The Improbable Tenant free porn video

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The day had begun badly, and then rapidly worsened. She had slept poorly, and woke late, no surprise, she hadn’t slept well in weeks. Now she had a mountain of mindless chores ahead, beginning with the lawn. Machines intimidated her, she wished she had kept up the lawn service.

Of course the mower had not started, it would rarely start for her. After five minutes of fruitless yanking she was in a sweat, and mad enough to spit. At that point her neighbor, her leering, dirty-minded neighbor, had appeared and offered his help. Things that don’t get used enough get rusty, he observed. Things need a little lubrication and thorough, regular workouts and all would be well, he was always available. His comments were accompanied by a searching look that made her feel he was peering into her bedroom window. She could manage on her own, she told him, his help not needed, and the look she gave him told him he had gone too far. The bastard, she thought, why do they think every divorced woman is aching to jump into bed with them? He had never been even slightly suggestive while she was married.

The neighbor failed with the recalcitrant piece of junk as well, finally leaving it, cover askew, with a vague promise to try again later. Cathy was almost glad he had not been successful. After finishing some inside chores she showered, late for other errands.

She walked into her bedroom from the shower, only a towel wrapped around her, to be startled by the sight of her ex-husband standing in her doorway.

‘Trent! What do you think you’re doing? Get out of here!’

‘Relax, will you? I told you I was coming for the pictures.’

‘They’re on the kitchen table where I told you they would be. You walked right past them. Take them and go.’

‘All right, all right. I knocked first. The lady of leisure is sleeping in, I see. You know, you really should take better care of yourself. You’re starting to let yourself go.’

I’m not, she thought. I’ve never been out of shape, and I’ve lost weight since I got rid of you. He’s just trying to get under my skin, wants to let me know he doesn’t find me attractive any longer, is over me. But he had gotten to her. If he had never known, or cared, how to make her happy he still knew how to twist the knife.

She stood there while he left, feeling abused and helpless, waited until she heard the downstairs door close behind him, and wondered how her life could have become as empty as this.

She had just graduated with a degree in nursing, full of life and in love with her work when she met Trent Whitworth Richardson. An attorney, son of a partner and grandson of a founding partner of the most successful firm in the city, Trent exuded old money, prep schools and country club manners. In a matter of weeks he had entranced her with glimpses into a life she had never experienced. Why he courted her she could not imagine, but her friends and family encouraged her enthusiastically and their excitement, and his, carried her away. With no good reasons to say no, she said yes.

Later, after they were married and while she still felt kindly towards him, she decided that he chose someone of whom his family could not approve as a means of asserting himself against the life they had chosen for him and the career he could not escape. For Trent proved to be less than he appeared, while a very few men become somehow larger than life, many others are correspondingly smaller, as if nature sought balance. Cathy’s husband was one of those who seek to elevate themselves by diminishing others, and he began at home. He disparaged her job, corrected and criticized her in public, disagreed with any opinion she might offer, made decisions large and small without consulting her, and handled all their financial affairs, including her own salary.

At first she acquiesced, over time, she lost the desire to resist and allowed him to take her for granted. He was far too well-mannered to fight, if she bristled, he ignored her. When her emotions drove her to assert herself, he patronized her with well-reasoned logic. He gulled her, and others, not with the skills of a con man – he had none of those – but with trained, legalese argument and a dismissive, to-the-manor-born air. He avoided conflict like a plague.

When they tried to have a child, and failed, he reasoned that she had been on the pill too long, or that she was border-line frigid. She suggested they both be tested, but the issue was closed. She began to feel lonely in his presence, there was nothing going on in their relationship.

Eventually, she began to see trouble: silence, casual avoidance, unexplained absences, out-of-town business trips without notice, strange looks from their friends, who were entirely his friends, all the usual signs. When she finally found the unavoidable proof of his infidelity she had had enough of shame, asked him to leave and filed for divorce.

But if she felt she had been trapped in his world before then, the divorce proceedings were worse by far. It had been easy even to find an attorney to represent her, once they recognized the defendant. There was further indignity, she had assumed they were fairly well off, but the proposed settlement, already approved by her lawyer, would leave her with the furniture, a used car, half the interest in their mortgaged home (which would have to be quickly sold) and a meager balance in her checking account. Not very much, she reflected, in exchange for six years of her life. She had never imagined she could feel so powerless and without hope.

And then the letter arrived. The writer, who pleaded for anonymity but clearly had to be someone from the firm with a conscience or a grudge, informed her that a serious injustice was taking place. It seemed there were assets, many assets, which had inexplicably been omitted from the defendant’s sworn property list. There were interests in a strip mall, a small apartment building, land in another state, all belonging to corporations which had no names, only initials, but which could be carefully traced by the knowing researcher through a labyrinthine trail of general partnerships and holding companies to Chief Corporate Officer Trent Whitworth Richardson. There were bank accounts, stocks and bonds, even a yacht which lay quietly in its slip, never venturing out into the bay and serving only as a fornicatorium for the Chief Corporate Officer and his little punch. The writer suggested, moreover, that some of these assets may even have been overlooked in tax filings, that their very existence, if revealed, might excite the most intense curiosity of the revenue authorities. The writer conveniently listed volume and page number of land records, addresses, account numbers, even the name of the offending yacht. Cathy fairly danced to her lawyer with the information, but in what she considered at the time an excess of caution, took with her only handwritten notes from the letter.

Her attorney digested the information and smiled as he smelled blood in the water, that most delicious odor for any lawyer, and promised her great things. But after she left he had time to reflect that while Cathy was at most a temporary interest, his own career was a priority of higher standing. A scandal in the most prestigious law firm in the city would be remembered, would spatter mud in all directions, even upon opposing counsel. He therefore resolved upon a course of action difficult for a layman to understand, but which would surely meet the silent approval of his colleagues at the bar.

That is to say, he sold out his client in a New York minute. The Chief Corporate Officer was permitted to file an amended list of assets before the court, which caused no more than a raised eyebrow and knowing smile from His Honor, and amended tax returns as well (although Cathy never saw them, and who may have signed them on her behalf remains a mystery), the entire collegial process earning for Cathy’s lawyer the unspoken good will of the firm and a favor to be
named at a later date.

Even so, Cathy was delighted by the new terms. A modest alimony was proposed, and then doubled. A stock portfolio materialized, and a large cash settlement, all in exchange for her perpetual vow of silence. There had been a small snag, her lawyer, now deeply in the pocket of the firm, suggested too casually that he would like to see the letter, perhaps something had been missed. Cathy recalled the writer’s warning and felt shock, dismay, then anger. She informed her lawyer bluntly that the letter would not be forthcoming, and that its request would cost her husband another ten thousand dollars, that if the deal was not done by close of business she would go to the IRS and the bar association as well. The attorney was flustered, appalled, he had been assured she was a soft touch. The new deal was done, and Cathy felt, for the first time in her married life, that she had been able to successfully stand up for herself. She would not have to sell the house she loved, at least not right away. With close attention to economy she could maintain the mortgage, leave in a year or so on her own terms.

It was with this economy in mind that she resolved to let out the maid’s apartment over the detached, three-car garage, which they had never used. But not to an ordinary tenant, it was too small for that, but perhaps to a student from the university, who would in any case be more acceptable to the neighbors.

It was immediately after Trent left, hardly time to finish dressing, that she heard the doorbell. Assuming it would still be Trent, she jerked open the door in foul mood to find a young man on the steps. Surprised, she had an impression of broad shoulders, a boyish face with piercing blue eyes that seemed somehow tired, older, and a remarkably disarming smile.

‘Mrs. Richardson? I’m Paul Hegarty. From the university. I called Thursday about the apartment.’

‘Oh, yes, of course. I’m sorry, I’ve had so much going on. I completely forgot you were coming this morning.’

The look on her face had given him pause. ‘If this is a bad time, I could come back later.’

‘No, no. The apartment of over the garage, I think I mentioned that. Why don’t you go around to the back of the house while I get the key?’

‘I’ll meet you there.’

As she walked through the house she considered her brief first impression. He did not look like an ax murderer or terrorist, but could one ever be sure? She supposed he seemed OK, but perhaps older that a normal college student. She met him in the driveway and was certain. The student seemed to read her mind, and offered the explanation that he was in a graduate program. Satisfied, she led the way to the apartment.

‘You have to go into the garage for the stairs. I have only one car, so there would be room for yours if you decide to stay. It isn’t much, two rooms and a bath, but there’s a small kitchenette in the living room with a refrigerator, sink and hot plate.’

‘I don’t need much space. And a garage would be great.’

Cathy would have killed for a place like this when she was an undergraduate. Like the house, the garage was brick, Tudor style, with slate roof and dormers. The apartment was small, room in the bedroom only for a single bed with mattress of uncertain age, desk and dresser, in the living room a couch, chair and small table, but it was private. The student was delighted.

‘This works for me. I’ll take it, if it’s available.’

‘I must tell you that there is no cable or telephone. Also, I have to insist that you have no loud parties and keep the volume down on whatever you play. I have to think of the neighbors.’

‘You’ll never hear me, Mrs. Richardson. I have a cell phone, no TV. Laptop’s on WIFI. I’m here to study.’

‘The name is Cathy. What is your field, by the way?’

‘I’m in computer engineering. I’d like to go into robotics, that sort of thing.’

‘It sounds very interesting. All right, I guess we have a deal for the semester. If it works out for both of us we can talk about whether you will stay longer.’

More details were exchanged, and it was agreed the student would move in that day. As he wrote a check, Paul asked ‘Was that your husband I passed on the way in?’

‘Not any longer. We’re divorced. I live alone. Part of the reason I wanted to rent the apartment was to have someone else on the property.’

That explains the look, the student thought to himself. There’s a lot of bitterness and pain there. Doesn’t look like she has smiled for a long time.

Cathy left for several hours of errands. When she returned, she immediately noticed that the lawn had been cut and the mower put away. She called up the stairs for the student, thinking that he really shouldn’t have done this, I don’t want to be indebted to him.

‘Paul, did you mow the lawn? How did you get the mower started? It wouldn’t run this morning.’

‘It seemed like someone was having a problem with it, so I had a look. Just bad gas and some fouling. It’s good to go now.’

‘Well, I really appreciate this, but I insist on paying you for your work.’

‘If you insist, then. My normal fee is a cup of coffee.’

She smiled. ‘All right, it’s another deal. Here on the back porch around seven?’

Nice smile, he thought, but it took an effort. ‘See you then.’

Their subsequent, get-acquainted conversation lasted far longer than Cathy had anticipated, in fact until darkness called a halt. She learned that he was from the Midwest, parents and two siblings still in place, had worked through university with the help of a partial athletic scholarship, and little else. He, on the other hand, had been very interested in her, in her job, her interests. Public service so satisfying, didn’t she think? Which had been her most interesting cases, and why? What did she like least about nursing? Before long he had her talking more deeply about herself than she had with anyone in months. Only later, as she reflected about how interesting a young man he was did she realize that she, who had always listened quietly to Trent, had monopolized their conversation.

Over the next few weeks the evening coffee settled into a two- or three-a-week ritual, always on the porch, never crossing an unspoken boundary. She found herself looking forward to these talks with the student, who was interested in, and informed upon, a wide range of subjects, who never judged, never made assumptions, never offered solutions, who simply listened, and drew her out.

And he was helpful in other ways. There had been the morning her car would not start, while she was calling AAA she saw the student under the hood. ‘I’ll just have a look at it, if you don’t mind’, he had said, and in a few minutes it was running happily. ‘Just a bad battery connection. You’re good to go now.’

‘Paul, you’re a very nice guy.’

He winced, and showed her a teasing smile. ‘Cathy, please, don’t ever refer to a man as a ‘nice guy”.

‘And why not?’

‘Because nice guys always finish last and they never, ever, get the girl.’

On another occasion he discovered the call buzzer in the apartment, which had never worked, but after he had a look in her basement it lived again, was good to go, ‘so you can call me if there’s ever a problem.’ She found herself using ‘good to go’ at work instead of the usual hospital ‘OK’, and laughed when she recalled its origin.

The student kept fit. A set of weights appeared in the empty garage bay, and every morning at ‘oh dark thirty’, whatever that meant, he loped down the driveway to begin his morning run. ‘Clears the cobwebs’, he had said, and before long he recruited her into his regimen. He introduced her first to power walking, then a week later to ‘the shuffle’, which seemed very like jogging to her, and she began to push herself as she watched the student lap her time and again. She had not felt the energy to exercise in a long time, yet almost immediately found she felt both stronger
and more confident.

One weekend afternoon, six weeks after the student’s arrival, Cathy’s best friend and colleague, Connie, dropped over the enjoy the sun on the porch. Cathy admired Connie for her voluptuous, Mediterranean good looks and her everlastingly positive attitude. Connie was a huge hit with her patients and a special hit with men of all ages. Connie’s judgment, sadly, did not equal her magnetism. She had been briefly married to a man who had physically abused her, and her friends had only just saved her from a second disaster with an alcoholic actor who disliked gainful employment as much as he liked his vodka. Yet she remained upbeat about men, and always ready for a party of any sort.

The two had been chatting up a number of topics and the subject had turned to the student. ‘So how’s it working out, with your college kid?’

‘He’s a nice young man. You may get to meet him. He said he was going to the airport to pick up a friend who’s passing through and needs a place to stay tonight.’

As they were speaking the student drove in, and they watched first Paul, then an enormous soldier in uniform, maroon beret and boots, unfold from the car. Connie was stunned. College kid, my ass, she thought. These guys are the real deal.

Paul, always the gentleman, introduced them to Russell Mabry. Russell, deeply tanned, made his respects in a polite Southern accent. Cathy was impressed by his uniform, ribbons, and badges but noticed that Russell’s pale eyes were like Paul’s: tired, or perhaps they seemed to look through her to something in the distance.

Connie had decided in a millisecond that Cathy owned first dibs on Paul and she turned her attention to the sergeant. She had seen uniforms aplenty, but rarely anyone as many as Russell, and she admired him with predatory eyes.

‘So what brings you to town, Russell, and how are you and Paul acquainted?’

‘Just got back from overseas, Cathy, and I had to come see the El Tee.’

‘El Tee?’

‘That’s lieutenant. Lieutenant Hegarty was our platoon leader.’

‘Paul! You were in the army? You never told me that.’

A shrug and a smile from the student. ‘That was in a different life.’

‘And for how long were you in the army?’

‘About four years.’

While Cathy unconsciously started to do the math, and began to wrap herself around the idea that ‘nice young man’ would perhaps no longer be an appropriate description for her tenant, Connie had begun to do that which she did best of all.

‘Russell, so many ribbons! What did you have to do for them?’

‘We call them bin badges, Connie.’

‘Bin badges?’

‘Been here, been there.’

‘This one has a ‘V’ on it. What does that mean?’


Connie hooted with laughter, put her hand on his arm. She was, she thought, going to like this guy. ‘I know what this silver one is, you two are paratroops. In Iraq?

Russell’s voice had gone a touch throaty, he was only too conscious of Connie’s cleavage, now so very close. ‘That’s right. The El Tee, he was the best. The company hasn’t been the same without him.’

‘Russell, I swear, just one story and you’re going right back to the airport.’

‘Roger that, El Tee.’ It seemed that Russell would not be capable of addressing Paul by his given name.

Connie insisted that ‘the boys’ sit and join them. Cathy was sent for iced tea, Connie was on a scent of her own, and would not have left the porch for fine wine. Conversation flowed, the time flew, and before long Connie suggested dinner on the grill. They had no plans, she said (never mind that she and Cathy had been discussing a movie earlier). If the guys would go out for meat and beer everything would be perfect.

As Paul and Cathy exchanged a glance, Russell hurried in. That would indeed be perfect, he and the El Tee loved nothing more than steaks and beer, had in fact been talking about just that on the way in from the airport, he and Paul would cook.

The motion carried. Cathy told herself that this was for Connie, she was obviously taken with Russell, and deserved his company. Paul was slightly uncomfortable with the thought of taking over Cathy’s evening, and suspected it was not exactly what she wanted. Connie herself was as intent upon seeing that Cathy and Paul ‘got together’, as she thought to herself, as she was upon Russell. God knows she needs a good man, and Connie’s here to help.

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Improbable Moment

You’re wearing those pants again. The black ones. With the zipper in the back. Man I love those! They fit your ass perfectly. You’re standing in your cube, reading something. I can’t tell what it is, but it definitely has your attention. I walk up behind you. Right behind you. I reach down and cup your ass. A slight gasp escapes your lips and you flinch ever so slightly. I gently squeeze your firm ass, then slowly move my hands up to your hips. I press up against you. Just for a moment. Just...

4 years ago
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Improbable Passion

They had done this before. But this assignment was different, very different. It could not be planned. It had serious time constraints and even higher risk possibilities. But it was worth it. They would proceed with extreme caution. As they had less than twenty four hours to prepare, it was filled with tension, anxiety, desire and intrigue. This opportunity was actually non-negotiable. They knew that the next one was totally unpredictable. They both wanted it so badly, but could they make it...

2 years ago
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Improbable Passion

They had done this before. But this assignment was different, very different. It could not be planned. It had serious time constraints and even higher risk possibilities. But it was worth it. They would proceed with extreme caution. As they had less than twenty four hours to prepare, it was filled with tension, anxiety, desire and intrigue. This opportunity was actually non-negotiable. They knew that the next one was totally unpredictable. They both wanted it so badly, but could they make it...

4 years ago
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Improbable History

*This story uses characters created for and owned by Jay Ward Productions and is unauthorized.* "Peabody here (dog genius), and this is my boy Sherman. Say hello, Sherman." "Hello," said Sherman. "Where and when are we going today, Mr. Peabody?" "Set the Wayback Machine for Cairo, Egypt and the year 1916, Sherman. We're off to visit Lt. T. E. Lawrence of the British Royal Army." Sherman adjusted the controls and we stepped into the Wayback Machine (my own invention, by the way)...

3 years ago
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A Most Improbable Awakening

Wally awoke one morning in a lazy fit. He had not slept well, but could not fathom the source of his nightly discomfort. It left him still dreadfully tired, and he looked forward to another few hours of rest before rousing himself. Upon shifting in his sheets, he felt pressure upon his chest and rolled to relieve it, grabbing his newly formed breast as he did. He sighed in relief, massaging the soreness away. Suddenly, he bolted upright and looked down to find a very feminine...

3 years ago
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Improbable Moment

You’re wearing those pants again. The black ones. With the zipper in the back. Man I love those! They fit your ass perfectly. You’re standing in your cube, reading something. I can’t tell what it is, but it definitely has your attention. I walk up behind you. Right behind you. I reach down and cup your ass. A slight gasp escapes your lips and you flinch ever so slightly. I gently squeeze your firm ass, then slowly move my hands up to your hips. I press up against you. Just for a moment. Just...

Quickie Sex
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Peabodys Improbable History

"Peabody here (dog genius), and this is my boy Sherman. Say hello, Sherman." "Hello," said Sherman. "Where and when are we going today, Mr. Peabody?" "Set the Wayback Machine for Cairo, Egypt and the year 1916, Sherman. We're off to visit Lt. T. E. Lawrence of the British Royal Army." Sherman adjusted the controls and we stepped into the Wayback Machine (my own invention, by the way) and in less time than it takes to tell it we were standing outside Lieutenant Lawrence's personal...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 2 Like Blood Murals Being All The Rage In Home Decor

I'm not saying I COULD NOT have come up with a better plan. I'm saying--given the Zombie-Apocalypse and some piss-on-yourself howls, someone might think it a good idea to stay put. That maybe, I wasn't the only one waiting for a government guy to get on TV and tell us they had A PLAN. For a sixteen year old, killing Zombie-Rob and Zombie-Sow is in the realm of overachievement! It wasn't bashing their brains in with a baseball bat, but I deserved style points for the cleaver. AND, after...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 3 Like Werewolves Ate The Cashiers Coupons

I stepped out on the roof of the building. Bianca had sent me to get Professor James. I wondered if he would mind being called PJ. "Hey, Professor!" I called out. He stood at the edge of the roof facing the street. I preferred the river view since zombies couldn't walk on water. "We're ready to go." "So Bianca settled on you being her errand boy," he said smiling. I walked to his side to get a look down at the street. Not a lot of zombies. Too bad! "Much better than Stephen and...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 4 Like Rape Being The Light Beer Of Bad Shit That Can Happen To You

"Wake him up!" "What are you doing?" "Hurry! Jewel and Ashley have been gone for a half-hour!" "Stop that!" "Miguel ... Miguel!" "I said cut that shit out, bitch!" "Fuck you, asshole!" Bianca's voice sounded angry. Scared! Bianca was scared? The blonde went toe to toe with werewolves! Granted, with a shotgun in hand, but the werewolf had teeth and didn't go down from one well-placed bullet so same difference. "Stop it!" "Stop kicking her!" Joey! Someone shook me....

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 5 Like Strippers Giving Back Your Money

I opened my eyes, seeing a white ceiling did not make me happy. "Fuck me!" "Miguel." Ashley and Jewel knelt down at my side. "Are you okay?" "I'm not dead," I said. "What?" Ashley asked. Her eyes were confused. "I'm not dead." "No," Ashley said. "Drink some water." Jewel slipped a hand under my head and put a cup to my mouth. My tongue felt like someone scraped it clean with sandpaper. I drank some before pulling away from Jewel's hand. I wasn't fucking dead....

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 6 Like Sex In The Champagne Room

The second handjob wasn't the end of the night. We had to stop the roof action though because Ashley told me the Professor and his wife would be up soon. "Uh!" I said. "Didn't we fuck up our guard duty?" "Nah!" Ashley replied. "We're only here to keep an eye on the street. The zombies aren't a problem as long as a large group doesn't head directly at the door. We can hear the werewolves coming, so they're not a problem either. It's also not like any survivors are going to be...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 7 Like Being Glad When A Cop Pulls You Over

Sex smells or so I'd heard without quite understanding why it would matter. If sex doesn't stink like rotten eggs or stale piss, who gives a fuck? If it does, take a fucking shower! I didn't smell anything and I'd had a lot of sex that morning and mid-afternoon. A LOT OF SEX! The girls were taking a shower. I was hoping there would be enough hot water or just plain water for me to take one too. I'd never been the active type so the dried sweat thing got old fast. I could have taken care...

4 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 8 Like A LOT Of Sex In The Champagne Room

Rape? Reluctance? Submission? Willingness? Bianca fought, hard enough that Jewel and Ashley had to restrain her a few times. She made no attempt to hurt me though! When the pleasure got intense, she moved with me. Bianca paid her first night of debt, but there was more to it than balancing the sheet with Ashley. The next day, our lunch was more relaxed than any meal we had up to that point. Lorena prepared a small feast of pork and yellow rice. There was a celebratory air to the group!...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 9 Like a Guy Not Taking Issue With You Nailing His Old Lady

I didn't talk to them the next morning; grabbing food, nodding to Joey, and walking outside had to be enough for now. Ashley hadn't exactly bought them my good graces; she did make me think though ... after she fell asleep! She wanted to make sure I understood the change to our relationship so I got a couple more rides in her ass. She was uncomfortable but didn't let me take her pain away. She wanted to feel it, to know she'd done her best to convince me that I'd wake her up if I decided...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 10 Like the School PissBoy Turning Down a Lay On the School Queen

Plans don't survive contact with the enemy, or something like that according to John-John. One might think it's the enemy who tends to not do what the plan tells them, perfectly understandable since the plan generally calls for them to die. As it happens, plans don't survive the actions of the side, which makes up the fucking plan! For instance, Ashley and Joey took out the guards on the second floors. The entire gang was up in arms, but they were heading down and out. The gang leaped...

2 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 11 Like A Politician Shutting The Hell Up

Pretty food is easy to get used to. Towers of rice. Chicken cut in mechanically even strips. Little bowls of beans. Breakfast can be especially cute! It's something about the colors: white, yellow, brown, red, and orange. "You need to make a show of power," the Professor said as he sat down. John-John took the seat on my other side. "Really?" I asked. "Can't I have breakfast in peace? I had a good night, guys. Jewel has this leather bikini thing, except there's nothing covering the...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 12 Like Permanently Shutting Up A Politician

I was on the roof, practicing my Pushing. "There's a problem downstairs. You're going to want to get involved." Ashley said as she approached me. "What the hell are you doing?" I spun on one finger, using small Pushes to counteract gravity and friction. B-Boy power moves lent themselves to my ability; most people also didn't know what was possible and impossible so I could explain it if I got caught. Letting my rotation slow to a stop, I balanced on a fingernail. It required nearly...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 13 Like The Stupid Letting The Blind Lead Even When They Should

Bianca didn't look good. In fact, she looked downright fucked up! And she wouldn't shut the fuck up! It started a few hours after she woke up from our fuckfest and found out about Lorena shooting the politician. "It was my fault..." "I shouldn't have left..." "I should have talked to him..." "Why didn't I think..." BLAH-THE-FUCK-BLAH! "How much longer is this going to go on?" I asked the people at my table. They looked at Brandi who was talking to Bianca. I...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 14 Like the Smart Doing Stupid Right And Getting Away With It

"Every five minutes," Bianca told Kellie and Crystal. The two girls were on dirt bikes that they liberated from the University campus. The 'liberated' was for the sake of the police sergeant; he tended to make a face when discussing the looting of anything other than food or necessities. Kellie and Crystal assured him the bikes were absolutely necessary. He didn't buy it! I didn't feel like getting involved since the bikes made the escape from the University campus easier--zombies...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 15 Like the Application of Extreme Violence NOT Solving a Problem

"How long?" I asked before opening my eyes. "Three days," Mr. Valence replied. "Too long!" I sat up and looked at him. "You've only got a tiny scar left. Doctor Larson's new favorite word is impossible," he told me. "I'm guessing the scar won't be around for much longer so it's sort of a complete victory for you." "Not yet," I replied. "They're still alive, right?" "The woman was dead when we got to her. You didn't look like you needed us to bug you, so John-John...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 16 Like the Hot Cheerleader Banging Her Nerdy Tutor

"Lounge chairs!" I exclaimed. "This is probably a worse idea than that throne crap." "I didn't hear you complaining when Elizabeth and Sophie were putting suntan lotion on you." Brian smiled and looked behind us. Elizabeth and Sophie lay on chairs behind me, sunning themselves. I was pretty sure I'd never seen a smaller bikini than the white one Sophie had on. "I thought they were only going to wear white," I said. Elizabeth had nothing on that I could see. "Marina set the...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 18 Like a Plan Coming Together

"Ashley needs you at the Tea Party," Jewel said to me. She wore a very short red dress, which clung for dear life to her ass and hips. She did a slow turn for me when she noticed my attention. With her back to me, Jewel raised the bottom of her dress far enough for me to see the black thong. "Tea party?" I asked. "If you're going to fuck her, can you do it on the couch? I'm working here," the Professor said without looking up from his papers. Jewel coughed. "I'm sorry," the...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 19 Like a Conversation Going Exactly How You Rehearsed It In Your Head

"Do you remember when I said--we love you and those with the inclination are in love with you?" Brian asked me. He was holding up a dime that had been reduced by four half-moon bullet cutouts. I raised an eyebrow at him. The Bus Terminal was only a couple of blocks from the town's indoor shooting range. Considering the zombies habit of attacking anything they heard, practicing in the range made more sense than on the roof of the warehouse. "I'm in love with you," he said. John-John...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 20 Like Being Comfortable on a First Date

I watched Bianca walk into my suite. She wore a floor-length wine colored dress. "You want to touch?" she asked. I reached out and ran my hand over her hip. The dress looked and felt like velvet. I smiled and stared up at her. "Not as soft as your skin." "You don't have to try this hard," she said, sitting across the table from me. "I'm a sure thing tonight!" Marina poured a glass of wine for Bianca. Putting the bottle on the table, Marina knelt a few feet away. Elizabeth was on...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 21 Like Hope Delivering On Its Promise

I guess the thought of losing the accumulated knowledge of humanity lit a fire under the Professor. He even put together a hunting party to go into other professors' homes to raid their book collections. The books filled several trucks. I hoped it would be enough, like I hoped what Bianca had done to prepare for our departure was enough too. I smiled--we were saved!!! I wasn't the only one smiling. The uniforms were so pretty, at least on some of the soldiers. A few of the men looked a...

1 year ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsEpilogue Like the End of a Story Being the End of the Story

Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...

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A Great Tenant

My name is Stephanie. I’m forty years old, single and I have a ten-year-old brat. He’s a good kid, but sometimes he does things that just drive me crazy.One day not too long ago, I took Kevin into the office with me, as he was out of school for a day because he was not feeling well. I had him sit in the large clubhouse area of our apartment leasing office while I tended to my works chores. I had a super cool boss who was perfectly fine with me in this regard.One of our tenants came in, a guy...

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My Real Life Experience With My Tenant

Hi to all, I live in Chennai. Since this is not a story to narrate like usual way hence you might find some mistake. This is a real incident happened in my life. I did my engineering in 2008 and got it job. I got good onsite opportunity to work in London as well. Hence I bought a new flat and move from my old house with my family hence I rented my own house which I was living before moving to flat. This house has 3 portions for rent. All are 1bhk and the only family stayed. After seeing to let...

1 year ago
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Sex With Tenant

Hi. This is Ravi and i will be telling a story on how a married woman and me enjoyed in Bangalore.Our tenants were a couple who were married since 2 yrs…they did not have children. She was Priya and his name was Raaj…..Raaj worked in a software company while she stayed at home.. She might be around 26 and she was very beautiful to look. She has a size of 36-26-36. She is there mostly in Sarees where she ties it mid riff else she would be in pants. She was very close to me and in fact the couple...

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Fucking a virgin horny tenant

Hi again to all ISS fans. I deeply thank ISS and ISS Fans for giving a great rating for my first Story itself. I feel proud you guys all know I’m (for your service) born for sex this incident happened last year between monsoon and winter season after a great blow jobs with my maid I longed for a another new sex partner and god sent me 1 our old tenants vacated our house and all settled and I heard some Family from Kerala is going to occupy our house and that family consist of two children one...

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Tara the Terrific Tenant

I rent out a little cottage next to my house. It’s furnished and cozy, most suitable for one person who needs an easy move-in for a few months. There have been a variety of tenants over the years but the current one is certainly the best. Tara is in her later twenties, dark short hair, a little bit plump which just makes her tits and ass curvy and comfy. Light blue eyes and an easy smile. She’d been married for a couple of years but her work had not been compatible with it. She is a software...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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