Pythagoras' Theorem free porn video

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Donna walked very calmly, very slowly, doing her best to avoid attracting attention. Once she made it to the Women's room, she'd be fine. Till then, she was a walking target. Every movement she made, every gesture, even the clothes she wore were designed to not stand out, but rather to blend in, to become invisible. She was good at it also, but good wasn't always good enough. She was heading for the restroom at the south end of the mail, the one in the Italian restaurant. There would be few, if any customers, this time of day, which was part of the plan. Though she kept her head facing forward, her eyes darted reflexively, looking for possible security officers. She saw no one, just a young girl dressed quite garishly, hiding her head under a big floppy brown hat. Exactly the look Donna tried desperately to avoid. Once in the restroom, she safely locked herself in a stall and went to work. The watches she had pilfered went smoothly and quickly into the hollowed-out heel in her cowboy boots. The ear rings, into the false bottom of her purse. The necklace fit nicely in the hidden compartment in her belt buckle. After calming herself for a few moments, ensuring no one else had entered, she flushed the toilet to keep her cover and then proceeded to the sink to wash. As she dried her hands, she looked in the mirror. She wasn't proud of what she saw. What Donna did see was her close resemblance to her late father. She had his eyes, his color hair, his angular cheeks, and she felt ashamed. Her father was a policeman, and he would have been ashamed of her actions. She deeply loved her father, and missed him and her mother terribly. They were victims of a drunk driver a couple of years ago. After their deaths, she was shuffled off to live with her mother's brother, a leach if there ever was one. When he finished gambling and drinking through her inheritance, he tried to pimp her ass out on the street. When she refused, we tried to have her himself. She smiled to herself, thinking of the satisfaction of kicking him in the balls so hard he turned blue as sunk to the ground, desperately trying to catch his breath. Her father had taught her self defense at an early age. Following that, she grabbed her few meager belongings and headed out to the streets, where she'd been ever since. She hated that she had to steal to survive. She didn't take much, just enough for a few days rent at the flop house she called home, and a few meals. And when that ran out, she'd be back to the malls, looking for more. She used to kid herself that her father would understand, but deep down, she knew he wouldn't it. And it pained her. She steadied herself for the trip back through the mall. She was almost in the clear, but she knew until she was in her car and out of the parking lot, there was still a chance she could be caught. Again donning her unassuming attitude, she calmly strolled out of the rest room towards the exit. The only person she saw was the same young girl with the big floppy hat, and she was pleased. Donna had made it maybe ten paces when she froze in horror. A male voice saying, "Excuse me, Miss." Being caught would be bad enough. Having Social Services ship her back to that animal of an uncle would be unbearable. She debated making a break for it, but knowing she couldn't out run a radio, she slowly turned, as nonchalantly as possible, trying to look both natural and surprised. When she turned to locate the voice, she saw no one, well, except for the girl with the hat, only this time the girl was looking straight at her. Then the girl spoke, but in a distinctly male voice, "Excuse me, Miss, could you please help me out?" Puzzled, to say the least, Donna slowly approached the girl. She was wearing a very tasteful, if gaudy short dress, knee high boots, a light sweater and that floppy hat. Her make up was impeccable, and the few pieces of jewelry she wore matched her outfit perfectly. Closer inspection of her face revealed something not quite right. Silently Donna moved closer until she was standing toe to toe with the sitting women. "Please, Miss, can you please help me, I'm in....a.....I have a situation here, and I was hoping you could help me, please, please, please can you help me?" Donna stood silently, as the two looked at each other. Fear radiated off the girl. Still, Donna didn't say a word, too confused to speak. Following a few awkward moments of silence, the girl spoke, removing all doubt she was really a he. "You see, I...uh....some people I know.......well.....can you help me please? I'm currently at the butt of a practical joke that's gone way beyond the bounds of decency. I'm handcuffed to this bench, and the key is in this purse, but I can't reach it, so the only way I can get out of here is if I convince some one, hopefully you, to unlock me." Donna sat down next to her - or him - or what ever - and glanced over the back of the bench. And sure enough, she could see his hands behind him, threaded through the spindles on the bench, sporting a pair of shiny chrome handcuffs. Donna looked again at his face, tried to hold back a smile, failed miserably and began to laugh. Despite the excellent makeup job, she could see him blush deeply and look away. "Okay sailor, what's your story?" she said still giggling. "See there's this competition this evening at school, and I'm on the team, well, let's say I am the team, and the other school is trying to keep me from competing, so they jumped me, dressed me up like this, and chained me here. I've been trying for hours to get out, but I just can't reach the key. If you would be a life saver and just take the key and unlock me, I'd be eternally grateful." "So you were jumped by some guys, who put you in a dress, and just handcuffed you to this bench? That must be some 'competition' you've got planned for tonight." "Please, if you could just unlock me, this has been embarrassing enough for me. I'm already predicting years of therapy over this. Please just let me loose so I can get out of here and back home." Donna reached for the purse, thought it was quite nice, and would fetch a nice fee at the pawn shop. She opened it up and there was a handcuff key, she recognized it as good quality, like the ones her father used to carry. She also found a wad of bills which she pulled out and held up. "Please, don't take that, that's my only way home, it's enough for a one way bus ticket back home, plus a couple of bucks for a diet coke - they thought that was a funny touch. Without it I'm stuck here, dressed like this." "How do you plan to get from the bus terminal to your house?" enquired Donna. "They thought me trying to figure that would be even funnier than the diet coke." Donna found her self quite amused at the situation, thoroughly enjoying herself at this point. "Twenty five dollars for a bus ticket? How far are you going?" "The other side of the county, to the North school district." "How far from the bus station to your house?" "Oh, about five miles as the crow flies." "How far if the crow is wearing hose and heels?" With that, Donna broke out laughing, and the nervous tension in the boy must have been too much, because he started laughing too. "I've got a proposition for you Trixie." He blushed again. "For this twenty five dollars, and another twenty five, I'll drive you to your house. That will pay my gas round trip, and it gives me a few bucks for my trouble." The boy's eyes widened with excitement. "That would be so great....just...really, really, really great if you could do this for me. It would be like the greatest, great way out of what has been, up till now, oh, the worst day of my life. That would be, yes I would like that, I would agree, yes, yes....YES! I would really like that." "Okay sport," Donna said as she pocketed the wad of bill, then took the key and reached behind the bench. Donna was quite familiar with handcuffs, having played with her Dad's many times as a child. He showed her the correct procedure for putting them on a suspect, and how to handle a suspect while they are cuffed. She deftly undid one wrist and as the boy pulled his hands from behind the bench, she quickly snapped it back on his wrist, securing him once again in the cuffs. "Um, I think you might have accidentally put the hand cuffs back on me." As he made an exaggerated motion with his pinned arms. "Yes, definitely, a mistake, I'm still locked up." "That's right Gidget, you are. I have no idea who you are, and if your feeding me a line, and are really a serial killer. So I'm not taking any chances." "If I were a serial killer I'd have to be, let's see, the world's stupidest serial killer to dress up like this and lock myself to this bench in the middle of the mall." "Yes, that would qualify you for seating in the stupid section, but there's all kinds of maniacs out there. And with my luck, you'd be the one. Don't worry, I'll keep my end of the deal. I'll drive you home. If your story checks out, I unlock you, you give me the other twenty five, and we part, me with some extra cash, and one hell of a funny story." "You can't be serious, you're going to leave me with my hands cuffed behind my back? You can't be serious!" "If you'd prefer I can just lock you back to the bench, and call the police." "No, no, no, that's fine, I'm really starting to get used to these cuffs, they're quite comfortable, thanks for asking." "I thought you'd see it my way. This way if you are lying and your story doesn't check out, you're all set for me to drop off your friendly local sheriff's station," she said with a big smile. "So what's your name?" inquired Donna. "Eric," he replied while standing up. Donna noticed Eric was a few inches shorter than she was, even in the high heeled boots he wore. She also noticed his dress had ridden up his thighs, and was stuck to his hose, probably static cling. She reached out and pulled it down saying, "Don't want you to get picked up for being indecent, that is unless you're going for the 'prostitute look'." "No, I'm going for the 'get me the hell out of here and home as fast as you can' look." They both smiled again. Donna hadn't had the slightest interest in boys or sex since her uncle tried to rape her, but for some reason, there was something about this boy. Maybe it was his helplessness, he was really lost without her. Perhaps it was his eyes, or his smile, but for some reason, she seemed to like this guy. She gently grabbed his arm and started guiding him towards the mall exit and said, "You know, you really don't seem like an Eric at the moment, how does 'Erica' grab you?" "Sure why not, what's a few more years of years of therapy." As they exited the mall, and headed for Donna's car, they received a few strange looks, but the walk was otherwise uneventful. Donna opened the passenger side door for Eric, who attempted to climb in, but found it to be rather difficult with hands behind his back. As he tried to lift his foot, his already short hemline climbed higher up his legs, to her great amusement. She stood back, crossed her arms, and smiled like the Cheshire Cat. After several attempts, Eric gave up and looked at her. "Not so easy getting around in a dress, is it?" "Well, had I known I would find myself in this predicament, I might have practiced at home before hand, but you know, when I left school yesterday, I really didn't think, 'you know, maybe I should practice how to get into a car wearing a dress, because, gosh, you never know what might happen'." Donna exploded in laughter at this, and her laugh was infectious enough to cause Eric to smile at himself. "Come on Erica, let me give you a hand. Turn around and sit your ass down first." As Eric started to comply, she reached out with her hand, and smoothed the bottom of his dress against his behind, and realized he was wearing panties, and something else under his dress. Eric jumped at her touch and banged his head on the car roof, causing Donna to laugh even more. "I'm really glad this is so amusing to you, that hurt." "Don't worry, Erica, I'm not grabbing your ass, that's how you sit in a dress, it keeps it from riding up on you, that is unless you're going for the upskirt shot for the fellas." As he followed her directions, sitting down, he said, "I'm not that kind of girl." Eliciting more laughs from both. Once in the car he swung his legs in. Donna reached over and grabbed the seat belt, and in reaching for it, she came within inches of Eric and smelled his perfume. He smelled like bubble bath, body lotion, and perfume, quite delicate and feminine. Eric also got a close look at Donna, noticing her wonderful breasts under her tight sweater. As she locked the belt in place, Eric said, "What's the matter, I'm not tied up enough for you already?" "Hey, I can leave it off if you like, and then you can explain to the police officer who pulls us over because you're not wearing you seat belt." "No, that's alright, I'm fine with the belt, safety first, you know." Once Eric was secured, she walked around the car and let her self in the driver's seat. "Oh look I can still move my legs," Eric said flexing his knees. Donna reached into the back seat and pulled out a bungy cord and showed it to Eric. "Kidding, just kidding, really, Eric the kidder is what they call me." "I'm pretty sure that's not what the boys in the lock up would call you," she replied with a sly grin. "Nice car, when was the last time you cleaned it out?" commenting on Donna's lack of tidiness. "I'm pretty sure I could find something for a gag back there too." "No, that's okay, remember, 'Eric the kidder'?" "I thought you'd see it my way." Donna started the old car up, put it in gear, and headed into traffic. After several minutes, Donna broke the silence. "So, tell me, what's this 'grand' competition that your opponents are so intent to see you miss?" Eric mumbled something under his breath as she pulled the car into the entrance ramp for the highway. "What was that?" she said as she looked in the mirrors, entering the fast moving traffic. Eric mumbled again. "What?" she demanded. "Mathaletes. It's a mathalete competition. You know, where two teams compete to see who can answer the most math questions." At that, Donna lost all composure and laughed hysterically. After several minutes of laughing, Donna looked over at Eric and saw he was still blushing under his make up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you, but you have to admit, that's pretty funny. Getting 'kidnapped' by a bunch of math students, dressed up and locked in a mall. What'd they do, hit you over the head with their protractors?" "I'll have you know mathaletes is very competitive sport. Any yahoo can throw a basket ball at a hoop, but integral calculus is on a whole different level." Donna laughed again. "Yeah but basketball players don't end up in a mall wearing pantyhose and heels." Eric was again silent. "So how did these 'mathaletes' grab you? Sneak up on you while you were doing algebra?" The amusement in her voice softened his mood a bit. "It wasn't the mathaletes who grabbed me." "Not the mathaletes? Okay darlin', who popped you into panties?" Eric mumbled again. "Come again? For a mathalete you don't have very good verbal skills." "It was their school's cheerleaders who did it." After several more moments of intense laughter, the car was again silent. Finally Eric broke the silence this time. "Look, these weren't your everyday highschool cheerleaders you know. They're state champions, the kind of team where they throw each other fifty feet up in the air and catch each other. They're big and strong. You get a lot more muscular tossing hundred an twenty pound cheerleaders than you do hauling around math books." "Well that does explain a lot," said Donna. "Explains what?" "Why you look so passable as a girl, the make up, the perfume, your outfit matches perfectly. Basket ball players wouldn't pay that much attention to detail." Donna reached over ran her hand over Eric's nylon covered thigh. "They even shaved your legs." "What do you mean, they didn't, yes, they even shaved my legs." Almost absentmindedly, Donna left her hand on Eric's leg. She found herself strangely attracted to him again and wondered secretly if she were a pervert. "Um, I can't believe I'm saying this, but could you please stop touching me there." Donna stroked his thigh a few more times, and laughed, "What's the matter, prefer a guy?" "Um, no, um, actually it feels very nice, a bit too nice, if you know what I mean." She removed her hand and watched him squirm in his seat, as much as the belt let him. She then noticed something was poking out of his lap, and again she broke out in laughter. "It's not funny, God this is so embarrassing, I can't even..." he grunted between clenched teeth, struggling with all his might against the belt. "How can you girls wear these clothes and not be turned on all the time! Everything is so soft and silky, and it's sliding around on body parts that shouldn't have silky things sliding on it." More laughs from Donna. "Don't worry about it Erica, I've been known to have that affect on boys before." "Will you please stop calling me Erica!" "Okay Trixie. Choice is yours." "Oh God, will this day ever end?" said Eric looking pleadingly towards the heavens for help. "Relax, I'm just picking on you. You have to admit it, this is pretty funny. You get kidnapped by cheerleaders, dressed up like a girl and locked at the mall to prevent you from competing with your fellow mathaletes." Eric smiled a little. "Come on, if this were happening to someone else, you'd be rolling on the floor, laughing so hard." Eric did smile and chuckle a bit. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." After a few more minutes, Eric said, "So, you didn't even tell me your name, what is it?" "I'm Donna." "Donna. Where do you go to school?" "I don't, I dropped out." "Didn't your parents kill you for doing that?" "No," said Donna turning very serious and quiet. After a couple of minutes she offered, "They're both dead. It's just me now. Me and this car." "I'm sorry." "Why? You didn't kill them." The car grew intensely quiet. To break the silence, Donna reached over at turned on the radio. She fiddled with the dial for a few minutes, and settled on a rock station. As the song ended, the DJ started on a traffic report mentioning a big rollover on the interstate highway. Donna said to no one in particular, "We'd better get off this highway or we'll run right into that mess. Did you hear what exit they said the accident was near?" "I think they said 72." A couple of more minutes of silence and Eric said, "Didn't we just pass exit 71?" Donna didn't answer because she was busy slamming on the breaks, just a head of them was the rollover, and they now found themselves in the middle of a large and growing traffic jam. Once she put the car in park she reached over and touched Eric's shoulder. "Are you alright?" she enquired. "I'm fine, thanks to this seat belt, but it doesn't look like we're going anywhere fast." "No, we're not," she said looking into the rearview mirror, watching the road behind them disappear underneath a wave of stopped cars. "This is just great!" said Eric. "After all I've been through, after all of this, I'm still going to miss the competition." "What's so special about a math competition anyways?" she asked. "Oh nothing really, just a fist full of scholarships that I was counting on paying my way through college. This is the state championship, and every major engineering school in the country will be there looking to recruit the winners. We were a shoe in to win with me there, I've won every competition since I started advanced math in eighth grade. Without me, the rest of the team, is, well, let's just say, dumber than a bag of hammers. Now we'll loose, I'll spend all summer working at an appliance store trying to earn enough money to attend community college. This is just great." They sat in silence for a few more minutes. "Can you please take these hand cuffs off me now?" said Eric pleading to Donna. "Yeah, I guess so. If you got beat up by a bunch of cheerleaders, I guess I could take you pretty easily if I had to." "I told you they weren't regular cheerleaders, they were like super cheerleaders on steroids or something!" Donna reached over Eric's lap to undo the seat belt and once again they were just inches apart. Donna's breast brushed across Eric's chest and he breathed deeply of her scent. Donna inhaled Eric's perfume and as she moved back to her own seat. She paused for a brief moment, filled with the desire to kiss him. She quickly regained her composure, and returned to her seat. The feeling lasted less than a minute, but lingered in her mind. They sat there looking into each other's eyes, before Eric remembered the cuffs, and turned his back to her. "Oh right," said Donna and reached for the keys in her pocket. She dropped them, and then smiled as she reached over to pick them up from Eric's seat, and again brushed his behind with her hand. Donna had never really been a "girly-girl", never really dressed up in fancy clothes to attract boy's attention. Her father had seen to it that the neighborhood boys kept their distance when he was alive, and after her parents death, so never had the desire to get close to any one. But for some unknown reason, she found herself attracted to Eric, and again she hoped it didn't have anything to with the way he was dressed. But she could not erase that thought. Eric was a healthy young man, with a body full of raging hormones. He was attracted to practically anything with breasts. Being a scrawny, brainy kid, the beauties were all out of his league. He hadn't kissed a girl since his neighbor had reached puberty and discovered foot ball players. But this attraction he was feeling to Donna was something he'd never experienced before. His stomach was full of butterflies as he felt her hands on his wrists. Even after she had removed the cuffs, he thought he felt her hands linger longer than necessary. And then the moment passed. Once again, they found themselves in an awkward silence. Both wanted to speak, but neither sure what to say. "So, it looks like we're going to be here for awhile." "Yep, sure does." "Yep, sure does." "Yep, certainly does." "Yep." "Yep." "So Erica, what time is your math contest anyway?" This time Eric said nothing about the feminine reference to him. "Oh, in about 30 minutes." "It's at North High, isn't it?" "Yes. Not that I'll be there." Donna thought for a moment and said, "Isn't the service road to the back of the school just off the exit we passed back there, about a quarter mile?" Eric thought for a minute. "Yes I think it is. Not that it will do us any good, this place is a parking lot." "I have to stay here with my car, but that doesn't mean you have to." "Donna what are you saying? I don't have time to get home and get changed and still make it to the school." "Who says you have to change?" "What! You can't possibly think that I'd go to the school dressed like this." "Why not? Girls do it all the time, who says you can't?" "Donna, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard." "Why does it have to be absurd? You said you can win the competition, you said you need the scholarships, and the school is only about a mile from here. If you hurry you can make it." "Donna, I'm not going in front of the entire high school academic community dressed like a girl. Just not going to happen." "So you're going to let the cheerleaders win, is that it?" "Donna, no. I can't." "What you really mean is you won't, isn't that what you're saying?" "But Donna, you don't understand." "Oh I understand alright, you're a chicken. You're more worried about what people think, than doing what you need to do. You are a chicken." "But Donna...." "Don't 'but Donna' me, you know, I was really starting to think you were different from other guys, and not just because your legs look good in pantyhose. But I guess you're not. You're just like every other guy in this world. All that matters is what other people think." " me?" "I thought I did. But I guess I was wrong." A few more moments of silence. "Donna, do you really think I can do it?" "Sure why not? Prove to these mean cheer leaders on steroids that you're better than they are, go to the school, win the competition, get your scholarships!" "But what do I tell people about how I'm dressed?" She reached over and grabbed Eric by the shoulders pulled him close so they were looking each other face to face. "Someone gives you crap, you look them straight in the eye and say 'I'm so damn good I can beat you in a dress!' and then you kick their mathaletes' ass!" Eric thought for a moment. His mind and his stomach were swirling. He dreaded the thought of being seen in public like this, but on the other hand, hearing Donna talk to him like this, he just couldn't back away from her challenge. He wanted to see her again, of course when he had pants on, but if he backed down from this challenge, he may never have the opportunity. "You're right. You're absolutely right! I'm not going to let those cheerleaders beat me! I'm not going to rearrange my life's plans over something this simple. I'm going to kick some serious math ass!" "That's the spirit, go kick their math ass!" "I'm going to do it! Are you going to be okay here?" "I'll be fine, it's just a traffic jam. Once it's cleared up, I'll meet you at the high school." "I'll do it!" "Then go, go now! Get a move on." As Eric reached for the door Donna grabbed him one more time and said, "Wait." And then she planted a huge kiss right on the lips. For a moment, time stood still. They embraced and Eric felt his toes curl. He'd never been kissed like this before in his life, and he never wanted it to end. Finally Donna pushed him away. "Go already or you'll be too late!" and she shoved him towards the door. "Um.....right, ass, right, I've got to go! Promise I'll see you at the school later?" "Yes, no go kick some math butt!" Eric left the car, and made it to the school on time. And despite some initial awkwardness, he soon had the entire auditorium in stitches with a constant stream of jokes about his attire. As he predicted, he kicked the other team's behind, and North High won with a record setting score. Throughout the competition, he constantly searched the audience for Donna, but couldn't find her. He did find his parents, who both sported expressions ranging from horrified, to confused, to worried, and finally to extreme pride in his accomplishment that evening. After receiving their awards, and having their picture taken (with Eric hiding as much as he could behind the math team's banner), the crowd broke up. Eric still searched frantically for Donna, but eventually gave up. As he headed to the parking lot to find his parent's car, there, parked at the curb was Donna, sitting on the hood of her car, wearing a huge smile. "Donna! I looked all over for you." "I know, I saw you, I didn't get here till the very end, but I did watch you, and you did kick some serious math ass." "Yes, yes I did." "And you did it in a dress too." "Yes, it takes a certain type of manly man to do it in a dress." "Yes it does." The two played a verbal spare as Eric maneuvered himself closer to Donna, till they were standing toe to toe. "Donna, I was thinking, I won't need two jobs this summer, because of the scholarships, so I'll have free time during the evening and on weekends. Would it be too forward of me to ask if I could spend some time with you, you know, like on a date?" Donna laughed and said, "Well, I don't usually date people who wear dresses, but I might be able to make an exception in this case." "I was also thinking, you know the school offers free GED classes during the summer, and I could help tutor you, you know to help you catch up. Also my Dad has an appliance store, I'm sure I could get him to give you a job, you know, so you could get an apartment, and, well, I know how much you love your car and all, but a regular place to live might not be so bad. Then, you know, if you wanted to, maybe we could both go off to college in the fall. But only if you want." Donna was stunned into silence. This morning she was looking for nothing more than a few trinkets to swipe so she would have enough money to make it through the day, and here was this guy - true, in a dress - who was talking about helping her get her life back on track. "You would do all that for me? Why?" "Because I think I'm falling in love with you." Donna was stunned into silence. Could she trust Eric? Could she trust any one ever again? She didn't know, but....but.....but? After a moment, she replied, "You're not going to wear dresses all the time are you?" "No, no, not at all Donna..." Then she interrupted him, "Not that you don't have great legs and all, maybe once in a while might be fun." "You like me dressed like this?" he said with surprise. "Well, maybe, you are awfully damn cute like this. And I still have the handcuffs......" she said with an alluring smile. "We'll talk about it," he said and the two embraced for a long, loving kiss. And they both lived happily ever after.

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October 7th: hav decided to hold a cock-sucking comp with other girls on college - but can’t decide on prizes! isnt pleasing men its own reward? ;)October 8th: i won the competition. i think some of the other girls were annoyed with me. hey, no one ever said that boyfriends were off-limits! October 9th: i can’t even imagine starting the day without waking up to a cock or 2 inside of me October 10th: u no wat they say - blondes just wanna have anal sex! Amber was glad to have Heather there,...

4 years ago
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Tears of Joy

You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you. Tasting your mouth, feeling your tongue in my mouth. I slid the covers down while kissing your mouth deeply. I moved my kisses down your neck, down your chest, and started licking and sucking your nipples. I started rubbing your dick through your underwear while still licking and sucking on your nipples. You reached under my...

3 years ago
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Wedding BetChapter 14 Marriage Bait

“My butt still hurts” The group of us sitting in the ranch’s living room laughed. Taylor instructed, “All things in moderation, my dear.” Kat was standing and rubbing her glutes with both hands and obviously flexing her Kegel muscles, “But you were doing it.” “I was, but not as energetically as you were, plus I’ve had anal sex many times before. That was your first time. You needed to be a little kinder to yourself, plus Mitch isn’t the smallest man alive. He did try to take his time with...

1 year ago
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CaughtFapping Aften Opal Caught By Her Sister8217s Boyfriend

Aften Opal enters her living room but is shocked when she sees Lawson Jones, her older sibling’s boyfriend, dozing on the couch. She figures he must be staying over for the night but knows that her parents are super strict about NOT letting Lawson stay in the same room with her older sibling. This annoying rule works well in Aften’s favor, though, since she has a MAJOR crush on Lawson! In fact, she’s so turned on by the sight of him — and thinking that the rest of the...

1 year ago
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American Dad Lets Share My Wife

"Hey, Mr. S." Jeff announced, walking through the kitchen wearing nothing but his underwear, complete with the wet spot in the front that belied his next sentence. "I'm like, super-exhausted from nailing your daughter." Jeff announced to the room. "Either of you want to tag in?" He offered to all three of the other men in the room. Klaus raised his fin, but nobody paid that any attention."Sure. I'll tag in. The lights off?" Steve asked. It was an odd request, but he'd been through much stranger...

3 years ago
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Friend8217s Gf Becoming A Slut Gf

Hi, my name is James and I live in Pune with 2 other guys named Chris and Brant. All of us have our corporate jobs and had studied together during our MBA education. Brant was a typical guy, who was very modest and simple in life and was one of the most disciplined guys with girls. This always got him into trouble and lead to him never getting a girlfriend yet. He even came to me once and said in frustration that it seems like the next girl which he is going to a fuck would only be after his...

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Dusty 1 Cops LifeChapter 16

The next seven weeks flew past for James and me. We got involved in some interesting cases, and we were coached on every technique they used. We had little trouble passing the units they had us study for. Professor Ingles had already said he could sign us off on the others. We even had to study Army Regs. One case we solved that surprised them was what was called a cold case. It was nearly three years old. Captain Walters had pointed out a special filing cabinet. He said it had six cases in...

2 years ago
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Letters from Hobson Bend

LETTER FROM HOBSON BENDDear Shoeblossom:I've enjoyed the letters I've read, and I wanted to tell you of my unique relationship with my dominant wife, Beatrix, "Trix" for short.I am Doctor Lionel Lithgow, author of 20 books...University professor of physics... And president of the biggest quantum physics research facility in the Western Hemisphere...But at home I'm just a little  slave-bitch!I met Trixie when my old girlfriend, Ariadne, took me to a Renaissance faire.Most of the event was just...

2 years ago
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Late With The Rent Again Part Two

Having sex with my landlord was probably the lowest thing I ever had to do.  He’s fat, has body odor, missing teeth, greasy hair and fat fingers.  He does have a huge dick and loves to eat pussy though.  However, I was completely repulsed with him fucking my asshole.  I’m sad to say, he got me off several times.  Does that make me a freak?I must be sick or into fat men.  I’m a bit worried about myself.  I think about that night where he used me like a complete slut.  He was my best lay I ever...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Synergy of two bodies

Hi, all happy to be back to entertain my dear readers, it’s been long since your jj gave you a good long whack off story. Well i am little guilty on this end but fair enough this one is going to be short but definitely have all the required stuff for you to spend along time in the bathroom and releasing some heavy load of cum. My mom told me there was a family get-together and i needed to attend. I normally hate these affairs and try to slip out early. These people were not my blood relatives...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Neighborhood Wife And Daughter 8211 Part 1

Hi guys. This story is about me having a threesome with a neighborhood wife and her daughter. My name is Anto (). Please leave your suggestions and comments at the above-mentioned email. So let me begin. I was a working professional who used to work mostly on the night shift and rest during the day. I was staying alone in a 2 BHK flat. I loved a big house because I used to have friends over to the party. I used to have frequent parties at my place and a lot of friends used to come over. My...

3 years ago
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Oral Delight

I am a perpetually horny woman and today is no exception. I awake this morning to find my pussy tingling and there is no one here to satisfy my cravings. It is not my fault; I am horny by birthright.I knew it was one of those days that I knew was going to be a long day when I got up. I am feeling sexy after a weekend getaway with my wife Rachel. Rachel is a long-legged brunette with a killer body and is three years my junior. Her libido matches mine so we often enjoy the pleasures of the flesh...

2 years ago
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My first time ill never forget

Who would have ever known that two best friends could ever be something more.. True Story I was 17 and it was the last year of my senior year in high, I have always grown up with my best friend Jacob. Jacob and I had always done everything together, we were always together. That was mainly because he was my next door neighbour for most of my life. His room faced mine so we always went out to our balconies from our rooms and just have our usual conversations, tonight’s conversation was about our...

4 years ago
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Twins 4 The Orgy

It was three days since Carol, Cindy, Claire and I had sex in my living room. I was sitting on my deck watching Cindy and Claire at the swimming pool. They had on their matching two piece bathing suits. They waved to me then started walking over. “Hi Sam,” “Hi, ladies.” They sat in the deck chairs. We talked about nothing much, but the thought in the back of our minds was the sex Carol and I had in front of them culminating with my penis in Carol’s ass. At that point Carol walked over. She had...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Natalie Knight Rocking With Natalie Knight

Sexy hot babe Natalie Knight is ready to tease you with her bright red heels and glasses that she wants Codey to fuck right off her! That tight nude bodysuit fits her like a glove and Codey can not wait to help peel it off so he can run his hands all over those perfect little tits! He buries his face deep in her pussy getting completely consumed by its wonders! Natalie can not wait any longer getting his hard cock deep in her mouth before she jumps on top and bounces like crazy taking every...

3 years ago
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I Had Sex With My Aunt

One day I heard that we were going somewhere, well my family were but I didn’t want to go and the only option I had was to go to my aunt’s house. She always cared for me. I had to stay there the whole day since my family were going somewhere really far. I went in and she greeted me. She asked me if I wanted to eat or drink anything, I said no. I had my eyes on her massive boobs and her big ass. Anyone would crave for those. I had an erection and the I pretended that I had pain near my stomach....

3 years ago
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My experiences with a couple ndash Part 2 The

Though i have never met my master before, as per the chat conversations we had I was sure that sex will be involved with me satisfying him. It will be first time for me. It will also be a first time i am going to touch a penis other than my own. I had images in my mind where he is forcing me to suck him and in reality I didn’t want to throw up if that happens. I didn’t have food or anything to drink. kept my stomach empty, mainly due to the excitement. I also wondered how he will be punishing...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 11

Morning came too damned early. Or I went to sleep too damned late. One of those. I forced my self out of bed. I had an important call to make and a big day ahead of me. If someone had told me when I woke up for school last Friday that on Monday I'd be taking a girlfriend to a doctor so she could get on the pill it would have been inconceivable. Yet that's what I was doing after school. I got in the shower and thought more about what I'd been thinking about before I fell asleep. Mom's...

1 year ago
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After The Shower

Sophie stood facing up towards the water, allowing it to cascade down her body; the feeling of the hot water running down her was so sensual. As the water pounded down on her she allowed herself to think to how she got to be stood here taking a shower in his flat. She had just ended a relationship. It had been dead for a long time but they had just carried on living life together not really speaking or spending time together and defiantly not being intimate in any type of way. Then she was...

1 year ago
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BAMVisions Barbie Sins My New Barbie Doll

Busty British doll Barbie Sins is Mick Blue’s hot new playmate. She’s blonde. She’s sexy. She’s a stunning anal sex adventuress. Everything about this London babe — from her jiggly big ass to her bouncy big tits — makes your prick stand up and take notice. It’s not just her looks that amaze, as Mick quickly finds out during a POV blowjob, ball sucking, and rimjob. And as she pushes dildos and a Christmas tree sex toy from her rosebud, it’s not simply her sensual oral skills that turn you on,...

1 year ago
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The Adventures Of The Sicilian Twins Chapter 2

Buzz…buzzDon Luigi opened one eye, lazily trying to spot the nasty mosquito looking to drain his blood with a vengeance. He cursed the fact that the little critters never seemed to focus on his wife’s plump rump rising like the leaning tower of Pisa. It was an expanse of naked skin that seemed to stretch forever and he had lost all interest in it many years ago.No, the bloodthirsty little devils only wanted his precious blood for some reason that defied logic and annoyed him beyond the point of...

Straight Sex
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Cuckold Eunuch

Cuckold Eunuch I lay naked on the floor, as I always did when Sam came home from one of excursions.It was late, about 1.00am as she came bursting into the bedroom.“Ah there you are, Darling, all ready for me! I have collected some lovely creamy cum just for you!”Sam was wearing a short skirt and high heels and an open jacket under which she had a bodice type top that pushed up her C cup boobs making them seem way larger.Brushing her long brown hair over her shoulders she then lifted up her...

4 years ago
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CNF andor PNF

So here's some CNF/PNF stories you might be interested in—though you might add one of your own: celebrities, multiple-celebrities, fictional celebrities, and other CNF and/or PNP women.

2 years ago
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Operation Rescue the New CoEd Chapter 19

Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed Chapter 19 - The Dean, Round Three A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. Tommi's second pregnancy is slowly progressing. With finals looming, Tommi has an unexpected summons to the Dean's office. [email protected] ********************************************************************** "I _told_ you that this was...

2 years ago
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Not What She Expected 3 spankingschoolgirl story

When the last school bell rang, my favorite student, Hannah, rushed out of class only to be back in few minutes, when everyone already left. I knew – I hoped – she will come back to me after the foggy deal we made last Friday.- I will give my report only when we are in the stock room - Hannah stated with an intent look on her face, standing in front of my desk. I simply noded to her statement and headed towards the back facilities of the clasroom in my care: my precious little office. After we...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Muslim Housewife

Hello, all indian sex stories dot net readers.I am meet from Ahmedabad..24 years old.I am doing business in Ahmedabad.I write this story in Hindi because many types of readers are here.Please meri, pehle ki stories ki tarat ye story ko bhi pasand krna or muje sahi feed back dena on my mail id:om.   Aab story pe ata hu baat aaj se 15din pehle ki he..Me ahmedabad me business krta hu or single hu so ek dating side pr free time me surfing kr raha tha utne me ek msg aya naaz(name chnge) name se..Or...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 2

Phillips woke up with a morning piss hard-on, just as he had done for the last who knows how long. Since he was 11? Maybe even before that. All he knew for sure was that he wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto. Everything was just peachy until he woke up yesterday. He had lost his job a few weeks back, had been reading books and stories on the internet, and even played at being a rancher in Central Texas until this happened. He found out yesterday that he had been somehow transported back in time...

2 years ago
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‘Just kiss her!’ I screamed at myself. She was still talking quite seriously about work, but I had completely zoned out by now. My entire world conscious and subconscious, limited though either was under this heavy an alcohol influence, was trained entirely on thoughts of her. Thoughts I knew I should not be having. I tried to listen to her and nod along, offer what might seem like a reasonable contribution to the conversation, but all I could do was be hypnotized by the movement of her lips...

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Beckys Doctor

Copyright© 2006 to Bliss For my regular readers, this story will be quite a departure from my usual stuff. I hope you enjoy it. This story describes action that the author in no way recommends or approves. This story is meant for fantasy only. * ‘Becky,’ said June swatting her on the arm, ‘Pay attention!’ Becky snapped out her day dream and focused on the professor again. God she had to pay more attention. She’d been having trouble concentrating ever since she broke up with her boyfriend...

4 years ago
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Thunder and Lightning The sound of running water, the trilling of birds in the trees and the sun peeking over the mountain were what woke me. As I lay there luxuriating in the freedom of the Idaho Rocky Mountains, I became aware of the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the crackle of a fire outside the tent. I groped the sleeping bag next to me looking for my lover to discover that she had already gotten up. I crawled from my warm bed and stepped out of the tent to greet the day. The chill on...

4 years ago
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Wife and I Discover a new Desire

Couple try kinky sex (foursome, bi-sexual)My sexy wife and I had just finished having sex. Many nights after sex, we would talk about what turns us on. For years, I had been eating my own cum. My wife loved to watch me eat it. I loved to eat it. Tonight, after filling my wife's shaved pussy, she sat on my face and I cleaned my cum from her bringing her to an explosive orgasm. My wife loved having me suck and lick her freshly fucked pussy clean. Tonight, she asked me if I had any new fantasies....

3 years ago
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A Cheerleaders Story

                A Cheerleader's Story                  Chapter ThirteenThey went riding again and left me to clean. I had the place looking pretty neat when they got back.  I even cleaned the outhouse."Lindsey we are going back to the estate house now. Sammihas decided to have her party there. There is more for the girls to do. Also I doubted if you were going to get this place clean enough for my daughter. There will be some cleaning there for you do. You have so much energy! I told Sammi...

1 year ago
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Escort Tales Ch 06

Antonella and Kobi were going into their 2nd year in the business and things couldn’t be going any better. In this city, they were arguably the best and most popular choice in the game. Repeat business was off the charts. Recommendations were reaching as far as international waters. They were getting so busy that there wasn’t enough time and they had to keep an exclusive list of VIP clients only. But after a year where everything was going their way, luck was bound to catch up to them. It all...

2 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 15

Author’s Note: While I was getting this chapter ready for submission, I realized that Nick had invaded my computer and turned Dani and Bull’s world upside down. When I found the part where he was using his evil to make things worse, I consulted both Dani and Bull and they realized that she would have never allowed such a thing to happen. So I made sure that was made clear in the story. Sorry no rushing ahead, but you’ll know when you get there. I also knew I had to make up for what Andre was...

4 years ago
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Toying With a Young Voyeur at my Apartment Window

Through the window of my high-rise apartment, I'd been watched by a voyeur, two nights in a row. The first night, he watched me wearing just a skimpy negligee while I walked around, unaware that the mini-blinds of my floor-to-ceiling windows were open. Turned on, I sat back on a bean-bag chair and spread my legs nice and wide for him while I screwed my 55-year-old pussy with a well-oiled vibrating dildo. Trouble was, I couldn't be sure he had actually had an orgasm from peeping at me...

2 years ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 2

When I left Kay’s house, she had me wear my new birthday undershorts home with me. She had me leave my other undershorts at her house. She also kept the paddle, but she would talk to me about it during our next date. I had accepted being spanked by Kay since I wanted to find a woman for my life that was more dominant and was in complete control, and I thought Kay might be the perfect woman for me. Kay and I talked during the week, and we set up our next date to last all day on Saturday. I was...

3 years ago
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Crackin the wall

The phone in Brian’s dorm room rang three times before he picked it up the receiver and said, “Hello, who is it please!” “Oh, hi, Mitch, sure, okay, in fifteen minutes, good, meet you there!!!” After hanging up the phone, he said to himself, “Wow, I haven’t heard from Mitch in over two months, and now he wants to play tennis, now, if I can only find my racket, we’ll be all set!!!” It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a bulldozer to just to get to the bottom of...

2 years ago
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Tour of DutyChapter 13 Coastal Patrol Lieutenant

I was up and in early the next day and found promotion orders to lieutenant on the captain's desk. There was also a note that lieutenant colonel Quincy had seconded my suggestion to give field promotions to staff sergeant Patterson and McBee. The general and the Troop commander arrived and I called both men to the office. They accepted and I gave them the day off to start the process. The company did maintenance and cleaned equipment and I saw Mr Darken and Amberjack off. I had a lot to...

2 years ago
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Vanessa Embarks on a Journey into Unknown Territory Expands Her Social Circle

Author's Foreword & Acknowledgement It probably goes without saying, but the main story, while set in the ‘present day’, does predate the COVID pandemic. It reinforces the point that this story is purely an erotic, fictional fantasy, developed solely from the present author’s weird imagination. The events & individuals portrayed are completely fictional & not based on any actual real-life cases from either group to my knowledge. The following story is set in a particular context, & partly...

3 years ago
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The Decoy

Jenny and I had been married just a little over seven years and the bloom had gone off the rose. When we were married sex had been exciting, Jenny had been insatiable, and I couldn't keep my hands off of her. Over the years things had slowed down to where we had sex twice a week and on such a regular schedule that you could have set your watch by it. Why we had reached that plateau was a question that I couldn't answer. Jenny was still as beautiful as ever, I still loved her madly and we both...

1 year ago
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Teenage Banshee

Sinead slammed the front door and ran upstairs to her bedroom. Her mother raised her eyes as the bedroom door slammed too.In her room, Sinead sat on the bed, rocking herself slowly backwards and forwards. Her long dark hair hung over her face. The dark eye makeup was smudged from the flow of tears she had been wiping hurriedly away on the run home.Her mother tentatively knocked on the door.“Go away!”She listened until she heard the footsteps disappear back down the stairs. She stood up and...

4 years ago
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We Werent Prepared For Camping Chapter 2

Finally arriving at our camping spot, we chucked off our backpacks and started to get set up with the towels, blankets, hamper and other things. I hung the swing chair and string hammock while JJ attended to the other preparations for our day at the beach.Having made this our regular weekend retreat, we had made a few frames on previous visits. These supported the hammock and swing so that it was easy to get settled in quickly. We remained almost hidden from the main traffic to and from the...

4 years ago
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Donnie I Love You

Hello to all the readers out there. The recent sex story is about someone whom I met through ISS and the girl who changed my life with her smile and presence. The sex story is actually described by her and has emotions which she wanted to write. This probably isn’t a just a sex story rather a Love one. The story goes ahead in her words. This is not just a sex story or an experience. It is way beyond that, it’s a feeling which describes all the pleasure and happiness I was waiting for in life. I...

3 years ago
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Shellys spit Brandons Cock and my mou

I'm not sure if this blog post will be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm going to share an eye-opening experience that I had a weeks ago. Maybe some of you enjoy this "flavor" of kink. I'd never been in to the Sub/Dom scene -- it wasn't like I wasn't aware of it, I just never had much exposure to it. Then I hooked up with Shelly and Mark, a mature couple I met on a swingers website. She was 57, tall, slim, with graying brunette hair, glasses -- she was attractive and hovered between MILF and GILF....

1 year ago
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Beautiful Milk Aunty

My name is krish ,30 from hyderabad. I stay in a apartment in a flat. About six months ago a new neighbour came to stay near us. It was a family consisting of uncle and aunty and they had a baby about 6 months old. That day they rang our door I came out to see and uncle were there they told me that they are our new neighbours that day I saw aunty for the first time she was gorgeous, fair as milk, she wore spects and that gave her just the sexy looks and her main attraction were her boobs they...

4 years ago
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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 9 Nights on the Town

Celeus Township’s Civil Services hostel was located, as were all the important civic buildings, near the township’s center. It was just a few minutes’ walk through a light drizzle to reach its front door. While it had been late night back in Diocles Township, it was early evening here. Some off-duty Marines had gathered in the bar of the hostel. From the street I could hear music and laughter. I felt awake and jittery. When I walked in the front door, there was a lull in the voices as they...

1 year ago
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My Trip To Indian Village

Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories i’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on It had been too many years of being in the rat race and working on projects where the credit was always someone else. The blame for things not working out always fell into my lap and was at an age where the fucking was not supportive enough and one day I just...

2 years ago
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Showing Sanne CFNM and FemDom

Before we were married my wife (Dee) and I rented a nice 4 bedroom house outside of Brighton that we initially shared with 5 other people from University. Gradually people moved on and eventually we were left to just just the two of us. This meant that our rent was quite steep but having been there so long prices elsewhere had rocketed so it made sense to stay where we were. Our student contract meant that the landlord couldn't raise the price for 5 years and there were still 2 years to run....

3 years ago
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New neighbors

Naked on the bed, they surround me and begin pulling out their cocks. I'm on all fours. I begin sucking the first cock I come to. I can hear the belts and zippers. He moans. I moan. One man smacks my ass and they all start laughing. Moving to the next, I lick the tip and look up at the man who is feeding me. His girlfriend is kissing his neck while I suck his cock. I hear her whisper "He loves your cock too daddy". I moan in agreement. "Alright my turn slut" I hear as I'm quickly directed to a...

1 year ago
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Rubbing my lovers tits and scissoring for valentines day

I was dating Jana for two years now and I wanted to give her a surprise for valentine’s day. Last year, she had given me a lacy lingerie set and I surprised her with some jewellery. But this year I was out of ideas and didn’t want to copy her last year’s idea. I was thinking about what to do for her to make her feel good. I was thinking of doing something spicy that would mean a gift a both of us. So, I came up with a plan of rubbing my lover’s tits to pleasure her. It was at 7 pm, that...


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