My New Job!! free porn video

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It was my first day on the job, the first day of my year in industry for my degree course and, though it may seem strange, I knew no-one in the company, the job had been arranged by the college. All I knew was the company was a publishing house, I had to report to a Mrs. Fenner and that I was to be working as an editors assistant, my course tutor in 'Reporting' had said that the job would be an eye opener, I hadn't understood the wink he gave when he made the comment. So here I was at the address I'd been given, I was two hours early and the reception was locked, there wasn't even a security guard in sight and I wondered how long I'd have to wait for some-one to come along. An hour later I was relieved to see a body moving around through the tinted glass of the doors, tentatively I rang the bell, there was a rattle followed by a click and a rattle then the door swung open.

"Yes?" a rather dishy female of about twenty-five asked.

"Uh," I faltered, "I'm starting work here today and am supposed to report to Mrs. Fenner."

"I see," she smiled "you'd better come in."

I followed her into the reception, to my surprise there were no pictures or covers on the walls that would give a clue to the type of publications the company did, but I had to admit that the reception was made up to relax a person. The woman went behind a glass topped, fronted and sided reception desk, opened a book, read an entry and looked at me.

"Your name?" she asked.

"Andrew West." I replied moving closer to the desk.

"Well Andrew," she grinned, "I am Candy, as you can see I work on reception."

"Pleased to meet you." I smiled a little shyly.

"You certainly are eager," Candy said with a grin "how long were you waiting out there?"

"Ahum, an hour." I coughed.

She laughed and picked up something from the desk that she held out to me, it was a badge, which read 'STAFF', taking it, I clipped it to my jacket pocket.

"I hope you don't mind me asking," I said nervously "but what does the company publish?"

"You really don't know?" Candy said in a surprised tone.

"Uh, no." I muttered, "You see, the college made all the arrangements."

"Well I won't spoil it for you," she laughed "Caroline, Mrs. Fenner that is, will explain it all to you."

None the wiser I sat in one of the comfortable chairs and waited, I must admit that the wait was not unpleasant as the chairs were all positioned so that they faced the glass reception desk, the view of Candy's stockinged legs was enough to make time pass unnoticed, especially to an eighteen year old virgin like me. About half an hour passed and people began to walk through reception, a high proportion of them were female, but this didn't strike me as odd in any way, each of them greeted Candy in a cheery, friendly way, it seemed that everyone was happy to work here. Just before nine a very attractive woman in her mid-thirties walked into the reception, said a cheerful good-morning to Candy and looked across at me.

"Are you our new boy, Andrew West?" the woman asked with a charming smile.

"Uh, yes." I replied getting to my feet.

"A pleasure to meet you." the woman smiled even wider "I am Caroline Fenner, but call me Caroline, you'll find we are all very informal here."

Candy stifled a laugh which puzzled me, Mrs. Fenner, Caroline, looked at Candy in puzzlement, Candy whispered something and Caroline laughed.

"Candy tells me you don't know what we publish, is that right?" Caroline asked me.

"Well, yes." I replied defensively "The college made all the arrangements, but they didn't tell me anything about the company."

"You'd better come along with me," Caroline grinned "I'll give you the guided tour on the way to my office then I'll explain what we do over a cup of coffee. Candy, can you arrange for a name badge to be at my office in say twenty minutes."

"Will do Caroline." Candy smiled "I'll see you later Andy."

Like a puppy dog I followed Caroline into the heart of the building and along a corridor, she pointed out the canteen, the staff shop and gym before stopping at a pair of lifts. From the outside I knew that there was four floors to the building including the ground floor, when the lift came Caroline pressed the 'B' for basement, the doors closed and the lift smoothly descended.

"This," Caroline said loudly as we stepped out of the lift "is our on site printing area, we have two other sites solely devoted to printing our publications. Most of the operation is computer controlled so we only have seven people down here, you'll meet them all later I'm sure."

She stepped back into the lift with me right behind her, this time she pressed for the 1st floor, the lift ascended smoothly and the doors opened onto a bright, cheerful corridor with doors along its length.

"This floor and the one above contain our studios" Caroline said as we stepped out of the lift "where we do all our interior photography, each studio has it's own facilities like changing room and bathroom. Let's have a quick look in studio 4, it should be unoccupied at the moment."

She led the way to a door about half way along the corridor and walked into the studio, I suppose it was like any other professional studio, lots of lights, cables all over the place, cameras, fake scenery and props. There wasn't really a lot to see, though I was puzzled by one or two things, like the main prop and scenery seeming to be a bedroom set, there being video as well as still cameras and, most puzzling, the array of whips and chains and handcuffs. The changing room was large and airy, one wall was taken up by a closet containing various skimpy costumes, some so skimpy that they couldn't really be classified as clothing, still following Caroline I looked in the bathroom, it was large and to my surprise was fitted out with photographic lights.

"Well" Caroline asked as we walked back to the lift "what do you think?"

"Impressive," I replied, "how many studios are there?"

"Eight," she smiled "four per floor. The rest of the space on these two floors is taken up by photographic developing labs, editing and viewing rooms, but they are all in use at the moment so you'll have to see them later."

The lift doors opened and we stepped in; Caroline pressed the button for the 3rd and last floor, the doors closed and the lift hummed upwards.

"These are the offices," Caroline said as we stepped from the lift into an open plan area in which half-screens formed individual cubicles "though none of us tend to spend a lot of time here. Morning Lisa, this is Andrew West, our new boy."

Just by the lift was another reception desk, like the one downstairs it was made entirely of glass and the girl sitting behind it was just as pretty as Candy had been. She smiled at me and looked me up and down suggestively.

"Very pleased to meet you," Lisa grinned "hope I'll be seeing a lot more of you."

"Uh, likewise." I smiled hesitantly.

"Down Lisa," Caroline laughed as she moved on "give the poor sod a chance to settle in."

Blushing I hurried after Caroline, so far I had learnt nothing about the type of publications the company produced, but whatever they were seemed to involve a lot of pictures. As we passed each cubicle Caroline greeted the occupant and introduced me, my head was awhirl with names by the time we got to Caroline's office, but I knew that these would sort themselves out in time. We entered an outer office in which a very pretty secretary sat at yet another glass desk; a couple of things I had noticed in the tour was that all the female staff were attractive and that the furnishings allowed little privacy.

"Mitsy this is Andrew West," Caroline said to the girl behind the desk "he's just starting today, Andrew this is my secretary Mitsy."

"Pleased to meet you." I smiled at her.

"Likewise." she grinned back "This is for you."

She handed me a tag on which was neatly printed my name, the lettering was large enough to be read from a distance, feeling unaccountably clumsy I took off the tag I was wearing and replaced it with the new one.

"Could you get us some coffee Mitsy," Caroline said, "we'll be in my office."

"Sure thing Caroline." Mitsy replied.

We went into the inner office where Caroline indicated that I should sit down; sitting in the indicated chair I waited for Caroline to enlighten me about the company's publications. She put her handbag in a filing cabinet and sat behind her glass desk, her dress riding up to show off most of her legs, swallowing to calm myself I raised my eyes above the desk.

"Well then," Caroline said leaning back in her chair "the time has come to tell you what we publish."

I mumbled a reply while at the same time trying to get my eyes to focus somewhere other than on her tiny knickers. Thankfully Mitsy appearing with the coffee, it gave me a few moments in which to regain my somewhat shaky composure, interrupted us. Taking my coffee I thanked Mitsy and turned my attention to Caroline's face.

"The company," Caroline continued as Mitsy left the room "publish a half-dozen monthly magazines and three quarterly magazines, if you look in the cabinet over there you will see last months issues of each one."

I put my coffee on the desk, rose and went over to the cabinet she had pointed out, opening it I reached inside and pulled out the glossy magazines inside. My heart did a flip-flop, my pulse rate rose and I breathed in sharply, every one of the magazines was sex oriented and very graphically so, blushing I put the magazines back in the cupboard, closed it and made my way back to my chair.

"You seem embarrassed." Caroline commented softly "I hope you don't disapprove of what we do."

"It's, ahum," I coughed "it's not that, it's just that, well, uh, I'm, well, that is, I am very shy."

"I bet you are still a virgin." Caroline laughed, and then said in surprise "My god you are!"

Blushing a deep crimson I hung my head and wondered what was going to happen, probably I would be told I was unsuitable for their requirements, somebody at the college had pulled a real practical joke at my expense.

"I'm sorry," Caroline said softly "I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, but it was such a surprise."

I looked up as she spoke, surprised at how kindly she was speaking.

"I get the impression somebody has tried making you the butt of a joke," she went on "never mind, let's see if you can't have the last laugh. Now then Andrew, do you think you could handle working here?"

"I don't know," I replied nervously "but I am willing to try."

"You can't say more than that." Caroline smiled "Well, your duties will be to act as my assistant, basically that means you will do the jobs I assign you. To be honest the work isn't that hard, but it is interesting. You'll have an office next door to mine and Mitsy will act as your secretary as well as mine, most of what I do is concerned with ensuring the smooth running of the building, the title of 'Editor' is very misleading, but it sounds better than 'General Manager' though not as impressive. A lot of my time is spent wandering around the place talking with the staff, keeping an eye on the photo-shoots and the like, you'll join me in this, the rest of the time is spent with paperwork and publication planning meetings, again you will join me in these activities, I feel sure that you will pick up the gist of the job fairly quickly."

I wasn't so sure myself, my shyness had always been a major obstacle in my life, how I was going to cope with working in the soft porn industry only God alone knew. Nevertheless I decided that I would give it my best effort, Caroline had been so understanding and I felt that not to try would be to let her down in some way.

"I'll do my best," I said after a deep breath "only I hope my best will be good enough."

"I'm sure it will," Caroline laughed "and don't worry about being shy, if you can stay that way longer than a few days here then you need professional help, in which case I know just who to send you to."

"You mean..." I faltered.

"Look Andrew," she smiled "I understand how you feel, I was a shrinking violet myself once upon a time, believe it or not, this place brought me a new outlook and a new lease on life. I'll have a quiet word with Mitsy and she'll spread the word, you'll find that the rest of the staff will help you along."

I didn't know what to say to thank her so I stayed silent, Caroline buzzed Mitsy and instructed her to show me my office and then come back to see her. Mitsy was waiting for me as I left Caroline's office, she showed me the door that led to my office, it was, as was only to be expected, smaller than Caroline's, but it was still spacious and bright. On the obligatory glass desk sat an intercom, a telephone a writing pad and a pen set, two filing cabinets and a cupboard rested along one wall while a sofa and two easy chairs occupied the wall facing the desk.

"Here we are then," Mitsy said, "you settle yourself in while I see what Caroline wants."

I had a good idea what Caroline wanted, but I managed to thank Mitsy without blushing and as she left I sat myself behind the desk and looked through it at my legs, sighing I stood up and went to the first of the filing cabinets, I had expected it to be empty, instead I found a number of reports and memo's neatly placed in folders. Taking the first of the folders I went back to my desk and began reading, within minutes I was engrossed as I read the file, reaching out I picked up the writing pad and a pen and took notes. One by one I read the dozen or so files that I found in the cabinets, they weren't large, but they certainly were interesting and concerned the day to day running of the company and the problems involved with arranging photo-sessions. By the time I put the last file back in it's place I had about ten pages of notes and the time was just after twelve, I was surprised that I had been undisturbed, but also thankful for the time I'd spent studying the paperwork had calmed me no end. Rising from the desk I went to the door and jumped back slightly as it swung open, Mitsy's head appeared round the edge of the door.

"I was just going to ask you if you would like to join me for lunch in the canteen." she smiled "I did look in earlier to ask if you wanted some coffee, but you were engrossed so I thought I'd leave you in peace."

"Lunch sounds fine," I replied "and now you mention it I do feel quite peckish, but I insist on paying."

"No need," she laughed, "the canteen is free. Come on then."

She took my arm as I walked out of the office and guided me down to the canteen gaily chatting away about herself, the company and anything else that she could think of, even if I hadn't been shy I would have found it hard to get a word in with Mitsy. When we got to the canteen I was surprised to see how full it was, yet it didn't give the impression of being crowded, people were chatting away, filling the air with sound and laughter and as we crossed the room to the counter Mitsy yelled out greetings to almost everyone in sight. I was surprised to find that the place was not self-service and that there was a range of items to choose from, I chose fish in sauce with chips and peas, Mitsy chose a salad with a slice of cheesecake for dessert and together we found a table. The food was good, which was even more surprising, and I enjoyed every mouthful, while we ate Mitsy kept up a constant stream of chatter that seemed to in no way interfere with her eating.

"Oh dear," Mitsy said a while later "I haven't let you get a word in. I really do natter on don't I."

"I don't mind," I grinned, "I never know what to say any way, especially to pretty girls."

Goodness knows why I added the comment about pretty girls, it wasn't normally something I would say, but I felt so relaxed that it just slipped out. Blushing I opened my mouth to apologise to Mitsy, but I never got the chance.

"Why thank you Andrew," she beamed "it is so nice to hear a genuine compliment."

Flabbergasted I shut my mouth and smiled weakly, it seemed my slip had been the right thing to say, for me that made a hell of a change.

"Would you like to see the gym?" Mitsy asked.

"Uh, yes, that would be nice." I replied.

Once again she took my arm as we left the table, I smiled and nodded at the people we passed while Mitsy kept up a constant chatter as before. The gym was well equipped with weights, exercise machines, mats and the like, I'm no great athlete, but I did like to work-out at least once a week, this looked like the ideal place to do it.

"Nice isn't it." Mitsy grinned waving her hand at the gym.

"Very." I replied, "I must bring my kit in."

"Perhaps we can workout together." she laughed suggestively.

"That would be nice." I replied cautiously.

"Don't worry," Mitsy laughed at my tone "I don't bite, well not often anyway."

I had to laugh at her comment and in doing so relaxed, perhaps what Caroline had said was correct, working in the company would help to cure my shyness.

"By the way," Mitsy said as we made our way back to the lifts "there's a planning meeting scheduled this afternoon, Caroline would like you to sit in on it with her."

"Uh, fine," I responded, "what time is it."

"Two thirty," came the reply "I'll come and fetch you in good time."

"Thanks." I smiled.

Soon I was back in my office waiting nervously for the summons to the planning meeting, I hadn't expected to be thrown in at the deep end so quickly and I hoped I would only be expected to observe. Just before two thirty Mitsy popped in. picking up a pen and the writing pad I followed her to a comfortably furnished room that was more like a living room than a meeting room. Caroline was already there along with a half dozen other people, mostly females, but with a few men here and there, Caroline smiled as I entered the room and patted a chair beside her, crossing the room I sat in the indicated place.

"Okay," Caroline said loudly a few minutes later "shall we get this show on the road."

People took their places and the meeting got under way, across the room I could see Mitsy ready to take notes.

"Firstly I'd like to introduce our newest member," Caroline said "this is Andrew West, he's acting as my assistant."

I took her cue, stood up, and nodded to the gathering receiving a smile and a greeting from each of them.

"Now then, Andrew is a little shy," she said to my surprise "so I want you all to help him to settle in. Now on to business, the layout for everything but Candid seems fine, I'm a little concerned that we may be a little too serious in our approach in Candid. Comments?"

There were plenty of comments, everyone seemed to have their own idea on how the magazine Candid should be put together, while the discussion raged around me I flicked through a pre-publication copy of the mag and was immediately struck at how matter-of-factly it was laid out, more like a text book. It seemed to me that a few cartoons in the headings and perhaps a couple of lighter articles would improve the thing immensely, the room fell silent and I looked up in surprise, everyone was looking at me and I suddenly felt nervous.

"You've been looking through the magazine Andrew," Caroline said gently "what do you think?"

"Uh, well," I said licking my lips nervously "the first thing that struck me is that it seems so dry, like a text book. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I gain the impression that Candid is meant to be an informative publication."

"You are essentially correct." a man I had heard called Martin replied.

"That being the case" I went on "the first thing to do is to grab the reader's interest. I haven't had time to read the articles, but the headings give no clue to the content, I would have thought that they should."

"Hmm," Caroline commented, "go on Andrew."

"Well," I shuffled in my chair "it did occur to me that a cartoon or a picture or the like beside the title would perhaps attract the reader's eye. The article could also be broken up in the same way so it isn't just lines of text. Certain points could be emphasized by either changing the print style or colour."

"Anything else?" Caroline encouraged me.

"It occurred to me that a few lighter articles, more humorously written, would make the reading easier and more enjoyable." I responded.

I fell silent and looked around the room, feeling very self-conscious I looked at Caroline; she smiled at me then addressed the others.

"Four very interesting and excellent points," she said, "one of the major complaints we've had from our dwindling number of readers is how serious Candid was. Martin, Grace and Linda, I'd like you to do a layout based on Andrew's ideas, don't go over the top, but see if a few changes will brighten up the magazine. Let Andrew have your revised draft edition as soon as you can. Okay let's move on to the planned photo-sessions for next month."

Relieved at not having to contribute further to the discussions yet shocked at the thought that I was going to have to pass judgement on work done by more experienced people I sat back and listened to the rest of the meeting. At four the meeting came to an end, rising with the others I prepared to make a dash to my office, however it was not to be, first the three that had been assigned the task of revamping Candid came over and congratulated me on my constructive suggestions. After them the others came over in ones and two's and wished me well, soon only Caroline, Mitsy and I were left in the room and I was feeling a lot better.

"Well done Andrew." Caroline smiled as we walked out of the meeting room together "It looks as though you are going to be just fine. Come into my office and we'll talk about your first day."

A little nervous I went into her office and sat in one of the chairs, to my surprise she sat beside me in another chair, Mitsy came in and Caroline ordered coffee.

"So how do you feel now?" Caroline asked as we sipped our coffee.

"A lot less nervous than I did this morning." I replied.

"That's good." she smiled "Mitsy tells me you spent the morning studying the files I left in your cabinets, it's good to see you take an interest like that. Anyway, you did well at the meeting; your ideas were not only simple but also workable and inexpensive. There's little more to do today, but tomorrow I want you to join me at a photo-session then I want your help with some paperwork. I'll get Mitsy to dig out some back-issues, you can study them tonight and get a better idea of what we do."

We finished our coffee and I went back to my office, Mitsy smiled at me as I passed through her office, ten minutes later she came in with a box of magazines.

"Caroline said you should have a look at these." Mitsy grinned putting the box on my desk "Have fun with them."

At five I picked up the box and stepped out of my office, Mitsy was just leaving with Caroline and I joined them in the lift, as we left the building I wished them a goodnight and went off to catch my bus home.

That evening, after dinner, I settled down on my sofa and began to read through the thirty or so magazines in the box, it was the most pleasurable home-work I'd ever had, but at the same time it left me feeling frustrated. Most of the articles were exciting in one way or another and the pictures were a real turn-on, what I found most interesting though were the readers letters, most of which seemed more like fantasies than real events. At about midnight I went to bed and dreamt of naked women, when I woke there was a damp patch on the bed, wet dreams were the nearest I ever came to sex. Quickly I changed the sheets, showered and dressed for the day ahead, after a quick breakfast I took up the box and my gym kit and left for work.

Once again I arrived early, this time by only an hour, Candy arrived only minutes after me and greeted me cheerily. The first thing I did was to take the box up to my office where I dumped it, and then I went down to the gym, changed and started a gentle workout.

"Hello Andrew." a voice said as I was in the middle of a set of bench presses.

Looking in the direction of the voice I nearly dropped the weights I was holding, it was Mitsy, she was dressed in a very tight, semi-transparent leotard, her curvy figure filling the outfit fantastically.

"Hello Mitsy." I said averting my eyes.

To calm myself I carried on with the bench presses, out of the corner of my eye I saw Mitsy using one of the machines and I wished I had the nerve to turn and watch her. Just before I finished my set Mitsy moved from her machine and out of my cone of vision, with a last thrust I raised the weights, hooked them back onto the stand and went to sit up. From no-where Mitsy appeared minus her clothes, I gaped wide-eyed and mouthed at her luscious body, she straddled the bench on which I lay, reaching down she tugged my shorts down my legs to reveal my swiftly growing cock. Sitting on my stomach she leant forward and kissed me, stunned I lay there like a dummy for a while before returning her kiss, I felt her sliding her lower body down to my groin and gasped into her mouth as my cock came to rest in the slit of her pussy. I couldn't believe what was happening as Mitsy raised herself, wriggled a little then lowered herself onto my by now erect tool, in a dream I reached up and fondled her boobs, savouring the feel of her warm, pliant flesh and her hard, bullet like nipples. Slowly she began to ride me, her pussy sliding up and down moistly on my cock, as I became more aroused by her actions I became more daring, tweaking her nipples gently with my fingers and raising my lower body in time to her thrusts. Within a few minutes Mitsy started to shake, her pussy clenching on my hard flesh, soon after that she collapsed on my chest yet her pussy still slid up and down my shaft. Some minutes later I felt my balls tighten and with a groan I thrust myself up into her pussy and let my seed spurt into her quivering, straining body, for a few moments we lay locked together then she began moving again, only stopping when my prick began to go limp. Getting off me Mitsy smiled, I smiled back and sat up, together we made our way to the showers and cleaned each other then dried each other all without a word, we seemed to be surrounded by an intimacy that needed no words. We dressed and walked from the gym.

"Thank you." I finally said to her while we were in the lift.

"It was my pleasure." Mitsy laughed, "After all it isn't often that a girl gets the chance to initiate a virgin."

To my amazement I felt no inclination to blush, in fact that brief moment of intimacy seemed to have rid me of my curse of shyness, only time would tell if this was true. The new, confident me was put to the test almost immediately, as we stepped out of the lift Lisa greeted the pair of us then spoke directly to me, her eyes gazing into mine.

"How are you settling in?" she asked.

"Quite well," I grinned "I think I have the feel of things this morning."

Mitsy laughed and walked off to her office leaving me with the sexy Lisa.

"I am glad to hear that." Lisa grinned "Perhaps we could get together at lunch time and 'discuss' how you 'feel' in more detail."

"I'd like that very much." I replied "I'll see you later."

Making my way to my office I noticed that Mitsy had vanished, a few minutes later she came into my office with a cup of coffee for me.

"I see Lisa has her sights on you." she grinned putting the cup on my desk.

"You don't mind do you?" I asked suddenly concerned.

"Not at all," Mitsy laughed "you'll find us a very close little organization in every sense of the word."

"Thank you again for this morning." I said relieved.

"Would you like the same tomorrow morning?" she asked cheekily.

"It's better than a work-out." I grinned "Yes I would like to 'exercise' with you tomorrow."

Laughing she left the office, as she closed the door I heard her greet Caroline, smiling I picked up my cup and sipped the hot brew, a few minutes later my intercom buzzed and Caroline asked me to join her in my office.

"Good-morning Andrew," Caroline smiled at me as I entered her office "how are you this morning?"

"I'm fine," I grinned "very good in fact."

"Excellent," she laughed rising from her desk "in which case I need to discuss the photo-session with you."

Coming around the desk Caroline sat on the edge of it, raised her dress and revealed that she had no knickers on, I looked at her naked pussy then at her face, what I saw was an open invitation. Rising from my chair I crossed the few feet that separated us, knelt between her legs and placed my mouth on her pussy, slowly, savouring every moment, I licked her pussy from end to end, then I probed my tongue into her hole, lapping at her flowing juices. Raising a hand I found her clit with my thumb and began teasing it, Caroline moaned gently and thrust her pussy tight to my mouth, one of her hands falling to the back of my head to hold me in place as licked her to a climax. Standing a number of minutes later I opened my flies and pulled out my erect prick, there was no hesitation in my actions as I pressed it to her eager pussy and slid it's full length into her. Caroline gasped into another orgasm as I began to pump into her, my movements hard and fast, she fell back on the desk as I fucked her, her moans, groans and sighs echoing around the room and when I eventually thrust into her and filled her with my hot juices Caroline cried out. After a few more thrusts I pulled my satiated cock from her pussy and stepped back to gaze at her, she lay quivering, my juices just starting to seep from her pussy, then she shuddered and sat up.

"I see some-one got to you before I did." she gasped, "Jesus I feel stuffed."

A giggle came from the intercom and I looked at it in surprise, at some point Caroline must have flicked the switch connecting her to Mitsy's desk, rather than embarrassed at this discovery I felt turned on by it. Reluctantly I cleaned my cock with a tissue and stuffed it back inside my clothes, Caroline cleaned herself up and went back behind her desk.

"Mitsy," she said into the intercom "I wish you would let me know when I've activated the intercom accidentally."

"And miss all the fun." Mitsy laughed back.

"There is that to it." Caroline laughed, "Anyway, could we have some coffee, I really need it."

"I thought you'd just had 'it'," Mitsy replied "but I'll get you a coffee as well."

Caroline switched off the intercom with a laugh which, to my surprise, I found myself joining in, my second day was fast turning into an erotic adventure and I was sure there would be more to come when I met Lisa at lunch time. Mitsy came in a few minutes later with the coffee and a cheeky grin.

"He's good isn't he?" Mitsy laughed.

"So it was you who got to him first," Caroline responded with a giggle "I might have known."

"Well you can always try me out together." I said tongue in cheek.

"What a good idea," Caroline laughed "but after lunch I think, we've a photo-session to attend first."

I can't say I was too surprised by her reply or the smug grin Mitsy gave as she left the room, I hoped I'd have enough strength left after my lunch-break with Lisa. While we drank our coffee Caroline told me about the photo-session that morning, it seemed that the model was a right prima-donna expecting everyone and everything to revolve around her, unfortunately she was popular with the readers and knew it. Boy did she know it as I quickly discovered when I followed Caroline into the studio; the star of the session was throwing a wobbly and refusing to pose. Caroline rushed over and diplomatically tried to sort out the problem, which apparently was to do with the wardrobe, it took a while, but eventually it seemed the session was to go ahead. I stood near Caroline listening and marvelling at the way she handled the model, Donna, as things calmed down I noticed Donna looking my way from time to time. Finally the session got under way, the photographer calling out the poses and Donna, who I must admit was a sexy looking woman, assuming the pose if it suited her. Caroline and I stood behind the photographer and watched; Caroline was waiting to step in at the first sign of a blow-up from Donna.

"I'd really like to swing for that cow." Caroline confided to me as the session reached the half way point "The problem is replacing her."

On the set Donna had decided that it was time to throw a tantrum, the excuse she used was a noise from the dressing rooms.

"How can I work with all these distractions!" she screeched shrewishly.

That was it, everything came to a stop, the photographer threw up his hands and went off into a corner to sulk, the crew moved away from the scene of activity and Caroline moved in on Donna. This time though Donna was not going to be mollified, she wanted some grand scale grovelling before she would continue and I could see that Caroline was torn between giving Donna what she wanted and giving her a good clout.

"For a professional model" I said loudly as I moved to stand beside Caroline "you do seem very amateurish."

Donna's voice cut off in mid-screech, her eyes bored into me as I calmly returned her gaze, I had nothing to lose and I was not going to back down.

"After all," I continued now I had her full attention "if it wasn't for the people around you today you'd be no-where. I would have thought all these tantrums would have become a trifle boring by now."

"I have never..." Donna spluttered.

"You must have." I interrupted "If it was up to me I turn you over my knee and give you a good spanking."

Donna stared at me wide-eyed and open mouthed; I saw a hint of something in her eyes that encouraged me.

"So," I said smartly "can we get on with the session without further interruptions?"

To everybody's surprise, including my own, Donna meekly submitted with a nod of her head and moved back onto the set, the photographer and crew got back to work and within a minute the session was back in full swing.

"I would never have believed it." Caroline whispered to me as we watched the rest of the session "How on earth did you work it out?"

"I didn't," I grinned "I just had nothing to lose, if I upset her and got the elbow I'd just find another post for my year in industry. I was just as surprised as everyone else when she knuckled under so easily."

"It seems that the way to handle Donna is to be strict with her," Caroline mused quietly "we were making her worse by pandering to her. I'll remember that in future."

The session ended and to the amazement of everybody Donna went around to each person and apologised for the way she had acted, shaking her head in disbelief Caroline left the studio with me in tow. It was nearing lunchtime and as Caroline and I passed the upper reception desk Lisa grinned at me.

"I hope you're hungry." she laughed.

Caroline laughed as we continued on to her office; I gave a wry grin at her comment as we entered her office.

"I see you are making up for lost time." She laughed.

We sat on the sofa and she showed me the pile of paperwork we had to get through, winking she decided that we would start in on it after lunch, I wondered whether I'd still be able to concentrate after lunch. As I had that thought Mitsy came in with some coffee, sitting on the sofa on the other side of me she grinned knowingly.

"Lisa is chomping at the bit out there," she said with a straight face "I'm sure she is anticipating chomping on something else."

Caroline informed Mitsy of my assignation and the pair of them started to bet on how I would be by the time Lisa got through with me, before that morning I would have been blushing and squirming listening to such a conversation about me, now I just grinned and listened to their banter. Lunchtime came and I rose to go off for my meeting.

"Good luck." Mitsy grinned cheekily up at me.

"It sounds as though I'm going to need it." I replied as I opened the office door.

Lisa was indeed chomping at the bit; immediately I reached her she grabbed my arm possessively and almost dragged me of to one of the studios. Before I'd recovered from the trip Lisa was tearing at my trousers, pushing them and my pants down my legs then shoving me onto my back, I'd barely managed to say 'oof' when her mouth closed around my cock. While sucking my cock to full erection and beyond Lisa pushed and tugged at her own clothing until both her pussy and her boobs were naked, at that point she released my prick from her mouth, straddled me and engulfed it with her pussy. Not that I was complaining one bit, the sensation of her tongue and mouth on my flesh had sent shivers of delight through my body and when she began thrusting her pussy on my cock I matched her movements with glee. As I felt my balls tighten in preparation to shoot their load Lisa began bucking, her voice rose in cries of pleasure and as I buried myself deep inside her pussy and filled her with my hot juices Lisa's cries became louder. Breathless we lay together a while later recovering, half the lunch hour was gone and I was wondering if I'd have time to eat when Lisa sat up, leant over and sucked my prick. Groaning with pleasure I reached out and found her clit and while she sucked me back to erection I finger her to distraction, once again Lisa moved to fuck me as soon as she was sure my tool would stay hard, but this time I was going to be in control. Surging to my feet I grabbed Lisa around the waist and moved her onto her hands and knees, with one hard thrust I entered her from behind, one hand teased her nipples while the other teased her clit. Soon she was climaxing, her body bucking against me as I thrust into her mercilessly, her cries loud and exciting as they echoed around the studio and then I had my own climax. With a last thrust I buried my prick and groaned as my seed erupted deep inside her pussy, for a moment I remained still, and then began to once more pump into her. A few minutes later I pulled my shrinking prick from her pussy and stood there panting, Lisa collapsed as I withdrew from her to lie shuddering on the floor, gently I reached down and helped her to her feet and guided her to the studio bathroom where we cleaned ourselves up. Quickly we rearranged our clothing and headed back to the office arriving just as the lunch break ended, with a smile I left the knackered Lisa at her desk and made my way to Caroline's office only to find that neither she or Mitsy were there. Shrugging my shoulders I turned to go to my office and Caroline rushed breathlessly into the office, I grinned at her as I noticed a couple of her buttons were undone.

"Have a nice break?" I asked all innocence.

Caroline grinned at me, looked to where my eyes were and hastily closed the offending buttons, looking up at me she stuck out her tongue and laughed. Crossing to her desk she picked up the pile of papers and sat on the sofa, I sat beside her and prepared myself for the work to come, then the door opened and Mitsy came in, she was carrying a large tray of sandwiches and coffee, which she put on the desk.

"What did you do to Lisa?" Mitsy asked, "She looks knackered."

"Oh, not a lot," I grinned "a couple of times over."

Mitsy laughed, shook her head and left the room and Caroline and I got down to work, helping ourselves to a sandwich from time to time.

Over the next few days I think I had or was had by every female employee in the building plus four of the models, thankfully the work was not taxing as my concentration faded as the days progressed. By the end of my first week I was knackered, mind you some of the ladies were none too fresh, but it seemed to me that I wasn't going to last the year unless I got a break. Then came the second week and the break I needed, it seemed, or so Caroline explained, that the excesses of the first were a sort of initiation ceremony every new employee endured (smilingly), no-one knew how or when the tradition started, but it was certainly a tradition I backed whole heartedly. Not that it meant the end of my adventures, it took a certain type of person to work in the company, randy and uninhibited, and, thanks to Mitsy, Caroline and all the rest I had become that type of person. The year I spent there passed so quickly I never even noticed it and it was with regret that I returned to college for my final year. The exams were, as they had been since time immemorial, a nerve-wracking experience that I just about survived and before the results were published I applied to Caroline for a job. I learnt the results of my exams and had a reply from Caroline on the same day, I got a degree with honours and Caroline offered me the job as her assistant full time, of the two the job offer was the most pleasing. I start next week and I'm making sure that I get plenty of protein before my first day on the job; after all I would be the new boy again!

Same as My New Job!! Videos

1 year ago
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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

Reddit NSFW List
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MyNew Job

To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...

4 years ago
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New job

One night while looking on jobsites you spot a job advert from my company. “Import and export firm seeks a personal assistant, will involve some travelling, sometimes travelling will be to foreign countries, salary 24 – 26K depending on experience. Would prefer somebody with previous experience but this is not essential” For some reason this advert strikes a chord with you and the role sounds very interesting to you. You especially like the idea of being paid to travel to...

1 year ago
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AEBN Handjobs

Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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New Job

Portions of this story are true although sadly not all of it. I will leave it up to the reader to choose which aspects of it that they want to believe as fact. Admittedly, not my finest hour. I fell asleep at work and was fired. I don't necessarily feel like it was completely my fault due to certain circumstances but it happened, so there I was out of work, my lease was up, and I had no money whatsoever. I was in pretty bad shape. Naturally I called my mom. Mom jumped on the...

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red hot footjob

I had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...

3 years ago
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SISSY'S NEW JOB Cara (formerly Carl) looked at what his wife Juno had laid out for him onthe bed. He shuddered at the sight of a tiny A-cup bra, bikini panties,and stockings, all with a leopard pattern. Worse, there was a hood withelastic around the neck and the face opening, that featured the samemotif. It also had two round ears on top. He sighed and ran his handsdown his slender body, which had been denuded of all hair months ago.The laser treatments Juno had gotten him assured that he...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

3 years ago
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Space Age Footjob

- Carmela and her boyfriend has been in bad terms the past couple of weeks.Nonstop arguments, Authorities being called because of alot noise and yelling Alot of suspicious movements her husband was doing like coming home late,always being defensive everytime she said something, finding bits and pieces of things that's evidence of him cheating or creeping around and she sick and tired of being sick and tired so she took some of her clothes and shoes and left. Now shes currently staying at her...

4 years ago
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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...

1 year ago
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iXXX Handjob

Sometimes, you don’t want to see a group of dudes doubling down on some hot piece of ass. Nor do you want to watch lesbians making out like the world is about to end. You want to stick to the simple shit, like a handjob. If you’re in the mood for handjob videos and enjoy a huge as fuck resource, you need to check out precisely a tube site; it’s a place you can go to see handjob videos from other sites and sources. Think of it like an index pointing to handjob videos from...

Handjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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True Massage Parlor Story Chapter 1 Steph and My First Assjob

As with this first experience the girls are always nice and I get to do things that I don't get to do with my wife. The challenge in the past was sometimes girls are willing and not so hot or hot and not overly willing. When I first started going I thought all I could get was a hand job but over the years I learned that you can pretty much get whatever you are willing to pay for. So I’ve had blowjobs, assjobs (my favorite), tit fuck, hand jobs and even fucked girls. In case you’re...

2 years ago
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Tittyhawk The Wrath of Commander Titjob

in The Wrath of Commander Titjob Evolution. Selecting mates based on favorable characteristics. In the not too distant future, Humans have begun to evolve. The favorable characteristics? Sexual prowess. The next evolution of Mankind is here... ...and it wants to fuck your brains out. Willing or no... Book 1 The City. Bustling with activity... and crime. And the HAWK. 5'3” tall with raven black hair, large perky breasts and pale skin like marble, Tittyhawk is the Dark...

3 years ago
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A Summer Job

The summer before I left for college, I was trying to make extra money. Besides my full time job at a nearby Amusement Park (Action Park for those who care), I had put flyers in the mailboxes of my neighborhood offering my services for yard work, pet care, etc. As it was summer, a number of people had called me to care for their pets while they went on vacation. Around the middle of July, a couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood called to see if I was available to watch their...

3 years ago
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Training Jobbers

The Underground Women’s Fight League (UWFL) is a premium fight club for wealthy viewers. The use of the word “fight” is somewhat of a misnomer, as they mainly cater to what their fans like to see: one-sided brutal beatdowns. There are two stables of participants which clearly differentiate their roles - “fighters” and “jobbers”. Patrons can still bet on the matches, but never on the outcome. Instead, they make bets on how long the jobbers can last, how many blows the various parts of their...

4 years ago
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You were a pretty innocent guy before you became a porn addict but the transition was swift and dramatic. The first time your brother showed you porn it was a decidely homoerotic affair. He held his phone while you were both shoulder to shoulder in your shared bedroom, each sharing an earphone so your parents couldn't hear and sitting on the bed. You were both already hard as he scrolled through the videos and suddenly the tension in the air became too much to ignore - he stopped scrolling on a...

2 years ago
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I have been sat for ages trying to think of an eye-popping, gripping title for my sex experience giving ass jobs but truth be told I couldn’t think of anything more truthful and simple than the actual truth, I love giving Assjobs and although I am still fairly new to them, it’s my new favorite thing to do for a guy and it has always made the guy I’m with moan with joy.WHAT IS AN ASSJOB?Just in case you don’t know and you have stumbled across this article, a quick breakdown is that an Assjob or...

3 years ago
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Caught my young neighbor giving a blojob

That late evening, I was coming back from my office, where my Boss had tied to my desk under a huge pile of paperwork.I was really tired, wishing to get home and take a warm shower.Ana was not there; she flew to Buenos Aires, to visit her mother.As I approached our driveway, I heard some groans and muffled moans from a couple there hiding in the shadows of the alleyway of my next house neighbor…I was curious, so I took a quick look; but I then was totally shocked, as I noticed it was Lana, our...

2 years ago
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Best Friend gives the best Footjobs

Yesterday my best friend was at my place. We watched some movies on TV. I was on the end of the couch ans she was laying down. I had her feet on my lap. I couldn't resist looking at them, the whole time. She noticed at a moment, that I was looking at those perfect feet and she asked me, why I was looking...I told her that her socks were kinda dirty (it was dark so she couldn't tell). So she removed her socks and put her bare feet on my lap again. At that time I knew, I couldn't just look. I...

3 years ago
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Knobsworth not a jobsworth

This was when I had only been a taxi driver for a few months... I was recently married and the world was good, I had a window cleaning round and it made me about £25 a day,After a few more than several years, my wife had gone fat and she never had given me a true full swallow BJ . Now back in 1978 that was pretty good money, no boss but myself , an old Singer Gazelle with a replaced and yet unpainted front wing..probably worth a fortune now but it had the effect of making me look like Hard...

2 years ago
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being a dj dreamjob

yes.its a dreamjobplaying musicpeople having fun...............dancing...... drinking ....fucking all the girls is a dream for every mansometimes its true can fuck all night your is airport ,,car music.... airport...again....hotelrooms.............[boring hotelrooms] but sometimes there is a bright star........... smiling at you.. a lovely lady her smile is true and honest eyes like an angelthe hotelroom isnt...

2 years ago
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Eric was looking down at his best friend Jordan, all five foot six of him. His friend’s piercing blue eyes stood out from his long black hair looked greasy and unwashed mostly due to him wearing eyeliner. That and his old Metallica shirt and baggy pants. They were having another argument about money, just like they seemed to be having weekly now. Eric sighed pinching his nose before talking. “Look, I know the job market is tough right now though my patience is wearing thin, Jordan. Your band...

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April Fools Diary Mr Jobsworth

13 May 202112 May 2021I was so super-doopery excited last night that I could barely sleep. Not only was I a plugged princess and a conquesting adult, but tomorrow I was to start my journey from perky, pokie, sodden-cunted, schoolgirl to a future life as a worker bee receiving money for servicings rendered. For tomorrow was Careers Advice Day and I had a morning appointment with the Career Advisor, Mr Jobsworth. What would I be? A blogger? A vlogger? A cunty snogger? An influencer? A...

1 year ago
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You Are A Jobber

You are the newest wrestler at L.E.W.D. Lustful Erotic Wrestling and Debauchery. You are new to the world of wrestling. And while you’ve always had a passion for it, that doesn’t exactly translate into talent or physical prowess. As a result, the only wrestling company that’ll give you a chance is this crude company. However, you’ll take any chance to get a taste of wrestling, even if that means working for a perverse promotion like this one. LEWD is known for it’s more unsavory wrestling....

1 year ago
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Handjob Hub! Every man has a dream to find the best porn available on the web. But, this is not so easy. How many times have you searched for some high-quality porn videos, but you ended up on some shady, outdated tube from the nineties? Although the number of tubes is rising day by day, the number of high-quality tubes is decreasing. But, don't worry, The Porn Dude is here to help you find the best porn content ever and handjob videos are definitely among them.I can guarantee that there is no...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Reddit RandomActsOfBlowJob, aka r/RandomActsOfBlowJob! Are you looking for a random hookup, and you just don’t know where to go? Well, did you know that Reddit basically has it all? You should have known, I’ve said that so many fucking times that I feel like a broken record. Specifically, r/RandomActsOfBlowJob/ is the subreddit you are looking for, and I think everything is pretty much explained in the name.At the time I was writing this, there was a whole coronavirus outbreak, so the subreddit...

Reddit NSFW List
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Reddit JOBuds, Jerk Off Buds, aka r/JOBuds! How many times have you been lying in your bed awake, horny, and wishing you had someone to interact with while you jerked off? Ideally, that would probably be a female, but what about the dudes that enjoy jacking off with other straight men? Hey bros, ThePornDude is inclusive of all kinks, and if you enjoy jacking it with other straight dudes while you watch straight porn, think straight thoughts, and help the two of you ejaculate like a good bro...

Reddit NSFW List
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Blowjob It! There’s nothing like getting the good glark-glark from some kinky bitch. I’m talking about getting domed - getting some head. Fucking that eager throat-pussy. Whatever you fucks call it, I just want hot videos of sluts slobbering on knobs. And I know you eager fappers love that shit. Just wait until you get to experience the real fucking deal. I don’t even take whores back to my place if they don’t go down and deepthroat cock. If I’m going to eat some pussy and ass, then I need that...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...

Reddit NSFW List
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AC Tugjob

*** Disclaimer: THIS IS A CUCKOLD STORY INVOLVING OLDER AND YOUNG SEX. If your not into this, I suggest you don't continue reading. It was a getaway trip for my girlfriend and me to Atlantic City. She is 24 years old and I am 26. We are both of Indian descent and both are fulltime students in college. We needed a break and headed to Atlantic City for a mini weekend vacation. My goal was to have sex throughout the weekend and spark our sexual relationship. I always pestered her to be kinkier and...

3 years ago
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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

3 years ago
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New Start pt2 new job

I was in the middle of putting away stores when my pager bleeped with a message telling me apartment 12 had a blocked sink in the bathroom, so l finished the job l was doing and went to 12, l knocked then heard a woman telling me to come in, l went inside and got on with unblocking the sink. Things were going well when the woman called to ask if l would help her to the toilet as she needed to pee, all this wasn’t new to me as it was one of the jobs l did while working in the hospital. I...

1 year ago
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Reddit Handjob, aka r/Handjob! Don’t you just love it when your girl knows how to tug on a throbbing hose properly? I think all men appreciate that. In case you are here to see some lovely chicks giving amazing handjobs, I am sure that you will love what r/Handjob/ has to offer. To be fair, why else the fuck would you visit a subreddit that is literally called handjob?I mean, that is basically the gist of what r/Handjob/ has to offer. But, that is not all that you need to know about

Reddit NSFW List
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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

4 years ago
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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

4 years ago
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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

1 year ago
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Scrolller Handjob

Do you dream at night of getting a handjob from a beautiful woman? Do you also dream about the most vanilla sex? Regardless of what you are into, if you want to cum to looking at pictures of other dudes get jacked off, it’s hard to think of a better place to visit right now than More than just fucking pictures, the site is what a modern porn picture site should look like.Is that a bold as fuck statement? Hell yeah, it is. But I stand by it. Suck my dick if you don’t like...

Handjob Porn Sites
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PornHub Handjob

Today we’re going to talk about handjob porn. Now, there are many places where you can get free pornography featuring handjobs, but I’ll specifically focus on a little website that you might have heard of before. I don’t know if you guys ever heard about the site PornHub? Yeah, it’s a small little startup porn site that’s picking up steam and is getting quite big. I think that you should check it out if you’re looking to get a bunch of great handjob porn for free. Alright, all jokes aside,...

Handjob Porn Sites
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ImageFap Handjob

Welcome to, one of the finest sites for all things porn picture related. Now, while there is a lot to uncover here, the thing I really want to concentrate our efforts on today is the handjob section of the website. Why? Well, because handjobs just don’t get enough love. I feel like handjobs are always dealt a really shitty hand when it comes to porn and they’re always put off to the side like some sort of appetizer where everyone just waits for the main course meal. Well, guess...

Handjob Porn Sites
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XVideos Handjob

Are you trying to find the perfect free porn tube site? Well, XVideos is definitely one of the top, and for a good reason. This site has been alive for a long-ass time, and it has provided many of us with some of the hottest porn videos… covering all kinds of categories. The site has it all, so if you are in the naughty mood, you know where the fuck to go.Well, I am here to tell you all about XVideos and what it offers while focusing all my love on the handjob category. So, if you just came...

Handjob Porn Sites
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PornPics Handjob

I have a question for you guys. Who here is a fan of handjobs? I’m sure not that many hands went up in the air when I asked this. It’s just because people don’t think about handjobs enough, in my opinion. The very idea of a girl tugging on your cock and milking it for every drop of cum that you have is just so fucking arousing for me, and I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s just that handjobs got a bad rep because they are just the precursor to the main course, which is always some hardcore...

Handjob Porn Sites
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SxyPrn Handjob

Handjobs are really something, aren’t they? I mean, think about it for a second. It’s not like you can get a handjob every day, right? I mean, sure, it’s not the most impressive thing ever, but it’s really something. For one, I would immediately go for a handjob over anything else if I didn’t feel like putting any effort into it. Now, some would say that blowjobs cover that, but I think that you do need to exert some effort into enjoying a blowjob, since the chick expects so much out of it....

Handjob Porn Sites
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Sexy Wifeys Handjobs

Sexy Wifey's Handjobs ? by: Sexy Wifey Our sex life has been very good, but recently took a turn for the better, certainly more adventuresome. My husband is a cross-dresser. He loves to wear women's clothes, high heels, pierced earrings, dresses, and ESPECIALLY the underwear. He really digs wearing garterbelts, panties and bras, with the breast forms I bought him. So I dress him, even do his makeup and hair for him. And he always has a raging erection when we're...

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Dick Jacking Handjobs

you're sitting here between Them... two men... black men... who are Both... still fully dressed... save for Their long and hard... huge black pricks... sticking out of Their pants... jutting up high... and hard... in the air... and somewhat... pointed in your direction... because of how you're sitting... and what you're doing... between Their legs... just sitting here... between Them... in the dayroom... except... that you're the one... who's totally... and completely naked... with your...

1 year ago
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FapHouse Handjobs

So you wanna fap away at the hottest models in town? There’s no better place to find them than at Well, you might not have heard of it yet. It’s quite a new site after all, but that doesn’t matter considering the galore of steamy videos in their catalog.Just landing at the front page is enough to get your dick throbbing. But if you have had enough of watching hours and hours of dicks pounding on creamy cunts, then it’s time to throw in a twist. How about checking out hot kicks...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
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iWank Handjob is a free aggregator porn website covering an excellent selection of adult niches, including lots of handjob pornos. If you want to know more about the site in general, you are welcome to check out my review on instead. As for those who would love to learn more about the handjob selection of pornos on this website, you are more than welcome to stick around!Lots of free handjob pornosAre you ready to see some hot videos featuring hot girls rubbing hard cocks? Well, you are in...

Handjob Porn Sites
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New Job

Don's problems started when the dot com bubble burst. He lost his job and like many IT people, could not find another. He and Mandy had been married for ten years and it had been a great ride. They both had high paying jobs so they lived well, in a large apartment, eating out regularly, vacations at swank resorts and lots of travel when they were bored. Even though they were married they each controlled their own finances. They split the household expenses and had the rest for...

1 year ago
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xHamster Handjob

Not every hottie knows how to properly tug on our tool, and sometimes that is all we want to see. Right? Well, the best place to find proper handjob vides is probably on premium websites. But, I am well aware that some of you cheap fucks prefer free content, which is why I am here to talk about the Handjob category on you ever heard about xHamster? I mean, there is no way that you have not stumbled upon this site at least once during your dirty browsing time… is a...

Handjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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XNXX Handjob

Life is full of simple pleasures. I love going to town on an eager nympho’s pussy any day of the week, but even I, feel lazy sometimes. Now, I don’t make a lifelong habit of it like you lard balls. I don’t spend every waking hour jerking it to hentai and laying in bed munching on chicken tendies. Instead, there are days and nights where I want nothing more than to lay my head back and let some whore jerk my dick. I don’t need her to deepthroat my cock or shove it up her ass. Sometimes it’s nice...

Handjob Porn Sites
4 years ago
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New Job

Hey all. Sorry for the long break since my last story but I've been focusing on finishing school and a new job! I wanted to share this experience.I started a new job recently, selling parts for industrial manufacturing. I have to travel some to make sales calls. Recently i had to drive out to a customer about 2 hours away. I had spoken to the manager of the plant several times over the phone and was going out there to follow up on some orders. I got to the plant and waited for a while in the...

2 years ago
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Newcastle and the age of consent

Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun. Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away. Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and...

1 year ago
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Newcastle and the age of consent

Sorry if the title is misleading, but young sex and i****tuous sex are the turn-ons for girls like myself and horny guys wanting a dirty female for fun.Of course as a girl on the legal limit, getting a man inside you is just a nod or a wink away.Drinking from a beer bottle and noticing a guy eyeing you, is fun when you give the bottle an extra push into your mouth and withdraw it with a lip sucking extraction, slow and deliberate, to get the message across that this could be your cock and what...

1 year ago
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HotMovies Handjob

Hot Movies and masturbation go together like, well, like dirty movies and touching yourself. Since the invention of the camera, mankind has been capturing images of the beautiful, naked human female form, and then shaking their dicks at those images. One of the most popular subgenres of smut has always been masturbation, whether it’s women manually working over their clits or using those same digits to jerk off a dude. Your great grandfather probably trudged three miles through the snow to...

Premium Handjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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NudeVista Handjob

Handjobs have always been the least desirable in porn. They are kind of boring if you ask most people. However, you’re just looking at them the wrong way. With their ball twiddling and cock tugging action, handjobs can be the best part of sex. Heck, sometimes they can be the ONLY part of sex you need in order to cum. This all depends on the girls you’re having a go with. If you look at many of these hot chicks in the handjob category on, I’m pretty sure that most of them can make...

Handjob Porn Sites
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NaughtyBlog Handjob

Watching porn movies online is easy… you just skip through the movie to see whether it offers the juicy bits that make your dick hard, and that’s it. But, when you want to download naughty pornos, it can be challenging to find the ones that suit your taste. Mostly because in the majority of cases, we are not given enough information about the video… and not like you can skip through it until you actually download the clip.Wouldn’t it be more fun if there was a site that offered enough...

Handjob Porn Sites
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Aloha Tube Handjob

I’m sure you sex-starved nerds sit there and dream of what it would be like to get a handjob from someone other than yourself. You fucks probably death grip your cocks so tight that you’ve got calluses going along the palm of your hand. And there’s nothing quite like having the soft hands of a cute girl lube you up and jerk your dick for you. Sure, it’s not as wet and wild as a slut gagging on your dick or the same and pumping a babe’s eager pussy full of cum. But, hey, you can’t eat cake every...

Handjob Porn Sites

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