The Plane a Chance Encounter
- 3 years ago
- 19
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The story of Jacob Hightower continues. Please read chapter 1 to follow the flow and story line.
Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are appreciated.
Chapter Two
Jake was at the stable at 6 AM. He saddled his horse and going to the locked tack room got two additional pistols and a three of boxes of 45 caliber shells to take with him. Two of the weapons had the 7 ½ barrel and one was in the five inch style. The shorter pistol and one of the longer ones were blued and the other 7 ½ was nickel.
He packed the extra pistols in his saddlebags. Gonna need the extras cause De La Vega and maybe some of his men will want to shoot the Colts, he thought. And no one but me shoots my gun. Shortly Senor De La Vega joined Jake and they rode out of El Paso by 6:30 on a sunny morning.
‘We will take the road along the Rio Grande and stay on the American side,’ De La Vega told Jake as they rode. ‘The river makes a bend and it would be a shorter trip if we cut across through Mexico, but we will take the river road on the American side.’
‘Why ride the long way around Senor?’
‘There are banditos all along northern Mexico near the borders. There is no need to face them to save a few miles.’
‘I understand,’ Jake replied. ‘I ran into a few on my way to El Paso.’
The land they rode through was mostly level but with a slope up from the Rio Grande. Close to the river it was lush with tall reeds at the water’s edge and cottonwood trees lining the bank, but higher up the grade it was desert like with mesquite, palo verde, and several types of cactus. The areas between the cottonwoods were covered in a coarse grass which made it good land for grazing stock.
It was early summer and the west Texas heat was still a month or so away. It was pleasant riding near the Rio Grande but later in the year the sun would begin to bake the desert like areas on each side of the river. They crossed the river and as they rode away from the life giving water, the trail began to wind through some small rises and hills. The vegetation had abruptly changed to the desert plants.
At the two hour mark Jake asked, ‘When will we get to your estancia?’
‘We have been on my land for the last 20 minutes,’ De La Vega answered. ‘You can see my hacienda from that rise,’ he added and turned his horse off the trail and toward the small hill. Stopping at the crest of the rise he pointed. ‘There is the hacienda. We’ll be there in within an hour Senor Hightower.’
On the horizon Jake could barely see a bump that must be the ranch house. ‘That’s got to be another 10 miles or so,’ he said. ‘How big is your estancia?’
‘It runs along the Rio Grande and eastward for many miles,’ De La Vega replied. ‘I have title to 4100 hectares, that’s about ten thousand of your acres.’ Pointing to a large green lush area surrounding the house, De La Vega explained, ‘The hacienda was built over a deep water spring called Aqua de Dios. That means…’
‘Water from God,’ Jake translated.
Pointing to the abundant green areas, De La Vega explained, ‘We enclosed the spring with a wall and use a bucket to get water for the hacienda, much like a well. The runoff from the spring is diverted into underground channels that are used to irrigate the gardens. We grow many things and only buy supplies such as flour, grain, and other staples from the mercantile.’
The men sat and looked over the land for a few minutes, giving their horses a breather. De La Vega led the way down the far side of the hill back to the trail. Three men rode from behind another hill and blocked the trail so De La Vega and Jake had to pull up.
Jake had a habit of riding with his right hand close to his pistol. Before stopping his horse, he slipped the safety strap loose to free his weapon. Then he sat with his right hand on his thigh, just in front of his holstered Colt.
‘We want our money De La Vega,’ one of the men yelled across the 30 feet that separated the two groups. He was speaking Spanish but Jake understood him. Jake had learned ‘Mex’, as they called it in Texas, over the three years he’d done business in east Texas.
‘I owe you nothing Juan,’ De La Vega replied. ‘Nor you Neto and Carlos.’
‘We’re due our wages for last month.’
‘The money you got from the cattle you stole was more than your wages. Ten head wasn’t it? Consider yourselves fortunate that I did not have you jailed.’ De La Vega slowly moved his hand toward his pistol.
‘They hang rustlers in East Texas,’ Jake offered. ‘Don’t reckon it’s much different around here.’
‘This is none of you business Senor,’ Juan said. ‘It would be best if you stayed out of it.’
‘You made it my business when you blocked my trail,’ Jake replied.
‘They also hang rustlers in this country Senor Hightower,’ De La Vega said. He spit toward the three men. ‘But you three weren’t worth the trouble at the time. Perhaps I should reconsider.’
Juan screamed his anger and pulled a pistol. Before he got the weapon clear of the holster, Jake’s Colt barked and the man fell from his horse holding his shoulder. Neto wasn’t as lucky, he went down as Jake stopped him as he tried to bring his rifle to bear. The man was dead before he hit the ground. Carlos raised his hands into the air.
‘Madre Dios,’ he yelled as De La Vega pointed his pistol at Carlos. ‘Don’t kill me.’
‘Get your friends and get off my land,’ De La Vega ordered.
Carlos dismounted, helped Juan back onto his horse and draped Neto across his saddle. He rode away leading the other two horses and glancing over his shoulder to make sure De La Vega and the gringo didn’t shoot him in the back.
Jake waited until Carlos was over a hundred yards away before reloading his Colt. ‘Reckon we can go see your horses now Senor De La Vega and I’ll give you a demonstration of the Colt.’
‘I believe you should call me Enrique after our little adventure together and I shall call you Jake.’ De La Vega smiled and added, ‘And I’ve already seen what your fine pistol can do. You are very fast.’
‘Hit that fellar Juan just where I wanted to,’ Jake said. ‘But I’ve got to admit the second man hurried me a mite, didn’t have time to place my shot.’
‘That speed must have come in handy in face offs while you were Deputy Sheriff,’ Enrique remarked.
Jake shook his head. ‘Truth is most times men shoot from behind cover or try to get around behind you. That stuff about showdowns at high noon is hogwash. The dime novels make up those stories to sell magazines. Don’t usually happen that way.’
‘Never the less, you are very skilled Jake,’ Enrique replied.
It was just over an hour later that the two men pulled their horses to a stop in front of the hacienda. Before either man could dismount a groom came to take the mounts. Enrique motioned Jake through the gate leading into the house.
‘Come, we will have something to eat and then I will show you the horses I have for sale. Take care of the horses please Juanito,’ Enrique asked.
Jake followed his host through a court yard with a garden of flowers to the rear section of the house. The hacienda surrounded the court yard on three sides. The thick adobe walls of the building gave the interior court yard cool relief from the very warm spring weather. In the corner, next to the rear wall, there was a well with built up rock sides and a bucket hanging over the opening.
As Enrique and Jake entered the house, a young man brought a wash bowl, a pitcher of water, and two towels so that Jake and Enrique could clean the trail dust off their face and hands. Washed and refreshed the men entered a large dining room. The same young man and a young woman served the food when the men sat at the huge dining room table. After the meal, Jake showed Enrique the three pistols he’d brought with him.
‘I think I would like the
long barrel one with the nickel finish,’ Enrique said.
‘That pistol is $50,’ Jake said. ‘I will telegraph your order as soon as I get back to El Paso.’
‘Perhaps the type of mount you’re looking for will be here Jake.’ Enrique asked as they walked to the corrals that joined the stables. There were ten horses in the fenced area.
Jake perched on the top rail of one of the corrals and looked over the horses for sale. He listened as Enrique talked about each of the animals, praising their strengths and being honest about any short comings. After several minutes, Jake had sort of decided to look closer at two of the horses. He was sure they were good animals but they really didn’t reach out and grab him. Hell, I’m looking for a good saddle horse not a thoroughbred, he thought.
A big horse charged out of the stable door with a groom following him and losing ground. ‘Stop him,’ the stable hand yelled as he tried to grab a rope trailing from the horse’s halter. Jake jumped off the rail and stepped in front of the charging horse, catching the lead rope. The stallion reared up on his hind legs and got ready to attack this latest obstacle to his running.
‘Easy, easy,’ Jake said in a low soothing voice. Talking softly, he was able to walk a step at a time up to the horse’s head. He slowly held out his hand so the animal could get his scent. The animal tossed its head a couple of times and then extended his nose to smell the human that had stopped his getaway. Jake continued to talk and was able to stroke the horse’s nose, forehead and scratch its ears. As he calmed the animal he took a closer look at this whirling dervish.
The horse’s coat was a deep black, gleaming in the sun. Its mane and tail were thick and full, flowing and longer than the average horse. The animal was about 16 hands at the shoulder and was strongly built and compact. Its neck was long and broad, the chest was massive and the hindquarters were strong. The big black had an air of elegance as if the hoopla surrounding him were nothing.
‘Bet you could run all day and most of the night,’ Jake said in admiration as he stroked the horse’s neck.
The stable hand finally struggled up to Jake and the horse. ‘Diablo negro,’ the man said in anger and reached for the lead rope. ‘Wait until I get you back in the stall.’
Jake pushed the hand away and glared at the groom. ‘You’re not a black devil are you fellar,’ he said to the horse and led him to the corral.
‘Enrique, pardon me for intruding but I don’t believe this horse should be punished for just being a horse,’ Jake said. Pointing to some marks across the animal’s rump he continued, ‘Those are whip marks, the horse was just trying to get away from a bad situation.’
‘Diego, have you been whipping this horse?’ Enrique asked the groom in an angry tone.
‘Patron, it was necessary. The animal is very head strong and must be made to do as he is ordered.’ There was no apology in the man’s voice.
‘I’ve warned you before Diego, I do not want my horses to be beaten while you are training them.’
‘I have broken many horses Senor. I know my job and will do it as I see fit.’
‘Then do your job on another estancia Diego. You are dismissed,’ Enrique said with a grim smile. ‘I will be back at the hacienda shortly to pay what you are owed. You can pack your things while you wait for me.’
Diego had a look disbelief on his face that plainly asked how dare anyone tell him how to do his work? He stomped off toward the bunk house, muttering what Jake was sure wasn’t kind things about the Patron.
‘I’m sorry Enrique,’ Jake offered. ‘Didn’t mean to cause a problem.’
‘No, no Jake. This has been coming for a while. Diego and I disagree about horses. He believes you must break an animal but I think you must train them, almost like children.’ Enrique smiled. ‘And since I am El Jefe, my way is the way it will be done.’
‘This is a beautiful animal,’ Jake said as he tied the lead rope to the top rail of the corral.
‘Yes he is. He is an Andalusian pure bred. His sire and dame were brought to this country from Spain. I bought him in California last year.’ Shaking his head Enrique continued, ‘I may have wasted my money though. He is very high spirited and hard to train.’
Jake was still stroking the big black horse. He carefully ran his hand over the horse’s chest, withers, and over the rump. Jake also looked at the legs and hoofs. This is a strong animal, he thought.
‘Come Jake, I will show you some other horses I have for sale,’ Enrique said and started to walk away from the corral.
‘I’ve found the animal I want Senor,’ Jake replied. He placed his hand on the Andalusia’s neck and leaned against its shoulder. The horse nickered and lean back into Jake. ‘That is if I can afford him,’ Jake added.
‘You are a good judge of horse flesh Jake. If you can train him he will be an excellent mount.’ Enrique looked thoughtful for a minute. ‘I am in your debt so I will make you a present of the Andalusia.’
‘Thank you but no Enrique. I could not accept. This horse has to be worth $600 or more.’
Thinking for several seconds, Enrique smiled. ‘As your country men would say, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do.’ Jake smiled at the salesman’s comment. ‘I will take your horse in trade for the Black. In addition, I will take one of those fine pistols of yours and $200. You may pay the $200 at your connivance.’
Jake started to object but just then the horse pushed its head into Jake’s hands, wanting him to continue scratching its forehead. Whispering into the big black’s ears, Jake asked, ‘You going to let me train you big fella?’
‘I’ll take your generous offer Enrique,’ Jake said and extended his hand to shake on the deal. ‘And gracias.’
‘Perhaps you should stay here at the estancia for a few days so that you two can get to know each other,’ Enrique suggested pointing at the horse and Jake.
Jake thought for a minute as he stroked the horse’s neck. ‘I think that is a good idea. Thank you for your hospitality.’
‘So you are leaving us this morning,’ Enrique said as Jake saddle the Andalusia.
The afternoon that he arrived and for the next two days, Jake had been with his horse almost constantly. He used the gentling tactics he’d learned as a boy to gain the trust of the big black. Jake slowly introduced his horse to a saddle and a bit and got the animal used to the weight and feel of the saddle on his back. He finally mounted and rode the horse on the third evening of training, first around the corral and then for a short distance from the hacienda.
‘Yep, it’s time for me and Viajero to head back to El Paso,’ Jack answered.
‘You told me you had named your horse. But why El Viajero?’
‘Viajero is Mexican for Traveler,’ Jake replied. ‘And that’s what we’re gonna be doing, traveling from town to town.’
‘I understand,’ Enrique said. ‘It’s a meaningful name.’ After Jake mounted Enrique shook hands with him. ‘You and Viajero are always welcome at the estancia. Vaya con Dios.’
Although the trip back to El Paso normally would have taken only till midday, Jake and Viajero didn’t stop in front of the stable until just before dusk. Jake had stopped several times along the trail to continue training his horse. He began to teach the horse to neck rein, react to knee pressure and the shifting of Jake’s weight in the saddle and different gaits, especially the canter.
Feeling the way Viajero moved, Jake knew the horse could go all day at a canter. All during the training he talked to the big horse. After moving at a canter for a couple of hours, Viajero fought Jake a little at the slow gait. Jake smiled and few miles from El Paso, he let the horse have his head.
The big black horse stretched his neck out and ran. Jake knew the horse was powerful but he was surprised at th
e speed of the gallop. As they came into the edge of town, Jake pulled Viajero down to a fast walk. He patted the horse’s neck and calmed him down after the run across the desert.
‘Take it easy Via,’ Jake said in a soothing voice. Although the weather was still less hot than it would be later in the summer, it was still very warm. Via’s coat was covered with sweat and trail dust.
‘Hi Jake,’ Jeremiah said as he ran out of the stable. Jeremiah’s eyes opened wide and he stopped. ‘You got a new horse,’ he exclaimed.
‘Howdy Jeremiah. Yep, sure did. This is Viajero,’ Jake replied as he stroked the horse’s neck. ‘I call him Via for short.’ He followed the boy into the stable and put Viajero into a stall next to his pack horse and unsaddled his mount. Motioning to Jeremiah he said, ‘Come say hello.’
‘Wait,’ Jeremiah said and went into the office. He returned with an apple. Jeremiah offered Via part of the apple. Sniffing at the offered treat, Via picked the apple from the boy’s palm. Jake and Jeremiah brushed and cleaned the trail dust off the horse then left for Ma Stewart’s boarding house.
‘Ma, look who’s back,’ Jeremiah said as he and Jake walked into the dining room.
Emily was putting the serving dishes on the sideboard and turned as she heard Jake make his way into the dining room. ‘Welcome back Mr. Hightower,’ she said with a smile and pointed to a place at the table. ‘You’re just in time for supper.’
Mrs. Stewart came from the kitchen. ‘I’ve held your room for you Mr. Hightower.’
‘Thank you ma’am. I’ll pay for the days you held it.’
‘No need, Mr. Bishop is the only other guest.’
‘Howdy Mr. Bishop,’ Jake said to the salesmen. Bishop had a mouth full of food, he just waved and nodded.
Emily quickly put two pork chops, a piece of corn on the cob, and a large serving of mashed potatoes and gravy on a plate and brought it to the table. ‘You must be hungry after your long ride,’ she offered as she sat the plate in front of Jake.
He nodded and she sat down across the table from him and watched him eat. Mrs. Stewart watched Emily watching Jake and smiled. Young man has made an impression on the girl, Stewart thought.
‘Hi Ma, hi Aunt Amanda. Would have been here sooner but Jake came in with his new horse.’ The boy had washed up outback and as with most boys, his hands were still wet and he dried them on his pants as he came into the dining room. The boy hurriedly filled a plate and sat down. ‘You should see Jake’s new horse Ma. He’s really something.’
‘What are you gonna do now Jake?’ Jeremiah asked.
‘Jeremiah!’ Emily protested. ‘Mr. Hightower’s business is his own.’
‘It’s fine Mrs. Santee. Jeremiah and I are business partners in a way.’ Looking at the boy, who had a big smile on his face, he said, ‘Reckon I’ll set up a place here in town that I can use to get deliveries from the factory, probably the general mercantile. Then I’ll start riding my new route, demonstrating and selling the Colts.’
‘Where will you go Mr. Hightower?’ Emily asked. She was impressed and interested in this well spoken man and didn’t realize she was being nosey just like Jeremiah.
‘I’ll head over to Santa Theresa, then up to Canutillo, and on up to Las Cruces.’ He did some quick addition in his head. ‘That’s close to 60 miles one way. On later trips, I may head on over to Deming, it’s a bigger town. Should get more customers there. Might head over to Fort Bliss,’ he added with a smile. ‘This first trip should put me back in three weeks or so.’
Jake looked at Mrs. Stewart. ‘Like to stay here when I come back Mrs. Stewart. If that suits you ma’am.’
‘I think we can arrange that Mr. Hightower,’ she responded. Amanda Stewart liked the young man. He was soft spoken but not shy, he treated her and Emily with respect, and was polite and friendly. His parents raised him right, she thought.
In the days before Jake hit the trail, he sent telegrams to the towns he was going to visit. The messages told newspapers, in the towns that had them or the owners of general stores and a few saloons that he would put on a demonstration of the Colt Peacemaker and take orders for the pistol.
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if you are the dreamer, am i the dream? if you are the singer, am i the song? walking down the path of life, a million different turns. each one another chance, another dance for us to learn if you are the face, am i your reflection? if you are the lover, am i your love? "if" by Nyasia A. Maire © 2007 "Papa? It is you, is it not? Papa?" The uncertainty and hesitancy of her words belied the confidence of her bearing as she strode towards the dark figure. She halted two steps...
The pain was almost more than she could stand, but Anya kept going. Her mind was locked on one thing, the relief she would find when she slid into the pond with its cool water. There were willow trees that hung close to the pond, from them she would gather bark and have Sonya brew it into a tea for her. It would help with the pain. She would have to keep moving though, if she wanted to avoid the stiffness that would have her walking like an old woman. Concentrating upon putting one foot in...
-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...
*****************ALISHA***********Alisha tossed and turned, changing her position in her bed for probably the twentieth time that night. According to the clock on the dresser, it was already 2:15am and she still couldn't sleep. It was raining lightly, but she could hear it usual pitter patter of the raindrops against the the steel roof above. She loved it when it rained, she would leave one or two windows slightly open so that the cool breeze could fill the house. She loved how the coolness...
It was 8PM in the evening. Charles and his mom were having dinner at the dining hall. She cooked for them buttered roast chicken with sliced potatoes, beans, apple cider and some loaves of bread. And some vegetables too. "How was your day today hun??" Sara asked. Charles looked at his mom. He wasn't sure what he was going to tell her. "Had lunch with the boys mom. At The Elvis," Charles said. "Well it seemed to me like you had a good time. I mean you came back from lunch much longer...
HALLOWEEN SCENES by Throne Randy's wife Jan told him, "Calm down, dear. It's Halloween. Nobody's going to think it's odd that you'll be dressed as an attractive girl. Besides, the party is at a place out in the middle of the woods, and everybody there will be into our scene." "I know," he said in a small voice. "But I've never been around other people when I'm... dressed." "Well, Randy, everyone there will love it when they see you as Candy. I know I do." She cupped his chin in...
A young married couple (Samantha Creams, Markus Kage) want to do something special to celebrate their 5 year anniversary. Samantha suggests they visit a massage parlor that she’s heard about where they provide “special treatment” for couples and Markus agrees. Samantha’s bold and burly masseuse (Rowan Rails) wastes no time massaging her hot spots and she quickly finds it difficult to resist. Markus and his masseuse (Matt Luscious) get turned-on when they realize Samantha’s having sex just a few...
xmoviesforyouThe following story is fiction!!!Brian was seating in his room with TJ. Wondering what he will do to pay his college education.- ‘Dude, I don’t know what to do! I need $500 like yesterday...What am I going to do?’- asked nervously TJ.- ‘b*o, look near the school has opened a new bank, maybe....’- ‘ I can’t afford another loan!!’- ‘It’s not that kind of a bank...It’s a sperm bank....You go there make your deposit you get your money and that’s it. Simple as that’- says TJ.- ‘Alright....I give it...
We were an odd group, the lads towered over us, and we were all girl next door / plain jane girls, not hot 'centerfold' wannabes. Cameron was the stereotypical bad lad, think luke perry in 90210. He was 6'4", had eyes you could drown in, beautiful blonde tipped hair, tattoos on his back and plenty of chat. i would say more about the rest of the group but they are more background noise in this. when we arrived at the cottage we quickly discovered the sleeping arrangements were going...
I’m a 23 year old guy that is just a pervert. This all started when I moved into a neighborhood that had mostly older people. I have never had sex with a mature women a lot older then me before. Most of my sexual experiences where always with girls around my age, except one. When I was 19 I had sex with this 34 year old lady. Anyway, like I said, mostly older people lived here. I used to go walking around the lake we had, and there would be tons of old ladies that just looked sexually...
In Part 1 of this story I explained how my best friend, Alan, and I sucked one another’s cocks for the first time when we were sixteen years old. After that, he let me know that he had no interest in sucking me again, but he was happy to have me suck him at every opportunity. I found out that I loved the taste of cock, balls and cum in my mouth, and I began sucking other boys from the neighborhood. By the end of high school, I was regularly sucking over a half-dozen boys, and even sucking their...
CuckoldClaire: Part 1. My First Time By A.GreyFoxxx I walked up to the door of this pleasant looking ranch house, in a nice neighborhood. I pushed the button, and , as I heard the chime from inside, my mind drifted back nineteen years, to when I was in high school. After a lackluster, uneventful (and sexless) career as a public school student, my parents, in their infinite wisdom, packed me off to a year of post-graduate study at a private school in rural Connecticut. The class sizes were small,...
First Time... these satellite images show the Saudi oilfields burning fiercely and are confirmation that things in the Kingdom seem to be turning badly against the Royal family there. Despite spending billions of dollars to try and appease anti-government feeling, the movement for more democracy continues to gather support. In other news... Donnie and Archie were watching the TV in the Bridge-of-Allan apartment, waiting for some sign that Donnie's intelligence had led to action against the Asians,...
Melissa Henry was unlucky, she was an only child. Almost every other person at school had at or more older brothers or sisters, giving them protection. At Fick High you pretty much need older family at the school to stop yourself from getting some random senior, or even a male teacher, from becoming your baby daddy. Melissa didn’t have the same luck as most of her friends. There was a small group of girls who were only children that banned together, most of them already had a kid others were...
“She’s really coming?” “That’s what she said,” replied Will. His sister had accosted him at his locker between classes. I haven’t seen Prez around yet today, but that’s pretty normal. Marissa did a little dance, radiating excitement and happiness, then gave him a hug. “You really are the best brother!” “So you’re saying you didn’t believe it before?!” Will asked, sounding scandalized. He ruffled her pinned-up hair. “Wiilll! Not at school!” she complained. “Now I’ve gotta find a mirror and...
I was headed to the barn to do my morning chores and I felt lousy. I hardly slept the night before thinking about where my life was going. I was pissed at Gay. Since Ben told me she was letting the boys feel her up I had met her at the pond four times. Four times she let me feel her breasts but each time I had to settle by only getting a feel through her dress, and she always had a bra on. Ben said she didn't wear the bra at school. We skinny-dipped a half dozen times during the summer and...
DISCOVERIES IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWESTCHAPTER 2: MY TOWNHOUSEThe song Unity was still ringing in my ears as I rode my bike up the driveway of my townhouse. While having sex with Zoe in her Rav4 we listened to the words flow over our entangled bodies in the back seat:You are my energy My guiding light, we are unityWe are, we are… We are unityWe are, we are… We are unityMy bike shorts had become so damp Zoe had given me her cargo shorts to borrow and I also grabbed her cute floral bikini underwear...
Suddenly a light flicked on, and a voice shouted out from the darkness. "Ma'am! Are you all right?" The girl didn't answer, but half walked, half tripped closer to the light. She felt someone actually pick her up, and carry her the rest of the way. The man smelled comferting, like cinnamon and coffee and yeast. The girl rested her head against the strong chest, and nearly dozed off. All of a sudden they were in a warm, well-lit house. The man who had carried her was passing her over to...
Cheryl Baker was an extremely beautiful girl. She had inherited her father’s dark brown hair. It hung down just below her small waist. Her eyes were the same beautiful blue as her mother’s. Cheryl’s body was nothing short of being fantastic, from her very nice set of C-cup breasts, to her fabulously tight well-formed sexy ass, and beautiful legs. She was dating a nineteen-year-old college boy, Garry Higgins, that had taken her virginity when she was sixteen and he was eighteen. He had been a...
Dude! BongaCams, despite a bizarre name, is such a banger. It’s a live sex cam site where you can enjoy the cream from the best enthusiasts, most talented, and good-looking sex models live on cam as they get charged and extremely sexual. Users have access to thousands of cam listings to choose from across various fetishes to fulfill their desires. And well, as the god of porn, you know I’m always looking out for good porn. So this feels like a great time to check out what bongacam’s anal...
Live Anal Sex CamsA few days away, she had said. Get away from it all, she said. A little holiday away from the stress and pressure; forget about lads for a while. That was the plan anyway, but here she is now flirting wildly with the first boy who shows her a scrap of attention. Gabby has always been the same, unable to resist even the shallowest of chat up lines, falling every time. I stand there like a complete fool as she laughs at his lame jokes and touches his arm as they talk. I know where this is going,...
LesbianMarty Jarvis was another of my dad friends. He had never been inside but he tended to build innovative security systems for men who had. His dark systems, as he called them, tended not to call the cops, but to get rival bad guys killed. "Lucy, my god it has been too long," the old man said. Mr. Jarvis seldom went on a job personally by that time. Now days it was one of his sons. "What the hell did I do to rate you personally Mr. Jarvis?" I asked. "You got born to one of the few...
you've been cuddled up with Him... since last night... snuggled in His big... warm... yet unmistakably possessive... controlling black arms... as you're now suddenly... again... awakened... with Him laying behind you... in His bunk... on your sides... both of you... completely naked... with His long... hard... black dick... already... and so quickly... disappearing... all the way up... inside your cringing white asshole... again... brutal... first morning sex... and even though... you...
Ed Biggers returns to Arizona where he becomes the head of the Carter Clan. ... to explore the tension between generations. A conflict exists between learning from one’s elders and learning from self-discovery. On one hand, the elderly have so much experience, that learning from them would help the young avoid many of the same mistakes. On the other hand, the world changes from generation to generation so much, that many of the lessons of the elderly will no longer apply. Too often,...
Anonymous encounter at the buffetKris had gotten hungry while he was out, and being a little indecisive about food, he decided the best thing to do would be to hit the buffet and just have a bit of what he liked the look of, and make life easier for himself. He didn’t really like going to the buffet alone. It made him feel alone, especially as whenever he went on his own, he seemed to be the only person there without company of one sort or another. But, as he needed to eat, he always pushed...
Breakfast at the Hargreaves house became lunch that day. Once Alice sent Penny to awaken Paul and after she checked at the door to confirm that incestual coupling was going on her visit to John in Penny’s bedroom became a marathon affair. So that she didn’t disturb the two in the master bedroom she showered in Penny’s bathroom but made enough noise to stir John, not wake him. Then she went to the kitchen in her robe and started getting the ingredients together to make breakfast. Traditionally...
Hey guys it’s Aditya back with another story. So for starters who don’t know me I am 18 years old and just finished my 12th about 5’6-5’7 in height and average physique with an 8.5inch in length and 6inch in breadth cock with a brown complexion and about my Mami her name is Pooja(name changed) she’s 5’5 in height and a plump physique with around 38-30-36 figure and a really light complexion. So now everything started when my 12th board exams got over and i had a lot of free time at my hand i...
IncestHorsing Around with Kim PossibleBy Sarah(A Fan Fiction story based on a Kim Possible Drawing)=============================================================== ?Wade, this is Dr. Possible. I need you to help me with something, but it is strictly confidential. I need you to get Kim up to 546 Upper Middleton Way this afternoon. Yes, it is something special for her, but she needs to think of it as a mission. This is what I think would work for...
It was the summer holidays after my tenthclass final exams. There were two months of vacation and I was completely boredafter the first week itself. My mom had gone out for work. I was curled up onthe sofa, lazily browsing through the TV channels. I was wearing a round neck,sleeveless, white t shirt and a tight denim shorts. I was also having my smallear rings, a thin waist chain and a pair of anklets on me.I stared at the TV, switching the channelsone by one. Suddenly I remembered the CD Renu...
Three days later. Time: Sunday, January 20, 2019 4:20 PM Chico, Toro, and Bambino pressed their faces against the clear transparent door. They were at the end of the line, the terminal store of Green Mall, the plush furniture and consoles of theHiltonExecutiveConferenceCentervisible just a few short meters away. And it was all completely untouchable. “So, we got to see it,” thoughtChico. “Big fucking deal. I wonder if in 1909 ... what the hell was that guy’s name? Would Commodore Peary...
David Marks shifted nervously in his chair. The large man was studying him like he was a fish inside a fishbowl. It made him very uneasy. Unable to take the focused attention any longer, he blurted out, “My grandmother died. I’m so unhappy that I don’t know what to do.” Magus continued studying the boy. He was four feet six inches tall, with short blond hair that appeared to resist the best efforts of brush or comb to tame. His sneakers were worn from daily use but weren’t filthy from...
Kidnapped by Danielle P (if you want to help me continue this story, send an email to [email protected]) One hot day in March, Dan was walking down the street downtown he was wandering around trying to pass the time before his appointment at the barber. His 6' 165 pound frame was very well toned for an eighteen-year- old high school senior and he decided to show it off by taking off his shirt which left him with just a wife-beater, when suddenly two men grabbed him and...