Lemons Or Lemonade free porn video

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There are some people who say "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". I say "where the hell is the water and sugar to go with these damn lemons?" I'm not a pessimist, just a realist. It's all well and good to look for a silver lining in the storm but don't forget you have to get through the damn storm to get to it.

Life handed me lemons 21 years ago. I was 25 when life or fate or the gods decided to punch me in the stomach and when I bent over to kick me in the ass and bury me in lemons. This is the story of how I tried to make lemonade for all those years.

By the way, my name is Ray Kelly. For a Computer Science major I keep in good shape by running for a few miles almost every morning to keep my weight under 200.

I was alone and on my own since I was 17. My parents had been killed when I was a senior in high school so I had to work my way through college. I guess I'm not your stereotypical IT nerd.

I had several different jobs during my four years at college. I worked at whatever job was available that paid the most; from a loading dock at UPS to working on the "kill" floor of a slaughter house.

Between my classes and my jobs I didn't have much time for dating but I don't think I would have had too much problem getting dates. I'm not a movie star but at 6 feet with brown hair and blue eyes I was more than presentable. I've been told my best feature was my crazy eyes that seemed to become more piercing, depending on my mood.

Even if I would have had the time, I don't think I would have spent the money for dating; I had to work too hard for it. I guess I became a little shy around women because of my lack of interaction with them.

I was 22 and fresh out of college with a brand new Computer Science degree. The first interview for employment was also my last interview. ABC Construction offered me a position with the company during that meeting.

Maybe I could have found another job but ABC offered a good salary with room for advancement in a company with divisions all over the United States, so I accepted the position in their IT support office located in Clayton, a suburb of St. Louis.

My first day on the job I was very lucky, twice. First my new boss was a really good guy; he wanted me to do well and helped me in every way he could. The second piece of luck was meeting Elizabeth Ann Bailey. She was friendly and very helpful to the new guy too. All in all it was a very good first day.

I saw "Beth" several times a week as our areas of responsibility overlapped. There were no flirting or romantic little asides or lines with double meanings or anything like that. It was just two colleagues working together and enjoying doing so.

One of the reasons that I never thought about "putting a move" on Beth was that I felt she was out of my league. I'm not a bad looking guy but Beth was stunning. She was so beautiful that when she entered room men and some women would stop talking and stare at her. Beth was a brown eyed blond from Amarillo, Texas with long legs and a body just this side of voluptuous.

Her parents had moved from Texas to Missouri when she was twelve. She had been living "up north" for ten years but she still had that Texas drawl in her voice. Words and sayings such as: y'all, hissy fit, walking in tall cotton, and all hat no cattle among others would slip into her conversations. I also used a few "country" sayings as I had grown up in southern Missouri.

Lots of times Beth or I would have to explain what was meant when she or I used one of our down home sayings. It was really funny, some of these "city folk" didn't understand the little girl from Texas or the young man from southern Missouri.

After two months of working together, Beth surprised me one day by joining me at lunch in the company cafeteria. She came into the eating area, looked around, spotted me and headed my way. Beth sat down, looked at me for a long time and then smiled and shook her head.

"You're not going to do it are you? You're going to make me do all the work," she said with a smile.

"I'm sorry Beth, was there something I forget to do?" The last thing I wanted to do was to disappoint her. I was already half ass in love with her.

She shook her head and said, "Well if y'all won't do it, I guess I have to." The look she gave me with her big brown eyes made my heart start beating a little faster.

"What are you talking about?" I was at a loss as to what she was talking about.

"If you won't ask me for a date, I'll just have to ask you. Ray would you like to take me to dinner tomorrow night?" Now Beth was grinning at me as I tried to answer her. "Well would you?"

"I ... I ... I... ," my voice stuttered. It took a few seconds for me to gain control. "Yes I would, very much Beth." I was still surprised at the invitation.

That dinner was the beginning of a romance that built in depth and intensity every time we were together. We learned a lot about each other on our dates; I guess that's what dating is for after all. Politically Beth was a little right of center and I thought she was a little too liberal. Neither of us liked or believed in the politicians in Washington; we thought that the ones on the state level were just as bad.

We liked the same music and the same type of movies; John Wayne and Clint Eastwood were our favorites. Our taste in food was very similar, we both preferred good simple food as opposed to artsy fartsy cuisine. Our tenth date was a weekend trip to my farm in south central Missouri. Well actually it belongs to my older brother Thomas and me. The trip from St. Louis to the farm took about 4 hours.

My parents had left the 600 acres and huge house to us as equal partners. Thomas and his wife, Julie, and their kids Brian and Sally lived on and worked the farm. Beth was a hit with all of my family. My brother told me after our first evening with them that if I let her get away he would shoot me to put me out of my misery.

That first evening, Beth and I were set up in separate rooms. That was my idea because I didn't want Beth to think that I had invited her to the farm just to get her into bed. Everyone went to bed around 11:00 but around midnight Beth tip toed into my room and into my bed. That was the first time that we were intimate. In other words we went at it like bunnies. Beth was enthusiastic and I couldn't have been more excited.

I thought she would sneak back to her room before morning, but she stayed put and said, "Who are we trying to kid?"

The next morning when we awoke in each other's arms, I asked Beth to marry me. I guess the fact that we didn't get out of bed until almost noon was the way that she said yes.

We finally strolled into the kitchen just as Julie was putting lunch on the table for Thomas. They both started to laugh at the look on our faces. I think it embarrassed Beth a little but I was strutting around like a peacock.

Thomas couldn't help himself; he just had to tease me a little. "Y'all might want to oil those squeaky springs on the bed before tonight. I would like to get a little sleep because the noise kept me up most of last night. Oops, bad choice of words I guess."

"Thomas, behave yourself," Julie scolded him laughing as she did.

"Just trying to keep up with you big brother," I teased him back. Beth and Julie giggled and I grabbed Beth in a bear hug. "We are going to get married as soon as possible," I told them.

Our wedding was put together in a hurry for no reason except that we didn't want to wait any longer than necessary. I had only been at ABC for a few months so I couldn't take any time off. If I could have taken a week off and if we had the money to spare we would have gone to Las Vegas and been married there.

We were married at a little church close to the downtown area where we worked. Neither of us had any real deep religious beliefs so we let the minister at the church perform the ceremony. Thomas was my best man and my boss acted as an usher for us. He was as close to a friend as I had at work or otherwise.

Beth's maid of honor was Julie and her kids were the ring bearer and flower girl. The guest list was very small, twenty people at most. Beth walked down the aisle by herself, because her parents were on an extended vacation in Europe and either couldn't or wouldn't come back for her wedding. That surprised and pissed me off.

I think I was more upset about it than Beth. I spent the last six years of my life without parents and I couldn't believe that her folks wouldn't come to their daughter's wedding. They did send a large check as a wedding present. Beth was apparently more upset than she let on.

"If they think they can pay me off like some damn ranch hand, their drilling a dry well." she said. Her eyes were like a cold laser as she looked at the check and then tore it into several pieces. Turning to Julie, she said, "Send the pieces back to them for me please. I'm going to be busy for the next few days."

I realized that as much as I loved her, Beth had depths to her that I hadn't discovered yet. It was the first time I had seen her angry. I hope I never see her anger directed at me, I thought. She would be a handful if she was mad.

We had planned to spend a weekend in a modest motel for our honeymoon because I had no time off available as yet. ABC and my boss wouldn't hear of it. My boss arranged for me to take off Thursday and Friday and the company gave us the use of the suite they kept for visitors at the finest hotel in St. Louis. It was a nice thing for them to do.

The first day back at work we heard all the jokes that newlyweds usually had to put up with. Did you see any of the hotel except for your room and maybe now you two will get some sleep or glad you're back at work so you can get some rest? We heard these and more but didn't care, we smiled and went on doing our jobs.

The first weekend that we could get away after the aftermath of the wedding, we made a return trip to the farm. Beth was the only woman I had ever met that liked to hunt, fish, and camp as much as I did. To her a good time was camping out on a river bank so we could fish all day and make love under the stars.

According to Beth we were happier than a puppy with two peters or pigs in mud; her phrases not mine. But I knew what she meant; I didn't think I could be any happier or more satisfied with my life. We had a few spats and confrontations like all newlyweds. It wasn't all sweetness and light, but mostly it was. And Beth and I never went to bed mad.

One example of the less than wine and roses times was the night of the special dinner. I had seen a recipe for a beef dish in the food section of our daily paper. I cut it out and suggested that it would be something to try. What I didn't realize was that there was a recipe on each side of the piece that I had cut out of the paper.

Beth took an afternoon off, went shopping for the ingredients, and fixed the special dinner for me. She spent over two hours prepping and cooking the meal and set up the dining room table with candles and everything. It was a very nice thing for her to do. Unfortunately she made the wrong dish. She served the dinner and being a stupid male, I asked her, "What's this?"

"That's the dish you pointed out in the paper last week," Beth said, very pleased that she had surprised me and showed me the clipping from the paper.

I must have had a brain fart, because instead of saying thank you, I turned the clipping over, pointed out the other dish, and said, "No, this is the one I wanted."

Now I have no excuse for being so stupid and inconsiderate. My day at work had been, well really bad, but that's no reason to be such an ass, especially where your wife is concerned.

Beth's face got red, not a blush, but an angry red. She picked up the serving plate with the special dish on it, went to our back door, and threw the dinner, plate and all, into the back yard. Beth stomped out of the room and I heard the front door slam.

Maybe it was the dinner being thrown out the back door that clued me in. I had really screwed the pooch this time. Guys use a little common sense before you open your month; if someone, especially your wife, does something nice for you just say thank you. Even if it's not what you wanted or expected, just say thank you. Save yourself a lot of grief. End of sermon.

I went outside to look for Beth but I didn't see her; her car was still there so I knew she hadn't gone far. About an hour later, she came back. She went into the bedroom and slammed the door ignoring me when I tried to apologize and asked her if she was okay.

The smart thing to do is to let her calm down a little before I go talk to her, I thought. I waited for about 30 minutes and then entered the "killing fields" of the bedroom. Beth was still pissed and with a death wish showing in her eyes, she started on me as soon as I walked in.

I apologized and she reamed me some more. Another apology and more reaming. Then I got mad, I guess because she was mad, and I started yelling back at her. This verbal battle lasted for some time. But we had promised never to go to bed angry and we did keep that promise that night. However it took until 2AM before we both said sorry, hugged and kissed, and went to bed. I don't know if we weren't mad anymore or if we were just tired, but we finally got to bed.

This event was the worst argument that we ever had and taught us both a valuable lesson. We never again let our anger override our respect and love for each other. There were still a few little spats but we would take a time out until we could discuss the problem sensibly. A few months later we could talk about that night and laugh at ourselves. But it wasn't funny while it was going on.

One year and eight months after our wedding I found out that there was another level of happiness. Beth and I had a daughter. I think my happiness gland went on the fritz from overwork. Alyssa June, named after my mom and Beth's grandmother, may have been the most beautiful baby ever. I know all parents think that but in this case it was true.

I wasn't one of those husbands that wanted to be in the delivery room with their wife, in fact I would have rather been in an old fashion waiting room. But not to be, I stood by Beth's side as she did her job. I did draw the line at cutting the cord; I told the nurse that I was feeling a little woozy as an excuse and got out of it. Beth and the baby were fine without my participation.

One of the nurses cleaned up the baby, wrapped her in a blanket, and handed her to me. I was supposed to hand her to Beth and then play proud papa. After several minutes the nurse had to remind me to give the baby to Beth; I didn't want to let her go.

I know that if you put your finger in a baby's hand that the baby will grasp your finger, it's a natural reflex for babies. But when Alyssa held on to my finger, I was hooked. That inconsequential little reflex bound me to her for the rest of my life. My heart swelled, I got tears in my eyes, and I lost my voice. Beth beamed at my reaction to our daughter.

Two days later I brought Beth and Alyssa home. Alyssa was a very good baby, her feedings and diaper changes were routine with no unpleasant surprises or drama. She even slept most of the night so that nether Beth or I walked around like zombies due to lack of sleep.

It was a good thing that Alyssa was such a good baby, because I spoiled her rotten. She would be sleeping when I got home from work and I would pick her up. Beth warned me that she had just gotten Alyssa to sleep and that she didn't need to be held. Maybe the baby didn't need to be held but I needed to hold her. After all I had been away from her all day.

Beth understood my feelings and didn't get upset or jealous. She understood that the loss of my parents had something to do with my, well obsession, with Alyssa. Taking care of the baby in the evenings was a good thing, it gave Beth a chance to relax and have some time for herself instead of being a mother on call all the time.

We had called Beth's parents when Alyssa was born but had to leave a message because they were on another long trip. I don't think either one of them were too excited about being known as grandparents.

They sent another large check with a note saying that they would try to fit in a visit sometime in the near future. Beth sent the check back in pieces with her own note telling them not to bother coming because our family didn't need them. They never did come to visit but they did call; however I couldn't get Beth to even talk to them.

The next three years were a nearly perfect period. I had gotten a couple of promotions at work and our financial world was good. Beth worked out of our home doing medical billing so that she could be there for Alyssa. While Alyssa napped Beth would be on her computer slaving away.

I would get home, play with Alyssa and put her to bed. After wards Beth and I would have dinner and spend some quality time together. Every evening we took the time to talk, snuggle, or make love. Life was good.

Then a whole orchard of lemons got tossed at me.

Thomas and Julie had come to the city for a visit and were staying with us having left their children with a neighbor. Beth had to drop off some hard copies of her work at the home office and left Alyssa with them while she ran her errand. It was only supposed to take about 45 minutes and since Thomas was taking a nap, Julie stayed at the house to take care of Alyssa.

On Beth's way home a drunk driver made sure that I would never have my wife with me again. He ran a red light and T-boned our car; hitting the driver's side and killing Beth. The para medics and the ER staff at the hospital did everything possible but she never made it out of the trauma room. Beth died before the staff could get her stabilized.

I rushed from my office after the police notified me of the accident but she was gone before I could get there. On the way to the hospital I called my brother and he met me in the ER waiting room shortly after I arrived. It was a good thing he was there because I basically shut down when I found out that Beth had left us.

The next few days were a total nightmare for me. I don't think I would have been able to handle everything without Thomas and Julie. Thomas helped me with making the funeral arrangements and Julie helped me take care of Alyssa.

Julie sat with me as I tried to explain to Alyssa that her mommy wouldn't be with us anymore. How do you explain to a three year old that some drunken asshole took the most important person in our lives away? I finally told Alyssa that although Mommy loved us both very much that she had to go on to heaven and would wait for us there.

Thomas suggested that I call Beth's parents and let them know about her death. I didn't want to; they hadn't cared enough about her when she was alive to come to her wedding or to come see their granddaughter. Why would they care enough to come to the funeral? I had never met them but I disliked them immensely because of the way they treated Beth.

I called and wonder of wonders, Mr. Bailey wasn't on another trip and actually answered the phone. Identifying myself, I explained what had happened to Beth and gave him the time and place for the funeral. He started to ask some questions but I didn't have the compassion to answer them and hung up.

My brother was sitting at the table with me when I made the call and when I hung up. He climbed on my case pretty good about my spiteful treatment of Mr. Bailey. I tried to defend my position but he reminded me that no matter how they had acted in the past that they were still Beth's parents.

A thousand things were done, all the arrangements made, and the day of the funeral arrived. We had a closed casket at the "viewing" in the funeral home and at the funeral service. The closed casket was a necessity because of the damage inflicted on Beth. In addition I didn't want Alyssa to see her mommy lying in the casket, still and lifeless.

Beth's parents came to the funeral and I finally met them for the first time. At best I was polite to them. I introduced them to Alyssa and let them have a little time alone with her. In spite of how I felt about them, I knew that they were hurting and would always regret their lack of attention to Beth and Alyssa.

Thomas stayed for two days after the funeral and then had to get back home. Their children were staying with a neighbor and the farm needed attention. Julie remained with Alyssa and me to help with the transition to our new life. Again, I don't know how I would have managed without their help.

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Piece By Piece Part Four Make Lemonade

It had been four months since I started my new job as a teacher. It felt good to be back in the school system, even though it was way out of my area of expertise. I usually taught English or History, trying to remember how to do Math, and Economics was not on the top things I wanted to return to, but as the saying goes, it's like riding a bike."Remember your homework!" I yelled as the class ran towards the door as the bell rang.I hated having the last class of the day. No one paid attention;...

Oral Sex
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A Whisky Lemonade

Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His dick was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His dick clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off. Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 353 Making Lemonade

I don’t mind a silent drive or flight, now that they are all asleep for a few hours. A quick call had one of the silent jets waiting to fly us, van, and all, outside the town where their aunt and uncle live. I arrived half an hour earlier than expected. I went to the door, knocked, and told the girl, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Hi. I’m David. I have a van full of the kids who are going to make your house their new home. They are all sound asleep, so if you can show me where I can put...

2 years ago
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Lemon Drizzle Cake

By helping the old lady next door put boxes in her attic I’m rewarded with a slice of cake and a bigger slice of life. From an early age I was attracted to older women and lucky enough to be seduced by the widowed mum of my sibling’s best friend. That theme continued with Aunt Joan, Jean the wife of the landlord whose house we rented in my first year at Uni and later, several others. In my second year at Uni there was an old widow living next door to our rented house, I was 20 and she was 70....

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Lemon Park Horror Ch 01

This is a true story. It happened back in 1995. Names have been changed due to the fact this story may lead into some future fantasy stories written with this factual occurrence being the base for them. Please read and enjoy. Suggestions for direction for future stories is appreciated. It was an unexpectedly warm night back in February 1995. There was this wonderful girl I was hanging out with at the time, Andi. We had some speedbumps in our relationship and had kinda lost touch with a few of...

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Dakota Jones and the Goddess Idol

August, 1942 ------------- "Bean, I think this is it." Dakota James, Bachelour of Archeology and Anthropology, world class explorer, and in general pain in the neck for any ancient who wanted their mortal remains left undisturbed, pulled his young research assistant up from the ledge to solid ground. Both men were huffing and puffing, for the trek to this remote temple had not been pleasant. The ziggurat had long been hidden from the eyes of the world, but the encroaching desert...

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Family Time Ch 2

I let mom and Marilyn clean up and we played around until bedtime, We enjoyed each other again and again. I brought them both together in front of me and told them that they would sleep now, but when they awoke, they would still be in a trance. I was afraid I’d lose my hold on them after they fell asleep, but I knew the suggestion would hold. We slept in mom and dad’s bed, it was a king and I slept between them. I sucked alternately on mom and Marilyn’s tits and fingered them both before we...

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Spellbound Part Four

[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard-bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] Spellbound - Part Four by TOXIS I finished scrubbing the second floor ladies room floor and started to roll my mop and pail into...

4 years ago
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Dark Lust for my Family 8211 Part 1

Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me. What are these dark impulses which are on the edge of consuming me? But now I realize that it is not just me. It’s everyone around me. The only difference is they have suppressed their dark impulses, and I cannot. My name is Lucky Khurana. Fancy name, right? Well, even though my name is Lucky, life was a bitch to me. I lost my mom at a young age, so I don’t know what a mother’s love is. Soon after my mom passed away, my father got remarried. Soon after...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Undone

A Day In Gotham – 7 — Batgirl Undone (Rejection, discipline, a stranger lights up the day) (Follows episode 6 — Batgirl’s Torment) (Author’s note — this represents a further episode in poor old Batgirl’s monumentally dysfunctional life — sorry for the delay — useful if you read the previous episodes first but not essential — hope you enjoy – comments welcome!) Contents, Chapter 1 — Keeping an Eye on Things Chapter 2 — Batgirl Prepares Chapter 3 – Robin’s Big Chance Chapter 4 – Batman’s...

1 year ago
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Treats for my Man and a new friend

My partner and I have been together 10 years – both from previous marriages. His was interesting in that his ex wife was a slut and a half, but he encouraged her even joining in watching her, fixing her up with blokes and licking her out after she had been fucked and had loads of cum shot into her. He had often told me that if I ever wanted to try it he would be fine with it. But up until last week I had not taken the offer up. Last weekend changed that though and this is the true story...

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Bob Jacqueline Jae and Shaft

It was only a few months ago, and I had been working back late in the office one evening. There was only myself and Jae, our receptionist. Jae had only been working for our company for no more than 6 months. Every time I would walk past her desk, I would make a conscious effort to stop and chat to her. There had always seemed to be a bit of harmless flirting between the two of us. Jae was an attractive voluptuous women, with all her curves in all the right places. She had large breasts, a big...

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The Best Teacher Tutor Ever

Ms. Wey went by the name of Haeli, but I knew her as Nicole, at least that was the name she said she preferred. I first met Ms. Wey, I mean Nicole, when I was a senior at Westlake and she was my civics teacher. I knew the moment I stepped into the classroom, I had to have her. She had a body built for sex. Nicole was about twenty-six and had Playboy model looks. Standing about five foot six with long flowing dark brown hair she normally wore pinned back, she had curves in all the right places....

3 years ago
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Beth goes to the dogs Chapter 06

I felt bad about not telling Toni about my adventure but the thought of ending up in jail tempered my feelings. After all, it was work and not some random sexually situation. I did take extra care to treat Toni with pleasure, which she naturally enjoyed. It was back to work with the labs, both of which now know how to perform. Training them was always a pleasure and I was happy to report to Cindy that they were quite ready for sale. I did have a suspicion that she already knew that. I could...

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Impregnating her

Our hands are warm clutching each others'. My grasp is firm, and she likes that. I guide her inside my kingdom away from the wild world outside. My chamber awaits to provide her with the pleasure and satisfaction she's been seeking for so many months. There's no talking right now, we're past that. Still smiling, anticipation, eagerness mixed with some anxiety on her part, I'm good. No stress, no nerves, this is my time to shine. I'm in my comfort zone, my happy place, my area of...

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ENF Battle Arena

Who would win? It's a question that's been asked forever; two or more combatants enter a battlefield and one comes out on top. There are many ways for one to come out on top. Some battles may have a victor kill their opponent, some may be through knockout, and others focus on their opponent surrendering. But here at the ENF Battle Arena, there is only one way to win: to leave your opponent completely naked! There isn't a limit to which series can be added, though when picking two characters to...

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Marshas Loving Pet

Marsha's back ached from the slumped position she kept while hovering over the stack of bills and bank statements. She habit of leaving all her bookkeeping for one marathon session worked fine for all the days she did not have to do it. When, at the last possible moment, she forced herself to do the chore she found it overwhelming. It took immense concentration for the woman to keep the figures straight, which accounted for her not knowing where Curly, her pet Poodle, was at any given moment....

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Standing Up to Life

Obligatory Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people and events are unintentional and are coincidental. This work may not be reposted to other sites or medium's without expressed permission of the author. (It will be given in most cases if asked) This story is copyright Tiffany Shar 2008, All Rights Reserved. Standing Up to Life Chapter 1: September 1994 I walked up to the bus stop, hoping maybe today would be...

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The Great Shift Feeling The Power

This is my first attempt at this type of story universe. Great Shift: Feeling The Power By Paul G. Jutras As John came walking into the house he kicked off his mud covered boots and socks. Brushing off flakes of hard lava ash from the ancient lava flows near his house, his mother scolding him once again for tracking mud and hard lava into the house. "But mom, it's so much fun scrambling over the rocks." John pleaded. "I wish I can find a way to stop you from playing...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 11 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Christmas Story Two

Christmas Story Two Here Kitty Kitty I was away at college during the holidays. My mother was home all alone, since dad had died earlier in the year. I didn’t have the money or anyway to get home so mom would have to face this first Christmas all alone. I missed being home for Thanksgiving and my roommate knew it. He tried to comfort me, he tried to get me drunk, and he even tried to get me laid too. As it got closer to Christmas I told him that my mother had been born on...

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gyno visit

The wife a informed me that she was due for gyno visit and that she had an appointment scheduled I asked well what actually goes on and she said well if you want you can come along and go into the exam room with me and see so I said okay on the day of the appointment I went with her to the clinic on the way she said that this Doc was a younger guy and I asked her if he was hot and she said yes he is. When we arrived we were escorted to the exam room by the nurse my wife caught me checking her...

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Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....

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Gina the Love Slut Chapter 1 The Beginning

Introduction: My story of how I became Gina the Love Slut. I will start at the beginning. Gina the Love Slut Chapter 1: The Beginning My name is Gina, I am 35 years old and I would like to share with you my sexual adventures. I guess you could call me a slut, as I love having sex. I have been married three times, as the men in my life could not keep up with me. One husband left me just for being a little too kinky for him. I am now married to a man who understands my needs as well as allowing...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Kristof and Marci Part 2

ADVENTURES OF KRISTOF AND MARCI PART 2 Training     As I stood outside the study, my mind was racing, the day had been pretty exciting already and it was only mid afternoon, what else was to come I wondered with excitement.   After a few minutes, Marci came down and entered the study and I followed.   ‘I told you to wait outside, you come in when I tell you!’   She barked.   I turned to leave.   ‘You seem determined to get punished…’ Marci said as I left.   She left me standing outside for...

2 years ago
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Lovely Dark and Deep

Welcome to “Lovely, Dark, and Deep!” For the moment, this is a fairly linear, serialized piece about Jaq, our protagonist and point-of-view character, who’s a freshly-sired and -abandoned vampire in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade. Some of the VtM lore is going to be pretty fast and loose, so if you’re a purist, yes, I’m aware what I say may mash together 2nd, Revised, and V20 or something, but I was more concerned with the pieces that best fit together dramatically (though yeah, you’ll...

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Ally My Girlfriends Niece

Adults always confused me when I was a kid. They always sat around talking and never did anything fun. When my parents said they had a fun evening with friends I could never work out which bit was supposed to be the fun part. Everything they did was dull to me.I still like to do more than just talk, but I sometimes struggle with the younger generation. Now that I am a bit older I feel a similar confusion the other way around. As a single man this has not been much of an issue. However, things...

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hot aunt

Harshith from Bangalore so fair n handsome, height 5’10 athletic body. I love aunties with big boobs and big ass. I cant control myself if I see aunties. coming to the story..When I was 18 and studying inter. We used to live side by side Portions…… This story is about my neighbourhood aunt Rekha about 32. She was very fair and had a good figure of 36 28 38 and was about 5’6. I was very much attracted to her boobs and big ass. Her ass would swing like a pendulum when she walks. I never missed a...

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FamiliesTied Kate Kennedy Dee Williams Ghosted

Sexy blonde Kate Kennedy is head-over-heels for her new dominant boyfriend Rob Piper. She can’t wait to sneak her hot sadistic sexual top into her step-mothers vacation home for some nasty BDSM sex. Rob is quite taken with her sweet gesture and jumps at the opportunity to bring their sexual games to the next level, tying her in a strenuous shibari rope position. With her arms and legs spread eagle in a grueling squat, Kate begs for orgasms and cock. But first, she must suffer through a...

4 years ago
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My American Virgin part 3

We walked hand in hand on the boardwalk that bordered the beach. We kissed and hugged every couple hundred feet or so. The beach was crowded with a lot of activity, but for the most part we ignored everything as we talked. Two hours later we found ourselves back at the small Italian restaurant where we ate the first night I arrived. The meal was probably great, but I don't remember much of it. What I do remember is Paula smiling and laughing and touching me. I paid the bill and said,...

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Inappropriate FatherDaughter TeamRape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

1 year ago
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Mijn Fantasie met jou

Eindelijk jou grote pik weer voelenHet was erg lang geleden dat ik voor het laatst jou gevoeld en ontmoet heb. Ik heb daar hele fijne herinneringen aan. Het was een van de lekkerste ervaringen ever. Jou Lichaam, Jou stem, Jou Pik. Eindelijk was de dag dat we elkaar weer zouden zien. Ik heb hier heel erg naar uit gekeken. Het was al langer mijn wens om je nog eens in mij te voelen, en gelukkig dacht jij er ook zo over. We spraken af in een hotel, ik was er eerder dan jij en ging alvast naar de...

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Next DoorChapter 6

I remember lying there for what seemed like hours. Sometime ago, I reached back and peeled the duct tape off my ass and pulled the vibrator out. The batteries had died along the way. I was not quite sure what I was feeling, or what I was supposed to be feeling after what had happened. My head was still foggy. The clock said 5:15 am. There was dried cum on my face, in my hair, and the dining room table was not in good shape. I wearily dragged myself upstairs to the shower and just stood there...

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My First Cuckold Experience

I had gotten back together with my ex-fiance six months earlier. We had broken up after a several year long engagement. She had married someone else and gotten divorced, while I had pined for her. Shortly after we got back together, I asked her to marry me and we got married within the year. Nicole is eight years younger than me and looks even younger than that with long black hair and porcelain skin accented by a few tattoos. She is slim, but not skinny with perky little tits and a nice round...

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