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My cousin Sharon invited me over to her sweet sixteen birthday party. Her parents were giving the party and almost 40 kids had been invited. I am one year older than Sharon, but she needed some boys to dance with her friends which is why she asked me. The party was at 06:00 p.m. and I was exactly on time. I was surprised at the large amount of party decorations and food. Almost 20 girls were there and I was the ninth boy. What really caught my eye was Sharon. One of her friends let me in the house and after walking around for about 10 minutes I spotted her. She was absolutely gorgeous. Although I saw her just 4 hours earlier in the school hallway, this was a totally different Sharon. She was wearing a dark green velvet mini-dress that hugged all her curves and only went inches past her hips. And her legs, wow! I had never noticed them before but now I was looking at some very long and sexy looking legs. In school she wore her brown hair up or in pony-tails. Now her hair was a shade of light blonde and hung over her shoulders and down her back. The best surprise of all was when she turned around and waved hello. She wasn't wearing her glasses, because as I found out later, one of her birthday presents from her parents had been contact lenses. Her dress was designed with a very deep plunging neck line and I could easily see the sides of her young full breast. Before tonight I hadn't even noticed if my cousin had tits. I just never paid much attention. As she walked over and gave me a hug, bouncing titties and great legs were all I noticed. For a moment I just stood there looking at the sides of her boobs until Sharon whispered to me and asked if every thing was okay. She noticed I was staring at her and she started to blush. She asked me if I liked her new dress and I whispered back a definite yes. As she walked away to dance with her friends I realized that I had the beginnings of a serious boner growing in my pants, and for my cousin no less.
By 09:00 p.m. most of the girls had left and only Jason and myself were still present representing the men. I had begun to notice some of the girls were acting really silly including Sharon. Jason was getting ready to leave and as he did, he told me that a couple of the guys had spiked the punch and he assured me Sharon and her friends were going to enjoy the rest of the night. Later I was dancing with Sharon when it occurred to me that I hadn't seen her parents all night. Sharon was pretty drunk and she was leaning on me more than dancing. She said her parents wouldn't be coming home till about 01:00 a.m. There were four of her friends still at the party and I did my best to dance with all of them. I was dancing with Janet when I noticed Sharon sitting on the couch crossed legged, Indian style. I maneuvered Janet over to where Sharon was sitting in order to get a view up her dress. I was about three feet away when I got my chance and looked down at her. She was wearing totally shear pantyhose that went up to her waist. I stood there while slow dancing as I stared between her legs. The seam on her pantyhose went down from her stomach, over a small patch of light brown pubic hair and between the lips of her pussy. I couldn't believe how transparent the pantyhose was and that I was looking at my cousins practically naked twat.
Two of the girls dragged themselves upstairs and into the spare bedroom to sleep over. Sharon was still sitting cross legged but had leaned over a little and was sound asleep. After a while Janet asked me if I liked what I was looking at. I didn't realize that Janet was watching me stare. I was embarrassed and mumbled something about not knowing what she meant. Janet looked down at the bulge forming in the front of my pants and gave me a little pat on my hand. She asked me to help get Sharon up to her bedroom and then I would have to leave. Between the two of us we managed to lay Sharon on the bed. As I was about to leave Janet asked if she could ask me a question. Janet is one of those girls you always see in school. Very plain looking, straight A student and never been on a date. If it wasn't for her being friends with Sharon, I doubt she would even go to any parties. To her I must have looked like the perfect older date. Anyhow she looking up at me and explained that she was 16 years old and never been on a single date. She was starting to fight back tears as she continued her story. I was the first boy she had every danced with and she wanted to know if she could kiss me. Janet was kind of skinny and plain but far from ugly. I just stood there as she explained that this might be her only chance because her parents didn't let her go out, and anyhow, no boys had ever asked her out. She whispered that she liked boys a lot but didn't know how to act around them. We stood there for a few minutes as she wiped away tears that never seemed to stop. Finally she stared at the floor and apologized for asking. She had taken my long delay as a refusal. Now she was staring at her feet and still crying. I was about to say she was wrong and that yes I would kiss her, when she mumbled very softly that she would show me the same thing I saw before, if I would kiss her. I told her I hadn't quite heard what she said. Janet touched my hand and repeated that she would show me her vagina if I would give her a kiss. I wasn't sure what to do but I did know I had a raging hard-on.
I leaned over and gave her a long gentle kiss. Then she gave me a long hard kiss. I figured, what the hell, and gave her a really big hug and a very romantic kiss. After the kiss Janet just stood there with her eyes closed as if she was off dreaming someplace in space. I started to leave the room when Janet laid on Sharon's bed just inches from Sharon and slowly pulled up her dress until her white cotton panties were visible. She didn't have to do this. I was happy to give her a kiss. At least that was what my brain said. My cock said something different. I was looking at the panties of a 16 year old girl who was about to show me her pussy. Only the second pussy I had seen in my entire life. My cock was practically ripping through the front of my pants and my feet were shuffling there way over to the side of the bed.

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