Mi primera experiencia L sbico Fetichista
- 3 years ago
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Introduction: Norma y la belleza de sus piernas me tení,an obsesionada Como he expresado ya en relatos anteriores, soy una fogosa bisexual fetichista de pies femeninos, y si es que han leí,do mis relatos, verá,n que só,lo me habí,a limitado a narrarles acontecimientos de corte fetichista ocurridos con mis amantes varones.
Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí, experiencias de corte fetichista, ya que es poseedora de una espectacular belleza y hermosura, y en particular posee el má,s perfecto y sensual par de piernas, y el par de pies má,s sexys y atractivos que son capaces de volverme loca de placer y excitació,n.
Hoy me propongo relatarles có,mo es que comenzó, mi locura por esos hermosos pies&hellip,
Su nombre es Norma, y a la sazó,n era mi compañ,era de clases cuando ambas nos encontrá,bamos cursando el primer añ,o de bachillerato, allá, en la dé,cada de los 80s. Debo, antes que nada, decir que en cuanto a la moda, la mayorí,a de la moda ochentera me parecí,a aborrecible, en particular la de los zapatos, pues los colores fluorescentes, los estoperoles, moñ,os, encajes, hebillas y botas de gamuza a los tobillos, me parecí,an punto menos que aborrecibles&hellip,
Estudiá,bamos en un Colegio femenino muy conservador administrado y dirigido por monjas de la orden josefina, y por reglamento nos obligaban a usar un uniforme al que odiaba cordialmente, entonces solí,a pensar que si esas monjas josefinas pudieran, nos habrí,an obligado a vestir los mismos há,bitos que ellas usaban. En particular, del uniforme odiaba la larga falda de tablones de tela escocesa, las gruesas y largas calcetas que debí,amos portar hasta las rodillas, pero mi odio má,s acendrado, lo recibí,an los zapatos escolares negros de hebillas y gruesa suela crepé,.
Todos estos elementos del atuendo escolar, parecí,an ser producto de una conspiració,n tramada con el ú,nico y perverso objetivo de no dejarme lucir, lo que en mi opinió,n era uno de mis mejores atributos personales, me refiero a mis piernas. Sin á,nimo de parecer pretensiosa, debo decir que poseí,a un par de bien torneadas piernas, así, que cada vez que podí,a, doblaba la pretina de mi falda varias veces sobre sí, misma para reducir así, la longitud de la prenda y convertirla automá,ticamente en una minifalda, pretextando calor bajaba las largas calcetas hasta los tobillos, y entonces me dedicaba a disfrutar el efecto magné,tico que mis piernas ejercí,an en las miradas masculinas.
Norma tambié,n solí,a desafiar el reglamento escolar concerniente a la portació,n del uniforme, y me regalaba así, el portentoso espectá,culo de sus hermosas extremidades. Solí,a extasiarme contemplando la perfecció,n de sus muslos, la turgencia de sus pantorrillas y las delicadeza de sus tobillos, casi me obsesioné, con la idea de contemplar el resto de sus pies desnudos, fantaseaba con la perfecció,n de sus talones, con la curvatura de su arco plantar, la perfecció,n de sus dedos, mi vagina se humedecí,a con só,lo imaginar el aroma de sus pies, con poder lamer sus dedos y en sentirlos penetrando mi hú,meda vagina para hacerme estallar en intensí,simos orgasmos.
Como seguramente se imaginará,n, Norma y sus bellas extremidades eran continuos protagonistas de mis fantasí,as sexuales e inspiració,n del desfogue masturbatorio con el que entonces aliviaba mi obsesió,n.
En una ocasió,n, recuerdo que era una fiesta de Halloween, Norma apareció, ataviada con un sexy y entallado minivestido negro, pero lo que me pareció, má,s eró,tico y atractivo de su atuendo fue un par de largas y elegantes botas negras de tacó,n alto, le llegaban arriba de la rodilla, a medio muslo. Bajo las botas calzaba un par de sexys medias de encaje con ligueros, un gran bolso negro, grandes lentes obscuros y una corta y lacia peluca rubia complementaban su atuendo. Tan extasiada y excitada como estaba, tardé, algunos minutos en reconocer su disfraz, era la vestimenta de Julia Roberts en Mujer Bonita.
En un momento determinado, nuestras miradas se entrecruzaron y me sonrió, mientras agitaba su mano a manera de saludo, y continuó, mascando un imaginario chicle acorde con el personaje que encarnaba. Crucé, el saló,n como hipnotizada, me dirigí, a ella como polilla a la luz, cuando llegué, hasta donde se encontraba, sentí, una agradabilí,sima sensació,n de calor y humedad en mi bajo vientre. Me sentí, un poco estú,pida, pues yo no habí,a acudido disfrazada. Elogié, su atuendo, tratando de evitar ser muy obvia en la fascinació,n que su belleza y hermosura ejercí,a sobre mí,. Halagué, en particular el hermoso y sexy par de botas, y cuando hice la pregunta obligada sobre la boutique donde las habí,a adquirido, tuve mi primera gran decepció,n, pues ocurrí,a que las habí,a comprado en un viaje reciente a la Cd. de Los Angeles, California. Mi segunda y aú,n mayor decepció,n ocurrió, cuando un galancete disfrazado de pirata apareció, para invitarla a bailar, la vi alejarse hacia la pista de la mano de aquel adolescente filibustero y lamente no tener a mano un alfanje, o un sable con el cual retarlo a un duelo para disputarnos el ganar el privilegia de tan hermosa y sensual compañ,í,a.
El insistente toque de un dedo en mi hombro me regresó, a la realidad y al siglo XX, era un mozalbete disfrazado de contralmirante y con el pelo ridí,culamente engominado quien hací,a ademá,n de invitarme a bailar. Resistiendo mi automá,tico impulso de mandarlo a la mierda, decidí, acceder, cruzamos el saló,n y nos fuimos a ubicar justo al lado de Norma. Aú,n no sé, el por que, pero en aquellos 80s bailá,bamos en hileras, los hombres de un lado y las mujeres del otro, así, que me pasé, gran parte de la velada junto a la dueñ,a e inspiradora de mis anhelos orgá,smicos.
Despué,s de bailar un rato, Norma me pidió, que la acompañ,ara al bañ,o, acudimos juntas, la observé, discretamente por debajo de la mampara que separaba cada cubí,culo en el que se encontraba cada inodoro, vi sus piernas separadas al sentarse, y la imaginé, con su vulva desnuda y expuesta, la sola idea me excitó, al punto de sentir una oleada de rubor recorriendo mis mejillas y un agradabilí,simo calorcillo encendiendo mis entrañ,as, y cuando la escuché, lanzando un sonoro chorro de orina, mi vagina se estremeció, en concé,ntricas contracciones, casi dejo escapar un gemido cuando la escuché, suspirar profundamente luego de soltar el chorro.
En cuanto salió, del bañ,o, hablamos animadamente de la fiesta y allí, me contó, que el pirata era su novio, que tení,an algo de tiempo saliendo y que este la presionaba para tener sexo. Ella no querí,a terminar la relació,n y le habí,a prometido masturbarlo y prodigarle sexo oral hasta que se viniera en su boca e incluso tragarse el semen, con la condició,n de conservar intacta su virginidad. Me extrañ,ó, que me confiara ese tipo de intimidades, pues si bien no é,ramos unas desconocidas, tampoco resultá,bamos ser amigas í,ntimas. Bueno, no hasta entonces&hellip,
En el bachillerato todo mundo sabí,a que yo tení,a vida sexual activa y por ende experiencia suficiente como para aconsejar en esa materia a una inexperta, así, que no me extrañ,ó,, má,s bien me resultó, esclarecedor cuando me pidió, consejo y asesorí,a para saber có,mo debí,a practicarle el sexo oral a su novio. Entonces atisbé, una ventana de oportunidad, y aprovechando los dí,as de asueto que se avecinaban, pacté, junto con ella instruirla en el sensual arte de la felació,n hasta convertirla en toda una maestra. Impuse sin embargo como condició,n que lo harí,a a cambio de que ella me prestara sus botas en alguna ocasió,n, y tambié,n le pedí, que consiguiera un par de pelí,cula porno, algunas paletas redondas de caramelo, un plá,tano, y sobre todo, que contá,ramos con la suficiente intimidad y discreció,n para practicar. Ella aceptó, encantada todo cuanto le propuse, y quedamos de vernos en la tarde del dí,a siguiente en su casa.
Ese dí,a era un sá,bado, el resto de su familia habí,a decidido salir al cine y a cenar. Ella, pretextando un examen venidero en una materia que siempre le resultaba difí,cil, justificó, mi presencia fingiendo que yo era de las má,s aventajadas alumnas en esa disciplina, por lo que habí,a solicitado mi asesorí,a para que estudiá,ramos en equipo. No pude evitar el sonreí,r cuando dijo esto, pues al menos en parte, resultaba cierto.
Apenas se habí,a marchado su familia, subimos corriendo hasta su recá,mara para poner la videocasetera en funcionamiento, son nuestro plan predeterminado, tuvimos la precaució,n de cerrar la puerta con seguro, adelantamos las imá,genes hasta llegar a una escena que incluí,a una felació,n y aplicamos la funció,n de play&hellip,
Mientras la imá,genes de la pantalla mostraban a una Porn-Star devorando una enorme verga, la hermosa cara de Norma dibujaba un gesto de repugnancia.
Detuve la reproducció,n de la cinta y puse en marcha mi propio plan de acció,n, empecé, por explicarle que de ninguna manera una buena mamada se da de forma inmediata y directa, que es necesario crear un preá,mbulo apropiado, y que se debe ir incrementando progresivamente la estimulació,n sobre las zonas eró,genas de los hombres hasta llegar a la felació,n en sí,, pues de otra manera resultarí,a insulsa y mecá,nica.
Entonces le pregunté, có,mo es que solí,a estimular a su novio durante los fajes, resultó, que mi hermosa aprendiz era má,s bien pasiva, y que por retribució,n eró,tica solo solí,a dar besos de lengua y lamer el cuello y los ló,bulos auriculares de sus novio, me contó, que só,lo lo dejaba lamer y mordisquear su cuello, y tocar sus muslos sin llegar a su vulva, que la fiesta pasada su novio le intentó, extraer uno de sus senos por el pronunciado escote de su minivestido para lamer su pezó,n e introdujo sus dedos por debajo de su tanga, lo que le habí,a agradado. Pero que tambié,n la asustó,, pues temí,a que sus dedos desgarraran su delicada membrana himeneal.
El miedo y el pudor la hicieron resistirse, y como resultado, el faje terminó, con los mismos efectos que una ducha de agua frí,a, y má,s grave aú,n en un pleito que só,lo podí,a reconciliarse con otro faje apasionado de final feliz.
Le pedí, que se calmara, pues el relato de lo ocurrido la habí,a vuelto a poner un tanto angustiada, le expresé, que en el sexo es necesaria la relajació,n y que el peor enemigo del erotismo es el estré,s y la angustia. Le aconsejé, que cerrara los ojos mientras le daba un masaje para que se relajara, ella obedeció, confiada mientras mis dedos masajeaban su crá,neo, cuando luego de unos minutos, mis manos llegaron a la parte posterior del cuello, ella se encontraba mucho má,s relajada. Continué, masajeando con delicadeza y suavidad su cuello hasta que la escuché, lanzar un hondo suspiro&hellip,
Sin dejar de masajear su cuello, me acerqué, hasta su oí,do, le pedí, que continuase con los ojos cerrados, pero que ahora imaginara que era su novio quien la estaba tocando y besando, agregué, que lo harí,a só,lo para demostrarle có,mo se debí,a hacer, y para que aprendiera como volverlo loco de placer, su silencio y continuar con los ojos cerrados fue la tá,cita respuesta aceptació,n.
Pasé, mi nariz olfateando su largo y delicado cuello, mi respiració,n emitida a travé,s de mis fosas nasales fue el preá,mbulo de un ligero beso en la base del cuello, ella se estremeció, al sentir el contacto, temí, que no fuera por placer y me quedé, como petrificada esperando su reacció,n reprobatoria, luego de torturantes segundo de incertidumbre, nada&hellip,ella continuaba con los ojos cerrados.
Volví, a besarla, esta vez de forma un poco má,s intensa, pude notar entonces por el ritmo de su respiració,n que lo estaba disfrutando, cuando emplee mi lengua para lamer su cuello, incluso dejó, escapar un ligero y ahogado gemido de placer, llegué, hasta su oí,do, lamí, su pabelló,n auricular y tré,mula de excitació,n musité, su nombre entre gemidos entrecortados.
Norma abrió, los ojos como quien despierta de un bello sueñ,o, ambas sonreí,mos con cierta complicidad, y yo pretendí, seguir con la farsa de actuar como lo harí,a su novio, pero que esta vez ella serí,a quien replicara la lecció,n recientemente dada como si tratase de retribuirle de la misma manera a su novio. Ella replico con evidente torpeza el recorrido de estimulació,n a travé,s del cuello, no obstante su inicial torpeza, logró, ponerme bastante excitada, excitació,n que no decayó, cuando incluso musitó, en mi oí,do el nombre de su novio entrecortado por gemidos.
Nos separamos pretendiendo continuar con nuestro cometido, la verdad es que ambas empezá,bamos a excitarnos, para disipar la tensió,n le comenté, que acorde con el lenguaje coloquial y usando la analogí,a del base-ball, habí,amos llegado apenas a primera base.
Le pregunté, si querí,a llegar a segunda, ella me preguntó, que incluí,a segunda, a lo que contesté, que implicaba contacto de la cintura para arriba con y sin ropa, ella lo dudó, un poco, pero cuando le expliqué, que para masturbar y felar a su novio debí,a llegar a tercera base, dejó, su reticencia atrá,s, cerro sus ojos y estiró, en cuello echando la cabeza hacia atrá,s como indicá,ndome a la vez su aceptació,n y desde donde debí,a continuar. Me apliqué, con delicadeza y maestrí,a a estimular su cuello, mientras que lentamente me apoderaba de sus teta, que si bien no eran nada espectaculares, si eran bastante sexys y turgentes. Descendí, hasta el escote de su blusa, desabroché, con la boca su botones y sin prisa deslicé, mi lengua por el surco intermamario mientras mis manos acariciaban su espalda y alternativamente desabrochaban su brassiere.
Cuando por fin lo desabroché,, deslicé, la prenda hacia afuera de su blusa a la que ya habí,a desabotonado por completo para reclamar como trofeos el par de rosados y erectos pezones. Tracé, cí,rculos concé,ntricos con mi lengua alrededor de sus areolas, sus pezones se irguieron como reclamado mi atenció,n, cuando llegó, su turno los lamí, con parsimonia y delicadeza y luego los succioné, para terminar dá,ndoles pequeñ,os mordiscos sin ejercer mucha presió,n. Norma gemí,a con cada libació,n a sus pezones e incluso se retorcí,a como presa de una convulsió,n con cada uno de mis mordiscos. En ese momento supe que ese dí,a llegarí,a sin duda a tercera base con Norma, así, que haciendo un enorme esfuerzo de autodisciplina, me separé, de succionar sus tetas para continuar con mi farsa de pretender ser su novio.
Norma me preguntó, un poco escé,ptica si tambié,n a los hombres les agrada que les estimulen los pezones, a lo que contesté, afirmativamente, e incluso le dije que toda buena mamadora de verga, demuestra de lo que es capaz con su lengua primero en los pezones de su macho, que se trata de un preá,mbulo que generalmente va acompañ,ado con sobar su entrepierna comenzando desde la cara interna de los muslos, y que acaba con masturbarlos sacando por completo su verga para de allí, proceder a la felació,n, que marca el lí,mite entre segunda y tercera base.
En cuanto norma me preguntó, có,mo es que lo iba a ensayar conmigo, le dije que para tal efecto, le habí,a pedido el plá,tano y la paleta tutsi-pop. Coloqué, el plá,tano justo debajo de mi ropa interior y comencé, a guiar la boca de norma por mi cuello, ella repasó, las lecciones anteriores mejorando con creces en cada intento, cuando sus labios rozaron mis pezones, sus manos estimulaban la cara interna de mis muslos como le habí,a indicado.
Cuando su maravillosa boca se apoderó, de mis pezones, comenzó, a estimularlos hasta que me arrancó, un hondo gemido, sentí,a sus manos crispadas aferrando el plá,tano por encima de mi ropa, y por lo que pude percibir, lo estrujaba con torpeza. Temí, que lo batiera por completo bajo mi ropa interior y cuando trataba de acomodar su mano para indicarle el movimiento de avancarga y retroceso que debí,a hacer, sentí, su primer mordisco en mis pezones.
Gemí, y me contorsioné, de placer, ella se emocionó, tanto del efecto que sus candentes caricias estaban ejerciendo en mí,, que comenzó, a succionar y mordisquear frené,ticamente, hasta que me hizo sentir dolor, por lo que me separé, con brusquedad pero hacié,ndole saber que me habí,a agradado.
Ella se disculpó, y me preguntó, que me habí,a parecido su incursió,n en la segunda base. Reí, complacida y le dije que si continuaba así,, seguro llevarí,a a su novio, no a la tercera base, sino directo al paraí,so. Agregué, que debí,a trabajar un poco má,s con su té,cnica para asir y masturbar la verga, en este caso representada por el plá,tano, con el cual le mostré, como tomarlo y que presió,n ejercer sobre é,l, así, como el ritmo de vaivé,n que debí,a prodigarle para masturbarlo.
Ella escuchó, atentamente cada una de mis explicaciones, mientras yo desenvolví,a la paleta de caramelo para mostrarle como debí,a lamer con su lengua el glande de una verga, ella tuvo la candidez de preguntarme có,mo se sentirí,a que le mamaran la verga, a lo que desde luego no pude contestar por obvias razones. Estaba entonces por brillar por mi insapiencia, cuando me surgió, una idean que me permitió, no só,lo tratar de explicarle, sino tambié,n continuar compliendo mi anhelada fantasí,a&hellip,
Le pedí, que extendiera su pie, y que imaginara que su dedo pulgar era una verga, la punta de su pulpejo serí,a el glande, y el resto representarí,a el tronco de la verga. Tomé, su exquisito pie entre mis manos, y lo aproximé, a mí,, tomé, la posició,n de cuclillas mientras manipulaba su dedo pulgar explicando có,mo masturbarlo, ella respondí,a con monosí,labos cada vez má,s entrecortados a mis preguntas de verificació,n, cuando procedí, a explicarle como lamer una verga totalmente erecta usando a su dedo como sustituto, por verificació,n obtuve un hondo suspiro, los gemidos que siguieron cuando engullí, por completo su dedo en mi boca, me dieron la valentí,a para continuar la estimulando.
Con mis manos, recorrí, la cara interna de sus preciosos muslos, apenas llegué, a la vulva, Norma abrió, sus piernas aú,n má,s, indicá,ndome de forma inequí,voca lo que debí,a hacer a continuació,n…
Apenas rocé, su introito vaginal con mis dedos, sentí, la tibia humedad rezumando de su vagina y humedeciendo toda su vulva. Emplee ese delicioso né,ctar como lubricante para estimular su erecto y sensible clí,toris, no ameritó, de mucho tiempo para hacerla estallar, ahora empleando mi lengua directamente sobre su clí,toris, en un arrollador orgasmo que la hizo estremecerse en forma casi convulsa.
No necesitó, que se lo propusiera, apenas recuperó, un poco el aliento, tomó, uno de mis pies y lo descalzó, de su zapatilla, lamió, mis dedos, tos y cada uno, lamió, mi arco plantar y mordisqueó, mi taló,n. Desde donde ascendió, lamiendo y mordisqueando por toda la longitud de mis piernas hasta que llegó, a mi vulva que clamaba por su lengua. Apenas sentí, su deliciosa lengua en mi vagina, sentí, la poderosa inminencia de un orgasmo.
Para ese momento nos encontrá,bamos ya tumbadas sobre su cama, entonces le pedí, que me llevara a home, que conectara un cuadrangular y me cogiera por completo, ella se desconcertó, por un instante cuando le pedí, que me metiera su verga, pero entonces lo comprendió,, y empleando el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, me penetró, por la vagina y me bombeó, con su hermoso pie hasta hacerme estallar en un potentí,simo orgasmo serial.
Luego de eso, nos besamos apasionadamente, jugueteamos y reí,mos como locas. La tarde aú,n era joven, lo mismo que nosotras, así, que continuamos nuestra respectiva y mutua exploració,n fetichista ya sin pretender nada má,s que satisfacer nuestra naciente e intensa lujuria.
Varias horas despué,s, exhaustas y satisfechas, nos bañ,amos y arreglamos nuestros atuendos lo mejor que pudimos, minutos má,s tarde arribó, su familia y pronto yo estaba de regreso a mi casa llevando como un tesoro una caja conteniendo las botas que Norma me habí,a prometido en pré,stamo, aunque eran de mi talla, nunca se las pedí, por que pretendiera calzarlas, aunque desde luego que eventualmente lo hice, la verdadera razó,n por la que se las habí,a pedido originalmente, era que pretendí,a masturbarme oliendo el delicado aroma de sus pies atrapado en esas sexys botas, para aplacar un poco mi obsesió,n por mi hermosa compañ,era, y por sus aú,n má,s obsesionantes y hermosas extremidades.
Desde entonces fuimos má,s que novias, amantes. Norma envió, directo a la mierda a su apuesto galá,n y conservó, su virginidad intacta, aunque no su ingenuidad. Ella fue mi primera experiencia tanto lé,sbica como fetichista, y yo la de ella.
Con el devenir del tiempo nos separamos, supe que se habí,a casado poco despué,s de terminar el bachillerato, yo regresé, a Españ,a, tuve desde luego varias amantes má,s, incluso má,s bellas y má,s avezadas en las artes eró,ticas, pero siempre se recuerda con un cariñ,o especial a la generadora de primicias.
Hace poco nos reencontramos, ella está, convertida en toda una mamá,, aú,n conserva parte de su lozano atractivo, en sus propias palabras dijo haber desertado de las filas del ejé,rcito de la masa y la tortilla, y que ahora só,lo busca pleito con el general pepino.
Aunque no tan bella como cuando adolescente, me habrí,a encantado rendirle culto culinario a nuestro emblemá,tico alimento junto con ella, y aunque comparto su gusto por los pepinos, lo mí,o, lo mí,o, lo mí,o&hellip, en realidad son los tacos de longaniza, todo lo demá,s siempre me deja con hambre, pero los tacos de patitas de puerca, son para mí,, mucho má,s que un mata hambre, un manjar de una exquisitez de grado gourmet.
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TrueI hadn't paid a lot of attention to the "For Sale" sign on the house next door until the moving van showed up, five months later, early on a Thursday afternoon in mid-June. The moving company was owned by my high school buddy Dave, so I wandered over there to see if, as sometimes happened, he was doing any of the actual moving. I was dressed in the running T-shirt and jeans that I usually wore when I didn't have a meeting, and it had been a few days since I'd shaved. "Hey, Bob," I said...
Life settles into a rhythm for Mack. School during the week, hunting three afternoons a week and every second Saturday. Twice a week he takes the children out to get them acquainted with the forest while he teaches them what he’s learned. They soon learn how to know where they are in relation to the houses and the camps. The kids and men spend a lot of time trying to thin the rabbit herds, but it still looks like they’ve not touched them. Many families enjoy their improved diets due to the...
GETTING HIRED BACK. "I'm sorry Beth" Bill Fraser, the Chairman of the Articling board said quietly,staring at the tall blonde girl in front of him. "but this is the second timeyou've screwed up a major memorandum. I'm gonna let you complete your articlingprocess, but you're not gonna be hired back when you finish." Beth Mason gulped. This had been her dream. To work at Simon and Mays, oneof the top 3 Law firms in Toronto. She had worked her ass off in Law schoolto get accepted as an...
I told Paul he would quit his job at Syracuse and apply for something closer, like Columbia or City University, because we had to live in the city. I wasn't going to give up my career for him and end up some two-bit hood in Buffalo! A couple guys from Charlie's crew went with him, borrowing a truck from Mayflower since Lucky was one of their Union Reps, to bring Paul's stuff back down here. We'd keep it in storage until we found a house with enough room for us to live comfortably. That...
I found an ad by an independent insurance agent who needed an office assistant to help run his small firm. At the interview I saw that “small” was a bit of an understatement. It was a two-person operation….the owner – Matt – and his assistant….which would be me, if he hired me. I had dressed to impress, wearing a low-cut, wrap-around dress that came to about mid-thigh, and left very little to the imagination up top. I had married early, and even after two kids, I was an attractive 39 year-old...
A clatter smashed the quiet. Samantha exchanged a glance with her best friend and followed her to the kitchen. “Five!” Imani’s husband yelled. With his sneakers propped on the counter behind him, his rolling pin flattened the dough on the island countertop with each makeshift push up. Flour caked his muscled forearms. “Andre!” “What, baby?” He dropped to his feet, tossing an arm around Imani and rustling her wild curls. “See, this is called time management. Working out and baking....
hello readers im back here mene aapko bola tha rocky ke barey mein ki kasiey usne mere saath gay sex kiya tha now i tell abt him mene to maan lia tha usko apna pati or usko out of india jana tha kisi kaam se 1 saal tuk wo busy raha meri usse baat bhi nahi hui or mein usse gussa ho gaya magar mene mna hua tha ki mein kisi se sex nahi karunga wo ek saal baad aya hum kahin bahar gaye phir usne bola ki musssorie chalte hai mein razi to ho gaya magar gussa aa rha tha jaisa mene aapk bola ki im male...
SATURDAY NIGHT SWINGERSWe meet in Manchester and go for a nice meal at a top restaurant and then intend to go on to an adult sex clubThere are a few but we will go to Cupids after we have wined and dinedYou are wearing seamed nylons and suspenders with slutty fuck me now high heels and tight short skirt barely covering your stocking topsThe fun begins in the restaurant when you inadvertently but knowingly give senior gentlemen a glimpse of what they might be missingYou pull your skirt up higher...
Colette Bentley loved sex but did not prefer controlling men, particularly older men who no longer had the stamina to perform. When she first became an airline stewardess, she was judged by a senior group of BRITISH AIRWAYS pilots to be the most sought-after girl in her graduating class. These men, all members of the SAS, a UK advisory force in Viet NAM, were adventurers most of whom never married. Consisting predominately of playboys they rated the top ten girls from each graduating class of...
I arrived on the doorstep of a huge house, feeling a little intimidated and small in comparison. As I knocked on the brass door a few seconds later a woman appeared at the door, mid 40s, tall, brown ei black hair in a pencil skirt and a shirt. With heels on as well she looked rather intimidating but smiled and said “oh you’re his present” I half smiled and nodded not knowing what to say. She invited me in, fixed me a drink of cider saying “its what all the young boys love isn’t it” and led me...
Chapter 32. Elena I had gotten a job at a small company that provided expedited shipments to our entire state. Our niche was to do the job of FedEx or UPS did just as reliably but cheaper. It did not take me long to realize that our company could do neither. I wondered how we remained in business and learned that the company belonged to my boss’ mother and she was keeping it afloat. Her son, my boss, was running from crisis to crisis with little idea how to get us out of panic mode. I hated...
I drive a lot for my job sometimes in the city, more often in out of the way places. It’s not a bad job, I get to meet lots of interesting people and go places that I never knew existed, but it can get pretty boring sitting behind the wheel for hours on end. Sometimes I get sleepy and have to crank up the radio, open a window and slap myself a couple times to stay awake. Other times my mind wanders and before I know it my pants are getting too tight and I have to touch myself….at first...
Crissy and her family lived a very high-level life for any area of the Philippines. Mostly because of her hard work and luck she established something good for her community and family. She employed many, including members of her family. She was looked upon by the neighbors as a leader. She involved herself in community events and concerns. Clara, Wena, and Michelle came back from church. They were on the way to join Crissy and I in the upstairs bed / bathroom. Clara had long black hair and...
Present – Jens – Postop - Post firefight We are just getting ready to go into the cabin and eat (yeah I know we should take care of the dead first, but fuck them - they attacked us), when we hear the sirens. I look at Jack, he looks at me and orders, "Okay anyone that has a possibly illegal weapon needs to ditch it." And since most of us have "possibly illegal" weapons many of the men start to complain. I nip that bullshit in the bud and say, "Put your weapons on the ground and we will...
Hailey’s loud voice from the living room brought Tiffany and Katelyn out of their alcohol-induced slumber. By the time they washed their faces and put on clothes, Hailey was sitting on the couch sobbing. “What’s wrong?” Tiffany asked. “Everything!” Hailey said. “Everything is wrong! Phil is pissed. I mean seriously pissed.” “I’ll bet,” Tiffany said. “I figured he hired an army of private investigators to track down those guys from last night.” “He’s pissed at us!” Hailey said. “I ... I...
A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 3: First FantasyFor George, it had been a day unlike any other. Out of the ashes of one of the worst days of his life, in which he had been picked on, scolded, beaten up, and humiliated, sprung a new day that had quickly become the most joyous he had ever experienced. He had found a magical Persian tar. When played correctly, it unleashed the essence of a sexual genie servant who was bonded to him for life. He had named her Dawn, after her striking...
NovelsMaureen Haley paused when halfway down the long upstairs corridor in her Aunt Sylvia’s rambling old Maine house. A strange squelching sound came from inside the library.She eased up to the big oaken door and pressed her ear against it. The sound was wet and sucking, like a rubber boot being pulled out of spongy, clutching mud. A puzzled frown creased Maureen’s brow.She quietly tried the doorknob: it was locked, but the handle clicked when turned. The sound within suddenly ceased with a groan.At...
Your wife Brenna Sparks is still at work, but you leave the office early because you’re too damn horny and you need pussy NOW! But the thing is, she’s a housekeeper for another residence, so you have to race over there before the work day’s over and the family starts arriving back home! She’s surprised to see you when you get there, but she gets turned on knowing that you and your hard dick tracked her down midday to fuck! While nobody’s home, out come your wife’s big tits and down she goes on...
xmoviesforyouI could take a good look I was just in front of the house about to heat my car, When I saw my hot neigboor coming down the stairs, she was taking her child to the school cab, She was wearing only like a big ShirtIt was early in the morning, everything was quiet.I think she though nobody was around.Those were two stories long stairs, and from my point of view I could see from down and the side part almost all the way of it.When she was coming back...She was stepping up stairs very slowly because...
ExhibitionismLeon couldn't wait to walk into the apartment and surprise his wife. With a bouquet of flowers in his right hand and a bottle of her favourite champagne in his left he made his way up the communal staircase. As usual he was smartly dressed, wearing dark jeans and a crisp collared shirt. He had so much respect for his hot, sparky wife who was modest and incredibly classy but also very rude and highly sexed. Maybe this time he would take her by surprise. He could whisk her off to the club and...
MasturbationI am a guy and when I am at home alone I like to walk around the house with nude, it just feels more free and relaxing, freeing my dick from being covered up, been doing this for years. One day while I was outside doing work in the back yard, my neighbor that lives right behind me call for me to come over. I have no idea why she would want me to come over, let alone to wanting to talk to me. She had lived there for as long as I can remember and never once spoke with her. I had to jump the back...
Chris and Mark Forever by DKB Mark opened the gate, then walked down the path and round to the back, where he found that the back door was unlocked. So he opened it and stepped in. He had been in this house often before and knew it almost as well as his own. But the fact that it seemed empty was weirdly unsettling and made him feel like he was sneaking around where he shouldn't be going. He walked through the kitchen, into the hall and up the stairs. He put his hand to...
It was almost another boring pool party. The water was cool, the sun was hot, and most everyone there was looking to impress. Most guys were in swimming briefs, one was bold enough to wear a thong, a few guys were in trunks. I was drifting on an inflatable lounge chair with a beer in my hand when I spotted him. Our eyes locked for a moment before he looked back to one of the guys next to him, forced himself back into the conversation. He was with a couple of beefcakes at the bar. They joked and...
100% fiction! Jen awoke from a deep sleep. She had been lost in a world of vivid dreams. Opening her eyes, she turned her head and looked across at the digital clock on her bedside locker – 3.34am. She calculated that she had been asleep for just over two hours. That was when she noticed it, the empty space beside her. Her best friend Kate was staying over for the night. The two of them had a wonderful evening – a beautiful three-course meal followed by drinks at a nearby wine bar. Kate was a...
Erotic FictionPart 4“You still think you can handle more cock?” Steve said with a puzzled look on face “Haven’t you had enough yet?”I began to unzip my boots and smiled. The boots fell away from my thighs, as I kicked them off my feet. Unrolling the black hold up stockings, I bent over to remove them from my feet.“I’m going to fuck the manager and get myself a room deal for when I want fucked in the future!” I smiled unhooking the black corset. “I never knew you were this horny! In fact I wasn’t convinced...
So Saturday night my wife and I went out to a local club , I sent a message to a guy we have played with before . He met us at the club , had a few drinks and decided to head to a local motel . Once there we all stripped down and climbed into bed , he's was sucking on her nipples while Iicked n sucked her sweet pussy. We then took turns fucking her, she came several from the combination of two different cocks , soon he was cumming deep iside her hot pussy , when he pulled out you could see a...
Hello ISS reader, I am a Professional Gigolo from Bangalore and my age is 23 working in a Company in Bangalore. I am very fond of girl’s specially married and unsatisfied woman. Any woman want to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction can contact me on I have read maximum stories from almost 3 yrs from this site. I am here to narrate you what happen between me and my unsatisfied customer living in Chennai. It was during my college final year of engineering, when I heard from my college...
FIRST TIMESCHAPTER 1.- POPPING MY CHERRIEThis Friday night had started off no different to any other, a couple of quick beers after dinner, followed by a shower and then down to the local student hang out. I was an eighteen, a first year, first semester student full of bravado and shit, invincible. I walked through the now familiar doors into the bar area which was already crammed with students in varying degrees of drunkenness, the noise was comforting and the hoots and shouts of my name as I...
“Now you need to go to the Second Valley”. God Demirva told God Bimentia. “Those among the First Hundred would not want to have another bout with Nature because of a new, reckless God”. “You expect me to leave him to the devices of those brats?” God Bimentia’s seven short horns issued crackling sounds as they turned toward the Immortals in the sky, yet again in the stillness that could not keep with a Godly conversation. “Gods really can’t directly interfere in the First Valley, unless...
CHAPTER 1 The taxi pulled up outside the all-white Fulton Mansion resplendent with light blue doors and shutters and harmonious architecture. The sole passenger Clark Fulton jumped out when seeing his departing sister-in-law about to enter her parents’ Mercedes and called, ‘Hey, Fonda, wait up.’ She turned and Clark was dismayed at how lined the face of the 30-year old blonde was and she’d also had lost weight. He’d last seen her two years ago when she’d married his elder brother Jack. ‘Oh...
A few days later, the Emir had finally approved the list of the women who were to leave his harem. The numbers were to be reduced to fifteen and then allowed to build up again by purchases and gifts. The women whom Kamal Qumsiyeh thought were suitable would be given to various businessmen ostensibly as a celebration of the end of the two months' mourning David had ordered and then forgotten about. The remainder were to be sold, except for Laura. Hajji Kofi Natsheh was adamant, or at least as...
Introduction: Fun little fantasy. Please look at the tags. If youre not okay with any of these themes do not read any further. She was an avid beach-goer which gave the sun time to turn her pale complexion to very tan. The ocean reflected in her blue eyes and the sun shone in her deep red hair. She was a tad short and a good deal on the heavy side. She was a very proud person who never covered herself any more than she had to. This was a problem for some of the other people who would laugh or...
After her night standing naked on the bus letting the bus driver fuck her, Sheri had a fire inside that she could not extinguish. She focused on her Bus Stop Boy (BSB) and fantasized about him nightly. She continued to tease him at the bus stop hoping he would make some kind of move. After a month of teasing him and getting no reaction, Sheri was to the point of exploding. She needed to be fucked and fucked badly! With no sign of her BSB all day, Sheri went into her bedroom stripped naked then...
Abigail smiled contentedly now she had Rex all to herself in the confines of her personal boudoir; as he knelt cowering, she strutted about the large bedroom which was clinically clean and tidy, and pictures from a bygone era of women in service adorned the walls. Rex was immediately given a feather duster and marshalled about the room, the stern and coldly authoritative woman taking great pleasure in striping his bare cheeks with her stinging cane at any given opportunity; though the room...
I met Sherrie at a local theatre where we both volunteered as ushers. She was about ten years younger than me and very easy to talk with. It didn’t start at all sexual. Sherrie and I usually talked about our spouses, kids, and general small talk. Not at all anything you could call flirting, but we always had pleasant conversations every time we worked the same performance. A couple weeks ago before a performance, we were talking while waiting for our pre-show briefing when the assistant house...
CheatingSummer vacation was just winding up. I’d be going back to Florida to attend my second year of college. I had a fantastic summer. Recently, new neighbors moved in. A gorgeous MILF and her family moved directly across the street from my parent’s house. It appeared that her husband was out of town a lot. She had a toddler, but brought them to pre-school every day. She didn’t work and loved to wash her car in a skimpy bikini. She liked to put a show on when she was outside. She would sunbathe in...
MILFInvited to a summer BBQ at my friend Suzy’s house, I probably would have taken a pass if not for an inkling that a voluptuous woman, whom I briefly met a year and a half ago, would be there. Randi and I flirted a bit and made meaningful eye contact, but she lived out of town. However, I created an indelible picture of her in my mind, and she also had a very wonderful and soft scent. I got horny just thinking about Randi, and I whacked off many a time with visions of her huge tits smothering my...
Hi, everyone..! Thanks for the amazing response to my first story that I posted long back, for those who don’t know me. This is “Sid” age 25 from Hyderabad working as a software developer in a well-reputed mnc in Hyderabad………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coming to the story, this one happened between me and my best friend neeharika(name changed) on new year eve…!!!! I am 25 and she is 24 and we are friends since we started our graduation and got placed in the...
As I closed the front door, shutting out the rest of the world, the silence became absolute, broken only by my soft footfalls and the suddenly loud thump thump thump of my heart. I looked around the empty living room nervously, wondering where he was, my eyes drawn towards the hallway and, beyond that, the door to the basement where Craig most likely waited, his presence drawing me like a moth to flame. Ours was a strange relationship, dangerous even, maybe even unhealthy. For one thing, love...
BDSMThe following year when all the boys had reached 16 they had decided they had better tell their parents, it would allow them to talk and meet without having to hide. Each pair of parents was invited by their son or daughter to a thank you barbeque to be held at the cabin, they were each given a map to follow to the cabin and each given a specific time to arrive. None was told that anyone else was coming so the fact that each was being given a different time did not seem odd. As each pair of...
Hi to all Indian Sex Stories readers. This is Harish living in Hyderabad, girls & aunties those who are not satisfied can contact me at for love and lust. I guarantee our secrets and privacy. I am not a good writer please forgive for mistakes. This happened at the time of my collage. I saw her the heroine of the story Veena (name changed for security purpose) with long hair, the one I like most was her dimple. A perfect girl with pretty smile & perfect assets. I have received a text from...
Hi readers, welcome to the gay world. Sab mere dosto ap apne lund ko bhar nikal kar sahlana chalu kardo kyu ki thodi der main tumha ra lund khada hoke zatke marna chalu ho jaye ga or pani ke favare chodna chalu kar dega. Ye story he mere dost ke bike ride ki. Bo gandu he or use lund chusna bhot pasand he. Ab suno uski jubani. Hi dosto me ek gandu hu or mujhe lund chusna bhot pasand he. Main jabhi bhi bore hota hu to bike ride pe nikal jata hu. Ek din mujhe lund chusne ki chahat hogai thi. Our...
As we continued our tour of the Castle, Kurt led me down a long spiral staircase deep under the main building. At the bottom of the stairs there was a dimly lit hallway with rooms on either side. Each of the roughly hewn doors had bars in small window openings. It was obvious these rooms were jail cells. Our footsteps echoed on the slate stone floor as we walked. It gave me an eerie feeling knowing this place was over eight hundred years old. I’ve had a fear of dark confined places since I was...
Wife LoversI broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks prior this story. I thought I loved him since he was my first and all but the thing is I already saw it coming. I knew he was not the one for me. I makes me look as if I'm a cold hearted bitch but he never gave me an orgasm. He sucks in bed. The only good thing that came from that disaster is that I became close to his friends which annoyed him and they mostly prefer to 'hang' with me. I don't see anything wrong with it since all of his friends doesn't...
Straight SexKmart is close by and few years back I am in paint and a woman with k**s and I guess mother or mother in law came by. India woman with the dot and wrapped clothing. She smiled and looked at my face and crotch. I smiled back and went on with my shopping. No idea how she could get away from the k**s, much less the other older woman. Later she was at check out and long line, I looked and pointed to the back of the store. She told old woman something and walked ot meet me. I just started walking to...
The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...
After that amazing massage I needed to return, not for any other reason than to experience the first time again, if that was possible. Little did I know that this was to be completely different as well! A few weeks later I knocked at the door. It was answered by this tall, long legged beauty in thick soled, patent leather high heels, wearing the shortest mini skirt imaginable. So short that I imagined it to be even shorter than the last time. Suddenly all the other memorable images came rushing...
Hi everyone, my name is Bharath, from Hyderabad. Today I’m going to describe my first sex with my mom. I am basically an incest lover and always fantasized of my mom. My dick size is 8 inches. Getting into the details my mom is Jaya. Her stats are 36C-30-38, she had an lovely ass which every men would die for. My mom is a bi-sexual (which I got to know later), she had many lesbian affairs but not an affair with men except my dad and now me. She is very hardcore at sex and sexually very very...
IncestThere are no words between you and Beth. She is still on top of you and you are staring into each other's eyes. You want this moment never to end, but Maggie will not let that happen. "Ok Beth, get off that pig and let's get you cleaned up." Beth looks at Maggie then back at you. "That's right... You are a pig." Beth says as she reaches down and playfully tweaks your nipple. Then she bends over and gives you one more kiss. Then she goes upstairs with Maggie and the girls and leaves you alone....
It was late when he got her back home. He walked her to the door, at which point she was nervous again. “I’m not going to try to kiss you good night,” he said, joking. “Thank you,” she said, perfectly serious. “I would like to spend some more time with you, though,” he said. “You already spent the three hours with me,” she pointed out. “I decided to donate that time,” he said, grinning. “Rhonda’s time hasn’t started yet.” She looked at him. “You just want to get in my pants,” she...
Goddamn it’s too hot, even for July! I thought to myself, wiping sweat out of my eyes as I pushed the mower around the backyard. With the temperatures being so high for so long, and having less rain than the desert over the last month, I was surprised my grass was even still alive, let alone growing. Oh well, I only had about 5 more minutes left, then I could take a break, have a nice glass of lemonade and then cool off with a dip in the pool. Ah, the pool. Just looking at it brought a...
Chapter 1 I've been told that it's not easy getting old. Well, I suppose at forty-three, I'm not old. After all, I still look good, maybe that thrice-a-week to the gym regimen helps. And, I never had really big boobs though much of my teens was spent hoping and praying they would grow and grow and grow. Oh, they did ... some. I'm a B-cup, have been since sixteen and they almost look like they did at sixteen. Lucky me. I'm also a mother of three, not the ideal for retaining youth and...
Hi , This is Priya again.I hope you have read my previous story about my brother taking advantage me while sleeping.This is another incident which happened in a dtc bus in Delhi.First let me tell you about myself I am fair and god has been generous to me in the asset department as my vital stats are 36-28-30,I always get second looks from guys and guys roam around my house just to catch a glimpse of me but i am not that kind of girl to goes out with everyone. I passed my 12th board exams with a...