My Summer In Pantyhose - Chapter 11 free porn video

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Chapter 11 "That wasn't a very nice thing to say," said my grandmother. "You embarrassed Jamie in front of his friend." "I don't like him wearing my clothes," retorted Julie. "Mom made me wear it!" "Now, let's not have an argument," my grandmother cautioned. "I'll talk to your mother about this. I'm sure she had Jamie's best interests at heart." That put an end to the discussion though I could tell Julie was still annoyed. I wondered what Megan made of it. She didn't mind me wearing hose and she must have known it was a girl's top. My grandmother and I left the mall while Julie went back to work. I was in a strange state of elation for the rest of the day. Megan actually seemed to like me. She even wanted to go to a movie with me. "So how was your lunch with Megan," my mother asked as we drove home from my grandmother's house. "It was great. We had a lot of fun." "I'm glad to see you're making new friends." "Yeah. Me too. Uhhmm. Is it okay if I go to a movie with Megan? She asked me." "Hmmm. Is this a date or are you just going as friends?" My heart fell to the floor. My friendship with Megan was already coming to an end. Surely Mom wouldn't say no. "I don't know. I think we're just friends." I hoped we were more than friends but at this point I didn't care what the circumstances were as long as I could spend time with Megan. "Well, I guess a matinee would be okay." My mother smiled at me and patted my nylon-clad leg. "Thanks Mom. Do you think we could go tomorrow?" "Tomorrow? Well, it is Saturday. Have you talked to Megan about the details?" "No, she wants me to call her tonight." "Well, okay. Find out the details. I'll drop you off and pick you up after the movie." "Thanks Mom." I stared out the window and daydreamed about sitting in the dark with Megan. "Your grandmother told me that Julie wasn't very nice about your top." "She didn't have to say anything in front of Megan. I think she did it to be mean." "Well, I didn't like you wearing my clothes either. Remember?" asked my mother, raising her eyebrows. "But YOU made me wear the top." "I know. This is my fault really. I'll iron out things with Julie. In the meantime, we need to get you some nicer clothes to wear if you're going to have a more active social life." "As long as I don't have to wear Julie's clothes again." "Let's stop by Mohls and get you something for tomorrow, okay." I assented and at the next stop light mom made a turn and headed for Mohls. When I opened the car to get out my clog slipped off my foot. How do girls keep these things on I wondered. As we walked into the store, I expected we would head toward the mens section and pick out some polo shirts, but my mom headed in the opposite direction. I followed her into the juniors section. "Why do we have to buy clothes here?" "I think they'll look good on you." "But these are girls clothes." "I know," said my mother as she looked through some tops. "Does the top you're wearing now look good?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Mothers often know best," she remarked as she continued looking. "Sarah?" asked a female voice. "Is that you?" The speaker was Carla North, one of my mother's friends from her school days. We didn't see her very often, but they sometimes talked on the phone. Whenever we met them in a store it usually meant we were going to stand around talking for a long time. Today Carla was with her daughter Beth, who was three years younger than me, and another girl who I guessed was Beth's friend. Beth never talked to me so I figured I was in a for a long stint of standing around being bored. My mother and Carla chatted about people they knew their plans for the summer. At one point my mother handed me the three tops she was holding. They were similar in style to the one I was wearing. The colors were pastels in orange, yellow, and blue. At least she didn't select a pink. There was no way I was going to wear pink. I noticed that Beth and her friend were whispering and glancing at me. "Ask him," her friend said. I smiled at Beth, hoping to disarm her. She smirked. "Jamie, Steph wants to know if you're wearing nylons." Beth's friend laughed and the conversation between Carla and my mother came to a sudden stop. "Beth!" said Carla. "What did you say that for?" "Because it looks like he's wearing hose." Steph laughed again. "It's okay," my mother said putting her arm around me and pulling me close to her. "Jamie is wearing pantyhose." Beth and Steph put their hands to their mouths and turned away giggling. "Really," said Carla, ignoring her daughter. She eyed my legs closely before looking at my mother for an explanation. "I caught him wearing mine," she said in a hushed voice. "So, I gave him a choice and he chose to wear them so I've bought him his own hose." "Wow," said Carla. "Well, Jamie, I must say you have very nice legs." My mother squeezed me. "Thanks Carla." "Are those tops for you, Jamie?" "Yes," my mother answered. "They look so much better on him then all those grubby t-shirts he used to wear. He had a lunch date today so I finally got him to wear something nice." Beth and Steph were smirking at me as they followed every word of the conversation. They looked at each other and started giggling again when the word date was mentioned. "Oh, I know," affirmed Carla. "Young boys dress so sloppily today. And I see Jamie's not wearing those baggy shorts that so many boys are wearing." "Yes," replied my mother. "Some of them look like they're about to fall off." My mother leaned toward Carla. "I had to buy Jamie's shorts in the girl's section to find some decent ones." "Well they look good on him." Beth and Steph started giggling again at the comments on my shorts. "We're having a small cookout next Saturday," stated Carla. "Would you, Jamie, and Julie like to come?" "Oh that would be wonderful." "Great. Well, the girls need some new swimsuits so we better be going. I'll call you with the details about the cookout." My mother smiled and waved. "Bye Jamie," said Carla as she winked at me. "Have fun shopping." "Well Jamie, do you like any of these?" asked my mother as she took the tops from me. "We're not really going to the cookout are we?" "Why not. It'll be fun." "I don't want to stand around all night while Beth giggles at me." "I know. That was very rude of her. I suspect Carla will give her a good talking to later. You know, if you want, you could invite Megan to come to the cookout with us. Does that sound like fun?" "Really?" "Well, I'll have to square it with Carla but I think she'll agree to it." This put the cookout in a whole new light and I immediately anticipated what a great time it would be to hang out with Megan for hours. Who cared about Beth and her giggles. Megan would shut her up for sure. "Now, do you like any of these?" "Couldn't we get something in a bolder color? These all look kind of washed out." "Hmm. I didn't think you would want a hot pink one." "No. I'm not wearing pink." My mother smiled. "Well, pastels are all they seem to have, if you discount the pinks. I think these will suit you very well." "Okay, I guess they'll do." "Great. I was thinking you could use some capris." "Why?" I asked as I followed her toward a rack of what appeared to be short pants. "I thought you might not want to show so much leg all the time but still be cooler than jeans. Here," she said, pulling out a dark beige pair with an elastic waist and a draw string. "I think this will work. Why don't you go try them on." My mother handed the capris to me as we headed for the changing rooms. "Can he try these on here?" my mother asked the sales clerk manning the changing rooms. "Sure," she answered then pointed to an open stall. Fortunately there weren't a lot of people trying on clothes. It appeared that only one other booth was occupied. I took my shorts off and hung them on a hook on the back of the door. I took the opportunity to pull up and smooth my hose. Before trying them on, I gave the capris a close inspection. They did not have a fly and the pockets in the back were extremely small, more for decoration than utility. At least they did not have any embroidered flowers. I slipped them on and adjusted the draw string. They were comfortable and cool, like wearing very thin sweat pants. "They fit," I called. "Let me see." I hated trying on clothes with my mother. She never seems to believe me. I stepped out of the booth in my stockinged feet. "Yes, those look great on you," my mother said. "Pull up your shirt and spin around so I can see the waist." I dutifully followed her instructions. The clerk was now smiling at me and her eyes dropped a couple times to my feet. I realized then what I had done. I had flashed the waistband and panty of my hose to my mother and the sales clerk. "I think those will do," said my mother. "Do you like the color." "Yeah, it's fine," I said. I went back into the booth to change. I thought I heard a quiet discussion between my mother and the sales clerk, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The sales clerk smiled at me as we left the changing area, not a smirk, but a friendly, knowing smile. "Mom," I asked, as she started the car. "Were you and the sales clerk talking while I was changing?" "Yes, dear. She wanted to know why you were wearing pantyhose." "Oh, that's what I figured." "She thought they looked very cute on you." I nodded. Was cute the look I wanted? When we arrived home, my mother gave me instructions for heating the leftovers before leaving to pick up Julie at the mall. I put the plates and utensils while the food heated in the microwave. I don't know what my mother said to Julie on the drive home but Julie glared at me as she headed upstairs to change. "Is Julie mad at me?" I asked. "She'll get over it, and I think you'll find her much more supportive in the future." My mother told Julie about our shopping trip to Mohls and the invitation to Carla's for a cookout. "Can I bring a friend if Jamie gets to bring one?" "Well, I suppose so," answered my mother. "Do you think you need one?" "I don't understand why sissy gets all the privileges." "You're older Julie. And don't call your brother a sissy." Everyone was quiet after that exchange. I ate quickly hoping to get to the phone to call Megan before Julie called one of her friends. "When are your friends coming home," asked Julie. "Probably Sunday." After all the excitement with Megan I had forgotten all about Mike and Todd coming back from vacation. Talking to them about my hose was not going to be easy. "Should I tell Samantha not to say anything to Monica?" asked Julie. Monica was Mike's older sister. "Oh, I hadn't thought of that." "I think you should Julie." My mother answered for me. "It's best that Jamie talk to his own friends about... things." "Can I go call Megan?" "Okay." "Hey, don't be on the phone all night," called Julie. I looked up Megan's number in the phone book. Maybe I should add it to the list of numbers next to the phone. Each of us had a page or more in a pad next to the phone with frequently called numbers. I added Megan's number below the entries for Mike and Todd. "Hello?" answered a woman whom I assumed was Megan's mom. "Is Megan there?" "Who's calling?" "Jamie. She told me to call." "Okay, Jamie. Just a minute." "Hi Jamie. Can you go to the movie tomorrow?" "We're going to a matinee, right?" "Yeah, can you meet us at one?" "Sure, the theater at the mall, right?" "Yes." "Okay, I'll see you at one. Hey can I have your email and IM?" "Sure." Megan rattled them off as I tried to record them. I had to ask her to repeat them. We said goodbye and that was it. I had a movie date with Megan. I was laying on my bed reading a book when Julie entered my room later that evening. "Hey Jamie. I'm sorry I was so pissy today." "It's okay. It wasn't my idea to wear your top." "I know." Julie sat on the edge of my bed, staring at her fingernails and looking pensive. "I guess I didn't ruin your friendship with Megan." "No. Why do you think she's asking me out?" "I don't know. I guess she thinks you're a nice guy. She's probably looking for more friends. Girls like her want to have lots of friends." "How will I know if I'm her boyfriend?" "I think you'll know." "Is something wrong?" "No, I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Julie rose and moved toward the door. "Have fun tomorrow. I'm going shopping with Samantha so I'll tell her not to say anything to Monica, okay?" "Thanks sis." I was up early Saturday morning, showered, and shaved my legs. I picked out a pair of suntan sheer energy hose, some plain jean shorts, and one of new tops that my mother had bought, the blue one. After a bowl of cereal, I began the long wait until my movie date with Megan. My mother had a lot of work to do with some project from work and Julie didn't emerge from her room until late morning. I messed around with some computer games and added Megan's info to my accounts. I thought about sending her an email--she wasn't online for chat--but maybe she didn't want to hear from me that much. That might sound a bit desperate. I was going to see her in a few hours. We ate an early lunch of sandwiches. My mother was preoccupied with her work but Julie seemed as happy as ever. I had the distinct sense last night that something serious was bothering her, that she wanted to tell me something. I was laying on the couch trying to read a book when Samantha arrived to go shopping with Julie. "Oh, I've got to wish Jamie luck," I heard Samantha say. "Hey Jamie," exclaimed Samantha as she swept into the living room. "I heard you really lit a fire under Megan. She asked you out to a movie." "I guess she likes me." "Well good luck," she said, leaving the living room. "And don't get into trouble in the dark." The door slammed but I could hear them giggling outside. I was waiting at the door in my sandals at half past noon. "Mom," I shouted. "It's time to go." "I know," she said. "I know. Well, you look nice. I guess you're paying attention finally. I need to stop by the office to grab a couple folders on the way," she said as she locked the door. "Can't you do that on the way back? I'll be late." "Oh, all right. I'll wander through a dark and deserted office building all by myself. Don't worry about your poor mother when a cute girl is waiting." "Really?" My mother laughed. "No, silly." We arrived at the mall with ten minutes to spare. "Give me a call when you're ready to come home," my mother instructed. I headed straight for the cinema, which adjoined the foodcourt, so there were loads of people milling about. I walked all around the perimeter of the ticket area before I spotted Megan talking to some other girls. "Hi Megan." "Oh hi Jamie. We've been waiting for you." Megan was much more casually dressed today, kakhi shorts, sandals, and a pink top but no nylons. One of the other girls was Kim, someone I barely knew from our class. I had never seen the other two. "These are my cousins Sandy and Michelle and you know Kim." We exchanged greetings then it struck me that Megan had said "we." Kim put her hand to her mouth and giggled. "I don't believe it. You weren't kidding." "I told you," said Megan. "I think they look good on him." Kim leaned down toward my legs. "Are you shaving your legs too or do you just not have much leg hair." "I've been shaving. My mom said my hose wouldn't look very good with hairy legs." "She's right," said Kim. "You really like wearing nylons?" asked one of the cousins. "I hate 'em. They're so itchy." "I guess I don't wear the itchy kind." All four girls laughed. "So what brand are you wearing? Or does your mom buy them for you?" "These are Leggs, sheer energy." "He's got legs," sang the other cousin, which caused all the girls but Megan to laugh some more. I was feeling uncomfortable. "Are we all going to the movie?" "Yeah," said Megan. "Didn't I tell you. You thought it was just you and me?" Kim rolled her eyes. "Well, yeah. That's what I thought you said." "Oh, I'm sorry." There were a few moments of awkward silence. Why did she want me to tag along with her and her friends? "So are we going to see?" I asked. "We have two choices," said Megan. She told me about the two options, noting at the conclusion of her explanation that they needed a tie breaking vote. Both movies were teen chick-flicks. I didn't want to see either one. I asked Megan which was her choice and voted for that one. I followed behind the girls as we purchased our tickets. I have to make the best of this I told myself. "Do you want to share a popcorn?" I asked Megan. "Sure, that would be great." I purchased two drinks and a large popcorn. "Aren't you going to buy one for me too?" asked Kim. "I don't have that much money." "He just doesn't like you," Megan retorted. Kim laughed. "Like a care," she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. We filed into the theater as the previews were starting with me trying to manage two drinks and a large popcorn in the dark. I took a seat at the end of our short queue next to Megan. We had to sit together since we were sharing the popcorn. We didn't talk much during the movie. The girls actually seemed interested. Megan ate some of the popcorn I offered but I ended up eating most of it. We left as the credits were rolling. "So what should we do now?" asked Megan when we were back in the foodcourt. "I probably ought to head home." "Is your mommy waiting for you?" asked Kim. "Kim," cried Megan, "quit being such a bitch." "I'm just teasing him." "I'm starved," said one of the cousins. "Hey Megan," said Kim, "is that Josh Martins?" "It is." Kim and Megan waved at Josh. He was a year ahead of us in school, a running back who had managed to letter on the varsity as a freshman. He was standing around with two of his jock friends that I didn't know. "He's coming over," exclaimed Kim, who suddenly stood up straight and stuck out her chest. I stood behind the girls, wondering if I should just leave, but I had to say goodbye to Megan. Her eyes were locked on Josh and his bulging biceps. "Hi Megan, Kim, ladies." They all said hi to Josh and Megan introduced him to her cousins. "So what are you up to?" he asked. "We just saw a movie," answered Megan. "We're thinking about getting something to eat." "Care to join us?" asked Josh. "For sure," exclaimed Kim. The three guys and four girls moved away toward the food court. I stood my ground, wondering if they would even notice. Megan turned and fluttered her fingers at me. "Bye Jamie." to be continued

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Mothers Pantyhose

It all started when I was 10 years old, the year my parents got divorced, a normal age for a lanky, soft-spoken only c***d to have his obsession with Grand Theft Auto blindsided by his first crush. I had just started junior high, where they made us read boring stuff like Romeo & Juliet, though I was too young to understand the dangers of forbidden lust, yet old enough to notice how my mother would often do the sexiest things without knowing it.Things might have been different had my mother...

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My pantyhose fetish grows with Nick’s encouragement… PART 4A few weeks after my parents returned from the mountains they were making and receiving a higher number of telephone calls as well as keeping several appointments in town. Just as I was about to ask what was going on they announced one evening that they had purchased a cabin in the mountains. They asked what I thought about it and of course I said I thought it was great and wanted to know how soon I could see it. They said it wasn’t...

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After having some fun with my pantyhose last week at the Cinema I couldn’t wait to make a return visit and continue to tempt men with my pantyhose.On Friday night I went to the same Cinema wearing five pair of pantyhose. I had a good pair of pantyhose on as my first layer. The other four pair each had a run in them but were far from destroyed. I often toss pantyhose with runs in them into a small basket for wearing during masturbatory sessions before throwing them out. The four pair were of...

3 years ago
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How my pantyhose fetish started

Birth of a pantyhose fetishPart of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in...

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PANTYHOSE PRINCESSIt was autumn 1978, a Saturday in late October, and I was working at a Chevrolet dealership as a salesman. Our doors opened at 10:00 am. We usually didn’t get much in the way of foot traffic until close to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. At 10:30 a.m. those of us working noticed a shiny new 4-door Olds Ninety Eight Regency pull-up out front. “Hmm, someone with a couple of bucks” I thought. A middle-aged man exited from behind the wheel as the front passenger door opened and a pair of...

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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....

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My pantyhose fetish origin

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even really...

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Birth of a pantyhose fetish

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even...

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Aunties Stockings Moms Pantyhose

0. PrologueA lot of crazy things all occurred over a few weeks that shifted my unhealthy sexual preoccupation with my Mother and Aunt from fantasy to reality.1. The first revelation...Oedipus ComplexThe first happened in early November.I was in my freshman college psychology class when all my unhealthy obsessions, well at least the biggest one, suddenly made sense. My professor discussed Sigmund Freud's Oedipus complex which he believed was a universal psychological phenomenon that all boys...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Come True part 2

To my amazement, he wrote back, “That would be awesome!” I hesitated a minute or two…I thought of all the things that could go wrong. Did I really want to go through with this? I’m not gay and I do not find men attractive (unless they are wearing pantyhose). After a few minutes, I gathered myself and typed: “maybe someday…” and with that we both jerked off in our pantyhose and logged off. The next few days I could not stop thinking about what we discussed. Every time I thought about it, I was...

1 year ago
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The Pantyhose Stalker

Part One Michele Bouvier sat in the carriage of the subway train pretending that she was engrossed in her notebook computer. She was in fact very aware that she and the man sitting a little further down the carriage were alone in the rattling subway car. The man had been staring at her throughout the journey and she was very nervous. Michele didn't normally use the subway and never used it late at night. This morning her car had failed to start and her husband couldn't get it going for her. He...

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Mother in law pantyhose

Mother-in-Law in PantyhoseMy wife's mother is a beautiful lady. Ever since I met her, we would flirt lightly with each other, many times right in front of my wife. My Mother in-law also is in a position at her work that requires her to dress very classy. She wears pantyhose nearly everyday and I often wondered if she had some sort of fetish for pantyhose, since she often talked about them.My...

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My first pair of pantyhose

I was in the sixth grade and had always wanted to try a pair of pantyhose on. My mom never ever wore pantyhose or knee hi's. I had been wearing her nylon panties and lingerie for at least 6 years prior. I yearned to try on womens hosiery for so long. Playing with myself looking at department store catalogs hosiery section. My grandmother had collected them for years. So i would borrow a few when I went over to her house. Evevryday after school my friends and I would play video games at the...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose cousins house not what u think

Well it started out like allot of pantyhose wearers first times.  It was when I was young I first tried on my mom's pantyhose.  I went into the bathroom and found a pair of my mom's pantyhose in the trash can.  They were some tan colored pair of hose.  I took my pajama's bottoms off and slipped the hose on over my underwear.  They felt so good going on.  I went into the living room and sat on the couch and was watching some cartoons rubbing my legs loving how the nylon felt on my legs.  After a...

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Holiday Spa Pantyhose Play

Several years ago, not long after having joined the Holiday Spa Fitness Center I had an erotic pantyhose encounter. I was just 19 at the time. As a life-long pantyhose wearer I wear pantyhose nearly every day and always under my trousers to work. My schedule for working out was every Monday, Wednesday and Friday immediately after work. When I would enter the men’s locker room I would look around for a discreet space to change. I would pull off my shoes and pull my shirt tails out. Next, I...

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Pantyhose: It had been another routine early September day in my dead end job when I went out for my lunch break. There were some light clouds high up but not the sort of clouds (cumulonimbus) that the Celts used to say would fall on your head. That's it, they were Cirrus clouds. The news had been about some poor man being murdered for trying to prevent some other man from stealing his motorcycle. He was about the same age as me, right in the demographic of being most at risk of...

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From Soccer Mom to my Pantyhose Slut Part II

Lori was no longer the shy timid soccer mom I had first met. She was my pantyhose slut. All those missed years of pent up sexual frustration had made her wild in bed and eager to explore. I had bought her a life like dildo with balls that we could stick to the wall or a head board so that when I was fucking her she could suck my “second cock”. I would also fuck her with it while she sucked my cock. We also started to use video. I did her masturbating then us fucking and us role playing. In...

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Development of a pantyhose fetish

As I write these anecdotes, they will more than likely jump around a little bit since I’m now in my mid 40’s and this is going to be stories from my adolescence where a pantyhose fetishist was absolutely bombarded with womens’ feet and legs in pantyhose literally everywhere. My last story gave a little back story and also the story of my first orgasm. No, it wasn’t just my first ejaculation in pantyhose; it was my first orgasm period, so how could I not connect the two?Well I spent most of my...

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PANTYHOSE ENCOUNTER AT THE OFFICE – PART 1A few years ago I was hired as a personal assistant for an executive at an engineering firm. He frequently traveled which left me with a lot of “free” time in the office. When he was in the office he kept me busy so it all balanced out. Anyway, his department was staffed almost entirely by men and younger men at that. Ironically, there were only two guys who I had the slightest bit of interest in. One was a very friendly guy who was a year or two older...

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The Power of Pantyhose

Any man or woman for that matter who has a pantyhose fetish certainly knows that there is a power in pantyhose that is hard to explain. I know this even though, I am a woman of a mere 32 years of age. But I'm married to a man who absolutely adores me and all women in pantyhose. His fetish is so strong that even a man in pantyhose is appealing to him. He's 33 and has been a life long admirer and wearer of pantyhose. Until I met him, pantyhose was just something that women and girls wore, there...

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Marine fucks a nylon pantyhose wearing bottom

Several Christmases ago my mom’s sister hosted a large Christmas Day gathering at her home. She had invited all of my aunts, uncles and cousins as well as my grandparents on mom’s side of the family. In addition, she had invited some whom she knew would be alone. One of those people was my slightly older cousin Rick’s friend. Rick just happened to be a Marine stationed in North Carolina and he had a friend who would have stayed on base for Christmas had he not been invited somewhere.Dinner was...

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Pantyhose Part 3

Pantyhose part 3: As I slept I dreamt that my name was Brad Majors and I had a fianc?e called Janet Weiss. I had found myself on a stage with her, my pantyhose and some other people. In my dream I was wearing a corset and elbow length gloves and had a feather boa draped over my shoulders. I was also wearing makeup and heels. I did not know what was going on. I felt sexy and vulnerable in the clothes and make up. Yes, I was male again although I was still wearing women's u...

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Pantyhose in the Mens Room at the Shopping M

I did some Christmas shopping on black Friday at a very large Mall. It has been as cold as a witch’s heart the past two days so I knew I would absolutely wear pantyhose out. I didn't want to wear a heavy jacket because the Mall would probably be hot so I wore an undershirt underneath a flannel shirt and heavy denim jeans with Sperry Topsiders. Under my jeans I wore two pair of coffee colored ultra sheer pantyhose. I decided to go with two pair of ultras instead of a heavier denier because I...

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Pantyhose Fantasy Comes True part 1

This is a true account of my first ever encounters with another man in pantyhose. As a young boy, I was like most other mid-teen curious boys regarding sexuality. I was always fascinated by sexy pictures of beautiful women, scantily dressed and wearing silky hosiery. This was bolstered by at least two female school teachers during my lifetime that wore short skirts and pantyhose nearly every day. Oftentimes I would get a quick glance up their skirts making it well worth the effort to get to...

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Swiping worn pantyhose and dirty panties

This story is how I began swiping dirty panties and worn pantyhose from women’s laundry hamper in the seventh gradethis started probably eight months after I started wearing pantyhose in the 7th grade. The last few months I had been very sly. I would sneak into my friends moms panty drawers and rummage through their panties and pantyhose. I would usually only take 1 pair of each. But sometimes I took more. I had a few friends who’s mothers would wear pantyhose. Between buying my own pantyhose...

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Pantyhose Town

This story takes a bit to get to the action, so just go with it during the setup.Imagine if you will, a society that did not regard sex as negatively as yours does. Abstinence only sex education was laughed at and teen pregnancies rarely occurred. Stores that openly sold lingerie, sexual stimulants and toys were found in every town and city across America. How you dress didn't label you a tease, slut, whore, or any of the other terms you might use. Rarely did anyone complain about lingerie...

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Pantyhose Addict

Pantyhose Addict By Cindy Johnson [email protected] Even though it was going to be a hot July day I still enjoyed wearing my pantyhose. Ever since my wife Janet caught me in a pair of hers three years ago I have worn them everyday without objection. They still feel wonderful when I roll them up my smooth legs and even better under a pair of jeans or in a skirt. I honestly have to say I have never grown tired of wearing them. The silkiness of the nylons against...

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Granny Pantyhose Power

I'd come home early from work and was looking forward to relaxing. I work hard in real estate, harder than most women half my age. At 67, I'm driven to succeed, so determined I've earned the nickname of "Barracuda" for my hard-nosed ways. I may be a senior citizen, but hardly look it, a lithe 130 pounds on strong, five-foot-seven frame, muscular in the legs from years of running and taking care of myself.I went inside and noticed my bedroom door ajar, which was odd since I always closed it. I...

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From Soccer Mom to my Pantyhose Slut

This is my first post here on the site so let me start with a little about me. I am a 45 yr old man and i have had a pantyhose fetish for as long as i can remember. In fact my first pantyhose experience took place when I was too young to understand what I was feeling. It was very innocent I was horsing around with my aunt and I tickled her feet which happened to be covered with pantyhose. Over the years I have always been turned on by women in pantyhose. Teachers in school, friends mother's ....

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A fantasy in pantyhose

I always go out to the same bar on thursdays. The women are hot and long legged and they always wear pantyhose. Like usual, I dress in jeans, collared shirt and a jacket, deck shoes or dress shoes. Underneath, pantyhose. Always sheer to waist, no underwear and always nude. My jeans are long enough that no one can notice I'm in nylons under my jeans. That thursday was no different and I headed out after coming home from work and changing.At the bar, I try to get a corner seat not far from the...

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Pantyhose 2

Pantyhose part 2: So have you ever heard anything so strange as my story? I was standing in my bedroom wearing panties and nail polish for the first time in my life. And I was not wearing anything else. My panties had appeared as I rolled a pair of magic pantyhose up my legs and at the same time all my hair had been removed from my legs and nail polish had appeared on my toes. Not only that but my hips and backside now looked like a woman's hips and backside. I was becoming...

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My Summer in Pantyhose Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Jamie emerged from the shower and noticed how smooth his freshly shaved legs looked and felt as he toweled them dry. All day he had been on edge with anticipation. He wanted to call Megan or send email or IM her but he managed to avoid the temptation. He didn't want to be a bother, but he had this strange fear that she would forget about the cookout and they would arrive at her house to find her out with her friends. "Jamie," called his mother, "I put your clothes on your...

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Story that pantyhose healed virgin boy Part 1

Story that pantyhose healed virgin boyThe motivation and environment for men to become pantyhose fetishes are likely to be raised in environments where mothers and sisters are the main players.There must be a home environment where nylon underwear and lingerie such as pantyhose are abundant in the house.Whatever men may experience, especially during puberty, are engulfed in their brains and change not only behaviors, but also their thoughts.As boys grow older, they become more interested in...

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PLAYING WITH JESSIE'S OLD PANTYHOSEWhen I was a boy my parents were close friends with a Male/Female couple. Jessie wore pantyhose all the time. I was absolutely convinced her boyfriend, my “Uncle” Courtney, had a pantyhose fetish and that she indulged him. She would let me rub her legs when I was little but my Mom would get angry soon after and make me stop. I remember they once came to visit on a Saturday evening when I was five years old. When they arrived to my house Jessie’s suntan...

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Wearing Pantyhose in a thrift store

I was feeling really horny and perverted wanting to wear pantyhose in public. I slipped on a pair of Kunert Satin Look 20 in the color candy (sun tan) and my baby blue womens shorts. I then headed to a thrift store near a retiree village. There were only 2 cars in the parking lot. I parked close to the door and walked in. There was no cashier at the register. I proceeded to the womens department and went straight to the panty and bras section. I started going through the panty basket. There...

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