Breakdown_(0) free porn video

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Reid tossed is cell pone in the passenger seat beside him. He had tried to call his wife and tell her he was on his way to his next destination, but as usual, she did not answer. His marriage was on the rocks, and he knew it. He loosened his tie and tossed it in the seat beside his phone. Ever since he had gotten his promotion, things had headed south. The new job had him on the road a lot, his territory stretching across the southern states. He had a feeling that his wife was cheating on him while he was gone, but he didn’t have enough proof to confront her. He picked up his phone again. While dialing the number, the car shifted off the road, and he jerked it back. As he put the phone to his ear, the front end of the car began to jump around and the steering wheel jerked back and forth. He slowly pulled over to the side of the road. The call had not gone through. As he got out of the car, he noticed “No Signal” on the service bar of his phone.

“Fuck,” he said as he ran his hand through his brown hair.

He walked around the car and seen the flat tire. He opened the trunk and pulled out the jack, spare and lug wrench and went into motion. When he pulled the tire off, the brake caliper fell off. When he picked it up, his luck worsened, the caliper had been damaged and would need to be replaced if he was going to drive the car. He stood up and kicked the car, which brought tears to his eye from the pain. He limped to the car and reached in to get his phone. Still no signal, so he walked around the car, holding the phone up in the air, hoping to get enough signal to get in touch with his office. He looked down the long road, then back to where he had come, there was nothing. No signs of life for as far as the eye could see. He retraced his trip, and remembered he had not gone through a town for almost an hour. In disgust, he tossed the phone in the car and sat down.

Reid was awakened by the sound of tires rumbling on the highway. When he opened his eyes, darkness had fallen. He stood outside the car and waved his arms above his head. The truck stopped in front of him, the head lights blinding him. Then he heard the door creak open, and squeak as it shut. From the driver side of the 4X4, walked an angle. Well that was what Reid thought any way. He could tell from the silhouette, the driver was female. She had a baseball cap on, and he could see her hair flowing out the back of it in a pony tail. As the female walked, he watched her hips sway back and forth.

“You picked a helluva place to break down mister,” the girl said in a sweet southern accent.

“Yes, ma’am, I would have to agree with you on that. There is no cell service and you are the first person that has come by in hours.”

The girl stepped out of the light and Reid felt the perspiration building in his palms. The girl looked as if she had walked out of a country music video. She was dressed in cut off jean shorts that were barely long enough to cover her midsection. The white from the front pockets were peeking under the leg of the shorts. Her legs were long and tanned, and on her feet were in boots that went up to the middle of her calves. As she stood, she hooked her thumbs in her front pockets, and her hips swayed to one side. She had on what Reid thought looked like a flannel shirt, but the sleeves had been cut off, the front buttons were unbuttoned about half way and her bountiful bosoms, were bubbling out from the lacy bra she wore. The bottom buttons of the shirt had not been buttoned, but tied in a knot, just above her studded belly button. Reid stepped forward, and could barely see her eyes as they peered out from under the bill of the cap.

“Yeah, aint hardly any traffic out here any more. What seems to be your problem?”

Reid told her about the caliper and if he could get in touch with his office, he could get them to contact some one in the area to get him another car, or repair the one he had.

“Well, my trailer is up the road a piece, I have a phone you can use if you would like.”

“Oh that would be great, thank you.”

“Just get in the truck, aint no problem.”

Reid grabbed his phone,wallet and brief case and walked to the truck. He opened the door and climbed in. He turned to look at the driver as she grabbed the steering wheel and pulled herself into the truck. Reid could see that the girl had blonde hair, but could see her brown roots starting to show. She looked at him as her stretched to press in the clutch and slammed the truck in gear. She shifted the gears with ease. Reid was mesmerized by the way she gracefully shifted, and how her breast would bounce from the rough riding truck. He realized that he was staring and looked up into her face. She was smiling at him as he felt the blood rush to his face.

“Don’t be embarrassed, the ‘girls’ always get peoples attention.”

“I am sorry, I don’t know what…”

“I am Amanda, but most people just call me Mandy. I am use to people looking at my titties, it is all good.”

“I ah… am Reid, Reid Dalton, and I apologize, they are nice, but I should not have been staring.”

“So Mr. Reid Dalton, what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?”

“Work and my GPS said this was supposed to be a short cut.”

“Huh, you need another GPS.”

Reid just laughed as Mandy turned down a small dirt road. She shifted the gears, as the truck bounced on the rough road. He just held on to the door handle and enjoyed the ride.

After a few minutes, Mandy pulled into a short drive and parked in front an older mobile home. She opened the door, turned and slid out of the truck.

She looked back, “Are you getting out, or you going to sit in the truck all night?”

Reid opened the door and got out of the truck and walked to where Mandy was opening the door to the mobile home.

“It aint much, but it is home. Just throw that shit in the floor while I find the phone.” She said as she pulled the cap off and tossed her hair back and forth.

Reid picked up some clothes off the ragged sofa, and began to place them on the floor, when he realized he had a couple pair of thong panties in his hands. He placed them down as Mandy reappeared with a cordless telephone. He took the phone and dialed the number, placing the charge of the call on his credit card. As the other end began to ring, he stood up and began to walk around. The place was not bad, for such limited space, he thought. There was a kitchen, dining room and living room all in one. There were two doors down a short hallway; he figured was the bathroom and bedroom. He continued to pace as he talked to someone on the other end. While talking, he turned and seen Mandy sitting in a chair, pulling her boots off. She had her leg bent with her foot in her hands as she tugged. Reid could not help his eyes from focusing on the top of her thigh. As she pulled the one boot off, she pulled the other foot up and repeated the motion. When she put her bare foot on the floor she stood up. Reid could make out a small camel toe between her legs. He quickly changed the direction of his view before he was caught, again. As he continued to talk on the phone, Mandy walked over to the refrigerator, and opened it. She bent at the waist, which caught Reid’s attention. The shorts she had on rode up her mounds and as they tightened, he could see the perfect imprint of her round ass. He felt weak as the blood rushed from every part of his body and go to his cock. He felt it begin to rise out of the silk confounds of his boxers. Mandy rose and turned, and motioned a can of beer at Reid. He nodded his head.

He hit the button to end the call, shaking his head.

“What’s up?” Mandy said as she raised the can of beer to her lips.

“Well my office is going to get me another car, but it will not be until late tomorrow morning.”

“That sucks a big one, but you can stay here if you like, the couch lets out into a bed, and I can take you to the car in the morning.”

“It will not be an inconvenience will it?”

“Hell no, I don’t have to go to work until tomorrow night, its no biggie.”

“May I make one more call to let my wife know I am behind schedule and will not be home for another couple days?.”

“Help yourself.”

Reid dialed his wife’s cell as Mandy chugged her beer. She squashed the can in her hand and got up and tossed it into the trash. She walked into the back room while Reid left a voice mail on his wife’s phone. As he laid the phone down, he heard the water running in the bathroom. He sat on the couch, pulling his Barker Black ostrich cap toe shoes off his feet. He took a sip of the beer, and made a grimacing face. He had not drunk a cheap beer since college. He held his breath and took another long drink. He stood up and unbuttoned his oxford shirt, laying it on the chair arm and sat back on the couch. At 35, Reid was in great shape. He had dark brown hair and eyes to match. His arms and chest were chiseled. With all his traveling, and being married, he did not visit the bars of the towns and cities he stayed, but would spend his evening in the hotel gyms. As he sat he looked around at his surroundings. Mandy had a simple home, nothing like what he was accustomed to staying in, but he was thankful the he would not be sleeping in his car.

Mandy came back to where Reid was sitting. He looked up as he heard her foot steps. She was now wearing a Texas Longhorns t-shirt that barely covered her round ass. Reid noticed that her nipples were stiffened and protruded slightly through the cotton material. She sat on the other end of the couch and pulled her knees up to her chest. Reid spotted her small red patch of cloth of her panties that covered her mound. He took another long swallow of the beer.

“Call your old lady?” Mandy asked while removing the nail polish from her toes.

“Left a message,” Reid replied trying not to stare at his gorgeous host.

“It sure is late back east, what you reckon she is doing out this late at night?”

“I don’t know, she may be sleeping and not able to hear the phone ring.”

Reid was uncomfortable about talking about his wife. He had no clue where she was or what she was doing. So he decided to change the subject. For the next few minutes, Reid asked Mandy about her life. In the conversation, he found out that she was 22 years old. She had quit school when she was 16 and married what she thought was the man of her dreams. As it turned out, that after they were married, her husband became a drunk and abusive. He lost his job and took his anger out on her. He would beat her and then he would rape her repeatedly and then leave her to go lay with his many girl friends. Reid listened as Mandy told the many stories of her hard life. When Reid asked where he was now, she answered by saying that her father had pulled up one day in the middle of one of her husbands rampages and her father had beat him and put him in his truck, and she had not seen him since. Reid took another long drink of the beer.

“Enough of my horrible story, tell me about you Mr. Reid Dalton,” Mandy said, stretching her long tanned legs out on the couch letting her feet lay in Reid’s lap.

Reid told her of his life, growing up in a small Georgia town and going to college in Atlanta. He told her about his job and how he had worked hard and moved up to be an executive in sales and how he traveled a lot and that his travels had put a strain on his marriage. He explained how since he was gone 40 weeks out of the year, his wife had changed. He told Mandy of his suspicions that his wife was cheating but had not proof and really didn’t want any. He rambled on for what seemed like hours. Mandy was attentive and made brief, kind comments as he talked.

“That is how I got here.” He concluded.

Mandy sat up, her feet still in his lap. She propped her head on her hand, and had a consoling smile on her face.

“I will tell you one thing; your old lady doesn’t know how lucky she is to have a caring husband.” Her fingers brushing the hair above his ear, “Not only a caring husband, but one that is as hot as you.”

Reid looked at her and blushed. His heart was pounding in his chest, his palms were sweating and butterflies were swarming in his stomach.

“So what do you do Mandy, for work, I mean.” Reid asked, feeling that his voice was trembling.

“Well, I guess you could say I am in the entertainment business,” she answered with a cute laugh.

“You are in the movies, theater?” He asked innocently.
“Oh no honey, although I have been in a video or two, and you could say I am an actress, in a weird sort of way.”

Mandy pulled her feet from his lap and put the on the floor. She stood and walked over to the radio that was sitting on the kitchen table. She bent over turning the station until she found a song that she liked. She began to slowly swing her hips as she turned around.

“I am an erotic dancer at a club outside of Dallas,” she continued to dance around seductively, pulling the hem of her t-shirt up, showing Reid her red thong. She pulled her shirt up a little more, showing her toned abs, and sparkling belly button stud.

“It is nothing fancy, but it pays the bills, and gave me a little extra money to buy the girls.” She added while putting her hands on her breast and shaking them.

Mandy continued to seductively dance around the living room, showing Reid enough to get his cock stirring. She moved closer to him, the look in her eyes were driving him crazy. She moved between his legs and swung her hips and turned around. Her round ass was right in front of him. She lowered her ass down to just above his lap, she moved her hips up and down, and with every down, she moved closer to his cock. Reid had been in a few strip clubs before, but none of the girls he had dance for him had him as turned on as Mandy. Mandy pulled the hem of her t-shirt up and pulled it over her head. She continued to move her hips, her bare back toward him. With a few more swings of her hips, she lowered her bottom to his lap. She ground her hips against his growing member, and she moaned as she felt the hard cock press against her ass.

She crossed her arms over her breast as she twisted around. She danced around for several seconds before removing her arms from her breast. Reid’s eyes grew to the size of saucers. Her tits were amazing. Her modified breast stood high on her chest, and were at least 36 D. They were big, but seemed to fit her perfectly. Her aureola were a dark pink, her nipples the size of dimes, and protruded out from her mounds at least an inch. In each nipple were gold rings. Her hands squeezed her breast together; her thumbs and fore fingers pinched her nipples, pulling them. She licked her lips as she looked at the bulge in Reid’s trousers. She danced toward Reid and leaned over him, her hands in the back of couch, and inches from his head. His eyes were glued to her big titties. She arched her back, pushing her nipples toward ever so close to hip lips, but teasingly pulling them away. Reid moved his hands up her thighs slowly. Her body was so soft and smooth. Her cotton candy scented perfume filled his nostrils as she moved her face closer to his, tossing her hair into his face, and moving her neck across his face. His hands rubbed up her back, and he pressed against her back, pushing slightly until her nipple was resting on his lips. Reid opened his mouth and his tongue touched Mandy’s hard nipple. She moaned, and giggled as she allowed Reid to suck her nipple into his mouth. Her right hand moved to his head and pressed it harder on to her nipple.

Mandy pulled back slowly, and continued her seductive dance. Her hands move up and down her shapely hips and up her side, then back down. On the way down, her thumbs hook into her thong as she turned around. She twisted her hips as the thong slowly slid down her round ass. As she pushed them down she bent slowly at the waist guiding them down her toned legs. Reid watched as the red fabric clung to her as she removed it from her mound. Her lips were swollen and red, the wet patch very visible in the thong sliding past the back of her knees. Her hands pulled the thong from her freshly painted toes and Mandy turned around and danced back to Reid. She lowered to her knees. Her mouth lowered to his trouser covered erection. Her lips closed down and Reid instantly jerked. Her eyes, covered partially by her hair, stared him in the eyes. Mandy’s hand rubbed up the leg of his trousers, and across his heavy balls, and she squeezed lightly, and caused a moan to escape from his lips. She slowly moved her fingers up his zipper and took hold with her thumb and finger, slowly moving it down.

Reid swallowed hard as he looked into her eyes. He had never cheated on his wife, and even though things were not the best between them, he had always been faithful. Something was different with Mandy, he was in an erotic trance and he could not stop her. She unzipped his trousers and he felt her fingers touch his cock through his boxers. She rubbed up and down the best she could in the small area. Her other hand moved up his lap and pulls on his belt, pulling the leather back and pushing the golden hook from it. Her fingers expertly unbuttoned his trousers. Her hand left his cock and moved to his hips. She tugged as he lifted his bottom up off the couch, allowing her to remove his trousers and boxers. She gently pulled his boxers over his erection, and it bounced back against his stomach making a loud slapping sound.

Mandy’s eyes widened as Reid’s eight inch cock was freed. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began to stroke it slowly. Reid’s eyes roll back in his head as Mandy stroked him. His cock had not had attention from someone other than himself for months and Mandy was pushing all the right buttons. Her soft hand cupped his hairy balls as she stood his cock up. Her tongue slid up his shaft, then back down. She repeated several time getting his cock nice and wet, then she rose up on her knees, placing a hand on each leg, she lowered her lips to it. Her tongue cupped the underside of his cock as she moved down, taking about four inches down her throat. She moved slowly up and down, her eyes never leaving his. As his moans grew, her pace quickened. Her hands never left his legs. Her fingers gripped tightly into his thigh as she moved gracefully up and down his cock. The sounds of her lips smacking his cock filled the little trailer as his moans grew louder and his breaths became staggered. Mandy prepared herself to receive his load. He placed his hands against her blonde hair and held her. His hips lifted off the couch as his orgasm hit quickly. For the first time her eyes left his. She closed her eyes as a heavy warm load of cum shot in her mouth.

Mandy wiped the excess of the load from the corners of her mouth, and licked her fingers. She stood, still looking into him in the eyes. Her toned legs stepped over his and she straddled his lap. Reid’s eyes closed as the tip of his cock felt the warm, wetness of her swollen lips. She lowered herself onto his hard shaft until her ass was on his thighs. She placed her arms around his head and pulled him to her breast. Reid gently suck on her breast as her hips slowly twisted, grinding on his cock. Her breathing became short as she moaned, filling so full. Her hips began to move up and down on his hardness. She pressed him harder into her breast. His tongue swirled around her hard nipples. His hands moved to her back and he rubbed from her shoulders to her ass as he felt her juices escaping her lips and running down his balls. Her perfume or body spray that she had applied seemed to make him intoxicated, or he was drunk off the lust he had for the sexy young woman riding his cock.

Mandy’s thrust began to become more concentrated as her orgasm neared. She moaned as she rocked her hips. Reid moved his hips upward pushing his cock deeper into her warm, velvety walls. His hands cupped her fleshy ass, they moaned in unison as passion over came them. Reid felt Mandy’s pussy tighten around is cock, her back arched as she pressed him harder into her breast. She began to buck wildly on his cock, and then she froze, and with a loud, screeching voice she announced she was cumming. She rode his cock until her orgasm subsided, then moved off his cock and laid on her back beside him. She pulled him by the hand and Reid placed his cock inside her warm folds.

“Please pull out before you cum,” she requested and then she moaned as the head of Reid’s big cock bumped her cervix. He placed his hands on her hips and began to push and pull his cock in and out of her. He could hear her juices making squishing sounds as he rapidly thrust his hips. He soon felt his balls begin to tingle and he felt his prostrate glad begin to expand. He quickly pulled his cock from her as the first jet of cum hit just above her shaved slit. The next shot he aimed higher and began building a puddle of cum on her belly button. He chuckled at the sight of the golden stud sticking out of the milky substance. As he milked the last drop out, he collapsed beside side her.

Reid awoke the next morning, and rubbed his eyes and looked around, confused at his surroundings. Then his memory went back to the events of the night before. He looked down. He was naked, and his balls were sore. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Then he stood up and walked to the bathroom to drain his bladder. He politely flushed the toilet and exited the bathroom and looked toward Mandy’s bedroom, and didn’t see her, so he walked back to the living room and began to get dressed. Once dressed he looked outside and seen Mandy sitting at a picnic table with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. He opened the door and went out to where she was.

“Good morning,” he said as he neared Mandy. She was back in her T-shirt, and had her boots on her feet.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” she asked, flashing her million dollar smile.

“Like a baby and you?”

“Oh yeah, I was dead time I hit the pillow. You gave me a good work out,” she said, taking a draw off the cigarette.

As she exhaled, her smile left and a look of concern came across her face.

“Reid, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. I am a dancer, I am not a whore. I don’t normally do what I did last night.”

“Mandy, I would never…” he tried to respond but was interrupted.

“I have no regrets. I mean, I know you are married, and it was wrong, but it has been a long time since I met a genuine gentleman, and trust me, I have met a lot of men. I also know that there is a snow balls chance in hell, that a man like you would see me as anything but a piece of ass, and that’s ok, because that is what I am. I hope that everything works out with you wife, but if it doesn’t, there is always a place for you in my bed.” She said as she put out the cigarette. “Well we had better get you to town, so you get back to your work.”

She walked inside and got a pair of shorts and was buttoning them up as she shut the door. They drove silently down the road toward Dallas where he was to pick up the car. The tripped lasted about an hour, and other than small talk, the ride was quiet. When they entered the edge of town, Mandy pointed out the club that she worked. They pulled into the offices that held the area office of Reid’s company. Before he opened the door, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

“Thanks for everything Mandy, and…”

Again she interrupted him, she smiled at him, and tears seem to build in her eyes. “Anytime, city boy, any time,” she pushed the clutch in and was gone. Reid just stood and watched as she left, then went into the office and took care of everything and got the car. He was in Texas for two more days and then flew back home.

Two weeks later….

Mandy sat in front of the mirror and applied her make up. She stood up and took a can of cotton candy scented body spray and sprayed a healthy amount all over her body. She applied extra spray on her breast and neck. She adjusted her bikini top, to make sure the girls were properly placed. Then turned and adjusted the string of her bottoms, not to show more than was allowed. She started walking toward the stage curtain and where she past NiKole, a sexy brunette dance who had just finished.

“Not much of a crowd tonight,” She complained as she hugged Mandy.

“Just my luck, the rents due, and I am a hundred short, better go shake my ass over time,” Mandy laughed kissing NiKole on the cheek.

Mandy stood at the curtain, and waited for her song to play. When the music started she stepped from behind the curtain and began her routine. Mandy never made eye contact with the men, she usually just watched herself in the mirrors that surrounded the stage. As she made her first pole contact, she looked in the mirror and froze. Sitting at the stage seats, behind her was Reid.


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For Steve

We had discovered each other on a silly online dating site. I hadn’t had much luck with them in the past, but recently decided to try it again. I was so glad I did! Admittedly, I have a long list of criteria for any potential partner – and at the top of that list is a very strong sex drive and an open mind. Let’s face it, after we hit fifty years old most people (both men and women) go down hill in that area. Definitely not so with me. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. I’m horny all the time...

2 years ago
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The Nyanny Part 2

CYBORGANIC BIOROID CHRONICLES "The Nyanny, Part 2" by the Perv Otaku Another day over, I settled into bed and watched my wife, Amanda, finish taking her clothes off. Despite having given birth recently, I thought she looked amazingly good. She denied it, of course, and kept talking about the work she'd have to do to get the baby weight back off. She turned off the lights and climbed into bed beside me. Ogling my sexy wife had made my cock stir, and I figured she might appreciate...

3 years ago
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A short story, written for Ellie of, in response to the contest in episode 8 of her podcast. Preface: Ellie, this story is for you. I realize that setting myself the task of writing a story to please a woman, about whom I know nearly nothing, is stark hubris, but I attempt it nonetheless. Thank you for all the times your voice has made me cum. This story is also for your listeners, if you should find it acceptable. I hope they enjoy hearing your wonderful voice tell it as...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 33

Mother really raised a stink. She contacted the school. Simply because Mother was an adult and Vee wasn't ... Vee was suspended. "Junior?" Of course Junior stayed. Because she had a history of violence in action, she was always interested in interpersonal actions and reactions between parent and offspring. The guilt that carried over from the first war into the second colored her life. The refuge she had found in wild sex had backfired. Pregnant, and not a clue as to the father, she...

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24 August 2007Chapter 1

The whole family gathered in the kitchen to witness Wendy’s second legal signature as Wendy Hayward. Her first such signature was signing her driver’s licence with her new last name and new address. “I practiced my new name about fifty times to make sure it looked proper,” she smiled, signing her winning lottery ticket in front of her family. Wendy had consulted a financial planner through work about investing the money, setting up trust funds for Jake and Tim, and pledging her part to help...

2 years ago
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Hard Time Book 3Chapter 4

We started using the second catapult along with the first one and the ballista. Our musketeers started firing in turn. It was too far for most of our bowmen and they stopped after a few shot their arrows to no effect. Robby's group then started firing and shooting arrows. The Cincy's were caught by surprise and milled about aimlessly for a critical half hour. The fact that every large group gathering drew immediate fire from our heavy weapons did not help them get organized. I saw Cincy's...

2 years ago
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Wishful Thinking

The day is bright and sunny. You are on your way to school, taking your time to appreciate the sights of the bustling people moving around to get to where they might need to be. Upon passing an alleyway, you are alerted by a muffled scream of distress. You move in to investigate. You discover a girl. Her clothes are shredded and there is a large thug looking to have his way with her. The petite redhead spots you and pleads for help. This alerts the thug who turns to you. "So, you wanna play...

2 years ago
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Beth and her Brother

A Family Love Fantasy My sister Beth and I grew up on a farm in Indiana. Living out in the country was pretty much a dull and restricted sort of life for teenagers. Since we had to ride the school bus, we had no opportunity to participate in extracurricular school activities--it was off to school in the morning and back home right school was out. This schedule cut down on our opportunities for dating, too, since it gave neither of us much chance to develop any kind of serious...

3 years ago
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My buddies Mom Written by a friend i just tweake

This is about Bobby’s Mom.To start with, my name is Joey and my best buddy for most of my life has been Bobby and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Bobby and I had planned.So early Friday evening I drove over to Bobby’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the weekend that...

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Honey Trap

“Emma said she saw you at the gym last week, and that you had a long chat.” Holly stood close to her neighbour, looking up into his brown eyes.Randy could smell the woman’s perfume, it was heady. He wished she wouldn’t stand so close when they were alone like this. It took all his self-control to stop from grabbing her and kissing her. Kissing was not high on his wish list at this moment though as Holly was dressed in only a tiny bikini and her tits were scantily covered. He wondered what it...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 12: CELEBRATION!When we returned to the ship after completing our mission, there was great fanfare. We had greatly exceeded expectations. Not only had we been able to wreck great damage to their forces and commanders, we had taken with us information that documented the treachery which High Command could use for further retribution if they desired. But in the heat of the moment I had forgotten that as we walked from our shuttle in the docking bay into the ship’s entry and down the...

1 year ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 15 MILF In Kitchen

THEN: Induja Nair was Mrs. Nair’s newly married sister-in-law whose husband worked in GULF. To satisfy her growing sexual needs, she began an affair with a colleague Prof Jayant who failed to do so. Aamir was an eighteen-year-old boy who was smitten by Induja. He had even started taking tuitions from her in an attempt to get close. Instead, he ended up fucking the lonely MILF Mrs. Nair. NOW: It was nearly twilight when Aamir came knocking at Induja and Mrs. Nair’s penthouse. He was there for...

2 years ago
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The Dogging Diaries V

A note to readers - keep in mind that I never had a plan for these diaries. I'm only sharing them with the world because I can now handle the reflection that comes with reading them. As a result, they don't fit into chapter form all that well and at certain spots things skip ahead if I wasn't writing much at that time or had little to say in my entries. I have tried to find logical breaks to fit into a chapter format for this medium. Hopefully it is working for you and you are able...

2 years ago
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The Nazis BoyChapter 5

The colonel turned his glare away from Uncle toward Claus and muttered a few words which perhaps caught the boy off guard. He looked puzzled, shyly shook his head, then rose, and walked to the colonels side. A smile cracked the stone faced man as he reached a hand and with two fingers commenced to ever so slowly span the length of the lad's obvious excitement which was emphasized beneath the material of his trousers. Apparently the thought of fucking a woman in lieu of a young girl hadn't...

3 years ago
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I Want To Fuck My Neighbour

You ever fantasise about someone you can’t have? Yeah, me too! My next door neighbour has to be one of the hottest women I know. I’ve masturbated thinking of her more times than I’d care to admit to, but damn, she’s hot! I’ve been going to her house for the past few months helping out with her chores. Her husband left her for a younger girl. He had been cheating on Nikki for over a year before he finally told her about the other girl, and Nikki divorced him without a second thought. I...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader gets punished

It was a cold game night for the Earl Panthers. If they won they secured their first soccer conference title in 20 years and win they did. After the game the boys went back to their locker room and handed out the match ball to the player of the game and so on. Now usually the high schools cheerleaders didn't cheer for soccer but since it was such a big game the whole squad was there. After the match the cheer coach stormed into the locker room with one of the finest cheerleaders on the squad,...

1 year ago
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YesGirlz Savannah Bond Busty Blonde Bombshell Savannah Gets Her Pretty Pussy Pounded

Oh Savannah Bond, Savannah Bond, Savannah Bond… Enough said. This busty blonde babe drops by with all her curvaceous assets. Flaunting huge perfect tits and jiggly round ass, she strips off her skimpy little outfit and starts warming up that wet little hole… All warmed up, she can’t wait to start slurping at the first thing in front of her: raging hard boner. After some of the most beautiful head, she gets the favor returned by getting flipped and fucked in every position- and as if cumming...

3 years ago
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Kanpur Ke Boyfriend Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello friends mera naam pinky h. Aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu. Aur main call center me job karti hu. Main aaj ap sabko apni chudai ki ek sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise kanpur ke boyfriend ne mujhe choda ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi. Main bahut sexy hu. Aur mera figure 36 30 38 h. Aur mujhe bahut sare logo ne choda h. Aur jo log bhi mujhe chodte h wo log mujhe hamesha yaad karte h. Aur mujhe chodne ke liye aate rahte h. Aur mere...

3 years ago
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My best friends boyfriend part one

A few months later we all went camping, that’s when I really found out how I felt and the sexual tension that was between us. A few weeks later At Paul’s Parents house. We had just finished dinner, Paul was about to go out on his motorbike and offered me to go with him. He led me upstairs to where the motorbike leathers were kept. He offered to lend me his mothers leathers. Now I am 5ft nothing, long red hair and a uk size 6 frame with enough breast to please but not brake my...

1 year ago
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Husband gets Wife a Special Massage

Katie and I had met as c***dhood sweethearts when we were both only 14 years of age. We have been a couple ever since, married at 20, and about to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. Our marriage was as perfect as you could get. If you were to believe in soul mates then that's certainly what we were. We were, most importantly, best friends.Our sex life was great, Katie was always a bit conservative, but there wasn't much we hadn't done over the years. Katie had never been with another man,...

2 years ago
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Wedding Reception Sex

About a year ago a friend of mine invited my wife and me to a wedding reception that he and his family were going to. It was a not so close relative of his, but he said they throw a good party and there would be plenty of food and drinks to go around. My friend has a very attractive 24- year- old daughter who has a pretty well known reputation as a party girl and this party was no exception. Heather is about 5"5, with dark brown hair and a really great set of 34C tits which she is constantly...

Straight Sex
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How I lost my virginity to an older boy

I wasn't experience with having a boyfriend or with anything sexual. But I knew that guys liked sex, especially older guys. We dated for a little while, before he started pressuring me to have sex with him. I always loved laying with him, cuddling, and laying on him ( when he's on the couch). I actually never thought much about sex, I mean I'm only 12. I'd let him finger me before, which I thought was good enough. I mean I was letting him do something that he wanted to do. Cause it...

4 years ago
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Alexa Chapter 27 London Baby Part 2

Alexa Chapter 27: London Baby! Part 2 The sound of an incoming text woke me from my slumber. I reached over to grab it and began reading the text. "Good morning girlie! Get out of bed and come meet us!" was all it said. I looked at the sender and saw that it was Nikki. I groaned a bit because I really didn't want to leave the warmth of the hotel bed and the person I was lying next to. I put my phone back on the nightstand and cuddled into Jenny. I realized falling back to sleep...

2 years ago
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Slutty BabysitterChapter 2

Marina stepped out of the door and jumped down the steps off of the porch. She was quite giddy from her blowjob. She took a few steps and felt something running down her leg. She knew immediately what it was. Marina has always gotten very wet when she got excited. She emits copious amounts of fluid whenever she is in a sexual situation. Even when she just thinks about sex she can feel her panties becoming wet. On some of her most powerful orgasms she has ejaculated her girl cum a few feet...

3 years ago
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Its A Tough Life

My name is Cole William I stand a good 5'8" weigh 152 pounds with long brown hair and a pretty built body I could bench one twenty and had a great life, until two weeks ago... Two weeks ago my life went to hell starting with my best friend Gary who I soon found was dating my exgirlfriend Kathy. The next day I found out that my girlfriend Bayleigh had broken up with two guys and was currently dating three more behind my back and had been doing this for almost seven months as you could...

1 year ago
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Gone FishinChapter 18

On Tuesday, Des and Shirl told me of their adventures in bureaucracy and then Shirl presented me with a rather thick envelope: the 2003 Annual Report of the CSIRO. A note from Janice revealed that the 2004 wouldn't be "out" for several more months. I told the kids that I'd be devoting myself to this piece of world-class literature for the next few days, and that they might want to get started on class reading. They both laughed. "By the way," I asked, "Any word from our friend...

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It hadn't gone well, Darla thought, as she leafed through an old magazine. She shifted position, took her shoes off, and curled her feet up comfortably beneath her on the couch. Across the room, Michael was still typing away. They'd been working together quite well on the book, and then he'd had one of his sudden fits of inspiration and had shooed her away, irritably, because he didn't want her "looking over his shoulder." As if he hadn't looked over mine enough, she thought. And leaned on it...

1 year ago
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A Late Night Visit

Ever have one of those nights when you just can't sleep? I did a couple of years ago, and it turned into an experience I'll never forget. I had recently moved to a new neighborhood. A counselor I knew from school lived just around the corner, and we'd often visit when I'd walk my dog around the area. He wasn't anything exceptional to look at, slightly overweight, dark complected, with sort of shaggy-looking hair. Not hot by any means, but always very sweet to talk to. One night I was home for...

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Unbelievable Experience

It was a cold night in the month of December, around 10:30 am I was coming back to my room after surfing in the nearby cyber, roads were deserted, foggy weather, near my rented house I saw a car parked a lady checking the problem that may crept half an hour before, but all in vain. As she saw me, she called me and told hello I need your help in a very confusing tune.  Her first query was is there any garage near the city where from I will call anyone who can help, since my house was isolated...

1 year ago
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A stranger in town

I slipped off his tie and tied it around my eyes, making sure my vision would not distract me from the pleasure I was about to feel. Immediately I felt the small room close in on me, inch by inch. I noticed the hardness of his cock pressing against the center of my ass. I caught the distinct scent of my pussy juice. I could hear his heavy breathing on my skin as I arched my back. I moaned in pleasure as his hands worked their way from my hips up – slowly working their way to my ripe breasts. On...

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Getting Fucked To Remember

Getting Fucked To Remember By: AWC It was well over 9 years. Now Eduard did not live in that neighborhood, nor he worked at the same office but the memory was with him like yesterday and if he was not thousands of miles away, he would not mind to visit the same bar again, hoping and praying that the same bar man was also still there. He remembered, it was a Tuesday and somehow, he got pretty delayed at the office, finishing up the tasks. It was late May weather with a tinge of warm air...

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Surprise call

So the wife last night called me up telling me she was heading to Widgi then there was a pause. You see the first time she fucked a guy without me there was at widgi. I said oh really kind of slyly. She giggled and said no hun not for that but I did just get a text from Jeff. Jeff is the guy she fucked at widgi. She quickly pointed out that was not what the text was about and she had not invited him there. I knew she was being coy with me and wanted me to say go ahead hun and fuck him again. So...

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Home Run Part 5 Home Run

Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 5. HOME RUN My ongoing investigation of how to prove Harry's conjecture felt like it was paying off. While I had yet to figure out a proof, I could see that pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. I dropped in on Professor Oppenheim again and discussed what I was thinking about. "That's not at all the direction I thought we ought to go. I'll be amazed if that turns out to lead to a proof. It seems like you've chosen a path...

2 years ago
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The WaitressChapter 3

“Yes, Linda. Yes. I do. I will. Yes.” They hugged and kissed as I completed my journey to the bottom of her cavern and the tip of my cock kissed her cervix. Slowly, gently, I moved in, then out, then in again. She lifted to me, wanting more, so I gave her more. I held her by her waist and pumped my cock into her, not forcefully, but strongly, firmly, with gumption, gusto, and every available muscle I could call on for movement and changing angles to reach special places. I saw Linda’s right...

1 year ago
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I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True

Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasy's about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasy's, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be fantasy! Some Years ago even before and after we were married I frequently use to take my girl parking...

2 years ago
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Driver fucking horny sisters

This is a true sent by one of my very good net friend who became a friend through this site. This story is dedicated to her, her s*s and her mom who have been repeatedly fucked by their driver and his friend(s). We are 3 sisters-I'm the eldest, after me is my younger s*s who is 1 year younger, the youngest has been adopted by my mausa who has no c***d.He and mausi live about 80 kms away from us. Mausa has a small factory and mausi is housewife. They are very affectionate and love her very much....

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MakeUp for the Models 2016

(Author's note: this is not a re-write but something closer to a sequel to my original story Make-Up for the Models. While it's not necessary to read it if you want to give it a crack feel free. I will still be adding threads to it. Disclaimer: all names, characters, etc in this story are fictional.) You stepped out on the balcony of the hotel and for a moment just paused to breath it all in. A beautiful view of the sun as it started to rise signalling the start of the day. The smell of the sea...

1 year ago
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The Portals

Jason Kingston wasn't anyone special. He was a 25-year-old guy with brown hair and blue eyes. Jason lived in the boring little town of Johnsonville, Kansas, a town so boring and insignificant that you couldn't even find it on a map. Everyone who lived in Johnsonville was boring and dull. They were all just plain and average. Jason longed for interesting people and places and most importantly, he longed for hot, sexy girls who would give him even the tiniest hint of acknowledgement. It was a...

3 years ago
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As Day Follows Night Pt 01

This story takes place three weeks after ‘The Day Before The Day.’ ‘She keeps Moët et Chandon In her pretty cabinet. ‘Let them eat cake, ‘ she says, just like Marie Antoinette. A built-in remedy for Khrushchev and Kennedy. At any time an invitation you can’t decline.’ -Queen, ‘Killer Queen’ The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast it’s beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa...

3 years ago
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Little girls do grow up

Little girls do grow upThis is quite a longish story so I hope you don’t get bored, it all started a few years back when our c***dren were younger and we holidayed with friends and their k**s..Two weeks camping in France was the usual; all the c***dren got on well and usually bought along a friend. As the k**s got older then people dropped out of the camping holidays but one family and their 2 daughters and one of their friends remained until the eldest girl was 16. We were always at the beach...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 3

"But it's our first school disco, Paulie ... you've got to go!" Penny Palmer was 12 and excited! "You know I don't like that stuff, Pen ... what you mean is, you want to go, so I have to," Paul Jennings replied. They had lived next door to each other for seven years now and were about as close as it was possible for two non-related people to get: although they were so emotionally attuned, that they acted more like twins than friends. "Well ... yes ... but I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 10

The meeting with Winifred Clark was anything but boring. “Nice to meet you she said. Nathan told me you’ve got a really, what, complicated situation,” said Miss Clark. “Oh yeah, I said. Really complicated and I didn’t know where to turn. Anyway, I explained my problem to my boss, Nathan’s dad, last Saturday, and he, well, here I am,” I said. “Yes, here you are. Why don’t we begin by you giving me an overview of your situation if that’s all right,” she said. “Then, I’ll ask you some...

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Forbidden LoveChapter 13

The following day we went to the beach and then did some shopping at the local shops ... at least my mother did the shopping. We were in a hat shop when we saw Stephanie again. My mother gave her a hug and kiss as I stood there watching like a dummy. As the two of them talked, I couldn’t help remember the stories my mom had told me about her and, as nature would have it, I started to get excited. I noticed Stephanie look over at me several times and her eyes glanced down at my crotch. I...

3 years ago
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First time self suck road trip

Freshmen year was over and I was headed out on a road trip across the country with my Grandparents. We had a lot planned. It was going to be a real long trip though. We cram up in the car and I put in my headphones. Driving hours and hours every single day. We go through Louisiana and have some crawfish. Head to Texas. Texas was a 2 day trip. We stopped in San Antonio. Oh boy was that a dream. My young cock was so excited when we went to Six Flags. All the hot latinas and Texan girls in there...

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