Runway 9 free porn video

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Chapter 9 Brenda on the other hand rode the subway to and from work everyday. She didn't mind except when some pervert would pinch her ass. She was learning that being a girl could be an adventure and it wasn't always a pleasant one. She pushed her key into the entrance door and entered the hallway of her apartment building. The door slammed shut behind her. "Brenda, how was your day?" asked Annie as she heard her favorite tenant enter the building. Annie had made a habit of watching for Brenda when she came home. Annie worried about Brenda because she was too trusting. She knew Brenda came from a small town in California and hadn't gained the instincts of big city living, so the motherly protection came out with Brenda. "It went well, I have to ask you something though, where can I find a really good bakery?" Brenda asked. "Why do you need a bakery dear?" "Tomorrow is Cheryl's last day and I have to get a cake for her." "My word sweetheart, I'll bake one for you. Why don't you go upstairs and change and then come back down and I'll teach you how to bake a cake better than one you'll find at a bakery, at least one in this neighborhood," Annie laughed. "Okay, let me check my mail and I'll be right down." Brenda really liked Annie, she was becoming almost like a mother to her. It seemed that she learned something new from her almost everyday about being a woman. She wasn't learning makeup or fashion but what a woman does everyday of her life. Cooking and sewing, paying bills and Annie would teach her about men, giggling with every word. Brenda was becoming a woman and not an imitation of one. Brenda liked what was happening to her, the hormones were kicking in big time and although she couldn't see growth in her breasts, she could feel it and she was becoming excited by the way she felt. The maternal love from Annie and the physical changes her body was going through was making Matt disappear. Brenda returned to Annie's apartment and Annie showed her how to bake a cake. Brenda's first one fell and when it did, she burst into tears. She had worked so hard to make it perfect. Annie comforted her and explained that cakes fell all the time and not to worry about it and that they would bake another. Brenda dried her eyes and wondered why she had cried in the first place, not realizing that she was becoming a woman in more ways than one. The second attempt came out perfect and Annie was pleased with the results of her little girl's labor. "See, baking a cake isn't so hard and this one came out perfectly. Your friend will like it and you should feel proud that you baked it rather than buying it," Annie said. "I hope she does, and I hope Mario likes it too," Brenda said. "Who's Mario?" "The UPS guy, he's really cute." Brenda couldn't believe she had just said that about Mario. She was even more surprised that she had said it to Annie. "I didn't know you had a boy friend." "He's really not a boy friend, and he already has a girl friend, but," Brenda paused with a dreamy look in her eyes and then said, "I don't know, he's just so cute." "It sounds to me that you like him a lot." "I guess I do, he makes me feel all funny inside when I see him." "Mm, mm, mm, Brenda has a crush. You be careful sweetheart, I don't want to see you getting hurt." "I will, nothings going to happen as long as he has his girl friend and I know he's just flirting with me. Cheryl says he flirts with all the girls in the building." "Well you find yourself a nice boy that doesn't flirt with all the girls, it's safer that way." "I will Annie, and don't worry I'm not looking for a boy friend just now anyway." "That's the most dangerous time, when your not looking, all of a sudden some guy will come into your life and you'll fall in love and not even know it until its too late, be careful Brenda." "I'm fine Annie, I'm not going to fall in love and especially not with Mario. Thank you so much for all your help with the cake, I don't know what I would do without you," Brenda said. "You would go to a bakery," laughed Annie. Brenda thanked Annie with a hug and took the cake home with her. She couldn't help but think of what Annie had told her about falling in love. Brenda wasn't ready for that for obvious reasons but she couldn't help thinking about Mario. Why had he of all people made such an impact on her, it didn't make sense. He was in love with his girl friend and all the girls knew he was just flirting with them as a way to tease them and yet all this male, female interaction was having a profound effect on Brenda's libido. She liked being treated as an attractive girl and what better way than to attract men to confirm her want to be accepted as a woman. The hormones she was taking were wreaking havoc with her brain and it was almost as though she was in heat. Brenda knew she couldn't do anything to quell her feelings and more importantly she had to be careful lest her secret be discovered. Brenda woke the next morning and felt different for some reason. She remembered dreaming about a romantic interlude but nothing else, not the person or even whether she was Matt or herself. She just seemed driven to dress nicer today, well maybe not nicer but a bit more seductive. She took extra care shaving her legs and underarms, fixing her hair and makeup. She wore her black lacy panties and bra that pushed her forms together making cleavage with her budding breasts. She found the perfect dress and heels to wear. She would look smoking hot today. Brenda looked in the mirror at what she had created and gasped, I can't go on the subway looking like this, I'll get raped. Brenda had finally gotten to the point in her femininity where she felt vulnerable, she was no longer Matt the FBI agent who could protect himself, but a girl that felt alone with no way to fend off advances from men she wanted nothing to do with. Brenda rummaged through her closet and found a heavy coat to wear, at least the wrong people won't see me like this she thought as she pulled the heavy garment around her shoulders. Brenda took the cake in her hands and walked to the stairs and wondered how she was going to navigate the steps in her four-inch heels and hold the cake too. This was so much easier when I was Matt but his shoes would look silly with this dress, she giggled to herself. She took the first step down and almost lost her balance, shit, I should have taken my heels off and put them on downstairs, I have so much to learn. Brenda took one more step down and then lowered herself to sit on the landing to remove the dangerous devices from her feet. She placed the cake on the landing next to her and undid the ankle strap on her sandals and removed them. She stood clutching her shoes in one hand and the cake in her other and continued down the stairs with much more ease. She was almost to the bottom when she snagged her pantyhose on a splinter and ran them from her foot all the way to the top. "Shit," she shrieked, "I don't believe this." Annie poked her head out of her door and asked, "What's wrong dear?" "I just ran my hose and I'll have to change them, could you watch the cake for me?" she asked. "Of course, why were you walking without shoes on?" Annie asked. "My heels were so high that I thought I would fall down the stairs so I took them off and ruined my pantyhose." "You silly girls and your heels, I swear, I'm glad I stopped wearing them, my feet feel so much better." "I know, but gosh my legs look so pretty with them on." "I'm glad you're the one to suffer and not me, let me see what you have on." Brenda removed her coat and all Annie could do was whistle. "Brenda, are you after someone special?" Annie asked. "No, I just wanted to look nice today." "You certainly did that in spades, be careful young lady, I don't want to read about you in the paper." "Yes, mom," Brenda giggled. Brenda returned to her apartment and removed her hose and found a new pair to wear. She put her heels back on not wanting to ruin another pair of panty hose and held the handrail on her return to Annie's to pickup her cake. "Thanks Annie, do I really look alright?" Brenda's insecurities were showing and Annie wanted to put her at ease. "Sweetheart, if I had a daughter, I would want her to look just like you. You're a very pretty young woman and to be perfectly honest with you I worry every time you leave to go to work. I'm so afraid something bad might happen to you. Even though I have only known you for a very short time I have grown to love you like the daughter I never had and I don't say things like that to very many people. I'm very good at assessing what a person is like from talking to them and Brenda, in you I see a sweet caring young woman. You need reassurance like any girl your age so that you will gain confidence in yourself but that doesn't change the person you really are, a lovely young woman. Now off with you or you'll be late for work." Brenda looked at Annie, her eyes filling with tears and said, "I love you Annie." Annie grabbed a tissue and dabbed Brenda's eyes and said, "Don't you dare ruin your makeup," and then hugged the frail young girl. Brenda put her coat back on and took the cake from the hall table where Annie had placed it. She walked to the subway station for her commute to work. Cheryl had always opened the phones and Brenda would arrive thirty minutes later but since this was Cheryl's last day Brenda was to open instead. Brenda arrived and brought her precious cake to the break room and placed it on the counter. She removed her coat and hung it in her closet. She walked to the front desk to start her day of greeting customers and answering the phones. It was eight in the morning and she was the second person to arrive. The first was Carla in accounting. Carla always arrived at six so she wouldn't be interrupted while making entries from the previous day. Carla liked to be notified when the receptionist arrived. "Good morning Carla, I'm here," Brenda said as she spoke into her mouth- piece. "Thanks Brenda." It was a slow morning and the phones were pretty quiet for a change. Brenda didn't like it when it was like this because time seemed to drag. It was almost nine before Cheryl arrived. "Good morning Brenda," Cheryl said in her normal greeting and then her eyes went wide and she exclaimed, "Look at you, are you going somewhere after work?" "No, I just felt like looking nice for a change." "Brenda, you always look nice, but you really did it this morning, you're gorgeous." "This isn't too much is it?" "Honey, no, you look wonderful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Stand up so I can see the whole you." Brenda stood and did a little twirl being careful not to trip on her heels. "What a cute dress, I can't wait to have the baby so I can wear something like that again. Where did you get it?" "Macy's, its not too dressy is it?" "Heavens no and it fits you perfectly, I'm impressed girl friend, I wasn't sure you had it in you." "What do you mean?" "You're a pretty girl and yet you seemed to be ashamed of your looks. Most of what you wore was boring, at least for a single girl. If you were married like me they were fine, you know for working and not drawing attention to yourself, but for a single girl, guys weren't going to notice you. Wait until the men in this building see the new you, girl you'll have to hire a body guard to keep them away." "I hope not, I just wanted to look nice, not have a bunch of men paying attention to me." "Maybe not, but deep down inside I think you do. Don't be ashamed of feeling that way Brenda, all of us girls do, even me. It makes my day when a guy whistles at an old broad like me, it lets me know I still have it." "God Cheryl, your not old, your what thirty-two?" "And pregnant." "So?" "You'll understand what I mean when you get older, you're still a girl, you're what twenty and look eighteen, I envy you. After I have the baby I'll have to diet and hope I get my shape back, I've seen women gain fifty pounds when they're pregnant and it stays for years and I don't want that to happen to me." "You care too much about yourself to let that happen." "I hope so. Today you get to give the orders because this is your desk now, what would you like me to do?" "Just relax and enjoy your last day. You will never guess what I did last night." "What?" "You have to guess?" "You met a guy at the market and took him home and brought him to bed?" "My God, no Cheryl, really, guess?" "I have no idea Brenda, tell me." "I baked a cake for you." "You baked a cake, really what kind?" "A carrot cake, you know, from scratch," Brenda answered excitedly. "Really, from scratch?" "Well kind of, my friend Annie taught me how to do it, I hope you like it." "If you made it I know I will." It was then that the door opened and Mario entered the suite. "Holy shi??" was all he could say when he saw Brenda. Brenda blushed and her stomach grew tight as she gained eye contact with Mario. God what's wrong with me, why does he effect me like this, he's just a guy, a really handsome guy with big brown eyes and nice muscles and a sweet personality and such kissable lips and, and I just want to die whenever I see him. Now I know, I was dressing for him, I, I, I have feelings for him. Cheryl was watching her new prot?g?e and saw the effect Mario was having on her, Brenda has a crush on him, my, my, she thought as she smiled to herself. "Brenda, you're gorgeous, what's the occasion?" Mario asked. "Its Cheryl's last day," she answered trying to guard her so obvious feelings. "Are you going to come by for cake later, I really wish you would?" Brenda blushed all the more, she really didn't have to tell the world what her wishes were, the invitation for cake was enough, but now, here she was dressed in a cute little yellow dress that showed her new cleavage, standing on yellow sandals with four inch heels exposing her legs to mid thigh practically begging this man to take her and hoping to God that he would say yes, he would like some cake. Brenda nervously fingered her bracelet waiting for an answer. Mario saw pretty women all day long and loved flirting with them, they all knew he had a girl friend and it was always in fun, he'd flirt and they would give it right back to him. This was different though, when he saw Brenda it was as though his world stopped ever so briefly, she had taken his breath away. She had lit a spark in his brain and it wasn't going to go away easily, Mario was smitten with Brenda. "I'll come back after my rounds, it wouldn't be right if I didn't say goodbye to my second most favorite girl." Brenda's heart jumped, he was coming back, thank you God. Brenda signed the delivery form and Mario left. "God Brenda, I thought you were going to faint when Mario came in, are you alright?" "Yes," she said meekly. "You like him don't you?" "Is it that obvious?" "I don't think I've ever seen anyone fall apart so fast as when he came through that door. The way you blushed was so cute and did you see him, it was the first time I have ever seen him speechless, I think he likes you." "He doesn't," Brenda protested. "Oh he does, he just doesn't know it yet, you be careful young lady, or you'll end up like me over-weight and pregnant" "I will," Brenda said, as the girls started giggling. Their conversation was interrupted by the phone. "Universal, how may I help you?" Brenda said. "I'd like to speak to Melissa please." "Ms. Benson isn't in yet, may I take a message?" "Yes, this is Margaret Voss and I have to speak with her, do you know when she will be in?" "No, I'm sorry I don't, do you have a number where you can be reached?" "She has my cell number, have her phone the minute she arrives," came the order and the phone line went dead. "Cheryl, who's Margaret Voss?" "Margaret? She's the designer of the clothing line the girls showed yesterday, why?" "That was her on the line and she seemed very put out that Melissa wasn't here." "Margaret's that way, she's a very good designer but can be nasty with people, did she say what she wanted?" "No, only that she was in a rush to speak to Melissa." "I hope it didn't have anything to do with the show." The models began to arrive for meetings and assignments for the remainder of the week. Tiffany was the second to arrive. "Tiffany, Margaret Voss just called and asked to speak to Melissa about yesterday, did something happen?" Brenda asked. "No, not that I'm aware of, she seem especially pleased with the show, she even stopped by afterward to thank me personally," Tiffany said. "Margaret thanked you personally, she never does that with anyone, the world revolves around her as far as she is concerned," stated Cheryl. Melissa came barging through the door which banged into the doorstop. She had a scowl on her face. "Fucking cops. Some son of a bitch just gave me a ticket for an illegal U turn. It's the same one I've been making for three years and now this prick gives me a ticket. I even let my skirt slide up almost to my panties. He looked in the car at my legs and asked if I was getting cold, he must have been gay or something, my legs have never failed me before," Melissa grumbled. "Good morning Melissa," Cheryl and Brenda said in unison. Melissa walked past without acknowledging either one of them and slammed her office door shut. "What a bitch, I warned you Brenda, she can be sweet as honey when she wants, but let something set her off and beware, she becomes a lioness looking for a kill," Cheryl said. "I'd better let her know Margaret called." Brenda rang Melissa's office. "What now?" she spat into the phone. "Margaret Voss called and said that it was important that you call her immediately." "Thanks Brenda, I'm sorry I took my ticket out on you and Cheryl especially since today is her last day. Oh by the way, you look especially nice today, do you have a date after work or something?" "No, I just wanted to look nice today." "Well I like it when my girls look nice, keep up the good work." Brenda disconnected the phone and smiled at Cheryl. "Melissa apologized for being rude." "She probably didn't mean it but at least it's better than nothing at all." Melissa rang Brenda after her call to Margaret. "Brenda, is Tiffany around?" she asked excitedly. "I believe she's in the break room with some of the girls." "Please go get her and ask her to come to my office." "Yes Melissa." Brenda found Tiffany talking to Donna and told her that Melissa wanted to see her. Tiffany entered Melissa's office and stood next to the door. She was afraid that maybe she had done something wrong and Melissa was going to tear up the contract. "Please close the door and sit down Tiffany," Melissa said. Tiffany's empty stomach began to churn. She was hungry and now nervousness made it worse. I've had one assignment and now she wants to fire me was all she could think. "Tiffany, I just got off the phone with Margaret Voss and she told me how pleased she was with you yesterday. She as much as stated that without you her line would have been a failure." "Really, she said that?" "Yes she did, but even more importantly she wants to use you for her national ad campaign. She said that she has never worked with a model that shines like you, even when she was with Taylor. She needs you this afternoon for a photo shoot at her studios on twenty-ninth street. Gather your things and head on over, she doesn't like girls to be late." Tiffany exited Melissa's office and saw a look of concern on Brenda's face. Brenda was worried that her friend and fellow agent might be fired after only a few days on the job. "What happened, are you in trouble?" Brenda asked with obvious concern in her voice. "No, you won't believe what just happened. Margaret Voss called to tell Melissa that she loved what I did and wants to use me for a national ad campaign," Tiffany said, with excitement in her voice. "Oh Tiffany, that's wonderful, I was so worried that you might have done something wrong," Brenda said. "I have to go over to Margaret's studio right now. They want to start shooting today, God, I'm so excited." "What about Cheryl's party, you won't be able to say goodbye." "Don't worry about me, this is an opportunity that comes along once in a lifetime, just give me a hug," Cheryl said. Tiffany walked to Cheryl and the two exchanged air kisses and Tiffany gave Cheryl a big hug and said, "Save me a piece of cake," before taking her bag and exiting the office. "Can you believe that, Tiffany just started here and now she has a plum assignment, she's going to be very special in this business," Cheryl said. Connie was walking by when she overheard what Cheryl had said. "That bitch had better watch her ass, I'm the number one girl around here and she had better not forget that," Connie spat, with venom in her voice. Connie was looking bad this morning, she hadn't put on any makeup and the strain of late nights and drug use was beginning to show on her once beautiful face. She walked to Melissa's door and opened it, walked into her office and slammed the door shut behind her. "Wow, what was that all about?" Brenda asked. "That was Connie being Connie," replied Cheryl. "She wasn't always like that, in fact when she started here she was a very nice girl, but something changed about six months ago when she started having these meetings with Melissa in private. She goes into the meeting all bitchy and nasty but when she comes out she seems calmer, you'll see." "Are all the girls like that?" "No, some of them have private meetings with Melissa but they aren't nasty like Connie, I'm not sure what her problem is." "I know what her problem is," stated Donna who just happened to enter the room, "She has a broomstick up her ass." The girls erupted in laughter with that remark, especially coming from Donna. Donna was always the kind, sweet, outgoing girl that got along with everyone. Maybe it was because she was older and knew she would be ending her career on the runway that she could become more brash in her statements, it was just a surprise that those words would flow from Donna's mouth. Donna continued, "Connie feels threatened by Tiffany because she's young and vibrant and any fool can see that she is special. We could all see how she took over at the show yesterday. It was a special moment for us. We saw a super star being born. Of course there was a certain amount of jealousy from all of us because we all wanted to be like Tiffany. We get over it though and the least we can do is be her friend. Connie doesn't work that way. She'll hate Tiffany to her dying days because Tiffany made Connie look plain in front of that crowd. Connie was always the star and now she will become a supporting act with Tiffany gathering most of the attention. Connie can be very vindictive and she and Melissa are very close. Melissa is a shrewd business woman and she can see nothing but money coming from Tiffany, so while she is young and beautiful I know Melissa won't do anything to Tiffany, but I would worry about Connie." "What could Connie do if Melissa needs Tiffany's money?" "She could do a lot of things, trust me Connie may appear to be a bitch on the outside but she's even worse inside. About six months ago there was a model that worked here who was murdered and I think maybe Connie might have had something to do with her death." "Connie?" Brenda asked. "Yes, Connie." Donna stopped talking as the door to Melissa's office opened and Connie exited. Her look seemed to have changed. She seemed a bit more at ease. "I'll talk to you later, when do we cut the cake?" Donna asked. "Right after lunch." Brenda had heard her first lead and knew she had to talk to Donna to find out what else she knew and she would have to warn her friend about Connie, Tiffany could be in danger. Brenda knew that once Cheryl was gone it would be easier for her to make lists and keep track of things without tipping anyone off as to her real purpose for having this job. Ron came by for his usual daily visit. Cheryl started giggling when he came through the door and his mouth dropped when he saw Brenda. She was going to miss all the drama going on at the agency. "Checking the air balance in the coffee room again Ron?" Cheryl asked. Most of the girls hung out in the coffee room when they had nothing to do so Ron made it a habit to spend his time in there too, unless he was doing something in Melissa's office. It was a well known fact that Ron had a crush on Melissa and she flirted with him mercilessly, loving that she could play with him like a cat plays with a mouse before she eats her prey. "I think I'll check the air balance in here today," he replied, all the while staring at Brenda. "From the look on your face, I think you would like to check something else out," Cheryl said. Ron turned bright red, he knew he was busted but he couldn't draw his eyes away from Brenda. He was used to seeing the models, they were pretty but seemed to lack in the figure department, but Brenda had curves and she was pretty. She was also a lot shorter than the models and you didn't have to be six-foot six to look good with her. Brenda had never dressed to show herself before and Ron had just kind of looked past her but now that she caught his eye and there would be a lot more air balancing going on in the reception area. "Ron, today is Cheryl's last day and we are cutting a cake a little later, you're welcome to come by if you'd like," Brenda said as she gave Ron her biggest smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied as he talked to the roundness of Brenda's breasts that were showing seductively above her dress. Ron put his measuring devices away and slinked slowly away through the door. Both girls looked at him in disgust and waited for the door to close. "What a pig, for a minute I thought your breasts had eyes, he's one person I won't miss," Cheryl said. "He doesn't mean anything, he's just being a guy." "A creepy guy, maybe if he got laid he wouldn't be that way, of course what girl in her right mind would want some guy to talk to her tits all night long?" Cheryl asked, as the girls erupted into laughter. Brenda's face turned serious as she thought about what Donna had said about Connie, had Connie really killed Natalia, or was it just supposition on Donnas part? Brenda had to learn more about Connie. "Cheryl, do you know anything about what Donna was talking about, you know, Connie killing that girl?" "Brenda, Donna's a really sweet person but I think her imagination gets carried away sometimes. Some of what she says makes sense but I don't know about Connie having anything to do with Natalia's death." "I'm sorry but it scares me thinking I might have to work with a killer." "God Brenda, Connie's not a killer, she certainly wasn't strong enough to cut Natalia's throat and dump her body in the river. Donna has a wild imagination." "Still, why would Donna say something like that?" "You're going to learn that all the girls here strive for attention and will do and say anything to be noticed and I think maybe this is one of those times, Connie isn't a killer." "Why would Donna suspect Connie then?" "It goes back quite a ways, even before I started working here. The girl before me filled me in to what was happening around here and explained to me that I was to stay out of Connie and Natalia's way. She told me that they hated each other and would do anything to ruin the others career. After she left I could see what she meant, all they ever did was snipe at each other and try to get on the good side of Melissa at the others expense. Now here is where things got strange. There was a party about three months before Natalia died where a lot of cocaine was being past around. Natalia wanted nothing to do with it but from what I've heard Connie pretty much sniffed up half of Colombia. After that I heard Connie started using the stuff almost everyday and that was about the time she began visiting Melissa for her meetings. This infuriated Natalia because she wanted to be Melissa's favorite and she knew Connie was using coke by the plane load so she went to Melissa and told her all about Connie's nasty little habit. I saw Natalia come out of Melissa's office and her face was red with anger. She turned around and said, ?If you're not going to do anything about it, then I'm going to go to the police and let them handle it,' and slammed the door shut. I never saw her again after that and I like everyone else, thought she had run off with one of her boyfriends. The next thing we heard she was dead." "Did you tell this to the police?" "No, I didn't think it was important and it was the farthest thing from my mind because I had just found out that I was going to have a baby." "At least I can see why you don't think Connie had anything to do with it, but what if Melissa had told her about Natalia's threat." "Maybe she did but how was I to know and besides if I said anything to anyone about it she might kill me too. Something's are better left alone, I had a baby to worry about, not whether Connie was a killer." "I can see your point, maybe it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. Hey, it's lunch time, lets cut your cake." The cake was cut and shared with all present and by the end of the day it was gone. Cheryl departed right after eating a piece of cake declaring that it was the best carrot cake she had ever eaten. "Brenda, you're missing your calling, you should open a bakery, it would sure beat catering to a bunch of spoiled women like you'll have to do around here," Cheryl laughed. All the girls giggled at that remark knowing it was true. Cheryl made the rounds kissing and hugging each girl as she did. Last was Brenda. Cheryl had come to love this sweet, sensitive girl. Her bright eyes and special smile made Cheryl's last days here bearable. Cheryl had found a true friend in Brenda. "I'm going to miss you Brenda," she said as her eyes filled with tears. Brenda held her friend and tried to speak but the lump in her throat wouldn't let her, she just held Cheryl tight to her and let the tears flow. The two finally broke their embrace and Cheryl started to giggle. "It looks as though I'll be here a bit longer while Brenda repairs her makeup," she said. Brenda looked at the wall mirror and gasped when she saw the two black lines running down her cheeks. "Oh God, I didn't get this on your blouse did I?" "No silly girl, and who cares if you did, it's maternity wear not some fabulous blouse that I want to wear over and over again, now go to the powder room and fix your makeup before Mario sees you like this." Brenda did as instructed and returned to give her friend one last hug. "I'll call you Cheryl, and you had better let me know when you have the baby or I'll never forgive you," Brenda said. "I will, and watch out for Mario, he doesn't know how he feels about you yet, but when he figures it out, you'll be in trouble, bye Brenda." With that Cheryl turned and left her job far behind, she had a new one to start, being a mom.

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Chapter X   Lori's succulent cunt lips were stretched out so far apart it looked as if you could drive a truck between them! Ed licked his lips and knew what his oversexed wife’s girlfriend was up to. "What the hell are you doing?" Ed gasped.   "Why don't you come over here brother and find out?" Lori said.   Her naughty grin causing Ed's dick to throb as he watched her. "Where is Janice?" he asked his wife’s girlfriend as he undid his...

Wife Lovers
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African Prince 5

Chapter 5Mikey woke to a beam of direct sunlight from theskylight above the bed cast into his eye. He shiftedhis head slightly to avoid it. Disoriented- he did nothave a skylight in his room- it took him a moment toremember where he was. He turned his head to the sideand saw a truly magnificent sight. His Mom lay stillsleeping, the sunlight had not yet reached her eyes.She lay on her back. Blankets had been cast asideduring the night and for the first time Mikey saw herbare tits exposed. Her...

1 year ago
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A Quiet Affair

I’ve always kept things simple. I’ve tried to ask very few questions, take things as they come, and often let everything ride on serendipity. I hated “should be” or “supposed to be”. Questions often stopped things in their tracks. Is it something to be proud of that Jenn was the only married woman that I personally knew that I ever caught myself fantasizing about? What should I have said when she asked me if we could go to my apartment during lunch? We were only supposed to have coffee,...

4 years ago
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Daytona Beach Desire Book IIIChapter 3

Hanna's final year in high school was completely different than her third year had been. She had become a leader, outgoing, outspoken and certainly unafraid of relationships, school or boys. The young man that she had dated as a junior turned out to be easily intimidated by females and wanted nothing more to do with a strong personality such as Hanna's. That's not to say that there were not plenty of other guys extremely anxious to take his place. There was, unfortunately, a contingent of...

3 years ago
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Steven George the DragonHow to Slay a Dragon

BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lily Labeau Anal Payback

Blonde beauty Lily LaBeau pays for her husbands past when Ramon Nomar shows up fresh out of prison to get what he deserves. He says he did time for her husbands scheme and now he wants some payback in the form of Lily’s ass and some jewels that are hidden somewhere in the house. Ramon video calls Lily’s husband and taunts him with the image of his sweet wife looking desperate all tied up in bondage, a ball gag in her mouth and demands to know the location of the hidden jewels....

2 years ago
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Well Played

I sat on top of the bed, waiting for him to arrive. He was late, but he had already warned me that he would be. I didn't mind, really. It gave me a chance to do something that I really enjoyed. I got the wait for a sexy hot young stud while I was wearing the finest lingerie that I could afford. It was grayish satin with lace panels. Everything from the tap panties that I was wearing, to the bra had satin and lace mixed in. I loved the feel of the satin against my double D breasts,...

3 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 22

We still hadn’t decided on a plan when Mel’s phone rang. She looked at the display and put it on speaker. I recorded with my iPod. “Melody?” her mother said uncertainly. “You said you’d call back about dinner, but I haven’t heard back from you.” “No, Mother,” Mel said testily. “I’ve had rather a lot to handle. Your husband has managed to disrupt our vacation completely. He’s performed identity theft on us, canceled our hotel reservations, and forced us to spend most of the afternoon...

2 years ago
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Pregnant and Horny My first Time With Betty

Sex has always been something that I could take or leave. It was never very important to me. I could go for weeks without sex and it didn’t bother me. Then I became pregnant for the first time and that all changed. Suddenly all I could think about was sex. Suddenly I was horny all the time. Then, I gave birth last fall but my new need for sex remains. I’m just as needy now as I was during those nine months of insatiable horniness. My hormones ran wild during those nine months. Since then my...

1 year ago
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I used my wife as a poker chip and lost

Larry, who I worked with had been on me for the last month about doing a poker game at my place. I finally agreed to hold it at my place after thinking about it over several days. I hadn’t played in a poker game in many years. Larry had lined up myself plus him and a buddy of his. His buddy also brought along a younger gentleman named Rob with him so we now had had a table of four playing. I didn’t know this other younger gentleman, but he was only in his 20’s and had a very cocky attitude.

3 years ago
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The Monster in My Dreams Part 2

Six months ago, I had had the weirdest dream, but as a writer, I occasionally get inspirations for stories from my dreams. Those stories sometimes end up as a short story that I post on an erotic writers site I belong to, and sometimes they end up long enough to be a book. The particular dream in this instance turned out to be a short story in a category that was recently added to the list of the site's list of genres. I usually wrote in my home office, but on a beautiful day, I would move...

Monster Sex
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First Time With my students mother

When I started college, I earned a little money teaching maths to k**s. That way, I had pocket money, without needing to ask my parents or having a “real” job.From all of my students, my favorite was always Peter… Not only because he was a good student and very friendly, but because of her mother, Alice, who was charming. A lady with good manners, friendly, pleasant… and I always had a crush on her….I was only 18 years old, and I had my hormones altered as every teenager, and since one day that...

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Riding the Bus

I was 45 years old at this point and using public transportation. I worked the swing shift and got off work at midnight. One day while on the bus in the afternoon, I noticed a very large older woman. She was 60 years old, 5'2" with short grey hair, blue eyes and somewhat homely looking. She had a small female child on her lap and hugging and kissing the child. This turned me on and I decided I'd like this large woman to kiss on me. I was 6'3" tall at 185 lbs., hazel eyes and long brown hair and...

3 years ago
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threesome with the girlfriend

Introduction: Fantasy come true Ok so my girlfriend and I were watching porn. I will tell you about her now she is a little on the short side being 5ft5 but she has a smoking body. She has a b sized cub but she definitely makes up for it with that big black ass of hers. It makes heads turn when we walk down the street. I am your average white male with a 6 inch dick but she loves the way I can work it. My girlfriends name is Keeara and my name is Nick. Well lately weve been watching porn of...

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Accidental Slave

I can’t believe how my life has changed over this past year. I am doing things that I never thought myself capable of doing. I am a married woman with three children that up till recently led a relatively normal life. I have been married for over 20 years and like most married couples we have had some rocky times to get through in our lives. We reached a point of near divorce a few years back over some serious differences in sexual preference. My husband, Bill, had very strong interests in...

1 year ago
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parent strict upbringing final part

As time went on and the intence trainning I got from my aunt having sex I had got to the stage where she was dragging me into the bedroom to get a good fucking, I had learnt how to make a women squirt and even quick recovery time for another good fucking, also oral sex was mastered.I decided that my aunt was right and she put me intouch with a guy that produced porn movies, I made a arrangement to visit. The day arrived and I set off I was nervouis as hell, I arrived at the studio and sat down...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Cock Sucker in Ninety Seconds

I'm an electrician and I fix and flip houses. I'm forty-five, married to a beautiful woman, and until this happened, I never thought I would suck a cock.A home I'm flipping needed an inspection from the city inspector. I've known George for years, seeing him at different inspections. George is a few years older than me, tall, rugged looks, good at his job, but a pretty casual attitude.George showed up at 10 am on a Friday to do the inspection for me. I met him at the house and we went in. He...

Gay Male
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How we met Ross

Last week I had the opportunity to conduct business in Newport again. Although I made very little money, it was my most enjoyable visit ever, thanks to Rick. Since any reader will know very little about them, let me tell you a little bit about the circumstances that led me to meet Rick and his beautiful wife Lynn. I’ve been to Newport seven or eight times in the last year. Hell, I’d be there every week if I could find any business justification for it. I love Newport because I believe it has...

2 years ago
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A Moment of Perfect Clarity

Have you ever experienced a moment in your life of perfect, crystal clarity? Where a myriad intertwining threads come together to form a nexus of exquisite awareness, a yawning chasm of realization from which there is no turning back?For me, that moment was the moment where Alison Hunter, Ms. Hunter, clipped the short silver chain to the collar around my neck and told me, in absolutely no uncertain terms, what my life was to be from that moment, and what it was not.“You will obey me without...

2 years ago
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My Old Granny

I had never thought of my Old Grannies in a sexual way, but for some reason everything changed. My granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit so it was better for her and safer if she went into care. I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with. While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that had any good attention in years. I can’t tell you how many times I had to run to the bathroom to stroke my aching...

2 years ago
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My slut wife and the grad student

Just one of the many adventures I have had in the past two years with my sex starved wife, Anne Marie. I returned home for work to find Anne Marie had showered and changed into the tight fitting jeans that show off her round ass so well and the blouse I bought her for her birthday. She said we are going out to supper so get ready. I cleaned up and we headed to the local neighborhood bar and grill. On the way Anne Marie said “I sure hope one of those college boys serve us tonight.”...

4 years ago
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In The Blink Of A Ravens Eye

As night encroached on the watery dusk, I lit the fire.  A solitary raven sat on a bough.  With a caw of approval, it blinked.  Wood burned and its embers soared; I moved like its smoke.  From house to house, I weighed their souls and chose them.  I sifted through the moral and immoral: the chapel on the headland had its congregation. For me, these were acts of physical congress, for them, a lover in their dreams.  They awoke as the whites of their eyes blackened.  They struggled, and gave...

1 year ago
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UK Porn Party

If you’ve never been to a UK Porn Party, well, you’re missing out. Of course, not just everyone gets to attend to these kinds of events. I’m actually still waiting to get my invite, but I think my work over at PornDudeCasting is solid evidence that I could hold my own in such a situation. Until I get the call, though, I guess you and I are in the same shoes. We’ll just have to get our kicks the old-fashioned way, by watching online.Which brings us to today, and which brings me to...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Sala Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

Mera naam vikas hai age 35 hai main delhi se hoo . Baat 1 sall pehle ki hai main sasural gaya hua tha Ghar main mere sale ki biwi akeli thi uska naam neha hai uska jism kamal ki sunder gori kase hue chuche kya comsin mall hai mene pucha kaha gaye sab boli ki ristedari main milne gaye hai Raat tak aayege fer usne chai nasta lagaya dono ne sath nasta liya Fer idhar udhar ki baat hone lagi bato bato main mene pucha marriage life kaise chal rahi hai Wo thoda sarma gaye koi jawab nhi diya mene fer...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 7 Letrsquos Get Back To It

We returned home from shopping and had another family business meeting. We made sure that Bosco and Teri would be in the loop for everything we did, now that we had the correct phone number and email address. It also went without argument that we would offer our home for their wedding. I also made sure that Dr. Grand and his family were on the regular guest list for all BBQs. After the family business meeting we left Bill and Gwen to watch the kids, and Blossom, Erin, Lynn and I went to see...

4 years ago
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The cute guy

The Cute GuyWas asked to share this storyYesterday I hooked up with a guy I had been with once before. I meet him thru Craig’s List The first time he pretty much just sucked my cock I didn’t get to suck his I don’t think he thought I wanted to. But I did see that he had a nice big cock about 7.5 to 8 Inchs and a sexy little butt didn’t see his pretty hole (I have a bit of an asshole fetish). Due to work and other things I didn’t get a chance to hook up with him again for a while and when I...

2 years ago
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The Backstage Pass

Brittany was on her side with her history text book in front of her when she suddenly bolted upright on her bed. She pushed aside her homework which knocked a couple of sheets of paper onto the carpet. Did the radio DJ just say what she thought he said? Could it be true? The DJ continued, " ... so when you hear two songs in a row by Flutterdung be the 11th caller to win two upfront tickets plus backstage passes for after the show." He did say it! Flutterdung! That was her favorite band!...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 56 I Needed That

"It's about time you got home!" A big voice boomed as Kathy closed the front door. "Grand Dad!" Kathy threw her arms around the smiling man. "I didn't know you were coming for Billy's party." "When your Daddy told me what the little scamp had been up to, I cancelled my cheerleader training in Dallas and flew right over." "Well, I'm glad you're here." She gave the family patriarch a big wet kiss and slid invitingly down his muscular body. The basement door flew open and...

1 year ago
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A New Look at Life

A New Look at Life By Lauren Bliss To say Leighton Johnson had it rough would be an understatement. He was small, but pear shaped, which wasn't the standard figure typically gifted to a growing boy. You could almost call him skinny, if not for what his bullies called his bubble butt. At only five foot, two inches tall, he was much shorter than the average ninth grader. His mother, being what one might describe as a holdover hippy, never took him to get a haircut. It was too dark and...

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Lake house 1

I was driving up highway 41 toward the Sierra foothills on my way to a lake where I sometimes went camping and fishing.   My plan was to spend a few days fishing and unwinding from 2 weeks of intense contract work for a client.   I was alone because I had made the decision on the spur of the moment and I knew none of my friends would be able to get free on short notice.   That was ok; I was looking forward to being alone.   I reached my favorite spot on the lake, a small...

Straight Sex
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Wife is going to try modelingCuckold Style

It's pronounced same as Sharon and Shar sounds just like it does in the full name. I know I need some help and some more work possibly on this story but it is set up to run for a while and future chapters. This is the 1st of what I hope are many. *****Meet Sharyn and let's start the story, shall we?We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is...

4 years ago
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ShilohChapter 30 Union Rules

Tuesday is a long day in the office for Kyle because he meets with several of his senior staff and he works hard at reviewing all the major policies within the company. One interesting meeting is with the Vice-president of Personnel, the only female in the senior staff. After arriving at Kyle’s office on time she’s seated in a chair in front of his desk. While she waits Kyle silently studies the files on her, both the one supplied by Personnel and the one provide by the security service...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 2 The Elfs Choice

Introduction: Xera returns home to her pregnante elf-wife and wonders if she should continue on the quest. Meanwhile, Sophia studies in the library and Angela enjoys the hermparoditic delights offered by the elves. The Knight and the Acolyte Book Two: Magics Clash Chapter Two: The Elfs Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight-Errant Angela Northern Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I cant believe you want to go another round, I gasped...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 36

Earth time: 9:30 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 EDT (19 hours, 58 minutes to Path closing) Mark was lying in his boyhood bedroom, surprised but somehow happy his old bed was still there. There was no illumination. The clouds outside the window were pitch black. He was in a light doze, and he dimly knew he probably wouldn't get any real sleep. He became aware of his bedroom door opening and closing, and then a warm body climbed into his bed and pressed against him. "Hi Va'an," he...

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Training of Masters Girl

Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut.  Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain.  The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine.  But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 15 SIF

Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...

2 years ago
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Adventure With Sex Bomb Teacher Sneha In Tokyo 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Arjun and I am from the beautiful state, Kerala. I joined Indian army an year ago. I was an average looking guy but due to the extreme training, my body became a lot more sexier which also resulted improving the overall appearance. Now, without wasting more of your time, let’s get straight into my beautiful incident. This happened recently when I came home for vacation after my one year training in the army. For a few weeks, I was very busy with family matters like marriage and...

1 year ago
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You Only Get What You Give Part 8

The Professor’s sexiest student, Julia, moved to South America, where she did well with her modeling career, and only visited the Professor every other month. . The Professor was now seeing several women, but his favorite fuck, Cathy, had decided not fuck around on her husband. She and the Professor were great friends and often ate meals together while her husband was out of town. Although the Professor enjoyed their friendship, he missed the way she fucked him. After dropping Cathy off at her...

Group Sex
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How to Wash a Girl Guide

How to Wash a Girl Guide Jo comes into the kitchen, her sandalsundone, and as she walks they slap against the stone floor, the buckles ringinglike little bells. She is in her Girl Guide uniform — brown shorts,yellow shirt, and a blue neck-scarf tucked inside her collar. 'Ooh, biscuits!' is the first thingshe says. She makes straight for the chocolate bourbons and crams one intoher mouth. Then she pours herself a mug of tea from the pot. 'That'll be cold,' says her sister,Helena, sitting at...

3 years ago
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More cum for me

Yesterday I was home alone so in between work stuff, I was checking out sites, and stroking my cock. I came close to cumming about 10 times and was getting supper horny. I messaged a few people and did a little camming, but nothing was working out. I had 3 guys talk about coming over but none of them could now and I was not confident they ever would so I decided to visit a hook up site off the side of the freeway. I arrived at a place I had been before and knew it as a hook up site for years,...

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Accidental LoversChapter 8

Lori was sitting naked on the closed toilet, still sobbing out of fear when her teacher walked in and quietly closed the door. She kept her eyes focused on the floor unable to face the adult. She was scared, more scared than at anytime in her life. Her mind and body were riding an emotional roller coaster that had careened wildly in the past few hours. If only her brother hadn't needed to pee none of this would have happened. Yet she was glad it had, as she had never felt anything so...

2 years ago
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Sweet Summer Ch 02

Anya's gorgeous cousins fuck her senseless. [The first chapter was mostly scene-setting. This one is longer, and has much more action. Again, all characters involved in sex are over 18]*****When she said she wanted it, Anya had half-expected Nina to take her right away; she'd been wet and ready to be deflowered there on the lawn. But instead her cousin had gently kissed her cheek and said, "sleep off the wine, Anni, and be fresh and ready in the morning. I'll wait for you in the summerhouse."So...

2 years ago
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Wife Confessions Their Secret

“Have a good day, honey!” I wave at my husband from the front door.He turns and smiles at me just as he gets to his car. “You too, beautiful. I'll be late tonight, as usual. You have fun. Okay?” His voice is dripping with enthusiasm.I notice the shades in the house beside ours move slightly. We both know that our neighbor, Jack, has been checking me out whenever he has the chance. It was Reagan who noticed it first. Whenever I'd be outside, soaking in the sun or in my garden, Jack would come...

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When Angels Cum Chapter 2

 Chapter 2When Blaze woke up the next morning, Jie Er was waiting for him in the kitchen with a breakfast of eggs and bread. She was wearing a feathered push up and strapless bra, and a pair of low hanging skimpy panties. A silken translucent skirt covered her butt but was open at the front.Blaze wondered if all angels dressed like her or if his angel was just a pervert.“Morning’ dear. Breakfast?” she said with a warm smile.“I have to go to work, little one, but I will try to be back early. I...

1 year ago
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We are told that someone under hypnosis cannot be persuaded to anything that they don't want to. But suppose there is something that, deep down, you really want to do but know that you can't. Your little secret fantasy that nobody else knows about. And then one day you attend a show where there is a hypnotist. A girl-friend or colleague persuades you onto the stage. And it turns out that you are a perfect subject. It just requires a trigger - a word and a gesture perhaps. Your secret...

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Full Figured Chic Ch 06

Within the hour, Jay had his mother out of the home with a packed bag. Not till he drove his car out of the driveway of the home, did he think where he was going to take her. She’s never thought to ask him either. ‘I’ll take you to the workshop first Mother. Let’s see if anything looks strange to you.’ It seemed like a good idea, and Jay would be able to ask Gregor what he was going to do with her. ‘Wow, I haven’t seen it for years — and you’re all famous now. This will be fun.’ ‘I invited...

1 year ago
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AssParade Indica Monroe Horny Thief Gets Fucked

Indica is a little low on cash and has been robbing houses to make ends meet. Today she tried to break into another house and ended up finding a huge pink dildo. She’s been so horny all day, she figured since no ones home this would be the perfect time to satisfy her needs. She gets naked and fucks the dildo like no tomorrow. Preston comes home from work and they both are terrified to see eachother. Instead of calling the police, Preston decides to have a little fun with her. They both...

1 year ago
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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 17

“My jacket’s gonna be cut slim and checked. Maybe a touch of seersucker with an open neck. I ride a GS Scooter with my hair cut neat. Wear my war-time coat in the wind and sleet.” -The Who, “I’ve Had Enough“ “Marco Santori!” Contessa Helena de San Finzione’s shadow called from the doorway of the Taverna. The bartender turned off the music and everyone faced her. “Your Contessa summons you.” At the bar, a man dropped his beer and ran for the side exit. He opened the door and ran...

3 years ago
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one of my fantasies

I wish you were here…. I wish you were here for an infinite number of reasons, but mostly because I need you and I really want you. I think about you every night before I go to sleep , and every time that happens, my thoughts get engulfed by this intoxicating, brain-numbing , instinct-enhancing …. LUST. And it so happens , that out of the many things I imagine us doing , this is the first that popped into my mind. I stand in front of you , silence ,sedating the loud particles of existence. My...

2 years ago
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Sians CousinsChapter 3

Sheila was the first of the twins to get her voice back; she was still bright red with barely suppressed excitement. "God, that looked incredible - I've never managed to make myself come anywhere near like that hard!" Julie answered her, in between gasps of breath. "I never have such good orgasms as I do when I've been fucked properly; the ones from playing with myself or cunnilingus are only superficial by comparison with a good penetrative orgasm. That was a pretty good one, but Jon...

3 years ago
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Mother wanted a daughter

Mother wanted a daughter. Where to start my story don't start until I was 18 the first bit is how I got here. I suppose at the beginning my dad and sister died in a Terrible car crash when I was 3 year old and My sister was Only 5, life was all to much for mum it was as if her world had ended I don't remember much about that time. Jenny was close to mum and I was closer to dad not that I was into boys stuff like football guns or rough stuff that boys seem to love, I would say I...

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Mera Intazaar Khatam Howa

Its inform to u all that, names change hen is story men, mera b, kion k men kisi ka be raz fash nahe karta! Hi, mera nam Tallal hy meri age 23 hay, mery jism men hal chal hony lagti hey, jab koi sexy aunti, married larki, ya virgin meri nazrung ke samny ati hy, men Pakistan interior area sindh sy hun, aj kal Karachi job search ker raha hun, mujhy ek shaks key yad bohat sata rahe hy, rat k 12 bajy hen, socha kion nay ap readers sy share karun Yeh jo story men share karny ja raha hun who ek sachi...

4 years ago
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Miss Pink Part 8 Lauren Rossi Final Part

ONE I stood at the doors of the conference hall, peeking through the glass. Most of the area managers and managers had left now, but a few were lingering, catching up with friends they might not have seen in a while. And there were some I'd asked to hang back and wait to see me at the end of the presentations and celebrations. I didn't realise Jo was behind me until she placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's great to see you back in the company," she said with a breezy smile,...

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