Constant In All Other Things 2 - Chapter 02 free porn video

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Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter Two by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent." Much Ado About Nothing All of a hundred pounds and I couldn't fucking do it. First in my triceps then quickly up through both shoulders, the burn settled in my chest behind the pendulous weight of those breasts. Flattened against the cheap bedroom carpeting, both boobs offered a free inch or two of cushioning. The ache quickly intensified and swelled. My arms began to tremble. The pain in my wrist became acute. Pushing and straining, I slowly lifted a scant three inches off the ground; my strength suddenly evaporated and I dropped back to the floor. Not even one goddamn push-up! Not one! I couldn't even lift high enough to clear these goddamn tits from the floor. I used to pump off an easy hundred every morning before work and now I couldn't manage one. But what could I expect? I massaged the soreness and felt how slender and frail my arm was, delicate and bereft of muscle. A moment later debilitating pain flared through my skull and the room briefly tilted and wobbled. I blinked against what I hoped was sweat but was probably tears. Goddamn! Up close I could see every detail of the carpeting, the dirt and dust lost within the winded fabric and the yellow-green stain still by the mirror. I saw the polished perfection of my long nails and how they contrasted with the floor. I curled those dainty fingers into a fist and pounded the floor in frustration and winced in pain. Rolling onto my back, I squeezed my eyes shut and shook with mute rage. The room spun once or twice more around my prone form before slowing to a halt. Scooter was right. Damn the bastard, but he was right. I pressed my fists to my eyes. I'd done all my crying last night, but in its wake there remained a sense of utter defeat. I'd worked out almost every morning for over the last ten years and those assholes had stolen that from me. It felt like something indefinable but precious had been ripped out of my life, as if I'd suddenly lost the ability to see the colour green or could never hear a guitar solo again. I knew then with awful certainty that even if I escaped this trap that I could never return to a life even remotely similar to the one I had known. So much of who David was had been wrapped up in his physicality, in his strength-- and that was now gone. "Fuck!" I yelled to the ceiling, and even my anger sounded shrill and weak. The killer headache wasn't making life any easier. In the list of lifelong worst hangover, this baby was partying in the top five. No wonder I'd broken to pieces last night. Those glasses of wine had slammed into a stomach empty for the last two months. Cindy wasn't quite the drinker I used to be. I'd really had a go at it last night, though. After the wine there was a vague memory of staggering into the kitchen and finding a six-pack of Bud in there. So no surprise I'd gotten hammered, what with the girl looking to weigh maybe half of what I'd been. Yeah, I hadn't been all that tall or bulky, but I'd carried a lot of muscle weight. Well, bless their black hearts but the Clinic stripped all that away and left behind nothing but these useless curves. "Just--live this life," he said. "Give up on the man you used to be. Be Cindy." Yeah, that's what Scooter told me. The bastard. Easy for him to say; he wasn't the one sporting the D-cups. I'd woken this morning to a blistering headache. Brilliant sunlight slashed through the blinds and pierced my drunken haze. Lying face down on the sofa, my crusted eyes blinked reluctantly as slowly woke up. The heat has been sweltering. My chest hurt. Without thinking I'd sat dazedly up and violently stripped off the sweatshirt, tossing it across the room. My boobs bobbled free, and you can damn well bet they quickly reminded me of the where, what and who of my new life. And feeling as I did, all hungover and shit? Yeah, it was all too much to deal with: I promptly leaned over the edge of the sofa and puked my liquid guts out. Falling back onto the couch I clung desperately to the armrest until the room settled and the urge to heave subsided. As bad as being dragged kicking and screaming into this new life was, believe me, at that moment the hangover felt worse. God. I was desperate for water but the thought of crawling to the kitchen--finding a glass--twisting the taps--filling the glass--raising it to my lips--drinking; the whole process seemed a task of Herculean proportions. No goddamn way I was leaving that sofa. No matter how angry my bladder got. Another hour--screw that, two months--of sleep, yeah, that's what I needed. Covering my head with my arms I tried to burry deeper into the cushions, in search of soothing darkness. "Wake up Cindy!" The loud booming voice jerked me into painful, wincing wakefulness. I blearily looked around, wondering what the hell I'd just heard. The plasma screen had turned itself on. Rendered in hi-def flat-screen precision, the smiling, bearded face of Scooter looked down at me. "In the living room, Cindy! Hurry up!" the doctor insisted. "My message begins in thirty seconds." Clawing my way into a sitting position, my head clutched between both hands, I glared at the screen. Scooter seemed content to count aloud his thirty seconds, glancing at something off-screen. Each number reverberated within my skull like a pinball. "I'll assume you're in the room now," Scooter said, the voice dropping to a reasonable (though still painful) volume. "This message is pre-recorded and deleting itself from memory as it plays. So listen closely, because you'll only get to hear this once and it's very important that you do." Even in my groggy state I noticed that the doctor looked the worse for wear, his face drawn and pale. His eyes looked tired and his normally spastic gesturing seemed half-hearted. On the screen, the doctor took a deep breath before beginning. "Katherine didn't want me to do this but when it comes to medical matters I won't have anyone telling me how to do my job. As you've no doubt noticed by now, you've gone through a few changes." He smiled weakly. "It's been six weeks since we found you on the floor of my office and we're about to move you to Telesforos for a few more weeks of rest and recovery. After that Katherine will move you to your new home in the city, you'll wake up and you'll probably freak out. If you haven't already I'm sure you're thinking about putting your fist through this screen. "Well ... don't bother. There's no point. You're not quite as strong as you used to be. You'd hurt your hand and waste the manicurist's hard work." The manicurist's hard work dug painfully into my palm as my hands involuntarily clenched. If I could move without falling over I'd have happily tossed that screen off the balcony. Scooter absently scratched at his beard, considering how to proceed. "You should be thrilled, Girlie! This kind of thing is like a dream come true for...." He faltered. "Listen, Girlie, it's...." Again he hesitated and finally shook his head. "David. For what it's worth: I'm sorry." With my elbows propped up on my knees, my naked breasts hung heavily between both arms. His apology wasn't worth the fucking breathe it took to say it. "I know this is not something you ever wanted. Katherine believes you need to be fully immersed in your new role as soon as possible--but I won't insult you by calling you Girlie, or Cindy, or anything but by your name. David, you have every reason to hate us, to despise Katherine and me and the Clinic. So go right ahead: hate us." He shrugged on screen and then leaned in closer. "But just keep one thing in mind as you do. "She kept you alive, David. A class IV haemorrhage is a nasty thing. That's half of the five litres of blood running through those pretty little arteries of yours spreading across the floor. She was covered in blood. Most of it was yours but she was injured as well; she'd been shot. Through the stomach and out the side. She's lucky it missed any organs; so are you. Because when she found you she ignored her own wound and knelt down in your blood and kept you alive. She jabbed a syringe of peptide sealant into your side and manually pumped your heart and gave you air until I showed up, and if she hadn't there probably wouldn't have been a whole lot left to save. My staff had to physically drag her away so that I could administer the ephedrine; she broke one of the nurse's noses. The moment you started to breathe on your own Katherine passed out and...." His voice trailed off and he sighed. "But maybe I'm wasting my breath here. Have a look for yourself." The screen blinked and threw up grainy security footage. A figure lay slumped next to another. Glass and broken furniture and other debris was scattered around them. A dark pool of red slowly spread across the floor. The image zoomed in on one of the figures, the one wearing a tattered skirt: me. God, I looked terrible. Pale. One of my arms was twisted at an impossible angle. So was one of my legs. My skin glittered from the myriad glass splinters lacerating my flesh, each one a fountainhead of red. My face was a mess: badly cut, bruised and broken. A woman came running into the frame. She nearly slipped and fell in the blood. She was looking beat-up herself, clutching at her side, bleeding freely from a cut to her face. She found her footing. Tore open drawer after drawer until she found what she wanted. Knelt down next to my body on the screen. Despair threatened her features but raw determination kept it at bay. She reached for my limp form, syringe in hand. "Hate Katherine if you want," Scooter repeated, his voice-over grim. "But don't ever question that everything she has done since meeting you has been with your long-term survival in mind. She saved your life. And mark my words: she probably will again." I wanted to shout at the screen, to rant and rave. How could these, I wanted to yell, and heft those bloated mammaries for him to see ... how could these help keep me alive? The swell of emotion made me wince with pain. The screen blinked back to the doctor as he continued with a shrug. "I'm sure you don't see it the same way. Personally, and as I've said before: I don't care. I couldn't give a rat's ass if you hate me or not, forgive me or not; but I do care about Katherine a great deal. You might think you know her in some small way but you don't. I've known her for over twenty years and I don't pretend to fully understand her. But I do know there's no one I'd rather have as an ally against someone as dangerous as Jeremiah Steele, because I've never known anyone with a hatred as pure and clear as the one Katherine carries for that man." "So keep that in mind before you swear revenge, David. We caught your fight with Steele's assassin on the Clinic's security cameras. You've obviously got secrets of your own, David. You're clearly a dangerous ... man." You can damn well bet I noticed the slight hesitation at 'man', the nervous scratching at his chin. "Think long and hard before you waste any time chasing after Katherine, or me, or anyone at the Clinic. Your real enemy is Steele: never forget that." The doctor turned again off screen. He made a slashing motion across his neck. "Yeah, stop it there," he muttered. "This isn't what I wanted. Last thing the guy needs is a bloody lecture." The screen turned momentarily black. When the image returned the doctor looked a little more relaxed, wearing fresh clothes, through still with visible signs of exhaustion entrenched in his face. He was sitting in an office I didn't recognize, wood-panelled and warm-looking. He glanced aside before looking back to the camera and smiling. "You still with us, David? Good. Because now I'm going to show you what we've done to you, and this part you've really got to pay attention to because if you don't ... well, it could kill you." His hands jerked before his face dismissively. "Sorry for the dramatics. But your body's been through a hell of an ordeal. As I record this you're lying in a bed in the Telesforos retreat, recovering. Your body seems to be settling nicely as the last of the surgery heals and the chemicals are purged from your body. The nurses have no idea you're anything other than what you seem: a young girl recovering from a serious operation. I think the female nurses have taken a bit of a liking to you. Last I heard they were prettying you up in preparation for your release." So is that what I was now? A goddamn living doll to play with, to dress up nice and give a manicure to? My hand slipped up to my ear and fingered the earrings there: two in the lobe and another at the top. "And let me just say, David," the doctor continued on screen. "I am beyond pleased at how well you've turned out. Real pioneering work, to be honest. Experimental processes, real cutting-edge techniques, all for your benefit." Despite the doctor's obvious fatigue his eyes glowed with excitement. "You can't imagine the kind of money people would pay for what you've just been given. These procedures are--priceless, to be honest. It may be years before we can even reproduce them." He shrugged, dismissing such minor concerns. "I'm sure you've noticed by now the obvious alterations to your body. I hope you also appreciate the remarkable recovery you've made from your injuries." Damn him to hell, but he was right, of course. I knew all too well the lingering ache of serious injury and the time it took to heal. In the days when I used to help Sakura I got hurt on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes I got hurt pretty bad. Fortunately, she had these nasty- smelling poultices that used to help, esoteric herbal mixes she made herself that burned something awful as they absorbed into the skin. They quickly numbed the pain and seemed to work miracles on bruised flesh. Once--only once, until the fight with Fosters--I even got the living shit kicked out of me. I got hurt so bad I can't even remember the whole fight. Not that I'd want to. After that fight, some of my injuries took a full year to heal. Hell, I guess some of them never healed properly at all. And so, sitting with a skull-splitting headache on Cindy's sofa, I clearly remembered the fight with Fosters and fully appreciated how lucky I'd been. The swing of the heavy metal bar and the crunch of bone as he shattered my leg. My arm. My face. Those kinds of injuries left scars and took a very long time to recover. Beneath these sweat pants I knew my skin to be smooth and whole. I felt weak and a little shaky but otherwise fine. I normally healed quickly, yeah? But nobody heals this quickly. Scooter leaned forward eagerly and launched into a technical explanation of what they'd done to me. I'll be honest. Science was never my thing-- like I said, I never even finished high school, yeah? I only followed a little of what he said, picking up some key bits and important-sounding words. Regenerative medicine, he said, and then went on about stem cells and fibroblasts, and all manner of protein names that ended with a dash and a letter, and growth hormones, and he seemed very excited by whatever he was talking about. "But the adult human body works far too slowly," Scooter added, seeming mildly annoyed by the failings of human anatomy. So the doctor and his lunatic scientists decided that regressing the body to an earlier state of rapid growth was the trick. By tricking the body into a pre-adolescent state they hoped to accelerate metabolic processes and growth--or something like that. It might as well have been Voodoo for all I understood. They'd been playing with various compounds for years, he told me, trying to find ways to rapidly heal athletic injuries or critical burns in minimal time. No more soccer players missing a season with a busted knee, they thought, maybe even a solution to the shortage of transplant organs and the downside of a lifetime of immunosuppressants. Don't ask me why they thought that. Like I said, I didn't understand half the shit he was saying. The bit I did understand is that for years they couldn't quite get it to work right--until K slipped them some seized goods from her raid on Steele's illegal medical facility. Apparently my old employer, NeoPharm, was working on some pretty cutting edge stuff themselves, and it wasn't all prosthetic boobs and vaginas. A little reverse engineering later and they had a working formula. "So we dropped you into a chemically-induced coma and gave you a shot of our latest batch," Scooted said. With a boosted metabolism and a host of impossible chemicals rushing through my blood, muscle and flesh and bone quickly began to knit themselves together. However, they quickly realized that their new miracle drug wouldn't find much demand on an open market. It wasn't the ridiculously prohibitive cost, Scooter said. For some reason they couldn't pin down, the biochemical agent they'd created had one major flaw: the pseudo-puberty it brought on was inevitably a female one. Male athletes coming through the process would heal quickly, sure, but they'd grow breasts along the way and come out looking not just younger, but far more feminine than when they went in. That wasn't a problem in my case, of course. And they couldn't leave well enough alone, could they? No, they introduced some kind of nasty virus that forced a rapid cachexia (Scooter called it), and what muscle mass wasn't atrophied in those initial weeks was devoured by my enhanced metabolism and rapid regeneration. Once I'd dropped to a near skeletal weight they started feeding me a careful balance of protein, fat and carbs to fuel the next transformation. There was also the flood of hormones they pumped into me. "It was incredible," Scooter enthused. "The injections greatly enhanced your second puberty. Some processes were already locked off after your male puberty--you weren't going to get a second growth spurt--but you quickly demonstrated an accelerated development of secondary sexual characteristics typical of an adolescent girl. Breasts grew--quickly. Your pelvis widened. The fat tissue you began to develop distributed itself in a typical female pattern. You even developed a bad case of acne for about a week." And while my healing process was all sped up, why not finish off some cosmetic necessities? A few weeks into my coma the Clinic's best plastic surgeons came in and got to work. Some attacked my skull: a little shaving of the underlying bone structures here, some narrowing there--and suddenly that manly jaw of mine was a thing of the past. But as Scooter described the alterations to my face his verbal torrent slowed. Looking slightly guilty--a first since he had started--his eyes looked out from the screen and he spoke as if carefully weighing his words. "Your face, David, proved especially difficult. For some reason, your accelerated healing was having a limited effect above the neck. The cosmetic damages were severe. The glass had shredded the skin and muscle. Your nose was--pulped. Your jaw broken and right cheekbone shattered. Furthermore, the procedures we could use to feminize your features, like collagen implants to your lips--require frequent updating or seem obviously artificial." He paused. "David, feel the skin over your right temple." By this point I was in a state of profound shock. Even the hangover seemed to have momentarily receded as I numbly reached up beneath my hair and touched my temple. There was a rounded surface of mottled skin about the size of a dime, slightly harder than the surrounding tissue. A scar. The doctor sighed. "That scar is the only one you'll find across your entire body. The easiest way to repair the damage to your face and ensure a realistic female appearance was, in effect, to borrow one. We had a donor: the female agent that tried to kill Katherine. We performed a face transplant, David. The underlying bone structure is yours, the overlying soft tissue--mouth and nose and so forth--was the assassin's; and what emerged is ... Cindy." He added, almost as an afterthought, "The scar is from the bullet where Katherine shot her dead." I stared aghast as Scooter continues the litany of horrors committed against my person. His voice continued over video footage of my unconscious form several weeks into the process. Massive bruising covered every inch of my body, but beneath the discoloration the skin seemed whole. Breasts were already budding beneath my enlarged nipples. Briefly I saw a glimpse of my face pre-transplant, skin peeled back and muscle exposed; if I hadn't been so deeply in shock I would've puked again. His every word began to feel like a band tightening around my chest until I could hardly breathe. Every injury I had suffered proved an excuse to make another alteration to my shape. Floating ribs torn away by Foster's bullet? Even out the damage and ensure the ribs grow back in an appropriately feminine way. Fractured jaw? Slim it down! My shattered nose was reset in a daintier shape. Burned and lacerated skin regrew with the youthful elasticity and glow of a sixteen year-old girl. Subdermal implants kept the flow of female hormones constant--and kept my tits growing, until they reached a perfect firm B-cup--apparently as big as they were going to get on their own the 'natural' way--enhanced by the best implants money can't buy: a cellulose scaffolding on which stem cells grew another two cup sizes indistinguishable from the real thing. A little mucking about in my throat and Cindy's happy, airy tones became my new voice, and while in there, why not shave down that nasty Adam's apple? Even the things they couldn't change--the size of my hands and feet, already thinner than average for a guy--seemed more feminine as nails grew out and the skin turned smooth and pale. I was clutching at my chest by this point, gasping for breath, struggling to remain conscious, until the last item on his list left me cold. "Finally," he said, and suddenly seemed to find it difficult to look at the camera, "as I'm sure you know, men generally have a greater leg-to- torso ratio than women. With your leg already broken, it seemed only sensible to, ah, carve out an inch or so before resetting the leg. You'll find you're just a tad ... um, shorter than before." He glanced guiltily towards the camera and muttered, "Uh, yes. Sorry David." It felt like the whole world fell away. The hangover, that fucking bastard's voice, this shitty apartment and any sense of self went spiralling away and left me detached and adrift. My height. Not content with stripping away my strength they decided to cut my legs out from under me--literally. I'd always been short for a guy. Five foot five. And a half. What was I now? Maybe five-four? Short--even for a girl. Short and weak and small--except for these tits. Enormous on a frame this small. A light tap against that swollen flesh. Another, reluctantly drawing me back into the world. I thought I'd finished with the crying last night. Apparently there was a little left. The tears returned, a steady silent dribble down my cheeks, catching at the tip of my delicate jaw--falling on my bared breasts. I don't know how much of Scooter's message I missed, but I caught the end of it through blurry eyes. "So finally, David," he said. He sounded as if he were hurrying, anxious to finish. "You can expect some residual effects from everything you've been through. Your hair might grow a little faster than normal for a while. The hormones might play havoc on your emotions until you balance out a bit. We're honestly not sure but it seems very likely that forcing an adult male brain and body through a female puberty might cause a few other unexpected consequences. And most importantly: David, all these feminizing agents in your blood will, at the very least, chemically castrate you and atrophy your testicles; at worst they could lead to a whole host of serious, potentially fatal, medical conditions." Yeah, even as fucked up as I was feeling at that moment you can damn well believe that his words caught my attention. At this moment my cock and balls were the only thing connecting me to the man I used to be. From where I was sitting, with this slim waist and heavy tits and shorter legs, my crotch was the only thing left of David. "You'll find in your new bathroom's medical cabinet several prescriptions for drugs essential to your continued wellbeing. It is absolutely essential that you take those pills as directed. Those implants are producing a hefty quantity of oestrogen and other female sex hormones typical of a 'girl' your age, while blocking normal testosterone production. The pills will keep your testicles from withering and your penis from shrinking. Some of them will help neutralize any residual effects of your regeneration. You'll also find some powerful relaxants in there, in case the initial emotional swings prove too difficult to deal with." He gave a final sigh. "Listen, David," he said, and the face I saw through watery eyes held guilt, pride and respect in equal measure. "This is a hell of a lot to drop on you. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. And I know it's impossible to believe that this is all in your best interest. But I honestly do believe Katherine is right in this: Cindy is your best chance at survival. Not David--but Cindy. "So don't fight it ... Cindy. Just ... live this life. You won't believe me but almost everything we've done to you can be reversed to at least some degree. You can be a man again someday. In the meantime: be Cindy. It's not like you have much choice. You can try to rebuild your muscles but as long as you're swimming in hormones you'll find it tough going. Just give up on David. Give up on the man you used to be and become the girl you see in the mirror. Katherine's given you a fine, simple life-- try to enjoy it in the months to come and it'll be over before you know it." He turned away from the screen but paused. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, glancing back. "Just thought you might like to know. Your friend, Harry Longman? His operation was a complete success. Last I heard he was flirting with the nurses and preparing to head back to the studio." Scooter smiled before turning away. "He was also asking after his 'broken flower'. That's you, right?" The screen went blank. I sat there trapped in this tiny body with this dead woman's face. I wasn't crying anymore. That had been nothing more than a brief release. I truly had finished with crying. It felt as if I had nothing left to lose, no further to sink. All that remained was a numb chill the pervaded every inch of my being. I slowly rose to my feet. Shuffled back into the bedroom. Dropped to my knees and then laid flat on the floor--as flat as I could, with those breasts flattening beneath me. You're wrong, I thought. I'm not Cindy and this isn't my life. I can make myself strong again. At some deeper level I felt the certainty of failure. Desperate to prove them wrong, desperate to deny my very body and the life determined by it, I pushed against the floor with all the strength I could muster. All of a hundred pounds and I couldn't fucking do it. *** The next few weeks were a little hazy. Within the medicine cabinet I found, as Scooter promised, a pharmacy of little brown bottles with white childproof tops and a rainbow of pills. Pink circles, green ovals, brown oblongs: my own fucking stash of narcotic Lucky Charm delights, each with their own direction for use-- this one every morning after food, that one twice a day for the next three months, another to be used freely as needed. Sifting through the cluster of bottles, it didn't take me long to find the antidepressants and the diazepam. I'm sure there was enough there to last several months. Not after I got through with that shit, though. We're not talking a suicide attempt or anything like that--listen; I'm not suicidal. Stupidest thing in the world, knocking yourself off. Can't revenge yourself against nobody if you're dead. But at the moment I couldn't quite deal with the thought of being me. At the moment, I didn't even know what that meant anymore. Whatever aversion I had to mind-numbing drugs faded beneath a steady stream of little yellow pills and larger red ones that kept reality far enough at bay for me to no longer care. The days shuffled past like a disgruntled teen on her way to school, self-absorbed and full of sullen mutters. Even in my dopey stupor a routine of sorts emerged. I started every day lying spread eagle on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. The morning sun would dance across the far wall and crawl its way down to the floor like a living being, luminous and vibrant; it had little time for me. One day it rained and without the light I felt an unimaginable sense of loss that almost had me in tears--if I'd had tears left to waste. Eventually I would drift over to the balcony and stare out across the city. I spent hours there. From my high place the wind caressed my skin and ruffled my hair. The day it rained the falling water felt cool and slick against my bare shoulders and naked breasts. Evenings I might spend sprawled on the sofa, staring at the blank and broken television, lost in tracing the fine spread of cracks from afar. Can't quite remember when I broke the damn thing. I must have hurled the empty wine bottle at it some night, bringing a brief, warming flush of pleasure as the screen cracked and the glass shattered. By three in the morning I'd be standing behind the patio doors, half- closed against the night-time chill, watching the far-off glitter and shimmer of the city. Intermittent sounds of life would reach my ears. I watched the city through the patio door glass. If I shifted slightly against the dark the city faded into the background and my distant study would refocus on the ghostly image of myself captured in midair. Soon after I'd stumble back towards my bed and lie there staring at the ceiling until the sun returned and the light appeared, beginning anew its journey down my wall.... Thanks for everything, K, Scooter, you bastards. What had they promised? A "fine simple life"? There wasn't anything fucking fine or simple about this goddamn new life of mine. Not that I felt anything that fierce during those last weeks. I didn't feel much of anything really, no peaks, no valleys, just a gentle rolling plain of faded whites and muted emotions, and that's how I wanted it. The occasional hunger pang or sudden weakness registered as a minor concern, easily ignored, as I floated about the apartment. The sexiest of girls starts looking pretty rank after a couple of weeks of this kind of life, and believe me: I was letting myself go something awful. It's not like I could be bothered to pull on a top, you know, not after I tossed it aside that first morning. Couldn't be bothered to change out of those sweatpants either. I'd wander into the toilet for a piss but considering how little I ate and drank, that didn't happen often. By my second night as Cindy I'd polished off all the booze in the apartment--puked my guts up a few more times--passed out on the kitchen floor--left the fridge door open and spoiled most of my food--and lived off of unheated cans of soup and dried cereal and whatever crackers and other crap I could find buried in the cupboards. Then one night I was sitting in the lounge, thin arms thrown wide across the back of the sofa and staring vacantly at the ceiling, when I heard her voice. "You're looking good," she said. Her heels clicked on the floor as she approached. She took a seat opposite me at the table, and her every motion was graceful and alluring. I would have happily stared at her for hours, mesmerized by the reflected fire of the candlelight in her eyes, the way her dress fell and slid in shimmering lines across her body. The fact that we were possible enemies and the potential for violence in her every movement simply made her all the more attractive. She seemed elegant and almost ethereal and at ease with her beauty, whereas I felt uncomfortable in my dress shirt and tie, an earth-bound clod wearing a too-tight collar. Leaning back in my seat, I smiled and shrugged. "So do you. I wasn't sure you'd come." She glanced down momentarily before meeting my eyes. The gesture seemed surprisingly demure and at odds with what little I knew of this woman. The thought was enough to bring a wry smile to my lips. I didn't know anything about her--not even her name. But I knew enough. I knew I loved her. Ever since we fought, and hid together, and hungrily fell into each others' arms and fucked in the bushes, biting each others' flesh to silence our cries as men with guns walked by and the bamboo swayed in the wind overhead and creaked and rustled.... From that first moment in which we met I knew I loved this woman. "You intrigued me," she said. "How could I not come?" "The woman I work for is the enemy of the people you work for," I said. "Doesn't that make us enemies?" She shrugged. "Maybe," she said, and her earrings shivered and glinted in the dim light, shiny lures dancing beneath the water's surface. "But not tonight. It's never as simple as one side against another, good guys against bad guys." "What if ... you know? They caught us together?" "Then I'd have to kill you," she answered. Her ruby lips glinted as she smiled. The waiter poured our wine. I was underage; she wasn't. We raised our glasses and toasted each other. The wine was a dark red but her painted fingernails cradling the glass were redder, darker. She drank deeply and sighed as I hid my dislike at the adult taste of the wine. "I don't even know your name," I said. "Katherine," she said. "Katherine Ophelia White." I jerked awake with a sharp intake of breath. A dream. Or a memory, all but forgotten. Sometimes I can't tell the difference, not when it comes to Kate. My first 'date' with Katherine, the first of many furtive encounters and secret liaisons, of fights and violent sex and desperately precious moments spent clinging fiercely to each other. Six months later she was dead. It was my fault. It was my fault. I hadn't been fast or skilled enough to save her. I wasn't strong enough to protect her. Clutching my throbbing head I staggered to my feet. Midday sun flooded the room. Christ. Like I wanted to deal with this shit right now. Obviously it'd been too long since I'd popped a pill or something, if reality was insisting on reasserting itself. As far as I was concerned, reality could go fuck itself. I needed a drink. Was I at that point where I could start in on the cough syrup and vanilla extract yet? Halfway to the medicine cabinet a knocking rang clear and loud from the front door. Who knows why I went to the door? Sleep-deprived, drugged-up, messed in the head and still feeling the phantom touch of old dreams and a dead lover, I stumbled over to the door of the apartment. I clipped the wall once or twice and knocked down a picture frame and made a bit of a racket. The knock came again, loud and insistent. "Who--?" My voice was hoarse from disuse, my throat dry. I swallowed and tried again. "Who is it?" My heart pounded a rapid, almost deafening beat, though I didn't know why. "I have a delivery for a Miss Long," a female voice called back through the door. "It needs to be signed for." "Just...." Just what? Fuck off? Leave me alone? I wasn't in any state to be talking to people. I was dirty, drugged ... female. Yet I didn't fear being seen. Unlike the first time I dressed up as Cindy and stepped out of that safe house so very long ago (or so it seemed), at the moment I felt a surprising calm at the thought of being seen as a girl. It might've been the pills. More likely, it was because I knew Scooter's butchers had done their job well. If I couldn't recognize myself, how could a complete stranger? Rather than fear, a sudden inexplicable yearning to connect with another human being arose in me. After days of silence, crawling lights and the far-off sounds of traffic, I felt a powerful need to see another human. "Just one minute!" I hurriedly stumbled to my bedroom and pulled on the first thing I found, a t-shirt that felt too tight as it hugged my curves and left my midriff exposed. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. I'll give the delivery girl credit: she was a goddamn pro, that's for sure. She was quite cute, with her little brown cap and pixyish hairdo with purple and pink streaks. Her nose wrinkled at the stench that flowed from my apartment, and she couldn't quite suppress the flash of disdain or disgust that crossed her eyes as she looked down at me, but she neither flinched nor commented on my appearance. Still, that human presence and appraising look suddenly, forcefully brought me back to myself and I felt acutely and ashamedly aware of my appearance. I looked like shit. An awkward silence followed and I imagined what I looked like through this woman's eyes. The piss and vomit stained sweatpants, the smeared food encrusted over the jiggling exposed top of those tits--yeah, real sexy. My hair lay slickly against my scalp and bloodshot eyes stared anxiously from a pale face. I looked like I goddamn strung-out crack whore or something. It's a good thing those pants were baggy and the pills murder to the libido, killing off any suspicious bulge down below, because the last thing I needed was the neighbour gossiping about the transvestite hooker in apartment--I had to check the door--1607. Looking at myself I felt intense embarrassment, and for once it had nothing to do with this body in which I found myself trapped. I could barely meet the girl's impatient gaze. How the hell could I have allowed myself to come to this? This wasn't life, existing--barely--on painkillers, detached from the world around me; might as well throw myself from the balcony instead. Life was pain; Katherine taught me that a lifetime ago, and I silently thanked her for the reminder. "Miss Cindy Long?" "Uh ... yeah. Yes. That's me." Those were the first real words I'd spoken aloud in nearly two weeks, other than some vaguely crazed mumbling to myself. My first words and they were weak and timorous. The sound of that voice, the softer tones and higher register--this girl's voice that rang false in my ears--was now mine. Cindy's voice. And the next words that tumbled reluctantly from my lips took me by surprise: "I'm Cindy Long." I made a vain attempt at brushing back my hair and rubbing some of the filth from my face. "Sorry about...." "If you'll just sign, please?" Her voice was brusque and I couldn't blame her. I wouldn't want to talk to me either. Taking the delivery I signed 'Cindy' instead of 'David', which in my detached state I felt quite proud of. Even signed with a lighter hand and dotted the 'i' with a heart and everything. The woman handed over an envelope and quickly left. I stood there for a moment, blinking and confused, and slowly looked down at the letter. Cindy Long, it said, and an address. My address, my new home; I am Cindy Long. With heavy steps I trudged towards the bathroom, dropping the letter next to the broken picture frame along the way. I needed a shower. Sweatpants slid past jutting hips and pooled on the floor as I stepped free of them. The bathroom was small, crowded and brightly coloured. I pulled back the plastic shower curtain. Stepped gingerly onto cool porcelain. Slid shut the curtain and twisted the knob. Cold water slammed into me. I gasped through the shock as the shower clawed at the stench and filth and tore through the fog I'd been wrapped in these last two weeks. Staring up into that bitterly chill cascade, for a moment each droplet seemed suspended, catching the diffuse ivory of the curtain and the emerald of the shower tiles in a kaleidoscope of green and white. Blinking, and then shivering violently, I stood unmoving as the water broke against my lithe frame. As the fog lifted my thoughts gradually cleared. Sudden ideas, thoughts, fragments of sentences flashed through my head and with them came a rush of emotions, feelings thrust aside for the last two weeks as I trembled and my teeth chattered and God, shit, what have they done to me, how could she, I'll fucking kill them! Giet bid daet selast ... if Akiko could see me now--or Sakura--kick my ass for letting this happen--they were so fucking sexy, these girls from the past; I wonder where they all are now ... Daet he donne wel dolige. These things done to me, I can not change. But such things can be endured. To endure such things well is important. Survive until such a time as I can get back to being a guy. Put Cindy to rest and then kill off all the other fuckers responsible for this humiliation, for this frail and fragile body.... I sagged against the wall and released a shuddering breath. Shit. Easier said then done, yeah? My mind shied away from the thought of way lay ahead, from the idea of actually living this life prescribed to me. A diet of feminizing pills, a menu of lingerie and makeup, a feast of tight clothes and high heels; how long could this last? I turned over, pressing my forehead against the smooth expanse of tiles. The water continued to pound and shatter against my back and neck, the icy chill penetrating deeply. The cold forcefully reconnected me to my body, to the physical presence of those nipples tightening almost painfully into hard nubs, to the heavy weight hanging from my chest as the water coursed through my cleavage, and the relentless crawl of goosebumps across my skin.... "Shit," I muttered. Water ran in cold rivulets down my cheek and along my jaw, dripped from the tip of my nose. My fingers curled into a tight, trembling fist at my side. I wanted to pound that wall. Shatter those tiles. I raised my fist. Clenched and unclenched it. Those fingers--the same size they'd always been--seemed much daintier now. Weaker. What would punching the wall accomplish? With something akin to a groan I uncurled my hand and firmly pressed my palm flat against the smooth tiling and slowly slid to the floor. My polished nails, chipped and dulled after two weeks of neglect, glistened wetly, adding a pink hue to the wash of green and ivory. My breathing slowed, relaxed. Anger and pain released: with conscious effort I eased into a renewed control of myself. Eventually I clambered to my feet. By this time I was nearly numb from the cold, shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering. A twist of the dial made the water nearly scalding and filled the air with steam. The heat bordered on painful, but pain was good, far better than unfeeling numbness. I reached for the shower gel and started to wash. The water carried the suds and filth and stench away and I watched them circle the drain and disappear. Cindy's shower was small and a little cramped, but the water was hot and the pressure good, and I relaxed a little. I've always done a lot of thinking in the bathroom, you know? There's no better seat than a toilet for some good, serious reading. And a long, hot shower: the natural birthplace of philosophy if you ask me, and the wellspring of a thousand brilliant ideas that never get written down. So no surprise that, as the heat spread through limb and body and my skin flushed a brilliant pink, my brain, like a bear emerging from hibernation, shaking off the slow dreams of long sleep, slowly emerged from dormancy into a state of profound calm but startling wakefulness. "I'm Cindy Long." I repeated those words from earlier, turning into the shower and speaking through the fall of water. The sibilance start of this name, the flick of the tongue and the glottal twitch of the throat that ended it: unfamiliar but not uncomfortable as it rolled off the tongue. A rose by any other name, Akiko once taught me, and as Cindy's perfumed wash permeated the air those words took on new poignancy. Surrounded in the floral aroma that would leave its taint across my flesh, this body announced Cindy to every sense: this soft skin that felt like Cindy, these soft words sounding so female, this gentle scent that was all girl and these curves and hair and gentle features that displayed her to the world. I was Cindy Long, and my every sense insisted that she was a prison from which I could not escape on my own. The question was not whether I should live this life; I had no choice. The question was whether I could. Pretending to be Cindy for three weeks at the Clinic was one thing, and even that had almost driven me crazy. But to actually live her life, to not just act but actually be female for ... how long, months, a year? That was a one-way road to hell, a goddamn superhighway paved with perverse intentions that ended in insanity. Yet what choice did I have? My mind methodically worked through the possibilities: perhaps K was lying and Steele thought me dead; this was all some twisted plot on her part, aided by Scooter and the Clinic. But why? These things done to me must have cost a fortune, but to what end? Even if K was completely insane and obsessed with some bizarre revenge against me, Scooter didn't seem the kind of guy to indulge her mania, not at the risk to his beloved Clinic. Unless, of course, he thought turning me into Cindy was a convenient way of disposing of me. Then why bother keeping me alive? As sick as these things those bastards had done to me were, they were right about one thing: they'd saved my life, the fuckers. They could've left me to bleed on the hospital floor. Any debt I owed them had been paid in full by Cindy, but their efforts meant at least one thing: they didn't want me dead. Which meant that maybe K wasn't lying about Steele. Maybe the sonofabitch was still out there hunting for me. If that was the case, then living as Cindy for a while longer made a twisted, awful sense. Shorter, lighter, smaller, curves and softness squeezed into this tight little package: there was no way that psycho's assassins could recognize me as David Sanders. I hefted the weight of one breast in my hand and let it drop back before starting to soap up both tits. Yeah, definitely no way they'd recognize me unless I did something really stupid--like walk out that door and straight to the cops, demanding help. As if they'd believe me. And even if they did, I'd be right back where I started months ago, only with a smaller, weaker body. I could turn to some of my old friends, call in those favours from when I worked for Sakura--but I couldn't let them see me like this. They weren't the subtle kind of help I needed right now, anyway: not so much good at hiding things as they were at laying down grievous retribution. And finally, and maybe most importantly, without the help of the Clinic there was no way I was getting a male body back. The changes were too extensive. Even if I cut my hair, trimmed my nails and had these tits chopped off, I'd still have hips that a man shouldn't, Cindy's voice and this impossible face, a dead assassin's mask lying over what remained of David beneath. I took all the anger and frustration and doubt and rolled it up into a tight little ball and swallowed it down. Here in the shower I could allow all those distraction to rise to the surface. I could work them through and then ... let them wash away. With fragile calm, I reached for the shaving cream and began to lather up my legs and armpits. Stuck in the life, I resolved to be the best goddamn Cindy that I could be--for now. Having finally made that decision, everything else suddenly seemed a hell of a lot easier. People like to think that the biggest changes in life arrives hand-in-hand with monumental events or are marked by grand displays, loud exposition and brilliant words. They're not. A man gets shot but lives, a woman loses her baby, an explosion wipes out someone's family and they seize that moment and declare: _now_ I'm different! But they're not. Within a month or two they're the same miserable bastard they were before, all the more miserable for their inability to change. Because those radical changes, the fundamental shifts in a person's life and the way they see the world? They're just as likely--far more likely, even--to happen during the most mundane of times, over a pint of beer at the pub, while riding a bus they've ridden a thousand times before; during a quiet, reflective moment in the shower. And so an hour later, cleaned, scrubbed, moisturised, smooth and soft, smelling nice, lightly made-up and oh so fresh and pretty, in nondescript bra and panties, dressed in jeans and a bulky sweater and comfortable runners, heart pounding in my chest, terrified, ecstatic, carrying a small purse and repeating a comforting mantra beneath my breath--I finally felt ready to face the world outside my apartment. I primped and fussed and stared at myself in the mirror. A pretty young girl stared back, a stranger with familiar eyes. At that moment I knew--despite the humiliation, the anger and frustration--that I could do this. Besides, I suddenly realized that I was absolutely starving. Two weeks without proper food or drink ... hell, I'd probably dropped even more weight since the Clinic released me. I needed to grab some food, pronto. Hell, a little booze might be nice as well. On the way to the door I picked up the letter I'd signed for. Putting those long nails to use I slit the envelope open. A letter from Cindy's bank--new ATM cards issued in my name. I peeled the debit card from the paper and held it awkwardly between my fingers. I couldn't suppress a small smile. A bank card and a bank account: what better, more tangible proof could there be that I was now and truly Cindy Long? *** Two weeks later, cradling the oversized mug in my hands, the heat slowly penetrating into my hands as the coffee warmed me from within, I stared deep into my dark beverage and found no new revelation there. Looking up I'd still be Cindy: a small, young girl sitting primly at the edge of an oversized sofa-chair, knees pressed together, eyes demurely downcast and only rarely casting shy glances across the busy Starbucks. The too-short skirt would still be riding too high up my thigh, and my trim little tummy would still be bared by the too-tight t-shirt I'd tugged on this morning. Everything about Cindy was 'too'-something: too small, too cute, too weak. And too bad, because this was now my life and it felt like these past few weeks had been a constant struggle to avoid going too crazy. I didn't look up; I continued to stare into my coffee; I couldn't look up. I felt the hot flush blossom in my chest and slowly creep up my neck before setting my face afire, a deep red glow burning beneath the morning's light makeup. It's not like I wanted to examine the floor in all its scuffed and spotted glory or anything, believe me. It's just that ever since I'd started the daily regimen of medication, these sudden intense waves of emotion would occasionally wash over me, tidal swells as powerful as any lunar tug, insistent, immersive and impossible to ignore. A person could drown in these sudden emotions, bouts of paranoia as persuasive as any I'd ever known, humbling fear that could wring a stomach as tightly as a dirty washcloth--and embarrassment, unrelenting, pervasive, turning legs to jelly and leaving me desperate for longer bangs, hair long enough to hide behind, a veil for eyes incapable of meeting any other in fear of bursting into tears. The creak of worn leather and a settling of weight. "You mind if I sit here?" A man's voice. Of course it was a man's voice. All week strange men had been sitting next to me, opening doors, striking up unwanted conversations--trying to touch me, hold my hand, stroke my back, pet my arm--the goddamn bastards. Normally they could be easily deterred with a cold smile or an empty word. Sometimes I even indulged in a quick chat, making sure to never quite make eye contact, lick my lips, brush back my hair or accidentally touch his arm. I knew damn well the staggering power of such small gestures. It's like signing a goddamn marriage contract for some of these sad fucks; it's like a declaration that you're soulmates-- or at least willing to spread your legs for a few free drinks and an expensive meal. I gave a quick nod, still unable to look up or speak, still caught in the grip of my sourceless embarrassment. My face burned so hotly, the coffee felt cool as it touched my painted lips. This sense of shame, this humiliation was nothing new. Every morning I woke up and looked in the mirror and as I shook off the dreary remains of last night's bad dreams the humiliation of being Cindy settled over me, a familiar, heavy woollen blanket draped across my narrow shoulders, smothering, scratchy--a constant, irritating presence. There was no escaping this shame. Countless acts throughout my day reminded me of what I'd become. Every click of my shaped nails as I carefully cradled a glass in my hand; the frequent glances into a compact to check my makeup; the constant flicking of hair from my eyes; the delicate tickle of dangling earrings against my cheek; as the wind caressed the inside of a bared knee; each bump of a purse against my hip; the click of heels--everything; every fucking thing I did reminded me of my new life and every fucking time I felt ashamed of what I was becoming. But I could deal with this. It could be endured. What choice did I have? "Hey, are you okay?" I wanted to scream at this nosey jackass and tell him to leave me the fuck alone--but I couldn't. I couldn't do that. A young girl like Cindy doesn't yell at guys in coffee shops. She doesn't shy away from daily flirtations. She's comfortable with the come-ons because she's known the semi-unwanted advances of men both young and old her whole life, just like any other attractive young girl. Sure, the constant attention might annoy her sometimes, but not as much as the thought of that dreaded day the wandering eyes of the opposite sex begins to drift elsewhere. More importantly, of course, there's another kind of attention no girl wants to attract: that of the psychotic professional assassin, one of which, I felt fairly sure, had been following me this last week. The embarrassment gently eased its grip, enough for me to raise my head and brush the hair back from my eyes. I tried for a wan smile. He had clear blue eyes. They were filled with concern, though not so much that they forgot the all-too-familiar wander down my cleavage, with a quick detour across my bared midriff. He smiled back. Shit: contact. Now he'd think I was flirting with him--and probably call me a prick-tease when I shot him down. "Rough morning?" he asked. He folded the day's newspaper away as he turned his full attention to me. I took a quick, settling breath. These emotional surges were so powerful they nearly sent me whimpering to the nearest dark, silent place, somewhere I could hide and forget. Fortunately they were usually short-lived. I could ride them out. Confront them face on. Let the waves of emotion break against a cool and collected centre and methodically think the problem away. Anger and fear- -these I could deal with. Only the embarrassment was crippling; it was the worst and had to run its course, sometimes lasting for an hour or longer. I couldn't just will it away because it hit too close to home. I nodded. "Yes," I murmured. "My boyfriend and I had a fight this morning." "Oh. I see," he answered, his eyes already turning glassy. Only two weeks and I'd already learned why a pretty girl drops her current relationship status into a conversation as early as possible. The man's concern evaporated almost instantly and his smile became forced. "Sorry to hear that." "It's really annoying, you know?" I continued, leaning forward. "I mean, Max--that's my boyfriend, yeah?--he's like, such a nice guy? And really considerate, too, and I don't just mean with flowers and stuff, if you know what I mean. He's got the most amazing touch." I fluttered my eyes as if in dreamy recollection. "But then sometimes, he's just such a jerk, you know?" "Uh ... sure." The guy was rapidly developing a deer-in-headlight look. "Of course you do, you're a man, right? So I mean, what's it all about? It's like, for example, last night we're having a great time and all, and then suddenly he's trying to, you know, stick it up my bum, and I'm all like 'what the hell are you doing down there?' and he's like 'I slipped' with this stupid smile on his face, and I'm not stupid enough to fall for that one, believe me, and it's like he tries this almost every night even though I tell him I'm not that kind of girl, and when he tried again this morning we had a fight and I...." I stopped as if at a sudden thought. "Oh my, you don't even know my name, do you?" I extended my fingers, wrist limp, for a handshake. "My name's Cindy!" "I'm, ah ... John," he said, looking vaguely horrified. "So then tell me, John: why is it that guys keep trying to stick their thingy up my ass?" Well, John didn't have much an answer for that, and quickly excused himself. Hiding a smile, a strange mix of triumph, horror and shame churning in my stomach, I returned to my profound contemplation of the cup in my hand. The first week had passed quickly, a blur of terrifying, brief ventures out into the city followed by long hours at 'home'--and that shitty little apartment was gradually beginning to feel like a home, even if not quite mine--spent exploring every crook and cranny of the place. It's not like the place was very big, but it's amazing how much stuff gets crammed away under sinks and in the back of closets, beneath a bed or behind a bookshelf. Whether K set the whole thing up herself or had help--she must've had help--I couldn't help but feel a grudging admiration for their attention to detail. It wasn't just the digitally manipulated photos in the albums or on the walls, the ones displaying my new face, the ones that came together to form a fragmented narrative of a life I couldn't remember. It was the small details that impressed. The battered and faded high-school diary I found buried in a drawer, with its weepy poems and names underlined in gel pens or angrily crossed out. The half-used bar of soap, newly opened bottle of nail polish, the empty tubes of Cindy's favourite lip gloss and the waiting box of tampons. Errant coins in the sofa, a scratched disk in the bedside alarm clock, the scuffed stiletto with a broken heel. All these minor details came together to create another story, a story of Cindy told through favourite and forgotten things. Padding around the apartment some nights I felt that I could almost understand this strange girl I'd become. Lying back on the sofa, staring out blindly at the glimmering city, I could almost immerse myself in her life. Sometimes she almost seemed real. But she wasn't. Buried in the back of the bedroom closet, beneath an empty shoe box and behind the clothes hamper, I found something no real girl would own: my very own fake vagina. In a sealed medical container, floating in a viscous preservative fluid, I found a grey lump of fleshy material I recognized as one of the prosthetics K had forced on me so long ago. (Was it that long ago? For me it felt like only a few weeks, even though several months had passed. I'd only gone one day with that damn thing off before those bastards got me on the operating table.) A small jar contained the amber goo needed to bond the fucking thing to me. A small stick-it note on the inside, written in K's small, jagged lettering, quickly explained: "new and improved model, for emergency use only." Emergency use--what the hell was that supposed to mean? I clearly remembered the agony of that thing clamping on to my crotch. Nothing could get me to slap that thing back on ... nothing! I was living Cindy's life, yeah? But it's not like anyone was going to be getting into her-- into my!--goddamn panties, thank you very much. My coffee was empty. The frosted pink lip-prints that stained the mug's rim mocked me. Suppressing a sigh I pulled a small mirror from my purse and set about fixing my lips. I knew damn well how devastating sexy something as simple as putting on makeup could be, those slender fingers holding a thin lipgloss, the way it extended the length of each finger and made them seem more delicate, the subtle and slow slide of shiny colour across slightly parted lips.... Hiding a grimace of pain I uncrossed my legs. Sexy thoughts were bad. A hard-on was bad. It hurt, especially with your nob tucked between your legs ... and when you've just spent the whole shitty morning sitting on the poor thing. Every so often there'd be that sharp jab of pain, or a dull throb, or an almost crippling ache, to remind me just how ridiculous my disguise really was. I put the mirror and makeup back into my purse. I'd also spent the last two weeks in an intense study of the feminine arts, long lonely nights spent sitting at a table with an array of strange and foreboding products before me. I'd hate to think how many hours were wasted staring into a mirror, putting on makeup, wiping it off, leafing through one of Cindy's many magazines or books on the subject and starting over. Back at the Clinic I'd done much the same but it had all been different then-- annoying but a bit of a laugh, something to keep me busy for a couple of weeks spent in hiding. A perverse joke, a furtive step into a forbidden world, naughty but short-lived. But now? I wasn't hiding anymore. I was living, and somehow this practice had become a part of my long-term survival. These skills were an essential part of this new life and it was almost scary how easy, almost instinctive, they were becoming. They were, I was beginning to realize, the few skills that Cindy actually possessed. After all, I wasn't David Sanders anymore, with his expensive condo and his own corner office on the ninth floor, with a secretary and a string of nightly conquests and a membership to the best gym in town. Now I was Cindy Long, young and pretty, certainly, but also a high-school dropout. I was unemployed with limited funds in the bank. I was alone in a big city, with a driver's license but no car, a home full of pictures but no friends, no family, already growing bored of the daily Starbucks coffee routine, of the chick lit books on the shelf and girlie magazines, sickened by the closet full of clothes I hated to wear, and these D-cup tits constantly on display, the exposed half-moon flesh over my close- fitting top jiggling with every movement slowly, now flushing a bright red and the heat crawling up my neck.... Guess I wasn't going to escape the coffee shop just yet. These mood swings were going to drive me insane. *** A heavy wind, laden with the promise of rain, swept down the busy street carrying the dust and detritus of the city. Overhead, churning clouds bled over drab buildings that clawed the sky, tainting everything grey. A delivery bike wove between traffic, honking angrily as it left blue-black fumes in its wake. With a wheezy sigh a bus stopped before the coffee shop, brakes screeching loudly, and disgorged its passengers. Those people flowed past, breaking on either side of me, their blank faces casting angry glares and appreciative glances my way as they rushed to work, suits and ties, skirts and heels, briefcases and purses, take-out coffee and cell phones in hand. They all seemed so very busy and purposeful as I stood there bemused, only just remembering to drop my hands before the insistent wind lifted my skirt up and revealed more than just pale thighs. Shaking away empty thoughts, I stirred into motion. Not yet ten in the morning and I was heading home. I envied these strangers with a purpose, with a morning destination more exciting than a Starbucks. Confronted with all these people, with the vibrant flow of life, the groans and wheezes of the city, I felt--adrift. The urban current could carry me away if I relaxed into it. But where would I end up, thi

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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Three by Fakeminsk Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing Amanda Lang. God, what an amazing chick. Screw that--woman. Chicks are the silly little things you pick up at the bar and bring home for a night's fun and forget about soon after....

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Teddys WorldChapter 14 the Fallout From Getting Fallon

As the plane touched down and motored over to where it could be serviced, we stood around less than five minutes waiting for the courtesy van to take us to long-term parking. We cruised the lot until we found the two Broncos next to my dad’s 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I had keys to the blue Bronco, and so I unlocked the doors. We put all the luggage in my truck Pam and my ladies got in her truck, My parents and their ladies got in the Caddy; they let me drive my own truck Whoopee! We all...

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Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter 01

Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter One by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent." Much Ado About Nothing Previously on Constant in All Other Things: Both David Sanders, tough-guy womanizer, and his best friend Tom Smith see their boss, shady...

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You know, when you read "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" with a modern understanding of science, as a person who understands chemistry, biology, and psychology, the rational part of your mind will tell you it's not possible. That it makes for a fun story, but you could not drink a potion and transform either physically or mentally like the title character of that book. You can't change yourself like that. But the irrational part, oh it wishes you could. It looks at...

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Constant in All Other Things Interlude I

Constant in All Other Things First Interlude by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing From her position behind the one-way glass overlooking the octagonal operating theatre, she stared down at the body. The harsh florescent light did nothing to...

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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 10

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Ten by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing "Such a disappointment." Agent Fosters approached unhurriedly. His bulk seemed to fill the hallway. At six feet and a bit he towered over me. He filled out his well-cut black suit and it...

4 years ago
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Callies Downfall

PLEASE WRITE SOME CHAPTERS- - - - - - Description: My life was great. 18, and I had the cutest girlfriend you could ever imagine. All we needed was an extra bit of money for a prom dress. Unfortunately it got Callie into a whole heap of trouble with her losing her innocence in a big way in the process. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "James, how am I going to get enough money for my prom dress? Between school and the job I have at...

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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 02

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Two by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent Much Ado About Nothing I haven't exactly led a sheltered life. I've been involved in more than my fair share of violence. There was a lot of weird stuff that went on in my youth--stuff...

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Constant in All Other Things Season One

Constant in All Other Things by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) Season One Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing I stand with the gun pointed at Tom's head. The weight of the pistol feels comfortable in my grip. A few weeks ago I would've sworn to having never seen a handgun before...

2 years ago
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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 05

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Five by Fakeminsk Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing K eyed me curiously. "Is there a problem, Mr Sanders?" My aim never wavered. "You tell me, K." She stood framed in the light from the bathroom, dressed in functional grey cotton...

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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 04

Constant in All Other Things Chapter Four by Fakeminsk Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent -Much Ado About Nothing The second longest relationship I ever had lasted three months. Her name was Akiko. She was this way-cool Japanese girl, a professor up at the local university. Less than a year into my new life,...

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Hot Lactating MILF in Overalls Gangbanged at Halloween Party

My name is Jason, and my wife, Katie, and I are in our mid-thirties now, still living a cuckold lifestyle, that began with us agreeing to try swinging with our close friends, when I was twenty-seven years old, Katie was twenty-four. Our daughter was only five months old then, and Katie was breastfeeding her.Katie and I live in Memphis, where we moved when we got married, right after graduating from UT; me with a law degree, and Katie with an accounting degree. I was recruited by a law firm in...

3 years ago
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Kassandra and Kalliste

"You're Kalliste's friend aren't you?" Caroline asked Kit Cameron. It was Tuesday night at the Northwestern University Women's Co-op and people were busy everywhere. "Do you know any stories?" Kit was taking her turn at the loom and glanced at Kalliste Periakes over her glasses. Kit was like Kalliste, a woman of indeterminate age with dark hair and a slight olive cast to her skin. Her thin face showed a few lines, and at times her dark eyes seemed deep and unfathomable. "We've known...

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Constant in All Other Things Chapter 01

Constant in All Other Things Chapter One by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent." Much Ado About Nothing I stand with the gun pointed at his head. The weight of the pistol feels comfortable in my grip. A few weeks ago I would've sworn to having never seen a...

1 year ago
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The Revolution Kalliste Leaves

"God, that was fun," Selene said as she pushed open the front door of the Women's Co-op. Three other girls crowded in behind her. It was a blustery Spring afternoon in Chicago, and all four of them were heavily bundled up against the cold. All of them carried signs demanding the government take some action. "Did you see his expression when you hit him with the pie?" "And that cop was like totally out of line," Brianna said. "He actually tried to lay hands on us." "Shut the door,"...

2 years ago
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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

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Hallie Kassie

Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...

College Sex
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Rebecca DancedChapter 11 A Day on Kalliste

Monday was Labor Day and the teens had planned a day-long outing on Kalliste. The sun glittered off the water of the channel clear and bright in the morning as the group prepared the boat for the voyage. The day promised to turn quite sweltering by afternoon. Summer was not yet done with South Georgia. Rebecca smiled at Tina's antics. She was wearing a navy-blue, sleeveless button-up top with a white and red anchor embroidered on the chest. White cotton shorts and a silly white sailor's...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

4 years ago
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Calliopes New Life

Following the party and her introduction to the family, Padraic and Calliope settled into their own routine. They discussed the rules and in an effort to keep his baby happy Padraic compromised on a few smaller issues and Callie learned to be cared for after so many years of having to look after herself.The biggest concession came the day after the party, when they had gone to sign the contract with the amendments they had made to it. Callie had sat up on his lap and turned to him seriously,...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Suzy Halley

“My dad got arrested for raping a neighbor girl,” said Tanya with a smile. “I don’t see how that is good,” I said. “I’m going to talk to the prosecutor,” said Tanya. I realized she was going to make sure her father went to jail for something. “I understand,” I told her. I hade many thoughts of Halley. “Its too bad about me and my dad. I might enjoy sex more if he hadn’t,” said Tanya. I could tell she was thinking. “Suzy can I talk to you in another room.” Suzy left Halley alone in her...

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Hallie the Slut I Had a Dream

Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 49 Volleyball and More

Allison and Rachael sat naked in the hot tub together on Monday morning. As Allison rubbed her little sister's shoulders, Rachael gave a report on the activities that weekend. She explained that she had failed to get Jeff and Brit to make love, but that they had taken several steps in the right direction. Allison grinned as Rachael gave her all the juicy details. Allison began to make plans for her own involvement in the sinister plot. So far, things seemed to be going well. Brit was more...

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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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My Cute Pallavi Aunty

Hello readers, my name is Salman, 26years old and from UK. This story is about how I was seduced by my neighbour aunty Pallavi for sex. This happened some 4 years back. Pallavi aunty was around 40 years old then and had a figure to die even at that age. She was fair and had maintained her body well due to her regular workouts at the gym. She was married and her husband was working in a software firm. She is a mother of 2 daughters as well and both of them are in a boarding school.She was very...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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With My Sister Pallavi

Hey guys,Viraj here. I’m back with another incest story…This may be a bit lengthy as it will be featuring every bit in detail…..This is 100% a real story and not a fictitious one.I’m going to narrate this story both in Telugu & English.Where ever Telugu is used,there will be an English translation.So guys,Let’s begin the story…. My family consists of me, my sister Pallavi(all names changed), my mom Kalyani and my father Kishore.We live in a city named Nellore in Southern Andhra Pradesh.My...

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Allyson Ch 03

It was a terrible situation, but Allyson decided to make the best of it. She lost her room, her clothes, and all her status, such as it was, but she still believed in John, and if nothing else, she still believed in herself. She’d work harder than ever. She’d prove to John that she was worthy of his love. The next couple weeks were a continuous routine of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, ironing, serving, cooking, and her weekly humiliation at the hands of an old pervert. At first she was asked...

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Allen to Allie

Hi Folks, My name is Allie, at least most of the time now, it used to be Allen but that seems like a lifetime ago. Now-a-days the only time my wife allows me to use my given name is when something needs to be signed, like payroll checks or tax returns, otherwise I am Allie. I'm sure many of you are wondering how a man, a once slightly overweight, furry man (moustache & beard) could be forced into giving up his identity, his masculinity, his beloved beard, simply because his...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

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Allyson Ch 07

The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds. The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand...

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HaremChapter 5 Hallie

While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

1 year ago
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Allyson Ch 04

Having gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with. Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John...

1 year ago
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My Boy Callum Part 4

Introduction: Sorrrry this took a bit longer to upload… I literally write these a few days after Ive uploaded the previous one so when Im quite busy there will be a bit of a delay. Anyway, enjoy! Mmmhh I moaned as Callum passionately kissed my neck, his lips giving me amazing pleasure in the form of shivers down my spine. His bed had started to make some faint creaking noises whilst he started dry-fucking my stomach, his cock rubbing against my abs through his jeans. Theyre gonna fucking hear...

3 years ago
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Callum and Andy New master new slave

Callum hurried down the vacant school corridor on his way to the lesson. He was already ten minutes late. He turned a sharp corner and all of a sudden collided with someone coming in the other direction. His bag went flying, spilling out the entirety of its contents on to the floor.The embarrassment of that alone would have been bad enough but at the bottom of his bag were a pair of leather handcuffs which, along with the rest of the bahs contents, were now scattered across the floor....

3 years ago
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August With Fallon a Musketeer Story

The First Week of August I woke up to the worst day of the year. Not only was it a Monday, but school started that day. I was getting ready and still half asleep when I realized it might have been the best day of the year. I’d be picking Fallon up at seven thirty. I took a bit more care in choosing my wardrobe and chose a hunter green Hang Ten polo shirt, brown cords, and Topsiders. If you were a surfer, it’s what you wore. I grabbed the latest issue of Surfer magazine, stuffed it in my back...

2 years ago
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Allyson Ch 02

Allyson involuntarily leaned back on the steps, her naked rear end on the edge of the third step from the bottom brushing up against the rough pile of the carpeted stairs. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor around her socked feet, her hands were tied behind her back with the shoes strings from the saddle shoes Hannah had bought her. Her hair was mussed, and had she been able to see, her lipstick was smudged. Standing in front of her were two young men, a third, the one who’d knotted her...

3 years ago
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Fucked Married Dr Pallavi In Her Clinic

Hello readers, this is JP from Mangalore. Sorry for the delay. Now that I am back, let’s continue with the story of a married Indian girl Dr. Pallavi. I always say the stories posted here may be real or fake, it’s up to the readers to decide. Let’s begin from where I stopped last time. I was on my way back home when I remembered that I had not taken her number. I head back to her place but it was late. Her family was back and I could not do anything. I drove off back to my place. Life moved on....

3 years ago
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Allyson Ch 06

At first the call from Audra caught the boys off guard, but they quickly recovered. While Wayne pulled the sleeping bags out of the tent and rolled to them up, Paul loaded the fishing gear and coolers. Aubrey soon had the tent down, and after a walk over to clean up any litter they were on their way. All three were tired so to keep awake they started to chatter. A number of things came up, but in the back of everyone’s mind there was only one topic that anyone cared about. ‘So she wants to...

4 years ago
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My Boy Callum Part 3

Introduction: You might hate me for how this ends… haha. There we lay the morning after, asleep together, unconsciously treasuring the tranquillity of being in each others arms, our recovery from last night almost complete. I felt a slight twitch on my stomach, slowly waking me up from a perfect rest. Looking down with squinted, tired eyes I saw it was Callums right hand as he shifted delicately in his sleep. Tilting my head to the right, there he was&hellip, sleeping blissfully with his head...

3 years ago
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Calliopes Daddy

Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...

4 years ago
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Calliopes Daddy

Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...

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