SandcastlesChapter 32 free porn video

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When Janey was seated, I went back to the edge of the box. I motioned for Sally to come up behind me, to use my body as a shield from being seen by anyone below us who happened to look up. She understood and stood just off my shoulder.

Gary was not hard to pick out. He, too, had two beautiful women with him. They were as dark and tan as Sally and Janey were blonde and fair. Upon closer inspection, I realized that one was much younger than the other. Another mother-daughter pair, I bet myself.

"I-I-I know her," came the quiet voice from behind me. Janey had come up and stood, like her mother, behind me, using my body as a shield. "She's new to my school, a year younger. She has an accent."

I watched him. He was cocky, confident, and sure of himself. He obviously dominated the older female and enjoyed terrorizing her by fondling the younger woman in public. His hands roamed the young girl's body freely and nearly obscenely, causing more than one matronly gasp from the staid bystanders. The mother stood meekly, her eyes quietly pleading. Strangely, the daughter was passive, not reacting at all, as if she were a mannequin.

I don't know what it was or if we all came to the same conclusion at once, but one moment I was standing there despising that man and the next moment I was on the telephone. I set in motion an information machine I hadn't often used since I left the government's service. It would take a few hours, but by then I would know all there was to know about the man named 'Gary, ' down to the type of toilet tissue he used, if he did.

We left at the beginning of the second set. I called ahead to the driver as we left the box. The car was waiting as we exited the building, the driver holding open the rear door. The drive home was silent and uneventful, each of us lost in our own thoughts. Janey revived sooner than Sally and I soon felt her steamy mouth capture the head of my cock as she knelt down at my feet. I caressed her smooth cheek as she laid her head on my lap.

Her playfulness remained as we returned home. I'm not sure if that was because she remembered my promise from the last time or if she just figured that if both Sally and I were worried about Gary, she didn't need to be. With both of us on the case, it was bound to turn out right, right? Ah, the innocent trust of the naïve.

Inside the door, I relieved both of them of their capes, exposing their beautiful bodies to my gaze. I took the crop from Sally's hands and playfully swatted her naked charms, teasing her with light to moderate snaps on her very sensitive areas. She started to move around the room and I followed her, finally finessing her down the hallway and into our bedroom. There I delivered a couple of harder swats to her ass, raising her temperature several degrees. I laid the crop on the makeup bench and turned her to me. Her eyes were snapping, all thoughts of that ugly man pushed to the side.

I made her kneel in front of that bench and face the crop. Her hands were still tied behind her. "Stay here, please," I asked/ordered her. Then I left the room

Janey was waiting impatiently, shifting from one booted foot to the other. She was not facing the door I came through so I was able to watch for several minutes before she turned and saw me looking at her. Unlike her mother, Janey blushed a deep, deep shade of red as she realized I had just been standing there looking at her nakedness. It made her seem all that more innocent and alluring.

I took her elbow and led her to her own room. She got suddenly shy and lagged a bit behind. I stopped leading her and quietly took her and held her in my arms.


She shook her head.

"What, then?"

"I don't know. I, I just don't know if I'm ready for this."

"Ready for what?" I teased.

"You know, for- for- it."


She was silent for a while, then with all the enthusiasm of a kid who hadn't studied for an exam she was about to take, led me into her room. She lay down on her bed and awkwardly spread her legs. God, she was beautiful!

"Now what?" I asked her.


"Now what?" I repeated.

"Aren't you going to, you know, do me now?"


She looked stunned, then slowly closed her legs in embarrassment.



"But you promised. You said..."

"I said that next time it was your turn."

I sat down on the bed next to her.

"Right. I thought..."

"Cricket? Who's in charge here?"

Her slave name brought her up short.

"Oh. Right. You are, Sensei."

She lay in shivering disappointment as I removed the various gadgets from her. Tears began flowing silently as I unzipped and removed her soft leather boots. It wasn't until I had her second wrist secured to her headboard by the straps I had installed earlier that she realized that something was going to happen. She almost choked on her sob of relief.

I waited until she was breathing normally then patted her on her legs, indicating for her to spread them again. This was a touchy time. The last time someone had been between them had been traumatic for her. I wondered if she would do it.

It took her a little time, but she did, smiling bravely up at me, offering me open access to her most private areas. I moved between her spread legs and knelt between them. I caressed the smooth skin of her thighs gently. I could feel her fear and I almost pulled back. I don't know why I kept on, but I did. I guess I didn't want to waste her courage, to mock it.

"Now it's your turn, Cricket," I said softly as I bowed my head and kissed that softest of skin on the inside of her thighs. Nothing more was said as I proceeded to bring her to heretofore unknown heights of ecstasy using only my tongue. She was screaming and thrashing her blonde tresses as she came over and over.

I started to remove her corset when she was sated, but she shook her head 'no', pleading with her eyes. I silently nodded my assent, then inserted into her cunt and asshole the larger sized appliances that had been custom made for her by the Rosen's. The diabolical ones. The ones that plugged into the wall and didn't wear down.

I tied her ankles to the footboard and left her corseted and spread-eagled for the night. She wouldn't get much sleep. I had programmed those big vibrators for 'simmer.' They would monitor her biofeedback and keep her at a fever pitch until they were turned off. About once an hour they would let her go over the edge, then they would keep her at that higher level until the next push to the next level. By morning she should be nearly crazy. Of course, she could get loose with a stiff pull on the ropes around her wrists but she wouldn't do it. I turned my attention to my next task, my Love.

Sally was weeping silently as I came in the room. I knew she was as unsure as I was of what she had asked me to do with Janey. I opened my fly and pushed my dick under her nose.


She did, hesitantly. She wasn't sure if I was rubbing it in or what. She jerked her head up in amazement as she realized she didn't taste cunt juice.

I leaned down to kiss her. "Taste," I said, smiling gently.

She kissed me gently, then, with the tip of her tongue, tasted her daughter's juices on my face.

"Forgive me, Master, for doubting you."

"You're forgiven. But I'm still going to use the crop on you tonight," I said with a wicked grin on my face.

Sally gasped at that reminder. I thought she got a little paler, too. As much as she sought the pain and submission, she still feared my inexperience. I hoped tonight would help her get over that fear.

I helped her kneel in front of the bench with it touching her ass. I then bent her backwards over the bench as she had been that first night. This time, however, I tied her wrists to her ankles under the bench. Her tits were prominently offered to my whims, as was her defenseless twat.

I started lightly, teasing the tips of her tits, flicking it with the end of the white crop, caressing them, almost. I laid a couple of light strokes quickly across her taut belly, warming the flesh there. Then I worked her shoulders to a ruddy glow, avoiding the super sensitive neck areas. Still, the numerous blows tantalizingly close to her face and neck made her shudder. Slowly, as I worked the tensions and pain and pleasure in her higher and higher, she realized I had not misplaced one single blow with the dangerous weapon. I felt her fears relax as she gave herself up to the pain and pleasure.

I led her down the path she desired, wringing cry after heart wrenching cry from her. Still she wanted more and harder from me. Her tits were blazing red, a mass of mottled color, but without a single welt or drop of blood. When she was maxed out and could go no higher, I stepped in front of her and with a vicious but calculated blow, I brought the crop up between her thighs to land on her swollen and throbbing cunt lips.

I thought she was going to break her back. I had been chasing and stirring the lights of her aura, teasing her and arousing her with the pain she sought. But this was like a super nova. I had never seen so bright a light from either her or Janey's auras. I played the crop off the sides of her inner thighs, as close to her crotch as I could get. I teased her with the pain, then I would deluge her with it. She slipped into a state of mind I don't think she knew existed. She was far beyond the singing stage that Bala talked about.

If I could not have seen her aura to help her, to watch her, I would have been terrified for her. As it was, I was able to sense her needs and guide her as she existed on that sensual plateau. Later, I lay beside her in bed as she dreamed, or whatever she did. She was so relaxed, yet so energized. I drifted off to sleep, Sally cradled in my arms.

I woke later to find her watching me with quiet eyes. There was no fear anymore, only love. I was her Master. I tossed and turned for the rest of the night, troubled by dark thoughts. I felt Sally's cool touch trying to sooth me.

I must have drifted off sometime during that short night, as I woke up alone, the first time in a long time. I remembered why I didn't like it. I also missed my morning blowjob by Janey, too, but then I remembered I had left her tied to her bed. Guess I couldn't blame her for not getting up, huh? Still, I wondered where Sally was.

I shaved and showered, again alone, so I finished in a lot less time. I missed shaving Sally. She was so appreciative of my attentions afterwards. I don't know which of us enjoyed doing that more.

I dressed and wandered into the kitchen. I was surprised to see Janey up and about, dressed and perky. After the night she must have had, I was amazed she could walk, but I guess they are right when they say that 'youth is wasted on the young.' She saw me come into the kitchen and her smile lit up the room. I caught her flying body in my arms as she threw herself at me.

"Ooooooh, thank you, Daddy!"

"I take it you had a good time?"

"Oh, God! I didn't know it could be so good! I mean, I've felt a little bit of it when you and Mom, uh, do stuff, but — Wow! Oh, yeah, speaking of Mom, what in the Hell did you do to her last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it's like I was feeling great, you know, and then WHAMO, this tidal wave comes over the link, but it doesn't stop. It just kept coming and coming." She giggled at her pun. "But it didn't surge like usual, it just flowed, but not a lot. It's hard to describe."

I kissed her on the nose and gave her my Cheshire Cat grin.

"Oh, not going to tell me, huh?" she teased back. Then, seriously, "That's OK, Dad. She is incredibly happy. I enjoyed what we did, too," she blushed, "not just the licking part — but that was great! — but I liked wearing the corset and being tied up, too. It was a weird feeling, good, though. I didn't think I would like it, but I kind of, well, like, felt secure in it. I mean, I was as good as naked, but it felt good, not naughty."

"Well, you certainly looked naughty. Lusciously, deliciously naughty," I joked.

She giggled, then got serious again. It looked like that was the way the morning was going. "I don't think I'm ready for what you did to Mom," she said quietly.

"You don't know what I did, though, do you?"

"No, that's not what I mean. I meant I'm not sure I could handle how Mom felt. I don't know I would want to come back down. She's stronger than I am that way."

I hugged her even closer. "Just say the word and I will stop whatever it is you don't like or whatever it is you're afraid of, even if it's that you're afraid it is too good. I almost didn't do anything last night, you know. You were so scared, but so brave. I'm proud of you, kiddo."

This time it was her turn not to answer. She snuggled into my chest.

"Where is your Mom, by the way?"

"She left about an hour ago, just after she let me up. I didn't want her to but she was really serious. I wouldn't let her take off my collar, though. What's going on? She wouldn't tell me anything. She made a telephone call, then rushed out."

I reached behind her head and unsnapped her slave collar for her. She sighed as I slipped it into my pocket. We stood for a long time that way, a father and daughter. I could almost have believed we were a normal family, until I felt her tiny hand wend its way down to my jeans and unzip my fly.

"You didn't, uh, get any relief at all last night, did you, Dad." It was a statement.

"Guy's won't explode if they don't cum, Janey. Regardless of what your boyfriends tell you."

"Daaad! I don't have a boyfriend," she protested, a bit too strongly, I thought.

"Well, last night was for you and your Mom. I can wait."

"Well, this morning is for you," she quipped, as she wiggled out of my arms and down to her knees. She latched on to my cock with the full force of her mouth and began seriously sucking and bobbing. Even though she had been doing this on a daily basis, with her nearly naked and in my bed, this blowjob seemed sexier than any she had ever given me, with the exception of the first one. This time both she and I were fully clothed, and in the kitchen. It was somehow highly erotic, highly charged. I held off as long as I could but I blew into that luscious mouth in much too short a time. Janey didn't stop with one load, though. She seemed determined to drain me of all the excess build-up from last night.

Sally came in carrying a heavy canvas bag while her daughter was still busy on her knees. She stopped and looked at us and gave me a wry grin.

"Damn, I wanted to say 'thank you' first. She beat me to it."

"Uh, I think there'll be more when she's done, Love," I grinned back. I was amazed there was no jealousy between them. "I missed you this morning."

She looked appalled, as if she had made a serious miscalculation by leaving. "I, uh, I just, I..."

"It's OK, Love. I didn't mean anything by that. I just missed you and our time together. I wanted you to know."

She got all teary eyed and blubbery on me. For the second time that morning I had to catch a launched body, only this time I had a hot sucking mouth attached to my groin that hampered me. I managed.

Sally smothered my face and chest with kisses, then proceeded south. I don't know how she managed to dislodge Janey from her possessive sucking, but soon I recognized Sally's talented mouth on my shaft. I cracked open my eyes and saw Janey standing there, grinning at me.

"Feel better, now, Pops?"


"Yeah! You shot off so quick this time, like you just 'popped', you know? So ... Pops!" She giggled at my responding growl.

I maneuvered my butt over to a chair and settled in it. With Sally on her knees, Janey busied herself with breakfast. No fancy cooking today. Today it was dry toast and yogurt. Only by wheedling could I get her to make the coffee.

Sally swallowed, then stood up. She still looked weepy. I guess she was still being whipsawed by the emotions from last night. She settled on my lap after carefully putting away my softening cock. She fed me breakfast as I held her. I could tell she needed to be held. But there was something else, too. She wasn't normally this serious.

Janey cleared the breakfast mess and we sat together in silence. When the last of the coffee was gone, Sally got up and lifted the heavy canvas bag onto the table. Unzipping it, she proceeded to set out two semi-automatic rifles, two very large caliber pistols and several dozen boxes of ammunitions for each weapon. Talk about breaking the mood!

"Done a little shopping, have you?" I quipped.

"You're going to be gone."

Damn that woman! How the hell did she know? I know for a fact I did not talk in my sleep. How?

"Only a couple of days."

"He was too confident last night."

She was referring to that cocky son-of-a-bitch, Gary.

"I noticed. You want to tell me exactly what you said to him to get him to leave?"


We both turned to face Janey, who never used language like that. I raised my eyebrows in an unspoken question to her.

"You're talking about him, right? Gary?" We nodded. "God, I remember that night, what happened. I must have only been, what, 11? Anyway, she didn't say anything to him, Dad."


"Nope. Not a word. But we were patching bullet holes in the walls for months. She must have shot a hundred times."

I turned to Sally. "I thought you said you couldn't shoot?"

Janey chimed in before Sally could speak. "Oh, she can shoot. She just can't hit anything. She missed the bastard..."

"Janey! Watch your language!"

" ... every single time, except the last one that blew up his car. And you called him a 'bastard' yourself, Mom, along with some other choice names."

I sat in stunned silence. It takes incredible talent to miss that many times at such close range. I had seen her shoot. I had suspected she was too good to have been a novice, even if she had screwed up with the safety on my gun. My personal pistol was an unusual model so she may not have known where it was or how it operated. Regardless, I knew what it was like to be shot at. I knew why Gary had stayed away; up until now.

That didn't tell me why he was back; or if he had plans for Sally and Janey. He may have seen Janey's picture on TV after the attack. It could have stirred old feelings of revenge. I didn't know. I just knew there was some unfinished business and I hated loose ends. I had to tie things up.

I looked at the weaponry spread out on the table. Sally had selected well, if she was going to stop an elephant; or an enraged man. I also didn't think she intended to miss this time. I didn't intend to let it get that far.

I knew what it was to kill a man, what it did to you inside. In the course of my agency work, I had had to learn to kill. I had done it very well. Too well, for my taste, even if the targets had deserved it. Something inside of you dies each time you take a life, though, and there had been many times. Too many, but even once was too many when it came to killing — or dying. I did not want that to happen to Sally or, God forbid, Janey. I, myself, would avoid doing it again if I could. If I couldn't, well, that was a bridge to cross when I came to it.

"You can't stay here. He knows the house too well."

"I was going to take Janey to Mac and CeCe's place for a while."

I thought about that.

"Mac's out of town for a series in Seattle. CeCe works all over the area and couldn't be there all the time. I'd rather you go stay with Marion, my sister. She's just moved back into our folk's house and has plenty of room. Her court isn't in session right now and I know she'd love the company."

"I don't know her that well."

"My point exactly. Neither does Gary. He may know about your relationship to CeCe."

"Oh. Right. OK. Will she be OK with those?" She indicated the guns.

I grinned. "She can probably train you how to field strip them, although something tells me you know how already. There's a target range in the second basement, too. Oh, and have her show you her assault weapons collection."

"I thought she was a Federal Judge! Aren't those kinds of guns illegal?"

"Yeah, but the ATF and Secret Service only get really excited when you wave them around on the White House lawn. Some of the guns in the collection are mine, too."

She looked at me even more shocked.

"What, I can't have some toys... ?" I asked in mock exasperation.

After that there wasn't much to say. Sally and Janey packed and left. Just before they drove off, Sally hugged me goodbye.

"Be careful, Larry. Janey's right. He is a bastard; a ruthless and dangerous bastard."

Janey just squeezed me like she never wanted to let go. I felt the same way, but things had to be finished. I couldn't let that unknown threat stay out there. I had to at least know what the man was like.

When they were gone I made my way to a nondescript building in the center of the city. Most downtown city areas have one of these nondescript quiet structures, those buildings that look like offices, generally close to the municipal buildings, but no one actually knows anybody who works there. The buildings may have the first floor or two occupied by small shops to make the building look occupied, but the elevator buttons to the upper floors are disabled or missing.

The entry to the upper floors in this building was restricted to the underground garage, another part of the structure most people didn't remember being built. The entry to the garage was two blocks over, through the restricted parking garage under the city hall, so the general public never even saw it. Most city employees were too dull to notice the extra cars that disappeared through the locked automatic garage door on the second sublevel. The ones who weren't were usually too smart to ask questions.

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My Best Friend and I Exploring

My best friend Sean used to be my next door neighbor, he's been my friend ever since we were kiids, back then he lived with his mom and his older bruther Josh. We were really more like brutherz and we would to do everything together!Sean was only a few months younger than me so we related to each other better than with our own sibblinggs and we spent almost every schhool day afternoon together. His older brother was WAY older than him, and my little sisster Sara was just a baby at the time,...

1 year ago
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My Car My Dungeon

l Pamela and Jan were lounging by her pool in their bikinis three months later as she explained her theory of milkings! The two luscious pampereddivorcees with teenage c***dren had gotten together regularly after their first meeting at the school PTA. Pamela was still the mentor ofthe two, the more experienced domme and semiprofessional, and Jan was fascinated by her handling of her son Timmy! "Oh, how lovely," Jan chuckled. "And it's so integrated with whatwe want for their future...

4 years ago
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How I Got My Wife To Be Shared For The First Time

My wife got a free massage but ended up being seduced. She found out bigger is better.After I tried for 3 years to talked my wife into being shared I finally made it happen. It took a calculated risk but in the end I got my wife to except it. I had asked my wife on a number of occasions about her fucking another man but I was rejected each and every time I had asked. I knew I needed a different approach.I was going through the personal add site in my area when I came across an add that said,...

2 years ago
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Even Stevens One Wild School Day

It was 8:20 Tuesday morning and Louis Stevens was just waking up to his alarm clock. It had been going off for an hour, but Louis usually had someone to help wake him up. One of his family members was normally around, but today they had all left early, school, or work. The Stevens family was all very ambitious. Eileen Stevens is a senator, Steven Stevens was a prominent lawyer, Donny was a star athletic, and Ren was a brilliant young go-getter. Louis was the black sheep of the family. His...

3 years ago
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Mom Got Groped In The Train

Hi all, this is vinay. I am talking about a real incident which happened few months ago. Yes my mom was enjoyed by few low class men in a general compartment. My mom valli, a 42 year old lady who maintains herself very well. As she does yoga daily, which helped her maintain her body well with a figure of 38-28-36. Any day she looks hardly 30 and can give run for money to those college going girls, but she not such kind of lady who would be carving for extra marital affairs. She is not...

1 year ago
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My Bi Adventures With My Wife

I was probably the last guy in my year to have sex with Carla. At 16, shewas addicted to sex and would offer herself to any guy who wanted to screwher. I, of course was very naive and though I heard the stories about her, Isomehow figured they were just stories, even when some of the detail wasexactly that -- detailed!Most of the girls kept a distance from her which didn't seem to botherCarla. She preferred the company of the boys anyway. I had heard that shedid oral sex, swallowed cum, would...

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Meri Pyari Meenal Bhabhi

Hii friends. Mera naam Nishu hai. Main Mumbai ka rehne wala hoon. Main student hoon aur apne family ke sath rehta hoon. Meri age 21 saal hai. Height 5feet 11inch hai. Body athletic hai gym jata hoon roz. Dick size 6inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Mujhe badi umar ki aurte bohot pasand hai jaise aunties, bhabhis. Mere family main maa (Jyoti) age 42, baap(Shekhar) age 46,  bhai(Anil) age 24, bhabhi(Meenal) age 23, aur main(Nishant) age 21 rehte hai. Pitaji policeman hai aur unki duty Panvel mein...

2 years ago
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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

2 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 11

“Lila, come up here between Becky and me,” I told her, when she looked at me, grinning. “Jimmy, your dick sure has grown since we were at the drive-in last week,” Becky said and I looked over at his dick. Dang if his dick doesn’t look longer and fatter than when we were all fucking in the pickup that night. “I know ... Lila told me it sure is bigger the other night when we finally got a chance to fuck again ... I mean ... sorry about that, Ms. Patricia. I’ve been trying not to cuss as...

1 year ago
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Long sex story 8211 I Was A Reluctant Shemale

Marilee’s fists tightened in despair as she sat at her secretarial desk and listened to the muffled moans emanating from the office of her boss, JC Wyatt. JC was one of the youngest and most famous casting agents in Hollywood and was the most blatant offender of the “casting couch” which degraded women. The young actress, a stunning blonde who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old, had looked so hopeful when she had entered that office only twenty...

1 year ago
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Jamie and them 2

“Come on lets get you cleaned up,” I said. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. I gently laid her in the bathtub and ran some warm water. I washed her little body, running my hands up and down it. I was getting aroused again. I stood up and finished undressing. She looked up at me scared. “I’m not going to hurt you like I did before.” I reached down and massaged her pussy. I cleaned the blood and semen off of it. Like Jamie she had a clit that was easy to find. I brushed against it...

1 year ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 2 June

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 2007 -- 8:47 AM The San Francisco Jonathan Kwong Enterprises office wasn’t anything like the one in New York. There were no JKE logos on the entry doors or signs on the outside of the building. Instead of occupying the top three floors of a massive skyscraper with its own helipad, we had only the twelfth-floor in a smaller, nondescript building. All the big movers and shakers in the company were in Manhattan, and sometimes it felt like the only reason we even had a San...

1 year ago
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Another Dark and Stormy NightChapter 4

My name is Mick O’Dell the Fourth. I was born here on our family farm, located on the land granted to us by the US government. I was raised and educated by my father, Mick the Third, and my mother, Angel. I have four younger brothers who moved back East to attend college and to establish their careers, and who now are living there with their wives and families. I am the only sibling that remained on the farm. In fact, one day my mother asked me to remain, and so I did. My mother and father...

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Julie Ch 05

Again Julie found herself grateful to be back at work on Monday. The weekend wasn’t as bad as the one before. The sex Friday night seemed to be enough for Gary, so Julie didn’t need to choose between making excuses or faking another orgasm. But being around Gary was difficult now. Lies, after all, take a toll on a person who isn’t accustomed to telling them. Julie found herself putting a lot of energy into mundane tasks around the house just to avoid having time to sit and think about how...

2 years ago
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Indian Aunty Se Maze Kiye

Story start krne se pehle apne baare mai bata du mai ek kashmiri ladka hu khud ka business hai. Meri age 24 hai lund kabi measure nai kiya but kisi b ladki ya indian aunty ko satisfy krne k liye kafi hai..So ab is story ki heroine (shazia) name changed woh b ek kashmiri married lady hai uski age 32 hai uska figure mast hai. Dekh k hi lund khada hu jaye. Toh ab krte hai apni story start . Toh baat winter ki hai karib 1 saal pehle ki mai winters mai jaamu jaya krta tha kyuki kashmir mai zyada...

2 years ago
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Asian High School Wife Part 5 Separation Anxiety

I have a pretty good deal with the work I do. It pays well and doesn’t take up a lot of my time. But every once in a while it’s an intense couple of weeks involving travel. I was about to leave for the airport and would be in California for almost two weeks. I had been married to my wife, Kana, for just six weeks but she couldn’t come with me because she was still in high school and couldn’t miss. Kana was 18 and we got married so that she could escape her repressive and controlling parents. We...

4 years ago
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Kamyabi Ki Khatir

Hi this is Huma with a new story of a new kind. Hope you all like it “Ashfaq, matherchod, apni behan ke baare essi gandi baat karte huye tujhe sharam nahin aati? Tu kaisa bhai hai jo apni behan ko badnam kar raha hai. Salma badkismat hai, lekin teri behan hai. Tujhe uski madad karni chahiye aur hamari izzat ka khyal rakhna chahiye, aakhir hum Lahore ke Mayor ke liye daavedaar hain, hum apni badnami ke karan ye kamyabi ki bazi haar nahin sakte” Shazia Begum ne apne bete ko daantatey huye...

3 years ago
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Total Change App A Spells R Us Story

Total Change App: A Spells 'R' Us Story Chapter 1. The App. I got home from another grueling evening serving food at the diner and plopped in front of my television. I flipped the Playstation on and started playing Overwatch. I got logged in and noticed a couple of my friends online as well. I jumped into their game and party. "Hey Pard0nmahFrancois," my one friend, Skillz4Rillz, said as soon as I got connected. They didn't know my real name, and I didn't know theirs. We...

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I had been married just about ten years. Two kids. One younger in elementary school, the other older in high school. My step-daughter had been part of the family since she was younger. I always raised her as my own, although we got along better as pals and buddies, compared to the whole ‘dad’ thing. It was a great relationship. For the first four-five years, my wife and I had a good thing. Friends, social life, do stuff with the kids, a good family life, and even a pretty active sex life. ...

2 years ago
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A hooker for my husband

I was enjoying a lazy relaxing morning, doing not very much at all. I’d showered, but not much more. I was sitting drinking a freshly made coffee, reading the Financial Times. I heard the door, and then my husband walked in. He looked serious. “You’re home early, I wasn’t expecting you until at least seven! Coffee?” I asked.“Please,” Hubby replied.I poured him a coffee, strong. Black. I placed it in front of him, lightly kissed him on the cheek. Then re-tying my silk wrap, the only thing I had...

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Quick stop in San Antonio

Okay, so we have an idea of what I mean when my wife said shehad near happenings but never any connections. To giveyou a little back ground her friend has always been invitingus to join him at a nudist beach by lake Travis in Austin butwe haven't had the opportunity to make it up there.That night as both my wife and I were dressing up for our meetingI suggested to my wife that she might dress down. In otherwords, short skirt, halter top, garter belt with blackstockings, high heels and nothing...

Wife Lovers
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt31

Chapter 35 Marcy couldn't believe she had been such a fool, never able to figure out that it was her perverted neighbour who had been behind it all along. She should have known and yet she didn't, she had never been able to figure it out until right now when that one contact slipped out of her eye. Just a minute ago she thought she was somewhere all the way across the city, it could have been a neighbouring town even yet apparently she was right next door. Now that she finally knew...

1 year ago
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Slut The Cheater Part 3

Slut: The Cheater part 3As Jim pulled into their drive, Suzi still clamped her tight pussy on to my semi erect cock. Not a drop of semen had oozed from her smooth pussy during the short drive, as she tantalisingly nibbled my bottom lip.Jim opened the car door, looked down at his wife’s stockinged legs, parted and wrapped around his good friend, smiled and said.“She has a fantastic tight pussy doesn’t she?” Then lifted his wife off my impaled cock and out of the car.Jim opened the front door,...

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Synergy & Blitz (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 1 by: Shrike It could be useful to read the story Synergy first, but it is not really necessary. All the important data is repeated in this story. Also the story Synergy is not available in full online. This is because it is published as a paperback book. For interested people see: Merchandising page under Resources at Chapter One...

1 year ago
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Sissy For a Year 3

Together with one used in the blessing ceremony, Dorian had blessed six other gaffs and then another set of seven. In this way, when changing daily, I would make sure to be clean, pure and in grace with my sissiness. My plan for my life as a sissy was to submit to Achref and live as His servant. Being out of work for the first time in my life, I finally had the chance and the time to move into His house and serve Him devoutly and faithfully. For obvious reasons, my submission would be...

3 years ago
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dreams turn real

How I got here, I didn't know. I was in a dimly lit room. It was bare except for a small bed. A girl lay across it, her head hanging over one side, and her legs over the other. Her face was hidden behind a blindfold but her body looked tiny as the big man stood between her open legs. When his huge body bent over her, he covered her completely with his massive size. Before he had bent over her, I did see his cock and was surprised to see that it was larger than any cock I had ever seen....

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 45 Lotty

Missy and Martha fussed over the wound on the back of my thigh as if they were discussing a supper dish that failed to come out of the oven looking exactly right. It bothered me some to lie there in Charlotte's cottage, on a bed where I had romped and rogered more times than I could count, especially since I was lying on my stomach with my bare ass in the breeze. "Well, it looks pretty good, considering," Martha said, rubbing something on the healing wound. "Look at all this red here,...

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River 19

Chapter 19 So far: We start a chapter in which River does not appear. After Alison s horrible session with the vice president of the bank left her unemployed and shattered, she met up with the lawyer Nick and started to calm down. In this chapter we look at what her son, Mark did at the same time as Alison's meeting. ----- --------- Mark wandered through the Taddle Creek Mall, three floors of retail extravagance. In his mind he compared its 300-plus stores to the one main...

2 years ago
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Twisted Stepsister XV She gets some help

Jumping forward to Saturday morning I wake by being shaken as I open my eyes I see Mom trying to get me up. I learn that it is just after 9am. The last time I was still in bed this late yes this is late for me I was sick.I am tired and ache all over not sick just feel like I was in a fight and lost.Last night I played every down of offense and defense. I ran the ball 19 time for 79 yard and two TDs. Mostly used for blocking made a key block that fueled a 45 yard TD run. On defense I had a pick...

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Nostalgia Details about my sexual partners

I haven't been with many women, I am not even old enough to drink yet so I still got time! I have been with a few different girls & have had a few nice experiences with each of them, sorry no visuals for any of them. Only my most recent ex: here's a little info on the girls I was with & some of the experiences I've had so far.Name - AgeRaceHair Color - TypeEye ColorAge I was when I was with themWhat I did with themBest experienceAmanda -...

2 years ago
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Lost in the Woods Ch 02

Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn't been lost, she corrected herself. She'd been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she'd stepped out of the portable bathroom, she'd been stunned to find herself alone....

Love Stories
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The Ride

It was a perfect morning for a bike ride. A little hazy cloud to take out the full brightness of the sun. Early enough in the year, for it not to be too hot, in full leathers. As he pulled on his own leathers the sensation of the leather on his skin and the thought of what she would look like in hers was enough to make his manhood grow slightly. The sensation was enhanced when is trousers were done up increasing the pressure on his lazily growing dick and restricting its movements. He got...

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Glistening Mom

All throughout my teenage years I had a fascination with my mother that was alittle beyond typical love of a mother. I simply didn't know what it was untilI was about 16 when it hit me like a flash that I had a crush on her. Howeverit was awkward because I didn't feel this way all the time. When I got horny,I masturbated to several fantasies about girls I knew, girls I didn't know,lesbian imagery, and sometimes my mother would creep in there. That didn'thappen until I found a videocassette in...

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Watching wife with older men

My wife was hot for older men. She was 29 with a great body and good looking. We agreed she would have sex with older men and I would watch. We started with our 65yr old landlord. He lived alone so We payed him a visit on night after a few drinks at the local bar. He had always flirted with her so we thought he would be easy pray for her. when he opened the door he was in his robe as he had been in bed watching tv. After letting us in it was not long at all before my wife reached in his robe...

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In the Eye of the Storm

June 1st not only marks the beginning of the hurricane season, but it also often marks the busiest time in the life of a Weather Channel meteorologist, and none are busier than Stephanie Abrams. That's because she made her name for two things: being hot, and being the one in the eye of the storm between June 1st and November 30th, which is the length of the Atlantic hurricane season. So as she gets called into a TWC meeting about her first potential destination for the season, she is looking...

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On the Run

On the Run (c) 2003 by Nom de Plume "Your first mistake was stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from me. Your second mistake was thinking you could get away with it." As I stood trembling before his desk, Mr. Atwater regarded me as if I were a bug on the windshield of his Lexus. "Do you have anything to say for yourself before I call the police?" Without thinking, I turned and bolted out of his office, past rows of startled secretaries and accountants, straight down the...

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Jack and Jessie Ch 3

Introduction: Jack goes home after a fun weekend This weekend has been amazing! Having Amy over and sharing Jack with her was awesome. God, we mustve fucked in every room in the house! It was so nice to be able to be filled up with a massive dog cock, then have a sexy teen girl lick his cum from my pussy. And then, to be able to watch her get fucked, and drink Jacks cum right out of her honeypot? My GOD! It was so hot. But, unfortunately, it had to end. Sunday morning, her mom called and said...

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Footrub Friday 2

Finally it was 4:30, and time to leave work for the week. Not that the day hadn’t been stimulating so far, but I was eager to see what Karen had planned for me this particular evening. The day had started like every Friday for the past five months: Wake up, shave my legs, then kneel on the floor before Karen and paint her toenails a deep red. Next, I made breakfast for her in the nude, while she pressed her long, sexy body against me, reminding me that I was not allowed to touch her with my...

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Going Away Present

Tube top. Check. Miniskirt. Check. Thong. Check. You admire yourself in the mirror, turning from side to side and posing in the most provocative poses you can think of. Yeah, you think, this will definitely turn some heads. You turn forward and bring your hands up to your chest. You cup your modest 34C chest and give your breasts a soft squeeze, then let them fall back into place. Your nipples are already poking up beneath the fabric of your tube top. Anticipation for what you have planned...

1 year ago
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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

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