Halloween 3 free porn video

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(C) 2006 Nick B All rights reserved Chapter 3 The next day, Chris woke to find the bed beside him empty. He sat up and let his eyes become accustomed to the light. He'd not been there for long before Jess came in. "So you finally decided to join us?" "I was tired." "Well don't lie there all morning, we've got shopping to do." "Shopping?" "Look, I'm willing to admit that I got you into this mess, but I'm not prepared to let you ruin all my clothes getting you back out of it." "I'm sorry. I hadn't thought about that." "I didn't think so. I wonder how you keep that company going without a thought invading your head." "Luck and charm, I guess Jess!" She poked her tongue out at him. "Just get up! I've put you out some stuff for the trip," she said. Once breakfast was over with, Chris sat in a short denim skirt (above the knee anyway) and a t-shirt that came to just above the navel. Again, he wore the ankle boots and wig, but had made a choice that shoes were going to be on the list as he didn't think the boots were appropriate for all occasions. Of course Jess didn't see fit to point out that he would happily wear the same shoes for months or even until they wore out completely in his masculine guise. "If I'm going out like this, you'll have to pay and we'll sort the finances out afterwards." "What's wrong with yours?" "It says here 'Mr C Burton'. Don't you think that might be a problem?" "Ah. Fair do's." The first shop they went into was for what Jess termed as the staples. The thought of little bits of bent wire amused Chris, but he kept it to himself. Now staples were work panties, tights, and bras. The panties were generally simple and could be any colour, providing they weren't visible through the material of the outerwear. One pack of colourful panties was bought, along with a pack of white ones. Next were tights, which was simple, being a 'one size fits all' kind of affair and were bought in tan and black. Thirdly came the bras and sports bras according to Jess were best for work. They weren't so obvious through semi-transparent blouses and were above all, supportive and comfortable. Chris tried one on and agreed. On and off over the head and no stiff bits to pinch. It only seemed fair that Jess should have some new bits and pieces too and Chris nearly had heart failure when it was all totted up, but Jess paid it and Chris had to keep the good of the project in the forefront of his mind as they wandered on to the next shop for some outerwear. "You'll need a couple of suits like mine, some skirts, blouses, jumpers, cardies and we'll steer clear of trousers." "Why?" "Well, unless we get you one of those gaff things, however well you think you've hidden your bits, they'll be noticeable. Plus you're not really the right shape." "What's a gaff?" "Panty type things, to keep you flat in the nether regions." Chris blushed. "Like a girdle you mean?" "That sort of thing only thinner and it's designed to hide thingies. For now though, stick to skirts." A number of skirts were bought and it angered Chris to think that he bought four skirts for the same price as one pair of his trousers (which didn't even fit that well). Anyway, he nearly had another coronary when along with some more stuff for Jess (of course) the cost was measured in astrological terms as far as he was concerned. Next came cosmetics and that very nearly gave him a nervous breakdown. There was exfoliating cream, foundation, blush, eye liner, mascara, lipstick, lip gloss, pads for removal and moisturiser for before and after, brushes for application, hair gel, mousse, tools, such as tweezers, nail files and buffers, nail conditioner, nail polish remover and several colours of polish and that was just to get him started. It didn't stop there though. Jess had stopped at the perfume counter and was spraying various different scents around and sniffing. "Try this," she said. Chris sniffed the air, but could discern one from the others she had sprayed. She sprayed the smallest amount on the underside of his wrist and told him to rub it on his other. He rubbed and sniffed (like scratch and sniff, only softer). It was a spicy, flowery scent that he found most intoxicating. "You like?" she asked. "Yes I think it suits you." "It's not for me, idiot, it's for you." "Me?" "Of course! Don't you want to smell nice as well as look nice?" "Well, I suppose, but I've got stuff for that at home." "You have underarm spray and some Paco Rabanne, neither of which is particularly appropriate for a woman." "But I'm not a ..." he stopped short as the fact he was wearing a skirt, stiletto-heeled ankle boots, a bobbed wig and breasts hit him in the soft bits. "Ah!" "Exactly!" she said nodding and the perfume joined the other purchases. He was as white as a sheet when he left and was struggling with most of the baggage too. They visited a couple more shops on the way to get some shoes, apparently to get some 'weekend wear' as Jess put it. Once in the shop, he knew exactly what she meant. He actually had to handle the goods and he spent the next half hour or so in an almost constant flush, suffering an aching groin! On the way to the shoe shop, Jess had Chris go into a jeweller's to get his ears pierced. "Isn't this going a bit far?" "Not if you want to look the part." "I do, but I didn't think that extended to poking holes in me." "Trust me it won't hurt and you'll be out in no time." Out of earshot, Jess spoke to the girl behind the counter and asked whether the navel could be pierced too while he was there. There didn't seem to be a problem and within five minutes, Chris had three holes, two of which were filled with small gold studs with aquamarine inserts (his birthstone) and one crescent-shaped stud through his navel, which he wasn't expecting and was actually quite angry about. When he stood up however, he had to concede that it did look in keeping with the image he was trying to portray, though just how many times he was going to expose his midriff at work hadn't crossed his mind. Shoes next and he had just about had it. He was well and truly knackered. It was all he could do to summon up the enthusiasm to go in to the shop at all and then when he saw the plethora of styles, colours, heel- heights, boots, shoes, sandals, mules and Lord alone knows what else, he didn't know whether he could be bothered. "It's so much easier buying men's shoes," he said. "There are only about a dozen to choose from and two-thirds of those are brown." Three pairs of shoes (one pair with nearly four-inch heels), one pair of sandals with a somewhat more modest heel and one pair of knee-length boots later (not to mention Jess's 'extras'), they left the shop, but this time, the goods were a little more evenly distributed between them. They got home and Chris was all in. He flopped on the sofa and gasped. "You did really well," said Jess encouragingly. "You got some real bargains." "Doesn't feel like it," he grumbled. "It cost a bloody fortune and my belly-button's sore." "Yes, but now you're set for most any occasion aren't you?" "And more besides, probably. I need a drink." "Oh don't be so stuffy. I want to see what you look like in some of your new things." "Must I?" "It is customary," she said and dragged him upstairs to the bedroom, telling him to bring his bags along too. He'd never played 'dress-up' like this before and with the exception of the party costume (over which he had little or no control) the things he'd done over the last three days, were kind-of out of necessity. He had no time to actually enjoy what he was doing, always keeping the objective in view, not the journey to it. He watched transfixed while Jess emptied the bags of his new purchases onto the bed, not stopping her running commentary as she picked up blouses or cardigans and expressing her opinion as to what she thought that would go with what. "Here," she said. "Put these on and let's have a look." He took off his clothes down to his underwear and slipped the skirt she handed him on, followed by a roll-neck cotton knitted jumper. He liked the feel; liked the freedom around the legs and the way it flared slightly. He twirled and Jess smiled. He WAS getting the hang of this, she thought. They spent the rest of the afternoon and up till about seven in the evening playing 'dress-up'. This consisted of both of them taking it in turns to try on a new outfit. Now and outfit, is a collection of clothes. Whether they were bought to go with one another is beside the point, so there was a lot of pulling off and putting on and some things were put on again and again depending upon the other stuff that was there to go with it. Chris had to admit that this was something very new for him. For a start, he'd never had so many new clothes at once and only ever thought of his clothes as either work or best. Crappy stuff for gardening or doing work on the car didn't count. It was something to do with the position he held on the corporate ladder. Many men get it when they reach the giddy heights of directorship and employ staff. It seems that their dress sense dribbles out of their ears and they become blind to fashionable clothing, heading instead straight to the suits and Farrah trousers! The 'dressing up' continued a-pace and culminated at about six, with a display of Chris's new weekend wear, the last being something he didn't even know was there. Chris had no idea how she did it, but Jess had managed to buy a few things he didn't see probably while he was otherwise engaged. It was a red and black half-cup bra and panty set with a suspender belt that doubled as a waist cincher, but the panties and bra were sheer aside from some red detailing in places other than where it would hide anything, making everything inside perfectly visible. He picked them up and could feel his 'interests' rising. He was actually trembling as he looked at his very smug-looking wife. "Wow!" he croaked. "I got you these to go with," she said looking even more pleased with herself and handing some stockings to him, telling him to be careful when he put them on. "I'll put them on in the bathroom then come in. That way it'll be more of a surprise." "Oh goody!" she chirped, bouncing up and down clapping her hands together. "I LOVE surprises." He disappeared before his trembling turned into the shakes and sat on the toilet to put his new lingerie on and despite his trembling, he was okay with the bra, which incidentally, WAS as sheer as the panties and though it covered the nipples (just barely), they were perfectly visible. He sucked in his tummy, pulled on the suspenders and did them up, all the while, more 'interest' was being shown which would make getting the panties on with all of him inside them, without them looking like a tent, nearly impossible. He pondered that for a moment, trying hard to think of things like 'lead time' or 'programme procedures' or 'Classes and functions', perhaps changing a wheel on the car, but all of it was useless, his manhood was actually winking at him as it swayed and throbbed in time with his heartbeat. What was he to do? "Er, Jess?" he called. "Trouble?" "Well not exactly..." he said, but she was there at the door before he could finish. "We need to do something about that. It'll never fit in those," she said, "But can't you put the stockings on first," she said picking them up and pulling one out to its full length, displaying the fact it was a fishnet. With more of a sensory overload, his thing was actually getting painful and he fervently wished that she hadn't picked up that stocking. "I don't think I can wait that long," he said blushing beetroot. "Ah!" she said understanding completely and started running her hands softly down the length of his iron-hard tool as his head started to swim and his legs went to mush. Seconds later, he had dropped to his knees, his shoulders shaking, his breathing ragged. Jess's eyes went very wide indeed as she had to quickly move to one side, while moving 'it' to one side too for obvious reasons. "Wow. That was fairly immediate," she said as she wiped the floor. Chris coughed uncomfortably and started to giggle, setting Jess off in the process. He shoed Jess out of the bathroom so that he could finish with his 'surprise'. "You mean it gets more surprising than that?" "Possibly not, but..." he said shrugging and pushing her out of the bathroom. A few minutes later, he entered the bedroom. "Oh my," she said as he advanced, taking her in his arms and kissing her. She ran her hands up and down his stocking-clad leg, up past the panties, feeling the silky texture of the bra and the cheeky way the nipples stood proud through the translucent material. She stroked across his tummy, tracing around and over the little piercing that stood from his navel, her blood-pressure rising and her heart pounding out a beat that could be measured on the Richter scale! He stroked Jess, sliding his hands under her jumper, feeling the satin of her new bra, sliding his hands down and into the top of her skirt, to find her thong, tracing round the tiny 'V' that protruded from the cleft of her buttocks, finally allowing his finger-tips to follow the narrow piece of material down between. She gasped as she felt his fingers so tantalisingly close to her womanhood and she pushed him back onto the bed in amongst all the clothes that wound up being cast aside as they got down to the business at hand. It surprised Chris that even so soon after having 'finished' on his knees in the bathroom, he was still able to regain the 'interest' and at seven, they looked awfully mussed and otherwise dishevelled as they descended the stairs to the lounge. "That was a surprise!" she said. "You're not kidding," he replied and they sat on the sofa like a couple of giggling schoolgirls. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday, was a long and at times very tense lesson in makeup application, but by the end of it, he was definitely making progress. It was getting used to actually poking things almost into his eyes that gave him the most trouble and at times, he felt like throwing it all up in the air and walking away. He needed to learn though. There was no guarantee that he wasn't going to have to do this for some time and there was equally no guarantee that Jess was going to be there or able to do it for him everyday either. He was only learning the basics of daytime wear currently. The more advanced evening look would have to be covered later and as and when there was more time. "You have to do much of it by feel," she said as he was trying without much success, to squint out of the eye he was trying to put the shadow on. "It's impossible!" he exclaimed and tears started to leak from the corners of his eyes. "I'll never get this." "Yes you WILL!" she assured him. "It'd be easier if I was a real woman," he said. "Why?" "Well, I'd have learned from an early age and this wouldn't be necessary." "That doesn't mean it was any easier to learn though." He thought about that and had to concede that no, it probably wouldn't at that. At the end of her lesson, Jess decided to give him a real sultry and vamp look, to go with his new lingerie, accentuating the makeup round his eyes and darkening his lips. At the end, she couldn't resist planting a big kiss on them. Chris responded and soon, what few clothes were being worn, were flying hither and thither as the two of them writhed and squirmed on the bed, Jess making a point of concentrating on his breasts again. As if that was a hint, Chris paid attention to hers and all the time through, his head was the thought that maybe one day he would be able to experience what it was like to have his own breasts and not the rubber forms that were currently glued to his chest. The thought scared him and he didn't know whether that was a case of him getting caught up in the moment, or it was a real cry to take this whole cross dressing thing one stage further. "Play it by ear," Jamie had said and that's just what Chris planned to do. There was no sense in rushing anything as if he did decide to go ahead the procedure was likely to impact on more than just his breasts. He didn't think from what he'd seen and experienced that there would be much in the way of opposition from Jess... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ He couldn't sleep that night. He had now had the party, the entire weekend and two days at work as a woman and the short space of time he had been en-femme, didn't seem to upset him; far from it. He actually seemed to be fitting into the persona of Pippa and was having a whale of a time with the sex side of it. He'd been shopping in a short denim skirt, which made him feel like one of the girls he would ogle, had his ears and his navel pierced (that was still a bit sore), bought more pairs of women's footwear than he owned in men's including his trainers and had almost as many women's clothes as he had men's, not to mention half a shops-worth of makeup. It all seemed rather a lot since the project wasn't actually finalised yet and he didn't know whether all this was really necessary. All that aside, he was already contemplating breasts - real breasts and that would at least require hormone therapy and probably a very understanding doctor. On top of that, he was also turning over the thought of having his body hair zapped with a laser to save him having to shave or use that awful-smelling cream - all in less than a week! He got up, put on his dressing gown and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Jess joined him sometime later and asked what was wrong. "I think I'm starting to lose myself." "You're here now." "Yes, but which 'me'." "There's only one." "Ah, now that's what I thought, but it seems that I was wrong." "Huh?" "Chris gets treated differently to Pippa." "That's because one's a woman and one's a company director." "Not to you." "I don't treat you any differently whatever you look like." "You didn't ask Chris to play dress-up did you? You didn't play with Chris's nipples the way you play with Pippa's did you? Would you have got Chris to get a navel piercing or pierced ears?" Jess looked a bit embarrassed. "No," she said quietly. "That's what I thought." Tears started to roll from Chris's eyes. "I really like the way I'm being treated at the moment. I like the way we are together when I'm Pippa and I don't know whether I want it to stop, but it doesn't end there." "Why not?" Chris took a deep breath. "Because, when I'm Pippa, I want to be Pippa and not a facsimile. I think about having my facial hair zapped by laser so I don't have to shave again and admit that I have thought about the rest of my body in the same way. I think about having real breasts and about having a real woman's body." "Wow." "Now the only way I can keep Chris real and Pippa fictitious is to keep the fact that at the moment it's all novel (no pun intended); a bit like having a new toy, but sooner or later the novelty is going to wear off. By doing that, I know that sooner or later, I'm going to be plain old Chris again and it helps not to get too carried away. The problem of course is that the longer I'm Pippa, the further away Chris seems to get and the more I want Pippa's personality, her body and her personality." "There isn't THAT much difference." "There is; well, there's enough difference to make you treat me differently." "I didn't realise. This is serious isn't it?" "Moderately so, yes. I may just be over-reacting, but I'm scared of losing the contract, of my staff hating me because I'm different and most of all, I'm scared to death of losing you." "You won't lose me. I won't leave you, whoever you want to be." "You might if Pippa took over completely. 'She' might want to go further than just breasts and want to be a whole woman." "I see," she said, her brow furrowed in the thought of the seriousness of the matter. "Is that what you want?" "No, but the longer I stay like this, the less I seem to see Chris in me. I can't seem to help it. I see you having more fun with Pippa than with Chris, but I'm not sure it will last. That doesn't stop me clinging to it while it IS there though. I definitely don't want to lose you or what we have because of getting too involved with the fantasy." "I don't want to lose us either. Now come back to bed, I get lonely without you there." Continued in Chapter 4

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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 6 Land land everywhere Nor any drop to drink

Author's Note: We are going to break away from the meeting with the King and follow the exploits of Alice, Margaret and her crew. This is to allow Tamarilla to think of something totally callous, out-of-line, but also innocent to ask the King about his dead wife. Stay tuned... Being that they were in an unknown port on a mission for the Emperor, Margaret only gave half the crew shore leave. She was going to accompany them, to make sure that they didn't get too rowdy and Marlin was going...

3 years ago
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Oral Sex With Cousin In Chandigarh

Hello friends amit here from mohali.. Ye meri 1st story hai.. He pehle me apne bare me thoda bta du meri age 22 he height 5’8. Body average & me engg krta hu.. To know me more email me on Ye meri & meri cousin sister (sonal) ki story hai.. Uski age 21 hai & wo bhi engg krti hai.. Uski body kaafi attractive hai 30-28-32 & wo chandigarh me rehti hai..Ye baat aaj se 2 saa pehle ke he me apne taya g ke ghar summer holidays pr gya tha after semester exams. Us time use bhi holidays the. Me unke ghar...

2 years ago
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The Shock Cure

THE SHOCK CUREAugust, 1969 Ms. Scalpel massaged Abel's rock hard cock as she smiled at him impishly. "So all your friends went up to this concert, but you came to see me here...Abelard?" ? "Yeah, that's my full name." Abel said, squirming against the cuffs that held his wrists to the ceiling hook. "But I go by Abel." ? Ms. Scalpel snorted. She was half Asian-half black, and very curvy, and she ran her long burgundy nails up and down Abel's penis..he was still in shock from the vicious whipping...

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VERONICA’S EROTIC MASSAGEAlmost every table in the breakfast room was occupied and the din of conversation could have been called a dull roar. Roni leaned close to be heard.“Every muscle in my body aches,” she said. “I doubt I could get onto skis again tomorrow.”“That wouldn’t disappoint me,” I said. “We tried. We fell down. We’re sore. There must be a few antique shops in town to visit.”“Okay, but what am I going to do. I’m in pain.”“Have you tried aspirin?”“They did nothing.”“The soreness...

3 years ago
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Body Massage

BODY MASSAGE I wanted to do something really special for my guy because I know how tired he’s been with work being so hectic lately.   The only thing that came to mind was giving you a massage.   Not just a basic back rub, but a full body massage.   I’ve never given you one before, or for that matter I’ve never given anyone a full body-massage before, so I am really excited just thinking about what I have planned for you on Friday night. During the week I picked up some oils and scented...

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Mera Baap Kon Tha 8211 Part 2

Mager mare aik he baat bus jis jisko jana hai meray saath jana hai warna muj say bura nahi hoga .Es tarha koi 7 din guzar gay or mainy be ghar per stud la ker rahk diya takay long timing chod sakon agar moqa mila to …Aik din koi 12 bajay kay qareeb didi boli aaj mainy bahir jana hai bohat ho geya sab darama . To saath amma be bahthi thi to boli sunny tum janay do esko es nay apni koi zarore cheezy layne hai aa jay ge … To main bola main be saath jaon ga to mom boli aray pagal ab bhalha bhai...

4 years ago
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Forever His

I feel you slide your hand along the curve of my rib-cage, I’m shivering in pleasure from the simple touch. I watch your hand move along my skin, taking my breath away with each movement. You slide your hand up along my rib-cage to my full breast, the palm of your hand skims along my nipple forcing it to become rock hard instantly. I gasp out, pushing my breast up towards your hand with a soft moan. Your lips press against mine with a soft sigh. The way your lower lip teases me with kisses, a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Charly Summer BJ And Orgasmic Fuck

Cute, young brunette Charly Summer squeezes her perky tits and rubs oil on her pink twat. She flashes brilliant blue eyes and slobbers on director/stud Mick Blue’s big cock. Spit streams from her mouth as she delivers a thorough blowjob, and the dirty girl kneels to offer a tasty rim job. Charly sits on Mick’s cock and enjoys an orgasmic pussy plowing. Mick eats her bald cunt, and his meat strokes inside her snatch as she screams in delight. Charly cums hard on Mick’s boner....

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 34 Shadowrsquos Tricks

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Las’s cock,” I groaned, throwing Nathalie off of me. The former virgin rolled, on the ground, gasping in shock. Shadows surged around her, wiggling and writhing on the ground like angry snakes. I stared up at the faerie standing over me, her arms folded beneath her large, soft breasts. Nipple rings glittered as her tits rose and fell. She had purple eyes that almost glowed with an...

2 years ago
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Sister Ellen Marie

The evening before she was to begin her teaching career by taking over Sister Delores' eight grade class at Saint Agnes parochial school, Sister Ellen Marie examined the files of each of her students so she would be familiar with their backgrounds and be able to prepare her lesson plans to their abilities. After carefully reading each file she realized that there were a few very bright students, some that were middle of the road B and C students and then there was Shawn Miller who seemed...

2 years ago
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Fresh Cookies

When she waved a hand in front of her face. The midsection of the man dissipated like he was made of light dust. Only his cock remained, and it continued to spew ancient semen with a hundred times the normal sperm count down her gullet. If only the jizz was as easy to disperse, she wouldn’t be constantly digesting a bloated stomachful. But at least, until the white dust reformed into a prehistoric, hip-thrusting Neanderthal, she had her answer: the room was bright. It was morning. And she...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Brett Rossi Jaye Summers Gel Manicure Mixup

Fashionista client Brett Rossi comes to the spa for a gel manicure thinking NURU Gel is a trendy new nail treatment. Masseuse Jaye Summers explains it’s a type of massage. Brett is a tad disappointed but when Jaye says it’s a hit with celebrities, the client really wants to try, so she can be the envy of all the cool people. Brett follows Jaye to the massage room. She giggles when the masseuse tries to undress her but plays along. Jaye soaps her up in the shower and it’s...

3 years ago
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Unexpected cottage delight

Wife drove up to our cottage on a Thursday afternoon with one of our son's good friends, our son was suppose to drive up Thursday night and join his friend and my wife to stay at our cottage until late Monday. Wife arrived at our cottage @ 3:30 with Greg. Our son, Robert, called his mom @ 5:00 to inform her he couldn't make the trip. Greg is 21, same age as Robert. Greg and my wife, Tryphaena, cleaned up the yard a bit and started to make dinner. Wife finished her call with our son and turned...

1 year ago
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I Bet Your Girlfriend Never Did That

There’s always something sexual that you fantasize about so much it consumes you until you act on it. You think about it constantly. Whenever you’re alone, it plagues you. It gets to a point where you just have to make it happen…no matter what. For me, it was anal. I couldn’t ever understand why, but since the first time I saw a porno with a guy stroking his dick with a girl’s asshole, I’ve wanted to do it. I was obsessed. I had a gorgeous girlfriend that was decent in bed but she wasn’t into...

3 years ago
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Sister in Law

He couldn't get it out of his mind. The suggestion. And her sister. He was sitting on his couch and his sister-in-law, Debi, was sitting on the floor while he was massaging her head. His wife sat across the room in her favorite chair. Her sister was staying with them for the weekend and she had just driven 200 miles to get there, complaining of a headache. They had dinner and were on their second bottle of wine, when he offered to rub her head. The three of them chatted idly while he pressed...

1 year ago
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Aratego A Cuckolds Paradise Part 1

Tim nodded his head as he looked over at his wife, Rosa. Finally, he thought. I’ve pictured this moment over and over again. Hands wrapped around my cock, looking into the computer. Twenty more minutes and we’ll be pulling up at the Oceanaire. This guy’ll be standing out front, dressed in white with jewelry on, or at least that’s what she said.Tim smiled, having recalled what Rosa told him before they’d left their Creampie Ridge apartment. As hard as it was to pull his eyes away from his wife...

3 years ago
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Betty Boop pt3

Craig feigned a yawn and as he stretched his arms sneakily looked at his wrist watch. It had been the same routine for the last few weeks; we'd fuck and suck like crazy -- sometimes on the webcam other times just us and two big mirrors. The sex was out of this world for both of us...but....there was nothing else. No conversation -- nothing. I shouldn't complain as he was still only 20 and I was 40 (something); what the Hell would we have in common? "Shit!" Craig grumbled as he sat...

3 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

2 years ago
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SLuT9 pt 22

"High On Life" Sunday December 23rd, Night For the next two hours the house was organized chaos as Jennifer drafted everyone into the effort to clean and prepare for the party. Dave and Emily were put to work dusting, vacuuming and cleaning the living room, Olivia and Hayley were drafted as assistant cooks for Jennifer as she prepared as much food as possible for the party tomorrow. Megan was sent to her room to get it clean while Molly swept and mopped the hardwood floors in the main...

1 year ago
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The Savoy Part 5 Rhys the Barman

Alex spent a few hours in the bar celebrating that particular night. It would have been the sort of story Rhys would have loved to hear. I guarantee his dick was as hard as steel behind that bar, not that it would ever be as hard as when the footballers stayed.Some of the England squad had been staying in the hotel for a few days before they headed off for the world cup training. Mason Mount was a very quiet person. On and off the pitch he preferred to let his skills do the talking.Which...

2 years ago
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Love and Inheritance

Edited by the incomparable “Wires”. His assistance improves my work drastically. I appreciate all he does for me. Jason Lowery IV moved quietly down the hallway that connected ‘the children’s wing’ to the rest of the house. He snorted when he thought that. Both of his parents liked to put on ‘airs’ as his grandmother called it. They did live in a somewhat nicer house than some but it was still a house, not a mansion. It had a split bedroom design with the master on one end of the house and the...

1 year ago
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How had my first time with my virgin GF

100% fiction! Well to begin with myself Arjun an 20 year old guy from Ahmedabad. And this story involves my gf who is, let's just call her 'A' who was 18 at that time and me too was 18 when all this happened. Well it all began with me proposing her and we got in a relationship. Well to be honest she is damn beautiful and sexy but very conservative and narrow minded when it comes to sex as all indian girls are. She won't even let me touch her private parts. . It all was progressing at very slow...

First Time
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Vacation Home With Archana

7 AM. It had been one hell of a couple of months; work, travel, and then some more. Although physically, there wasn’t much, mentally, I was exhausted. I desperately needed an out. To my oasis, marooned somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, on an island all by myself with just enough wine and water to spend the rest of my life. Hah! Wishes! A dream, a fucking good dream at that! This apartment will have to do for now, and although it is light years away from my idyllic island, it’s real. I...

2 years ago
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Blue HandChapter 21

He stood on the same beach facing the Fractal Being. The fractals equations were speeding across the surface of the being with blinding speed. He stared down at his own body for the first time and saw the same fractal equations expanding and contacting across his ‘body’. He finally understood that “translated” meant that in this location he was no longer a biological entity. He was an entity of pure energy. There was no hand in front of Porter’s face but the thought of a hand transformed into...

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Real Introduction to Dogging

Some will of course doubt what I am about to share but that’s their choice. What I’ve found funny is that I was introduced to dogging years before I knew there was a term for it or that it was something people other than myself had done. I live in a rural, not so big town in Canada. I am married and this happened at a time I was involved with a man who was also married. Unlike what you see in the movies, we didn’t meet at hotels or motels or even each other’s houses. Both of us were quite...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 11 Preparations and Parchment

Jake woke to a knock at his cabin door. He glanced at the clock and saw it was still early. Though it was later than he normally slept. He pulled on a pair of pants and shirt and pulled the door open as Bowmen was about to knock a second time. He motioned for the man to come in and turned to let the girls out the window. When he turned back Bowmen had a long look on his face. Before Jake could ask he said, “Cloudy’s gone. She left yesterday and never came back.” Jake blinked. He didn’t know...

4 years ago
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Sex With Biological Mommy

It’s already been 5 years and m fucking my biological mom. Still I sometimes feel the same urge that I had when it all started. Mom is now 45 and me 25. She did complete her studies after giving birth and now she is a successful person as far as her career is concerned after getting divorced she moved to some other city leaving me with dad, whatever happened seemed to be just by court orders. Neha my sister got to go with mom and court was pretty clear and justified about this. I missed both...

3 years ago
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Encounter in Tahiti on a boat

When I was younger my Dad and Mom chartered a sailboat in Tahiti, along with a few other couples and me. It was a wonderful vacation.The captain of the ship was a tan, wiry little 45 year old French man named Jean Louis with a permanent 5:00 shadow and a permanent cigarette butt hanging out of his mouth. (He looked pretty sexy to a 16-year-old!) The cook was a 40 year old native Tahitian named Bebe (pronounced Bay Bay.) Bebe loved to go topless on the boat.I liked to lay in the sun when the...

2 years ago
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Cant Buy Me Love

It all began at the company Christmas party. It was held on the 18th of December because that was the evening the company could get the room at a nice local hotel. I had been with the company for 17 years. I was one of the first salesmen Jack Carter hired when he started Carter Real Estate. We had worked to make it one of the premier real estate companies in the state. Old Jack had retired a couple years ago and his son, Jack Jr., was now the guy on the billboards and in the commercials. He...

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The Spanking Service

I need a spanking. It has been way too long since my last one and I am in urgent need of a good bottom warming.I had just clicked on an e-mail from a client and was reading her e-mail. Well not really a client, with clients you normally get paid. So why do I receive e-mails like this most days? I provide a service for women who want to discuss and live out their spanking fantasies. With some of my clients (I really can think of no better word) I just exchange e-mails as they discuss their...

1 year ago
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XXX Comics

I was fapping to XXX Comics this morning, and boy, are my arms tired! I always end up falling down an absolute rabbit hole of depravity on sites full of porn comics, and this one was no exception. I love how these artistic depictions of perversion don’t have to stick to the usual laws of physics or rules of decency they have to play by with traditional video smut. It makes the whole genre a fertile breeding ground for all kinds of unnatural breeding and non-procreative humping.XXXComics.online...

Porn Comics Sites
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The unexpected client

This story is a fantasy, and my first experiment in writing in the third person. Please leave feedback and if you like it I will publish part two. As the doorman opened the cab door she felt his gaze sweep from her 4-inch heels up her ankles, calves and to her well-toned thighs. She saw him catch himself and immediately shift his eyes to meet hers. “Good evening, Miss. Welcome to the Grosvenor House Hotel”. She smiled. “Hello”. After paying the driver she walked the few steps to the door of...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 26

The week went by with nothing major going on to interrupt our lives. Waiting on Friday. Before Johanna, I wasn't one of those people who worshipped Fridays, but now it was not a matter of escaping FROM something, it had become a matter of escaping with somebody, TO something. The weather was warm in the afternoon, cooler enough at night to be comfortable, and a cold front was due through late Saturday. When I got home Friday, the weekend's provisions were stacked by the door. I walked...

3 years ago
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Sophie Part 3

The bag went back to its owner on Saturday with a new pair of stockings in that I had carefully worn and then taken off to try and hide the fact that they were brand new. I had to hide a blush as Vicky thanked me for holding on to it for her. I found myself imaging what she looked like wearing the gear contained in it and what she looked like with the dildo firmly embedded in her teenage pussy! ‘Err, you didn’t look inside did you Sophia?’ Vicky asked obviously noticing my blush. ‘Well, yes. I...

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