The course correction
Part two
Chapter One
He wouldn't be a man at all
Jess thought it hard to believe that it had been only a month since that
world changing event that affected everyone's lives. He saw aliens on
televison! And they weren't the type that got dreamed up by Steven
Spielberg. They said they came in peace - they lied. Right there in his
father's kitchen they all watched in horror as one of them transformed
into the most grotesque creatures anyone of them had ever seen. A god
awful mess of green protoplasm with dozens of eyes. As Baylok spoke the
other slithered it's way about the stage trying to stay in one place. It
was shocking to see it lose it's battle and fall off the stage and onto
the floor of the White House press room. Jess could still hear the one
called Baylok's words ringing in his ears and see his image on the
televison screen.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Clarence is correct. We are responsible for the
current status of your world. We have been watching your world for many
of your centuries and have decided to intercede. Left to yourselves you
will surely self destruct. And that is what we have prevented by
rendering your weapons of mass destruction harmless. It is the aim of The
Council who sent us here to protect your planet from certain destruction
by either yourselves or spacefaring mauraders who would take it all from
you. Our first choice to unify you as a race was to alter you at the
genetic level. By making you all identical it would end your constant
bickering with each other. But President Taylor given the choice voted
for what took place on your world a week ago today," he said.
Just when Jess was accepting the fact that there really were aliens in
the world he hears that his President betrays his entire planet to them!
He took his own life or so they say. Poor man. Jess couldn't fathom the
guilt that the man must have been living with once the button had been
pushed. But Jess finally came to realize that he would not be the man
that he was today if it weren't for what the President did. In fact, he
wouldn't be a man at all. Jess shuddered to think that the other option
had been to alter them at the genetic level and make people all
identical. Jess thanked God everyday that the President made the choice
that he did.
Jess' mind went back to that fateful newcast. "The violence must stop!
The social disorder must stop! You are wasting valuable time. Yours is a
vain race, understand-able when one considers that until today you
thought you were the center of the universe. But that has changed as of
today. Also as of today our friend Clarence is Supreme Ruler of the
planet Earth. This is a necessary step in the unification process of your
species. You will all do as he orders. We will be watching!" he said.
Jess shook his head in amazement. He wondered if they were indeed
watching each and every one of them as they tried to pick up the pieces
of their shattered lives. They didn't seem to care what happened as long
as they complied with whatever edict that Clarence declared. Clarence
took up residency in the White House; the former First Lady now runs the
entire world.
But it was Baylok's final point that had been most worrisome. "It is
truly unfortunate that I have to say this. But in exactly one of your
hours my fellow traveler and myself will have no choice but to use the
ray once again to bring order to chaos on your planet. As I stated
earlier the violence must stop! Those of you hearing my words and of sane
mind have exactly one hour to protect yourselves from the additional use
of the ray," he warned.
Jess remembered the panic that took hold in his chest when he said those
words. They were going to use the ray again! They all freaked out sitting
there watching the television. They all felt so powerless. What was going
to happen this time? Were they going to switch our minds again? Jess
suddenly realized he liked very much where he was 'living' and if they
couldn't or wouldn't put him back where he belonged he wanted to stay
right where he was. He was in love with Dale and he didn't want to lose
that. But it had been Dale's calm voice that reminded both his father and
Jess that they had a choice and could protect ourselves. And they did.
They kept their word and used the ray on anyone left without protection.
It proved easy enough to do. All they had to do was plug their ears and
blindfold themselves. And wait. The waiting was the most emotionally
taxing on all of them. It proved to be the longest five minutes of all
their lives up to that point. But they made it through without any
problems. All of them; Dale, Frank, Jess and their houseguests who
arrived shortly after the drama on the television had ended. They all did
just fine.
Afterward, they all debated what would happen next. What would the new
World Leader be like? What would their visitors from outer space be like?
They already knew they could take on human form and had greater
technology than their own. But what were they like? Jess had always been
intensely curious and found himself wondering what drove the aliens. It
would be quite some time before he found out.
And the violence that had been such a danger ceased. The ray didn't
switch anybody around this time. No, this time it nullified the very
cortex of one's emotional center. It left it's victims happy - all the
time! People who had once been in their own bodies productive citizens;
were now switched and in foreign bodies. People who were seen as violent
crazed troublemakers; both female and male, were left happily mindless
due to the second use of the ray. In essence they'd become village
idiots. And there were thousands of them worldwide who were now totally
dependant on others for their very survival. It proved to be a
heartwrenchingly difficult price for the rest of the world to pay.
Chapter Two
What's wrong?
A pregnancy scare sure can scare a woman to death! Especially if the
uterus belongs to a former man! Dale let out a deep sigh of relief as she
looked at the pregnancy test strip. It was negative. She wasn't pregnant.
She felt somewhat foolish having taken such a risk. She was the one with
the most sexual experience. As a man she'd had her fair share of partners
by the time of the switch. She knew how to use a condom. She knew it
would also protect her from not only an unwanted pregnancy, but possibly
sexually transmitted diseases as well. But Jess and Dale had been
overwhelmed with their bodies new sensations. And simply put: Dale let
Jess 'sweep' her off of her feet. And they'd had sex without really
stopping to think about it's full ramifications. 'Sex with Jess was
great! And he was a very generous lover'she thought. Dale loved him
dearly for it. Eventually they settled into the guest bedroom together as
a couple sharing one bed.
Jess sat on the edge of their bed in what has become their bedroom. He
was lost in his thoughts about the past month when Dale brought him back
to reality.
"Well, I'm not pregnant," she said with a sigh of relief as she looked at
the test strip. "That was too close for comfort," she added as she turned
to look at Jess as he sat on the edge of the bed next to her.
"I'll say," he added, relieved that he wasn't about to become a father.
Jess gave Dale a smile and leaned in and gave her a long wet kiss on the
lips. She broke the kiss and looked at him.
"We have to keep using condoms, Jess," she said. "No matter how it might
break the mood," she added.
"Alright, honey," Jess said. "Whatever you say," he added, as he gave her
another kiss on the lips. She abruptly broke away from Jess' wanting
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"It's just that I feel so stupid. I'm sorry that this even had to happen,
Jess. I'm sorry that I messed up remembering to take the pill. I'm sorry
that I had to put us both through all of this. Just promise me we won't
be having sex without some kind of protection. OK?" she asked him again.
Jess couldn't resist the pleading look on her face. "Of course I
promise," he said.
"I'm in no hurry to be a father, Dale," Jess added.
"Well, believe it or not motherhood can wait," she replied adamantly.
Jess nodded, it wasn't his body anymore. And he was in total agreement.
"The world is just too messed up, Jess. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to
have a baby anyway. The mere thought of it makes me crazy. You would
think that would have been enough to make me remember to take that stupid
pill!" she said, her annoyance and frustration were plain for Jess to
Jess turned as he sat beside her on the bed and wrapped her in his arms.
"It will all be alright, Dale. You'll see," he added, trying to reassure
her. "And besides," he said, "I forgot too, you know!"
Jess remembered the condoms that he had totally forgotten about in his
secret hiding place in a pair of socks in his underwear drawer. Jess too,
felt stupid. But hey, what was done, was done. He hugged her tightly and
started to kiss her on the neck.
"Please, Jess. I'm not in the mood right now," she said.
Jess stopped his foreplay and let her out of his embrace.
Frank had to admit being fourteen years old again had its advantages. He
had his whole life to live over again and he had his health. And if the
world got its act together he would be rich too. It has been strange to
be facing puberty again however. His voice has begun to crack while he
spoke sometimes causing him to blush with embarrassment. But Frank just
grins and bears it; knowing full well that it was the least of his
problems. He'd grown tired of his long hair and took a pair of scissors
to it. Both Dale and Jess laughed when Frank emerged from the bathroom
with his hair hacked off. Frank didn't care. It was summer and at least
now he was able to be somewhat cool with the shorter hair.
Life here at the ranch has fallen into somewhat of a routine over the
last month. He watched in silence as his new son took on more and more
responsibility of running the ranch. Jess did the chores Frank just
wasn't strong enough to do anymore like chop firewood and throw a saddle
on a horse. Frank just didn't have the arm strength that he used to have.
He was still adjusting to his new circumstances like everybody else. And
he found himself slowly yielding his position at the ranch to Jess.
Frank also found himself looking up to his 'son'. Watching him workout in
the gym in their basement was truly a treat. With Dale as his coach Jess
was learning more and more about hardcore bodybuilding. As a former adult
male Frank tried to keep himself in somewhat decent shape; but nothing
like what Jess was doing at all. The man was powerfully strong! And he
worked hard at it. Frank's favorite exercise to watch was the squat. They
sure looked painful as Jess pushed massive amounts of weight on his
shoulders upward.
Then there was Jess' appetite. He was eating them out of house and home!
But Frank didn't care. He was his son and he loved him. And he was
growing to be very fond of Dale as time went by as well. Frank managed to
keep his mouth shut as they have gotten closer as a couple; and have
shown blatant signs of affection for each other. The handwriting was on
the wall and Frank was not surprised when they announced that Dale would
be moving in to share Jess' bed and bedroom. He thought they made a great
Since the telecast that put Clarence in power as Earth's only ruler he
has been very busy. Life at the White House has been chaotic. Baylok and
Ryka left after delivering their messages and Clarence has had little
trouble having his orders followed. Bruce's plan to implement the use of
lie detector technology seemed pointless at this point. The second use of
the ray had made it so. His power to rule was total it would seem. And no
one had any desire to end up like a village idiot as a form of
punishment. Oh, it was never threatened directly as a consequence; but
just the possibility was enough of a deterent. The idiots were everywhere
it seemed; especially in the larger cities.
Life was slowly starting to return to normal. Clarence ended marshall
law; not that it was ever all that in place due to the social chaos.
Clarence also opened the banks where and when possible. People were being
asked to return to their jobs. Commerce, trading needed to resume. It
would take years to get back to where they were before the big switch.
But Clarence has time, all the time he needs to see his plan to
Somewhere out in space
(Present day)
Baylok and Ryka stood at the window looking down at the blue ball called
"We must remain here in orbit for some time," Ryka said.
"Indeed," said Baylok as he continued to look out the window.
"How long before we see any results of our efforts?" Ryka asked him.
"We have already seen the end of the violence and bloodshed. And with
Clarence in place we should see some small changes soon," he said.
Chapter Three
Drenched in sweat just doesn't cut it
It's been nearly two weeks since Dale and Jess did the pregnancy test.
And it's been nearly two weeks since they had sex. And sex seemed to be
all that Jess was capable of thinking about. Oh, Jess knew it was the
testosterone surging through his veins that was making him so damned
horny. What Jess was having trouble with was his growing inability to be
patient! Over the past six weeks or so he'd grown accustomed to having
regular sex. There just wasn't anything like it for the release of
tension, frustration and stress. His daily workouts have been helpful.
But somehow the grueling intensity coupled with the muscular pain and
drenched in sweat just doesn't cut it. Jess has challenging himself with
his workouts. Dale's coaching has benefited him greatly and most days
she's down in the gym with him.
"But not today!" he said to himself, as he pushed several hundred pounds
up on a leg press machine. Not today. Today Jess was working out alone.
Dale pulled away from Jess. And a part of her doesn't really understand
just why. All she really knew was that her head was filled with all kinds
of different thoughts. She couldn't help but wonder what she would have
done if the test had been positive? Right now Dale didn't even know if
she would have had the courage to go through with it and have a baby. She
put her hand to her belly and thanked God that she had the time to try
and figure things out.
They untangled the telephones and Clarence turned them all back on. Life
was trying to get back to somewhat 'normal'. Clarence also went back on
television and informed the world that he was going to reinvent the
United Nations as a concept. From now on all nations would provide people
who would be trained to do his bidding. From now on there would be no
more neglect of undeveloped nations. From now on there would be no more
imperialism; national or otherwise.
Somewhere out in space
(present day)
The humans were so far complying with Clarence's every whim. Ryka just
wasn't so sure that Baylok's programing of Clarence was fool proof. He
wasn't entirely certain that what the human's call their 'gut ' wouldn't
overcome the sub routines somehow that governed Clarence. Only time would
tell of course.
Tension was building in the house. You could feel it whenever they were
all together. Frank wasn't stupid. He knew that Dale and Jess had some
kind of problem between them. But he had a promise to keep and it wasn't
any of his business. Jess was laying out by the pool soaking up some sun
when he heard something he haven't heard in a long, long time. The
telephone rang! Jess shot up off the chaise lounge and ran as fast as his
sore body would take him into the kitchen. Frank was the first one to the
phone and he answered it.
"Hello?" he said in a somewhat amazed adolescent tone. Jess agreed. It
sure was amazing to have the phones working again.
"Who is it!" Jess asked him with growing impatience.
"We're fine, thanks for the call to let us know that the telephones were
working again," he said as he turned and hung up the phone. Dale rushed
into the kitchen from upstairs. She appeared eager to know who it was as
well. She walked toward the two men and stood next to Jess.
"Who was it!" they both asked him at the same time.
"That was Tom Olson," Frank said.
"Who?"they both said as they looked at each other.
"Tom, he's the boy I swapped bodies with," Frank said, reminding them.
"Oh," Jess said as he looked from Frank's face to Dale's, "now I remember
the name."
"Excuse me," said Dale as she reached for the phone. "But I need to make
a phone call. Is it OK with you Frank if I try to call my brother in
"Sure honey, go right ahead," he replied. "Be my guest."
Dale's hand shook as she pushed the buttons on the telephone. She shook
so bad she had to hang up and start over because she misdialed. Finally,
she suceeded and she heard a ringing on the other end of the connection.
Dale took a deep breath and exhaled; one ring, two rings, three. So far
there was no answer. She turned and faced the anticipating looks of both
Jess and his father. Dale shook her head to signal that so far there was
no answer. Four rings, five still no answer. After the sixth ring Dale
heard her brother's voice - her brother's recorded voice. Dale got his
answering machine, or voice mail. She let out a sigh and waited for the
end of the message.
"Sorry we're not in right now. Please leave a message at the end of the
beep." She heard her brother's familiar voice say. Then she heard the
Jess really felt for Dale. She waited all this time to talk to her
brother and she had to leave a message? He felt awful as he watched her
leave the message. But there was little that he could do. Jess just
looked at his dad after she fled the kitchen. He wanted to go after her;
but Jess didn't. Ever since the pregancy scare she's been acting sort of
strange. Well, yeah, strange for their current situation. She's isolated
herself. She tells Jess that nothing is wrong. That he didn't do anything
wrong - but it sure does feel like he did something wrong. It was just
plain weird. As a former woman himself you'd think he'd be able to cut
through all this emotional shit? But something was telling Jess just to
let her be. So he has.
Jess looked at his father as he stood in his kitchen wearing nothing but
his blue swim trunks. Jess shrugged his sore shoulders and threw up his
sizeable arms.
"I don't know what to tell you, Dad," he said in frustration. His father
stood before Jess silent for a moment. His eyes averted Jess for a few
seconds and then returned.
"We can talk about it, if you want son," he offered. "But only if that is
what you want," he said adamantly.
There was that word again. He called Jess his son. Frank would never know
how much that meant to Jess. It touched his heart deep within the
muscular torso he now possessed. Jess looked at him and nodded.
"OK, Dad," he said. "I think it's time I talk to someone," he added
"Let's take a walk," Frank suggested.
Jess looked down at his nearly naked body and agreed. "Let me get some
clothes on first," he told him.
"Hurry up, asshole! I didn't spend the past thirty five years in prison
to be slowed down by the likes of you!" Charley hollered. He couldn't
believe his good fortune to be swapped into the body of one of the
guards. All of a sudden he had a gun and keys. The keys! Charley let out
some of his best friends, or what he thought were his best friends before
he ran out of prison.
They walked for at least ten minutes in silence before either of them
spoke. They were both gathering their thoughts. Jess pulled up the bottom
of the tee shirt that he was wearing and slid his hands into the pockets
of his jeans. There was something comforting about walking with his dad
on the ranch again. Jess looked up into the shining sun. Where should he
"This is kind of hard, Dad," Jess finally admitted. Indeed, here he was
about to inform his father that his daughter almost became a father!
"Just start at the beginning, son," Frank replied. There was that word
Jess swallowed. Hard.
"We had a pregnancy scare, Dad," he finally said, relieved to have it out
in the open. Jess refused to stop and look his dad in the eyes. He kept
puttting one foot in front of the other. But unfortunately his dad
stopped walking suddenly. Jess stopped with his back to him. And from
behind him Jess heard his reply.
"I see," Frank said.
Jess suddenly felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He
felt himself turning beet red. This was his father after all. Jess slowly
turned around to face him. Over the past five weeks or so Jess had grown
accustomed to looking upon his father's adolescent features. But this was
different. Jess took a deep breath and took his hands out of his pockets.
As Frank made motion to speak Jess raised a hand up. What he really
didn't want was some kind of repeat of the night Jess told him that he
was pregnant! Jess looked down at his anatomy. 'There was no way he could
accuse me of that!' he thought.
"It's not what you might think," Jess said, as he grappled for words to
explain the mess that Dale and he had just been through. Frank's eyebrows
rose but he remained silent.
"I - we got lost in the moment. And we didn't think," Jess explained, as
his breathing grew more rapid. Jess realized he was scared of what his
dad might say.
"I can understand that, son," he informed Jess as he looked him in the
eyes. It just made Jess more nervous. His eyes always had that affect on
Jess whenever he was in some kind of trouble. And now with his fourteen
year old eyes it was no different. He still was the person that knew Jess
best. And even though Jess stood before him a whole foot taller and built
like a linebacker; he still felt like such a little girl. His father's
little girl.
'But I have changed,' he thought to himself. 'Now there was an
understatement if there ever was one! But then again hasn't just about
everyone changed? Have I changed? Or am I still that sixteen year old
reckless and irresponsible spoiled brat that got herself pregnant? I
truly hoped that I had matured some in the four years since then,' he
thought. But how Frank saw him at the moment was what was most important.
"I swept her up and into my arms as she stood in front of the stove
cooking. And the rest is a fantastic blur," Jess explained, hoping that
his father would really understand.
"I understand, Jess, really I do," Frank said.
Jess' nervousness got the best of him.
"I forgot!" he blurted out before he could stop himself.
"You forgot?" he asked Jess; repeating his question.
Jess nodded quickly.
"Yes, I forgot about using a condom. Just that one time! I even had some
condoms stashed in my sock drawer. But I forgot! Hell, we both forgot!"
Jess shouted. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes as he thought of
Dale and what this trial had done to her. How she was slowly pulling away
from him. Jess wasn't so sure he wouldn't have done the same thing in her
place. And what was her place? He thought back to his female days;how he
thought he had to put out to keep a boyfriend. Jess wondered if that
wasn't how Dale was feeling. He knew they loved each other. But he
couldn't help but feel that this pregnancy thing might have left her
feeling like she was painted into a corner.
Frank really felt for Jess! And when he remembered that difficult night
when Jess told him he was pregnant it made it all the worse. And now as a
man? Frank thought he must feel awful knowing that he had something to do
with causing someone he loved pain. Frank took the few steps that were
between them and gave Jess a hug. Unlike the other times Frank found
himself in the big man's arms this time Frank shook as Jess began to sob.
"Hey, it's OK. Right?" he said. "Everything turned out OK, right?" Frank
repeated as Jess held Frank against his chest.
"Yeah," Jess replied between sobs. "I guess so."
"Well, then alright," Frank said, "there you go."
"But, she won't let me touch her," Jess said, still crying, "she's even
moved back into her bedroom, Dad."
Frank nodded to himself.
"She needs time Jess," Frank explained. "Any woman would, son. You were a
woman once, right?"
"You couldn't tell from looking at me today though, now could you?" Jess
replied through subsiding tears. A smile was trying to find it's way onto
his face.
"Well, I'm right. Aren't I?" Frank asked him.
"I suppose so," he answered, as he released Frank from his grip. "I
suppose so."
Jess suddenly started to feel better ;not so bottled up inside. Thank
God! He could still talk to his father. Granted it was a most unusual
situation; but in today's world what was usual? He wiped the tears from
his face and took a deep breath. Jess tried to clear his mind of clutter
and think. Jess decided to ask him.
"What do you think of the man your daughter has become?" he asked.
From his expression the question appeared to stun Frank. There was an odd
moment of silence between them before Frank spoke.
"What do I think of the man my daughter has become?" he said, repeating
Jess' question. "I have always been proud of you Jess. You know that.
I've told you before," he said in a serious tone. "As to the man you've
become?" he added, and then paused. "I am also proud of the man you've
become. You seem to have adjusted to our newfound situation very well.
I've been watching you with Dale and the two of you seem to be quite
right for each other," he said.
"I'm in love with her, Dad. And this body of mine wants to show her that
love all the time!" Jess said, "And so do I."
His father put a slight smile on his young face before he replied. "I
know what you mean, Jess. I know what you mean. I loved your mother very
"It's been two weeks and I don't know if I can wait much longer," Jess
finally told him.
"You're going to have to be very patient with Dale I'm afraid, Jess," he
said. "This is on her timetable, not yours."
"But, Dad - " he said, as he was about to object.
"No buts, son," he said adamantly. "No buts."
Jess nodded, there was that word again.
"You're going to have to take care of things yourself for awhile," he
Jess nodded again, knowing full well just what he meant.
Chapter Four
What a thrill that was!
They stole a car. Actually, they found a car. Yeah - just outside of the
prison walls there were dozens of them skewed every which way on the two
lane highway. They had their pick. Charley and the Menendez brothers
piled into an arrest me red BMW. There was plenty of room; after they
dumped the dead body out onto the side of the highway of course. They
were heading south back towards Los Angeles on the BR101 which ran
parallel to interstate five. They figured that they'd take their time and
keep to the back roads. They all had scores to settle.
Dale wanted to run away. When the phone rang all she could think about
was her family. She now had a lifeline to her family. But all she
succeeded in doing was leaving a message. It's been only a few hours
since Dale left the message. But this waiting is hell. All she was
thinking about was her family. What's happened to them? Dale felt like
she was in some kind of hell. She was happy for Jess. He'd found his
father. And for the most part it turned out just fine.
Dale was back in her bedroom upstairs sorting things out and so far it
was slow going. She wanted things to be back they way they were two
months ago. That was just part of the hell that she found herself in. The
other was the fact that she was female now and possessed an oven. She'd
messed up taking some pills and her period hadn't come yet. Her first
one! And according to Jess she was late! So, with no signs of pms they'd
managed to lay their hands on a pregnancy kit. Dale thanked God again
that her oven was empty as she thought back on the experience.
And then Dale got her first period. What a thrill that was! A guy has not
lived until he's had to insert his own tampon! Yuk! So, Dale experienced
the bloating, the mood swings, the bleeding and the cramping. It was
almost enough to make her wish that she'd succeeded in getting pregnant.
Almost! And now she was completely out of birth control pills. As a guy
Dale couldn't say that she wasn't responsible about protection when it
came to sex. But she could say now that she didn't worry about it as much
then as she did now!
And she's been taking all this out on Jess. 'I just couldn't let him
touch me,' she thought to herself as she slowly fell asleep. She needed
more time to come back down to Earth. And Dale didn't think that would
happen until she found out something definitive about her family.
Clarence grew more and more anxious. His body was still somewhat foreign
to him. Pressured by his schedule and the stress of 'solving' all of
Earth's problems kept Clarence very busy. 'I have little time to think of
pleasures of the flesh; even if it is alien flesh,' he thought. But he
knew he needed a queen; a female to satiate his carnal needs. Clarence
has been in his male body six weeks and he was still a 'virgin'. It was a
problem that was slowly beginning to gain on Clarence.
Jess sat out on the patio drinking a beer as he looked up at the night
sky full of stars. He was deep in thought about his conversation with his
father. 'His father was right' he thought. Dale would have to come to him
when it was time. When the time was right for her. And not before. Jess
took another quick drink from his bottle of beer. He was breaking one of
Dale's bodybuilding laws. Alcohol was fattening. Too much and... Jess
sighed. Tomorrow he would have to workout extra long and hard to burn off
the added calories of the couple of beers that he drank this evening.
Jess patted his flat hard stomach as he leaned back in his chair. He
smiled. He intended to keep it just as it was - hard and flat.
Frank thought back on his conversation with Jess. He hoped his insight
and advice was helpful to his son. And he felt that he'd kept his promise
to Dale to stay out of their business. He may be fourteen years old; but
he was still a parent. And when your child is in pain? He'd offered his
ear to his daughter before. But now? Now it was a little different. Frank
had ended his counsel with Jess by leaving the door open. He'd told Jess
that if he needed any 'manly' advice in the future to just ask. And the
big man had agreed. Frank felt sleep upon him as he stretched out on his
bed. Tomorrow would be another day. Another day of life in their new
Chapter Five
He missed the sex too
Charley and the Menendez brothers sped their way down the highway looking
for a place to spend the night. They thought it better to hide out off
the main drag. Even though no one knew who they really were due to the
switch and it had been nearly six weeks since they left prison they
thought it best not to risk getting caught. So went the workings of their
paranoid criminal minds.
It was near midnight when Jess finally decided to go to bed. It had been
a somewhat draining day he thought as he undressed in his bedroom. Dale
was asleep back in her own bedroom. It saddened Jess as he looked at his
empty bed. He missed having her close to him at night. He missed the sex
too. He would take care of his physical need before he went to sleep for
the night.
Erik got out of the car at the end of the long driveway without slamming
the door.
He'd been elected to check out the ranch at the top of the hill. It was
two a. m. and the place was dark. Charley and Erik's brother waited in
the car while he scoped out the situation. Erik walked up the blacktop
driveway in the still dark quiet of the night. He saw no lights anywhere.
He heard no dogs either. That would have been bad; a dog. It's barking
would have tipped of any occupants inside that he was nosing around
outside. Erik walked as silently as possible around the large ranch styly
house. He didn't see any indication that the house was occupied. He tried
the front door and found that it was locked. He went back to the car.
"I can't tell if the place is empty or not Charley," said Erik. "But I
guess we could check it out further if we broke in," he added.
Charley nodded. Erik looked at his brother in the back seat; he was
nodding his head in agreement. They left the car at the end of the long
driveway and started to walk up towards the house. Occupied or not they
were going to get some sleep. Erik and his brother went around back while
Charley quietly broke one of the windows facing the front and let himself
in. Charley heard the Menendez brothers arguing about who was going to go
in first through the back door. He shook his head and wondered why he had
decided to hook up with those two losers. Charley made his way through
the dark house to the kitchen in the back and let them in.
"Will you two mother fuckers shut up! You want to wake people up?" he
whispered angrily. The glare in his eyes could be clearly seen by the
glowing moonlight as he looked at the two brothers.
"Sorry, Charley," whispered Erik.
"Yeah, me too," whispered his brother. Charley was not appeased so
"You two will do what I say and when I say it or I'll slit your throats
myself," he said in heated whispered tones. And Charley thought, 'It
would be fun, too.'
Both the brothers nodded but said nothing. They were sure Charley meant
what he said.
"Now let's all stick together and check this place out. You got it?"
Charley demanded.
"Yeah. We got it Charley," said Erik solemnly.
"Alright, then let's get going," he said.
Clarence could not believe his good fortune. It was past five a. m. and
the woman he was having sex with was insatiable! Over the past few weeks
Clarence discovered that he had groupies. Much like the lead singer in a
rock band they loitered about the front gates of the White House.
Clarence really didn't understand the whole groupie mentality; but the
woman that he finally chose was gorgeous. He didn't really care if she
had a screw loose or not. He was screwing her!
And for the sixth time tonight Clarence pounded into the woman as she
moaned and squealed. He couldn't believe the feelings that his body was
sending him. Sex as a man was fantastic! All the power! His six foot four
physique towered over the small woman. As soon as their eyes met he knew
that she would be willing to accomadate him and his needs. Clarence
wasted no time picking up the woman in his arms and carrying her to his
bed. God! She was beautiful! He couldn't take his eyes off of her as he
undressed before her. And now here he was for the sixth time giving her
the orgasm of her life! She came as she lay under him while he pounded
his still hard flesh into her soft insides. Clarence wanted more and he
pumped faster as he felt his own orgasm about to explode. Momentarily,
Clarence was spent and he found that his partner was fast asleep. He
rolled off of her and lay on his back. He soon fell asleep as he contem-
plated what to do with the woman in the morning.
They'd found not a soul in the lower levels of the house and assumed if
anyone was in the house they were most likely sleeping upstairs. That was
fine with them. They would sleep too for a bit and then in the morning
things here would be different. Charley took the sofa in the living room
and he ordered the two brothers to find places nearby. And for awhile the
brothers slept. But Charley couldn't get to sleep. His paranoid mind
wouldn't let him fall asleep without his medication. He didn't realize
that his illness, which was psychological and not organic, had went with
him when he'd switched bodies with the guard. Charley laid on the sofa
and thought about the next day.
Daybreak came early as it usually does at the ranch. It would be another
pleasant day in sunny California. Frank awoke first as he usually did
these past weeks since they'd all been living together in the ranch. He
got dressed and brushed his teeth. He groaned at the sight of a new zit
that appeared on his face. There was something espechially cruel he
decided about having to go through puberty twice. Frank sighed and went
downstairs to make some coffee.
When Frank entered the kitchen he discovered Charley and his companions
sitting at the kitchen table with guns in their hands. He froze where he
"Good morning, son," said Charley, his eyes taking in the young Frank
where he stood.
Frank said nothing. He just continued to look at the men that had made
themselves at home in his house.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue,punk?" he shouted when Frank didn't
respond. Frank shook his head in the negative.
"Well, I said good morning to you!" he shouted again.
"Go-good morning," Frank finally managed to muster as he begun to shake.
"That's better," said Charley as he looked at Eric and his brother.
"Now tell me. Who's upstairs?" he said in a menacing tone that was not
lost on Frank.
"Just, just me and my sister," replied Frank as his eyes looked at the
gun in Charley's hands.
"Ju-just you and your sister,huh?" mimicked Charley.
Frank nodded. He hoped that someone upstairs heard Charley shouting and
took appropriate actions.
"Please don't hurt us!" Frank shouted loudly.
"We're not going to hurt you, son. Although we may have some fun with
that sister of yours. Tell me is she pretty?" asked Charley as his
companions laughed and made lewd comments.
"If anyone gets to her before I do they will not live to regret it!"
hollered Charley at his partners.
Startled into silence the brothers nodded.
"Now, where were we? Oh, yeah! Is your sister pretty?" Charley asked
again. He really wanted to know. It had been awhile since he had sex.
Decent sex anyway if you didn't count the woman that they had kidnapped
and held hostage in her own house in San Francisco. 'Raping her had been
a gas! ' thought Charley. But the woman hadn't been very attractive to
Frank watched Charley's eyes and realized that the man was insane. He
shook as he stood there in his kitchen looking at the three men. Who were
they? Where had they come from? And what did they want?
Dale had awakened to the sounds of loud voices as she laid in her
upstairs bedroom. She couldn't quite make out the words so she went to
the door and opened it. She stood for a few minutes listening to what was
being said downstairs.
"I'm not going to ask you again, boy! Tell me. Is your sister pretty?"
hollered Charley.
"Um, yeah, I guess so," responded Frank as he trembled.
"Is she a blonde or brunette?" asked Erik.
Seething with anger Charley hollered at Erik. "You shut the fuck up,
fuckhead! She's mine! You two don't touch her unless I say so!" he said,
as he waved his gun about.
"Yeah, Charley," said Erik. "We know that!"
"Well, you better get it through your fucking heads because she's mine!"
he repeated.
Dale was shaking as she stood at her bedroom doorway and listened. She
quickly threw on a tee shirt and a pair of jeans as quietly as possible.
She then darted across the hall and went into Jess' bedroom and closed
the door behind her.
"Jess!" she whispered as she made her way towards his bed. He was fast
asleep. She quickly bent over and shook his heavy torso.
"Wake up, Jess!" she said. "Some men are in the house downstairs with
Frank!" she explained.
Jess who had got to bed late did not take too well to being woke so
early. He mumbled something unintelligable as she continued to shake him.
"Jess! Wake up!" she said again in hushed tones. "You have to wake up!"
"Wha- what is it?" he asked with his eyes still closed.
"Wake up will you? Your father is in trouble downstairs!" she said.
Jess opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. It took him a moment to
realize that Dale was in his bedroom.
"Wake up Jess! We don't have much time!" she said.
Jess turned and looked at Dale standing beside his bed.
"What's wrong Dale?" he asked her.
"I've been trying to tell you Jess! There are men downstairs! Frank is in
trouble! We've got to help him!" she said, breathing quickly as she
spoke. "And they want to rape me!" she added.
Jess sat up in bed and looked at Dale. The terrified look on Dale's face
told him his nightmare had come true! He quietly got out of bed naked and
put on the same pair of jeans he'd had on the day before. He didn't
bother with a shirt.
"Dale I want you to find a place to hide and don't come out for nothing!"
he said as he grabbed his gun from out underneath his bed.
"Where do you want me to hide, Jess?" she asked, as she watched Jess
checking the pistol to see if it was still loaded. She wasn't all that
familiar with the nooks and crannies of his father's ranch house.
Jess lifted his head up and looked at the ceiling for a brief moment.
Where could he tell Dale to hide?
"In my father's bedroom above his closet on the left hand side is a
hidden crawl space Dale. I'll help you get up there before I go
downstairs," he said.
Dale's eyes got big when Jess mentioned the fact he intended to go
downstairs. With a gun! But she also knew they had no choice.
She nodded.
"Let's go," said Jess as he slowly walked towards his bedroom door.
Chapter Six
It felt better in his hands
Clarence woke with a smile on his handsome face. Even as a woman he'd
never had such wonderful sex! And for such a long time! He looked over at
the sleeping woman next to him. 'She was fun to have around' he thought.
Clarence sat up in bed and shook the woman gently. He wanted more sex.
Jess opened the door slowly and heard voices coming from downstairs. They
exited his bedroom and went into Frank's bedroom and closed the door.
They made their way over to the closet and open the door. Jess peered in
and looked up to his left to make sure it was still there. It was. Jess
thought it was some kind of design flaw in the layout of the bedroom wall
between Frank's bedroom and the bathroom out in the hall. His father had
used it in the past to hide his mother's jewelry. It was completely
hidden once clothing and other things had been put into place on the
shelf above their heads.
Jess pointed up at the small opening and Dale nodded. It was actually a
crawl space opening left on purpose for access to the plumbing of the
bathroom on the other side of the wall. Jess cleared away his fathers
folded sweaters and other clothing he had neatly stacked on the shelf. He
turned to Dale as he continued to listen to the voices from downstairs.
They were actually arguing about who was going to get to 'do' Dale first!
Jess gave Dale a look that said it all.
"I'm going to lift you up and I want you to crawl into that opening," he
instructed her. "There's not much room in there," he said, "but you
should fit," Jess looked at Dale one last time and grabbed her about the
waist from behind. He hoisted her quickly up to the shelf and Dale
grabbed hold of it. She pulled herself towards the opening. Jess then
lifted her legs up so that she lay completely on the shelf. Now it was up
to her to get herself into the cubby hole and hide!
Jess watched Dale as she snaked her way into the small opening and
disappeared. He then got busy and neatly put all of his father's clothes
back into place. The opening could no longer be seen. Jess took a deep
breath and took his gun out from where he'd tucked it inside his jeans.
It felt better in his hands.
Clarence showered and shaved his face. He felt great! And for the first
time in a long time he wasn't at odds with his body. He looked at his
reflection in the mirror. His dark features that so reminded him of his
betrayers didn't bother him anymore. He took a deep breath and watched
his great chest rise and fall. He brought a hand up and ran it through
the wiry dense dark hair on his chest. 'It felt somehow strange still to
have this mat of fur,' he thought. But it was a small price to pay for
the great sex he'd experienced last night. Clarence thought back to his
late night romp and smiled. He was looking forward to someone new
Jess wasn't really sure just how he was going to take out the strangers
that had let themselves in; but take them out he was! He stood at the top
of the stairs and listened to the conversation.
"Well, Charley. What are we going to do here just wait for her to come
down the stairs?" asked Eric, as he looked at Frank. Frank had not moved
at all since this all started. He so badly wanted to run! 'If only he'd
had a gun!' he thought to himself. But as he looked at his captors he
realized that they had found both his rifle and his hand gun. Charley,
Frank noticed; had brought his gun with him. There was no other gun in
the house except the one that Jess owned. Frank prayed that his son heard
all the rukus and was doing something about it.
Jess was still standing at the top of the stairs which was the only way
up to the second level of the house. Normally from the kitchen area you
couldn't be seen coming down the stairs. You had to walk through the
dining area to enter the kitchen. But this course of action only had one
thing wrong with it. Jess couldn't be sure that his 'guests' would stay
put and not discover him coming down the stairs. No. He would have to
surprise them some other way.
Jess turned and looked through his bedroom and out the window. It was at
least a fifteen foot drop to the ground below. He thought about the
outdoor balcony off of his father's bedroom. No, that area was above the
kitchen and they might hear his footsteps. Or see him jump! Jess turned
and went into his bedroom and closed the door. He examined the window and
slowly opened it. It made little or no noise. Jess looked at the screen.
The screen was now the only barrier to the outside world. He tucked the
gun inside his pants and took a deep breath. He put his right hand onto
the screen and pushed as he closed his fingers upon it. It was easy
enough to do. The screen gave way at the upper left hand corner and Jess
pulled it the rest of the way out of it's frame as quietly as possible.
Jess turned and looked at his bedroom door once more. It was still
closed. He could still hear muffled voices from downstairs. Jess put both
of his hands on either side of the window and hoisted himself up. He
lifted his legs up and put them through the window. He lowered himself
down quickly. He checked his gun. It was still secure inside of his
jeans. Jess edged his broad shoulders out of the window and looked down.
'At least fifteen feet maybe even twenty'he said to himself. But at least
there was grass where he was about to land.
Jess counted to three and pushed himself out the window! He landed on his
feet and rolled hard onto the grass. His gun come from underneath his
jeans and it lay on the grass a few feet from where he laid. He took a
deep breath. He'd made it! And he had no broken bones. His ankles hurt a
little, but nothing major. 'Not like doing squats! 'he thought to himself
with a smile. Jess sat up quickly and picked up his gun. He crouched on
the ground to avoid being seen through any of the windows. He would make
his way towards the kitchen windows that faced the back and look in.
"I'm tired of waiting for her to come down the stairs!" shouted Charley.
He wasn't realizing that anyone with a sane mind wouldn't go downstairs.
So Charley finally decided to go up.
"You two stay down here and watch the kid!" he said. "While I go upstairs
and get some!"
"Whatever you say, Charley," said Erik, not wanting to cross him.
Jess peeked in as Charley left the kitchen and went upstairs. He decided
to give Charley a minute or two to make it upstairs. Jess could see his
father standing in the kitchen with two other men who were seated at the
kitchen table. He knew he could get a clear shot at one of them; but the
other man was a problem.
"Hey kid! Where's the toilet?"asked Erik.
"Through that door," nodded Frank.
"You wouldn't be trying to pull anything now would you?" asked Erik.
Frank shook his head. "No!" he said, "it's through that door and down the
hall next to the laundry room."
"Watch him close!" he said to his brother as he got up and went towards
the doorway.
Jess watched through the kitchen window as he sat on bended knees.
Erik opened the door and disappeared down the adjoining hallway.
Jess brought his gun up to the window and got Erik's brother in his
sights. He had a clean shot.
Frank jumped when he saw the side of his head explode. Suddenly there was
blood everywhere and Jess was hollering for him to run through the broken
window. Frank shook himself and ran for the back door. Jess met his
father outside and they both ran around to the front of the house.
Charley who had been searching for Dale upstairs had no luck in finding
her despite his repeated requests for her to come out. He heard the
gunshot and cursed.
Charley ran down the stairs and found Erik crying over the dead body of
his brother.
"What the fuck happened, you moron?" he shouted at Erik.
"I don't know Charley. I went to the bathroom and while I was in there I
heard a gun shot," replied Erik through sobs.
"Where's the kid?" he asked.
"I don't know that either," he said.
"Well, he couldn't have just disappeared! And by the looks of that window
he had help," shouted Charley.
"Come on, let's go!" ordered Charley.
"But, my brother!" cried Erik.
"He's dead, mother fucker!" shouted Charley. "Now let's go!"
Charley grabbed at Erik trying to pull him to his feet.
"We've got to get out of here, you idiot! Before whoever it was gets
help! Now let's go!" yelled Charley.
"No," shouted Erik, "not without my brother!"
"He's dead!" repeated Charley. 'God damn it!' thought Charely. 'This
asshole is going to get me killed yet!' Charley brought his hand gun up
and shot Erik in the back killing him almost instantly.
Jess was hiding in the thick bushes that had been planted along the front
of the house. He sent his father off to get help and Jess could still
make out his gangly form as he ran. He was nearly at the end of their
quarter mile long driveway when he heard the shot ring out from inside
the house. He'd nearly jumped out of his skin; but he remained hiding
behind the bushes. He took a deep breath and looked for his father. Jess
could no longer see him.
Charley picked up both the hand gun and the rifle that the brothers had
been using. They would no longer be needing them. He stuffed the second
hand gun inside his belt of his pants and ran out of the house with the
rifle in his hands. Charley was going to Los Angeles!
"Hold it right there!" shouted Jess as he popped up from behind the
bushes pointing his hand gun at Charley's back. Charley never missed a
beat. He slowed down his running to a fast walk and turned around. He
brought his shot gun up and aimed it at Jess. Jess had another clean
Jess ran towards the man as he lay on the driveway. He'd shot the man in
the chest and he wanted to be sure he was dead. As he approached he
kicked the rifle away from the man and grabbed the two hand guns from
underneath his belt. The man was still alive! Jess knelt down beside the
dying man. He wasn't sure why. But then the man opened his eyes and
looked at Jess. The dying man grimaced as he spoke.
"Who the fuck are you?" he asked, as he rolled his head back and forth on
the blacktop. His arms were moving about slightly as if he might try to
get up. Jess held him to the ground.
"Lay still," Jess told him, "help is on the way."
The bleeding man just chuckled. "Nobody wants to help me," he said
"Now why's that?" asked Jess.
"Fuck you! Who the fuck are you anyway?!" he said angrily.
"My father owns this ranch," Jess said, as he continued to watch the man
writhing on the driveway.
"Is there anyone I can call for you?" asked Jess. "The phones are working
now," he added.
Charley smiled. "I told you. Nobody wants to help me," he said.
Jess didn't understand. It was plain the man wasn't going to live too
much longer. His heart went out to the man's family.
"At least tell me your name?" asked Jess gently.
There was a brief pause as the dying man considered Jess' request. He
smiled softly with his eyes closed as he lay there dying. "The name's
Manson. Charles Manson," he said, as he took his last breath.
Clarence worked hard throughout the day. He worked hard at keeping the
lascivious thoughts of the women who were working around him from getting
his work done! Today he'd ordered ten thousand more men from each of the
world's countries into direct service. Male or not before the switch; the
new world government wanted your balls. And it got them!
Clarence chuckled. In the past seven weeks or so he'd managed to get some
sort of order in the world. He turned the telephones back on in the
United States. Soon they would be on in other parts of the world as well.
People were starting to get back to somewhat normal existances. The chaos
that had reigned for so long was abating. Oh, there still were problems.
In Africa the bloodshed continued as cival war broke out in many areas.
This was just one of the reasons Clarence wanted a true United Army to
stop such senseless loss of life. And the Chinese had agreed to relax
it's tight grip on it's people. The true surprise to Clarence was
Australia. The people there continued to embrace whatever life had to
throw at them. He thought it might possibly have something to do with
Australia's ancient history of having been a penal colony in the past.
The people had to fight for their very survival. Excluding Australia's
native people most all of them descended from criminal ancestors. And
Clarence thought as soon as the phones are working everywhere it would be
time to start the next stage of his plan.
Jess knelt beside the dead man for a moment stunned. He looked at the
blue eyed handsome man with black hair; he didn't recognize him. Everyone
knew who Charles Manson was. Espechially if you lived in California.
Every so often when he came up for possible parole he would be back in
the papers. He would always get turned down of course. But not anymore.
Now he was dead and so were his buddies. Jess wondered who the other two
were. He doubted he would ever find out. Jess got to his feet as he
continued to look at what had become of such a notorious criminal. He
knew the man had been insane. And Jess was surprised he had crossed paths
with the man. He thought of Dale and quickly went back inside the house.
"Dale!"shouted Jess, as he bolted up the stairs. "I'm coming!"
Jess shortly reached the closet that he had hid Dale in. He quickly
grabbed the clothing from the shelf and threw it onto the floor.
"Dale!" he shouted again. "Are you alright? Answer me!"
"I'm alright, Jess," she said from inside her hiding place in a shaking
"It's alright!" Jess said, "you can come on out!" Jess inched his way
eagerly towards the opening in search of Dale. He could see her as she
lay curled up inside the crawl space. "Come out Dale!" he repeated,
wondering why she hadn't started to make her way out.
"It's not that easy, Jess," she said.
"What do you mean?" he asked her.
"I'm stuck," she said.
"What? What do you mean you're stuck?" he said.
"I can't move, Jess," she said
"Are you hurt? Did you hurt yourself getting in there?" he asked.
"No, I'm fine, really. It's just that getting in here is a helluva lot
easier that getting back out it would seem," she explained.
"Don't worry I'll have you out of there soon," he said. Jess stepped back
and looked at the small hole he had helped Dale crawl into. It was above
the wooden shelf on the left hand side of the closet. Which meant that
Jess could not reach very easily into the opening and help Dale out.
"Dale, I'm going to have to knock this shelf down so I can get up there
and get you out. OK?" he said, as he began to remove his father's old
clothes that still hung from the rod below the shelf.
"OK," she said.
Jess removed the last of the clothing and put them on his father's bed.
He turned back and looked at the shelf. It was a standard half inch thick
board nailed to one by twos on either end.
"Dale, I'm about to make a lot of noise. OK?" he said.
"OK," she replied, as she braced herself inside her hiding place.
Jess walked over to the closet and positioned himself near the left side
of the shelf. He made a two handed fist. He counted to three and brought
his fists up as hard as he possibly could. The board dislodged some from
it's housing, but not all the way. Jess hit it again and the board gave
way with a loud cracking sound as it was lodged loose from its support.
He repeated the process for the right side of the closet and tore the
board out of the closet.
"You OK in there?" he said, after he got the board down and out of the
"Yeah, I'm fine," she said. "Get me outta' here would you?"
"Just a minute, Dale. I have to get a chair," he said.
"Oh, alright," she said, somewhat impatiently.
Jess went over to his father's desk and brought the chair over to the
closet. He positioned himself on top of the chair in a somewhat crouching
position and looked at Dale. She hadn't moved since he started to 'dig
her out'. He reached in with a hand and forced her uppermost foot up and
out of the hole. Realizing that she was pinned Jess held up her leg with
his free hand and pulled her other leg free. With both legs now free Dale
stretched her legs and began to crawl back out with Jess' help.
Once Dale was free from the confines of her safe haven she turned and
threw herself into Jess' arms. Jess held her and he never wanted to let
go. She eventually looked up and into his eyes. She kissed him hard on
the lips. She was still shaking when they broke their kiss.
"Look, I've done some thinking while I was hiding in there hearing shots
being fired!" she said, "I'm sorry I've been such a bitch."
"It's alright, really," he said, as he smiled and continued to hold her
in his arms.
"Are you sure?" she asked him.
"I'm sure," he replied, as he brought his lips close to hers and kissed
her again.
Chapter Seven
Sex, lies and videotape
It didn't take a brain surgeon to put two and two together. When the
Larsons told the authorities who one of the dead claimed to be they'd
figured it out. The features of the three dead men matched those of a
guard and two inmates missing from a maximum security prison since the
switch. The government hadn't moved too quickly in identifying all of the
prisoners held in the state's facilities. But they did know how many
should be in each facility. There were thousands of them; and
unfortunately it just wasn't a priority yet to identify them. Or was that
It took a better part of the day for the proper authorities to arrive and
remove the bodies and interview everyone. That day would live on in all
who had been present that day at the ranch. It would take a long time
before any of them could get it out of their minds. Let alone calm down.
But the one bright spot of that awful day was when the telephone rang. It
was for Dale.
The telephone rang during their interview with the police and Jess
answered it.
"Honey, it's for you," he said, as he put the phone down on the kitchen
Dale's heart began to pound. She knew who it must be. She'd only given
out the telephone number to one person. She picked up the telephone and
put it to her ear.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hi Dale, it's me," said a high pitched voice on the other end of the
telephone line.
Dale caught her breath. She had no idea who 'me' was.
"Who is this?" she asked the voice on the telephone.
"It's me, Andrew," said the voice.
Dale let out her breath and gulped.
"Andrew! What's happened to you?" she asked him; still not sure if it was
a male or a female that she was talking to.
"I'm alright, Dale! Let me first say that," Andrew said.
"I'm so relieved!" said Dale. "Is everything alright?" she asked as she
looked at Jess who was back sitting with the police officers at the
kitchen table.
"Well," said Andrew," I've definitely changed since the last time we saw
each other!"
"That's a big surprise!" she said, as she looked at her own chest.
"I've lost not only my body; but Miranda too," Andrew said.
"What?" said Dale.
"When I woke up I found myself in the body of our next door neighbor's
daughter. I guess we're sisters now, Dale," she said sighing.
"Just how old are you now, Andrew?" asked Dale.
"I'm fifteen. Rebecca was all of fifteen," she said.
"I see," said Dale. "And Miranda?" she added.
"All I know is when I went running back to our house to find her I found
her body on the kitchen floor unconcious," she said. And after a pause
Andrew added, "She's dead - Dale."
Stunned, Dale was speechless.
"Dale? Are you there? Hello?" she said.
Dale sighed.
"I'm sorry Andrew. I really am. I liked Miranda a lot," Dale said.
"I know you did, buddy. I know you did," she replied.
"So what are you going to call yourself?" asked Dale.
"Andi, of course!" she replied.
"Really?" said Dale.
"Yeah, why not? You're keeping your name. Why can't I keep mine?" she
"But I've never met any women named Andi," admitted Dale.
"Well, you have now," she said adamantly. "And besides, haven't you ever
heard of that actress Andie McSomething? She was in that move 'sex,lies
and videotape' years ago," she explained.
"I think her name is McDowell," said Dale.
"Whatever," said Andi, "but I'm keeping my name."
"Hold on, Andi. There's someone I want you to talk to," she said.
"Sure, I suppose," said Andi.
Dale put her hand over the phone and looked at Jess. He was speaking with
one of the police detectives. She managed to catch his eye and she nodded
at the phone.
"Jess, I'd like you to speak to my brother. " Dale said.
Jess gave the detective a look and then looked at Dale. "Now?" he said.
Dale nodded.
Jess looked at the detective for a moment. The man nodded and Jess got up
from the table and went to the telephone.
Clarence to his credit at least slowed down with his nightly conquests of
the female persuasion. He kept the same woman around until he was no
longer interested. It may be a day or it may be a week or two. But no one
was more surprised than Clarence by his appetite for sex. Tonight it was
a leggy blonde. The only prerequisite that Clarence had was that a woman
had to have always been just that; a woman. Call it narrow minded of him
but Clarence was in search of a queen. His queen.
"Hello?" said Jess, unsure of what else to say.
"Hello," said Andi. "Who is this?" she added.
Jess paused for a moment and looked at Dale. Her expression told him he'd
been set up. "My name is Jess, Jess Larson," he replied.
There was a pause on the line.
"You sound just like my brother used to," she finally said.
Jess sighed heavily. He owed Dale one!
"Well, I look just like Dale used to too," he added as he gave Dale a
She stood grinning at him from ear to ear as Jess continued his
conversation with her 'brother'.
"What!" said Andi.
"Um, yeah. I have your brother's body and he has mine," explained Jess.
Jess eyed the detectives that sat at the kitchen table. Neither of the
men seemed at all interested in his personal revelation. 'He so owed her
one! 'he thought.
"So, my brother finally found the right woman for himself and it turns
out to be himself!"declared Andi. Jess wasn't at all sure how to respond
to that remark. It appeared to be so very loaded with family history.
"I'm sorry. I'm not sure how to respond," he admitted.
"Meaning you," she said. "In his body!"
"Oh," replied Jess.
"What a world!" she said. "You keeping that body of his in good shape?"
she inquired.