Naruto:The Lemon Games Chapter 1:Tsuname_(0) free porn video

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Tazuna's house, in the dead of the night. He had
his own room because Tazuna had his own room,
Tsunami and Sakura were sharing a room, Inari
had his own room, and Kakashi and Sasuke were
sharing a room. It was just after the battle for the
bridge in fact. A huge party would be thrown
He was resting until a large book appeared out of
nowhere and dropped…right on his groin.
"Sonofabitch!" Naruto shouted rolling onto the
floor and smacking his head into it by accident.
Whoever said that having a second pain dulls the
first was a fucking moron.
In his pain ridden mind, Naruto had a few
thoughts, one of the least was 'Why isn't anyone
coming down?'
Thinking it to be a prank pulled by that Inari kid,
Naruto slowly sat up and picked the rather heavy
book up. "By the Log, this thing weighs a good
twenty pounds. Is there a way to make it
smaller?" as soon as Naruto said those words the
book shrank in his hand, which made him blink. It
was now the size of a paperback novel.
It was even addressed to him strangely enough.
On the front in big bold letters were the words 'TO
NARUTO UZUMAKI, READ ME!' Naruto looked the
book over, turning it looking for a summary or a
title of the book, but it didn't have anything past
that writing.
"I hate reading." Naruto said but opened the
front page where words began to write
'To Naruto Uzumaki, if you are reading this then
my aim was true and you have been stuck in a
video game. If you're not Naruto Uzumaki then
you should be reduced to ash by the end of this
sentence. Naruto, I have placed you within a
video game of my own design that, hopefully,
doesn't have any glitches. There will be a few
inconsistencies that YOU know of, but everyone
else will think of as natural. The point of this video
game is simple. Level up and become the
strongest ninja known. However, unlike normal
video games, you won't be leveling up through
combat and learning multiple Jutsu, instead you'll
be leveling up by having sex with various women
and learning Jutsu that will help you have sex
with the women.'
"WHAT!" Naruto shouted before looking around.
Sakura wouldn't like it if he would be doing this.
'At this point you have lively shouted and are
wondering where your precious 'Sakura-chan' is
in case she heard your shouts. The second the
book hit the targeted owner, it cast a quick
silencing seal around you so that you can hear
yourself, but no one else can until you are
finished reading. It also boosted your libido or
sexual drive so that you will notice other women.
A flat-chested howler monkey fan girl won't even
level you up if you were at level one, which you're
not. Turn the page.’
"Bossy ass book." Naruto said turning the page
and then recoiling his hand as he got a rather
deep paper cut but he finished turning the page.
On the left hand page was writing, and on the
right hand side was a bunch of stats. He started
to read.
'Yes I, and by the extent of me the book, am
bossy. Deal with it. I know all, see all, and hear all.
So learn some manners before I change what the
Kyuubi gave you between your legs to the size of
a cashew.'
Naruto whimpered putting one hand between his
legs. While he wasn't sure if he was big or not, he
knew a cashew was not.
'Now that that's cleared up, welcome to the Stats
page. Strength, speed, intelligence, endurance,
acrobatics, chakra levels, chakra control, and
luck. These are all numerical values that pertain
to you. If we were to put your chakra levels on
say…Kakashi’s scale, then the numbers would be
much higher, or lower, depending on the
circumstances. Strength is the physical strength
of your body, the higher it is the harder you hit.
Speed is the physical speed of your body; the
higher it is the faster you move. Intelligence isn't
how much stuff you know, but rather how well
you use what you know. Make sure to learn more
as your intelligence gets higher or else you'll be
sorely limited. Endurance is how long your
strength and speed last, low strength but high
endurance means you can win against someone
with high strength but low endurance.
Endurance is also how long you can go in the
bed, even having multiple orgasms. Acrobatics is
how high you can jump, how much you can
bend, and a whole slew of other things. Chakra
levels are blatantly obvious. However, as you also
increase your intelligence; your chakra levels will
go up some as well. Having a Bijuu stuck inside
your gut however, your chakra levels are already
damned impressive. Chakra control is again
blatantly obvious .Luck affects everything. From
how well you gamble, to what will show up on
missions, luck will also slightly deal with how
women handle you. If the woman is a frigid bitch,
then a high luck might warm her up to you.
Every level, you will get five stat points outside of
the ten you start with. You can also increase
these stats by learning and training.'
Naruto looked to the stats. Strength was at a 25
he guessed that was good, but he wasn't sure
what the numbers were out of. Speed was at a
30, Intelligence was at 10, Endurance was a solid
40, Acrobatics was at 20, Chakra levels was at 40,
and he wasn't surprised to see his Chakra control
at 15. Luck was at 25.
'The limits of all the stats are at 200. You can
train your stats, to an extent, and boost them.
Every level however you can boost a stat up five
points. The higher the level, the longer it will take
to level up. Turn the page.'
Naruto kept a snide comment to himself and
turned the page where there was a list of skills.
'These are your skills kid. Kunai throwing,
shuriken throwing, trap making, etc. Some of the
skills are going to be sexual; my recommendation
is to boost your Sexual Aura skill up when you get
the chance. How many points you get for these,
are determined by your intelligence. As of right
now, you get your intelligence x 1, plus the level
you're currently at. There are enough stats to
keep you going for a very long time. The cap on
each skill is 200. Turn the Page.'
Naruto turned the page, and then turned another
seeing the next page was a list of even more
skills. There had to be at least two hundred skills.
The new page had him, chibified, standing on top
of a blue bar with a zero at one end and a one at
the other.
'Welcome to your progress page kid. This is how
far you are into the level. Certain actions will fill
this bar. Having sex, and learning Jutsu that can
help you in sex are great ways to fill this bar.
Now, let's see…'
Naruto stared at the words on the page as the
bar emptied.
'Don't worry kid; I just reset it so you can see
what achievements you've gotten so far to see
what they do.'
Naruto stared as above the bar the words
HAVE SEX! +100 points!' The words faded and
the points sank down to the bar where the bar
automatically filled up.
Naruto tapped the little golden arrow under the
bar and he felt a jolt of empowerment as the
pages flipped back to the Stats page. He looked
at the page; he had 15 points to spend. He chose
to put five points to his strength, and then the
next seven all on his intelligence, having a feeling
he'd need it. The remaining three went to Chakra
He was then flipped to the skills page where he
looked at how many points he had to spend. He
was level 1 now, which meant he got 1 extra
point on top of the 17 points. So he had 18 points
to spend. He saw the Sexual Aura skill the book
talked about and tapped it.
'Sexual Aura is how desirable you are found by
other women.' Naruto noticed it already at 15,
which in his opinion wasn't bad. 'The higher the
skill, the more a woman wants you. Kunoichi will
need a higher level for you to do things with
Naruto thought on all the book had told him. If he
needed to have sex, then he'd need to be more
appealing. If he was more appealing, he'd have
more sex. If he had more sex, he'd level up more.
Without a second thought, he poured all 18
points into it.
'20 pts., Now Civilian Women are more likely to
find you desirable and willing to have sex with
you if you play the right moves. 30 pts., now
civilian women are even more likely to try and
have sex with you.'
Naruto nodded before going back to the page
that had the level bar. New words were formed.
LESBIAN SEX! +150 points!' The points floated
down to the bar, and filled it. He noticed a ‘bank’
option for the points and tapped it as more words
Naruto watched as the bar filled up again and he
tapped the bank option to allow his points to be
banked. He then flipped over to his stats page. He
now had ten points to work with. He put three
into his intelligence, rounding it out to twenty.
Two went to the chakra control, rounding that
out to twenty as well. The remaining five points
headed straight to luck, boosting it to 30.
Heading to the skills page, he noticed he had
forty five points to work with. He scratched his
chin a bit, trying to figure out how he wanted to
play with this. He decided to boost his Sexual
Aura up to 50 points. ‘Sexual Aura, 50 pts.
Apprentice Level, Civilian Women will find
themselves incredibly horny around your
presence, Friendly Kunoichi are willing to have
sex with you.’ Naruto then glanced at his
Genjutsu, his worst possible skill, which was at 0.
He poured the twenty five points into it.
‘Genjutsu, 25 pts. You can now detect a C-ranked
Genjutsu, and dispel a D-ranked Genjutsu.’
Naruto went back to the level progress page but
didn't find any new words that would fill the bar
the rest of the way. "Huh, guess I haven't done
anything else noteworthy yet." He said before he
flipped the next page.
'Welcome to the Perks page. Perks are gained
every other level, and can be a variety of things.
Certain requirements must be met before a perk
can be taken. Even Kekkei Genkai are perks,
though they almost always have requirements to
be met before they can be taken. Turn the page.'
Naruto glanced at some of the perks as he turned
the page. The one called Rinnegan caught his
eye, but he ignored it. He did however see the
Hyoton unlocked. He tapped it. ‘Hyoton.
Requirements, defeat Haku. Allows for use of the
Hyoton Kekkei Genkai.’ Naruto rolled his eyes at
the obvious description. He pondered it for a
second before tapping the ‘Yes’ icon. He had
already used his one skill point. Naruto then
flipped the page.
'This is essentially your Bingo Book of women.
While you do not have to have sex with each and
every one of the women in the Bingo Book, it has
all the possible women you can have sex with.
You will notice a few of them are meant to be
dead. And by rights, they should be, however I
saw fit to resurrect them for my game. Also, the
Bijuu are in here. You won’t be able to see their
human forms in here until you have sex with
them. Now, good luck out there, good hunting,
and be careful.'
Naruto rolled his eyes at the last thing the book
said. "You make it sound like I won't treat the
women with respect." Naruto scratched his chin
as he looked through the pages of women.
Kurenai was in there, Hinata was in there, a
woman by the name of Tsunade was in there. He
stopped at a name that he knew was of someone
who by rights should be dead: Mikoto Uchiha,
mother of Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha. He knew
Itachi had slaughtered all of the Uchiha clan,
including Mikoto, however something was off.
"This must be one of those inconsistency things."
He said as he looked through a few more pages,
seeing that it also told Naruto the allegiance of
the women. ‘
He randomly, out of curiosity, tapped the Ichibi
no Tanuki. ‘Ichibi no Tanuki, Allegiance: Herself.
Bust: Unknown. Hips: Unknown. Height:
Unknown. Weight: Unknown. Requirements to
get with: Destroy the Shukaku spirit possessing
the Ichibi, Fix the seal on Subaku no Gaara,
Release the Ichibi no Tanuki without killing
Subaku no Gaara.’
Naruto blinked his eyes staring. “That…is a lot of
stuff to do.” Naruto said in a bit of awe.
Naruto snapped the book shut as he heard
someone walk down. He saw the book change to
a random novel. He stood and went over to see
who had walk down. He stopped at the kitchen
and stared for a bit.
Tsunami had walked down in a robe that did little
to hide the fact she had a nice taut body even
after having given birth. Naruto swallowed as he
watched her bend into the fridge and gather
some things for a mid-night snack. Her round ass
just stuck out there almost having a heart shape
to it.
Naruto could feel his cock swelling underneath
the orange jump suit. "Are you alright Tsunami-
san?" Naruto asked politely as he moved over to
"Oh Naruto-kun." Tsunami said jumping a little bit
and placing her hand on her rather ample
breasts. "You startled me; I didn't think anyone
else would be up at this time."
Naruto shrugged. "I couldn't sleep and decided to
do a bit of reading. My teammates would likely try
to insult me if I told them I liked reading."
Tsunami looked over at Naruto and felt a warmth
travel down along her spine to the core of her
body, a warmth she hadn't felt since Kaiza. She
hoped he didn't notice as her thighs rubbed
together, trying to ease the warmth. Where did
this come from? Was it because the blonde in
front of her reminded her so much of Kaiza? That
the blonde also saved her family and her home?
She was eyeing him like a prime rib steak and she
had been starved for years. "I'm sorry to hear
that Naruto-kun." Her voice came out a little
throatier than she had intended
With his newfound intelligence, and his libido now
unleashed, Naruto picked up on little things. He
noticed as her hand fell away from her breasts,
that her finger lingered a bit to slide along her
hard nipple which he could see the outline of. He
noticed her thighs rub together, even with her
being discreet about it. He noticed a slight blush
dusting her cheeks and he heard the throatier
octave as she spoke. Naruto gave her his best
foxy smile and he watched as the blush
darkened. "Thanks Tsunami-san." He then
noticed her look dejected for a bit before faking a
smile. "What's wrong Tsunami-san; you're much
to pretty to be sad." Naruto said.
"Oh it's nothing Naruto-kun." Tsunami said her
body getting hotter from the full force of that foxy
smile. By Kami, she wanted this boy, no, this man
in front of her. But being called Tsunami-san
reminded her that she was much older than he
was. He wouldn't want a woman like her, a
woman who had a child.
"Tell me Tsunami-san." Naruto said, stepping a bit
closer, almost having her breasts brush against
his chest. She was so flustered that it was rather
interesting to watch.
Tsunami almost stepped back as Naruto stepped
closer, but her body didn't want to. Hell, her mind
didn't want to. "I was just hoping you'd call me
Tsunami-chan." Tsunami said, not knowing what
came over her.
Naruto gave her a big grin, not quite his foxy
grin. "Alright Tsunami-chan, Jiji has been getting
on me about learning manners so I didn't want to
seem rude." Naruto said.
Tsunami blushed some more. She had to have
him. "Well Naruto-kun, I don't mean to be rude, I
mean you helped our village and my family so
much but could you perhaps help me with
something?" she asked licking her full lips.
IS!' Naruto thought but gave her a grin. "Sure, I
don't mind helping out. If I'm going to be Hokage
someday, I can't back down from a challenge."
Tsunami set the fixings for her mid-night snack
on the counter before moving over to Naruto. He
leaned into him a bit, her breasts pressed around
his arm as she leaned right into his ear. "I need
you Naruto-kun." She whispered in a husky tone
as she cupped his groin, getting even hornier at
what she felt between his legs. It certainly wasn't
a kunai, but it was as hard as one. "It's been
years since I've last felt like a woman, and judging
by what's in my hand I bet you see me as a
woman don't you?" Tsunami asked with a small
pout to her lips
Naruto's virgin mind was blown as he felt Tsunami
rubbing his cock. "Y-yes m-ma'am Tsunami-c-
chan." Naruto stuttered out in his half there state
of mind as she rubbed his arm against her
breasts. His mind was further blown as Tsunami
took a small step back and undid her robe, letting
it drop revealing her rather toned body. Not
toned from training, just hard work around the
house. Her breasts while big and full had little sag
to them, just from gravity. His eyes feasted over
her form, going to her bare pussy which he could
see was moist from her desire.
"Do you like what you see Naruto-kun?" Tsunami
asked, sliding a hand down her breast, and in
between her legs rubbing herself a bit. She didn't
know what came over her. While her sex life with
Kaiza had been healthy, it had never quite been
this naughty. She then stepped forward to Naruto
and dropped to her knees undoing the zipper to
the pants of his orange jumpsuit. She fished her
prize out of his pants and her eyes locked on to
the sheer size of him. "So big." She said before
she gave the swollen tip a kiss. "So thick." And
somewhere in her mind she knew it was only
going to get bigger as he grew older. She
estimated him to be ten inches already, and
having quite a sizeable girth.
Naruto hissed in pleasure as he felt Tsunami's soft
hand wrap around his cock and pull him out.
Hearing her call him big made his chest swell with
pride. At least he was big for her. His body
jumped as he felt her give the head a kiss. He ran
his hands through her black hair, watching her.
She locked eyes with him before dropping her
mouth onto him, taking him halfway down almost
instantly. Naruto gave a low groan, praying and
hoping Kakashi and the others wouldn't wake up.
Tsunami sucked hard and deep on the impressive
cock in her mouth as she moved her head
deeper, slowly deep throating him. She got to
about to eight inches before she gagged but that
didn't bother her. She had always been a horny
naughty woman, just with Inari and the problems
with Wave; she's had to repress all of it. She
reached between her legs and began to slip her
fingers into her pussy as she pulled Naruto's cock
from her mouth. She stroked him and kissed the
tip again. "I want you to pound my face Naruto-
kun." She said licking the underside. "Don't stop
for anything. Even if tears are coming out of my
eyes, don't stop. When you need to cum, just do
it down my little throat." Tsunami said
Naruto's eyes grew wide at what she said. "Are
you sure?" he asked wanting to make sure he
didn't do anything she didn't like. When she
smirked and kissed the tip of his cock again, he
knew he had full okay. Grabbing her dark hair, he
drove himself balls deep into her mouth hearing
her gag and give off a sound of choking. Her
throat vibrated around him as she gave a moan
from his forcefulness. He then began to work her
head on and off his cock forcefully, even as tears
began to come down from her eyes.
Tsunami did her best to keep up with the insane
forceful pace; she really did sucking and gagging
on him and lathering his cock with her tongue.
She loved to suck cock, but her first husband and
Kaiza hadn't wanted to let her. The young stud in
front of her now was practically demanding it of
her and she fully wanted to feel his hot load down
her throat.
Alas, Naruto was but a virgin and so was
expected to cum quickly. Slamming balls deep
back into her mouth he moaned fully. "Cumming
Tsunami-chan." He said as he felt her tongue
snake out and lick at his balls, coaxing as much of
his cum out as possible.
Tsunami had hoped, dearly, that with Naruto's
large balls, he'd give her a nice impressive load
and she was glad he didn't disappoint. In fact the
first shot bloated out her cheeks and she had
difficulty keeping up with swallowing. Four shots
later it began to spill down her chin and onto her
breasts where a hand came up and began to rub
it in. Had Naruto not been balls deep in her
mouth, she might have been able to swallow all of
what he gave her.
Naruto pulled from her mouth and watched as
she coughed a bit, massaging her abused throat.
He figured that that would be it and they'd be
done. It kind of disappointed him, but he didn't
want to be too much on Tsunami. He was
surprised when she went and bent over the
counter spreading her legs.
"Come here Naruto-kun. I see you're still hard and
I don't want to have you hurting because of it."
Tsunami said, her own lust exceeded only by her
excitement. She was going to get pounded like a
real woman again, and he was just the man to do
it. "I'll have you do the prep work tomorrow for
practice, but right now I'm wet enough you
should be able to give it to me nicely."
Naruto moved over to Tsunami and took a bit of
time to make sure he was lining up with the right
hole. He rubbed himself against her wet pussy a
bit before he began to push in, feeling her body
give for him. Tsunami gave a loud groan as she
muffled herself with her hand. Apparently they
had the same worries, just about different people.
Naruto reached underneath her body and
grasped her large breast in one hand, massaging
it rather clumsily as he began to thrust in and out
of her body, pushing deeper and deeper the more
her pussy opened up for him. He grabbed her hip
with his other hand, thrusting a little more as
Tsunami bent a little further over, and pressing
back into him.
Tsunami gave a throaty moan as she felt like
crying from being filled so well. By Kami, Naruto
was stretching her out; even her used pussy was
getting stretched by his girth. She had never felt
so good before, and as he made a clumsy
attempt to play with her breasts, she loved it. She
loved how rough he was. She thrust back into
him before leaning up and touching his head.
"Harder Naruto-kun, take me harder and really
fuck me. Ruin my pussy for any other man." She
whispered to him. She had never been an overly
loud lover, but she was sure that he would be fine
with that.
Naruto took his hand off of Tsunami's breast and
grabbed her hips with both hands and began to
thrust deep and hard into her. He used a bit of
chakra to make his thrusts harder, hearing
Tsunami clamp both hands over her mouth as her
moans turned into short screams. His hips
slapped against her ass with a wet meaty sound.
He was sure with further experience, he'd be fine,
and wouldn't need to blow his load so quickly, but
he was barely losing his virginity,
Apparently he wasn't the only one having enjoyed
themselves. "I'm cumming Naruto-kun." Tsunami
said biting her knuckle as she cried out in
orgasm, her body milking Naruto for his cum.
Naruto gave a loud moan as he thrust deep inside
her body and unloaded inside her, twitching as
he pumped her full of his cum. Naruto slowly
pulled out, some of his cum leaking from her
body. He went cross eyed when she turned and
began to lazily lick him clean. She then collected
her robe from the floor and put it on. "Thank you
"No problem Tsunami-chan, no problem at all."
Naruto said grinning as he pulled his pants back
on. He grinned as he watched her walk away, her
hips swaying.
Naruto then went back to his book and noticed it
changed back to his Game book. He flipped to the
POINTS!' the bar didn’t quite fill up, but he wasn’t
having too much problems against that ’Harem
Master Perk Available.’ Naruto decided to flip to
the perks page and sure enough a new perk was
bold. Harem Master. He tapped on it. 'Harem
Master Perk. Requirements: Sexual Aura at
Apprentice Level, Lost Virginity. Allows you to
have as many women in your personal Harem as
you desire.' Naruto blinked at that. Why would he
want that many women in a harem? Hell, back in
Konoha, he'd be lucky if someone even looked at
him with enough love to even consider letting
him have sex with another woman. He then
tapped on the other perk that had interested
him. 'Rinnegan. Requirements: Have sex with an
Uzumaki, Ask Jiraiya of the Sannin about Nagato,
Chakra Levels at 40, Defeat another Kekkai
Genkai wielder. Allows use of the Ultimate Dojutsu
the Rinnegan. More information available once
Naruto noticed that two of the four were
darkened, meaning he had already fulfilled the
requirements. "I guess beating Haku counts." He
said and flipped back to the Level up page, only
to find the bar filled again 'HAD SEX WITH
TSUNAMI! +200 Pts!' The bar filled the rest of the
way up, giving him another perk point available
and more points to use. He distributed all five stat
points into his intelligence, making it twenty five.
He then looked to the twenty nine skill points he
had to give. He put the points into his stealth
which had been at 31. ‘Stealth, 60 pts.
Apprentice level. You can now sneak by an
unsuspecting Jonin 95 percent of the time! Also
boosts all Sneaky Skills: Lock Picking, Hacking,
Assassination, Lying, Pick Pocketing, etc.’
He closed his book and set it under the cushion,
before going back to sleep. It was going to be
rather interesting when he got back home, that
much he was sure.
Naruto Stats
Level 4: 1050/1700 exp.
Strength: 30
Speed: 30
Acrobatics: 20
Endurance: 40
Intelligence: 25
Chakra: 40
Chakra Control: 20
Luck: 30
Sexual Aura 50 pts. Apprentice Level. Allied
Kunoichi are willing to have sex with Naruto.
Civilian Women are extremely horny around
Naruto now.
Stealth, 60 pts. Apprentice level. Naruto can now
sneak by an unsuspecting Jonin 95 percent of the
time Also boosts all Sneaky Skills: Lock Picking,
Hacking, Assassination, Lying, Pick Pocketing, etc.
Genjutsu, 25 pts. Novice Level. Naruto can now
detect a C-ranked Genjutsu, and Dispel a D-
ranked Genjutsu.
Hyoton Perk: Naruto can now use the Hyoton


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Lemon Park Horror Ch 01

This is a true story. It happened back in 1995. Names have been changed due to the fact this story may lead into some future fantasy stories written with this factual occurrence being the base for them. Please read and enjoy. Suggestions for direction for future stories is appreciated. It was an unexpectedly warm night back in February 1995. There was this wonderful girl I was hanging out with at the time, Andi. We had some speedbumps in our relationship and had kinda lost touch with a few of...

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A Spurt of Lemon

My name is Linda Blain. I am an established fashion designer in my mid forties. Alistair, my late husband, was a psychologist .he’d developed a very successful private practice. We lived in a charming Devon country home by the river Fen near Fenley in the early eighties, a beautiful unspoilt typically English village situated just three miles away from our home. Ben, my gardener and odd job man, kept everything in top notch. He knew exactly how I liked the flora. His work was impressive and,...

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You horny fucks want to get your hands on the best porn games out there, right? Damn, right you do. But finding the best games can be a fucking struggle. Trust me, I know. I have a whole site dedicated to reviewing them. But what if you don’t want to go around to a bunch of different websites and shit to play them? Well, you need a porn game directory that also houses game players and download links right then and there. Finding such a site is easier said than done, but I think I’ve got just...

Free Sex Games
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Poetry and Lemon Cakes

Claudette stared balefully out the window of her small bookshop, watching the groups of Nazi soldiers pacing through the streets. Business had taken a turn for the worse since their occupation of her city in France. Wars were always hard times, but even her wealthier patrons had ceased coming to her shop because she was unable to procure the new literature. Instead, she was forced to stock piles and piles of the Fuhrer’s Mein Kampf. Sighing, she fingered through her copy battered of Cyrano de...

2 years ago
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Lemonade From Lemons

Lemonade From Lemons - Chapter 1 Adam WestSandy flipped over the last page of the romance novel, and now she was feeling a bit randy and horny. Romance novels always seemed to do that to her, and this one just happened to be extra juicey at the end. God, the leading character was such a hunk. I wish he was here right now. How long has it been since she made love to a man? Sandy did the computation in her head. It had been over three weeks since her divorce with Richard had been finalized, and...

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Lemons And Coffee

The gate opened slowly with the weight of my shoulder as I tried to balance the heavy box of lemons, my hot cup of coffee, and the neighbor’s newspapers. My neighbor, Harry was due back from his regular Fly-In Fly-Out shift roster and would arrive home sometime after 1800 hours that night. His partner Jackie had been away visiting family for the past week and had planned to arrive back home around the same time as Harry. I would often bring down a bag of fruit and the newspaper or magazines to...

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Bitter Lemons Part 1

Bitter Lemons - Part 1I originally wrote this story as a one-off called 'One woman's fantasy fulfilled'. It can be found in its original form here -, in response to requests, I've written a Part 2. To aid the story flow I've made some changes to the original story and corrected a number of typos and grammatical errors. This story, Bitter Lemons - Part 1, is the amended version of the original story. Part 2 will be posted in the...

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The Torment 6 Lemon

(A/N: I suppose that you know, if you have read the previous stories, is that Piccolo got cursed to turn into a girl when he was splashed with cold water. That is how this story opens. No Videl to keep her on the right, and safe path.) The Torment: Lemon By Talent Scout Piccolo-chan watched Gohan out of the corner of her eye, wondering why Eliza's talking to him was making her feel so annoyed. She tried to reason away the sudden urge she had felt to slug the human with the...

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Bitter Lemons Part 2

Bitter Lemons - Part 2Part 1 can be found here - 2 will make more sense if you read Part 1 first.This is all my own work and copyright remains with me.---"You think they'll definitely be here?", asked Ben as we climbed out of the taxi into the warm late evening sun."No idea", I replied. "I just had that one letter and don't have contact details for her. It just said she'd be in the piano bar with her friend at eight o'clock...

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Games People Play Chapters 12

Author's note: This story was inspired by the wonderful story "The Challenges" by Atomicwriter. Copyrights to any games and fictional properties belong to respective owners, no infringement is intended. A knowledge of board games will probably enhance enjoyment. Games People Play 1- Cosmic Encounter "The noble Remora are willing to negotiate and ensure mutual victory." Lexi says, looking to her housemate Deekan with her best poker face. "As are the Sniveler." Deekan says,...

1 year ago
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That was a great first date. I picked her up in my Rambler American, and off we drove for some dance hall/bar somewhere, and on the way I pulled out the half gallon jug of cheap wine I had with me and asked her if she was one of those girls who objected to drinking while driving. And when she took the bottle and had a swig, I knew we were going to get along fine. So we went dancing (and drinking) – dancing was where I took most of my first dates in those days, and it generally seemed to work...

2 years ago
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There's and old saying that goes, when your ducking and dodging the lemons life is throwing at you... sometimes you need to reach out and catch a few to make some lemonade with! That's just what my husband Tom and I recently had to do when we had a very bad experience with another couple, but we got lucky and were able to turn it around and make something extremely good from it! By the way, this adventure like all of my adventures I write about are ALL TRUE! I had been talking with the couple...

4 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 38 Games 89

Chapter 38: Games 8/9 Receiving mail is a common instance for every family, lots is junk mail, but that is just a fact of life, most are utility bills, but now and again there is something of interest. Parcels are less common, but more often than not they are more exciting since they have been ordered and are expected. Not really so much for the younger generation, there might be the occasional item, but more often than not it is our parents who get the post and parcels. Not today though,...

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Marine GamesChapter 10 The Girls Games

The excitement after their mission made it extremely difficult for the girls to sleep that first night back. Of course all the questions and answering didn't help. The kids of the family were especially enthralled by the stories the girls told. They already had real life heroes in Bret and Bob1 but these were people that they could more easily identify with. Kelley and Kim hung on the girls listening to every word. Bret and Bob1 finally gave up and went to bed deciding to let nature take its...

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Marine GamesChapter 3 The Games

By the middle of the century the Defense Budget for the United States had grown to where it was unmanageable. Since the entertainment industry controlled the power in the world they decided to kill two birds with one stone. Reality television had taken control of programing. But ideas were coming few and far between for new shows. ESPN, Fox Network, NBC, and Showtime combined forces and offered to sponsor a show showcasing the finest attributes of the Marines. They proposed an Event where...

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Marine GamesChapter 9 The Family Grows

About 4 weeks into the school year, Bret was approached by Brooke, Linda and Sally. It seemed that they were being harassed by a gang of kids at school. Someone had discovered the girls were orphans and were continually bothering the girls. Bret and Bob1 escorted the girls around campus the next day resulting in a confrontation with the gang. The results of the confrontation left 3 gang members in the hospital and the rest expelled. Following a meeting of the family it was decided that all...

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When Life Gives You Lemons Make Her Drink Your Lemonade

I was 25 and she was 21. Her name was Han, which she told me was Vietnamese for faithful. She was 5' 1" and had a faultless and subtle beauty that reaffirmed itself in greater proportion every time I looked at her. She was also smart and had more refined tastes than really anyone that I been with before. For my part I was probably the least structured person that she'd ever been with and though she was already quite ready to walk through them, sexually I opened a lot of new doors for...

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When Life Gives You Lemons Make Her Drink Your Lemonade 1st in the Golden Series

I suppose I was in my late teens or early twenties when I first came across some stories in porn mags of girls drinking piss. The stories were rare and I found the idea really turned me on. Of course it never seemed to me to be something that would at all be likely to happen. After all, at my age then I considered it remarkably good fortune just to find a girl willing to swallow something as comparatively innocent as sperm. A girl so weird and depraved who would willingly drink someone’s piss...

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When Life Gives You Lemons Make Her Drink Your Lemonade 1st in the Golden Series

I suppose I was in my late teens or early twenties when I first came across some stories in porn mags of girls drinking piss. The stories were rare and I found the idea really turned me on. Of course it never seemed to me to be something that would at all be likely to happen. After all, at my age then I considered it remarkably good fortune just to find a girl willing to swallow something as comparatively innocent as sperm. A girl so weird and depraved who would willingly drink someone's piss...

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Playing GamesChapter 2

Having played "Rescue from Barbey's Island" to a sexual conclusion with Cassie, Andy's girlfriend, Mr. Marcus is beset with self-anger at his actions. And what about Andy, Cassie and the insidious Keiko? They're all still at large. Andy left messages on my machine but I never called him back. I was totally embarrassed that I'd had sex with his girlfriend. More then once. All night, in fact. With and without the Save Barbey video game. Cassie had been insatiable with an infinite...

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Alexa Chapter 2 Let The Games Begin

Alexa Chapter 2: Let The Games Begin Jenny came crashing through the door like a locomotive. She had bags hanging off of what seemed like every part of her body. I thought to myself that she had bought way too much for a simple weekend of dressing for an experiment. Before I could express this opinion, Katie asked the same thing. The response from Jen was quite simple, "If we are going to put Alex through this we are going to do this right. I don't want him looking like some...

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Marine GamesChapter 5 The Squad

Now that he knew his squad, and his position, Bret began to study the responsibilities of the scout. Since Bret qualified for the games during the first thirteen days, this left him with forty-seven days before the actual start of the Games. Bret began to think he should go and get a first-hand look at the actual terrain. Thinking for the first time that one might come in handy, Bret bought cell phones for himself and the three girls. Since Bret had never used a cell phone, the girls had to...

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Marine GamesChapter 6 The Scout

Within fifteen minutes of landing the squad received the exercise's parameters and area of responsibility. With all the information he needed, Bret got to the side with Bob and Gunny Tom available for questions. He began setting up their routes of travel and alternates. Immediately Bret saw one problem that would have cost the squad time if there had not been his acquired knowledge. The most obvious and easiest route ended in a dead-end ten and a half miles into it. To make matters worse,...

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Marine GamesChapter 7 The Trust

That evening, Bret had reserved a banquet room at a local Mexican restaurant. With all his friends present, Bret had several announcements to make. The four television networks that hosted the Games had approached Bret about being a spokesperson for the Games. Because of the fan base developed from these last Games, they felt he was a tremendous asset. They offered Bret two and a half million dollars a year for the next six years. The Marine Corps had agreed to allow Bret to do this, in...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 13 Let the Games Begin

PAM I can't believe how far I have sunk. I am actually disappointed only to taste my nephew's sperm and not to get a fresh shot down my throat. "Let's let Trish go and freshen up and change into her outfit," smiles Randy, "while you explain one of the games. As Pam leaves I hear Abbey yell with a little clap, "Let's do 'Dunking For Cherry's.'" Let's not. I am now starting to remember some of our games. What were we thinking of? "How do we play?" asks Randy. "It's easy,...

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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 1 The Beginning

The Patriot Game By Marina Kelly A NOTE REGARDING THIS STORY. This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist. Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

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Marine GamesChapter 1 Life as a Marine

Reporting to work Monday morning, Bret found that there was a slight argument over what his assignment was to be. Having never been promoted, Bret was still a private. After his performance in the games The Base Commander wanted Bret to be the DI in charge of Tae Kwan Do and unarmed combat. The DI Commander said that position stated it must be filled with a Sergeant or Gunny. Corporals were not allowed to attend DI school but could be a martial arts instructor. To make matters worse, Bret...

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When Life Hands You Lemons

My name is Sally Orton and I have a story to share with you. I'm sure most people would describe it much differently than I, but to me it's very simply a love story. The fact that it all came to a climax on Valentine's Day only serves to make my memories sweeter. I had been divorced for just over three years at the time this story began, and until recently had not been ready to re-enter the dating scene. After being in my last relationship for close to two decades, the thought of going on a...

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LEMONS By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2021 Warning: If you don't like reading transgender stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT -----000----- I knew my sister somewhat hated me in a loving kind of way. I didn't think my parents...

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Junior YearChapter 23 Thatrsquos Why We Play These Games

I arrived at school probably the most rested I’d been in weeks. Not going on a recruiting trip made me realize how much I’d run around this fall. I smiled when I saw Tracy and Pam waiting for me in the parking lot. I winked at Pam and then wrapped Tracy in my arms and kissed her with some passion. If we hadn’t had the history we had, I would love to be with her. She and I had made a good team, and the sexual side was top-notch. I laughed at Pam when we finally let each other go. “Me next,”...

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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 5 The Key to Success is Practice

A NOTE REGARDING THIS STORY. This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist. Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual...

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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 3 Itrsquos All Fun and Games Until

I met Caryn in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. For me, it was back to work on my movie. I did have one last interview to do on Jimmy Kimmel Live, but Elizabeth and Bree would join Ashley in my place. Jessup had put his foot down, because I only had another full week in LA. Caryn received a text while we were finishing up that told her Fritz would be out front in twenty minutes. I’d brought my bags down and left them with the concierge. Caryn still had to pack, so she left me to finish...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 67 MindGames with Donna

Sunday, April 17, 2005 I woke and checked my clock to confirm that it was 5am. I felt perfectly well rested, so I had a feeling I was going to get more hours per day. Cool. Now what to do with them? I didn't want to wake the family, so I had a quiet pre-breakfast snack. Then I returned to my room and finished reading the Aikido books, unfortunately without learning anything useful. Then I got into the Driver Manual, using different minds to quiz each other. That got boring because I...

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BCH Games

Do you want to get your fucking gamble on but you don’t want to use real money? If you are one of the millions of people around the world that have been sitting on your cryptocurrency for a long fucking time and actually want to use it for something, then I fucking invite you to take a look at right away. It is here that you will find opportunities to play casino games that will allow you to gamble with your actual cryptocurrency.It is an easy fucking way to increase your winnings. Or...

Betting Sites
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Incest Games Chapter 9

Chapter 9 "Give me a shower first," Jenny said. "I want to be naked with you in a shower." "Anything you say, girl." He put down the suitcase they'd bought first thing. "The clerk didn't even blink when I registered as Mr. J. J. Oliver and daughter." "That's because you asked for twin beds," she giggled. "Well have to mess up the other one, too." Laughing with her, her father shucked out of his shirt and she followed ...

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Capture Games Chapter Two

Capture Games Chapter Two As the woods got dark, the captors would come back and untie their captives and send them on their way. The boy who had captured me let me go untied my wrists and told me I could untie the rest of my ropes and go now. He hadn't won that day and he said it was because Julie had managed to escape, probably with my help. I untied the rest, pulled up my jeans and found my shoes and socks not too far away before it began to get spooky in the woods. As I walked...

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Meet And Fuck Games

Meet And Fuck Games aka Meet N Fuck Games is not a website about meeting people in real life - you may think that because of the ‘MeetNFuck’ phrase in its name, which is commonly used on XXX sites made for live meet and fucks with horny locals in your area, but this website is actually attributed to meeting and fucking drawn cartoon babes. The premise of this whole website is to deliver premium cartoon sex games to all of its visitors, delivering fun and porn all in one package.There are...

Best Porn Games
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NTR Games

I was worried NTR-Games might stand for NeuTeRed Games, in which case it’d be stocked with a bunch of boring, SFW and sexless games for asexuals. Fortuantely, the NTR in this case is an abbreviation for NeToRare. If you ain’t up on your weeaboo talk and don’t recognize the word, allow me to explain: the term Netorare is used to describe a story that focuses on cheating, often in a hentai context. Since you’re reading this on ThePornDude and not some wholesome bullshit blog for soccer moms, it’s...

Free Sex Games
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Adult Sex Games

Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...

Free Sex Games
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Play Sex Games

PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its...

Free Sex Games
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Otomi Games

OtomiGames! Well, smack my ass and call me Senpai because I’ve found a fantastic website for you weebs to drool over. Otomi Games is one of these dimes a dozen websites that I’ve been reviewing lately, and you know my policy on that – if a website brings something new to the table, then it’s worth reviewing. And if it’s a copy-pasted version of another website that’s already been established, I just give it a pass, or at the very least, I tell you not to bother checking it out. Otomi Games...

Free Sex Games
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Marine GamesChapter 4 Family Grows

With his second Games now in the books, Bret resumed his job as the DI for unarmed combat. Bret was also assigned as Assistant Range Officer. Within a week Bret was fully immersed in both jobs. Bret's and Bob's habit of exercise once again consumed an hour of their mornings. Ten days after returning from the Games, Bret and Bob were about half way through their ten mile run when the observed two large black males arguing with two young white females. The young girls each had a toddler...

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Marine GamesChapter 6 The Olympic Games

Bret was in the process of getting his luggage and paper work ready for the trip to London, for the Olympics. Diane, Ann, Heather and Andy came into his room. "Bret, what clothes are you taking to wear at the Olympics? We were talking and realized you never wear anything but your issued clothing." Bret answered with a grimace, "That's the only clothing I own, except what the Olympic committee issued me to wear when preforming." All four girls were speechless with their shock. For the...

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Marine GamesChapter 8 Bret Goes to School

One day, Bret was sitting in the living room of Bob's and Diane's house. Sitting around him were Bob, Diane, Heather, Ann, Amber, Stacy and the always present Andy. Bret mentioned that the Training Commander had called him into his office that day and asked if Bret was considering furthering his education. Major Weis said that the Marines were always interested in helping their men and women advance. He stated that although all Bret had was a GED. The base had an agreement with San Diego...

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The Games Part Five

THE GAMES PART FIVE By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three and Four you really should! Part One is here... Chapter Sixteen I AM CRYING. I cried all night, and yet it seems there are tears more tears within me. I cried myself to sleep. Strange dreams haunted me. Then I...

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The Games Part Sixteen Concluded

THE GAMES PART SIXTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...

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Porn Games

If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you might know that I am a huge fan when it comes to hentai, and animated pornography overall. This is simply because, in an anime world, anything can happen, which is also why I just love to play porn games. Those who share this opinion will surely enjoy browsing the naughty games offered on really like when a site has such a simple name, that already tells you what the fuck you can expect to see. Well, on you will get to...

Free Sex Games
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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Games Of Desire

Let's play "GamesOfDesire"! I’ve been a porn expert for a long time now, and I know that when it comes to porn fans one of the largest demographics out there are the gamers. Serial masturbation is a pretty common activity for most gamers worldwide, and it’s not hard to see why they make up one of the largest porn-viewing demographics in the world seeing as how a large chunk of the porno industry caters to them.There is a fuckton of cosplay videos out there with sluts dressed up as popular video...

Free Sex Games
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The Games Part Seven

THE GAMES PART SEVEN By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 24 THE PRESIDENT EXAMINES THE LATEST polls and grows more angry by the second. Tonight's events have not helped the cause, not the short term goals nor the long...

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Free Strip Games

The name of the page "Free-Strip-Games" seems to say it all, right? What does it remind you of? Do you remember those games we all used to play as teenagers back in the day where if you did what the game asked you to do, some girl would lose some of her clothes, and at some point, the girl would be completely naked if you were good enough at the game? Well, this website is like an oversized version of such games, really. Every single porno in here is a game, really. And also, you don't exactly...

Free Sex Games
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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