarlo a un duelo para disputarnos el ganar el privilegia de tan hermosa y sensual compañ,í,a.

El insistente toque de un dedo en mi hombro me regresó, a la realidad y al siglo XX, era un mozalbete disfrazado de contralmirante y con el pelo ridí,culamente engominado quien hací,a ademá,n de invitarme a bailar. Resistiendo mi automá,tico impulso de mandarlo a la mierda, decidí, acceder, cruzamos el saló,n y nos fuimos a ubicar justo al lado de Norma. Aú,n no sé, el por que, pero en aquellos 80s bailá,bamos en hileras, los hombres de un lado y las mujeres del otro, así, que me pasé, gran parte de la velada junto a la dueñ,a e inspiradora de mis anhelos orgá,smicos.

Despué,s de bailar un rato, Norma me pidió, que la acompañ,ara al bañ,o, acudimos juntas, la observé, discretamente por debajo de la mampara que separaba cada cubí,culo en el que se encontraba cada inodoro, vi sus piernas separadas al sentarse, y la imaginé, con su vulva desnuda y expuesta, la sola idea me excitó, al punto de sentir una oleada de rubor recorriendo mis mejillas y un agradabilí,simo calorcillo encendiendo mis entrañ,as, y cuando la escuché, lanzando un sonoro chorro de orina, mi vagina se estremeció, en concé,ntricas contracciones, casi dejo escapar un gemido cuando la escuché, suspirar profundamente luego de soltar el chorro.

En cuanto salió, del bañ,o, hablamos animadamente de la fiesta y allí, me contó, que el pirata era su novio, que tení,an algo de tiempo saliendo y que este la presionaba para tener sexo. Ella no querí,a terminar la relació,n y le habí,a prometido masturbarlo y prodigarle sexo oral hasta que se viniera en su boca e incluso tragarse el semen, con la condició,n de conservar intacta su virginidad. Me extrañ,ó, que me confiara ese tipo de intimidades, pues si bien no é,ramos unas desconocidas, tampoco resultá,bamos ser amigas í,ntimas. Bueno, no hasta entonces&hellip,

En el bachillerato todo mundo sabí,a que yo tení,a vida sexual activa y por ende experiencia suficiente como para aconsejar en esa materia a una inexperta, así, que no me extrañ,ó,, má,s bien me resultó, esclarecedor cuando me pidió, consejo y asesorí,a para saber có,mo debí,a practicarle el sexo oral a su novio. Entonces atisbé, una ventana de oportunidad, y aprovechando los dí,as de asueto que se avecinaban, pacté, junto con ella instruirla en el sensual arte de la felació,n hasta convertirla en toda una maestra. Impuse sin embargo como condició,n que lo harí,a a cambio de que ella me prestara sus botas en alguna ocasió,n, y tambié,n le pedí, que consiguiera un par de pelí,cula porno, algunas paletas redondas de caramelo, un plá,tano, y sobre todo, que contá,ramos con la suficiente intimidad y discreció,n para practicar. Ella aceptó, encantada todo cuanto le propuse, y quedamos de vernos en la tarde del dí,a siguiente en su casa.

Ese dí,a era un sá,bado, el resto de su familia habí,a decidido salir al cine y a cenar. Ella, pretextando un examen venidero en una materia que siempre le resultaba difí,cil, justificó, mi presencia fingiendo que yo era de las má,s aventajadas alumnas en esa disciplina, por lo que habí,a solicitado mi asesorí,a para que estudiá,ramos en equipo. No pude evitar el sonreí,r cuando dijo esto, pues al menos en parte, resultaba cierto.

Apenas se habí,a marchado su familia, subimos corriendo hasta su recá,mara para poner la videocasetera en funcionamiento, son nuestro plan predeterminado, tuvimos la precaució,n de cerrar la puerta con seguro, adelantamos las imá,genes hasta llegar a una escena que incluí,a una felació,n y aplicamos la funció,n de play&hellip,

Mientras la imá,genes de la pantalla mostraban a una Porn-Star devorando una enorme verga, la hermosa cara de Norma dibujaba un gesto de repugnancia.

Detuve la reproducció,n de la cinta y puse en marcha mi propio plan de acció,n, empecé, por explicarle que de ninguna manera una buena mamada se da de forma inmediata y directa, que es necesario crear un preá,mbulo apropiado, y que se debe ir incrementando progresivamente la estimulació,n sobre las zonas eró,genas de los hombres hasta llegar a la felació,n en sí,, pues de otra manera resultarí,a insulsa y mecá,nica.

Entonces le pregunté, có,mo es que solí,a estimular a su novio durante los fajes, resultó, que mi hermosa aprendiz era má,s bien pasiva, y que por retribució,n eró,tica solo solí,a dar besos de lengua y lamer el cuello y los ló,bulos auriculares de sus novio, me contó, que só,lo lo dejaba lamer y mordisquear su cuello, y tocar sus muslos sin llegar a su vulva, que la fiesta pasada su novio le intentó, extraer uno de sus senos por el pronunciado escote de su minivestido para lamer su pezó,n e introdujo sus dedos por debajo de su tanga, lo que le habí,a agradado. Pero que tambié,n la asustó,, pues temí,a que sus dedos desgarraran su delicada membrana himeneal.

El miedo y el pudor la hicieron resistirse, y como resultado, el faje terminó, con los mismos efectos que una ducha de agua frí,a, y má,s grave aú,n en un pleito que só,lo podí,a reconciliarse con otro faje apasionado de final feliz.

Le pedí, que se calmara, pues el relato de lo ocurrido la habí,a vuelto a poner un tanto angustiada, le expresé, que en el sexo es necesaria la relajació,n y que el peor enemigo del erotismo es el estré,s y la angustia. Le aconsejé, que cerrara los ojos mientras le daba un masaje para que se relajara, ella obedeció, confiada mientras mis dedos masajeaban su crá,neo, cuando luego de unos minutos, mis manos llegaron a la parte posterior del cuello, ella se encontraba mucho má,s relajada. Continué, masajeando con delicadeza y suavidad su cuello hasta que la escuché, lanzar un hondo suspiro&hellip,

Sin dejar de masajear su cuello, me acerqué, hasta su oí,do, le pedí, que continuase con los ojos cerrados, pero que ahora imaginara que era su novio quien la estaba tocando y besando, agregué, que lo harí,a só,lo para demostrarle có,mo se debí,a hacer, y para que aprendiera como volverlo loco de placer, su silencio y continuar con los ojos cerrados fue la tá,cita respuesta aceptació,n.

Pasé, mi nariz olfateando su largo y delicado cuello, mi respiració,n emitida a travé,s de mis fosas nasales fue el preá,mbulo de un ligero beso en la base del cuello, ella se estremeció, al sentir el contacto, temí, que no fuera por placer y me quedé, como petrificada esperando su reacció,n reprobatoria, luego de torturantes segundo de incertidumbre, nada&hellip,ella continuaba con los ojos cerrados.

Volví, a besarla, esta vez de forma un poco má,s intensa, pude notar entonces por el ritmo de su respiració,n que lo estaba disfrutando, cuando emplee mi lengua para lamer su cuello, incluso dejó, escapar un ligero y ahogado gemido de placer, llegué, hasta su oí,do, lamí, su pabelló,n auricular y tré,mula de excitació,n musité, su nombre entre gemidos entrecortados.

Norma abrió, los ojos como quien despierta de un bello sueñ,o, ambas sonreí,mos con cierta complicidad, y yo pretendí, seguir con la farsa de actuar como lo harí,a su novio, pero que esta vez ella serí,a quien replicara la lecció,n recientemente dada como si tratase de retribuirle de la misma manera a su novio. Ella replico con evidente torpeza el recorrido de estimulació,n a travé,s del cuello, no obstante su inicial torpeza, logró, ponerme bastante excitada, excitació,n que no decayó, cuando incluso musitó, en mi oí,do el nombre de su novio entrecortado por gemidos.

Nos separamos pretendiendo continuar con nuestro cometido, la verdad es que ambas empezá,bamos a excitarnos, para disipar la tensió,n le comenté, que acorde con el lenguaje coloquial y usando la analogí,a del base-ball, habí,amos llegado apenas a primera base.

Le pregunté, si querí,a llegar a segunda, ella me preguntó, que incluí,a segunda, a lo que contesté, que implicaba contacto de la cintura para arriba con y sin ropa, ella lo dudó, un poco, pero cuando le expliqué, que para masturbar y felar a su novio debí,a llegar a tercera base, dejó, su reticencia atrá,s, cerro sus ojos y estiró, en cuello echando la cabeza hacia atrá,s como indicá,ndome a la vez su aceptació,n y desde donde debí,a continuar. Me apliqué, con delicadeza y maestrí,a a estimular su cuello, mientras que lentamente me apoderaba de sus teta, que si bien no eran nada espectaculares, si eran bastante sexys y turgentes. Descendí, hasta el escote de su blusa, desabroché, con la boca su botones y sin prisa deslicé, mi lengua por el surco intermamario mientras mis manos acariciaban su espalda y alternativamente desabrochaban su brassiere.

Cuando por fin lo desabroché,, deslicé, la prenda hacia afuera de su blusa a la que ya habí,a desabotonado por completo para reclamar como trofeos el par de rosados y erectos pezones. Tracé, cí,rculos concé,ntricos con mi lengua alrededor de sus areolas, sus pezones se irguieron como reclamado mi atenció,n, cuando llegó, su turno los lamí, con parsimonia y delicadeza y luego los succioné, para terminar dá,ndoles pequeñ,os mordiscos sin ejercer mucha presió,n. Norma gemí,a con cada libació,n a sus pezones e incluso se retorcí,a como presa de una convulsió,n con cada uno de mis mordiscos. En ese momento supe que ese dí,a llegarí,a sin duda a tercera base con Norma, así, que haciendo un enorme esfuerzo de autodisciplina, me separé, de succionar sus tetas para continuar con mi farsa de pretender ser su novio.

Norma me preguntó, un poco escé,ptica si tambié,n a los hombres les agrada que les estimulen los pezones, a lo que contesté, afirmativamente, e incluso le dije que toda buena mamadora de verga, demuestra de lo que es capaz con su lengua primero en los pezones de su macho, que se trata de un preá,mbulo que generalmente va acompañ,ado con sobar su entrepierna comenzando desde la cara interna de los muslos, y que acaba con masturbarlos sacando por completo su verga para de allí, proceder a la felació,n, que marca el lí,mite entre segunda y tercera base.

En cuanto norma me preguntó, có,mo es que lo iba a ensayar conmigo, le dije que para tal efecto, le habí,a pedido el plá,tano y la paleta tutsi-pop. Coloqué, el plá,tano justo debajo de mi ropa interior y comencé, a guiar la boca de norma por mi cuello, ella repasó, las lecciones anteriores mejorando con creces en cada intento, cuando sus labios rozaron mis pezones, sus manos estimulaban la cara interna de mis muslos como le habí,a indicado.

Cuando su maravillosa boca se apoderó, de mis pezones, comenzó, a estimularlos hasta que me arrancó, un hondo gemido, sentí,a sus manos crispadas aferrando el plá,tano por encima de mi ropa, y por lo que pude percibir, lo estrujaba con torpeza. Temí, que lo batiera por completo bajo mi ropa interior y cuando trataba de acomodar su mano para indicarle el movimiento de avancarga y retroceso que debí,a hacer, sentí, su primer mordisco en mis pezones.

Gemí, y me contorsioné, de placer, ella se emocionó, tanto del efecto que sus candentes caricias estaban ejerciendo en mí,, que comenzó, a succionar y mordisquear frené,ticamente, hasta que me hizo sentir dolor, por lo que me separé, con brusquedad pero hacié,ndole saber que me habí,a agradado.

Ella se disculpó, y me preguntó, que me habí,a parecido su incursió,n en la segunda base. Reí, complacida y le dije que si continuaba así,, seguro llevarí,a a su novio, no a la tercera base, sino directo al paraí,so. Agregué, que debí,a trabajar un poco má,s con su té,cnica para asir y masturbar la verga, en este caso representada por el plá,tano, con el cual le mostré, como tomarlo y que presió,n ejercer sobre é,l, así, como el ritmo de vaivé,n que debí,a prodigarle para masturbarlo.

Ella escuchó, atentamente cada una de mis explicaciones, mientras yo desenvolví,a la paleta de caramelo para mostrarle como debí,a lamer con su lengua el glande de una verga, ella tuvo la candidez de preguntarme có,mo se sentirí,a que le mamaran la verga, a lo que desde luego no pude contestar por obvias razones. Estaba entonces por brillar por mi insapiencia, cuando me surgió, una idean que me permitió, no só,lo tratar de explicarle, sino tambié,n continuar compliendo mi anhelada fantasí,a&hellip,

Le pedí, que extendiera su pie, y que imaginara que su dedo pulgar era una verga, la punta de su pulpejo serí,a el glande, y el resto representarí,a el tronco de la verga. Tomé, su exquisito pie entre mis manos, y lo aproximé, a mí,, tomé, la posició,n de cuclillas mientras manipulaba su dedo pulgar explicando có,mo masturbarlo, ella respondí,a con monosí,labos cada vez má,s entrecortados a mis preguntas de verificació,n, cuando procedí, a explicarle como lamer una verga totalmente erecta usando a su dedo como sustituto, por verificació,n obtuve un hondo suspiro, los gemidos que siguieron cuando engullí, por completo su dedo en mi boca, me dieron la valentí,a para continuar la estimulando.

Con mis manos, recorrí, la cara interna de sus preciosos muslos, apenas llegué, a la vulva, Norma abrió, sus piernas aú,n má,s, indicá,ndome de forma inequí,voca lo que debí,a hacer a continuació,n…

Apenas rocé, su introito vaginal con mis dedos, sentí, la tibia humedad rezumando de su vagina y humedeciendo toda su vulva. Emplee ese delicioso né,ctar como lubricante para estimular su erecto y sensible clí,toris, no ameritó, de mucho tiempo para hacerla estallar, ahora empleando mi lengua directamente sobre su clí,toris, en un arrollador orgasmo que la hizo estremecerse en forma casi convulsa.

No necesitó, que se lo propusiera, apenas recuperó, un poco el aliento, tomó, uno de mis pies y lo descalzó, de su zapatilla, lamió, mis dedos, tos y cada uno, lamió, mi arco plantar y mordisqueó, mi taló,n. Desde donde ascendió, lamiendo y mordisqueando por toda la longitud de mis piernas hasta que llegó, a mi vulva que clamaba por su lengua. Apenas sentí, su deliciosa lengua en mi vagina, sentí, la poderosa inminencia de un orgasmo.

Para ese momento nos encontrá,bamos ya tumbadas sobre su cama, entonces le pedí, que me llevara a home, que conectara un cuadrangular y me cogiera por completo, ella se desconcertó, por un instante cuando le pedí, que me metiera su verga, pero entonces lo comprendió,, y empleando el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, me penetró, por la vagina y me bombeó, con su hermoso pie hasta hacerme estallar en un potentí,simo orgasmo serial.

Luego de eso, nos besamos apasionadamente, jugueteamos y reí,mos como locas. La tarde aú,n era joven, lo mismo que nosotras, así, que continuamos nuestra respectiva y mutua exploració,n fetichista ya sin pretender nada má,s que satisfacer nuestra naciente e intensa lujuria.

Varias horas despué,s, exhaustas y satisfechas, nos bañ,amos y arreglamos nuestros atuendos lo mejor que pudimos, minutos má,s tarde arribó, su familia y pronto yo estaba de regreso a mi casa llevando como un tesoro una caja conteniendo las botas que Norma me habí,a prometido en pré,stamo, aunque eran de mi talla, nunca se las pedí, por que pretendiera calzarlas, aunque desde luego que eventualmente lo hice, la verdadera razó,n por la que se las habí,a pedido originalmente, era que pretendí,a masturbarme oliendo el delicado aroma de sus pies atrapado en esas sexys botas, para aplacar un poco mi obsesió,n por mi hermosa compañ,era, y por sus aú,n má,s obsesionantes y hermosas extremidades.

Desde entonces fuimos má,s que novias, amantes. Norma envió, directo a la mierda a su apuesto galá,n y conservó, su virginidad intacta, aunque no su ingenuidad. Ella fue mi primera experiencia tanto lé,sbica como fetichista, y yo la de ella.

Con el devenir del tiempo nos separamos, supe que se habí,a casado poco despué,s de terminar el bachillerato, yo regresé, a Españ,a, tuve desde luego varias amantes má,s, incluso má,s bellas y má,s avezadas en las artes eró,ticas, pero siempre se recuerda con un cariñ,o especial a la generadora de primicias.

Hace poco nos reencontramos, ella está, convertida en toda una mamá,, aú,n conserva parte de su lozano atractivo, en sus propias palabras dijo haber desertado de las filas del ejé,rcito de la masa y la tortilla, y que ahora só,lo busca pleito con el general pepino.

Aunque no tan bella como cuando adolescente, me habrí,a encantado rendirle culto culinario a nuestro emblemá,tico alimento junto con ella, y aunque comparto su gusto por los pepinos, lo mí,o, lo mí,o, lo mí,o&hellip, en realidad son los tacos de longaniza, todo lo demá,s siempre me deja con hambre, pero los tacos de patitas de puerca, son para mí,, mucho má,s que un mata hambre, un manjar de una exquisitez de grado gourmet.

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A Trans Atlantic Affair

What did I expect when I left that morning? Nothing? Everything? Maybe both? I don't even know if I would call what I felt 'expectations'. Dreams I think would be a better word. Dreams the likes of which most girls can only, well, dream of!John Stone was offering me those dreams. Me! Verity Rose Eldridge! It was so impossible to believe that I could barely say it out loud! Even now, I'm not sure how to put it all into words. Out of nowhere, he came into my life and then it was all right there...

Office Sex
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Lisas DilemmaChapter 7 The Rugby Trials fiasco

At 12.30 pm Ted drove his van onto the drive way of Sally's house; leaving the engine running he leapt out and rang the door bell, less than two minutes later Sally and Jenny dashed to the van, dressed up to the hilt as though going to a debutante's ball. The both waited by the passenger side door and were disappointed when Ted slid open the side panel door inviting them in to the back of the van. When then clambered in, he joined them and again upset them by demanding they strip off as...

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The Weekend Chapter 10

Please read previous chapters to get the whole story. Hope you enjoy.Chapter 10I saw Scott starting to wank himself off, I did the same, looking at two gorgeous women then I’m not surprised either of us wanted to do that. As we did, both Carrie and Laura knelt down in front of us, Carrie in front of me and Laura in front of Scott.Carrie soon had my manhood deep in her mouth, Laura did the same to Scott. I had no idea how I was controlling myself. I asked Scott if they enjoyed sex, he said they...

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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 27

"Did he say what I think he said?" Nil demanded as he turned to Makro and Lavender. "Soldiers? Where could they be from and why are they here?" "You don't think Father sent some to support us, do you?" May asked. "It wasn't planned that way," Nil answered with a shrug. "I suppose it's possible, but I'd be surprised. I guess that makes more sense than somebody following us. Who else would even know we're here?" "Maybe they're not here because of us," Fobie interjected....

2 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 1

"Mum, I am sixteen you know," the teenage girl wailed. She pushed back her dirty blonde hair that was tumbling down her face and gave her mother a frown. "I know you are sixteen but you have an exam tomorrow. It's your GCSEs babe, they are very important." Sarah sighed and grunted to herself. "It's English Lit. I have no problem with that. And I haven't seen Kev for two weeks," she whined. Angela Bailey grimaced. "I got you tickets for this afternoon, there is no reason why you...

3 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 27

Nick apologetically cancelled his Friday night rehearsal. That he had bothered to do so was well received. Sally rang her mother to say that she would not be visiting. That was resignedly accepted. Catriona and family arrived just after six. Having been cooped up in the car for two hours the children were bursting with energy and bedtime was delayed. Sally was enchanted with them and was thrilled when Nina brought her a picture book, climbed on her knee and demanded to be 'read'...

1 year ago
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Airport Search Ch 3

I made the following comment on a chat site, "Is it my imagination (which is very vivid) or do I notice a lot of women smiling as they are searched at airport terminal security checks. I seem to see a lot of them with their legs spread out, arms out to their sides as someone runs a wand over them. Is there a lot of wishing they would be stripped searched? One person, Natalie came back with, "Yea, I know I wouldn't mind." This is my story to her. M+f, nc, anal, reluc, humiliation, toys, spanking...

4 years ago
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I Dream of You Sunlight Cry Poetry by Joy

I DREAM OF YOU ❤️My fingers glideDown my slopesAs I lay aloneOn grandmother's guest bedLate morning sleepI awoke Having dreamt of youYour touch on my skinYour breath in my nostrilsYour taste in my mouthNightgown softnessCascading over my bare youthNipples riseTummy draws inI have never been touchedBut want you to touch meFingers descendDownDownBetween bare hipsInto paradiseSlipping into the flowMy eyes close and you are here with meMy fingers are yoursFinding my sweet spotYou linger...

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My Sweet Bhabhi

Hi guys name is Ravi, my age is 20. This story is between me and my Bhabhi. She is very hot and little fatty and her age is 28. She has a daughter of 2 years. My bhabhi name is Madhu. She is very hot, she looks like south actress, and she has very nice boobs and ass. I always dreamed to fuck her. We are four people in the house including the parents and brother was in government so he has to live of town almost all of the time. He comes home once in several months that too for 7-8 days. Now I...

4 years ago
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The Other side of the Forest Chapter 2

This story takes place in the Enemyoffun DarkRealms Universe Chapter 2 Walter Marvin tossed an empty beer can across the living room in disgust. On top of his game for many years, his life started to spiral out of control when his wife found him in bed with another woman. For some reason she seemed bitter but was it really his fault her fault that her business trip was cut short. In no time, she cleared out her things, most of their bank account and left without a word....

2 years ago
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The Slut In Her

Anna skipped down the street from the high rise where she lived with her parents. There were three of them and they all had twelve floors and sat on a hill. During the winter, cars with front-wheel drive would have a problem coming up the street if it wasn't properly sanded and salted.But now it was a gloriously warm day at the end of May. Just another week of school and then the summer holidays. Maybe this what gave Anna’s skip some extra bounce. She reached the bus stop which only had one...

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My Girlfriends Obsession with Huge Cock

It’s been a few months now since my girlfriend Sara’s awakening trip to Vegas (See Previous Story) and life has been great! Sara loves that I’m OK with her satisfying her lust for other men’s huge cocks whenever she wants and tells me daily how much she loves me for letting her express her inner most sexual desires. One thing we learned after our Vegas experience was that we were both extremely turned on when she texted me pictures or videos of her sucking her lovers’ cocks while I was a long...

3 years ago
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I Fuck My Mother from behind

I Fuck My Mother from behind Last night was the last night my mother will be sleeping with me at my house after spending the last few days looking after me. My father was on the phone last night saying his business trip is cut short and will be back tonight. My mother is making up for the last eight years without sex with my father while my girlfriend is away and is dressing in to the last basque that she fetched which I have not seen yet. We have all morning to have some fun, as the nurse is...

1 year ago
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Private Lina Mercury Addicted To Anal

Lina Mercury has come to Private Specials, Slutty Secretaries, and this British beauty has a surprise in store for her lucky boss Potro as she slips into her sexy black lingerie ready to show him a real good time. Lina looks incredible with her tight ass and big natural tits, and she wastes no time getting down on her knees for a wet sloppy blowjob warming up for what’s to come… Enjoy Lina in all her glory as she offers up that sweet ass for an intense anal pounding, fucking and moaning her way...

3 years ago
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Into Africa with a Scandanavian Flavour Part II The Wild Introduction

Their intent was obvious. The unspoken word confirmed it all. Frankly I could not wait any longer either. How could two adult men even think of divorcing these amazing beauties? They were so perfect in every respect and a rare species indeed! Why was I the lucky one? These thoughts kept flooding my mind whilst only selected downlighters of the motorhome were switched on as well as the few battery powered candles I had brought along. The ambiance was captivating. The ladies removed their...

4 years ago
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Blind DateChapter 3 We fall out and make up

Three weeks later I had a formal trade association dinner in London on Friday night and I asked Sarah to go with me. Wives and girlfriends were invited; in fact you were expected to have a female companion. By that time we were comfortable around each other, the sex was still mind blowing, and I said that we would stay over Saturday and do some sightseeing in London. I was now working on a project at home, having finished in Brighton. We travelled down on Friday afternoon, and checked into...

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Out of ReachChapter 03

Ernie turns up at Melissa’s house at the agreed six o’clock to find a subdued argument going on. Mister Watson is surprised when he meets Ernie for the first time, because he’s neatly dressed and is polite, a big change to most of Melissa’s previous boyfriends. He’d heard a lot from the other family members so he wondered what Ernie was like. After letting Ernie in he turns back to his heated discussion with Mrs Watson. After listening to a bit of it Ernie says, “Excuse me, but I may be able...

2 years ago
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i watched as the landlord spanked my sister

well it all started when i moved in with my sister as i had broke up with the wife,things where looking up for me as id found a job with one of the nieghbours cleaning his house,well it was a bit weird as he wanted me to clean his house naked.anyway id come home from cleaning the nieghbours house for the first time,i was tired and a bit soar.as i walked into the house i could hear a mans voice and my sisters.the man sounded angry,so i crept into the house to take a peep at what was going on.it...

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Amy 15 Pretty in Punk

Amy 15: Pretty in Punk by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2012 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Willis Wallace on the Scene Even though I was feeling like a rock star, I still had to deal with the fact that in the real world, I was nothing but a teeny bopper who had to go to school five days a week, where half the people didn't...

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Park Bench

I hate to reveal how naive I was at 18. Here I am now, 48 years old, two grown kids, a loving husband I cheat on, and financially well off so I never have to worry about when the bills are going to be paid. I am 5’6″, around 125-130 pounds, a 36C bust and mousy blond hair. The rest of the measurements are 36-30-40, a far cry from the 34-25-35 I was at 18. But now a lot wiser and well worn, I can look back with a smile and tell you how it began. No, I was not raped by my...

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Karen and her SonChapter 4

"Shall I wear stockings for you darling?" "Oh wow, yes mum please!" Freshly showered and shaved, Steven was indulging in his favourite hobby, watching his mother parading naked in front of him! They'd showered together after their earlier lovemaking session, but things had looked like getting out of hand again so Karen had shooed him out while she washed her hair. Now she was ready for more teasing! "Well in that case, you'd better put them on for me, hadn't you?" Handing him...

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Keeper of the GateChapter 8

The summer of 2009 was hot but pleasant. I was back to my four-mile walks. They took a little longer, but my leg was getting better. The girls would often go with me on the walks. In June, I signed the girls up for drivers education. They took the classes and did the driving with an instructor. The end of July, they took their driving tests and passed. They were happy to each have a license. I got them a nice used compact car in August. Insurance was expensive, but now they could go out...

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The Massage

The massage begins like all of our massages with a shower. First you, hot, slow, relaxing, steaming up the bathroom, taking your time to shave everywhere. Your beautiful pussy, your tight little ass, all the sensitive areas are scraped clean of hair, smooth, ready for touching, licking, stroking. You turn off the water and stand in the shower stall, applying body lotion directly to your still wet skin. Arms, legs, belly, taking your time to caress each muscle, even though you know you will be...

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The Guesthouse StoriesChapter 4

My Mom and me both sat naked on my bed covered in the sweat of our first fuck together and in utter silence. Peter had made it clear to my Mom that he now considered her part of 'the deal' and then simply walked out having watched our entire fuck session. I didn't know where to begin and Mom seemed so shocked by what had just happened, between her and me and with Peter, that she simple sat there. I knew I had to say something. I wanted her to know that I hadn't set her up just to save...

3 years ago
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It’s Friday night, I’m feeling fucking horny and want some ass abuse. I get myself kitted up- 20 hole rangers with red laces, my favorite bleachers nice and tight with a rip up the ass seam, red braces hanging down framing my ass nicely, white Fred Perry and my green MA1, quick check in the mirror, yeap lookin good off down the pub. I get me first pint in while I checking the talent, not bad but nothing that grabs me by the balls, but it’s still early yet so I ain’t worried. I get myself...

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New year game

When my husband lost a huge amount to his friends on the new year party, he allowed his friends to play a game with me. They (friends) said if i win 2 out of three they would give back all the winning back to my husband. The game they asked me to play was, i get to look at, feel with my hands and suck taste each of the 3 cocks in turn. Then they would blindfold me and i get to feel and suck each cock as many times as i want to before saying whose cock it was. If i was right 2 out of 3, my...

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Come On Pearl

Hi folks, summer is ending, so we thought we’d end it with a light and fluffy, summer romance. Just the thing to take your mind off of hurricanes, flooding and rising ocean levels. No plastic straws were sipped on during the writing of this entire story. But don’t worry, the next one is already written and I swear it’s dark, crazy and depressing. SS06 Life is ... strange. Somehow, we’re never really prepared for all the changes and hurdles that life has in store for us. So that day in early...

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Deputy PorterChapter 66

I was fishing with Molly, when the call from Barry to make a run that same night. I had spent the afternoon fishing with Molly Green, but it was time to end the afternoon and get back to work. It had actually been fun to talk about fairly normal things with a fairly normal woman. I recognized her for what she was, only because I knew. It looked as though she and her husband were normal small business owners on the outside. He was certainly no gun thug. I had no idea what all the Greens were...

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Across That LineChapter 4A

Another summer had come, and almost gone, in southern Texas. It was hot, but that was normal. Folks didn't bother remarking on it except to wonder facetiously what this thing "rain" was that they heard about on the Weather Channel. Five-year-old Cathy would be starting kindergarten in a few weeks and four-year-old Cindy was an enthusiastic force of nature doing her best to energize an entire pre-kindergarten class. They were growing taller now, developing their own personalities. Next...

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Switch HittingChapter 15

They were still lying there, cuddling naked, but Sherry had changed the subject. It had been very intentional, because the topic about confessing everything to Fran and Jack had shaken them all up, and there seemed to be very little hope in the future. She had attempted to revive some hope by asking a very normal question, one that all seniors in high school think about a lot. "What are you going to do when you graduate?" What had brought them low seemed to want to hold on, like a Gila...

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Mom Ke Sath Bistar Par

Sabhi pathko ko namaskar.Mera naam rajat he.Ye meri as a writer first kahni he jo real he.Mai 22 yrs ka akdam sa hatta katta ladaka hu.Mai abhi puna me engineering kar raha hu.Mai kolhapur jilhe ke chote gaav se hu.Mere pitaji kheti karate he.Meri mom housewife he.Mai akela hi hu.Esliye sabhi mujse bahut pyaar karte he.Mera rang sawala he aur lund 6 inch ka he.Aj mai meri first sex kahani share kar raha hu jisme meri partner aur kohi nahi meri sagi mom thi.Ab mai seedhe meri kahani pe ata...

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Denise and Darnell pt 1

We were on a cul-de-sac that backed up to a few acres of trees. We only had 2 neighbors: one was a married couple in their late 50s. The other couple was a bit more peculiar. Well, the wife was pretty nice, but we rarely saw her. Her husband, Darnell, we saw a bit too often. He was a strange guy. He was in his early 50s and had been in the Army. He was about 6'4, muscular but lean and still in pretty good shape. He was often out in his backyard, which was separated from ours along that...

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Thirty eight years old but she felt like she was fifty, Rose Blaine thought as she looked out the front window of her nondescript house. The house was as bland as her life, as plain as she was.Rose had been married for s*******n years to Henry, a long haul trucker who was frequently gone for weeks at a time, not that it was much better when he was home. No k**s yet, not that they hadn't tried real hard in the beginning, but they certainly had been trying a whole lot less as the years passed....

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The DanceChapter 6

Karen arrived after work and we ate our dinner outside, I had something to tell mum and I wanted Karen to be there, she looked utterly gorgeous in her smart black business suit over a crisply starched white shirt, dark stockings and high heel black shoes. "I have to go back to Glasgow tomorrow mum" I said softly and they both looked up sharply, so I carried on, "I have to be at work on Wednesday morning, so I'll get the evening flight from Heathrow" "Why?" came from mum, but she...

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I am a bi white male. Average size and weight. Older but still active and still get horny. Married once and that was enough for me. No k**s, although I am willing to raise a c***d if that happens. But we all have secrets, mine is my bi-side. My family and friends have no idea that I do enjoy a man in my mouth on occasion. Sometimes more than that but it's rare. Let me tell you a story that happened a year or so ago. I was cruising the net looking at some porn on a Friday morning with nothing...

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...a dry martini of a Fetishy clich?, a good dollop of raw home made spirit with a dash of insouciance and a twist of lime... Symbiotic; a mutually supportive relationship... at least that's how I choose to see it. Dependence and inter-dependence, give and take. One side or the other, but are we always on one side of the line? Does it shift, or perhaps the question is, what would make you cross? This is a work of adult fiction. No r...

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Unexpected Threesome Part 4 of 4

Warning this series is fundamentally a bisexual (MMF) threesome story. If male bisexuality makes you feel uncomfortable, you should probably stop reading now. Also, I have illustrated versions of these stories in PDF format for anyone who would like a visual to go along with the words. Just drop me a line at I hope you enjoy. M ******************************************** The Dessert (part 4) I stood and looked down at the two of them, laying naked side-by-side. His cock wet with a mixture of...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 17

Philip had thoroughly enjoyed his sexy afternoon rendezvous with his daughter Pam, and his daughter-in-law Crystal. They'd all fucked until they had their fill and Philip had showered with Crystal while Pam took a light nap before he dressed and headed back to his office and then on home. When Philip arrived home, he quickly took his wife Mary in his arms and their kiss together was like something they'd first shared when they were newly married. Their sexual life and marriage had remained...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 4

"My turn?" grumbled Snake, but with a wry smile. Miwa nodded. "I met Rosa at the dock upon my arrival in San Francisco and barely got my sea legs adjusted to land, just a couple hours to visit a haberdasher and transform my humble monkish vestments to those of a gentleman before being paddled out to a sailboat owned by her genius. We sailed up the bay and made landing on the southeastern edge of Marin County and rode in an elegant carriage to an old mission transformed into a rich man's...

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Batgirl in Charge

*BUZZZZZZ *BUZZZZZZ You slowly open your eyes, irritated at the noise that has awakened you from your slumber. Your hand searches around your nightstand before grabbing the source of the noise, your phone. The light from the screen pierces the darkness momentarily blinding you. When your eyes adjust, you see the name 'Bruce.' Tapping the answer button, you put the phone up to your ear. "...Hello," you say groggily. "Barbara, it's Bruce." "You know, Bruce, there's this new thing called caller...

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Inside Games of Cum

My name is Kerry. I am 30 years old and happily married to Robert with 2 c***dren. I am attractive. Have medium length dark hair and have two very large secrets. 1. I am addicted to CUM. Lovely male cum. I love the feel of it. I love the taste of it. I love watching it shoot out of the top of huge hard cocks. I love the feel as it hits the back of my throat. I love the feel of it on my tits. I love my husbands cum. I love any mans cum. Fortunately for me my husband loves to see me enjoying...

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Zoru Ka Gulam

I am Syva age 23 and presently residing in USA. Maine apne husband ko bola ki din ke time main jamane ke samne tumhari biwi ban ke rahungi aur raat main tum mere gulam banke.raat ko wahi hoga jo main chahungi aur haan weakend Sunday ko mujhe naye naye lund chahiye. Raju ne kaha thik hai savya, maine 1 tahppad raju ko lagaya aur kaha ki main raat main savya nahi tumhari malkin hun—tum mujhe raat main sirf aur sirf malkin kahoge…. Do you understand ? Raju ne kaha haan malkin… phir maine kaha...

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Alphabet Aberrosexual

Aberrosexual: (noun or adjective). From the Latin word "aberrare:" to deviate or go astray. Referring to a person who engages in sexual activity that is considered unnatural, abnormal, or atypical. The idea of this story is to create one place for all the sexual acts, deviancy, and general perversions you can think of. The only requirement is that the title be a two or three word alliteration such as Betty Boob, Marcie Masturbation, or Fabian Foot Fetish. I want to try to cover each letter of...

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Josie loves Todd

  What does Pride mean to me? I’m sure each one of us will have a universally similar yet decidedly different answer, dependent of course on our own experience. To me, pride entails my personal discovery, acceptance, and the continued exploration of my own sexuality. It is the joy I feel each day as I wake next to my husband, the man who helped me to become the person that I am today. We are not a traditional couple by any standard, he is almost thirty years my senior.Other than that, we...

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The Reset ManifestoChapter 22

The Minister paused, looked around the room, and realized that his description was not going over very well at all. In a much less formal speaking voice, he said, “I knew Peter from here around town. He was quiet man. He was a family man. He worked hard to grow his Internet business. He traveled on business quite often. “I think everyone in the community would agree with me about that. He was not very active in the local community although we could always call upon him for ideas on to...

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Rivka Chapter 1 Gynecology appointment

Rivka - Chapter 1 - Gynecology appointmentIt was a beautiful summer day and Rivka was sitting patiently in the doctor's office quietly reading a book that she just really wasn’t into. Because of this, she found her mind wandering often and a lot, making reading the book a chore. She swears she has been reading the same page over again at least half a dozen times in the last fifteen minutes.She is at the doctor's office not because there is something wrong with her, but because she just moved to...

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FamiliesTied Daisy Stone Avi Love Family Assets

Avi Love is a gorgeous corporate bitch who has her step-brother Seth Gamble wrapped around her little finger. Seth has been lusting after her perfect body and brilliant mind for years, but all lesbian Avi wants is pussy and big money. She’s happy to string Seth along, keeping him coding the latest hot app under brutal working conditions to make back her Daddy’s investments. When it seems like Seth might finally be at a breaking point, she seduces him into a frenzy and then orders...

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My first real threesome part 1

Maybe it's time to share something different to this site... I've always been a very sexual person and i never intend to hide it from my partner. She grew to my tastes and started developing even more fetishes on the road like me, compared at the beginning she was very innocent... Our limits just kept pushing and we started trying a lot of different things out to incorporate in our sexual activities, we've tried public sex and masturbation, feetjobs, foodplay and whatever crosses your mind...

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Permanently Tucked

Permanently Tucked -------------------- This work of fiction is not for the sweet/sentimental reader as it follows the forced feminization life style of a man. Comments welcome at [email protected]. All standard disclaimers apply and the story may not be downloaded for anything other than personal pleasure without consent of the author. ---------------------- Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm middle aged, married, in a professional job. All normal so far, except...

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Shopping KmartChapter 7

"Tell me, my pet, how do you feel right at this moment?" Your quiet, calm enquiry floored me. How do you expect me to feel? Foolish. Idiotic. Insane. "Small, Sir. Very small." My cheeks are burning with the embarrassment I feel at having urinated in front of you. It didn't matter that I couldn't control myself, that it was your fingers pinching me that started the flow. No, it didn't matter. What mattered to me was that I did it, me an adult. I breathe deeply once, to get my thoughts...

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She Likes It

She Likes It By banderson I drove up to the house and honked. Michelle came running out, stopping towave at her husband, Bill, then trundled down the steps to the passenger sideof my car. She slid in, all breathless and horny, I could tell in a flash.She wore exactly what I had told her to: A dark short skirt and white blouse.No underwear. I could see the shape of her breasts under the blouse. Her nipples pressed hard against the cotton. I found my cock already growing hard, looking at...

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A sting in the Tale

A sting in the Tale Brigid lay in the hospital bed, as impassive as ever. I couldn't help but wonder how much she actually understood of what was about to happen to her. We had told her she was finally to be rid of that most erroneous anomaly that lay between her legs. As it existed now it was shriveled and atrophied and devoid of function. She seemed willing, perhaps even excited to be rid of it. Not that her emotional range really extended as far as excited. It really only...

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Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son

Mom Gets Angry With Grown Up Pussy Loving Son blacklaceguy [email protected]   The author wishes it to be known he does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.?   I'm Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.? Normally, I'd be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.? What's more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees...

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