Old Man Young Tenant, The Beginning free porn video

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I wrote this and posted at another site. This is MY work. There are 7 parts and I hope you enjoy reading them all. I am editing them as I post here so the spelling and grammer should be fine.

Alice was a student at the local nursing school and she, along with three other girls had rented a two bedroom apartment. They had classes most of the day but the weekends and holidays were open. School work keep them busy and they did not cause any trouble, well not too much. They were all cute girls and each one was different.

Alice was a quiet girl that stayed to herself mostly as she is not really friends of the other girls, they were just rooming together to share the cost of housing while going to school. There are sixteen other girls from the school at the complex as the school recommends the place as a safe home for some of their students. The students sometimes use the clubroom as a study area and at times it has looked like a hospital when they were doing some of their actual practice for tests. The tenants don’t mind and they are constantly asking for free medical advice and service. Every k** with a skinned knee has to see the NURSE and the girls seem to like doing it.

Alice, who is 18, had broken up with the first, one and only, love of her life, well actually he had broken up with her for another girl. Because she was new to the area, had just lost her boyfriend, moved to an apartment with a group of strange women, she was not only heartbroken but also lonesome.

William is an older retired fellow that volunteers at various places around the area. He is single but was married for many years. He is always helping others and is very fit for his age. Most of the k**s call him gramps and the real little one say grandpa and some of the nurses even call him grandfather or gramps, depending on their mood. They all have a lot of respect for him as he seems to have something that attracts people to him. Three days a week he works at a local food pantry and two days at an a****l shelter. Saturday and Sunday mornings he cooks at a homeless shelter.

It has been a week since school started and it is late Saturday afternoon and the sun is starting to set. Two of the girls, who were friends before coming to school, are getting dressed to go out for the evening to the bars and the third girl had just gotten a call from her boyfriend. Alice heard the talk and listened to the phone call and it all made her very sad. She was alone, really alone, and now she started to think about him again and the love she had had with him. Tears started to dampen her cheeks and she ran out of the apartment out to the garden area.

The apartment complex had a nicely landscaped garden area with hedges, trees, flowers and benches.
Alice had found a quiet place in the garden where she could cry and just be miserable by herself. She was looking at pictures on her phone and crying harder now.

William had just come home and was heading through the gardens with four large bags of groceries for the families in abused family protection. Most knew that the owner allowed the empty units to be used by families needing safe housing from abusive spouses. As he walked past the hedge he heard the crying and went to investigate. As he rounded the corner he found her sitting there with head in hands sobbing. He went over and put the bags down and sat on the bench next to her.

“There, there, what can be so wrong?” He put an arm around her shoulder and tried to pull her to him.

She flinched and almost pulled away but the hand and arm contact felt comforting and so she did not move but just look up at him. At first she was all set to tell him to buzz off but something stopped her.

She looked into his eyes and saw something comforting, softness, a gentle man, and she felt, for the first time in a long time, like she had meet a friend. She could only look at first but then she spoke, “I just felt lonely and sad and well it just came over me”.

“Well such a pretty young girl like you should not be crying, not alone anyway. There should be a handsome young man to console you and hold you close and make it okay.”

“Yes, well the young man dumped me and I have no friends here”, and she began to cry again.

“Oh dear, there, there, come here now,” and he pulled her to him and she buried her face in his chest and cried harder. “It?s okay you let it all out,” and he held her close and tight and rocked back and forth. She cried for a few moments and then the flood ebbed. She had, without thinking put her arms around him and was holding onto him tightly.

He felt her arms go around him and a warm feeling, one he had not felt in some time, moved through his body. It was a very good feeling and he just smiled and pulled her close. He reached around and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

She looked at it and thought who uses these things? Then wiped her eyes and looked at this strange man holding her so tenderly.

He looked at her and smiled, not relaxing his hold on her he said,”Hello, I am William and I live here.”

She smiled and thought, oh it feels so good to be in his arms, and said.” I am Alice and I just moved in.”

“Good, now we can be friends and if you want to you can tell me anything as I am a good listener”. He felt her arms tighten around him and he smiled. “Look if you want you can help me deliver this food?” He went on to explain what he was doing.

She listened to him talk and could not help but feel that here was a kind soul and he was her friend. A warm happy feeling suddenly flowed through her body and she was not longer sad. She had picked up a couple of the bags and was helping to carry them and she told him some of her story as they went. They stopped at one unit where a woman with two small c***dren lived and he introduced her. As they were about to leave the woman threw her arms around him and hugged him and kissed his cheek thanking him for the food. He explained where it came from but it did not matter to her, he delivered it. The little boy hung back as he seemed afraid of William (family abuse is worse on the young) but the little girl ran up and extended her arms to be hugged. He bent down and hugged her as well. They went to the next place and he introduced her to Marie and her daughters and again the mother hugged him. The daughters were older and did not.

“Hey ladies I want you to meet a new tenant who is going to school in town, this is Alice, and this is Marilynn and Maryann. You ladies are all about the same age so maybe you can show Alice around sometime.”

Everyone nodded and they left. He stopped in front of a main floor unit and simply said,” this is my place and if you ever need to talk or you need a place to cry you come here, okay”.

She just looked at him and smiled. The feelings running through her were all mixed up, one moment she wanted to pat his face and kiss his cheek and thank him and the next she wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him deeply, but he was an old man and this was crazy.

She reached out and hugged him then thanked him turned and walked away. A shiver ran through her body and tears formed in her eyes again, why couldn’t he have been like this man.
As she walked back to her apartment some very strange thoughts crossed her mind. He was not a bad looking man and so what if he was older, hell he is old period. No matter she felt something for this man something she did not really want to admit to. All of a sudden she felt a very warm feeling run through her body and she knows what she wanted to do. As soon as she got back to her apartment, the others had all left; she took out her silver vibrator.

Standing next to her bed she slowly took off her clothes. The sweat pants went first as they looked the worst and now she was wearing her light blue panties and a blue camisole. She rubbed her belly with one hand while the other moved up under the camisole. Then the hand on the belly moved down and slipped into the panties and caressed the moist lips eager for the touch as she put the middle finger between her lips and sought the little button that would bring her wonderful feelings. Her body quivered as her finger found the spot and she pushed the other hand into the bra cupping a tit and then pinching a nipple. The feeling of pleasure raced through her and images of William flashed through her mind. She remembered his touch as she touched herself causing more pleasure. She now had two fingers deep inside her pussy and her breathing was heavy. She quickly pulled down the panties and shed the top and bra then fell on her bed with the vibrator. She spread her legs wide and with the vibrator on full force she rubbed it up and down her moist warm wanting pussy lips. As the tip moved up closer to her clit she shivered and moaned as she threw her head back and her hips thrashed about.

The vibrator touched the clit and she moaned loudly and a surge of pleasure moved through her as she had her first orgasm in several days. Now she wanted more and she pushed the vibrator between her hot lips and started to move it in and out with increasing speed all the while the other hand had been squeezing a tit and rolling a nipple between the thumb and forefinger. As she pinched and pulled the nipple hard another surge of pleasure ran through her and the second orgasm sent her into spasms. Now she was wildly working the vibrator and squeezing and pinching her tits and nipples. Her body tensed and she arched her back and gave out a loud primal moan as her entire body quivered with pleasure. She collapsed with the vibrator still between her lips but she had turned it off and her pussy muscles flexed and pushed it from her. There was pleasure in the feeling of the vibrator sliding out of her hot and very wet pussy. Now visions of William flashed in her head and she could not understand it but what the heck she liked it. She picked up the vibrator and licked it off thinking how good she tasted.

As she pulled a cover over her and fell asleep she was thinking of William not him and this made her smile. She slept with a smile on her face and sweet dreams in her mind for the first time in a long time and it was because of this handsome older man.

Sometime later on a warm sunny Sunday afternoon William had decided to do some laps in the pool and was on the forth lap when Alice walked into the pool room.

She had seen him come home and then saw him go to the pool; she was subconsciously keeping track of him. There was some strange attraction for this kind gentle man and she got a warm feel just seeing him. She had put on her workout clothes and run down to the pool as soon as she saw him there.

As she entered the pool area she sought him out, the attraction for this man was insane.

He saw her coming towards him and finished the lap. He hoisted himself out of the pool and sat on the edge as he turned and looked at her. He saw the smile on her face and it made him feel good. At this point three c***dren descended on him and wanted him to play with them. He gave her an extra big smile as he fell back into the pool to play catch with several of the younger c***dren.

She saw him smile at her, just her, as he slipped back into the pool. He had smiled at her not just everyone but only her, she felt special. There he was playing with the k**s and she walked over and sat on the edge of the pool to watch.

He saw her sitting on the edge and tossed the ball to her, “hey catch”, he hollered.

She caught the ball and looked at the smiling face and said, “what do I do now”?

”You’re it and you have to touch someone else with the ball”, and he dove under the water.

Several of the k**s were about and she tossed it at a little girl that jumped out of the way and squealed. Now the ball was floating in the pool and she did not know what to do.

“You have to get the ball and try again, you’re it, come on get with the game”, and again he dove.

She did not want to jump in the pool as she had on the workout clothes with only panties and a sport bra under them, and she was not sure how they would take to water. Not matter as he suddenly appeared in front of her reached up and pulled her into the pool. The water was only 4 feet deep but still she got completely wet.

There she was with wet clothes clinging to her standing in front of this man and she suddenly started to laugh. She laughed hard and then splashed water in his face and grabbed the ball, which she proceeded to bounce off his chest. His broad hairy chest with those nice long arms and big hands and, she shook her head to clear the thoughts.

“You’re it now mister,” and she moved to get out of range heading to deeper water. The c***dren told her she could not go beyond the 4 foot marker, game rules, as she was now officially a player.

There was much laughter and she enjoyed the time and felt happy. The games lasted for a little while and then William called an end. “You k**s have worn me out and I have to rest now”, and he got out of the pool. As he did he turned and offered his hand to her and without a word she took it and exited the pool.

She looked at him and smiled then squeezed his hand as a strange feeling surged through her body. What is it with me she thought, every time I am with him or he touches me I get this funny sensation? She knew the sensation but just did not want to believe it as the last time she had felt like this she was with him. This is not happening she thought there has to be another explanation. There was no time to think now.

He was in very good spirits as he offered his hand to her and helped her from the pool and looked at her in the clingy wet clothes. MMMMM he thought looking at the nipples now sticking out from the top and the clinging material in the crotch. Stop it you old goat, he thought to himself, she is a teenage, ya but want a teenager. His mind quickly cleared and he turned away saying,” come over here I have a towel you can use”.

She had seen the look on his face and followed his eyes as they had scanned her body. He sure looked me over and I wonder what was going through his mind? She actually liked the thought that maybe he was thinking of her in a sexual way and she got that strange feeling again and now a warm sexy feeling followed. She smiled a very satisfied sexy smile as she looked into his eyes.

The smile on her lips and the look in her eyes made him start and look twice but he discarded the notion that crossed his mind. He handed her the large beach towel, which she wrapped around herself and then he saw her shiver. “Are you cold, you probably need to get out of the wet clothes why don’t you go back and change”?

She quickly went back and changed clothes, putting on jeans and white shirt, and then realized she had William’s towel. She smiled as she now had an excuse to go to his apartment , but then she caught herself asking, why am I so excited about going to his apartment, but then she was beginning to realize she had some rather strong and different feelings about and for William.

William was in the process of making diner, when she knocked on the door, so he just hollered, “come on in doors open”.

She opened the door and peaked in and the stepped in further and closed the door, “hello, where are you?”

“In the kitchen straight back,” and he smiled as her voice in his apartment made him feel good.

“Hello, come in sit down I was just making supper, hey, if you’re not busy want to join me”?

“Oh no thank you I just wanted to return the towel and thank you.” Her head was bent down and foot shuffled.

“You’re welcome; you did not have to return it today.”He noticed the change in attitude and asked, “Is everything okay?”

“Oh I am okay just fine, it’s nothing really”. She was miserable as she had lost her first love and all her friends and now she was off at school alone and heartbroken.

He could see something was wrong and she was unhappy. He put the pans on the back burner and turned off the stove and went into the living room.
The apartment was a nice two bedroom unit furnished nicely with tables, lamps, pictures, and such. There was a sofa and a large recliner with wide arms.

He walked into the room and reached out and took her chin in his hand and lifted up her face. “MMMMMM, I think we should sit down and have a nice long talk just you and me, okay?”

She wanted to leave but his hand, his touch, and the look in his eyes. There was something in this man that made her want to stay and all she could say in a very meek voice was “okay”.

He reached down took her hand and lead her to the sofa where he sat down and then sat her down next to him. With her hand on her knee and his was on top.

It was silent for a moment and then he said, “Okay tell me what is wrong and why you seem so sad, remember I am pretty much a stranger and so you have nothing to lose by dumping it all on me.”

Tears started to form and he gave her a handkerchief, which she took and dried her eyes. She then started to tell him all about the boyfriend, their friends and the words came out in a flood along with the tears.

He reached over and held her close and tight rocking and trying to console her as best he could. The story of a young girl’s first love and first heartbreak was not original but that does not matter when it’s your heart that is broken. William held her head and rocked and listened.

At the end she said,” and the worst part is everyone says I’ll get over it and it was not real love as I’m not old enough.”

William smiled and squeezed her tight and said, “Well they are wrong, you are old enough to know love and you are old enough to know real love. You have experienced you first LOVE and sorry as it is your first heartbreak.”

She looked at him and wrinkled her brow, he thinks I know love and it was real love. She looked into his eyes and started to listen to him.

“Oh yes you now know love and you know the best and worst of the emotions. It will hurt for some time and you will always remember it. For those who say you are too young, well they just do not remember theirs or the memory is painful and they do not want to remember. You will learn from this just as you will learn from every love you encounter in your life. You have now experienced the First Love and let out the emotions that are all rather new to you. Things like lust, jealousy, I bet some new anger and hatred feelings, a new loneliness, and some new despair. “

She knew these feelings and a desire for sex was strong in her so strong she had to find release several times a week by herself. Lust was not the only emotion as she was angry that she had not been kissed in a long time and well she was a virgin. If he was so full of knowledge maybe he could help with these things. She wanted someone to give her the pleasure she had been forced to give herself. Hell she wanted someone to kiss her in a passionate way and not as a friend.

“Well that all is nice sounding but I want some pleasure out of life not just high sounding talk. I have not been kiss passionately really passionately and I am still a virgin.” She had now become angry and just blurted out, “so you going to help me with that.”

He was taken aback by the reply and not sure what to say. “It has been a long time since I kissed a woman with passion so I doubt I could help you there and besides you want someone a lot younger than me.”

“Hey I don’t care about age I just want to be kissed with passion and I am tired of waiting”, and with that she turned threw her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips hard.

He did not move and his arms very slowly ended up around her back. Her lips were warm and soft and the feelings that flooded through his body very pleasant. The feeling grew from pleasant to pleasurable and he actually got an erection started.

The kiss was long, soft and very enjoyable to her but what did she do now. She had seen movies and heard talk but the actual doing was another matter. She was not sure but she was not going to break it either and she tightened her hold around his neck.

The kiss felt so good he was not going to stop. She was of legal age and hell she started it and he was enjoying it too much. She tasted good and he started to think what else about her tasted good. Without any thought of what he was doing his tongue slowly parted his lips and touched hers. As she did not reject his tongue it moved back and forth across her lips with increasing pressure until he felt her teeth.

She did not quite understand everything but it all felt so good and she was getting very warm and wet between her legs. The urges and desires were starting to make her want to do things she was sure she should not do. All this desire was causing so much confusion in her and now this kiss. His tongue had touched her lips and when it did her pussy muscle flexed and she got very wet. She could feel her nipples harden in her bra and she actually wanted him to touch them. Lust was loose in her body and she wanted him to touch her all over. She hugged him tighter and moved her body closer to his.

As she moved to get tighter to him she straddled his leg and now could feel the erection he had developed. This was very new to her.

He felt her body move over his leg and press his erection between her pussy and his leg. He thought he would shoot his load as she slid up his leg, rubbing against his cock, to get tighter to him. He hugged her tight and as she slid along his cock his tongue pushed against her teeth which parted allowing it to enter her mouth. He felt her tongue and wiggled against it and she responded.

She did not understand everything but she loved the feeling and wanted more. Her body was trembling with excitement and new sensations. She knew what the hard round thing rubbing her pussy was as she had seen the pictures on the internet but she did not know what to do now. It seemed bigger that she thought and the pictures she had seen of pussies much bigger that hers. All she knew is that it felt so good rubbing against her pussy and she wanted more pleasure.

He gave up all hope of cooling the situation down as he was now caught up in the passion of the moment. He actually wanted to have this girl this young woman. This was crazy and she is going to break it off soon and so he broke the kiss.

“Oh my, that was very pleasurable, I’m sorry I did not mean to take advantage of you like that.”

“What do you mean, I wanted to kiss you, it felt good and I liked it and well I want to do it again.” She kissed him and this time it was her tongue that sought his mouth and her hands holding his head.

He could not believe his feeling for this young woman, girl, and the lust running in him caused him not to care.
The lust had taken over and all he wanted now was to have this woman no matter what. His hands started to move up and down her back rubbing and massaging. The feel of her nice large tits against his chest made his cock jump several times and this caused her to wiggle on his leg making him moan and want more. He moved one hand down to very lightly caress her ass but only lightly as he was not sure how she would react.

Oh such a nice ass and the tits are wonderful. The kiss continued and deepened as something more than just passion was involved.

She started to move back and forth on his leg rubbing her pubic mound on the bulge.

He now put both hands on her ass and pulled her tight to him and caused her to stop rubbing.
She was biting his lip and sucking his tongue and then because he stopped her rubbing she broke the kiss.

“Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Stop me from rubbing your leg.”

“I stopped you because if you kept it up I was going to ejaculate in my pants, and I did not want to do that.”

“I have seen the pictures of men cuming but I want to see it for real.”

“I don’t know as that is going to be such a good thing right now.”
“Hey I want to see it so let me, we’ve gotten this far what’s a little more going to matter.?

With that she moved aside and reached down and unzipped his pants. She slipped her hand inside and felt the hard cock there and felt it jump. She smiled at the thought of holding it and watching it squirt a load in the air. She had a hold of it and pulled it out of his pants.

Oh god that feels so good. He could not believe how good her hand felt on his cock. Oh no, oh man no. But there was no stopping it and he shot a load of cum. It was not a major fountain of cum and it did not shoot high into the air, it just sort of squirted out the end and slid down the side over her hands which was squeezing and releasing his cock in a regular rhythm. He moaned, rolled his head back and his breathing was rapid and shallow.

She could feel his body tense, then the ejaculation and the relaxing. She heard the moan. This is sex, yes I like it and I am going to get more from him regardless of what anyone thinks.

He was old and so there was not much cum and the erection faded soon. She took the cum in her hand and looked at it closely smelling and then tasting it with her tongue.

She had seen BJ and ejaculation on the internet but this was the first real experience she had. He may have been old with little cum and no staying power but the cock could still get to a nice size. She considered the size and the fact that she could only get two of her little finger in her pussy and then turned to him.

“You have a big cock, are most cocks that big, and how could something that size fit in my pussy?”

He was a little taken back by the blunt question but recovered by saying “thank you for the compliment and it is not bigger than most and there is an old saying that one size fits all usually applies to pussies and cocks and by the way where did you get the knowledge about cock size and sucking?”

She smiled and snuggled up against him, kissed him lightly on the lips in a very different way now, and said “you can see anything you want on the internet if you know where to look.” She kissed him again only this time she pressed harder and bit his lip and then pushed her tongue into his mouth.

The comment and then the kiss made him stir with feelings long passed but not dead. His arms wrapped around her and his hands touched her body with a new interest.

“What do you mean one size fits all, there is no way your cock would fit in me.”

The reluctance he felt quickly passed and he accepted the fact he was going to fuck the young woman but it was going to take some effort.

“Well it will take some practice and stretching to get it ready, that’s what foreplay is all about. Did they explain or show that on the internet. Have you played with yourself? Have you had an orgasm?”

“Not exactly but do you mean by practice and stretching”.
“Yes, several times and I know what that is and how to have one, I also know about the clit and G spot.?

“MMMM you’ve educated yourself or did you have help?”

She replied in an indignant way “I did it myself, I am a virgin.”

“Okay so you just need to play with yourself more until you stretch your pussy some.”

She looked at him in a very different way, a sexy lustful way and said, “So are you going to help me?”

He knew he wanted her in the worst way now and there was no stopping, “I think I would like that and there is no reason we cannot start now. Remember though there has to be passion to it to make it work.”

“Oh I can be passionate”, and with that she kissed him hard and pushed her tongue deep. She moved her body on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him and responded to her kiss. His tongue danced with hers and his hands started to explore her body. He pulled the shirt up and let his hands caress the bare skin of her back. When they encountered the bra he unhooked it without hesitation and it snapped away.

She rose up allowing his hands to unbutton the shirt and then the bra and shirt came off. She looked down at her nakedness and saw him looking and smiling. He then moved and kissed a breast lightly and the lips moved down. Then his tongue was out making a circle around the nipple and licking it before taking it between his lips and sucking hard. The sensations running through her body were all new to her and she loved them all. The tingly, electric, and shivering sensations all made her want more now.

She now unbuttoned his shirt and as she did she kissed his chest letting her lips move down as his chest and belly were exposed. When she got to the last one she pulled the shirt off and then laid on him so their bare bodies touched in a tender way.

His mind was racing with feelings and sensations he had not felt in some time. This woman had stirred his libido and now there was a fire burning inside him that only fucking her would put out. He reached down grabbed her butt and pulled her up so their lips meet in a very passionate kiss. The feeling of her nipples on his chest, her bare belly rubbing against his made him harden again. Then he thought about what she had said about size and decided to take some time before he actually took her virginity.

He massaged her butt for a moment and then one hand moved up her bar back and the other slipped down inside her jeans and was now squeezing her bare ass cheek. The hand came out and rolled her hip over so it could unsnap the jeans and open them.

She did not hesitate to push the jeans down and then kicked them off. Now she lay on him with only her blue panties on. The feeling of his hands and the kiss had put her in another world. These new feelings were wonderful and she never expected to find them with someone so old but then what does age really matter and she snuggled harder against him. She felt it as his cock got hard again and reached around to touch it. After getting up she pulled his pants off and then took hold of his cock in one hand and his balls in another. While gently massaging the balls she bent her head down and kissed the end of his cock. Her tongue licked it and then the lips surrounded the cap.

His body quivered and shook as her lips slipped over the head and down the shaft. He could not control it and he reached down to pull her away, “don’t dear I am going to cum and you will get it in your mouth.”
She resisted his pull and sucked his cock and moved her hand up and down faster. Then he came again, not as much as the first time but still he came and she felt it on her tongue and then she swallowed. She had wanted to taste his cum and so she had. It was not a bad taste and so for future reference sucking a man’s cock was a nice touch to sex and she could do it again.

He had climaxed twice now and she had not had a single orgasm then he knew. Rolling her over he pulled down her panties kissing her belly, thighs and legs as he did. Then he parted the hair surrounding her now wet lips and kissed her sweet pussy. The tongue moved up and down and pushed hard to between them. Her body bucked up and the tongue found the clit and she moaned loudly while grabbing his hair and pulling his face tight to her pussy. As his tongue whipped her clit and then he sucked it hard between his teeth, she had an orgasm.

She loved the feel of his hands on her body and the kisses covering her all over but when he pulled her panties down and kissed her wet pussy she went wild, bucking and thrashing around. Then the sensation flooded her and she felt the most wonderful of feelings as her whole body vibrated from his contact with her pussy and clit. It seemed to last forever but it did end and she calmed slightly but he continued to lick and suck and she got aroused again as he now had a finger deep into her rubbing her spot while he sucked her clit and then his other hand was on her breast and holding and squeezing a nipple.
He felt her orgasm once but that was not the end and he now pushed two fingers into her pussy while he sucked hard on the clit and caressed the breast and rolled the nipple. He could feel her building to another orgasm and he worked faster and harder. Oh she tasted so good he wanted to suck her dry. He felt her buck and thrash again and then the moan and scream. She had a harder orgasm this time and now they both collapsed.

They had gone to the bedroom and fallen asleep naked in each other’s arms.

He woke first and felt the warm naked body next to him and it all came back to him. She was sleeping with her back to him and had spooned up tight to his body. The feel of her naked flesh next to his make his cock jump when he thought about her. She fit so nicely into him and her head was on his arm while her ass was tight to his crotch and as his cock got harder it was pushing against the back of her leg and she move slightly allowing it to end up between her legs.

She was just waking and she felt something between her legs. She had not woken up with a naked man next to her before so when she realized she was naked next to a naked body she bolted upright and jumped out of bed. Then it all came back to her and she looked at him and smiled.

“Sorry about the start but I never woke up with a naked man before.”

“That’s okay you’re allowed. So what do you remember about yesterday?”

“Oh it’s all coming back now.” As she got back into the bed and snuggled up to him with her head on his chest and a leg over his leg she reached up and stroked his face and ran fingers through his hair. She looked up and smiled that very contented smile that come with satisfying sex.

The closeness of her naked body was arousing him and his cock got hard and there was no hiding it.

She felt the erection under her leg and wiggled it. “So what is that, I heard that men get hard in the morning is that true?” She like the feel of his cock and slipped her hand under her leg to get hold of it and gently pulled.

“Easy now you will start something, and yes many men get erections in the morning depending on what they might have been dreaming or thinking as they wake up.” He looked down at the naked body half laying on him and his cock jumped in her hand.

“Oh my so active so early.” And she squeezed his cock twice and he flexes it twice in reply. “Hey can you do that when you want?”

“Yes I can flex a muscle that causes it to jump but I would have thought it was too old to work but I guess you have brought back lift to this old man.”

“Well I don’t think of you as old and you sure did not seem to act like it yesterday.” She squeezes his cock again and then kissed his chest and sucked on a nipple, which cause his cock to jump again.

He looked down and lifted her head up and kissed her softly and she put her tongue between his lips and pulled his head closer. His hand moved down and cupped a breast and held the nipple between fingers.

She moved up and over his body and the kiss became more passionate. He let go of her breast and grabbed her ass with both hands. She placed his cock between her legs and squeezed them together and started to move up and the head of his cock was rubbing against her pussy lips. A moan escaped her lips as the head tried to part the lips but they were too tight. She reached down and spread her lips and then the head started to enter.

Her body trembled and quivered at the idea of a cock finally entering her pussy. She was wet and wanting and now was the time. She sat up and in doing so made his cock slip into her waiting and wanting pussy. Then she felt it as the head slip deeper it came up against her hymen and stopped. She hesitated only a moment and then sat down harder forcing his big beautiful cock fully into her. The sharp pain of the tearing flesh made her wince but then it was replaced by increasing feelings of pleasure and she moved up and down feeling his cock head rub against the tight walls of her hot wet pussy.

She was shaking with pleasure as he had reached up and was now squeezing her breasts and nipple. Her rhythm increased and she heard him moan as she was moaning. Then she saw his face contort, his muscles tense and his hands grabbed her hips and pulled her down hard forcing his cock deep into her, so deep she felt it hit her cervix. Then she felt the spurt of hot cum deep into her and her body started to shake with pleasure. He pumped and humped and as she had an orgasm the scream escaped her mouth.

She continued to bounce on him for several moments after he stopped thrusting and there seemed to be no more cum. Now she could feel the warm fluid as it move down his cock and started to leak out of her now used pussy. As his cock softened she lay on top of him, the feel of the shrinking cock slipping out of her was wonderful.

She had lost her virginity and it felt great and the warm cum inside her made her all cozy feeling. She lay on his chest looking at this strange man, kissed his cheek and falls asleep.

Same as Old Man Young Tenant, The Beginning Videos

2 years ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Part 3

Old Man and Young Tenant Part 3After getting a new swimsuit they drove for about an hour to a nice beach on a small lake. It was not crowded but they were not alone and found a nice grassy place to spread a blanket out. William was wearing a pair of shorts that double for swim trunks and Alice had gone and put on her new two piece suit.Alice is not a beauty queen but she did look very good to William as she came walking back with a towel over her shoulder and a new wiggle in her walk. William...

1 year ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Part 6

Old Man Young Tenant Part 6The return of one of the other roommates had awakened Ann.Ann was looking at Alice with a very warm smile when Alice opened her eyes. She did not move or say anything for several minute as her body registered all the feeling. She realized she was naked and lying next to another naked girl and it felt sort of good. She liked the feel of flesh against her flesh just like she enjoyed the feel of William’s naked body against her. She saw Ann looking at her in a...

1 year ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Chapter 7 THE END

William had been to the doctor and except for a little high blood pressure he was fine. The doctor had told him to take it easy and not work so hard, little did the doctor know the sort of exercise William was getting. The blood pressure medicine was going to cause some problems though. Ann and Alice continued to have sex on an almost daily basis. They were now very close friends and seem to go and do everything together. Their close friendship was noted by several of the other tenants...

2 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

Introduction: Batwoman goes in search of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, only to find her fill-in, Holly Robinson. It was all going so well. A simple looting of a rich persons home of a few baubles, and what not. Yep, everything was going so well until she found herself blacking out from something hitting her. She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. Where am I? she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. ouuuhhh…...

3 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part One

She groaned as she came to, her vision blurry as she looked around. "Where am I?" she groaned, then tried to move only to find herself hanging from the ceiling and shackled thoroughly. "ouuuhhh..." she groaned in pain. "As to the where, you're in an adult toy factory. As for the why, because I saw you and decided you might be the one person that can give me what I want." Stepping from behind the hanging woman, Batwoman let the fingers of her left hand trace Holly's right thigh...

3 years ago
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Teenage Romance With Bombshell Tenant MILF 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, I am Abhi (name changed) from the city of destiny Vizag. I am currently 23 years old and working in Bengaluru. This story took place during my entrance preparation time when new tenants moved into our house on the ground floor. Coming to myself, I am 6’1″ and used to play tennis and football during schooling. I just joined my entrance coaching classes. One fine day while returning from the classes, I noticed new tenants just moving into the ground floor of our house. Out of curiosity,...

3 years ago
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Teenage Romance With Bombshell Tenant MILF 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, Abhi here, back again. Extremely thankful and overwhelmed for all the positive feedback after sharing my first story. I met some amazing people from this community who are in for all sorts of fun and excitement. Now, I am going to continue where I left off. So, that night, we parted ways after some teasing chat. I was super aroused and waiting to see what my tenant milf Spandana will do after I acted innocent. I freshened up, did some physics problems, and then went to her place at...

2 years ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Part 4

He looked across the room at the cute, pretty and really beautiful woman sitting there studying. Man it has been a long time since he felt this way and he liked it. She looked up and saw him looking at her in a way that made her get all warm and fuzzy. There was a sensation that ran through her body form toe to nose and it was not just a sexy urge now but something else. She was truly happy. Then she thought about Friday night when she would be back and he would show her what he had...

2 years ago
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Tenant Mother and 2 Daughters

Part of the Sunrise Apartment ComplexSocial service (sis) had just called and asked if he had a 2 bedrooms or larger unit available. Actually he had 3 empty units and so offered as was his custom. He had a standing agreement with the social service department that if they need a place for a domestic abuse safe house they can have it. Well it seems that there was a woman with two teenage daughters that needed a place. Jane from sis said they needed to move fast and it sounded like life or death,...

2 years ago
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Old Man and Young Tenant Part 3

After getting a new swimsuit they drove for about an hour to a nice beach on a small lake. It was not crowded but they were not alone and found a nice grassy place to spread a blanket out. William was wearing a pair of shorts that double for swim trunks and Alice had gone and put on her new two piece suit. Alice is not a beauty queen but she did look very good to William as she came walking back with a towel over her shoulder and a new wiggle in her walk. William notice she held her...

3 years ago
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The Tenant

The Tenant The Tenant [email protected] Bella doesn't just rent a room to young collegiate men,  She enslaves them as well.  Bella closed the door, shaking her head.  He wouldn't do and he was the third one she had rejected in the past week.  Her search for a new tenant had not gone well so far.  The problem of course was that she sooner or later slept with all her tenants and she had particular tastes.  She wanted a good looking young man of course, but more importantly...

3 years ago
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Old man Young tenant Part 2

Does age really matter when it comes to love, lust and desire? The sun shone through the partially open window and as it hit face he woke. He quickly remembered everything from yesterday and smiled. The young naked woman lying at his side with her leg over his and her head on his chest gave him a warm feeling he had not felt in a long time. He was looking down at her as she woke and this time she did not jump up but snuggled tighter to him and rubbed his belly with her hand. He...

2 years ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Part 2

Does age really matter when it comes to love, lust and desire?The sun shone through the partially open window and as it hit his face he woke. He quickly remembered everything from yesterday and smiled. The young naked woman lying at his side with her leg over his and her head on his chest gave him a warm feeling he had not felt in a long time. He was looking down at her as she woke and this time she did not jump up but snuggled tighter to him and rubbed his belly with her hand. He reached down...

3 years ago
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Old man and young tenant Pt 6

This was posted before the crash and I hope it does not show up twice now. Enjoy. The return of one of the other roommates had awakened Ann. Ann was looking at Alice with a very warm smile when Alice opened her eyes. She did not move or say anything for several minute as her body registered all the feeling. She realized she was naked and lying next to another naked girl and it felt sort of good. She liked the feel of flesh against her flesh just like she enjoyed the feel of...

1 year ago
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Horny Tenant

Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. Thanks for your over whelming response to my first story. I’m sure this one also make you excited. Let me come to the point. This is an autobiography of a girl who lost her virginity to her tenant. It starts like this…My name is Amisha, a really vergin, lovely called Ami. I am reading in +3 2nd year Arts in a small town. I’m fair complexioned, 19years old. I have got beautiful body which makes the guys crazy. My brother is a clerk in a private farm who...

2 years ago
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First Time With Tenant

Hello folks I am a huge fan of ISS. I read stories in this site from past few months. I am from Andhra Pradesh having a business. Now I am narrating about my true experience with my tenant. This incident happens 2 years back. I live with my family in our new own house, it was double stored building consisting of two more houses on the 1st floor which were given out of rent. In the year 2013 month of April a Hindu family of 2 members were occupied the house by paying the rental fees. I never...

1 year ago
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My Tenants Huge Cock 2 Male Multiple Orgasms

The next morning I woke up lying next too my tenant. He was laid out like a Greek god. His young body glistened in the morning sunlight and his cock lay across his stomach in all its hard morning glory. That huge 11 inch manhood that had fucked me so hard and given me such a royal good seeing too, was now again rock hard and ready to please me again.I looked down at my naked self. My big tits had dried cum on them and my well fucked pussy still tingled and dripped from the massive cock pounding...

1 year ago
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Sex with tenant Rani in Chennai

This is not a real story, just to get attention from female readers. Hi, I feel delighted in sharing one of my friends affairs in his early days. His name is Arun. I am Arun from the outskirts of Chennai. I wish to share my experience with my neighbor with you all. We lived in a house in the sub-urban township near Chennai and our house was in the street corner. There was another tenant in the compound. Our co-tenant stayed on the ground floor and we stayed in the first floor. Our co-tenant...

3 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 4

Thirai arangil aasai theera manaiviyai oothu vitu veetirku thirumbinom, bikeil selum pozhuthu kuda manaivi kama veri thera vilai. Aval en sunniyai pidithu thadavi konde vanthaal, en sunni paarthi varai viraithu irunthathu. Veetirku sariyaaga 2 maniku sendrom, manaivi amma veetil kathu kondu irunthaargal. Manaivi sendrathum anaivarum mathiya unavu sapitom, enaku udambu sorvaaga irunthathu. Athanaal naan sapitu vitu uranga aarambithen, manaivi amma avargal veetirku kilambugiraargal endru soli...

2 years ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Part 5

She had taken the vibrator and egg along with some of the sexy panties and bras. On Wednesday she had a afternoon break which she always spent in the library and this is where she was going to try the egg. She had put it in after lunch and had walked around with it deep inside her pussy with the wire running up across her clit and the control tucked into the waist band of the skirt. She wore a very suggestive smile on her face as she walked down the hall to the library. As soon as she...

2 years ago
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Old Man Young Tenant Toys and Ann Part 5

She had taken the vibrator and egg along with some of the sexy panties and bras. On Wednesday she had a afternoon break which she always spent in the library and this is where she was going to try the egg. She had put it in after lunch and had walked around with it deep inside her pussy with the wire running up across her clit and the control tucked into the waist band of the skirt. She wore a very suggestive smile on her face as she walked down the hall to the library. As soon as she was...

1 year ago
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Thirumanam Aagi Naangu Maatha Manaiviyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil puthithaaga thirumanam aagi naangu maathame aagum pennai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar manikandan vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan oru MNC niruvanathil velai paarthu varugiren, en sontha oor salem aanal chennaiyil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu work from home velai thaan paarkiren, en nanbanin thangaiku thirumanam nadaka irupathaal ennai nanban veetirku azhaithaan. Naan avan veetirku 8 varudam munbu...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 2

Andru nal iravu nanbanin manaivi mulaiyil paal kudithu aval kuthiyil sogusaaga oothu sunni vinthai vaaiyil kudika koduthen. Manaivi en udan nandraaga oothu aval pundaiyil vinthu vantha udan en sunniyai umbi kanjai kudithaal. Naan sorgathil irunthen, andru iravu vegamaaga oothu muditha udan manaivi kanavan irukum araiyai thirranthaal. En idam nee enge paduak pogirai endru ketal? Naan sofavil paduthu kolugiren endru sirithu vazhinthu konde solinen. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa antha iravai ennal...

3 years ago
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Catwoman and BatmanThe Wager

This story uses characters owned by Warner Bros./DC Comics. They are used here strictly in a not for profit fan story meant for readers enjoyment. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the authors are given credit. CATWOMAN AND BATMAN - THE WAGER by Eric and Steve Zink Part 1 Catwoman walked in to her meeting with Batman. It was hardly surprising that she moved with such a feline grace. Selina enjoyed Batman's admiration, and she smiled...

2 years ago
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The Tenant Part Two Jeffs Story

It was time for a change. Time to move out of the city, somewhere with a bit of space. Somewhere I could take stock after the latest heartache. Suzi had lasted a year, almost, until she got too much. Wanting to move in, change things. I don't like other people changing things.I found the perfect place within a month: a detached house on the edge of town, separate garage, standing apart from it neighbours. The garage had a flat above it, with a tenant. Not a problem; a short visit revealed a...

3 years ago
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Tenant Cindy the Working Girl

Cindy A working girlCindy has been a tenant for several months now and was a regular at the pool where she turned the heads of all the men and some of the women.Cindy’s story starts out over a year ago in another town. She had just turned 18 and had gone out with some girl friends to celebrate. The bar was packed and she loved to dance and well tease the males a little. She wore a very loose top that was a metallic gold and silver open to show her sweet innocent little 34B tits and very tight...

3 years ago
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Tenant Cindy a working girl

Cindy has been a tenant for several months now and was a regular at the pool where she turned the heads of all the men and some of the women. Cindy’s story starts out over a year ago in another town. She had just turned 18 and had gone out with some girl friends to celebrate. The bar was packed and she loved to dance and well tease the males a little. She wore a very loose top that was a metallic gold and silver open to show her sweet innocent little 34B tits and very tight jeans. She...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My New Tenant Anu 8211 My First Experience

Hi this is Nani-27yrs. from Vizag. I seduced my tenant Anu -31 she is married, his husband working in Defence and having two children. This story was happened in the past one year. I had relations with a few girls but semi physically I was involved with them. I’m interested to do fun with any mature women near to Vizag; if anyone interested please jerk me at The story begins! As we constructed a new house on the existing building we r decided to shifted to new home and willing to give my old...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 3

Andru kaalaiyil manaiviyai nirvanamaaga oothu aval pundaiyil kanju vara vaithu irunthen. Pinbu en sunni muzhuvathum aval pundai kanjaaga irunthathu, manaivi ennai paarthu en pundaiyil thaan vinthu vanthu vitathe pinbu en sunniyai innum pundaikul vitu kondu irukiraai endral. Naan sunniyai veliyil eduthen, manaivi unaku en soothil ooka aasai irunthaal oothu kol endraal. Ilai enaku soothil ooka aasai ilai endren, pinbu manaivi sunniyai pidithu adithu vital. Iru murai adikum pozhuthe en sunniyil...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 3

Andru kaalaiyil manaiviyai nirvanamaaga oothu aval pundaiyil kanju vara vaithu irunthen. Pinbu en sunni muzhuvathum aval pundai kanjaaga irunthathu, manaivi ennai paarthu en pundaiyil thaan vinthu vanthu vitathe pinbu en sunniyai innum pundaikul vitu kondu irukiraai endral. Naan sunniyai veliyil eduthen, manaivi unaku en soothil ooka aasai irunthaal oothu kol endraal. Ilai enaku soothil ooka aasai ilai endren, pinbu manaivi sunniyai pidithu adithu vital. Iru murai adikum pozhuthe en sunniyil...

1 year ago
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The Young Tenant

These events happened in the ’90s in Barabanki, before the advent of cellular phones and the spreading of the Internet. Our tenant passed away due to malaria. His bride, Susheela, a few months younger than me, pleaded with my stepmother to let her keep the portion. Neither her in-laws nor her parents were offering her abode. She was asked to get ‘mundan,’ i.e., head shave to live in our house. I remember being attracted to her big eyes and shiny hair at first. When her husband was alive,...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Tenant And Her Sister

Hi this is ramlingu i am 23 years old i am a very big fan of indiansexstories blog and i am sharing my sexperience with all of you as this experience happened because of this site(blog) which has guided me a lot………..K i will directly come to my story this happened in Bangalore. Ladies or aunties if u are missing sex i am there to help you please reply me to my mail i will surely accompany if you are in bangalore i am staying in yelahanka Bangalore My tenant is shruthi age 32 and having size of...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Tenant

Hi friends I’m completely new to this site comprising of sexual stories. Well, this is my first story which I’m going to share with you guys/chicks, but first I would like to introduce myself to u. My name is Allan(name changed)I’m an Soft Eng student I’ve completed my external courses such as grad,pgdca,dim. Let me not waste my time and make you feel restless. Here’s my story, I Live with my parents in Belgium (karnataka)in our own house, it’s a double stored building consisting two more...

4 years ago
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Affair With Hot Married Nepali Tenant Ganga

Hi everyone, my name is Samar KC (name changed). I am from Pokhara, Nepal. I am 25 years old, 5’8″ in height, fair skin tone, and have an average body. I was basically born and raised here in Pokhara. So, all my childhood and teenage days were spent in Pokhara. Growing up as a teenager, I always had a lust for girls. I used to casually tease or poke fun at them but never harass them in any way. So, in a way, I was quite frank with girls and could blend with them easily. This is a true story...

3 years ago
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The Improbable Tenant

The day had begun badly, and then rapidly worsened. She had slept poorly, and woke late, no surprise, she hadn’t slept well in weeks. Now she had a mountain of mindless chores ahead, beginning with the lawn. Machines intimidated her, she wished she had kept up the lawn service. Of course the mower had not started, it would rarely start for her. After five minutes of fruitless yanking she was in a sweat, and mad enough to spit. At that point her neighbor, her leering, dirty-minded neighbor, had...

3 years ago
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The Tenant

The tenantIt was the monthly assembly of the flat owners of the apartment block, at the caretakers’ house. After the usual issues being discussed, complaints came up from several owners about the new woman tenant staying in apartment 2b. It was argued that several different kinds of sounds disturb the neighbours’ tranquillity. These noises differ from loud yells and whimpers to moans and sighs. The caretaker, sworn bachelor and rather masculine in appearance,  who also happened to be the owner...

3 years ago
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Fucked my Tenant hard

Hello everyone!! My name is Rohit(name changed). I’m from Delhi and 21 years old. Have a descent and muscular body as I go to gym. Have a nice good tool.If any female or couple interested can contact me on my mail.   . And I don’t provide males information abt the females or couples so all males u want it stay away whereas I can give tips to males.Wont waste my time and go with the story.   When this encounter happened I was studying in college and had a GF. Now I broke up with her and i’m...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Tenant

I am Smartguy (Name Changed) aged 28 years from Bangalore working in an MNC company. I am staying with my parents and elder brother we have given 7 houses for rent. I am regular reader of ISS in my mobile. I almost read all the stories which led me to post my story here and also to fuck my tenant aunty. This incident happened to me 4 years ago. This is my first story, so please forgive me if you find any mistake. We had only 1 signal bedroom house left apart from 7 houses we are waiting for a...

3 years ago
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Seduced Bt Tenant Jai

Nobody wants to be unfaithful but there are situations when one cannot avoid. My story is like this. I’m Zarina aged 30 ,married with one son aged 10. My husband is traveling salesmen and usually stays away from home for months. However, we love each other so there was no bad feeling. Our compound is large so we build a small home separately to give to a tenant. Yet we share the same bathroom and toilet, which is outside the house. Our tenant Jai is a good person who minds his own business and...

3 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 5

En nanbanin manaiviyai jollyaaga oothu kondu irunthen, mundravathu naal vanthathu. Nalai naan companiyil interview mudithu vitu appadiye veetirku sendru viten, indru thaan naan irukum kadaisi naal endru manaivi idam solinen. Sari endru ketu kondaal, kalai vidinthathu enaku udambu sorvaaga irunthathu. Mundru natkalil 5 murai manaiviyai oothu irunthen naan ilaithu viten endru kuda sollam. Ennal ingu nadantha kama anubavangalai marakave mudiyaathu, nanban manaiviku thaan nandri solanum. En...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 5

En nanbanin manaiviyai jollyaaga oothu kondu irunthen, mundravathu naal vanthathu. Nalai naan companiyil interview mudithu vitu appadiye veetirku sendru viten, indru thaan naan irukum kadaisi naal endru manaivi idam solinen. Sari endru ketu kondaal, kalai vidinthathu enaku udambu sorvaaga irunthathu. Mundru natkalil 5 murai manaiviyai oothu irunthen naan ilaithu viten endru kuda sollam. Ennal ingu nadantha kama anubavangalai marakave mudiyaathu, nanban manaiviku thaan nandri solanum. En...

3 years ago
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Natalie is a sub Tenant

Natalie has a new job and is looking for an apartment. She has stopped at the Sunrise Complex for her 2 pm appointment with the manager, John. She is very timid and this is her first time out on her own and worries about what the place is like and can she afford it and the people there. As she drives up she is very excited as the building look nice and the property is very nicely landscaped. Oh boy there is a pool this is going to be a nice place, oh but can I afford it. She gets out...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Pt 1

Vanakam friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nerungiya nanbanin manaivi mulaiyil paal kuditha kathaiyai ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar gautham vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Innum enaku thirumanam aaga villai, en kanni thanmaiyai oru naal izhanthen. En nanbanuku thoragam seigireno endra acham manathil irunthathu. Aanal veru vazhi ilamal thaan naan en nanbanin manaivi udan thagatha uravu vaithu irunthen. Aval peyar meena vayathu 27 aagi irunthathu, en nanban...

3 years ago
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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

3 years ago
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An old tenant comes back to see me

I own an apartment building and every so often in the summer I would have a yard sale. I would mostly sell items that tenants would leave behind . Last weekend while sitting on the porch watching visitors mewing around I saw Casey walk up . Now being a landlord I had to deal with all kinds of people with all kinds of problems . Casey was one of those tenants that I didn’t mind helping. When Casey moved in she was 23 recently married. She was always well dressed and took great care of...

3 years ago
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Sexperience with my tenant

I am Lalith from beautiful city of Hyderabad. I am in a Government service aged 36, with a respectable position. Tall fair and atheletic built. I am married and enjoy family life, my wife also is very co operative and we never have any differences. This incident accidentally occured in Oct 2004. We have a two portion building in which I stay in one other is let out to tenants. We had many tenants earlier. This tenant who was staying was a couple who had lot of age difference. Husband was around...

2 years ago
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Chennai Guy With Tamil Married Tenant

Hi guys, I am Vishal 29 years old software engineer working in an MNC in Chennai and living in Velachery. I earn quite well working as an engineer in MNC. I was out of India for 4 years and recently moved back to Chennai. With my hard earned money, I bought a house near to Chennai corporate companies for letting it out for rent. This true story is about a romantic relationship I had with one of my tenants. It would be long so folks who are looking for just fuck and sex story can skip this...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Tenant8217s Hot Daughter

Hello everyone ! I am Siddharth, I live in Delhi and this story is about how I fucked my tenant’s hot daughter ! Starting with my description , I am 5’8 Tall , fair complexion and I am a student ! The girl in the story is Kanika who came to live with her family in my house as a tenant ! I had hots for her since I first saw her and later on came to know that it was mutual. About Kanika , she was 25 when it all started ( 5 years elder to me :D ), she is a bit chubby but her assets are extremely...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex With Sexy Tenant

Hello Horny readers,This is Vikram,I want to share a hot and steamy encounter.I was studying Engg,2nd year when this incident happened. My age was 18 and i was horny as fuck at that time, i used to masturbate 2- 3 times a day,i used to watch Porn for 2-3 hours. But one day it all changed My family owns a double store building and we used to live on ground floor and we rented the top floor. one fine lucky day, a married couple entered as Tenants, they had a small son aged about 3.The Lady name...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled With Tenant Couple

Hi guys..! After few feedback from ISS reader I encourage to share one more experience happened with my friend Kevin. I am sharing his experience on his behalf. I am Kevin 28 years, well built, tall and handsome, works in IT Company. I would like to share one of my experiences which happened to be exactly one year back. I am living in Mumbai with my family. One couple just came to live in our above flat on rent named Vivek and Vandana. Both were software engineer and I guess recently...

1 year ago
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My Tenant And Me

By : Sudha Raman I have a tenant who stays in the ground floor of my bungalow while my husband and I stay on the first floor. The tenants are a family of 4, husband and wife are about 50 years, the husband’s mother and their son who is around 19 years. The boy, his name is Vijay, is quite good looking, tall, trim toned body with a flat stomach, good biceps etc and is cleanshaven. He takes care of his physique, exercises regularly at the gym and is studying in college. Despite his good looks, he...

1 year ago
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Me My Petite Tenant

Hello Guys, I am going to tell you of my sexual journey with my neighbor/tenant. Her name was Pushpa, she moved into the house right next to ours a few years ago. The first few months of her family moving in was quiet, I don’t remember seeing her at all. As the months went by her son Krish used to come home often to play with our kids. A little bit about my family – I am married to a woman for 12 years now and we have two sons. We have four very spacious portions of two independent houses built...

4 years ago
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Tenant and landlord relation

Nicole looked nervously at the front entrance to her apartment from across the street, a slight wind caught the stray strands of her long black hair, giving her some respite from the mid-afternoon sweltering summer heat. . The pretty 21 year old college student had walked around the building 3 times deciding how best to avoid Bob Harrison the dirty fat smelly landlord as she was 2 months behind in her rent. It had only been 6 months since she moved into Jersey, New York and she was already...

1 year ago
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Landlord Tenant Relations

Nicole looked nervously at the front entrance to her apartment. She had walked around the building 3 times deciding how best to avoid Bob Harrison the dirty fat smelly landlord as she was 2 months behind in her rent. It had only been 6 months since she moved into Jesrsey, New York and she was already regretting her decision to leave home in favour of attending college in the Big Apple. She had thought that her savings would last her at least 8 months before she had to look for a part-time job,...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Reshmavai Ammanamaga Oothen 8211 Pt 1

Vanakam nanbargale enthu peyar Anand, enthu vazhkayil deepavali andru oru sambavam nandanthathu. Enathu kathiyai padikum anaithu nanbargalukum enathu nandriyai therivithu kolgiren. Varungal naam kathaikul sellalam athu dhepavali pandigai nadakum kaalam apozhuthu naan oru ilamaiyanavan vayathu 28 annathu, enthu padipinnai anaithaium mudithu irunthen paarpatharku kavarchiyaga irupen. Enau apozhuthu chennaiyilo vellai kedaithathu athanal naan ange oru flatil thangi irunthen. Angu oru flooril...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Reshmavai Ammanamaga Oothen 8211 Pt 4

Aval enathu meethu paduthu enathu ithzhil mutham kuduthaal, avalin mulaigal enathu maaril pattu kondu irunthathu, avalin thopil enathu thopulil pattukondu irunthathu engalin thudaigalum pinikondu irunthana enathu kaigal avalin kunthalail irunthathu kati piditha padiye. Aval enathu pakkathil saainthu paduthaal aozhuthu avalin pundail irunthu enathu sunni sarukiya padiye velliye vanthathu. Avalin pundaiyilum enatu sunniyilum engalin iruvarin kanjugalum kalanthu irunthana. Pinbu avlin idathu...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Reshmavai Ammanamaga Oothen 8211 Pt 3

Naan kazhuthil mutham koduthu vittu piragu avlain mulaigalai enathu kaigalal pidithu enathu naakai vaithu muzhumaiyaga thadavi, athai enathu echiyal muzhumaiyaga thadavi mulaikalai kadithu athai enathu naakal nindi enathu thondai varai izhuthu urinthu sappinen. Aval moodu thanga mudiyamal Anand porumaiyaga sappu enaku nee sapuvathu megavum sugamaga irukiratu enathu iru mulaigalaium nandraga sappu endru munarikonde sonnal. Naan avalathu iru mulaigalaium kadithu porumaiyaga sappa arambithen aval...

2 years ago
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The Journal of Samuel Samantha Waterman

Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...

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