Mi primera experiencia L sbico Fetichista
- 4 years ago
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Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones.
Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte fetichista, ya que es poseedora de una espectacular belleza y hermosura, y en particular posee el má,s perfecto y sensual par de piernas, y el par de pies má,s sexys y atractivos que son capaces de volverme loca de placer y excitació,n.
Hoy me propongo relatarles có,mo es que comenzó, mi locura por esos hermosos pies&hellip,
Su nombre es Norma, y a la sazó,n era mi compañ,era de clases cuando ambas nos encontrá,bamos cursando el primer añ,o de bachillerato, allá, en la dé,cada de los 80s. Debo, antes que nada, decir que en cuanto a la moda, la mayorí,a de la moda ochentera me parecí,a aborrecible, en particular la de los zapatos, pues los colores fluorescentes, los estoperoles, moñ,os, encajes, hebillas y botas de gamuza a los tobillos, me parecí,an punto menos que aborrecibles&hellip,
Estudiá,bamos en un Colegio femenino muy conservador administrado y dirigido por monjas de la orden josefina, y por reglamento nos obligaban a usar un uniforme al que odiaba cordialmente, entonces solí,a pensar que si esas monjas josefinas pudieran, nos habrí,an obligado a vestir los mismos há,bitos que ellas usaban. En particular, del uniforme odiaba la larga falda de tablones de tela escocesa, las gruesas y largas calcetas que debí,amos portar hasta las rodillas, pero mi odio má,s acendrado, lo recibí,an los zapatos escolares negros de hebillas y gruesa suela crepé,.
Todos estos elementos del atuendo escolar, parecí,an ser producto de una conspiració,n tramada con el ú,nico y perverso objetivo de no dejarme lucir, lo que en mi opinió,n era uno de mis mejores atributos personales, me refiero a mis piernas. Sin á,nimo de parecer pretensiosa, debo decir que poseí,a un par de bien torneadas piernas, así, que cada vez que podí,a, doblaba la pretina de mi falda varias veces sobre sí, misma para reducir así, la longitud de la prenda y convertirla automá,ticamente en una minifalda, pretextando calor bajaba las largas calcetas hasta los tobillos, y entonces me dedicaba a disfrutar el efecto magné,tico que mis piernas ejercí,an en las miradas masculinas.
Norma tambié,n solí,a desafiar el reglamento escolar concerniente a la portació,n del uniforme, y me regalaba así, el portentoso espectá,culo de sus hermosas extremidades. Solí,a extasiarme contemplando la perfecció,n de sus muslos, la turgencia de sus pantorrillas y las delicadeza de sus tobillos, casi me obsesioné, con la idea de contemplar el resto de sus pies desnudos, fantaseaba con la perfecció,n de sus talones, con la curvatura de su arco plantar, la perfecció,n de sus dedos, mi vagina se humedecí,a con só,lo imaginar el aroma de sus pies, con poder lamer sus dedos y en sentirlos penetrando mi hú,meda vagina para hacerme estallar en intensí,simos orgasmos.
Como seguramente se imaginará,n, Norma y sus bellas extremidades eran continuos protagonistas de mis fantasí,as sexuales e inspiració,n del desfogue masturbatorio con el que entonces aliviaba mi obsesió,n.
En una ocasió,n, recuerdo que era una fiesta de Halloween, Norma apareció, ataviada con un sexy y entallado minivestido negro, pero lo que me pareció, má,s eró,tico y atractivo de su atuendo fue un par de largas y elegantes botas negras de tacó,n alto, le llegaban arriba de la rodilla, a medio muslo. Bajo las botas calzaba un par de sexys medias de encaje con ligueros, un gran bolso negro, grandes lentes obscuros y una corta y lacia peluca rubia complementaban su atuendo. Tan extasiada y excitada como estaba, tardé, algunos minutos en reconocer su disfraz, era la vestimenta de Julia Roberts en Mujer Bonita.
En un momento determinado, nuestras miradas se entrecruzaron y me sonrió, mientras agitaba su mano a manera de saludo, y continuó, mascando un imaginario chicle acorde con el personaje que encarnaba. Crucé, el saló,n como hipnotizada, me dirigí, a ella como polilla a la luz, cuando llegué, hasta donde se encontraba, sentí, una agradabilí,sima sensació,n de calor y humedad en mi bajo vientre. Me sentí, un poco estú,pida, pues yo no habí,a acudido disfrazada. Elogié, su atuendo, tratando de evitar ser muy obvia en la fascinació,n que su belleza y hermosura ejercí,a sobre mí,. Halagué, en particular el hermoso y sexy par de botas, y cuando hice la pregunta obligada sobre la boutique donde las habí,a adquirido, tuve mi primera gran decepció,n, pues ocurrí,a que las habí,a comprado en un viaje reciente a la Cd. de Los Angeles, California. Mi segunda y aú,n mayor decepció,n ocurrió, cuando un galancete disfrazado de pirata apareció, para invitarla a bailar, la vi alejarse hacia la pista de la mano de aquel adolescente filibustero y lamente no tener a mano un alfanje, o un sable con el cual retarlo a un duelo para disputarnos el ganar el privilegia de tan hermosa y sensual compañ,í,a.
El insistente toque de un dedo en mi hombro me regresó, a la realidad y al siglo XX, era un mozalbete disfrazado de contralmirante y con el pelo ridí,culamente engominado quien hací,a ademá,n de invitarme a bailar. Resistiendo mi automá,tico impulso de mandarlo a la mierda, decidí, acceder, cruzamos el saló,n y nos fuimos a ubicar justo al lado de Norma. Aú,n no sé, el por que, pero en aquellos 80s bailá,bamos en hileras, los hombres de un lado y las mujeres del otro, así, que me pasé, gran parte de la velada junto a la dueñ,a e inspiradora de mis anhelos orgá,smicos.
Despué,s de bailar un rato, Norma me pidió, que la acompañ,ara al bañ,o, acudimos juntas, la observé, discretamente por debajo de la mampara que separaba cada cubí,culo en el que se encontraba cada inodoro, vi sus piernas separadas al sentarse, y la imaginé, con su vulva desnuda y expuesta, la sola idea me excitó, al punto de sentir una oleada de rubor recorriendo mis mejillas y un agradabilí,simo calorcillo encendiendo mis entrañ,as, y cuando la escuché, lanzando un sonoro chorro de orina, mi vagina se estremeció, en concé,ntricas contracciones, casi dejo escapar un gemido cuando la escuché, suspirar profundamente luego de soltar el chorro.
En cuanto salió, del bañ,o, hablamos animadamente de la fiesta y allí, me contó, que el pirata era su novio, que tení,an algo de tiempo saliendo y que este la presionaba para tener sexo. Ella no querí,a terminar la relació,n y le habí,a prometido masturbarlo y prodigarle sexo oral hasta que se viniera en su boca e incluso tragarse el semen, con la condició,n de conservar intacta su virginidad. Me extrañ,ó, que me confiara ese tipo de intimidades, pues si bien no é,ramos unas desconocidas, tampoco resultá,bamos ser amigas í,ntimas. Bueno, no hasta entonces&hellip,
En el bachillerato todo mundo sabí,a que yo tení,a vida sexual activa y por ende experiencia suficiente como para aconsejar en esa materia a una inexperta, así, que no me extrañ,ó,, má,s bien me resultó, esclarecedor cuando me pidió, consejo y asesorí,a para saber có,mo debí,a practicarle el sexo oral a su novio. Entonces atisbé, una ventana de oportunidad, y aprovechando los dí,as de asueto que se avecinaban, pacté, junto con ella instruirla en el sensual arte de la felació,n hasta convertirla en toda una maestra. Impuse sin embargo como condició,n que lo harí,a a cambio de que ella me prestara sus botas en alguna ocasió,n, y tambié,n le pedí, que consiguiera un par de pelí,cula porno, algunas paletas redondas de caramelo, un plá,tano, y sobre todo, que contá,ramos con la suficiente intimidad y discreció,n para practicar. Ella aceptó, encantada todo cuanto le propuse, y quedamos de vernos en la tarde del dí,a siguiente en su casa.
Ese dí,a era un sá,bado, el resto de su familia habí,a decidido salir al cine y a cenar. Ella, pretextando un examen venidero en una materia que siempre le resultaba difí,cil, justificó, mi presencia fingiendo que yo era de las má,s aventajadas alumnas en esa disciplina, por lo que habí,a solicitado mi asesorí,a para que estudiá,ramos en equipo. No pude evitar el sonreí,r cuando dijo esto, pues al menos en parte, resultaba cierto.
Apenas se habí,a marchado su familia, subimos corriendo hasta su recá,mara para poner la videocasetera en funcionamiento, son nuestro plan predeterminado, tuvimos la precaució,n de cerrar la puerta con seguro, adelantamos las imá,genes hasta llegar a una escena que incluí,a una felació,n y aplicamos la funció,n de play&hellip,
Mientras la imá,genes de la pantalla mostraban a una Porn-Star devorando una enorme verga, la hermosa cara de Norma dibujaba un gesto de repugnancia.
Detuve la reproducció,n de la cinta y puse en marcha mi propio plan de acció,n, empecé, por explicarle que de ninguna manera una buena mamada se da de forma inmediata y directa, que es necesario crear un preá,mbulo apropiado, y que se debe ir incrementando progresivamente la estimulació,n sobre las zonas eró,genas de los hombres hasta llegar a la felació,n en sí,, pues de otra manera resultarí,a insulsa y mecá,nica.
Entonces le pregunté, có,mo es que solí,a estimular a su novio durante los fajes, resultó, que mi hermosa aprendiz era má,s bien pasiva, y que por retribució,n eró,tica solo solí,a dar besos de lengua y lamer el cuello y los ló,bulos auriculares de sus novio, me contó, que só,lo lo dejaba lamer y mordisquear su cuello, y tocar sus muslos sin llegar a su vulva, que la fiesta pasada su novio le intentó, extraer uno de sus senos por el pronunciado escote de su minivestido para lamer su pezó,n e introdujo sus dedos por debajo de su tanga, lo que le habí,a agradado. Pero que tambié,n la asustó,, pues temí,a que sus dedos desgarraran su delicada membrana himeneal.
El miedo y el pudor la hicieron resistirse, y como resultado, el faje terminó, con los mismos efectos que una ducha de agua frí,a, y má,s grave aú,n en un pleito que só,lo podí,a reconciliarse con otro faje apasionado de final feliz.
Le pedí, que se calmara, pues el relato de lo ocurrido la habí,a vuelto a poner un tanto angustiada, le expresé, que en el sexo es necesaria la relajació,n y que el peor enemigo del erotismo es el estré,s y la angustia. Le aconsejé, que cerrara los ojos mientras le daba un masaje para que se relajara, ella obedeció, confiada mientras mis dedos masajeaban su crá,neo, cuando luego de unos minutos, mis manos llegaron a la parte posterior del cuello, ella se encontraba mucho má,s relajada. Continué, masajeando con delicadeza y suavidad su cuello hasta que la escuché, lanzar un hondo suspiro&hellip,
Sin dejar de masajear su cuello, me acerqué, hasta su oí,do, le pedí, que continuase con los ojos cerrados, pero que ahora imaginara que era su novio quien la estaba tocando y besando, agregué, que lo harí,a só,lo para demostrarle có,mo se debí,a hacer, y para que aprendiera como volverlo loco de placer, su silencio y continuar con los ojos cerrados fue la tá,cita respuesta aceptació,n.
Pasé, mi nariz olfateando su largo y delicado cuello, mi respiració,n emitida a travé,s de mis fosas nasales fue el preá,mbulo de un ligero beso en la base del cuello, ella se estremeció, al sentir el contacto, temí, que no fuera por placer y me quedé, como petrificada esperando su reacció,n reprobatoria, luego de torturantes segundo de incertidumbre, nada&hellip,ella continuaba con los ojos cerrados.
Volví, a besarla, esta vez de forma un poco má,s intensa, pude notar entonces por el ritmo de su respiració,n que lo estaba disfrutando, cuando emplee mi lengua para lamer su cuello, incluso dejó, escapar un ligero y ahogado gemido de placer, llegué, hasta su oí,do, lamí, su pabelló,n auricular y tré,mula de excitació,n musité, su nombre entre gemidos entrecortados.
Norma abrió, los ojos como quien despierta de un bello sueñ,o, ambas sonreí,mos con cierta complicidad, y yo pretendí, seguir con la farsa de actuar como lo harí,a su novio, pero que esta vez ella serí,a quien replicara la lecció,n recientemente dada como si tratase de retribuirle de la misma manera a su novio. Ella replico con evidente torpeza el recorrido de estimulació,n a travé,s del cuello, no obstante su inicial torpeza, logró, ponerme bastante excitada, excitació,n que no decayó, cuando incluso musitó, en mi oí,do el nombre de su novio entrecortado por gemidos.
Nos separamos pretendiendo continuar con nuestro cometido, la verdad es que ambas empezá,bamos a excitarnos, para disipar la tensió,n le comenté, que acorde con el lenguaje coloquial y usando la analogí,a del base-ball, habí,amos llegado apenas a primera base.
Le pregunté, si querí,a llegar a segunda, ella me preguntó, que incluí,a segunda, a lo que contesté, que implicaba contacto de la cintura para arriba con y sin ropa, ella lo dudó, un poco, pero cuando le expliqué, que para masturbar y felar a su novio debí,a llegar a tercera base, dejó, su reticencia atrá,s, cerro sus ojos y estiró, en cuello echando la cabeza hacia atrá,s como indicá,ndome a la vez su aceptació,n y desde donde debí,a continuar. Me apliqué, con delicadeza y maestrí,a a estimular su cuello, mientras que lentamente me apoderaba de sus teta, que si bien no eran nada espectaculares, si eran bastante sexys y turgentes. Descendí, hasta el escote de su blusa, desabroché, con la boca su botones y sin prisa deslicé, mi lengua por el surco intermamario mientras mis manos acariciaban su espalda y alternativamente desabrochaban su brassiere.
Cuando por fin lo desabroché,, deslicé, la prenda hacia afuera de su blusa a la que ya habí,a desabotonado por completo para reclamar como trofeos el par de rosados y erectos pezones. Tracé, cí,rculos concé,ntricos con mi lengua alrededor de sus areolas, sus pezones se irguieron como reclamado mi atenció,n, cuando llegó, su turno los lamí, con parsimonia y delicadeza y luego los succioné, para terminar dá,ndoles pequeñ,os mordiscos sin ejercer mucha presió,n. Norma gemí,a con cada libació,n a sus pezones e incluso se retorcí,a como presa de una convulsió,n con cada uno de mis mordiscos. En ese momento supe que ese dí,a llegarí,a sin duda a tercera base con Norma, así, que haciendo un enorme esfuerzo de autodisciplina, me separé, de succionar sus tetas para continuar con mi farsa de pretender ser su novio.
Norma me preguntó, un poco escé,ptica si tambié,n a los hombres les agrada que les estimulen los pezones, a lo que contesté, afirmativamente, e incluso le dije que toda buena mamadora de verga, demuestra de lo que es capaz con su lengua primero en los pezones de su macho, que se trata de un preá,mbulo que generalmente va acompañ,ado con sobar su entrepierna comenzando desde la cara interna de los muslos, y que acaba con masturbarlos sacando por completo su verga para de allí, proceder a la felació,n, que marca el lí,mite entre segunda y tercera base.
En cuanto norma me preguntó, có,mo es que lo iba a ensayar conmigo, le dije que para tal efecto, le habí,a pedido el plá,tano y la paleta tutsi-pop. Coloqué, el plá,tano justo debajo de mi ropa interior y comencé, a guiar la boca de norma por mi cuello, ella repasó, las lecciones anteriores mejorando con creces en cada intento, cuando sus labios rozaron mis pezones, sus manos estimulaban la cara interna de mis muslos como le habí,a indicado.
Cuando su maravillosa boca se apoderó, de mis pezones, comenzó, a estimularlos hasta que me arrancó, un hondo gemido, sentí,a sus manos crispadas aferrando el plá,tano por encima de mi ropa, y por lo que pude percibir, lo estrujaba con torpeza. Temí, que lo batiera por completo bajo mi ropa interior y cuando trataba de acomodar su mano para indicarle el movimiento de avancarga y retroceso que debí,a hacer, sentí, su primer mordisco en mis pezones.
Gemí, y me contorsioné, de placer, ella se emocionó, tanto del efecto que sus candentes caricias estaban ejerciendo en mí,, que comenzó, a succionar y mordisquear frené,ticamente, hasta que me hizo sentir dolor, por lo que me separé, con brusquedad pero hacié,ndole saber que me habí,a agradado.
Ella se disculpó, y me preguntó, que me habí,a parecido su incursió,n en la segunda base. Reí, complacida y le dije que si continuaba así,, seguro llevarí,a a su novio, no a la tercera base, sino directo al paraí,so. Agregué, que debí,a trabajar un poco má,s con su té,cnica para asir y masturbar la verga, en este caso representada por el plá,tano, con el cual le mostré, como tomarlo y que presió,n ejercer sobre é,l, así, como el ritmo de vaivé,n que debí,a prodigarle para masturbarlo.
Ella escuchó, atentamente cada una de mis explicaciones, mientras yo desenvolví,a la paleta de caramelo para mostrarle como debí,a lamer con su lengua el glande de una verga, ella tuvo la candidez de preguntarme có,mo se sentirí,a que le mamaran la verga, a lo que desde luego no pude contestar por obvias razones. Estaba entonces por brillar por mi insapiencia, cuando me surgió, una idean que me permitió, no só,lo tratar de explicarle, sino tambié,n continuar compliendo mi anhelada fantasí,a&hellip,
Le pedí, que extendiera su pie, y que imaginara que su dedo pulgar era una verga, la punta de su pulpejo serí,a el glande, y el resto representarí,a el tronco de la verga. Tomé, su exquisito pie entre mis manos, y lo aproximé, a mí,, tomé, la posició,n de cuclillas mientras manipulaba su dedo pulgar explicando có,mo masturbarlo, ella respondí,a con monosí,labos cada vez má,s entrecortados a mis preguntas de verificació,n, cuando procedí, a explicarle como lamer una verga totalmente erecta usando a su dedo como sustituto, por verificació,n obtuve un hondo suspiro, los gemidos que siguieron cuando engullí, por completo su dedo en mi boca, me dieron la valentí,a para continuar la estimulando.
Con mis manos, recorrí, la cara interna de sus preciosos muslos, apenas llegué, a la vulva, Norma abrió, sus piernas aú,n má,s, indicá,ndome de forma inequí,voca lo que debí,a hacer a continuació,n…
Apenas rocé, su introito vaginal con mis dedos, sentí, la tibia humedad rezumando de su vagina y humedeciendo toda su vulva. Emplee ese delicioso né,ctar como lubricante para estimular su erecto y sensible clí,toris, no ameritó, de mucho tiempo para hacerla estallar, ahora empleando mi lengua directamente sobre su clí,toris, en un arrollador orgasmo que la hizo estremecerse en forma casi convulsa.
No necesitó, que se lo propusiera, apenas recuperó, un poco el aliento, tomó, uno de mis pies y lo descalzó, de su zapatilla, lamió, mis dedos, tos y cada uno, lamió, mi arco plantar y mordisqueó, mi taló,n. Desde donde ascendió, lamiendo y mordisqueando por toda la longitud de mis piernas hasta que llegó, a mi vulva que clamaba por su lengua. Apenas sentí, su deliciosa lengua en mi vagina, sentí, la poderosa inminencia de un orgasmo.
Para ese momento nos encontrá,bamos ya tumbadas sobre su cama, entonces le pedí, que me llevara a home, que conectara un cuadrangular y me cogiera por completo, ella se desconcertó, por un instante cuando le pedí, que me metiera su verga, pero entonces lo comprendió,, y empleando el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, me penetró, por la vagina y me bombeó, con su hermoso pie hasta hacerme estallar en un potentí,simo orgasmo serial.
Luego de eso, nos besamos apasionadamente, jugueteamos y reí,mos como locas. La tarde aú,n era joven, lo mismo que nosotras, así, que continuamos nuestra respectiva y mutua exploració,n fetichista ya sin pretender nada má,s que satisfacer nuestra naciente e intensa lujuria.
Varias horas despué,s, exhaustas y satisfechas, nos bañ,amos y arreglamos nuestros atuendos lo mejor que pudimos, minutos má,s tarde arribó, su familia y pronto yo estaba de regreso a mi casa llevando como un tesoro una caja conteniendo las botas que Norma me habí,a prometido en pré,stamo, aunque eran de mi talla, nunca se las pedí, por que pretendiera calzarlas, aunque desde luego que eventualmente lo hice, la verdadera razó,n por la que se las habí,a pedido originalmente, era que pretendí,a masturbarme oliendo el delicado aroma de sus pies atrapado en esas sexys botas, para aplacar un poco mi obsesió,n por mi hermosa compañ,era, y por sus aú,n má,s obsesionantes y hermosas extremidades.
Desde entonces fuimos má,s que novias, amantes. Norma envió, directo a la mierda a su apuesto galá,n y conservó, su virginidad intacta, aunque no su ingenuidad. Ella fue mi primera experiencia tanto lé,sbica como fetichista, y yo la de ella.
Con el devenir del tiempo nos separamos, supe que se habí,a casado poco despué,s de terminar el bachillerato, yo regresé, a Españ,a, tuve desde luego varias amantes má,s, incluso má,s bellas y má,s avezadas en las artes eró,ticas, pero siempre se recuerda con un cariñ,o especial a la generadora de primicias.
Hace poco nos reencontramos, ella está, convertida en toda una mamá,, aú,n conserva parte de su lozano atractivo, en sus propias palabras dijo haber desertado de las filas del ejé,rcito de la masa y la tortilla, y que ahora só,lo busca pleito con el general pepino.
Aunque no tan bella como cuando adolescente, me habrí,a encantado rendirle culto culinario a nuestro emblemá,tico alimento junto con ella, y aunque comparto su gusto por los pepinos, lo mí,o, lo mí,o, lo mí,o&hellip, en realidad son los tacos de longaniza, todo lo demá,s siempre me deja con hambre, pero los tacos de patitas de puerca, son para mí,, mucho má,s que un mata hambre, un manjar de una exquisitez de grado gourmet.
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IncestBlonde and sexy Zoey Monroe wants to be a bad girl. Xander Corvus gave her a taste of the good life when he ensnared her into his tangled web of criminal activity and now she wants his help in pulling off a credit card scam. “Crime is exciting”, she says and tries to persuade him with a hot and sloppy deep throat blow job. He takes the bait but warms her not to fuck everything up. After a totally botched job Xander comes home to find Zoey handcuffed to a table with a ball gag in her...
xmoviesforyou"MY FRIEND BECOMES MY MISTRESS" Sonali is my friend over three years. I (Pooja) and Sonali are in third yearin Degree College. She is my best friend but now she is dominating me and keeps me as her Slave.I do all her class work and personal works like washing her cloths and makingfood. She has a large circle of friends. It's all started when we were in second year of college. One day she sawme doing sex with one of my boy friend Vishal. But she didn't tell me any thingat that time. One day she...
The sound of the telephone's shrill ringer jolted me out of my peaceful slumber. I rolled away from Glen and picked up the handset."Hello," I said in a groggy voice."Good morning, Megan. Are you okay?" Mom said."Mmmm, yeah, I'm fine. What's up? What time is it?""It's nine o'clock. We missed you at breakfast," Mom said."We stayed up late last night.""It sounds like it. Are you sure you're okay?"I sat up and twisted my body. "Yes, Mom, I'm sure. Give us a few minutes....
Incestwhen i arrived at brits house i knocked on the door and she answered in tears i said "whats wrong?" "my mum is kicking me out because i did'nt get into college" "o wow i'm sorry brit" i got my cell out of my pocket and rang harvey when he answered i said "babe i have something to ask you" harvey said "what is it babe?" "can brit move in with us?" "i don't see why not" "thanks babe i love you" "i love you too babe now i'm off the the gym bye" "bye babe" i told brit to...
Sasha's special ceremony for closest loves involves a red champagne cocktail of body fluids.She has her youngest sibling come over to join us. Nice Natalia is her obedient submissive pet.She is as pretty as Sasha and likewise a young mom. She is the first to try my fabulous swing.She is eaten out by all three tasty warm women. My granddod Petra tips me about Nat's sexy smell.She is ovulating great granddad! Please Peter make me more relatives, must be a great mix of genes.Suddenly Sasha's phone...
Tess and The Boys, Part 2 "Boys! I could watch you two all day but I know that this will end much too soon with a sticky mess. I'd love to watch and then have you clean each other, licking up each other's creamy leavings, but not just yet. We have a lot to get to first..." I was panting, driven mad with desire. After nearly two weeks locked in a chastity cage, I was finally out and if Tess, my girlfriend, wanted me to give a blowjob to a man as the price for release, well at this...
Introductions first; I’m Steve about 5’10” try to keep myself in good shape and have a dick size just under 8” long. My wife Cindy is about 5’8”, C cup breasts and although a bit rounded after two kids still pretty good looking.We got married young so now one kid is on his own while his sister is almost through college in another state. This means we have a lot of time on our hands.My wife has always been pretty reserved, well except in bed and it took a bit of doing to get her to unwind. Guess...
Interracial"Oh my God... Oh my God!!" Instantly my heart is pounding and sweat is dripping from my face. I heard her only seconds before she entered the room. "Oh my God, what am I going to do?" My stomach aches; I can't breathe. "What are you doing?" she asks. I sit there on my knees with my feet tucked under the bed. I can't force any words out of my mouth. I think I'm going to throw up. She sees the anxiety on my face. "What are you hiding?" she asks suddenly in a voice that conveys both...
Das letzte an das du dich erinnern kannst, ist der große blaue LKW der auf dich zuraste. Mit deinen Eltern und deiner älteren Schwester Anni warst du gerade auf dem Weg zu einem Urlaub in Frankreich. Drei Wochen Strand, Meer und Mädels in knappen Bikinis, der Traum eines 14-jährigen pubertierenden Jugendlichen! Ihr wart gerade mal etwas über eine Stunde unterwegs, kurz vor der französischen Grenze, als es passierte. Der Fahrer des 7,5-Tonners übersah euren Audi und nahm euch die Vorfahrt. Dein...
During the time off between our east coast trips, Bill and I were quite busy. Bill spent much of the time on the phone, calling the trustee that his grandfather had designated, making arrangements for his tuition to be paid, changing his mailing address to my post office box, and having funds transferred to his checking account for living expenses. He also called the school and had them change his mailing address and requested they send all the paperwork he would need to register. He...
V The Saturday was rather OK. After events in ice rank I was sleeping for twelve hours. I spent all day alone (not mention a dog), because dad brought mom to hospital for tests and Peter... well, he tried to come back home only to sleep, so when I woke up, he wasn't there. I used most of afternoon for research about school's history to find any clues about my transformation. Also, I did notices about questions I wanted to ask Eve and Marta - after Friday's situation I didn't want to...
"Honey, have you seen my jacket?" Bill yelled out, searching the lounge of their beautiful home."It's hanging on the chair in the kitchen, where you last put it!" a female voice bellowed back from upstairs, Bill's wife, Angie.Bill, in his forties with a slight balding complexion, smoothly shaven, stepped into the kitchen. Retrieving his jacket, he slid it on his thin frame. Bill was a reasonably handsome man, glasses gave him a more geeky, brainy appearance. Grabbing his leather black briefcase...
CheatingI was home alone again that cold night; with my beloved husband flying out of town. We had just finished a long chat on video call, since Victor had arrived to his hotel room. He had been talking about him coming back home and the dirty things he would do with me in our bed…When I shut down my phone, I realized how horny I was and how frustrating it was to know it would be at least three more days before I could ride my husband’s hard thick cock. I tried to occupy my mind with other things but...
"I'll see you in three hours, babe," you say. We make our goodbyes, and I hang up the phone. Time to shower. Stripping as I go, I smile my way into the bathroom and turn on the water. I let it get warm, but not too hot; I know that I’ll be in there for a while. Slipping past the curtain, I enter the shower and stand immediately under the warm stream. I allow myself the luxury of getting fully wet before doing the obligatory shampooing and soaping. Once clean, though, I reach for a fresh razor...
Straight SexApril 17, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Seriously?” Jessica laughed. Kara and I had been watching the race at the North Wilkesboro Speedway in North Carolina when Jessica got up from her nap. It was another short track, though it was about a tenth-of-a-mile longer than Bristol. Surprisingly, Bill had qualified 2nd. Even more surprisingly, he led 18 laps early on, but after that, he couldn’t stay with the leaders. “Yes, seriously,” I said. “I think her plan all along was to get me to help her...
Althouse College Gymnasium, London 9:11pm, Friday, December 28, 1979 When I pulled into the parking space reserved for us behind Althouse College, a security guard came running up to my deep purple Barracuda. As Wayne and I got out, this rotund man yelled, “Hey! That spot is reserved for members of the band playing, tonight. You’ll have to find some other place to park.” “If this spot is reserved for the band,” Wayne calmly replied as he walked to the front of my car, “then we’re in the...
Later that afternoon, as Jean and I made our way back to the office after my somewhat upsetting confrontation with Katie, I figured that it was about time I got in touch with Dog (Donald) Greengrass. Dog had been a friend of mine since our schooldays and was/is supposedly an accountant and financial advisor by profession. To be honest, Dog is a man whose working life revolves around the finite difference between tax avoidance, and tax evasion. And okay yeah, some of his tricks could well be...
Sherri motioned for me to sit on Lisa's bed. I did so, nervously drumming my fingers on the mattress. I did not want to second guess this. Sherri sensed my nervousness and smiled. She casually took her shirt off and hung it on the closet door handle. She was shimmying out of her pants when we heard the toilet flush. She paused, standing in just her bra and panties. Lisa walked in, wearing only her stockings. The two women grinned at each other. "I thought you might like first shot at...
Gang Bang Ball. Steve stood behind M, his erect dick sandwiched between her taught thighs, his hands cupping and squeezing her ample breasts as his mouth kissed and bit her neck. His penis was stiff as a board, and he was loving the smooth feeling of his cock pushing between M's thighs from behind, the juices escaping her sopping pussy making the motion glide smoothly as the pair explored each other's bodies, semi-naked on the dance floor. M was wearing a tiny tube dress and heels, and Steve...
Group SexI had been officiating hockey for years. I traveled all over the place. I'd been to places I would not see otherwise. I'd met people all over that I'd never have met anywhere. I'd gotten to be known in the communities. I always had a positive attitude. I was always friendly to the coaches, kids, and the parents. I got along well with everyone. And over a lot of years, I came to be pretty well liked. I"d talk to the kids. I'd talk to the adults in the leagues. I'd talk to anyone. I just...
TeenWhen our parents are not on a trip, things are generally very calm. My sister, being pretty and flirty, will have boys over every now and again when my parents aren't home yet, and she will mess around with them. I often will sneak around back and peak in through her window and watch her give her boyfriends blowjobs, I particularly like seeing when they cum on her face or in her mouth and she shows off her swallowing ability. She hasn’t had vaginal sex yet so she can claim to be a virgin,...
Author's foreword; Hi, remember me? I know it's been a while but real life often times gets in the way of our fun. I am back at it, albeit at a slower pace than before. You can find me on Mark Zuckerberg's little venture if you care to know what I am up to. A big thank you goes to blackstallion21 for editing this story. Thank you for reading and it's nice to see you again. Oh yeah, just a word of warning. For a more effective story, I do switch to third person POV just before the...
Author's Note: this story is a sequel to AFU: Body Switch. In this story we follow the body thief Bill to California where has kidnapped a guy and had him surgically turned transformed into a 12-year-old girl. The story will explain the rest. Unwillingly Trapped Chapter 1: An Unwanted Life This story takes place 8 months following the theft of Regina Adam's former body. The body thief Bill Campbell is known living in the mountains outside of LA California. Have...
The Club By Christine Silk As the Mercedes drew to a halt outside the large, elegant house, the door opened and Julia stepped out. Her beautiful face was lightly made up whilst the light smile on her glossy lips contrasted with the arrogance and power in her eyes. Her long black hair fell over the high neck of her blue silk blouse, whilst her slim, nylon clad legs appeared from beneath her knee-length black satin pencil skirt. Her feet were hidden in black leather boots with a 4...
Linda walked along the street, her high heels clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. She called at number twelve, and collected her book, then walked on. Mr Clark at number fifteen looked up from his gardening and watched her pass. She knew he was watching her, and swung her hips, smiling to herself. It was mid summer, a warm late afternoon. She wore a pair of gladiator sandals, heeled to define her calf’s, which were crisscrossed by the long thongs which reached her knees. She had good...
Like all my stories, this is a work of pure fiction, derived by an active imagination and a lot of wishful thinking. Any resemblances to living persons, including me, are purely coincidental and unintentional. “More lube, baby. Make sure you cover your entire hand.” I squeezed more of the KY over my hand, and then slowly began twisting it into Lida’s pussy. Squeezing my fingers to a point, I carefully pushed them in. I moved in past the first knuckle, and up to the second knuckle, and the tip...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn’t good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw her over her dressing table, and plow her hard seize me. I ached to show her how...
John awoke from his nap and found himself in a tangle of female arms and legs. He took the time to gently and slowly extricate himself without waking either of the two women. When he was up, he decided that yet another shower was in order. He made his way to the bathroom, started the shower, and stepped into the soothing hot spray. He stood in the spray, letting it cascade from his head down his body. Presently, he gathered up some lather and began washing his hair. He was surprised when a...
Making Dreams Come True by Writer345 1. Helena's Request I was waiting nervously in my library when I heard the doorbell ring, I didn't move: Concita would see that it was answered, that was one of her duties. Besides I knew exactly who was there, I had invited the damned woman after all. At 6'2" I am tall for a woman, I'm also blonde and people say that I exude confidence: I suppose that it goes with the job, I'm a merchant banker. As I am used to being in total control I...
"I know how you think this waterworld was created," Perfect Timing said. "You have the basics correct ... your conclusion is wrong. There were NO survivors after the cataclysmic events that destroyed the continents and created the islands." Boatman pondered a bit. "So how did these people come to be?" The alien grinned ... grimaced ... made a 'face' that signified humor ... whatever, "I brought them here. Remember the two hundred thousand deaths from the tsunami in your Pacific?...
Life went on; Natalie was offered, and accepted the post of administrative manager for the charity; she worked at riding the motorbike, finished the CBT and began riding on the road with L plates; of course, having passed the driving test for a car she had a head start on "Roadcraft" and the Highway Code. She put in for the test, but it wouldn't be until March. The both regularly visited the stables, and if Charles would never be an expert horseman, at least he knew what to do with the...
With a groan, he slowly opened his eyes and pushed his body up into a kneeling position. His eyes darted around, taking in everything around him. He was on a beach, an unfamiliar stretch of sand that ran directly into the ocean. After only a short distance, he could see that the sand gave way to grass covered soil that disappeared among a jungle of trees. "Where in the hell am I", he wondered as he pushed himself to a standing position, his body protesting vociferously. The last thing he...
Comforting the Brothers (Part One) This is a two-part story about a transgendered (mtf) firefighter. It will be cover, both her journey to realizing who she is, and how she and other firefighters deal with a tragedy. My Lyft driver kept glancing in his rearview mirror at me. I used to get very self-conscience when that happened, now I understood it to be more of a compliment. I wanted to take a quick peak at my makeup, but I wasn't sure I wanted to draw his attention any more...
Mia Martinez is a hot Latina that is smart/ambitious enough to webcam for Naked.com. Today you will get a rare look at the Naked.com studio in a tour given by the sexy Mia Martinez. A word of advice: Buckle up. Mia is full of energy, and she’s not scared of the camera, or showing her awesome body. You’ll see her flashing her natural tits, ass, and pussy on every stop on the tour. She also jumps on beds and couches, works a pole, fingers herself, and does some dishes before she finally finds a...
xmoviesforyouIn math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula. She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she looked irresistible. And few guys could resist her — there were two flanking her on each side, each vying in assorted ways for her attention. Tony smiled sadly in her direction and...
Too Much of a Good Thing: A Fantasy of Excess. Chapter VII A Lady of Surprises. I don’t know how long we lay there semi-comatose, but I regarded that interval at the time as the happiest moment of my life. The world was three people, the yacht the sea and the sky were their only companions, and the medium that bound them together was pure sex. Later, Heidi revealed extraordinary talent as a chef, preparing the most exquisite steaks over a barbeque that she simply swung out from the back...
“Stian, might you talk to me before you leave?” “Of course, Elise.” As soon as we were inside Elise’s office, she turned and took my hands in hers. I didn’t quite know what to think about that, since there hadn’t really been that much physical contact between us before this. “You know, Stian, that your Elven wives and I had a long talk and a few shorter ones after that.” “Of course, even though I have no idea what was being discussed. I saw no need to ask them, because I trust them and I...
I suppose my life was fairly good, at eighteen I had a good job, which at that time was a miracle, enough money to keep me in fashion clothes wise, parents who loved me, and boys fawning over me. Having boys and men humming around me like bees was something I liked, not that I always gave them what they wanted, I wasn't that easy you know, but it was flattering to be in such demand. It was cheap too as I never went Dutch, if a man wanted to go out with me he paid for it, sometimes he got a...
Boy Meets Daddy (unabridged) Boy knew how awkward the first physical meeting could be. He decided that he would handle it by instinct. When Daddy opened the door, he looked into his eyes, smiled shyly (because that was all he could manage) stepped in the door and immediately put his arms around him, cheek against his chest. A bit startled at first, daddy looked down with a smile, closed the door to the room and held him for a moment. "Sorry sir," boy mumbled. "That's okay, boy" daddy said and...
I'm not really sure how it all started?! We're high school friends just chatting on FB and one day our conversations started getting a little flirty. I had commented to her on how the emoji's she used could be taken in a sexual way, she then sent me the winky eye one. She was flirting! We started chatting on the phone and discussing our families and our situations: Her and her husband did not sleep in the same room because he snored too loud. This left her masturbating to many x rated videos at...
The rest of the week was rather anticlimactic, although someone finally figured out that Bonnie and Della were in Jake's harem, a fact that some viewed with shock and even disgust. Others found the idea titillating, and Jake had several request to join in their extra curricular activities. Kathy, whom he was still on friendly terms with, approached him after school on Friday. She asked point blank if he was fucking his sisters. His silence made her nod and she leaned closer. "Jake, I'm...
I work a lot and my precious 36 year old wife is very understanding, especially since that working lifestyle provides her with a substantial spending budget that she enjoys frivolously. I come home late, usually 8PM or so and typically leave in the mornings around 7AM, so when I say I work 60 hours a week, I'm really serious unlike some of my wanker friends that pretend to work long hours to make time for their mistresses and golf games. I very thankful that my wife, Kim, has her closest friend...
Two weeks later, Joshua Howard moved in with Victoria Weber. They took Chet and Shirley out for a goodbye dinner. Victoria liked Shirley and thought she was pretty with her raven black hair and eyes. She dressed nicely and if Victoria had any complaint about Shirley it would be she used a bit too much makeup. Victoria was amused that both wore the same style dress. Hers was black and Shirley's was white that looked nicely with her olive skin. Chet wore an ill fitting dark suit with a tie...
The next thing I was aware of was noise and light. The light came from the window on my left, and the noise came from Polly Dryden, who, by the sound of things, was peeling back the skin on a doctor. "What do you mean that Angela might be permanently disabled due to the path of the bullet? What kind of surgeon are you that you can't extract a bullet without leaving a permanent disability? Here's what's going to happen! You are going to get on your computer and phones and find a surgeon...
Hello, My Dear Readers. It has been some time since I have been trying to write stories featuring a lot of characters. I never felt I had enough skills to compile a decent story, and gave up each time. But, now, I am pleased to present to you an orgy story, with plenty of characters of different age groups. This is the first part of the story. I will try my best to make sure the reader is not confused regarding the names and actions. Happy Reading! ‘Merry Times’ was a 5-star luxury resort...
IncestShe flipped through the papers of potential men. “ You are seriously not setting me up, with any of these men.” She said displeased. Sitting back in her chair with a disgusted look to her face. “ Madison! Get real you are 35 and still single! I know I am your younger sister. But you need to make an effort if you don't want to be alone for the rest of your life” Melanie spoke truthfully. Madison leaned forward and kept flipping through the long white papers. Until she pulled out a paper,...
Sue went into great detail telling me how much she loved sucking Cody's big cock for the first time. Admitting she loved her first taste of cum and had been addicted to it since then. All this time when we were married to others and just friends I thought she was a sweet innocent woman. Sue was the woman of my dreams and loved sex as much as did. Although she had sucked multiple boys off at the same time she had never had two guys fucking her at once. She was very excited for this to happen...
Laura accompanied Stevie only as far as the hotel lobby. She didn't want to return with her to the reception and have Rhonda spot them together. Somehow she knew anyone would guess they had been energetically fucking for the past hour. Stevie positively glowed, and Laura felt like she was glowing too. Rhonda would sense it immediately, having been there herself. They gave each other a deeply meaningful look, and then Stevie returned to the hotel ballroom, accompanied by the stunned gazes of...
I was recently married to the loveliest 19 year old girl you could ever wish to meet. Our Honeymoon was a one week cruise and one week stay at a holiday resort. On the cruise we had become friendly with a middle-aged couple. The Maria was very friendly (they both were) but I suspected that Harry was lusting after my bride.My wife would hear nothing said against them and readily accepted their invitation to visit them, as their home was only a couple of miles from our holiday hotel. We enjoyed a...
You smile as I enter the room wearing nothing but stockings. You have been waiting for this moment all day long, and it is finally here. I stand in front of you, flaunting my goodies as you watch on. The suspense is just killing you. You want my sweet, petite body, but teasingly I will not give you it just yet. I open my legs slightly, letting you see more of my pussy as I squeeze my tits together. Your bulge begins to grow more. I turn around, letting you see my beautiful, rounded ass. My...
Oral SexSpeaking of average, my cock is just over 6 inches long, and 5 around. I always hear conflicting ideas about what makes a good cock: length, girth, or sexual ability, but I don’t pay much attention to them. Why should I, when the one girl in my life who really matters to me likes it just the way it is? I speaking about my 15 year old sister, Danielle. We have sex whenever possible, whether it’s in my room, hers, my parent’s, or just about anywhere else in the house, but we always wait...
"…a new Art, one must ask themselves the following questions. First, ‘Is this Weaving truly necessary?’ Second, ‘Is it safe for me—physically, mentally, and emotionally—to Weave at this moment?’ And finally, ‘Will this Weaving put any persons, animals, or property at risk of possible harm or other adverse effects?’ Of course, these questions are but guidelines, as other dynamics may also be important factors to consider, such as…" “Aaaugh!” you groan, leaning back in your chair and rubbing your...
FantasyIn 2011, a group of scientist developed a gene therapy treatment that prevented many types of diseases, especially of the STD variety. The tests showed that the genetic fixes would be passed on to the children if both parents were treated. With the improvement of technology, by 2016, treatments were no longer reserved for the rich and influential and were available and affordable worldwide. New cases of AIDS, HIV, and other diseases were waning and very few children were born with these medical...
For once she was excited about going to work. She knew who her last appointment of the day was and planned to have some fun. She took special care getting ready, making sure her legs and pussy were smooth and her nails were painted a deep red. She slipped on her usual nurses uniform but took another bag with her, one that she packed with special things. She got to work and started her day, going through her appointments with haste, looking forward to her last one. Just before he arrived she...