Chapter 10, A Swinger’s Party Innuendo And Lancelot Enters My Camelot free porn video

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The news media, movies, TV programs, even education in the 1970’s suddenly shifted from omission’s silence to instructor mode about sex to catch up for its past suppression. The new mantra was, “Sex isn’t just for procreation, it’s for pleasure, a casual fun like chewing gum.”

Suddenly it was free love, sex on demand, whatever floats your boat.  With “the pill” procreation became an afterthought, something put off until later in life. Why get married after Woodstock? Now it was love boat time.

Married with kids, the free love boat had sailed away without us. We were stuck on shore, limited to observer status.

On 1975 New Year's Eve, the kids tucked in bed, tipsy from wine, after midnight kisses and midnight fireworks, I broached an idea until then unsaid.

“Honey, I want to ask something.” I’m tired of taking the pill. Can you get fixed?”

His inebriated answer as he slid in was.

“Great idea, if I’m fixed, we can go swinging”.

There it was, proposed sex with others as we rang in the New Year. He had joked about swinging before but now was serious, even if tipsy.

Having sex with others was a turn on fantasy for both of us, but for me, not by swinging.  The idea of anonymous sex was unappealing. I didn’t want to be a group, grope toy. The concept of couples meeting for casual sex was something a man would dream up.

On the marriage bed, I’d titillated myself imagining sex with actors, men flirted with, the San Francisco belly dance patron, even Joe Montana the San Francisco 49er quarterback. Only he got me to watch football on TV while I prepared snacks and drinks for the guys. On occasion, I led hubby, post-game, once the gang left, to bed and joked about his donning a 49’er football helmet.

With his inebriated suggestion, I nodded implied acquiescence. I was ready to see what I was missing, for me, not for him. While he may not be jealous, I still was, even in my fantasies.

After his New Year’s innuendo, he failed to bring the subject back up, embarrassed of his drinking declaration. To renew the conversation, I related a girl at work swinging story, true but elaborated on, to spur him on. Through alluded encouragements and subtle hints, his swinging fantasy grew to open acceptance of it occurring once he was "fixed". He then announced he made the appointment.

His decision to get "fixed" was an open admission we would try swinging to which I gave inferred consent by not disagreeing. My possibility of getting pregnant wasn’t discussed. Why his having a vasectomy justified our swinging was irrational but accepted by us both. It was the go past go Chance card. If he did it, swinging followed.

After recovery from his snipping, referred by him as “chop-chop”, he overtly planned swinging, part of his post-op schedule. His two little testicle scars were our love boat passage tickets.

During his recovery, I quizzed him about jealousy, his allowing me to have sex with another. It was my safety backup interrogation. His rationalized response was swinging would help me have more sexual experience since I was limited to only him. My being a virgin bride, an ideal status he ensured before marriage, now a flaw. Everyone else in the 70's had more sexual experience than me as if I had a defect.  I conceded to needing more experience but harped he could not cope with jealousy, that he needed to prove otherwise. My position, he needed to assure me his lack of jealousy made it okay before we proceeded.

With his eventual, strident proclamations, he wouldn’t be jealous, I let him commit to our going to a swinging party with conditions. It had to be in another city, with only married couples, it would only be a "look-see" and we would leave before “activities" so we could decide if we really wanted to do it. He readily agreed and then scoured the San Jose Mercury newspaper classifieds for a suitable swinger’s group. I had my agenda and waited to see how strong was his and rationalized.

Let’s see if he is willing to barter me to have sex with another. If he is, it won’t be swinging. I’ll find one I want but who knows, maybe Joe Montana will show up at the party.

Contacting a group which met my conditions, he arranged for us to go to a swinging party. With his encouragement, I bought a suggestive wardrobe and he bought a package of three condoms, for me, in case I changed my mind and wanted to speed the action time. With a baby sitter at home, off we went.

The address given was a modest house in Milpitas, in a neighborhood not dissimilar from Tropicana Village. The yard was unkempt, lots of cars were parked down the street, the house needed paint, wary indicators before ringing the doorbell. Inside there were eight couples, all losers.

I was hot-property. They talked the scene up but you could tell a couple of the wives were less enthused. I acted social but kept my distance and didn't want to be touched, let alone have sex with any of them. The "look-see" reaffirmed my swinging reluctance. The males were swinging because that was the only way to entice others to have sex with them. If they were movie stars, it was a horror film. After socializing and their heavy drinking, we left. In the car, I laughed about getting dressed up for a bunch of losers. He agreed.

His agenda waylaid, we went to a movie, The Turning Point with Ann Bancroft and Shirly McLane, a ballet dance to a different tune.

Afterward, while disappointed, he still harbored a suppressed swinging fantasy. I kept it suppressed by accusing him of having a jealousy issue. We argued. I said he was jealous, he argued he wasn’t. I let him win, free to flirt. I flirted openly to the edge.

A man’s smile pushed me over it. Our accidental meeting skewed my life’s assumed projection to a far, far away universe.

I cashed in the not jealous card. My flirt agenda, condoned by his proposed swinging, blessed by his purported lack of jealousy, suffused into a life of fornication.

Like the lyrics in Camelot, in May I went astray, Lancelot entered my Camelot.

It was June 1975, five months after hubby’s inebriated New Year’s Eve innuendo, three months after his “fixing” to pursue it and a month after the swinger’s party deflation. Swinging was in our marriage closet and monogyny stumbled backward.

It was on a Saturday morning, just after my 25th birthday and 7th marriage anniversary. The air’s crisp scent was pregnant with seasonal change, The new velvet green leaf canopy of Sycamore trees at the Stanford Mall heralded change. The new green grass carpet of the Diablo Range’s distant hills augured tectonic change.

Under the portents of change, we met.

I held a pair of shoes selected for hubby in a men’s shoe store and felt a presence behind me. I turned. He stood a shoe rack row away, openly admiring me.

I was not a stare or leer but a welcome gaze accompanied with a warm smile, a look of kindred recognition, the kind which draws one closer.

I looked down, then back up. He still smiled.  I smiled a returning invitation, then blushed. He approached confidently and asked as if no longer strangers.

"What do you think about this shoe? Does it go with me?"

I set the pair held down and observed him. He wore expensive, casual attire. His tan, polished cotton slacks creased and bent perfectly at the cuffs as they met his shoes. His linen cloth, light blue blazer matched the expectant weather change from Spring to Summer.  Over six feet tall, clean-shaven, deep water blue-eyed, he had a square jaw. His smile was good-natured, unthreatening with perfect teeth that invited friendship. He was not outright handsome but pleasant to look at. He appeared to be his in mid-twenties, of professional demeanor with brown hair combed straight back. I could tell he would eventually be bald.

I flirted a demur smile, turned back to the shoe rack displays, walked about as if disinterested and selected a tan-colored oxford with darkened trim instead of the one he asked my opinion about and presented it to him.

"Try this. See if it goes with your pants."

He sat in a chair and gave the shoe I selected to an attendant salesman who scurried to get a pair his 91/2-D size.  As my new acquaintance unlaced his shoes, I stood aside and observed additional details. His bent neck was muscular, the straight back pompadour covered evident thinning, his shirt collar was starched, he smelled good.

The salesman returned, slid his unlaced shoes off and show horned the ones I selected on his feet and tied the laces. My new friend stood up, pranced around the showroom and then exclaimed in his resonant chest, based voice.

"I like them! I would never have selected them. They go with my slacks."

He then asked.

"Thank you for your assistance. How can I help you? Why are you here?"

I stumbled and inanely blurted.

"I’m here to help a good-looking man select shoes."

As the salesman put his old shoes in the box he replied.

"You found him."

He paid while I stood silent and watched his confident, deliberate, movements. Once he signed for his card, we walked to the Mall esplanade, surprised, I exited the store with him. The shoes I’d selected for hubby laid abandoned for a sale person to re-stock.

Nervous waking with a strange man, it was his voice that calmed me. I wondered as we walked.

 I need to say goodbye. What if I meet someone?

Instead, we strolled along, in step, among the shoppers as if acquaintances that accidentally met and needed to catch up on a conversation.

He led to a kiosk for tea, an innocent excuse for continued contact. Facing one another he formally introduced himself as Edward and asked my name. I told him Elizabeth. As the tea simmered, we exchanged interests as he led the conversation. When I asked what he did he replied he was a student but when pressed revealed he was doing his medical internship. A flush of unease swept me. I was a simple girl. He would soon find me foolish.

He didn’t ask, what I did. Instead, he asked, what I liked. His confidence, demeanor, pleasant voice spawned comradeship. When I spoke, he listened attentively, responded based on what I said, and didn’t interrupt my thread of speech to inform me of his august opinion like my husband. I stared at his full lips, mesmerized by his attention.

Our tea was innocent but we knew better. He had an agenda. I encouraged it. He could see my wedding ring but did not comment on it. We continued our tea act with the pot between us from which he added to my cup now and then. I thought of Alice In Wonderland and her tea party. I too was in a fantasy. For the first time, I was romantically smitten.

I’ve found what I’m missing.

He smiled each time he looked at me, as if he too, had found something missing.

He told me I was beautiful. I blushed.

My husband never says so. Now he wants to barter me for other women by swinging.

I was wearing jade stud earrings with gold posts, my husband's last Christmas present.  With the last of the tea sipped, the cups in their saucers, he stared at my ears and commented.

"You should wear dangling earrings to emphasize your neck."

I blushed and scrunched my neck down.

He sees I’m a long-necked duck.

I mumbled.

"I have gold hoops but don’t wear them."

"Well, how about dangling ones?"

I was not sure what he meant but suspected he was saying it would help hide my neck.

"I have an ugly neck! It's too long, only good for belly dancing."

"Only good for belly dancing? You're mistaken. It’s beautiful, needs emphasis, with earrings."

He stood up.

"We need to confirm what dangling earrings say. They’ll say your neck’s beautiful, like a swan’s."

He walked me to a jewelry store and looked at earrings under a locked glass case while I pretended to look at men's watches and checked if anyone noticed us. My Mall trip had taken an unexpected veer. I became nervous and tried to think of an excuse to leave before things went too far. I had never flirted this afar. It was too close to the edge. His voice, however, kept me by his side. I was falling.

He selected a pair with a pearl at the end of a gold chain. It had European style ear lobe hooks, real gold not platted ones. The saleslady opened the case with her little key and handed them to him. He held one up to my left earlobe, our first contact, just a brush, my ear, and neck yearned for further caress.

He told me to take off the jade earrings and try on the pearl ones. I obeyed. My hands shook as I sought the ear lobe holes while I stared down at my husband's Christmas present, laid skewed on the glass counter.

On, they caressed my neck as if his touch when I moved. Looking in the mirror my neck stood even longer. I scrunched down.

"Elizabeth, you're not a turtle, please stand tall so I can enjoy the beauty of your neck."

I straightened up, a posture rarely taken, especially in the pumps I was wearing.

"Your neck’s beautiful, no exquisite, the nape enticing. The earrings make it all more so."

Maybe Dad’s right; I’m a swan, not an ugly duck.

He insisted on buying them. I complained I didn’t know him; they were too expensive. He replied he was purchasing them to please himself, not me. I was thrilled.

Back on the Mall esplanade, he asked for my phone number. I gave it to him but said to call during the weekday. With my wedding ring, I didn’t need to explain. He wrote it down in a little leather notebook. I told him I had to leave. He said he would call. A white lie, I assumed. With earrings swaying and caressing my neck I walked taller than usual, erect in my pumps, elated. I didn’t look back but felt the presence of his gaze until I rounded the corner.

At home, I took off my new earrings; put them in the box they came with and hid them in my lingerie drawer. I put on my jade post ones. I looked and felt shorter.

The next day Edward called. I was pleased. He wanted to see me again. I told him he was crazy.

Why me, a married woman with kids, he a doctor, nurses chasing him?

While we talked, I lingered the conversation with enticing, coy responses. He whispered he kept thinking of me, said again I was beautiful. I loved it and wanted him to say it again and again. It wasn’t until the kids got out of school that I set the phone in its saddle.

He called daily thereafter, shortly afternoon. I knew it was him when the noontime phone rang. Soon, I sat by the phone awaiting its ring. The few times it didn’t, I was disappointed to distraction. When it did ring, we talked about everything. I revealed things I’d never told others except for my one close friend, Julie.  When we talked, I often learned things about myself. A few times I attempted to not pick up the receiver but after a couple of extra rings, my hand jerked, grasped it and vaulted it to my ear. I attempted to suppress the excitement of my hello, unsuccessfully. Relieved at the sound of his voice, I awoke, greedy for the rapture of his resonant voice, happy to be alive.

It was communication with a soul mate. He understood what I meant as I said it. During two weeks of phone rapport, he learned more about me and what I thought than my husband.

When I hung up, I felt guilty, told myself I wouldn’t answer his next call but always did. He filled the void that had crept into my life. His calls created the excitement the girls at work talked about. I was scared but fear was part of the attraction.

I learned he was unmarried, three years older, graduated from the University of Michigan, consumed novels, owned a Porsche, was interning at Stanford Hospital and worked twelve hours, six nights a week.

The more I told Edward, the more I thought I knew him despite my doing the talkin

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The Swingers

THE SWINGERS BY Betty Noone THE INVITATION What do guys talk about with each other? In my opinion there are three topics that men talk about when pal-ing around with each other. And in order of importance, they are: 1. Sports. The talk about the 'game' over and over again. Talk about the team the players, the hits and the misses. Ad infinitum. 2. Sex. Ogling the women, making lewd remarks about their anatomy, how they would like to 'jump on their bones,' etc. 3....

3 years ago
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Swingers initiation Part 1

I get my first swingers experience by be introduced by a good friend of I call Pedro (see my profile about him). So Pedro was at this time with a friend with advantage name Sylvie who were members of swingers clubs and it’s where they met. This situation happened just before I met El Chatogne (see my first story)I made my first boys vacation with Pedro in South Carolina US. We left Montreal at 1 o’clock in the morning straight to our destination which is a 17 hour drive. So to make the whole...

2 years ago
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Andy and Amanda Episode 2 House Party told by

This is the second in my series of stories about Andy and Amanda. Each story is published twice. Once as told by Andy and once as told by Amanda. Try reading them both and let me know what you think about the different perspectives. The next morning I arose early to finish clearing up after the night before. Amanda joined me downstairs around 11.00 and we shared a little breakfast. We talked about how successful the party was but neither the Jacuzzi nor Jerry were mentioned. The rest of the day...

2 years ago
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Straight Married Couple Turned Swingers Part

So, In this piece I am going to go a bit out of order... but on nights that the wife isn't up for play with me, I often times have her tell this story in my ear, and it is one of my favorites. It definitely touches some of the complexities that this lifestyle can bring. We probably were swinging for about a year when this happened...Part 1

4 years ago
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Scandalous Behaviors A Swingers Party Part 4 of 4

A month later, Ron and Kim invited the card group for a Chinese dinner. They said to expect the unexpected. Delores said that Kim was a very creative party planner. I was impatient to find out what she meant. Their house was a mansion with a couple of bedrooms on each of two floors, a swimming pool, a full basement recreation room, and a dining room that looked more like a banquet hall. Cocktail hour included gimlets for the wives and martinis for their husbands. Kim had the dinner catered....

Group Sex
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Two Girls caught up in a Wild Swingers Party

I looked across at Lucy, her head drooped onto her chest, she was pissed and it showed, no wonder the guy next to her had a smile on his face, I could make out his hand was busy under the table and his wife, who was also worse for wear with booze, was oblivious of her husbands meanderings with the drunk teenager beside him.I also had to contend with the middle-aged Casanova beside me. He too was too far gone to appreciate the nubile nymphet by his side. I sat with his fat paw on my inner mid...

4 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

1 year ago
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My First Experience at a Swingers Club

My husband Dave and I had talked about getting involved sexually with another couple or a single female. It had just been talk never really did anything to make it happen. I had never done bi and had not been with any other guy since Dave and I started dating and at this point we had been married for 10 years. Dave told me one morning over breakfast that he had found a swingers club website. He mentioned that they sponsored different events or themes on different nights. One night it might be...

3 years ago
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Visit to Adult Cinema and Swingers Club 3

After our experiences in Miami my sex life with my fuck buddy went rather quiet. We still occasionally met up and the sex was great, but for the first few months after Miami she didn’t want to talk about what had happened in Miami. Eventually we sat down one evening to discuss it and it turned out V was a little embarrassed about what she had done in Miami. She admitted it had turned her on but looking back she felt that she had acted like a real slut and couldn’t believe she had got so caught...

3 years ago
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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 13 Rocky takes Nina to swingers club1

Sheila was in her regular spot on her knees blowing her master/son Rocky , on the living room floor the cocksucker was getting her mouth hammered by the massive dong , slobbering and choking on the prick Rocky was giving Sheila her first skullfucking of 2018. His wife was in the kitchen cooking dinner but first Sheila was going to have dessert followed by champagne Rocky laughed, GGGGrrrrr uuuuughh was all Sheila could say without biting her perverted sons dink. Last night she had gone to...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

3 years ago
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Couples First Swingers Club Experience And It Was A Good One

Introduction: Recently weve become more and more kinky and for months, wed talked about visiting a sex / swingers club to observe and possibly have sex around other couples. *This is the true story of my wifes and my first time to a swingers club and our first threesome. This happened very recently. My wife, Kate, and I are a white couple in our late 20s. Im a pretty big guy at 6 290lbs. Shes 55 120lbs with perfect b cup breasts. We were high school sweethearts and have been married now for...

2 years ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

My name is Dave Stewart. I was in my early sixties at the time that the following series of incidents occurred and had been married to my wife Carolyn for more than thirty years. I had retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in my early forties and was able to apply my skill in logistics to a second career in the business world with a multi-modal logistics company in Raleigh. After many years of service there, my regional firm was bought-out by a large, multi-national...

2 years ago
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White wife joins interracial only swingers club

This is a true story of what happened to us about three years ago, and continues today. During our 15 years of marriage, we’ve been very open with each other sexually. We watch porn movies, pictures, erotic stories and telling each other our fantasies. Eight months ago, we decided to open up our sex life and seek out others to join us for sex. I always had a fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by another man or men, and we decided to join a swingers club. Two clubs were in our area, 3...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Senior Swingers

Introduction: This is a story that describes a unique situation that confronted a mature couple when they bought a beach house in Florida. They suddenly found themselves in a Swinging Community of senior citizens. Although it is a fictional account, the story applies real people and actual circumstances to develop the narrative. As expected, names have been changed and situations have been modified to provide anonymity. Be warned: the story starts very slowly, in order to develop the characters...

3 years ago
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First swingers hotel orgy part 1 getting ready for

"Jane called honey, the swingers organization they belong to is having their annual convention right here in the city! They have completely taken over one of the downtown hotels, and Jane and John want us to join them there this weekend. What do you think?""Well, if the other members of their organization are like Jane and John, I'm definitely "up" for it if you know what I mean!" "Well, check in is Friday night, I'll have to pick just the right outfit for it, wanna help me choose?""Of course I...

4 years ago
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Swingers Close

My husband and I recently moved to a new house in “Swingers Close”.....Yes I know; we laughed about it at the time as well, but what we didn't reckon on was the laugh ending up being on us !We had been there for about a couple of weeks, and had most of the things roughly where we wanted them, when a knock came on the front door. On opening it, a lady introduced herself as one of our neighbours. “Come in will you please” I said, only too pleased to meet and greet people from the Close.“My name...

5 years ago
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swingers bar

well i have found a swingers bar here in calgary and boy have i had fun. first time i met my new friend mary and brought my usual stud mr b. i got a good fucking from b and and a hot load in my twat that mary licked out,but im here to write about my next trip to this bar.this time mary and i went here to find new toys, got there way to early, guess folks dont want to party till midnight here. mary and i were about to go upstairs to do some pussy eating when joe came over. men are full of...

1 year ago
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The Swingers Club

My wife and I visit a swingers club, join the nude dancers, meet another randy couple and the fun starts! My wife Brenda and I enjoy plenty of rampant sex and we’re always keen to try new things. It was Brenda’s idea to see what a swingers club could offer us. We did lots of online research and finally arrived at one that seemed to offer a randy, broad minded couple like us just what we were looking for. After that it was just a matter of plucking up the courage and arranging a...

1 year ago
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Guilty ride at a Swingers club

Something very regretful happened at a swingers club Two years back, my friends (a Couple) invited me to visit a swingers club. I never saw a swingers club before. I searched online, and it said they are open from 10 PM to 4 AM. Due to my inexperience, I visited early. I saw barely ten people in the club. Nobody said "Hi" to me. In my mind, I thought people are going to have sex everywhere. I called my friends; they said you're very early and we won't be there at least by midnight. I was...

Sex With Stranger
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Swingers Party

New Venue A modern house. Three bedrooms plus a large play room. Open and closed rooms Massage table, glory holes, swing, outdoor area. Lots of people turned up singles and couples. Started a little slow we kicked things off by fucking in one of the open bedrooms with many coming in and watching us fuck. The owner of the property pulled his cock out and pushed it into the wife’s mouth she sucked him nice and hard while she was on her back giving her a good pounding. Time to change positions...

3 years ago
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Swingers Party

New VenueA modern house. Three bedrooms plus a large play room. Open and closed roomsMassage table, glory holes, swing, outdoor area.Lots of people turned up singles and couples. Started a little slow we kicked things off by fucking in one of the open bedrooms with many coming in and watching us fuck. The owner of the property pulled his cock out and pushed it into the wife's mouth she sucked him nice and hard while she was on her back giving her a good pounding. Time to change positions the...

4 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 9 Becoming Lancelot

As usual Bess understood the hazards better than I. Our first session with the rape victims after Bess accepted the King's proposal had his most trusted driver shuffling us from the rape counseling center (which he provided virtually all private funds after his daughter's rape and the place was renamed in his honor) to my apartment where the driver parked his limo in the underground garage and remained with us through the legal discussions and dinner. Devi attempted flirting with him to...

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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 12 Lancelot Delays Rescuing the Queen to Aid a Fair Maiden

"Hello," I grumbled. Before Amy I would have been awake and drunk and probably somewhere else at 4 am. Amy and I had finished quiet love making and hard core doggy style fucking--a position both of us preferred, me for the aesthetics of her beautiful big soft bum bouncing against my pelvis and her sizable tits swinging and her for the depth and power I achieved inside her—and slept by midnight. "Oh my god Joe, you won't believe who I'm with," said Devi when I finally captured the...

2 years ago
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Sir LancelotChapter 2

There were some compensations, Max Bovino thought, leaning back nakedly in the huge leather chair, his strong, hairy-legs obscenely spread apart with his feet on the ottoman, so that the long-haired, ash-blonde girl could kneel between them, with her pretty face poised directly above his thick, massive, long cock spreading up ponderously from his tensed, hair-covered loins. One didn't have to wait until night... which was stupid and habitual in the first place, he thought to himself, smiling...

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Sir LancelotChapter 3

Susan wasn't surprised at her nervousness; in fact, she had expected it. She had spoken to Max Bovino only once before that morning on the telephone, and that had been when she'd served him one evening in the dining room. He customarily took his meals in his apartment and few of the employees on the first-floor ever got to see him. She didn't know if it was the same up in the casino, but imagined that it might be. His operating staff was extremely efficient, everyone answerable to someone...

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