Detective's Blues, Chapter Thirteen free porn video

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Chapter Thirteen A sea of masked faces looked up at Ted Phillips and the tall leggy girl with the long dark hair. Jim and I watched with horror as Phillips handed the brunette beauty's leash to the man who had just bought her. Eagerly, the man took hold of the leash and looked over his prize. Her hands, like ours, where cuffed tightly behind her back, leaving her totally at his mercy. Her long and shapely legs were clad in shear dark stockings and three inch black pumps. She wore a short and very low cut French maid's costume and a small black mask covering the top half of her face. All eyes in the crowded ball room watched her hips twitch back and forth seductively as she was led off the stage. Once she had disappeared from sight, those eyes all focused on Jim and I, and a rowdy cheer spontaneously erupted from the crowd. Grimly, I assessed the situation. We were totally screwed! I looked out at the all of the faces staring back at us, and my imagination ran rampant. What was going to happen to us? Any one of these people could possibly be purchasing us, and then just like the other three girls before us they would take us back into some seedy bedroom deep inside of this mansion. Some place where nobody would be able to hear our screams as they took advantage of us in any way that they wanted. That knowledge both filled me with dread and...well, a small thrill of anticipation. Phillips walked back to where Jim and I were waiting and took hold of her leash. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," Phillips spoke into the microphone as he headed back to the edge of the stage. "We're down to our last two lovely ladies! What am I offered for this beautiful blonde? The bidding starts at one thousand dollars!" A forest of arms thrust up into the air from the audience as the bidding began. The price quickly increased to three thousand dollars, and the throng of bidders slowly dwindled down to three men. Phillips expertly worked the bids, cajoling and flattering the participants into spending ever more of their hard earned cash. The price was soon at the five thousand dollar amount, and when one of the bidders dropped out it was down to two men. One was a short, stocky white man dressed as Dracula. The other was a tall, muscular black man dressed like a cowboy. Egged on by the man in a Zorro costume standing next to him, the cowboy raised the bid to fifty two hundred dollars, and Dracula reluctantly conceded. Jim looked paralyzed as the cowboy mounted the stage on unsteady legs and staggered over to collect his prize. He was obviously very drunk. The crowd went wild when he seized Jim by the waist, pulled her tight against him and gave her a big kiss. As he led her away by her leash, she gave me the frightened look of a lamb being led to slaughter. Then it was my turn. I was in a state of shock combined with extreme stage fright as Phillips took me by my leash and led me up to the edge of the stage. "And here we are, ladies and gentlemen. Four gone and only one remains. And it seems as if we've saved the best for last, have we not?" The crowd roared in agreement, apparently liking what they were seeing. I suppose the spectacle of a beautiful, well stacked woman dressed in a short, low cut French maid's costume being paraded about for their pleasure appealed to them. Phillips had me spin around so that the crowd could see me from all angles, and wolf whistles and lewd comments floated out over the crowd. The men who were standing at the foot of the stage I noticed were looking right up under my skirt and frilly, puffy petticoats to my nearly bare ass, covered only by the skimpiest of lacy black thong panties. I idly wondered if they could see the end of the butt plug that was lodged deep inside my rectum. "Alright friends, it's time to get busy! You've missed out on the last four lovely ladies, so this is your last chance. If you want to make some time with this ravishing young lady, it's time to loosen up those wallets and bid!" The well lubricated crowd laughed and cheered, and my auction began. "She seems to be very popular with you folks, so I think we'll start the bidding at three thousand dollars! Are there any takers?" Once again a forest of arms stretched towards the ceiling, and the bids quickly pushed the asking price up to the five thousand dollar mark. By that time most of the other bidders had dropped out, and only a hard core group of about nine men and one woman continued to bid. By the eight thousand dollar mark, only three gentlemen remained. The price continued to rise as Herndon exhorted them to ever higher sums, and one by one the other two men gave up the fight. "Going once, going twice, going three times! Sold, to Senor Zorro," chanted Phillips, and for the final bid of nine thousand three hundred dollars, I was sold to the gentleman in the Zorro costume. He stalked up onto the stage to claim his prize, a tall, slim white man with dark hair and even darker eyes peering from behind his mask. Gripping me possessively by my upper arm, he waved to the crowd to acknowledge their cheers. He turned me to face him and his strong arms pulled me against his hard, muscular chest, crushing my breasts between us. He tried to kiss me but I turned my head, attempting to evade his lips. His strong hand firmly grasped my chin and forced me to face him. I looked into the dark, fathomless depths of his eyes as his lips captured mine, much to the titillation of the cheering crowd. I was led across the stage to the exit, feeling like a prized heifer that had just been sold for a handful of magic beans. The goon who had shoved the butt plug up my ass earlier held the stage door for us as we made our exit. He gave me a secret smile as I passed, and I did my best to ignore him. "Mr. Phillips asked me to show you to your room, sir," he said to my purchaser. With one of Zorro's hands tightly gripping my arm and the other holding my leash, we followed behind him. The stage door opened onto a hallway that looked like something you'd see in some European palace. Hand painted ceilings sixteen feet into the air, elaborate trim work, and expensive looking oil paintings hanging from the walls. Our escort led us down the hallway, up a short flight of stairs, down another hallway and finally through a tall set of double doors made from oak. The room was well lit, and very spacious. A large low bed with an ornate brass headboard sat on one side of the room. A huge plasma screen TV occupied the entire opposite wall, and an open entrance way across from me led to a large bathroom. To either side of the bed were large floor to ceiling shelves, and on those shelves sat a wide assortment of sex toys, whips, gags, and bondage devices. The sight of these objects and what they were used for filled me with sudden dread. This man was a total stranger, and could be into all sorts of weird stuff. What kind of trouble was I in for? "Is there anything else you might need, sir?" asked the goon. Zorro, as I had come to know him, untied his cape and threw it on the bed. "I think some champagne might be in order," he replied. The goon hurried off, shutting the door behind him and leaving me alone with Zorro. His dark, magnetic eyes looked me up and down from behind his mask, and goosebumps rose on the exposed flesh of my arms and shoulders. "What was your name again, my dear?" he asked softly. "Julie," I replied nervously, repeating my latest lie. His hand reached out and softly caressed my cheek. "Julie...that's short for Juliet, isn't it? So pretty!" he whispered. His voice was very soft, but his face looked so hard and cruel. He withdrew his hand, and started to unbuckle the sword belt around his waist. Timidly, I asked, "What's your name? He laughed. "You may call me Master, Juliet," he said as he unbuttoned his black shirt to expose his chiseled chest and well defined six-pack. He grinned at me as I stood there staring at him, helpless and wide-eyed as he kicked off his black leather boots, unbuckled his tight black pants and slid them down his thick, muscular legs. "And as your Master, I command you to get on your knees, Juliet." Helplessly, my arms bound behind me, I lowered myself until my nylon encased knees were resting on the thick shag carpeting and my eyes were on the same level as his semi erect penis. "That's better," he said, and he walked over to the shelves lining the far wall and perused the collection of goodies there. "I think we need to make clear right from the start exactly where your place is, Juliet. And that place is on your knees," he said, looking over a few items until he found what he wanted: a leather riding crop. With a wicked smile he returned and stood in front of me, the riding crop clenched in his strong hand. "You may start by kissing my feet, slave." Tears of self pity formed in my eyes as I sadly realized that no hero was going to save me here. There was going to be no last minute rescue. I had no choice but to go along. I bent at the waist and brought my lips to his feet. "Ah, that's a good girl. Now work your way upwards." Following his command, I began to plant a trail of moist kisses up his legs. By the time I'd reached his thighs, it was plain to see that he was becoming aroused by the sight of me groveling before him. I watched as his penis grew, stretching out thick and hard from the forest of pubic hair at the base of his flat, hard belly. And unbidden, I could feel a desire beginning to build up inside of myself as well. Once again, my weak female body was unable to remain composed in the face of a strong, healthy, attractive male. When I'd reached the top of his thighs, only inches from his fully erect penis, he looked down at me and smiled. "Beg for my cock," he commanded. I eyed the riding crop in his hand and said in my most sincere voice, "Please, Master. Please let me suck your cock. Please?" "All right, sweetheart," he whispered down to me. "Since you asked so nicely, you have my permission to take my cock into your mouth." Like a good girl I did not argue and instead brought my lips up to his hardened shaft. I slipped the head past my lips and quickly soaked it in my saliva, savoring once again the familiar taste of man flesh. I sucked on the large purple head of his cock, and I immediately tasted the salty flavor of his pre-cum on my tongue as it slowly oozed out. "Ooohh, you're soooo good, darling. You must have had a lot of practice sucking cocks. I wonder just how many have been pushed past your sweet lips," he asked. I ignored his questions and continued to lap at the fat head of his cock. I could tell my mouth was already having an affect on him because his breathing began to come in shallow breaths. I lavished it with wet kisses and sucked on it as hard as I could in an effort to draw his cum out as quickly as possible. This elicited a series of grunts and groans from Master, and I could tell he was getting close to the point of no return. "Damn..." he moaned as he grabbed my head and started to feed me more of his cock. "You give such good head...I wonder which is better...Your tight little pussy...or your hot...fucking...mouth." Holding my face between his two strong hands, he began to rhythmically thrust more and more of his long, thick cock past my slurping lips and deep into the back of my throat. My lips and nose began to bounce in and out of his pubic hair as he rapidly pistoned into my mouth. "Oh yeah...that's little whore," he moaned as his breathing began to come in short gasps. I knew from past experience that this meant that he was about to spurt his cum into my mouth. And sure enough his legs tensed, his cock jerked and his balls began to empty their gooey contents into my waiting mouth. He buried himself deep in my throat as he sprayed my tonsils with warm, thick semen. Low, animal grunts escaped his lips with every spasm of his pumping prick. "Oh yeeaah...swallow it, swallow it all you little bitch," he groaned as he began to milk the last few drops from his thick cock into my open mouth. "Yeah...that's it. Drink it all down!" I did as he commanded, swallowing everything that he carefully deposited into my mouth. Slowly his orgasm subsided and I could feel the last of his semen trickle out onto my tongue as he released his grip on my head. As I tried to catch my breath, he laughed. "You suck cock like a pro! I can't wait to see how well you perform under the sheets!" He helped me to my feet and led me over towards the bed. I climbed on top, but since my arms were bound behind my back, he had to help arrange me so that I was on my knees with face in the comforter and my ass in the air. He slid his fingers under my panties and pulled them down to my knees and then off. He chuckled when he saw the butt plug. "Well, well, well. Look's like someone's been a bad girl. Who put this inside of you?" Embarrassed, I kept silent. Unfortunately, that was the wrong response. Before I could react he raised the riding crop and brought it smartly down on my upraised ass. My yelp of pain still echoing off the walls, he asked, "I expect an answer when I ask you a question. Now who put this plug up your ass?" Tears welling up in my eyes, I quickly answered, "Mr. Phillip's hired help. Mr. Phillips ordered them to do it." "And why?" he asked, placing his hand over my vagina and rubbing his middle finger on my clitoris. "Because I was late to the party," I moaned. His finger felt so good, scratching the itch that was developing deep inside of me. "Well I hope that you learned your lesson," he chuckled as he played with the plug, twisting it inside of me and gently pulling on it as he continued to strum my clitoris with his finger. I moaned, a long, low, needy moan. He had me right where he wanted me, my pussy sopping wet and craving his hard cock. "You little whore. You need a fuck, and you need it bad." He lay down on his back on the bed next to me and ordered me to suck him to another erection. When he quickly responded to my eager ministrations, I was then told to straddle his body, which wasn't easy with my arms secured behind my back. He held his cock pointing straight up and smiled as I slowly allowed myself to become impaled on it. He just lay there at first, smiling contentedly up at me, and I found I that I wasn't in control of myself as my pelvis began to slowly to grind itself against his. Waves of pleasure radiated from my clitoris as it rubbed back and forth into his rough pubic hair. He reached under my voluminous petticoats and grabbed my ass with his strong hands, urging me to go faster. The top of my dress had just been pulled down so that he could suck on my breasts when I heard a knock on the door behind me. "Who is it?" asked Master, continuing to stroke his fat cock into my vagina. I heard a muffled voice say "I brought the champagne, sir." "Come in and leave it on the table," he commanded. I started to protest but he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down to him, cutting off my words with a kiss. As his tongue snaked into my mouth, I heard the door opening and someone enter the room. He continued to pound deep inside me as I heard the pop of a cork, and the sound of liquid being poured into a glass. Then something happened that I hadn't been expecting. I felt the bed sag as another body climbed onto it, and then I felt a strange pair of hands touching my bare ass! I broke the kiss and tried to turn around and see what was going on, but Master wrapped his arms around me and held me still as the stranger pushed my petticoats out of the way, grasped the end of the butt plug and started to pull it out. I groaned as the widest portion stretched my anus to the point of intense pain, and then it was free. My bottom felt loose and empty after being stuffed for so long with the plug. Unfortunately, it didn't remain that way for long. Whoever was behind me changed their position, and then I felt some thing else going up my ass. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what it was. It was another cock, and from the sensations coming from my poor stretched anus it was very long and very thick, stretching me even further that the butt plug had. Master finally loosened his grip, and I was able crane my neck enough to see who was now behind me, thrusting his thick penis into my ass. It was Ted Phillips. He smiled from behind his mask when he saw the shocked expression on my face, and he grunted, "Your butt is so nice and tight." All I could do was moan as both cocks started to move inside of me, separated by only a thin wall of tissue deep inside of my belly. They proceeded to bang the holy hell out of me. They must have done this before, because they knew exactly what to do. They took turns slamming their pricks into me. One would pull out and the other would plunge in, over and over and over again. The world spun around me as I started to cum, helplessly bucking on their rampaging cocks. When they sensed that I was at my climax they changed tactics; both of them rammed their stiff cocks into me at the same time, and my orgasm began to grow even bigger, pulsing throughout my body. Both men quickened their pace, and just before I passed out I felt their cocks jerking inside of me as I was filled with their semen. ....................................................................... When I came to, I was lying on my back with a pillow under my head. My hands had been uncuffed, and they had taken off my mask, my dress and the petticoats. The men lay on either side of me, propped up by pillows and watching the local news on the large screen TV. They both still wore their masks, but otherwise they were nude. "She's awake," said Phillips to his companion. To me he said, "You gave us quite a scare, Janet. I was on the verge of calling a doctor." It took me a moment to realize that he'd called me by my real name. Well, at least the name of the woman whose body I was in. "My name is Julie," I nervously corrected him. "No it isn't," he sighed, and then said quietly, "The masquerade is over now, Janet. It's time to quit playing games. Your name isn't Julie, and to tell the real truth, your name really isn't Janet either. It's Bill, isn't it?" I was so shocked to be called by my real name for the first time in nearly two weeks that I didn't even think about lying. " do you know my name?" "Because we know everything about you, Bill. We know that you've been hiding inside of that beautiful woman that you've become, and trying in vain to convince yourself that you're still a man, but it's not working, is it?" My mouth dropped open, and I asked weakly, "How would you know that?" "Because we've been watching you, Bill. Ever since you became Janet Washington we've been keeping a careful eye on you. No expense has been spared in following you and catching you on film with our hidden cameras. Your every move has been orchestrated and watched by us. You've literally been a bug under our microscope." "Cameras? What cameras?" "We've built up quite a library on you. Would you care to see?" Slack jawed, I could only nod my head. He got up off the bed and walked over to the wide screen TV. Without the motorcycle policeman's costume on, I could see his blonde hair and his toned muscular physique. There was no doubt that he was the stranger that I'd seen on Rocco's video tape as well as the photos that I'd stolen from Rodney Smith. He picked up some DVDs and loaded them into a multi-disk player. Picking up the remote, he walked back over to the bed and lay back down beside me. "This is a collection of some of my favorite clips." He pressed a button on the remote, and I saw Janet's...or what was now my face, impaled on a large black penis that looked exactly like James'. In fact, it was James'. It looked like we were in the copy room of my office back in DC. "That's you sucking your first cock! Doesn't it bring back memories?" He chuckled. He pressed another button, and a different clip began to play. This one appeared to show Janet's bedroom in the townhouse she shared with her two roommates in Alexandria. It was almost too dark to make out clearly what was going on, but you could see that a woman was tied to a bed and was being enthusiastically screwed by the man lying on top of her. "And that was your first fuck! How sweet." I was shell shocked. First the auction, then the wild and kinky sex, and now this. Stuttering slightly, I asked, "W-w-w-why are you showing me this?" "But isn't this what you wanted? Answers? Isn't this what you've been searching for ever since you became Janet Washington?" He pressed another button, and there I was again, sucking Joe Lorton's cock on my knees in my own office. "Isn't that why you came to my party tonight?" He hit the remote, and my image appeared yet again, on my knees in front of James, sucking his long black penis in our bedroom at the half moon resort. He looked at me from behind his mask, his eyes a wild and crazy blue. "Who are you? And why are you doing this?" I asked desperately. "He laughed. "Who do you think I am?" "'re Ted Phillips...aren't you?" "Well, yes, I guess that right now I am Ted Phillips, multi-millionaire and social butterfly. But just a few short weeks ago, I was known as Janet Washington. You do remember me, don't you? But I guess it's hard to forget me when you see my face every time you look in the mirror!" He laughed deep and long at the confused expression on my face. Seeing as I'd been franticly searching for her and thinking of nothing else for the past few weeks, I guess that I took the news pretty calmly. I turned to the other man who shared the bed with us and asked, "So if she's...if he's Janet, then that makes you..." He laughed, and spoke for the first time since I'd awakened. "That's right, Bill. My name is William Herndon!" He took off his mask, and I suddenly became sick with shock. The very familiar face of Joe Lorton smiled wickedly back at me. With a terrible rush of hind sight, it all became clear to me. The offers of large sums of money, the private jet, the expensive resort accommodations. He'd been leading us around by the nose the entire time! "Surprised, Bill?" he gloated. "Mr. Lorton's body has enabled me to keep very close tabs on you. And the fact that he was an old friend of James has only helped!" He watched me on the TV as I made love to James, and he laughed. "Everything has worked exactly according to my plan! We've turned you into a first class slut, my dear. All in all, I'd have to say that my revenge is nearly complete!" "Once we'd stolen the prototype from that troglodyte Rocco Tortelli," he explained, "Janet and I realized that not only could we become filthy, stinking rich, but also we could have our revenge on all of those who had done us wrong! And you, my dear Ms. Richmond, were at the very top of my list! You took away my job as a congressman, my reputation, my ruined me! All because I was a gay man trying to live his life in your homophobic little world. And now not only is your pathetic detective agency out of business, you are the one who is being chased and bedded by men. I love it!" Something didn't seem to add up. "If you're William Herndon, then how do you explain having sex with me? A gay man would be repulsed at the thought of having sex with a woman, and he wouldn't be able to get it up. You're obviously not gay!" He frowned and said, "Sadly, I've found that my mind is bent to the will of the body which I inhabit. If I occupy a heterosexual male's body, I am sexually attracted to women, whether I like it or not. But oddly enough, I still retain my natural attraction to men. I guess you could say that if one exchanges bodies with someone of the opposite sex, or if a straight person exchanges bodies with a gay, the net effect is that that person is now a bisexual! Rather strange, eh?" I couldn't argue with his logic. Now that I was a woman, I was strongly attracted to men, but I still liked women as well. I thought for a moment before I asked, "Which one of you stole my body, where is it, and what did you do with it once you had swapped with me?" Janet looked at me and smiled. "It was me, of course." So much for Rocco's theory of Herndon being the lone perpetrator. These two had been working as a team. "Once I'd taken your body," he began, "I followed William's plan and immediately boarded a plane for Jamaica. William knew of a certain Ted Phillips who happened to be another closet gay. With your handsome male body and the information William had supplied me with I was easily able to pick him up at a bar he frequented and start an affair with him. I must say that it was very novel at first, to have sex with a man and yet to be a man yourself." He paused long enough to take a sip of his champagne and continued. "He was young, good looking and wealthy beyond measure, but after a few days I tired of it. So I took his body according to our plan and left him with yours. Unfortunately, he suffered a tragic misfortune when he "accidentally" drowned." I was horrified. Not only had these monsters killed another human being, but they'd destroyed my only hope of ever returning to my life as a man. Janet saw the look on my face and added, "Don't torture yourself thinking about it, Bill. Even if your body was still alive, we wouldn't allow you to return to it. That's just not in the cards for you." Herndon downed the last of his champagne, and said, "Bill, why don't you pour us another glass and I'll tell you what we have planned for you!" I wanted to come back with an angry retort, but over the last few weeks I had learned the hard way that sometimes it is better to submit than to fight a losing battle. Reluctantly, I bit my tongue and climbed off the bed wearing just the black garter belt, sheer black nylons and the pushup bra. I walked over to the ice bucket and grabbed the bottle of chilled wine. As I returned to the bed, I noticed that Janet's policeman's uniform lay on the floor in a pile, and that on top of the pile was the gun belt. Protruding from the holster was the butt of a gun. I looked up, hoping they hadn't noticed where my eyes had been. I returned to the bed and refilled their glasses, and I stood there holding the bottle as they toasted to their success and drank deeply. "Well Bill, we've had a lot of fun at your expense, but we plan to make up for it. Right, Janet?" Janet looked at him and laughed. "Right!" "You see Bill, we've come to the realization that you've developed a deep rooted love of cocks. From these home videos we've made, it seems like your favorite thing in the whole wide world is a hard cock, and we've found a way to make sure that you always have a ready supply. I know of a brothel in Kingston that would love the opportunity to buy a beautiful young woman such as yourself. They'd keep you locked in a room, and you'd be able to take care of eight or ten customers a day. Just think, every day you'd get ten new cocks to suck! Wouldn't that be great? Plenty of cocks for you to hold, cocks for you to suck on, and cocks to fuck your tight little pussy!" He laughed and drank his champagne. "Now put that champagne back on ice and get your sweet ass back here in bed. I think I want to fuck you one more time before you have to leave!" I don't think I've ever hated another human being as much as I hated William Herndon at that moment. But I didn't reply to his baiting. I just turned away and put the bottle back in the ice bucket as he'd ordered. On the way back to the bed, as they laughed at their joke and drank the last of their champagne, I quickly knelt down, picked up the gun belt and drew the weapon from the leather holster. What I drew from that holster was not a firearm, as I had originally thought it might be, but a stun gun. To be more precise, it was a Tazer X26 stun gun. Back when I'd still had my detective agency, I'd idly thought about purchasing one, and I'd even tried test firing a few models at the local firing range. As I looked down the sights at those two assholes lying on the bed, it took a lot of will power to not squeeze the trigger. Their laughter abruptly stopped when they saw me standing there in firing position with the stun gun clasped in my hands, pointed directly at them. "Now now, Bill, let's not get carried away here," said Herndon in a shocked voice. Janet just laid there, a panicked look on his face. I grinned triumphantly. "Gentlemen, keep absolutely still. I'm a very good shot, and right now I've got it aimed right at your balls. You'll get a 50,000 volt shock right into your nut sack if you even move one muscle!" Both men lay perfectly still, but Herndon still had to run his mouth. "There's a guard right outside this room! If he hears anything he'll come busting through the door and fill you full of holes, you crazy bitch!" I ignored him and moved over to the shelves by the bed, keeping the stun gun on them the entire time. With my free hand I pulled two sets of wrist binders from the shelf and tossed them onto the bed. "Put those on your wrists, and now! Do it!" Janet scrambled to do as I said, quickly buckling the leather cuffs onto her wrists. Herndon hesitated, but he could tell I meant business so he grudgingly followed my orders. When they had finished, I gave my next order. "Roll over onto your belly, Herndon." He did so, and I had Janet pull his arms back and clip the wrist restraints together. When I was sure that Herndon was secured, I ordered Janet face down and clipped his wrists together with one hand while I held the stun gun with the other. Satisfied that both men were sufficiently restrained, I lowered the gun and went back to the shelves where I selected a ball gag and two sets of ankle restraints. I returned to the bed and with little trouble I had those two trussed up like two Christmas turkeys. I put the ball gag on Herndon, because he looked like he'd be the trouble maker. Janet appeared to be frightened, which was exactly what I wanted. I stood back and admired my handy work for a moment before I finally spoke. "All right, boys. We're going to play a little game here. I'm going to ask some questions, and you're going to answer. Understand?" They both nodded, and I continued. "Where is James Arlington?" I asked Herndon. "He was supposed to be with you in Kingston!" Understandably, Herndon couldn't talk with the gag in his mouth, so Janet spoke for him. "He's here, of course." "Here at the mansion?" "Yes. Since he was pretending to be Joe Lorton, Herndon had to keep up pretenses, so he brought James along with him. You might remember seeing him. He was dressed up like a cowboy. He bought my old friend, know, the blonde..." "You mean that they're..." "Yes. They're in the room just two doors down the hallway." Anger and jealousy filled my mind, and I wanted more than anything to fire the stun gun, but I held onto my temper and asked the next question. "Is James involved with you and your little plot?" "No, he's just a greedy fool. We duped him into thinking we would be paying him a lot of money." Somewhat relieved, I asked the most important question of all. "Where is the prototype?" Janet hesitated, and Herndon rolled his eyes wildly and tried to speak from behind the gag. "Well, where is it? I'm growing impatient here!" I demanded. "It's not here," she replied convincingly. "Wrong answer." I squeezed the trigger and with a small pop two darts trailing a fine wire behind them flew through the air and dug into Herndon's chest. He immediately began to flop around on the bed like a fish, screaming into his gag. It lasted about five seconds, and then he lay still. I removed the cartridge from the nose of the gun and replaced it with a fresh one from the gun belt. "I'll ask you one more time, Janet. This next one is for you." It didn't take him long to make up his mind. "It's behind you! On the TV stand!" Underneath of the gigantic TV sat several expensive electronic devices, but what I was interested in was in a nondescript brown metal box the size and shape of a brief case, complete with a handle. I picked it up, brought it over to the bed and opened it up. I had seen the original memory transfer device that Rocco Tortelli had in his possession, but this little gem was so much smaller. And instead of the large and cumbersome helmets that the original used, this one had what looked like two stereo headphones tucked inside of the case. I closed the case and asked one more question. "How many guards are in the hallway?" "Just one," he replied. Satisfied that he was telling the truth, I grabbed another gag from off of the shelf. Instead of a ball this one was shaped like a short, thick penis, which I shoved into his mouth and then strapped it snuggly around his head. Then I went to the door and opened it, the stun gun hidden behind my back. With my ample breasts on display in my push up bra, it was easy to lure the guard into the room, where I gave him a shot of juice from the tazer. He was so big and strong that I had to give it to him twice before he would lie down and stay there. I used more of the bondage gear to tie him up as well. I was practically naked, so I pulled on the oversized shirt from Janet's policeman's costume and buckled the gun belt around my slim waist. I left the memory transfer device on the bed and made my way down the hall in my stocking clad feet. The party had ended hours ago, and the house was silent. I quietly opened the door that Janet had indicated and slipped inside. The room was pitch dark. I fumbled for the light switch, but when I found it nothing happened. I slowly made my way across the room to where I could hear two people breathing deeply, apparently asleep. I could smell Jim's perfume as I bumped into the bed and reached down to touch what felt like the maid's uniform that she had been wearing. I shook her by the shoulder. "Wake up," I whispered. She awoke slowly, and I helped her sit up and then stand. Shushing her, I helped her find her way from the darkened room to the well lit hallway. She was immediately blinded, so I sat her down on a stool by the door. She appeared to be very disorientated, and her hands were still cuffed behind her back. The key was around her neck, so I took it and removed her handcuffs. As she rubbed her sore wrists, I asked her what had happened to her since we'd been separated. "Once that cowboy dragged me off stage, we where led to this room. The lights didn't work, but he didn't care. He fucked the shit out of me, and when he came he rolled over and we fell asleep." I thought quickly. Jim was the only friend I had, and I needed her in a big way. If she knew that she'd just had sex with her own brother, her mind might snap. I had to find a way to avoid telling her the truth. "Come with me honey. I need your help." I led her back to the room I'd just come from, and I could tell that she was shocked to see the three men that I'd trussed up. "Wow, you've been busy, Janet," she commented. "Isn't that Ted Phillips? And that's Joe! What is he doing here? Why did you tie him up?" I didn't have time to go into details, so I said, "Joe Lorton is a traitor. He's the one who set us up for this. And don't worry about what I've been up to. Worry about keeping an eye on these guys. If they try to escape, hit them with this champagne bottle." There was no chance they would be able to escape their bonds, but I needed her to be distracted. "You can count on me, Janet!" I smiled at her bravado, and said, "I'll be back in five minutes. Don't take off their gags or they could scream and call for help." I also didn't want them filling her head with lies. I headed back to the dark room and James's snoring figure. I shook him awake and helped him to his feet. "Ish dat you, Janet? I wash jusht havin' a dream bout you, baby..." he slurred drunkenly. He reeked of alcohol. He leaned heavily on me as I helped him from the room. Once out in the hallway, I noticed that he was still wearing his cowboy shirt, something that Jim might recognize. I sat him down on the same stool and quickly unbuttoned it and removed it. Without the shirt on, James was buck naked. He was so out of it that his head kept lolling back against the wall. I shook him awake again and helped him to his feet, and we made our way back to the room where Jim was waiting. Jim was rather surprised to see her brother. "James is here too?" she asked as I sat him down on the foot of the bed. I quickly cooked up a story about how he'd been drugged and locked in a room down the hall by Joe Lorton and his henchmen, and thankfully she bought it hook, line and sinker. She didn't even mention the fact that he reeked of booze and was as naked as a jaybird. "We need to get out of here, and now," I declared as I picked up the black pants from Herndon's Zorro costume and pulled them up James' legs. "But the question is, which way is out?" Jim pointed down the hall. "There's an exit down the hall and around the corner. I spotted it when I was led in." Jim and I both took one of James arms over our shoulders and we headed out. Sure enough, the exit was just where she said it was. The cool night air felt wonderful after being cooped up inside of that stuffy mansion. We paused just outside the door to give our eyes a chance to adjust to the dark. The grounds appeared to be deserted. We made our way around the building, and came to a small service road. Parked on the side of that road was the same Mercedes sedan that had given us a lift earlier. At the wheel was the same man, sound asleep. I told Jim to watch her brother, and tip toed over towards the car. The man was snoring away, his head back against the head rest. I looked inside and saw that the keys where in the ignition. I pulled out the tazer and shot him in the neck. I opened the door and dragged his limp form from the car, then motioned to Jim where she was waiting in the bushes. Jim helped a staggering James into the back of the car, and then climbed in on the front passenger side. I started the car and slowly pulled away, trying to be as silent as possible. On the visor over my head was a remote control, and when I got to the gate I pushed the button. The gate opened, and I sped through. We where free! As I sped down the dark gravel road, Jim asked me a question. "What went on back there, Janet?" I filled her in on all the important and confusing details of who was in who's body as I drove, leaving out the fact that she'd just been screwed by her own brother. "And now they're going to be looking for us," I finished. "We can't go back to the villa, but fortunately I know a place we can hide until I can find a way off of this island." Jim looked about as happy as any girl could be when she heard the news. "You mean to tell me that with this machine, you can put me back in my own body now? I won't have to be a girl much longer?" I smiled. "Jim, you just follow my lead and I'll have you back in pants in no time." After a harrowing ride home on the unfamiliar left hand side of the road, we arrived at the half moon resort. We parked the car behind the main hotel, and we left James snoozing in the back seat while we went to fetch the golf cart we'd been using. With any luck the car wouldn't be spotted for a day or two. Once we'd returned to the car and loaded James up, we drove down the winding paths until we reached bungalow 234. Leaving James, the memory transfer device and the tazer in the back of the golf cart, Jim and I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. It took a few minutes, but finally a bleary eyed Alphonso Tortelli answered the door. "Damn it, Janet," he mumbled. "This better be good. It's three o'clock in the morning, for crying out loud." "Oh, it's important all right," I explained. "Let us in and I'll fill you in on all the details!" "Who's your friend?" he grumbled sleepily as he opened the door wide and allowed us to enter. Alphonso hadn't met Jim yet, so I made the introductions as Alphonso whipped up a pot of coffee. Alphonso looked Jim over, and joked, "I like the outfit. Are you here to dust the bric-a-brac?" He looked at me dressed in a man's shirt, and he chuckled. "Just what have you two been up to tonight?" "We just got back from a party. And we've got some good news." I took my coffee cup from the kitchen and sat down on the couch in the living room. Alphonso and Jim followed and sat down next to me. "We've found what your Uncle wanted, but now we're in big trouble. People are going to be looking for us, and we need a place to hide. They don't know about you, so I think we'll be safe here, at least for now. We need to get off of this island as soon as possible." I took a sip of coffee and thought for a moment. "I think a plane flight would be out of the question. If someone's looking for us, the airport is the first place they'd cover. A boat might be the best way out. It would only take a day or two to reach another island where they have an airport, and from there we could take a plane back to Washington. We need you to arrange everything for us, Alphonso. They don't know about you, and they'll be looking for us." He had a funny look on his face when he asked, "Sure, Janet, but where is this device my Uncle wants? Before I do anything, I want to see it." "It's out in the golf cart. I'll go get it." The sun was just beginning to rise as I went back outside. James was still snoring peacefully away in the back. I pulled up the back of the shirt I was wearing and tucked the stun gun into my garter belt. Then I pulled the shirt back down, grabbed the memory transfer device and headed back inside. I lay the case on the coffee table and sat down opposite from Jim and Alphonso. Alphonso turned the case towards him and opened the latches. He looked inside, and I could tell he was less than impressed. "This is what we've been looking for? It looks like some piece of cheap stereo equipment. But if this is what my uncle wants, this is what he'll get. You can both leave now." I'd been expecting this, but I played along like I didn't know what he meant. "You and your friend get out of my house, and now!" he shouted. "I don't need you bitches anymore now that I've finally gotten what I want." His face had contorted into an angry mask, and he rose to his feet with his fists clenched. He was the typical wise guy, always looking for something for nothing. "Get out of here before I kick your ass, bitch," he screamed. I for one was tired of being a victim. So with a great amount of glee I pulled the tazer from behind my back and aimed it at his chest. When he saw the stun gun, he tried to jump over the coffee table and tackle me, but the darts caught him in mid leap and I was easily able to dodge his body as he fell at my feet. I quickly reloaded the tazer with a new cartridge as I told Jim, "Take off your stockings and use them to tie up his hands and feet!" She was somewhat stunned by the speed of the events that had just happened, but she reacted quickly and we soon had Alphonso's hands tied behind his back and his ankles tied together. We pulled him to his feet and sat him down on the couch again as he regained consciousness. "You bitches are in big trouble! When I get free I am going to beat your asses black and blue!" His considerable muscles bulged as he fought against his restraints. I looked down at him and smiled. "Nobody is going to be beating anyone else while I'm here, baby. Now you just sit there and be a good boy or I'll be forced to gag you." I turned to Jim. "Well, you wanted to be a man again, Jim. It may not be your original body, but I don't think you'll be coming up short on the deal. This guy's got a great build, he's good looking and he's got a masters degree. You could do a lot worse, you know." "You want me to..." Jim looked Alphonso over, and I could tell she was a little hesitant. "Well, he is a good looking guy, but...well..." "Well what? You've been begging me to find a way to turn you back into a man, and here it is!" She gave me a guilty look and said, "Well, I was kind of getting used to being a girl." I understood Jim's indecisiveness perfectly, but I didn't have time to argue with her. James was still asleep outside, and we needed to get this over with before he woke up or some of Herndon's goons came looking for us. "Look Jim. We need you to be Alphonso just for a few days. We can always swap you back later if you don't like it." "What the fuck are you bitches talking about?" interrupted Alphonso. Jim ignored him and said, "Oh, all right. I guess I can take one for the team, but only if you promise that you'll change me back if I don't like it?" I smiled. "I promise. Now sit down on the couch next to Alphonso." I sat down and pulled my stockings off as well and tossed one of them over to Jim. "Tie your ankles together. I don't want him running off when you switch." After she'd done that, I tied her wrists together in front of her and opened up the case. The head phones where metallic silver in color with unusually large ear pieces. I placed the head phones on their heads, removed the extension cord from the case and plugged it into the wall. "What are these for? Get them off of me," growled Alphonso, trying to dislodge them by shaking his head. When I pressed the power button, the machine came alive with blue LED lights and a loud humming noise. Jim gave me a nervous look but she sat there on the couch like a brave soldier as I pressed the large red button. Both of them immediately stiffened up and their eyes rolled up inside of their heads as the humming noise from the machine increased twofold. Ten seconds later, they both went limp as the machine quieted back down. "Jim?" I asked hesitantly. Had the mind swap been a success? My question was answered when he replied weakly from Alphonso's lips. "Right here, Janet. Do you have any aspirin? I've got a killer headache." I jumped for joy and gave a loud, triumphant shout of glee. To be continued....

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Detectives Journal Chapter 5

Frank I awoke from an awesome dream in the most erotic way with a head bobbing on my morning woody. My eyes were clearing from sleep, and I saw Alexia’s mouth slurping up and down like she was trying to consume me whole, not quite achieving that, but I really appreciated the effort. It was so erotic watching her tits swaying against my thighs with her erect nipples pointing the way. This was confirmation that last night was not just a dream. ‘Well, good morning to you!’ ‘Goog moorig,’...

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Lonesome Blues

Long Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...

1 year ago
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E028 Pearl Thirteen

As Emma drives home she feels the pull on her nipples and clit from the string clasp on her.  The weights, while not that heavy, do add an extra tweak to her nipples.  Every time she goes over a bump in the road a jolt runs through her.Arriving home, she carries the suitcase in, wondering what the neighbors are thinking of her coming and going with a suitcase all the time now?  She hopes no one sees her.  Inside, she carries it to her room and takes out a lovely emerald green dress, shoes and...

Love Stories
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E028 Pearl Thirteen

As Emma drives home she feels the pull on her nipples and clit from the string clasp on her.  The weights, while not that heavy, do add an extra tweak to her nipples.  Every time she goes over a bump in the road a jolt runs through her.Arriving home, she carries the suitcase in, wondering what the neighbors are thinking of her coming and going with a suitcase all the time now?  She hopes no one sees her.  Inside, she carries it to her room and takes out a lovely emerald green dress, shoes and...

Love Stories
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Best Friends Foreverpart six of thirteen

CHAPTER 11:Lawyer Donnelly was nothing if not knowledgeable of how to do these kinds of negotiations. But, he was wrong about getting the check on the same day that the deal was consummated. It took two days. The guy was actually apologetic. I was sitting in his office looking at the actual check from Marcort.“They actually thought they’d be in litigation for forever,” said Mr. Donnelly.“Well, I guess they got something out of this too then, right?" I said.“I’d say that that’s a fair...

Wife Lovers
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Crushed on the Inside by the Outside Part OneBorn at Thirteen

PLEASE NOTE - All characters in this story are fictional, and thus any resemblance with real people is entirely fictional, and I apologise in advance. I hope you enjoy this tale, and please review when finished. I would love to hear any comments. It has been broken into more digestible chunks, making it easier read for some people.Anyway, enough of this mindless banter, let us continue with the story CHAPTER ONE-SELF REALISATION Black. Not even a colour. However it was...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Thirteen

THE GAMES PART THIRTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And now, on with the...

2 years ago
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Piano Blues Part 3

I’m a piano player, not a pianist. I started as a pianist when I was eight or nine, but then I heard Honky Tonk Train Blues, or something. I heard James Booker and Professor Longhair, all the New Orleans guys, and it struck me. I had to sound like that. I never will, but I keep on trying. They’re the greatest piano players ever. The rhythm, the music. Spiritual music. A sound like that can heal a broken heart. And Ragtime. I love that too. Still piano players. All the styles are linked. You...

Love Stories
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TV Nudist Part 3 Wedding Bell Blues

TV Nudist Part 3: WEDDING BELL BLUES by Rachel Saunders Entertainment for adults only, please! All comments, questions, criticisms, etc. are gladly welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you! "Oh boy," I said again. Scott was still shaking my hand enthusiastically. Amy stood in the corner, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I told you she was something, didn't I?," Amy asked. Scott just answered with that...

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Summerhouse Blues

Once again, is this realy a BDSM story? Well, not really but it has, at it's heart, a Femdom relationship and I hope you'll enjoy it.You, the reader, should share in my heartfelt thanks to Estragon, Rhonda's biggest fan, who persuaded me that it was worth my effort and, far more importantly, worth his effort to correct the innumerable errors in grammar and punctuation so that Tracy's story could be properly enjoyed. Any errors that remain are my fault, not his.L.J. Tracy's StoryI was young and...

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Bobs Blues the rest of the story

I like Stormy. Actually I sort of love her in my own twisted way. Get your mind out of the gutter, people. I love pretty near all women, so that's not saying as much as you might think. And she's got a crush on me but she thinks she's so smart that the Mensa folks have her on speed dial or something. And I'd swear she smuggled one of those teeny weeny little video cameras into my house and hooked it into my computer so she could see the webcast of Bob's life. But don't say mean things...

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Masturbation Blues

I am not a novice when it comes to masturbation, I’d actually be very embarrassed to share with you exactly how long I’ve been tickling my own fancy. Yup. Even when there is someone occupying my bed for a time, I find that I still masturbate for various reasons. Proud accomplishments? I’ve discovered that if my mind is properly stimulated, I can orgasm in just under five minutes. I timed it and everything. Yup. Had nothing better to do. I really do like the way I taste. I’ve discovered that if...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Six

Chapter Six I stared through the small window with shocked fascination at the surreal scene that unfolded before me. Jim Arlington was sitting on a stool with his hands cuffed behind his back and a sullen expression on his face as he was held in his seat by two of Rocco's muscle bound thugs. Rocco went through his wallet, emptied it out and held the driver's license up to Jim's bruised face. He nodded to a third hood who grabbed hold of him, shook him by his shirt collar and began...

2 years ago
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Detectives Blues Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven The sound of the waves crashing onto the white sand beach didn't even register with my ears as I examined the business card in my hand. My heart was beating at a hundred miles per hour as I read the words, "Rodney Smith, Professional Photography and Video Recordings." Below that were the telephone number and address for his studio in Montego Bay. I was so pumped up on adrenaline that I would have liked to have rushed out to Montego Bay right then and there. But...

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The Blues Club

Fran was hurrying to get ready. She had a dinner date with her man and didn’t want to miss a moment. It seemed like an age since they had been out for the night. He was so busy with his work lately. When they did finally get together, it was usually at her place or his and time for a quick roll in the sack and then he would be gone again. “I am starting to wonder would I appeal more to him if I turned into a computer program. Maybe then he would show more interest” she said to herself...

3 years ago
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Biloxi Blues

Biloxi Blues by Allyssa Davis The following is a true story to the best of my recollection The year was 1995, May as I recall. I had just spent 19 months on the road working in close quarters with other people so I unfortunately could not practice in my secret obsession. I year and 3 months prior I had broken up with a woman that taught me some points as far as dressing as a woman and taught me makeup tips. It was all in fun for her at first, indulging my secret desires,...

2 years ago
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Miniskirt Blues Part 2

Miniskirt blues part two: "Here, let me help you with that," Sarah said grabbing the belt loops on either side of me and swivelling my miniskirt around so that the my flies ran down the middle of my backside. "A girl usually wears the zip of her trousers down her hip and the zip of her skirt or dress behind her. Here, you will need one of my belts." Sarah threaded a pink belt through the loops of my miniskirt. I looked at myself in the mirror, by all appearances I looked like a...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Thirteen

It was only two days after my encounter with Molly in the bathroom. I was up late, getting myself a snack, and Chris and Jerome were probably in the living room doing something or other, as usual. I opened the fridge, eyeing some leftovers, sighing as I took it out. Microwaving was for the weak, real men just eat things cold. I set the tupperware on the table and saw Chris coming into the room. “Yo.” I casually greeted him. “Hi, Aaron.” he greeted me, almost nervously. “Can we talk about...

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DarkFyre Chapter Thirteen

The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Five

Chapter five I was sitting at the kitchen table reading some bad news in the Washington Post when I heard a car horn sounding out front. I set down the paper, gathered my purse and walked over to the foyer. Pulling the curtains to the side, I peeked out the window to see who was doing the honking. It was James and his brother Jim, come to pick me up. They had driven in separate vehicles. Jim was double parked in his beat up Chevrolet sedan with James behind him in a new Ford Explorer...

4 years ago
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Dectectives Blues Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve As the beat up blue taxi pulled onto the main coastal highway, I showed Jim what I had found in Rodney's office. Altogether I had stolen six glossy nine by twelve photographs of my missing male self and one handwritten receipt. It didn't look like much, but I knew it could be more than enough to blow the lid off of this wacky caper. The photos all showed me, Bill Richmond, on some unknown Jamaican beach. In two of the photos I was joined by a tall and muscular blonde...

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Pursuit of HappinessChapter 3 Theres No Cure For Blues

Thinking out loud again, still a dangerous practice! Life is uncomfortably strange! Is the real secret of finding happiness, finding it within? Or with someone? I have married. Several at once. Is my perfect mate amongst them? Usually lucky, because I organize myself to be receptive to luck, I fear my luck has changed! What if, just speculating, but what if, my perfect mate, is the wife I lost? Carla! After lunch, I visited my Suegra, my Mother-in-law for a bit of social gossip. Okay,...

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Detectives Blues Chapter 10

Chapter Ten The wheels of the jet touched down onto the tarmac with a sudden screech, and the engines screamed as the pilot reversed their thrust. As the aircraft began to slow down, James Arlington squeezed my hand and smiled. "See, Janet? There's no reason to be afraid of flying. We made it just like I promised, safe and sound!" I smiled back at him, secretly pleased with James' concern for my welfare, even though it was somewhat misplaced. My name wasn't Janet, you see, nor was I...

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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 7

While Bob and Amy were doing their thing, George and I were in the mall for three hours, going in and out of several stores, (some of them more than once), looking for something that said, "Mom," to him. I had gone through this with him every year since I could remember and was always patient with him, but the thought of Bob being out with Amy was bothering me when it shouldn't have been. He had gone out on dates before and this for all intents and purposes was like any of the others, but...

1 year ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 14

Chapter 14 “So, does that meatlessness extend to sex? Are you straight or bi?” Felix asked Troy, who shrugged. “I’ve never been with another guy. I wouldn’t mind trying it, though, if someone wanted to initiate me that way,” Troy confessed, about three slices in by now. “Top or bottom?” I inquired now, truly curious. “I’d try both and see if I liked either or both of them. But first, I really want to try it with a girl again. Finish what I started,” Troy explained. “Alright, then,...

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