But I Thought All You Boys Wanted Was A Glass Of Lemonade
- 2 years ago
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Copy-right [email protected]
Another story by Pagan.
But I just thought you boys wantedsome Lemonade.
"So what do we do in this half assedtown for six weeks," Jed kicked a stone across the road.
His elder brother Rod snapped backat him, "Dad can pick some shit-holes to live, no wonder their paying himwell, it's the only work this town's got, in a population of morons."
Dan and Pete, two coloured boyswere throwing a volley ball to each other, as Pete agreed, "We been herejust the same time, seems they head-hunted the best in L. A. and came upwith your dad and ours."
Jed went over the dusty road andkicked the stone back again, "Oh the fucking parents are loving it, partiesand do's up at the club all pals together, no kids though, got to be eighteento be up there, fucking board, I'm just plan fucking board, here three weeksand now it's fucking summer break."
Rod tried to calm things down, "Lookwe are stuck with it, so there it is, no point in talking about L A or thefun times we used to have so calm down, lets just go down the beach and playball till we're pissed off with that, never know could be a girl or two,maybe half descent, worth trying to get in their pants."
Pete took a picture of him missinga kick on his phone camera.
He tried again this time the stoneflew across the road again, "Oh ya bring that up, I ani't fucked anythingsince we got here, fucking half assed locals keep the good totty."
Rod laughed, "You been fucking yourhand hard enough," the other two joined the ridicule of the spotty teenager.
Jed snapped back, "Ya, ya very funny,up yours, anyway where the fuck are we and stop pointing that stupid phonething at me?"
Pete laughed, "Hay cool it we ain'thad no pussy nether and we got a lot more in our trousers to worry aboutthan you whites."
Jed was back at him, "It ain't whatyou got it's how you use it."
The banter carried on as Dan stuckhis hips out, "And that's just what I want to do, use it."
The four boys looked about, as Rodsaid "To answer your question on where the fuck are we, it looks like thebeach house posh bit, and looks like we are up a private road, probably wherethe top ass-holes hang out, just look at that fucking house, smart, now that'sfucking smart."
Dan bounced the ball noisily, "Sowho throws these parties and things, and the club, that's the big place onthe River Point road with the swimming pools and golf is it?"
Rod took the ball off him, "Forfuck sake not so much noise, and ya that's the club, it belongs to the I.T. firm, the big boss, what his name."
Jed answered, "What dads boss, it'sRoscoe it's easy to remember they call his wife Risky Roscoe."
Rod went on, "Ya that's him, wellit ain't open to the general public, he had it all set up for the employeesand wives to escape the kids, bastard."
Dan grabbed the ball back, "What'swith his Mrs then, she some old cow or something."
Jed who was busy kicking any stonenow said, "I heard my old lady talking to some local, said that Roscoe'sMrs was a bit common, some totty off the stage, came from deep south, youknow, honey child what ya all doin and all that, and she drinks, gets sillyso she don't get invited and he keeps out the way, I think he's older thanher and a bit stuck in his ways, rather be at the plant than at home, anywaythey don't see eye to eye."
Dan threw the ball at Rod, he duckedand it hit Jed smack in the face, Jed screamed, "You fucking shit, here motherfucker,fetch this," and he kicked it hard. Being a light volleyball it flew towardsthe other side of the road, hit the curbstone shot up and over the wall ofthe big house.
"You ass-hole you hit it, you fetchit," Pete was less than happy.
Jed yelled another, "Oh fuck it," andtrudged towards the wrought iron gate, pushed the handle, to his surpriseit opened, the other three watched him disappear as the gate closed behindhim.
They stood around for about tenminutes, Rod was fascinated by the GX 100 phone that Pete had, he wantedto take a picture, down load and e-mail to his P C suddenly the gate openedand a smiling face excitedly beckoned to them.
The three boys ran across and pushedpast Jed in to garden, "Jeepers fucking Christ look at it," Rod stood openmouthed.
The garden was huge, three tiersof lawns, perfect conifer bushes; paved pathways, lots of strange ornamentsand the biggest pool and patio they had ever seen.
Jed said, "Come with me boys thisplace is somit else and you gota meet Mrs."
The boys walked towards the pool,as they got close they could see some long lounger's, all multi coloured,sitting or rather laying across a kink size one was a blond woman, Rod thoughtwhat's she got on, it wasn't until he got close that her realized he shouldhave said was, what had she almost got on, he took his sun glasses off.
As he got closer he saw her, shewould be about 35, he could tell by the way she lay she was only about fivethree, five four, nicely tanned, lots of blond curly hair but defiantly manmade, her face was hidden by sun glasses but she had a pretty mouth, thelip gloss made it look quite wide, good skin, no sagging but oh that bathingcostume was doing her no favours.
She was a few pounds over weightand the costume was a bit to tight, tight enough to show her round hips anda little to much of her heavy thighs, pity because she had good legs, itmade her waist look like she had little love handles but oh those tits, theyreally were fighting to get out, to say Dolly Parton would be wrong but itdid spring to his young mind.
As the boys all came in to her view,they had all on to keep from roaring with laughter as she suddenly wavedat them and shouted, "Why their you all are, you come sit with me, I do declarewhat handsome young boys you all are, you all want lemonade?"
Jed had already got to the tablewhere the pitcher of lemonade was, there was a glass so he started to fillit, the boys approached the blond who was fussing with her hair, "Ya'll haveto excuse this, you'll have to share the glass, I don't get visitors, butyou boys don't mind now do you, the lemonades a bit of a show, just in case,I myself, have a little old bottle under my towel."
Rod was the first to speak, "No,of course we don't mind and thank you."
"Why ain't you the polite one, youall make yourselves comfortable, now I'm Tracey Bell Roscoe but I preferTrixie, and what's your names?"
Rod, Pete and Dan introduced themselvesand sat, each one passing the glass from one to another, they watched asshe took what looked like a plastic juice bottle, almost full of an orangecoloured liquid, from under the towel and took a long drink, "Oooooweee thatsure is a good orange, just my joke, now you boys tell me bout yourselves,nice to have some company even if it was to fetch your ball back."
The day grew hotter, the boys talkedof L A and life there and why they were here and the blond got steadily drunkeron the orange bottle.
Then she started telling them abouther life on the stage and her dancing, and her favourite saying was, "Nowyou boys ask me anything at all, I like talking bout my little-ol life." Theboys weren't really listening they were more interested on how she movedand waved her arms about as she talked about shows, the show they were havingwas watching her massive tits as the bikini top fought to hold on to them.
They were just about to make excusesto leave when she said, "My I just don't know when I have enjoyed companylike I have today, you boys wana come and use the little-ol pool, they sayit's gona be another hot old day tomorrow, I sure would like it if you'dcome round and talk some more and remember you can ask me anything."
Keeping their excitement to a minimumthey said they would like to and politely left, once out through the gatethe dirty talk was soon on about her tits and Pete had got a few close up'susing the zoom on the camera, all the way home the screen was handed around,Pete had already e-mailed them to Rods P C.
Rod and Jed went straight up toRods room and pressed send and receive and waited, sure enough the picturesappeared, Jed put them in to MY DOCUMENTS and got the zoom on the, as heput it, important bits, Rod laughed, "I can see why they rest of the townshun her don't know what she would do if there was some stronger stuff inthat orange," Jed wasn't laughing he was just looking at and thinking about,the two enormous tits on the screen.
Jed was up early, Rod thought itstrange, he never usually moved that quickly on a school break but he wasin the cellar and he was wrapping something in his towel.
They meet up with Pete and Dan aboutten thirty and headed for the big house, when they got there the temperaturewas already in the high seventies.
They piled through the gate, shewas already by the pool, there were two pitchers of lemonade and four glasses,she waved at them to come over. She had on another bikini this time blackand gold, Pete took a quick picture saying she looked like an after eightmint, Rod and Dan saw the funny side of the joke, Jed just headed for thepool and her.
On his way to the pool he put histowel down just behind her chair, then moved to do the honours with the lemonade.
The four boys wanted to cool offafter the walk, they already had trunks on under their shorts so they quicklytook a dip; they had brought the ball and threw it to each other while theblond kept on sipping from her bottle and telling them what a nice day yesterdaywas and how much she enjoyed company and she just loved to answer their questions.
Jed had positioned himself to makesure the ball splashed over the side where Trixie was, so the long southerndrawl was punctuated by squeals, the more she drank from the orange bottlethe loader the squeals.
The boys started to call her in,she said she didn't like swimming but they persisted. Jed kept up the splashingand she kept up the drinking. It was when they said if she wasn't comingin they were getting out, maybe they should leave and go down to the beach,her attitude immediately changed and almost begging said, "Oh no' you'llcan't go, no I'll come on in if you stay," the, "Oh pleaseeee," at the endset Jed's mind working.
He threw the ball at her, then,and as he went to retrieve it he made her keep her promise, she adjustedher bikini and pealed herself from the lounger. It was the first time theboys had seen her standing, Jed almost fell over the chair as he past her.
Her breast's were enormous, thepictures didn't lie, she wasn't fat but there was some meat there, especiallyround the thighs and buttocks, her hair curled all the way to the strap onthe bikini top and even though she was only about five three her legs lookedextremely good, the boys thought, all in all not bad for over thirty.
Jed threw her the ball and she turned,slightly staggered and threw it on to the pool before going to the steps.While this was happening Jed moved to his towel pulled a bottle of clearliquid out and preceded to pour some in to the orange bottle before returningto the pool.
The main centre of attention wasthe blond, the ball bounced at her making her jump as it splashed her; asthe bikini top got wetter Jed got close enough to see just how big her nippleswere.
They stood out, she was reallyenjoying the company and didn't notice that Jed was more interested in herbody than the others.
Jed was out the pool getting hismates lemonade and kept passing her the bottle; then he would bomb back inclose to her. As she got more and more of a slurd voice so Jed started inwith the complements.
"With all your dancing skills haveyou ever thought of starting water aerobics, lovely pool, lovely lady allgoing to waste," he stifled his grin as she replied, "Why thank you honey,you are the sweetest boy, my you sure know how to make a lady feel good."
Ten more minutes and three moredrinks she was really squealing and getting wetter, it was then that Jedmade his move. As he got back in to the pool he fell against her, he pretendedto try and save himself and pulled her top strap, it undid and out they fell.For a second or two she didn't realize but she looked really embarrassedand tried hard to cover herself and get her top back.
Jed rushed full of apologies buthe stopped after picking up the top, "Mrs Roscoe your are magnificent, whata beautiful woman you are, I'm so sorry but please don't be ashamed you arereally beautiful," the others crowed round to try and get a glimpse of thetwo big tits she was trying to hold on to.
He knew she couldn't put the topback on and she would have to try and climb the ladder to get out, as theother lads joined in the complements Jed got out and went for her towel,she was quite drunk and she laughed at the lads and thanked them for theircomplements.
The drink had got to her so shelet go of her cover as she made her way to the ladder, Jed had the phoneand took a couple of random shots then a couple more as she climbed out,hiding it quickly as he handed her the towel, she almost fell but Jed heldher, he said, "Looks like you want us to go and we are hungry so," beforehe could finish she drawled, "No, my no why not you all come in and fix yourselvessomthin while I get changed, come on now I was enjoyin you alls company."
The house was as they imagined,big and loud, they grabbed what they wanted from the fridge, Jed had broughther bottle in and poured some more from his bottle, Rod caught his arm, "What'sthat," he screwed the top back on, "Dads neat alcohol, hundred percent andtasteless, she seems to be enjoying it"
They sat in the big lounge untilshe returned, she still had a slur in her voice and was unsteady on her feetbut she looked interesting to four teenage boys.
She wore, little saddles, a wraparound chiffon skirt and matching short top over a smart red bra and shortpants set, Jed poured her a drink and asked, "What shall we do next you haveanymore to ask me about my show days?"
Dan asked, "What's that table?" Staggeringagain as she walked to it, "This is a genuine Victorian card table, ain'tit the prettiest thing you ever saw?"
Jed said, "You got any cards?"
She opened the side draw on thetable and showed three packs, Jed smiled, "Fancy a quick game of poker?"
Pete and Don looked at him but henodded towards the table and winked, "I'll get some lemonade," he was quick,four tumblers of lemonade and a large glass of her orange sat at their rightarms as he held the pack, "What shall we play for?"
She laughed, "I have some sticks," Jedlaughed, "This is a killer game, not for wimps or the faint hearted, musthave high steaks, who's got money?"
A few dollars from each pocket saton the table, she got some from her purse and the hands were dealt.
Ten hands later and all her glassand more, the dollars sat with Rod, Jed looked at her she had giggled andlaughed all the way through the games, she had won two hands and she talkedincessantly about the big casinos where she had danced until Jed said, "Weare out of cash what shall we play for next?"
She laughed about her sticks againbut Jed said, "Got to be worth playing for, we could always play strip poker."
The boys waited for her answer,she wasn't sure, Jed made the move, "Oh well if that's it, thanks for a nicetime but time to go."
"No, no don't you go, I was enjoyingthe fun, maybe just a few hands then," Jed poured some more drinks, movedPete's phone close, took the pack and dealt.
With the speed of an expert Jeddealt. First hand, she had the worst so to loud laughter and giggles fromher the chiffon top hit the floor.
Second hand, would you believe it,the chiffon skirt was on the floor.
Third hand Pete lost his top.
Forth, Rod lost his top.
A few more drinks.
Fifth hand she lost, the red shortpants off leaving her in red bra and little red pants.
Sixth hand Dan lost his top; Jedthought perfect all of the boys naked to the waist.
Seventh hand, one sandal.
Eighth hand the other sandal.
Ninth hand, she lost, the boyswaited but she said no.
Jed smiled, "Game for no wimps,do a forfeit instead, she took a big swig of the drink and agreed, they wantedto see her dance.
She got up and started to dance,she wasn't half bad, Jed called out, "What no bump and grind," she laughedat him, "I never did that."
Jed goaded her on, "A beautifulwoman can and should, bet you could if you tried."
She laughed hysterically and triedbut in her drunken state she looked obscene but the little camera in thephone caught it all.
She was hyped up on fun and drinkand she moved close to the boys, dancing round them, the camera took aboutten random shots, before she collapsed back on her chair, Jed gave her theglass, which she emptied, "One more hand before we go."
She said, "Oh no, no, no talkingof goin, don't you go, you don't wana leave."
"Then one more hand it is," Jeddealt, she was so drunk they could see her hand anyway and of course shelost, this time there was going to be no escape.
"Oh you boys you should be respectinga little gal like me, you can't," all the boys stood, Jed said, "Anyone whoreneges on a bet, no we won't be coming back."
She sat up, "Oh but you must, Ienjoy yos company." The boys looked at Jed, his arms folded he looked ather the phone poised in the crock of his arm.
She stood up and undid the bra,it was one that clipped in the front, it sprang open, she lifted it aboveher head and swirled it round, she stuck her chest out "I don't do no renegingyou can just ask me, I don't do that," then she slumped back on the sofaand passed out, the boys quickly left.
As they got to the gate Pete said, "Ileft my phone," as he ran back to the pool Jed e-mailed the lot to Rods andhit delete, "Hay it's here, you dropped it," they all walked back talkingof the day and what a pity they were stuck with a school, parent projecttomorrow.
Rod said he was going in the shower,Jed waited then hit send and receive, next a floppy desk kept the pictures,some of them were just fantastic, the ones in the swimming pool with allthe lads and plenty of tit showing then, one of the ones of her climbingthe ladder smiling at him and the bumping and grinding looked a real turnon, but the bra over the head and her laughing was the cream.
Next the big page in the phone directory,yes the firm, the number, the fax and the e-mail, all that was left was thee-mail at the house, his fathers desk draw, emergency procedures and oh toeasy, Personal to Mr Roscoe, Mobile, home fax, home e-mail; later Jed sangas he showered.
Rod was up first prepping up forthe trip, their mother went to get Jed but he was feeling sick, said he thoughtto much sun yesterday, best they went with out him, Rod smiled as he gotin the car with his mother, he could see Jed up at the window, he thought,that little creeps gona be jerkin off all day.
It was ten when he pushed throughthe gate, no sign of her, so he went to the patio doors and looked in, thehouse was silent, shit, he thought the bitch has gone out, he kicked thegravel as he turned only to stop at the sound of a door opening, he turnedback, there she was in a long blue silk dressing robe, pretty blue heeledslippers, she had on sunglasses in the house but she had done her hair andmake-up so things weren't all bad.
"Good morning" Jed said as he wentin, he must have startled her but she said, "Oh hi, where's the others, Ican't see them but I can't see to much this morning, you all want to usethe pool?"
Jed smiled, "Oh they may be alonglater, got choirs you know, thought I'd come and show you my hobby."
She took her glasses off, "Wellthat so thoughtful, my, you are a kind set of gentlemen, I thought you mayhave come to ask me a few more questions."
Jed took a deep breath, "You havea computer."
"Sure do, don't know nothing boutthem but we got a honey, you wana see it."
He giggled a little, "Oh I wanasee it all right."
They went through in to a smallvery business like room, the computer sat like a god in the middle of thedesk with all the state of the art kit around it and it had a very largescreen, he smiled as he pushed the button.
She was behind him, he didn't haveto turn he could smell the perfume, "So what's this little hobby of yourshoney."
As the screen came to life he said, "e-mailphotography."
"My that's sound technical," without her seeing he slipped out the floppy and pushed it in the slot.
Jed looked at her, "Not really,what it I do is take photos with a special camera then I can send them toany computer I have the e-mail address of, like dads firm or this one orI can send to ten at once and of course the pictures are of the highest quality,let me show you, I've sent some here."
He took the arrow to Floppy.(A)and pressed. Three rows of numbers came on screen, "You see each one of thosenumbers in them little box's represents a picture that I have sent here;just take the arrow up to any box and press this," he showed her how themouse worked and stood back.
There was a little squeal before, "Ohmy lord, no, oh no, this can't be."
Jed smiled at her disbelief, "Ireckon you done some work for Hustler or Penthouse."
She pressed another number, shelooked at him then back at the screen, "Lord sakes no, I've been asked andpeople have tried but my mummy always said, only with the man you wed areyou naked and in bed, no, oh lord no, this is wrong."
Jed could see her visibly shaking, "Wellit don't look wrong to me, in fact they both look alright to me."
She pressed another button, theone of her with the bra swinging in the air and her sticking her tits outshowed full screen.
She moved the arrow and pressedagain, Jed stood a little closer, "Thought you would like to choose the oneor one's I send to the plant or the club."
She turned and looked at him, sheerterror etched across her face, "No honey, no you can't, you wouldn't do thatto little old me, no, you and your friends have been company, good companyand I do declare yesterday was a bit silly I know, but you wouldn't."
Jed couldn't hide the smile anylonger as he nodded, "Oh but I would unless you and little old me come toan arrangement."
Totally flustered she spluttered, "Whywhat do you mean, an arrangement."
Jed lent back against the desk, "Letme get this correct, you don't want me to send any of the fabulous picturesof you to any-one."
"Why lord no."
"You don't want any-one to see whatfabulous tits you have."
"My I wish you wouldn't say wordslike that and no of course I don't."
"Well that's a shame because ethereverybody get to see them tits or I do."
"I don't believe that a nice youngman like you would make me do somethin like that, why would you want to see,there must be lot's of nice girls, I'm, I'm well old enough to be your mummy."
"Ya but my mummy ain't got titslike you so make your mind up Mrs Roscoe, you ether open that gown and doas I tell you or I open a lot of peoples e-mails."
"How about I try and get some money,then you could show off to some nice girl, now how about that."
Jed stood up being taller he stoodclose so she had to look up, "Quit stallin, open the gown or I go."
As she sobbed she shook, her framephysically moved and so did her tits, "Plleeeeeesse no."
Jed put his hands on the lapels, "Youhave no choice, undo the buttons, now,"
She looked at him then down andstarted to undo the five button she stopped at the third, Jed was watching, "Allof them." He suddenly realized she might not be wearing much anywhere else.
She pulled the hem up to undo thelast button, with one quick movement Jed pulled the lapels open and down,his eyes drank in the blue bra and silk French style knickers, the pale bluehold up stockings that covered her shaking body right down to the pink toenails he could see peeking out the blue open toed heeled fluffy slippers.
He forced the gown down and it slippedoff her arms, "Fold your arms under your tits," her deep blue eyes pleadedwith him but his were glazed with lust, she shook her head as she foldedher arms. Trying not to let her see him shaking he grinned at her as he puthis hands on her shoulder, hooked his thumbs in the bra straps and pulledsideways.
With her arms folded underneaththe cups fell forward, all Jed had to do was pull and the sight he had wantedwas before him, he let out a low whistle, he ran his finger tip around herhuge red areola before he pulled at one of the thick nipple's, she pulledback.
"I do believe I said do as I tellyou and I didn't tell you to move."
He was getting bolder she was gettingfrightened, "Please, you said you wanted to look, that's all, look."
He got hold of both nipples andpulled her forward, "Look, touch, you just better keep my fingers busy, theycan go do something else and you would be the talk of the town."
He could see she was thinking aboutwhat the consequences might be. He put his hands on her waist and bent, smilingat her as he did then he put his mouth over the nipple and started suckinglike a baby, he made silly mmmmm noises, before standing up and looking ather.
"Now they are nice, so here's thearrangement, you be here at ten tomorrow and I will come and take some picturesof you, you be here and that's the end of it, no questions, agreed?"
"You just gona take some picturesand you won't do nothin with them."
"I'm gona take pictures and yourgona be here, deal because if you ain't, then a lot of people got mail."
"I will be here."
He let her go, she turned away fromhim, he took the chance and slipped the floppy out and closed the computerdown.
He got hold of his dads camera,fitted all the attachments to it and put some lettering on it and arrivedat ten, she was sitting in the lounge, he breezed in through the patio doors, "Andhow's my model today?"
"I don't wana talk, just wana getit over with."
He smiled, "Now that ain't niceand you better be nice, lets go to your bedroom and pick some nice thingsfor you to be photo'd in."
Her lingerie draw was amazing andthen he found the box of some of her old dancing gear, he had her changingin to everything and making her smile in to the bargain.
Then the topless shots, she moanedbut Jed just warned her, then he pretended to e-mail them to his home, "Howabout I send some of the topless ones, especial that one with you in thecowboy hat to the plant, hubby would like to show that round the office."
She almost fell at his feet, begginghim not to, he smiled down at her.
"O K you win, I won't, well maybeI won't, unless we have the pants off, you on the bed and a few nude stilllife studies."
She went to speak he quickly said, "Nodon't say a word, you just think about the alternative, I'll give you a coupleof minutes while I get your hubbies e-mail address on line."
Ever time she went to speak he justshook his head and looked at his watch until she stood by the bed, pushedher pants down and climbed on, Jed put the camera to his eye, "O K Trixie,get them big tits pointing at me and spread them legs, your going to showme some hot totty."
As he walked back home he had noidea how he was going to get the film developed but he would find a way evenif he had to call on some favours from L A, his biggest problem was keepingit a secret.
By eight thirty that night he hadtold Rod, Dan and Pete the whole story, he was the man he was the one whogot to see her and play with a bit of totty so up theirs.
Pete and Dan watched the big carpull away from the house; they waited, in another hour she came out by thepool. A peach coloured beach suit of a bikini top and jacket with wide shortsswayed around her, the one thing they did notice was she was very unsteadyon her feet. They moved from their hiding place and pushed through the conifersand across the lawn; they saw her drinking.
As they approached they saw herlook at them then past them, she wasn't her usual loud self, in fact shesounded drunk "Why hello you two, is it just you two none of them others,is that Jed with you?"
Pete and Dan got to the side ofher, "No it's just us, and we ain't your mindless coloured boys nether, weknow about you and Jed, so why ask?"
She sat up, "Why, I didn't meanno disrespect but he's such a terrible boy, he's no gentleman I can tellyou that, not like fine upstanding boys like you. But he came round, I thoughthe'd come to ask me a few questions, I thought he was interested but my lordhe," they stopped her.
"You and him, we know you have beenposing for him and you enjoyed it, you and your show girl ways now your tryingto lie your way out of it, wait until we show these pictures to your husband,you and a boy of his age and you know the legal age in this county, you aregoing to be in deep shit lady."
As she carried on her protest shetried to stand but Dan pushed her back down, "I think I'll go check youre-mails, bet we got some stuff on it, if not we can always put somethingon it."
He turned and walked towards thehouse, she got up and tried to get to him, to stop him, but Pete caught herarm, "Not so fast, you want to see then you better come with me."
She was forced to walk slowly besidehim; they got to the computer as Dan pretended to switch it off, he turnedand looked at the short well developed woman then up to his brother, "Theysixth didn't get downloaded but the rest are saved on the hard drive, I'veput a password on so they can't be deleted, we can e-mail the password tothe R A M and it will show when someone goes in to their business documents."
Pete tried hard to control his smileas he heard his brother talking such rubbish, but she was soaking it up likea sponge, the terror on her face was a picture as Pete said, "Where do youkeep your drink, you look like you could do with a stiff one."
The two tall teenagers laughed atPete's last remarks as they walked ether side of the trembling woman, theyreached a ornate cabinet, she opened it, there was very little in there untilshe pulled at the side panels, then six full bottles of a clear liquid stoodin a row, she picked one out and Pete handed her a glass, "You have yourselfa couple then we will talk about you and your goings on with Jed."
She made short work of that drinkand looked at Pete, "What did you want to ask," Pete smiled back, "Oh no,have another, you looked like you'd had a few when we arrived, so try another."
She spilt some as she poured another,Dan put his hand under her arm, held her steady and made sure the glass wasfull, they just stood and watched her until she emptied it, she was now veryunsteady, there was almost a giggly in her voice, when she slurred, "Whatdid you wha, wana ask little old mlee, I didn't do nothin, lord no."
She stood or rather swayed as Petesat on the sofa beside her, Dan stood behind, "With what he's about to sayI'd have another drink,"
She half turned as Dan poured somein her glass, "What you all mean," the southern drawl becoming longer withthe addition of drink.
Pete put his elbows on his knees, "Weknow all your lies, we know all about you and Jed, the way you let him kissyour nipples," lying like a pro he said "We have seen and got pictures ofyou naked, and we can guess what else you been up to."
Her little head shook, her hairbobbed furiously, "I didn't do nothin," Pete smiled up at her, "Well that'sall right then, your husband will not believe the pictures then or how theygot took?"
"Oh you ain't gentle," she burped, "Ohpardy me, gentlemen, you wouldn't do that not after I done let you use mypool."
"Whether we are going to tell yourhusband what you get up to, is up to you, it's going to ruin your life soonyou won't have a pool to let us poor coloured folk use, what do you wantto do about."
She sank the rest of the liquidin the glass, "What can I slay or dalo for you boys to stop you spread, spreadingsuch wicked lieshh, people are bound to slink the whorst, they allwahs havebout me."
Dan bent forward and whispered inher ear, "As you keep saying we can ask you anything and this time you willanswer then we will see what you can dalo for us little-ol boys."
Pete looked up at her, "First youcan tell us how you liked to be fucked," he put his hand on her leg justunder the shorts, she tried to move back but Dan was there.
"My I can't tell you boys thingslike that," Pete was stroking her leg just letting it slid above her knee, "Mymother always said only the, eeerrr, only the, no," Pete's hand was now completelyunder the leg of the shorts stroking the front of her thigh.
She was drunk and flustered, shewas almost lying on Dan, as she tried to continue, "What, eerrr what wasI eerr saying oh yes, only the man you wed should you b, b, be naked andeerrr in b, b, bed, oooohhh."
As she said bed Dan brought hishand round and squeezed as much as he could of her huge breasts, it was difficultto find the nipple behind the thick bra top, "You still haven't told us howyou like to be fucked, are you wet now?"
One thing she was; was breathingheavy, "Now you bouuys stop this."
Dan took the glass from her andput it on the table, his arms holding hers tightly to her side, now bothhis hands went to work on her breast's, "If you don't tell us my brothermay just find out for himself," Pete's hand was now stroking all over herthigh, running round the back then to the front then letting the fingersbrush her panty line near her crutch.
"Now pleeease you boy's you gotto stop all this."
Dan looked down at Pete and nodded,Pete's hand slid towards her pants, under the middle gusset of the shortsand he fingered the out line of her mound and the lips of her cunt as Dansaid, "You ain't married to Jed but he's seen you naked and in bed, us blackboys not good enough for you, is that it or did you just need a fuck."
"Wh, why heavens no, I, I mean he'seerr, just a, a boy, oh stop."
Dan pulled at the little top, pullingit off, as he pulled the straps down he said, "If we stop doing this thenyou know what we will do we start talking to hubby, now what would you ratherwe did, played with these big tittie's of yours or tell on you and by theway it's time for an answer, how do you like to be fucked, hard or slow?"
Dan slid his hand inside the peachcoloured cup and suddenly felt the long hard nipple as it nestled in hispalm, she tried to move but didn't take a lot of stopping because at thesame time Pete found the edge of her pants, her legs were slightly open andhe felt the flesh of her labia, he pushed up along the lip and in to thecradle of her clit, it was protruding out of the folds and hard. With onehand he rubbed at it, with the other he pulled his phone from his pocket.
Dan could see what Pete was up to,he pulled at her nipple, making her look back and up at him "You still haven'ttold us," Pete lent his hand back and clicked off some shots and slippedthe phone back in his pocket, Dan carried on massaging her tit's, " Are yougoing to tell me, how you like a cock up your cunt, do you like it slow ordo you like men pumping pussy fast."
She moved, Dan could feel she wasaroused, he slid his right hand away and to a bottle, carefully filled herglass and brought it round in front, "Here you have some more before youtell us all about how your little pussy likes to suck in a big cock."
She went to say, "Pleease you boysmust," before she finished Dan pushed her hand to her mouth and the glassto her lips and she drank, he held the glass to her and whispered, "Yourright we boys must, but as you won't tell us, how's this," Pete pushed hisfingers in to her wet cunt and rolled her hard clitoris with his thumb.
Trixie dropped the glass as Danheld on to her by her tits, "Oh my lord, oh thisshh is so wrong, aahh, Ishouldn't let you ba, booouuyys do lish, aahh." Pete was sliding his fingersin and out slowly, flicking them side to side as fast as he could while pushinghis thumb hard against her nub.
Dan, still standing behind her hadher bra straps down her arms as he massaged her tits, tickling around herlarge areolas then on to her long nipples, "Is that nice, do you like a slowfinger fuck, your nipples are hard and horny, are you?"
Her head lolled back, "Oh lord nooo,aahh."
Pete looked up, "Or do you likeit hard and fast," he started to speed his fingers up, twisting and screwingup her, letting his thumb thump in to her clit.
Pete could feel how wet her cuntwas, he slowed then got the speed up again, then slowed again before anotherburst of hard thrusting both boys listened to her groans. Dan used one handto pull down his shorts, his long black snake hung swollen and semi erect;he started to pull her arms behind her. Pete used his free hand to pull hershorts and pants down, slowly they slipped over her large round ass, shewas to far gone to realize as his fingers worked on her.
In one quick movement his fingersslipped out, her shorts and pants hit the floor and his fingers were backup her.
Dan moved her arms back using hisuntil her little hand came in contact with his swollen cock, he bent, "Youget your hand round him, he won't bite," she open her hand to try and moveit but all she did was excite Dan even more, it was now hard enough to beprodding her in the back.
As Dan told her to get hold of itso Pete moved forward and gave her cunt a long lick with his rough tongue,her whole body sank and Dan had to use all his strength to hold her, herlegs were open so Pete licked her again and again, she was breathing so hardher tits rose up and down almost covering Pete's head.
Dan moved and pulled her hand forcingit on to his cock, Pete carried on fingering her cunt but stood, so he hadchance to remove his shorts. Trixie with her legs now bent and open heldon to Dan's cock, all the boys could hear was her heavy panting and groans, "Ohlord oh this ain't right aahh, yes ahh, ahh.
Pete kept up the assault on hercunt but they were both bending her, positioning her; Dan was holding underher tits and letting her head fall forward, the height of her and the twoboys meant that she was easily in position at there waist level, Pete's cockpointing at her face, he held her shoulders and wiped the head of his cockover her cheek, catching the corner of her mouth, he smiled as he saw a coatingof lipstick on the end of his cock.
Now his brother was holding herit allowed Dan to keep her hand on his cock while with his other he couldslide his hand down over her bare ass and between her legs continuing towork on her wet cunt, his finger now pushing up and in.
With a swift movement of his footPete hooked his shorts got them up to his hand and grabbed at the phone,he opened it and started talking more shots from every angle as Trixie startedto head for her first orgasm.
Dan could see she was coming, Petedropped the phone and held her tight, Dan pulled his cock out of her handand bent his knees and replaced his fingers with his cock, it sank in andhe started fucking her as hard as he could, driving at her until she climaxed,and was she a screamer, the southern belle could sure shout, "Oh lord youblack bastard, fuck me"' at a high decibel pitch.
She sank to her knees Dan went downwith her; her cunt still sucking at his cock; Pete took the opportunity totake some more shots.
Pete looked at his brother, "Youcome up her," Dan smiled back, "Not yet, I'll wait till later," he pulledout of her, she rolled over, her huge tits covered her chest and fell etherside as she looking up at them, she half mumbled half cried, "That was sowrong," Pete bent down beside her, held her head up and showed her the screenon the phone, "Looks good to me, now I would say," he clicked the arrow underthe blue button until one of her being well fucked by Dan appeared, "That'sthe one to send to hubby."
They lifted her up, Dan pulled offthe hanging bra; now totally naked she stood unsteadily between the two boys,Pete got hold of her hair and pulled it back so she had to look up at him, "Weain't finished with you yet, lets go somewhere more comfortable, we are goingto fuck you a lot more this afternoon," Dan pulled her chin round to him, "Youget my cock in one hand his cock in your other hand and lead us to temptationor in plan words your bedroom, lets go fuck you on your bed."
She looked down at the two cocks,Dan's glistened with wet from her cunt, like liquorish, long, thick shinyliquorish, Pete's, just as big and black but hard and the pink end pointingat her, she looked back up at them, "You boy's shouldn't be doing this, it'swrong, I owe it to my husband, I ain't that type of lady, you boys have takenadvantage of me, my nice nature and drink why can't you just go, I promisenot to say nothin.
Dan stroked her breast and pulledthe nipple, "Of course you won't say nothin, but we all know you can fuckand your hot cunt wants to fuck and we just want to fuck it and yes, we aregoing to take advantage of you, come on lady you like your titties playedwith and your cunt licked and fucked, if your old man don't want to be athome fucking you then we will do it for him, you just do what we told youto do, grab a cock in both hands and lets go to your bedroom and see whatkind of lady you really can be turned in to."
The two brothers grinned at eachother as they followed her upstairs, her walking, looking ridiculous, onestep in front, her hands behind her wrapped round two long black cocks. Shelead them in to her bedroom, she stopped, Dan said, "Don't stop now justkeep going the beds over there," she lead them to the bed, with a stingingslap on her ass, Pete propelled her on to the bed.
They laid her side ways across thebed as they lay ether side, Dan bent and started sucking on the huge nipples,Pete bent but before his mouth latched on to the long pink bud he told her, "Getyour hands back on our cocks and play with them, while we play with you."
She lay gazing at the ceiling asher little hands pumped the two long black cocks up and down the boys suckedgreedily on her nipples, soon their fingers found their way back and in toher cunt.
It didn't take them long to gether juice's flowing again, their active fingers pushing at the already arousedcunt, they both sucked and licked at her long nipples, their eyes meet asshe moaned and her legs opened more, they took that as their signal to gether going again.
Dan kept his fingers working upher rapidly heating cunt while Pete started to push his wet finger in toher ass-hole, little gasps came from her as their fingers went further, Petecould feel Dan through the thin membrane, they started to work faster, thefingers pushing further faster their mouths sucking furiously at the nipples.
They could hear her as she suckedin air, her body humped up on the bed, her hips thrusting as the fingersexcited her towards another climax, her little voice squealed at them, callingthem names but interjected with, "Fuck oh fuck yes there more there oh lordthere, pleeease," Dan nodded to Pete and they suddenly rolled away from her,stood by the bed and watched her body as it squirmed.
They looked at the writhing womanas she cried out, "Fucking lord, no, no don't stop, pleassse oh lord do it," Danlooked at, "On your knees, lets see them tits swing while I stick my cockin your beautiful southern mouth and my brother fucks what ever is left."
She groaned as the boys pulled herup and round on to all fours, they couldn't resist and grabbed at the enormoustits as they almost touched the bed, the weight and her arousal forcing thenipples long and very pinchible, the boys thought so as they rolled thembetween their fingers.
Her ass rotated as she moaned, Danstuck his thumb in the open mouth and pushed, she groaned, he could feelher lips suck as her hand slid between her legs searching, Pete slapped itaway, "Oh no my cock is going to do that hole, I'm going to fill it for ofhard black meat and fuck my little southern lady and you will be grateful."
Both boys climbed on the bed, Petetickled the heated wet hole, she said, "Oh you bad boys you sh----aaahggg," Danstuck his cock in her mouth and pulled her head forward, "Now don't you worryabout us bad boys just you suck on that thick black meat in your little oldsweet mouth honey."
Pete pushed at her cunt the lipsopened under his pressure and he slid the head in. Little moans escaped hermouth as she sucked noisily at the cock now touching her throat, slowly Petepushed, as he watched the ass wiggled and dipped almost sucking his thicklong length in.
Further he pushed still not doinganything, she was wiggling fast trying to excite him enough for him to thrustin to her but he wouldn't, he lent forward, took his weight on one arm thenswung the other arm under her and started rolling her long hard nipples,pulling at them hard as she grunted between mouthfuls of Dan's cock.
He said, "You want it hard, honey,you want a thick black old cock fucking your cunt real fast, something bignot like hubbies little white dick but hard and fast, that what you want,come on white trash, come on you cock hunger black meat sucker come on tellme before I pull these fucking nipples off, tell me you want me to fuck yourworthless cunt," he smiled up at Dan who just pulled his cock out of hermouth long enough for her to say, "Fuck my cunt fast and hard, come on fillme you fucking black bastard I want your cock fucking me now."
Both boys drilled in to the littleblond banging her as hard as they could, her little hand got hold of Dan'scock and pulled it hard, back and forth jerking it off in to her mouth, herlips sucking at the head then pushing forward she took half of it in to theback of her throat.
Pete had his arms right round herthighs and between her legs, his fingers rubbing hard on the nub end of herclit, his cock thumped in to her hard and fast, lifting her almost off thebed as her tits swung wildly under her.
She started to cum, Pete felt thejuice all over his length, then she bucked, her cunt spat juice and she giggledsilly noises past Dan's cock. The boys slowed down, Dan pulled his cock outbut Pete just kept slowly fucking her, then he grabbed round her and draggedher back to him, the were both kneeling but he still had his cock up her.
Pete stood on the bed looking ather, she was breathing heavy moving her hips as she was now fully impaledon the huge cock up her cunt, she looked at Pete, he smiled Back, "Hold thembig titties together, I'm gona fuck off between them."
She gathered them together and hebent his legs, slid himself between them and started to fuck her chest, thewet from her mouth and throat now slipping between her huge globes; Petestarted to gyrate his hips forcing his cock to move inside her, she moaned.
The boys couldn't hold for any longer,with her cunt now jumping at Pete's dick buried all the way up it, and herholding her tits hard together while bending her head and letting her tonguelick over the head of Dan's cock as it pistoned in and out of her huge tits,they came.
She lay on the bed, her tits andface covered in white globs of cum, the backs of her thighs ran wet withher and Pete's juice and the two boys smiled at the well fucked blond. Petebent forward and rubbed the cum on to her nipple, looked at his brother, "Betshe could lick that off herself, be nice to see."
The two of them pulled her up andsat ether side of her, both put there hand under a tit, Pete held the backof her head, she protested but Dan forced her nipple at her mouth, "Comeon clean yourself off, lick your tits."
Unable to escape, her tongue startedto lick over her nipple, the strands of cream went from nipple to mouth andlooked real sexy to the boys, their fun was stopped by a noise down stairs,everybody froze until a voice said, "All your clothes are down here so what'sgoing on up there," it was Rod.
Pete shouted, "Try the bedroom," theyheard footsteps up the stairs when Rod put his head round, "You are havinga good time, mind if I join you?" They had not stopped her, she still hadher tits held up to her mouth, Pete shook her head, "Nobody told you to stop,lick that juice you cock hungry cunt."
Rod started to take his clothesoff, "Is that right, she's cock hungry," he went to the front of her, "Youhungry for more?" Trixie looked at him, "No, no it's not fair, I ain't donenothin to you boys, yet you come here and force me to do terrible things,you must go, all of you."
Pete shook her again, "See thatwhite cock well that ain't bad for a white boy so you just get it in yourmouth and start the blowing and while your doing the sucking and blowingopen your legs while we do our own thing."
She sat on the bed, legs open withthe two coloured boys playing with her cunt and tits while her mouth suckedat Rod's cock, Pete looked up at the grinning Rod, "Now I don't mean to bedisrespectful but being as you ain't so big as us and being as we ain't pokedthis little ladies ass maybe you would like it if we take her in a threeway split."
Rod was holding her head but shestill tried to shake it, Dan stopped her, "You don't have any say in what,when and how we poke you, we know you fuck and you fuck good, we know yourold man don't do you, so from now on we do you, you understanding, we comehere when we like, you be here when we want and we fuck you any way it pleasesus and it pleases us now for all three of us to fuck you at the same time.
Dan was soon laying on his back,his full hard length waiting for her to sit on, he couldn't help but grabat the big nipples as she slid down over his cock. Rod pushed her down, Danpulled the tits up and in to his mouth as Rod started to push up her rectum,sliding in to it, as the entrance closed over it she moaned, Pete said, "Ohshe likes a stiff one up her ass," as he dragged her head on to his cock,Rod slapped her ass, smiled at his mates and said, "Let the fucking begin."
All her complaining and protestingwas soon gone as she squealed and humped as her holes throbbed to the fuckingof hard cocks, the boys enjoyed her, slapping her ass, pulling at the longnipples, squeezing the huge tits and tormenting her, telling her they wheregoing to be fucking her all the time from now on, her cunt, ass, mouth andtits were theirs to do when ever they wanted, she was going to relieve theboredom they had in this one horse town, if her husband had fucked with themby bringing their fathers to this god forsaken hole they were going to fuckhim by using his wife's fucking holes to pleasure themselves in.
The three of them emptied themselvesin to her, Pete had shoot himself again all over her tits he just couldn'tget enough of watching her clean her own tits with her tongue, so much sothat before they left she was made to suck them all off again, only to findherself finishing them off with her hand, jerking their cum on to her titsready for another nipple licking session.
The three went back to Rods house,Jed was there, he asked, "What you lot been doing," Pete said, "Just workingon the project."
Jed laughed at them, "You poor fucks,I been looking at them pictures and as for the others I took I got peopleto develop them, you boys got no idea about getting totty, pity we won'tbe able to go back to the pool but at least I got to see her naked and Igot to suck on them great big tits and what did you get, to work on a project,your pathetic, you want a drink, tell you what I feel sorry for you havingto work on your project all day you must be tired I'll get you all some lemonade." AsJed went to the kitchen he was laughing so much that he didn't hear Petesay to Rod, "Talking of lemonade what time is she going to be fucking ustomorrow?" Rod said, "I told her to be naked on the bed, legs, ass and mouthopen at ten thirty, all right for you two."
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His dick was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His dick clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off. Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...
First TimeWhen I was 18 I got a job at a local gas station. I had been on my own for a few years and had a vastly different life and was often too busy trying to get by to mingle much with people my own age, so when senior prom came around I was unprepared. One afternoon, all of a sudden it was incredibly busy. All the "boys" where coming in wearing suits with their girls in dresses. Many of them tried buying beer, but would return it to the shelves when I tried getting an ID. But when one couple came up...
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First TimeMilk-Milk Lemonade I usually go with my wife to her doctor appointments and she usually comes with me to mine and this appointment was no different. This was to be her gynecologist exam where they take a Pap smear and check out her internal plumbing. She had just gotten completely undressed and had the paper gown on with the slit in the front as she had been requested to do when a little boy entered our examination room. He was so cute that my wife started to talk to him. She...
Jamie told me he wanted to go see a movie, so we walked up to Union Station; it was 10 blocks away from the house. I cannot remember what the movie was, but I DO remember that each time Jamie took a drink of his extra large lemonade, he would hit my leg with his leg and smile. At first, I thought it was just a mistake, but after the 3rd time he bumped my thigh, I knew something was up in his horny-ass mind.The movie was over, and as we left, I suggested we stop and grab something to eat to take...
Copyright© all rights reserved Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off. Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the...
Morrel was, in fact, very happy. M. Noirtier had just sent for him, and he was in such haste to know the reason of his doing so that he had not stopped to take a cab, placing infinitely more dependence on his own two legs than on the four legs of a cab-horse. He had therefore set off at a furious rate from the Rue Meslay, and was hastening with rapid strides in the direction of the Faubourg Saint-Honore. Morrel advanced with a firm, manly tread, and poor Barrois followed him as he best might....
It wasn’t the lemonade stand itself that caught my attention, quaint as it was. What kid sells lemonade anymore? It was the girl watching the kids running it. Although I couldn’t really call her a girl. She could have been 16, but her curves clearly had woman written all over them. Curves that her pretty white top and cut jean daisy dukes didn’t make any effort to hide. She was bending over to pick a toppled pile of paper napkins from the lawn, and from where I was walking on the other side of...
There are some people who say "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". I say "where the hell is the water and sugar to go with these damn lemons?" I'm not a pessimist, just a realist. It's all well and good to look for a silver lining in the storm but don't forget you have to get through the damn storm to get to it. Life handed me lemons 21 years ago. I was 25 when life or fate or the gods decided to punch me in the stomach and when I bent over to kick me in the ass and bury me in...
If you have read any of my other stories you know that they have no explicit sex scenes, this story is no exception. Constructive comments or critiques are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike the story please take the time to comment on it or send me an email. It would be nice if you could rate or vote on the story too. Your comments and ratings help me to learn and grow as a writer. Thanks for taking the time to read my story and please enjoy. There are some people who say...
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I don’t mind a silent drive or flight, now that they are all asleep for a few hours. A quick call had one of the silent jets waiting to fly us, van, and all, outside the town where their aunt and uncle live. I arrived half an hour earlier than expected. I went to the door, knocked, and told the girl, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Hi. I’m David. I have a van full of the kids who are going to make your house their new home. They are all sound asleep, so if you can show me where I can put...
Chapter 5 - Riley The months that followed were a misery for me; I loved Evan, and I was sure he loved me, but I couldn’t reconcile that against the secrecy of his God-damned club. There was something going on at that terrace in Potts Point, something sexual, I was sure, and I felt that Evan had in some way been cheating on me, all the while giving me the best sex I would ever experience. I felt jilted and wronged and completely justified in my actions; but I also felt petty and small and...
SupernaturalIt was Friday morning when the commander informed us the house was ready for inspection. He transported us down to the house and spent a few hours with us making small changes; but it looked great and for the most part was perfect. We walked outside for a bit, it had been a while since we had fresh air. We had about 10 acres of land around the house with a small wooden fence around the 10 acres - this was our border, which we couldn't pass. I was not sure what would happen if we did but I...
Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...
Long before Sam handed over the domination of Suzy to Annie, becoming Her slave, she was patiently waiting to make tea for her son Mikey, idly watching porn when she stumbled across one of the many ‘MILF catches son and girlfriend’ videos.The sound of heavy petting and Suzy’s vibrator, covered the sound of Mikey (17) and Rachael (15) meeting up at his house after school: “Hi Mom - this is my new girlfriend - would you like to watch us fucking?”Rachael actually blushed, which was rather cute -...
I mostly listen to Midwest Emo, and indie rock so expects those kinds of songs. Underneath is going to be updated every day to show a new song. Heart to Gold - My Denim Jacket Just look it up if want to listen to it.
Non-EroticMadame JustineDo not read this when you are under age. This is for adults eyes only. Many people enjoy the adventures of Indiana Jones. Very few of those same people would actually enjoy things like running for their lives in front of a crushing boulder, or gewtting kicked into a snake pit. Sometimes fantasy is just fantasy, no prelude for reality. Take this story as it is: Fantasy. Now read on. SLUTS ‘N SLAVES FAMILY BDSM BROTHEL A painful joy for all?Harry looked at the little business card...
the Meeting (Part 2)"Come in," Michael commanded. He looked up as the door opened, pleasantly surprised to see Meredith. "Good morning, Chancellor.""It's Meredith, Michael. No need to be so formal when we aren't in front of the students." She smiled at him.He watched as she walked over to the chair in front of his desk, his eyes gazed down at her legs as she crossed them, her short skirt rode higher on those gorgeous thighs, a quick glimpse between her legs making his cock hard. "So good to see...
?Graymangazer2014-03-20 Justine pays. By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...
Michael rubbed his hand over her inflamed back, the skin already warm, turned a light pink."Now that you know what to expect, let's try a more intimate part, Justine. How about if I flog your hanging breasts?" His hands reached down to one, grabbed it in his palm, squeezed it harshly before he moved on to her nipple, pulled and yanked until it began to harden, not sure if it was pleasure or pain that brought it about, Michael had not really cared, just wanted to give himself a bigger target to...
Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...
It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it. She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism. He handed her another cuff and lock and motioned for her to put it on and lock that in place as well, which she did willingly. With the...
BDSMHello, friends this is the story of how I fucked a women and surprisingly while fucking her son comes in the middle. Do mail me n give feed backs at One day I was checking my mails and I got a mail from a women named akansha . Then we had a chat for few days then we exchanged our no.S She said her husband is in merchant navy and is not able to satisfy as most of the time hes away. She said she need sex. Well lemme describe you about her Name: akansha Stats: 36d 34 40 yeah she had a very big...
IncestA noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...
"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair. "No," I replied. "When was it posted?" "Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email ... wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month." The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large...
That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...
The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...
I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom. Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian. Of paramount interest was the rack of TV...
Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...
I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...
"So what's for dinner?" I yawned lazily. "Probably pizza," Katie replied absently. I was still in bed. Melinda and Yesmine had gotten up a little while before to take a shower, and Red wanted some cuddle time. "I'll tell you what," I started. "Melinda, Mimi and I will take the kids out for dinner and you, Leah and Geoff can have some 'alone time'." My wife perked right up at my suggestion. I could tell she wanted another go at her new male slave and I knew Leah was always up...
Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...
"You look very handsome," Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I'm going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie. The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah's new hybrid Lexus sedan. It...
"Sweetheart? Wake up ... you want to see this." It took me a second to blink away the haze as someone tugged on my shoulder. The bedroom was still dark. Leah was curled up on one side, Mimi on the other. I slipped out from between my lovers and followed Melinda to the monitors on the other side of the room. She backed up the video feed to show me something that had happened a few moments before. She pulled a robe around her shoulders to ward away the morning's chill. Through the...
Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...
SupernaturalIf the transient sexual prowess of its members was a mystery, then the library itself was the enigma wrapped in the riddle wrapped in the mystery that was The Winsome Widow gentlemen's club. I was initially charmed by the high shelves stacked with bound volumes; there were no windows and all four walls were completely covered floor to ceiling with bookshelves and a wheeled ladder attached to each wall. In the centre of the room were two Chesterfield sofas and two sumptuous matching armchairs...
JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...
The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door. Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door. “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...
IncestWeek One, TuesdaySam dresses Justine in a white low-cut crop top, collar, very short leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings and stilettos; obviously no underwear.Down at the local pub, He encourages the regulars in the snug to fondle her butt and make lewd suggestions for her sub training programme.Back home they watch a few BDSM videos together and act out some of the less adventurous scenes.Sam instructs His trainee sub to carefully think about and write down her hard and soft limits, so they...
The next few days were bliss. Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops. Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman. She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees. Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...
IncestIdentical Opposites, Dejevu By: Malissa Madison The phone in the main room of the Penthouse suite of the Hyatt Regency rang three times before Maddie Grey picked up. "Yes, who's calling please?" she asked instead of saying hello. "Maddie? It's David." He waited for recognition. "Oh good morning Director. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" "You've seen the news lately? That terrible business out in Oak Hills?" "Old Case, Yes Michelle has a few theories about that,"...
Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...
Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...