Mi Primera Experiencia Lésbico-Fetichista free porn video

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Hace poco tuve un reencuentro incidental con una ex amante femenina, de hecho fue la primera con quien compartí experiencias de corte fetichista, ya que es poseedora de una espectacular belleza y hermosura, y en particular posee el más perfecto y sensual par de piernas, y el par de pies más sexys y atractivos que son capaces de volverme loca de placer y excitación.

Hoy me propongo relatarles cómo es que comenzó mi locura por esos hermosos pies…

Su nombre es Norma, y a la sazón era mi compañera de clases cuando ambas nos encontrábamos cursando el primer año de bachillerato, allá en la década de los 80´s. Debo, antes que nada, decir que en cuanto a la moda, la mayoría de la moda ochentera me parecía aborrecible, en particular la de los zapatos, pues los colores fluorescentes, los estoperoles, moños, encajes, hebillas y botas de gamuza a los tobillos; me parecían punto menos que aborrecibles…

Estudiábamos en un Colegio femenino muy conservador administrado y dirigido por monjas de la orden josefina, y por reglamento nos obligaban a usar un uniforme al que odiaba cordialmente, entonces solía pensar que si esas monjas josefinas pudieran, nos habrían obligado a vestir los mismos hábitos que ellas usaban. En particular, del uniforme odiaba la larga falda de tablones de tela escocesa, las gruesas y largas calcetas que debíamos portar hasta las rodillas, pero mi odio más acendrado, lo recibían los zapatos escolares negros de hebillas y gruesa suela crepé.

Todos estos elementos del atuendo escolar, parecían ser producto de una conspiración tramada con el único y perverso objetivo de no dejarme lucir, lo que en mi opinión era uno de mis mejores atributos personales, me refiero a mis piernas. Sin ánimo de parecer pretensiosa, debo decir que poseía un par de bien torneadas piernas, así que cada vez que podía, doblaba la pretina de mi falda varias veces sobre sí misma para reducir así la longitud de la prenda y convertirla automáticamente en una minifalda, pretextando calor bajaba las largas calcetas hasta los tobillos, y entonces me dedicaba a disfrutar el efecto magnético que mis piernas ejercían en las miradas masculinas.

Norma también solía desafiar el reglamento escolar concerniente a la portación del uniforme, y me regalaba así el portentoso espectáculo de sus hermosas extremidades. Solía extasiarme contemplando la perfección de sus muslos, la turgencia de sus pantorrillas y las delicadeza de sus tobillos, casi me obsesioné con la idea de contemplar el resto de sus pies desnudos, fantaseaba con la perfección de sus talones, con la curvatura de su arco plantar, la perfección de sus dedos; mi vagina se humedecía con sólo imaginar el aroma de sus pies, con poder lamer sus dedos y en sentirlos penetrando mi húmeda vagina para hacerme estallar en intensísimos orgasmos.

Como seguramente se imaginarán, Norma y sus bellas extremidades eran continuos protagonistas de mis fantasías sexuales e inspiración del desfogue masturbatorio con el que entonces aliviaba mi obsesión.

En una ocasión, recuerdo que era una fiesta de Halloween, Norma apareció ataviada con un sexy y entallado minivestido negro, pero lo que me pareció más erótico y atractivo de su atuendo fue un par de largas y elegantes botas negras de tacón alto, le llegaban arriba de la rodilla, a medio muslo. Bajo las botas calzaba un par de sexys medias de encaje con ligueros, un gran bolso negro, grandes lentes obscuros y una corta y lacia peluca rubia complementaban su atuendo. Tan extasiada y excitada como estaba, tardé algunos minutos en reconocer su disfraz, era la vestimenta de Julia Roberts en Mujer Bonita.

En un momento determinado, nuestras miradas se entrecruzaron y me sonrió mientras agitaba su mano a manera de saludo, y continuó mascando un imaginario chicle acorde con el personaje que encarnaba. Crucé el salón como hipnotizada, me dirigí a ella como polilla a la luz, cuando llegué hasta donde se encontraba, sentí una agradabilísima sensación de calor y humedad en mi bajo vientre. Me sentí un poco estúpida, pues yo no había acudido disfrazada. Elogié su atuendo, tratando de evitar ser muy obvia en la fascinación que su belleza y hermosura ejercía sobre mí. Halagué en particular el hermoso y sexy par de botas, y cuando hice la pregunta obligada sobre la boutique donde las había adquirido, tuve mi primera gran decepción, pues ocurría que las había comprado en un viaje reciente a la Cd. de Los Angeles, California. Mi segunda y aún mayor decepción ocurrió cuando un galancete disfrazado de pirata apareció para invitarla a bailar, la vi alejarse hacia la pista de la mano de aquel adolescente filibustero y lamente no tener a mano un alfanje, o un sable con el cual retarlo a un duelo para disputarnos el ganar el privilegia de tan hermosa y sensual compañía.

El insistente toque de un dedo en mi hombro me regresó a la realidad y al siglo XX, era un mozalbete disfrazado de contralmirante y con el pelo ridículamente engominado quien hacía ademán de invitarme a bailar. Resistiendo mi automático impulso de mandarlo a la mierda, decidí acceder, cruzamos el salón y nos fuimos a ubicar justo al lado de Norma. Aún no sé el por que, pero en aquellos 80´s bailábamos en hileras, los hombres de un lado y las mujeres del otro, así que me pasé gran parte de la velada junto a la dueña e inspiradora de mis anhelos orgásmicos.

Después de bailar un rato, Norma me pidió que la acompañara al baño, acudimos juntas, la observé discretamente por debajo de la mampara que separaba cada cubículo en el que se encontraba cada inodoro, vi sus piernas separadas al sentarse, y la imaginé con su vulva desnuda y expuesta, la sola idea me excitó al punto de sentir una oleada de rubor recorriendo mis mejillas y un agradabilísimo calorcillo encendiendo mis entrañas, y cuando la escuché lanzando un sonoro chorro de orina, mi vagina se estremeció en concéntricas contracciones, casi dejo escapar un gemido cuando la escuché suspirar profundamente luego de soltar el chorro.

En cuanto salió del baño, hablamos animadamente de la fiesta y allí me contó que el pirata era su novio, que tenían algo de tiempo saliendo y que este la presionaba para tener sexo. Ella no quería terminar la relación y le había prometido masturbarlo y prodigarle sexo oral hasta que se viniera en su boca e incluso tragarse el semen, con la condición de conservar intacta su virginidad. Me extrañó que me confiara ese tipo de intimidades, pues si bien no éramos unas desconocidas, tampoco resultábamos ser amigas íntimas. Bueno, no hasta entonces…

En el bachillerato todo mundo sabía que yo tenía vida sexual activa y por ende experiencia suficiente como para aconsejar en esa materia a una inexperta, así que no me extrañó, más bien me resultó esclarecedor cuando me pidió consejo y asesoría para saber cómo debía practicarle el sexo oral a su novio. Entonces atisbé una ventana de oportunidad, y aprovechando los días de asueto que se avecinaban, pacté junto con ella instruirla en el sensual arte de la felación hasta convertirla en toda una maestra. Impuse sin embargo como condición que lo haría a cambio de que ella me prestara sus botas en alguna ocasión, y también le pedí que consiguiera un par de película porno, algunas paletas redondas de caramelo, un plátano; y sobre todo, que contáramos con la suficiente intimidad y discreción para practicar. Ella aceptó encantada todo cuanto le propuse, y quedamos de vernos en la tarde del día siguiente en su casa.

Ese día era un sábado, el resto de su familia había decidido salir al cine y a cenar. Ella, pretextando un examen venidero en una materia que siempre le resultaba difícil, justificó mi presencia fingiendo que yo era de las más aventajadas alumnas en esa disciplina, por lo que había solicitado mi asesoría para que estudiáramos en equipo. No pude evitar el sonreír cuando dijo esto, pues al menos en parte, resultaba cierto.

Apenas se había marchado su familia, subimos corriendo hasta su recámara para poner la videocasetera en funcionamiento, son nuestro plan predeterminado, tuvimos la precaución de cerrar la puerta con seguro, adelantamos las imágenes hasta llegar a una escena que incluía una felación y aplicamos la función de play…

Mientras la imágenes de la pantalla mostraban a una Porn-Star devorando una enorme verga, la hermosa cara de Norma dibujaba un gesto de repugnancia.

Detuve la reproducción de la cinta y puse en marcha mi propio plan de acción, empecé por explicarle que de ninguna manera una buena mamada se da de forma inmediata y directa, que es necesario crear un preámbulo apropiado, y que se debe ir incrementando progresivamente la estimulación sobre las zonas erógenas de los hombres hasta llegar a la felación en sí; pues de otra manera resultaría insulsa y mecánica.

Entonces le pregunté cómo es que solía estimular a su novio durante los fajes, resultó que mi hermosa aprendiz era más bien pasiva, y que por retribución erótica solo solía dar besos de lengua y lamer el cuello y los lóbulos auriculares de sus novio, me contó que sólo lo dejaba lamer y mordisquear su cuello, y tocar sus muslos sin llegar a su vulva, que la fiesta pasada su novio le intentó extraer uno de sus senos por el pronunciado escote de su minivestido para lamer su pezón e introdujo sus dedos por debajo de su tanga, lo que le había agradado. Pero que también la asustó, pues temía que sus dedos desgarraran su delicada membrana himeneal.

El miedo y el pudor la hicieron resistirse, y como resultado, el faje terminó con los mismos efectos que una ducha de agua fría; y más grave aún en un pleito que sólo podía reconciliarse con otro faje apasionado de final feliz.

Le pedí que se calmara, pues el relato de lo ocurrido la había vuelto a poner un tanto angustiada, le expresé que en el sexo es necesaria la relajación y que el peor enemigo del erotismo es el estrés y la angustia. Le aconsejé que cerrara los ojos mientras le daba un masaje para que se relajara, ella obedeció confiada mientras mis dedos masajeaban su cráneo, cuando luego de unos minutos, mis manos llegaron a la parte posterior del cuello, ella se encontraba mucho más relajada. Continué masajeando con delicadeza y suavidad su cuello hasta que la escuché lanzar un hondo suspiro…

Sin dejar de masajear su cuello, me acerqué hasta su oído, le pedí que continuase con los ojos cerrados, pero que ahora imaginara que era su novio quien la estaba tocando y besando, agregué que lo haría sólo para demostrarle cómo se debía hacer, y para que aprendiera como volverlo loco de placer, su silencio y continuar con los ojos cerrados fue la tácita respuesta aceptación.

Pasé mi nariz olfateando su largo y delicado cuello, mi respiración emitida a través de mis fosas nasales fue el preámbulo de un ligero beso en la base del cuello, ella se estremeció al sentir el contacto, temí que no fuera por placer y me quedé como petrificada esperando su reacción reprobatoria, luego de torturantes segundo de incertidumbre, nada…ella continuaba con los ojos cerrados.

Volví a besarla, esta vez de forma un poco más intensa, pude notar entonces por el ritmo de su respiración que lo estaba disfrutando, cuando emplee mi lengua para lamer su cuello, incluso dejó escapar un ligero y ahogado gemido de placer, llegué hasta su oído, lamí su pabellón auricular y trémula de excitación musité su nombre entre gemidos entrecortados.

Norma abrió los ojos como quien despierta de un bello sueño, ambas sonreímos con cierta complicidad, y yo pretendí seguir con la farsa de actuar como lo haría su novio, pero que esta vez ella sería quien replicara la lección recientemente dada como si tratase de retribuirle de la misma manera a su novio. Ella replico con evidente torpeza el recorrido de estimulación a través del cuello, no obstante su inicial torpeza, logró ponerme bastante excitada, excitación que no decayó cuando incluso musitó en mi oído el nombre de su novio entrecortado por gemidos.

Nos separamos pretendiendo continuar con nuestro cometido, la verdad es que ambas empezábamos a excitarnos, para disipar la tensión le comenté que acorde con el lenguaje coloquial y usando la analogía del base-ball, habíamos llegado apenas a primera base.

Le pregunté si quería llegar a segunda, ella me preguntó que incluía segunda, a lo que contesté que implicaba contacto de la cintura para arriba con y sin ropa, ella lo dudó un poco, pero cuando le expliqué que para masturbar y felar a su novio debía llegar a tercera base, dejó su reticencia atrás, cerro sus ojos y estiró en cuello echando la cabeza hacia atrás como indicándome a la vez su aceptación y desde donde debía continuar. Me apliqué con delicadeza y maestría a estimular su cuello, mientras que lentamente me apoderaba de sus teta, que si bien no eran nada espectaculares, si eran bastante sexys y turgentes. Descendí hasta el escote de su blusa, desabroché con la boca su botones y sin prisa deslicé mi lengua por el surco intermamario mientras mis manos acariciaban su espalda y alternativamente desabrochaban su brassiere.

Cuando por fin lo desabroché, deslicé la prenda hacia afuera de su blusa a la que ya había desabotonado por completo para reclamar como trofeos el par de rosados y erectos pezones. Tracé círculos concéntricos con mi lengua alrededor de sus areolas, sus pezones se irguieron como reclamado mi atención, cuando llegó su turno los lamí con parsimonia y delicadeza y luego los succioné para terminar dándoles pequeños mordiscos sin ejercer mucha presión. Norma gemía con cada libación a sus pezones e incluso se retorcía como presa de una convulsión con cada uno de mis mordiscos. En ese momento supe que ese día llegaría sin duda a tercera base con Norma, así que haciendo un enorme esfuerzo de autodisciplina, me separé de succionar sus tetas para continuar con mi farsa de pretender ser su novio.

Norma me preguntó un poco escéptica si también a los hombres les agrada que les estimulen los pezones, a lo que contesté afirmativamente, e incluso le dije que toda buena mamadora de verga, demuestra de lo que es capaz con su lengua primero en los pezones de su macho, que se trata de un preámbulo que generalmente va acompañado con sobar su entrepierna comenzando desde la cara interna de los muslos, y que acaba con masturbarlos sacando por completo su verga para de allí proceder a la felación, que marca el límite entre segunda y tercera base.

En cuanto norma me preguntó cómo es que lo iba a ensayar conmigo, le dije que para tal efecto, le había pedido el plátano y la paleta tutsi-pop. Coloqué el plátano justo debajo de mi ropa interior y comencé a guiar la boca de norma por mi cuello, ella repasó las lecciones anteriores mejorando con creces en cada intento, cuando sus labios rozaron mis pezones, sus manos estimulaban la cara interna de mis muslos como le había indicado.

Cuando su maravillosa boca se apoderó de mis pezones, comenzó a estimularlos hasta que me arrancó un hondo gemido, sentía sus manos crispadas aferrando el plátano por encima de mi ropa, y por lo que pude percibir, lo estrujaba con torpeza. Temí que lo batiera por completo bajo mi ropa interior y cuando trataba de acomodar su mano para indicarle el movimiento de avancarga y retroceso que debía hacer, sentí su primer mordisco en mis pezones.

Gemí y me contorsioné de placer, ella se emocionó tanto del efecto que sus candentes caricias estaban ejerciendo en mí, que comenzó a succionar y mordisquear frenéticamente, hasta que me hizo sentir dolor, por lo que me separé con brusquedad pero haciéndole saber que me había agradado.

Ella se disculpó y me preguntó que me había parecido su incursión en la segunda base. Reí complacida y le dije que si continuaba así, seguro llevaría a su novio, no a la tercera base, sino directo al paraíso. Agregué que debía trabajar un poco más con su técnica para asir y masturbar la verga, en este caso representada por el plátano, con el cual le mostré como tomarlo y que presión ejercer sobre él, así como el ritmo de vaivén que debía prodigarle para masturbarlo.

Ella escuchó atentamente cada una de mis explicaciones, mientras yo desenvolvía la paleta de caramelo para mostrarle como debía lamer con su lengua el glande de una verga, ella tuvo la candidez de preguntarme cómo se sentiría que le mamaran la verga, a lo que desde luego no pude contestar por obvias razones. Estaba entonces por brillar por mi insapiencia, cuando me surgió una idean que me permitió no sólo tratar de explicarle, sino también continuar compliendo mi anhelada fantasía…

Le pedí que extendiera su pie, y que imaginara que su dedo pulgar era una verga, la punta de su pulpejo sería el glande, y el resto representaría el tronco de la verga. Tomé su exquisito pie entre mis manos, y lo aproximé a mí, tomé la posición de cuclillas mientras manipulaba su dedo pulgar explicando cómo masturbarlo, ella respondía con monosílabos cada vez más entrecortados a mis preguntas de verificación, cuando procedí a explicarle como lamer una verga totalmente erecta usando a su dedo como sustituto, por verificación obtuve un hondo suspiro, los gemidos que siguieron cuando engullí por completo su dedo en mi boca, me dieron la valentía para continuar la estimulando.

Con mis manos, recorrí la cara interna de sus preciosos muslos, apenas llegué a la vulva, Norma abrió sus piernas aún más, indicándome de forma inequívoca lo que debía hacer a continuación...

Apenas rocé su introito vaginal con mis dedos, sentí la tibia humedad rezumando de su vagina y humedeciendo toda su vulva. Emplee ese delicioso néctar como lubricante para estimular su erecto y sensible clítoris, no ameritó de mucho tiempo para hacerla estallar, ahora empleando mi lengua directamente sobre su clítoris, en un arrollador orgasmo que la hizo estremecerse en forma casi convulsa.

No necesitó que se lo propusiera, apenas recuperó un poco el aliento, tomó uno de mis pies y lo descalzó de su zapatilla, lamió mis dedos, tos y cada uno, lamió mi arco plantar y mordisqueó mi talón. Desde donde ascendió lamiendo y mordisqueando por toda la longitud de mis piernas hasta que llegó a mi vulva que clamaba por su lengua. Apenas sentí su deliciosa lengua en mi vagina, sentí la poderosa inminencia de un orgasmo.

Para ese momento nos encontrábamos ya tumbadas sobre su cama, entonces le pedí que me llevara a home, que conectara un cuadrangular y me cogiera por completo, ella se desconcertó por un instante cuando le pedí que me metiera su verga, pero entonces lo comprendió, y empleando el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, me penetró por la vagina y me bombeó con su hermoso pie hasta hacerme estallar en un potentísimo orgasmo serial.

Luego de eso, nos besamos apasionadamente, jugueteamos y reímos como locas. La tarde aún era joven, lo mismo que nosotras, así que continuamos nuestra respectiva y mutua exploración fetichista ya sin pretender nada más que satisfacer nuestra naciente e intensa lujuria.

Varias horas después, exhaustas y satisfechas, nos bañamos y arreglamos nuestros atuendos lo mejor que pudimos, minutos más tarde arribó su familia y pronto yo estaba de regreso a mi casa llevando como un tesoro una caja conteniendo las botas que Norma me había prometido en préstamo, aunque eran de mi talla, nunca se las pedí por que pretendiera calzarlas, aunque desde luego que eventualmente lo hice, la verdadera razón por la que se las había pedido originalmente, era que pretendía masturbarme oliendo el delicado aroma de sus pies atrapado en esas sexys botas, para aplacar un poco mi obsesión por mi hermosa compañera, y por sus aún más obsesionantes y hermosas extremidades.

Desde entonces fuimos más que novias, amantes. Norma envió directo a la mierda a su apuesto galán y conservó su virginidad intacta, aunque no su ingenuidad. Ella fue mi primera experiencia tanto lésbica como fetichista, y yo la de ella.

Con el devenir del tiempo nos separamos, supe que se había casado poco después de terminar el bachillerato, yo regresé a España, tuve desde luego varias amantes más, incluso más bellas y más avezadas en las artes eróticas, pero siempre se recuerda con un cariño especial a la generadora de primicias.

Hace poco nos reencontramos, ella está convertida en toda una mamá, aún conserva parte de su lozano atractivo, en sus propias palabras dijo haber desertado de las filas del ejército de la masa y la tortilla, y que ahora sólo busca pleito con el general pepino.

Aunque no tan bella como cuando adolescente, me habría encantado rendirle culto culinario a nuestro emblemático alimento junto con ella, y aunque comparto su gusto por los pepinos, lo mío, lo mío, lo mío… en realidad son los tacos de longaniza, todo lo demás siempre me deja con hambre, pero los tacos de patitas de puerca, son para mí, mucho más que un mata hambre, un manjar de una exquisitez de grado gourmet.


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My Surprise EncounterThis story is fiction and did not really happen and was only a dream Hello My name is Michelle I live in upstate New York.I am a 42 year old Female and ,I am Bi-Sexual which means to some of you that don't know that means I like Women and Men. I am 5'9 160 brown hair and brown eyes with 40 DD breasts. I am half Dominican and half Irish. Well any way here is what happened in My dream last night. I started out like any other night seriously boring. So I...

4 years ago
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A summer Holiday education pt 8

An hour had passed since our audience moved on, we had finished our picnic and all went for a swim.   While in the water granma moved over towards me placed her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips.   “Mmm I would love you to fuck me in the water like this” she said   I then felt something stiff by my ass.   “Mmm yeah fuck her while we watch” said grandpa in my ear, it was his cock against my ass. ...

4 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 10 Poppy

The FBI came through. In a roundabout way. Cyrus Vandenberg’s original piece of gossip — a failed med student spending large — hadn’t proven out. Douglas Mulvaney was a smalltime drug pusher, but I didn’t care about that. Let Independence police solve Independence crimes. The two techies from the FBI’s Pittsburg office bought into the concept that the serial killer, Mr. Television, might well be working up to selling body parts. He certainly had no qualms about murdering innocent people. And...

3 years ago
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How my wife became a whore

How my wife became a whoreShelly and I got married when we were both 22 years old. We both liked to party a lot and seeing how it was the 80’s, the cocaine and alcohol were in abundance at every party. Both Shelly and I liked to snort a little coke and have a drink or two. We were both young with no responsibilities so neither of us saw it as a problem. After snorting coke for about a year, Shelly started complaining about the coke tearing up her nasal passages. I told her that she might have...

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A gift of tongue Slowtime 4

Master called. It was time again. For those that don’t know, Darkstarfish is my Master here on Lush and in real life. This is another story about our on-going adventures: the true-life odyssey of us: Hidden and Dark. Master had told me again to come to him. As I am his to use in any way he sees fit, I am always ready to carry out whatever request he has of me. I will deny him nothing. I had prepared myself that day, making sure every part of my body was ready to be used by my Master. I am...

Straight Sex
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My Friends Mom

I did not write this but I could have. It is so good, I wanted to share it with my fellow nylon loversThis took place when I was about eighteen. I was well aware of this thing I had for women's feet at a much earlier age, but because of Great Feet's policy, I can't tell you about any of those experiences. Of course I took every chance to indulge my fetish to the max.My friend's mom was a very sexy lady, about five foot four with long sexy legs and some of the sexiest shoes I have ever seen to...

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Watching my wife

After finding out that my wife Andrea had been fucking Keith , one of my best friends I decided to enjoy it rather than end our marriage. After all it's my fault she did it, I've been insisting that she dress sexy ever since we got married. Things weren't all that smooth at first but in time Andrea became more relaxed about me knowing when she and Keith had sex. She would have him over while I was at work, he ran heavy equipment and on rainy days he didn't work. Later when I came home she would...

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Dressed up

Like most men, I enjoy masturbation as well as full sex. I like to put some time aside for myself, maybe watch a porno dvd or surf the net and have a long slow wank. Many years ago, when I was still married to my first wife, I used to enjoy watching myself masturbate in front of the full length mirror that we had in our bedroom. I liked to take off my clothes and move the mirror so that I could see my dick whilst laying on the bed watching my dvds. One day I was in the bedroom and I decided to...

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Pretty Petite Latina

Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, with brunette hair, and even though she was 18 years old, she was flat-chested, but did seem to have a little something there. She had a great little figure and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw...

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The Privileged Life

Adrian looked hastily at his Rolex “I don’t want to be late!” he chided himself. He didn’t realize that he had stepped off the curb until the screech of tires and a blast from a taxi’s horn made him jump back. “Easy, Old Man” he thought to himself, “focus on what’s waitng for you down the street.” It took most of his will to not run full-tilt to the boutique, but he hurried across the street and turned toward the shop. A brisk couple of minutes later he paused outside of the tall, gleaming...

Group Sex
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As Halloween approached in 1960 I was a sophomore in high school in a small midwestern USA town and very shy being only five feet five inches tall and a continuous victim of bulles so had no confidence with girls. Oh thanks to my best friend Burt RIP and Not my parents who couldn,t even be bothered to tell me about sex and how easy a boy could get in trouble if he got into a girls panties then I knew what to do and what to do it with, but could never see myself even asking a girl for a date....

5 years ago
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Swapping Hot Kerala Girlfriend With My Best Friend

Hello everyone! This is Suraj from Bangalore and I am an architect working in a design studio. I am 26, and I go running 4 days every week to keep myself fit. I have a medium sized tool and high endurance towards sex. And I love partying and going out to meet new people. Anyone interested in a no strings attached relationship please mail me. This story happened in 2016 and back then I was dating Shweta, my office colleague who was a Malayali. I went crazy the first time I met Shweta. She was...

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 2 Turnabouts Fair Play

Roberta knew of but one way left to get Chad to display any latent dominant tendencies- she had to get him angry enough to act on them. If she broke her promise not to tell Deanna, Chad would get mad at her, and probably retaliate. That's what she wanted, and so, sure enough, she went over to Deanna's, with some other info on her mind. She knew, although Chad didn't, that Deanna was cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend Donny- a hyper-sensitive, love-struck, pansy, lame excuse for a man, if...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 22

Krissy 7:10 am, Tuesday, November 1st, 2006 I went down to a breakfast of burnt toast. This was nothing new. In case I hadn't mentioned it, both of my parents are in public service. My mother works on the hospital's ambulance. My father is a policeman in Annapolis. Dad's shifts are never constant and mother got called in. Both have to leave often and suddenly. I trashed the burnt toast. Then I put a couple of English muffins in the toaster and waited. Any minute now. The phone...

2 years ago
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I think We Should Talk Chapter 2

Chapter 2I awoke all by myself Sarah had obviously moved upstairs and left me to sleep down in the living room. I was still in the cuffs with the spreader bar between my knees. I could feel the ring around my clit. I looked down the topical she had put on me had worn off. It looked strange my clit was much larger than I had ever seen it. I got more excited as looked down at myself and the ring began to ache a little. I had an extreme need to pee. I sat up wich was not easy and hobbled my way to...

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Jenny Horny at Work

A little about me, Jenny: I am a 50-something, very married, and a proud Mom of four. I am a long-legged 5’ 10” with blonde hair, blue eyes and am a 38D. I try my best to stay in shape, but at my age, it’s tough. I am far from being a skinny minny, but most think that I rock the Mom-bod fairly well. Hopefully, you have seen my many photos online so that you can judge for yourself. Everything about me is 100% natural, well except for the fact that I do dye my hair to its original color....

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 98

I woke up refreshed and had a shower with Tamara. It had been along time since we enjoyed each other. There was a lot of tenderness. I made sure I caressed her every curve. I had almost forgotten how much just merely touching her caused my heartstrings to be strummed. Though she was waiting until our wedding night, I still used my fingers to bring her to orgasm while my lips were locked with hers. She melted into me and said, "I love you so much." "I love you too. Only four days until...

4 years ago
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my friends mom

I don't know Jenny, it's just like he doesn't care about me anymore. He's more worried about his job. When we have sex, he only takes care of himself and then he goes to sleep. I haven't had an orgasm in years."My ears went on full alert when I heard this. I have been trying to find a way to fuck Mrs. Hudson since I was 18. She has been my fantasy when I jack off or have sex for years. Mrs. Hudson, or Stacy, as she liked to be called, is 36, about 5'4", and looks to be a 36"-24"-36". She has...

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PenthouseGold Jane Wilde Smoking Hot Babysitter Can8217t Say No

Smoking hot high-schooler Jane Wilde has a horny boyfriend, and with her perky little titties and round peachy ass it’s not hard to see why he wants that tight teen pussy in this premium Penthouse scene. Bent over, the sex kitten enjoys Van Wylde’s fingers on her wet and puffy snatch before wrapping her lips around his long hard dick. The luscious vixen loves the feel of cock deep inside her hairy pussy in cowgirl and doggystyle, playing with her clit and moaning with delight as he...

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Tricked and Treated

Tricked and Treated By: Rachael Free ..................................................................... I had just turned 21 and my friends and I were ready to go out and stir up some fun. I was finally legal and could party my ass off, or so I thought. We all piled into my friends car and popped open some beer as we took off to a strip joint. These guys were planning on getting me a blow job from one of the strippers. We got to the strip joint and paid our 5 dollars. The...

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GirlsWay Casey Calvert Adria Rae The Gag Gift

It’s Adria Rae’s birthday. She’s all dressed up and ready to go out for a birthday dinner. There is a knock on the door and Adria looksconfused, then annoyed as she goes to answer the door. Her friend, Casey Calvert, holding a birthday bag, joyfully greets her with’Happy birthday!’ Adria remarks that Casey is way too early — they’re not due to go to the birthday dinner for another hour! Caseyapologizes but says that she just wanted to give Adria a...

3 years ago
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Older guy still has strong sexual desire

But a doctor prescribed some testosterone and after applying it for a couple of months my libido increased, and actually seems now to have actually gone through the roof. I still fantasize a lot and my wife seems to enjoy listening to my lurid thoughts while I’m fucking her. What I whisper into her ear excites her and also helps her fantasize too and makes us both really randy. I love making her cum and I’ve told her how arousing it is to watch her in the throes of an orgasm. She’s become...

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Camping Trip

Five summers ago, I went camping with my cousin Ron and his friend James. We had a three bed camper, it was nice, it had a mini fridge and they brought a little propane grill. There was a T.V. as well, what more could you ask for. If we had to take a shower or use the bathroom, we had to walk to an area that had that. The camp was in the national park. We were going to stay a week or two. So this is how it went with the beds. There were three beds, one on each end of the camper and the 3rd one...

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My first adult theater experience

My husband and I were curious about swinging. I have always wanted to go to an adult theater. I had heard about them, but we had never been so, one evening while heading home from dinner we passed by one and decided to check it out. We chose two seats near the front of the theater Once settled in I began to notice several men playing with their cocks nearby and was really turned on. I whispered to my husband that I wanted to play with his cock without hesitation he pulled it and I began to...

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Threesome with wife

We are a married couple aged 28-27 in Kerala. The lady is fair & sexy with36 sized breasts attracting attention from where ever she goes. I have seen eyes of men bulge out watching her breasts, and it gave me a strange fascination. I then gradually developed strange desire to watch her making love with another man, and the though of it always made my cock go hard. I spend a long time persuading her to try a 3-some involving me, her and another man, in which we both men make love to her at the...

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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 48

It’s a warm day when the pair leaves for the country. Alan has found a nice little cabin by a lake them. It’s private, secluded. They can not only have fun indoors, but outdoors as well. Sandy in the passenger seat, her head partially hanging out the window to catch the cool wind as it whips by. As the man winds them through the tree lined road, his hand slithers across the gap between them and he gently strokes her hind leg, sliding inward. They do not look at each other. Alan’s eyes are on...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 103

December, 1987 After the last council meeting in November, Mike had avoided the Spearfish Lake Cafe for a week or so, reasoning that Ryan Clark might well be there. Not that Mike was avoiding him, but he didn't want to get into a washup of the events of that night. That wasn't the case with the first December meeting, which had been held the evening before. Mike thought it was nice to have a free Wednesday morning, one when he wouldn't have to be in to work till nine or so; he could have...

2 years ago
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My New Life

When my husband and I were dating, he was the most loving man. He was so pleasant and always complimented me and made me feel so wonderful. We dated for a year and really got to know each other before we married. He wanted us to explore our sexuality when we dated. I knew that we’d marry, so I agreed for him to take my virginity. He made sure my first time was very loving and wonderful. After that, he wanted sex more and more every time we were together. We married about six months after he...

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At first glance when I pushed through the front door, I thought there was nobody in the salon. But that wouldn't make sense. It was, after all, a few minutes after the nine o'clock opening time on Wednesday morning and the door was unlocked. Surely someone had been there to unlock it. Then a head popped up from behind a half wall and a young woman smiled and said, "Good morning. Come on in." She was dressed in beige slacks that barely concealed a nicely shaped butt, a knit sweater that...

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Helen Martin woke up on a deserted beach to the sound of the surf breaking on the shore. She was still tired and hungry from being in the water practically the whole night. As she scanned her surroundings for any sign of civilization, only the silence of the trees echoed back at her, along with the solitary cry of some jungle animal. She was a cast away now, scared shitless and at her wits end on how she would be able to survive this ordeal. Just a week ago, the spouses John and Helen Martin...

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Depending on the severity of the session the Mistress desires, any deadlines or measured pain can be adjusted upward or downward for Her amusement and pleasure. 1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand...

2 years ago
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My NEW Boy Friend

I put an advert on a adult personals website along with my number, a few texts came through, but one stood out so I replied and set up a meet.Jumped in my car a bag of nerves, and headed down the M4 from Cardiff to Swansea. My satnav wasnt charged up enough and I got lost navigating my way around, so I had to give the guy a ring, when he answered I though 'hey, he sounds familier'Got to his place and he opened the door, it was someone I already knew!, he closed the door behind me and I gave him...

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Life 20Chapter 9

If any woman deserved a good man, it was Jackie. Sadly, her fling with Jimmy came to an abrupt end. Cheyenne and I had just finished cleaning the rooms, and she wheeled the linens to the laundry room while I went back to the bar to help Jackie set up for lunch. Francis had called in sick. We were chatting away as we laid out placemats and flatware, when I dropped a fork on the floor and bent down to pick it up. Just as I reached down, I heard a loud crash as the window behind me blew in,...

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Elizabeth and her master pt 2

Introduction: continuation My pussy burned, I could not wait to be used by my master. He had left me tied upright along a public highway, to a high standing tree. With a bag of toys in hand, he moved behind me. Very quickly I could feel him roughly tying a blindfold across my eyes. My world became focused on three things, my aching sex, the darkness, and pleasing my master. I could hear master circling in front of me. He traced his finger around my stomach, and suddenly he pulled off my nipple...

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My friends Stepsister a true account

A true story about a friend’s stepsisterA true story about something that happened to me when I was a kid – it never left me and girls being stripped or stripping in front of others, particularly when they don’t really want to, still colours lots of my stories today. The summer of 1973 I turned . Up until the July of that year I’d never seen a girl naked in real life. I’d kissed a few girls’ of my own age and managed to touch a few boobs but nothing more than that. One of the boys in our gang,...

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I Helped The Helpless Girls And Their Mom Part II

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

2 years ago
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Ashley the cumslut pt 1

I have dated Ashley for about a month so far and we still have not done anything sexual. I'm a virgin so I guess I'm not assertive enough to make it happen. Ashley, on the other hand, has had sex with 3 guys now and given blowjobs to many more. Ashley is one of the hottest girls I have ever laid eyes on. She is about 5 ft. 6 inches with long legs and very tan skin. Her brown eyes are enough to make me hard if I stare long enough into them, and she has a terrific smile to go along with it. Her...

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On the side

Being in chastity constantly starts to make me extremely horny. After several days of being alone I just couldn't help myself. A dildo wasn't going to do it. Due to the kind of parties we have had I knew there was a gay couple down the street. I was dressed as a French maid when I first met them. Chris was the younger one, my age. Mark was a little older, they were slim and in good shape. Chris was a little taller and more blonde. Mark commented on my outfit, heels, stockings, chastity cage,...

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CHYOO Digest

This is a Digest for writers to organize facts about their stories and links and shameless plugs for their stories or even story sequels. Brought this idea up at the message board and someone said I should do it. http://forum.literotica.com:81/forumdisplay.php?f=18 So here goes. A author can add his own episode here and then will be a trusted user. That means you can add when ever you want. Will make a map later when I get more people. Lilguy of course under slot 1

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More Goody episode 3

Introduction: I met Dot and Goody, my future wife and her maid of honor I was 22 when I arrived at my new assignment in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and the officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks. In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to...

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A Slaves Fate

Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 72

Jeff sat in the living room waiting for breakfast to be ready. The three new girls, Nat, Nicki and Whitney, came in to stand before him. They glanced at each other, then Whitney tentatively said, "Sir?" Jeff smiled at her and reached over to take her hand. "Why so formal? We're waaay past that. And what's wrong with calling me Jeff like I asked?" The girls looked at each other and blushed, remembering the orgasms he had given them. Nat turned to her "sister." "Oh, just tell him,...

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PornWorld Eliza Ibarra Skinny College Nympho Eliza Ibarra Fucks Friend in Daddy8217s Hollywood Home

Eliza Ibarra, a skinny college slut, has just moved into a new luxury home that her step dad, whom she fucks regularly, pays for. While showing the place off to her friend Jason, Eliza explains to her friend that she fucks her step father regularly and in return he pays for a luxury house in the Hollywood hills. After explaining the situation, she takes her pants off and starts masturbating in an attempt to get him to fuck her. Unsurprisingly, Elizas tactic works like a charm. Almost...

4 years ago
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a Adventures 4 Worthless cumcovered gangbang cinemaslut

After that heavy torture thing last time I said to my slut, that well have a nice relaxed gang bang in a cinema in our town. I put an invitation on the website of the sex cinema and wrote the following text: We plan a gang bang on Saturday from 8 pm open end. Feel free to cum as often as you want and bring lots of friends with you. My slutslave is Romanian, slim, 25, brown haired and tanned and has a great slim body. Her small sluttish perky boobs are waiting for your hands and your cum. She s...

3 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Ebony and IvoryBy: Ropetease©2011She was sent to me by her Master for training. All I knew about her was that she was feisty and a brat, a hard one to tame as he put it. As I waited for her arrival, I went about cleaning the playroom and rearranging the items I had laid out for my use. The sound of the door bell rang as I finished in the room. She was instructed to be on time and she failed by being thirty minutes late.Strike one, I thought as I opened the door. Seeing her dressed in a baggy...

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My first time true story

We were living in Baltimore and one of our friends was gay. We didn’t think much of it, he was just gay. One Saturday when my wife was out of town, I offered to help him work on his car. We finished up early in the afternoon and went inside his apartment to clean up. While we were having a cold beer, he offered to pay for dinner to thank me for working on his car. Because I was alone that weekend, we arranged to go to dinner that night. I had to go home, shower and change, but we had...

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Its going going GONE Homerun

It was a hot day, and the opening day for my brother's baseball league. Just what I enjoy more, on hot sunny days is watching baseball. All the players are in there tight pants, with tall athletic tan bodies. Not a single one of the players are ugly on my brothers team but one player stood out to me. Like any other normal hot day I wore tiny tight shorts and a tank top, hoping to get a little color early this year. I was sitting in my chair relaxing watching the game when I noticed one of the...

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Bachelors party helpers

So this past weekend was interesting to say the least lol. That group I'm with, last week one of the guys was talking to me and a few other girls and wanted us all to get together this weekend and do him a favor. Basicly it was one of his friends bachelor party and he wanted to throw him a fun night so me and a few girls went out and bought the maid outfit, under it we wore lace thongs, a garter belt and stockings, no need for bras.       Saterday everyone gathered at his place for dinner while...

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