Yet Another Worm Turns free porn video

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YET ANOTHER WORM TURNS I was only nineteen when I married the twenty seven year old Josephine who I absolutely worshipped. She was beautiful, confident and charming, so why she picked me was a mystery. Admittedly I was in awe of the majestic woman and put myself out to please her, but that was my character, I treated all my girlfriends considerately. That's not boasting, or just my opinion, it was the sort of thing they told me whenever I got dumped. They usually gave the reason that I wasn't a 'man enough man' for them. One even said that she had met another boy who bossed her around and treated her mean, but that she loved the 'cave man' type! I was too meek for her. Josie was different. She told me that she'd had enough of men who thought they could make decisions for her all the time and right from the start she warned me that she would be the dominant partner in our relationship. Just raise the subject of money for a moment. No doubt another reason she liked me was that I had my own trust fund, since my parents were both killed in the same industrial accident, which was easily sufficient for my needs, especially as I had inherited the family home and many millions in shares in what used to be the family business. Once I realised that Josie and I were getting serious, I had to tell her of a secret that I had never told anyone before. I liked to cross dress. I seriously thought that she would dump me, but I had to be honest as I knew that however much I tried, I wouldn't be able to completely stop. Instead, she reacted completely the opposite way. "Why Alec!" She smiled. "What a sexy thing to do, you must dress for me. Ill come over to your place and you can give me a fashion show." It turned out that she knew all about what I thought of as my affliction, my transvestite 'hobby'. She admitted to me that she was secretly a little bi-sexual, and had a short relationship with a fellow female student when she was at university. When she heard of transvestites, she always imagined that it would be the best of both worlds: Having a girlfriend with her own warm dildoe, and the advantage of universal acceptance being man and wife at special events, charity dinners, etc.. I was also quite passable, wearing my hair long and tied in a low pony tail, I could soon do feminine things with it on a temporary basis. A few days after this conversation she moved in with me and three months later we were married. That was all of five years ago, and our lives up to a year ago have been good. For about half the time I dressed and responded to the name of Felicity, usually in the house or extensive grounds, but sometimes we would go out as girlfriends, explaining me, on the very rare occasions we met someone who knew us, as my cousin. I actually had no living relatives that I knew of, so there wasn't a problem there. It all started to go wrong on New Year's Eve last year, although it didn't seem like it at the time. All I knew was that Josie used the excuse of a costume party at her friend and neighbour's house, for us to go as a butler and maid. Of course I was the maid and she was the butler, but during the course of the evening she changed out of her costume, which left me as an extremely sexy but painfully tightly corseted French maid. She had bought me a pair of matching heels for the costume, which were five inches high, and that was without any platform. My size seven feet were nearly vertical in them down to my toes, but when I complained that they would be uncomfortable, she told me that we would be sitting down most of the evening. Instead, It was a buffet meal with additional servers bought in to carry around trays of nibbles and drinks. I was horrified to see that these servers were all very attractive girls and were wearing nearly identical costumes to me. The result was that I was quickly roped in with them and ended up working with them. Much to Josie's amusement I was too polite trying to explain that I was actually a guest, and too embarrassed to make a fuss. Out in the pantry they had a small printing machine that provided name labels for each girl to wear. When my wife heard of this she went out there and the next thing I knew was that I had my name 'Felicity' pinned to my costume. At least, come midnight, Josie sought me out and we saw the new year in together. Shortly after that we headed home. "Why don't I take advantage of your hobby and get a maid?" Josie asked me a few days later. "I don't mind, occasionally," I replied. "You know that I've always put a skirt on to do the house work, a maid's uniform would suit me." I should explain that because of my 'hobby' we had decided not to employ inside staff in the house, so I would be free to indulge myself without exposure. In return I had offered to do the cleaning and the laundry, and we each shared the cooking. What I didn't realise, when I agreed to it, was the uniform she was referring was the French maid's that I wore at the party, including those skyscraper heels and corset. When I tried to back out, she got quite cross, and as I didn't think it would end up that often, I backed down. I really didn't want to upset her so I went to change and started cleaning the kitchen. "What is you name, girl?" she asked me with a gruff voice, but smiling. "Felicity, Madam," I answered in the same fashion but with a little curtsey. "Don't you have a name tag?" "Yes Madam, would you like me to wear it?" Another curtsey. "Of course girl, then come up to my bedroom." By the time I got there, she was lying naked on the bed and inviting me to lie next to her. She promptly straddled me, pulling my panties aside and impaling herself on my tool. She was so aroused that she had climaxed three times by the time I had once. "That was marvellous!" She exclaimed, still out of breath. With that sort of reaction, as you can imagine, I became an almost permanent feature of the house in my sexy uniform. It was not long before my attitude had to become that required of a real maid. I had to curtsey to Josie whenever I saw her, not speak unless I was spoken to and then call her Madam. Having said that, our sex life each night was explosive, especially as my wife escalated each stage of my humiliation. I started off by working like it only a couple of days each week but by stages this was increased to every weekday. Then she converted what had been a room next to the kitchen, previously used as an office by Mother, into the 'Maid's Room', where I would keep all my uniforms and relevant underclothes, shoes, stockings, etc., and sleep in a cot while on a period of duty, i.e. Sunday night until Friday evening. That only gave me two nights a week in my marital bed, but when there we fucked nearly all night. After being aroused by the costume, and experiencing celibacy all week, I didn't last very long to start with, but my wife gave me some help in the form of little blue pills, and with a quite good natural stamina, we climaxed more times each than when we slept together every night for a week. These changes didn't happen overnight. For example, my taking over all the cooking and increasing my work days from two to five, was spread over three or four months, and I had been doing maid service for about six months before my bedroom was moved. For this reason, I didn't raise any serious objections, although if I had known at the start how things would escalate, I would never have agreed. By changing me one step at a time, each step was not large enough to object to. That was why, when my Mistress told me that she had some people coming to dinner one Saturday night, I only raised token objections when she asked me to extend my 'service' over the weekend, as a one off. By the by, that was her name, 'Mistress' as far as I was concerned. The dinner went off well, she told me that none of the two couples knew me as her husband, and I didn't recognise them so that wasn't a problem. I was actually quite proud of both the meal and the service, and my Mistress called me into the room, in front of the guests, to thank me for the meal and my hard work. There then followed four days when I was taken off duties, other than that of her husband. She was delighted how things had gone, and told me many times during those days. Any resentment I had for having to do this, evaporated over those four days. There was only one fly in the ointment. As I served one of the guests, Josie caught a glimpse of one of my breast forms. While they were top of the range prostheses, and very close to the colour of my skin, they weren't perfect. She felt she had to tell me, as otherwise it was very difficult for anyone to 'make me' as a man. Everything else about me was perfect, even my voice which, while never very low pitched in the first place, I had softened and raised an octave, sounding quite feminine. "Have you considered getting implants?" she wanted to know. "Yes, I did once think about it, but it would make it difficult for me to wear male clothes, so I dismissed it." "Well I'm sure that was a snag we could get over," my wife insisted, "if you're desperate you could bind them in the summer and wear loose clothes in the winter. Don't forget that you're rarely in full man mode in front of other people, so nowadays it shouldn't be the problem it once was for you." Over the next couple of weeks, I now realise, my wife pressurised me. Eventually, if only to make her happy, I agreed to have small implants, and within a week I was in a clinic having them done. It took very little extra persuasion to have my waist reduced and the fatty tissue from there placed on my butt. I was shocked when I saw myself for the first time afterwards. I sported 36DD breasts, an 18 inch waist and 38 inch hips. I looked like an overgrown Barbie doll. "Don't worry darling," my wife pacified me, "it will soon all settle down, you'll soon get used to them and if you don't you can always have them replaced by smaller ones." I was certain that I'd only asked for 'B' cup implants, but when the surgeon showed me the form, sure enough I'd signed for double 'D's'. In light of that, and what Josie had said, I decided to live with them for at least a while. It took a fortnight for everything to heal completely but that Monday morning, Josie decided it was time to renew my domestic duties. I went to the Maid's Room to dress and found that all my clothes had been replaced to reflect my new measurements. The first shock was the corset. Not only was it smaller, but my bust was supported by quarter cups, not the full cups as previously. By the time I had the French maid's dress on I could see that it was very much lower cut, so low that not only the upper part of my breasts were exposed but a little of my dark areolas peeked over the top of the dress. The skirt part was also shorter, but held horizontally by masses of frilly petticoats. All the other dresses, in a variety of pastel colours were the same, as were the other corsets. Each dress came with a supply of the same coloured shoes, all again with five inch heels. I measured my corseted waist. It was only a tiny bit over sixteen inches. I couldn't see the tape measure over my enormous feeling bust, I had to hold the tape at the measured point and then lift it into view. Another thing. As I walked I could feel my bum cheeks wriggling from side to side and they and my bust jiggled up and down. As soon as I was dressed Josie called me up to the bedroom. There she jumped me, pulled down my panties and straddled me. We had some very gentle sex while I was healing but now she was like an animal. Afterwards she claimed that she had just had the best sex ever. The downside was that as soon as my penis had shrunk, she fitted it into a metal tube which locked round my balls. It was a chastity device, and she teased me that now I had to be an especially attentive maid in order 'to get to play' as she called it. After that she replaced all my panties with tiny g-strings that just covered my chastity and ensured that it was pulled right back between my legs when the string was drawn into place. Naturally the colours matched the dresses. It took me all week to get used to the changes, but by the end, apart from the inconvenience of not being able to see the floor where I was stepping, I was no more uncomfortable than a few weeks previously. Josie was also concerned that I was having to walk further looking for her when she called, so she had a bell button installed in each room, so that when she rang, I could hear it in either the kitchen or the Maid's Room, and an indicator on the wall told me where she had rung from. Josie also devised a weekly system whereby I would earn the right to be in her bed and have my chastity removed. I was given plus and minus points and I had to earn twenty points to have full sex. If I received fifteen points I could only provide oral stimulation. Less that ten points and I would be punished by an as yet unspecified means. My only problem was that her awarding points, or even minus points, seemed to be rather arbitrary. I asked her to explain her system and she immediately gave me three minus points for speaking without being asked. To keep tally, she kept a small book and pencil looped by a cord through her belt, so she could instantly mark what I had earned. Two days after I started these new maid duties, on the Wednesday, I was informed that there would be two guests for dinner on the following evening. I spent a great deal of the day polishing the furniture in the dining room and preparing a three course meal. Wearing my black uniform and accessories, as I had been instructed, I answered the ring on the doorbell, let the two ladies in and welcomed them with a curtsey. I was horrified to see the hostess of the New Year's Eve party, Janice and another neighbour that I knew, Harriet. Janice showed her mature sophistication and more or less ignored the help, Harriet, who was about the same age as me, was more polite to the mere maid, smiling at me. I showed them into my wife's presence in the sitting room, returning after a few minutes with the drinks they had all ordered, on a silver tray naturally. They showed no sign of having recognised me. At seven thirty exactly, the time my wife had ordered, I re-entered the sitting room, curtsied and announced, "Dinner is ready to be served at your convenience, Mistress, Madams." The meal itself went very well but I was under scrutiny from all the women, mainly, I suppose because of the fetish uniform I was wearing, let's face it, there's no other way of describing it. In spite of this I didn't falter until, as I was serving coffees and mints, Janice made a remark. "You're so lucky having a diamond helper like this, Josie, how on earth did you find her?" "Oh, Janice, I have you to thank for that. Felicity here was one of the servers at your New Year's Eve party, I don't suppose you remember her, but I got her number and managed to poach her from that company you hired. She lives in here and she's worth her weight in gold. The only issue is that she has a thing about wearing that costume or ones like it, but to be frank, I don't mind, the only thing is that it's difficult to keep any male guests concentrating on anything else." They all laughed. I was sure that I was going to melt I was blushing that much. "I don't suppose you could lend her to me next Saturday? I have a dinner arranged for Bill's board members and I've got a caterer but they can't supply a single waitress that day." Bill was Harriet's husband, I knew him as well. "Of course, Harriet," Josie replied and I dropped a sugar bowl in, fortunately, the tray on the side, but she gave me a hard stare. "there's no problem, I don't have anything arranged for then. She already gets a wage commensurate for her work here, but I wouldn't object if you gave her a little pin money." All this was arranged without the slightest consultation or thought for me. Then the conversation drifted onto other things and they retired to the sitting room while I started on the clear up. I heard them leaving when I heard Harriet say to my wife, "Can you send your girl over at four on Saturday, she can help get things ready?" "Of course," Josie replied, then she watched the ladies leave and closed the door. "What on earth were you thinking, Josie?" I practically screamed. "I can't go over there, someone is bound to recognise me." "How dare you talk to me like that, girl!" Josie screamed back. "First of all, you are my maid and you will be punished for that outburst, but secondly, as my husband who likes dressing up, I think going over there and serving will be the biggest kick of your life. No one is going to recognise you, I can barely recognise you myself." I had to stop and think. My two neighbours at lunch didn't appear to recognise me, and I'm pretty sure they couldn't have resisted ribbing me if they had. Also I had been a little concerned that Josie had forgotten this was all a game, being much more dominant over the last few weeks. Now she had pointed out to me that it was only a game and that her intentions all along have only to push me to the next level. "Go into my bedroom and wait for me, girl," she ordered. I obeyed her without hesitation, leaving her with a small curtsey, but had to wait for several minutes before she joined me. She told me to stand behind an ornate Victorian nursing chair. "Now bend over the back of the chair and grasp each side of the seat with your hands." The seat of nursing chairs is much lower than normal seats, so I had to stretch my longest and even so I left my feet hardly touching the ground, realising that my backside was now very vulnerable. My cheeks were bare because there was only the string of my g-string running up my crack, otherwise my cheeks were nicely framed by my garters and stockings. My miniature skirt, with my petticoats had fallen over to my waist. Suddenly there was a loud slap and my right cheek felt as if a blow torch had been applied to it. I yelped in a very girly way but I didn't have time to draw breath before my left cheek followed suit. I caught a glimpse of a wooden paddle being swung by my wife and the pain was being redoubled with each one. "Please Madam, it hurts too much." "You've only had four of your twelve," Josie gave an ironic laugh, "now you've spoken I will have to start the count again." I couldn't help myself sobbing and tears started to run down my face. By the time she finished I was on the point of collapse, crying uncontrollably, made worse by my wife insisting that I thank her for correcting me. "Th..Th.. Thank you Madam," I managed to stammer out. "Now get on with your work girl, and don't forget that you never speak out again." "Yes Madam." After just over twenty four hours of not being able to sit down without extreme pain, my wife reminded me that it was Friday and although I would be back on duty tomorrow, at Harriet's dinner, I was off this evening and even though it was early, I should change straight away. As soon as I saw her again, out of my uniform, my wife took me by the hand and dragged me upstairs. "You don't know how difficult it's been for me, not to get you to bed ever since yesterday afternoon." She pushed me onto our bed and didn't even wait to undress herself, let alone me, before impaling herself on me. We were at it like rabbits nearly all night, just breaking off for some quick sandwiches, an the occasional snooze. "I know it wasn't very nice for you, darling," she told me, "but spanking you like that and me being so dominant, has been such an incredible turn on." And just to prove it, she mounted me again. We didn't get up until lunchtime on Saturday, after eating of which I had to return to my maid role, and a subservient and character in chastity again.. Josie loaned me a coat to walk over to Harriet's, both to provide me with some modesty and because there was an autumn chill to the weather. I was introduced to the two chefs they had to cook the partially prepared food and to Harriet's husband, Bill, who of course I knew, but was now Mr. Franklin to me. I was aware that the much younger Harriet wasn't Bill's first wife, in fact she was his third and although he claimed that he had 'traded them in for a new model', I knew for a fact that they each divorced him because of his affairs. So I didn't appreciate the leer in his eyes when he saw my almost obscene uniform (a purple colour today). I was also surprised to see that he already had a glass of whiskey in his hand. I had to go to the dining room and lay the large table with twelve places. I confirmed that I knew how to order the cutlery for the five courses, with wine glasses to match. Mrs. Franklin (Harriet) was only too happy to leave me to it, noting that I was using a cloth to wipe each piece before placing it, even though it looked immaculately clean to start with. I was aware that it was only too easy to put an unfortunate finger print on the silverware. I was just finishing that task when Bill came into the room, looking rather red in the face, and walked round behind me. I had just lent over to place a set of cruets, when I felt a hand rub over my bare behind and finish with a pinch that made me yelp. "God, you've got some beautiful assets, girl," the drunk man slurred in my ear. "How come you're stuck in a job like this? Or do you enjoy seducing married men?" "I'm sorry Sir, this is just a uniform selected for me by my Mistress and asked for by your wife." I emphasised the word 'wife'. "How about you and I enter into a little private arrangement my dear?" While he asked me this he slipped a business card into my cleavage. "This has my cell phone number on it, you'll find I'm a very generous man." I returned to the kitchen where I found Harriet supervising the chefs. "I'm sorry madam" I said, once I managed to lead her out of earshot of others. "I'm afraid your husband must have dropped one of his business cards, perhaps you could return it to him as I can't see him for the moment." He made me out a liar by coming out of the dining room, where she knew I'd just been. She looked at me, then him, then me again and smiled. "Thank you my dear," understanding crossing her face. "I'll do just that, and thank you for your discretion." Helping to clear some space for service in the kitchen later, all the occupants heard raised voices of the host and hostess coming from the library, but the words weren't discernable. I did notice that Bill had nothing more to drink until his guests started to arrive. They turned out to be four male directors and their wives and one, rather younger lady director with her husband. The dinner seemed to be arranged to have an informal discussion before a formal AGM to go over what they wanted to be immortalised by minutes. It then turned into a celebration of a deal they had done, but what the deal was I didn't hear because at that time I was in and out of the room serving the meat course. The only problem I had during the meal was whenever I served the husband of the lady director, he ran his hand up the inside of my leg. Fortunately not as far up as my chastity device, because that would have been high enough for his wife, across the table, to see. I recognised a couple of men from Janice's New Year party, but no one recognised me, including Harriet and Bill. After the meal was a different matter. The ladies withdrew to a sitting room, while the man remained with brandy and cigars. I took drink orders from the men first but while handing them out had to run an obstacle course of wandering hands and very unsubtle suggestive comments. At least there I could slap them playfully (smiling all the time) away. By appearing to some extent to enjoy there attentions, no scene was created and they were left happy. Serving the ladies with their choices of drink was a different matter. They spent a long time questioning me as to why I was wearing such an abbreviated uniform, where I came from and what my love life was like. I thought that I dropped a subtle hint that I wasn't into men, which resulted in one of the ladies immediately asking for a date. The was followed by Harriet herself following suit. "I'm afraid that my Mistress wouldn't allow that Madam." I was praying that Josie would agree with me. That eventually bought an end to the evening, and with the guests having been driven in four limousines, they departed without the problem of drink driving that had been at the back of my mind. The caterers cleaned up their areas and removed their equipment while I was left to clean everywhere else. Under the impression that my employers for the evening had gone to bed, I proceeded as quietly as possible, putting the first load in the dishwasher, while cleaning kitchen surfaces, the table and items like trays etc., that were too large to fit in the machine. By the time I had finished those I could unload and reload the machine with what was left. It was now nearly two in the morning, and whilst living in an area relatively free of crime, I wasn't looking forward to the walk home on my own. I was just putting my coat on when Harriet came downstairs, wearing a very sheer nightdress, leaving nothing to my imagination. As I have explained, she was about my age and I found her very attractive. "Come up to bed with me dear," she asked and held out her hand to lead me. Now I had a real problem and for a moment I was nearly in a state of panic. I decided on the only answer I could give that got me out of the situation. "I'm sorry, Madam. I told a white lie earlier. In fact I am married." "Don't be a silly girl, I know that, Alec." It hit me like a physical blow. Harriet knew who I was all this time, had Josie told her, if she did, how could she? "H..H..How did you know? When did you know?" "It took me a while," she said, smiling and sitting down on the stairs giving me a view to the top of and between her legs. "Remember I was with Janice and I'm sure she didn't recognise you but after a while, I was wondering where Alec was, and when Josie was a bit vague, I started to look at you closely. I don't think Janice would look that way at any hired help. I must admit that first of all your boobs caused me to doubt myself, but in the end I just had to accept it was you. That's why I cancelled the maid service I'd booked so that I could see more of you although I was surprised that Josie allowed me to have you. When we discussed you yesterday, she even told me that I could try out your tongue tonight and asked me if I wanted to borrow your key." She waved two small keys on the chain round her neck that I recognised as fitting my chastity. I was mystified. Why would she think that I would ignore my wedding vows? Perhaps it was a test, but she should know that she could trust me. However I had a more urgent question. "Have you told anyone else about me?" "No, and I won't. As you can tell I've certainly not told Bill. I think he would have a heart attack, the way he's been ogling you all night." She laughed. "Come on, we can use a guest room, then we can sleep in there for the rest of the night, I've set an alarm so you can be gone long before Bill stirs." "I'm sorry, Harriet," I thought it was obvious to use her given name now, "you know I'm a married man." "But Josie's given you a free pass tonight." She stood and offered a hand again. "I'm really sorry, you're a very attractive and tempting lady, but I really do take my vows seriously, so I can only pass I'm afraid." I decided that it was more dangerous to remain here than to walk home. "Alec, you must be one in a million. I wish you were mine." I finished putting on my coat and left. Warily I took what was in reality only a short walk back to my house, but all the time I was searching in all the deep shadows for any sign of danger. Although the street lights were turned out there was a full moon and it wasn't long before my eyes became accustomed to the low illumination. At any other time I might perhaps have found it romantic but tonight I was only too happy to open my front door. Josie must have thought that they would put me up for the night, as she had set the alarm, I hurriedly punched in the code, before either the sound of the warning beeps, or indeed the full alarm started. In view of the hour, I slept in the Maid's Room, in any case I wasn't sure that I should still be on duty or not. I didn't sleep well, worrying about whether Harriet would keep her word, and whether Josie had felt it necessary to test my fidelity, surely she couldn't doubt it? In spite of having to work so hard, and a lack of sleep the previous night, I woke by eight o'clock, changed out of my uniform but still prepared and delivered a breakfast in bed for my wife at nine, her preferred hour on a Sunday. "Did you have a good night last night?" she asked me once fully awake and with a smile on her face. "The dinner went well, thanks Josie, but when were you going to tell me that Harriet knew about me?" "I thought it might spoil your excitement if you knew, but as far as I know Janice didn't work it out. Did you have a nice night?" "No, I had to walk home once I had finished clearing up after the dinner and I must admit that it was a bit frightening." "Surely Harriet asked you to stay?" "She did, but the only offer was to share the spare bed with her, so I couldn't do that." I looked closely at her face as I spoke. "But she had your key." My wife just looked genuinely puzzled. "You surely didn't expect me to spend the night with another woman?" "No, of course not." I couldn't understand it, she looked quite upset. "I'm sure you agree that if either of us strayed it would have serious consequences between us," I told her in all honesty. "Does that mean that you're still locked up?" "Yes, don't you have a spare key?" "No, I gave her both of them so you may as well get back to your duties now, you're no use to me until you've changed into uniform, then you can come and give me some relief." Disappointed, I returned to the Maid's Room, showered and got into a clean, pink uniform. When I returned upstairs my wife was laid on the bed, her nightgown pulled up to her stomach and her eyes closed. I slipped between her legs and spent the next hour or so bringing her several climaxes. By the time I was told to go, I was so frustrated I'm not sure I would have been so adamant refusing Harriet. At about eleven she received a phone call and a short time later came downstairs in casual clothes. When I answered a knock on the door, Harriet stood there, waving my keys in her hand, I showed her through to Josie. I had to get them both coffees so I couldn't hear all the conversation, especially as they stopped talking when I entered the room, but just before they knew I was there, I heard my wife say something like 'but you were supposed to bed him'. I wanted to stay to hear the rest, but Josie ordered me to leave, without pouring, which was unusual. The next time I was called it was to show 'Mrs. Franklin' out. I held the front door open for her and she did a make believe kiss with her lips in my direction. "I'm sober now and I still wish you were mine," she commented as she left. I don't know what had changed, but from this time my wife was definitely only my Mistress. She barely spoke to me, only to order me about, and every Friday she had me stand in front of her to revue my week's work to see if I deserved a punishment or a reward. Although I was called to perform oral duties four or five times a week, no link was made to the points system, and invariably I was paddled for not achieving a satisfactory level of service for my Mistress during the week. The worst part of it was that I was refused permission to speak and ask what I was doing wrong. Then, about a month ago, she started inviting a man to dinner. I wasn't told his name, so I just referred to him as 'Sir', but he treated me with an obvious contempt. My Mistress never spoke of him by name, I was just told that a guest was lunching, or coming to dinner. He didn't stay, but was here more and more frequently and was obviously on more than just friendly terms with my wife. One day I spilled a drop of cr?me anglais on the table as I was serving him. He swore at me like I'd never experienced before. My Mistress left the table and returned carrying her paddle which she handed to him. "Bend over doubled and go forward until your useless back is touching the wall girl." He shouted, "Move!" shouted again when I hesitated. Of course, as always in this position my buttocks were bare and he struck me so hard I screamed and fell over. He stood me up as before and using his considerably greater strength he wedged me between his body, his left arm and the wall, and proceeded to lay into me with the paddle. I can remember that I couldn't scream any more, I was so shocked, then the next I knew I was thrown out the door back in the direction of the kitchen. Shortly after that I heard him leave and my Mistress came in to see me. I thought she was going to apologise, she could see I was shaking uncontrollably, but instead she told me that I was at fault. "How dare you serve one of my guests so slovenly!" she shouted. "I have a riding crop upstairs and the next time you misbehave in any way unsuited to a maid either I or my guest will use it on you." With that she turned and left me to collapse in tears. A sort of truce lasted in the house for three days. My Mistress didn't refer to the incident but then she didn't refer to anything while ordering me about. I still had hopes that she would suddenly refer to the game and apologise that things had gone too far. On Thursday morning I was informed that there would be a guest for dinner. I hoped against hope that it wouldn't be the man. Imagine my horror when I opened the door to find him standing there. "Oh, George, I've missed you so much." My wife greeted him and this time there was no pretence. She kissed him deeply on the lips and his hands wandered over his body. I served the meal as if nothing had happened and all was calm until I served brandies. I was told to take the position that I was in last time. Then 'George' held me wedged as before, while my wife told me some news. "Mr Brady is staying tonight with me. Now I expect this will be quite difficult for you, so we are going to give you a choice. You can accept this is happening and all will be well. The alternative is if you make a fuss, and to demonstrate what will happen in that case, you are going to get a taste of the punishment. That taste will be six strokes, but if you behave in any way hostile to this arrangement you will receive them until you behave. Is that clear?" "Yes Mistress." I had no alternative but to agree. What followed was pain that diminished previous beatings to insignificance. I couldn't stop screaming, even after he had finished and as I lay on the floor, not able to move. "Remember girl, any trouble from you and I will beat you all over your body like that and that includes your pathetic balls." George Brady swished the crop in the air to emphasis his statement. They realised that I was incapable of speech so left me where I had fallen. My wife took his hand and took him up the stairs. "Breakfast in bed for the two of us and nine tomorrow morning," were her last orders for me. I lay there for a while until I realised that I was bleeding badly. I half crawled, half hobbled to the kitchen where I was able to bathe my backside and apply some antiseptic cream. I went and laid on my 'maid's bed' on my stomach shattered by my wife's betrayal. I couldn't think what to do. I thought of the police, but could I convince them that I wasn't the maid before they left and I got a worse beating. I was willing to bet they had a plan if that happened. My mind drifted back to my childhood in this house, how could I ever imagine I would still be here and so out of control of my life. I couldn't hope to overpower that man, and even if I did, I couldn't even beat my wife in a struggle, I was such a wimp. Suddenly I saw a light. I limped to the library, seldom used by my wife and I had only come in to clean once my days were busy with housework. I cast my mind back to the books. My father had quite a collection, but I was looking for five books in particular. I found a series of five on the principles of economics, and slid them forward. There was my father's six shot revolver, already loaded. Suddenly I was on level terms. I had always hated guns, but my father had insisted that I learned to handle them and, whilst not especially wanting to I soon became a proficient shot. I slid the safety off and went up to our marital bedroom. I entered without knocking and found the two of them naked and him on top of my wife. "God you must really want a beating girl," he shouted, "get out!" I saw his trousers over the chair next to me, as I reached in his pockets I found what I was looking for first time. I fired a shot into the wall above their heads. "No, it's time for you both to leave." My wife screamed and started to reach for her blouse that was discarded on the side of the bed. "Don't touch anything," I warned them and threw him his car keys. "Now very slowly get out of bed and walk down the stairs in front of me. I warn you, I'm an excellent shot, and although I would be within my rights to shoot dead an intruder, I will aim for your balls." They complied with there hands held aloft. "Please, Alec, I'm so sorry, please forgive me," my wife pleaded. It was the first time in months she had used my name. "You've made your choice, I'm sure your boyfriend has somewhere and you can stay with him. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" She didn't answer as by this time they were already headed down the stairs and it was her turn to start shaking. "Please let me at least get a coat?" she begged. "No," I laughed, "you thought I was fucked and was happy. Don't expect any favours from me. Remember, if either of you come back here uninvited you will be intruders and then I will shoot to kill." I watched the naked pair jump into his car, looking very pale skinned in the night light and watched the car leave before I shut the door, taking a note of his plate number. Then I got busy. The first thing I did was call an emergence locksmith, reset the alarm with a different code, then changed into my everyday skirt and blouse while I waited. After the lock on my chastity was undone, and while the locks on the house were being changed I rang my lawyers office and left a message for them to call me most urgently as soon as they got in. I snatched a couple of hours of fitful sleep, I was in too much pain to do anything else, and was already breakfasted by the time Jack Simmons, my family's lawyer rang just after eight. I gave a quick summary of what had happened and arranged an injunction to be served on my wife and lover as soon as they tracked them down through the car number. In the meantime Jack arranged to meet me at home with a doctor, the police, a photographer to record my injuries, and his secretary to type out a statement. Jack couldn't resist an 'I bet you're glad I got her to sign that pre- nup now'. That was it really, nothing left to do as far as I was concerned but the paperwork to end my marriage. * * * I'm sure you'd like to know the way things turned out. Well six months after these events, Harriet divorced Bill naming his secretary as the third party and had the pictures to prove it. We started dating, and in another six months Harriet had the husband she wanted all that time ago. Funny how things work out, isn't it?

Same as Yet Another Worm Turns Videos

2 years ago
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Keilys PlantChapter 2 The Worm

When Keily woke up, it was almost dusk. She had slept practically all day. A little woozy, she sat on the bed and the feeling of her panties rubbing against her clit made her body shiver with pleasure. She was puzzled as her clit had never been so sensitive before. In fact, she realized that she was in such heightened state of arousal, that she could hardly hold back the need to jump on the bedpost and impaled herself on all of its length. Keily put on a small bathrobe and walked out of her...

2 years ago
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Fervour of the Past III Worm

Fervour of the Past III: Worm by Tegeli [NOTE: This story continues from 'Fervour of the Past I and II'.] CHAPTER 1 "One of the pumps was stabbed," the Roluan foreman said. "The bleeding was bad, but with a little luck, the beast might live." The small administrative tent was getting crowded. After the sabotages to our dig site began, the usually dismissive Roluan government had sent us a group of watchmen. That favour came with the frequent oversight of inspector Ansis from...

4 years ago
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The Worm

A few years ago I used to subscribe intermittently to a fetish magazine called Axis. I expect a few people will have heard of it or even been members. It was, I think, a non-commercial enterprise. Sadly, due to the ill health of the founders, it folded a couple of years ago… but not before I’d had some ‘fun’ through it! The first encounter I had through it was with Mistress V, a lifestyle Domme – I shall devote a web log to that in due course. But, it’s The Worm I want to tell you about today....

1 year ago
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The Worm Turns

THE WORM TURNS I'm an easy going sort of person, a bit too laid back according to my friends. They have always assumed that I have allowed myself to be put under the thumb of my wife Jean, but I see it as accommodating the woman I love. She doesn't see it entirely that way. If I ever have strong feelings on a subject and put my foot down, she calls me stubborn and pig headed, among many other names. However, during the three years we have been married, this has seldom happened...

1 year ago
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If I Was A Worm

“Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Lee rolled over in bed to find himself nose to nose with Tania, his girlfriend of almost a year. Tania looked back at him without a hint of guile in her expression. Lee sighed and closed his eyes. He had been expecting this question. Dreading it, even. By all accounts, the only “right” way to answer was basically to lie. “What?” He said, buying time. Tania averted her eyes in feigned nonchalance. “I dunno, I just feel like if I was born as a worm, you...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Horror Story Mistress Sonias Sperm Worms

Thomas was huddled against the thirty-foot transparent wall. Just a few feet away on the other side of the wall, dozens of female spectators had assembled to watch. In the air, were numerous camera drones that could rapidly buzz around to catch the action from every conceivable angle. In the commentary box, two big-titted young women wearing tight leather watched the action from multiple close-up camera feeds. One of them spoke. “Thomas is looking pretty nervous Angela.” “And so he should be...

2 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 4 Lilli and the Worms

Cassie and Julie arrived at 8:30 am Monday morning, on the dot, Cassie eager to meet Eve, and both of them eager to start their new job. She was already inside the meeting room, waiting for them both, all set up with her slim notebook and a projector. The projector was displaying a picture of Johns Hopkins university. "Cassie, Julie. "Good morning, girls. "This official part won't take very long." Eve presented an NDA to each of them, and watched in silence as Cassie and Julie read...

3 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 13

The deep mud squelches as it sucks at my knee-high boots, making this trek through the suffocatingly humid rainforest even more grueling. In an attempt to make traversing this mud easier, I try following in the footprints of our Amazonian Jungle guide, Anton Santos, who’s ahead by a few feet, clearing the dense jungle brush with broad swings of his machete. My best friend, Derek Aider, follows close behind me, filming our journey for his travel vlog. Claire is behind him and Kody, her...

3 years ago
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The Worm Doth Turn

“And So ... the Worm ... It Doth Turn.” I never would have believed it. What is it they say? It couldn’t happen to ... I should’ve seen ... think of Occam’s Raz ... there’s a sucker born ... oh yeah buddy that was me. Well it happened, and when it did it was like that dead Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver said once way back in the day, “Somewhere in the universe a gear shifted”. The name’s Steve Cornish. I guess I’m just a regular kind of guy. In fact I’m probably the most regular guy anyone...

2 years ago
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The Worm TurnsPart 1

I must have read about a million of these stories and I have to confess that mine isn’t so unique--maybe only in the details, but not so much in how things started or how things ended. You can probably write the first lines yourself: “Things started out so innocently. We had a typical relationship that somewhere, some way, took a dramatic turn that I never saw coming. At first, I was all for the plan, but by the time I had become my wife’s feminized slut, I realized that things had gone too...

2 years ago
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The Soul Worm

"What the fuck happened here?" Mike Thompson asked. They looked at the naked body of Karl Steer. They'd found him in the middle of the cavern, illuminated by one of the shafts of blue light shining down from the strange crystal formations in the ceiling. He was on his knees and staring up at the lights with an expression of rapture. He was quite dead. Thompson prodded him with the butt of his rifle to make sure. "Is that a smile?" Thompson asked. Damn creepy, Bill Willets thought....

2 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 89

"What the fuck did I do tonight?" I whisper to myself as I crawl into my bed, my head still spinning from the alcohol. After I pull my covers over me, I stare at the rotating ceiling fan, my hand sliding between my legs to rub my sore vagina. Why did you think leaving the apartment was a good idea? About three hours after I kicked Chad out, Derek texted me saying that him and Kody were going to our favorite college bar, The Green Gator, to have a few drinks before it was time to meet up...

2 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 10

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...

3 years ago
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Worming or I like tribbing with my girlfriend

It just occurred to me why I like tribbing. Tribbing, for those of you who don't know, is when two girls do a scissor lock on each others naked pussies. They rub their pussies together, causing pressure and some friction. Their clits make contact and they start to get wet, and then they slip and slide against each others creamy, dewy pulsating pussies. Erotic as hell! I start sneezing whenever I see it! I'VE tribbed with a girl! Yes sir, I'm a 110% hetero male, but I tribbed with my girl...

1 year ago
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Fishing with worms

I picked a lake near my home that had a lot of open space as well as a lot of secluded coves concealed by canyon walls: which I had found in the past were great for bass fishing. With my cooler stocked and fishing poles and tackle loaded, I headed out across the lake. I drove for about twenty minutes just loosening up the engine and then headed for one of the coves a way back from the main lake which I had a lot of luck fishing in the past. As I pulled into the cove and slowed down, I saw a...

3 years ago
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The Pleasure Worm

Though all the settlers were allowed to do what they wished with their stakes they were still required to start off supporting the main settlement with materials until it became self-sufficient, this meant that a their lands would be divided between crops, livestock and woodlands for timber. 6 months had passed and everything had settled into routine when one morning Sabine was shocked to find a strange looking caterpillar crawling on one of the leaves of the crop they were growing. Trying to...

3 years ago
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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 47

After getting off the phone with Claire, my core spasms from womb worm flipping around and twisting inside of me. My heart is jackhammering in my chest and I’m hyperventilating while I hurry to get dressed. Even though I’m having a panic attack over the fact that there’s a giant, parasitic worm nesting in my uterus, the feeling of euphoria that I felt before the shocking discovery begins to gradually overtake me again. In a matter of minutes, calmness washes over me, and my heart rate slows...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 4 Every Worm Must Turn

Paul caught a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Few words were spoken on the way, and nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton's office, or the meeting in general. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and the others could see that he hadn't quite landed on the ground. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk re-ignition. It was a side of Paul rarely seen. The younger man, Spencer, had never seen it. As the plane began its climb out over Lake Michigan Paul...

1 year ago
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The Bookworm The Surfer

My parents have owned their house on the beach in sunny Southern California since before I was born. My dad, a successful doctor, and my mom, the civil lawyer, had always dreamed of living on the beach. When they bought the house, it was a real fixer-upper. It had been devastated by a storm and abandoned, but Mom saw the beauty and potential in it. My dad thought she was crazy, but he loved her so much, he trusted her instincts. Together, they fixed it up to the dream home it is now. I guess...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Worm TurnsPart 1

I must have read about a million of these stories and I have to confess that mine isn’t so unique–maybe only in the details, but not so much in how things started or how things ended. You can probably write the first lines yourself: “Things started out so innocently. We had a typical relationship that somewhere, some way, took a dramatic turn that I never saw coming. At first, I was all for the plan, but by the time I had become my wife’s feminized slut, I realized that things had gone too...

3 years ago
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The Worm Turns And The Punishment

My ex, Dave, loved having me helpless, then he would tease me, playing with my body, making me come, or teasing and denying, which was worse. There came a day though when I sort of got my own back on him. He had started to put the handcuffs on me, when I complained."Ow, there is something sharp inside the cuff," I told him, "it scratched my wrist."He felt inside the steel band, but could feel nothing. Not surprising, as I had made it up."You won't feel anything like that," I insisted,...

2 years ago
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The Worm Turns Part 2 The Routine

Before I even realized it, we had fallen into a pattern of visits to the sisters’ salon. On a weekly basis, I was having my hair set, my nails done, and my make-up applied expertly by some combination of Kim and/or Kristie. Often one would do the work while the other recorded the proceedings on video or with a digital still camera. Several of the photos made their way onto the mirrors of the salon’s stations. The upshot of this development was that the curiosity of other (female) patrons of the...

1 year ago
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The worm

I met her at a public place of her choice she had dressed as I had told her slutty her shirt was tight and with no bra on her nipples showed just how happy she was to see me in person. She wore short shorts that were tight in the crotch. After a chat at lunch going over things like hard limits soft limits and things she wanted to try it was time to play. Before getting a room at a low rent motel we stopped at a store to pick up some supplies lube, clothes pins , enema fun stuff I made her take...

4 years ago
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The Worm Turns Part 2 The Routine

Before I even realized it, we had fallen into a pattern of visits to the sisters’ salon. On a weekly basis, I was having my hair set, my nails done, and my make-up applied expertly by some combination of Kim and/or Kristie. Often one would do the work while the other recorded the proceedings on video or with a digital still camera. Several of the photos made their way onto the mirrors of the salon’s stations. The upshot of this development was that the curiosity of other (female) patrons of the...

3 years ago
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Book Worm

My cousin Sharon invited me over to her sweet sixteen birthday party. Her parents were giving the party and almost 40 kids had been invited. I am one year older than Sharon, but she needed some boys to dance with her friends which is why she asked me. The party was at 06:00 p.m. and I was exactly on time. I was surprised at the large amount of party decorations and food. Almost 20 girls were there and I was the ninth boy. What really caught my eye was Sharon. One of her friends let me in the...

2 years ago
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Lafayette Escadrille Chapter 1

In France the Germans were fighting the French primarily, however many countries of the world were involved. In 1916 the French were loosing and the only group keeping the Germans on their side of the line was the American Lafayette Escadrille. It was now July and they had only been in action for a few months, however many of the original thirty-eight men were now “old vets” of the war. If you had been up, ten times and made it back alive, you were considered a veteran or so they said. When...

4 years ago
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The Bookworm

The BookwormPrologue---------------A bookstore.The clock on the wall behind the counter tinged five times.  Quitting time for the day, and the beginning of a long weekend.  As the remaining customers queued up at the register, Susan checked them out, confidently stacking and sacking whatever the customer had selected.   Totally at home with literate people, she kept up a friendly stream of conversation..."Good evening, Mrs. Harrison.  Find what you wanted?"   "They say that is a very good read,...

4 years ago
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First time experimenting with anothery hand jobs and blow jobs at age 12

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) I was 12 at the time of this story, and so was my best friend, Cameron, who this story involves. I didn’t think I was gay. Neither did he. In fact I...

2 years ago
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A return to Js nanother true story

Here I am back at “J’s” the Guy that took my anal virginity.I have used his bathroom and ensured I am squeaky clean were it matters.Today he already has a friend staying with him so I know I will be busy. ”S” is his name and I know they have been friends and fuck partners for many years so they know what they want and how to get it.It starts the second I enter the bedroom I am encouraged to get on my knees and I am presented with two cocks to suck on. I opt for “J’s” as it is almost 10” long...

3 years ago
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Yeti Again

I knew I was dead; I just knew it. I shouldn't have stormed away from that dickhead who wouldn't leave me alone on the slopes. I'm a decent skier, but not ready for the slope I found myself on. It wasn't even part of the resort, so trying to get down it was the worst possible decision in a day of bad decisions.Semi-intelligently, I took off my skis and tried to find my way back, but I think I got turned around when I ran into a partially frozen rocky creek. I didn't remember crossing it on the...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Yetis Day

Every dog has his day Conventional wisdom “Look,” Jack told the block-club meeting. “Yeti’s a friendly dog. It’s not like he’s threatening anyone. I try to keep him quiet, and he’s getting better at that.” “The noise statutes don’t say anything about friendliness,” old Mr. Verrano said. “They give limits on how much noise your dog can make and when. Your dog is breaking those limits. And they don’t say anything about getting better. They say that when your dog breaks those limits once,...

3 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 5 The Worms Keep Turning

Agnes Loehman watched her husband back his car out of the driveway. She and Bert had not uttered a word to one another since the argument the previous evening. She stood motionless in the picture window in case he returned for something forgotten, which he often did as an excuse to see if she wanted to break the ice to enable reconciliation. She was glad that he did not return and she had no intention to initiate any such groveling. She was determined to take action. When Agnes was certain...

3 years ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 2 Opening the Can of Worms

The next day, I was going out of my room down the hall. Aunt Alia saw me and called me into her room. Everyone else was out of the house. Aunt Alia had a light blue robe on. "Do you like women's tits?" she asked me point blank. My heart fell half way down my stomach, pulsing very fast. I blushed beet red and gazed down silently without an answer. "Don't be shy," she encouraged me, smiling. "I know you do, but I am asking whether you like mine." "Yes, I do," I finally managed to...

3 years ago
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Through the wormhole Part 2

Through the wormhole Part II By Janice In our last episode, we found that our hero Jack has a secret: he likes to dress up in women's clothes. He had dreamed of finding a woman with whom he could share his passion, but thanks to a physics experiment on a distant planet gone awry he found a whole world of Amazons who love it when he wears something sexy. Dresses, pumps and lace are now his everyday wardrobe and while the women enjoy seeing him dressed that way, they are always trying...

1 year ago
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The Stringworm Part 3

“It looks like they’re going to be out for a little while.” she told him. Leon puffed through the sticky gag that held his mouth shut. Tia straddled Leon's legs as she sat down, sliding her fingers up one leg to crotch. Feeling a hard bulge, she gave it a squeeze and smirked. "Feeling a little left out?" she teased. He twitched a little when she squeezed again, but didn't try to stop her. "Don't worry" she told him, reaching down with both hands. She glanced back to where Monika was...

4 years ago
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The Stringworm pt 2

"I'll check in here, you take a look outside." Tia's heart dropped. She knew the voice: Monika, one of the other camera crew. Shame that she thought she'd abandoned flooded back to her. She couldn't let her Monika see her like this. When she heard her call her name, she stayed silent. "Tia?" She called. "Tia are you in here?" A flashlight beam swept the cave, settling on Tia's face. "Oh my god!" Monika dashed over to her. "What happened to you, are you alright?" Tia...

2 years ago
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The Stringworm Part 1

Tia had figured that the job would be easy money: take sweeping shots of the forest, the occasional shaky sequence as she pretended to run or look around in a panic, then profit. Whatever she filmed, some overly dramatic narrator would voice over it, surely insinuating some terrible creature was stalking the helpless camerawoman. On top of that, the company flew her here for free, so she figured she would get some time to be a tourist between filming sessions. What she had not accounted for,...

2 years ago
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Alice In Wormland

Alice was beginning to get very tired of the lockdown, and of having nothing to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister had given her, but it had no pussies or cocks in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pussies or cocks?"So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of a masturbation session would be worth the trouble and sweat of strumming away for...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Caveworms 3

I was still aware of the worms all around me. Each individual one, in some way, occupied a small part of my mind. I wanted desperately to be fucked, to cum again. I wanted desperately to fuck Hannah, to make her cum again. I collapsed. Worms then covered me completely, tickling my flesh, teasing me with an orgasm that constantly seemed just out of reach. I didn't need to breathe, all I needed was this wiggling cocoon. They slithered across my pussy, my clit, my ass. They wrapped themselves...

2 years ago
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Caveworms 2 Things Get Even Weirder

The urge to find a cool, open space slowly came to me, and before I'd even made a conscious decision, I found myself up and drifting towards the basement. I stripped out of my shorts and tank top as I descended the stairs. The air down there was nice and cool, and I felt a little refreshed. I sat in the middle of the room, the cool cement floor feeling really nice against my skin. I again started tracing my fingers across my engorged belly as that strange feeling of arousal I remembered from...

1 year ago
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It was only a few days in to my summer holidays. School was out for the year and I had nothing on my mind but killing time. I decided that day to go visit this small waterfall I'd discovered, though it was a pretty long hike so I started early. It was a particularly hot day, and by mid morning the air was already feeling sticky, and I'd have been sweating just lounging around the house. I looked forward to finding the falls, and the small river they emptied in to, just to jump in and cool...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 45 Wormwood

Introduction: Liliths plague strikes Seattle. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty-Five: Wormwood Visit my blog at We had been in San Francisco for a week, spreading the Holy Word, when Wormwood erupted. Brian fell ill, and a great fear clutched my heart. The hospitals had been overwhelmed and I could only sit next to my husband and pray. I furiously prayed to our Living Gods, over and over until my sex grew sore with...

3 years ago
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Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I cant say I was worried about mums reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew shed be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time. After a...

2 years ago
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Introduction: First story, does it suck? Its pretty weird. I always loved exploring the woods near my house. I lived in a semi-rural area, so while it wasnt exactly the middle of nowhere, there was always somewhere new to explore. I was always looking for the most secluded, hard to find places. I loved the idea of being hidden from the world, but still being surrounded by life. I found a lot of interesting things when I went hiking, but one summer afternoon when I was sixteen, I found something...

4 years ago
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Caveworms 2 Things Get Even Weirder

Introduction: Part 2 of my Caveworms series. You should read part 1. Its not necessary, but it may answer the question What the fuck?. It probably wont though. I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on...

3 years ago
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Caveworms 3

Introduction: Sorry for taking so damn long. Part four will not take as long! Hannah lay on a pile of worms, her swollen breasts and belly shiny from all the fluid which now covered the both of us. My hands were shaking and I had a hard time maintaining balance because I was just so completely overwhelmed by my arousal. The sight of her, the sight of the worms and the thought of what was happening was almost too much for me. I was sitting there with a vacant stare for far too long, but there...

2 years ago
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was it a dream a vision imagination or a wormho

the day had started off like the more, or less usual ho-hum-drum, blah, blahseh, blip, motionless status as of the present given moment in time, &/or like as if I myself am, or was in suspended animation, unemployed, unschooled, unmarried, unfriended by last girlfriend even so since the break-up. & I don't want to get into that being of the religious-church-hypocrites being of whom I myself am usually, quite regularly encountering that being of their presence upon any given sabbathical...

1 year ago
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Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can't say I was worried about mum's reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence after the footsteps, I knew that mum had noticed the smell. Remembering the effect it had on me in the cave, I knew she'd be drawn down here, but she sure seemed to be taking her time.After a...

1 year ago
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Caveworms 3

Hannah lay on a pile of worms, her swollen breasts and belly shiny from all the fluid which now covered the both of us. My hands were shaking and I had a hard time maintaining balance because I was just so completely overwhelmed by my arousal. The sight of her, the sight of the worms and the thought of what was happening was almost too much for me. I was sitting there with a vacant stare for far too long, but there were so many possibilities. I felt that I had become a creature of urge, but...

1 year ago
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Caveworms 2 Things Get Even Weirder

I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt even heavier than before, and I was pretty sure my stomach had gotten bigger. I sat there with it resting on my legs, absent...

4 years ago
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Caveworms part 1

I always loved exploring the woods near my house. I lived in a semi-rural area, so while it wasn't exactly the middle of nowhere, there was always somewhere new to explore. I was always looking for the most secluded, hard to find places. I loved the idea of being hidden from the world, but still being surrounded by life. I found a lot of interesting things when I went hiking, but one summer afternoon when I was sixteen, I found something REALLY interesting.It was only a few days in to my summer...

3 years ago
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A worms story

When my girl friend Debbie broke up with me I was devastated. She said she wanted a real man not an eighteen year old wimp like me. She admitted she had been fucking my best friend Jason soon after I met her and he was much better than me. Debbie also told me that I had to get out immediately so that Jason could move in with her. Finally she said that she still wanted to be friends, and to show me there was no hard feelings she arranged for me to stay with our friends Brad and Tammy. Instantly...

3 years ago
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Worms embrace pt1

Ashley sat on a rock that seemed to have fallen off of the ridge at some point and admired the heavily populated forest while sipping her water. She wondered if she should feel worried that there was no one nearby. She could scream for hours and no one would come. She could strip naked and no one would know. She smiled thinking that something might be slightly wrong with her if the thought of no help somehow turned her on. Ashley leaned forward and began to untie her boots. Her inhibitions...

3 years ago
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The Creature Worms embrace 1

Ashley sat on a rock that seemed to have fallen off of the ridge at some point and admired the heavily populated forest while sipping her water. She wondered if she should feel worried that there was no one nearby. She could scream for hours and no one would come. She could strip naked and no one would know. She smiled thinking that something might be slightly wrong with her if the thought of no help somehow turned her on. Ashley leaned forward and began to untie her boots. Her inhibitions...

3 years ago
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The creature Worms Mommy 2

Ashley spent her waking hours in complete bliss. Even when the creature, whom she was beginning to think of as her mate, seemed to be resting, she found that she could spur it on by clenching her vagina a couple times. Her body was still fully restrained in a doggie position. There were a few exceptions, such as her feet, which she found she was able to wiggle them freely. With not much else to do, she began clenching her pussy, hoping to turn the worm on again. Sadly, the worm did not seem...

2 years ago
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The Devils PactChapter 45 Wormwood

We had been in San Francisco for a week, spreading the Holy Word, when Wormwood erupted. Brian fell ill, and a great fear clutched my heart. The hospitals had been overwhelmed and I could only sit next to my husband and pray. I furiously prayed to our Living Gods, over and over until my sex grew sore with the ferocity of my devotions. On the third night, the God appeared in a vision before me, glowing like the sun. He took me in the vision, pleasure suffusing my entire being. "All will be...

3 years ago
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Wormholes Are a Serious BusinessChapter 2

Sandra was the type of person that adapts quickly to almost any situation. She gathered her equipment including the weapons and instructed Miss Oh to stay close to her. She did not bother to destroy the craft because it was far too heavy to move from its location on top of the steep mountain and the control panel was covered with layers of titanium coded to open only to her fingerprint. The searchers would most likely just leave a guard on the craft and spread out to locate the riders of...

1 year ago
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Wormholes Are a Serious BusinessChapter 3

The daily trips to the exhibition circle became the highlight of an otherwise boring existence in the confines of their imprisonment. Sandra as a scientist appreciated the fact that the society of displaced stellar travelers were merely attempting to experiment with the limits of the girls capacity for copulation and to see if they would any secrets of the universe to assist them in their quest to find a suitable planet for their propagation and assimilation. She had made "friends" with a...

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