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The Re-Education of Jesse - Part Two Chapter Eleven - Massing the Troops Jesse drowsed. He was lying on Jennifer's bed, the only illumination coming from her bedside lamp. He was vaguely aware of her body pressing gently up against his, turned slightly toward him, her hand on his stomach. They were dressed only in bra and panties. Jennifer's eyes were closed, her breathing soft and regular. Presently, she opened her eyes and yawned, then turned and smiled at him. "So, how was that?" she asked softly. "That was... wow... that was unbelievable!" he responded, grinning, "Doing it both at the same time... holy shit. It was incredible!" "It's called sixty-nine," she said, "Did you know that?" "Well, I've heard the term before, but I wasn't really sure what it meant... So that's it, huh? Wow..." "You liked it? So we can do it again sometime?" "Totally!" "Cool." They lay in silence for a few minutes, then Jennifer changed the subject. "So, Jess," she said, "What are we going to do about Katrina? Have you been thinking about it?" Jesse pondered. "Yeah," he began, "I have a few ideas, but maybe we should get together with Brianna and Michelle, and maybe one or two others we trust, and talk it over. I'm thinking we're going to need a few reinforcements." "Definitely," she confirmed, "We'll talk to them at breakfast tomorrow, and maybe we can meet in the evening in Brianna's room. I bet she's got some ideas too. She's always hated Katrina. You should get her to tell you about some of the shit that went down when she first got here... Brianna, I mean. Katrina just made her life miserable, at least until Brianna started to stand up for herself. She'll definitely be up for a little Katrina bashing." "Alright!" Jesse replied, grinning wickedly, "I am so there! This is gonna be fun!" "Oh, and my friend Andrea? She'd be a good one to get in on this too. She's got a bit of a history as a shit-disturber, and I bet she'd be a good resource. Okay with you?" "For sure," Jesse said, then paused, "Andrea... Was she your... how can I put this? Was she your 'fuck buddy' before me?" "Yeah, that's her," said Jennifer, coloring slightly, "And she still is, you know. She's a really nice person. I wouldn't want to cut her out... just so you know." "Sure, that's cool," Jesse replied, and chuckled, "I mean, it's not like we're 'dating' or anything." They giggled for a while, then lapsed into a companionable silence. They snuggled quietly for a time, then Jesse stirred, rising to return to his own bed. As he stood next to her, she reached up and hooked her index finger around his bra, between the cups, and pulled him down to her. She leaned up and kissed him on the lips, then smiled and said, "See you in the morning!" "Yup. 'Night." -- Jesse awakened to the morning chime, and began what was now a familiar morning ritual. What was once distasteful was now so routine that he hardly thought about it: choosing a dress and laying it carefully on his bed, a quick trip to the bathroom to pee (sitting down, of course) and brush teeth, then back to his room. Nightie off, bra, panties, garter belt and stockings on (by now an expert at rolling them up his legs), a quick check of his nails (polish still in good shape, thank goodness), then makeup. Eye shadow, so... eye liner, mascara, a few quick strokes of brow pencil. Blush, lipstick, gloss. Less than five minutes, start to finish. Then: dress on, squirm the zipper up the back... Shoes... going with the strappy white heels today (toenail polish still fine, he reflected). Brush and fluff hair, earrings, bracelet. Purse over shoulder, and... ready to go. Then a quick glance of his morning schedule, and... dress off. "Shit!" he muttered. His first period was an academic class. He changed into his uniform: skirt, white blouse and blazer, then swapped his shoes for navy high-heeled pumps. He examined himself in the mirror, then removed his earrings and bracelet, substituting his pearl necklace and matching earrings. He heard Jennifer stirring about on her side of the room as he dressed, and presently her head appeared around the partition. "Hey," she grinned. "Hey," he replied, "Damn it, I got all dressed and then realized I had an academic right after breakfast, so I had to change into my uniform. What a piss-off." She snickered. "Yeah, I know. Happens to me all the time. You about ready?" "Yup," he said, grabbing his purse, "Let's go." They made their way to the dining room, grabbed some food and found Michelle and Brianna sitting together. They'd saved seats, so he and Jennifer joined them. "Okay, gang," Jennifer began without preamble, "We want to have a planning meeting tonight, to discuss how we can nail Katrina. Can we get together in your room?" "Absolutely," Brianna nodded. "Let's say 8 o'clock. That'll give us a couple of hours before lights-out." The others nodded their agreement. "So, do you guys have any ideas?" Jesse began. "We'd better not talk about it here," Jennifer cautioned, glancing around, "You never know who might be listening." "Oh. Okay." "Are any of you on the planning committee for the prom?" Michelle asked, changing the subject, "I'm supposed to be helping with decorations." The others shook their heads. "Hey!" she exclaimed, "I just had an idea." She leaned forward and lowered her voice. "I'm thinking... the prom might be the ideal place to... you know, execute our plan. I've got a few thoughts about it, and if all of us got on the prom committee, we'd be in a good position to make any preparations we needed to. What do you think?" They looked at each other. "That's not a bad idea," Brianna replied after a moment's thought, "But really, we should keep a lid on this when we're in public. No more talk, okay?" "I gotta go, anyway," Michelle announced, collecting her dishes and standing, "I've got a milking in a few minutes." "Lucky you!" Jennifer grinned. They all stood and, after agreeing to meet for lunch, separated to head to their first classes of the day. Jesse's first class was History, something that came easily to him, which was a good thing, because his mind kept flitting to Katrina, and ideas for bringing her down... somehow. The prom, huh? he pondered. Interesting. If they managed to pull some embarrassing prank on her at the prom, her humiliation would be an intensely public one. Is that what he wanted? Jesse wasn't sure he was quite THAT evil... And it would also mean that they would have to cover their tracks well, to avoid getting caught. His mind drifted. English class was next, after which he raced back to his room and changed into a short skirt and blouse, swapped his pumps for strappy white heels, then ran down to the milking room, making it just as the chime sounded for the start of third period. "Good morning, Jessica," Miss Danielle said warmly as he entered. "Morning, Miss," Jesse replied, his body already responding to his anticipation of what was to come, "Should I remove my skirt and blouse?" "Yes, please do Jessica." "Um, Miss?" Jesse began hesitantly, as he unzipped his skirt, "I was wondering..." "Yes?" "Will... will there be any more milking sessions with me and Jennifer together?" "Did you like that?" she asked. He blushed slightly and said, "Yes m'am. Very much." "Well then, I think we can arrange it," she smiled, "I will look at Jennifer's schedule and see what I can do. Now, please stand before the mirror and we'll begin..." Fifteen minutes later, he wafted blissfully back to his room to change into a short-sleeved floral print dress. He'd recited the milking litany easily, even willingly, itemizing each piece of clothing, makeup, shoes and jewelry (including, at Miss Danielle's encouragement, things he wasn't even wearing at the time, dresses, evening gowns, negligees, teddies), while her skillful hands edged him closer and closer to ecstasy, culminating in an explosive climax that made his knees buckle. The rest of the day passed uneventfully. His next class was Aesthetics, then lunch with Jennifer, Brianna and Michelle, followed by Current Fashion Trends, then Femininity and Deportment, then another milking (with Miss Angelica this time), and finally a free period, during which he hunted up his Math teacher for help with his algebra assignment. Since this wasn't "officially" a class, he wasn't required to change back into his uniform, so he showed up to dinner still in the same dress he'd worn to his afternoon milking. He picked up his dinner and sat down with his three friends. "What's this?" said Brianna, looking down and fingering the hem of his dress. "What's what?" he asked, looking down. "It's a 'crusty'!" Brianna exclaimed gleefully, "Jessica's got a crusty!" "A crusty! A crusty!" the others chanted, giggling. Jesse looked closely. A small spot of semen that'd he'd somehow missed when cleaning up after his milking had hardened on the hem of his dress. He scratched at it with a nail. "You know what that means, don't you?" Jennifer said, still giggling. Jesse shook his head, a blush creeping into his cheeks. "It means you have to buy us all a case of pop at the tuck shop." "Actually, it means something else..." Brianna began. "Shh!" Jennifer scolded, "It's her first one... cut her some slack!" Jesse looked at them quizzically. Jennifer leaned toward Jesse and whispered, "Actually, if you're caught with a crusty more than once, it means that you have to give us all... blow jobs!" They all dissolved in fresh bouts of giggling. "For real?" he asked. They nodded. "Have any of you...?" "I have," said Michelle, blushing slightly. The others nodded again. "Well..." Jesse countered, a wry smile on his face, "I think I'll just buy the case of pop, for now..." "Seriously, though," Brianna went on, "You wouldn't want to get caught with a crusty by one of the mistresses. They'd be pretty pissed off, and you might even get a caning, especially if it happened more than once. Better clean up more carefully next time..." There was a short silence while they started on their food. "Hey," said Jennifer suddenly, gazing across the room, "No, don't look! It's Katrina and her bunch. They're sitting over there, pissing themselves laughing, and they're looking this way." Jesse turned his head carefully and looked out of the corner of his eye. "Yeah, I see 'em," he confirmed, "That bitch. She probably heard about me getting caned for that lipstick prank she pulled on me. Shit." "Well, we'll make her laugh out of the other side of her mouth, won't we?" Jennifer said firmly, "So, eight o'clock meeting, right?" They nodded. -- The four of them were clustered around an open window in Brianna and Michelle's room. It had become their de facto "preferred" meeting spot, located as it was further from the main corridors than Jesse and Jennifer's room, and thus was a safer location, away from prying eyes and nosy teachers. The fan was going and, like several times before, they each had a cigarette (courtesy of Brianna), and were taking turns blowing the smoke carefully out the window. "So," Jesse began, "I call this meeting to order. What's on the agenda?" "Kicking Katrina's ass," Jennifer said, and they giggled. "So, who's got any ideas?" "Well," Michelle began, "Like I said, I think we ought to plan something to happen at the prom. That way, she'd be embarrassed in public, which she SO deserves, and also it might be harder to trace it back to us. At least, if we're careful." "I think that's a pretty good idea," said Brianna, "She'll be up for prom queen, of course. That's a certainty, since she does every year, and she'll probably be expecting to win, since she does every year." "She fucking stuffs the ballot boxes, I guarantee it," Jennifer muttered. "So, if we do something to make sure she DOESN'T win..." "AND if one of us won...!" Michelle put in excitedly. "Jessica!" exclaimed Jennifer, "Jessica! If we could somehow make sure SHE took the crown from under Katrina's nose..." "Katrina'd go thermonuclear!" Brianna gushed, "She'd have a complete meltdown! Beautiful! I love it!" "How the hell could I win?" Jesse protested, "I'm not even in her league." "Hey, don't sell yourself short, Jess," Brianna replied, "You're really very pretty, and with our help, you can be just as pretty as her. Even prettier, I bet. And besides, I think a lot of girls would be happy to vote for you if it became known that you were going after Katrina's reign. And it's guaranteed that if you beat her out for the crown, she'd have an absolute shit-fit. It'd be spectacular!" The others nodded their agreement, giggling. "I bet you'd win by a landslide," Michelle chipped in, "Unless Katrina's got the voting committee in her pocket, which is possible, I guess." Jesse thought about this for a minute, while he took a final drag on his cigarette, then stubbed it on the bricks outside the window. Brianna collected the butts, flushed them down the toilet, and handed around the toothpaste. "You know what?" Jesse said after a short silence. "What?" they asked. He looked slowly around his circle of friends and smiled grimly. "It's not enough." Chapter Twelve - Making Plans The following day, Jennifer went in search of her friend Andrea in the hopes of recruiting her to the project. Jesse caught up to her at breakfast. "Andrea's cool," Jennifer announced, as he sat down next to her, "She'd love to help. She had an early milking, so she's gone already, but you'll meet her tonight." "Okay!" Jesse replied, grinning, "The wheels are in motion. So what's your first period?" "Good question," she answered, unfolding her schedule, "Miss Danielle changed my timetable this morning, but I don't know why. Um... let's see," she scrutinized the sheet, "Makeup Arts, first thing, then... oh, cool! Milking, next." Jesse looked at his schedule, running his finger down the class list, "Hey! I've got milking second period, too! What room are you in?" "Two twenty-one." "Wow. Me too!" They grinned at each other, "It looks like we'll be together," Jesse said at last, remembering what he'd asked Miss Danielle the day before. That was quick work! Jesse could hardly contain his impatience. He sat through his first period English class all but squirming with anticipation. Then he sprinted to his room -- running in heels was becoming second nature -- and changed into a dress. Jennifer and Miss Danielle were waiting for him in the milking room. He and Jennifer smiled bashfully at each other, then Miss Danielle said, "Now girls, please take off your outer clothes and stand next to each other at the mirror." "Next to each other, Miss?" Jesse inquired. This was something new. "Yes, next to each other. Jessica, are you right or left-handed?" "Right, Miss." "And Jennifer I believe you're left-handed, are you not?" "Right... I mean, yes, left." "Excellent! Jessica, you stand to Jennifer's left." Miss Danielle gestured toward the mirror. Jesse was watching Jennifer intently, trying to figure out if she, at least, knew what to expect, but she was looking just as mystified as Jesse felt. They joined each other in front of the big three way mirror, clad similarly in bras, panties, garter belts, stockings and heels, their arms just touching. Miss Danielle handed Jesse a tube of lubricant, and he squirted a little onto his hand, then passed it to Jennifer. "Good," Miss Danielle announced, "Now, using your hands nearest to your partner, I would like you to milk each other at the same time." Jennifer looked up, surprised. "At the same time?" "Yes. You may begin, but don't move your hands until I say, please. We'll proceed slowly, for now." Jesse and Jennifer stole glances at each other. This was kind of eerie. It seemed an uncanny echo of what they'd done together in private (and probably against school rules) in Jennifer's bed a couple of days ago. Could Miss Danielle have found out, somehow? And if so, why show it in this way? Could she be offering them a kind of tacit stamp of approval of their behavior? Or was it all merely a weird coincidence? For the moment, however, it didn't seem to matter. They pulled down their panties, and as Jesse reached over and grasped Jennifer, she did the same to him, their adjacent arms crossing. Jesse felt a thrill of excitement run through him as he touched Jennifer's penis, and simultaneously felt her hand gently grasping his. Both were hard and quivering. "Now, Jennifer, begin your recitation. Jessica, begin moving your hand, but very, very slowly at first. I think you two will like this." "Ooooh yes, miss!" Jennifer gushed, beginning the words that were so familiar to both of them, "I love being a girl... I love wearing pretty bras and panties and stockings... and garter belts. I love wearing high heels..." "Thank you, Jennifer," Miss Danielle interrupted, "Jessica, keep moving your hand... slowly! Jennifer, you may begin moving your hand now, slowly as well. Jessica, it's your turn." "I... I love being a girl," he began, "I love wearing pretty bras..." He repeated almost verbatim what Jennifer had said. When he reached "high heels" -- the point at which Miss Danielle had stopped Jennifer -- he paused and looked over at her. "Continue," Miss Danielle prompted. "Oh, okay... Ohhh... Oh God...!" he moaned, his knees beginning to tremble, "I love wearing dresses and skirts, and b-blouses... I... I l- love looking p-p-pretty in makeup... I love wearing lipstick and eye shadow, and mascara... I love making my hands pretty with nail polish... I... oooohhh!" Jennifer's hand had sped up. Jesse's hips began to move involuntarily. "Jennifer! Please slow down..." Miss Danielle interjected, "Stop for a moment. Now it's your turn..." Jennifer reiterated the same litany in a quivering voice, and Jesse began to subtly speed up his stroke, while Jennifer's own hand on his shaft gently squeezed and released, squeezed and released. His hips moved faster still. "Jessica," Miss Danielle said, turning to him, "Please talk about your jewelry..." "Yes, M-Miss... Ungh... I love wearing earrings and necklaces, and bracelets, and rings and..." "What kinds of earrings do you like, Jessica?" Jesse was rapidly losing control. "Oh Miss!" he said desperately, "All kinds! Danglies and hoops, and... and..." "Jennifer," Miss Danielle, interrupted quickly, no doubt aware that there were only seconds left, "Your turn again." "Ohhhh..." she sighed loudly, "Yes, I love wearing pretty jewelry, necklaces and earrings and bracelets...Unh! Unnnhhh!" Both their hands were now almost a blur. Jesse saw in the mirror that Jennifer's knees were giving out, her eyes were almost closed, her mouth half open, her glossed lips pouting. "Now," Miss Danielle said urgently, "One last time! Do you like being pretty girls?" "Oh yes!" they exclaimed almost together, "Yes, Miss! I love being a pretty girl!" Then they groaned loudly in unison, and twin jets of semen shot forth and splashed against the mirror almost as one. Their hands worked frenziedly, coaxing every drop from each other's organs, hips working, knees wobbling. Then gradually they slowed, and stopped. They sighed, again almost in unison, their hands still grasping each other. "Oh..." moaned Jesse, his eyes closed. Jennifer shuddered and almost lost her balance. "Very good, girls!" Miss Danielle said brightly, "Very, very good. You both did very well, and I KNOW you enjoyed it! Now when you're ready, please clean up. Then you can get dressed and go to your next class." Slowly, they let go of each other's cocks, then looked at each other and grinned. "Yes, Miss," murmured Jennifer, dreamily, "Yes, we enjoyed it." -- Following dinner, Jesse and Jennifer headed up to Brianna and Michelle's room. There were no cigarettes this time; this was to be a serious planning meeting. Moments after they arrived, there was another knock at the door, and Michelle opened it to admit a tall, striking girl with long straight black hair. Jesse had noticed her several times in the dining room -- she WAS quite beautiful -- but had never spoken to her. He looked quizzically at Jennifer. "It's okay," she said, "This is my friend Andrea. She's cool." "Okay, girls," Brianna said, "Let's get started. I call this meeting of FUCKS to order." "FUCKS?" Jesse echoed, "What's that? And can you knock off that 'girls' stuff, huh? I'm STILL not one, you know, in spite of all that stuff I said in milking." "Yeah, what's FUCKS?" said Jennifer. "The 'Fuck Up Creepy Katrina Society!'" Brianna and Michelle sang in unison, giggling. "Ah. Well, personally, I'm not sure I'm all that keen on being called a 'fuck'," replied Jesse, "But I appreciate the sentiment." "Well... okay, we can think of a better name later," said Brianna, "For now, let's talk about ideas. Have we decided that we're going to try and get Jessica to win prom queen and snatch the title from under the bitch's nose?" "Okay, that's good for a start," Jesse said, "But we want to put an end to her power around here. Permanently. Know what I mean? There's too many people around here who she's intimidated too many times, and they're all scared of her now. We'd be doing everybody a favor, not just us. I'd even be willing to bet that half of her kiss-ass entourage would be happy to see her taken down a notch or two. They're just afraid to admit it." "I think I've got a pretty decent idea," said Andrea, speaking for the first time, "It's a little tricky, but if it works, it'll be awesome!" "Great! Let's hear it," responded Jesse. Andrea paused, then spread her hands. "Okay," she began, "Now, I haven't actually DONE this myself, but I know some people who have, and it works great. And you know, my Mom's an herbalist, so I've got access to a bunch of books that could give us the info we need. Trouble is, it's probably going to mean going over the fence..." "Going over the fence?" Jesse echoed, "Are you nuts? Good luck with THAT! First of all, the outer fence is electrified; I know that from personal experience. And second, I've STILL got the stripes on my ass from getting caned when I tried it and got caught!" "I know about the fence," Andrea said reasonably, "And I won't get caught, honest. I know how to do it. Now, here's my idea..." -- The next day Jesse and Jennifer made a point of signing up for the prom committee immediately after breakfast. A tall, somewhat heavy-set third- year took their names. "We're glad to have you gals," she said as Jesse put his name down, "We've got less people on the committee than last year, and there's still lots to be done. Is there anything in particular you two want to work on?" "Oh, anything," Jennifer said, "We'll do anything." "Um, how about decorations?" said Jesse, thinking that it might be a good idea to work closely with Michelle, in case they needed to collaborate on something. "Yeah! Decorations!" chimed in Jennifer. "Well, we've got a lot of people working on decorations already... can you two maybe help with planning the food and drinks? Or how about making posters?" "Um, okay," said Jesse, "But, could we still help with the decorations if we have time?" "Sure, no problem!" the other smiled, "I'm Kelly, by the way. This is my second year working on the prom. It's pretty cool. You get to meet lots of the other girls, and we sometimes get together after work, and we'll have a little party in one of the girls' rooms. We have fun." "Great," said Jesse, reflecting that a few short months ago, being on a prom committee would probably have been the last thing he'd be doing voluntarily, "Well, we'll see you after classes, then." "See you." "Where do you go next?" Jennifer asked as they strolled down the corridor together, their heels clicking almost in unison. "I've got something called 'prom prep'," Jesse replied, looking at his schedule, "What's that?" "Hey I've got that too! Cool. It's a bunch of stuff, actually. Everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-getting-ready-for-the-prom- but-forgot-to-ask... It covers things like how to dress, how to do your makeup, and accessorize, how to dance in heels, how to behave with your date, how to..." "What? 'Date?' What date?" "Well, everyone has to have a date of course, silly! What did you think? We'd go without escorts? Who would you dance with? Who would escort you?" "Wait a sec. What's the story here? What're you talking about? ...Are you talking about BOYS?" "Well... yeah..." she paused, "See, there's this boy's academy up the road, a few miles from here. Very posh, very exclusive. And they have this arrangement with us so that every year the boys from that school come here, and escort us at our prom. Who did you think you'd be going with?" "Well... I guess I didn't really think about it. But... holy shit! Boys? We're expected to be with BOYS? Christ! That's nuts! What about... I mean... do they know... do the boys know that we' know... boys too?" "Nope. It's a carefully guarded secret. That makes the prom a kind of a test, see? It's like, how well can you act like a girl, so that your date doesn't find out the truth? It's scary, but it's kind of exciting at the same time." "Oh my GOD!" Jesse exclaimed, putting his hand to his forehead, "I can't believe this! I'm totally freaking out!" "Oh Jesse, it's not that bad! I mean, all you have to do is go through the receiving line with your arm through his, dance with him a few times, hang out with him for a while, make him fetch your drinks and snacks... and that's about it. It's fun, really. And it's not like you have to kiss him or anything... although lots of girls do... and more, even!" she grinned. "But what happens if someone gets found out? It would blow everyone's cover! The whole lot of us would be exposed as a bunch of guys dressed as girls. There would be total mayhem. Shit, Jen. I'm not ready for that." "Ahh, don't worry about it." She paused, then went on in a rush, "Actually, I lied," she grinned, "Truth is, the boys actually DO know everything about us, really. But the thing is, we're not supposed to know that they know. The fourth-years are told, but us juniors aren't supposed to know at all. We're supposed to THINK that the boys don't know, because it keeps us on our toes, see? To make sure we act as feminine as possible. And make sure we look as pretty as possible too, get it? All part of our education." "God. I'm not sure which I like less," Jesse muttered, "Knowing that they know, or NOT knowing. So, what do THEY think about it?" "Well, they're told to treat us like girls, and there's lots of chaperones around to make sure they do. I think they're okay with it, mostly. Last year everything went pretty well. My date was really nice." She colored slightly at the memory. Jesse shook his head. "Well, I think I'll try and forget about it for now. Cross that bridge when I come to it, you know..." He paused, then changed the subject, "So anyway, where are we supposed to be now?" he looked at his schedule again and pointed to a nearby stairwell, "Prom Prep... Downstairs..." The classroom was nearly full when they arrived, but they managed to sit together near the front. Everyone's prom dresses were arranged on racks at one side of the room, labeled with their names. Some of the girls were already pawing through the racks, looking for their own dresses. Miss Wells bustled into the room and clapped her hands, calling, "Girls! Girls, please take your seats! Second years, pair up with a first year!" The hubbub in the room gradually died down. "Now, the prom is only a few weeks away," Miss Wells continued, when the room was quiet, "And we want everyone to look lovely, don't we? So today we'll be working on our hair and makeup, how to accessorize our dresses, and if there's time, we'll start on poise and deportment. But first I have an announcement. You'll be pleased to know that, for the second year in a row, there will be live music at this year's prom!" The room erupted in cheers. "This year..." she went on, "...quiet please, ladies... this year, the band is apparently called..." here she consulted a piece of paper on her clipboard, "Let's see... ah yes, the band is called 'Cinema Phase'". There was a momentary silence, then room erupted in laughter. "And just what is so funny?" she inquired, looking about her. "Miss Curtis?" she asked of a student in the front row, "What is so terribly amusing about 'Cinema Phase?'" "Nothing, Miss," she replied, her hand over he mouth, barely able to control herself, "Nothing at all...!" " 'Cinema Phase, and tell me that you love me...!' " sang Jennifer, sotto voce, and those within earshot, including Jesse, burst into fresh giggles. Miss Wells gazed around the room sternly, "Well then, if you CHILDREN have finished giggling like a bunch of third graders, we'll begin..." For the next hour, they helped each other work on their makeup and hair and, after donning their gowns, they each tried on different accessories and shoes. Miss Wells circled the room constantly, offering advice and compliments, and occasionally sitting down with a pair for a while, to assist and demonstrate. Jesse was sitting in front of the mirror while Jennifer worked on his eyes with an assortment of brushes, pots of shadow, and mascara. His hair was up, held in place with a couple of decorative combs and many strategically placed bobby pins. He was wearing his gown -- protected by a plastic bib --and a pair of strappy black stilettos. "Why, Miss De Bont!" Miss Wells exclaimed as she strolled by, "I must say, you look positively lovely! I'm very impressed. You two have done marvelous work here!" 'Thank you, Miss," Jesse replied. "You DO look pretty amazing," Jennifer commented, after Miss Wells had continued on, "If you look this good on prom night, you'll be a serious contender for queen, I guarantee it! "There's some other stuff we can do," she went on, ticking off items on her fingers, "false eyelashes, maybe. Acrylic nail tips... Pad your bum and hips a bit... a corset for sure... I bet we can get your waist down to 24 inches, maybe even less! And we'll do the tape-cleavage thing, definitely. That dress'll really show it off..." They worked diligently for the rest of the hour. -- Jesse and Jennifer were crouched in a doorway, part way down the main ground floor corridor, about thirty yards from the front entrance. It was just after lights out. "What about the cameras?" Jesse whispered urgently. "Well, there's nobody looking at them right now, of course, not at this time of night," Jennifer whispered back, "And I don't think anyone really looks at the tapes, unless there's some reason to. The same tapes get re-used after 48 hours, so as long as nothing happens in the next two days that would make someone want to review them, we should be okay." They waited silently. Presently, they saw Andrea appear at the far end of the corridor, dressed in sweats and running shoes. She was carrying a plastic bag and a small, thin black tube in her hand. A mini-flashlight. She waved briefly in their direction and gave a thumbs-up, then darted quickly across the lobby toward the main entrance and out of sight. "So far so good," Jennifer breathed, "She said she'd be about five minutes, give or take." They waited. Neither wore a watch, but Jennifer was counting seconds in her head. "That's about five minutes," she said presently, "She should be back any time now... Oh shit! There's someone coming!" They heard footsteps, coming from a side corridor, getting closer, heading in the direction of the lobby. Two sets of footsteps, accompanied by muffled conversation. "Damn it. I guess this is our cue," Jennifer whispered, "Wait a sec... okay, let's go!" They emerged into the corridor together. A few seconds later Miss Donovan and Miss Gabrielle came into view, and spotted them immediately. "Girls! Girls come here, please!" Miss Donovan commanded at once. Jesse and Jennifer stopped and turned toward them. Jesse could feel his knees quivering. "Girls! What are you doing up at this hour?" Miss Donovan demanded, coming up to them, "Don't you know it's past lights out?" "Yes, Miss!" Jennifer exclaimed, putting on an innocent face, "We're sorry Miss, but, you see, Jessica and I are on the prom planning committee... we were discussing the food and decorations for the prom with the others and, well... I guess we just lost track of time... We're very sorry!" Jesse nodded in agreement, gulping. As Jennifer talked, the two of them had moved, slowly and as casually as possible, around the two teachers so that they were now facing toward the lobby, and the teachers were facing away from it. No more than a second or two later, Jesse saw Andrea emerge into the lobby from the direction of the main doors, tiptoeing carefully. She'd already spotted the two teachers standing with their backs to her, talking to Jesse and Jennifer. She had a bundle of something under her arm, wrapped in the plastic bag. Quickly, she darted up a side passage and disappeared. "Honest, Miss," Jennifer was going on, all wide-eyed innocence, "It won't happen again, we promise! But we're just so excited about the prom and, well, we just got wrapped up in the discussion, I guess." Miss Donovan was silent for a moment, then glanced at her companion, who shrugged and smiled as if to say, 'Girls will be girls.' She looked at them sternly for a few moments longer, then her expression softened. "Well, girls," she went on, "I suppose this is a special situation. I know how excited I was when I was on my prom committee! I think we can overlook it this once. But I don't want to see any more breaking of the rules!" She raised a warning finger, "Just make sure you keep an eye on the clock next time, understand? And you can be thankful it was Miss Gabrielle and me who discovered you instead of someone else, or you might be paying a visit to Mme. La Farge's office tomorrow morning! Now off to your room immediately, before someone else catches you!" "Oh yes, Miss! Thank you Miss!" Jennifer gushed. "Yes, thank you!" Jesse chimed in. They ran down the hall and up a flight of stairs. "Damn!" Jesse panted, "I was SURE we were up shit creek there for a minute! We were SO lucky it was those two! But at least Andrea made it back inside without being spotted." "Yeah, I saw her too. Way cool! So, tomorrow night we'll get together in Brianna's room to talk about phase two..." -- As it turned out, the group had to postpone their meeting the following day. Brianna and Michelle announced at lunch that they were forced to attend an emergency meeting of the prom committee's 'decorating sub- committee' to address what was apparently a critical bunting shortage. Also at lunch, Andrea was able to confirm that her clandestine expedition to the far side of the fence had, in fact, been a success, and she'd been able to locate everything she needed (thanking Jennifer and Jesse for creating a diversion, thus enabling her to re-enter without detection). However, it looked like the advancement of phase two of the plan was going to have to wait an extra day. As a result, Jesse was taking the opportunity to relax for the evening. He was lying on his bed reading, wearing only bra and panties, when Andrea walked in, smiled in his direction and said hi, and disappeared on Jennifer's side of the room. He heard quiet conversation for a time, which changed gradually into soft moans and kissing sounds, mingled with the occasional squeak of bed-springs. Jesse smiled to himself and shook his head. That Jennifer. Insatiable! He was pleased with himself that he felt no discernable jealousy. After all, Jennifer could suck whomever she wanted, couldn't she? It wasn't like she and Jesse had... agreed to be exclusive, or anything... In this middle of this reverie, he heard Jennifer's voice, "Jess?" "Uh-huh?" he responded. "Are you awake?" "Sure. Just reading." "Come over here for a sec." He got up and padded, barefoot, to the partition and looked around. She and Andrea were lying together on her bed, wearing only their bras. "Hey," he smiled, "What's up?" "Wanna join us?" Jennifer asked. "Huh?" he said, surprised, "Join you?" "Yeah, sure! It'd be fun," she replied. Andrea nodded in agreement. "Really?" "Yes really. Come on! Strip down and sit over here!" She sat up and patting the bed next to her. Jesse paused. "Well... okay." He stripped off his panties and sat down cross-legged, facing them. Andrea sat up as well, so that they formed a circle. Jesse didn't know what to do. After a moment, in which the three of them simply stared at each other and grinned shyly, Andrea reached over and began fingering Jesse's flaccid penis between her thumb and forefinger. He hardened quickly, and she grasped him in her hand and began a slow, gentle stroke. Mentally shrugging, he reached over and began doing the same to Jennifer, and Jennifer reached for Andrea. Hmmm. This is interesting... he thought to himself. In fact, it feels pretty damn good! They stroked in silence for some moments, then Andrea spoke up, grinning, "This is called a 'circle-jerk'. Did you know that?" "Nope," he replied, his voice tightening as his excitement built, "I've heard the word, but I didn't really know what it meant. I'm sure learning a lot of new terms these days... So this is it, huh? Wicked cool!" "The third-years do this all the time," Jennifer chimed in, "I've heard that sometimes they have circles of, like, a dozen people!" "Wow... Unnnhh! God!" Jesse groaned involuntarily. The rhythm of their stroking increased. Then, a minute or so later, Jennifer leaned over and lay down, taking Andrea's cock in her mouth and spreading her legs at the same time. Andrea did the same to Jesse, and Jesse, taking the cue, leaned over and enveloped Jennifer's now rock- hard shaft. They lay together on the bed in a kind of roughly triangular configuration, silent except for wet fleshy sounds and the occasional moan. Jesse's excitement continued to grow, and he increased the cadence of his sucking in response. He heard Andrea moan loudly and the speed of her own movements on him increased as well. Then Jennifer uttered several loud moans and thrust her hips forward. Come shot into Jesse's mouth, again and again. He swallowed. The excitement of Jennifer's orgasm was enough to push him over the edge; he grunted two or three times, then his hips spasmed and his own climax washed over him. In a kind of chain-reaction, Andrea gave several loud groans herself, her hips thrusting in a paroxysm of ecstasy. Gradually, they quieted, then lay silently for a few minutes as their breathing returned to normal. At last, Andrea sat up. "Wow," she sighed, "That was great! Welcome to the club, Jess!" "Um, well, thanks," he replied. "So, who was first this time?" Jesse pointed to Jennifer, who nodded, blushing slightly. "Case of pop!" Andrea said, pointing, "You owe us!" "Okay, okay... Jeez!" Jennifer retorted, "I know the rules." Then she looked over at Jesse and broke into a grin, "Wow, girl! You're getting really good at that! I bet you could even get an exemption from third-year Sex Ed classes, based on your 'advanced standing'!" "Don't call me 'girl'," he rejoined, "And what's this? 'Third year Sex Ed?' What are you talking about?" "Yeah, they teach that in third year, you know," Andrea supplied, "It's all part of the 'how to please your man' program." "Jesus! You mean they actually get us to do..." "Well, not on each OTHER, if that's what you're thinking," Jennifer explained, "They have these kind of high-tech rubber cocks, see? And they... No, I'm not shitting you!" she exclaimed, seeing his incredulous expression, "Honest!" She put an earnest hand on his nearest thigh and went on excitedly, "Really! This is not just rumor. They actually do it! They have these really realistic rubber dicks with all these electronic sensors and things inside them. They're hooked up to a computer, and the computer tells you how well you're doing. It's VERY high-tech. The computer even makes these moaning sounds when you're doing it right; no kidding! And there's these kind of like, bar graphs on the screen that go up and down, depending on how excited you would be making your partner, if you were doing it for real." "You have absolutely got to be shitting me," Jesse said, shaking his head and laughing, "That's... I just don't believe it!" "It's true!" Andrea chimed in, "Every word of it. The computer tells you right away if it feels your teeth or anything, and there's even a picture of a dick on the screen, and different parts of it light up in different colors, telling you where the best sensations are. And at the end, you get a printout, telling you how well you did, and..." "A printout!" Jesse hooted, "You can't possibly be serious!" "Every word of this is true!" Andrea said, making the Scout salute, "Scout's honor! And that's not all..." she hesitated. "Well?" "You probably won't believe this, either," she grinned, "But the seniors also learn how to... well... take it..." She paused. "Take it?" he prompted. "Take it up the ass!" Jennifer and Andrea shouted together. "Oh, right!" Jesse snorted, "Now I KNOW you're full of shit! Up the ass! Huh!" "It's TRUE!" Jennifer insisted, "Not a word of a lie!" "Well," he said, shaking his head as he got up from the bed, "I STILL don't know whether to believe you or not. It all sounds pretty whacked to me. But for now, I gotta get some shut-eye; I'm exhausted. You've sure given me a weird mental image to go to sleep with, though! See you guys in the morning, huh?" Chapter Thirteen - The "Sting" The following evening, the conspirators met in Brianna and Michelle's room. Andrea showed up carrying a small plastic shopping bag and a pair of rubber gloves. "Okay, show us what ya got," Brianna said as they sat down together on her bed. Andrea donned the gloves, and with a flourish, pulled a few nondescript stalks of some grayish-green plant material out of the bag. "Stinging nettle," she announced, holding it up, "Don't touch it. It's not called STINGING nettle for nothing. If you get it on your skin, it feels like a cloud of mosquitoes all biting you at once, and it gives you this nasty rash, almost like poison ivy. But, it only lasts for about twenty minutes." She put it back in the bag, then continued, "Brianna, you said you take Lecithin capsules, right?" "Yup," she replied, holding up the bottle, "Brain medicine!" "Too bad it's not working," Michelle commented dryly, and Brianna punched her on the arm. "Give me two... no, make that three caps," Andrea said. Brianna shook three out of the bottle and passed them over. "Okay, give me about ten minutes. Be right back!" And with that, she disappeared out the door. The rest took the opportunity to take a few pulls on Brianna's brandy bottle, finishing with a dab of toothpaste on their tongues, to hide the smell in case a school-mistress should happen by. Presently, Andrea returned, carrying a small stoppered glass bottle filled with a watery, faintly greenish liquid. "Okay, I snuck down to the Home Ec room and used one of the blenders," she explained, holding the bottle up, "This here is mostly water, with the stinging nettle sap dissolved in it, along with the lecithin. I used some coffee filters to strain out the pulp. And lecithin's an emulsifier, see? It holds the sap in suspension, in these microscopic globules, in the water. But the thing is, once it begins to dry out, the globules start to break, releasing the sap. If you happen to have it on your skin... well, you can guess what happens next!" "So, now what?" Michelle asked. "Here's the plan," Jennifer explained, "See, Katrina always spritzes her face with this special spray of hers, just before she goes on, because it's supposed to give her complexion a 'dewy' appearance. The plan is to substitute THIS stuff. When she sprays it on, it'll feel just like water... at first! I figure that under the stage lights, it would probably take about five minutes to dry. And when that happens, her face will... well you can imagine. The effect will only last about twenty minutes, but that'll be enough! If we time it right, she'll look like a big strawberry on a stick, just in time for the judging! It'll be excellent!" "Wow," Jesse commented, "This is SO evil... I love it! But Andrea, are you sure that's ALL it'll do? I mean, I want to take Katrina down and all, but I wouldn't want to put her in the hospital or anything." "It's pretty safe," Andrea said, "Everyone I know of who's had this trick pulled on them recovered completely in about half an hour, tops. No lingering side-effects." "But how to get it into her spray bottle?" Brianna asked, "I bet they'll be guarding her stuff like it was the crown jewels. All her makeup, perfumes, all that stuff. I mean, nobody knows practical jokes like a practical joker. If Katrina's bunch are thinking up devious ways to screw over the other contestants... and you can bet they are... they'll probably be suspecting that someone else might be planning something against her as well, right? They'll be on their guard." "That's true," Jennifer said, "But I think I might have an idea about that, as well. Here's what we could do..." -- Jesse and Jennifer were bored. The discussion had been going on for half an hour, but it seemed more like three. "But, the theme for this year's prom is 'Gay Paree'!" one of the girls was saying, waving her hands, "How can you possibly serve Chinese food??? It doesn't make sense!" "Well, if YOU want to cook truffles and duck ? l'orange, go ahead," another girl sniffed, "But don't come crying to us when it completely fucks up!" "We're not talking about truffles and duck ? l'orange!" another spoke up, "Are we? But we ought to have something with a Parisian flair to it. Come on!" "God, this is soooo boring!" Jennifer whispered to Jesse, "Is there any way we can get out of it, do you think?" "Boring doesn't begin to describe it." Jesse replied, "Maybe we CAN sneak out. We really should be checking out the backstage prep for the prom queen nominees. Maybe we can figure out a way to switch Katrina's spray bottle." "Well, you're a nominee, Jess. You've got a legitimate reason to look." It was true. The list of nominations for prom queen had been posted the previous afternoon, and Jesse's name was on it, along with Katrina's and about ten others. He'd felt a twinge of excitement on seeing it, the source of which he was unable to identify. The venomous look Katrina favored him with at dinner that evening was unmistakable, and it left him with an uneasy mixture of smugness and disquiet. The catering discussion continued to wash over them as they sat, bored into a near-stupor, and wondered how they could legitimately get up and leave. The group was meeting in the main hall, in which decorations were already partially in place. A tall plywood replica of the Eiffel Tower loomed over the stage at one end, while painted effigies of the fa?ades of the Louvre Museum and the Arch de Triomphe, as well as someone's rather fanciful impressions of the Champs Elysees and the Gardin de Tuileries leaned against the side walls. The food and drink area was done up like a Parisian caf?, complete with checkered tablecloths and, somewhat incongruously, Cinzano umbrellas over the tables. Just then, several members of the decorating committee, Michelle among them, came into the hall, chattering amongst themselves and clutching armloads of streamers and bunting. She spotted Jesse and Jennifer and came over to where they were sitting, crouching down between them. "Hey, you two!" she said, "What's happening?" "God, get us out of here!" Jennifer pleaded in an undertone, "I didn't know that it was LITERALLY possible to die of boredom. I always thought it was just a figure of speech." "Simple," the other whispered back, "All you have to do is pretend I've just told you that you're urgently needed somewhere else. Easy." "Okay, cool," she looked over at Jesse and said quietly, "Alright, let's do it... "Oh my God!" she said loudly to Michelle, "Really? Okay, thanks for telling us!" As heads turned in their direction, Jennifer stood up and spread her arms apologetically to the group. "Sorry folks!" she said, in a tone that she hoped sounded contrite, "Jessica and I have to go. Something's come up." They waited a moment for cries of protest, and when none were forthcoming, followed Michelle out into the corridor. "Whew!" Jennifer said when they were out of earshot, "A few more meetings like that and my brains might start leaking out my ears. Thanks for giving us the escape route." "No problem," Michelle replied, "Okay, let's go check out the dressing room." They made their way down the hallway and through a side door. The dressing room was adjacent to the stage entrance, and fortunately was deserted for the moment, although it showed signs of recent activity. Heaps of discarded decorations lay on the tables; a partially folded banner reading "Bievenue ? Paris!" was propped against one wall. The room was roughly rectangular, with dressing tables lining the walls underneath mirrors rimmed with bright lights. A typical theatrical dressing room. "This is too open," Jesse said, looking around, "There's no way we could do the swap in here. Someone would be sure to notice. Look at all the mirrors." "Maybe," Jennifer pondered, "Maybe not. Remember, there's going to be about a dozen girls in here, all dressing and primping... and look: there's only eight dressing tables. There's going to be a lot of chaos and confusion in here... I think it just might work out. Is there a rehearsal or anything, beforehand?" "Not really," Jesse replied, "We're supposed to meet with Miss Wells for maybe ten minutes the day before the prom, just so we know what's supposed to happen when, but it's not a real rehearsal. I mean, hell, all we do is walk out on stage and stand in a line, right? The preliminary voting is done the day before, and the voting for the five finalists happens during the prom. It's not rocket science." "I've seen Katrina using her spray," Michelle said, "In makeup class. It's just a regular white plastic bottle with a pump sprayer, and the 'Faces' logo on the side, partly rubbed off. Shouldn't be too hard to duplicate." "Okay," Jennifer said, surveying the room with her hands on her hips, "Well Jess, it looks like this is going to be the scene of the crime, and it's going to be up to you to make the switch. Are you up for it?" "Jeez..." Jesse mused, rubbing his chin, "I guess so. Honestly though, I'm a little nervous. We could get into some serious shit for this. And... what if she happens to have a major allergic reaction or something? God... I mean, I wanna get back at her and all, but I wouldn't want to fuck her over THAT bad..." "Well, Andrea says it's safe," Michelle responded, "It just makes your skin puff up and turn red for half an hour or so, then it's gone." "Yeah... but..." "Come ON, Jess!" Jennifer cried, "We're counting on you! Have you forgotten what a bitch she can be? That she totally fucked you over with that lipstick prank?" "Nooo..." "Well okay then. Let's go. It's almost dinner time." They left. Chapter Fourteen - Mean Girls, Part Three The following morning, Jesse arose early to take a shower, and was mildly irritated to find both stalls in the bathroom across the hall occupied. He made his way down the hall to a nearby washroom, towel over his shoulder and shampoo in hand, only to discover that the showers in that one were full as well. And the next one he scouted, too. Shit. The next nearest washroom with showers was downstairs, past the dining hall. He dashed down the stairwell and through the washroom door, and was gratified to discover that it was deserted. He stripped off his gown and nightie, turned on the water and climbed in. He stood under the flood for a few minutes and warmed himself, while someone came and went outside. He soaped up his body and lathered his hair, scrunching his eyes shut to keep out the shampoo... then the water stopped abruptly. "Shit!" he muttered, "What the hell's going on?" He fiddled with the taps and waited, but the nozzle merely gurgled and issued a few drips. Thoroughly pissed off, he climbed out and reached for his towel to wipe off the worst of the soapy water. It was gone. So were his nightie and dressing gown. "What the fuck?" he said aloud, his heart beginning to pound. The room was deserted, but the murmur of overlapping conversations from the hall outside told him that other students were flocking to the dining room for breakfast. What the hell was he going to do now? He padded to the door, opened it a crack and looked out, hoping to spot someone he knew. Nobody familiar. Suddenly, the door was pulled inward by hands reaching around from behind him, and another pair of hands thrust him violently out into the corridor. He managed to keep his balance, but as he turned around he heard the door slam shut. He pushed against it with all his might, but it was apparently being held closed by something, or someone, on the other side. He thought he heard the sound of smothered giggling from behind the door, but he wasn't sure. He turned around, horrified. The hallway seemed full of students, and all of them seemed to be looking at him, some quizzically, many amused. He stood rooted to the spot for some moments, paralyzed with fright, while more and more students noticed him, pointed, giggled. Then, panicked, he bolted for the stairs and ran headlong up them, plunging through masses of startled students making their way to the lower floor. As he flung himself through the door of his room and into safety at last, the picture that had burned itself into his brain was the fleeting image of Katrina, standing near the back of the crowd, laughing hysterically. -- Reconstructing the crime was easy. There were two shower stalls in the washroom across the hall and four more in the next nearest one, down an adjacent corridor, and four more in the one beyond that. Allowing that there would likely be a few of students showering legitimately, it would have been easy for Katrina's bunch to blockade the remaining stalls, forcing Jesse down to the washroom on the main level. Two more of her underlings would have been concealed nearby to steal his clothes, somehow turn off the water at the key moment, and then push him out into the hall and block his return. Katrina, of course, would never participate in such a prank herself, preferring instead to watch the fun from a distance, delegating the dirty work to her minions. But she would certainly have masterminded it. Her motivations for this latest trick were similarly obvious. She felt threatened by his nomination for prom queen, and hoped to discredit him in public, thus reducing his vote count. Nice try, he thought grimly. But it's going to backfire. I was starting to chicken out of our plan, thinking maybe that it was too mean, even for a bitch like you. But now... your ass is toast! Jesse was able to shower off in the now-deserted bathroom across the hall, after which he returned to his room to dress. His emotions had passed through several stages, beginning with simple panic and progressing to mortified humiliation. Now however, his anger was a tonic. It warmed him, and he smiled a grim, hard smile. Katrina, he reflected, doesn't have any idea who the fuck she's dealing with. He dressed with extra care, selecting a short skirt and tank top, matched with his sexiest pair of heels. He slipped a few bracelets on his wrist and large silver hoops in his ears, then did his makeup carefully. Damn it, he was going to win that contest... it would be worth it just to see the look on that shrew's face! -- That evening, he and Jennifer both showed up at the meeting of the conspirators carrying cases of diet pop. Michelle opened the door for them and they entered, finding Andrea and Brianna already deep in conversation. Brianna looked up and grinned at them, "Okay," she said without preamble, "How about calling our little group the 'KISS society'?" "What, like the rock group?" answered Jesse, shortly, "Why? Who gets to be Gene Simmons?" "No, not like the rock group. It stands for: Katrina Is Sooo Screwed!" Jesse shrugged, "Sure, why not?" "Hey!" Brianna went on, "We all heard about what happened this morning! Katrina HAD to be behind it! That cow! I bet she's afraid of you; that's why she did it. So, do you still have any doubts about this?" "Not a one," Jesse confirmed, "Her ass is going down. I'm making it my life's work!" "Alright then, let's get started." They each cracked a can of soda and sipped reflectively. Then Andrea reached into her purse and pulled out a white plastic spray bottle. "What do you think?" she asked, displaying it. The others clustered around to look. It had a "Faces" logo on one side, which Andrea had carefully abraded so that it was partially rubbed out. "Wow," said Jennifer after a moment, "It sure looks like hers. Is it loaded?" "Damn right!" Andrea asserted, grinning. She pointed it at the other's face, "Wanna try it out?" "Jesus, knock it off!" Jennifer shied away, "Save it for the witch, not me!" "Okay," Jesse said, "Now, all that remains is to figure out how to do the swap without getting caught." "That's up to you, girl," Brianna put in, "The rest of us humble peons won't have access to the dressing room." "Don't call me... oh, never mind," Jesse sighed, "So, then how are you bunch going to help me get gorgeous for the contest, huh? I can't do it by myself, that's for sure." "We'll meet you in your room," the other replied, "You'll get dressed and made up there. The dressing room is only for last minute prep. They don't actually expect you to get DRESSED there..." "Okay, fine," he nodded, "We'll meet in my room at... what about six?" "Make it five," Jennifer said, "That'll give us lots of time. Have you thought about where you're going to hide the spray bottle? Your dress doesn't leave much to the imagination. I doubt if you could hide a pack of matches in it, let alone a bottle." "Andrea's got an evening bag that's big enough, although I wouldn't be able to put anything else in it. Can one of you maybe pack my lipstick and mascara and stuff for me?" "Sure," Jennifer said, "No problem." They fell silent and looked at each other. "Well," she said at last, "This is it. All for one?" She extended her right hand. One by one, they solemnly gathered in a circle and put their hands on top of hers. "And one for all!" Jesse said. Chapter Fifteen - The Prom Jesse felt like an entire squadron of butterflies had taken up residence in his stomach. He and the others were standing in a long line with the rest of the students near the main entrance, awaiting the arrival of a contingent of boys from the boarding school up the road. He had a small card in his hand with a name written on it in magic marker, as did the others. His date. God. Some three hours earlier, he'd showered and washed his hair, then returned to his room and waited, squirming with anxiety, for the arrival of his 'dressers'. They'd shown up a few minutes later all at once, Jennifer with his dress in a plastic bag, Brianna with a corset in one hand and a large makeup hamper in the other, Michelle with a jewelry box, and Andrea with a sequined black evening bag, in which the spray bottle had already been concealed. Jennifer had commented that there was no discernable security in the prom prep classroom, and it would have been a simple matter to steal Katrina's dress, if that had been part of their plan. For the next two hours they'd swarmed over him, first taping his pectoral muscles to create the illusion of cleavage, then lacing him into the corset (God it was tight! How am I going to breathe in this thing, he'd wondered). Then they put his hair up, holding it in place with decorative combs and concealed bobby pins, and began working on his makeup, chattering excitedly. The previous day, Jesse had hunted up Lindsay, a friend of Andrea's who was skilled at applying acrylic nail tips, and he now had long, elegant nails frosted a strawberry pink. The girls chose a glossy lipstick to match. It appeared that all their cosmetics training had not gone to waste, because an hour later Jesse had looked at himself in the mirror, and started back in shock. A stranger looked back at him, a stunningly beautiful, elegant stranger, with gorgeous deep blue eyes surrounded by long, feathery lashes, pouting red bee-stung lips, and proud, firm breasts that swelled over the cups of his corset. He looked like a fashion model, dressed for a stylish, high-society evening on the town, the sort of woman that might grace the arm of a Johnny Depp, or a Brad Pitt, at some exclusive Hollywood gala. He was mesmerized, almost unable to take his eyes off his reflection. "When you're done staring at yourself, gorgeous," Jennifer had said, poking him, "Let's get you into your dress. We still have more work to do!" He'd slipped into his beautiful black, sequin-trimmed strapless dress and Jennifer zipped him up. It fit like a second skin, and the others had clustered around him, tugging out an errant fold here, smoothing it down there, until it was perfect. Michelle had clasped a delicate rhinestone necklace around his neck while he slipped in the earrings, then clasped the matching strand around his wrist. Finally, he donned the pair of strappy black stiletto heels, borrowed from Jennifer, that they'd picked out earlier. Underneath, he was wearing sheer black lace- trimmed stockings attached to the corset's garters, so that, as he moved, tantalizing glimpses of black lace would be fleetingly visible through the dress's side slits. The others were already dressed in their finery, and together they'd made their way down to the lobby for the reception ceremony. Now, here he was, heart in mouth, waiting for the evening to begin. Echoing faintly down the hallway, he heard the band tuning up. Lights festooned the lobby and down the corridor toward the main hall, and outside, a large banner over the main entrance proclaimed, "Welcome, Boys of Harrowsmith Academy!" Faintly visible beneath a large splotch of whitewash, it was just possible to read "Harowsmith". Looking down the line, Jesse could see Katrina and her followers. He had to admit she was looking her best tonight, in a floor-length scarlet taffeta gown, slit high up the sides like his own, a cascade of rhinestones at her neck. A lace shawl was draped casually over her shoulders. For once, she didn't look as self-possessed as usual. She was clutching her evening bag tightly and seemed to be breathing heavily. Probably laced into a corset tighter than mine, he thought. A sudden sweep of headlights through the main doors took his attention. Outside, a school bus pulled up and stopped, and in moments a stream of boys, dressed in many variants of the tuxedo, debouched and made their way up the steps. Each was wearing a name tag. Jesse glanced at the card he was holding. "Bartholomew Summers" it read. He craned his neck, looking across the sudden flood of black and white. Girls and boys milled about, and one by one they paired off. A tall, good looking boy was standing to Jesse's right, gazing around with a slightly confused air. When he turned, Jesse saw that his name tag read "Bart S." followed by a small but skillfully rendered facsimile of Bart Simpson's head. He glanced at Jesse and smiled, then went back to scanning the crowd. "Are you Bart Summers?" Jesse asked. "Yup," he answered, "...Jessica?" Jesse nodded. "Oh! Well... hi!" he smiled, "Wow... um, you look... you look amazing!" "Thanks," Jesse said, and felt a blu

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Jesses Dream Job

Jesse sat nervously in the waiting room of the opulent office. He was there for a job interview as a personal assistant. Now at six foot tall with 220 lbs of football hardened muscle he did not fit the description of a personal assistant, but the advertisement on line had been pretty specific about the qualifications for the position and they were looking for a guy with his build. It was even listed first in the qualifications and typing was considered a ‘bonus’ ability. Go figure. When he had...

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The Chronicles of Jesse Adler Truck Load

Jesse sat at the table in the little guard shack, staring at the wall boredly. Another night shift. At least this place was pretty simple and quiet. She had to watch the gate should any truckers come by. She would sign them in, tell them which gate had their load, and sign them out when they left. And there were very few truckers who came at night. Hell, the last couple times she'd been made to work this shift, there had been all of one. Sighing, she leaned back, thinking eagerly...

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Alex and Jesse

Alex reached his friends and dropped his stuff. They had been there for a while, and were waiting on him so they could begin the fun. They got up and split into two teams facing each other on the mud. Alex found himself standing right across from Jesse. Jesse was much shorter than Alex, about 5'10" with a dirty blond crew cut. He had wide shoulders and a good body from wrestling. Alex felt something stir in his shorts, but dismissed it as nothing. He stared down the other team. Eventually,...

4 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 2

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

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Adam Jesse Ch 07

The next day Jesse greeted Adam at her door. As the dinner party was formal, he was wearing a black tux with a white shirt. She had put on a white strapless dress that was slightly longer than some of her other ones, but it still didn’t come to her knees. Her hair looked uncombed, but very sexy and windswept. She also was wearing a small diamond necklace and diamond earrings. ‘You look ravishing! I can also tell that you have nothing on underneath. ‘ Adam said softly with a grin. ‘But my...

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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 2

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

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Adam Jesse Ch 10

It was well over an hour before they both were dressed and went to the kitchen. Someone had already made coffee and there were bakery goods on the table. Jesse poured them both a cup of coffee and they each took a roll. Adam followed her outside where there was already a crowd around the pool and at the bar. ‘Well it’s about time you two decided to join us. ‘ Sandy said. They made their way to where Sandy was now talking to a small group of women. Jesse sat on the lounge chair, leaving...

4 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

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Jasons QuestChapter 21 Jesse Marie

Jesse and Marie had their shakedown, learning period about trail travel in a wagon in the weeks it took to reach Monroe, Louisiana. Lots of little things had to be learned the hard way and some were never learned, but taught, once they joined up with two other wagon loads of seasoned travelers. Things like: how to scour cooking pans with river sand, how to properly bank a campfire for the night, why it was necessary to locate off the trail some distance when possible, how to rig a canvas...

2 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

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Adam Jesse Ch 06

The next day, Adam was working the night shift and not long after he had been working, Mark showed up. ‘What’s up? ‘ Mark asked, as he sat down at the bar. ‘You’re a son of a bitch, you know that? ‘ He said quietly. ‘What the hell did I do? ‘ Mark asked. ‘ Look man, if you and Jesse are having problems, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ‘ ‘Yes, and what exactly were you warning me of? ‘ ‘Oh, I get it now. She turned you down too! ‘ Mark laughed. ‘What’s the real story on her, Mark? ‘ Adam...

5 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 3

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

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Adam Jesse Ch 14

When Jesse and Adam walked in the meeting room, most of the board members were already seated. Gerald hadn’t arrived yet, although this did not surprise Jesse. She went to the head of the table and motioned for Adam to have a seat beside her. Questions were already flying around the room before she sat down. They were all wondering why she had called a meeting. The first person Adam noticed was Doug sitting directly opposite him. Both men glared at each other for several moments before Adam...

3 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 18 No Time For Christmas

Dinner was a letdown for them after the adventures they had that afternoon. Marie felt the familiar pressure begin to build up inside her again. "Jesse, when will this all end? I want nothing more than to have our baby and go back to ranching. I love our ranch and I love you and I just want to have some peace and quiet." She sighed and shoved her done to perfection prime rib away from in front of her. She fought the panic attack she felt start to build up inside her. "Let's get...

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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 3

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

2 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 13 Winter Is For Healing

Jesse pulled up in front of the Emporium and parked. He made no move to get out. Instead he turned to Marie and asked, "Are you all right now? Maybe we should take you in to Laramie or Cheyenne." She was grateful and comforted when she heard the love, concern and worry in his voice. "I can get us into Laramie in four hours tops," he added. She felt it come from deep inside her. Marie felt a great dark wave anger build up at the way he tried to run her life for her. No man would ever run...

2 years ago
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My Jesse

My Jesse, of all my girlfriends' brothers, always won the perfect guy award. Their brothers were mean most the time, cruel and conniving. Or just plain crude and stupid. Jesse was almost always really nice, in a smart way, and with an elegant air. All my girlfriends gushed over him; so did I, but in complete secrecy. "Gross! guys! C'mon! That's my brother you're talking about." "If Jesse was my brother," Lindsey swooned, "I'd be barefoot and pregnant and living in hillbilly...

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Adam Jesse Ch 08

Continuing Story – Please read other chapters. * * * * * It had only been an hour or so when he felt Jesse stir, and he was awakened by her soft cry. Adam could tell instantly that she was dreaming. She had moved away from him and she had her hands in front of her as if trying to stop someone. ‘Stop. ‘ She cried so softly he could barely hear her and saw that she was dreaming. ‘Honey, it’s just a dream. You’re okay. ‘ He held her tightly to him and brushed her hair with his hand trying to...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 8 Plans

The Emporium was across the street and down a half block. An older, somewhere in his sixties man, hurried to greet them as they entered. "Jesse, come right in. Please buy something. Business is so bad even the shoplifters have started to go elsewhere. I'm so close to closing my doors forever you would not believe it." "Saul, ever since I first started to come in here you have been about ready to close your doors forever. You sold me my first new pair of boots on credit when I was...

4 years ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 04

The next morning he woke up close to noon. Mark had left him a note saying he had gone to Jesse’s and he would see him there. After last night with Jesse, he decided he would take his time and give her some time to cool off. Although he highly doubted she was mad, maybe frustrated, he laughed. He wondered what kind of game she would be playing today, the anticipation of this excited him. It was past four before he decided to go across the street. He put on a pair of jean cut-offs and a...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 4 Howdy Partner

Jesse woke up the next morning at four thirty as usual, still groggy from lack of sleep. He had to force himself to roll off the couch and get ready to face the new day. He slipped out of his jeans on the way to the bathroom. Still half asleep Jesse took his morning leak and stepped into the shower. The icy needles of water sprayed over him and shocked him into a state of almost wakefulness. He dried off and got dressed in thermal underwear and loose fitting jeans. He slipped on his parka...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

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Adam Jesse Ch 02

Several days had gone by and he expected Mark to arrive home any time. He also began noticing the traffic that now seemed to move up and down the block. Like he was told, most of it did come and go from Jesse’s home. They were right in telling him she entertained. It seemed to be nonstop day and night. She had adults of all ages, dressed anywhere from formal attire to jeans, to even bikinis coming and going. While Mark had been gone, he had decided to do a little checking up on her, which...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 17 The Surprise

Restless, Marie turned on the radio to Radio Station KOA out of Denver. A news report, blared loud as Marie grabbed the volume control. The announcer began, "A further update on the FBI sting operation has just come in over the wires. The assistant Special Agent In Charge of the local FBI office here in Denver announced the results of the secret yearlong joint operation with the United States Drug Enforcement Agency. "Special Agent Stroud stated they were able to spring the complicated...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 9 The Natural

As soon as they returned to the house Jesse poured the last of the coffee in the pot into two mugs and started a new batch brewing. He brought two rifle scabbards into the kitchen. Marie's short barreled thirty-two caliber brush gun was slipped into the smaller scabbard. The big sniper rifle went in the larger one. He placed them on the sink counter and brought out the big thermos. As soon as the preparations were all made, he sat and took the first sip of his coffee. Marie was fascinated...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 11 Different

Billy and Annie started to get their coats on when a loud crash, followed by the sound of tearing metal and a loud "thump" shook the house. Jesse grabbed up his pistol and Marie reached for her twenty-two. The back door slammed open and a hooded figure bounded through, a semi automatic at the ready. Before he could raise it three small "cracks" sounded from Marie's gun. The figure went down, doubled up and began to writhe in pain. Billy had grabbed a rifle off the wall and jacked a slug...

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Dreaming Of Jesse Part One

I began writing the letter to my best friend Nina, to try to tell her what happened. To tell her it wasn’t entirely my fault what had happened between her husband and I. That he had part in it too, and that I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean for it to happen. My house had caught on fire and it was impossible to find another place at this time of the year. Two weeks away from Christmas, no one was worried about renting right now. So I called Nina, who I had been friends with for years and told her...

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Adam Jesse Ch 05

In the week that followed, he was busy working mostly days. Jesse had been in twice, both times with a group of people. They usually had come in right when he had gotten off work and he was having a drink with a woman he had met while working. She made sure that she had come up to him and flirted, which he found amusing. She would smile that certain way and go back to her group of friends, mostly men. He did manage to get over to Jesse’s house a couple times. He was beginning to see that there...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 3 Death Of A Friend

Scant minutes later Jesse was back inside the snow cat aimed toward home with the throttle wide open. The windshield began to frost up when the heater quit working. He attempted to wipe a clear space on the glass with his glove and succeeded just a little. He kept going at top speed, the throttle all the way out. One handed, Jesse opened the thermos and sipped the hot brew straight from the bottle. Without warning, the heater kicked back in and the windshield began to clear. Three hours of...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 20 Old Fashioned Christmas

The outbuildings yielded up a complete blacksmith and metalworking shop. "Now that I see it, I can believe those people knew what they were doing." "What do you mean, sweetheart?" Marie leaned against him. To her there was nothing interesting in front of them, just some complicated looking machines. The equipment here is enough to completely disassemble a tractor or trailer, place the drugs they wanted to transport inside the hollow spaces and weld it all back together. No wonder they...

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Jasons QuestChapter 17 Jesse and Marie

As Jesse and Marie stepped off the levee and onto the landing stage of the Irish Princess, Jesse paused to marvel at the riverboat. Marie had said that three of the boats owned by her father were smaller, "packet" boats that carried lots of cargo and some passengers. This one was the pride of Sean's fleet and the one he captained. The Irish Princess was a large, "Cincinnati" class boat, that is, one of the large passenger boats built for speed and elegance. She was, in effect, a...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 10 Open Battle

Jesse made arrangements to have the snow cat repaired and asked around for a used snowmobile. He found a second hand Polaris that met his needs. Jesse and the seller struck a deal and Jesse promised to bring in cash the next day. Jesse mounted up and Marie got on behind him. They stopped at the Emporium and entered. Saul rushed to greet him. Jesse hugged the small man and told him, "That Barrett shoots dead nuts at a half mile." He smiled down at his dearest friend, "You ornery old fart,...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 12 Flashback And Respite

The morning after Barry Schultz died, Jesse awoke to the howling wind. The small ranch house seemed to shudder and quake after each heavy gust. Another snowstorm had started up during the night. The violence and fury of the gale raging down from the north made the ranch house feel as if it werealone and isolated from the rest of the world. He rolled over and hugged Marie tight against him. She snuggled back and whispered, "You going to wake me like this every morning?" She rolled over in...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 2 Unwelcome Summons

Two days earlier: Jesse Morgan felt the first snowflakes touch his face and melt. He had smelled the snow in the air last night, just before he went to bed. The morning air tasted of snow when he rolled out of bed at four thirty and now the promised snow had arrived. He smiled to himself as he walked toward the barn. Snowflakes touching a man's face seemed a personal thing to be enjoyed alone. He snorted as he thought of the looks he would get if he walked into the Buckhorn Bar and...

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Adam Jesse Ch 01

As he was pulling into his driveway, he noticed the silver BMW was still following him. He wasn’t sure how long it had been following him. The only reason he noticed it at all was due to his interest in cars. This car was custom and beautiful. It made his Porsche’ look sick. But as he questioned why the BMW was following him, he saw that it pulled into the driveway across the street from his. He decided to take his time pulling into the garage and see if he could get a look at the driver. He...

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Jesse the twink minx discovers

As a kid, he indulged in dressing up in all manner of clothes, but especially clothing himself in his mother’s shocking red feather boa, a wide brimmed hat, necklaces and precarious high heels. As he wobbled along strutting his stuff in the heels in front of the long full-length mirrors, Jesse would mimic the screen legends of old, pouting and posing, striking sultry poses without understanding the context. He did so normally only sporting a pair of plain colour y-fronts running his hands over...

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Vampire Jesse

Mike Block was not the most normal kid he had long red hair that hung to his chin and always was over one of his eyes. His eyes were Green with a little blue in them. He was a very muscle kid and fit probably because he was a stare hockey player at his school. For just a 16 year old he was very strong and cute (all his girl friend’s though he should have a Girlfriend by now). He had a great body and everything but he still didn’t think anyone would ever date him. Being the captain of a...

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My Live and Loves Summer Term With Jesse Part I

I called the office and spoke with a lady, a secretary I guess, stating that I was an old client of Mr. Anderson’s and I needed to get in touch with him concerning some legal advice. I was told that Mr. Anderson no longer worked for the firm and asked if I would like to speak with another attorney who was handling all of Mr. Anderson’s clients. I acted surprised and told her that I was a personal friend of his, that I needed to get in touch with him and would appreciate knowing where Bob...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 19 Busy Holidays

Billy came out while Jesse was still separating the milk. "I couldn't find anybody worth a damn. There were a couple of winos passing through who stopped for a glass at Ed's and that's it." Jesse nodded. "Billy, from what Marie tells me I may have put the ranch in jeopardy. She is going to be busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. We are going to be away off and on for the next few months. So let's feed extra heavy and less often. That will make it a little easier on...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 14 The Healing Begins

As the chopper settled down in the front yard Jesse saw how many changes had occurred in his absence. His snow cat had been repaired and was now parked next to the equipment barn. Someone had painted Harold's old snow mobile a bright red. Jesse almost didn't recognize it. Billy came out of the horse barn, an egg basket in one hand. He waved at them with the other hand. "Hey Jess," he greeted them, "Marie, glad you're home. I sold a side of beef to that crazy French chef in Steamboat....

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 15 Multitasking

"Jesse, wake up." Marie shook his shoulder. "Damn it Jesse, wake up now." "I'm awake. I was just lying here thinking about how great sex is with you and you begin to abuse me. If you want to shake on something, reach down a little lower." He grinned into the darkness. Marie laughed at his smug attitude. "Hey, animal, we have to head into Laramie or Denver. This is the fifteenth day of the month. Also, I am pregnant and guess who the father is." She grabbed his erection under the...

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Jasons QuestChapter 15 Jesse

Jesse was getting fitted with a temporary artificial leg two days after his "jumping of the broom" with Marie. He didn't want to be on crutches for the church ceremony. The artificial limb was crude, but the best that could be expected on short notice. The next day, the Irish Princess was due to dock on the levy at noon. Marie's father, Sean, and sister, Julie, would be coming home to one big surprise! Jesse was very, very anxious as to how both of them would take the altered...

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Jasons QuestChapter 10 Jesse

The Judson sisters of Naw'lins were actually half sisters and they were as different as day and night. Julie was the spitting image of her Irish ancestry. Her father and mother had immigrated to America in 1850. Colleen Judson died on the Atlantic crossing, giving birth to Julie. But Julie carried the flaming red hair, the green eyes, the light complexion with a sprinkling of freckles, and a strong willed, Irish temper. She remained pretty much the tomboy, preferring men's pants, shirts,...

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Jasons QuestChapter 13 Jesse

Jesse said, "Wait! before you tell me about our wedding, maybe I should say something about my future plans. You may want to change your mind." Marie replied, "No, what you do, I do! Where you go, I go! We are of one spirit now, nothing will change that!" Jesse said, "Hear me first. When I get done looking up the Jacksons, I plan to leave for Texas and the Brazos River country to take up some land and start a horse ranch. Not a place likely to appeal to you after your life here in...

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Jasons QuestChapter 19 Jesse Marie

Captain Judson rose and walked briskly from the salon. Once on the promenade, he paused to peer upriver, ahead of the boat. Although it was full dark, by the light of a full moon, he saw another steamer some fifteen hundred to two thousand yards ahead. She appeared to be on fire! At that moment, a terrific explosion lifted the entire boat, at least the middle two thirds, out of the water as it blew the steamboat to shreds and splinters. Boiler explosion! Or some explosive cargo went up....

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 5 Down To Business

Jesse drove the wagon back into its place under the protective extended roof and unhooked the clevis. He refueled and drove the snow cat back to the barn. Just as Jesse closed the doors behind him, the wind came up again. Visibility dropped to inches as the soft powder snow swirled again into the air. He fumbled around to the nylon line tied between the house and the horse barn, then followed the line back to the front porch. Once inside, he shucked the heavy outer clothing and made his way...

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Adam Jesse Ch 03

For the next several days, Adam and Mark had been busy with their own jobs and had not gotten back to Jesse’s, nor had they spoken about what had gone on when they were there. He had to admit that Jesse aroused more than just his curiosity. But being a detective, he couldn’t prevent the questions he had in his mind. When he returned to work, there were only a couple customers left in the bar and he started getting ready for the dinner rush. He was busy washing glasses, when he heard a voice he...

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Adam Jesse Ch 15

It didn’t take either of them long to settle on the motorcycle, listening to the purr of the engine, feeling the wind in their hair. Both felt a sense of renewal, always enjoying how it felt to ride. Adam could tell it wasn’t her first ride the way her body went with the curves of the rode, thankful for that. He rode all around town enjoying the sites, chatting and giggling with each other now and then. Jesse had put her arms around his waist and laid her head on the back of his shoulder. She...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 6 Learning The Business

She heard movement in the dark front room. She gasped as he said in a reassuring voice, "Time to get up. Chores and a mountain of gold are waiting for us." "It's the middle of the night," she complained. "It's still dark out. She grabbed the covers tightly around her neck, not realizing her panty clad butt was bared to the world. Suddenly she felt a hand smack her exposed anatomy. She shot straight up in the air and yowled like a cat. "Get dressed, we have milking to do and...

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Young Hypnotist Jesse Day 2

They both got off the school bus together and headed down the driveway to their house. He was going to ask her if she was coming over to his room but figured he would find out if yesterdays command worked. Jesse got up to his room and tossed his bookbag over in the corner and set about getting his room ready for Anna. Ten minutes later Anna knocked on his door and said “Hey, Jesse you ready to practice your hypnotism skills again today” “Yes” he said “Here you go I got the headphones ready...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 16 The Trip To Town

As she put the last bite of food in her mouth Marie pushed back away from the table and started to load the dishwasher. She latched the door closed and turned it on. "Come on Honey, let's get dressed." "I am dressed." Marie realized when she heard the tone of his voice he was serious. "Jesse, you can't go Christmas shopping looking like a common ranch hand." She took a deep breath, "Jesse..." She paused a moment, then realized there was nothing else to say. "Hon, I am a common...

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Aunt Jesse

When I was a young child, my mother passed away through complications with an illness. I was too young to understand and took it very hard. My father also took it badly and for years he didn’t seem to get out of the rut of the loss. That was until he met Mia. Mia was a gorgeous Latin woman who worked with my father in the diamond district. They seemed to hit it off and started courting. After a year’s romance, they got married. It was a small affair and I could never remember my father looking...

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Young Hypnotist Jesse Day 1

They both got home after school and went their separate ways once they got inside and spent the next two hours separate until their parents got home from work to start dinner. The peace didn’t last for long as there was a loud thud when Anna threw his door open. “Hey, you wanna see what I learned”. “Ugh, can’t you see I’m busy” Jesse responded “Yes I can, but your definitely going to like this one.” She said back and plopped down onto his bed while she waited for him to log out. “Ok, what’s...

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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia...

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Jesse and Robert Love at First Sight

I can still remember that day, lifeguarding at the pool. It was another sweltering summer in Georgia and this peach, no matter what, has never gotten used to the heat and humidity. I was sitting in my chair, somewhat bored, twirling my whistle on its lanyard around my fingers. Back and forth and back and forth, just waiting on the next adolescent prank that would force me to blow it. “Excuse me…. Should I walk by again?” I heard a voice with a distinct accent say as I looked down from my...

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