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Chapter 4 The following day the girls found themselves in a conference room being briefed on the operation in New York City. "Well, you boys clean up pretty nice," laughed Jack Carstairs as he saw the girls for the first time since the prank that gotten them into this mess in the first place. "Fuck you Jack," giggled Tiffany as she lowered herself onto a chair while smoothing her skirt.. Tiffany had finally come to grips with herself after the night out with the girls and had decided she would have fun with this disguise thing rather than fight the feelings Dirk had about being a girl. When this assignment ended so would Tiffany and she would become Dirk again, but until then Tiffany was going to have fun. Her personality had won over Dirk's conservative outlook on what was taking place at the moment and the change wasn't lost on Brenda. "Why thank you Jack, I'm glad you noticed," Brenda answered with a flirty tone in her voice. "How could I help but notice, Maria did a fantastic job on you two but enough with the flattery, we need to get started here." "As you know, the reason we did this to you was to infiltrate the modeling agency and find the source of the drug supply in the industry. We have very little to go on so you're pretty much on your own. The only big lead we had was Natalia Breshnakov and she was murdered just days before she was going to tell the police who the drug source was. We know that Universal has something to do with the supply of drugs but who the person is that is distributing the drugs is a mystery to us. That's where you boys come in, oops, maybe I should say girls now, anyway you girls are to work for Universal and try to find out what Natalia was going to tell us. I don't have to tell you to be careful, these people are dangerous and we all know what happened to Natalia. Do you have any questions so far?" Jack asked.. "No," the girls answered. "Good, now lets get to the nuts and bolts of this operation. The owners of Universal are a holding company and don't have anything to do with the daily operations of the business other than bankroll the business and they are just as anxious to find the person or persons that are involved in the drug business. They have been losing some of their best models because of what the drugs are doing to the girls. The agency is run by a former model named Melissa Benson and Melissa still fancies herself as being pretty enough to model but age has caught up with her. She's still very pretty but all the shows want younger girls so that's where you come in. Tiffany you are going to become their next runway model and hopefully a star. Brenda you are to apply for the receptionist's job. The girl that has the job now became pregnant and she's going to have her baby next month, so the job is open. The owners told Melissa that you were related to one of them and that you were to have the job because you always wanted to be a model and this would be an opportunity for you to be around the industry. Tiffany, it will be harder for you, you're going to have to earn your job, but if looks are any indication of success you're a shoe in for a job. We've rented two apartments for you, Tiffany, yours is in Manhattan and Brenda, sorry but you will be commuting from Brooklyn. The people at the agency can't know that you know each other but you will become friends after you meet at the agency. Am I clear so far?" "Are you sure I'll get the job?" asked Tiffany. "They would be fools not to hire you, believe me, you will get the job. Both of your apartments have been bugged and the phones are tapped so we will know anything that happens when you are home. We don't have listening devices at the agency and if you are able to install some it will speed up our investigation, just be careful, we don't want to blow this thing before it even gets started. Brenda, you will go for an interview tomorrow and Tiffany we don't want you to go in until next week. Both of you joining the agency at one time might seem to be too much of a coincidence. Until both of you are working together please don't contact each other. Don't try to do anything other than observe the goings on, try to find the source of the drugs and who is distributing them, nothing more. Remember you're young ladies now, not the person that will make the arrest, do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir, but what about us? Are we able to carry our guns just in case we have a problem?" "I would prefer that you don't because if someone sees your pistol by accident there might be questions as to why you have a gun in your possession. If things get dangerous then you will be able to carry, but until then I would prefer that you just be innocent young ladies. When you get settled in I want you to contact Bill Cline in our local office in Manhattan so he can fill you in as to how you are to contact him or any other person at the agency while you're on assignment. Good luck men and thank you for having the guts to do this thing for us, this will be a very big star on your evaluation reports." "Thank you Jack," Tiffany said as the girls rose to leave. Jack looked at the two women and wondered if they would be able to pull this thing off. They were certainly pretty enough, they were going to turn some heads, but the attention they would receive from men might unnerve them to the point of making a mistake and then the trouble would start for them, only time would tell. Brenda was the first to make the move to New York City. The FBI had set her up in an apartment in Brooklyn and had made the deposit to the landlord in her name. Furniture movers had set up her apartment so it would be ready when she arrived. Brenda went from the airport and exited the cab being careful not to show too much of her legs. Brenda had elected to wear a skirt when she left Washington that morning because she liked the softness of the garment and the femininity it portrayed. The driver helped carry her bags to the front door and left her on her own to bring them to her new home. Brenda opened her purse and withdrew the key to the front door. She slid the key into the tumbler and opened the door for the first time. "Shit, I can't believe this," she thought, as she saw the stairs up to her apartment. Brenda took the handle of her largest piece of luggage and began the task of carrying it up the stairs. Brenda cursed herself for wearing her heels as she pulled the suitcase up the stairs. As she reached the landing of the second floor a door opened and a woman came out of her apartment and smiled. "Why you must be the new tenant moving into number three?" she asked with a heavy Irish accent. Brenda looked at the woman and saw her kind eyes and answered, "Yes, I am." "I'm Annie Patrick and sort of watch over this place for the owner. Here let me give you a hand, you're much to pretty and small to be carrying that luggage," she said as she reached for the suitcase. "I'm fine, thank you." "Now don't argue with me, let me take it for you," Annie replied as she took the handle from Brenda. Brenda decided not to argue with the sweet woman as she carried the luggage to Brenda's apartment. Matt had noticed as he became more like Brenda his strength had disappeared as a result of the new hormones in his system. "Thank you Annie, I'm Brenda Watson, it's very nice to meet you," Brenda said as she extended her hand. Annie took Brenda's hand in hers and felt the feminine softness as she did. Annie remembered when her hands felt like that, but that was years ago, when she had met her now divorced husband. "It's nice to have a pretty young thing like you moving in, most of our tenants have been here for years and having a young person around will be refreshing." Brenda blushed, she wasn't used to having compliments like that, especially the pretty part, after all she was still Matt under the makeup and wasn't quite sure how to respond to the compliment. "Let's go get the rest of your things and then I'll make a pot of tea for us so I can get to know you better, welcome to your new home Brenda." Annie and Brenda retrieve the rest of Brenda's things and returned to Brenda's apartment. "Why don't you change into something more comfortable while I make the tea. When you're changed come over to my apartment, its number one and just come in the door, its unlocked," Annie said as she left. Brenda liked Annie immediately. Annie had this caring quality about her that made Brenda feel as though she was being mothered. Brenda kicked off her heels and removed the rest of her clothing. She opened her suitcase and found the sweats she wore around the facility during training and put them on with a pair of women's running shoes and went to have tea with Annie, unpacking could wait until later. Brenda opened Annie's door and shouted, "I'm here." "Come into the kitchen Brenda and sit at the table, the tea's almost ready." Brenda walked into the kitchen and sat at the small table covered with an oil-cloth covering. She could smell the years of cooking permeate from the walls. There was a comforting warmth about this room that reminded Matt of his youth. He would come home from school and as he entered the front door his nose would smell the delicious aromas as his mother cooked dinner, he missed the simpler times of his youth. If only his mother could see him now, on assignment in New York City, undercover with the FBI, she would be so proud. Brenda looked down at the bumps on her chest and wondered if her mother would be proud of this too, maybe not. "Would you like some sugar in your tea sweetheart?" Annie asked as she brought Brenda back to the present. "Yes please one spoon full would be fine." Annie stirred the sugar into the tea and handed the cup and saucer to Brenda. Brenda was used to seeing a mug with hot liquids filling them, but this felt special that Annie would take the time to use her best china to present the tea to Brenda. "Here you are dear, be careful it's hot. Tell me dear where are you from?" "Washington DC, by way of California," giggled Brenda. Annie had a way of making her feel at ease and sharing her new identity. "What did you do in Washington?" "I was a secretary but I didn't like where I was working and felt I needed a change so I moved here. I have an interview tomorrow morning for a job in the fashion district, I'm really excited." "Do you know how to get there?" "I thought I would get a cab." "Oh dear, they're very expensive, you should take the subway, a young girl like you should save her money." "I don't know how to take it I've never been on a subway before." "I'll show you later before you leave, so tell me dear, do you have a boy friend?" "Goodness no." "You're so pretty it won't be long before you do. I remember when I was your age and a lot slimmer, all the boys wanted to go out with me. When I finally found Mr. Patrick I thought I had died and gone to heaven, he was such a handsome man. We married and had two boys. I stayed home and raised them while Sean worked to provide a home. He was such a wonderful man until he met that woman and left me for her. He just disappeared one day and left me to raise the boys by myself. I had never had a job and when I found one it didn't pay much but it was enough to get by. If I hadn't hire a private detective to find the son of a bitch I would have never gotten child support from him. He and his girl friend were living high on the hog with my money. Well I took him to court and it became easier living with his support. Enough about me, tell me more about yourself." "I was raised in California and when I was old enough to move out I did. I went to Washington and found my last job and now I'm here, there really isn't that much to tell. Where are your sons now?" "Ahh, both boys married the most wonderful girls, Shamus lives in Boston and James is in Chicago. I'm very proud of Shamus, he's an attorney and has two lovely children, a boy and a girl. James is having a harder time of it right now, he decided he didn't want to go to college and went into construction. He's a fine carpenter but you know how construction is, feast or famine. He and his wife don't have any children yet so she's able to work and help out while James is looking for a job. Oh you finished your tea, would you like another cup?" Brenda was feeling a closeness toward Annie, she was so open with her life. Brenda could tell she had had a hard life. The lines on her face spoke of the difficult times she must have had raising two boys without a father to help guide them. Annie was a large woman, being able to look Brenda square in the eye when she was wearing her four inch heels and now she felt tiny in her presence. Even though she knew hand to hand combat Brenda felt safer with this woman living just a few doors away. Matt was always able to compensate for his lack of size by his quickness and outgoing personality but ever since he started his hormone treatment he had gone through changes, some not so obvious. He wasn't as fast as he used to be and some of his strength had disappeared. His body had grown softer and more feminine looking, this he could see, but the months of training and the estrogen had changed his brain too, he no longer felt safe in a manly way but felt the need to be wary when ever he, now she, was out and about. Brenda felt good having Annie as a neighbor and hoped their friendship would grow. "I would Annie, but I really should unpack my things and get ready for tomorrow, thank you anyway." "Wait, here's a schedule for the bus's and subway, try taking them, they're faster than the taxi's are. Trust me, I've been stuck enough times to know if you have an appointment you're better off taking the subway, now off with you, let me know how you do tomorrow." "I will, and thank you for the tea." Brenda left and felt empty, she wanted to hug Annie but didn't want to be too forward since she just met her. She didn't know that it is perfectly acceptable for women to hug each other when they first meet, Brenda still had many things to learn. Brenda returned to her apartment and was pleased to see that the FBI had decorated it very nicely, maybe a bit girlish for a man but just right for a young secretary, which is what she was now. Brenda put all of her clothing away and decided she would take a shower before retiring for the evening. She removed her clothing, her gaff and breast forms, it felt good to have her growing breasts free of the pressure the forms put on them. Brenda turned on the shower and adjusted the water temperature and stepped into the shower. As the water cascaded down her body, she wondered just where this adventure was going. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought she would be standing in a shower with water caressing her breasts and feeling the tightness of her skin as the tissue grew under it and her areolas grew to the size of her mother's. More disturbing though were the intensely erotic feelings she was having as her nipples grew hard from the action of the water on her breasts, Brenda was becoming aroused. She could feel her penis try to grow hard but the chemicals she had been taking stopped that from happening, and yet as she caressed her breasts with her hands, it happened, she came and the fluid ran down her leg as the water washed it away. Brenda stood and felt the glow of orgasm fill her body, she loved being a woman. Brenda finished her shower and dried herself off. She donned a night gown and then went to find the right something to wear in the morning. She didn't want to hurry and pick the wrong thing so she took her time. She found just the right suit to wear, she wanted to make a good impression on her new employers..

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Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

4 years ago
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Hitching a Ride in My Bikini

Hitching a Ride in My BikiniBy SaraOz and billy69boyMy name is Sara, and this is based on a true story of a ride I got home from the beach. I was planning to take the bus home after taking a shower in the changing room. I had put my bag on the seat but it fell off and when I opened the shower curtain, my shorts and top were in the water on the floor. I had no choice but to put my bikini back on, as at least it was dry. I missed the bus, so I started walking up the road to go to a bus stop a...

4 years ago
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Trip Around the Med Chapter 01

Deanna woke with a start, shifting in the small yet luxurious seat/bed that was on the starboard side of the Gulfstream IV private jet. She rubbed her eyes gently, and looked up at the person who was gently shaking her shoulder. Smiling, she reached out and patted his hand then stretched, removing the kinks of the flight from her arms and shoulders as Peter went to sit back in his seat, across the aisle against the port side of her father's jet. He had obviously already changed for their...

Oral Sex
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10 Cocksucker assfucker assfuckee oh dear it

This is part 10 of the storyline that began with "Becoming a Little Cocksucker" Dave seemed to be in a hurry to get himself fucked, I could tell. And as I stood staring at his big smooth muscular frame, I could feel the blood throbbing in my cock. His hairless tanned body was turning me on in a way I had never thought possible. His big hard erection swayed slightly as he turned this way and that. His wife asked me is I liked what I was seeing but my own physical reaction made the answer...

1 year ago
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Aprils friendly family part 5

(For parts 1-3, see Authors: DON) The next time my mother was going out for her monthly "bridge game" with the girls, (I think maybe they went to a male stripper bar or some such thing, since she always came home a little tipsy and looking very satisfied the next morning) she gave me a big hug and a little wink after she told Daddy not to wait up for her. I was still in my school uniform, which consisted of a white, blouse and a plaid skirt that was supposed to reach to my knees. However,...

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The Return Trip

The Return Trip He went to the airport to pick her up wondering if it would be like before. The last time she came to visit they never made it out of the parking lot before she had drained him dry with an awesome cum swallowing blowjob. He was surprised that she did it, and that she actually swallowed all the cum he had to offer her. It had been so long since he had been with someone who would do that. She just licked her lips, smiled and said “ Ok we can go now.” They had been friends...

3 years ago
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Sinfully Wonderful

I slowly opened the door to the hotel room, I knew you would still be asleep from the fact I had knocked on the door a few times, I stepped into the room, yes there you were sound asleep, I closed the door behind me after first putting the do not disturb sign on the outside of the door handle. You looked so peaceful as I walked over towards the bed, I put my bag down on the floor and removed my jacket, then walked round to the base of the bed, I slowly so not to awake you removed the bedding,...

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Warts AllChapter 2

"Yes?" I said into the phone somewhat abruptly. I was annoyed at the interruption even though I had been expecting it all morning. I had been deep in thought about Jason, Jessie and Allie. They were now the most important part of my life. And figuring out how to shield them from the consequences of what had happened was now my biggest priority. "Phil, this is Jack." "Yes, Jack?" I responded without enthusiasm. "What's going on there? Sally was here at the house when her mom and I...

1 year ago
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Watching is Fun Too

Ryan was the 'probably' gay guy. Ryan was a kewl guy and he was definitely gay from what I figured but he was str8 acting. It was a pretty full on night and I didn't get to spend much time talking to Ryan but since he lives in town here I did give him my number and told him to give me a buzz anytime for some pool or some riding. To be honest..... I had completely forgotten about Ryan – he was cute that is for sure and he is a Southern Kiwi man (kinda like a Southern US guy – born and bred...

2 years ago
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The Backyard

It was a beautiful summer morning with the tempurature around 20 degrees celcius. I was outside in the backyard wearing just my shorts enjoying my first cup of coffee and reading the latest copy of penthouse. I was becoming aroused and thinking that I was alone started to rub myself. My shorts had that mesh in side them however I removed it so I could have better access.I was feeling pretty good and getting ready to cum when I noticed my next door neighbor watching me. So I said hi want...

3 years ago
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SRU Wonderful Life

SRU: Wonderful Life by Carol Collins It was the day before Christmas. George Bailey, a tall thirty year old man, virtually ignored the holiday music playing on the public address speakers as he moved from store to store in the large shopping mall in a vain search for a "Trixi" doll. He passed within feet of a very beautiful, very large and very ornate Christmas tree without even noticing it. He was a man on a desperate search for a promised gift for his ten...

1 year ago
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The Problems With LoveChapter 20

Lottë had taken measurements of all the rooms in their new house including windows so that she could organise curtains. She and Robin went down to Kent one Monday in early July to the store where his old furniture was being kept and Bea joined them. She was not possessive about anything. She had already taken what she needed for her present house. As a result, Lottë was able to choose what she wanted. It did not leave a lot for them to buy. Arrangements were made for delivery. Robin did not...

3 years ago
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Another lesbian experience

This is a true story. Names have been changed to protect privacy.Shawna came over to "hang out." I think we both were hoping for more. She and I had sex once before in a jacuzzi. I pressed her clit up against the jet while playing with her DD cup titties and fingering her pussy from behind. I masturbated to that memory for months after that. I had hoped we would get together again for more fun.So she came by in the afternoon, we sat and chatted on the couch for a while. One thing led to...

1 year ago
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Sasha Ch 15

When I saw the car’s headlights pull up to the reception area, I thought it was odd that someone might be arriving so late, in such bad weather. It had been snowing heavily and the Japanese aren’t fond of traveling in the snow, nor did the inn get many guests in the winter. I heard muffled voices outside the door, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Oh well, I’m sure Murada-san will tell me all about it in the morning. I had been at the inn for a few days. A few months earlier, I came...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Karla Kush E Equals MC Black Cock

Karla Kush is wearing glasses, so she must be smart, right? Eh, we will just have to go with it. She is tutoring these two big black guys who do not seem to be interested in math at all. But they are interested in Karlas big fat ass. They watch her at the whiteboard, but cannot stop picturing their black cocks all over her face. Karla can sense the tension, so she makes an offer to incentivize these voracious minds. Every time they get an answer right, she takes off a piece of her clothing....

1 year ago
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Sex With Village Virgin Cousin Lavanya

Hi, I am Madhu, an engineering graduate and I am from Andhra Pradesh, residing in Hyderabad. I am 6 feet tall with fair complexion and an athletic body (being a sports player), with a perfect thick dick. I am a horny guy who started to masturbate since my high school. Coming to the story of , this incident happened during my intermediate summer vacation. As my second inter was about to start, we were given only 10 days holidays. I decided to go to my grandparents’ house in my village which was...

2 years ago
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Auntie Susan and the young hotel voyeur

This really happened. My ex-husband and I went to Cornwall in England for a couple of days to relax as we had both been working very hard. We checked into a quiet hotel near Truro, the capital of Cornwall in the West Country of England. We noticed that there was a snooker room in the hotel and we both went there after dinner on the evening to play for an hour. I knew my husband was feeling randy and was ready for sex. We kissed for a while as we were alone in the snooker room. My husband asked...

3 years ago
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Janes Punishment

I sat waiting for Jane to come home.  We’d been going out for a couple of years now and I was happy together.  That until last week!  I decided to surprise her after work and take her for a meal out.  Our relationship was still strong but it had been months since we had made love and I was trying to re-light the fire. As I sat in the car outside work I got the call I was dreading, Jane calling again to say she was working late.  OK she didn’t know I was planning to pick her up but this was a...

3 years ago
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Forced to be Used Part 2

'What the fuck?' She blurted out, as her hands were snagged down, unable to be shifted. Suddenly her grogginess was gone, as she strained her neck trying to see what was happening. This room wasn't hers. It was large and dimly lit, a small old fluorescent bulb flickering in the corner. No windows, but a set of stairs to the far right leading up. The room was mostly bare, other than some basic tools, a cupboard, desk and chair. And the bed she was on. Not just on, but tied down to. 'What...

4 years ago
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Best Sex With The Patient

By : Anahitagarwal Hi, this is Anahita again, and you must have read about my trysts with the basketball team and my brother-in-law. Now, I will be telling you about how I got a patient of mine to fuck me. I was then posted in Skin and STD department, during my internship about a year back. Being in that department, I was seeing a lot of cases of fungal infections, and few patients with ulcers on their penis. As our department had only female staffs, I, being the junior most was always told to...

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After we got home, I told Princess what Paul told me and she was very happy for Nancy. We found Tracy watching TV with Andy on her lap asleep. From behind the sofa I reached over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Michael, you guys are home. It seems sooner than I had expected ... everything go well?” “I got Charity.” Princess said gushing with enthusiasm. “And Jennifer got Helene. Michael pushed the NEWSIES audition to Monday after school. Have you heard about the MUSIC MAN leads,...

2 years ago
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my first cuck gf

we was hanging out at her place and theres a knock on the door i asked her who would that be? She smiles and opens the door there stands a built 6'4 black man named D she invites him in and he says whats up man to me i say not to much with confusen on my face, she says look babe i love you but i need double digit dick in me so i called d over, i love this girl so i agree to let her fuck him i sit back she gets down to work D stands up pull his pants down my eyes got big sein his 12inch cock and...

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Maid in England

Maid In England - By Amanda Richardson - [email protected] "I'm getting more than a little bit tired of it all," Lesley told me with a sigh. "And I'm sick and tired of work!" I snapped in return. "Instead of complaining about it, do something about it!" "It's not the job so much it's the lack of pay," I moaned. "So get a second job!" "Like what? It's not as if I'm qualified or have the skills for anything else is it?" "Well work for yourself then, you're always on...

2 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 1 The Wise One

The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling asleep. You could say that...

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Oh yes Dad

"Oh go fuck yourself," I heard Dad shout and the front door slammed. I sobbed in my room, the row had lasted for a good hour and was just the latest in many since Christmas. My tears splattered my books. I was trying to revise for exams and couldn't because of the upheaval in the family. I heard footsteps on the path and looked out of the window. Mum was marching off down the street, her head high and arms swinging, but I knew she was hurting inside. She had told me countless times, that she...

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Dads Help0

My son and I have been on our own now for a few years ever since his mother left, not to be heard from again. Jeff was 11 at the time and it took him several months to finally accept that his mother was gone for good. We did the usual things together, baseball in the summer, football in the fall, skiing in the winter. He seemed to adjust quite well and had several very close friends. One of the, Peter, lived next door and they spent a lot of time together doing the things boys do. They...

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GangbangCreampie Kat Monroe G165

Fuck ’em, Fill ’em, Feed ’em Friday is upon us and without further ado, lets get right down to it!! Kat is on the bench, and she’s ready to go, surrounded by guys (a few new faces to be seen). This week Rey goes all in after getting her top off and jumps right in. He starts fuckign her across the bench as the other guys get there dicks in her mouth and hands. We move them around a bit, and the action continues as she strips off her clothes. The guys all take turns...


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