Misery Revisited (sort Of) free porn video

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Misery Revisited (Sort Of) By Tami Lynn Benevento As I finish putting on the last of my makeup, I can't help but look at myself in the mirror. As usual, I have meticulously put myself together. My hair and makeup is perfect and my dress follows my curves like it was made especially for me, which it was. I have to look my best for my "date" which I am meeting in 30 minutes. To look otherwise, or not to please my dates, would cause swift and fierce retribution from my owner. My name is Tami, it used to be John Savage, and I was forced into the Dubai sex trade almost 7 years ago. There is a huge market here for boys/males that look and act like women, have been castrated, but still have their penises. Some enter the trade willingly, while others, like me, were kidnapped and forced into it. The optimum age, for the "girls" is, 15 - 25. After 25 your value starts to dwindle and unless you have clients that keep requesting you, you become almost worthless to the owners. Some owners keep their girls strung out on drugs and when they stop producing, they almost always end up over dosing. Other, more generous, owners will work you until you stop producing then give you an opportunity to buy your freedom, usually after you have reached 30. I just turned 25 so I have no other recourse than to look and be the best I can for my clients. I have noticed that my new clients have started to drop off dramatically. Luckily I have a fairly steady clientele that will come into Dubai for up to a week at a time. I am owned by a man named Abdul Hassam. He provides me an apartment, all of my clothes and living expenses. He also "banks" 1% of my earnings which will go towards buying my freedom, which hopefully, will be $50,000 by the time I reach 30. He has it indoctrinated into me, that if I displease him, or try and run, he will immediately sell me to an owner that will literally work me to death in a year's time. I had a couple of very close friends that tried to run or disrespected a client and were found dead a short time later. Besides, running would be impossible. I have no paper work to prove who I am and I have a tracking device imbedded into the fatty tissue of my butt. So running isn't really an option. My life isn't all that bad. Master Hassam only books very high class and wealthy clients for me. I get taken to some very nice hotels and restaurants, my clients are always giving me nice gifts, mostly jewelry, I have a clothes closet most women would die for and I must admit that I really do enjoy being treated like a lady. Putting on the last of my lipstick, I look and ponder about how I got from Northern California to here. The summer after I graduated from high school, I worked for a family friend in his wholesale business. I basically started as the gofer. But, as the summer went on, I ended up helping more and more in the warehouse. My plan was to work up to 2 weeks before my college started, quit work and then go on a 2 week backpacking trip in the Sierras with some friends. All was going as planned, until a couple of days before I was going to quit. Mr. Jordan, my boss, told me that they might be getting a huge shipment in the next week or so and asked me if I could stay longer to help. He had had two of his employees quit so he was short handed. I told him that I was really looking forward to this trip, but if he really needed me I would stay. We talked a bit and decided that if he hadn't heard anything about it on Friday afternoon, then I would go on my backpacking trip. I talked with my friends and my family and told them that I wouldn't be leaving town until after work Friday evening. It was decided that I would meet my friends at the trailhead no later than 8:00am Saturday morning. If I wasn't there, it meant that I would be working. We decided that, if possible, I would try and rendezvous with them at one of the camp sites later on. I packed everything that I needed for my trip and took it with me to work. Mr. Jordan told me that the shipment had been delayed at least another week and to go and enjoy myself. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I called and talked to my Mom and told her that I was going on my trip and would see her and Dad in two weeks. I don't why, but instead of stopping at Carl's JR, or some other fast food restaurant, I decided to stop at a local diner before leaving town. As I entered the diner, I noticed I was the only one in there. The waitress was very friendly and cute. I sat at the counter and we chatted while I ate. She asked where I was going and seemed genuinely interested in me and my backpacking trip. By the time I had finished eating I had told her my whole life story. I left the diner and headed out of town. As I was driving towards the Sierras, I couldn't help but feel I was being followed. Then it happened, on a lonely stretch of road, this car comes out of nowhere and passes me only to cut back too quickly and forces me into a ditch. I vaguely remember someone coming up and asking if I was alright. The next thing I remember is waking up in some sort of room. I sense that I am lying on a hospital bed, but not in a hospital. I am wearing a hospital gown; I have some kind of heavy bandage between my legs and an IV in each arm. I have the feeling that I should be hurting all over, but I am feeling this incredible high. Whoever has me here, must have given me some great drugs. The room seemed more like a bedroom which had me a bit confused as to where I was and what happened to me. I try and get out of bed but find that I am restrained. After what seemed like at least an hour, the door open and in comes this woman. She is medium height but heavy without being fat. She looked to be in her mid 40's and very plain. Looking at her, and considering that I was in restraints, immediately reminded me of the movie Misery. She was Cathy Bates and I was James Caan. Then she spoke and removed all doubts. "Hello John, I am so glad that you are back with us. You gave me a scare. I found you in your car in a ditch and brought you here to nurse you back to health. I am a retired surgical nurse so you are in good hands." "Where am I and what happened to me? Why am being restrained?" "Oh so many questions don't worry your precious little head right now. All you have to do is to recuperate. You are being restrained simply so that you don't accidently pull out your IV tubes. My name is Annie." "Can I please give my parents a call; they must be worried about me." "I am sorry our phones don't work; besides they aren't expecting to hear from you for another 11 or 12 days." Chills shot through my body. How could she have known that? I started to ask her when she made an adjustment to my IV and I immediately slipped off into a dream like existence. I was feeling good and didn't have a care in the world. Annie kept me in my dream state. I don't remember if hours, days, weeks or months went by. I lost all track of time. But finally she started to bring me out of my dream state. I remember that I was able to comprehend what she was saying but, my mind was still in sort of a fog. "Well John, I am glad you are back. You have been here for a week now and we have much to do to get you ready to move." "Move?" "Yes silly you can't stay here forever. Besides how am I going to get back all of the money I have invested in you?" Maybe it was the drugs but I was confused and asked her to please let me go home. She just laughed and told me, in no uncertain terms, that I probably wouldn't ever see my parents again. Now I started getting scared. I asked her if she was going to kill me and she just laughed and said, "No, I just told you that I need to get back the money I have spent on you. If I killed you then I would be out everything I have invested in you so far. It just wouldn't be good business. Do you understand?" "I guess so, but why are you doing this to me and why won't I ever see my parents again?" "I guess this is as good of a time as any to tell you what your future is going to be. I am an independent business woman who provides her brokers from around the world, young boys, such as you to use in their sex trade. I have clients from the Far East and the Middle East. My current client is specifically looking for someone just like you. He wants a boy 15 - 18 years old, about 5'7" in height and not more than 140 pounds. The boy should have blonde hair, blue eyes and feminine features." My mind was starting to clear a bit and I knew that I was in for big trouble. That description fit me to a tee, except that my hair was a light brown color. I hadn't really even started shaving yet. "While you were out I have done several things to you: First of all, you have been given a drug that has induced your dream like state. This is a close cousin to heroin except that it is about 10 times more addictive and has a very nasty side effect. In that about 50% of those addicted, and you are now; die trying to go cold turkey. Of those who survive, almost 75% have moderate to severe brain damage. The good news is that you can stay on the drug for long periods of time without any adverse side effects. Best of all, is that there is a 3 shot therapy that, administered over a 36 hour period, will break the addiction. Second you have been castrated. This was done because you future owner, yes I said owner, likes his boys to look and act like girls. Castrating you is the simplest and surest way to make sure you don't develop and more of those nasty masculine traits. Just think you won't ever have to worry about losing your hair. I have already started you on estrogen which will throw you back into puberty, this time you will develop feminine features such as breasts and a feminine body. I suspect that you will develop very nicely. Third, I have implanted two devices in you. One is a tracking device in case you try and run. The other will give you a sever shock by either pushing the button on this transmitter or if you try and go past that door. Fourth, I have removed all of the hair from your body and face with a laser. You really have no choice but to cooperate with me. Do you understand?" "I still don't know why you are doing this to me. I will not cooperate with you I would rather die than do what you are saying!" I yelled at her. She calmly said, "We'll see." She then proceeded to disconnect me from my IVs and removed my bandages and my catheter. "It looks like you are healing nice. I will undo your restraints shortly. But first I want you to understand what is going to happen from now on. This the last time you are going to hear yourself being referred to as John. From now on, your name is Tami. You will only be spoken to in feminine terms. You will have free roam of this room; the bathroom is behind that door. You will sit down to use it, any deviation of this will result in you getting a sever shock. You will be expected to dress and act like a girl from now on. You will be respectful and refer to me as either Mistress or Mistress Anne. Again any deviation from this, you will be punished. You will be here for another 5 days at that time you will be transported out of the country to start your training and your new life. Do you understand?" All I could do was to meekly shake my head in the affirmative. "Good, I will now undo your restraints and we will get you properly dressed. Is that OK Tami?" Again I just shook my head yes. She then undid my legs, chest and finally my arm restraints. She helped me sit up and slide my legs over the side of the bed. I stood up, my legs were a bit shaky at first but soon I was able to walk on my own. It was then that I had to feel between my legs. She had told the truth I was smooth down there. My testicles were gone. I don't know why, but I didn't feel the anger and outrage that I thought I should of. But, I did say, "You fucking bitch, what have you done to me." She looked back at me and gave me an icy stare that would have frozen fire. Her stare had its desired effect, I literally started shaking. She then softened up and said, "If you ever use that tone with me again, you will wish you were dead. You can either make this hard or easy, the choice is up to you. The one thing that is not an option is to go back to your old life. Do you understand?" I was looking at a woman that appeared to be pure evil. I knew to cross her; there would be hell to pay. I thought that if I played along with her; hopefully there would be a chance to escape, even if I had to kill her. "I understand Mistress Anne; I would rather have the easy way." Her demeanor immediately changed. "Very good Tami, let's get you dressed." With that she showed me over to the closet which was half full of dresses, skirts and blouses, no pants. She told me to pick out something. I acted like I was interested while I went through the clothes. Finally, I pulled out a skirt and a long sleeved blouse. She smiled and said not to bad for the first time. She did suggest a short sleeve blouse that she thought would go better with the skirt. Next we went to the chest of drawers. Again she had me pull out what underwear I liked. I seemed to remember somewhere that women liked to wear matching lingerie. So I picked out a pair of beige panties and a matching bra. Again she was pleased at my choices. Next came the picking out of a garter belt, stocking and shoes. She then showed me how to put on my panties (plus a pad in case I was still draining), garter belt (running the garter tabs under my panties) stockings, my padded bra, blouse, skirt and shoes. She had me stand up and walk over to the mirror. Even with my drab shoulder length hair, I couldn't believe, there looking back at me was a cute teenage girl. "Tami, you look wonderful. By the time we are finished with you, your Mother won't recognize you anymore. Believe me, you aren't my first. Every "girl" I have made loves being a girl and wouldn't have it any other way." It was then I saw my opening to try and escape. She was off her guard and I had one chance to grab the transmitter around her neck and run out the door, which was left open. My plan worked perfect. I pushed her over as I grabbed the transmitter and dashed to the door, I was glad I was wearing flats. I got a couple feet from the door when it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Every muscle in my body started to contract, sending me to the floor and withering in agony. I started to convulse and lost control of my bladder and bowels. After what seemed like forever, Mistress Anne turned it off. I couldn't move for at least 5 minutes. Slowly my body started working again. The whole time Mistress Anne was massaging my muscles, talking in a smooth even tone saying that she warned me about trying to escape. With that, she helped me get undressed and cleaned up. We went through the process of me picking out what I wanted to wear. This time though I had to dress myself. "I was wondering how long it would take you to try to escape, they all do. Now you can see that escape is not possible. You will find that with every mistake, there comes a punishment. Conversely when you do something well there can be rewards. So the choice is yours. You tried to escape and you were punished. Just remember that it can get much worse." The words sent chills up my spine. By now, my head was fully clear, but I didn't feel right. My stomach started to turn, I ached all over, I started getting a ferocious head ache and I started to think I was going to die. At first I thought that it was a reaction from getting shocked. I asked Mistress Anne about this and she said it was because the drugs were starting to wear off. "From now on there are only two ways getting your fix." With that she took me into the bathroom. Besides the bathtub/shower and toilet, the bathroom sink had been replaced with a sink you would find in a salon with a salon chair in front of it. In the middle of the chair, there was what looked like a 6" penis sticking up. "One way of getting your fix is to stick this up your now virgin pussy. It will swell, stretching you, vibrate and eventually shoot its wad of drugs and estrogen deep inside you. This will eventually give you the most intense pleasure. For a quick fix, then there is this." She showed me a hand held version of the same penis. "This you will suck on. Initially, just sucking on the tip will get you your drugs. But eventually, you will need to get it deeper into your throat before you get your fix. Sometimes you will be given the option, other times you will be told which to use. Just remember, if you learn to love and crave these, then you will do well and live well to. If you fight them, then you will probably be dead in a year. Also, the sooner you learn to want and crave these, and the real things, the sooner you will get off the drugs. Do you understand?" "There is no way I am going to stick either of those ..." With that she gave me a quick jolt to remind me who was boss. "This time, I am going to decide for you. Come over here, lift up your skirt and drop your panties." I walked over and did what she said. She took out a tube of YK jelly and smeared all over the rubber penis. She then put on a glove and had me bend over as she lubricated me. I screamed as she inserted two of her fingers inside me. She told me to be quiet and that I would soon learn to love it. When she finished, she guided me over to and down on the penis. I felt it touch and then press on my sphincter muscle. As I applied more pressure, my sphincter muscle started to open. It felt like I was being torn in half then all of a sudden it just slide in. With that Mistress Anne put restraining straps around my chest, arms and legs. Being impaled, I couldn't give much resistance; I also knew that if I did I would be shocked again. When she finished, she showed me a remote pad which controlled "my penis". She pushed one button and I felt it start to inflate stretching me even more. She then pushed another button and it started to vibrate which sent waves of pleasure through my body. She pushed a third button and it slowly started to withdraw only to extend back into my body. It felt heavenly, plus I could feel the effects of my withdrawal start to subside. Mistress smiled when she could seem me start back into my dream state. "I can see that you are enjoying this. That is a good first step. I should also mention that this only gives out small measured doses. So you will be able to know what is going on around you and feel what your body is feeling. I suspect, that by the time you leave here, you will be totally addicted to this. I have had a few that weren't addicted to this and they never made it." "Now while you are going through your first session, let's do something about your hair. Your shoulder length hair is a good start, but your new owner wants your hair to your bra strap and cut into layers. Men like girls with long hair. Your new owners wants you blonde, but natural looking. So what I am going to do is to give you a whole head of highlights, lighten your hair in between the foils, put matching extensions in and then cut it. I put myself through nursing school as a hairstylist and have kept up my skills over the years." With that she put a cape around my neck, mixed two bowls of color. She proceeded to section out a fine section of my hair, weave out part of it, lay it on a foil, brush on one of the colors and fold up the foil into a packet. She then took another section and placed the second color on it. After about an hour, my whole head was filled with aluminum foil. The whole time I was sitting there, the penis vibrated and slowly moved up and down inside me. The pleasure I felt was so intense, like nothing I had felt before. It seemed like I would slowly build-up to an orgasm, the machine would stop and then start again bringing me to a higher level of pleasure. After every 4 or 5 times, I was allowed to orgasm, which seemed weird because I never got an erection. The first time caught me by surprise. The feeling shot through my body with such intensity that I almost passed out in shear ecstasy. After the second time, I found myself actually clinching up on the penis and moaning when I came. To which Mistress Anne just smiled, she knew that even at this early stage, she had herself a girl. Soon it was time to take out the foils and wash my hair. As she leaned me back into the sink. Doing so repositioned "my" penis inside me creating a whole other set of feelings. When she finished washing my hair, she sat me up and started to dry my hair. When she finished drying my hair, she started to bond small strands of matching extension hair to my own hair. When she finished with the extensions, she washed and conditioned my hair and new hair again, cut it in layers and gave me sweeping bangs. I am not sure how long this all took; I know it was many hours. When she finished, she stopped the machine and "my" penis slowly slid out of me. It was a mixture of disappointment and relief. It had given me such incredible pleasure but, on the other hand I was completely spent. It was all I could do to stand up. My hair felt so much heavier, yet not unpleasant. Mistress Anne gave me a tampon to put inside me. She explained that this would help to hold in the time released drugs that were inside me. I pulled up my panties, straightened my stockings and skirt. All I knew for sure is that I wanted that inside me again. "Well Tami, did you enjoy your first session?" What else could I say but, "Yes." "That's good; I knew that you will make a great girl." "Thank you Mistress I will try", I can't believe I actually said that. With that she led me over to a small table and told me to sit down. She left the room, with the door open, and returned a while later with some food. I am not sure how long it was since I had last eaten real food. The meal consisted of only a small salad, a piece of chicken breast and some beans. I started to scarf down the food when she just touched her transmitter again. "That is not how a lady eats. Hold your fork like this and take smaller bites." What could I do? I ate like she showed me. After I finished, I was still hungry and asked Mistress if there was anything else? To which she said that from this day on I have to watch my figure. My looks and abilities are what will keep me alive and thriving in my new life. With that she led me back over to the bed, told me to get undressed and gave me a night gown to wear to bed. I was exhausted and fell right asleep. The next morning I was so sore I could barely move. I got up and went to the bathroom. Out of habit, more than anything else, I started to pee standing up. I immediately got a quick jolt to remind me who was in charge and I immediately sat down to finish my business. I noticed a note sitting next to a fresh tampon telling me to change it, which I did and to get myself dressed for the day. The next four days went pretty much the same. I was constantly being shown how to dress, do my hair and makeup and how to act and carry myself. By the end of my time there, I was starting to get the knack of putting myself together. Plus, I was getting shocked less and less to the point that I almost forgot I had the implant in me. Everything started to seem automatic and, dare I say, a little natural for me. Mistress was very pleased with my progress and commented so on several occasions, which helped to build my confidence. I would have at least one or two sessions with the chair each day and she introduced me to the hand held penis. It was at this point that I found out that not only could my implant shock me; it could also stimulate my pleasure center too. She was patient and by the third session, I was able to take it all of the way inside my mouth and down my throat. Not only would I receive a measured dose of my drugs, the implant would send waves of pleasure through my body. By the end of the 5 days, she had turned me into a whore who craved either sucking the cock or being fucked by the chair. I told her that I was actually looking forward to the real thing. To which she said, in time my dear, in time. At this point I should say that while I learned my lessons well, what choice did I have, I kept looking for a way to try and escape. She had me so conditioned, with my implant, that I knew the time had to be just perfect. Anything else would certainly cause a retribution that sent chills up and down my spine just thinking about it. On the fifth day I got up, took a shower and washed my hair. Using a blow dryer and brush I dried my hair straight then using a curling iron, put soft cascading curls in it. I got dressed, did my makeup and waited for Mistress to say I did well so that I could get my morning ration of the drugs. "I must say Tami, that you have made remarkable progress this last week. You are a natural. We leave today to meet your new owners who will continue your training." "I am looking forward to meeting them." I said to make her happy. Mistress then told me that she wanted to pack all of my clothes and get ready to leave. I asked her when I was going to get my drugs and she just laughed. "I weaned you off them two days ago. Your craving of the penis has been strictly to pleasure yourself and not because of being hooked on drugs. I know you really enjoy this and the real thing will be so much better. What's going to happen is that I will be taking you to a small local airport where you, and several other girls, will be flown by private jet to Mexico City. From there, you will be flown directly to Dubai, your new home. Remember when I told you that this can be easy or hard?" I nodded yes. "Well your existence from now on depends on how you act. This particular broker that I am sending you to deals in only high class and high dollar clientele. They think nothing of spending $20,000 for a weekend with one of his girls. So if you try hard and please your clients, then you will have an easy life and you will be well provided for. Your new owner also will let you work towards eventually buying your freedom. On the other hand, if you screw up your training, disrespect or don't please your clients, then you will be sold to another owner. The new owner probably will not have such high class clientele and you may be beaten, to an inch of your life, probably be strung out on drugs and you will probably be dead before you are 25. Life is a series of choices and if you choose well then life can be good for you. Choose poorly and you will be dead. The choice is yours." Those words convinced me that I had to try and escape. It was just a matter of when and where. I knew that even if I managed to escape, my life would never be the same. After all, what woman would want to date, much less marry, a neutered guy. Besides, I think I have become "addicted" to having a penis inside me. I don't know, maybe it was the lack of testosterone or the estrogen flowing through my body, but I came to realize that in this new life, or if I managed to escape, any future I had would be with a man, either as his woman or as his neutered male lover. I spent my time carefully packing my clothes, shoes and what I needed for my makeup and hair. When I finished, Mistress Anne said it was time for my last session with the chair. But, this time I would be fucked while sucking my rubber penis. I quickly went into the bathroom, put a little of the YK jelly on the chair's penis, raised my skirt, lowered my panties and lowered myself down. My butt had become so accustomed to being fucked that the penis slid right in. I took the control and started the routine. It started to vibrate then it slowly starts to move up and down inside me. As usual, I became very aroused. The controller also allowed me to speed up the movement and also enlarge the size of the penis. I could easily handle it to the max, which was 8" and very thick. I turned the controls all of the way up. The penis was moving so fast and deeper inside me that it almost lifted me off the chair. Regardless I would raise and lower my hips in time with the penis. I put the hand held penis in my mouth, licking it first to get its precum, and then working it deep down my throat. What I didn't know until later, was that Mistress didn't turn on my pleasure center. I was so conditioned that my mind told me that I was getting pleasure from the hand held penis. The combination of being fucked from both ends sent me to a high level of ecstasy that I thought would surely kill me. Just as I was started to orgasm, I could feel both of my penis's release their seed. I had the most intense orgasm of my life. It was fantastic and if there was any question as to whether or not I had become a cock whore was settled now. I love cock; I crave cock, I.... The next thing I remember is waking up in a jet, flying somewhere. I took a few moments clear me head. I look around and realize that I am in a small jet. There were maybe 10 other girls sitting and I suspect that they are like me. No one is seated next to anyone else and they were all looking very scared. Finally a woman comes forward and says, "Good I am glad to see that all of you ladies are awake now. As you can see we are in a small jet and we are heading to Mexico City. There you will be transferred to a larger private jet and flown to Dubai, which will be your new home. I know you have lots of questions, but this is not the time or place. I want no talking at all. You all have the implants in you so if anyone talks, without permission, I will push this button on the transmitter." When she pushed the button, everyone cringed in pain. "All of the implants are on the same frequency, so if one of you girls misbehaves, then you will all be punished. If you need something or need to use the bathroom, then just raise your hand and I or someone else will help you. If you get bored, you can either sleep or there is a rubber cock in the pouch in front of you. You can use it anyway you desire. You have about 6 hours before we land. Do you all understand?" We all shook our heads in agreement. With that the woman disappeared in the forward area. I looked and the girl across from me was almost the spitting image of me. I looked around and from what I could see, we all looked very similar to each other. Blonde hair, blue eyes, all slim and we seem to be all of the same height. I tried to sleep and a couple of hours into the flight I thought why not. I looked around and a couple of the other girls were using their rubber cocks so I thought why not. I took it out of the seat pouch and looked at it. It was about 7" long and thick. There was a switch on the back side which made it vibrate. There was also a tube of YK jelly in the seat pouch. I looked at it and soon it was all of the way in my mouth and down my throat. I had never experienced a vibrating rubber cock in my mouth so I turned it on. It almost made me gag but it also turned on the pleasure center if my implant. I probably ran that to at least a half an hour in and out of my mouth. This got me so horny. Next came the YK jelly and with much contortion, I finally got in a comfortable position to insert it inside me. I wasn't used to having it that larger with the initial insertion, but it slid in with little pain or trouble. Just sitting there, my rubber cock sent me into one orgasm after another until I finally passed out. When I woke up, we were starting to landing. My cock was still inside me and I never wanted to take it out. The woman came forward and said, "Well this is the first step in our journey together. I am so glad to see that 4 of you chose to use the rubber cocks. You see this was a little test to see who of you were actually addicted to cock. This is what you new owners want. For those 4 of you, Dawn, Amber, Megan and Tami, you will be going to Dubai for your further training. For the rest of you unfortunately, you are headed to China where undoubtedly you will become low class crack whores." With that, the words that Mistress Anne told me rang clear in my head. "Life is a series of choices and if you choose well then life can be good for you. Choose poorly and you will be dead. The choice is yours." I realized that I had chosen wisely to play with my rubber cock. The girls, whose names weren't called, just cried. They knew that they soon would be living a miserable existence. When the plane landed, Dawn, Amber, Megan and I were allowed to leave the plane. We were again reminded to be on our best behavior or we would receive the severest consequences. I have no idea what happened to the rest, I just knew that I was probably lucky to be with this group. As we climbed the stairs leading to the terminal, I looked back and saw our plane taxi to take off again. We were met by a man who looked to be in his early 30's. The woman, from the plane spoke a few words to him and handed him an envelope. He escorted us past the passport control and customs. We walked through the terminal until we got to the gate. Looking out the window, there was a 747 which was to be our next ride. Once inside, I could tell that this was no ordinary 747. This was a private plane with spacious seating. We were escorted to our assigned seating. This time we were seated next to someone. In my case it was Megan. There were several other girls on the plane and we were told that we were waiting for one more group and then we would be taking off. This time we were allowed to talk and I started to get to know Megan. It seems that she was 17 and a runaway from the Portland, Oregon area. It seems that she was befriended by an attractive woman at the local homeless shelter. One night she was grabbed while she was sleeping. The rest of the story was similar to mine. We struck up an immediate friendship. Finally the last of the girls arrived. As with the first plane everyone here pretty much fit the same description. The plane started to push away and before we knew it we were in the air. After we leveled off, a woman stood up to speak to us. She was very well dressed and while she wasn't a stunning beauty, she had a sense of class and dignity about her. "Welcome ladies. My name is Ms. Wagner and I will be one of your trainers for the next 6 months. You are very lucky to be here. I am sure that you noticed that some of those that came with you, were left behind. We provide our clients only the best. So there are 50 of you now. At this moment, we have only 5 slots available for our company. The competition will be tremendous. While we encourage you to socialize with the other girls, remember that they may literally stab you in the back to help reduce the competition. So look out for yourself and yourself only. This will be a long flight almost 20 hours. You may visit, sleep, read the manual that each of you has in the pocket in front of your seat or there is a selection of instructional videos ranging from hair and makeup to how to give the perfect blow job. Just remember what you do from now on will be noted and used in your evaluations. Now what to expect, initially you will be sharing a room with the person next to you. You have all been given all of the clothes and sundries that you need for now. If you run out of something, then just ask and it will be replaced. You will be responsible for your own meals. Groceries will be provided but, you will have to cook it. Part of your training will be how to be a great cook, for your clients. If you get sick, we have on site medical staff. You are all now on estrogen. You will be expected to go to the medical clinic once a week for your hormone injections. In addition, you will be required to take an oral hormone daily. After you have reached your desired development, then your hormones will be scaled back. You are expected to keep your apartment spotless and tidy at all times. I know that most of you are used to Mommy cleaning up after you, but you are on your own now. The door of each apartment is wired such that if you try and leave without permission, it will set off the implant each of you has inside you. Your day will consist of an exercise routine in the morning before you shower, a light breakfast and theory classes in the morning, lunch, then you will have an afternoon hands on session which could be anything from how to properly do your makeup to giving a blow job to one of the staff. This will last until at least 5:00. After the first week, you will go back to your apartment, shower, and get yourself ready for a date. At first you will be chaperoned to make sure you are doing everything correct. Your chaperones are there as much to help you, than to criticize you. So ask them questions if you are not sure what to do. As you get more experience, then the less you will see of the chaperones. You will have Sundays off, but you are still expected to study and watch the training videos. That is a great time to do a thorough cleaning of your apartment, from the chandlers to the toilet. Sundays are also an excellent to make sure that your nails are immaculate. Most, if not all of you here, are not natural blondes. For you, there will be monthly, standing appointments to have your roots touched up. For those who are lucky enough to finish, you will find that you will gradually get more and more freedom. First of all, you will have your own apartment. Sometimes you will entertain your clients there. You will not be chaperoned any longer. You will eventually be given a new car to use. You will be provided with full identification for your new identity. You will all become citizens of the United Arab Emirates. Your clothes will be custom tailored for you. You will be on call 24/7. You may go a week without a client or 4 weeks straight without a day off. You will have weekly salon/spa visits, a daily massage and you will continue you exercise routine. Even though you won't have any expenses, you will be given a small stipend each month to use as you see fit. After your first full year of working Mr. Abdul Hassam, your new owner, will start to put 1% of what you earn in an account for you. After you reach 30, or when he has no more use for you, you will be able to use that money to buy your freedom which is $50,000. If you do the math, that means you have had to produce $5,000,000 in income for Mr. Hassam, which seems to happen about the time you reach 30. Anything extra you have in your account will be yours to keep. So you might say this is an incentive for you to work hard and please your clients. Which brings me to something else; sometimes a client will feel appreciative and offer you a gift. This gift, along with you and everything you have been given, belongs to Mr. Hassam. All of this will become yours after you buy your freedom. I want you to all remember that while this can be a good life, you are owned and perks can be taken as easily as they are given. If you develop a bad attitude or the quality of your work starts to fall, then it is very possible that you will be sold off to someone else. You are all on estrogen now. You will be constantly monitored by our medical staff to adjust your doses as needed. This time next year you will evaluated. For those of you who haven't developed 34C breasts yet, will be given implants. For those lucky 5 who finish the training and are selected, you will receive reconstructive surgery to further your feminize your facial features. You will be beautiful. Our fee for a client to spend a night is $5,000, for a weekend with one of you is $20,000, up to an $80,000 for a week. They are willing to spend that amount of money but in return the want quality. If you can't provide that kind of service then we will find some to replace you that can. One last thing, if you want to go to sleep that is fine; it will be a long flight. But if you do go to sleep there is something I want you to do. Take the headphones from the pocket in front of you, put them on and turn your video unit to channel 4. This will help to sooth and relax you plus, there are some subliminal messages that will come through as part of your training. With that I will let you get acquainted. If you have any questions or need anything don't hesitate to ask. I will be seating in the front row." Megan and I got to know each other a bit. She was constantly being physically and mentally abused by her Father. She and her Mom were in an auto accident, in which Megan was driving, last year. Some kid ran a red light and t-boned her car killing her Mom. After that her Dad blamed Megan for her Mom dying and took out his grief, anger and despair on her. Finally she couldn't take it anymore, stole what money, of her Dad's, she could find and ran away. She had been on the streets for a couple months. She found her way to a local homeless shelter where she was almost instantly befriended by a woman named Jennie. Then one night, Jennie woke Megan up and asked her to follow her. The next thing she knew was she was being drug out of the back of the shelter and thrown into a van. The rest of her story was very similar to mine. With the drugs, training, etc. After an hour, we had pretty much talked ourselves out. Megan put on her headphones and went to sleep. I wasn't sleepy at all. So I started to reflect on what has happened and what was going to happen. It was clear that the only hope I would have seeing my family again, was to do the best I could and eventually buy my freedom. It was also clear that I would never be John again. Two weeks ago, I never had ever any desire or inclination to be with men. I don't know if it was the drugs or something that I had buried deep in my psyche, but I really did love that rubber cock and there was no question in my mind that I was going to love the real thing too. I knew that, from now on, serving men was going to be my life. I turned on the video unit to see what there was to watch. The only things available were training videos. I looked at the selections indeed there was everything from how to dress to the best positions to pleasure your client. I decided to first watch the video on how to undress for your client. The videos then went from kissing, to giving head and finally how to take him inside you. After watching them for an hour, I started feeling horny. I wish I had my rubber cock with me. I tried lifting my skirt and rubbing myself but, that just didn't do it. I started to get frustrated. Watching these videos were getting me hornier and I had no way release it. I knew what I had to do. That was to ask Ms. Wagner if there was a rubber cock that I could use. I went to the front of the plane and asked her. She smiled with a smile of approval. She said one moment, picked-up a phone and said something in it. She then got up and told me to follow her. We headed to the front of the plane where she opened the door and told me to go in. The inside was like nothing I have seen on a plane before. It was more like a nice studio apartment. There was a Queen Size bed and an entertainment center with a couch and a bar. There was a nice looking man in his early 40's sitting on the couch reading some sort of file. He looked, smiled and said, "Hello Tami, it is nice to meet you. I was just reading Mistress Anne's report on you and she thinks highly of you. She feels that you are very trainable and a very good candidate for our program here. Please sit down." As he pointed to a spot on the couch next to him, he said, "I am Amir Hassam, your owner's brother and one of your trainers. It is my job to make sure that you are ready to start working in 6 months time. So tell me a little about yourself. Are you happy here?" "I would be lying if I was to say I was happy here, with what has happened to me in the last couple of weeks. I mean if I had my druthers, I would be out of here in a heartbeat and go home. But, I am smart enough and enough of a realist to know when something is possible and when it's not. As much as I would love to get out of here, I know that is not possible. So the only choice I have is to get with the program and be the best I can be and hopefully it will be enough stay here and make the most out of my life and hopefully be able to buy my freedom on day." "That is such a good and healthy attitude. If you keep that frame of mind I suspect that you will do well. It says here that you have grown to love and dare I say, crave your rubber cock. Have you ever tried the real thing?" I started to feel nervous, I thought I knew where he was going with this and I wasn't sure I was ready for it yet. "No Sir I haven't yet. But I know that someday I will have to. It's kind of strange, before this I never thought of, or had any desire to be with a man. But now, with everything you have done to my body, I know that I will never be able to have any kind of a relationship with a woman. So it seems that my destiny is to be with men and I suspect lots of men." With that he moved closer to me. He put his right hand behind my head and his left hand went inside my skirt to the inside of my thigh. His hand touching my thigh sent shivers through my body. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me on the lips with a tender, warm, sensuous kiss. He pulled back and asked me how I like that. I couldn't say a word, I just had look of contentment on my face. He smiled and pulled me into him again. This time I met his lips with mine and kissed him back. He continued to rub the inside of my thighs and he even rubbed my now limp and useless little dick. I started to moan in agony to which he put his tongue in my mouth. Oh God I was so turned on now, I would have done anything for him. We continued to kiss. He would sometimes pull away a bit only nibble my ear lobes or the back of my neck. I was putty in his hands. He told me to get undressed for him. Trying to remember what I saw on the video, I first took off my blouse and then dropped my skirt. He told me to come over to him. I sat down and he reached around and undid my bra. I don't quite know why but, I felt a little self conscious about being flat chested. I think he realized this and softly told me not to worry soon I will have real breasts. This made me feel better. He reached over and started playing with my nipples which sent a wave of sensation through my body. He smiled when he saw my reaction and took my little breast in his mouth and started sucking. At the same time he was rubbing my little dick. Between the two, I could feel myself building to an orgasm. Right before I reached my climax he stopped and said, with a smile, "Not before me Tami. I want you to go into the bathroom. You will find a douche bag and I want you to use it to clean yourself out. I know you have been taught how to use it. I want you to do that then finish getting undressed. You will find a night gown in there and I want you put it on and come back out here. Do you understand?" "Yes Sir I do. I will be right out." With that I walked into the bathroom as sexy as I could. I found the douche bag, sat on the toilet, inserted the end inside me and filled my bowel with half of the solution waited a few minutes and released it in the toilet. I did it a second time for good measure. I finished undressing and put the nightgown on. Before I went out, I noticed that there was a selection of perfume and some cosmetics. I touched up my lipstick; put a little Passion behind each ear, on my wrists and behind my knees. I found a hair brush and gave my hair a quick brushing. I looked at myself hoping that I looked good enough for him. I went out to find him still sitting on the couch. He motioned me over to sit next to him. He leaned over to me and kissed me. He commented that he thought I smelled divine. He told me to undress him. I unbuttoned his shirt, rubbing my hands over his hairy chest. He stood up and I unbuttoned and dropped his pants. He had silk briefs on and I could see he was getting very hard. I dropped his briefs and without being told what to do, I started stroking his 8" long dick. I got on my knees and kissed the end of his cock. Before long he was all of the way inside my mouth. He grabbed my head and started fucking my face. Usually at this point, the pleasure side of my implant would go off. But it didn't and I didn't care. I absolutely loved having him inside my mouth. I actually liked the taste of his precum and when he did cum I swallowed every drop. I cleaned his cock as he pulled it out making sure I got every drop. "Tami, are you sure you haven't done this before? You were wonderful, a real natural. Not many can take my full load and not gag or throw-up. Now go and freshen you self up and come back out." "Yes sir and this was my first time with a real cock," I said with a big grin on my face. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, used mouth wash and reapplied my make-up. I went out to find him in bed and he motioned me to lie beside him. I cuddled up next to him and we started kissing. This time he had one hand playing with my nipples and his other hand was actually stroking my limp dick. I in turn, started stroking him getting him hard again. He certainly knew how to push all of the right buttons because before long he had me moaning like the whore, that I was going to become. He let me reach my climax and orgasm, then started building me up again. This time he placed a couple of pillows under my butt, put some YK jelly on his fingers and started to probe my butt. As soon as I loosened up, he put some of the jelly on his cock and slid it right inside me. I immediately wrapped my legs around him pulling him in tighter. Soon we one my hips were meeting his thrusts and shortly I came with an intensity that I had not yet experienced. If there had ever been a doubt in my mind about wanting cock it was all gone. I had been bitched and I loved it. We made love two more times before falling asleep with him holding tightly in his arms. This was certainly a turning point in my life. What I would have thought impossible a few weeks ago, had happened. I loved men and what they could do for me. Probably because it was my first time, I thought the Amir and I had something special. About an hour before we were to land, Amir woke me up. He had already showered and told me to do the same. Foolishly I looked him in the eye and said "Yes dear." "Let me tell you how it is. What we had was just sex, get used to it. Your purpose now is to provide men with pleasure. A piece of advice don't become emotionally involved because it will affect your work and trust me, you don't want that. I should also say that for your first time you did very well, but you will be better." With that I showered, put a tampon in to keep Amir's semen from leaking out during the day, got dressed, redid my make-up and went back to the cabin. Megan looked at me and asked where I had been. I told her the whole story and she looked a little stunned and jokingly said, "It looks like someone is trying to score brownie points." We landed and they escorted us to a bus. After a quick tour of Dubai, they took us to our apartment complex. There were 25 apartments all facing an interior patio and a swimming pool. There was only one way in and one way out and that had a locked gate on it. We were free to use the pool (and work on our tans), the gym for our mandatory morning workout and to mingle with the other girls. Our apartment wasn't anything fancy, but it did have 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. It was nicely furnished and had sound proof walls. After a tour of the facilities, our baggage had arrived and we were given the rest of the day to get our things organized. After we finished, Megan decided that she would try and fix something for dinner. The cupboards and refrigerator was well stocked. She just made some pasta, heated some Ragu spaghetti sauce and made a green salad. While we were eating, she asked me how I liked being with Amir. I told her that I loved it and that I couldn't wait for more. She smiled and told me that she was actually gay and had a boyfriend before she ran away. We must have talked for at least 4 hours and decided to go to bed. I got undressed, washed and moisturized my face, brushed my teeth and put on a power blue baby doll set to sleep in. I went to say good night to Megan and she was wearing the same baby doll as mine except, hers was a pale yellow. About half an hour after I went to bed, there was a soft knock on my door. It was Megan and she was lonely and did want to spend her first night by herself. I told her to get into bed with me. She asked me to hold her and before we knew it, we were kissing passionately. Soon she was kissing my neck and sucking my nipples while she was stroking my limp little cock. She was getting me so turned on I couldn't believe it. She then had me lay on my back, she placed a couple of pillows under my butt and took my clitty in her mouth and started sucking it. She then removed my tampon and started to lick my hole and as the juices from Amir started to flow out, she sucked them all up. She then came up and started kissing me allowing the juices to flow from her mouth to mine. She then opened the drawer to the night stand and pulled out 7" long strap on dildo. She quickly strapped it on, put some YK jelly on it and pressed its head against my rosebud. It eventually gave way and she was all of the way inside me. I wrapped my legs around her and pulled her in tight. We kissed and fucked for almost an hour then she said it was her turn, Megan told me that while she could play the role of the bottom, she much preferred the role as a top. She also said that she could tell that I was a natural bottom. She had me strap on the dildo and lay on my back. She straddled me and lowered herself on the dildo's shaft. Soon we were in sync in the way my hips would thrust up as she was coming down. But, she was in control and would set the pace. After another hour we both collapsed in exhaustion and feel right asleep. The next morning we were awakened at 6:30 telling us to get our gym gear and to meet at the exercise room in 20 minutes. I think our trainer was a Drill Instructor in a past life because she spent an hour and a half putting through the paces. Her goal was to have us build endurance and strength without putting on bulk. She emphasized our stomach area and our legs. We were told that our clients like lean long legs and flat stomachs. After we had finished, we were told to go back to the apartment shower, eat a light breakfast and get ready for the day. We were to wear a skirt, matching blouse, stockings and 4" heels. We were then to meet at the conference room of the complex at 10:00 for our first training session. Between the workout, Amir and Megan I was so sore I could barely walk. A hot shower helped but it almost took everything I had to just get myself ready for the day. I had worn 2" heels quite a bit by now, but this was my first experience wearing 4" heels. I didn't have any problem with my balance but I could feel the extra strain on my calf muscles as I walked. I finished getting ready and Megan and I walked down to the conference room. Megan and I got there about 5 minutes early. Exactly at 10:00 Ms. Wagner closed and locked the door. I couldn't help but notice that Dawn and Amber weren't there with us. Ms. Wagner spoke, "You were all told to be here at 10:00. As you can see 2 of the girls were late. Ladies, being late isn't an option here. You are expected to be on time. Unfortunately for them, and lucky for you, they are being packed up right now and they are no longer in the program. We have buyers that aren't so discriminating and they will be sold to them. The girls we have in our stable are the cr?me de la cr?me. Because of this, we can charge more than anyone else here. That is why it is so important for all of you to take this seriously or you will end up like Amber and Dawn. We expect a lot from you and will not take less than perfection. Here on my right is Mr. Abdul Hassam who is your new owner. If Mr. Hassam likes you can go a long way and prosper with us. If you displease him, you are out of here no questions asked and no explanations given. On my left is Mr. Amir Hassam, Mr. Abdul Hassam's brother. He will over see all of your training. The same goes for him if you displease him at all, then you are out of here. There are other trainers that you will meet as the time comes. While you will have more freedom here than most others do, you must always remember that you are a slave and the lowest class in life. As a slave you have no rights and own no property. The trainers, both male and female, have the absolute right to have you anytime they want, other than when you are supposed to be on a date or in class. You will do whatever they want of you. Remember this, your role in life right now is to be used by men and I dare say women. You are required to submit to whatever your date wants. The lone exception is if you feel that you face injury. We carefully screen our clients. We have had only a couple that has hit or tried to abuse our girls. We really care if you get beat up, but this is also a business and if you get beat-up, then you won't be able to work until you heal and that costs us money. Believe me, there are those out there that will pay big money to beat-up on their girl. There are plenty of brokers here and abroad that willingly take that money. Those are some of the people we send our cast offs to. So think about that during you training. Each of your apartments has several security cameras in them. They are there partially for us to keep an eye on you but, also watch out for your safety. We use the cameras to see how you act when the trainers aren't around. Do you keep your female persona up or do you lapse back to your old self. This is a very important part of your evaluations. For example last night we noticed the Tami and Megan, Sandi and Christi and Gwen and Lacy all found the strap-on dildos in their night stands and proceeded to use them. We like this initiative because it shows us that you are willing to experience new things. Also, there are a number of our clients that like M?nage ? trois, so it is very important that you get comfortable with each other. When we evaluate you we look at several things and each day we will have you rated from 1st to last. Right now you six are at the top of the list. But number 1 is Tami. While most of you were sleeping, chatting or watching your videos, she came forward and wanted to practice her skills using a rubber dildo. To her surprise and pleasure, she ended up spending the rest of the trip with Mr. Amir. He tells me that she was very cooperative and eager to experience new things. That is what we want here. But just because she is number 1 today, doesn't mean that she won't be last tomorrow. The staff loves tight virgin little asses like yours. So you can expect that they will be calling on all of you shortly. Learn to enjoy the experience because that is your life from here on out. Your daily routine, unless you are on a date, will be as follows. You are expected to be up and at the gym by 7:00. After which you will go back to your apartment, shower, eat a light breakfast and get ready for the day. At 10:00 you will have 2 hours of theory then break for lunch. At 1:00 you will be back here for the afternoon of hands on training. Since your appearance is the first thing that the client notices, we will be spending the 1st month on hair, make-up, nails and how to dress. After which we will teach you how to present and carry yourself, how to talk and speak and finally how to properly service your client. Your clients will have many different desires. While one may just want to escort you around town, others might want a weekend of sex. You may be dressed as a harem girl on one date and a cowgirl on another. There are even those that will have you dress as a Nanny and have you change their dirty diapers. Whatever fantasy the client wants, with-in reason, the client gets. So you will have to be well versed in many different areas. Many times you will have a day or two to study before your client arrives." Ms. Wagner went on for the whole two hours saying what is expected of us and going over the rules and regulations. We broke for lunch and when we returned, the conference room was set up more like a medical clinic. They had us all undress down to our bras and panties. They gave us a quick physical, took blood samples from all of us, gave each of us a shot of estrogen and handed us a small round pack of estrogen pills to start taking. They took all of our measurements to use so they can check our development. We were each given two more piercings in each ear, one just above the one we already had in our lobe and the other one in the cartilage the top of the ear. We each had our navels and the head of our penises pierced. They then had me lay back and put my legs in stirrups which opened them up. A nurse then pulled my penis back and attached it to what was left of my scrotum with a straight barbell. I could look down and see that I had a flat front now. They did a color analysis to see which colors look best on each of us. We were told to go through our closets and anything that didn't compliment us to put it a pile and that the staff would replace them with something more suitable. The last thing they did was to have us completely undress, and using an airbrush, painted us with a custom mixed spray on tan. We would get sprayed once a week until we have developed our permanent tan. By the time we were all finished, it was almost 5:00. Ms. Wagner told us to go back to the apartments, relax but, be back here at 7:00 for a reception to meet the staff. We were told to dress nice like we going out on a date and not to shower until after our workout tomorrow morning to give the tanning solution a chance to work. When I got back to the apartment, I immediately undressed down to my bra and panties and went to look at myself in the mirror. There looking back at me, was this beautiful teenage girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and a perfect flawless tan. Nowhere was there any trace of John left except when I took off my bra and saw my flat chest. All of a sudden I couldn't wait to get breasts of my own. Maybe it all of the estrogen going through my body, but I no longer had any desire to be John again, not that it would ever be possible. I was Tami and I was going to become the best whore I could be. I changed into a black strapless push up and bra, matching panties and garter belt and a little black dress, with spaghetti straps, that hugged my body and showed what little cleavage I had. I replaced to first studs that were put in my ear lobes with "diamond" studs and placed a "diamond" necklace around my neck to finish off my look. I looked hot if I say so myself. The reception was amazing. There was a small combo playing jazz in the back ground, there were tables set up with all kinds of food and drink and the staff, both male and female were also all dressed to the nines. No one was late this time. We were all introduced and the staff started pairing off with the girls, started talking with them, eating with them and leaving the reception with them. It wasn't hard to notice that I soon was there alone except for Ms. Wagner. I went up to her and asked if I had done something wrong because I hadn't been picked. She just smiled and told me not to worry that the other girls were just catching up to me. With that I went back to the apartment feeling rejected. I could hear that Megan was in her bedroom with one of the trainers. I went into mine, got undressed and ready for bed. Laying in bed my thoughts went to my family and friends. They have realized by now that I am missing; I can see my face on that milk carton now. They would be looking locally, without a clue that I was half way around the world. I did truly miss everyone, but I knew that there wasn't anything I could do about it now. I feel fast asleep and before I knew it, it was time to get up. T

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The Moms Club Revisited 2

The Moms Club Revisited #2 This the second part of the revised story, if you want background read the first part. I hope its as good as the first part. If you liked it please post a comment. Jen sat at the kitchen table, this is insane. Last night I had the best orgasm of my life and my sons best friend gave it to me. Hes fifteen what are you thinking girl. Thats not the worse of it you fucked and sucked your son dry and enjoyed the hell out of it. Its incest, the thought bothered her, what...

2 years ago
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Stockholm revisited

Stockholm revisitedA long work of both truth and fantasy for KayHaving got the green light on a renewal of a new contract it was time to get it signed off, this time it was decided that Kay would come with me for the trip so we could spend the weekend just chilling out away from home.Once in Stockholm we made our way to the hotel where I had used some of my rewards points to get a small suite, having been shown up to the suite I changed into my suit and told Kay I should only be about two or...

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I became a female voyeurrevisited

I became a female voyeur, revisitedHopefully you will have read and enjoyed my previous stories “I became a female voyeur”. In those stories, you will have read how I set up secret cameras in my student accommodation so that I could spy on my housemates. I thought I would continue the story..............After leaving college, I got a job and moved into my own 2 bedroom flat, not far from my parents. It is the case with me that I am nearly always horny and sometimes I work myself into a sexual...

4 years ago
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Chardsville Revisited part1

Chardsville Revisited (part 1) by Jenny Leeds Chapter 1 Upon hanging the new portrait the ladies stepped back and gazed raptly at their images. The portrait--well, you couldn't really call it that, "portrait," for it had none of the usual formality of such pictures--call it a painting instead--showed them naked in the same stately, high-ceilinged drawing room they were standing in now. In the painting Mrs. Argentina sat at one end of the couch, generous lips parted in...

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Chardsville Revisited part2

Chardsville Revisited (part 2) by Jenny Leeds Chapter 15 Mrs. Chard looked up when she heard the faint ring of the front doorbell. A glance at the ormolu clock on the desk told her it was exactly three. Good. That would be Melvin. You could say this for the man, he was prompt. She had deliberately busied herself with office work to keep herself from "waiting" for him, but in fact that was what she had been doing--waiting. She put the papers she was studying in the...

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A Past Life Revisited

Archiving rights granted to Fictionmania, and Crystal's Storysite. All others by permission only. A Past Life Revisited By: Donna Allyson (c) 2001 Prologue: To many in the ancient world and to some extent even in today's enlightened society, the belief that we have been here on Earth before is deeply rooted in tradition and religion. Most however have come to believe that we are here once and will reap some reward or punishment in the afterlife based on the life that we live now....

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The Girls Room Revisited

The Girl's Room Revisited By Danielle J This story is dedicated to Fictionmania Author Mr. Pec. I wrote another tale spun off from his original story at FM. Thanks to Steve Zink for his customary editing work. ***** "Oh shit," said one of four girls standing in the mall. "Not him." "He's just a dumb jock," another girl added. "But a cute jock!" another girl giggled. "Not for much longer," the first girl added. "So, what do you predict?" ***** Brian Feingold was in a...

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Jennifers CumPulsion VII San Francisco Revisited

Jennifer's CumPulsion Part VII: San Francisco Revisited By Jennifer James [email protected] If you've read my other stories you'll already know a bit about me. And you'll also notice that my previous stories ran backwards chronologically from the end (the present) to the beginning. But time marches on, so this one actually took place after Part 1. Since Part 1, though, things have changed with me somewhat. I've gotten tired of the TG clubs and the repetitive games with...

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Indian Princess Revisited PostScript

If you read my last post "Indian Princess Revisited," you know she and I got together for a late afternoon/evening/overnight connection. At the end of the story, I indicated it would be nice to just hold each other and drift off to sleep. That's what I envisioned, anyway.Actually, that is pretty much what happened. We slept through the night, very soundly. As tired as each of us was, we both awakened slightly before the alarm clock was due to go crazy. We looked at each other while our heads...

4 years ago
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Pygmalion Revisited Part One

Pygmalion Revisited - Part One By Christine Myles The leaden clouds had lowered and darkened since midday, and finally, around four in the afternoon, the skies opened and a torrential London rain, the wettest in the world, began to fall. Within minutes the cobbled streets ran with streams of muddy water, through which the horses and carriages splashed, and pedestrians ran for whatever shelter was available. Beneath an awning outside one of the many shops...

3 years ago
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The Village Revisited

The Village-Revisited by Margaret Jeanette Their marriage ceremony was the event of the year for the village. Tommy and Mary went on with their lives. Tommy had his wedding dress sealed in an air-tight plastic bag and continued to wear dresses. He moved his things to Mary's house and continued to clean. Two weeks after their marriage he asked Mary why she liked him so well wearing a dress. He told her he wasn't asking to get out of wearing them, but wanted to know why she...

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The Wedding Revisited

THE WEDDING REVISITED BY JANICE This story is a sequel to The Wedding. It has two of the same characters, Ron, a cross dresser madly in love with Karol, a lesbian married to another lesbian, and takes place a few years after The Wedding, it is also a prequel because of flash backs that take place years before The Wedding. You decide what it is. It has the same narrator, Ron. ...

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An Old Trope Revisited

An Old Trope Revisited I was in the change room, getting angrier by the moment. My own mother was pushing girl clothes on me! She'd dragged me into this shop, made me strip, and now had thrown skirts and dresses and girl's underthings over the top of the door, and was demanding I put them on! I really couldn't believe my own mother would be doing something like this. Why would she want to turn me into a girl? Didn't she love me just as I was? And what could I possibly do but go along...

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Docs Complex 13 23 CutePattis Big Changes Revisited

Doc's Complex 13 - 23 - CutePatti's Big Changes Revisited by Lee Most Based on "Big Changes" by CutePatti Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis Chapters 13 - 23 of "Doc's Complex," is fan fiction in honor of CutePatti's story "Big Changes." The story is about a teenage boy living with his older and younger sisters and his mother. He gets to be so nasty to them and to all other women (except his girlfriend) that...

1 year ago
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Chance Encounter 8211 Sarita Nimmo revisited

Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...

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The Date Revisited

The Date - Revisited It's now over 18 months since I wrote "The Date" and the positive reviews it attracted were really encouraging. The story was written in the form of a diary from the perspective of Mandy, a post-operative transwoman, who attracted the attention of Peter, a younger worker at the company Mandy had been sent to on a week's contract work placement. Mandy notices Peter taking furtive glances at her and we follow her during the week as Peter finally plucks up the courage...

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What NowChapter 4 What now revisited

Revisited: I was through writing this story and was inundated with feedback and comments. I fell to the pressure of the readers and decided to write a couple of more chapters. Many readers had suggestions about both Dorothy and George. What they should do and not do. Most just wanted to hear it all from Dorothy's point of view. What would make a woman think the way she did. Here is Dorothy's story after the reunion. Again, thank you to my friend and editor Techsan for making my story a...

3 years ago
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Pygmalion RevisitedMixed Media

NOTE: “Mixed Media” was first published in Lustily Ever After, an anthology of rewritten myths and fairy tales with an erotic edge. The anthology is still available at https://www.amazon.com/Lustily-Ever-After/dp/B01ILEB8CA/ but I’ve recovered the rights to republish it here and in the Pygmalion Revisited book, forthcoming. Thank you to Sophia Soror of A Two Dame Production for returning republishing rights to me! In this version of the Pygmalion myth, we are asked to consider what would...

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Misery Faded

Misery Faded By Bromd Part I The misery I feel in my heart has faded significantly in the days since my transformation. I don't know really where I should start, other than the beginning, but I put this history to paper so that others that feel like I did might read it and know there is still hope out there. To describe myself now is not hard, I am around 20 years old in the body I now enjoy living in and while I am mentally in my late twenties. My body is about 5'7 and I am...

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Dogging Site Revisited

Many of you will have read about our previous adventures. This is the story of Jaq and I revisiting a dogging site. We first visited the dogging site a few years back and "Fifty-Year-Old Wife Goes Dogging" tells the story.Jaq was quite insistent that we should return to the car park where the first encounter took place. we decided on the next Sunday evening that the weather was good enough.Several Sundays passed that were either to wet or too cold. Eventually, on a warmish Sunday evening, we...

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A cdhood Love Revisited

Introduction: A young teen revisits his former “love” and things quickly heat up. Questions, comments and suggestions are welcome as this is my first post here. 4 Months Prior:I paced around my almost empty room contemplating how I should handle my girlfriend. I wasn't ready to let this relationship end; but, in reality, I couldn't put off the fact I was moving any longer. My house was empty, I had not told my 14 year old lover that I was moving from sunny San Diego, California to some random...

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Pat Revisited Part One

It was time to revisit my seventy-three-year-old ex.On the way down, I stopped for a coffee and a bite to eat. I checked my phone for messages. There was one, a photograph of a nice ass in white cotton panties. Not Pat's.When I reached Pat's door, I was an hour late, and Pat made sure I knew. "Where the fuck have you been?" I could see her nipples pushing against her thin sweater, so I clamped the right one between my thumb and finger."Fuck me, that hurts," Pat squealed.I used Pat's nipple to...

1 year ago
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Thoughts Revisited

Many have asked for Carol’s side of the story. You will understand this story much better if you first read ‘Thoughts’. Thank you to Estragon who always makes my stories a much better read. **** My name is Carol Beal. I read the story that my deceased husband wrote and would like to straighten out a few facts, or at least give a different opinion. First of all, I still consider him my husband and always will. I truly loved him, no matter what anyone else thinks. I’ve read many reader...

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What Now Revisited

Many readers had suggestions about both Dorothy and George. What they should do and not do. Most just wanted to here it all from Dorothy’s point of view. What would make a woman think the way she did? Here is Dorothy’s story after the reunion. Dorothy speaks: After George spoke at the reunion I felt thoroughly humiliated. The bad part is I totally deserved it. Paul, the so called love of my life wasn’t any wall of protection by any means. My friends Dixie and Joe just sat there completely...

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My Loving StepSisters Revisited Part Two

The girls hadn't spoken about what happened between us at all in the past year. At least, not to me they hadn’t. I was sure they'd spoken about it in private, but who was I to stop them? If they don't bring it up to me, there's no point in me doing so, right? It was early July, the 3rd to be exact. We were at the supermarket, buying hotdogs, hamburgers, and fireworks for the next day's celebrations. The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Sit around with the...

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My Loving StepSisters Revisited Part One

I stepped out of my car and shut the door behind me, my eyes glued to the front door. My legs carried me to the trunk, the hatch swinging open. I had not brought much to college, just my clothing and electronics. I had never been much of a decorator, anyways. I swung my backpack over my shoulder, taking my suitcase in my free hand. I sighed, and began to walk up the driveway to the front door. I had made it all the way to the porch before I heard the click of the lock that sat in the front...

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Postal Pleasuresrevisited

Postal Pleasures By Beagle9690 April 2018 After twenty years of marriage, my wife left me for a man she met while attending nursing college. I was the breadwinner for all twenty, and she was the “bored,” her words, stay at home wife for sixteen. That’s ironic, because she quit her job, shortly after we were married. She was a college student for the last four. My married life ended like a damn soap opera! The day the heartless harlot received her diploma, as a registered nurse, at fifty...

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Roomers Revisited Ch 05

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * ‘How come you spend so much time lookin’ outa that dam’...

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Roomers Revisited Ch 03

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Beautiful afternoon. I was in position on the rug, thinking...

4 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 02

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Well, shit. Spring break round the corner and no-one lined up....

3 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 01

This follow-up happened because a guy, (I think: it’s a neutral kind of name), called sgnatz, who is a litcrit I’ve learned to take notice of, gave me a push. I was sure I’d finished with Doug and his talent, but a message came thumping into my inbox… ‘Take him five years down the line’, it suggested, ‘and see how everything’s developed.’ Sgnatz doesn’t say much but he/she gets right to the point. I looked at the e-mail and thought, ‘Damn. I should have had that idea.’ So I carried on, it...

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Roomers Revisited Ch 04

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Summertime, and the living oughta be easier. I stood in the...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 04

Charmaine was approaching her house twenty minutes later with the dog. She wanted to get into the house and change her shirt. She felt guilty about what she was doing, but she had never so enjoyed sex before! She didn’t know what her plans were with Danny, or with Ryan, and she didn’t want to think about it. All she knew was that she enjoyed Danny’s company, and Ryan’s cock. She liked things the way they were right now, and didn’t want to think about any future plans. Her mother was outside,...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 07

Charmaine left his house later that afternoon. Unfortunately, they did not have sex again. They didn’t have time, as Ryan had things to do before work that night. That evening, she pulled out her vibrator for the first time in months. After getting herself all worked up with it, she practiced putting it in her ass. It was a good 7 inches, though it was far skinnier than Ryan’s big member, but for now it was more than big enough. It was quite painful, but in her efforts to make her new lover...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 05

That evening, a Monday, just six days after she first had sexual intercourse with Ryan behind Danny’s back, Charmaine was at a club with Holly and John. She was drunk, having been drinking for a couple hours. It was 10pm, and John was going to join them any minute. Charmaine was looking incredible. She was wearing a brown corduroy skirt (yes, she was wearing panties this time – red ones), and a tight black shirt. She was wearing nice black shoes with heals, with two thin straps over her feet....

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 09

The next day, it took all her willpower to not rush over to Ryan’s house at one o’clock, but Charmaine managed. It was Thursday now – just eight days after her first “date” with him. It was hard to believe that her first sexual experience with him was a mere eight days ago – they have fucked so many times since! Today was her first day of her part time job. In a few days, Monday to be exact, she would commence school. She would be quite busy at that point, but she knew that she could make time...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 12

Charmaine did not even bother trying to convince herself to skip out on a visit to Ryan’s place on Sunday. She had already decided that Monday would be the day that she would end things with her lover-on-the-side, so she was able to justify sneaking over there for one last ‘fling’ the day before. It was stupid logic, but by far the easiest way to do things. Ending things with Ryan would be difficult, and any excuse to put it off by a day was eagerly embraced. Choosing Danny was the right...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 18

Danny was over early the next day, but all she could think about was the screwing that she got from Ryan the night before, and the good hard fuck that she would get later that night. She wondered how many times that she would get that giant dick inside her that night. At least two, she thought. She couldn’t wait to be on her back with her legs spread wide that night, as Ryan mounted her. Charmaine was so horny that she was about to fuck her boyfriend – just to take away the itch! She managed...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 13

She had first day of college the next day, a Monday. She was tied up all day with that until well after 6. Danny had gone home that morning. She was adamant that her relationship with Ryan would end that day. She also knew that the very sight of him made her melt. So why fight it? She was at her strongest after a good hard fuck. Hell, after two good hard fucks she would have even more control, more resolve. So why not end things with a bang? It was twisted logic that gave Charmaine a sense...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 15

Over the next few days, Ryan could not get Charmaine out of his mind. She was so fucking hot! Just…everything about her! The way her beautiful face looked with her hair up, or with her hair down, or when he was fucking her, or when she had his cock in her mouth…was enough to blow his mind! And her body…her tanned, naked body with those nice tits and that perfect ass was enough to have him spanking all day long! It was all Ryan could do to stop himself from reaching for the phone and calling...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 06

Ryan awakened the next morning a little aroused. Actually, it was more like the next afternoon since the clock on the nightstand said 12:46. Wow, he thought, we really slept late. He looked over at the beautiful woman beside him. Charmaine was fast asleep, lying on her back, the sheet wrapped around her tanned body. He didn’t remember, but obviously at some point during the night he slipped out of her and rolled off of her. As far as he knew, he was still inside her when he fell asleep. ...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 16

Charmaine spent the weekend fucking the shit out of Danny while he was down. It didn’t help. She didn’t know what has come over her, but ever since her night with Ryan she has been absolutely insatiable! By Tuesday she was dying for a fuck again. Danny wasn’t coming back until Friday. Wednesday arrived and she was horny while at work. She forced herself to drive a different route home. She could not handle the temptation of Ryan’s place. Thursday was a different story. Charmaine was...

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A Slave for TwoRevisited

  This was an idea from my girlfriend and life-partner Mallory. It is total fiction and has no basis, just a thought brought into a fantasy story. I hope that you enjoy. Please remember to vote at the end of reading. It will help others to read the story. Thanks, Jenny....... The Slave Girl Mike and Ashley had been married for over 7 years. While most of their life together was great, one part was not. Their Sex Life…. Ashley had been molested as a young child and then raped at...

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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 4

Now her tits were in the air. They were quickly covered by a layer of water, it just moved on its own! Ari then felt tentacles, also of water, move around her legs, waist and arms. They held her tight and lifted her up high above the water. She could now see the waves far under her whilst she was held 200 meters above the sea. She could see she was still traveling with high speed. Another three tentacles moved out of the water towards her. One entered her pussy, which was now wet (as if it...

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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 3

She entered the house. It must have been home to a highly educated person because she saw books all over the place. Taking a look she saw they were about the Amazonian rainforest. Interested, she searched the house and found a diary. It became clear that the former owner of the house was a professor who had worked as a biologist in Brazil. He saw what humans had done to nature and had built the glass house because he wasn't sure if all of the many species that inhabited the Amazon jungle...

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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 2

Ari woke up and to her surprise she didn't see Romulus. Immediately she knew that he wasn't on earth anymore, but she did not have to worry because he now was where everyone else was. She couldn't explain it, she just knew it. She began wandering through the forest. It wasn't a big forest so she quickly found the entrance. She knew exactly where she was. A kilometer away was the former highway, and the nearest town would be some kilometers more. There were farms all over the region,...

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Planet Earth Revisited chapter 1

But that changed during summer holiday. She was at home during holidays. It didn't bother her much that her family didn't like travelling, now she could go to concerts with her friends. After one concert she arrived home late. Her parents already went to bed and because Ari was bored she decided to turn on the tv. What she saw first was the news. The anchor told her audience that something exciting was going to happen: the Lennon-McCartney comet would pass Earth at a short distance. It would...

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Let me back up a little, our youngest child has finished college (he was a hockey player) and has started to earn a real living instead of just playing hockey for minimal pay. He was good enough to get an education with hockey but not big enough to play in the AHL or NHL. So we sold our big home and bought a beautiful condo on the ocean where every Saturday night during the summer there is a live band followed by fireworks. The first part of this story is true but the rest is a dream I...

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Online Date Revisited

It had been a good year, under the circumstances.  My one-night stand had disappeared the next day without a single phone call or messages.  I had decided that I need to take a chance at things once in a while instead of just thinking about it.  I went back to work to school to study Computer Technology.  It led me to an internship at a PI firm.  Well, it was one PI. But, he showed me the ropes on being an investigator.Then, my world came to a halt.  The PI I was working for was killed in a car...

Straight Sex
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A Childhood Love Revisited

I paced around my almost empty room contemplating how I should handle my girlfriend. I wasn't ready to let this relationship end; but, in reality, I couldn't put off the fact I was moving any longer. My house was empty, I had not told my 14 year old lover that I was moving from sunny San Diego, California to some random place that has been doted “Michigan”. It was time I did, but I could not bring myself to break her heart or attempt to have a long distance relationship. I sighed and slowly...

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Mona Revisited

Paul is silent as we get in the elevator to leave Mona’s apartment. Once we get in his car, he is grinning from ear to ear.“Why the hell haven’t we jerked each other off before? That was so bloody hot!  We’ve known one another for twenty-five years or so and we've never done anything like that!““Paul, you’ve never even shown me your cock before. When we go to the washroom, you always hug the urinal so I can’t see a thing.““Well, I’m shy I guess. In gym class at school, the other guys were...

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Widow Neighbor Revisited

Normally, when I have completed a story, or even a series, I prefer to stop, rather than continue with a weak follow up that is filled with just suck, fuck, hump and bump. But with the success of Widow Neighbor, quite a few people have voted positively and strongly encouraged me to do a follow up. But where do you go from here…? I have thought about it, and decided that perhaps there is a bit more to tell. If you enjoy this as much, then please vote and give me your comments…they are much...

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