I Hope You're Happy With Your Life. free porn video

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I Hope You're Happy with Your Life. It was a good day. The thought came once more unbidden to John's mind as he looked down into the constant rippling that was caused by the shopping centre's fountain. The 24 year old was sitting on the faux-marble edge of metal and plastic monstrosity that squatted obscenely just inside the centre's automatic doors. In truth he felt somewhat lost. John worked for one of the more prestigious car manufacturers, whose own multi-storied offices were only a 10 minute walk from where he now sat. Employed in its sales department John had found that he had a knack for closing the firm's bigger deals, using his own unique blend of style and utter persistence, and that was the very reason for his current mixed emotions and why John had now sat with his mind almost blank for 15 minutes, idly watching the shoppers and browsers flow in and out of the doors before him, interspersed solely by their hiss and click of metallic closure. That very morning, John had completed the signing of the company's largest ever client. An American hauling company, that apparently recently found it more cost-effective to set up shop in each of the major cities in which most of its business occurred, rather than haul from a only a few out of the way depots, had decided to revamp its image. With reduced travelling times for a new larger fleet, built up roads to negotiate, smaller loads for individual destinations and a requisite for flair and style, the Yankee company had gone overnight from a large haulers to a widely spaced courier-type service, capable of offering greater efficiency to its customers. John still was not entirely sure how they had found the liquid assets to do this so fast, but in any case, had found their new-found desire for a veritable fleet of sleek company cars for all their US branches, their discovery of cheaper overseas imports and their contacting his company as one of their potential suppliers all to be to his advantage. It had led to him heading the deal with their UK representative, the Nordic featured and entirely proper Sophia Goodleigh. Though John had not noticed it, Sophia was almost the exact opposite to his own easy-going masculinity, although he had noticed that the brittle, bitchy US ice-queen almost seemed intent on disliking him from the moment he met her. Whilst John sported reasonably short-cut, but often overgrown brown hair, Sophia's blonde was a meticulously maintained coif, pulled sharply back and into a harsh bun. Whilst John's eyes were dark and welcoming, Sophia's were a piercing grey-blue, that were constantly darting and re-focusing over a person as if contemptuously evaluating and efficiently searching at the same time. Whilst John held himself in a relaxed and indifferent stance; his tie often loose and his top-button regularly undone, his large bear-like hand always happy to shake another and his large 6'0'' frame happily draping over a chair or dominating a room or conversation, Sophia once more presented the argument. Rigid and unflinching she loomed over a conversation atop stiletto heels like a splinting being forced into a finger. A woman of few words, most of them harsh she would present herself in expensive trouser suits that advertised her executive status and found themselves ready partners to her accent, lifted directly from the New York elite. Meeting for the first time, 3 months ago, John had worked tirelessly to persuade her that his company would provide the best deal on the ridiculously large fleet of luxury and cars her company required. From that first forced handshake, John had tried every tactic he could think of. He had prepared presentation after presentation, regularly working 14 hour days. He had used all the skill his mathematical degree from Oxford had granted him to make figures dance in his attempt to seduce her deal. He had struggled and strived to try and elucidate some element of friendship, or at least mutual respect from her. He had even, as a last resort dealt around her and petitioned her American based counterparts, though to little response. It was that morning that he finally felt he would have to tell his superiors that he thought the deal, which had remained so long as nothing but unsigned paper, was worth even less when she entered his office. Clicking towards his desk where he rapidly stood to greet her, Sophia had reached with surprising eagerness to shake his hand. For a moment John thought perhaps she had finally decided that her animosity was pointless, as he stared in shock at the firm grasp she had on his hand, but then he saw her face. As usual it was unmade-up, but her lips almost looked bright against her perfect white teeth, hard-set into a hateful snarl. "Congratulations, John," she sneered, her words clipped. "It seems your underhanded method of contacting my superiors has worked. I have been ordered to agree to your proposal and then I am on paid probation." John was slightly taken aback by the last part. Obviously her superiors must have thought his proposal was definitely worthwhile. Sophia broke her handshake and dropped the thick stack of papers she held in her other hand onto John's large and well polished desk before turning and beginning to stiffly click from his office. "My company will be in contact," she called without looking back. "I hope you're happy with your life." John could not help but be confused by her last statement, but in truth he was too busy being elated. Quickly phoning his own bosses to tell them the good news, John then buzzed his secretary to tell her he would be out for the day. And so he found that he had wandered to the shopping centre. He was out in the hustling bustle of daytime life, outside of his office for the first time in months. John removed his tie and folding it in his hands, stood up from the fountain and placed it carefully into his jacket pocket. He had learned from the last few hectic weeks how hard it was to lose careless creases when in a rush. Feeling satisfied and lost, he began to walk through the people around him, no destination in mind, no need going wanting when he found himself outside the garish front of a salon. All pink neon lights and clashing colours, the image was complete by the young 80's dropout leaning against the entrance's doorframe, smoking the last of a cigarette. John took stock of her as he approached. Fluffed out, teased hair. Excessive blue eye makeup. Long inelegant earrings. Even her attire seemed out of date with a bright lime-green, short sleeved spandex shirt, that strained against perky, if small breasts and a tight black micro skirt, that she wore over a pair of baggier jeans. "You can't smoke in h-" John began in his baritone, before being cut off by a bubbly, "Mornin', hun!" from the woman. Her accent seemed to place her dialect somewhere in the Midwest, but despite John's dealings with Sophia he did not know enough about the US to be more accurate. "You're worried about a lil' ol' smoke? Well, I reckon it doesn't seem right in here." For a moment John felt a shiver run up his spine. "Tell you what, hun, as you seem so concerned about me, why don't I do a lil' something for you. You sure look like you could use a trim," she said as she carelessly flicked the remaining butt of her cigarette away. "Actually, er..." For once John found himself speechless. Something about the salon and this woman did not sit right, but he soon found a well manicured hand with bright pink nails wrapping around his wrist. Moments later that same hand, as well as its partner was placed on John's shoulders as he seated himself into the overly comfortable salon chair. "Now, hun, my name is Rachel and have I got a look for you!" gushed the woman. "Why don't you just sit back and relax and I'll fix a lil' something that get all the girlies looking." John's eyes gazed around the empty salon. Something really felt off about the place. Rachel whirled a large pink cape over his body. "Now, we'll just get started on that ol' hair of yours." John looked down at the bright pink cape and... *** "Done!" announced Rachel, snapping John's head up to the mirror opposite him. Her expectant face appeared next to his in the reflection, looking over his shoulder. "Well, what do you reckon?" "How could you possibly be d-" John began, before realising what 'done' meant. His short brown hair was gone and in its place were long thick, almost yellow, blonde tresses. The lustrous hair had been brushed into an approximate centre parting. Gathered up on each side, Rachel had forced the bright platinum locks into large long bunched and deftly tied neon pink ribbons into them, near John's scalp. "I'm certain braids would have looked lovely Candi, but on someone of your limited intellect, they probably would have been a bit beyond what you could maintain" said Rachel, still looking over John's shoulder. "But, this seems completely wrong!" snapped John, not even noticing what she had called him, or what she had implied about his mind. "Yes, hun, I guess I did go a little too far. It doesn't seem right. Perhaps if we..." *** The world seemed to jump for a moment. This time it was far sooner that John realised what had changed. As he stared at his reflection he could see that the ridiculous hair had not been touched. However, the pink cape had been removed, as had his suit jacket. His white shirt remained, but in an almost unrecognisable state that left him with his mouth hanging open. The top two buttons of his shirt had been cut away, and the shirt itself was forced to near translucency by the huge globes of flesh beneath it. John had breasts. No wait, that was not even inappropriate for the monsters he now possessed. The boobs John inexplicably had were at large DD at least, and barely contained by the flimsy neon pink joke of a bra that he was for some reason wearing. The damned thing even allowed the bump of his enlarged nipples to stand out through the shirt and seemed to only be there to draw attention to the heaving, straining bosom John sported. "I-I-" John stuttered in incomprehension. "Chill out, sweetie!" said Rachel in response to John's apparent confusion. "You are rather busty for a school girl. But I suppose silly little bimbos who get themselves held back just get longer to develop." "Huh?" replied John, still flabbergasted, approaching outraged as he stared down at the mounds that tented his white shirt. He had left school a long while ago. And as for being 'a silly little bimbo'.... John's thoughts suddenly seemed to falter... anyway, people didn't get 'held back' in the UK, that was a Yank idea, wasn't it? "A bit out of it, hun?" asked Rachel, a wicked smile creeping onto her lips. "Perhaps you'll start thinking clearer if we..." *** It happened again. The world just seemed to stop and start. John looked at the mirror again. This time it was makeup. His entire face was coated with the over-the-top makeup of a young teen girl. His eyelashes were and huge, dark frames to his blue eyes. They in turn were surrounded by light blue eye shadow, that faded through to purple and then pink, and seemed to be laden with glitter. John's eyebrows were plucked into extreme, juvenile arches that gave his face a surprised, vacant look. There was a rash of rouge or some-such on his cheeks that seemed to create a false childish blush. And there were the lips. John could only gaze in horror as his reflection showed his mouth. Fat, pouting cocksucker lips that seemed to feminise his entire face. Lips that constantly had a little open 'o' unless he really willed them closed. Lips that were coated in a wet looking gloss, hundreds of sparkles imbedded into it. Fuckable lips. Fear crept into John. He no longer felt confused and unnerved, but completely terrified. "Rachel?" said John tentatively. His tongue felt heavy and sticky in his mouth. His voice was cracked and dry. "I don't know what-" "Now hold on, that ol' voice just won't do, sweetie -ooo!" she hesitated. "I never realised how wonderfully feminine that was!" She paused for a moment as if concentrating, and then continued, "From now on you'll refer to everyone as Sweetie, Cutie or Honey! Isn't that just fab!" Through the petrified fog of his mind, John tried to respond, "Honey, I'm not, like, totally sure... Like, omygod!" With no more than a few words from Rachel, John had some how acquired an American accent and, at that, an over-the-top Valley-girl one. The voice still seem to carry a shred of intelligence in this alto form, but already John could see what his destiny was being forced to by this twisted woman. Once more, John looked at his reflection. Perfect white teeth bit the plump upper lip on the Barbie-doll looking back. His heart-felt panic was being translated into an expression of vacant confusion by his made-up face. John bolted. Hurling himself from his chair, he paid no heed to jiggle of chest and didn't even look back at Rachel has sprinted the short distance towards the salon door... *** John was standing with his hands by his sides in the centre of the salon. The chair he had been in had been turned around from the mirror and no held Rachel. She sat with her knees brought up to her chest and a beaming smile plastered across her face. John immediately knew to his growing desperation that more had been done to him. John looked down, only to see that his view was limited by his own expansive cleavage. He could already see, though, that his shirt was now a tight tailored blouse, at least a size and a half too small. It allowed his boobs to almost spill out of the top, but then hugged his svelte little waist to somewhere beyond what his boobs let him see. He was also wearing jewellery now. Around his neck was a chunky bubblegum pink necklace that spelled out 'Candi' with a little heart over the 'i'. He could feel the pull of the large and tacky hoop earrings that were in his freshly pierced ears. John knew he needed to see the rest. He slowly turned, hearing the clack of heels below him. Finally looking at another of the salon's mirrors he could see the remainder of what had changed. John now appeared to be some sort of schoolgirl wet-dream. The tapering blouse stretched tightly over his reflection's waist to a bright red tartan micro-skirt which then jutted out with his womanly hips. This ended after only a few inched to give way to an expanse of fantastic thighs. His legs were hairless and perfect, stretching down to be encased in lycra white knee socks. These completed the reflections long legs by entering a shining pair of high-heeled mary-jane shoes. John could see now the clacking 4" heels and knew that he must somehow be shorter, given that even with these torture devices on, the world seemed to loom around him. It was then that John noticed that the mirror he was looking at showed another mirror, giving him a back profile. It showed the pristine white panties that he wore, that, covering his huge bubble-butt prevented his tiny skirt from hiding them. And John saw the double reflected embroidery across his arse clearly showing in scripted pink letters "Spank Me". "This is so, like, not cool, cutie!" squealed John, finding his voice was now a sexy soprano, reminiscent of Marylin Monroe, or an over-excited Jayne Mansfield. "Now, now, don't get your pretty lil' knickers in a twist, Candi," soothed Rachel. "I'm sure you'll se things my way once I've told you a bit about your new life- better yet, let's have Sophia do it!" John was aghast, and turned to the salon entrance just in time to see Sophia walk through the door. "Well, well. You turned out very nicely. Very nicely indeed, Candi," said Sophia as she walked in measured paces towards the now shorter John. "Like, Sophia, sweetie?!" exclaimed John in his breathy tones. "I think you probably want an explanation Candi," said Sophia curtly. "You see, I wanted revenge for you going behind my back, and I wanted revenge, by proxy if you will, for your company taking business away from US counterparts. All in all I think I got what I wanted. To be honest though I don't think you will care to much about reasons once I have told you a few more things about yourself, thanks to the brilliant Rachel-" Sophia paused to nod towards her partner. "Who has got you well conditioned my little Bimbo. But first let's have a few tests. What's your name?" "Candi!" exclaimed John, in a horribly bubbly way, his voice in no way under his control. "And your full name?" "Candice A. Goodleigh!" replied John, wincing as he realised his 'new' name sounded like he was saying "Candi's a good lay!" in his new voice. "And how old are you?" "I'm *giggle*, like, 18 but I'm still in school, 'cos they don't think I'm like smart and stuff, but that's sooo totally not true-" John found himself gushing nonsensically, until Sophia raised a hand silencing him. "Would you like some gum Candi?" "WOW! *giggle*, like totally!" John squealed embarrassingly, eliciting a snigger from Rachel. Sophia handed him a bright pink stick of bubblegum and it was only a moment before John founding himself chewing happily on the pink wad, his mouth stupidly open and his eyes a vacant partner to his bimbo smile. "You see Candi, we have you well conditioned. From now on, when you talk you'll talk bimbo drivel. When asked anything academic, you'll give a wrong answer or just a confused look. I'm going to take you back to the US with me and enrol you at a school just long enough for you to be become the biggest slut and most pathetic drop-out they've ever had. And when you flunk out of school, I'm going to disown your ditzy, boy-crazy, bimbo arse. And then it just gets better. You'll find yourself compelled to get a job in the most degrading places for the most lecherous men you can find. Maybe you'll be sleazy bar waitress, or a stripper slut or just a dumb PA groped and boned by her boss over his desk. Isn't it just delicious!" John could only look through Candi's eyes and giggle whilst his future was laid out. He could already see himself wiggling and jiggling and giggling down some American highschool's halls. He could see himself throwing himself at any male who even spoke to her. He could see himself giving nonsensical answers to questions, and barely making misspelled notes in a flowery bimbo script with hearts dotting his letters. He could see it all and do nothing but smile and giggle like a true bimbo, blowing his pretty pink bubbles in his spank me panties. Sophia's words were suddenly repeated and cutting. "I hope you're happy with your life, Candi."

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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was summer 65 and a bunch of my mates and I travelled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island NZ, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday Bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls there and no...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of ’65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of...

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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

About 4:30 p.m. Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind. He had her meet him at their home and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him glass for...

3 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

Introduction: The final in my summer adventure. Ohope Beach Chapter Three About 4:30pm Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind, he had her meet him at their home, and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get...

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Ohope Beach Chapter Two

We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...

3 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter two

Introduction: More on the summer holiday adventures Ohope Beach, Chapter two I at last have the time to write about some of the more erotic happenings in my long time passion of chasing the female sex. The stories are all as factual as I can make them. But obviously you forget the actual dialog and also in the telling over the years, things get juiced up a little. But they are definitely based on actual happenings. Chapter two. We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much...

1 year ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

About 4:30 p.m. Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind. He had her meet him at their home and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him glass for...

Wife Lovers
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Ohope Beach Chapter Two

We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of '65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls...

Wife Lovers
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“Sean, our little league is short a baseball coach. You would be perfect for the job.” “Yeah? How much does it pay?” “You know it’s voluntary.” “Yeah? I’m crazy about you Roxanne, but I know you. You aren’t going to let this be voluntary.” “Get a life my love. Since you graduated high school, about the only time you get out of the house is with me.” “Well that’s because I work at home.” As a freshmen Sean designed web pages for some friends. It came naturally to him. It...

4 years ago
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Youre Mine

Standing in the shower, soapy hands in my hair, absentmindedly working the lather as I think of all that we’ve shared, and your words echo through my mind as I lean back against the wall. ‘You’re mine.’ Reaching to finger my clit as I remember your face, only inches from mine, and your breath against my skin, as you hissed, ‘You’re mine. Only mine.’ and I know that I am… that it’s all I ever want to be. I press one finger into my tight, hot pussy, already longing for you in ways that I’ve never...

2 years ago
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Do You Think Youre Beautiful Now

“How can anyone, especially you, find all this” — you wave your hand around, gesturing to your naked body lying before Tom on his bed — “attractive?” “You see fault where I find beauty,” he says gently, running the backs of his fingers down your cheek. The corner of his mouth turns up. “By the end of this night, you will feel as if you could tempt a saint.” “Why would I want to do that?” you ask. “I’ve already got you… Haven’t I?” Tom bends down and places his lips on your collarbone while...

1 year ago
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Youre gonna make me cum again

I can see the steam escaping from the bathroom and know you’re in the shower. Just imaging about how you’re soaping your body up makes my folds ache. I can literally feel my heartbeat making my clit pulse. Moving as silently as the wind, I creep to the bathroom door. It feels good to be naughty. Your bathroom door is slightly open, a ray of golden light shines on the floor. I’m a guest in your home. I shouldn’t be invading your privacy, after all the kindness you have bestowed on me. It’s...

3 years ago
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Youre beautiful to me

This is an earlier work with some tweaks. What would happen, I wonder, if I watched you… well, watched you touch yourself? Could you? Would you like it? Would you start out slow and gentle, music, soft candlelight? Would you wear something comfortable, silky on your smooth skin? Maybe you’d enjoy a glass of wine perhaps, maybe two just to lubricate the moment, the tangy taste of the wine waking up your senses. Maybe you’d begin long before I got there with a soaking bath, the tepid water...

2 years ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Chapter 7

You're My Bitch Now Chapter SevenRick kept his eyes closed and jumped as he felt Chris touch his chin with his fingertips, but he almost swooned as he felt the lipstick slide across his puckered lips. It felt soft and slippery and exciting and he felt dizzy as Chris rolled the lipstick across his lips. ‘How does that feel, Rikkie? It looks so sweet on you. Open your eyes now and come have a look.’ Chris took Rick gently by the hand and led him across to the mirror. Rick opened his eyes and...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

1 year ago
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Three Strikes And Youre Out

I waited, eagerly anticipating. Kneeling. Legs spread wide. Breasts out. Back straight. Arms folded behind me. I am fully exposed, completely vulnerable … just the way you like me to be. Minutes tick by at a snails pace. How long I’ve been here, waiting, I am not sure. I have lost track of time, and now, my legs are going numb. Where is Master? I wondered, shamefully remembering why it is that you have banished me to this solitude. “But …” I whined. I knew my word choice would anger you, and...

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Why there are safety procedures when working with other lifeforms

It was in the depts of the hostile sea that covers planet SG-58231 that it was found. Though found is not the right word to describe what happened. Agnes was there, the one, lucky intern in Nasa’s most coveted crew, the crew that gets to plant an American flag in new worlds, unveils environments never before seen or touched by humans, plans and executes the initial research necessary before anything found is deemed safe enough to be shipped back to Earth for further examination. They entered...

4 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

2 years ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself, one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened...

4 years ago
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Youre A Fucking Good Whore

It was a Saturday night. Wearing my short dress with nothing underneath, I was dancing on the dance floor in a club. Men were coming closer to me, talking to me, touching my ass. I was enjoying it all, but for the past few minutes, I was constantly making an eye contact with the man sitting at the bar. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was tall, with short black hair and beautiful eyes. He was wearing a black suit with white shirt. We smiled looking at each other. A man came...

3 years ago
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Youre a Treasure

The first time you finally get physical with a new partner is always a little surprising. Sometimes it’s set up. Sometimes it just happens. But however it comes about, it’s never what you expect. Take my first time with Jeremy for example. He and I had been dating for a couple months, and it was going extremely well! I had met him in my English Literature class during my sophomore year in college, and his insightful opinions had immediately caught my attention. He’d seemed to me the type of guy...

1 year ago
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Just Do What Youre Told Part Four

It had been almost a week since the day of Susan’s first (and second) enema. As instructed, she worked all day on her essay describing everything that happened that day. Bill expected not only comprehensive details of the actual events, but also insisted on clear expressions of how Susan felt during each story point. Susan had no idea why Bill was having her do this but she was sure that she would find out in due course. She also knew that whatever it was, she would like it. Susan found...

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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

4 years ago
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Youre Joking Right

She timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell. Ashley just grinned wickedly when she told him. She looked smug and superior, but she also knew things about Brad. She knew he thought she didn’t know about it, because she hadn’t mentioned it in the month that had passed since it happened. She knew that he would be shocked...

2 years ago
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Sharing is Caring when youre at work

I wake with my pussy drenched. My fingernail lightly dragging over the lips of my mound. My bedroom bathed in an eerie green neon light from the building across the street from my apartment. The frost on the window catching all the lights, making intricate patterns that my mind cannot make out.  I’ve other things on my mind this morning than light patterns.  A rouge finger slips between the lips of my pussy, I feel my heat. I feel my wetness. Shivering with the icy temperature of my finger,...

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Youre a little shit you know that

I get home from work and I can’t wait to drop into my bed. Another day … another dollar. But sometimes it’s hard being the bread-winner. The newspaper is lodged in the bushes. Shit, I can’t reach that, I think. Opening the front door, I’m greeted by the smell of burnt food. Waffles … bread … muffins? Whatever it was, it’s burned to hell and another waste of the groceries I just bought. Walking into the kitchen, I’m greeted by a pile of dishes in the sink. Plates, cups, roasting tins, and the...

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Youre Fired

‘Mark!’ Olivia shouted her secretary’s name from the corner of her office. Her head was buried in a file cabinet. Olivia was in her 40s and was a senior account manager at Wilson and Oldsten, the most prestigious advertising agency in the state. She was tall and blonde, with striking nordic features. She had a hard driving personality that, combined with her good looks, had fueled her meteoric rise through the company. Mark walked into the room. He had been Olivia’s secretary for only two...

4 years ago
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Youre Not Naughty Boy

She stared into the computer, a 40 year old woman, and asked herself, ‘What am I doing?’ She was dirty blonde, with light olive skin and average size for a plus size model – though she was only 5′ 3”. 190 pounds of sexual hunger with 38DDD’s so she didn’t need to… But she still went on to type up a meeting place near by. She was still really hesitant to be doing this at all so she picked a place near by where she could easily hide and see what he looked like and run home and block him if he...

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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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