Nelson Enterprises - Bill's Dreaded Mother-in-law Is Now Mom. free porn video

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Nelson Enterprises - Bill's dreaded mother-in-law is now mom. Preparing for the Ball - Bill has never liked the way his mother-in-law Gloria dominates her daughters but now he is one of her daughters instead of her son-in-law. He deeply disapproves of the way his sister- in-law Amanda looks down on her older sister but now Amanda is his snooty sister. Can he keep his true identity secret while he interacts with them from his new perspective? If they knew his predicament what fun they would have at his expense. Previously on Nelson Enterprises: (reading past episodes is not essential) A little more than 24 hours ago, Bill was a famous and wealthy inventor and enjoying the financial and sexual power that comes from that notoriety. He and his most senior engineers - Tony and Monica - were finishing early testing of his newest and greatest invention the 3T Machine - Two-Way Thought Transfer. Monica convinced him that an ideal test subject would be his own young and sexy second wife Barb whom Bill was convinced had been cheating on him. But Monica had been plotting her own revenge on Bill for his sexist ways and now Bill's consciousness has been transferred into his wife's body and Barb is in control of his empire and their finances. How can Bill regain his empire without letting anyone else know of his embarrassing situation? The Story picks up with Bill (as Barb) finished with his double- strenuous morning workout - directed by a sadistic female ex-marine sergeant that he himself had arranged for Barb. Barb assigned him a particularly heavy workout for her body so he can get it slender enough to fit into the tight ball gown she has chosen for him to wear. He has now been relaxing in the hot tub. The hot waters stir and Bill is awakened from a gentle nap - dosing while in the hot tub. He has long loved the way this tub can be such a fabulous antidote for a day of hard stress. But this time is very different from in the past. His skin is significantly more sensitive and he now has boobs that bob up and down on the surface of the water. Barbara's personal servant is standing by the pool holding a stretched out towel and inviting Bill to come out of the hot water. "Madam, you've been in there too long already. It will not be good for your skin. Please exit immediately and I'll apply moisturizer to protect your skin." Bill slowly regains his mental bearings. "Madam? What? Oh yes! Thanks Lilly!" He reaches for stable hand holds on the tubs edge and starts to pull himself up but that proves unsuccessful. Barb's upper arm strength is far less than he was used to in his own body and those large breasts make his center of mass strange and clumsy. Thankfully the swimsuit holds the breasts from jostling too extremely and he adjusts his position to make better use of the leg strength women like Barb have developed as models. Also he is very grateful that most of this body's reflexes are still the natural reflexes trained into it by Barb over the years or he would appear to be a complete klutz at this moment. By relaxing and letting Barb's mind assume control he is finding it natural to move in feminine ways, ways that look a little awkward to men but also very sexy to men. If men had wide hips and large soft masses on their chests they would likely have to adjust their ways of getting up and walking to the style women have found effective for centuries. Bill is making such adjustment at this moment. He finds himself relying more on leg strength and less on arm and shoulder strength or he would likely fall flat on his face in front of Lilly. "Madam, are you OK? You seem a little dizzy." Lilly moves over to assist. "Yes, dizzy, Lilly, from the heat of the water I suspect and the short nap. I'll be OK in a moment." Bill quickly covers for his mistakes. Lilly wraps the towel around his slender shoulders and takes a second towel and starts patting the legs dry. Bill notices the gentle patting motion Lilly is using rather than the rubbing motion men use to dry off. He experiments a bit by rubbing the end of his towel across his forearm and quickly realizes this is not a smart move along such tender skin. "No Madam, what are you doing? Please sit here and let Lilly help you." She gently lowers him into a close by pool lounge chair. Should Lilly get you some cool water?" She hands Bill some iced bottle water - of course totally convinced this is her mistress Barb but wondering why Barb is acting a little strangely. "Please allow me to dry you off while you regain your composure." Lilly finishes patting the legs dry and moves up the arms and ever so gently pats those wonderful breasts dry. Bill downs the water and his head starts to cool. That short nap in the tub was so restful but now the events of the past days start to reshape in his new very feminine mind. Lilly is spreading a very cool and rich cream along his smooth slender legs. On his more natural muscular hairy legs such an action would have been a waste of cream and more of a mess than a treatment. But on these legs this feels so magnificent. Bill reaches down with his new very slender hands and works the cream into the skin while Lilly works on the other leg. Between the tender skin of these fingers and the silky skin of the legs Bill is intoxicated with this very feminine sensual overloads. He has long loved caressing Barb's skin but never longed to be inside of it. He would confess a curiosity but not to any of his macho male friends. No man dare ever mention such a curiosity but he never truly wished to discover this side of the estrogen wall. He leans forward to rise up and Lilly tries to talk him into resting a moment longer, but he decides to rise and she assists him. He is grateful for the firm grip the upper part of the swimsuit has on his breasts. Lilly takes him towards the dressing area along a wall of full length mirrors. He pauses and starts to examine himself in greater detail. The room is warm so he encourages the towel on his shoulders to slide off and freely fall to the floor. The white tank swimsuit clings so very lovingly to his shapely body. He has always loved to watch Barb swim in this suit and stand in this suit and stretch in this suit and bend over in this suit. It never shows a wrinkle when she wears it and now he knows why. It is gripping him quite tightly but not uncomfortably. He cannot resist the temptation to twist and admire the way it so lovingly caresses and displays his buns. In classic female fashion he grips the spandex lower edges of the suit just below his hips and stretches it slightly down along the outer part of his thighs. When Barb would do that in a public beach every male and female eye was on her and she knew it. What a flirt she could be and Bill loved it. Lilly comes over and assists him in removing the swim suit and as it falls into a wrinkled pile around his feet the swimsuit loses its magical allure. Lilly now starts massaging the skin cream into his well toned yet still very soft and shapely hips. Barb kept this body well toned - muscle tone - but not with unseemly muscular mass. The muscles were well developed yet still covered in a smooth soft layer of female fatty tissue - encouraged to grow there by the estrogen that runs through the veins of this body. Testosterone is in low supply in this blood system and estrogen rules here. And that estrogen has covered this body in a very sexy and shapely coating of irresistible fatty tissue and soft skin. And Barb and Lilly have nurtured it to perfection. Bill is also convinced that estrogen is what has wired this brain in strange and complex neural patterns he is having trouble dealing with. Bill assists Lilly and massages the cream into the butt of this goddess body and then up the smooth belly and into the tits. He is in no hurry so Bill takes his time enjoying this treatment. As he proceeds with this process he is watching each motion in the mirror and experimenting with flirtatious moves. He is flirting with himself. The portion of his mind that was transferred from his natural male body into this one is enjoying the female flirtations. But there is no turn on. How could there be for there is no penis to be turned on and no hormones to react to the visual sensations. And worst of all, there are no neural pathways in this mind to enjoy the turn on. Instead there are neural pathways that are feeling a sense of self-satisfaction for having helped develop this body and knowing that it is helping maintain this life of luxury by entertaining the owner of all of this luxury. And that owner is no longer he but his husband - yes he heard himself think it - not his wife but his husband. He vowed to think it but never to say it out loud. Bill leans very close to the mirror and examines his shapely large lips and makes sensual kissing actions with them. He is now the owner of some of the hottest lips known to man. One of his favorite pleasures has been smooching those lips and watching her coat them in lipstick has always been a turn on for him. He will keep this in mind and use those motions to tease with and flirt with Barb. He now finds himself caressing those soft pink cheeks connected to those lips - no whisker stubble and no coarse dead skin familiar to the tough male face. He steps back slightly and caresses down the soft and slender shoulders. His familiar muscular bulk no longer there but down the chest is a different type of bulk. He gently cups each breasts and uses his hands to play the role of a bra. He fondles the nipples and coos at the sensitive erotic excitement pulsing in these magnificent inventions of god or evolution. He has long been a great fan of women's breasts and in his positions of power he has been allowed to caress some of the best in the world. That playful caressing in the past would send wild sensations of joy through his groin area but now the pleasure is very different. As much as he has long admired women's breast he had never longed to have a pair attached to his own chest. They look like too much trouble to take care of and certainly would get in the way of so many fun athletic activities common to his former life. But now he is the owner of one of the best pair of breasts to be found anywhere and will so learn to effectively use them to fill out sexy feminine outfits meant to drive sober men wild. As he steps back a little further and rests his hands on his wide hips in a natural feminine pose he has to make a clear and decisive admission to himself. He is a woman. There is no fighting it and no denying it. He is not only a woman but a very attractive woman. And what else is he? He is a wife. Not just a wife, but the wife of a very powerful man who has very clear rules about the role of his wife. He knows those rules well, for he wrote them. He wrote those rules and the prenuptial agreement that now binds himself to those rules. He wrote those in reaction to how he had been treated by his ex-wife. But if she knew who he was now, his ex-wife would be laughing her head off. He no longer has a wife or ex-wife or evil mother-in-law. That much dreaded "mother- in-law" is now his over demanding mother. He has seen how she pushes Barb around and now he knows he will face the same treatment and she is due here shortly. Another glance in the mirror told him that there could be advantages to being the wife and enjoying the pleasures of this body. But there will need to be some mental adjustments. Should he capitulate and just resign himself to enjoy the pleasures this life can bring, or should he use the powers that come with this body and work to regain his former power. How to decide? Why is it so hard to decide? Making quick decisions was always one of his biggest strengths, but that was in a different mind - a faster mind and one wired very differently. And that former mind was a mind not so overrun with the heightened sensory input that seems to come from these female senses. What a great gift for the world of science. Since he is one of the first men to now have the chance to actually experience a woman's mind, he could be the first to report the differences. And the first very measurable objective difference is that a woman experiences smell and sight and touch much more vividly than a man does. But these are not the only difference he must deal with. As a man he had absolute power over a business empire and billions in financing. He used that power to create new inventions and sometimes crush competitive inventions. He had helped to start new careers for disciples and crush the careers of enemies. He used his financial power and tall muscular stature to control people. Now his powers are more subtle. His power comes not from who he is but who he is married to. His power comes not from giving a command but from making the commander very happy and getting him to issue a command. His power now comes from manipulating the emotions of the one who has the power. Lilly helps him lie down to relax for a brief while before the circus starts as the people arrive to help Barb get ready for the big night. He doses off for what seemed like a split second but 90 minutes goes by quickly. Suddenly he is rudely awakened as the lights are turned on and an entourage of people comes into his bed room. He is quite startled and annoyed and sits up in Barb's naked body - ready to bark out orders. But suddenly he feels more self-conscious than he is used to feeling. He senses Barb's large breasts giggling and somewhat instinctively stands in a crouched position and moves over where the robe is hanging and pulls it up to cover his breasts. As Bill he would have been very comfortable standing fully naked in front of strangers but for some reason in this body it seems wrong, even vulnerable. "Who are you and what is the meaning of this?" he could hear his soft trembling voice squeak out. He likes to roar with authority but the roar seems to be missing. Waldo, a very gay middle aged man steps forward, "Mrs. B, We are from the salon and we were told awaken you and hurry you along to be ready shortly. We apologize for startling you but your maid told us that you left clear instructions to be awakened exactly at 3 pm." Bill looks at the various faces - mostly female - and starts to recognize them from Barb's memories. He also realizes that it was not he who gave those instructions to the maid but Barb with her sense of humor. "I apologize" he said softly, "You are so right but you startled me in my half-asleep state of mind. Please proceed." The crew swiftly sets up their equipment and wastes no time helping Bill to get his skin and hair and fingers into immaculate shape. Even the slightest flaw will be noticed by some of those other ladies jealous of Barb having landed such a fabulous husband. Many of those ladies were stalking him also and they were not prepared to give up without testing Barb's abilities to keep her man. They are a pack of Hyenas sniffing for blood and in such a group the slightest skin flaw or loss of muscular tone and shape will be a signal to move in for the kill. Bill has noticed this competitiveness and jealousy from afar and now he has Barb's memories and feelings and the process is closer to jungle law than he has realized from his former guy perspective. As Bill - the one being stalked - he enjoyed them fighting over him but what would it be like now trying to make sure no one moves in on his man - his territory? Will he feel insecure? Will he be gracious or wildly protective? The salon crew coaxes him to relax and lay back in the reclining chair while a lady is assigned to each hand, two to the face, two to the upper torso, two to the hair and one to each leg and foot. Not the slightest flake of dead skin will be left in place, all skin tone flaws would be covered and the legs trimmed to leave no hint of leg hair. The upper torso specialists will see to it that the breasts were nice and perky and the cleavage irresistible. Bill is now experiencing the torture and love that a female spa has to offer. He is loving the attention but uncomfortable being treated as a fine painting or statue being prepared for an art show. His Bill memories have nothing even close to relate to this experience so he relaxes to allow himself to sink into his Barb memories. There he finds comfort and familiarity. For the moment, he stops clinging to his identity of power and strength and instead dwells on her power of beauty, possession and grace. Instead of the "first-person" power and confidence of ownership and authority he is finding that Barb feels the "second- person" power that comes from allowing herself to be possessed. Yet he knows it is not really quite clear who is possessing whom and in that mystery lies some of the thrill and tension. He is coming even more deeply to feel first hand that his ability to maintain this wifely power is directly proportional no longer to his financial net worth or his engineering prowess but instead on his ability to keep a powerful husband happy and eager to keep his wife happy. It is a very different type of power and if it were not for Barb's memories still in her mind with him, he would likely be very confused and rebellious. "Hello, Hello, Hello my darling Barbie" came the sudden loud and confident voice of a very outgoing personality barging into the room unannounced. The voice and attitude are familiar but different. "Oh my Barbie girl, Mom is so proud of how you keep that body looking so young and so unbelievably sexy. Girl you do know how to use your physical attributes to keep a man coming back for more." It is Bill's mother-in-law - Mrs. Gloria Pirelli. Oh how he has long been uncomfortable with her bossy ways but they were never directed at him for she feared him just enough so as to be polite and submissive to him. Oh hell, now he is not exactly himself today. This is now his mother, not mother-in-law and he is no longer something she fears. Bill had long felt some sympathy for Barb for how her mother drove her so hard and never let up on her. She planned her beauty career and picked and poked to keep everything just perfect. She has long intimidated Barb and no matter how much Barb succeeded, it was never perfect enough for Gloria. Bill wants to badly to jump up and put her in her place but the crew is not yet done with their work. So she is trapped in the reclining chair and unable to move without getting grief from the crew working on her body. So he must lie their and take it. "Yes, I am so proud of how my pushing and dragging you along has helped you develop the discipline and drive to get this poor sucker billionaire to marry you and throw so many wonderful things at you. I do hope you appreciate all that I have done for you. Oh you do have such a wonderful mother. Bill is such a jerk but all of that money and prestige of his is so intoxicating. I wish he could better understand how lucky he is to have someone like you to look after him and his social interests." Just then the beauty pit crew members start to pull back and take a gander at their art work. They seem very pleased with themselves but do step forward to do a touch up here and an adjustment there. Then one on each side takes Barb's hands and gently helps Bill rise up from the lounge position. He sits up briefly but they do not let him sit but a second before they have him fully standing. The sitting position is not the most flattering pose for it creates belly wrinkles. They quickly coax him into a standing position and he finds himself instinctively prancing on the balls of his feet as if he had high heels on. They spin him gently and guide him over to the queen mother for her approval. Now Bill is standing face to face with the biological mother of this body and he wants so badly to give her a piece of his mind, but something is stopping him. She looks taller than she ever did before and her size is intimidating him. That look on her face is unlike any he had known as Bill but Barb knows it well and it intimidates the parts of Barb still in his mind. He is digging down deep inside himself for the fortitude to lash out but what he finds deep down inside is not fortitude but a well trained submissiveness. He finds he cannot overcome Barb's years of conditioning. He tries to make eye contact in a move of power but he finds strange emotions over powering his desire to take control and instead he looks down at her feet in a very submissive pose. While he is looking down, Mrs. Pirelli strolls around him as a commander in the Army inspecting his men - but what she was using as her metric of perfection is nothing that will be found on any man in the army. She is deeply and critically inspecting every curve and every skin pour. She has no hesitancy to caress and stroke and poke any portion of Barb's body - to her this is her right and her job. Bill feels a strong desire to protest - this scene reminds him of times he has helped evaluate a fine horse - but he is also experiencing some strong Barb emotions of fear and respect and submission and these over power his ego as Bill. He has long wondered why Barb was so submissive to mom and now he can empathize in first person emotions. As she moves behind Bill, Mrs. Pirelli takes liberties with Barb's body and fondles Bill's very shapely tear-drop buns. She inspects very closely using both eyes and finger tips. She caresses his thighs from the crotch down to the knees. Bill wants to turn and resist but does not even twitch - clearly Barb is well conditioned to this style of treatment by her mom. He feels his new mom caress his long hair and then peer over his right shoulder. Unbelievable for he now feels both of Gloria's hands - one on each hip - as she examines both hips for any sign of excess fat and then slides both hands across his slender and smooth belly and then up to his breasts. She pokes at each tit and jostles each to test their firmness and flexibility and then squeezes each one. Bill is even more stunned by her audacity but he still cannot seem to gather enough nerve to object. To his surprise he is experiencing a sense of pride for indeed this body is quite extraordinary and he knows he is about to receive praise for maintaining it so well. There is no sense in pretending any false humility at this moment Bill is one incredibly sexy lady. The shape and tone of that body is not at its peak but it is not far off of it. "My oh my did I come in at the right time." Bill hears the voice of his little sister - former sister-in-law. "Don't you appear to be the fine horse standing up on the auction block waiting for the bidding? Don't forget to open the mouth and check the teeth." Amanda has never approved of the way Barb has allowed their mom to treat her like some medieval bride being put on display for royalty. Amanda chose a different path - she is a Radiologist, highly paid and well respected as a professional. She is attractive but a much simpler style of beauty. Mrs. Pirelli glances at the younger daughter and shushes her with a finger to her lips. Then she turns back to her obsessive examination of the older daughter - she recalls her many years of training. "Good my dear, very good - but not Excellent. You have let a little too much fat build up around your hips and thighs and you must not let this continue or it will be near impossible to take it off again. Men can get fatter and it adds to their prestige and stature but as a fine lady you must watch every pound and even every ounce of extra weight. I must be frank here and tell you that I am a little disappointed." And with that last comment she smacks Bill on one of his shapely and his very sensitive butts and Bill gives off an embarrassing squeal. He finds himself now critically examining Barb's body in the full length mirror and himself finding fault with it and trying to strike sexy stretched out poses that disguises the effects of the minor extra bulk. To most eyes the tiny flaws would be invisible but to his and his mom's well trained critical eyes that sees little flaws like they are giant scars. "But mom, you know it gets harder each year. You and Bill expect too much. Why must powerful ego-centric men demand such unrealistic perfection of their wives and girl friends? It is unfair." As he finishes the outburst only then does he catch himself referring to men and his former self in the third person and complaining about having to play the role of eye candy to help the ego of a man who never will grow up. "Can't a girl still look beautiful without having to be this especially glamorous?" Bill pauses, realizes he has been complaining about himself and then slightly changes his point. "Are you really certain men want this or is it other women that expect it? I think women - we women - are mistaken when we think men demand such extreme beauty of us - it is us women who push each other to such extremes and then we blame the men. Men enjoy attractive bodies but not this level of excessive perfection." Mom snaps back, "Now now girl, where did you pick up such strange notions? Where do you get off on this idea that we women are to blame? Men such as Bill Nelson need socialite women to help add to their prestige and you know that damned well. You knew what you were getting into back when we started on this road in high school. You worked hard to shape that body to be the perfect man-trap and it is exactly that. You learned in the classroom and from the pageants that nothing short of perfect was going to get you the trophy husband." Bill decides to keep pushing his long held belief that it is women who over drive women's compulsive obsession with extreme beauty. "Momma, I think you are wrong. I think women - we women - have built a prison for ourselves and for our men. Men may feel the special pressure to have the picture perfect wife but they actually prefer women who are less fastidious and more playful. They prefer to role in the hay than in the grease paint." "Nonsense my girl!" Gloria interrupted. "What strange TV shows or grocery store rags have you been reading? Yes, some men are like what you describe, but not the type of man you want or the type of man who can give you the things you desire. Quit this kind of talk before someone important hears you. You have worked hard to get here and some loose lips could cost you dearly. We - ah you - have invested enormous time and energy in that body and in your socialite education. You have long developed skills such as that temptress smile and that subtle head tilt to tease Bill and make him forget his problems of the day and only wish to come and solve the puzzle that is Barb Pirelli - I mean Lady Barbara Nelson. You knew you were going to have to give sex whenever he wants it and look drop dead gorgeous whenever he puts you on public display. It should not be a surprise to you and it is not too high of a price to pay." "Oh mother, you've never seen him as closely as I have. Yes he loves the prestige of possessing a trophy wife but he can get quite lonely at times. He wants someone who can be a close friend and confident. He tries to draw close to her - I mean to me - but she - I - back away because he might mess up my hair or makeup. So he is forced to remain distant. He can own the picture but cannot touch it. This 'do not touch' rule makes for a prison for both of us as well as a huge amount of frustration and enmity. And while we are discussing foolish notions, I think we should dispel that damned stereotype that all men want is one thing - sex - intercourse. That is enormously overplayed by the media.. He has confided in me how much pleasure he gets just from romantically touching finger tips or caressing my facial cheeks or squeezing my lower cheeks. He talks of multiple levels of intimacy and how each is so exciting in its own way. He despises the term 'fore-play' as if it were a useless waste of time only performed to warm up the woman. He loves fore-play and does not wish to rush it too fast." Bill stops to gather his thoughts while Gloria and Amanda have their jaws hanging wide open. Gloria is stunned. "I don't want to hear any more of this nonsense. You are taking a big risk. Don't over-rate love and don't under-rate wealth. If just plain old attractive is all you wish to be, then you should aim for a middle manager husband and not the top rung of the ladder. Do you wish to give all of this up and just be a house-wife or professional woman like your younger sister?" Bill was not sure how to respond to that. How could he even momentarily think of abandoning his fortune and his empire to Barb? But he also knows what he felt as Bill and how he wanted to be closer to Barb but she would be stand-offish to protect her makeup or hair and thus the first levels of intimacy faded between them. But does he risk seeing if Barb feels that same way now, or must she also be trapped playing his lonely role. Bill is most certainly trapped and must play this new female hand he has been dealt - a hand he helped shape to trap Barb - and maybe trapped both of them in lives of wealthy loneliness. A change in life goals - the one his mother mentions only in jest - now might leave him forever as Barb. But inside Barb's head are thoughts from both Barb and Bill. Does Bill really deeply desire such a perfect physical specimen as a wife or does he do it to solidify his power over his industrial peers? Does Barb go to this extreme to keep Bill's attention or is it more to scare off the other female wolves who stalk him? Gloria speaks up again, "You could listen to the words of your sister Amanda and give up this fine life but you do not have the professional training she has. She chose the life of the modern professional woman but that was a choice she made in high school and college and in those years you made different choices and none of them have given you qualifications for anything but what you are now." "Yes, a billionaire's whore!!!" Amanda just had to jump in at that chance. "You are his slave - he pays you and you perform for him." Bill has had enough of his little sister. He had known her only a few years and could not stand her and now he possesses memories going back to her birth and likes her even less. "Oh just shut up Mandy. You made your choices and I made mine. You get paid for what you chose to do and I get paid for what I choose to do. Bill is a fine man. He treats me kindly and with respect. Yes I give him love and tenderness and sex and rarely get the option to refuse him. But he is kind and sensitive and just you take a look at this house and these clothes and these servants. You have nothing to compare to this life style. Yes I have to work hard to stay in shape and you have to work hard to maintain your professional credentials. And one day we will both find that it is hard to keep up with the younger folks coming up behind us and we will both be pushed aside. And like you, I have a pension plan. You save lives and make people happy. I have a gift that helps make Bill extremely happy and he gives me the ability to run huge fund raisers like this one tonight to help saves lives. I bet a chunk of tonight's loot ends up paying some of the radiology bills to you for cancer patients. So don't be do god- damned uppity with me gal. I have a fine life and you can get off your soap box and stop looking down on me. Bill works hard, his inventions make life better for all of us and he comes home very stressed. I can distract his mind and give him great joy. What is so damned bad about that? We have a great symbiotic relationship and many people benefit from it." Amada and Gloria were in shock. Neither of them had ever heard Barb give such a speech in all the time they had known her. Amanda just backs away a few steps and looks away from Bill. Gloria overcomes her momentary rare speechless spell and cautiously responds. "Well I never heard anything quite like that. A minute ago I am confused as to why for the first time in your adult life you are questioning your career choice and now for the first time I hear you give a first class rebuttal for this life choice and its benefits. If I had not just given your body such a careful inspection - a body I know almost as well as you do and maybe better in some areas - I would wonder just who you really are." Bill quickly grows cautious. The last thing he needs right now is to either have Gloria suspect who he really is or suspect that her daughter has lost her marbles - even though some of them have taken up residence in a different body. Can you imagine how much these 2 women would enjoy themselves if they knew they had Bill Nelson in a very vulnerable position? The possibilities would be endless and Bill did not wish to spend anymore mental time on that horror story. Amanda in particular would gloat endlessly if she knew Bill Nelson was now trapped in the life style Amanda so looks down on. He speaks up - a little less forcefully this time. "Oh momma, it has been a long hard week getting ready for this huge ball. You have no idea what I have been through and words could not describe the details. Let's just get on with the preparations." Gloria steps closer and puts one hand under Bill slender chin. "I am so sorry and seldom express my appreciation for you throwing this massive ball to help so many cancer survivors like me who cannot help themselves. I have been proud of you for a long time and that little speech made me even more proud to have you as my daughter." And she then moves both of her hands down to the underside of Bill's breasts and jostles them now from this front angle. Gloria speaks softly and sincerely. "My darling you still have fabulous tits - among the best I've ever seen. Please keep watching your diet and doing your exercises for I still rue the day both of mine were surgically removed with cancerous tumors. It would be a tragedy to have you endure such an ordeal, especially now that we know how to detect and prevent it. Besides the mental and physical pain, just think about all of those priceless gowns that would no longer fit." Now that was a sobering thought Bill did not wish to ponder. A little more than 24 hours ago he had never had tits and never wanted them. Now he has a fabulous set and the thought of losing them in a painful surgical procedure is bringing tears to his eyes. "Enough momma, you are putting a damper on the evening. We are holding this party in honor of your long lost tits but let's do it in a more uplifting manner." Gloria smiled, "And speaking of up lifting, let's pick just the perfect bra to hold those tits out for all of the men to fantasize about and the ladies to be envious of. We must lift them just right and make sure there is plenty of cleavage. It would be an insult for any man to look you in the eye rather then in the bust - though I know Amanda will think otherwise." "Well even though I disapprove of this medieval idea of a woman being a possession of a husband, I would like to help. Do you still like your hair done the way I helped you with it last year?" Amanda offered in a conciliatory tone. Bill could not quickly recall the hair style from last year but one look at Gloria and he could tell it was a good idea to accept little sister's assistance. "Oh yes Mandy, it was so marvelous and I'd love to wear that style again." Amanda gave the professional beautician a stern stare that made it clear that Barb's hair was being done by her sister Amanda with help from Mom. The beautician turned to complain to Waldo but he pulls her aside and gives her another assignment. While Amanda and Gloria work on the hair, others get back to working on the face makeup. "I swear Barb, stop these folks now." Gloria was clearly getting irritated with the folks preparing to put so much makeup on her elder daughter's face. 'You don't need all of this crap and you know it. What has gotten into you girl? You've won a number of very well known beauty contests and you did it without heavy makeup." She pushes the professionals back and coaxes Bill to stand up and moves him closer to a large mirror. "Mom is so right Barb!" Amanda adds her 2-bits. "I've always been jealous of your facial skin and you've been such a master of the light made-up look." She turns and gives an ugly look at the crew. "Now if I wanted to look as good as you, I would need all of this gunk, but lucky for me, I don't feel the need to look like a wh??", She paused and decided to hold her tongue. Gloria was making adjustments to Bill's face - removing some of the excess make-up and luckily she stepped in early enough to prevent any real damage. She then brushes on some fresh lip gloss and steps back. Just as she was doing this, Bill spotted the veggie tray "Oh finally, I am starving" and he picked up some broccoli and took a bite out of it in classic male style. He wrapped his lips around a chunk of it and bit as he squeezed down with his lips. "My girl, what is wrong with you?" Gloria snapped at him. "Look at this broccoli stalk. You smeared it with lip gloss and now your lips are almost bare. I've not seen you eat so sloppily since you were 10 or 12. A lady bites down and pulls away before closing her lips. Now I'm going to have to redo these lips. Promise me you will not do that in front of the public tonight or I will be so mortified." Gloria than gives a quick demonstration of the proper way a lady eats without smearing her lipstick. Bill is looking around in stunned silence. He had never before had anyone tell him to eat in that manner. But now that he watches Gloria he of course realizes that is the way he has always seen finely dressed ladies bite at parties but had not taken such personal note of it before. How else would they keep from smearing lipstick or lip gloss on everything? He then took more of the broccoli and proceeds to do it correctly without any visible awkwardness - thanks no doubt to tapping into Barb's memories. But internally it felt so weird to be so fixated on makeup and the practices that go with it. He watches himself in the mirror and then watches Gloria go over and talk to the beauty crew. Bill struts over to the closet area and sees some clean cotton panty briefs and decides he'd be more comfortable with these on. As he starts to step into them he hears Amanda this time shout out. "Mom, you will not believe what she is doing now!" Gloria hustled over quickly. "Are you ill? Do you have a fever? You are not wearing panties on a night like this and in a gown such as the one we've chosen! And if you were, it certainly would not be a bulky pair like those athletic panties. The elastic is way too thick. Everyone will see the panty line through your gown. Tonight it will be pantyhose covered only by a sheer slip so your natural shape is on display." She snatches the athletic cotton panties and tosses them towards the cloth bin. "Gal be honest and open with me. Are you and Bill having some sort of argument today? Is something not right between you two? You seem to be so distant and doing some very strange things." Bill looks towards her momentarily and then down at the floor. If only she knew how right she is on both accounts. Bill and Barb were definitely having a running argument inside his head at this very moment and one could certainly say that things are not exactly right between them. However, that had better remain his secret for now. "Sorry mom, I guess just the strain of this week has got me all confused. As for Bill and I, I can honestly say we have never been closer than we are right now. I am so sorry for being so careless and I am so grateful that you and Amanda are here to assist me. I'd be so lost without you right now." Boy was that ever the truth. He had better relax some and let more of Barb's reflexes take over. Just then they all hear the voice of the real Bill shout out loudly, "Well how is my little lady? And how about my favorite mother-in-law and favorite sister-in-law this afternoon? You know I love to see us all together for this annual very important and fun event. I predict that tonight will be much more successful than last year and that we enjoy ourselves in new and more exciting ways." Barb had just entered the bedroom/dressing area and announced her presence with her large and commanding deep male voice. Acting very boisterously she gives Gloria a big embracing hug and tries to smooch Amanda on the cheek but she backs away. Barb then turns to Bill and places each of her large muscular hands under his slender armpits and lifts him in the air like he might lift a young daughter or a pet. Bill shrieks in his high pitched voice and once he overcomes his shock pleads "You put me down you lovable ogre." That was quick thinking on his part. He was recalling the playful way Barb would react to such treatment and he made sure not to seem upset and thereby risk giving his new family any tip that things were not highly romantic between the two of them. As Barb gently put him down she presses his back against the closest wall. "Your wish is my command. I am your knight and you are my delicate flower. I put you down carefully so as not to damage a single one of your fragile petals." Barb was so enjoying emphasizing Bill's discomfort being in such a delicate body. Bill could have screamed at Barb for treating him in this manner but that would not have been wise. So instead he chooses to get flirtatious and coy with her. What a great opportunity to practice flirtation. He slides his hands up under her shirt and caresses her back. He knew how great that felt when she would do it to him. Then he places a big wet kiss on her lips and tries to spin the two of them so she would be the one backed up to the wall. But that was not going to happen. Barb is surprised by the affectionate reception but does not lose control. She returns the sensual kiss and raises the level of it a bit. Bill allows himself to laugh and coo and make other feminine pleasurable sounds that are intended to sooth Barb and get her to relax her grasp. He then casually rotates them enough so that no one is backed to the wall. He relaxes the kiss and giggles and tilts his pretty face in a very flirtatious manner designed to distract Barb and get her less focused on control and more open to suggestions. From the positive response that he sees on Barb's face and feels in her grip he knows that he has succeeded some. He passed his first test at trying to control a man. Bill then looked towards Amanda and Gloria. "Would it be impolite to ask the two of you to move back into the bedroom and close the door so we might have a few moments alone?" Gloria is wearing a very approving grin and gently pulls on Amanda's elbow and softly speaks. "See how much in love they still are? And despite his massive build, see how she can calm the savage beast. Would you like to wager any bets that his trousers are hiding some great excitement at this very moment?" "Enough of this sickening and almost obscene display." Amanda had to show her disgust mixed with jealousy as she helped close the doors to the large dressing area. Barb reaches over and locks the door and flicks a switch that turns on the exhaust fan in hopes those sounds would annoy anyone trying to eaves drop from in the bedroom. She them moves Bill to the far side of the dressing area. "Well Barb - he teases Bill with the name that goes with his current body - how do you like dear ole mother-in-law? Oh yes, she is no longer mother-in-law for she is now your biological mom. Don't you love her pushy and domineering ways? Are you becoming a little more empathetic for my childhood environment? And I know you and your former sister-in-law Amanda have long been such good friends." She adds very sarcastically. Bill snarls up at Barb, "Amanda sure has a low opinion for the life choices you have made, particularly your goals of going to college to get your MRS degree. She thinks that is so old fashion and far beneath what a modern woman should be all about." "And how does all of that strike you now that you are Barb?" Barb is so eager to hear Bill's response. Bill hesitates too long so Barb continues. "Man do I wish I could have been here when good ole Gloria did her inspection of you like a pilot inspects his plane. How did you like having your boobs poked and squeezed by the master? And I am confident she went over that butt with a fine tooth comb and then down the back of the legs for the first signs of early cellulite. Did you feel like a horse being put on the auction block? Did she say anything positive?" Bill gets a little feisty. "Barb, you've got to slow down a bit. This brain you stuck me in does not work as fast as yours plus it is trained to think responses through to the last detail before making a decision. I feel as though every neuron is being polled before I can give an answer. The neural pathways in this mind are so convoluted." He stops to take a breath and Barb almost starts up again but then decides to wait. Bill continues, "Your mother is really something special. She had the audacity to poke and squeeze and caress this body without even so much as asking my permission. She gave criticism over the slightest defect which I think even an electron microscope could not see. I was waiting for her to open my mouth and count my teeth just like a horse trader does. I wanted so badly to push her away and complain but her presence is so over-powering and this mind has been so conditioned to fear her." He paused but held up one hand with just the index finger up to try to signal Barb to be patient because he was just pausing to catch his breath. "And that sister of yours is an ordeal. I've seen for the past year that she had little tolerance for Bill Nelson and his world of macho men and subservient woman. I had no idea she came down so hard on you. She clearly has a sharp mind and a quick whit and has chosen to pursue the alternative life styles modern woman is allowed and even encouraged to do." Barb waits for a moment and can see Bill is ready to yield the floor to her to get a chance to speak. "Alleluia! Maybe we can use this invention of ours to help more men learn to empathize with the lives of their wives. How many marriages would be enriched by trading places long enough to know each other's parents? In past encounters with mom you were able to use your stature and power to intimidate her but this time you had no such weapons. I suspect a 'yes mam' was about all you could muster." Barb watched Bill for a reaction but again she got impatient with his mental slowness. "But don't be too hard on either mom or Amanda. They both really do care about you and mom has invested a great deal of time and energy and hope in helping you achieve this status in your life and a marriage such as this one. She would hate to see you relax too much and let it slip away." "Barb, I know you wish you could have watched me go through that ordeal, but I also wish you could have seen and heard me respond to your sister. I lashed back at her for putting down my - your - life style. I spoke up strongly for the things you bring to this marriage. She was quite startled." Barb was amazed but skeptical. "Did you openly admit that you - that body - were brought into this marriage to be your trophy and make you look socially successful? Did you openly admit that you brought me into this marriage to be your sex toy - your stress relief? You are right, I would have loved to have witnessed you defending my former life style. "Listen Barb, we've been through this before we were married and several times since. I certainly did not marry you for your powerful brain but I have been good to you and you have been fantastic for me. You know about my first marriage. In it I tried that modern twist on marriage and a woman's new role or roles in our society. It did not work out and I refuse to take all or even most of the blame. So when I met you I knew exactly what I wanted and you knew exactly what I wanted. No one can say I deceived you and no one can say that I have not been very generous with you and very loving." Barb is impressed but has to smile a bit as other thoughts enter her mind. "Did mom give you a good lecture about what are your responsibilities in the feminine role of this marriage? Did she harp on keeping yourself sexy so your HUSBAND is attracted and pleased and his social friends are impressed? Did she remind you that your identity is now dependent on your husband's success so you had better help keep him successful?" Bill is looking down and then into the mirror and then snaps back at Barb. "Yes, she took nothing for granted and reminded me of all of those things and more. As a woman - especial in this life style - my identity and my power and my income is all based on my husb?. - Bill is choking on the word - my HUSBAND's success and at this moment in time you are the husbbbb ?." Barb is loving this so much and her penis is getting rock hard. "Say it my cute little dear. Say 'you are my husband and I am your wife' and say it with conviction." she chuckles after finishing it. "You have a HUSBAND. You are a WIFE. Being a WIFE is not a horrible thing but you guys like to look down on it and make fun of it. You love to tell stories about your wife's failings and weaknesses. So you are not comfortable now being the object of those stories." "Alright already!!! I am a WIFE and I have a HUSBAND and you are that HUSBAND." Bill starts to yells out but then remembers who is in the next room so finishes on a quieter note. Barb looks toward the door to the bedroom and shushes Bill. "It is probably not a good idea that those two ladies discover who you really are. First off they will not likely believe it but I think they can be convinced and then you'd be in one hell of a fix." Bill shutters at that thought and signals agreement. Barb whispers, "So you said it out loud. You called yourself a WIFE. I bet that really hurt." Bill then changes the conversation some. "And my good ole hubby, how are you enjoying your situation? From what I've seen you are acting like the cat that ate the canary." "You are so right little ole wify and you are that canary. It is so much easier to get showered and dressed and taking a pee. When I speak people listen carefully and respond with respect. If I raise my voice just a little I see people cower and jump to attention. I like this tall muscular build and how easy it makes so many things. I love that car you drive and the power under it hood. I love how quickly I can make decisions and not being delayed thinking through how many people may or may not like the decision. I can use offensive language and not fear repercussions. I can add a few pounds and no one will notice. I can look a little sloppy and my mother will not lecture me. People look me in the eye when I speak and they do not patronize my opinions. They hover on my every word and assume I am right about any topic." Bill is amazed by this soliloquy. None of what she said was a surprise but it did come across all the more passionately because it was coming from someone for whom these experiences were new and 180 degrees different from her normal experiences. As Barb, so much of what she said was of little concern to most folks - especially men - and normally their agreement with her was in a patronizing fashion. Bill now knew these ideas not from a third party perspective but a first hand seat and it made them feel all the more passionate. Bill commanded respect and it must be strange for Barb to have that experience. It is probably just a matter of time before Bill gets to experience the female emotion caused by being ignored or taken way too lightly on an important matter. "And what do you miss by not being Barb" Bill felt he had to ask even though he was sure he knew the answer. Barb paused and looked squarely into Bill eyes and chuckled. "I miss the deep sensitive feelings. I miss the deep conversations with close friends. I miss the wonderful clothes - how they look and how they feel and even more so, how I feel when I have them on. There is no parallel feeling for a guy. It is not a feeling like the feeling of power. It is a feeling of being beautiful and having other people notice that beauty. And have you noticed a difference in your senses. My senses of smell and taste seem duller. My sense of touch is so one dimensional now and subtleties in color shades are so gone." She looks over at Bill and notices how he is testing his sense of touch on some of those wonderfully sheer fabrics. From the smile on his face it is obvious he is noticing the heightened pleasure. "I do have to admit that I seem to see so much richer color shades and my sense of smell is almost intoxicating when I inhale from the flowers. And when these clothing fabrics touch my skin I get so tingly." Barb pulls up close to Bill again and clutches him in tight against her furry belly. "But I still get to enjoy these wonderful clothes but in a very different way. I enjoy them through you. I enjoy watching you walk and move in these clothes and move in such delightful feminine ways. And as much as there are sensations I miss from this male perspective, I also get to avoid all of the high maintenance. You have to expend the huge effort to keep that body sexy and work to keep your delicate clothing from being damaged. I now get the pleasure without all of the work. Speaking of such, did you enjoy the double-load I had your trainer put on you this morning? So nice of you to have chosen such a hard driving trainer for me months ago and now she is your hard driving trainer. And how about the smell of that bacon I left for you this morning. I can eat the bacon but you dare not do anything more than just smell it." Barb was almost killing herself laughing by this stage. "Ah, but you get to enjoy them only if I - the wife - am in the mood and wish to give you such a pleasure" Bill snaps back. Barb was not caught off guard. "Ah, yes the women can control the mood of each moment and thereby control her man and even punish him. But do not forget that in this relationship I - Bill Nelson - hold all the cards. You do not have the right to say no without taking a big risk. I control all of the money, I own the house and I am now on the power side of the pre-nuptial agreement - the one that places such strong conditions on the WIFE. And as you so agreeably admit a short while ago - you are now the WIFE. And yes, one new thing that I control - I control the knowledge of who you are. To be more specific, I control what Gloria and Amanda know about you and your predicament. If you think Cinderella was mistreated by her wicked step mother and step sisters, would you like to see how they would treat Bill Nelson trapped inside that body and that life? And how would your ex-wife and even former secretary enjoy interacting with you now. So be very careful when and how often you choose to say No!" Bill was quickly put back into his place. He is not totally without power but all of his power must funnel through his HUSBAND so his power is based on his ability to make Barb wish to please him. Bill could not help but notice the glow in Barb's eyes, feel the strong tension in her strong hands that were grabbing his slender upper arms so tightly and notice her penis was throbbing wildly. He had not noticed her pull down the jobbing shorts and expose her enflamed masculinity. Bill started getting very nervous. He felt himself being lifted and his back being tightly pinned to the wall. He was totally off the ground and completely helpless. Barb spoke softly but in her deep commanding voice. "Some of my senses may be much duller than before but I figure maybe the lack of sensory experiences in other parts of my body is compensated for by the large bundle of nerves that is tied to this thing throbbing in my groin. It is begging to be satisfied and I do not have the discipline training to know how to deny it's wish." By this time Bill was high enough off the ground that his vaginal area was above the tip of her penis and he could feel it starting to penetrate. Apparently all of this heated discussion about power had turned him on as well so Barb was going to have no trouble sliding inside his vagina. "No! NO!" Moaned Bill. "Not now!" He is still being careful not to be too loud so as to attract attention from the bedroom. "This is lousy timing for you to exercise your manhood." Barb uses her massive strength to hold him in place and move him up and down over her throbbing penis. She does not penetrate far yet but simply teases him. "And I know one of the things you miss about being Bill. You deeply loved taking control and impaling me on your cock. You loved the power that it represented over me and the fact that I was far too weak to resist." "No Barb - I must insist that you stop this now. Ah - Oh - oooooh!" Bill has to pause his protestations to respond to the wild sensations shooting through his body. As a man the sensations are highly concentrated in the groin but as a woman they seem to radiate through the entire body and mind. "No! This is a really extremely bad time for you to be playing this power game. I have spent all afternoon getting my hair and nails and skin done and you are making a mess of all of our hard work." Barb just let's loose a soft deep chuckle. "How many times have you insisted that NO from a woman does not always mean NO? How many times have you demonstrated that a woman often starts with NO but it takes the man to make the decisions and in the end she is shouting YES!! Yes!! YES!! I know you'd love to be jumping on me, controlling me and thrusting into me, but you no longer have a thruster and you no longer have the muscle strength to control the moment." With that said, Barb let's Bill come down hard on her cock just as it explodes deep into him. "AHHHHHH, Yes, Yes, Yes !" Bill cannot help but shout out despite his desire to protest. The ecstasy is wilder that anything he has ever known before. He slowly starts to relax and sinks into Barb's arms and wraps his arms around her back in a loving act of surrender and gratitude. He whispers into her ear "That was incredible you bastard." As her penis relaxes, Barb eases Bill to the floor and pulls his pants back up. Bill is trying to recover his breath and his senses. Barb encourages him. "My sweet little darling. How do you like being the weaker sex? What an afternoon of firsts for you. First you admit out loud that you are a WIFE and now you learn what it is like to be impaled from below while shouting NO." She backs away to give him some room. Bill clumsily starts to get up but once again is relying too much on arm strength that no longer exists. Barb bends over and easily lifts him up and leans him against the wall. "I kept telling you NO!" Bill says still breathless. "Look at the mess you've made. Now I'll have to shower off and get my makeup and hair repaired." Barb is amused beyond words. "You have no idea how it tickles me to hear you all worried about your hair and your makeup. These things never used to stop you from having wild spontaneous sex. And you should see the glow on your face. Every man who has ever deeply satisfied a woman knows this glow. You will have it all night and it will add to your charm during the ball." Gloria finally runs out of patience and knocks on the bathroom door. "Enough you love birds, we are running out of time and have much to do still. Bill, you can get ready quickly but Barb has much still to accomplish." She even tries to open it, reinforcing Barb feeling that she is glad she locked the door. Gloria now bangs on the door. Bill smiles up at his husband and takes his hands. "OK - that was incredible but you've got to be going so I can finish getting ready. It will take you all of 15 minutes and I will need 45 minutes to an hour. Let's agree to have a fun evening. I will work hard to play my part - Lady Barbara Nelson - and make the guest very happy and the fund raiser a huge success. I know my role - it may be clumsy at first - but I've got your memories of how I should behave and who is who - but now from the feminine perspective - sans all of those guy-to-guy secrets that are left in your mind. I also know my motivation - these breasts belong to me now and although I did not ask for them, I would miss them as long as I am you." Barb smiles and agrees that she will play her role well and superficially, for superficial is what men are. She gives Bill just one more piece of advice. "Modern women talk about being upset because men look at their boobs instead of looking them in the eyes. If the men are looking you in the eye tonight, then the evening will be a failure. You need these lecherous old and young men looking at your boobs, at your cleavage, at you lips and at your hips and your fantastic butt. This is not a night for rational discussions but for passions fed by hormones. You want then dreaming of you in horny ways and all wishing to be the man that most pleases you by making the biggest donations or biggest bids on the auction items. You need them drunk on alcohol and estrogen curves and their own testosterone." Barb pulls open the door to the bedroom and playfully digs at Bill, "You ladies still have more prep to do and I know you wish more time for girl talk." She gives a coy smirk and a wink back at Bill at an angle the others could not see. "I know how much Barb loves girl talk with her family so let me get on my way to shower and put on my tux. I know it takes you gals so much more effort to get ready than we guys but we guys are so grateful for how magnificent you ladies look standing next to us." "Bill shouted out as she was closing the doors. "Easy for you to say! You just barge in here and mess up my hair and lipstick and just bounce on out of here and leave me to put it all back together again." He was stunned to listen to himself being upset about his hair and lips being messed up. He was scaring himself more than just a little. Gloria takes one look at Bill and gasps. "My dear what have you two been up to? I thought you were talking and planning and being affectionate but I had no idea you were going to wrestle and make wild love. You are a mess and we are very short of time!" Bill was wishing he could get ready as quickly as he used to as a man, but he also had to admit that he was strangely now starting to look forward to these clothes and the mesmerizing affect he was going to have on the guests tonight. "Let's not complain and just make an adventure out of it", he thought to himself. Barb buzzed off and Bill was now back alone with his new family and a few of the prep crew. Gloria hurries him back into the bathroom. "We must get your hair and face back together quickly and I want you to practice eating some things to make sure your mind has settled down from this brief distraction. Amanda, you tend to the hair, Waldo, you can have your crew re-fix the face if they agree to keep the face paint down to a level it is not obvious to the most casual of observer. I will get the pantyhose, slip and shoes." She looks again at Bill, this time with a little more eye for detail. She could see that her daughter had just been through a deep and wonderful sexual encounter. "You are a very lucky woman to be so in love and to be able to share such moments. I personally still think he is a jerk but I am glad to see he can bring out the woman in you. But I also see you will need to shower quickly to get rid of his semen. Someone please get me a shower cap so we can keep this hair dry." Bill had

Same as Nelson Enterprises - Bill's dreaded mother-in-law is now mom. Videos

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A Lawyers Ladies My First Time With Ruth My MotherinLaw

I dropped down under the shade of the tree next to Bill and Joe. "Has she been out yet?" "Ya don't see any laundry hangin' up do ya'?" Joe observed. "Good, I had to finish fixing the fence out back, I thought she might be done by now." Working on a cattle ranch in Montana in my youth did not offer many possibilities for sexual extertainment. We couldn't log in on the Internet and surf for porn sites, we had no soft core porn on the movie channels, and the nearest titty bar was some...

3 years ago
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another mother in law

Let me describe my mother-in-law Grace. My mother-in-law is 42,shoulder length blonde hair, 5 foot four inches and 115 lbs. Mymother-in-law Grace has an hour glass figure. My mother-in-law has verynice legs. My mother-in-law has a beautiful face, and lovely green eyes.My mother-in-law Grace is also a very sexy sensual smoker. I was about 25when this happened. I was staying at my mother-in-law's house on vacation.It was summer and most of the family were spending time outside. ...

1 year ago
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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

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In The Warm Embrace Of My Motherinlaw

Hi, this is writing the story of a warm relationship between a son-in-law and his mother-in-law. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. I am Hari and I and my wife are IT professionals who work in US. Our marriage happened some 2 years back in India and soon we left for US. It was my father who expedited my marriage at my age of 29 as he wanted me to get married before reaching 30. At the time of my alliance seeking, I was in the US city of Ohio. I met my wife in skype and our marriage was...

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Annette my hot motherinlaw

Since approx. 1 year I live again in a firm relationship and since short time also with my girlfriend under a roof. We live in a very nice little village on the idyllic Lower Rhine. What meant a certain change for me as a city person for many years, this hectic city life somehow did not take place here at all, everything was quite comfortable, slow and very quiet. My girlfriend and I live in a very nice 2-family house. In the lower floor lives the grandmother of my girlfriend and the upper area...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my old mother in law

Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had...

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Mother in law blackmailed

Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and that in itself was strange – relations between us had never been particularly close; she was a woman who was very prim and proper and I knew that she found my brand of...

4 years ago
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Blackmailing the mother in law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing my Old Mother In Law

This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...

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Mother Inlaw and Wife sucks my dick and more

I will start this out telling you how it all came about. My in-laws are great people and unfortunately my father in-laws health has faded some in the last few years. They use to get out allot going on trips and stuff but that has stopped. One late afternoon my wife came to me and asked if her mom could come stay with us over the weekend. With out hesitation I said sure. I asked about her dad coming too, she informed me he was staying with another family member. Not anything different than in...

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My Sexy Mother In Law Part 7

Dear Readers I do not know how you have taken the tale till now and what sort of image you have formed about me, my wife and my mother in law in your mind. But I must make one thing very clear to you that the incidents which happened did not make me to take my mother in law in disrespectful manner. As I told you from very beginning that my mother in law did not marry again after the demise of her husband. She brought up her daughter very well and made herself made girl. She gave her whole life...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Mother In Law Part 2

Next day I was woken up by my mother in law. Sunny woke up, have tea, as I opened my eyes I saw my mother in law was standing near bed side. She was holding a cup of tea in one hand and newspaper in the other. I was completely naked and seeing my mother in law instead of my wife I tried to pull up sheet on my bare chest. She bent and put the cup on my empty hand. As she stooped low I could see her firm boobs and erected nipples as she was not wearing any bra underneath. She splashed the...

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With My MotherInLaw

My name is arshu from bangaluru (mailid:).I will tell this story in kannada language.Nan mother-in-law(atte) name shantha, avala vayassu 45 yrs size 36-32-38 nan attege(mother-in-law) ge 3 jana maklu adaralli 2 hudgi(daughters),1 huduga(son) and both daughters are very sexy adaralli 2nd magalu(daughter) avala hesaru priya anta avalu andre nange tumbane ista love madta idini.. Nan atte body thumba sexy ide avalige nanu andre tumba ista mattu preethi.Chikka vayassindalu nange avalu andre tumba...

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Anal Mother In Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 74-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

1 year ago
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Mother in law Anal

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

1 year ago
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fun with mother in law

visit on to see top rated stories like theseMy wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime....

2 years ago
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My Mother InLaw

I will start out by saying this if you are thinking this is about my mother in-law and me having sex your wrong. But it is about how my mother in-law improved my sex with my wife.My wife and I have been married for almost 30 years now, not always a great marriage and some lack of sex here and there. But when we have had sex it has always been good to great sex. But for the last year and half we have been struggling in life all together. This has caused us to struggle in our sex life as well. We...

4 years ago
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Bother in law fucking my Mother

Watching my brother-in-law fucking my Mother It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his...

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My Sexy MotherInLaw

My name is Mahesh and I am about 25 years old. I got married with a girl who is 2 years older than me. I and my wife were working in same Call Centre. I and she started liking each other when I was working in the same shift. Her mother is a widower. Her husband died when my wife was only 2 years. She did not married again because of my wife as she was scared that if she married again, it might be possible that her new husband may not like to adopt her daughter in real sense. I and my wife both...

4 years ago
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Watching my brotherinlaw fucking my Mother

It began when my b*o-in-law Ashley came to stay with me and my mother for a week. Although older than me at 30, Ashley was an attractive man who looked 10 years younger . He was a successful businessman, married to my sister, although they didn't spend a lot of time together unless it was at the office (she also worked part-time at his firm). Although at the beginning of the marriage she was not happy with the hours her husband worked, once his company became profitable, she got to enjoy the...

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My Mother In Law Part 1

A little info of my mother in law before store start. Her age was 42, after give birth to 2 daughter stll have a nice slim body that not fat or skinny.Don't really have sexual fantasy on my mother in law till i was on leave for 2 weeks with my wife when for holiday with my sister in law.First day of my leave, as usual wake up 8am in the morning. After awhile mother in law knock my door and say breakfast is ready, i was surprise to see my mother in law with her black night gown on.Me: wah.........

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Mother In Law8217s Delight

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I am an IT employee married recently. My wife is also an IT employee. We both love each other very much. As my wife is working in a services company they provide on-site opportunities and she got to go to the USA for a month on her work. While she is going to the USA, I have to manage myself so she asked her mom (my mother-in-law) to come and stay with me until she comes back to India. I asked my wife, “if your mother comes...

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Mother in law

Introduction: First time with my Mother in law It had been a beautiful week and the weekend was looking to be even more beautiful. My wife and myself were at my mother in laws house for dinner on a Thursday evening. My wife was talking to her sister about the annual weekend away they do with their dad. They were both not pleased that it was on one of the hottest weekends wed had for most of the summer. As my wife and her sister talked, my mother in law asked me what my plans for my weekend on...

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Flashing my MotherinLaw A story I found that I

My mother in law is in her mid 60's now and I am 41. For years, I have been infatuated with my mother in law. I fantasize about her whenever I see her or if I know I'm going to see her, and I always try to imagine what she looks like naked. The idea of seeing her naked gets me aroused, but I have never been lucky enough to see her in her birthday suit. My in-laws have been staying with us over the last several weeks on a long vacation and occasionally, I see my mother in law walking around the...

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Fucking the motherinlaw

Any who have read any of my past stories know my wife and I have an open to somewhat open relationship. You also know we have slowed down a little bit on that as well. In fact though it is still an open marriage we have not had sex with others for sometime now. We have had sex with each other of course.Well for me having sex with other women has recently changed. I have recently had the awesome pleasure of fucking my 78 year old mother in law. Here is the back story leading up to it and present...

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Disabled Mother In Law

Disabled Mother-In-Law After my mother-in-law had a stroke two years ago my father-in-law died. She had been great to me over the years. She was sort of a prude through so it really took me by surprise when my wife asked me if I would have sex with her mother. At first I was shocked. I had never looked at my mother-in-law as a sex object before. However over the years my wife had grown to resemble her mother in a lot of ways so in essence it would just be like having sex with my...

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Motherinlaw wars

I have been married to Karen for twenty-five wonderful years, and I knew the first time I saw her that I wanted her for my wife. She was seventeen at the time and a senior in high school. I was twenty and just starting my sophomore year at one of the local Universities. Her beauty took my breath away. She was a tall, lean blond with sky blue eyes. At first glance, I guessed her height to be around 5’ 6," and she weighed maybe 120 to 125. The most noteworthy thing I noticed was her marvelous...

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flashing the mother in law 3

I had never thought about my mother-in-law in a sexual way during the three years I have been married to her daughter, Linda, even when circumstances caused us to move in with my wife’s parents. But since the time she peeked into my bedroom as I was undressing everything changed. I had never felt so sexually excited. Later that day, when Stella left her bedroom door open allowing me to watch her undress I started seeing my mother-in-law in a different way. Seeing Stella naked made me aware of...

2 years ago
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flashing the mother in law 3

I had never thought about my mother-in-law in a sexual way during the three years I have been married to her daughter, Linda, even when circumstances caused us to move in with my wife's parents. But since the time she peeked into my bedroom as I was undressing everything changed. I had never felt so sexually excited. Later that day, when Stella left her bedroom door open allowing me to watch her undress I started seeing my mother-in-law in a different way. Seeing Stella naked made me aware of...

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My mother in law and her lovers

I was married at a young age of 26 and my wife was just 19. My mother in law was around 42. They are from a rustic village in Andhra, I live in Bangalore. Something about my mother in law she was plump dusky and had nice features. She was a 38 D, all said and done she was beautiful. Once for a personal work I had to be near their hometown on a weekend. So instead of taking an hotel I went to their house. It was a typical village house massive. With a entrance a big hall and than a kitchen and...

4 years ago
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Lust For Mother In Law Mother in a law is all he

Lust For Mother In Law (Mother in a law is all he wants)I’ve always loved my wife but she’s a bit of a prude. I met her in high school and back then her innocence was sweet. It was a turn on too because she was willing to be taught. Yeah, I taught Stacy everything from how to move her hips when I was buried inside her to how to move her tongue when she gave me a blowjob. After our son grew up and left for college, Stacy turned to religion. I think she was bored and needed something to occupy...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Mother In Law Part 4

I was not remembering what happened last night when I was heavily drunk. But today I was full conscious. She pressed my head little more downwards and I reached up to her belly button and inserted my probing tongue in it. She lied on the bed on her back and I was holding her firmly at the hips and sucking her belly button. My chin was touching her clitoris and frisking it as I was moving my head in excitement. She further forced down my head and I found my face on her cunt lips. I sucked her...

2 years ago
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Sex Video With Mother In Law 8211 Part I

Hi this is Vinay from Chennai age 30. I have been living in Chennai from birth. I had many casual encounters in life with many women’s. Few of them were my family relatives, which ill tell u people after this story. I got married at the age 23. I am from a well settled family. My in laws family were good with me. But my mother in law was a little diff. she use to check me whenever I went to their house. She uses to ask all sort of questions to see whether I am taking care of her daughter well....

4 years ago
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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 1

This is a true story about how my love of leather and crossdressing all started.. Its also my 1st time writing a story so I hope you enjoy it.My name is Matt I'm 31 years old and in a relationship with a beautiful girl called jess who is also 31. We have been together for 7 years now and been living together for 5 of those years. Now let me start by telling you that my partner jess is an only c***d and her father passed away when she was very young. So needless to say that jess and her mum...

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Aleema 8211 My Innocent Hot Mother In Law

Hiii guys, I am going to narrate a real incident in my life. This happened one year after my marriage. My name is Salim ali, working as a lab technician in a private hospital, aged 28 and I am living in kannur, kerala. I married a beautiful girl named asna. She is fair in complexion and with average boobs and nice white pussy. She has flat tummy and her buttocks are not so big but she is in good shape. Now coming to the story, this is about my hot mother in law who is very innocent and...

1 year ago
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Sex with My Mother In Law Renuka and her Daughter in Law Part 1

My beautiful mother in law with big boobs and hairy pussy and her sexy chubby milky daughter in law with big boobs dark nipples and shaved juicy wet pussy Hello Guys, This is… My beautiful mother in law with big boobs and hairy pussy and her sexy chubby milky daughter in law with big boobs dark nipples and shaved juicy wet pussy Hello Guys, This is a real story of mine. I am Karan 34yrs and my mother in law is 56yrs. She got big boobs juicy lips and round butt. This happened before...

4 years ago
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Mother in law Seductions and games

My wife and I have been together for over 6 years now and we got married 3 years ago. We were young but knew for the most part were in love. Our family got along very well. My family accepted my wife like she was one of their own and sometimes I feel like they liked her more. Her family were just the same but with me. Being a young guy I was always made sure I help them with lifting heavy things for them, shoveling snow, and even clean the yard. My mother in law was one of the funniest and...

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Hot motherinlaw 2

I was very happy to fulfill my fantasy, I told her now it was her turn, and she got in and sat down I did not warn her and started to pee, she was caught by surprise and had a bit of my pee go into her mouth, from the corner of my eye I saw her swallow it I was even more thrilled now, my pee finally reached her cunt and I increased the pressure of my pee and held it there trying to focus my pee on her clit. When I finished I got in and kissed her and on her lips I could taste my own pee it...

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MotherInLaw Lust

None of this would have happened if it wasn't for my first son being born with jaundice, but I'm getting way ahead of myself, so let me explain. My wife's name is Patty and I'm Mike and we had been married for about four years when she got pregnant with our first c***d. My wife is a great looking babe, about 5'7", 120lbs, very nice body, shoulder length brown hair and a face that belongs on a magazine cover. I'm a lucky guy, no doubt. We got married when she was 24 and I was 26 and had a great...

2 years ago
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My mother in laws family secret

A story written by Wanda Nylon, based purely on fiction, but came from a wealthy imagination. Hopefully reading this gives you the same pleasure as writing it did for me. As this is one of my first attempts on writing fiction, I love to hear any comments.Rain was pouring down as we came out of Heathrow Airport to catch a taxi to my mother-in-law's house in the London suburbs. Luckily a taxi just came to a halt in front of me, so I could just throw in our suitcases, and we could take our places....

3 years ago
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A Motherinlawrsquos Consoation

My wife and I started going out during her first year of physiotherapy training at the main hospital of a city in South West England, when I was a second year student at the university. We had met just over a year earlier at a party for new students at the church where she and her parents were members. She was then still at school, and although we sort of became friends, there was no hint of a romantic relationship at the time. I had a number of girl friends during my first year at university;...

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Motherinlaw helps out

Mother-in-Law helps out.I got married way too young. I met my first wife in my first year at Uni and by the time we left, both 21, we had moved in together and decided to make things official. Wanting to avoid family pressure to put on a big do, we went from proposal to register office in just a couple of months. We were giddy with excitement about the long future we would have together.Sarah was short, slim, small-chested, with short dark hair and although conservative in what she would do in...

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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 2

Continued from part 1.....As I looked at my mother inlaw (Sarah) her leather clad body still straddling my cock... my mind was in overdrive.. I couldn't believe what has just happened.. Have I really just had the most erotic filthy sex with my gf's mother and blew my load inside her 48 year old pussy. As I composed myself and realised that I wasn't dreaming.. it really has just happened. At this point although I was still in heaven and was as horny as ever the guilt started to set in and I was...

1 year ago
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my wife and mother in law

My name is darrin and im 36 years old and ive been married to my wife alison who is 26 for 3 years but we have been together for 8 years. We have been swingers for most of our relationship. There's not alot of people or places i can share this story so i figured this was as good a place as any. For some time ive been wanting to fuck my mother in law. Not that she's a stunner by any means but mostly because i find it quite hot to have had both my wife and her mom. Even though my wife is into the...

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flashing the mother in law 1

I had lost my job. We moved back to our hometown and settled in with my wife’s parents. It was going to be just temporary, until one of us found work and then a place to live. My mother-in law, Stella, was a fun person to be around. We had always gotten along well. She did not work outside the home and was glad to have someone around even if was only going to be just for a short while. My father-in-law, Frank, was just an ordinary working guy. Went to work every day, came home to dinner, went...

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