Busty Adventures Of Brittany Ch. 09.1 free porn video

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Jeff heard a noise coming from downstairs. It seemed like someone was trying to open the door. It was around 4:30a.m and some stranger had just open the front door. Jeff knew it wasn’t his parents. They were all ready home and asleep. He knew it couldn’t have been Brittany because she has to get up in another hour or so to get ready for school.

He quickly got out of bed and heard the stranger’s footsteps going across the hall to where Brittany’s room is. Jeff slightly opens his door and sees that Brittany’s door closes and the lights come on. He then tiptoes across the hall to get to Brittany’s room. Once at the door, he quickly opens it to see Brittany wearing very tight exercise shorts that made her all ready big ass look even fatter and a very tight purple sport bra that made Brittany’s enormous breasts stick out like huge torpedoes.

Jeff felt his cock harden at the sight of Brittany. She was standing in front of her mirror, looking at her body from head to toe.

“Jeff. Do my ass look fat?” She asked while looking at it through the mirror.

“Um. Well Britt. I’m the wrong person to ask if your ass looks fat. I try not to look at your ass,” Jeff said thought he has always admire her ass.

“Um ok. What about my titties? I think I have gone another cup size,” Brittany said, sticking her sweat glistering chest out high, staring at her sport bra covered tits. Jeff was staring too.

“Either way s*s. You have big tits. I have always used to tease you about them since you first started growing them,” he said reminding her.

“Yes Jeff. I know.”

“So what were you doing out so early in the morning?” He asked very curiously.

“Jogging. James says I should keep in shape thought I only run in gym class. He says I should go to the gym every once in a while. He doesn’t want me losing my figure,” she said, still admiring her body in the mirror.

“Well s*s. I have seen that you have changed since the last time I saw you. You were never like this before. That James guy must be some influence on you if you have your lifestyle changing.”

Then suddenly, Brittany lifted her wet sport bra up, revealing her huge sweaty breasts and thick hard nipples. Jeff nearly drops his jaw at the sight of them. He felt his dick becoming bigger and bigger until it was very obvious.

“Yeah. My double E cup bras are starting to feel a little bit tight on me. Perhaps I’m an F cup now Jeff. What do you think? Don’t you like my titties?” She teased as she shook her shoulders, causing her massive jugs to shake and wobble across her chest.

“Oh god,” said Jeff, feeling his huge cock ready to burst rivers and rivers of cum. Her breasts slap and beat against each other as she moves her body.

“I got to go now s*s. Have fun at school,” Jeff said, quickly rushing out of her room and back to his. He closed the door and locked it, thinking that she did that on purpose to mess with his mind.

A few hours later, Brittany was at school talking to her friends Kristen, Trishelle, and Danielle about the private party James wants her to go to.

“How come we can’t come?” Asked Trishelle.

“Because it’s only for his frat house. Unless one of those guys asks you to the party, you can’t go without an invite. I’m sorry girls,” said Brittany.

Suddenly, Tommy who has been sick finally returns to school to check out Brittany’s new look and he was impressed at what he saw.

“Wow Brittany. I didn’t know you had breasts the size of my head,” Tommy said joking.

“Glad your feeling better Tommy,” said Brittany, pushing her breasts out inside her tight pink belly shirt.

“It looks like you done stuff two giant watermelons inside your shirt Brittany,” said Kristen laughing.

“I’m not feeling better just yet. The doctor’s say whatever I had might come back in a day or two,” he said.

“Ewwww. Get away from me!” Said Trishelle, backing away from Tommy.

“Relax Trishelle. It’s not catchy.”

Then Tommy’s two friends Kyle and Sam walk up to him and immediately drop their books and focus all their attention on the four sexy girls in front of them.

“What are you dorks staring at?” Asked Trishelle.

“Mag...Magnificent orgs you have their,” said the chubby one Kyle. As his face turn bright red, he started grinding his teeth together, causing his braces to make annoying sounds.

Meanwhile Sam, the black and very skinny friend cause his glasses to fog up and drool to leak out of his mouth.

“Disgusting,” said Danielle.

“Oh. Bell rang. Time for class,” said Trishelle, making up an excuse to drag Danielle and her away from the nerd squad.

“Brittany. Kristen. I like your girls to meet Kyle and Sam. Guys. These girls are the ones I have been telling you about. The other two are weird,” Tommy said.

As Tommy was talking, Brittany saw Mr. Smiley down the hallway. She made a small smile as he turned into the Teacher’s lounge. Then the smile turns into a small frown.

“Britt? Are you ok?” Asked Kristen.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine. Let’s just go to homeroom,” Brittany said.

The two enters their homeroom and sit down next to Trishelle and Danielle. Mr. Smiley enters just as the bell rings. He didn’t lift one eye to look at Brittany. Brittany thought it was weird that he wasn’t trying to make eye contract with her.

Mr. Smiley started passing out papers and as he made his way to Brittany, she looks up at his face and smiled. She even pushes her breasts together, making a nice valley for him to look down at. Mr. Smiley just didn’t look and walk right pass her. Brittany didn’t know what to think. So as soon as homeroom is over, she was going to go talk to him.

15 minutes pass and homeroom was over. Everyone headed to his or her classrooms. Brittany however stay behind to talk to Mr. Smiley.

“What gives?” She asks him. “You didn’t look at me or even make eye contract with me today. Is something wrong?”

“Yes Brittany. Something is wrong. Thanks to my little fuck with you. My wife your juices on my shirt and walk out on me last night,” Mr. Smiley said in an angry tone.

“Well sir. It’s not my fault. You came on to me. You have wanted to fuck me since you first knew I had huge boobs and ass. So don’t blame me for your screw up sir.”

“Perhaps you’re right. I was tempted by your beauty and your ample breasts to look pass my own wife and see a B cup woman. All I wanted was for her to get some implants. Then perhaps I would have been happy. I was not a happy man. Not until my moment of bliss with you yesterday,” he said with his eyes wide open. “But I did love my wife. We have a son and perhaps now she is going to take him away from me for cheating. Then if she tells the school I was fucking around with either a student or teacher. It’s my job.”

In some ways Britt felt sad for Mr. Smiley. He was her favorite teacher since the first day she enters High school. But she also realizes that in a few months, she’ll be graduating and in college. Mr. Smiley won’t be there to be her favorite teacher anymore. Brittany left the room without saying anything to Mr. Smiley. He was to busy grading papers in a very mad attitude.

It was 3:30 and school was let out. Brittany told her friends that she’ll meet up with them later at the mall. As she was driving home, she couldn’t help but to think about Mr. Smiley and the fact that she destroys his marriage. She knew she couldn’t believe herself for something she didn’t do on purpose. He was drawn to her like she was to him. She knew that starting a relationship with him wasn’t going to happen. She doesn’t want the drama of his wife. They can’t date while he is a teacher and she is his student. And plus, she has James in her life and doesn’t know why she has been fucking around on him.

Brittany got home and saw that same purple Neon from yesterday, parked in the driveway. She enters the house to find a very tall and sexy brunette girl sitting on the couch. She girl kind of resembles WWE’s Stacie Keibler but a brunette with bigger boobs. Brittany walks into the room to greet the girl.

“Hi. I’m Brittany. Jeff’s sister.”

“Hello Brittany. I’m Sandy. Jeff has told me so much about you,” she said and then feasting her eyes on Brittany’s chest. “He never told me you were very well endowed. Your quite bless. Look at me. I’m 25 and a 36DD cup. How big are yours if you don’t mind me asking?”

“I’m currently a 44EE but I think I have when up a cup size to an F. My bras are kind of feeling really tight on me,” Brittany replied.

“Oh. I’m sorry. It was none of my business. I don’t know why I asked you that stupid question. I was just curious that’s all. I mean. I never have seen a teenage girl with such massive hooters before,” said Sandy amazed.

“Why thank you. It’s ok. I don’t mind.”

“I bet you get that a lot don’t you?” Sandy asks.

“Yeah. It’s hard going out into public with guys and girls both staring at your chest all the time,” said Brittany, folding her arms under her breasts, making them bulge out into balloons.

“Oh god. They’re so enormous. I bet they’re really soft and very sensitive,” said Sandy.

“Yeah. They are. Especially my nipples. Mmmm. I love to have them sucked and pull by guys. Even sometimes a girl would do,” said Brittany, moving closer to Sandy and licking her lips. Sandy couldn’t do much but just stare at Brittany’s tits. Wondering what it would be like to suck them.

“Here. Feel them,” said Brittany, thrusting out her chest, making her massive tits stick out like torpedoes aiming at Sandy.

Sandy hesitated a little bit before cupping a huge mound in each of her big hands and giving them a firm squeeze.

“Mmmm,” moan slightly Sandy as she felt Brittany up. Moving her hands over the material of the shirt, caressing Brittany’s clothed tits in every angle. From beneath the giant jugs to the chest they hang from. Her thumbs found the hard erase nipples and started pressing down on them. Pushing them into their massive areolas.

Sandy was very much enjoying feeling Brittany’s breasts and so was Jeff. He was peaking from behind a wall, watching his girlfriend feel up on his sister. It was really turning him on.

Brittany could see the pleasure in Sandy’s face as she moans and moans, tugging at Brittany’s nipples and jiggling the massive soft tit by them.

“Well it’s been fun. I have to go change and to go to the mall. Would you like to come and meet my friends? I mean. Since you are practically family dating my brother. Unless you have other plans?” Ask Brittany, suddenly pulling away from Sandy and broke her pleasure zone she was in.

“Sure. I would like to go. Let me tell Jeff and I’ll meet you back here,” agreed Sandy.

Brittany headed upstairs as Jeff came into the room.

“I see you met my sister,” he said.

“Oh. Yeah. She is a very sweet girl. She wanted me to come along with her to the mall. Do you mind if I go?” Sandy asks.

“Sure but remember. Be back before 8. The restaurant will give our seats up if were not there on time,” he said.

“Ok. Thank you baby.” Sandy gives Jeff a kiss and headed outside to wait for Brittany. Brittany came back downstairs and saw her brother Jeff looking outside the window.

“Make sure she is back before 8 Britt.”

“Don’t worry brother. I’ll have her back in one piece,” she said, kissing her brother on the cheek and then heading outside to meet Sandy.

Brittany and Sandy arrived at the mall to meet up with Kristen and the twins.

“Girls. I’ll like to introduce you guys to Sandy. My brother’s girlfriend.”

“Nice to meet you,” all the girls said.

“Like wise,” said Sandy.

“I’m Kristen and these are the twins Trishelle and Danielle.”

“So you’re the lucky girl who gets to fuck Brittany’s brother,” said Trishelle.

“Trishelle!” Said an angry Britt.

“I’m just being friendly,” Trishelle responded. “So what is he like in bed? Does he have a big dick?” Brittany looked at Trishelle with an angry look and Trishelle just smiled at her.

She girls headed to Victoria’s Secrets to do some shopping. Brittany had to get her measurements check out to see if she when up a cup size. The sale’s lady helped Brittany get her measurements and she was right. She grew into a 36F.

“Damn Britt. Is there no end to your boobs growing?” Said Danielle.

“I can’t help it that I’m bless,” Brittany said, smiling at Sandy. Sandy gave a smile back.

“I’m hungry. I’m going to the food court. Who’s coming with me because I’m not bringing anything back,” said Trishelle.

“I guess I’ll go eat too,” said Kristen.

“I’m going to stay and get some new bras,” said Brittany. “Sandy is going to stay with me to help try some on.”

“Ok then,” said Trishelle as she and Kristen left the store.

“Hey guys! Wait up. I’ll be back Britt,” said Danielle, chasing down her sister and Kristen.

“You sure do have some very interesting friends,” said Sandy.

“Yeah. We’re all unique in our own special ways,” said Brittany.

“Except when it comes to big boobs. All you guys have them,” said Sandy.

“Yeah yours are big too. You’re about the same size as the twins and one cup larger the Kristen I believe.”

“So help me try on some new bras and then we can join them at the food court.”

With that, Brittany and Sandy search the store for some F size bras. They found a few and they both headed back to the dressing room.

Brittany lifted her shirt over her head. Sandy turns her head around so she didn’t have to look. Brittany saw her head looking the other way in the mirror.

“It’s ok. You can look silly. We’re girls. Girl’s can look at each other’s naked bodies and not feel gay or anything.”

“Yeah I know but I’m not use to seeing other girls naked. My friends and me don’t get naked together doing anything,” said Sandy shyly.

“Well you need to start. A female’s body is a beautiful thing.”

Sandy’s turns her head around just as Brittany’s double E cup bra drops to the floor. Sandy’s heart started pounding as she saw Brittany’s bare breasts.

“My god. I had no idea they were so...so...huge on your frame. And now you’re an F cup?” Said Sandy amazed.

“That’s right. If the guys loved my breasts before. I will love them even more now,” teased Brittany.

As Brittany bends down to get a bra out of the shopping bag, her mammoth tits dangle down her chest and Sandy couldn’t help but to look at them. They sway back and forth, literally memorizing Sandy. Sandy just wanted to get her hands on those delicious mounds, swinging from side to side. Brittany finally pulled a bra out and moved the cups over her breasts.

“Would you fasten the back for me?” Asked Brittany.

Sandy moves closer behind Brittany and snaps her bra straps together. There was literally four straps resting on her shoulders, holding up her giant jugs up in their cups. The tops of her breasts were showing from the top of the cups and she had great cleavage showing.

“Oh my god. They’re so huge,” Sandy thought to herself.

Brittany just stood in front of the mirror, looking at Sandy’s face expressions and was trying not to let Sandy know she was looking at her. Suddenly, Brittany unsnapped the bra and let it fall to the floor. She reaches back and took hold of Sandy’s hands and brought them to her breasts.

“Squeeze them Sandy. You got your chance while I was clothed. Now here is your big moment to enjoy them bare.”

With that, Sandy started squeezing the big tits in her hands. Running her hands over every square inch of tit flesh. She scooped Brittany’s huge tits up from the bottoms and started bouncing them. She watch in the mirror as she bounce them and smack them against each other making pleasure thunder slaps.

Brittany rested her head on Sandy’s shoulder as Sandy fondles her tits. Pulling and pinching the now rock hard big nipples. She twisted and pulled the nipples from the areolas. Stretching Brittany’s tits out from her chest and watching them take shape in cones.

Both girls started moaning. Brittany also started pushing her big ass against Sandy’s crotch, rubbing it up and down. Sandy’s assault on Brittany’s breasts got rougher as she rub the fat nipples furiously between her fingers. She let the ample mounds sink through her fingers as she squeezed them against Brittany’s chest.

Brittany was wet between her thighs and was ready to cum from the tit play but realize they have to go meet up with the others. She removed Sandy’s hands from her breasts and put the bra back on.

“Let’s go meet up with the others,” Brittany said, leaving the dressing room. Sandy was once again denied the pleasures of making Brittany cum by playing with her tits. Brittany and Sandy met up with the other girls at the food court and then headed out of the mall.

Brittany and Sandy arrived back at the house. She drops Sandy off to get ready for the date and decides to go rent some movies. As Brittany was driving, all she could think about was Sandy’s hands on her tits and how good they felt. She started to wonder how Sandy’s tits would feel.

Brittany arrived back at home 20 minutes later and enters the house. She saw Sandy wearing a long black V-neck dress, which showed off ample amounts of cleavage.

“Wow. You look hot,” said Brittany.

“Thank you,” Sandy replied. “ I still can’t believe what has been happening today.”

“It’s ok Sandy. It doesn‘t mean we‘re gay. It just means that we‘re really hot for each other,” said Brittany, walking up to Sandy and sliding her hands down her V-neck dress and pulling out Sandy’s naked 36DD’s. Brittany pushes them together and starts sucking on both nipples. Sandy rolls her head back, enjoying the sucking.

Brittany sucked hard and savagely on her nipples. She cupped the breasts from the bottom, putting more and more of the tit flesh into her mouth. Brittany stretched Sandy’s breasts out between her lips. Still sucking and allowing her tongue to assault the nipples and areolas.

The sucking cause Sandy to moan and get a warm tingly inside her panties she was wearing. She realized that she was very wet from Brittany sucking her tits.

Brittany let the tits pop out of her mouth, dripping in her saliva. She stuffs them back inside her dress and gave Sandy a kiss on the cheek.

“Maybe later,” Brittany said as she headed upstairs.

Jeff, dressed in a sharp tuxedo, goes by his sister who gave him a big smile and headed to her room. As he got downstairs, he saw Sandy memorized by something.

“Is everything all right?” Asked Jeff, snapping his fingers to awaken Sandy.

“Oh yes. Everything is fine,” she said.

“Good. Let’s go out to eat now,” he said, opening the front door for her and closing it behind him.

Brittany watched from her window as Jeff and Sandy drove off. Suddenly her computer instant messenger box pop up. She when over by her computer and saw the name ChubbyCheckers.

“Uncle Keith!” Brittany said with excitement.

He wrote he missing her and wish that he had spend more time with her and hopes to visit soon. He also asks Brittany if he could see her breasts again and she didn’t hesitate to turn him down. She turns on her web cam and lifts her shirt up, showing her Uncle that she had nothing under it. She even told him that she grew a cup size larger.

Uncle Keith was very happy to hear that and very horny as well, watching his niece play with her mammoth tits.

It was around 10:30 when Jeff and Sandy return to the house. Brittany was on the couch, watching a movie and relaxing comfortably in a pair of jogging pants and an oversize T-shirt that still did little to hide her massive torpedo shape breasts.

“Welcome home,” Brittany said, sitting up as Jeff and Sandy sat on the couch next to Brittany.

“Where’s mom and dad?” Asked Jeff.

“I send them out to have fun and relax. They needed it. They won’t be home until tomorrow. So it looks like it’s just the three of us unless Sandy has to go home?” Brittany replied.

“Nah. Since mom and dad aren’t here. I think she’ll be sending the night,” said Jeff smiling at Sandy. She smiled back.

“Sure,” she answered.

“Why don’t you guys go change into something more comfortably and join me downstairs to watch this horror movie? I’m to scare to watch it alone,” said Brittany, giving Jeff and Sandy the sad puppy face.

“Awe. She’s so cute. Can’t leave her by herself Jeff,” said Sandy, wrapping her arms around Brittany. Brittany presses hard into Sandy, smashing her braless tits into Sandy’s breasts.

Jeff tried not to let his cock control his actions. “All right then. We’ll be back downstairs. I always knew you were a chicken Britt,” he said.

“Thank you,” said Britt.

Jeff and Sandy headed upstairs to change while Britt set up the movie in the VCR. They came back downstairs in less then 10 minutes and sat on the couch with Britt to watch the movie. Britt had a large bowl of popcorn with butter melt on top and offer to share with both Jeff and Sandy. Jeff turns it down but Sandy wouldn’t mind eating some. Britt fed Sandy one popcorn and slips it between her lips. Two of her fingers also go inside Sandy’s mouth.

“Mmmm,” moans Sandy sucking and licking the hot butter off Brittany’s two fingers while eating the popcorn.

Jeff was starting to fall asleep and eventually he did. The girls continued to watch the movie and feed each other popcorn. A little bit of butter lands on Brittany’s chin. Sandy bends down and uses her tongue to wipe it up. Brittany starts to giggle and Sandy follows with a giggle of her own.

“I’m going to go eat some ice cream. Want some?” Ask Britt.

“Sure. I’ll come with you,” said Sandy licking her lips at Britt.

Brittany pauses the movie and Sandy and her head into the kitchen leaving Jeff asleep on the couch.

“What kind do you like?” Asks Brittany.

“Doesn’t really matter. I like all kinds,” said Sandy sticking a finger into her own mouth and slowly suck it out.

Brittany watches and giggles at Sandy. Britt pulls out strawberry and chocolate ice cream from the freezer. She hands Sandy a spoon and the two start eating. Brittany had her spoon tip off far enough from her mouth that a huge blob of strawberry ice cream falls down her shirt.

“AHHHHH! OOOH shit! That’s cold,” shouted Brittany.

“Let me clean that up for you,” said Sandy holding the bottom of Brittany’s oversize shirt and pulls it over her head. Her huge tits come into Sandy’s view with strawberry ice cream in between them.

Sandy bends her head down and starts to lick away at Brittany’s cleavage. Tasting her sweet pale skin with strawberry ice cream on it. Her tongue travels up and down the curves of Brittany’s breasts where they make her cleavage.

Brittany giggles and shakes her tits against Sandy’s head. Sandy could feel the soft spongy texture of her breasts slap and rub up against her cheeks.

“Wait right here,” said Sandy to a topless Brittany.

Sandy gets up and opens the freezer. She pulls out some ice cubes and returns to Brittany.

“Ever had ice cubes rub against your nipples?” Sandy asks.

“No. I had pasta on my tits before,” Brittany said.

“Mmmm. Bet that was a good dinner,” Sandy said laughing.

“It sure was,” Brittany replies.

Sandy takes an ice cube and lightly circles Brittany’s big right areola. Brittany started to quiver and shake from the coldness touching her pale white. Sandy’s eyes widen as she saw Brittany’s nipple become huge looking like a giant eraser. Sandy draws the ice cube to the huge nipple and rubs the nipple with the ice cube slowly.

Chills travel through Brittany’s body especially to her now soak pussy. The ice cube started to leak water while moving around Brittany’s areola and nipple.

“How does that feel?” Ask Sandy poking the nipple with the ice cube.

“So cold but feels good hot,” moans Brittany.

Sandy repeats the pleasure with Brittany’s other nipple. Watching that one become just as large as the right one.

“I know a baby would love to suck milk out of those suckers you have Britt,” said Sandy admiring Britt’s huge nipples.

“Why don’t you give them a taste and see for yourself,” teased Brittany.

Sandy wastes no time and latches her lips around the left nipple. Sucking it for all its worth. Brittany held Sandy’s head smash against her giant left breast. She could feel Sandy’s mouth sucking in the large areola as well.

Sandy starts to suck the entire front part of Brittany’s tit into her mouth. Using her hands to cup that one big tit in her mouth so she could stuff more and more of it between her lips.

Brittany mouth was wide open. Moans were coming heavenly out of her mouth. She felt her thighs become wet from her creamy pussy as she came from the tit sucking.

Sandy switch breast and sucks the right one into her mouth as well. Dragging her tongue over every inch of tit meat.

“You have such wonderful breasts Brittany,” moans Sandy in between sucking her right tit.

Brittany moves her hands to Sandy’s breasts and starts to fondle her braless hooters through her tight tank top. Brittany starts to pull one breast at a time out of Sandy’s top until both breasts were now free and hanging loose outside the top.

The girls started to kiss and suck on each other’s tongues. Brittany’s enormous 36F tits engulf Sandy’s 36DD’s. Their hard nipples pokes and rubs into each other’s skin.

Brittany takes hold of her breasts and Sandy holds her own as well. They start to rub their nipples together. Brittany’s bigger nipples were pushing Sandy’s medium size nipples into the areolas.

“Oooooh Brittany. I love your incredible nipples touching mines,” moans Sandy holding her breasts while Brittany’s bigger tits beat and smash against them.

Brittany let go of her tits and moves her hands into Sandy’s pj pants. They smooth over Sandy’s ass and grope them. Kneading her ass cheeks in both hands. Sandy does the same to Brittany. Squeezing and kneading her big ass. Their breasts press tight against each other’s as they lock lips again.

They start to giggle and back up away from each other. Sandy kicks off her slippers and pulls her pj pants down revealing her cotton baby blue panties.

“Hop up on the table,” order Britt.

Sandy leaps up onto the table causing her big tits to bounce and jiggle with her movements.

Brittany takes a seat in front of Sandy. She picks up both of Sandy’s bare feet and starts to lick at them. First licking the soles of her feet. Moving her tongue right down to her arches. Sandy starts to giggle and says “ that tickles Britt.”

“Mmmm moans Brittany as she sucks onto Sandy’s left big toe. Giving her big toe a mini blowjob. She does the same to her right big toe and sucks on her little toes as well.

Brittany positions Sandy’s feet leveled with her titties and starts to rub her huge tits up and down Sandy’s feet. The nipples dragging along the bottoms of her feet to the arches. Brittany slides her fat nipples in between Sandy’s toes and Sandy wiggles her toes into Britt’s tit meat and squeezes the nipples. Twisting and pulling Britt’s nipples with her toes.

Brittany starts moaning as Sandy massages her tits with her feet. Her panties become even more soak as she came. Brittany pulls down Sandy’s panties revealing her black trim bush and wet pussy. She slides them all the way off and tosses them to the floor.

“Ooooh. Such a pretty pussy. All nice and wet,” moaned Brittany. She moves closer in between Sandy’s legs and uses her hands to open her cunt. Her tongue slowly licks its way deep through her cunt. Her large clit hung down and Brittany press her tongue against it.

“Oooooowwwwww,” moan Sandy breathing hard and starting to sweat.

Brittany wraps her arms around Sandy’s thighs and kisses them. Sandy rests her legs on Britt’s shoulders. She bends her elbows back on the table sticking out her big tits. Brittany worked Sandy’s pussy making it even creamier. Sucking her clit deep into her mouth and pulling it with her teeth.

Sandy was twisting and turning her body from the intense eating Brittany was doing to her wet cunt. She runs her fingers through Brittany’s long red hair and starts to thrust her hips, pushing her pussy against Brittany’s mouth. Brittany was all to happy to suck more of Sandy’s cunt into her mouth and just nibble and lick at he clitoris.

After seven minutes of getting her pussy eaten, Sandy came in Britt’s mouth. Brittany swallows all of Sandy’s cum and uses her tongue to lick up the rest.

“Mmmmm. You taste so good Sandy,” moaned Brittany giving her thighs one last kiss.

Brittany moves Sandy back further onto the table and climbs up hovering over Sandy. She pulls her panties down and drops them on the kitchen floor. She lies on top of Sandy and starts kissing her. They press their big tits hard into each other. Their soak cunts just inches from one another.

Sandy spread her legs across the table and Brittany’s feet hook under Sandy’s thighs. Sandy feels Brittany’s left hand probing her pussy. Sliding three fingers in at one time. Moans came out of both girls’ mouths and sweat pour off their hot bodies.

Brittany’s fingers rapidly finger Sandy’s wet again cunt, setting her up for the big finale. Brittany moves her hand and sits up on Sandy’s thighs. Their pussies are now in union. Brittany starts to slowly rock her pussy back and forth against Sandy’s. Her mammoth breasts hung down her chest like udders and memorized Sandy as they sway back and forth with Britt’s moves.

Sandy’s hands immediately latch onto both of Brittany’s tender nipples and pull on them. Brittany’s hands do the same to Sandy’s tits. They twist and pull on each other’s hardening buds as their pussies rub together faster and faster. Their juices mixing and leaking onto the kitchen table.

Unaware to the girls, Jeff was up and watching quietly from the kitchen entrance. He couldn’t believe how extremely horny watching the girls had made him. He wanted to join so bad but decided to let the girls have their fun.

Brittany changes position and lay at one end of the table while Sandy lies at the other end. Their legs cross over each other’s and their pussies were once again in union. Both of them start to push down against each other. Rubbing her wet cunts together.

Jeff couldn’t help but to pull out his massive cock and start to jerk off to them. Their loud moans and grunting made Jeff even hotter and hungry for the two.

The girls bump their pussies faster and faster. Making sure their clits touch and rub together like rubbing two sticks to make fire and the girls felt like their pussies were on fire. Both girls were in an orgasmic state and soon release their cum onto one another’s pussy. They let out long orgasms symbolizing that they were indeed finish and happy with each other’s performance. They came together in the center of the table and just kiss and felt each other’s tits for another few minutes.

Jeff had left the kitchen and exploded his hard cock in the living room. He clean ups his mess and heard the girls returning. He lies back down on the couch, pretending to be sleep and the girls both get very comfortable next to him and fall asleep.

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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 04

Brittany is a pretty red haired girl with an abnormal chest. Her gigantic boobs were Double E's. They have been giving Brittany a lot of problems but also have come in handy during her many sex sections she has had within the week. Brittany has done a lot of first during the week. Losing her virginity to coach Phillip. Having a 3 way with two con-artists and then having a group lesbian section with her friends Kristen, Trishelle, and Danielle. Tonight would be another first as Brittany and her...

3 years ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 08

rittany showed up for school on time but really didn’t want to go to school today. She was very excited that her brother Jeff has return home from college for a week or 2. She wanted to spend the day with him and get caught up on old times but her parents told her that she has plenty of time to do that after school and on the weekends.Brittany sat with her friends Kristen, Trishelle, and Danielle and of course they were asking her a lot of questions concern about her new behavior. They were...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch1

Brittany Clarkson was playing volleyball in gym class today with all of the other senior students. She was really the only one hitting and chasing after the ball for some reason. She had known the reason. It was because everyone else including the gym coach, Coach Phillip was gawking at her enormous sport bra cased tits.They would bounce and wobble and just about go all over the place. She thought the sport bra would hold them down but she was wrong. She never really paid any attention to...

2 years ago
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BRITTANY by slavegirl?What the hell am I doing at my high school reunion?? Dave hissed to himself while pressing a nametag on his leather jacket. Bass guitar accompanied by drums boomed from the ballroom as he straightened his leather tie. Purple and gold pompoms hung from the light fixtures. A purple banner with gold border and gold letters stretched the length of the far wall WELCOME TO YOUR 5 YEAR REUNION. Dave walked to the refreshment table. ?Come on!? he said under his breath when he saw...

4 years ago
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Becoming Brittany

Becoming Brittany I Lori and I are deeply in love. We are kindred souls having grown up together and now happily married. Our mothers had been best friends since grade school and both married their high school sweethearts. I am older than Lori by a full 27 minutes, both of us being born on June 1st in the same hospital. We grew up living directly across the street from each other, and other than the fact that our families were close friends, we received no pressures to become...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 2

Introduction: the week continues I was going to make this one big story, but figured that the different aspects may or may not be appreciated by different crowds. Again, if characters are important to you, read part one first. If youre just into sex, i may suggest skipping the first half. Happy reading part 2: Brittany drove down Justins street excited as could be. Her and Justin would be heading to her boyfriends school and getting to the campus was quite a drive, but she was ready to see her...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 2

Brittany drove down Justin's street excited as could be. Her and Justin would be heading to her boyfriend's school and getting to the campus was quite a drive, but she was ready to see her boyfriend again, as she hadn't in a couple of months. Brittany pulled into Justin's driveway, finding Shelby's car parked there as well. "Well, it looks like someone spent the night," she thought to herself, smiling that Justin most likely got lucky last night. Not wanting to interrupt the couple...

2 years ago
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Breaking Brittany

Breaking Brittany1: The Break-In2: Breaking In3: Broken In1 – The Break-InWith one final jab of the paperclip, the lock opened.Vince eased the door open and peered through the crack. The front foyer was dark. He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him.The soles of his boots thudded softly against the hard wood floor as Vince crossed the foyer into the dining room and, seeing no light, moved to the living room.Still nothing. He headed upstairs.The door to the master bedroom was ajar. Vince...

3 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 4

Introduction: The best way to rebuild a friendship Will make much more sense if you read the previous stories. Enjoy part 4. Justins heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I havent thrown yet, Brittany warned, not even...

4 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 4

Justin's heart dropped. He pushed through the ocean of people, finding the front door of the frat house. Expecting to have to look all over campus for his friend, he was relieved to open the door and find her sitting on the front steps. She was bawling her eyes out. "If you come any closer to me, I still have one drink I haven't thrown yet," Brittany warned, not even turning to face him. "Brittany, you don't understand..." Justin started, not sure what he was going to...

3 years ago
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Archive-title: Brittany Fifteen-year-old Rob Kramer was worried sick about becoming a Sixteen-year-old virgin. He wasn’t a bad looking guy. Just an ordinary kid. Brown Hair. Brown eyes. Average build. Not tall enough to be a basketball legend and not wide enough to be a fullback. He rarely got less than a C or more that a B. Rob thought of himself as Mr. Average. He had a few brief encounters with girls but sexually had never gotten past the feeling-up stage. Lately, Rob was having a...

3 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 5

Justin's phone buzzed inches from his ear, dragging the teen unwillingly into consciousness. His eyes pried themselves open as his focus turned to the noisy pest resting on his pillow. It was Brittany. Justin looked at the clock, soon informed that it was only 7:30. He might have been pissed, but beings how it was the girls birthday tomorrow, he merely smiled at her eagerness to start her day. He was alone this morning, Shelby and Brittany had both retired to their respective...

1 year ago
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Brittanys First Summer Epilogue to Owning

Brittany’s First Summerby RebelmanBrittany stood in the alley and watched as her BMW drove away with Wendy behind the wheel.She hadn’t been allowed to drive her own car since that fateful day some three months ago whenher entire world had collapsed.Before that, the roles had been reversed with her and the young girl. Brittany had used Wendy asher pet, torturing and humiliating her every chance she could. She had made two big mistakesthough, one was underestimating Jimmy and the other was...

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Educating Brittany Chapter 4

I was the afternoon and Alisa, Brittany and I had not bothered to get dressed, instead, we spent the afternoon naked, relaxing. It was only a couple of hours earlier that I had watched Alisa and Brittany have an orgasm filled sex session. It was hot and still replaying in my mind, giving me a constant hard on. We sat on the couch watching TV, the girls sitting on either side of me. We were all relaxed Brittany, resting her head on my shoulder and Alisa resting her hand on my thigh. What really...

Group Sex
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Educating Brittany Chapter 3

It was a cold evening and as per Brittany’s request I had found just the person for her first ever lesbian experience. Alisa is a sexy confident woman in her mid-twenties. She was a fully lesbian woman with a penchant for younger girls, I knew this from my many talks with her. I always said to Alisa, if I found her a sexy lil girl to play with would she let me watch, her answer was always yes. So I made the phone call, Alisa actually sounded excited at the prospect of being with a cute teenage...

3 years ago
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Brittany Spears and Me

Do you have any idea how much I hate that girl? I mean really, I can't stand her. Pop icons in general really piss me off, but her in particular. It isn't just that she's put up on some kind of pedestal by corporate America and worshipped from afar by all breathing males between the ages of 9 and 90. Not only because she's got more money than me and all my friends and relatives will ever have in our entire pathetic little lives put together. Not because she looks like some catholic...

2 years ago
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Brittany Stevens Office Slut Part 2

Mr Jones, the President of Sharpfield and Jones, smirked as he leaned back in his black, leather chair armchair and took a sip of the coffee his assistant had brought him. There was nothing better than a coffee to perk him up first thing in the morning. Well, almost nothing. He took another sip and glanced down at his assistant as she bobbed and slurped on his cock with those big, pink, glossy lips of hers. He was amazed at the skill and finesse she showed as she brought her lips up and down...

3 years ago
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Brittany and Jon Thrice TemptedChapter 3

Susan nibbled on his ear, taking small nips at it as well as licking his earlobe. "You deserve a break too. I know you desire me. I've seen how you look at my legs and tonight, how you looked at where my legs join my body. I know what you were seeing in your mind. I want to show you that part of me..." more licking, "I know how to please men especially someone I like." Jon felt some wetness on his underwear and knew it was his precum leaking due to her licking and words, which were...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Jon First AnnversaryChapter 3

Three voices said, "Oh?" "Yes, if she had been on her period there could have been some blood, uh, spilling out." "If she was at the end and horny as well as drunk than yes I could see someone doing that," Jane said as she glanced at her husband with an embarrassed look, Jon continued, "That may not explain how the guy first entered her though. It was almost like he hit a barrier and pulled back than jammed it through." Kyle said, "It might have just looked that way, but he, um,...

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Brittany and Kari do Truth or Dare

Kari was a shy girl that was about 5'5 with black hair that reached down to the top of her back. She had an ass that was just begging to be tapped and breast that were amazing to look at and a tan that took many years at the beach to perfect with a athletic build because she play Softball for the school . She had a few boyfriends but none that could broke through the zipper on her pants or matter of fact broke her Hyman. Brittany was a girl that was 5'9 that had the ass that was fine...

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Brittany Stevens Office Slut Part 1

Brittany Stevens sat down for breakfast and opened the local paper, flicking the pages to the Staff Wanted section. Brittany had not had a job for almost half a year now, and money was starting to run dry. Sure, her parents had helped her with her rent, her car, and pretty much everything else, but they were threatening to cut her off so she decided it was time to find herself some work.Brittany bit into her toast as her eyes grazed down the various want ads. She licked her lips, still tasting...

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BrittanyPart III

I lay there in bed next to my sleeping wife and I all I could think about was what Brittany had mentioned to me in comparing the taste of my cum to my own daughter’s. It was the last thing she said to me before scampering off to Jessica’s bedroom but to be honest she could have recited the Gettysburg Address and all my mind would have registered was the fact that Brittany and Jessica had, at some point, had sex. I’m not sure how it’s possible but I dozed off with that image in my head.The next...

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Brittany and Jon First AnnversaryChapter 2

He said, "I think we are both ready enough." She had been so into the double sensations, of having him in her mouth while he was licking her, that she had forgotten what else they had to do. Suddenly she got nervous, "I... I think so too." she said with a half nervous and half eager tone. He seemed to understand for as he rearranged his position so that he was laying on top of her he just kissed her. He told her how much he loved her and how sexy her body was. He said he was proud to...

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Brittany and Me part 1

The story starts in their freshman year of high school and lasts for many years thereafter. Justin and Brittany were complete strangers as they went to different middle schools. Both kids lead very different lives. Now Brittany was a beautiful girl. She was short and petite, with long black hair, usually straightened. Being half Mexican and half white, she looked amazing. Her boobs were, of course, smaller, maybe Bs, but it fit her smaller frame well. Her ass was an amazing gift of nature,...

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Brittany and Me part 1

This is a series of stories I wrote a while back. I am posting it here, hoping to get more feedback. This one is fairly long, focusing a lot on character building and romance, so if that's not your thing, click that back button now, as you probably won't enjoy this. This story goes into great detail about a friendship that flourishes into more. If I get positive feedback, I already have 4 more chapters written, and will post soon enough. So please, enjoy the story:Justin and Brittany were...

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Brittany and Jon Thrice TemptedChapter 2

On the way home Jon told Brittany what he had been doing and how he had found her. She didn't listen to all of it because her itching arousal was driving her crazy. She kept fantasizing about what she was going to do, once they got alone and she didn't have to worry about distracting him. Jon and Brittany finally made it home, almost as soon as they closed the door she was all over Jon, kissing him and rubbing the front of his pants. She had been barely under control on the trip home, she...

1 year ago
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Brittany and Me part 3

Introduction: The awaited party begins Brittany and Justin were an hour earlier than everyone else as the pair of them caravaned the alcohol to the partys location. After walking for quite a few long, awkward minutes, Brittany finally broke the silence. Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me? She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. Im not pissed. Im just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little...

2 years ago
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Brittany Becomes a Cuckquean

My name is Ralph. I have been with my current girlfriend Brittany for a little over two years now and things have been great. She is pretty good looking dark curly hair nice curvy legs big tits not the ungodly huge kind but big enough to get a good handful when we are getting dirty with each other and a very dirty mind in bed. All this turned out to be great for me since I am kinda a freak myself. We had been together about three months when I discovered her submissive side. She liked me to...

3 years ago
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Educating Brittany Chapter 2

I was awakened at eleven in the morning by a ringing phone. I felt a body climb off me and rummage in a bag. I opened my eyes to see the cute girl I had picked up the night before, the memories of which came flooding back to me. I watched as Brittany sat naked on the edge of the phone talking to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Yes dad… I went to a club… I met a guy… No, he was a complete gentleman… Yes, I’ll come back to the hotel soon… see you later, bye.” She hung up the phone and...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Brittany and Me part 3

"Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me?" She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. "I'm not pissed. I'm just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little submissive is not very attractive at all," Justin tried to sabotage John's plan without giving it away. "But it doesn't matter what I think about you hun. How disappointed are you in yourself?" "Look, I know I should be pissed at...

3 years ago
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Buying the Family Next DoorChapter 5 Brittany Gets Her First Taste of Cum and Pussy

Beth and Brittany came over about an hour later. "Beth, strip and go get on my bed. I want to see your legs spread wide when I come in." "Yes Sir!" Beth grinned and hustled off to do as she had been told. "Brittany, did you like the new clothes you got today." I asked. "Oh yes! They're a little smaller than I'm used to, but they are real nice." "Good! I have one more thing to show you. Stay here." I left her in the living room while I retrieved her new uniform. When I returned...

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Camilla Ch 091

On the third day of Camilla’s ongoing ordeal at the Montreal aquarium, the spirits of some of her former young adult male followers, and the spirit of a former prof, were gang-banging her. Her naked body, held up by the mental powers of the masked men, still hovered over the surface of the water of a tank, while none of her mesmerized voyeuristic watchers had left the scene. To those who knew she was 37 years old, that she looked no older than 25 was almost as much of a shock as what they all...

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Brittany and Her Daddy Part 1

“Dad? Daddy? I’m home!” Brittany closed the door behind her. She went into the kitchen, but her father was not there and he was also not in his office. “Daddy? Where are you?” She called again, but there was still no answer. “Daddy?” She yelled as she walked up the stairs. Brittany was the only child of Martha and Gregory Andrews, and she was 16 years old. She had beautiful green eyes just like her father and long wavy blonde hair just like her mother’s. She was about 5 feet 7 inches and she...

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Daddy and daughter Brittany

"Yessssss,,," She hissed it out through her clenched teeth "And your pussy is always wet for me isn't it?" She moaned her agreement, with that I pulled my finger out of her and wiped it across her tee shirt over her tits and walked away. I had fingered her often enough to know when she was getting ready to cum, this time I wasn't allowing her to do it though. I turned back and saw her still standing there, nipples erect through her tee shirt, panting as she massaged her own...

1 year ago
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Party with Chantz and Brittany

This is a continuation of the "Being Brittany's Bitch" series. Your votes and constructive feedback are appreciated! Thanks to Belle Starr for sprouting the idea for this installment of the series. Party with Chantz and Brittany I had just "played" a round of golf with Chantz at my old country club, which culminated in me taking eighteen inches up the ass on the eighteenth green for twenty three minutes (one for each stroke she won by). We had quite an audience from what I recall, as...

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BrittanyPart I The Beginning

Being my daughter’s best friend, Brittany was a fixture around our house for years and I for one had no problem with that. Whether it was her luscious round ass, her toned thighs or those massive young tits, she offered plenty of visual stimulation. The rumors of her slutty tendencies only serving to fuel the fire. The 18 yr old was the embodiment of sex and she knew it and was not afraid to let others know. Tight tops, short skirts, skimpy bikinis and other such revealing clothing were her...

2 years ago
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Educating Brittany Chapter 5

It was the last week of Brittany’s visit; her dad had limited how much she was allowed out. I guess him knowing that she was seeing a boy who was obviously having sex with her didn’t help. We still talked a lot and sent each other dirty messages. Alisa had also gotten back to me, and I had been to her place a few times to have sex with her. She told me she loved me a few times, I thought that was nice. I spent the evening with Alisa, one of her girlfriends were there with us and we watched...

Love Stories
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Buying the Family Next DoorChapter 8 Brittany Squirts

Brittany came over to do her chores as soon as she got home from school. She striped and went right to work. As she finished making my bed, I gently patted her cute little ass. "Yum yum! That's going to be one tasty little ass and pussy some day." She asked, "Do we have to wait? Please Gary, I want to give myself to you now." "I know you do, Baby. Maybe your day will come soon. I have something special in mind for your first fuck." "Really! What is it?" The teen was...

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Ashley and Brittany Catch their God Next Door

It was a late Sunday night and I was at home bored and feeling very aroused. I had just gotten out of the shower and had removed my bathrobe in order to satisfy my arousal. I sat on my bed naked and then noticed that my windows were still open. I noticed a college age Asian girl looking at me though her window which opposes mine. She was 5’ 4” with long black hair half way down her back, very petite with 32A cups and weighed around 105 pounds. After she watched for a minute or two she called...

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Ashley and Brittany Catch their God Next Door

It was a late Sunday night and I was at home bored and feeling very aroused. I had just gotten out of the shower and had removed my bathrobe in order to satisfy my arousal. I sat on my bed naked and then noticed that my windows were still open. I noticed a college age Asian girl looking at me though her window which opposes mine. She was 5’ 4” with long black hair half way down her back, very petite with 32A cups and weighed around 105 pounds. After she watched for a minute or two she called...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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BrittanyPart II

On the ride home from the drive-in I couldn’t help but let my mind wonder, both about what had just happened and what might take place back at home. As good of a cocksucker as Brittany is I wanted to fuck her so bad so you can only imagine my disappointment when I saw my wife’s car in the driveway when I pulled up. The three of us headed straight upstairs and as Brittany was going into Jessica’s room he looked back at me and flashed that sexy smile. Maybe I would luck out and my wife would...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 13

Britt and I work up together just before six and put on our early morning clothes. We went downstairs leaving Mel asleep on our bed. We went downstairs starting coffee and toast for breakfast. As the coffee perked and the toast toasted, we looked out the window with our arms around each other until the toast was done. We buttered our toast and put jelly on ours. We had kidded that we had found one thing where we didn't like the same thing and that was jelly and coffee. When the coffee...

1 year ago
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Brittany brought down a few pegs

     ?It’s time.? said a monotone voice in the darkness.  Inmate 3347, formerly known as Brittany Lynn, felt the narrow leather collar enclose around her neck. She had known this moment was coming, having spent much of the afternoon being prepped, but her sense of dread was now replaced by fear of what was to come. All sorts of scenarios played through her mind, none of them good, based on the preparations that had taken place earlier.      One of the matrons had led her from her cell and...

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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 8

[Chad] With big smiles, we went out to the car and Dad drove the short trip to church. He parked and we got out. A car with out of state plates pulled up close to us. We all stopped to greet those we figured were new people. Mom and Dad greeted a couple about their age. They were two very tall individuals. The back door opened and a female's shoe came out. The rest of that leg had cream-colored slacks. She just kept getting out. Finally, she stood and it was a female about our age who, in...

4 years ago
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Brittanys Life

Brittany is the type of girl who loves to flirt. Mainly using her huge 34 DD tits to get what she wants from whoever is willing to give. At 5'4" weighing roughly 135lbs, yeah she has curves and everyone loves curves. Fits into size 5 jeans. Nice round bubbly ass, toned legs, dirty blonde hair normally straight. Gleaming emerald green eyes that always have a twinkle to them and lovely innocent smile. Now Brittany wasn't always like this. She used to be quite conservative about showing off her...

2 years ago
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Lakeesha and Brittany

Lakeesha and Brittany had been good friends since first grade. Now they were both 18 years old. And the Femina Empire had taken control. Lakeesha was a very beautiful young black woman, and Brittany was an equally beautiful young blond white woman. Both had been attracted to each other since puberty, but the taboos of the pre-Empre Earth had discouraged them from expressing their emotions to each other. But now they were free to walk down the city streets holding hands. It was not only...

3 years ago
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Loving Aunt Brittany

The sun woke me up through the window and I somehow managed to get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom. Like every other 17-year old in the morning, I had an almost painful erection. I knew that if i don't jerk it off soon, my head would pop from sexual thoughts. Before going to the bathroom I made sure that no one can't see my morning boner. It would be quite embarassing if my sister saw my little tent, my cock which is in such need for some female touch, for a nice warm tongue......

2 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 16

We lay on the bed together for two hours, even napped a little. We woke up and talked. Britt said, "Chad, I feel guilty. I'm sad that Amelia is dead but not like I think I should be. I'm just numb ... My life is so different now from a month ago. You're the only constant. I've done nothing to deserve your parents' kindness and love. So many people have been so kind to us and said and done nice things to us and for us. I feel like I'm in a dream. That's why I want to hold you." I...

4 years ago
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Brittany Stevens Office Slut Part 2

Mr Jones, the President of Sharpfield and Jones, smirked as he leaned back in his black, leather chair armchair and took a sip of the coffee his assistant had brought him. There was nothing better than a coffee to perk him up first thing in the morning. Well, almost nothing. He took another sip and glanced down at his assistant as she bobbed and slurped on his cock with those big, pink, glossy lips of hers. He was amazed at the skill and finesse she showed as she brought her lips up and down...

4 years ago
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Educating Brittany Chapter 1

It was a cold winters evening and I decided to go out to the club, I had not been in ages and Thursday night seemed a good night as any. I showered and then put on my best cologne and got dressed smart casual. My name is Sean; I am 33 years old. I am stocky, and slightly overweight but carry myself well. I have dark, unkempt hair and dark brown eyes. I am of average height and even though I do exercise, being a chef doesn’t help keep the weight down. I am comfortable with myself and believe I...

2 years ago
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My Busty sis Brittany

My buddies Phil and Joey are always teasing me about doing it with my big-tittied little sister Brittany, but I never guessed it could really happen and it would be Brittany's idea! I must be crazy getting ready to fuck my lil s*s with my two best friends joining in. We all just stand there like dummies, but the busty Brittany takes charge by kneeling before us and saying "Don't just stand there like dummies - take your clothes off!" We set a land-speed record getting undressed and she starts...

1 year ago
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My Busty sis Brittany

My buddies Phil and Joey are always teasing me about doing it with my big-tittied little sister Brittany, but I never guessed it could really happen and it would be Brittany's idea! I must be crazy getting ready to fuck my lil s*s with my two best friends joining in. We all just stand there like dummies, but the busty Brittany takes charge by kneeling before us and saying "Don't just stand there like dummies - take your clothes off!"We set a land-speed record getting undressed and she starts...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 12

That afternoon was back to pretty much normal. Mom drove up as we were getting out of my car. She was usually home just before, just as, or just after I arrived. Britt finished handing me our books. She put her arm around my waist and we followed Mom inside. Thursday, we were told to meet them at the courthouse. Surprisingly, both of Britt's parents had acknowledged the petition and consented to Mom and Dad as guardians of Britt. We went into the court. Dad went over the original petition,...

3 years ago
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What I Did With Brittany

If you haven't read my other story you should totally check it out right now, go ahead, I'll wait... Awesome, NOW I can tell my story. All through school I had no problems with girls. I could have a girlfriend when I needed one, and lots of my best friends were girls. I almost always had a pretty girl to talk to and be with. There were two girls in particular. Brittany and Aubrey were good friends and were around each other all the time. Now they were both pretty good friends of mine and would...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 3

That's what happened. I had thought to go but Dad said that I was to stay with Mom. After everyone left, Mom said, "This is going to be different for you. Can you handle your girl friend living in the same house? You know the rules won't change. If anything, they will be more strictly applied." "Mom, that's not fair. We haven't done anything wrong here. Why should we be punished?" "You won't be punished. You will be exposed to the young lady a lot more than you ever thought...

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Brittany and ChadChapter 4

Finally, Britt kissed me hard and said, "Chad, thank you for what you have done. I've never been sure what would happen to me. Lately without you, I don't think it would have been good. I want all of this to work out especially you and me." I gave her a long, gentle squeeze that made her purr in my arms as I cupped a breast and thumbed the nipple through the dress and her bra. I said, "I want things to work out, too. You are a beautiful, nice person. You should be happy." She turned...

3 years ago
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Brittany and ChadChapter 21

As we went upstairs and into my room, Britt asked, "How old is Mitch anyway?" I answered, "He's the same age as Mom and Dad. That would make him about forty or forty-one." "Okay, that gives me a window of ages." "Oh, okay. You're serious about this aren't you?" "As a heartbeat. He's a good man and deserves to be happy. He hasn't been looking. Mom and Dad have separately admitted that he hasn't tried to date." I said, "I guess he's still carrying a torch for Mom and now...

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