Silly Rabbit Part 4 free porn video

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Silly Rabbit part 4 by Vonya Lee After I hung up with Sara, I saw the clock. Time really had gotten away from me. I cleaned off the make up as best I could and jumped in for a quick shower. I wolfed down the chicken cacciatore Sara had prepared. How lucky am I? She cooks for me even when she isn't here. Finishing up, I grab the forty dollars from the envelope, put the necklace in my pocket and go running for the T. I'm down in the subway, sitting on a bench, feeling a good bit self conscious. I feel obvious now dressed as I am. I thought I looked fine while I was in the house, but now out here in the open like this, I'm not so sure. Trying on clothes from the bag today, I came across a pair of jeans I liked but they were too short. So I cut them down, just below the knee. I'm hoping for some kind of unisex 'clamdigger' look, more so than as women's capri's. Personally I love seeing my silky smooth calves showing. Are they obvious to others? I'm not sure what people can and can't tell. I have on my blonde timberland slides and a cool Roxy Music t-shirt I came across. Sara had customized the shirt at some point. She had cut out the neckline, creating a scooped neckline, had sliced the underside of each sleeve to let the it hang, finally she cut its length. Even with the t shirt chopped, with these jeans on and pulled up I'm not showing flesh. A little flesh doesn't bother me. I've never been tighter. Still I do feel a little self conscious dressed like this. I feel like I look kind of queer. Trying to steady myself I think 'I might look a little gay but I am going to a gay club right?' My nerves are a might frayed. I hate the idea of Sara being so far away. I think it's my nerves that are making me so trippy and paranoid. Walking from the subway to the club a young Hispanic male and two females stroll up to me on the sidewalk. The young man gives me a deliberate arm shiver while saying "Fucking faggot." as he passes me. Normally that's all it would take and we'd be on. Tonight though my reaction is mixed. Normally I'd attack without hesitation. But I don't. Calling me a 'faggot' has stunned me with such unforseen power I can't react. I pull myself together and hurry off as quick as I can. I hear the three of them laughing and have no doubt it's at my expense. Walking away, 'ugly bitches' crosses my mind. Thinking of those two classless, ghetto girls walking with him is what's really starting to piss me off. Skanks. Why would you do that to your hair? Try a pair of jeans that fit once, you might like it. I can see those two bitches clear as day in my mind. I'm not sure I could pick him out of a line up anymore. How can I be angrier with the women than with the man? All they did was laugh, he's the one that assaulted me. I feel more challenged by the two women for some odd reason. Months ago calling me a faggot meant as much as calling me a lesbian, absurd. I sure never felt like one. But tonight...tonight is different. The word faggot scored. I felt truth to the word for the first time. I'm sure he meant calling me 'faggot' as a slur for gay. He thought I was gay. Who could blame him? I thought I looked kind of gay when I was in the subway, I'm in a gay neighborhood. If I had to assess me I'd probably say gay too. Is this what it feels like to be gay? People just come up to you right in the street and call you a 'faggot'? Right in your face like that? They can just shove you? People openly want to hurt you? I've felt like such a target since I left the house tonight. I feel like everyone's eyes are on me and they're all hostile. I feel the hatred I never knew existed. God I am so glad I am not gay. They have it so hard. I never knew. This is all just further proof of how Sara is so amazing. She has found a tough love way to make me learn to empathize with gays for real. She has once again forced me to undergo profound growth made possible only by her unique, tough, sometimes painful, but absolutely loving methods. I realize now that she is light years ahead of me intellectually. My foolish ego, from which she is freeing me, had always led me to believe myself smarter than her. What greater proof of my ego's counter productive falsification of reality do I need? Sara is always right. I must only listen and trust her judgments and everything will turn out right. I can trust her, even more than myself. I can't trust my own ego but thank God I have Sara I can rely on. I feel a sense of calm when I turn the corner and see the Garage up ahead. What a relief. When I get to the club and reach for my wallet to pay the cover, the girl working the door smiles and says, "You're all set," and signals me to pass. That is so cool! I feel so welcome every time I come here. Exactly what I needed after my walk. Plus that's money I can now use at the bar. The club's real slow, but it's still early. I nurse a couple beers waiting for Patrice. Hours pass and the club begins to fill. About 11p.m. I ran into Laura and Gwen at the bar and she invites me to join them backstage. "Gwen, take Chris backstage with you and I'll meet you there. Chris what are you drinking?" asked Laura. "Me? I was drinking beer." "Good, mojito's all around then. Chris you go with Gwen, I'll be right there." "Okay." "Come on," Gwen said gently as she takes my right hand in her left hand, I mean his left hand, and leads me straight through the crowd, around the stage, up a few stairs, and into the backstage area. I've got to admit I'm kind of digging Gwen holding my hand. Very cool. Like being backstage in Vegas or something I thought. Still leading me by the hand Gwen leads me through the action saying her hellos and giving kisses as we go. She introduces me to everyone we bump into. We enter in to a big dressing room. "Here's the table I use," Gwen says pointing to a make up table and mirror. "Better lighting," she whispers to me discreetly. We sit and Gwen asks, "Do you mind terribly if I get started?" "No, no. Of course not. Do what you've got to do," I say back. We chat amiably as I watch her work on her face in the mirror. I'm almost mesmerized talking to the rapidly changing face in the mirror. "Here we are," says Laura as she hands me and Gwen our drinks. "Cheers," Laura says and we all take a drink. Delicious mojito. Before I knew it I was on my third mojito, just grooving on all the action going on around me. The dressing room was quickly filling up. I felt like I was having the most pleasant trip as I listened and watched as these ordinary men came into the room, everyone of them talking a mile a minute, quickly transforming into beautiful women right before my eyes. I couldn't remember what half of them looked like as the men i'd just met. Gwen and I were making eye contact constantly. She seemed to be peering right down into me. Kind of made me nervous, truth be told. I wasn't sure what I was feeling. Laura was helping Gwen get her wig right when she said to me, "Chris would you be a dear and run to the bar? I'm ready for another drink and I've got to help Gwen with this." "Oh sure absolutely. Be right back." I had $21 left. Three drinks. If I don't have enough for three, I'll drink beer, or I can just get water too. I got to the bar, lean over the bar and ask the bartender, "How much would three mojitos cost me?" "For you?" he says leaning forward, "Fifteen bucks." "Deal," I say back. He's flirting with me isn't he? How cool is that. How weird. Weirder still is I felt okay using it to my advantage "Here you go doll face," he says, producing the three drinks. "Thanks handsome," I say and hand him a twenty. "You have a good night." "Same to you." I have a dollar left but like I said I'm all set for the train. I just got to make sure I catch that last one. Gwen performs while I'm at the bar. She's fantastic. I'm watching her on stage when I feel a tug on my sleeve, it's Patrice, and she signals me to take the empty chair. We sit together, Patrice, her girlfriend, Emma, and myself and watch the rest of Gwen's routine together. We talk for a few minutes, I give her the necklace, but as I have drinks to deliver I'm able to excuse myself readily. Good thing too, because I could barely keep it together. I'm wasted. I'm not drunk really, I just feel all trippy and spacey. Everything is seeming a bit surreal. I feel much more comfortable right now with people I know, like Laura and Gwen. I maneuver through the maze back to Gwen's chair. I feel really good. The lights, the colors, all the excitement, I'm really digging being back here. Everyone is being super nice to me. Gwen is getting ready for her next number. She looks fantastic. I help her into her dress. I'm having just an absolutely wonderful time, when I hear someone say it's 12:30am. "Laura, excuse me, Laura, I've got to run..." "No! Stay. Where you going?" "I've got to catch the last train." "Is that all? Don't worry about that. We'll take care of you. You won't get stranded." "I don't want to put you out of your way." "Honey, we're having fun. Aren't you having fun? Now lets go out front. I love when she does this song. I just love Gwen Stefani don't you?" "Yeah, yeah I do." Guys were falling all over each other before Gwen. During the performance Laura speaks to me, "Isn't she good?" "She's great," I respond. "She won her first title this summer. I think she's ready to explode." "Oh absolutely." "Chris, I've got to make a quick phone call. Will you watch our table?" "Sure." - - - - - Laura was about to pop by the time Sara finally answered the phone. "Hi Sara, How you doing?" "Hey! Fantastic!" "Well tell me how's the hotel?" "The hotel is unbelievable. You would just love it. My balcony opens right over the strip. What a view. I love my room. We had dinner in this wonderful Italian place downstairs. We're going back to the casino for an hour or two then we'll go dancing. We already met these guys we're going to hook up with later tonight." "Now honey go easy on the boys." "Honey you knew what I was going to be doing. You know these meat sticks mean nothing to me. You're all I need. You're all I want. These guys are just that, guys. They mean nothing." "Still." "Still nothing. It's you baby. Only you. It's so much fun out here. We need to come back, just you and me." "We will. I love Vegas too. You have fun and sleep with all the boys you want. The reason I was calling was things here are going great. Chris is trashed. You should see him. He looks like a kid in a candy shop. He's helping the other girls get dressed. He's talking to everybody. Everyone is being really nice to him too. He's having a great time. He's totally smitten with our little Gwen. No doubt about that. Here's what I was thinking. I can slip him a roofy and take him home and have him sleep with Gwen." "Where did you get a roofy?" "I got one from one of the bartenders." "And then what?" "Well don't you see? It's perfect. He's tripping his brains out right now. I'll have Gwen flirt with him big time. We can test his fidelity. I don't think he would cheat to be honest. That's where the roofy comes in. He'll cheat whether he likes it or not! Then when you come back he's trapped. Isn't that perfect?" "It is. You don't think he would cheat on me on his own?" "No he won't cheat on you. I'm pretty certain of that. That's where the roofy comes in. I can give it to him when we leave. I'll take him home with us. I'll let Gwen have her way with him. When he wakes up he'll be mortified. He'll wake up in another guys bed, my guys bed, with a sore and drippy ass." "Oh my. That is good. Okay go for it. Can you film him with Gwen?" "Her room is completely wired up. Have you finished writing out the contract for him to sign?" "Almost done. I'll work on it out at the pool tomorrow. I'll have it done before I get back." "You know what I was thinking? I was thinking what would happen if you threw him out? Where would he go? Would he go to his parents? You could tell him that if he did go to his parents, you would never, ever talk to him again. That would cut them off I'd think." "I'm not sure that's necessary do you?" "I just want him as desperate as possible." "Darling he's pretty desperate already. He doesn't have much further down to go." "I know, I know. I just think it wouldn't hurt to scare him a little. Let him see what's waiting for him outside, in the real world, without you. Sara you remember my cat, Chloe?" "Of course." "Well she always wanted to get outside. Remember when she got out and was lost for about a week?" "Yes I do remember." "Do you know that after she came home she never even tried to get out ever again?" "I see what you mean. Literally put him out on the street. Make him really appreciate his place here." "Yes. Let him sleep in the library for a day or two Let him spend his nights wandering around scared. I love the idea of him being that afraid. I really love making him suffer." "I know how you feel. Sometimes when I'm beating him, I can imagine just letting go and turning loose on a whipping frenzy. I want to see him unconscious sometimes. I want him passed out, and I just keep whipping away. But I can't. I can't take a chance on getting him seriously hurt and getting a hospital involved." "You're right. Well I miss you so much." "I miss you too. What are you going to do while our kids are playing?" "I think I'm taking home a little Chinese take out, by the name of May." "You dirty girl. And you were giving me trouble about boys." "I miss you." "I miss you too. Goodnight." - - - - - I was helping unzip Gwen when she spins around to face me. She was inches from my face. She reached in and kisses me on the lips. I did nothing. She kisses me again and I slowly kiss back. The third and finally the fourth kiss happen and finally I was kissing back. Soon our tongues find each other. I was really getting into it when out of the corner of my eye I see Laura. I stop startled. Laura sees my reaction and says with a smile, "That's okay Chris. You don't have to stop. Gwenny is awfully cute. Isn't she? I don't mind that you two were kissing. We have an open relationship Chris and I. Don't we Gwen?" "Yes we do," Gwen said with a smile. "Besides I like seeing two boys kiss." 'Well I need to get ready for the last number anyway, Chris would you be a dear and hand me those platform boots over there," Gwen said pointing towards a pile of shoes. I almost fell into the pile when I bent down, my balance is shit. "Gwen these ones?" "No, the silver ones. See them next to the hamper. Yes those. Thanks." Gwen was sitting back in her chair looking a little tired. I'm not sure why, but I placed her feet into her boots and began to zip them when she spoke. "It's easier with these to do it when I'm standing." With that she sprung from her chair and I kneeled behind her and zipped up her boots. I couldn't help my hands from tracing the joining leather with the palm of my hand, caressing her sweet, sweet calves. She placed her arms around my neck and as I stood we embraced in another kiss. Upon breaking, Gwen looked into my eyes and said, "I want to try something. Sit down in my chair." "What are you going to do?" "Not much. You've got such beautiful eyes. I just want to see them better. That's all. You don't mind do you?" "No. No. I'm cool," sitting down in her chair. "Most guys," she continues, "want to look good, they're just afraid to. Look down like this. No don't close them, just halfway. Yeah that's good. Like I was saying most guys want to look this good, they're just to cowardly to do it. Okay now open. This is the way I do my mascara. Some of the other girls do it the opposite. I find I smudge less doing it this way. Hey what's this? Did you already have eyeliner on?" "No!" shocked to be discovered. "Okay..." with rising disbelief in her voice. "Okay yeah I did," I confessed. "I was messing around the house and got a little silly. You won't tell will you?" "Relax will you. Were you this nervous when you put it on? I mean it looks like you put it on during an earthquake. Here let me show you how to do it properly. It can be tricky at first. What I do is trace the lash line. Like this, feel how I run the eyeliner right down in the lash bed? Feel it?" "Yes," feeling relieved. "Good. So that's how you do that. Now the other. If you wanted to , you could trace the liner out past the eye. Makes cat eyes. I love showing people how to use make up! Such fun. We should have a big make up party and I can teach you all sorts of things. Wouldn't that be fun?" "I think it would be great. I just don't know what Sara would think of it. But me? Yeah I'd love to." With a sudden shock I realize the conversation I just got myself into. Excusing myself quickly I bolt to the bathroom. - - - - - "Where is he?" Laura asked Gwen, just a few moments after she saw Chris leave. "He went to the bathroom and to get us a couple of ginger ales." "How's it going?" "Good. It's going good. He looks so cute with eyeliner and mascara on. Especially with his pupils so dilated." "I know. He's so high right now. Do you think you can get him into bed with you tonight?" "No I don't think he'd cheat on Sara." "You don't think it's because you're a guy?" "No. I think he's open to that. I just don't think he's going to cheat. I just don't." "Alright. How long before you're ready to leave?" "I can be ready in ten minutes." "Okay good. You get ready to leave. When he gets back, drop this in his ginger ale." handing Gwen a pill."You can have you're way with him after he passes out. I want his ass sore in the morning. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress." "Good girl Gwen, good girl," and they kiss. "I'm bringing home that little Asian girl I've been talking to. When we get home Chris goes right into your bedroom. Understand?" "Yes Mistress." "Turn on the cameras too. Maybe something good will come of it." "Yes Mistress." "Meet me out front when you're ready." "Here he comes now." - - - - - I remember feeling a little car sick and then after that nothing. My head is pounding as I try to focus my eyes on the surroundings. Where am I? I see a big dressing table with a large lighted mirror on top of it. I see a strange armoire, open and spilling out with feminine things, not Sara's. I see wigs and now I think I know where I am. I roll over and look at a serenely sleeping Gwen. A naked, sleeping Gwen. Same as me. I slide out from under the covers as quietly as possible. To my horror. I realize my chastity and hairlessness are both on display. This just keeps getting worse. I scurry to the bathroom and squat as is now my custom. As I'm peeing I realize my ass is pretty sore. I feel even worse. I feel a trickle from my ass. No please no. I reach my hand to my hole and I feel lubrication. I shudder with the implication. I squeeze my ass muscles and again realize how sore I really am. I feel a warm fluid ooze onto my finger tips. Looking at it closely it's obviously sperm. I got my ass fucked by Gwen last night. I cheated on Sara. God I hope it was Gwen. What if it was somebody else? I don't even know. I can't remember a goddamn thing. I cheated on Sara. I want to die. I gather my things as quickly and as quietly as possible. I almost make it when Gwen wakes. I tell him I've got to go home. He understands and falls right back to sleep. I leave. I see a clock in a bank. The subway doesn't even open for a half hour. I start walking the mile or so to the other train line so I won't have to transfer. It's a safe walk at night. You go right through the produce markets and they're going full speed right now. So that's the way I'll walk. I notice I'm getting a few stares from some of the passing truck drivers. I'm sure they're not used to seeing people out walking down here so early in the morning. I keep walking. I pass by three warehouse men sitting at the end of a loading platform. I hear them talking amongst themselves and laughing then suddenly they stop. The first one calls out to me, "Hey honey, rough night?" then laughter. The second one chimes in with, "A working girls night never ends does it?" more laughs. And finally, not to be outdone by his friends, the third joins in with " How about a little nightcap miss? How much would you charge for the three of us?" uproarious laughter follows. In pure and abject humiliation, I fold my arms across my chest and quicken my pace. "See now you went and upset her. Honey don't go away mad. To show there's no hard feelings, blow just two of us!" followed by more laughter. I was teary eyed as I finally got beyond their range of interest. 'Don't let them see you cry. Don't let them see you cry.' I kept repeating to myself. I finally made it to the now open subway. I see my reflection for the first time. I had completely forgotten Gwen had put eye make up on me tonight, No wonder I was getting such attention. Well I am dressed kind of gay too. Gay. I'm stuck on the word when suddenly I start crying. I gather myself enough to use my pass and take a seat in the empty station. Thinking about the implications of my gay act. I don't only dress gay, I do gay things. What's happening to me? I stop my sobbing and look up and see what all the crying does for my eye make up. I just want to go home. I'm crying until the train comes. I control myself for the ride home somehow but I'm in full tears by the time I get my key in the front door lock. I collapse on the couch and just sob myself to sleep. I wake up a few hours later. I fill the tub with hot water and grab Sara's little bell shaped rubber douche. I climb into the hot water and settle slowly into the hot steamy water. Sara has a great old, claw foot tub. I just love it. I soak for awhile before turning on the shower and pulling the tub plug. I fill the douche with the warm, soapy tub water, squat, and douche myself again. Then again. I douche myself a total of four times. I'm in a daze getting out of the tub. I pull on the summer dress from the pile and set out to start my housework. I start the waxing and keep going without stopping until my cell phone rings. "Hello?" 'Hi honey its' me. What are you up to?" "Hi Honey! I'm doing the woodwork like you wanted. How are you?" "I'm fine. We're having a really good time. Did you see Patrice last night?" "Yes, yes, I saw her. I gave her the necklace." "Did you have fun last night?" "Yeah it was okay." "Good, good. How was the lunch I made you?" "Oh I haven't had lunch yet." "Honey it's 7p.m. You should have eaten hours ago. I want you to eat that lunch now and then eat your dinner at nine. Then it's straight to bed with you. But I want both meals eaten, understand?" "I will honey." "Good night." "I love you. Good night honey." I hear her click off. I ate my lunch and marveled at the waxing I did. I totally lost track of time. I waxed for ten straight hours. My knees are bleeding, my hands are raw and calloused. The house looks fantastic though. Not only did I wax the hall and dining room, I did the living room and all the wainscoting throughout the entire house. I'm in a daze. I can't lie about it. I think I should confess somehow. If she finds out, and she will, she'll be even more pissed. I've been thinking very dark thoughts today. What if I lose her over this? I had a few very dark moments when I thought suicide could be the answer. What good is a life without Sara? But I decided that would be the easy way out for me. I need to live out my sentence. I owe her much more than that. I don't remember a thing about last night. My head is still throbbing. Gwen now knows about my chastity. Laura knows about my chastity too then. What ever do they think about that? Oh well. That's the least of my troubles. I spent the night with another man. I'm not sure about all this. I must've been the woman last night. I certainly couldn't do anything else. Did I suck his cock? Just the thought gives me chills. If I did, I don't want to know. Will any of this make it better or worse to Sara? I don't know. Will she feel better because I couldn't do anything with my dick, that I had to take it instead. Will she feel better or worse that I was with a man. The other and maybe worse aspect of last night is Laura flaunting it over Sara. Lost in thought I look up at the clock and it's time for my dinner. I eat my dinner, clean up, douche myself and climb into bed naked. I spent Sunday in my new favorite dress detailing everything I could find. I wonder if wearing a dress violates the 'no pants' in the house rule? Will I even have a house tomorrow? I scrubbed and cleaned the kitchen, the bathrooms, every closet. I removed everything from her drawers and cleaned them as well. I refolded every piece of clothing Sara owns. I polished every single pair of her shoes. I even cleaned the soles of her shoes. I ate my meals. I did nothing but clean and think about my impending doom. As if I needed another bit of bad news, my eyebrows seem more noticeable today than I thought they did. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I think they look to be noticeably altered. 'What am I going to do?' became the days mantra. I barely slept worrying about today. I got to the airport about two hours early. I was so afraid of being late. Finally I see Sara and her friends coming down the escalator. She gives me a big wave and smile and my heart soars even as my stomach plunges. I resolve right then and there that I'll do whatever it takes not to lose Sara. I'll sleep on her doorstep until she takes me back. I'll starve myself. I mean it. I'll do anything. End part 4 Special thanks for the help Sarah C. VL

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The Rabbit at Midnight

The Rabbit at Midnight By Jennifer Hutchinson This is the incredible true story of my new life. It is so incredible, I am not sure I truly believe it myself. It all started on Friday night. My wife had gone to her mother's for the weekend. I had to work late Friday, so I told her to go on without me. I would stay at home this weekend and get some work done on the yard, which really needed it badly. This was just a cover. You see, I am a crossdresser. That was hard to admit, but I...

4 years ago
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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Introduction: What happens when you replace a vibrator! My husband used to work away a lot a few years ago and this true story is from when he was away for a month. I left out the frustrations of the previous two weeks as it appears readers want action more than narrative so this is a short story. Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I...

3 years ago
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Me and my Rampant Rabbit

Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! The postal service had just dropped of a package about the size of a small shoebox in a padded mail bag and I knew what it was. It was my Rampant Rabbit! I had always had a small vibrator that I used for my clitoris from time to time but it was on its last legs and would cut out at that vital moment making me frustrated as I was about to come. A Sex Toys advert had promised the ultimate in...

3 years ago
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My Mothers New Rabbit

My mothers new rabbitMy Mother Comes To Stay It has been one week since I ended up fucking my mother. Later that day we found a rabbit and strawberry lube on the internet and it arrived on Saturday, she has not had a chance to use it yet, so today is the day.My mother has been coming around every day to help me and is quite happy for us to do things together after seeing some porn on the internet of old and young, mother and sons while we were looking for the rabbit for her. I’ve had a bath...

2 years ago
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Kylie and Chrissy Part 4 Rabbit Hole

PART 4 - RABBIT HOLE The two friends chatted like nothing had changed. Although the subject matter was very different than it had ever been before. Music, skateboarding and hot girls were gone, replaced by girl's clothes and crossdressing. Although they did fall back upon an old tried and tested classic in their relationship: dating talk. Chris revealed how he had met Vicky, his rebound affirmation to convince himself that he was 'normal'. He admitted to liking her, but not being crazy...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Question By Trixie Adara Nadia Nadia looked at the door to Penny's penthouse. She was surprised the hypnotist returned her call and even more surprised when the hypnotist invited her to come by. The building had an honest-to-god doorman. The elevator had a doorman. Security guards were roaming the hallways on the lower floors. But the top floor, Penny's floor, was empty. Nadia stepped off the elevator onto a small landing in front of a large oak door....

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 04

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 4: By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. Penny "Just try to relax," said Penny. "That's pretty cliche," said Nadia. She opened her left eye and stuck her tongue out at Penny. Penny rolled her eyes but couldn't resist a smile. "Do you want this to work or not?" "I do," said Nadia, opening her eyes entirely. They were back in Penny's office. The sound of rain and bells surrounded Nadia, along with a gentle music she couldn't quite identify or...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 15

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 15: Taking By Trixie Adara Edited By ALewdEditor Penny "Tell me a story," whispered Penny. She could hear Nadia smile as she stroked her hair. "A true one or one made up?" "What's the difference?" Nadia shrugged. "One from my life?" "Sure," said Penny. "Tell me about little Nadia." Nadia laughed. "I'm not sure I want to think about little Nadia." "Please?" asked Penny. "For me?" "Fine," sighed Nadia. She got more comfortable curled...

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The Rabbit Died Chapter 2

In the morning, Jeanne and I woke up to the sounds of people stirring, talking, striking their tents, and packing their gear. For a while, we lay there together under our blankets, enjoying the closeness we felt, spooned together, naked, sleepy, and happy. We considered repeating the pleasure we had shared the night before, but contented ourselves with kissing, holding each other, and talking softly. As the activity outside increased, we knew it was time to get up. “Jeanne,” I said,...

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Who Fucked Jessica Rabbit Who Fucked Her

Author's Note: All characters are 18 years or older. So, yeah if you plan on writing your own paths with certain characters from whatever media, make sure to age them up! Over the past decades, the world of entertainment has expanded. Such a boom in multimedia ventures has lead to new cities similar to Toontown appearing near said city. There's Odysseytown, named after the Magnavox Odyssey, the first video game console to commercialize video games, and home to the "pixels," the general term for...

1 year ago
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I had been reading lots about rabbit vibrators and how much good they do for women around the world and how many women still prefer them over other conventional sex toys and I knew I had to try out the most popular one there was and give you my 411 on what the fuss is all about even all of these decades later.I had read a lot about combined orgasms and whilst I had dabbled in this sort of play before I don’t think I had ever tried it with all in one type of sex toy. I was aware combined orgasms...

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The Rabbit Hole Chapter One

When I was a little kid my favorite story was “Alice In Wonderland.” I’d have my parents read it to me all the time. I’m pretty sure it drove them crazy constantly having to read and re-read the adventures of Alice, as she foolishly followed the rabbit down that hole. My most vivid recollection of all the times my parent’s read it to me was when I was about six-years-old. I remember my dad shutting that book, staring me straight in my eyes and saying, “Never go down the rabbit hole.”I laughed...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 16

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 16: Closure By Trixie Adara Penny "Yes, I'd love some water. Thank you, Gloria," said Penny. She put her hands in her lap nervously as Nadia's family buzzed around her. Gloria zipped out of the room after getting everyone's order. They were heating up after shopping downtown together for the last few touches before the wedding. Penny turned and faced the room crowded with her inquisitors. Nadia never said she had a large family - and she didn't - but...

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Dads Rabbit Rescue

I remember one time when I was in high school, we lived in a garden apartment in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The superintendent had just cut the grass on the lawn, and disturbed a nest of four baby rabbits. Those little fuzzy soft baby bunnies were only about three inches long, tops. And they scattered about for a bit, and I was able to catch three of them in my hands, and get them inside of a big cardboard box. But there was one little baby bunny that was missing, and we searched and searched...

1 year ago
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Vignettes V I Married Jessica Rabbit

She first caught my eye when I visited the classroom of a professor who was a friend of mine. Her easy smile caught me by surprise and it took me a while to realize how voluptuous this ivory figure was. A dead ringer for Jessica Rabbit. That's not her real name of course, but it'll do for the story. It was the early 80's and she had her shiny copper hair full and high in front and it cascaded around her shoulders. Another surprise was that, as bright a copper that her hair was, her...

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The Rabbit Died Chapter 1

I certainly didn’t. I grew up in an era where you did not play with yourself. Not good girls and boys. So all these years, I never masturbated. Sometime around my fifty-third birthday, I just happened to wake up horny as all hell. I had been single for years, and I dated very little, so I was pretty much living the life of a nun. Just when I thought I should be through menopause with a dead libido, all I could think about was sex. Christ, I tingled all the time. A good-looking man made my...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 11

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 11: Brainwashing By Trixie Adara Nadia "You ready to sleep?" asked Nadia. "Is Joanna there?" asked Penny. "No." Nadia bit her lip and curled deeper into the covers of the bed. They were in their new motel room. They switched hotels every other day, trying to stay safe. Joanna was at work. They both worked at the same bar under false names. Joanna tended bar, and Nadia worked as a server. Nadia much preferred teaching but it helped that she was paid...

3 years ago
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The Rabbit Hole Ch 12

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 12: Submit to the Procedure By Trixie Adara Edited By ALewdEditor Penny Part of Penny's mind heard the click of the phone. The rest of her could only hear the silence. "Hello?" she asked, but knew the answer. Nothing. There was nothing. She called the number back. It was the same motel, but she didn't know Nadia's room number. She had resisted before, but now she could be there in minutes and make the staff tell her where Nadia was. She didn't need...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 139 Rabbit Run

Only a few hours later, inside the more mundane portions of the Misaki home, Hero looked up expectantly from where he knelt at table side. Waiting patiently within the small dining area, he nodded respectfully to the queen as Funaho was first to arrive fresh from the bath. Noting Misaki trailing less than a step behind. Taking the moment also of delighting privately as any man would upon the arrival of so many healthy females, attending Tanzuru aside. "And where have you been all this...

2 years ago
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The Rabbit Hole Ch 09

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 9: Condone & Control By Trixie Adara Edited by ALewdEditor Nadia Nadia climbs on top of her desk while the water rises, filling her office. Everywhere she looks, everywhere, there is water. She looks up in panic, and everyone else in the office works as though nothing is happening. Her mother and father type away mindlessly on a keyboard, smiling at each other occasionally as the water covers their knees. Her sister works on a drawing, humming a...

4 years ago
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Bses Spiel mit Jessica Rabbit

Diese Geschichte habe ich als Thread bei "MACC'S Celebrity Fun und Disneys Prinzessinnen" begonnen. Irgendwann hat mir der Text nicht mehr gefallen und ich habe ihn überarbeitet und stelle ihn nun als neue Geschichte hier ein. Ich habe versucht das ganze als wirkliche Fortsetzung von „Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit“ zu gestalten, wobei ich auf Ideen des Films zurückgreife, aber auch neue Ideen hinzugefügt habe. Ich hoffe das die Geschichte bei den Lesern gut ankommt und auch echte Roger Rabbit...

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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 19 The Wrong Rabbit Hole

I figure there has to be more than one rabbit hole in the world which leads down into some weird place where normal rules don’t apply. And they can’t all lead down into the same weird place that Alice dropped in on. I’d assumed that I’d fallen into Wonderland but it seems I was wrong. The scene in front of me was totally weird but it was a completely different kind of weird to the strange stuff Alice had to cope with. You know how in the slapstick comedy movies, they do this funny thing...

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la conqute de Jessica Rabbit

Roger Rabbit était un gringalet, à peine grand d'un mètre, doté d'oreilles trop longues, d'un nez trop large et de pieds trop grands. Ses vêtements étaient aussi ridicules que son physique. Il ne portait jamais qu'une paire de salopettes rouges bien trop amples, une paire de gants citron et un ridicule noeud papillon bleu et jaune. Mais, heureusement pour lui, Roger Rabbit était un toon, un dessin animé doté de vie. Son physique de lapin difforme, couplé à son étonnante habileté à endurer avec...

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Down the Rabbit Hole Pt1

Down the Rabbit Hole Pt.1I had been living with my new roommate, Ryan, for about 3 months. We didn’t really have much in common, he being a 6’ 1” blonde, stocky muscly rugby player and apparently a babe magnet by the sounds I heard coming from his room on a Friday and Saturday night, and me being a 5’ 10” skinny geeky brunette lad who had been with girls but hadn't had much luck lately. We didn’t really talk much, didn't have much in common and pretty much kept to ourselves. All that was to...

1 year ago
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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole Part 1

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you’ve just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my “journey through the rabbit hole,” you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and loving...

Straight Sex
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All Because of a Rampant Rabbit

I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I've never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I've occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that's what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about it. Neither were either of...

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Dating The Rabbit

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Dating the Rabbit by Amy Brett 'I know what you want to do,' he said, 'but please let me see first. Okay.' The anticipation in his eyes relaxed me somewhat though our first meeting was still tense with both excitement and...

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Fairy Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit hole... "What is a convention?" Hyacinth asked him as he got back in the car after fueling up. They had wandered through Pennsylvania, spreading the word, Rob's seed, and palm pilots as they went. Then they headed north into New York State. Rob had initially been worried about contacting the Fairy as he went, but each realm he visited contacted those beyond, and his license number and description of his car had been passed on. Wherever he went, Fairy would come,...

4 years ago
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Borrowing the rabbit

We had some friends over the other night for a dinner party; we’ve known them a long time and have gotten very close. Our three friends are also very close to one another, Clair is stunning and I have always had a bit of a thing for her and her enormous breasts, but her husband Gregg and I have been friends for a very long time and I wouldn’t want to step on his toes. Simon is Clair’s best friend and goes everywhere with them, we all get along really well but we’ve always suspected something...

3 years ago
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The Rabbit Hole Ch 01

Chapter 1: To All the Skeptics By Trixie Adara Penny “For my next trick,” said Penny to the quiet theatre, “I need a volunteer.” Most of the crowd groaned and tried to divert their eyes from the hypnotist. Two or three people eagerly pumped and waved their hands, desperate for Penny’s attention. “Not just any volunteer,” clarified Penny once they settled down. “I need a skeptic.” The crowd looked uncomfortably around the room. The volunteers put their hands down. Volunteers...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 03

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 3: Misdirection By Trixie Adara Penny It wasn?t the equipment. As soon as Nadia left, Penny checked in on Joe. He was fine, right where she left him: drooling in front of the monitors and learning the valuable lesson that lace and silk are better against his skin than anything masculine. The more flowy, the better. The more sheer, the better. The softer, the better. Less is better. It?s an important lesson for a slut to learn. But he was safe. He...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 06

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 6: Pain By Trixie Adara Edited by Abby H. **** Warning: These chapter has disturbing and cruel images in it. If you want something purely erotic, read the beginning and the end. Skip everything in italics. For Penny's sake, this story must be told, but the parts in italics are not meant to arouse you. **** Penny Present Day "Would you like your messages?" asked Harold as Penny stormed past him. He didn't know where she went. She wouldn't tell...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 10

The Rabbit Hole: Chapter 10 By Trixie Adara Edited by ALewdEditor ** Warning, some of the scenes in this chapter are graphic and can be triggering. If you want to avoid them, skip over everything in italics. They are not vital for the plot. ** Penny Nurse wraps the bandage around Penny's head, stopping the bleeding. She sings a sweet song to comfort her patient, something about butterflies. Penny must have been good. Nurse never sings sweet songs, her voice is sharp and...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 13

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 13: The Rest of Your Life By Trixie Adara Edited By ALewdEditor Nadia Nadia woke up to Penny's command. Before a thought could dart through the stream of her mind, she was Dolly again. "We have a big day ahead of us," said Penny. "I need your help to get me ready." Penny made Dolly give her clothes that would fit her. There wasn't much, but Dolly found something that was a little too long on Nadia and therefore a little too short for Penny. It was a...

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The Rabbit Hole Ch 14

The Rabbit Hole Chapter 14: Bullies By Trixie Adara Penny The sommelier finished explaining the wine pairing, poured, and slipped away from their table while smiling. Penny grabbed her glass, and Nadia did the same. They both raised them, and Penny smiled. "To new beginnings and happy endings," she said. Nadia smiled, lifting her drink slightly. "Hopefully a very happy ending tonight," she said. They both clinked glasses and drank. Penny warmed from the wine and Nadia's...

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Down the Rabbit Hole

By all accounts I'm the all American girl. I was raised in the midwest, Iowa to be exact. I grew up on a farm and worked from dawn till dusk, two brothers and one sister. Heavy churchgoers. Graduated both high school and college near the top of my respective classes and shortly thereafter, I married an architect. The world was my oyster and yet there was something missing. Sex. I'm not talking a husband that 'makes love' to you - I mean something with more grit. Something risky. I love sex. I...

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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch10

One thing which did differ from the previous mornings was my sore throat. No doubt a result of my getting a little carried away although its scratching as I swallowed some fresh water easing slightly, I smiled and remembered with pride what I had achieved and the results of my dedication. Coughing a little I could clearly hear my voice was a little horse, maybe not croaky but there was an undeniable huskiness to its sound. Walking to the bathroom I went to the toilet, sitting as it is...

2 years ago
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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn't always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my "journey through the rabbit hole," you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and...

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Bunny Rabbit

I finally got up the nerve to open a profile at an adult fetish site, a personals site. I got a response quickly, It was an older woman, she sent me some pix, she was very attractive. We exchanged emails a few times then talked on the phone. She said she was in the lifestyle all her life and was very experienced. I told her that I was a novice and had no experience at all, she seemed to like that. She said she would have fun "breaking me in". We met at a bar and had a few drinks and talked...

2 years ago
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Down the rabbit hole

Floating down the Rabbits hole Waking up early with a with a hard on was quite normal for me. What was changing for me were the things that first popped into my mind as the sleepy haze faded. The last thought that had to be on my mind before I awoke. For me it has always been a beautiful naked blonde girl sometimes someone I knew or a stranger I didn’t.... but these days it wasn’t a person per say it was a body part that was the center of my attention. At first I thought it was my hard cock...

2 years ago
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Falling Down the Rabbit Hole

Betsy was so nervous. She had rarely left her small town and, when she did, it was only to go over to the next small town. She was happy living in the same place she had been born 24 years ago, knowing all her neighbors and having them know her. It was extremely difficult for her to accept her uncle’s offer of an internship in his company. Not that it wasn’t a great offer. It was kind and generous and very possibly the best experience she could acquire. It was just that all her friends were...

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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole Part 1

I learned a long time ago, that life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you’ve just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my “journey through the rabbit hole,” you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and...

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The LuvDoctor Chronicles The rabbit hole p

The Luvdoctor chronicles: The rabbit hole (part 2) Weeks went by after she gave me that folded up piece of paper. We started to get to know one another quite well. She loved what she did at work, and enjoyed having me around. I on the other hand was enjoying her encounters with me where we would do mostly nothing but joke and goof around, however being around her did raise some hard problems, very hard problems. There were times where I could talk for hours with her, but there were also...

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Down a Rabbit Hole

You are walking through a park that you know like the back of your hand. You know the short cuts, where and when the cop stops by th say, hi. It's evening and your headed off to your friends places. Then there in front of you is a large hole you have never seen before. Shrugging you step across it, as you do, it widens and you fall in. Down the rabbit hole!

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A Rabbit In The Headlights

I stood in his room, very nervous and aware that you could hear a pin drop in the house. Not good. He looked at me with those eyes of his, a dark, solid brown. The colour made them piercing and intense. He looked so serious that it pushed my heart up into my throat. He was so much taller than me, his body lean and powerful. God, what a body. But when he looked down on me with that expression on his face, all I could see was his eyes. I stood like a rabbit in the headlights, frightened to look...

1 year ago
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Spinning Down the Rabbit Hole Part 1

He sat at his desk, holding his business card in his hand. “Mitchell B. Edwards,” it read. Below his name it said, “Director of Corporate Development.”  “Should I be impressed?” he thought to himself. “I’m pretty young to be a Director of anything, but I’m not especially impressed myself,” he thought. “At thirty-two I am a director in this large and growing company. My Mom is impressed at my progress. The people around me seem to be impressed,” his thinking continued. He looked around his...

First Time
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Journey Through the Rabbit Hole Part 2

Daniel slid off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I decided needed to stretch my legs, so I climbed off the bed and wandered to the dresser to look at the pictures. It was then I saw something that shocked me. I grabbed a picture of my ex-husband Robert and his younger brother Edward. It was the last picture taken of them before they had their falling out in college. Daniel walked in and said, “Hey Malice, let’s get dressed and...” “Why do you have a picture of my ex-husband and his...

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