The Doctor Is In - Chapter Two free porn video

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The Doctor is in Chapter Two Stevie continued reading the script as he ate his sandwich. It was a typical adult movie, with the usual mixture of sex and violence that women seemed to love. He and Greggie played best friends from high school who had just graduated and gotten jobs. Greggie was a secretary to a businesswoman, while Stevie was a maid working for a wealthy lawyer. They both quickly ended up sleeping with their employers, and each discovered they were addicted to sex. Unbeknownst to each other, the two boys began to see the same sex therapist, Dr. Gwen Sharkey, a "new age" psychiatrist who believed that both men and women needed to talk their problems out. At the end of the movie the two boys meet at Dr. Sharkey's office when they have adjoining appointments. The movie ended with both boys bent over her couch screaming in ecstasy as she reamed their asses. Hence the title of the film, "The Doctor Is In." Stevie glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost one o'clock. While he detested Louise, the trollish director was correct about one thing. They were already well behind schedule after only one morning of shooting. Things would go a lot faster with Greggie off the set, and they could probably shoot the scenes in one take this afternoon. The first actual sex scene would probably be shot in half an hour. Stevie reached in a bottom drawer and from a box took an oval capsule slightly smaller than an egg. He took a little vaseline and wiped it on the tip, and then inserted the capsule into his rectum. Prelude capsules were something that no boy in the adult movie business could survive without. Prelude had come on the market when Stevie was a child, and even as a young boy he remembered the sensation it had caused. Finally a sex aid for men to help them achieve orgasm. Every boy learned in high school sex-ed that when a man became aroused, special glands in his anus would produce natural lubricants to facilitate sexual intercourse. But as Stevie, and apparently many other men had experienced, the male body didn't always function as it should. And the last thing a woman wanted to do was mess with a lubricant right before sex. Most women were so horny they would screw anything that moved. Prelude contained a generous portion of a natural lubricant and a small dose of a sedative. The natural heat of a boy's anal cavity would melt the coating of the capsule, and the resulting stream of lubrication would allow a boy to accommodate even the largest dildo. And the sedative would allow a boy to relax, calming the natural fears that men have prior to sexual intercourse. The caption of the box said it all, "Take all of what she's got to give!" The prelude capsule began to work quickly, and Stevie could feel his body start to respond. He soon had a warm, moist feeling in his behind, and as the sedative started to kick in he started feeling mellow. He didn't want to relax too much, knowing he had to remember his lines. Stevie touched up his makeup, and then put on his maid's uniform for the next scene. It was the classic French Maid costume, with the ruffles and frilly panties. As he walked on the set, Jane Walker winked at him. He'd worked with Jane several times, and has always found her to be a real pro. She had the ability to be gentle while appearing as if she was brutally screwing a boy. He noticed that Louise had calmed down, and sounded very subdues as she called out "Let's get to work, people". Jane came up to Stevie and whispered in his ear, "I had a little talk with Louise. We had a little disagreement about how she treated your co- star. I think you'll find she's a bit easier to work with." "Okay, take one," said Louise, and they began to shoot. Jane was playing Dierdre Cummings, a lawyer who had hired Sammie Wilkins as a maid straight out of high school. "Sammie, make sure you dust those figurines on the bottom shelf," ordered Deirdre. "Yes Madame," he replied as he bent way over, making sure that his short skirt was far higher than his frilly panties. His breasts were spilling out of his blouse, and he could see their reflection in the mirror. There were always lots of mirrors in porn movies, Stevie considered. It made for good shots, and he could see the camera panning back and forth between his pantied bottom and his firm, mostly exposed tits. "Sammie, are you aware that the one year contract you signed has a Taylor Clause," Deirdre asked. "I thought you had agreed to remove the clause, Madame," he said with a hint of fear in his voice. "I'm afraid, Sammie, that I decided to keep the clause in the contract, and you signed it. You didn't really think I would pay you this salary and room and board just for your cleaning, did you? You'll lay for your employer tonight, just like the contract says." "Madame, I cook and clean for you. That is all I wish to do," Sammie said tearfully. Even for a cheap porn movie the dialogue was pretty cheesy, Stevie thought. It was difficult to keep in character, and he found his mind starting to wander. It was back to reality as Jane rose from the couch and grabbed Stevie by the wrists and started to pull him towards the bedroom. She pulled hard, and Stevie started to resist. One of the reasons Jane was so good in these movies was that the boys always felt a little bit of real fear in these scenes. "Stop resisting, Sammie. I don't want to hurt you," Jane whispered under her breath to Stevie, "Get ready." Stevie knew what was coming. and braced himself for the blow. It seemed like that scene was in every adult movie he'd ever been in. She drove her knee into his groin, first making sure it hit his inner thigh, and he collapsed into her arms. Jane had miscalculated and her blow knocked the wind out of him. "Are you all right?? she asked in a worried tone. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted it to look realistic. I forgot how sensitive you boys are down there." She was clearly very upset with herself. "Just give me a few minutes to recover," Stevie managed to say. I forgot how sensitive you boys are down there. The great equalizer, Stevie thought bitterly. You could read a million articles about how it was psychological or intellectual differences between the sexes that led to women being the dominant sex, but Stevie had no doubt it was that thing between his legs. He was a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than Jane was, but if this were real life he would be curled up in a ball in agony. The weaker sex. All because of a useless piece of flesh. Just this week Time Magazine had an entire issue devoted to the relationship in society between woman and men. The cover showed an attractive couple, presumably at home. The man was seated in a chair wearing a housedress and an old- fashioned sunbonnet while the woman wore a business suit and stood at his side. Their body language was very interesting. The woman stared at the man with a confident, stern look, while the man wore a nervous smile and looked slightly downward, averting her eyes. The woman had a firm hand on his shoulder, showing that there was no doubt who was in charge. The caption on the cover was The Second Sex. One of the articles was written by Mabel Glass, a noted evolutionary scientist, and in it she had referred to the penis and the vagina as pre-evolutionary genitals. She theorized that in the not-too-distant future men would develop natural breasts and the penis might become an interior set of genitals. Likewise, she believed the vagina could evolve into an outward appendage. For now, she claimed, civilization had corrected what seemed to be nature's mistake. It truly was what separated humans from barnyard animals. At one time, early in history, Glass said, women and men had actually struggled for control. The difference in genitals had had served an important role in that struggle. Females had ultimately won control largely because of the vulnerability of the penis. But how does she account for the present, she was asked? Thousands of years of human culture, she had responded. Over the course of history, women and men had learned their roles. She noted that gender stereotypes have their roots in real behaviors. The idealized female role as tough, aggressive, even brutal if need be, was formed over thousands of years of actual history. Women fought wars, built civilizations, and generally were the engines that moved society forward. Likewise the idealized male role was that of someone who was soft, weak and timid, dependent upon women for protection. It carried over into present day society. The concept of war, and the reaction of the two sexes toward it, was a perfect example of the basic differences between women and men. To females, even little girls, war is exciting, something to be celebrated. For males, war was something to be feared. Throughout history men shuddered at the thought of war, knowing that they would be part of the spoils. Accompanying the article were images of two paintings by a Japanese artist named Ngiri Kobiyashi. She had completed them forty years ago in 2075, and they were based on her actual experience during the Japanese- Scandinavian war during the 2040's. The first was called 'The Victory', and in the background you could see the vanquished Swedish army, having been slaughtered by the Japanese. The foreground was a version of the standard post-battle surrender scene. The Japanese general and her lieutenants were in the Swedish Parliament, and kneeling in subjugation were the naked male consorts of the Parliament members, waiting to learn their fate. You could see the mixture of sorrow and fear on the faces of the boys. Sorrow for th loss of their women, fear in the knowledge that their lives will undergo terrible changes. At that point in time, Japanese men were little more than chattel, and were considered the property of their women. The second painting was 'The Ravage'. About a dozen soldiers were depicted assaulting a group of male nudes. In the center was a short powerfully built woman. She had a large boy slung over her shoulder, while she used her other hand to drag a weeping boy by his hair. In her free hand she held a massive dildo. Her face showed a horrible combination of lust and rage. There was a clear view of the face of the boy being carried on her shoulder. Stevie had never seen such a look of complete terror. The other twenty or so boys were all being assaulted or molested in some fashion. Stevie brought his thoughts back to present. "I'm ready," he called out. He took his place back in Jane's arms and they resumed shooting. She pushed him over the back of the couch and pinned him there with one arm. Reaching into a side table she took out a huge dildo and strapped it over her pants. "Please stop, Madame," Stevie whimpered. He forced some tears out, another key element of any sex scene. Women naturally became aroused by a man's weeping, and Stevie had certainly experienced that more than once in real life. Instead Jane pulled his skirt up, tore his panties off, and thrust the dildo inside of him. She began to pant and started to moan in pleasure. Pulling him upright, she pushed him to the center of the floor and forced him to his hands and knees. She began to screw him doggie-style, grabbing his breasts roughly as she continued to ram him. Stevie forgot his pain, and his body began to respond, moving in unison with her thrusts. It wasn't so much that he enjoyed being fucked, but he had learned how to tolerate it. And at least he was getting paid for it. It really wasn?t much different than what most boys went through. Sex was the only real weapon men had, and every man used it a little differently. He was no different from the secretary who slept with his boss or some ditzy file clerk lying on his boss' desk as she took him. Stevie started to make little squealing noises to match the rhythm of Jane's thrusts. After a couple of minutes he could hear her going, "Oh yes, oh yes." He was starting to get sore, but he intensified his squeals. By this time, Jane had lost all control and was almost savage as she continued to ram him with the enormous dildo. Building to a crescendo, Stevie suddenly let out a long scream of ecstasy and exclaimed "Oh my goddess!" Jane stopped her thrusts and relaxed her body. She pushed him away and pulled the dildo out of him with an audible "pop". She slapped him sharply on the ass, and winked at him, saying "That will be all Sammie. Same time tomorrow." "Oui, Madame," Stevie/Sammie said happily as he flounced out of the room. The scene wrapped up the shooting for the day. Stevie went into the dressing room and placed a post-coital suppository capsule up his rectum and sighed. Immediately he felt a cool, soothing feeling spreading throughout his system. Although he had just turned twenty, he felt like he was getting too old for this. Stevie removed the spike heels, and took off the maid's costume and frilly lingerie. In their place, he wore matching beige bra and panties, a conservative blue dress and sandals. He grabbed his shoulder bag, tied his hair back in a ponytail and left the room. Jane was standing in the kitchen, talking to one of the camerawomen. She went to him and exclaimed, "I am so sorry, Stevie. Are you are all right?" "I'm better, but still a little sore," he said. "Don't worry. I know it was an accident." "You wouldn't know there was anything wrong from your reaction in the scene," she said. "You're a real pro. I still feel awful about it anyway. Let me give you a ride home." They got in Jane's car, a blue Jaguar, and sped off. "You still live over in the Palms, right?? Jane asked. The Palms was a large men's condo and apartment complex in South Miami. It was a gated community of about sixty ten-story buildings, home to almost 15,000 men. What had attracted Stevie to it was the fact that it had a private security force of about twenty women who patrolled the area. Women could only enter if they were specifically visiting a resident, and even then they were accompanied by a guard to that resident's home. That way a man didn't have to worry about running into a strange woman late at night. They made small talk as she drove. "You still with Jackie? Stevie asked. "Yup. We're just celebrated our fifth year together. I bought him a sapphire necklace, and after this pictures completed I'm taking him to Paris." "Jackie is a sweet boy, and he's an absolute knockout. You are a lucky women," Stevie said. Jane took a short cut, and now they were driving through part of Miami's red light district. It was actually safer than many areas of Miami since there were always a lot of cops around. And in the past few years the city had actually mad a concerted effort to regulate the sex industry. Many states had legalized prostitution, and Florida had followed suit. There were several city-licensed brothels, and block after block of gentlewomen's clubs and cocktail bars. He saw two tall, leggy blondes with big boobs get out of a cab and enter the Pussycat Lounge. He wondered how much these boys made in an evening. Professional interest, he though to himself. It was a fact that many if not most of the best- paying jobs for a boy were in the sex industry. After all it was a woman's world, and it was almost impossible for a man to be taken seriously in the world of business. Men just didn't have the head for business. Or men just aren't good decision makers. Those were the excuses given when you read that 99% of the lowest paying jobs in business were held by males. Secretaries, receptionists, and clerks - those were the jobs open to men. They exited the red-light district and continued on, passing nice townhomes, usually occupied by younger women in managerial positions who were on their way up the corporate ladder. It was still early, so almost all the women were at work, but here and there he saw a few boys, probably live in boyfriends or perhaps maids. They were close to the beach, and they passed two boys in bikinis heading toward the water. Finally they arrived at the gate to the Palms. Stevie turned to Jane and said apologetically, "I'd ask you upstairs for some coffee, but Greggie is staying with me tonight. After today's incident I didn't want him to have to go back to Tucker Village and stay there alone." "He lives in that dump? Advise him to get out of there as soon as possible, for his own sake. I'll see you tomorrow, Stevie." He slowly walked toward his building, passing the pool. It was a typical hot June afternoon in Miami, and Stevie considered taking a swim. He looked in through the fence, and saw that the pool was crowded, with the usual mix of older men in two-piece suits and younger boys in their bikinis. He reached his building and entered in the lobby. "Hi, Josephine," he called to the guard on duty. She waved back with a tip of her policewoman's club, and called him over. Another nice feature of the Palms was that each building had a guard on duty round the clock. Even if a woman got by the front gate, it was almost impossible for her to enter a building. Stevie had read of too many attacks against men occurring in the stairwells of their buildings. "Stevie, the boy showed up a few hours just like you said. I gave him your spare key and he went upstairs. He looked like he'd been crying. Is he a friend of yours?? Josephine asked. "A co-worker who had a rough day," Stevie replied. Josephine knew that he worked in the adult film business. He didn't advertise it to people, but likewise he never tried to hide the fact. It certainly didn't seem to bother women. He guessed most women were only too happy to date a porno start, figuring it was that much less effort it would take to get into his panties. In the elevator he ran into Jimmie, dressed in his nurse's whites. "You're looking good, Jimmie. Did you lose a few pounds?" "Oh Stevie," he said in a weary tone. "I did actually drop a few pounds, but it?s not intentional. The new nursing supervisor has changed the shifts for all nursing personnel. We're now working twelve hour shifts instead of ten." "That's awful!? Stevie exclaimed. "Did they run this by any of the nurses?" "The new Director of Nursing is some snot-nosed kid fresh out of school with zero experience but a Master's Degree in Hospital Admin. She called all the nurses in last week for a meeting and laid out the new schedule. You know, Director of Nursing was typically the only managerial level job in the hospital that was occupied by a male. Now you have a 23 year old woman in charge of over a hundred men.? Jimmie said bitterly. "Sorry to hear that, Jimmie. That really sounds unfair, but what are you going to do?" He reached the seventh floor and exited the elevator. He took his keys out and unlocked the door. There on the couch sleeping was Greggie. He was dressed in one of Stevie's nighties, a silk lace red teddy, and cradled a stuffed bear in his arms. He looked pretty sexy, Stevie thought, in that vulnerable way that women loved. Stevie tiptoed into the bedroom, got a blanket from the closet, and covered the boy. Now he was in a quandary. He wished Greggie had taken the bedroom, but he supposed the boy thought he would be imposing on him. Now Stevie had to avoid waking him. He entered the bedroom and decided to take a bubble bath to relax. Waiting for the tub to fill, he switched on the television. He flipped through the channels, passing over a couple sitcoms and a stock market update. He finally settled a ten-year-old movie starring Ann Winters. He and all the other boys had swooned over her as pre-teens. She was a short, handsome, muscular woman with dark features and piercing blue eyes. She always played a take-charge woman, the type that every boy dreamed of. Her co-stars were always beautiful starlet types, tall, bosomy boys who she saved from some perilous situation. He checked the bathroom and saw that the tub was filled. He picked up the Time Magazine from last week and put it by the side of the tub, and then stepped into the relaxing hot water. To be continued

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Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...

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ShankedChapter 2 Doctor Doctor

I arrived at one of my favorite local courses on "doctor, doctor" day, planning on getting in some practice and then hooking up with an anonymous group later. It was always kind of fun to just hook up with strangers on a course, since the obnoxious asshole percentage of golfers is usually pretty low at the hacker level, and I was looking forward to the experience, especially since my new found ability to score low was earning me major undeserved respect (and money) from my playing...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 47 Paging Doctor Hart

February 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “What the heck were you thinking?” Doctor Hart snapped. “That has to be about the dumbest thing you could possibly have done!” “Funny thing,” I said. “I agree with you.” “There is nothing funny about what you did! You’re lucky as hell that it turned out as well as it did!” “Again, funny thing, I agree with you.” “Cut it out, Mike!” “Sorry. I beat myself up enough about this that I’m not sure I need your help.” “So why tell me?” “I thought I was...

2 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 5 New Doctor

Doctor Gail Grady sat back in her chair, her feet propped on an opened desk drawer. "Damn it Sharon we need to recruit one more person. Then we can start the full testing schedule, but the person we get must be a Bipolar." "I know. We were supposed to have one more come in," Sharon said as she flipped through her notes, "Yes, a Davy Woods, and from what I was able to get through our contact at Mental Health, a gem for the treatment." "Then where the hell is he?" Gail said as she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 54 Doctor Adams I Presume

May 28, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You did well for your first tournament,” I said to Jolene on Tuesday evening. “Bullshit,” she spat. “Marcia won the championship her first time!” “Oh, come off it,” I said, sure I sounded exasperated. “You know as well as I do that black belt competition is a whole different thing from lower belts. Marcia is going against kids who may never earn their black belt and I’ve already taught her black belt techniques. Sensei Jim didn’t win HIS first time! Are you...

4 years ago
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The Towns SlaveChapter 4 A Visit to the Doctor

"You know mom I think we need to go down and see how Nancy is doing. She's been down there for close to four hours." "Yes MASTER." "MASTER may I ask you a questions?" "I guess." "Why did Nancy want to be on the rack? Your father had me on it a year ago for a few minutes and I didn't like the feeling of being stretched that way." "Maybe I shouldn't answer that question at this time. You will find out why soon enough." "Yes MASTER." I followed MASTER down into the...

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ThawChapter 5 Doctor Kelly

Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...

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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 5 Doctor Kelly

Stefan's meeting with Eve was after lunch. He was still a little worried about Gabby. She'd started replying to her emails over the last few days, but Stefan was disconcerted by their tone. They seemed overly cheery, especially for Gabby, and Stefan didn't know what Eve could have her doing that required her to work so hard, and to stay at the hospital for so long. As far as he could tell, she hadn't been out of the hospital for a week. Eve was presenting to Stefan on his own, and, as...

2 years ago
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To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor Chapter 3

"This weekend I am bringing someone home." His mother was astonished. "What? You are speaking Tamil?" "Yes, I am speaking Tamil." "How did you learn it? Who is coming?" "Her name is Manjula. She comes from Sri Lanka." At hearing a female name his mother excitedly burst into rapid Tamil far too fast for him to follow. "Slower? Slower... yes, she taught me... can she stay Saturday night?... she likes puttu... Mullaitivu district, I don't know the name... okay, bye." He felt...

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To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor Chapter 5

"Why...why did you kiss my feet?" "I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you." "No! I don't believe in the caste system. We are equals." "I was only teasing." She grinned. "Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka we have moved on. The rebels did not believe in caste, and did a lot to stamp it out." "Really?" "The...

1 year ago
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The Virgin Bride of Doctor HydeChapter 4

Doctor Hyde viewed the lovely display of hindquarters on his blushing bride Andrea on that early Sunday morning. He wanted desperately to enter into her secret rear door garden and feel the tightness he suspected she kept hidden from him even after several months of married bliss. They had already consummated their marriage with frequent coital adventures that included external stimulation of her anal crack. He loved stuffing his business inside her delicious mouth with her spirited tongue...

1 year ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 22 Doctor Visits

When I came awake, I found Beth watching me. "You got your wish." "What wish is that Beth?" "I've never been this sore from good sex before. I know I was fucked and I will be walking funny for a while. I still can't believe you stayed hard that long. Did you ever cum?" "That was weird for me too. I just couldn't seem to get off, but I have to say you were a real trooper. Did you enjoy it?" "I loved it. Each time I came, you just powered through and kept pounding me. I swear it...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Doctors In Heaven 8211 The First Intimacy Between A Doctor Couple

Hi this is Rahul. I am from Gujarat. This story is about my love story. I am a doctor. I will not bore u by describing me. Just would let my female readers know that my height is 6 feet 1 inch, moderate built, wheatish. Most imp part of my profile is that m a doctor. Lolz. I use to love a girl named Nishtha. She was my classmate in M.B.B.S. We were in immense love with each other but even after 6 months of relationship had not touched each other. We were having excessive desires which we used...

1 year ago
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Doctor BrandleChapter 7

In his office at the clinic Steve was handed a phone message that Maggie had called. He returned the call and heard her say that her dog ‘Daisy’ was delivering pups and there was a problem. Daisy had delivered two pups but wasn’t delivering anymore and seemed to be in pain. Maggie wanted Steve to come out to her ranch and help. “Maggie I am not a vet, I don’t know what to do.” “You are a doctor aren’t you?” “Yes a human being doctor and not an animal doctor.” “Doctor Lang who you replaced...

2 years ago
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 4

Manjula was so unaccountably cheerful at breakfast the next morning that Tony’s mother looked at her suspiciously. Tony feared he would get questions he didn’t want to answer, but Manjula smoothly diverted her by asking if she could take some Sri Lankan food back to campus. His mother considerately gave her coolers full of it.Sitting on the bus home, Tony felt a deep sense of contentment. He had a loving, beautiful girlfriend. He had understanding, open-minded parents. His studies were going...

First Time
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The Virgin Bride of Doctor HydeChapter 3

Unbeknownst to Andrea, the new bride of Doctor Hyde, her multi-faceted spouse had progressed to the point with his illicit experiments to be in need of a human guinea pig of sorts to determine his success. Up to this point, he had been content to use his own human shell to access some of the effects of the formula but his strange loss of control at random moments was disconcerting to say the least. The affair with the French, or supposed French, model had taught him the discretion of staying...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Tale of Two Moms Doctor Side Chapter XI

While the morning tango of sexual tension was playing out in the middle-class Bradley home, across town in the affluent Sterling Heights section, a similar dance was just beginning in the opulent Armstrong house. Tyler was still fast asleep, but his mom was lying alone in her huge king-size bed, reliving the events of the last few days in her mind just as Charlotte was; and like Charlotte, Julie's pussy was starting to quake. The pretty blonde physician’s mind wandered back to her office...

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Lusts What The Doctor OrderedChapter 7

"Delightful, Mandy..." Prinz said and glanced at his watch. The girl's voice droned incessantly and Prinz smiled as her childlike excitement came to him over the phone. "And we were wondering, Doctor... would you like to join us this weekend?" Prinz felt a rush of excitement, but he suppressed it as he reminded himself that business and pleasure should only be conducted in one's offices--in private. "I... I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible, dear," he told her in an apologetic...

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Three Square MealsChapter 35 Will the lovely young doctor decide to join them

“So, where do I begin?” John wondered, blowing out the breath he’d been holding. “Why don’t you let me start you off?” Alyssa asked, as she rose and glided down the room to pick up the remote for the holo-projector. She returned to her seat and then pressed a few buttons on the remote, displaying several images in the centre of the table. The girls are all okay with this? John asked Alyssa considerately. Of course, I asked them a few minutes ago, she replied reassuringly. “Thanks, I’ve...

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Playing DoctorChapter 3 Emotional roller coaster

All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh. He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!" With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though...

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Cindys doctor visitChapter 1 I react

Exposing Cindy – Cindy’s doctor visit Chapter one – I surprise myself by my reaction This occured almost 18 years ago…..and I am still surprised and aroused by my reaction….. Jim & I had been married about four years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable life style and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you understand that up to this point, our sex life up to that point had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Jim had awoken an...

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Cindys doctor visitChapter 1 I react

Exposing Cindy – Cindy’s doctor visit Chapter one - I surprise myself by my reactionThis occured almost 18 years ago.....and I am still surprised and aroused by my reaction..... Jim & I had been married about four years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable life style and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you understand that up to this point, our sex life up to that point had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Jim had awoken an...

Wife Lovers
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Doctor BrandleChapter 4

With nothing planned for Saturday afternoon Steve thought he would go over to the club and play a round of golf and have dinner there afterwards. He also wanted to stop by the hospital to see how Paula, the patient who had the stents put in was doing. As he was just about to enter Paula’s room a lady doctor walked out. She was fairly attractive and Steve made an effort to read her name on her name tag. He did and saw that it said Veronica Begley. She saw him doing this and with a touch of...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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The Love Doctor Chapter 2

Judy looked at me through her spread knees. She was a smoldering fire just waiting for that one little burst of fresh air to fan her into a full-blown conflagration. And I was about to blow her fire to life."Tell me, Judy. Tell me what you want. But this time, use your words," I said.She knew exactly what I meant. She knew that I didn't want the sweet and pure and mannerly Judy. No, I was after the horny, wanton, slut that I knew she was hiding inside. I wanted her to tell me in the most...

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To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor Chapter 5

Tony should have been on seventh heaven after that experience. But one thing nagged at him.“Why... why did you kiss my feet?”“I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you.”“No! I don’t believe in the caste system. We are equals.”“I was only teasing,” She grinned. “Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka, we have moved on. The rebels did not...

First Time
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 3

The next day, when calling his parents, Tony decided to try talking in Tamil.“This weekend I am bringing someone home.”His mother was astonished. “What? You are speaking Tamil?”“Yes, I am speaking Tamil.”“How did you learn it? Who is coming?”“Her name is Manjula. She comes from Sri Lanka.”At hearing a female name his mother excitedly burst into rapid Tamil far too fast for him to follow. “Slower? Slower... yes, she taught me... can she stay Saturday night?... she likes puttu... Mullaitivu...

First Time
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8” cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 5'4, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystal's, white, 7” cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,5'4, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracie's daughter, 5'7, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D Breasts Brook, 16, Gracie's daughter, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Evelyn, 14, Gracie's...

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Cat FightChapter 9 Doctor

Terms Specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours Minton - 2 1/2 days Daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Quant - 2 1/2 years Galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches Heckson - 2 1/2 miles Tetson - 2 1/2 acres Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, King elect King Tomco Traxor - Bill’s dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill’s dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill’s Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill’s body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill’s body...

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