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UNWORTHY OF BELIEF by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY "Excuse me. Is it okay if I sit here?" The voice is that of an aging man and it returns me to the present. I look up. He is standing there by the table with a glass of beer in his hand. A ruddy, wrinkly face, a big nose, silvery hair and a long beard. Two perceptive, lively green eyes; they almost seem like they belong to someone much younger than this fellow who is likely in his late sixties or maybe seventies. Dress him in a red fur coat, a black belt and trousers, and you've got the Santa Claus from the classic Coca-Cola advert. "Yeah, sure," I say in a laid-back manner. I'd rather be alone and enjoy my beer in private but there is no reason to make a fuss over this. "Go right ahead." "Thanks, buddy," he says and sits down opposite to me so we can talk comfortably. He takes a swig of his drink and puts the glass on the table. "Been a while since I last set foot here. It's nice to see the damn virus hasn't killed every business in town just yet." "Uh-huh." In passing, I wonder who this guy is. I don't recall seeing him before. He stands out in his own way, even in a place like this that is frequented by all kinds of folk, and I would probably remember him. "So," he opens the conversation. "You write." "What makes you think that?" "I know it." Even though he doesn't come across as one of the irascible, potentially aggressive types that can at times be found populating the tables of this bar, it's probably best to humor him and act courteously. "I dabble," I admit. "Mainly short stories that stay in the drawer forever--or actually the hard drive of my computer, but it's the same thing. I'm nowhere near good enough to write prose for a living." "But you do write." "You could say that, from a technical point of view." He tastes his beer again, and I take a sip of mine as well. This evening is shaping up to be more interesting and entertaining than usual, my distinct sense of foreboding aside. "I've read some of your stuff," he remarks. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but before I can ask him to clarify, he goes on, "To be frank, it was your choice of topic that caught my eye. You see, you write about people who get transformed into another sex. I've got to say it's kind of unusual, even in this day and age." Shivers run down my spine. He's right, to be sure, but how the hell can he know about that? I have always published every one of my stories under a pen name and taken every precaution I could think of to keep myself anonymous. And now, I meet a random man who appears out of nowhere, comes to sit at my table with a pint in his hand and casually informs me he knows all about my hobby! Was I really so careless that anyone could track me down? Or has he broken into my computer? How? And why? What does he stand to gain? Chances are I have totally failed to cover up my consternation and alarm. Nevertheless, I try to bluff my way out of the situation. "Look," I say with a plainly faked mild chuckle, "I have to confess you lost me. I'm not---" "I don't care," he interrupts in the same relaxed tone. It is more as though he's simply correcting a factual mistake by me than arguing in earnest. "I'm not going to judge you. It's a free country, and if you get your kicks by thinking up a man who puts on a magical costume and turns into a hot chick, it's all good." My desperate gambit didn't work. The man obviously has the upper hand and I have to play my cards as best I can, without making a scene and embarrassing myself. "Okay," I cave in and flash him a polite but joyless grin, "I've done a couple of pieces in my time that revolve around the things you mentioned. That said, I'd very much like to know how you came to the conclusion it was me who wrote them and how you found me. I never put my real name on anything that's not connected to my professional work." "You're worried you screwed up and posted your personal info by accident," he observes in a sympathetic voice. "Take it easy, buddy. That's not what happened. Your secret's safe with me." "Well, how did you find me then?" "I won't go into that," he says bluntly. "It'd take too long to explain, plus it's not important anyway." "I'm kind of starting to feel I'm at a disadvantage here." "Don't sweat it, Tom. May I call you Tom?" Without realizing it, I clench my jaw. "Would it make any difference if I told you no?" "Good point, Tom." "So, what should I call you?" "My name's one of the unimportant things," he replies with a grin. There is something smug in that and I'm irritated by it. "We can do without that. By the way, I see you named the hero of one of your stories after yourself." "Kind of. It's just that nobody calls me Tom." "It's the same name in any case. So--'Really Weird Happenings', right? That was the title of the story. You had a bunch of pretty neat ideas, but a lot of the stuff in it didn't make any sense. The guy's in one place, doing something, and then he's suddenly somewhere else and everything gets reset. There are no clear consequences to what he does. That's damn confusing." "It wasn't supposed to be a cut-and-dried thing," I defend myself. He has hit a sensitive spot, my pride and vanity. For an instant, I forget the eerie circumstances of our conversation and go on the offensive. "It's about an experience you can't properly describe in words. You have to read it more than once to appreciate the depth." "Whatever you say. It comes down to matters of taste, and I'm only telling you how it made me feel. I can't speak for anyone else." "Fine. I understand." "You probably don't realize how glad I am to see you're passionate about your writing. That's how it should be. You should always put your heart and soul into what you do and try to get better at it. Aim higher, always keep aiming higher." This smacks of a platitude to me, no matter how true it basically is. To show that I agree with him, I nod and mutter something in the affirmative. Besides, he did pay me a compliment, and I'm not one to overlook them. It's not like I'm constantly showered with praise in my life. "Which brings us to the reason why I wanted to get ahold of you," he continues, and a secretive little smile finds its way onto his lips. "I want you to write my story. Not to brag, but I happen to feel I deserve my fifteen minutes of fame." Another surprise, and a major one at that. I come to the brink of blurting out that I don't write about real people, period, but fortunately I'm too stunned for the moment to say anything. I merely stare at the man, waiting for an explanation. None is forthcoming, and I have no choice but to collect myself and do my best to carry on the conversation. "Your story?" I ask. "As in a biography?" "You make it sound so official," he chortles and tastes his beer. "I just got this picture of a huge leatherback tome collecting dust on a shelf in the Library of Congress or somewhere. No, that's precisely what I don't want. I want a nice little story you can actually read without wasting a year of your life on it, a piece that tells people I existed and what kind of a guy you might've thought I was if you ran into me on the street. That sort of thing, short and sweet. You know what I'm getting at?" "I think I do. The only problem is I'm not sure I'm the right guy for the job." "I know you are. Remember, I've read your stuff online. Write a story like that, but so that it's about me and not some imaginary type in a Neverland." "An intriguing proposition," I remark and grin again to keep my hesitation and confusion from showing. In all honesty, I'm not very keen on the idea. For one thing, I need as much freedom as possible when I write. What little creativity I have gets stifled fast if someone is breathing down my neck, constantly telling me what to do and what not to do, and I would have to worry about pleasing him first and foremost instead of doing a piece that I enjoy. I get my share of that in my day job. Then there's the subject himself. Has he in fact done anything interesting in his life, aside from discovering who I am? I have nothing to lose by asking a few discreet questions, and it's not too late yet (in theory) for me to back out. "Have you... approached anyone else about this?" I inquire. "Yeah," he says and leans back on his chair. "A couple of professional writers. One was a novelist and another a journalist. A third did a bit of both to put the bread on his table, if I recall." "What did they say?" "Oh, they turned it down, every one of them," he sighs. "When they heard what I had in mind, they thought it was laughable." "They told that to your face?" "Not straight away. They were kind of interested at first because they were under the impression it was going to be a fantasy novel, but when I said the story was real from start to finish, as in... What's the term for it?" "Non-fiction?" "Yeah, non-fiction. It's not a damn fairytale, and I made that clear. That's when they pulled out. One told me the whole thing was, quote, unworthy of belief, unquote. It was too outlandish for them, and they didn't want to touch it with a ten-foot pole. They were afraid for their reputations, I guess, and didn't want their names on it." "Okay, so... Why is that? What's so incredible about your story that they declined?" "You see, Tom," he says and clears his throat, "I have this... ability. I'm not sure what you'd call it; magic, maybe, or whatever. I call it just that, an ability. I can change a person. I only have to concentrate on them hard, see them in my mind, and I can will their body to become different. Their height, their looks, skin color, weight, age, clothes, you name it. Everything I think of changes in a second or two. Even their sex. That's the best part for me, actually. I like big changes, and changing someone's sex along with the rest of what they are makes it a big deal for them." He stops and waits for my response. To describe my situation as awkward would be a huge understatement. What can you say to a claim like that? It's insane, of course, and I no longer wonder in the slightest why the writers he approached turned him down. But how should I handle this? There are a couple of possibilities. The man could be one of the wily and salty old-timer patrons who chat up strangers, tell them tall tales and then laugh to themselves if they can get the other person to swallow their yarns. On the other hand, he could be genuinely delusional, a mental patient who ought to be receiving treatment in a ward. If I tell him to knock it off and save his nonsense for someone else, he could get angry at me, but if I go along, I'll make a fool out of myself and perhaps also do him a huge disservice if he seriously believes his own story. I decide to go for a compromise. I'll balance between the two extremes, let him know in polite terms that I'm not convinced but that I'm not going to turn this into a matter of principle. If he thinks he is a wizard with magical powers walking among us mortals, then I'm personally fine with that, and it's not my problem anyway. Right. Here goes. "That's... pretty far out. I don't mean to be rude, but if you sincerely want me to believe that, you're asking for quite a lot." "I know," he says simply. "It really is strange, no argument there. What would it take to convince you I'm not trying to pull your leg?" "A demonstration might be a good start." "Spoken like a scientist," he laughs. "Yeah, I can do that. See that guy over there?" His stubby finger is pointing, unobtrusively, somewhere behind me and to my left. I turn my head slowly, trying not to let my interest show, and see a man about to go into the bathroom. He doesn't stand out in any particular way: he's in his mid-20s, I think, an average-looking guy with a wide forehead, a thin nose, short dark brown hair, cheeks and chin covered in a stubble that shows he has not shaved since yesterday. He is wearing black jeans, a red hoodie and sneakers. I spot what looks like a part of a black tattoo on the back of his neck. The guy grabs the door handle, steps into the bathroom and disappears from my view. "I see him. What happens now?" "Wait till he comes out," my new friend says with a grin. "Don't worry; it won't take long." I don't know what to expect so I keep my eyes on the old man at first. Will he recite a gibberish spell in some made-up language, or is he going to perform weird hand movements when he summons his mana? No, nothing of the kind. He closes his eyes and sits quietly, and that's it. He obviously doesn't believe in putting on a dramatic show for the people he tries to convince of his magical abilities. Quietly a little disappointed, I turn to look at the door of men's bathroom again. The seconds tick by. I listen for any unusual sounds coming through the wall, but there is just too much noise around me. I guess I have no alternative but to wait. A bout of self-consciousness hits me. If this is a joke, which is at least as likely as the man being certifiably nuts, I must look like a total idiot right now. Chances are the man and his friends (if he has any and they are here tonight) are silently laughing at me behind my back. I have to tone it down and not appear overly interested. I assume a casual, nonchalant expression and smile at the man, but this gesture goes to waste since his eyes are still closed. The door opens again but more slowly than usual. I can't resist the urge to look--and what I see takes me by surprise, no matter how well I have tried to prepare myself for something of that sort. A woman, perhaps about the same age as the man my alleged wizard friend told me to watch, steps cautiously out of the bathroom. With a frightened expression on her pretty, heart-shaped face and her blue eyes all but bulging out of their sockets, as though she fears an attacker will pounce on her at any moment, she looks around herself and begins to make her way slowly towards the main door that leads out to the street. She has long, straight honey blond hair and plenty of makeup on, I note, pink lipstick and dark mascara in particular. Her body is conspicuously curvy and plump; I wouldn't call her outright fat, but she is definitely not underweight either. Her positively humongous breasts are only barely held in check by her skimpy white top, and her figure is rounded out by her wide hips and large bottom that stretch out the fabric of her skinny jeans. She has a pair of stiletto-heeled black boots on, and she sways slightly unsteadily on them as she walks, carrying a black handbag on her right shoulder. If anything, her teetering movements only serve to draw even more attention to her plentiful assets. I catch myself staring at the sight, along with the vast majority of the other male patrons present. However, she makes it to the door without incident, pushes it open and slinks out of the bar. A look of relief flashes across her features just before I lose sight of her. "Okay, there it was," my acquaintance says after the woman has made her exit. He can't keep a wide, triumphant smile away from his face. "What do you think, Tom?" "Wow," I reply and return his smile with a grin to hide my puzzlement. "That's impressive." "Thanks! I don't get any recognition for my skills that often." "Can you only turn men into women?" "No," he says. "I can do it the other way around too, but I've got to confess I'm partial to feminine beauty. I want to add that to the world whenever I have the chance." "What's going to happen to him?" "What do you mean?" "To the guy, if he really became that woman who walked out of here a minute ago. Will he change back at some point, or is the transformation final?" The man wets his throat again before he gives me his answer. "I can reverse a change, but mostly I leave them in their brand new forms for good. She's better off that way, and she'll come to accept who she is now. Trust me, I know it. She'll be fine." "If you say so." I'm at a loss of words. I can't honestly say I'm suddenly convinced of his supernatural powers, even though the show was admittedly entertaining. The so-called transformation itself would have been ridiculously easy to fake. All he needed was two willing accomplices and some way to signal them when to put things in motion. The man has guessed my thoughts and smiles again, with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "You're not buying it, are you, Tom?" "To tell you the truth," I say, "not entirely. You could've recruited a man and a woman before you chatted me up, told her to go to the bathroom and wait, and then have the man enter and her come out. The guy could be hiding in there now." "You can go in and check the stalls for yourself if you want. There's no one there." "Let's say he jumped out of the window." "The window's way too small for a grown person to fit through." "Okay, maybe you're right. I don't remember what size it is." "But you don't believe anyway?" "It's a huge leap for me to go from witnessing what looks like a practical joke to proclaiming that magic exists. Critical thinking and all that." "You saw that very thing in action yourself." "I didn't. I only saw a man going into the bathroom and a woman coming out a little later. It's not enough to prove the issue one way or the other." "Alright, buddy," the man laughs. "Suppose I did it again but arranged it so that you could watch the transformation. What would you say then?" "I don't know," I reply and raise the corners of my mouth into a subtle smile, to soften the impact of my words on him. "I'd have to be there first." "But I do," the man claims. "I know what you'd say. You'd insist it was a stage magician's trick, some kind of... Sleight of hand. Smoke and mirrors. Even if you could see the guy's body change, his dick and balls get sucked into his crotch and turn into a pussy, his tits and hair grow and his face morph, you still wouldn't believe." "Maybe I would," I counter. He's essentially correct, of course, but his overly confident and slightly teasing tone nevertheless irks me a little. "It's impossible to tell, but getting to witness the whole thing up close and in person would do wonders for the credibility of your story." "That's perfectly doable, Tom. We only need to find a test subject who won't run away. Or, I could go one better and do you. What do you say to that?" "Do me? As in transform me into a woman?" "Oh yeah. You're no different from the bathroom guy when it comes to my ability. Let's see now--what should you be like? You're not that old, but the first thing I'd do is shave a few years off of you to let you enjoy being young again. Something around twenty or twenty-five, that's what I'd go for. Anyway, what else? I could make you a redhead. Or how's a racial change sound? Hell, it might be right up your alley if you're into that progress and sensitivity thing. You could be a black girl too, and a gorgeous one to boot." "Okay, knock it off," I say and pretend to be amused. A distinct feeling of unease is beginning to creep up on me, in spite of my skepticism. "You sold me." "No, I didn't," he argues in the same sly tone. "You're only hedging your bets, just in case. 'What if the nutty old geezer's for real and he turns me into a girl?' you think. 'Better not take that chance!'" "I would believe if you did that to me, no question about it." "I say you wouldn't, buddy, not even then. You'd think it was nothing but a weird dream or that your mind's gone. You'd come up with an explanation and hang onto it, no matter what. I'm not sure you believe I'm actually sitting here, talking to you." "Are you?" "I feel I am and I know I am, but I can't prove it to you so I might as well not be. It's a matter of faith, and everything boils down to that in the end." "Not everything. Science doesn't work that way." "It does. If you think the whole world is something that's only inside your head, all those theories and formulas and whatever don't have to mean squat. They're the way things seem to work, but how can you know if what you see is the truth? What if there's nothing out there but your own imagination?" "You're taking this to an absurd level." "And why not? Isn't that what this is all about? Life's absurd. It shouldn't even exist, but it does. My ability shouldn't exist, but it does. You can accept them for what they are or decide they're not real and be done with it." "We can argue this back and forth until we're blue in the face but that won't do us any good. We can't build our lives around some far-fetched philosophical hypothesis. I know I exist and I know you exist, but I'm not that sure about magic. That's where I draw the line." "You could just as well draw it somewhere else." As fascinating as this topic is, I feel it's time to pull the conversation back down to earth. I have had a long day and I'm not in the mood to have an all-out, hours long intellectual debate with the man. "I'll say this much," I respond and raise my glass. "If you don't actually exist, you're by far the most interesting non-entity I've ever had a beer with." "I'll drink to that," he laughs. I glance at the wall clock and see it's getting late. If I want to get any real work done tomorrow, and God knows I have to unless I'm prepared to start looking for a new job, I had better call it a night. The man has no objections, and we empty our glasses over the next half an hour. We talk about perfectly mundane things. Magic, transformations and the philosophy of reality are conspicuously absent from our chat. We leave the bar together. I walk out the door first and the man follows me. The sun is setting and the weather-beaten facades of the city buildings around us bathe in golden red light. Right at this moment, they are about as beautiful and idyllic as they will ever be. "Thanks for the company," I say to him and hesitate whether or not to offer him my hand for a parting shake. He simply smiles. "I'll walk with you for a minute," he says, "if you don't mind." "Sure, it's okay." We head off in the general direction of my apartment. I keep up an easy pace, and he walks by my side. I wonder if he intends to accompany me all the way there. I don't have a proper spare bed if he wants to stay overnight, and even if I did, I'm not entirely prepared to invite him to my home just like that. We have spent less than an hour talking to each other, but I have learned next to nothing, aside from the fact that he has some strange powers (allegedly) and habits (definitely). I still don't know who and what he actually is. "There's one more thing," he says in a rather subdued, somber tone. "I don't have too much time left." "What do you mean?" "By the looks of it, I won't be around for any more than two or three years, and then it's the final curtain for this boy. That's one big reason why I decided to look you up and not wait anymore." "I'm sorry to hear that," I comment. "What's the problem?" "I've seen a few doctors," he replies, "but they couldn't find anything wrong with my body. I'm pretty certain it has got to be the ability. A mortal human is not supposed to have a thing like that, and it's making me age faster than I otherwise would. Every time I change someone I lose days or weeks of my life." "Jeez," I say, sincerely distraught for him. "That's terrible." "Depends. I've had a blast with the ability, I tell you, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'll keep using it as long as I live, and when I kick the bucket, be it tomorrow or the day after that or a year from now, I know I'll go with a smile on my face. Nobody can ask for more." There is another pause. I try to take in what he has said and suddenly realize this latest revelation has done much more to bolster his credibility and trustworthiness in my eyes than the supposed metamorphosis--or practical joke--in the bar. Whether or not he really transformed anyone there, the old man is almost definitely dying in actuality and wanted to confide in me. "Remember what I told you," he reiterates. "I want you to write that story you promised. You don't have to believe in what I've been telling you. Just get it done while I'm still alive, that's everything I'm asking for." "I will." "And if you don't, buddy, I'll have to do to you what I did to that guy back there." "Have a little faith in me," I say with a friendly, reassuring chuckle. His threat sounded playful rather than dead serious to me. "I'll start it first thing tomorrow." "You'd better." I turn my head to tell him that he should stop worrying about such a trivial affair, but before I can, I already sense there is no one there anymore. Nonetheless, I'm shocked to see nothing but empty air beside me, exactly where the man is supposed to be. He has disappeared completely. I scan the street with my eyes but see no trace of him. Even an athlete in their prime physical condition couldn't run off that fast, and this guy was overweight and in deteriorating health, by his own admission. I haven't had any more than two pints, so alcohol can't be clouding my perception to any noteworthy degree. A shiver passes down my spine. The man has teleported away. Imagine that! My brain doesn't waste time in coming up with rationalizations, albeit unlikely ones. Maybe the man was never really there, except in my mind; or maybe he was with me but veered quickly in the opposite direction without me noticing even while he was talking and I simply happened to be looking the other way. Not that I truly accept either explanation, but once I get home and think about this incident some more, they will make perfect sense and I can put the whole thing behind me. There is one odd detail, however. I raise my left arm to check the time and I catch a glimpse of my little finger. It's definitely different in that it looks smaller and finer than it usually does. I don't have large hands or bulky fingers to begin with, but the finger is nonetheless plainly out of place in company of the other ones. I turn the palm of the hand away from me. Christ, the nail of the little finger is coated with bright red polish! And not only that: it's a great deal longer than it used to be, and its edge is shaped carefully to form a neat, symmetrical little arc. I blink, twist my wrist, flex the finger--to absolutely no avail. It stays stubbornly the same. It doesn't feel unusual in any way but my eyes can't be lying that badly. I touch it with the fingers of my right hand. Yes, the polished long nail is there, and the conclusion is evident. I have a woman's little finger in my left hand. "I guess I really have to write that story," I say quietly to myself, somehow knowing that the strange man can hear me even now.

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Sex With Horny Neighbour Girl

I do exercises daily in the morning in my home balcony which was in the third floor. I like to keep my stomach flat and I am maintaining it even at the age of 35. There was a girl named, Niharika, stayed in a flat beside mine. Niharika must be 19 years old. She was studying in her school. She was fair skin, lean frame, sharp black eyes-always her eyebrows and eyelids were filled with mascara and that made her eyes look sexy. Her nose looked perfect and it added another attractive feature on her...

4 years ago
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Sexy Real Woman Hema

Hi am Rohan from Mumbai. Once my mother got transfer to a distant college in northern Mumbai. The only problem was my father and myself. We needed someone to look after us, the house and also to cook our food. The nature of my fathers job was such that he never turned up before 9pm. So someone was needed to take care of me. A frantic search was made in the neighbourhood and long forgotten relatives were given a call. The need of the hour was an elderly lady but as luck would have it none could...

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No Messes Sir

The door opens and Sir walks in with his arms open and a smile lighting up his handsome face. I squeal and drop my tools, quickly forgetting about messes and clean up afterwards. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. Sir easily takes me into his hold and keeps me close against him. I sit back and look at his elegant features. He looks at me with those deep brown eyes, seeing so deeply into me I can’t help but move onto a different part to avoid the intense stare. His lips...

2 years ago
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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...

4 years ago
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For Friends and Family Part 9 Coming of Age

For Friends and Family Part 9 - Coming of Age The guys grabbed their jackets and we left the apartment, as I naturally linked arms with Carl, I sensed a subtle change in the way we all interacted, I think we all knew how the night was going to progress. Inside I was trembling, a mixture of excitement and apprehension I guess. We walked to the bistro which was about a ten minutes walk, it was a bit cool so I huddled into Carls arm. On arrival to our surprise it already had quite...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 279 Home at First Light

On the drive back I had some quiet time. I wasn't occupied with thoughts of how to kill Nanny Cunt or the boyfriend, so the computer circuits were buzzing with what passed for thoughts about my biggest problem. That problem being power of course. How to get it and how to conserve it. I stopped for gas near Capitol City. I had a need to add to my cooling system, so I went inside. I don't usually do that. While I was in there I saw a small tire pump hanging on a hook. One end of the wire...

3 years ago
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Didi Bani Meri Life Partner

Hi me Ajay Shah me ahmedabad me raheta hu me fir ek story leke aaya ho jo aap ko jarur pasand aaye gi ye story friend ki he jine apni didi ko kese pataya aur apni life partner banaya mere dost naam monty he uski 20 sal he uske gar me uski maa jinki 48 sal he pita ji ki age 52 sal he didi ki 25 sal he unka pariwar shukhi tha aage kahani mere dost monty ki jaban se suno hi mera naam monty he garme me sab se chota tha is liye me sab ka ladla tha manni ki aakh ka tara tha didi bhi muje bahut pyar...

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Yahoo messenger

This is a real story which I want to share with readers. Only names and venue have been changed, all other events and situations have been kept same in order to keep it near reality. I am 32 years old and do business in Dubai. I spent all day in tiring work and in the evening I use to spend some time on internet to get some refreshment. Once I got chance to come across a girl on yahoo messenger. Her name was Rhea. I chatted with her and find her quite friendly. We chatted for long time and I...

1 year ago
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Spencer and me

My friend Spencer and I were not very close but he was having a party and invited me. Spencer is 19 and is about 6'3 and has a 9in cock. Me i'm 19 also and about 5'11, with a 7-8in cock. AT his party was just me that showed up and i asked him why is it just me and you did no one else come? HE replied "no i just invited you here tonight..... its just us alone" I said "OH so just you and me." he showed me inside and took me on a tour of his house which was a normal looking home about average...

3 years ago
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Surprise Lunch Turns To Surprise Sex

Hi Guys, Vinay here from Chennai with a surprise sex story. I hope you all are doing fine in this difficult time. Do take care of yourself and your loved ones. Getting into my fabulous forty this year. Life could not have been exciting than this. I have been blessed with wonderful friends and have constantly been meeting and making new friends all along. People interested in chatting and meeting me can connect by email or hangouts at . You can also read here. Life throws surprises every now...

4 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 34 Jackie

Once the house was cleaned, the sheets washed, and the beds made, JR and I said goodbye to our friends. I held his hand as we walked out to the truck. JR opened the passenger door, holding it while I stepped up into the cab. "Nice view," JR said from behind me. I knew he was looking under my short dress at my butt. "So, that's why you're always a gentleman and hold the door for me," I said while wiggling my ass. "No, that's not the reason, but it is defiantly a benefit!" JR...

4 years ago
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Basic Training

After five and a half weeks of sharing her quarters with 50 other girls, Gia Mazzini found the long empty bays unnaturally empty as she walked through them. It was the first time since she arrived at Lackland Air Force base over a month before that she had been totally alone. Still there was something to be said for privacy. Everyone else was spending this fine warm Saturday in San Antonio, enjoying their first off-the-base pass. Gia, unfortunately, had pissed off her Sergeant enough to be...

2 years ago
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Friends A Dry Spell

Ross hadn't had sex for months. Sure, he had gone without sex before. In fact, many times Ross had unwilling considered himself a sexual camel. But usually his dry spells were only for a few weeks at a time, and this one was slowly becoming a full-fledged, horn-dog, sex drought.Now there he was. Sitting and watching Baywatch at Joey's place. Halfway though the opening credits, a hard-on filled his pants, as he watched the sexy lifeguards running. So many luscious and various breasts bouncing....

3 years ago
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Policemans Boy 4

POLICEMAN'S BOYChapter 4Colin woke up to find himself alone on Sunday morning. He hadn't heard hisdad get out of bed. He stretched out, went for a piss and then headeddownstairs to see what his dad was doing. He heard Nick's voice coming fromthe kitchen and paused to listen."We can get some sex toys and bondage gear from that sex shop near the busstation," said Nick."Is it really necessary?" asked Ross. "This is a delicate matter and Idon't want to be seen going into a sex shop.""We could...

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Taking What He Wants2

The man reached out and took the envelope from Kate. "Hey there nice to meet you as you probably already know I'm Dean." Said Dean with a friendly smile on his face. "Can you come inside? I need to write out an receipt for your mother as proof of payment." Said Dean as his eyes wondered all over the beautiful girl who stood before him. From her big sparkling light brown eyes to her long slick black hair and to the curve of her breasts. Kate smiled back at him and nodded her head as...

1 year ago
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The crazy night

Hi my name is matt i am 19 male and bisexual. I am 6-3 very athletic tan skin brown hair brown eyes and a 7 inch dick. I will post many of my wild stories but my first is this. It was a friday. I was 18. There was a party that night and i had just broken up with my girlfriend. i go home shower, put a button up shirt on and some jeans, and head out to the party. i get there about 2 hours early to help my friend set up. When i get there i walk in the door one of his friends who is a girl straight...

Drunk sex
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Paid in FullChapter 4

"Dawn, I would love to have you come out and stay with us," I told her. "We are flying back tomorrow night. I would love for you to go with us. We will bring you back in a couple of weeks, if you can get off work. If not we will fly you back when you need to come home." "That sounds like so much fun. I will ask my father if I can come out. I keep house for him since my mother passed away," she explained. "Please call if you will be flying with us so I can get you a ticket," I...

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The Ranger 5

Allison pressed the off button on the remote and watched the large television screen go blank. She sighed as she caught sight of the time. It was already almost 4 pm and her parents would be home in just over an hour. She reached all around her and snatched up the items she had spread out during her afternoon hours alone.Walking into the kitchen, she tossed her lunch dishes in the sink and placed the unfinished bag of chips on the refrigerator. She rolled her eyes when she saw the pile of...

2 years ago
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Caught watching porn by Mom

Mom and dad had gone to bed early, I was watching the telly and said I would stay up a while. After a short while I heard noises coming from upstairs, first a gentle rocking of the bed then the occasional moan and groan, mom and dad were obviously fucking upstairs in bed. As the noises got louder I found myself getting turned on. Listening to my parents fucking is not something that would normally get me horny, but maybe it was just a coincidence. Being a horny fifteen year old I decided it was...

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Sultry Sirens

Your first few days at State College felt lonely. One roommate was always away hanging at his older brother's fraternity. The other was already back at home, unable to be apart from his old high school girlfriend. But you came upon an intriguing poster at your entry way. The Sultry Sirens, State College's only all-girls choir, was looking for male soloists for their fall tour. The poster included details about the auditions, but your eyes were drawn to photos of the choir members. They looked...

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Mother in Law Part 2

She smiles at you, she somehow seems to feel happy you made your choice...you just had a chance to get out of it, to end it all, and you chose to go out in public as your mother in law on a date with a mature gentleman who made you feel special as a woman. Katherine pulls the perfect off white small purse from the closet. It matches the cream of the piping and the pearls. She puts in a lipstick, some powder, house keys,and gives you a big smile as she tauntingly places her ID and...

3 years ago
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Once You Go Black

I went to a party one night, at the condo of 3 guys I had group sex with a couple of weeks back. Most of the people there were from the health club that I was working at.   There were a lot of very fit muscular men, and there were a couple of women there too, some real hotties, but there were very few single women there so I decided to concentrate on men.  I spotted two very good looking, and well put together black men.   I had never been with a black man before, and I had heard that they...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 56

For only the second time in a week, Hailey awoke feeling rested. She had slept only a few hours, she was certain. She had also spent the night on an air mattress, something she never would have considered four months earlier. Phil was where he was supposed to be, she decided. He was curled up behind her, his hard prick nestled between her butt cheeks. She felt his hand on her breast and all was right in the world. No, she thought, everything was perfect in the world because not only was his...

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BlackAmbush Jade 04142019

Jade was eager, definitely something we like but she did not know it was black cock she was getting today. We had our “repair guy” show up and the only thing he was repairing was her pussy with his big black cock. That cock was something she really didn’t shy away from, surprise! Watch this girl struggle to stuff it in her mouth and her pussy, which was also eager for a big cock fucking. When this was said and done, Jade got her first black cock and a nice facial and loved it...

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Greek Switch Part 2

Greek Switch (Part 2) By Melissa Rose I have come to a realization. I am being turned into a woman for real! It is going beyond just being a fraternity ritual. I am starting to notice physical changes as well as the mental changes. I no longer have the will to fight what is happening to me. Margaret, my instructor, was right. I am actually starting to kind of enjoy it. It's been 3 months since they let me sleep without being tied up. I don't even have thoughts of escape. I don't...

4 years ago
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New Lengths for Obedience

i had lost the privilege of wearing clothes for the weekend. I wasn't that worried about it. I didn't think we had any plans and it seemed like a pretty easy punishment to endure. You called me out into the garage and I hesitated at the doorway because I knew I could potentially be spotted if someone were to drive up. You called again, which meant automatic additional punishment and I rushed out to you and kneeled on the garage floor with my knees apart, open for you. I looked up at you and saw...

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Animal Magnetism

A couple decides to get devoiced and to celebrate it they go out one last time together on a motorcycle rally that they both had always enjoyed. Only this time the guy decides to get his soon to be ex-wife, snot-flying drunk and she has the time of her life, even if she can’t remember what happened the next day. The marriage between my second wife and I was abruptly coming to an end. It had been very obvious for months. We filled out the papers, gone to court, and was awaiting the...

1 year ago
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Anns surprise from Santa 2

© Hitchhiker 2002 Milady was in a dream world; two strangers from England had come out of the snowstorm and were now making beautiful love to her. She was experiencing sex, like she had never had before, and she’d just been told there was much, much more to come! “Now we will turn Milady over” Said Don. They released her bonds and turned her over. Kissing, fondling, stroking, and massaging her as they did. “When are going to let me touch you?” She said, as she was turned to lie on her back....

Group Sex
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Eskort Spezial

Kaitlyn hatte fast alles was Sie sich wünschen konnte. Mit ihren 25 Lenzen hatte sie es geschafft. Sie hatte einen gutverdienenden vermögenden Mann geheiratet der Ihr alle Wünsche erfüllte. Ein großes Haus mit Garten, Pool, Sauna und allem anderen Schikanen. Kleider, einen Sportwagen und und und... Und dennoch fühlt sich Kaitlyn unzufrieden. Vielleicht lag es daran das ihr Mann zu wenig Zeit für sie hatte, vielleicht das Kaitlyn keine Lust mehr auf Tennis, Golf etc hatte... Gelangweilt...

2 years ago
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Sweet Kat

She came to my house around 10 o’clock and we had work at four. When she showed up we just talked in the kitchen for a little while, but soon enough we decided to get in the pool. We went out the back door of my house and made our way down the stairs to the pool. As we walked she started to shed her clothes and I got a very good look. Kat is about 5’4” with medium length dark brown hair. As she shed articles of clothing she revealed her sexy curvy body, which was quite a treat to see for...

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Weak Husband Part Two

WEAK HUSBAND -- Part Two, by Throne When Joey got home, he found Deena in a filmy nightie, flitting around the house and acting smugly satisfied. Before he could say anything she told him, "Ken is a fantastic guy. He's such a great conversationalist. We had a marvelous time at lunch." Joey dared to say, "You were kind of a l... long time." "Yes we were. He showed me an excellent book store nearby. And then we took a stroll. I hope you're not jealous -- Jolene. Remember how...

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Hedge Sex

I was bouncing up and down on the dance floor. Me and the lads were out celebrating bobby getting engaged. The night had started with 6 of us but as the night progressed we were now down to 2 others and me. Bobby was one of the first to clear off. Anyway it was about 3 am and I was having a ball. Dancing, drinking and having a right laugh. Steve came over to the dance floor and handed me a beer. As I went to grab it this dick head knocked it flying.Accidents happen and I had been having a great...

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Don and Suzanne were very close friends in more ways than one since the four of us had been having sex whenever we got together for the last couple of years and since we were all bisexual, we had an infinite number of interesting combinations to try. The four of us were resting in bed after a particularly athletic bout one evening when my wife, Tyko, started telling us about how horny the girls in her company were as they always talked about sex whenever they went to lunch and none of the guys...

4 years ago
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Used by my daddy and his friends

After meeting Tel for the first time and being fucked by him i kept in touch with him online,and he popped in to the chatroom some nights to watch me on cam.He said he enjoyedwatching me show off my cock and tight ass all dressed up and that i was his little slutand he had a surprise for me at the weekend if i could come round his place. I said thatwould be no problem and what did he have planned for me.He said not to worry its justmy next lesson and i would enjoy it.I wondered what he had in...

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Room Service

Room Service I am a very feminine boy and I love naughty girly sex. I am very slender with long dark hair and I look like a girl. I love being girly and pretty. I was staying in a hotel in San Francisco. It was late and so I had a bath and ordered room service, a sandwich and a bottle of wine. I was feeling very horny and I wanted to have sex with somebody. I laid on my bed, naked, feeling oh, so sexy after my bath. I ran my fingers up and down my smooth skinny...

4 years ago
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Paid in Full

Paid in Full By Rebecca Page It has been well over two years now and I think the worst part was the loneliness. Oh, I had television to watch and there have been newspapers and books to read but the lack of human companionship was at times almost unbearable. Peggy has been my only visitor and the pain and humiliations that I had suffered at her hands have not always made her welcome company. Well, to be perfectly honest, there have been others who have visited me here but...

3 years ago
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just been fucked properly

I have just got back from Inferno sauna in manchester, where for once instead of everyone just standing around and stareing at each other i found my self walking strait up to a guy who did'nt just fumble with my dick for a bit n then cum but a guy who took me into a side room n nailed me for almost an hour!!! i hav'nt had this much cock action for 18 months!!!!!! He had a n 8" cut cock which i could have happily sucked on all day, but we were eager to fuck so he turned me round bent me over n...

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Oscar Night

The Oscars. Night of nights in Hollywood. Thank god Eddie bailed out with the flu. He was due to report on tonight but seeing as he's out of the picture, yours truly gets to roam free around the Kodak Theatre with an all access pass all in the name of the LA Times. I've already talked to a lot of celebrities on the red carpet prior to the show but now that it's over, the after party is beginning and that's when the celebs really party. Sitting at the bar. I didn't have to wait long to see the...

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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 7

It was two days after Manny’s pain-pleasure solution at the Dunphy household. The spanking therapy had worked to help the family reduce their hypnotic induced cravings. The frequent application of pain and humiliation of having to bare their asses and ask for a spanking from each other had somehow blocked their mental instincts to carry out their conditioning. It hadn’t worked perfectly, though. In part, because the family loathed the spankings and didn’t apply them consistently. Alex worked...

2 years ago
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High Country Girl Hunt of 2015Chapter 4

Zelda's newfound friend Running Eagle was doing her best to monopolize the hermit-styled hunter with the broken leg. She seemed happy to have a captive audience for her wild sort of loving and it looked like Matt was more than willing to play the role of "bottom" because of his injured leg. She was beginning to think that she might not get in on the action unless she put down her foot and demanded an equal share of Matt's lovely cock. Her thoughts of kinky sex drove away her worries...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 4 Double Date

Trip waited politely for the door chime to be answered and entered Malcolm's quarters in response to the call from within. "Hey Malcolm, do you have a minute?" "Sure," the Brit answered, waving Trip to take a seat before glancing at him slyly. "I've heard your cabin has grown considerably in size." "Yeah, I almost passed out when we came home from that short shore leave," he answered with a chuckle. Malcolm opened a nondescript drawer and took out a bottle, holding it in Trip's...

4 years ago
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Golden Mom chapter 5

Peggy floated about the house. The changes in her, and in Johnny, were pleasantly surprising. As young as he was, she couldn't get over how willing and eager he was to do thingsmany grown men would not do, or even think of doing. She was surprised ather herself too. She found it intensely exciting to piss, especially with her son close by. This thing about pissing didn't bother her, nor did it bother her son. She was no longer hesitant to let her son see her naked, see her cunt and ass and...

3 years ago
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My Name Is AndiChapter 6

I cleared my throat and stood up and held out my hand and once again asked, “Jim. Would you like to dance? With me.” He smiled, took my hand and said, “I’d love to.” We walked hand in hand to a spot where there weren’t many people yet and started to dance. With my head on his shoulder, I said, “You’re so good at this. But I’m such a disaster at it.” He placed a hand on the back of my head and whispered, “Nonsense. You’re just starting out just fine. I’ve done this for years. You should...

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How naive she was

Well I used to rent a room from a woman who had a rather sexy looking young daughter who like most teens was defiant and would not do anything her mother said, in turn the mother would ask me to tell her to get up and do her jobs around the house. As I used to have a lay in most mornings she would make a beeline for my room just to get out of doing any work after a lot of banter and some show me your cunt remarks she started to take notice of me and would sit on the end of my bed and show my...

5 years ago
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Cumming or Going

I prey on the helpless and the young. I prey only on those that are as beautiful as I am. I am not conceited. It's a fact. The more gorgeous they are, the sweeter their cum tastes. Every night I roam the dark lit streets searching. Sniffing the air for the smell of sexual heat and young hot hormones. Searching for that special someone that I could feed off and you never know one day, someone I could love. I have never met anyone yet who had the same sexual desires and stamina as I do. ...

2 years ago
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She Likes It

She Likes It By banderson I drove up to the house and honked. Michelle came running out, stopping towave at her husband, Bill, then trundled down the steps to the passenger sideof my car. She slid in, all breathless and horny, I could tell in a flash.She wore exactly what I had told her to: A dark short skirt and white blouse.No underwear. I could see the shape of her breasts under the blouse. Her nipples pressed hard against the cotton. I found my cock already growing hard, looking at...

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