Mutobus free porn video

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Mutobus by Saxen Thud incubus - an evil spirit that has sexual intercourse with women succubus - an evil spirit that has sexual intercourse with men mutobus - an evil spirit that has sexual intercourse with the altered --------------------------------------------------------- I never understood what happened to me. I don't know how it happened, or why, but it did happen, and there's no trying to make sense of it. I was late for work; there was some sort of thunderstorm the night before and the power must have gone out; my clock was blinking 12am. After wiping the sleep fog from my eyes and staring at my watch in the morning light, I knew there'd be no time to stop for a McGriddle. I stumbled out of bed to the bathroom and pulled my shorts down, turning on the shower to way-hot, like I like it. I stepped in over the side of the tub and as the hot water blasted my face I relaxed and let loose the stream of urine I'd been holding in, shifting my hips side to side in lawn sprinkler fashion. A quick shampoo lather-rinse-but-no-repeat, and I turned to the back wall, checking my face in the fogless mirror for any new zits, decided that I might as well do my every other day beard trim. I reached for my razor, but knocked it down into the tub by mistake, under the inch of soapy water at my feet. I bent down to retrieve it. Something let me know it was coming. There was a smell I couldn't identify. The air suddenly got colder, making the hot water produce a thicker mist. I was pushed hard, headfirst into the wall, cracking the tile. I crumpled to the floor of the tub, and after that my thought process went all crazy, like hitting a multiball in a pinball game. The water was streaming my in face; I couldn't open my eyes, but it didn't appear that there was anyone there. I shielded my face with my arm, tried to turn over. A hand cupped my penis and grabbed firmly. I yelped and lashed out, swatting and kicking, but none of my swings landed on anything. The hand disappeared, I got to my knees and pushed away the shower curtain, swiping the water out of my face and stared around wildly. There was no one there. I put my hand to my throbbing head and checked to see if I was bleeding. It hurt really badly, but I didn't seem to be cut. I couldn't believe what had happened, and looked down at my groin. I didn't see anything unusual, just my penis with streams of water dripping down, a little smaller than normal, but then again that may have been due to the jets of adrenaline coursing through my body from a state of abject fear. I moved to stand. I was suddenly thrown off balance as my right arm was twisted behind me and I was slammed face-first into the back wall. I got the wind knocked out of me and could barely breathe. The shaving mirror dislodged and fell, bouncing on the rim of the tub and landing on the bathmat against the side wall. I heard the squeak of the knobs and the water spray turned painful, on the verge of boiling hot. I was pressed hard into the wall, and then pushed upwards. I felt my feet leave the floor as my forehead, nose, and teeth ground into the tile. As I caught my breath, I started struggling, kicking wildly behind me but didn't connect with anything solid. He slapped my ass. Hard. I knew it was male, I had sensed it from when he grabbed my penis, felt a strength in the thick fingers that flashed through my mind that it was a guy, a big guy, with huge arms. I gasped again and tried to push myself away from the wall, and he slapped my ass again. I felt the white- electric pain shoot from my behind and rocket through the rest of my body, and I stopped struggling. "WHAT?!? WHAT?!?" I cried. I'm not even sure what exactly I was asking him. I felt a hand rub my butt cheeks, kneading and squeezing one and then the other. I felt a finger trace down my wet ass crack and down in between. I twisted hard and got slapped again, and the pain was so bad I heard a high-pitched whine for a few seconds. I relaxed against the wall and felt the finger worm between my cheeks again, probing, reaching my asshole, pressing hard. "No. No. No. Oh God. No. Please. No." Suddenly a hand in my hair, pulling me back and knocking me into the wall again, and my vision swam. I shut up. I looked sideways and tried to see behind me, but I still couldn't see anything. I happened to glance down and saw the shaving mirror. It was facing me, facing behind me. As the finger slowly pushed into me, I stared at what couldn't possibly be. There was no one behind me. I was being ground into the tile and violated by what felt like a professional wrestler, and there was no one behind me. The finger pushed in further, going to one knuckle, and then another. It hurt less than I thought it would, but I also felt a sharp scratching, as if from a too-long fingernail. I felt pinned to the wall by my back and my ass. I tried to breathe through it, but between the injuries I'd already received and the humiliation I was now receiving I found myself moaning with fear and disgust. The finger slid out and in, out and in, another finger reached further up to lightly touch and stroke my ball sack. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, counting seconds, praying for it to end. When I got to about 35 I felt the finger pull out and the pressure on my back eased. I heard the knob turn and the shower shut off. I slid down the wall and collapsed back into the tub again. I curled up into a ball, covered my head with my left arm and my genitals with my right. I looked around in disbelief; there was still no one there. I lay there for about ten minutes, long after the residual water in the tub had drained and I was shivering and clammy. I started to get out of the tub gingerly, everything aching. My forehead was one big lump, something felt crunchy when I slightly squeezed the bridge of my nose. My back was tingly from the hot water, I was probably burned slightly. I hesitated and spread my legs slightly, reaching to feel the condition of my asshole. It was tender and a little raw from the rubbing, but I wasn't bleeding. I grabbed my towel, wrapped it tightly around my waist, walked out to my bedroom and sat down on the bed, staring at the floor. Eventually I reached over to the nightstand and picked up my watch again. Somehow now I was a half hour late to work. I took a deep breath and picked up my cell phone, dialed my boss. "Central Distribution, How can I help you?" "Howard, it's me." "Jack, what's up? You sick or something?" "Look, I, uh. I was in an accident. I'm not coming in." "What? A car accident? Are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just. I just can't come in today, I'm banged up." "What happened?" "Look, I can't talk about it right now, I'll tell you tomorrow, okay?" "Sure thing Jack, you rest up, take care of yourself, let me know if you need anything." "Thanks Howard, I appreciate it." I hung up, put the phone on my nightstand, but it was too close to the edge and slid off, bounced across the carpet. As I stared at it, I felt my nose running, wiped it with my hand. I was bleeding after all. He grabbed my feet and flipped me back on my bed, whipping the towel off me and throwing it across the room. I wouldn't let it happen again, I was ready for him. I pulled back my legs and kicked out hard. I thought I felt my left foot hit something, so I reached out for my desk lamp on the nightstand and swung hard for where his head would be. The lamp cord caught on the bed frame and it stopped short in midair and landed hard, smashing the bulb with a soft pop. I sat up, swinging my arms, looking for blood. He bitchslapped me and I fell backwards, seeing stars. The world swam into grayness a little, but I shook my head and fought to keep clear. He sat on the bed next to me. There was no one there, no one there, no one there, but the mattress sank down, in a large half oval on the rumpled mattress sheet, about halfway down the bed by my waist, it sank down and the bed frame squealed under the sudden weight, and the sheet was compressed under him. I shrank back from him, almost got up the courage to jump out of bed and run, but I was scared he'd hit me again and this time I'd pass out and who knows what he'd do then. I was breathing hard, my mouth was so dry, I felt my nose blood passing down into the back of my throat and I coughed and swallowed, coughed and swallowed. He touched my nipple. I was startled, and slapped at his hand. I didn't touch him, I only smacked myself in the chest, but my hand was slapped away and forced to the bed, then let go. A couple of seconds went by, and I felt him touch my nipple again. A fingertip lightly grazed my nipple, tickling slowly, tracing a circle around and stroking lightly. I held my breath and stared at the ceiling. He touched the other one, stroking up and down, and I felt him grasp it lightly between his thumb and forefinger and pull gently. I looked down, saw my nipple and the flesh of the left side of my chest impossibly standing about an inch further away from my body. My nipple was slightly flattened and white from pressure. When he let go I saw it snap back and get its color back again as the blood flow returned. I saw both my nipples were involuntarily hard from the attention they were receiving and swallowed hard. I was shaking. I was never so terrified in all my life. "Please," I whispered. "Please, no more. I can't take this, I can't, please don't." There was a hesitation. I closed my eyes again. I couldn't do anything but wait and breathe. Movement startled me, I looked to my side, I saw the half-moon depression on the bed slowly rise up as the weight pushing it down eased. When the bed frame stopped creaking, I waited a few seconds, then slowly moved my hand to the area, ran my palm across the sheet. There was no residual heat there, only a slight damp which was probably from my towel. Nothing that suggested anything had happened. For a second I wondered if I was going crazy, if all this was a hallucination. A sound, a quiet vocal. "Heh." A deep whisper, sending a tiny thrum through the air. Amusement. I was curled up in a ball, gasping for air. The pain must have been instantaneous, but I swear time almost stopped as the wave flowed at a snails' pace from my groin through my stomach, around to my spine, back around to my chest, up to my throat, and landing in the back of my head with the information that I had just been punched in the balls with all the force of a sledgehammer. I couldn't understand it. I didn't think pain like this existed. There was no reason why I was still conscious, but awake or not, I was still totally helpless and limp as a ragdoll. Big hands grabbed my wrists and slammed them over my head, pinning them to the headboard. Another(!) set of hands grabbed my legs and pulled them up and back, spread wide, practically to where my arms were. I was bent in half, looking down helplessly at my exposed crotch. My penis was laying limp, pointing at me, already turning a pale pink-purple. Stop, I tried to cry out, but there was no air, I could barely make my mouth form the words. I was punched in the balls again. And before I could register that, I was punched again. My head was elevated slightly from my arms being pinned, and I could see my crotch compressing with every blow, my penis flailing. Over and over I was punched, and through the red fog I realized something in my brain had started counting again, counting the punches instead of seconds, and before I knew it I was into the twenties. After about forty rapid blows, my penis and testicles were a flattened ruin of purple meat dangling between my legs and the abuse finally stopped. I was crying freely now, eyes rolling in my head and sweat pouring down my face and chest. I was trembling violently and praying for him to just kill me. His palm pressed flat against my crotch, the large hand covering pretty much the entire area. He pressed down hard, as if trying to stop the bleeding from a wound. His hand went into me. I felt it go inside, slipping down through the skin, through the fatty tissue and muscle until he was wrist deep in my crotch. I jolted hard as I felt his fingers spread and then wiggle. I saw the outline of his hand through the flesh below my gut. I retched violently and vomited down my chest and abdomen. I felt him slowly close his hand, grabbing an oversized handful of my internal flesh, and then a sudden YANK. My entire groin stretched away from my pelvis about six inches. He let go and then YANKED again. At this point I can't explain how I had any coherent thought at all, but I helplessly watched the unrecognizable purple/black shape that was my penis yanked and twisted over and over again, pulled and stretched almost to the ripping point, all the while my internal organs having the sensation of being pureed. The first attack in the shower seemed like a dozen lifetimes ago. The squeezing and yanking stopped, and the invisible hand pulled out of me. I was amazed that the whole swollen thing was still basically intact and hadn't dissolved into a bloody puddle, running down the side of the bed. I still couldn't move my arms or legs. Bent in half, crotch on fire, barely able to breathe, and suddenly a sensation in the back of my mind that I felt like I had to pee. I wondered if I would ever be able to pee again. The pulling started again, but from outside, from the loose skin around the edge of the area. It pulled slowly but solidly outward, and then I felt fingers pressing into the center of me. The fingers were bunched together, pressing right at the base of my penis, pressing firmly, harder, harder still. Painful as it was, it still was nothing like what I had already gone through and I couldn't figure out what he was doing, when I felt something in my body down below give way. It was a tearing sensation, and I felt his hand push into me again, but not through me. My ruined penis and testicles were pushed up, up and into me and I retched again, although I had nothing to throw up this time. My abdomen distended out with the pressure of his fist in me, and I saw the remainder of my crotch that was still outside my body roll up at the edges like a sock and stuffed into the deep hole his forearm had made. With another violent wrench, he pulled his fist out and slapped his palm down hard over my crotch again. This time there was a flash of heat, a burning sensation so hot I could feel my skin crackling and peeling away. Just as I thought I'd go completely insane, his hand left me, the burning stopped, and the other hands pinning my arms and legs to the headboard let me go. I flopped down flat on the bed and oh thank God in Heaven, I passed out. I woke up sometime later. I was laying on my side, curled up against one of my pillows. Sour vomit smell covered me, but instead of making me nauseous it seemed to clear my head. I had no idea what time it was, but it felt like late afternoon. I instantly remembered my ordeal, and was too scared to move for fear of aggravating any of my many injuries. I lifted my head slightly, and didn't feel any pain, so I looked around the room. There was no sign of anyone, not that I expected there to be any sign of my invisible assailant. I moved my arms up, felt my face. I didn't feel any pain, which was impossible considering how many times I had been smacked in the face and pushed headfirst into the wall. I swallowed hard, and moved my attention to my crotch. I tried to flex my muscles down there, but all I felt was an unidentifiable twitch from within and relative numbness. I slowly ran my hands down my stomach, pressing occasionally to see if anything still hurt. Remarkably, everything seemed as it was before the attack. Everything, until I got to - down there. The area just underneath my belly seemed a little more swollen to my touch, it pooched out a little further. Lower still, and at the spot where I remembered a lifetime of the starting point of my skin moving outwards, I felt a softness that dipped suddenly inwards. Rather than go in, I traced along the outside, a downward moving furrow that went for a predictable length, then stopped a small distance from my asshole. A slit. I carefully moved my legs apart, and I felt the slit open slightly as well, giving my finger access to move inside. I wasn't even beginning to approach the realization of what this meant, I was just deliriously happy that nothing hurt anymore. I stopped my self-examination, moved my legs, swung them slowly over the side of the bed and sat up. I took in two deep breaths and let them out. I took in one more breath, held it, and looked down. My penis was gone. Totally gone. If I believed what I had lived through, then it was somewhere pushed up inside me, like jelly in a doughnut. The area seemed stretched inward to the slit, which I guess was logical considering, but I still couldn't wrap my mind around what I was seeing. I moved my hand to touch again, when another thought that had been in the back of my mind for hours suddenly pushed it's way forward. PEE. MUST PEE. I stood shakily, and the urgent need propelled me forward to the bathroom. I realized what I would have to do halfway there, and when I got to the toilet, I didn't hesitate to turn and sit. For a moment, I had no idea what to do, but when I relaxed the whole area I felt a stream come from inside me and heard it hit the water under me. When I was done, I kept very still, staring down. I spread my legs, and got a pretty clear view of what was there. I had a pussy. Well, to be more accurate, I had what looked to be a vaginal opening. A simple pair of two lips with sparse hair surrounding it. Using both index fingers I gently pulled them apart, revealing more folds and layers and what had to be the proverbial tunnel leading inward. The skin was already wet, and I couldn't wait anymore to find out what I felt in my heart I already knew. I pressed the tip of my middle finger at the entrance, pushed it slowly in. When the whole finger was in I wiggled it around, but suddenly remembered the fingers that had gotten me this way in the first place and pulled my finger out again. I stared at my finger, expecting blood, but didn't see any. It smelled of pee though, and I grabbed a handful of toilet paper, wiping off my hand first, and then wiping down pussy. I got up from the toilet, flushed. Not even slightly considering the concept of going back in the shower, I soaked a small washcloth in warm water and scraped off the vomit from my chest hair. As I finished my wipe-down, I noticed the shaving mirror laying on the floor by the tub. I grabbed the mirror, and moved back to the bed. I saw my phone sitting where I had dropped it and grabbed that as well. I saw that it was almost 3:30. I stared at the pussy in the reflection for the next ten minutes, poking, prodding. I couldn't believe it, but there was no denying it. Where it counted I had female parts. I saw the small lobe at the top of the opening, recognized it for what it was. My clit. Sensitive when pressed, extremely sensitive, almost ticklishly painful when rubbed. I thought it should feel like rubbing the head of my penis, but it didn't feel like that at all; it was a totally new sensation that I not only felt where I rubbed, but also in my feet, the small of my back, my nipples, and my throat. I couldn't believe I wasn't running around my apartment screaming like a lunatic or calling any kind of authorities, but instead I was sitting here trying to keep myself from masturbating, and quickly losing the battle. I felt a warm wetness starting, so I swept my finger inside myself and used that to lubricate my clit more. The feelings doubled, tripled. I rocked my fingertip up and down over my clit, very reminiscent of my now forever-gone jerking off days, but that seemed to over-stimulate me and I had to slow down. Going slowly, rolling the clit back and forth with a steady motion made the feeling grow steadily, more powerful, and in my head I had a quick flash of a baker rolling out dough. I laughed but kept going, laying back and spreading my legs wider for greater access. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I certainly didn't believe what I was seeing - my normal hairy masculine body with a delicate pussy in the middle, that I was frigging for all I was worth and feeling like I was on the verge of my most powerful orgasm of all time. When it came, it came on like a shotgun blast of warm pleasure radiating in waves over my whole body, my legs twitching uncontrollably, my hand fairly dripping with my own juices. It took about two minutes for me to come down from it, and when I did I was exhausted. I put my hand to my nose and sniffed, it was a smell I recognized and identified with females that I had been with in my past. What am I? Am I a woman now? I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom again. The mirror in there wasn't full-length, but I could see everything from the waist up, I looked no different that I was yesterday. Not the least bit feminine. Then I stood on tiptoes until my crotch came into view. A triangle of hair and smoothness, no sign of a penis. In fact, there was a dimple which brought the phrase 'camel-toe' to mind. I turned to see my backside and didn't see anything different either. I lifted a leg and put my foot on the counter, it was the same old muscular man-leg that took me to work, playing basketball at the gym on weekends, dancing at the clubs. But, from a different angle, at the juncture where my legs met, there was the opening barely hidden in the folds that had just given me incredible feelings of pleasure. I put my foot down, stared at myself. What happened to me. How did this happen. Who was- I walked back into my bedroom. "WHERE ARE YOU?" I called into the air. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? HUH?" I looked around the room again for any indication my attacker was there. After getting no response, I walked to my closet and got dressed. T-shirt and shorts, I certainly wasn't going anywhere today that I needed to get dressed up for. I realized that I was starving and went to my kitchen for some leftover chinese food. I also made myself a pitcher of lemonade and drank about half of it down before the ice even had a chance to make it cool. I was doing my best to ignore it, but every step I took made me painfully aware that my penis and testicles were missing. I never realized how much they had been a part of my range of ever-present sensations, but there was an absence I felt when I stood, when I walked, when I sat on my couch, and now there was a rubbing, a sliding, where there hadn't been before. I didn't feel like I was completely dry down there, even after I took a napkin and reached inside my shorts to dry myself again. When I sat down and repositioned my shorts again, I saw a hint of that camel-toe again and pulled the crotch of my shorts out. That reminded me of seeing my penis pulled away from my body in just the same way, and I felt a wave of nausea wash over me, I nearly lost my chicken and broccoli. I drank some more lemonade, but that aggravated things more, and I felt the beginnings of a massive heartburn attack coming on. I walked back to the kitchen where I had my all-purpose junk drawer. I had a bottle of antacid pills, I shook out three of them and chewed on them until they turned into chalky sludge, turned on the tap in the sink and washed it down, trying to get the residual out of my teeth. I turned and leaned back against the kitchen counter, wiping my mouth on my arm. Looking down again, I put my hand under the waistband of my shorts and into my underwear. I rubbed at my pussy again and had no clue what I was going to do now. Could any doctor help? Who ever heard of anything like this? What next? From right next to me, like a quiet grunt from a huge animal - "More." A hand grabbed me around my throat and yanked me towards the living room.

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2 years ago
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Four Beautiful Arab Lovers

Fariyat and Fernaz want to have children, both informed me, they wanted 4 children each. JoJo and Celeste did not want any more children. JoJo and Celeste have had tubal ligation, a 100% guarantee that they will never get pregnant again. The guest houses are used for breeding Fariyat and Fernaz many times during the day. JoJo and Celeste rotate nights sleeping with me. There is always a limo available for the women to use for going to the spa and shopping. There are three chefs available, so...

3 years ago
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Shaving His Daughter

Mason kept dragging the razor gently over the pouting mound between his fourteen-year-old daughter’s open thighs. Josie’s skin was already smooth as a plum, and he was only gazing at her pussy with awed fascination now. Her complexion made him think of butter melting. It was deep and creamy and already tanned after only the first couple of afternoons at the hotel pool. Being the first time for both of them at a nudist resort, the ripe, youthful girl’s supple skin was tanning over her usual...

2 years ago
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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 5 Spending the Night

I finished my beer, and went back to the living room. The two girls were still sitting there, oblivious to anything unless I talked to them directly. "Wendy, take me to the Room of Truth." "OK." "Do you love me?" Wendy shook her head. "No. I hardly know you." "You are willing to exercise naked in front of me." "I've done even more risqué things at parties in college," Wendy answered. That was interesting, but that was off-topic. "Would you fuck me?" "You could get me...

4 years ago
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I Hate Mondays

I hate Mondays, I'm not too keen on Tuesdays either and the rest of the days of the week all depress me to some extent. Everything bad that's happened to me over the years has always been on one of these days. Take last Monday for instance... There I was, at work early in the cold and the frost, and the automatic timer hadn't worked yet again and my office was like a refrigerator. Being a dispatcher for a small transport company in a small country town in the middle of nowhere had lost a...

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Black studs white boy

The young black stud's eyes looked so serious as he stepped inside the small workout center. His stern glare of dominance caused my eyes to fall to the blue matted floor at his bare feet. I was instantly humbled by him. Seconds later, I then felt my beautiful wife's sudden and quiet presence as she followed in behind the black man and stepped inside."Hey, boy. Ya' ready?" the black man asked."Y-Yeah. I-I-I guess s-so." I quivered.I stood there noticeably shaking and afraid to look back up into...

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Vixen Obviates

Vixen had four subjects at Seasisde U. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and on the first day of classes she got to all four on time and before the sessions were over, she made sure each of her teachers knew her name. The biology lecture had really interested her, and she looked forward to the labs. The English course was involved writing a research paper and that, she feared, meant a lot of work, but the teacher was young and cute. Her world history teacher, she decided, was about a hundred and...

2 years ago
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RookiesChapter 17

It was already dawn by the time we collapsed into our hotel-room beds in Miami. Happily, we had a night game, and still almost twelve hours before we'd be reporting to the ballpark. We would have time to recover -- at least, those of us who'd learned how to sleep in the daytime. One of the Orioles coaches spread the word, to the front desk and to the housekeeping crew, that nobody on our wing of the seventh floor wanted to be disturbed before 2 p.m. at the earliest. This was my first road...

1 year ago
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Hit Me with a Text Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Woahgasm Lena's nails suddenly dug into his back as his strokes became stronger still, his every thrust rubbing against her gspot, making her moans even louder as waves of pleasure began to wash through her entire body. With a shout, Lena started coming, wild and hot, her whole body racking so hard with an orgasm that Sean felt it too. Her inner muscles were closing tightly around him, and the feeling was so exquisite that he nearly lost control as she continued to spasm around his...

2 years ago
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Remarried in Style

REMARRIED IN STYLE Here's a belated Christmas present for all those who, like me, love a bridal fantasy ... ================================== When my wife of 14 years caught me cheating with my beautiful young personal assistant, Nicole, I thought our marriage was over for sure. Sophie didn't speak to me for the best part of a week. But over the next few days the ice thawed and we began talking again. I made a clean breast of my affair with Nicole and apologised profusely....

1 year ago
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Moms a Swinger

100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...

3 years ago
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Irresistable temptation

I passed her on the stairs to my building. She stopped to hold the door for me as I was taking a load of boxes to the street. The light came in behind her silhouetting a beautiful figure and a riot of short curly hair. “Lucky girl” I thought with just a smidge of envy. My 5’8” frame is rather more generously curved than fashion dictates and my long brunette hair takes an army of stylists equipped with an arsenal of product to hold a curl. I came face to face with her and was able to see her...

4 years ago
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Strip Poker

Strip Poker For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with differentkinds of sexual games. I couldn't believe my luck as I finally discovered herhot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a fewdays. When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play. I suggestedstrip poker and she agreed. We both agreed that the game would not be overuntil both of us were nude, and when one party was nude and continued to lose,he or she would...

3 years ago
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Lesson from my wife and her friend

To say that our sex life was down was an understatement. Sure we still had sex, about 1 time a week, but it was all very systematic. I would go take a shower at night, when I was done I would come into the room naked. Anne, my wife would roll her eyes a little then say something "sexy" like "Ok, lets get this over with". I had to put on a condom so it didn't make a mess and she would turn out the lights and not even get naked. I would climb on top and we would go at it for about 5 minutes,...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Calls the Cops

It was open mic night at the quaint cafe. The place was teeming with Black patrons. The mix of African-Americans represented the variety of the microcosm. The folks worked in education, maintenance, healthcare, personal services, transportation, and business. There were people of virtually every shade and skin tone. Hairstyles ranged from wavy low top fades to freeform dreadlocks to Afros. There were individuals who practiced capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art. Others were into politics...

4 years ago
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VickiChapter 5

Michelle answered in a hurry when she heard the special ring tone she had set for Vicki. "Sweetie, what's up?" she drawled in sweet and remarkable contrast to her sometimes sour tone. "Michelle, when you got drunk those times and hit on me, was that just the sauce, or were you honestly interested in something physical?" Vicki was blunter than usual and rather nervous, since she was about to solicit sex from her girlfriend. "In vino veritas, dear. Of course, I have the hots for you!...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Fourteen

The door opened and, as we both knelt, I saw Robert, Master of the Mansion, sitting naked on the edge of his bed. He was facing us and holding up what looked like a cocktail. He raised his glass toward us in a salute and said;"Well ladies, would you like to join me for a drink?"Then he pointed at the two pet bowls that were sitting on the floor at his feet.I followed Suzy's lead as she started to crawl on all fours to the indicated bowls. Suzy drank from her bowl and I did the same. Gin and...

3 years ago
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Vegas Trip with Dani

**The two main characters are real, but the story is mostly fantasy. Enjoy**It had been a good 3 months since we had really talked. The last time we did she asked if we could put our relationship on hold due to a family crisis. I told her that it would be fine, but we needed to stay incontact with each other. We got to the point of sending a few messages each week to each other. Then all of a sudden i was getting no respose back from her at all. I would send a mesage to her every couple of...

2 years ago
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The Life of John Smith Chapter 17

Over the next few days things returned to normal. That is normal for us. Nearly every day after school for weeks, Andrea and I would rush to my house where we would do our side-ways 69 on my bed. She continued to enjoy swallowing my cum and I continued to drink down her pussy juice. Our weekends were split between spending most of the daytime hours with her family and the evening hours with my mother. The end of the school year was rapidly approaching. Plans were being made for the...

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Road RashChapter 23

As I’m sure I’ve said before, the ‘Cascade Classic’, or ‘Crashcade’ is a three-day event. Or more accurately, it is three mountain passes in three days, for a total of about 280 miles. On a ride like this you get pretty much two classes of riders: the first is the usual assortment of nice folks who want to raise money for a good cause, as well as, how does the flyer put it? Oh yeah, “challenge themselves to excel!” Gotta’ love that copy! In general, these are the folks that always start the...

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08 TogetherChapter 114

Flashback – Masha – The mission As we were driving to the bar, the neighborhood changed to what I can only imagined would be called a ghetto. I could not believe that Louise went to this bar in this neighborhood. We arrived at the bar where the driver asked again, “Miss, are you sure you want to stop here?” I knew that I had to stop the animal so I replied, “Yes I do. How much do I owe you?” The driver said, “Twenty dollars.” I was slightly shocked at the cost, but this was America and...

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End of a Era Pt 04

Please consider reading the Trilogy of ‘The Trail West, Winterborn, and The Gathering to better understand how those characters and events flow into this story. Reading Parts 1 to 3 will set the stage for the conclusion of this story. Constructive comments and emails are very welcome and much appreciated. If you like or even dislike the story please send me an email with your critique. Thank you for taking the time to read my tale and commenting. I hope you enjoy the story

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Reagan Foxx Stepson Seductions

Reagan’s wealthy husband keeps her satisfied in every-way but one. Luckily for her, she has a studly, young step son she can use to scratch that last itch. When her son comes home from the gym, removes his shirt, and asks her to take a look at his injured thigh, she assumes he is finally making a move. He suddenly becomes shy when she reciprocates his interest by grabbing his crotch. She backs away and he pursues. Reagan takes the lead and starts stroking her son’s cock through his...

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Eliza Havering Ch1

.An introduction.I was in my mid-thirties before I bought my first house. I had recently got divorced after she ran off with a chicken farmer, of all people. It took me a while to recover from the trauma of it all, but I slowly got my life back on track. Once I had cheered myself up, I determined to enjoy my new freedom. I was still relatively young, and the world was out there waiting for me. I decided the first thing I needed was a base, so I bought a house.It wasn’t a new house...

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Nai chachi ke saath aage ki baat 3

Hi Folks! Thanks for your response to my continuing story with my Nai Chachi. Jaisa mein aapko pahle bata chuka hoon, mein aur meri hum-umar chachi ka pyara sambandh 25 saal pahle shuru hua aur zindagi bhar chalta raha hai. Yeh meri kahanee ki teesree kadi hai. Phale mein aapko bata chuka hoon kaise New York ki visit mein mere man mein chachi ke liye meethe gande vichar aana shuru huye, phir unki beti Shweta ki delivery ke baad gaya tha ek maheene ke liye. Aapko yaad hoga, nanhi Shweta ko doodh...

2 years ago
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Sweet Spring Night 2

I had been jerking off thinking about Jess's fine body. I was naked in my bed after having showered. I was just in the process of recalling one of her awesome blowjobs and very close to cumming when my door opened. "Oh, hi Zack" said Jess, as though she had just walked in on me reading a book. "I told you to call me every time you were in the mood". She almost said it in a scolding manner but she wasn't upset. Since I was so close to my orgasm while thinking about her and...

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Encounters in a Bookshop

He saw her the minute she walked through the shop doorway and stood there shaking the rain from her umbrella. His hand was raised to wave but something made him hesitate. Later he was to wonder about this. Was it because he sensed something? Did she seem secretive even then, in the doorway? Or had he just been lucky? Standing, half-hidden behind one of the centre rows of bookshelves, he watched her pass, only a few feet from him. He saw she was still wearing the black tailored suit that she...

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Graduation and Ch 14

Helen Parker paced back and forth in her living room. She was nervous and couldn’t keep from wondering if Joe Denton, the police officer she’d met that afternoon, really would return that evening as he promised he would. Was what happened between them a one-time thing? Was he one of those jerky guys who’d take advantage of finding a woman at a weak moment and… The phone rang, startling her. She picked it up and stammered, ‘Hel…hello?’ ‘You still want me to come over?’ Joe Denton asked. ‘Of...

4 years ago
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MY SWEET MOTHER, RELUCTANT SLUT (mF Inc Reluc) By Dave E. Perelli andKachina CHAPTER 2 SINS OF THE MOTHER JENNIFER: As I dutifully walked away I knew James' eyes followed my movements andI imagined he was seeing my shamelessly bared ass in his mind. I did feela sense of relief however. I knew when my son confronted us that we wouldhave to atone for our transgressions and he could have been much moredemanding. Strangely, I did not feel much remorse over him 'divorcing'John and I nor...

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A trip to the principals office

Principal Hart sets down the phone and walks around his desk and goes directly to his door. After opening his door, he calls to Tiffany. "Tiffany, get in here!" Tiffany walks past Principal Hart and enters his office. "Don't bother sitting down in that chair, you can just get on your knees now!" Once Tiffany was on her knees, Mr Hart went and sat in his chair. "So Tiffany, tell me what you and Tommy were doing behind the bleachers?" "I just showed him my titties, thats...

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Laid into the River Ch 02

This is the second part of the story, this is based off of the first story. Once again, this story is graphic and it might offend people so if you’re offended easily PLEASE don’t read it. The characters in here may be under 18 years old but they DO NOT engage in sexual acts. The girl in this story is my cousin and she’s 19 years old now and I thought I would dedicate a series to her. Feedback is very much appreciated, thank you! -Melanie A very strong white light blinded Jillian as she woke...

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Cosplay Con Problems

(I actually never knew how much my couple stories here gained traction - I never checked them for months on end until I stumbled on someone mentioning it in an ENF thread - coming back, I see a bombardment of notifications. I wish I had better ways of calling out to all of you who read this, but if you ever want, don't be afraid to send me a message, suggestions, or anything else of the sort. This started as a way to keep me writing in between my actual writing job, and I never really intended...

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85 inches of simulated goodness

I had just stepped out of the shower. Freshly shaved and feeling silky smooth I was admiring myself in the mirror. Turning this way and that as I ran my hands over my skin. As I was feeling my ass I started to get turned on. Bending over, I pulled my cheeks apart to see my tight hole. Licking a finger I started to tease it as I moaned slightly. I needed something more than a finger. So I went to my bedroom to try out my newest toy. It's 8.5 inches of pure pleasure. Sticking it to the wall I...

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From girl to woman an interesting journey

'Straight from the horses mouth'. Men love the idea of being inside a woman's head, better still, would love to have a woman's body for a day, and fuck every man they see, try out every deviant thing they ever thought of, non stop kinky sex, well guy, I am a woman, and I do just that, to fuck with convention, and laws, being beautiful and having a sexy ass and pointy tits with puffy nipples, a hunger for cock, allows me to live these fantasies and have sex with however fancies a quick fuck, 'Up...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Lexi Lore G164

Fuck ’em Fill ’em Feed ’em FRIDAY is upon us. So sit back and unbutton them pants as we take Lexi on her very FIRST GANGBANG adventure, and load her up with tons-o-cum! Sexy Lexi is on the bench, she’s surrounded by the Cocksmen. She’s smiling, the guys are smiling, we’re all smiling. We’re smiling because this cute brace faced little teen is about to do something she’s never done before. She’s going to get GangBanged by these guys, and...

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A Bargain Made A House Fallen Ch 02

Finding the prince was the difficult part. He and his aides had done a good job of covering his tracks, but that was to be expected. After all, one does not conspire to ruin a House and murder a queen and then just stand there waving and waiting patiently for retribution. Tracking him was a matter of a bribe here and a judicious use of magic there to follow the bread crumbs of information and learning, over time, how they planted their disinformation. People stick with what they think works or...

2 years ago
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Its All About Cumming 03

PRELUDE Cliff slowly woke up on a Sunday morning after the first night aboard a cruise ship. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his traveling companion in bed with him. He still couldn’t believe that he had agreed to go on this Caribbean cruise with Benny, not because he didn’t like the Caribbean or needed a vacation but because it was a gay cruise. Benny had assured him that everything would be on the up and up as the cruise line did not tolerate public nudity or sex. Still Cliff felt awkward...

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My friend from work

I've known Mandy for 6 years now, lovely lady, 52 lovely body great tits, great personality but very plain looking. Married to Chris with 2 grown up k**s, all in all a lovely family set up. Every now and we have a works night out, a meal few drinks that kind of thing. As she lives close to me I volunteered to be the designated driver. I picked her up and off we went, meal was ok and as I'm a people watcher I enjoyed seeing everyone let their hair down. Mandy was enjoying herself, maybe had a...

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Special Delivery

There was a knock at the door, so Emma hopped out of the shower, quickly brushed a towel over her body and threw on a large oversized t-shirt and a pair of pink shorts. Then she flew down the stairs just in time to catch the delivery man walking down the path towards the gate. She gave out a cry and he turned. She must have looked a state, she hadn't even looked in the mirror before she headed for the door, as he handed her the package and the pen to sign their eyes met and hands touched. The...

Quickie Sex
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Private Buffy Lebrat A Hot Debut

We have the pleasure of introducing you to Buffy Lebrat, a super sexy redhead who has come to Private Movies, Traders in the City to take on Raylan Franco in one of our hottest debuts ever! Armed with her sexy lingerie, Buffy has no trouble luring Raylan in with her incredible body as she lifts her skirt and offers up her pussy for a taste. Then enjoy the rest of this stunning new girl in action as she returns the favour with a sloppy blowjob before taking a hard pounding until her juicy pussy...

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My Wife Made Me a Cock Sucker PT2

hree weeks had passed since that night, and I still had not been freed from my cock cage in all that time. I didn’t bring it up, however. Sarah had warned me, after the last time I came, that I would only be allowed out of my cage when she wanted me to be. If I had even hinted at wondering when I would be let out, she would keep me locked up even longer. So I didn’t say anything. Plus, during that time, my wife continued reading her cocksucking stories while I ate her out at night. Whenever she...

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Glory Hole Booth Fun

I was at the local xxx theater in Hudson Florida after work yesterday in the mini movie booths and got a hot mouthful of cum , I never sucked a cock that way before and I am still turned on by the experience. I started off with my cock in the hole and he sucked and stroked it for a bit, but I was there to suck dick, so I pulled out and motioned for him , he wasn't quite hard when he pushed it through for me, but it had a nice length soft. I started by licking up and down and around the head,...

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Summer Advantage With My Cousin 8211 Part 1

Hello to all readers, this is Zak (Pen Name) welcoming you to my first sex story. It was over a while that I was thinking to write down my adventures. Before I begin I would like to introduce myself to every one of you. As said I am Zak (using this pen name to keep my identity safe) age 24, with dark wheatish skin and basalt jaw. My Spartan shoulders spoke of strength and could make any one understand the reason for my athletic body. I stay in Navi Mumbai, a developing metropolitan in India. I...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 7 Sister in the Stocks

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, May 29th, 2072 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sacramento, CA I was feeling so much better when I woke up beside Sister Stella the next morning, sunlight streaming through our window. Last night had been magical. I couldn't resist brushing the light-blonde hair from her cheek. I leaned over to nuzzle and kiss her. We reeked of hot pussy, that wonderful musk of love. My pussy itched and my lips worked over to her mouth. I kissed her sweet...

3 years ago
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Tracy the Vicar and her lingerie

I thought you might enjoy reading about a lady vicar that lived in the village where I live. I was a bout 6 or 7 years ago now but still fresh in my memoryIts a bit of a long story to be honest and started when I was a governor at the local school and Tracy the vicar was also on the board. I had noticed a couple of times that she would sometimes sit opposite me and give a little flash of her stocking tops. I wasn't sure at that time if it was intentional but I was often sat there with a...

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