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Misery Faded By Bromd Part I The misery I feel in my heart has faded significantly in the days since my transformation. I don't know really where I should start, other than the beginning, but I put this history to paper so that others that feel like I did might read it and know there is still hope out there. To describe myself now is not hard, I am around 20 years old in the body I now enjoy living in and while I am mentally in my late twenties. My body is about 5'7 and I am very light of build, I weigh, well, lets just say that I look very svelte and that I'm wearing a size four to size six, depending on the clothing and such. I've got long hair that is a dark blonde color that falls straight to a few inches above my waist and I think I look very attractive. My breasts aren't that big, but that are far from puny either, they're a large b cup now and my waist is wasp-like. A lot of people who I know think I'm very attractive and that I also have a 'perma-smile' now. Before I get too far ahead of myself, I think I should let everyone know the way I was and what happened from the beginning, though I don't know if I will do what happened justice. I will start at the beginning and build without trying to be boring. To start anywhere but my childhood would leave too many holes into how deep the depths of my misery have been. I remember two childhoods, both ways I had blue eyes and almost bleach-blond hair, I was reading by the time I was four in both of them and in both I also was fairly happy with my family. One was as a little girl, I wore all the prettiest dresses and my older brother wasn't too hard on me aside from the more standard older brother torments that older brothers can deliver. My other life was as a boy, there I was tormented and even hurt by my brother on occasion to levels that even to this day send shivers up my spine. I wore uncomfortable suits and shorts and even in that form hung around with the girls more than the boys. The memories of my life as a little girl stop very abruptly when I was around six years of age, though how it stopped is not something I want to really talk about, let us just say that when it stopped, either I was sent back to being the male lifetime or the other line just collapsed. Either way, I spent the next years as a boy, being miserable and knowing it was not right for me. School was not fun for me, I was not able to be around the girls because it was ruled that I could not be around them by them, the boys ruled that I was too weak and such to be able to be around them. School continued and I found nerds and such I could hang out with in a safe fashion, we were all friends on the outside, but on the inside the common thing was we were all outcasts. I never forgot what I wanted to be in my heart, though sometimes I was distracted from the longing, it varied from pretending I really was a girl who had to hide herself to be a boy for some reason or another, to pretending I was batgirl from the television show or some girl from the cartoons I watched as a kid. When I was in the fourth grade and She-Ra came out, I did my best to never miss a show, either recording it or watching it on my father's VCR. For me it was a thrill to finally see a show that was made for girls and be able to enjoy something feminine without my father trying to push me into a male mold or my mother pulling some stupid junk with me about my needing to be in male sports like baseball. When my mother took a number of her old outfits out and put them into bags for goodwill, I stole a few pieces of them and dressed myself up in them, it felt terrific to me to be wearing something that felt right instead of wearing typical male clothing like briefs and slacks and an overly starched shirt. By the time I had my drivers license in high school I started getting things like clothing from goodwill and some stores that were way out of the way from my normal sphere of influence. Sneaking them home to wear and enjoying how the felt, not having to put up a male exterior while I was in the privacy of my own room. My mother did everything she could to fight my tendencies, thinking to herself that it was a phase, that I was sick or whatever gave her the satisfaction and security she needed. When everything was said and done, she stopped trying to 'fix' me, but instead she finally just looked the other way and stopped noticing or searching my room. She still would make observations about how bad it was and how society couldn't accept people like that. She made every attempt to make me change by showing how bad it was for others who yearned the same way I did. College was my first chance to be out on my own, even if I did have to deal with a roommate that I wanted nothing to do with after only a few short weeks, but I hid my tendencies again, it wasn't until I finally left home and moved to another city that I was able to start wearing the clothing I wanted or acting the way I wanted as much, I didn't do it commonly because fear still ruled my life far too much. I dressed up for the goth and fetish clubs I would go to, but not normally for school or work, even though I doubt anyone would have cared. Actually, I know that some people would have cared. We had people who were in the Campus Crusade for Christ and other Christian organizations on campus that preached a whitewashed form of hate, hiding it under the candy coating of love. The time I spent at school earned me a degree and some self-respect that I had not truly felt for a long time. I moved again about six months after I graduated, all that time I was then just a bit more than 24 years old... by that time I had had two total girlfriends. I moved with a friend of mine who we did eventually start to take the next step. I was still a virgin though at this time, when the move was over I found myself a new apartment with a beautiful view and a comfortable feel to it for me. The next year was fairly uneventful aside from dating the girl I moved with. It was in January 2000 that I turned 25, but the important date was not very many days after that. To say the least, I was addicted to the Internet and trying to find a way to deal with a fantasy rather that the reality I needed to face as well. It was the 25th of January when I got a message in my email; the question was 'What would you do to become a girl again?' the name I knew, but it wasn't someone I had confided my secret into, so it was a bit disconcerting, but I chose to take a chance and replied to the email honestly, I said I would give up a lot, some of my freedoms, my money, even to some extent my family, though I confessed that giving up my family would be hard even if I didn't get along well with them. A week later I was asked in another email the question, "If you had to dress up like an animal and serve as a pet for a year or two to be a girl, would you do it?" I replied with a yes to that email. It wasn't even fifteen minutes before the reply came back, which made me wonder as the person lived in Australia and was never on at three in the afternoon. The reply I received was just the question, "Which kind of animal if it had to be one you would find on the farm or in a house?" my reply was sent, "I'd either be a cat or maybe a pony or such, maybe a fox if you included something like that." No reply came from that and after a few days, the questions that had me wondering what was going on had slipped from my mind for the most part. I was walking from a class I was taking to 'round out' my education so I could get a better job, it was late in the evening and had been dark for at least an hour, the cold bit into me as I walked with my laptop slung over my shoulder. I heard a soft and most definitely female voice said my online alias name, "Angela?" I paused for a moment in surprise, I think, but I kept walking, "Angela, that is you, right?" the female voice again asked, this time being a bit more firm and insistent. I paused and looked over my shoulder. "Who are you?" I asked, not sure who this person could be, she was the only other person in sight so it was rather obvious both who she had been speaking to and that she was the one who had been speaking. The wind whipped up and bit at me when she smiled, "It's me." She said, "Stephie..." the fact that she had a light accent dawned upon me, but I also felt betrayed and frightened by the fact she knew more about me apparently than I had thought, my tongue tingled as I tasted the adrenalin in it. Putting a hand to the back of my head I forced a smile, "I... I didn't expect you to just find me on the street one night... you didn't reply back." I said as she looked me over and said something I honestly didn't expect. "You're a lot better off than you made yourself out to be... a lot more attractive too." She said. Something I had never really thought of for myself, but it was more of a surprise than anything else. "I'm not that well off or that good looking." I insisted, thinking such honestly, she shook her head, towards me, walking slowly towards me. "Tell me." She says soothingly, "Do you still want more than anything else to be a girl again?" she asked, as she looked me up and down casually. "Um..." I looked around quickly one more time and saw nobody still other than a single car preparing to turn onto the street next to the walk, "Yes... it only gets worse for me every day." I replied honestly, figuring it wouldn't do any good to try and deny it and wouldn't matter since she was the only one around, as a smile crept along her features, then someone shoved something over my mouth as strong hands gripped me and pulled my hands behind my back, I struggled wildly as she walked very close and kissed me on my nose. "Good. I'm glad to hear..." the hands let go of me and I tried to pull my hands, but they were stuck together, I was helpless to try and fight that much now, that I knew for sure. I did the only thing I could with the panic growing in my heart though, I bolted, determined if I couldn't do anything else, I'd try to run away. I felt a prick on my back end as I ran as quickly as I could, thinking I must have been hit by something designed to make me fall asleep, but I didn't see any other option. My laptop slid down my arm as I ran though, making running very awkward. I grabbed the handle when it brushed my hands somehow and ran as best I could without it tripping me up. It still slowed me considerably, but I realized then that as I ran that I was having something else bouncing on my chest that my shirt. I paused as I looked down, thinking to myself that I had to be hallucinating from whatever they zapped me with. I brushed the dart out of my fanny as I looked at my now forming breasts and struggled again against the bonds that held my wrists. I didn't have much time to ponder what had been done to me before I was grabbed by two men with strong hands and Steph jogged back up to me, the men stripped me with amazing speed as I still struggled, though I did see I was changing bodily in obvious ways, getting smaller and developing breasts as my manhood disappeared into my body and formed into a womanhood. Struggle as I might, they quickly put me into some odd outfit, well, it wasn't that odd to me, I knew all the parts, The first was a pair of panties and then a cotton chemise, a corset was the next which they tightened onto me until I felt faint, then some leggings to be followed by a petticoat that when it was finished being put onto me hung lower than my feet and felt like it must weight fifteen pounds. They brooked no nonsense as they lifted me from my feet and put a pair of heeled boots onto me, attaching them in a snug fashion before they set me down and put a gown on me which seemed right out of the days of the south or renaissance without the hoops or bustle, they then added a pair of thumbless mittens to my hands, I could grasp in a way with them but not like I could were I wearing gloves, I knew then there was no way out of this gown without help. They suddenly released me, I was still very confused as Steph said, "You've got three minutes for a head start and then another half an hour to avoid capture. If you do we'll change you back to being a male, if you get caught you'll serve a month for every minute left for the time limit unless you last less than 10 minutes where then you'll be a slave for the rest of your life." The two men held up some sort of gun and then grinned at me, it was not exactly an easy decision, knowing that I had to find a way to balance the time if I really wanted to stay a girl and at the same time to try and find a way to avoid being this slave position they were talking about as well... not that serve sounded good either. I nodded as I noticed my hair was now easily down to my waist, though it seemed my body had stabilized to being a very attractive girl in her late teens or early twenties, though I looked quite the enigma. I started running a moment later when she said, "I'm starting the time now." And poked her watch quietly, it made a beeping sound. It was awkward lifting the skirts and trying to run at full tilt, especially in these heels that had to be at least three or four inches tall. I couldn't outrun those two men in the gown I was wearing and I also could have no chance in avoiding them even for ten minutes on just running in something that I was no longer used to, not to mention trying to deal with a body I didn't know like my old body. Oddly enough I was wishing I had my male body for trying to avoid these men. I opted to use something that I knew I had more than they did, my brain. I ran right into the nearest school building, knowing the best chance I would have was being as sneaky as I could and using the experience I had from being a student there to keep ditching them into alternate hiding places. The first thing I did was run down the stairs, through a shortcut and right by a number of students who just gave me an odd look, I yelled behind me, "Some strange men are chasing me!" as I ran through the hall and towards the other set of stairs, of the five people I passed, two of them seemed to take the chivalrous position of throwing their shoulders back like they were going to try to fight. I ran down the stairs and then detoured into the old tunnels that the university had from some old nuclear paranoia. I ran along the tunnels as I started to hurt, my limbs burning as I turned a few ways in the maze I knew only loosely from exploring with girlfriend to find a private place to get away from everyone. I huffed as I walked along the tunnels and started to climb the stairs I arrived to, quietly going through the halls of the student union, trying to determine my next move as I went up to the third floor, taking the elevator to try and avoid being seen when walking by the glass door entrance. I walked towards the tunnel that crossed from the Student union to the library, knowing that the smoked glass gave me a better chance to avoid being seen. I still was debating trying to let them catch me as close to the last minute, though I wasn't even sure how much time had passed from when we had started, with how I felt, it must have been an hour I was running though I knew it couldn't have been that. I hid in the end of the tunnel until I saw the two thugs appear at the main floor of the student union and look around, as I saw them start to search through the building I was sure they were going to guess my last move and so I went into the center of the library as I climbed down the stairs and went towards the west, towards the theater where I might be able to blend in with someone thinking I was either getting a costume made or part of a play having rehearsal. I don't know if they saw me or not as I bolted as fast as I could for the thirty or so yards into the arts center. I got into the arts center and walked towards the costuming room where I thought I might have a better chance to hide. That was a mistake, when I pushed the handle down and pulled the door open I saw Steph standing right there with what looked like a handgun with a bubble on the top of it, she smiled, "Not too bad, only 5 minutes left." She said as she pulled the trigger, I did the only thing I could think of as I saw the gun turn white on it's tip, I slammed the door shut and tried to make sure I was out of the way. I heard her cursing from the other side of the door. I saw some white gunk oozing a bit from the crack under the door and chose this as a time to run a little bit more. "Wow." I thought as I ran towards the theater proper, wondering if they would catch me before the time ran out, now thinking to myself if I should let myself be captured or not. I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to ponder what to do as both Steph and the two thugs ran into the theater from different sides, all brandishing these strange guns. They aimed and fired at me, goop coming from the guns, I tried to avoid them but it was useless as the stuff that felt more like liquid rubber poured over my torso and tightened around me, I pulled at it as I struggled with the gunk trying to get myself free, they sprayed more of it over me until I couldn't handle standing up anymore from the cocooning going all the way down to my feet. I struggled in the goop that held me immobile, trying to find a way to free myself as Steph walked up, "So, which would you prefer, cat girl, fox girl or pony girl... those were the ones you put on your list." She said in a cool, almost casual fashion, looking at the watch on her wrist as she read, "Two minutes, forty-five seconds left before we would have let you get away and the change would have reverted." She said as I tried to squirm free still, feeling things I was not used to in my loins as she sprayed something into my face that smelled like an odd mix of flour and something I couldn't recognize but smelled more like something undercooked for at least twenty seconds. "There that should stabilize your little change..." she said, leaving something unsaid as I coughed for a few moments from the stuff making me feel all that much more weird. "Ummm..." I said, once I recovered from my coughing fit from that weird stuff she sprayed on me, "Fox..." I said... feeling light headed and dizzy as she looked at the two men, "Alright, pick her up and put her into the car for transport." She said as the two thugs moved to grab me up easily and start walking back to where I had met her the first time. I was placed casually into the trunk with none to be seen in sight. As the trunk was closed on me I struggled a little more in my very strong cocoon. I felt the car take off very slowly and for the most part my ride in the trunk was very slow and casual in the way it felt, like they were being careful not to hurt me. I'm not sure why I fell asleep in the trunk, but when I awoke, I was hanging by my feet with my hands bound behind my back and secured to my waist, my legs were bound together at the knee and ankle and I was hanging by some hook, it was obvious from the way I felt and soon confirmed by looking that I was still female, my heart raced as I debated with myself if this was a good thing or not still. I struggled helplessly as I looked around, trying to get myself free, I saw three other people hanging from the hooks, one of them being Steph which only left me more confused. She saw I had awoken and smiled at me, "You'll get your own chance if you know someone who wants the same way you do... you prolly do and don't know..." she said, her Australian accent a bit thicker now, "Or you'll just get processed in, either way, I think you'll enjoy it." I was just totally confused and didn't know what to say though. I finally found the words in myself to ask, "What's going on?" as I struggle a bit, feeling something in my new nether regions, "Why did you kidnap me? Like this no less?" I had a million questions boiling up after I asked only the first one, but she wasn't the one to answer. "You were kidnapped like this because you wished to be in such a way as you want with such strength that all we needed to spark it was a minor catalyst." Some man said as he walked from the shadows, the man looked to be about forty, in good shape and fairly attractive as I watched him as I hung like a bat, "I think I'll let you live like this for your time of servitude, then you may give this gift to some one else you will find will want it." He smiled, "But first, your whole batch is going to be changed." I watched as he grabbed the first of the people hanging from the hook, a young man who was very attractive and looked to be fairly confused, but not willing to speak as he was taken and put into some odd blue machine, it snatched him in easily enough, and he disappeared, I heard him calling for help as the other ones hanging other than Steph struggled, even I struggled, not wanting to face whatever was in there as the strange man pressed a few buttons. I watched as the girl next to me was grabbed and tossed into a pink entrance to the machine almost as unceremoniously, struggling the whole way as she slid down the entrance chute. I was the next to be grabbed and dumped in, struggling as I was poured like some ingredient down it, I flopped onto some conveyor belt as I tried to orient myself, my bonds snapped off very suddenly as I sat on the conveyor now, "Help!" I yelled in a moment of panic as I saw mechanical arms or tendrils or something snaking towards me, I tried to fight them off as I found myself pinned and gagged by the things. Moment later I saw pieces of clothing speeding towards me as I tried to fight the machine off of me. The clothing was simple, an odd type of Bra that was more like just two cups and a very thin string and a panty that was more like a pasty that covered my new sex and just a little bit of my rear end. It was cold, like metal, obviously metal after I had a second to realize it, I struggled in the restraints though as some gas started to pour into the chamber I was in. I was suddenly released from the restraints that held me and allowed to flail in the gas, I coughed at the acidic flavor of the air as I tried to find a way out of the presently sealed box in the machine. The air suddenly started blowing through and the gas was vented out quickly, my skin itched as I tried to figure out what was going on It was then that I realized that I was starting to grow fur all over my body...not hair... fur, like an animal's fur, soft, it wasn't on my hands and feet though, now under the metal underwear. It was just I was growing fur like an animal... I thought I must be under some heavy drugs at first, I don't know how to describe it, it didn't feel bad, just very confusing, I mean, I'm a human, not an animal. There I was though, growing fur like some animal, unable to stop until it had grown to perhaps a half an inch in length, I reached down to pet myself again and was still in shock when the arms grabbed me again, pulling me about as suddenly I was flipped onto my tummy. I was very confused and suddenly felt a cool sensation being applied to my rear end, then something odd, I felt my back end extending, I was vaguely aware now that I had a tail sticking out of my back end, but it definitely had sensation to it, like my arm was asleep, it was a trip as I was taken further down the track and some odd gloves were put on my hands then weird shoes onto my feet, the looked more like animal's paws than gloves or shoes though. An odd head mask was the next to be put on me, it had a muzzle like a fox's with red and white to it, I could feel earplugs that felt connected to tubes in the mask and then a collar was secured around my neck. I struggled helplessly against the metal arms that held me as it continued me down the conveyor belt, the next thing I knew I was having a pair of panties put onto me and then a bustier, It didn't take long to see they were both of leather, then a very short miniskirt was put onto me as well, almost forcibly the tight leather went around me before I was spit out into a small padded cage that had written in it, "Recovery Cage." Only then did the arms release me and retract as the door snapped shut and the cage moved over a few feet in the matter of a few seconds. It took me a few moments to gain my senses as I sat in the soft cage and tried to get used to sitting with my new tail sticking out of my back end. I tried to get used to the idea that I was going to be a fox on some sort of farm for a while as I tried to adjust to all these changes. The man who had had me thrown in came by the cage after a while and smiled at me through the cage as he walked through in some sort of inspection he then went and stood a distance back, "Now, all of you are going to be animals on the farm for a while, some of you permanently, either by losing the run or by choice, the rest of you will be here for a carrying amount of time... either way, you should be honored to know you are part of the batch that has two time record holders here, the first is our newest pet, Angela, " he said as he pointed directly at me, apparently that was my new name, "And our older record holder, Reginald." He said as he pointed at some man who I didn't recognize. "Each of you will go through a more personal briefing of your jobs on the farm, some are obvious, like the ponies and cows, other's it's a bit more weird, like our butterfly and newest fox girl." I felt myself blush as he continued to talk before going over with each of us our new names, I guessed half of the people here were new and half had been here for at least a little while, I was tired either way and after being told I would be Angela I curled up the best I could and drifted off to sleep. Part II I awoke in the cage to someone tapping metal on metal and a creaking sound like rubber on vinyl floor tiles. I rubbed at the mask I was still wearing, it felt oddly normal to me when I did, I kept my eyes closed to the nasty light though as I tries to sleep more, being still tired. "Wakey wakey." Sank into my ears in an overly pleased tone. I creaked my eyes open to keep the light from hurting any more than it had to. "Wake up Angela, it's time for you to learn about your job as a fox." The voice said as I tried to make it through the morning lack of focus, the body looked familiar, somewhere in the back of my mind everything including the bards I was looking through made sense, then I moved a bit and I felt my tail hit one of the bars on my cage. It sank into my like a shot what was going on and where I was again. He leaned very close to the cage, "Your day as a fox is here," he paused, attempting to be dramatic, "But first, I think you'll need to know what you have to do as a fox." I was still pretty groggy as he told me that, trying to make sense of his cheerfulness. "Your job as a fox-girl in the farm is pretty simple." He said, almost as though talking through a memorized speech. "You are to take the eggs from the chicken girls and not get caught by the people or other things here on the farm. If you don't do very well another month will be added to your stay here and you'll get another job that is more suited to your difficulties. I scrabbled up to my feet and onto my hands as I nodded and tried to speak through the mask, it actually ended up being a bit easier than I had expected, truly it was odd as an experience though, "Um. . . This is kinda weird, but what am I supposed to do with the eggs when I get them?" I'm sure my confusion was rather obvious as I tried to figure out how to sit comfortably with my tail. "Well... you turn them in for food and other things." He explained, leaving a very obvious inference that I could get just about anything I wanted here if I knew what or how to get it, before I had a chance to open my mouth and ask anything more though, he opened the cage door and said, "Follow me." Leaving me with the feeling that no argument would be acceptable. I moved to follow after I got my bearing standing up and walking a bit awkwardly after I got out of the cage. Quickly I discovered that the shoes I was wearing were designed to act as high heels without the heels. My feet were forced into a not so comfortable angle as I stumbled for my first few steps, then after getting used to it I took a few less awkward steps. High heels without the heels is quite the experience, though it took only a few moments to realize it is meant to make my feet look more like an animals. My mind thought to this being a bit like 'Through the Looking Glass' as I followed, feeling my new appendage swaying a bit as I followed. As I grew more aware of myself and my surroundings my mind wandered off of what he was saying a bit and thinking about how the tight leather clothing had dug into my new body and the seams were rather uncomfortable. I continued into my reverie about what was going on as I followed until he suddenly stopped and looked at me, "Be prepared." He said and then opened a door that led into what looked like a barnyard. The sight made me wonder in the back of my head if I was on some sort of drug for a moment or two, until I realized it was obviously real. Men and women dressed as all manner of farm animal, that much I had expected, to see people dressed like pigs and wallowing in mud or eating with odd hooves on their feet, pony people prancing about a field, cow girls being milked by people dressed from farm folk to dressed as children and wearing clothing that was of varying levels of appropriateness for working on a farm. That stuff I was able to deal with, it was seeing people wandering around done up like bees and butterflies, the butterfly's arms were bound up like she wore a straight jacket, her whole outfit was done up of silks and sheer cloth, like a harem girl with large wings and a short loose circle skirt over the pants. He took to leading me again and I followed, I noticed a man hanging in a gigantic web that had to be twenty feet high from it's anchors on the ground, he looked like he was a spider, what was the biggest trip was watching him actually spinning a hapless bee girl into a cocoon as he played with her as well. It was so erotic to watch what he did with her, though I wasn't aware I had stopped until I heard the man cough loudly, "Angela!" he insisted firmly, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked to him. He smiled gently and motioned for me to follow, "You don't want to get caught in that web, do you?" he asks jokingly as he walked my past the chicken coup, it had women in it, most of them were sitting around gossiping, snacking or doing other things like that, it was rather an odd sight as he continued to lead me, this time he walked me back some bunny girls who looked totally different from the playboy bunnies. They wore hoods and paws like me, though they each wore different outfits with their bunny accessories, one wore an outfit like the uniforms worn by the girls on Sailor Moon while the next was dressed like a cheerleader bunny, the third one, a black bunny with a white girl in it wore a leotard and tights, her little tail poking out the back of it. The man smiled at them and said, "Hello girls... meet your new predator." He said as he motioned towards me and then after a few moments where they waved at me and I waved back he took to walking again and led me to an odd earthenware hut, "This will be where you'll be staying for your two month stay as a fox." And then he turned and started to walk off, "Good luck on your hunting, you have four days to learn before I'll reassign you." I opened my mouth and asked, "But what am I supposed to do?" I asked as he walked away and only waved. I stood there until he was well out of sight and looked back to the hut, I walks over to the door and awkwardly opened it, looking around to see that it consisted of a bed, chair and table. It was rather odd since there was not a sign of clothing, shower or anything like that. "I suppose I'm stuck in this outfit for a while... but boy am I going to stink after three days." I commented before turning and moving to leave my little hut, "I suppose the only think I can do is go and meet the other people so to find out what I'm supposed to do anyway." I said before walking back out of the hut. I walked back to where I saw the bunny girls hanging around before and walked up to them. They didn't notice me until I said, "Excuse me?" quietly, they reaction was jumping into the air and taking quite a few steps away from me, almost running, perhaps running as best they could in their heels. They stopped maybe twenty full paces away and looked at me, "Aren't you going to chase us?" they asked, almost in unison as I stood there confused. "If you don't catch us you don't get fed and such you know." The cheerleader bunny girl added in. "I'm still not sure all of what is going on yet though..." I said, pausing a moment before adding, "I mean what am I supposed to do after I catch you?" I asked as I frowned, putting my hands... err paws behind my back as I watched the three. "Chase us!" they insisted and started running off, I chased after them, it wasn't expected by me, but it was apparently the job I had now, I took after them. It was a winding chase where they would sometimes split up and then regroup in other areas. It wasn't until I'd run almost a mile with my heart beating in my ears as I realized how far I'd run. In my old body I would have been doubled over with a stitch in my side if I had run as much as I just had. I was winded now, but I wasn't feeling like I was dieing from exertion. I thought back to when I had just been turned into a woman and even wearing a corset, I hadn't been as winded as I had been in my male body. I went back to running after them as I thought about how much more efficient my body was now, how I was in shape now after having let myself go for five years. It was still on my mind when the bunny girls ran into some bushes and I ran after. *Snap* and *twang* suddenly I found myself being lifted into the air by my feet and a rope. I tried to struggle by feet free of this rope, but it was useless. The bunny girls came wandering back out of the bush they had run into and waved to me as I hung in the air, "Poor little fox, not going to eat a bunny on her first day?" they said in a mock pouting fashion, jibing me as I hung in the air. I'm sure my blushing was obvious as they got closer and moved to grab my arms. My struggling lasted only a few moments before my hands were bound behind my back by some sort of cuffs. I struggled as the bunny girls when and pushed some button that lowered me to the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked as they giggled and watched me lower down to the ground, "How did you work these cuffs without your hands?" I asked before any of them said anything. "We caught the fox! That means we get to trade her in for new clothing." The Sailor Moon bunny girl said. "We worked them with our paws, like they're designed to be. We have traps all over the place for foxes and other girls like you." She said as she and her friends helped me to my feet. "I'm Tracy." Introduced the Sailor Moon bunny girl, "This is Alice." She said as she motioned to the bunny girl in the exercise wear, "And our cheerleader here is Stacy." She said of the cheerleader bunny as the girls moved around me and looped their arms about mine. "What's your name?" she asked. "Um... I'm called Angela now... I used to be called..." I started before one of them put a paw over my mouth and shook her head. "We don't mention our old names here." Alice said as she and her friends started to guide me in some direction, it was a bit confusing until I figured out we were heading towards the building I had come from. They took me in and handed me over to two burly men dressed as farm boys, wearing overalls and plaid shirts. "One fox." Stacy said before they all walked off down another corridor in the complex as though they'd been there for a long while, talking to each other about how I'd be a failure as a fox because I was too nice and friendly. The last thing I heard from them was from Tracy, she said, "Maybe she'll get to be a bunny with us after she screws up being a fox. I'll bet she can't even stay out of the spider's web... did you see her nipples when we..." she was saying as I couldn't make out what she said any longer. The two farm hands dragged me down another corridor and then moved me over to a bench and locked my neck to a collar then hobbled my feet, "Wait here." They said as I looked around and saw two other girls sitting there, one of them was the bee girl I saw being cocooned earlier, she was still pretty well bound up, only her feet having been freed, she was in no real position to talk with how her head was wrapped up, only her nose being open for breathing. The other girl was Stephie, though it took me a while to realize it, she was done up like a cow and her breasts were huge now, her face was covered in some sort of powder that didn't look like her cow's makeup, it looked more like she had a face full of pollen. She looked like she was still out of it and her hands were bound to her side by a belt. She looked amazingly sexy as she sat there, wearing nothing but her fur. "Are you alright?" I asked her and she looked and me curiously then nodded numbly as she looked at me. Her eyes didn't show any recognition as she sat there. The man who had been there at my cage and led me out came out of a door and said, "Steph, come." In a very simplistic fashion, she stood and walked into the door without a word as the been girl wriggled in her seat helplessly. She was the next one to go into his office while Steph didn't leave, I sat there nervously waiting without anyone else there in the room. Finally, after when seems hours he walked to his door, calling "Angela." He sounded disappointed as I stood and hobbled my way into his office after he removed my collar. He motioned for me to sit down, which I did quickly, shaking his head as he sat down, "Your first day and you were already caught by the bunny trio." He sighed and looked at me, "Well, one strike, two more and you get to participate in the hunt... I'm thinking though you're in the wrong position either way... well, a change will cost you an extra month, but maybe you'll get used to your position before it's a major problem." He stood up and walks behind me, uncuffing my hands and then unhobbling me, "Well... be more careful, you might not like what you get put into if you can't hack it as a fox. You'll be become one of the prey in one way or another here..." I stood and was going to open my mouth to say something, yet again he didn't let me speak as he motioned to the door and ordered, "Scram!" I was out of the room before I even had a chance to think about it. I stepped out into the yard again, nobody was really even paying attention to me as I walked out and looked around, this time I decided to try and be a bit more sneaky, I snuck around the chicken coop and watched for a pattern in the patrol of the rooster and the farmhands and children, finally I saw an opening, watched it form twice before I took my chance and snuck around the coop and into it, the girls who were done up like chickens yelped and made more than a small amount of noise in surprise from my walking in before I made a loud shushing sound, "Alright, I'm here for your eggs." I said as I stepped into the coop and out of the line of sight for anyone walking by. One of the chicken girls was the first to calm down before the rest of them calmed down, she got up and produced a metal looking egg that was vibrating, "Here you go." She said as she offered it to me, "Good job in sneaking in." she continued, being all honey and kindness. I walked over and took the egg as I said, "I'm still pretty new here... what am I supposed to do with this egg... other than the obvious." She smiled even with her chicken beak. "Well... you turn it in for food, clothing, shower privileges and other stuff." She said gently, sounding much older than she looked now that I was studying her, she looked like she couldn't be more than twenty but was talking as though she were at least forty or fifty. "Thank you... sorry about having to take your egg." I said as I put it in between my two paws and started to walk out. "Wait!" she called out when I was almost out the door. I turned out of instinct, "Heads up! You get more eggs!" one of the other chicken girls said as I suddenly had what looked like real eggs being thrown at me, the eggs started to pelt me, covering me in some sort of slime as I raised my arms to try and protect myself from this assault as I tried to back out of the coop and bumped the wall. More eggs hit me and movement became more difficult as I tried to bolt down the ramp into the coup, the slime covering me slowed me down that much more as I tried to escape. The chicken women pursued, throwing more of those goop filled eggs at me. I stumbled and was left crawling only when I reached the bottom of the ramp. I was helpless to do anything now as they continued to pelt me the eggs. I felt like I was struggling to try and move in molasses before I couldn't move anymore. The chicken woman who I had talked to walked up to me while I sat there, unable to move. "Well... not too bad for your first time... but we caught ourselves a fox girl..." she took the egg from my paws in a very careful fashion, as though trying to avoid the goop, "I guess you didn't know everyone has the ability to defend themselves here on the farm... you'll learn though." She said as she walked behind me and I could feel her carefully playing with my skirt and panties, suddenly the cool metal was moving inside of me and vibrating. I didn't know how to react other than to let out a low moan from the sensations. The chicken girls giggled, "You'll get to keep that egg." She said as one of the farm boys approached and shook his head. "Twice in her first day... god... that's awful." He said laughingly as he asked them, "How close was she?" he asked. The chicken woman replied, "Well, she would have made it if she hadn't turned when we called her as she was leaving. The farmhand shook his head, "So close... well, she'll learn if she can make it the next four days without another capture." He said as he picked me up in my slimy prison and moved to carry me over to the building, "I think I'll let the boss handle you like this." Walking me into the building while the other egg buzzed away inside me. All I wanted to do was squirm, wriggle and enjoy this newest sensation as it went through me. After being left on the waiting bench, I realized that there were three other victims waiting before me in line. I wriggled in my little gel prison as I waited, though some details might be better left unmentioned. I struggled in my prison as I tried to take in how the others were being held. Two men sat there in a cage, dressed in a similar fashion to how I was, I supposed they were fox boys, the other victim was a girl in a mouse costume who was trapped in some pad that was made out of some thing vicious glue, she was all wrapped up in it. 'What a way to end up my first day' I thought to myself as I began to experience my first orgasm in my new body. (To be continued)

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my fisrt time1

One night, my mother had to work but she couldn't get Dave (our usual babysitter) as he was gone on a camping trip with the scouts. So, she asked Rob to watch us that night. Rob was also a neighborhood teen that lived nearby. Rob was about 17 years old and this would be his first time babysitting us. Rob was about 5'9", slim built, long black hair. My mother always said he was a cutie but I never thought anything of it...Heck, I was only 5 yrs old! During that evening, everything went well....

3 years ago
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My first experience with Domestic Discipline

My Experience with Domestic DisciplineMy experience started as a c***d, when I was being a bratty k**, my mom would apply the hairbrush to my butt no matter where I was.My experience with partner Domestic Discipline started with my now ex-wife, who always had this in mind. Patricia was 6' and 200 lb. when we met. I found her to be big,soft and the best kisser in the world. She was a farm k** and always so darn healthy that she just glowed. I am 5'6" and 145 lb.The first time she tested the...

1 year ago
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I Found it on the Beach

I was just strolling along the beach where I live one day, concentrating on the metal detector I was using, when I noticed three young women walking towards me. They were all quite pretty and had on very skimpy micro-bikinis. The one in the middle, very blond and much tanned, I recognized from the local newspaper as a senior cheerleader for the local high school. I couldn’t help but gawk at there lush firm bodies as they passed me. I heard them giggle behind me and just knew they were...

3 years ago
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Retrained in Basic

The sun had set on Aberdeen Proving Ground, leaving all the basic trainees there to finally get some sleep after their long day. It was about one month into their training and things were much more routine than they had been at first. Now the new privates had more time to think and with that time they started to think of things they missed. This was what was on Pvt. James Newberry's mind as he waited in the stair well, watching Alpha Company's laundry room. His basic training unit was a...

2 years ago
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I surrender to you

Hello Luis. I much prefer to use that name. It conjures images of golden-brown skin and thick, silky hair. So much more appropriate than the other you use, I think. I don’t believe I want to know what your real name is. In my fantasy it must be a Continental name, something French or Italian. As I sat at my desk today, I found my mind wondering to the erotic thoughts that pervaded me last night. Thoughts that my co-workers would have been shocked to hear. My gaze began to roam about the office,...

2 years ago
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Greetings to all readers who now enjoy a good read to excite their moments, whether fantasy or real. I already knew from my experience earlier in the square and there you will find more precisely like me. All my experiences are real life and little by little I will share with you.This story occurred on January 1 10 years ago, I was at the time 24 years and worked at a movie rental store. The previous day was spent with my immediate family for the arrival of the new year. I was drinking whiskey...

3 years ago
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Linda The 1st time I Crossdressed

When I was 18years old, (you have to remember this was 1975) a female work colleague (Kath)came to me and said I dare you to go to Mawer and Collingham (a local posh store)and go and buy her Black Stockings, Suspenders, Knickers, Bra and garter.Well I wasn't going to turn down a dare, so off I went with the list and money, later got back and passing over the sexy goods I said that was so simple, you can do better than that surely.Hang on a minute she said, I have got a dare you won't find as...

1 year ago
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The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 1 Jennifers Beginnings

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee...

2 years ago
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Lonely Is The Heart

She sat alone. Stark naked, all huddled up with her arms wrapped around her knees. She sat on the chair with her face and head obscured by her shoulder length, unkept hair. A perfect picture of solitude, but nothing was perfect. Far from it, she had been crying for the past hour. Susan had had a tough life. Being brought up by a single uncaring parent, she had more than her share of heartbreaks and hurdles over her thirty-two years. She never seemed to be able to get a break and now with the...

Straight Sex
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Mommy 8211 My Whore Wife

Hi I am Robin, I am 18 years old. This story is about me & how i married my mother. My mother Eva is 36 years old, we live in together in Delhi. My mom got married to my father when she was about 18 years old but he was about 25 years older than her. My mother never wanted to marry him but was forced by her parents. My father belonged to a very rich family & was the only heir to all the property, so i guess for her well being she was forced to marry him by her parents. Two years after the...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 523

I had tried to send the entire OPS team home yesterday for two weeks for R&R, but they were the die-hards. The girls were going to convoy me to Washington today. When the garage door went up, ten of them were standing there waiting. “Bob wins the bet, he bet you would try to go the Washington today without all your security,” Bill said. “Put the heavy vest on; the boss ladies can go along for the ride but we are taking you,” Bill instructed. “Wearing gloves today are you? I didn’t...

2 years ago
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In the Mountains 2

I swim towards you and grab you by the waist pulling you closer, and as your legs get close enough you wrap them around my waist. My already hard knob brushes against the bare and quivering lips of your waiting pussy, sending a shiver right through your body making you grip onto me tighter, squeezing your breasts against my chest and pushing your hard nipples against me.In the excitement, my dick quivers and flicks against your lips again, creating the same reaction except this time you bite...

4 years ago
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Kissing Cassandra Ch 00

Author’s note: I would like to thank my editor, honeywldcat, for all her help and advice! Check out her submissions! Kissing Cassandra Prologue Present Day Korey heard his doorbell ring. He muted the TV and moved his laptop onto the coffee table. He guessed it was going to be a sales person, probably inquiring about shampooing carpet or some sort of solicitation. As the door opened, his suspicion escalated to confused anger. Bethany. He moved to shut the door in her face, but she stopped...

1 year ago
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My thickness was too much for her so

Hi, my name is raj this is a real story. I stay on ground floor in a building somewhere in lucknow, one of my aunty stays on the first floor. I cant tell u her real name but i will give her a name for this story. Lets call her aaisha. She is very busty in her figure and she has a huge built. I am 5’9 and she is 5’11. Imagine bipasha basu with a little more weight and bigger breast and a huge ass. Our families dont have a lot of interaction. I work for a bpo and my age is 23. I think her age is...

2 years ago
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How High a Price 2 Conclusions

Chapter 1 [From the original] Sliding the glass doors open to the patio he stepped outside. As he slid the door closed he heard his wife's sobs. [And now-- ] Early stood in the darkness of the patio, looking at the clouds overhead. He sat heavily on a chair and looked back through the patio door at his wife. She had stopped sobbing and went to the kitchen. She got herself a glass of water and gulped it down. Wiping her eyes, she straightened her shoulders, and opened the door. "Early,...

1 year ago
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First time with my staff member

i am abhi...and this is my story.i am a lecturer. "actually my story is different from urs.... u know why? coz i had my first sex encounter after i got job.... even i was also attracted towards guys from my childhood...but not that much....i never did anything in my childhood so my first gay sex encounter actually start on that day... i went to our collage loo.it was saperate loo for staff... when i enter in the toilet for pee...i saw our senior proffesor mr.karlekar was there.... actually he...

1 year ago
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My favorite Babysitter

The babysitter used to cover what we called our split, the time my wife would go to work until the time I got home from work. It usually was no more than a couple of hours. I never really got a chance to spend time with the babysitter because as soon as I showed up she needed to head out the door to go to her college class. She was 18 years old and the neighbor’s daughter; it was a really convenient situation for all of us. She was definitely a site to see, about 5’6 with a slender build and...

First Time
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     I was tired, I'd worked my day job and went to my night job at the "Gentlemen's club where I was a bouncer, my wife, thought I was taking to long getting home from the club and accused me of, she thought I was boinking some of the girls, I wasn't (at the time) but once convinced she was hard to unconvinced.  Worse someone informed her that I was seen at one of the "No tell, Motels" with some lady.  When she told me that I had a good idea who informed her and knew she wasn't going to listen...

1 year ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 37 Salvation

As I saw Eve give in to Mistress Catherine, my mind was bombarded by equally powerful sensations of hot, burning arousal, and deep, crushing despair. Standing over Eve, Mistress Catherine seemed to radiate power with such intensity that I didn't, even for a moment, blame or resent Eve for yielding. I knew that there was no resisting the full, focused power of Mistress Catherine's will. But seeing the love of my life under the spell of another woman – a woman who seemed intent upon...

2 years ago
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The Devils in the Details

Anna Helsom was driving back home after a very long day at the office. The divorced mother of three young children was deep in thought, trying hard to come up with a more acceptable rationalization for what she'd done. One hour before, though she hated even the thought of seeing him again, Anna had agreed to letting Tom Helsom, her ex husband, stop over at the house, so he could enjoy a short visit with their children. Anna and Tom had been divorced about a year before, after she'd...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Sath Jlsa

Ae story aaj se 3 months pahele ki jo meri cousin bhabhi ke sath mene sex enjoy, meri bhabhi ka name nehal(changed name).. Bhabhi aksar mere home aati he kuch kam hata he so mera bhai na mard jesa he… Meri nehal bhabhi fulln sexy figure vali he.. Bhabhi mere sath full masti .Joke krti he to kabhi kabhi me usko touch bhi kiya karta tha,, to usne kabhi mere ko manna nhi kiya tha.. But usko nhi pata tha ki mne suko bhuri najar se touch krta hu…Mane bhau try kiya lekin kuch result nhi mila… Wese hi...

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