Be Like Me free porn video

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Be Like Me by Vickie Tern You saw Maury in the Supermarket the other day? You're sure? Yes, that would be him all right, he loves that pink flowered skirt with the tight pink knit top. Especially now that he's lost all that weight and wants to show off his figure. Oh, yes, I think so too, they are cute, and he really is pleased with them, he can't keep his hands off them, sometimes not even in public. He really disgraced himself last week when we were at a concert and he absent-mindedly ... well, never mind, I suppose it's just he's still getting used to them, that's all. Same as I'm getting used to him being how he is these days! It's nice that he appreciates himself. Oh, he does, no question! No no, not at all, I do too, more than ever, I think he's way better off now Eva, and I just love him to pieces. He's my precious darling doll and he tries so hard to please me and of course I want him to be happy in this new life of his, and I do believe he is. I'm sure he is! Or she is. Whatever. Because so many guys think he's a girl named Mary, and most of them don't have a clue he's anything else. He doesn't either. But I can't forget that he's really my husband Maury, and I don't want to forget it, because then I can appreciate all the more how hard he tries to be Mary, and how well he succeeds at it! So I can love him all the more. My sweet Maury -- he really is marvelous, Eva! No, that's no problem at all, he doesn't mind at all when I go out with other men, not any more. Well, he did at first, a little, but now he figures his time will come. As it always does. Sometimes we even double date, and he has such a good time with his guy that he can't possibly complain about the things he sees me doing with my guy. Eva, you should have seen his face the first time he woke up and realized what he'd done the night before! I tell you? He kept crying out "I'm not a man any more!" over and over, and raising his fists to the skies. I thought he was in despair, but then I realized he wasn't despairing, he was happy! It was a kind of success! Like your first time, Eva! Remember? You came back to the dorm one morning and told us how you'd spent half the night sucking this guy's cock so it wouldn't stiffen or squirt any more, and then when you were sure your virtue was safe you cuddled up naked with him? And the next thing you knew he'd gotten it up one more time anyhow and pushed it into you and begun to slide in and out and you weren't a virgin any more? How it felt so wonderful? Well, that's how my Maury felt when he lost his virginity! He couldn't stop talking about it all the next day. Of course there's a first time for everyone, I was just glad that his was a good one so he could look forward to all the others in his future. O yes. There've been others since then, lots of them. Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Well, no, Eva, not exactly, it's a best-kept secret, but the poor dear still doesn't have a functioning vagina. Not yet anyhow. Even so, his rear end these days is as loose and open and accessible as any pussy. And as well-used as any, I must say. I never hear his men complain -- it sometimes seems they're lined up around the block waiting for a chance to take him out and show him a good time and then let him do the same for them. Oh, yes, he's certainly learned that much -- you should see how he teases and flirts to attract guys yet hold them off -- he's ... well, I hate to say it, but sometimes no question, there's no other word for it, he can be a real cunt. But somehow they love him for it all the more. No, I don't have anything on for tomorrow, what do you have in mind? Dinner with you and Craig? Sure, delighted, is this a special occasion or something? Craig's out-of-town brother, you think I'd enjoy meeting him now that I'm sort of no longer married, at least not to a man? Well, I'd love to, but Eva, listen, I'd really appreciate it if you'd also invite Maury. He wouldn't interfere with anything that might develop later between me and Craig's brother -- we have our understandings. And it shouldn't be too hard to find him a suitable date. I'll tell you frankly Eva, I don't like going out and leaving him alone for a whole evening. Well, two reasons mainly. The first is that I don't trust him by himself -- he can be as promiscuous as any slut you've ever known now that he knows how good it can be, sex with men I mean. Only a month or so ago I dated Cameron, you remember him, Tricia's ex, he's a lawyer or something, just dinner and a movie and then an hour or so at his place to pass the time, an ordinary weekday date, you know? And when I got home, here was Maury fucking three different guys. No, literally, all three at once, with his mouth, his ass, and also between his breasts. Shameless? It was jealousy, maybe also envy. Because he doesn't like it when I'm getting laid and he isn't, that's what I think. So I'd rather be sure he has company when I'm out, or else that he comes with me. There's another reason too -- I like to keep him distracted. Because I never know, there's a chance, you know, what if when he's completely alone he should wake up and realize what's happened to him this past year -- my goodness, it has been a year now, hasn't it -- and I'm not there to reassure him that its all right, not to concern his pretty head, it's all to the good, and so on. Then immediately play him the follow-up CD they sent me -- the one that never fails to put him back to sleep with a beautiful smile on his face. He loves hearing about girly things, the ones he's done and the ones he has yet to do. Well, no, that CD conditioned him in ways they never intended. Or maybe it's that he's conditioned himself and doesn't even realize it. They tell me if he wakes up unassisted it could be traumatic. I mean, how would you feel, Eva, if you suddenly woke up and realized you're wearing women's clothes and make-up, and you have tits, and at this very moment a man is humping your butt. Well, all right, I know, you do sometimes wake up that way, but you're a woman and Craig is Craig. But Maury isn't Maury, not any more! It could happen. I just want to be with him when it does happen, if it does, that's all. So it's OK to bring Maury? Perfect! You'll even fix him up with his own dinner partner, with Matt Reilly? To keep him busy later on when I'm getting better acquainted with your brother-in-law? That's sweet of you, Eva, I do appreciate it. I know Matt's bi and won't mind being paired with a ... a former man, but ... but, well, Eva, isn't Matt a little ... well, big? No, I don't mean physically -- well, I guess I do mean physically, but ... you know, that part of him, isn't it rather ... big? I heard that the real reason his wife left him was because -- she told this to a friend and then another friend heard it and told me, so this isn't gospel mind you -- but I heard the reason for their separation and divorce was she couldn't take it any more, that fucking Matt was like fucking a football, that what he had down there could tear a girl wide open. That Matt had stretched out her cunt so badly that she couldn't feel any of her boyfriends any more when they put their things into her, especially after they'd cum in her and made her super slippery. That that was why she divorced him, she'd had enough of monster cocks. Oh? No, I hadn't heard that. Are you sure? The big penis in that story wasn't Matt's, it was the guy's she lived with after she left Matt, he's the one who stretched out her pussy and ruined it for all her other men? She left Matt for the opposite reason, because he was too little? Not too big? Are you sure, Eva? Well, you should know, I do remember how you and Matt had that little fling when Craig was out of town and ... yes, you did tell me at that time it was disappointing, but you never told me why. Because it felt like a pinprick. Oh, I get it, very funny, Eva! Well, OK then, sure, my honey can handle Matt in that case, no problem, he's more comfortable with smaller guys anyhow. Eventually he will get one, I suspect, but for now only his mouth or his rear are available. Either one, he enjoys both. If Matt tries his rear I assure you, he will not be disappointed, he'll get the ride of his life, Maury goes quite wild when there's a cock in him back there. I trained him up on successive sizes of dildos, and maybe it seems unbeliveable but he told me not long ago that one of his boyfriends managed to fist him, to push his whole hand in past his wrist. No, he can't move when he's impaled like that -- he stays absolutely still, but in an ecstasy, he says, he's having climax after climax. No, he doesn't squirt any more, but when he's really excited his cock drools cum like an open faucet. They'll get on, Maury and Matt. They'll get off too, I can't doubt it. Perfect, we'll both come by around 6:00 pm then. Wearing what? I understand. Ok, our highest heels and shortest skirts and hot to trot! You know, Eva, it's funny you should ask that. I was thinking about it only this morning. No, Maury isn't in any way the man I married, not any more -- he's better than that! I don't regret it, it's all to the good, our life together is far more satisfying than before. But you're wrong, I never really intended any of it. Not at first, anyhow. I mean, I was reared up to be a proper girl, and I was one, too, very proper, at least the first few years we were married. No, why should I lie, I really didn't anticipate anything like this. I mean, what did I know back then? Sure he was a disappointment. A big one. He was lazy and inconsiderate and a boor. Yes, as a husband but also as a lover. All I wanted for a few years for was for him to show some improvement, any at all, nothing very radical. To be just a little more orderly with his things, a little neater, a little bit less of a slob, you know? Maybe help out around the house now and then, you know? At the very least to pick up his socks in the morning! That's all. I mean, we both work, we both have jobs, yet Maury would come home every night and sit and watch the tube and expect me to do everything else. I'd have to pick up after him and take care of the house and make him his dinner and clean up afterward, and he never once lifted a finger to help! Didn't even offer! And sex with Maury was wham, bam, and not even a thank you afterward. Yes, I know, their mothers raise them up that way -- they coddle them and don't even ask them to carry their own plate from the table to the sink! I knew that when I married him! So I never blamed him, I never thought it was Maury's fault that he did nothing, zip, nada, around the house, that I had to do everything or it didn't get done. I don't blame him, I never have. But you can understand why, when I saw that ad for a self-help behavior modification CD, that "Be More Like Me" reprogramming program for husbands, why I couldn't wait, why I sent for it as fast as I could, sight unseen. If anyone wanted to retrain a husband, I did! When it came and I read the instructions, it seemed perfect. No, it wasn't just an inspirational lecture, we'd tried those, or I'd tried them on Maury anyhow -- he never listened. It was an actual hypnotic session, "deep hypnosis" they claimed, whatever that is, supposedly absolutely spellbinding on any man who listened to it! No effect on women at all, they have another reprogramming CD for us, this one was strictly for men. I know, I should have hidden the CD until I was ready to use it on him, but you can't think of everything. How the program works is, the first person he sees when the hypnotic part's done its work, the first voice he hears, the first words he encounters, those all become the "Be More Like Me" he will want to be more like. It's that simple. "When I finish talking, you will want to be whatever that person is, and do whatever that person says," that's the final message the CD repeats over and over. If it works, that's what he'll do. Like, I tell him to pick up his socks, he does that forever after. Because he just can't help it, he'll want to. My idea was, I'd play it and let it hypnotize him, then immediately afterward I'd tell him what I want him to do, and then tell him to go ahead and do it. No questions asked, he'd clear the dishes, help out with making the beds, you know. Do a laundry now and then, I figured it wouldn't kill him to learn how to fold sheets. Become more of a model husband. That could make up for lots of deficiencies. It's funny how it went wrong. No, it really was an accident, Eva, I swear I would never have done that to him deliberately. Though I must say, I did see the advantages almost right away, and I did decide to follow out those advantages instead of trying to reverse what happened and return to my original plan. And frankly, I don't know that we're any worse off for it. I'd say we're better off, all in all. A lot. Though we're a lot different from what we were, that's for sure! I didn't expect much from it, so when the CD came in and I just stowed it with our other CDs -- I was saving it for the weekend so I could get the maximum advantage when I played it for him, maybe one thorough housecleaning before the effect wore off, and maybe one meal cooked by him and not me. Well, on Friday night I was delayed at work, and then when I got home there was Maury sitting in the living room as comfy as you please, same as always, reading the afternoon paper the same as always. But with no shirt on. That wasn't the odd part, though, Eva. The odd part was -- I couldn't believe it at first -- he was wearing a bra! That's right, a bra, one of my new ones, an underwire I bought at last fall's Bali two-for-one sale. I was saving it for when the other one got stretched out. He must have gone looking for a bra in my drawer and found that one. You'd be surprised, Eva, it fit him just fine! Well not the cups of course, not then. Then I noticed another surprise. No pants. Instead, a pair of my panties, the very same nylon and spandex satin panties they were featuring in different colors last week at Sudbury's, did you see the ad? Half-price? A little small for him, but they held his manly parts in so tight between his legs that he didn't seem to have any at all. It was sort of cute, I remember thinking, as if my sweetie was a real girl. My tummy gave such a delicious little lurch when I saw that, you know the feeling? It was nice. Maybe that's why I accepted all the rest of it so easily. How did it happen? That came clear pretty quickly. I asked him very quietly how come he was dressed like that and he said, "I had to, honey, she told me I'd love it, that I'd feel pampered if I wore these things and I'd never want to wear anything else. So I went to find some of yours, and you know what? She was right! I want to be more like her in other ways too, but I don't know how! Will you help me?" That's what he said. Baffling? "She?" I asked him. "What 'she'? Who's this 'she' who's telling you these things?" "The girl in the sales catalog you left over there by the CD player," he says. So I go over to see what in the world and sure enough, there's my Playtex bra catalogue lying open the way I left it this morning, right alongside the CD player. And there's the "Be More Like Me" CD in the player. I hadn't even taken it out of its wrapper, but I suppose he did. I suppose he saw we had a new recording of something and he put it in the player to see what it was. And then when it was done and he came over to change the recording, he saw this full page photo of a girl in her bra and panties smiling out at him from a wide-open underwear catalogue. What she's saying is "Time for a new bra? You always want to look as pretty as you can! You'll love this one! Lace lavished! Try it just once and you'll never want to wear any other." It's a pretty enough bra, only $17.95, and I did eventually buy that very bra, one for each of us -- and I must say, it really is comfortable. Maury was so delighted he went out and bought two more just for himself. "I never want to wear any other," he told me. "Just this one." It was easy to figure what happened. Maury got home and settled in to relax, and he found this new CD and decided to try it out, and he listened and became entranced, all set to do whatever he was told to do. But no one told him anything. So he got up to change the disk and he saw the girl in the brassiere ad, and she told him that what he wanted more than anything else was to be like her and do what she says. And wear whatever she's wearing. Which was very little. I felt cheated, and thought he was ribbing me. "Did she tell you to pick up your socks?" I ask him. I didn't quite believe him. "She did tell me to select my pantyhose carefully from six glamorous shades, and always to take proper care of them, yes" he answered. "She doesn't wear socks, but further along in that catalogue there's a picture of her in her pantyhose, and that's what she says there. So I wanted to wear pantyhose too, in all six shades. But I don't know how to put them on -- I tried on a pair of yours and they tore before they got past my ankles." I flipped over to that part of the catalogue and sure enough, there's that same model, this time wearing pantyhose and still smiling out at us. Her eyes seemed this time to be challenging and evaluating whoever was looking at her, as if daring them. I could see how a man might be piqued into trying anything she recommended. I had a different reaction to her though. My God, I was thinking, look at those terrific boobs and that perfect rounded tush -- most women would kill to look like that! And Maury thinks he can be like her? He's taken on an incredible challenge! "Maury, this is a woman!" I tell him. "You're a man! You can't be like her!" "Yes I can," he says. "I really and truly want to be like her! Will you help me? I don't know anything about any of these things." All at once I saw what I could do. I still figured that this trance would wear off soon, but meanwhile I could get some promises out of him, some changes in his behavior around the house. "Ok," I told him. "But if you're going to resemble a woman then you have to take on all of the customary obligations of women. Become a proper housewife, for openers, and pick up after yourself, maybe even after me too. Help me cook and clean and so on. Same as I've done for you. So from now on we're partners in those things." "Whatever you do, I'll do," he said. "And whatever I say you'll do too," I tell him. "Because I've been doing this a lot longer than you have. I have a pretty fair idea how that bra and pantyhose model spends her time when she isn't being photographed in her bras and pantyhose, and maybe I can help you do the same things. But if you want to be like her, you have to be obedient to me." He just stared wide eyed at me. "I'll do whatever you say," he said finally. "I do want to look as pretty as I can." "Help me get supper ready," I said. "And we'll talk. I think you'll enjoy doing that." "I'd love to, Mandy," he said. "I truly would." He was trying to sound like girls he'd known. "Can you say that even more fetchingly?" I asked him. "In a higher voice, sweetly, and compliantly, but with an implication that whatever you give, you expect to get something back in return!" If he was going to try to live with me as my partner, the last thing I wanted for a partner was a mindless bimbo. I wanted an equal. "You show me how today and I'll help," he said. "Then tomorrow I'll take charge of fixing supper and you'll help." That sounded about right. I nodded. "But can I borrow one of your blouses?" he asked. "I feel a little chilly walking around in just my bra." So it was his bra now. "Your shirts won't serve?" "They're mens' shirts!" "Of course," I tell him. I'm getting what I want, so he should have what he wants. "Well then, sweetheart, look in my closet and pick out whatever blouse you most like and that one is yours from now on." We were on a roll, and I wasn't going to slow the momentum for anything! "I also want to keep that picture of the girl who first told me to be like her. So I can look at her now and then and see if she approves. Or is telling me to do anything else." I just looked at him. He'll take orders from a brassiere ad? But then, what else was he doing even now? "I know it sounds strange," he said. "But I find it comforting when I look into her eyes and she looks into mine. The closer I resemble her, the more she seems to approve of me. I want her approval. That's all. I find it reassuring." "Then of course, honey," I reply. And inspired, I add, "In fact I want you to sit quietly in front of her image each morning before you go to work and each evening before we both go to sleep, and look at her, and reflect on your day, and commune with her, and consider whether there are additional things she wants you to do. Then you'll tell me what they are and I'll help you to do them." I wanted him to be happy of course, but I was already aware that his transformation could well be to my advantage too. I wanted to go with it and see for myself. Eva, I read around a little afterward about how hypnosis or autosuggestion works, and I'm sure he was taking orders from the bra ad mainly because he wanted to. What was really giving him orders was his own natural desires, the traits we all have that we all tend to think of as feminine and encourage in women and discourage in men. The CD reprogramming woke up in him a desire to express and possess and submit to those traits, not suppress them. That's all. Could I object to that? If he found it easier to think he was pleasing an image in a magazine, something outside himself, a bra model, because that's how the hypnotism instructed him, then how could I discourage that? A lot of fears and desires and needs and so on come from inside us and then justify themselves by fixing on things outside us. I don't know. But even apart from him helping take care of the house and cleaning up his own messes I was beginning to see certain advantages. "You want to be a girl," I said in so many words. "Yes," was all he replied. After that there was no doubt in my mind or his. The next morning the girl in the bra ad told him that his bra didn't fit him properly because the cups were empty. He asked me how he could fill them. Well, I told him he'd need to take lots of female hormones if he wanted to fill a bra, and I figured that would be the end of it. He immediately asked me if I'd lend him a week's supply of birth control pills to tide him over until he could get his own supply. Eva, how could I not? It was a powerful desire, practically like a compulsion, that's how he described it when we talked some more about it. He needed help, the poor dear! So of course I gave him what he needed, and he took two pills right off, and it was marvelous to watch his face relax and begin to look almost serene. Later the same day he went onto the Internet and the next thing I knew he'd gotten himself some big bottles of pills from Canada and was gobbling them like candy. Well, I had to take him to my endo to get his doses regulated, I mean, who knows what would have happened otherwise? As it was, his nipples budded into bumps almost right away, and his boobs grew so fast he filled his bra after only maybe another month, and we had to go out to get him a few more! I kid you not, he's bigger than I am now! And I told you already, he loves them, he can't keep his hands off them! The rest of his body changed too. His face softened, and his rear end began to swell up. When his ass got too big for his drawers or his pants we got him panties and slacks that were cut for women, and also a few skirts, he liked the freedom his legs felt when he was wearing skirts. He couldn't have been more pleased. They felt just right he said. The same for his blouses once his boobs began jutting way out. Everything else just seemed to follow. Some things were my idea -- that he should commit to being a girl and wear wigs until his hair grew long enough to be styled properly. That he should lose forty pounds right off so he could look as attractive as that model, his ideal woman. His body became a soft framework of creamy smooth skin with outcropping curves in all the places a girl should curve. I have to confess it, Eva, maybe I'm a little bit bi myself, but the more his body began to resemble a girl's, the more turned on I felt by it. And I wasn't the only one! I admit it, I encouraged him to flirt with guys and see what happens. I was starting to, and I saw no reason he shouldn't. Some things were his own idea, like using make-up all the time as his face softened and he found that blinking big dark eyes at people got him nearly whatever he wanted from them. I didn't object because by then he was using makeup simply to look decent when he went out. Because by then he was a girl as far as anyone could tell. The girl in the bra told him to shave off all the hair below his eyebrows immediately -- he did. And to pluck away half the hair of the lower part of his eyebrows, to shape them so they'd look more delicate. There I was able to help him. I must say, to his credit he went back to the office after only a week away and quietly told his entire work group, four men and five women, that he had begun a slow transition to womanhood and would be looking a bit more feminine each day from then on -- that it wouldn't affect his work and that they weren't to mind it or even indicate that they were noticing. They were impressed by his candor and so was I. He reported that the girl in the bra shared our admiration for his frankness and his courage both. So we were all of us pleased with him, and so was he. That's how it began, Eva. He did most of the rest himself. After two months he'd filled out his bras and his buttocks nicely, and few people on the street ever gave him a second glance -- he looked like one more woman going about her business, no more nor less. When I told him some weeks later still that I intended to date one of the men in my office, that I loved him and never wanted to leave him, but that now and then I wanted to enjoy "male companionship," he didn't seem to feel at all hurt, as I'd feared he might be. He only nodded. The very next night I went out with Carl, a graphic artist in my work group, and when at last Carl's cock entered and filled up my pussy, it was the first cock I'd felt in there for months, I couldn't help it, I cried. I thanked God, and I told Carl I wanted him to pound my ass into jelly. And oh, God, did he ever! I always worried about leaving Maury alone, of course, so when Carl came to pick me up I suggested he call up one of his friends and do something with them. When I got back early the next morning I found that after I left the house Maury had gone to a gay bar where one of the men in his own work group often spent time after hours. They found things to do with each other, and he arrived home only shortly before I did. It was rather fun to discover, when we stripped the bed a few days later to change the sheets, that when each of us came home that night for a few remaining hours of sleep, we'd each of us leaked semen from our respective lower openings onto the sheets, each on our own respective sides of the bed. We stared together at the two stiff, dried, faintly yellow blotches just a little bit apart from each other, then we stared at each other, and then we burst into laughter and hugged and couldn't stop laughing or hugging for who knows how long! Each time one of us thought of it he resumed giggling, and that set off the other. I don't think we ever felt closer. After that night we each of us felt free to fuck whoever we chose, even to bring them home and make out in the living room or the spare bedroom. But we always returned to each other before daybreak and finished the night in each other's arms. We do love each other, Eva. It's that simple. We're two girls who live together and share everything together and can't do enough for each other. Oh, Eva, I forgot, you haven't seen him for months, have you? Well, you won't recognize him, he's really is all girl. He wanted and he got all the other little things done -- the tracheal shave and vocal cord tightening and the nose bob and the jaw reduction and the wide-set cheekbones, and just a little lip plumping, all the little touches that make his face so cute that I love looking at it almost as much as he loves making it up each morning for work and a few times each week for play. No one who didn't know would dream he was ever a man. He's 'Mary' now to everybody we know -- do be sure to call him that when we come over, Eva. But he's still Maury to me. Always. I don't ever want to forget that the man I married still lives inside the adorable girl I live with now. Not the least because every month or so Maury starts to reappear behind that cute face. His eyes get a little bewildered and he looks strangely at me, and puzzled, and a little frightened, especially when he looks into the mirror. When that happens I sit him right down and play his refresher CD for him and then gently explain what the girl in the bra ad wants him to do. She wants him to be like her. Which means like me. Really, by now, like himself at his most feminine. Then before he has a chance to wonder what that may mean I call in our next door neighbor Steve, a really big guy whose wife never gives him oral sex so they don't mind as long as Maury gives him nothing but. Maury and Steve bed down and Maury goes to sleep sucking on his cock as if it were the nipple of a baby bottle, now and then swallowing the milk that comes out of it. Listening to the refresher CD and thinking girly thoughts. Then by morning she's fine, bright and feminine as ever. Even I have to grant that mornings after her occasional CD refreshers she's all Mary and nothing but, a delightful girl in every respect but one and likely to remain that way for another month or so. She's Mary again, even though she's still Maury to me. He is I mean. So, six o'clock tomorrow, then, Eva? Wonderful, we're looking forward to it! Oh yes, I've been meaning to ask you, this isn't a personal question exactly, but do you ever give Craig head? No? Not since that boy you sucked out and then cuddled slipped it into you, and you discovered fucking? Well, I know Mary would be pleased to get to know a clean cock like Craig's, Maury would be I mean, and Steve isn't always available, and I do want Maury to rededicate himself to being Mary much more often. I want to eliminate any chance of him ever waking up to find out what that girl in the bra ad did to him, so I want to play that refresher CD for him every couple of weeks, followed by a nice cock to suck. He's very good, Eva, I'm sure that after tomorrow Matt will testify to that. His mouth is as eager as his ass -- that's what everyone says and that's what I've seen. Do you think Craig would enjoy it now and then? I don't see why not, Eva. Of course I'll lend you the CD. The original conditioning CD and the refresher CD for later if you like how Craig turns out and want to keep him that way. Just one thought though ... it's just that ... Eva, I think you should be very careful never to play the conditioning CD while Maury is actually sucking on Craig's cock and they're both listening. I can't imagine what would happen then. Would they want to be each other? If so which one, and which other? Who knows? On the other hand, you know something, Eva? It might be amusing to find out. Maybe they'd like being each other? Let's talk again soon. (c) 2008 by Vickie Tern

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Hot Christmas in Canada

The pilot has just said we're about to land in Canada, finally. I'm flying to Canada from Australia to spend Christmas with a girl I've been talking to on the internet for the past 6 years. I'm a little nervous to meet her, she's absolutely gorgeous; she has blonde hair just past her shoulders, beautiful green eyes, and an amazing body and is 20 years old. I'm really looking forward to having Christmas with Melissa - that's her name - and her family. We had an online relationship a while back,...

Love Stories
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Sex With A Flesh Seller

A big hello to all the ISS readers, especially to the addicted readers like me. Yes, reading sex stories is more enjoyable than watching porn. Hello, everyone, this is Jagdish from Chennai working in a private concern. Today I am going to narrate a real story which happened to me one year before and the heroine of the story is Amala. Actually, this sex story does not happen on its own however I have perfectly planned so. Both the names are real and not fake because I don’t want to kill the real...

1 year ago
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My step sister 2

Had a call the other night from my step sister Lisa. Hubby going away would I like to visit her again. Well how could I resist after the last time.It was Friday night my wife asked if I had any calls to make that night and I said I had one to look step sister. Lisa is 5 6 slim build blonde hair with curls in it, she has a shaven haven which I adore and her breasts aren’t large but just a nice handful and she is as horny as hell.I said my goodbyes at home and made my way round to Lisas,...

1 year ago
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From Beach Buds to Bed

I guess I have always enjoyed being naked. I took every opportunity when home alone to be nude. I also loved going to nude beaches whenever I could. My wife enjoyed it also, but not as much as I did. On various vacations in the Caribbean, we would venture to nude beaches. Most times she would just go topless, but once I stepped foot on beach the suit was off. I think most nudists are both voyeuristic as well as exhibitionistic. About ten years ago, a woman I was seeing at the time took me to...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Marina Gold I Slept With My New Roommate

Marina Gold and Murgur have recently moved in together, and Marina is both loving and hating the tension between them. She just can’t help but notice how hot Murgur is. She wants him, more so every time she accidentally (or on purpose) catches a glimpse of Murgur’s toned body. After spying Murgur in the shower and seeing that his big dick matches the rest of him, Marina decides that she’s going to tap that no matter what. Dressing in a crop top and shorts that barely cover...

3 years ago
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SurpriseChapter 6

“I don’t mind, if Lynn doesn’t, what do you say, Sis?” She was still taking rather shallow breaths, when Dad said, ‘Whatever you want, Baby. You wanna be fucked by your Daddy?” “Oooooh, Daddy ... please?” Mom took me by the hand and got us both out of the room, got me on my back in their room, and first thing, cleaned my dick off using her lips and mouth. Besides satisfying us both, she promptly got on me, now hard, and started fucking me from on top. She might be a bit zaftig, but, she...

1 year ago
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New Experience for Separated Woman

Lanie age 25 separated from her husband in heavy debt in Allen Tx, her husband's idea of starting a arty little magazine seemed so glamorous. It had been glamorous until she started work. The close knit, tight publication that she had dreamed of cutting her teeth and becoming a journalist in didn't exist. Rather, the arty little magazine felt more like a boiler room and the hyper-competitive atmosphere is off putting. As ad revenues got harder to come by, journalism took a beating. The idea...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Innocent Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Arjun I am from chennai but basically I am belongs to south of India so I came to chennai for my studies and and I got a job in chennai so I settled here in chennai itself. Coming to the story I have a sis who is 4 years younger than me but she is in my native so we cant meet daily because I am little far away from my home. My sis Janani she looks cute and homely with fair skin tone, like me she too looks tall around 5.11 feet and she have a homely face with long hairs till below her...

2 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 66

Harriet: Bernie Rawlins arrived about then, late, with his small harem and the other couple who had taken to hanging out with them -- the Bradleys, I think. The Bradley concubine looked like she'd been to Medical overnight; she had that 'just tuned up' look. Bernie came in from behind us and settled across the way, his eyes on Farris' arm -- the one connected to my ass at the hand. "So," he murmured. "Yes," Farris nodded. That was the whole conversation; I don't think I'll ever...

2 years ago
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A Lost Angel

A Lost Angel (Who Am I?) By Kyorii pilau Chapter 1 my life. It's still just about light outside as I prepare to get myself ready for another nights work I'm already dressed all in black as that is the uniform, I place my survival equipment into my trusty bag, I tie my hair back into a high ponytail and start to apply my camouflage, I know that every time I leave I may not return but I still do it unescorted. After...

3 years ago
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Nasty experience with Kumari

Hi readers!! I am Sanjay. I am a regular reader of ISS and it’s my tool for masturbation before I go to bed as I read the stories from my GPRS mobile. I like all types of stories but I had a great fascination for maid servant stories as I loved the dusky and smelly nature of these maid servants. I had a lot of intimate experiences with young maids when I was young. I had great fun and I consider myself lucky to have such experiences at such a young age. But when I grew up, I didn’t get chance...

1 year ago
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My Time with Kelli Pt 04

The first couple of weeks after the break-up were hard. I went to work, doing all of the things that needed to get done, before heading back to the barracks. What I did when I got to the barracks is long in the past, too far back for me to remember. I do recall there were a few times that my old roommate, as I had moved into a different barracks with my promotion to Corporal, taught me the basics of line-dancing. Yeah, it was to help win Kelli back or to meet a new girl and rub it in her face. ...

1 year ago
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The Unbelievable Man

Note : This story is completely fictional! A unbelievable story from unbelievable man the story theme is from my regular reader from Sweden. Jem sat in his rocking chair on his shady porch and watched his daughter Mandy hoe the garden. At eighteen, she was the youngest of his three saucy daughters. Sandy and Jondy lived with their husbands a yodel away down the dirt road that ran the length of the hollow. The merciless summer sun took its toll on every living thing. All of the wild critters...

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...

3 years ago
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Fucking Hot Colleague On Weekend

Hi to all hot women out there in Bengaluru and Hyderabad. I am based out of Bangalore but frequently travel to Hyderabad to meet my fuck buddies. This story is about having an erotic experience with my colleague at the workplace and it continues to her place where we had the most loving experience. I am Praveen, working for a startup in Bengaluru and 26 years old young guy. I have an athletic body with good stamina and right size dick that any woman deserves. My colleague is a year elder to me...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucks Her Boss For Promotion And High Salary

Hello friends, I am back with one more story, this time it is for you to guess if its fictional or fact. I am going to tell you about my wife, her name is Sneha. She is 5’6” tall and slim with weight of 46 and big boobs of 36 C and looks like a model, not very fair but good features.We have been married for 9 years and she is 34 and I am 36 years old. We have had a very exciting sex life where we have tried a lot of things including exhibitionism as well as having a 3rd person in the room to...

1 year ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 3 Nightmare

I HAD HAIR. Lots of hair. Long beautiful blond locks like Angel’s. And I had hair under my arms. I couldn’t even imagine shaving. And hair on my legs. And on my pubes. I couldn’t help but run my fingers through it. I wanted to spend all day brushing it and shaking it back and forth like a wild animal. Long beautiful hair and it was all mine. Dreaming But I couldn’t reach my hair. My hands were tied behind my back. I was sitting naked on a straight chair and Bradley was mocking me. He...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 6

“Do you think we could take that down?” We were eating breakfast after Violet’s morning workout. There still had been no discussion of the previous day. It didn’t feel like we were avoiding the subject, exactly. Our mutual silence on the topic wasn’t due to discomfort. The emptiness had an invisible energy to it, as if there was a membrane that vibrated silently between us, forming shapes that we were both still trying to discern. I had the sense that if either of us dared to speak of what...

3 years ago
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Who wears the pants

Sam was getting sick and tired of his live-in girlfriend.  Who did nothing but mooch off him and spend his money.  If she wasn’t out shopping she was sure to be at home lazing around and leaving a mess.  He could afford to keep her but the least she could do, he thought, was do some house work and clean up after herself.  She was an extremely attractive girl and he loved the sex, but he wasn’t going to let her make a fool of him.  Sam Lerado was no fool, and it was time the little bitch...

3 years ago
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First time humiliated

Right before I meet my husband in 1980, I was out with some girlfriends drinking flirting with guys, we stopped off at a bar that was frequented by Americans, we had a few beers and a couple of shots, one guy a bit older than the rest, (18 to 22) he was around 30 kept hitting on me we danced , talked, played some pool, he would put his arm around me, brushing my boobs a lot, pat my ass, feel me up, we went back to our booth and sat down he put his hand on my knee, working it up my leg until...

2 years ago
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Jennifer First Sodomy

This is a sequel to “Jennifer: Sex Governess,” which I recommend you read first. Once you’ve read that delightful and erotic nine-chapter story, the sequels aren’t in any particular order. Enjoy? Jennifer took a last look in the mirror before leaving her suite to join the Manskers’ dinner party. The maid, Sarah, was over her shoulder, also checking Jen’s appearance. The 22-year-old sex governess wore a white blouse, a short straight-line black skirt, comfortable pumps, and nothing...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 9

My alarm went off, I got out of bed, putting my robe on to go shower, but before I could do that, I was going to pee in my mouth once again. I hated morning piss. I did drink my piss 3 times yesterday, it wasn't near as bad as morning piss. I showered, brushed my teeth and went down stairs to have breakfast with mom and dad before we all had to leave. Dad left first. I was up stairs getting dressed in normal clothes, I had put my slut clothes in my book bag. I knew I was going to be exposed...

2 years ago
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Now I am decided to stay in hostel because now I'm turned into lesbo. In hostel I got a room with three beds so I have to share with two other girls, out of the two girls one girl is new like me and another girl is our senior. I was very tired with the journey, and very uncomfortable as it's a new place, I washed my face and started changing my dress to nightie, and I absorb that the senior girl Sangeeta is looking very curiously at me, and smiling. I fell shy, let me tell I'm a beautiful girl...

4 years ago
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Rose 1

Rose and I have a four-fold relation, although she only knows two them: her teacher in English and in birding.I know I am her favorite by far. She loves language, my lessons and me. Loves to come along watching birds.Rose knows not I live right behind her. Just around the corner. And I am the only one who can watch her window.I know she thinks I live in Amsterdam, as my official address is indeed there. In practise only during weekends.Rose has hardly any idea about the fourth form of our...

2 years ago
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A Little Night MusicChapter 9

“A tumbling through space and through time, the concepts of space and time are combined. Twirling, twisting, through red, blue, and green, the stars, the planets, the nebulae seen. Infinite outward and infinite in. So where did Infinity all begin? In the very same place where Infinity ends: In the conscious minds and dreams of Shamen.” -The Shamen, “Space Time“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione was checking out Susan’s ass in her form-fitting tactical shorts. It wasn’t really Susan’s ass, and...

2 years ago
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Lads Holiday Chapter 7

I heard a knock at the door behind me and then the sound of it immediatelyopening and footsteps coming into the room."Don't dare move" Charlie ordered. He was holding the leash close to myneck, keeping me in position and his piss started to flow. I was consumedby the salty test, the need to swallow quickly like I was downing a pint.I could also feel the jizz drying on my face and the tightness of the tailplug in my ass."What. the. fuck" I heard Dan's voice saying, but all I could do...

1 year ago
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Public Transportation

There's something about summer, warm weather, sunshine, and of course the shirtless boys and men. The warm weather had finally come to stay, so the bus ride and walk home now had promises of plenty of eye-candy. Being carless I relied on public transportation to get me back and forth to work. The ride in the evening was sometimes OK, but the morning ride was usually chock full of shirtless beauties walking, jogging, and occasionally riding the bus. Last week during a brief warm snap, I had...

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Moms Massive Melons

Ah, another Friday morning. Your dad is away for a week, not to be back until next Friday. School is basically out, with only graduation practices remaining. You lay in your bed, trying to think what could be better. Immediately, the hard-on tenting the sheet covering you tells you exactly what. Your naked mom lying beside you and letting your hands freely grope her unbelievably large breasts. You daydream of what it could be like to finally be able to just walk up to your sweet mother and grab...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Alexia Anders London Rose StepMommy Likes To Watch

Alexia Anders is busy working out at the home gym, showing off her physique. In the background, her boyfriend Cole Church can’t help but sneak peeks while also working out. Of course, this is all just for show as Alexia soon saunters over and starts jerking Cole off. But they are startled when London Rose, Alexia’s stepmom, walks in on them. Instead of being shocked, London seems pleased as she encourages them to continue! Alexia and Cole are shocked but Alexia is NOT about to let...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Demi Sutra Kira Noir 02182019

Demi Sutra and Kira Noir love pussy. I mean seriously…just look at them! Laid out on the bed, sucking clit and ass and enjoying every minute of it! Which is about the time super-stud Manuel Ferrara enters the room! If you’re wondering how Mr. Ferrara was able to pull off 6 AVN Performer-of-the-Year Awards at the AVNs (the “Oscars” of Adult Entertainment), just watch him lay the pipe on these two horny sluts! No more wondering after that! Ferrara uses Demi’s soft,...

4 years ago
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The Fall of the US

Call me Nyx Voss. That's my main pen name. I plan to change my birth name to that. But feel free to call me Saga as my pen name on here is Sagastume. I used to be a Christian and I was born and raised in the U.S. on the West Coast. My family raised me and my three siblings as Christians. My older brother left religion. I didn't really believe until 2017 then I left the religion in 2020. I joined several atheist communities online and it opened up my eyes. I learned about Christians and...

1 year ago
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Jeni Loves Her Step Father Part 2

100% fiction! Jeni woke up in her own bed the morning after Caleb’s birthday, almost disappointed he wasn’t still buried balls deep in her pussy. Her thighs were stuck together with a mix of Caleb’s and her own juices that had seeped out of her during the night. She stretched and arched her back, sore in places she didn’t even know she had. Caleb’s big dick was more than she’d expected, she hadn’t lied when she told him she wasn’t a virgin, but he was the first man who had ever put his dick...

1 year ago
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Cherry HuntersChapter 11 Abida

One afternoon Begum Abida Suleiman sent for Maya. Abida lay on her bed wearing a housecoat. "Madam, you called," Maya said entering the room. "Yes, I want you to press my feet," Abida said. "Yes, madam," Maya said and kneeling on the floor started to press her mistress's feet. Abida shifted her feet to give better access to Maya. The housecoat fell open exposing her cunt. Maya licked her lips and looked at her mistress's cunt greedily. "Have you complied with the orders I gave...

2 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 13

Chapter 13 ♪ I’m gonna wait for the midnight hour… He and Kitty did it a second time, cuddling together when he heard the sound of her soothing snore. He closed his eyes following her on some vague path into an imaginary enchanted forest. He dreamt he was picking up the flower pedals she dropped behind as she frolicked ahead of him. ‘He loves me, he loves me not,’ he heard her singing when suddenly they were startled awake by a loud knocking. ‘Wait here, I’ll see who it is,’ he told her...

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Sissy brothel whore

Well it was time for another medical conference in Chicago. I love going there because they have the best cross dressing store there. They always get me resupplied and give me a whole makeover. Every time I leave there I look like the hottest street walking whore ever! After 3 days of lectures my free night was here. I went to my store had them make me up to be a complete sex kitten. Even though I am somewhat new to this I do know what I want. I got a nice 2 room suite at a local motel on the...

1 year ago
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A cold winter night

‘I want you…..’  I whisper softly to you in the back of my car. A cold winter night in the middle of February, but the heat from both our bodies kept us warm. I watch as you run your delicate nails over my  bare stomach tickling and pecking at the curly but soft hairs. You look up at me with a teasing smile, knowing full well that I am at your mercy.. My willpower sapped from me by your sweet strawberry lips.. Will you spare me and not leave me unsatisfied this time ?… Will you finally fulfill...

1 year ago
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Fucking Not My Aunt in Law

Fucking Not My AIL*Some parts of this are true*I'd always had a thing for my AIL Dana. She was so sexy it was crazy. She's in her 40s, short blonde hair, and 5'5" thick with big tits and a juicy ass. She was a total pawg. She'd always wear tight shorts and yoga pants to show off her big ass and low cut shirts to flaunt her cleavage. My cock would get rock hard anytime I'd see her. I totally fantasized about fucking her on tons of occasions. One night we had all gotten together to play poker. I...

2 years ago
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Garden of Dreams

Garden of Dreams By Keterra Sands Copyright c July 2000 by Keterra Sands all right reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T This is a science fiction story. Three soldiers in the heat of battle escape near death...

3 years ago
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Alls Fare

(From A Suggestion By Mordmorgan) With midnight and the scheduled end of her shift was more than an hour behind her, Audrey Piersall was bored out of her mind. As interesting as the streets of Manhattan were, after ten hours everything began to become one big blur. She'd spent so much time driving her cab this last month that it was starting to feel like a second home. While the extra money she was making by driving so much was nice, she didn't really need it. She'd been spending so much...

3 years ago
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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 15 Respite

Harley nodded, "Can you tell me what the car looked like?" he asked. "Oh, no problem there at all, it looked just like Banker Teel's new Cadillac sedan with four doors and black leather upholstery. I didn't seethe driver, but the passenger looked to be a colored of some kind." Harley smiled, "Milt," he said, "You saw Banker Teel's car. He was driving it and here is where you have to larn ... learn to be close mouthed. The banker has some black nookie he gets into. In this job...

3 years ago
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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Three

Dan pulled his prick out of her very slowly, reluctant to leave that snug harbor. His long cock emerged inch by glistening inch. The fat cock-knob stuck in her cunt for a moment, then popped free like a cork from a bottle. Her vacated cunt slot stayed open in a wide oval, retaining the outline of the prick that had molded it. Cunt cum and jizz flooded from her fuckhole in a creamy cataract, the tide breaking around her stiff cunt. Dan's prick stood out parallel with the bed, no longer so...

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Descent Into DarknessChapter 3

The following morning she woke up feeling slightly depressed, now remembering the events with her husband last night. She put on her warm robe and walked into the kitchen to find a note left for her on the table. "My dearest love, Hope you are feeling better about things this morning. And I hope you have a nice day. I've put the bike in the shed for now until I can return it to the bicycle shop. With the money we get back, I'll take you out and buy you a new summer outfit. Maybe that...

1 year ago
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Night of the Goddamn WhateverItIs

"So when exactly does this experiment start?" "MAYBE IT'S ALREADY STARTED. MAYBE IT WILL NEVERE START. I'M AFRAIND THAT TIME AS YOU UNDERSTAND IT DOESN'T HAVE MUCH MEANING HERE..." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NiGHT oF THE GoDDAMN WHATEVER iT iS by LAiKA PUPKiN0 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ She knew she shouldn't change from first to third person in the middle of a sentence, but what else could I do? This is something that I hardly dare...

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Elvin and Nadine

I sneaked cautiously through the dark house to her bedroom. I was trying to realize a dream, I wanted to lie next to a girl, be in the same bed, be near her warmth and softness. At sixteen I’d never done that, been in bed with someone of the opposite sex but I knew deep in my balls I would enjoy it. I silently pushed the lever on her door then slipped ghost-like through the narrow opening then clicked the door closed behind me. I could see her lying on her side, facing away from me, bent at the...

2 years ago
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Turned out by teen BBC

I met Dontay and Andy when I was 16 years old. My father sent me to live with my mother after I he had caught me making out with our the family dog,I was so horny he walked in as I lay on my back on the bed jerking off with my legs in the air and Milly the Schnauzer licking my asshole. How embarrassing, he still looks at me as some kind of freak. My mom lived with a black man named Tony and his two sons who were 15 and 17. It was the first time that I had ever had any real encounters with...

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The Impregnation of Laura

As the post-convention clean up was wrapping, the two lead organizers and their gofer Gary said they were going for a bite to eat, and asked if I wanted to come. If I had half the maturity I should have had I would have realized they had decided I was helpful but harmless, kind of like a basset hound who fetched your slippers. Instead I was sure at least one of them was interested and determined magic would happen that night.After dinner, Gary the gofer took his leave, and one of the ladies...

4 years ago
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Sexual Escapades With Indian Motger

My name is Rohit and I have a problem, I have this growing desire to fuck my mother. It all started one day as I searched the web for porn and erotic stories to read, I came across this great site, indian sex stories dot net ,  to read all kinds of stories but one category caught my eye. It was a button called taboo/incest at this time I hadn’t thought about anything incest related being Indian and incest is very taboo in our culture. I should describe my self, 22 yrs old with a nice body 5′...

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Shimla Manali Ke Tour Pe Radhika Ko Choda

Hi Indian Sex Story readers I am Dev from faridabad near of Delhi mein abhi tou student he tha par ab job par jane se pehle mein kuch enjoy karna chahta tha isliye mein ne apne papa se bol diya ki mujhe ghumne jana hai tou unhone permission de di waise mein abhi engineering khatam ki hai 2015 mein he tou mein ne shimla hote huye manali ki taraf jane ka decide kiya mein ne reservation karwa liya or meri train thi delhi se thi mein apni train mein aa kar baith gaya meri train ke saamne wale berth...

2 years ago
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My wife and her Zulu threesome

My wife has always had a thing about big black men. We were in South Africa for my job and she was playing with herself on our bed I asked her,"Darling it's Saturday night, do you want to go out to bar and we can have a drink and maybe pick up some big 'Zulu' for you? " " I'd like two. Can we go out ? Im really horny"An hour later we are sat at the bar and she sees this big black guy and his even bigger black mate. At first we thought they were gay. but after my wife smiled that smile of hers...

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Kathleens House of Excitement

I was laying in bed thinking about the things I had done with Kathleen, and soon realized I was still very horny and wanting more. It was 12:30 a.m., and although I knew I should just try to get some sleep, my hormones were begging for release. I took a shower, put on some shorts and a polo shirt, and headed over to Kathleen's house thinking about how warmly she responded to my first late-night visit. I coasted into her driveway to find the house dark, and the garage door closed. Fishing her...

3 years ago
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Milking daddt dry Literally Part 2

A couple of hours later, after just watching TV with my wife, I got a call from upstairs. "Daddy! Will you come to my room please. I need some help." She said. This is the last thing I need. I wanted to give it some time before we would need to be in the same room together. I tried to shrug it off. "I am watching TV Louise. Is it important?" I tried to act normal as my wife sat next to me. She replied back. "Yeees! My curtains have fallen down. I need them putting back up otherwise all...

1 year ago
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Handjob Fascination

Ever since she was in her late teens, Jenna had been fascinated with handjobs. Not only giving them, but also watching men doing themselves. It was a rush to see and hear the reactions of a man when he masturbated - even more so if the guy didn't know she was watching. This is how it started.Jenna was eighteen and was nearing the end of her senior year in high school. Her best friend, Carli, lived a few houses up the street from her. Both girls were well-liked at school. They were good...

4 years ago
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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 9 Freedom Force Restoring America

I am James Monroe and the leader and General of the Freedom Force I-II. The I-II in our name stands for the First and Second Amendments of the original Constitution of the United States of America. The organization was created prior to the repeal of III amendment rights so the original name stuck. We do not support nor are we subjected to the laws of the corrupted New America government and fight to bring back the Constitution of our forefathers and that of the United States of...

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Mami Ki Chudai Sunsan Beach Par

Dosto mera naam sarthak hai.. Main delhi ka rehne wala hoon aur mere mama mami bhi delhi me hi rehte hai .. Pehle me apko intro de due hare figures ke baare me .. Me almost 6 feet ka hoon air mere lund ka size 5.9 inch hai .. Sach me itta hi hai kai stories me log size 8- 9 inches likh dete hai jo ki india me pana mushkil issue uss story ke fake hone ka shak rehta chalo ab meri mami pe ate hai unka naam samayra hai kya lagti hai 34 b ke boobs mast gaand esi ki man kare saali ko ulta patak ke...

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 16

When they were ushered into the home, only a few minutes late, Cal asked if they could talk for a few minutes. This was by arrangement with Teri. "I understand that you would like to have me take some revealing photographs. Is that right?" Both women nodded, somewhat nervously. "How revealing do you want them to be?" When neither woman came up with an answer, he asked "Will you be wearing lingerie? Sleepwear? Swimwear? Nothing?" He finally got a reaction as the one whose home they...

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