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The Spiral She Led Him Down


Anise Pemberton


Life had not always been so good.

So Corinne Beswick mused as she relaxed on the sofa lapped in indolence; her every reasonable and achievable desire catered to by the handsome older man on the carpet before her.

A handsome man whose attention was concentrated on the slender foot resting in his lap, its unblemished and smooth whiteness standing out starkly against the navy apron she insisted he wear when performing his chores. His eyes seldom rising above calf level as he squatted on his haunches and prepared to provide her with the kind of meticulous pedicure she insisted upon and he had been trained to deliver.

That she had ?Trained? him at all something she could still be surprised by whenever she took time out to consider it –which, seeing as how it gave her so much pleasure- was often. Her domestication of him something she could still marvel at no matter how numerous the examples he provided of her success on a daily basis.

At just over six-feet tall, he was not only handsome but stood over a foot above her diminutive, if Junoesque, body.

At forty-four years of age, he was not only her husband but her senior by some ten years.

Facts, when she considered them, which did nothing to diminish her sense of achievement and when he did, she was certain, nothing to lessen his shame and outrage.

The clock above the fireplace facing her was saying almost seven-thirty and, with some satisfaction, she realised her day until then had been filled with nothing but pleasure.

A far cry from the deadly dull round of routine and mundane tasks it had been not too long before.

Waking naturally at ten and served breakfast by that same husband whose eyes were currently fixated upon a bottle of flaming red nail varnish and the perfectly shaped nails of her foot to which he was about to apply it; she had taken a leisurely shower before meeting her friends at the Bluewater Mall and spending the next few hours shopping, drinking coffee and gossiping.

After that, it had been back home for a nap before being gently roused from her slumbers by her attentive spouse, this time bearing a tray with a light snack which she picked at before sauntering downstairs for a little TV and some catch-up phone calls.


Her pleasure, she acknowledged to herself, undiminished by the satisfaction she took in having mapped out such a day of humiliating and unmanly drudgery for her husband.

?Have you finished all your chores?? she asked the top of his head as he applied the brush to her big toe with painstaking delicacy, preferring the sightless digits of her foot to the twenty/twenty and the constant mockery he knew awaited him above them.

?Yes, ma’am,? he answered.

Though his eyes did not move from the foot in his lap and his tone was deferential, she was not fooled in the least; aware as she was that he hated her with a fire raging beyond uncomplicated passion that would burn as long as he had a memory to recall the level to which she had reduced him.

In fact, it was his inability to extricate himself from the hell she had fashioned for him that ensured his hatred remained at a white-hot intensity; while giving her ample opportunities to twist the knife in the wound she herself had opened.

An ongoing process that kept him firmly in his place and provided her with much entertainment as she implemented it.

His suffering something from which she knew she would never tire.

?Garden?? she asked; certain there was no need but loving the rush she got from hearing her older husband address her so deferentially; drawing the interrogation out that she might repeat the experience.

His deference something she never tired of witnessing.

?Yes, ma’am.?


?Yes, ma’am.?


?Yes, ma’am.?

Only when he had answered an affirmative in reference to: vacuuming and surfaces, laundry and toilets, did her interrogation cease; though this in no way meant a respite for the unfortunate man. 

?I’ll be disappointed if I check and find you’ve lied,? she warned him. ?You remember what happened last time you disappointed me.?

?Y-Yes, ma’am,? he answered instantly, the quaver in his voice assuring her he was unlikely to forget. ?Everything was done as you asked, ma’am. I promise, ma’am.?

?God!? she told herself, ?I love it when he grovels to me like this.? The over the knee spanking she had given him –together with the ping-pong bat she had bought specifically for that purpose, and the childlike state of sobbing remorse to which she had reduced him- not a memory she was not likely to forget any time soon either.

As well as being something she fully intended to repeat on a regular basis

?Very well,? she said aloud, ?I’ll take it on trust – this time.?

There was no detectable sigh of relief from the excuse for a man at her feet but it made no difference.

The workings of his inner mind were as obvious to her as the hatred she could see bubbling away beneath the expression he tried so hard to keep neutral and unreadable.

Her next words, she knew, guaranteed to test both his expression and his resolve to the limit:

?Now, it’s getting late. My visitor will be here soon and I don’t want you here when she??

She paused in mid-sentence to puzzle over this, before:

?Or should I say: ‘He’??

The wretch below her remained with his head bowed, eyes for her toes only.

?What would you say, Robin??

A clearing of the throat answered her and she knew he would rather never speak again than say anything on the subject of Mariah.

?I? Well? It’s??

?Oh, don’t bother,? she snapped. ?Why am I asking you anyway, you’re completely useless.?

?Yes, ma’am,? the ‘Useless’ one -the same poor wretch who had just spent his day toiling like a peon for her- agreed.

?Anyhow, I want you all nice and snug in your little room in the basement before he/she gets here. I expect to have that lovely black cock and the marvellous she/man tits above it all to myself tonight and I don’t want he/she distracted by you.?

Though there was no outward reaction from the man at her feet, Corinne knew he would be relieved at not having to be present when she entertained her lover.

Robin being neither gay nor bisexual, she knew, gave her yet more opportunities to abuse and degrade him.

?We both know how much Mariah enjoys filling that tight little arse of yours,? she finished.

Another thought causing laughter to bubble to her lips not a moment later:

?Not that it’s so tight anymore.?

From below her, as she continued to laugh, there was no reaction and, not for the first time, she wondered what it must be like for him and how he could possibly bear up under the constant reminder of his inferiority – especially as that constancy was served up to him in what had once been the home they shared and in which he ruled as king.

Not for the first time, she wondered how she herself would react if the life she had known had been stripped from her and given to him in the same way she had taken his - to no longer have a say in even the most trivial aspects of her life and be forced to look to him for everything.

At least when he had been in emperor mode she had been able to enjoy some small degree of self-sovereignty.

Smiling grimly, she knew the answer almost before her thoughts had assembled the question, realising knowledge of it made him even more contemptible to her.

There was always a door, after all, and one needed only courage to walk through it and?

She smirked at the top of his head, thoughts truncated by the certainty her former lord and master would never find the balls to do such a thing.

And, if he did, she was convinced that a few days on his own in the cold outside world would bring him back cringing to her feet, begging to be allowed to return.

In truth, Corinne told herself, the only thing she found perversely admirable about him was the cowardice preventing him from doing away with himself and depriving his wife of her dogsbody, slave, and sex toy.

The same way, as it happened, that Mandy’s Ron had deprived his wife of hers.

A course of action her Robin would never have the backbone to take.

?Yes,? she congratulated herself, thinking general thoughts of the life she now led:

?Bliss, indeed!?

And yet it had not always been that way.

Not by a long, long, shot.

Only one year ago, in fact, things had been very, very, very, different...

?I don’t get it,? Robin Beswick said, puzzled.

?Don’t get what, darling?? his wife quizzed her forty-four-year-old husband across the table of the Friday haunt he insisted they visit with his usual lack of spontaneity; picking at her uninspired Fettuccini as her handsome –if dull and self-satisfied- husband tucked in to his Veal Milanese with what passed for him as gusto.

?The guys,? he said, shoving in another mouthful.

By ?The guys? she knew instantly to whom he was referring and welcomed him bringing the two of them up – knowing what she knew and how she hoped to use it.

?What about them??

?They’ve turned into pipe and slipper men all of a sudden. Since when has Ron called off a few beers at the pub to cook Mandy a romantic dinner? And as for Nigel??

?What do you mean?? she asked innocently when he seemed too disgusted by his friend’s behaviour to finish his train of thought - in her husband’s mind she might well have been just a simple housewife but, after the example of any lawyer worth their salt, she tried never to ask questions to which she didn’t already have an answer.

?I thought Ron was bad, but Nigel’s something else.?

A look of pure, disgust, as if at an abomination of nature, twisted his aquiline features:

?When I dropped in last week, Coral actually had him doing her laundry.?

?Sorry?? Corinne said after another desultory half mouthful of bland pasta that refused to be inspired by an equally unremarkable dolce latte and cream sauce, having heard every word but wanting to make him repeat the sentence and hear his disgust once more. ?Who was doing what??

Her husband had heaved a big, put upon, sigh, intended to let the world know –had it been interested enough to wish to- what he had to put up with.

?Nigel?? he repeated.

?What about him?? she asked, loving nothing more than to get under her pompous prick of a husband’s epidermis.

?For god’s sake, pay attention, Corinne,? he had snapped at her as if she were some spotty and uninterested fifth-former on work-experience with his department at the Department of the Environment.

?Sorry,? she said with mock contriteness, laughter bubbling away beneath the surface; looking forward to the time when Nigel would have company in his chores; envying her friend Coral even as she hoped to have her own husband doing the same soon.

Very soon.

?Laundry?? he reminded her, outrage expanding with the repetition. ?Nigel was actually doing his wife’s laundry??

She waited, knowing her silence would annoy him even more.

Sure enough:

?Did you hear me?? he demanded.

?You seem to be implying that Nigel was doing Coral’s laundry,? she answered.

Her sarcasm, it came as no surprise to her, going completely unnoticed.

?And you don’t think that’s? weird?? he went on, irritation for both their neglect of him and his golfing buddies sudden fixation on domestic matters raising both decibels and tone higher:

?I mean: when’s the last time one of them ever called me to do something? We used to play golf at least three times a week. Now we don’t even meet up once.?

With a sudden change of tack, realising a few diners were watching him perhaps; he had sniffed at his armpits playfully before giving her a quizzical look:

?You would tell me, wouldn’t you??

?Robin,? she began, allowing her husband a cursory smile at what passed with him as humour; ?you could always pick up the phone and call them to arrange something, you know??

?Don’t you think I have?? he snapped. ?Each time I do I get either Coral or Mandy and they always tell me my, so-called: ‘Pals’ are too busy to come to the phone.?

?They could always call you back if they wanted.?

The look Robin Beswick had flashed in her direction was pure contempt:

?Do you listen to a word I say?? he accused.

Corinne contented herself with silence, knowing him well enough by now to know a return to the topic exercising him was imminent.

Sure enough:

?My whole point,? he went on, ?is that they don’t ring back at all. They both love their golf and we haven’t played in over a month!?

?Robin,? she said, enjoying his discomfort and hoping to extend it, ?not meeting up for golf hardly makes them pipe-and-slipper men now, does it??

?Oh!? he exclaimed. ?So you were listening.?

?Quite the opposite I’d say,? she continued, ignoring him. ?Especially if the clothes you golfers wear are anything to go by.?

?What’s that supposed to mean??

?Nothing,? she said sarcastically, deliberately provoking him about his beloved pastime, praying she would soon have him at the same point of non-involvement the other girls had their husbands. ?It’s a lively and exciting game played by vibrant young men and lovers of haute couture everywhere. Who could think otherwise??

The cloud passing over his brow gave witness to her success.

?Pipe and slippers?? she went on. ?Golf??

Spearing a strip of fettuccine she gave him a mocking little smile:

?How could it be??

Cloud maturing to storm; his face had transformed itself into the usual superior and dismissive sneer she had seen so often whenever he was criticised in even the most gentle of ways. God forbid, Corinne told herself, she should ever call his superior age and intelligence into question.

Going on to tell herself, as she observed the unfolding of a mid-life tantrum in its infancy:

?Something he had better get used to from now on.?

?I suppose it is a bit boring,? he said, controlling his annoyance enough to be merely withering. ?I know! How about I start staying home with you to do a bit of housework and watch some daytime TV? Who knows, maybe I could get the guys round for coffee mornings? We could discuss world events as seen through the eyes of Loose Women. Perhaps a little shopping??

Now it was his turn to deliver a mocking little smile, before:

?What do you think??

?I think your veal is going cold,? she responded, not rising to his bait and biding her time, as exasperated with his condescension and smug assumption of physical and intellectual superiority as ever but –with a cold hatred born of his dismissive treatment of her in the past- willing to bide her time if doing so meant bringing him down.

There would, she knew, and if things ran her way, be plenty of time to make him pay for all the slights of the past years in the period to come.

As they had returned to their respective meals in silence, Corinne had once again taken stock of both her husband and herself.

At thirty-four, she remained, she knew -and thanks to a disciplined regimen of exercise and diet- in good shape still. Never one to kid herself, she also knew that, though she had never been what men described as: ?A Looker?, her figure had been her saving grace. Fleshy and voluptuous, attention of the kind most men paid to such attributes had not been in short supply – even if it didn’t extend to what awaited it above the neck.

The most notable aspects of her physical resume, she realised very early in life, were great tits and shapely, if headmistressy, legs - more than one below the neck admirer describing her as reminding him of his primary school teacher.

A coincidental comparison as that had been her very first job straight from teacher training college.     

She had met Robin at the wedding of Coral and Nigel. Like Corinne, Coral had been a teacher and they had struck up a friendship, duo becoming triad after the third member of Nigel and Robin’s numerically identical arrangement, Ron, had married Mandy.

Her first impression of her husband to be, despite the difference in years, was how handsome he was. Not the scruffy smart good looks of image conscious rock stars and desperate to be cool actors, but, rather, the immaculate and perfectly groomed handsome of someone from a privileged background with the means to maintain such an outward projection.

The above impression one she found to be correct; even if it was a privileged background that had bitten the dust with the rest of his family – none of whom appeared to be alive – after some family setback in the financial arena Robin could neither bear to speak about nor hear.

Leaving her husband with upper-middle-class tastes and expectations to be satisfied by junior Civil Servant finances.

Her fianc?’s first failed marriage, she was to discover, made for the same financial reasons he married again.

That first wife’s family, Corinne had been informed by Coral, who herself had been tipped the wink by Nigel, having had influence enough still over the smitten girl (according to Nigel, she was no ?Looker? either) to insist her handsome new husband sign a pre-nuptial.

News of which was unknown to Corinne at the time.

Anyway, the fact he hadn’t seemed too interested in her to begin with had not bothered her over much; convinced, as she was, that he was out of her league.

Explaining her surprise when he called her on the Thursday following the wedding and asked if she was free for dinner on the Friday.  

By then, of course, she now knew, he was aware through either Ron or Nigel, or both, of the house left in trust to her by a businessman uncle recently deceased. Also realising that, having come out of the break-up of his first marriage with nothing more than he had taken into it, and living in a rented apartment; it had not been the slow burn of her growing allure and sparkling personality that led him to woo, seduce, and marry her.

To begin with though, so smitten had she been with her handsome older admirer –surprise functioning at a similar level- she convinced herself the home she had been left, and the monthly allowance to go with it, were just a part of what he found attractive about her.

Only finding out later it was all.

By the time she began to realise the kind of man she had married, he was fully ensconced in both her life and her home.

And taking over both.

An overbearing egoist with a desire for control who had actually insisted she give up her teaching position to take care of his needs now he had risen to the rarefied heights of a Senior-Executive-officer at the department of the environment. Insisting that –what with the house being hers and the monthly stipend from her late uncle’s estate- that she had no need to work and they had money enough to be more than comfortable.

Her money.

His salary, he told her when she had the temerity to complain to him on the subject, was what he worked for. It had not been given to him and he considered it only right he should be the one to enjoy it – though there would, of course, be treats for the wife.

The only one of these ?Treats? she had received with any regularity being that same Friday night in the exception to the rule of all exceptions to the rule: a dull Italian restaurant.

After four years she was awash with boredom, hatred and recrimination. Sex, while it had lasted –and it hadn’t gone on long; even when he could bother to be arsed- had been at least satisfactory for him, while, for Corinne?


That she knew he was getting it elsewhere something that bothered her less and less as time passed – which is not to say, you mustn’t think, that she did not despise him for doing so.

Frustrated and neglected, grateful for the absence of the children she had never wanted, and thankful for this small area of agreement in their lives, she was ready to put him through a second stint in a divorce court rather than suffer the living hell of the suburban housewife.

Which was when, not a fortnight ago, a visit to Coral’s with Mandy had turned her life on its head and led her to consider a whole raft of new and exciting possibilities.

The same exciting possibilities that were currently making her routine Friday Italian, in the company of her golf bore husband, a mite more tolerable?


?Okay,? Mandy insisted, ?you’ve had your fun. You shocked us. Fine. Now you can tell Nigel it’s over and he can get down the pub with the other two golfers.?

Crossing her legs, Coral Jackman had sipped at her Roc de Lussac and ran a hand through the blonde tresses of the short French Crop she had taken to sporting recently that lent her such an air of authority.

A year older than Corinne, she was two years younger than Mandy herself. All three women shared a certain matronly quality in build; though none could remotely be described as ?Un-sexy?.

A dissatisfaction with their respective spouses yet another piece of mutual common ground.

?Nigel’s not going to the pub tonight,? she told them in a voice not expecting to be contradicted as her shame-faced husband topped Corinne’s glass with a pleasant little Chilean white before turning to Mandy and doing the same.

Mandy gave the man a half-embarrassed little smile and he made a stab at one himself - the light-hearted part of the attempt not working out too well.

?Are you, Nigey pumpkin?? Coral asked as her two friends observed in a fascinated, wanting to believe eyes and ears but not quite able to pull it off, kind of way.

Coral’s use of the: ?Nigey pumpkin?; the same pet name she had used once in her friend’s presence early on in the marriage -and been shot down in flames for having done so- going without remark.

?No, Coral,? he agreed instead, looking everywhere, anywhere, where his eyes were not likely to meet those of either his wife or her two guests.

?No, Nigel,? she said with heavy emphasis on the negative. ?You’re not.?

Corinne swore she’d seen the man cringe.

?And you won’t,? Coral finished, before ordering:

?Tell Mandy and Corinne why??

The ?Cringe? Corinne thought she had seen had now turned to full on shaking; the man’s whole body seeming to quiver as if it were being plucked; her initial response a feeling of pity for Robin’s oldest friend - even if she was not particularly fond of him.

Though she did have to admit there was something in her friend’s treatment of her husband, and the way he seemed to be deferring to her, that was not entirely without appeal.

?Er, Coral,? Mandy began, cringing a little herself, ?there’s no need to explain. ?The two of you have obviously had an argument and??

?Tell them!? Coral almost barked.

?Mandy’s right, Coral,? Corinne began. ?There’s no need for??

?Tell them!!?

As Mandy and Corinne resigned themselves to silence and allowing whatever was going on to play itself out, the man who had previously ruled the roost in respect of both home and wife drew himself up before them; the look of shame and embarrassment reddening his cheeks evidence of either a frightened man or an extremely talented actor.

?I’m waiting, Nigel,? Coral gave reminder from the chair behind him.

Steeling himself to get it over and done with as swiftly as possible; Nigel Jackman stiffened his resolve and launched into what was obviously a pre-prepared speech:

?I? I’m not going to the pub because? because? because it would take me away from my wonderful wife and??

?Go on,? he was urged from behind.

?And? And I’ve neglected her far too much in the past. From now on I intend to spend all my time making up for my neglect and ensuring she is happy.?

He fell silent as we listened with open mouths.

?What else?? Coral said.

Swallowing with difficulty, he did as he was told:

?We? We’ve tried leaving all the decision making to me and it hasn’t worked, so from now??

He broke off and turned to his wife, as if looking for some kind of reprieve.

The eyes blazing up at him promised one would not be forthcoming.

When he turned back to the two of them, Mandy and Corinne both thought he was about to burst into tears, so anguished was the look on his face.

?From now?? he began, deliberately fixing his eyes on a wall lamp above them in order not to meet their eyes. ?From now on, Coral will be making all decisions, hmm, big or small, for both of us and I’ll? I’ll abide by anything she decides.?

At this, Coral had placed her glass on the side table and leapt from her chair to plant a big affectionate kiss on her shamed husband’s cheek; the accompanying cuddle, it seemed, adding to his obvious misery and discomfort as she rubbed one pantyhosed thigh against his own.

?Good boy,? she congratulated him as her friends looked on with a mixture of shock, bewilderment and, yes, interest; speaking to him, as it were, as if he was a two-year-old who had indicated he needed the potty for the first time rather than do it where he stood.

Untangling herself from the mortified man, Coral had consulted her watch:

?It’s almost nine, Nigey Pumpkin, and you’ve had a busy day, so get yourself off to bed now. You have an early start tomorrow if you’re going to get all your chores done before you travel to work.?

The poor man did not need telling twice and immediately made for the door – not bolting, exactly, but not far short of doing so either.


The reprimand halted him in his tracks as surely as a Zulu spear embedding itself in the back of one of Lord Chelmsford fleeing redcoats and he turned, shamefaced.

?Where are your manners?? Coral rebuked him.

?Nigey Pumpkin? looked at a loss.

?Aren’t you going to say goodnight to my guests and thank them for coming??

If the bobbing of his Adam’s-Apple did not lie, Corinne considered, then he must have just swallowed back at least a pint of his own saliva.

?Sorry, Mandy. Sorry, Corinne,? he apologised sheepishly, obviously feeling not at all sorry and just wanting his ordeal over. ?I hope you’ve both enjoyed yourself and come again soon.?

?Oh, we have, Nigey,? Mandy assured him, smirking, finding her sea legs a little with the situation and playing along. ?You sleep tight now.?

?Goodnight, Nigel,? added Corinne, unable to look at him, a little –looking back on it- conflicted in regard of her feelings - still, if she was honest, believing it was all a big joke on her and Mandy and that any second the once all-powerful and supreme ruler of his own domain would give them a big laugh and say:

?As if!?

Neither laughter nor words forthcoming as, instead, Coral dismissed him:

?Well? What are you waiting for? Off you go to bed then.?

?Nigey Pumpkin? did not need telling again and was almost through the door when she called him back for a piece of last minute advice:

?Oh, and Nigel??

He turned, anguish written everywhere.

?Bring my breakfast up after the girls have had theirs this time and not before. Then you can make sure they’re all ready for the school-run before you fix yours and get ready yourself.?

From the doorway his nod of acknowledgment seemed to satisfy her.

?Now get to bed,? she commanded him, leaving her husband to gently close the door behind him as Mandy and Corinne stared up at their friend with both puzzlement, impatience and –again, yes- admiration.        

As the sound of creaking floorboards accompanied his heavy and dispirited journey upstairs to bed, Coral returned to her chair and crossed one leg over the other with a self-satisfied air, aware of her friends’ eagerness for an explanation and drawing it out to better enjoy the attention.

?Well??? Mandy exploded as her hostess reached for her wine and took a sip.

?Well, what??

?Don’t ‘Well what’ us. What’s going on here? What was all that about? And why’s Nigel acting as if? as if??

This time it was Corinne; equally as impatient as her friend and fellow guest and struggling for a description of the way the man had just behaved.

Her hostess more than willing to oblige:

?As if his cock and balls are on safe deposit and only I have the correct combination??

Corinne and Mandy shared a look with each other; knowing it was unlike Coral to speak in such a way.

?As if he knows he’ll never get to use them again if he doesn’t do exactly what I say, when I say it?? Coral offered, on a roll it seemed.

?For heaven’s sakes,? Mandy came in, half shocked, half excited. ?What’s going on here, Coral? Have you registered yourself at Dominatrix College, or something??

Coral laughed.

?Mandy’s right,? Corinne took it up, as eager as her friend to learn what was going on between host and hostess. ?What’s the story with you two??

Their hostess gave them an undecided look, even if she was still laughing:

?I don’t know if you can both be trusted,? she teased, amusement lingering.

?Don’t give us that shit,? Mandy told her. ?You wouldn’t have let us see you pussy whipping him from pillar-to-post if you didn’t trust us, so just spit it out.?

Coral laughed some more at this but, amusement aside, looked a little uncertain just the same.

?The two of you are my closest friends, right??

?You know that without asking,? Corinne reminded her.

?And you promise you won’t think less of me? We’ll still be close, right??

?Will you just get on with it?? ordered an exasperated and anticipatory Mandy.

?You really want to know how I put Nigey Pumpkin under??

Mandy and Corinne came in together:


Their hostess nodded, face serious.

?Under what?? Corinne asked.

?Anything and everything I decide,? she was told.

?I don’t understa???

I’ll ask again,? Coral interrupted her, not buying in to the naivety she knew was feigned:

?Do the two of you want to know how I put him under??

Mandy and Corinne shared a look before again turning to their hostess in unison:


Coral’s smile told them she had guessed their answer before they had given it.

?Okay,? she said. ?But just remember: you were the ones who asked.?

Then; as her friend’s sat with astonishment levels rising; she told them?

?The first time Nigey Pumpkin witnessed me being fucked by a real man –a real black man- our relationship was changed forever.?

Coral Jackman paused in her story to sip her Roc de Lussac and savour the state of shock and disbelief her story up to then had instilled in her friends; knowing they had heard nothing yet.

?You? You???

It was Corinne; struggling to form a coherent sentence in the face of what she had just been told – was being told.

?I mean, you? he? He actually watched??

?No, Corinne,? Coral told her, smiling, ?I haven’t let him watch yet – nor will I. To be honest, I’m not comfortable with it.?

?You don’t say!? snorted Mandy, triggering them all to laughter and lightening the atmosphere.

?I have let him listen though,? Coral said when she recovered from her amusement.

?And he’s alright with that??

?No, Mandy. He’s a long, long, way from being ‘Alright’ with it.?

?Then why does???

?He puts up with it, Corinne, because he has absolutely no choice,? Coral overrode her.

?But? It doesn’t make any sense.?

?Corinne’s right,? Mandy agreed. ?Why on earth would he sit still for something like that?  Just letting you be? be??

?Fucked by another man – a Black man??

Mandy nodded and Coral’s smile was truly self-satisfied, thoroughly enjoying herself as she brought her friends up to speed with her new home life.

?You know how he always likes to be in charge? How my opinion counted for nothing??

?Do get on with it,? Mandy urged her. ?Of course we know. You know we know. My Ron and Corinne’s Robin aren’t new-men exactly.?

?Well, then you’ll be interested to know that, after I took charge and put him under, he was not so much a ‘New man’ as a new half-a-man.?

Corinne pressed her thighs together, sensing her own wetness beneath the denim of her Ralph Lauren’s.

At her side, Mandy was equally as fidgety as Coral went on, their hostess realising she had her friend’s attention now.

And then some.

?When Marlon came over that first night I made Nigel clear some space from the floor of our wardrobe and sit in it. I warned him that if he made a noise and young Marlon found he was there he’d not only be even more humiliated but he’d get the hiding of his life – from both of us.?

?Jeez!? Mandy exclaimed, air leaving her at a rush as she did so. ?Just how ‘Young’ is this ‘Marlon’??

?Actually,? Coral said, smiling, aware of the effect what she was about to say would have: ?fucking the married white lady was something of a treat for him; given it was his sixteenth birthday.?

?Sixteen?? Mandy and Corinne blurted out together.

Coral nodded, totally unfazed by their surprise.

?Is? Is that legal?? Corinne asked.

?Who cares,? Coral told her. ?He’s got a cock on him like a Kentucky show horse.?

She gave it some thought:

?And, yes, Corinne, it is legal? It does have to be said, mind, that he’s not the brightest cookie on the block; but he is very courteous of me and very, powerful. Believe me, after years of Nigey Pumpkin’s sad little efforts on the mattress it feels as if I’m being transported to a new world – and a far more exciting one.? 

?What was it like?? Mandy asked, somewhat breathlessly, her hostess noticed.

?What was it like?? Coral paraphrased, before giving it some serious thought.

?Well?? Mandy demanded, when Coral continued thinking about it.

Beside Mandy, Corinne looked just as eager and Coral looked amused, knowing she hadn’t misjudged her friend’s reactions.

?If I’m going to be honest,? she began, ?and apart from -as I’ve already said- being transported to a new world; I’d have to say I was nervous. Be fair now, I might have been on the way to having Nigel pretty much tamed by then, but it was still my first time cheating on him with his full knowledge. How could I not be nervous when I was letting myself be fucked by a young man with my husband trapped in our wardrobe? Knowing all the while he was seething with anger and unable to do anything about it.?

Her tone became a little darker:

?Unless, of course, he was willing to face the consequences.?

On the sofa, the two friends gave each other puzzled stares.

?Consequences?? they repeated, as if they had both been auto-cued.

?Oh, yes,? Coral said emphatically.

?You mean??? an amazed Corinne began. ?Like punishment, or something.?

?No,? Coral told her. ?Not: ‘Or something’. Just punishment.?

Looking to Mandy, Corinne could see she was finding it just as difficult to take in.

?I’ll tell you both about that later,? Coral promised them. ?For now though, I was under the impression you wanted to know what it was like to sit astride a young black stallion and have some real sex.?

She waited for an answer that didn’t come.

?Am I right?? she pressed.

?Oh, just stop asking stupid bloody questions and get on with it,? Mandy scolded her, again winning laughter for her impatience.


?Tell us, Coral,? Corinne urged, her own need to hear just as urgent; not having experienced the phenomenon for some time and finding herself eager to at least hear about some ‘Real’ sex.

?When Marlon and I first sat on the bed,? Coral began; ?the same bed Nigel had once considered his and I was about to make mine; I think we were both a bit nervous.?

She smiled.

?But not for long. Marlon may be a young and not very bright man, but he’s certainly a quick learner when it comes to fucking. When I unzipped him and reached through the opening to get at the prize, he was already smiling at me; totally sure of himself; completely confident I wasn’t about to experience a let-down.?

For a few seconds she seemed to consider this, a tiny smile of wonderment accompanying her thoughts.

?They’d told me he was built and I wouldn’t be disappointed.?

A knowing smile accompanied yet more consideration until, finally:

?Trust me: they weren’t wrong.?

By now, and if anything, the fidgeting on the sofa opposite was intensifying as Coral continued:

?He was wearing no underwear and when my fingers touched it I gasped. What my fingers were touching was a black cock so gigantic and hard it defied fantasy, let alone experience.

?By the time I’d got him out of his trousers and laying back on the bed, I was in a state of near reverence –or would have if I hadn’t been in such a condition of utter and complete rut.

?The veins of his massive pole throbbed as if they would explode, telling me his own arousal was as great as mine and that the old white lady was actually doing it for him as he was doing it for me. It was unbelievable. As I caressed its length with feather-light touches, his incredible equipment seemed to extend in both width and height.

A movement at Corinne’s side caught her eye and she realised, with a start, that Mandy was stroking her own thigh.

Corinne even more surprised to find she herself was doing the same.

?Still caressing him, I leaned in closer, lips within kissing distance of the polished skin of his massive head, a tiny drop of pre-cum waiting to say hello to me.

?Please, Mrs Jackman,? my young and courteous stud said, loudly enough for my suffering and powerless husband to hear.

?Be patient, Marlon,? I soothed him, allowing my breath to play over his cock, pitching my voice loud enough for my husband to hear me also.?

A look of purest malice crossed her face:

?Couldn’t have the bastard missing anything, could I?? she asked, almost as if to herself.

Recovering herself then and smiling towards her impatient –and turned on- friends before continuing:

?Soon you’ll have everything you want from your white mistress,? I told him. Then, slowly, I inched forward until I was close enough to give that massive, polished, head a lazy great lick; the taste of his pre-cum doing nothing to discourage me as I licked around and under the head before finally taking him between my lips and on into my mouth.

?The warmth of my mouth seemed to galvanise him and he gave such a start I was convinced that wonderful cock would drill right through the back of my head; making me wonder if I could actually keep him in place without gagging. Already, my lips were stretched as if in a rictus, jaws open to the limit, as I attempted to suck the monster sharing a home with my dentistry.

?Don’t stop, Mrs Jackman,? I heard, knowing Nigel would have heard it too, the entreaty from this young god spurring me on to take as much of my sixteen-year-old lover into my thirty-seven-year-old mouth as was physically possible. At least without it blocking my airways. Finding myself giddy with power at pleasuring and controlling the cock of a young stranger while my husband could do no more than listen from the wardrobe into which I had forced him.

?When the pressure became too much, even for me, I reluctantly removed that wonderful pleasure stick from my mouth and began to lick at its length from the base up, chin tickled by his wiry pubic hair and nostrils quivering from the exotic aroma of his cock and balls. From bottom to top and down again, I licked, repeating the process I don’t know how many times until my teenage captive’s cock glistened with my saliva.

Again, Coral paused in her description and gave her friends a serious look:

?I tell you, if I hadn’t already realised –which I had by the way- that my life would never be the same again, this would have clinched the deal. This was something I would not be giving up. For anybody. Least of all the pitiful wretch I’d consigned to the wardrobe to hear me fucked by a better man-stroke-boy.

?Right away I knew that Nigel, whether he liked it or not –and I knew he didn’t go much on the former- would have to accept, and be forced to do so if he proved reluctant, that our lives had changed forever.?

She looked from one of her friends to the other, the:

?And to my advantage, not his.?

She waited for a response could see only impatience for her to resume the description of the way she had cuckolded her husband for the first time with his knowledge.

?Anyway, before long I was sucking his balls into my mouth before pulling away and laving them with my tongue as if they were two king-size scoops of delicious chocolate ice cream, totally engrossed in what I was doing; though not enough to forget to make as much noise as possible for the prisoner in the wardrobe.

?I was totally in to it. Not a pang of guilt or embarrassment did I feel. Nigel had walked all over me from the moment we had met and now he was going to pay fifty times over for making me feel like an inferior being.?

If Mandy and Corinne had any lingering doubts on behalf of their friend’s sincerity, the look of pure venom on Coral’s face at that moment would have put them to bed once and for all.

?By now of course,? she went on, ?I was almost beside myself with the need to feel this boy and his beautiful cock inside me. So many emotions were flooding through me it was hard at the time to describe any one in particular. I wanted to control him and be controlled by him; to take him and give myself to him; to please both him and myself.

A look of sheer wonder transformed her face as she recalled this life changing event and her envious friends waited for her to continue.


?I took what I could take of that great pole in my mouth again and sucked as if my life depended upon it. This time the taste of his cum as it leaked onto my tongue didn’t repulse me as it had on the occasions Nigel had insisted I perform the favour for him. On the contrary, now it inspired me to even greater efforts to please the monster I had invited into my mouth with such willingness - though I did wonder how I would cope when it came time for me to get astride and attempt to ride a weapon of such a size.

?I remember scolding myself: ‘You’re a woman’; the mother of two girls. Surely, if I could bear the pain of delivering two seven-pound infants I could take anything a mere man –in this case, boy- could dish out.

?If anything, I was actually looking forward to the discomfort and pain, because that would mean my pussy was actually being filled for once - was actually being used at something like the capacity for which it was intended; rather than simply tolerating the efforts of Nigel and his inferior equipment.

?My mouth not having the capacity of my pussy, I’d soon taken as much as I could of the cock I’d crammed into it. It was time to be fucked at last - and by a real man.

?Like souls possessed, we shed the rest of our clothes and once again Marlon was flat to the bed on his back, his youthful young body glistening with alight sheen of sweat, not an ounce of fat to be seen, that wondrous prick straining towards the ceiling as if awaiting orders from Cape Kennedy.?

Coral pointed to the mission control centre between her legs and smiled to emphasise her point.

Needlessly, if the nodding heads and absorbed stares of her friends were any guide.

?Kneeling astride his waist,? Coral continued, ?making a point to keep contact with his eyes as he penetrated me for the first time, I slowly lowered myself onto that great, pulsating, black column.?

She closed her eyes then, reliving a moment that was scorched into her memory, knowing that no matter how many times she repeated the experience that first time would be the one her database returned to with most regularity.

?For the first time in my life,? she told them, voice barely a whisper, ?I came simply from the first touch of his cock against the outer folds of my labia.

?Never have I been so open and responsive to a man – let alone a boy. I was there for this young black god and his superior cock in a way I had never been there for anyone before and when I eased down and took more of it inside me I finally understood what they meant by le petit mort. I was being filled with its length and thickness in a way I’d never been filled before.

?I swear to you, it was absolutely; mind tinglingly and addictively; out of this universe.?

It was a declaration receiving no hint of disbelief from the enthralled audience opposite.

The hostess’s audience of friends rapt with anticipation, she went on:

?I remember screaming at the top of my voice and, incredulous at the experience of two orgasms in almost as many seconds. I really thought at one point I would lose consciousness as I took in more of him, knowing I was barely halfway towards engulfing him entirely and –two children or not- wondering if I could actually accomplish the feat.

?‘Fuck me!’ I remember screaming as he boldly went where no cock had gone before, the approach of a third –yes, third- orgasm imminent and overwhelmed by the new sensations me, worried it might be third time unlucky and I’d find myself impaled like some Christian crusader before being allowed to enter paradise again.

?I may have been in the saddle but there was no doubt who was riding who now as he gripped me at the waist and eased me up and down his length until, this time, we reached the crisis together and his body arched, head colliding with my breasts as it did; my young stallion using the opportunity to suck one of my bullet-hard nipples into his mouth even as he joined me in a joint and primal scream of utter abandonment.?

Coral was shaking her head by now, eyes half-closed and breathing shallow, almost as if she had just undergone the experience again.

When her eyes opened fully and she came down to earth, she noticed her friend’s weren’t exactly unmoved either.

?I promise you,? she assured them when she was able to speak, ?at that moment, I felt as if he owned me.?

For what could only have been seconds but seemed like forever, there was silence as each of them thought their own thoughts, then:


It was Mandy, face flushed and eyes brilliant under the illumination of a table-lamp, completely blown away by Coral’s story; a part of her praying for it to be more than that and be true - the suspicion she and Corinne might be the victims of some elaborate hoax at the hands of their host and hostess refusing to be entirely persuaded.

Even if incredulity was receding by the millisecond.

Nigel, after all, wasn’t big on either a sense of humour or a capacity to laugh at himself. Hardly credible he would be in on or instigate a joke that made him seem so? pitiful. 

?I can’t believe it,? Corinne gasped at Mandy’s side, finding the breath to form words at last.

?Believe it,? Coral advised her with a grave expression.

?But?? Corinne began. ?Nigel. Why would he possibly???

?Nigel had no choice and will never have a choice again when it comes to me,? Coral came in, divining her friend’s question before she had a chance to fully frame it.


A raised hand forestalled Corinne this time:

?I’ll answer all your questions,? Coral told her. ?Both of you. So just be patient. Nigey Pumpkin’s all tucked up in bed by now and we have the whole night ahead of us.?

With a smile, she stood and moved to the table hosting the wine:

?I think I have a couple of excited friends who could do with their drinks refilling.?

With a start, so absorbed had they been, both Corinne and Mandy realised they were holding empty glasses; neither having any recollection of having finished them.

?Quite a shock, heh?? Coral laughed as she poured.

?If you’re a fan of understatement,? Mandy snorted.

Coral hooted.

?How did??? Corinne began, still in a state of some shock. ?How did???

?Nigel take it?? her hostess finished for her.

Corinne nodded.

Coral was laughing now, returning the white to the table and topping herself with the Roc de Lussac, the recollection of her husband’s reaction obviously giving her much pleasure.

?When Marlon had gone and I let him out of the wardrobe I expected to hear a string of obscenities aimed my way – was looking forward to it actually as it would have given me ample cause to punish him.?

Mandy and Corinne shared looks with each other.

?That’s what I said,? Coral told them. ?I told you earlier: if he misbehaves there are consequences. Delicious consequences. For me, anyway.?

Stranger and stranger thought her two friends.

?Anyhow, after I let him out he just couldn’t look me in the eye. What I pulled from that wardrobe wasn’t a man any longer – at least not the life and soul of the nineteenth hole you both knew and detested. Oh, no! He’d just seen –heard- what a man could do for me; even in the body of a sixteen-year-old boy; and he knew he would never, ever, come within a planet’s distance of matching it.?

She sipped and swallowed her St Emilion before continuing:

?And do you know what?? she asked.

On the sofa the girls waited.

?Despite the way he had always expected me to defer to him and took the lead with me; consulting me on nothing; what I detested him for most was the sex I’d missed out on during all those years of his half-arsed and self-involved imitations of a good fucking.?

Opposite her, Corinne considered her friend’s words and the resentment she herself felt for the husband who had –was- depriving her of the same.

It taking only a quick sideways glance at Mandy to reassure her she wasn’t alone. The two of them, had they compared notes, envious of both what their friend had experienced with the young boy with the glorious cock and the position of second-class citizen into which she had managed to manoeuvre her husband.

It was Mandy who was able to control her envy enough to ask:

?Coral, this is? well, marvellous, I have to confess. Just hearing you describe it has turned me on more than Ron has managed in the last ten years – and that’s with a hard dick. But??

?Yes,? Coral smiled. ?I think I know where you’re going.?

Mandy’s question did not disabuse her:

?Why on earth would Nigel –of all people- stand for it??

Corinne nodded; in complete agreement with the question and equally as puzzled; hoping against hope that Coral’s answer could in some way help her to turn around the miserable shell of a marriage that hers had become and show her how she herself could effect such a complete and seemingly irrevocable role-reversal.

After Coral gave them both a smile and composed herself, with the help of some more St Emilion, the answer she gave, and the details she supplied to back it up, left neither Corinne nor Mandy disappointed.


?I just don’t get it,? Robin Beswick told her, dumping his recently purchased Callaway clubs in the hallway after his Saturday round and marching through to the front room to take the sherry Corinne had ready for him.

Taking it from her and gulping it down without either a thank you or an acknowledgement.

?Get what, dear?? she asked, his dismissal of her something she found easier to take from her husband now she knew how her friends had brought theirs to heel, and especially now she had decided to do exactly the same to him.

?Why divorce the bastard?? Mandy had said when she mooted the likelihood to her. ?Keep him and make him suffer the way Coral makes Nigel suffer. The same way I’m going to make Ron suffer.?

Corinne knew her friend and recognised she was serious in her intent.

?Can you imagine the look on his face when he sees me taking a great long length of black dick? Can you imagine how your Robin would react to see you doing the same and be too pussy whipped to say a damned thing about it??

It was not an image Corinne found displeasing as the voice of he-about-to-be-pussy-whipped brought her back to terra firma:

?Nigel and fucking Ron,? he snarled, the obscenity a rarity on his lips – for, despite all his faults, Robin was something of a puritan when it came to language and the superficiality of appearances.

?What have they done now??

?What have they done?? he exploded, as thought his friend’s behaviour was her responsibility. ?Fuck all, is what they’ve done! They don’t call me. They don’t answer their phones – landline or mobile. And they don’t use the fucking golf club. What the shit’s happened to them? They found religion or something??

Corinne chuckled to herself as she thought that was, after a fashion, exactly what they had found.

A new religion.

And two new goddesses to go with it.

?I’m not with you,? she lied, reining back her amusement.

?Didn’t you hear what I just said?? he blazed. ?They’re freezing me out. I’ve left messages for them with Mandy and Coral that don’t get returned and they don’t respond to their emails or Skype. I’ll be resorting to fucking pigeons next.?

His arms went wide with both innocence and outrage:

?I mean: if I’ve offended the bastards why don’t they just tell me??


Corinne tutted, the irony implicit in him finally seeking out her opinion on something she fully intended using to bring him to his knees not lost on her.

Her husband not the only one whose personal life was about to find itself in the process of change; for -since Mandy had taken Coral’s advice and taken the same steps as her friend to put Ron under- Corinne herself had undergone a sea change on the subject; taking Mandy’s advice on the subject of divorce to heart and giving it much consideration.

A consideration that led her to the conclusion that divorce was too easy for her smug, self-satisfied and overbearing husband and that she would receive no greater satisfaction than making him pay for his usage of her for as long as it continued to give her pleasure.

It would be, she told herself with malice and amusement present in equal quantities, the kind of gift that went on giving.

?You do overreact, dear,? she told him, still tutting; the little woman assuaging the trepidation and accompanying anger of the big, baby, breadwinner – not that he was much use when it came to the latter, totally disinterested in regard of the second, and a complete non-starter in respect of the first.

He knocked back what remained of his Croft Original and hefted the decanter to pour another, unconvinced.

?Nigel and Ron have been swamped under with work recently,? she reassured him. ?if it’s any consolation, Mandy and Coral are feeling as neglected as you. You have to cut them some slack, it’s not so simple for leave their businesses for an afternoon on the golf course as you.?

Her husband’s face flashed thunder; his safe occupation always a point of some sensitivity to him whenever it was held against the more risk-taking forms of making a living:

?They wouldn’t have a bloody business to get away from if it wasn’t for people like me and my colleagues who supply the rules and laws that make it possible for the things to function.?

?Of course, dear,? she soothed, wanting nothing more than to sink a fist into that handsome and smug, never taken a chance in its life, face. ?But they don’t see it that way. You know what a flap they get into at the first hint of pressure.?

He took another sip of the Croft’s, mollified – a little.

?Anyway,? she went on, making the most of the self-preoccupation on behalf of her husband that allowed her to speak at all: ?the good news is Coral and Mandy have told me things are a little easier and they’ll all be at the party tonight.?

Robin had looked at her, head to one side like a bemused spaniel:

?What party? I haven’t heard about any party.?

?It is a bit spur of the moment,? Corinne lied. ?But Coral said a new client of Nigel’s was a golfer and he was quite high up in the Royal and?? she pretended to be unclear. ?Royal and??

?Ancient?? he asked, eyes bugging out of his head.

?Yes,? she agreed. ?Quite high up in the Royal and Ancient, I remember now; some golf society or whatever.?

?Some golf socie?? Quite high u??? he repeated, appalled at her ignorance. ?Corinne, the Royal and Ancient are golf. You don’t get any ‘Higher up’,?

?Oh, right,? she said disinterestedly. ?Well, anyway, we’re all invited to this chap’s house tonight. Coral said Nigel told her to tell us to dress casual smart and watch our P’s and Q’s. Apparently, invites are very hard to come by.?

He was already sold she could see, as easily impressed and ready to try and impress as he had always been; forever looking for a way to catapult himself back to that strata of social society he felt the earlier misfortunes of his family had deprived him of experiencing.

And, more importantly, ready to place a willing nose up a well-connected arse to ensure the return journey was made.   

?Can’t say I’m in the mood for it, if I’m honest,? Corinne lied with a yawn; knowing a wild horse and its pals couldn’t have kept her away; and getting exactly the response form macho man she had expected.

Placing his sherry glass firmly on the walnut sideboard her uncle and his family before him had preserved with care for generations; oblivious to any ring that might form from his carelessness; he adopted his most superior and imperious look:

?If you think I’m missing out on an evening with my two oldest friends and a mover and shaker at the R&A, you’re even more intellectually challenged than I thought you were.?

Corinne just stood and stared back at him, manner non-confrontational. Refusing, for the first time she could remember, to allow his dissing of her intelligence to annoy her. Knowing, this time, that he was the one whose intelligence was not up to the job and he had just been manoeuvred into something with far reaching consequences for him and his future.

?Now get yourself upstairs,? he ordered her, ?and do what it takes to make yourself look semi presentable.?

Trying not to giggle, Corinne turned to do as he asked.

?This could be a big night,? she heard from behind her

As Corinne climbed the stairs she could not help chuckling to herself.

Her insensitive, social climbing, husband was right.

He was about to have the biggest night of his life.

And she would make sure he regretted it for the rest of his days.

The rest of this story can be found on

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By : Vimalesh This is continuation of my story Sheeba My Neighbor – Part I Sheeba and I became very close through our messages and night calls. Most of the messages we sent between us were of ugly and dirty sexual intercourse we dreamt of. We knew that we had same likings in sex. Night calls always ended in hard masturbation. We were eagerly waiting for an occasion to explore each others naked body. Weeks passed without any progress. We couldn’t go even a step further. We relied only on our...

4 years ago
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The Downward Spiral of Katelyn Haynes

Katelyn Haynes was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. It all started in March when the red-haired, green-eyed 22-year-old was an intern at an accounting firm. A man at the company had pulled her aside one day and asked her to dirty a pair of panties. Katelyn chose to report him to the company Vice President Deborah Stanley, which to her dismay ended up being an error. It turned out the man had made the request because he was being blackmailed by the VP for stealing from the...

4 years ago
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The Spiral

THE SPIRAL For years my cross dressing had become more and more sophisticated and risqu?. Every time I reached a new level, something else would occur to me and I would be off into new territory. How I managed to keep my wife, Coleen, in the dark about my little hobby is beyond me. Particularly, as I had made several slipups over the years, even though I had never actually been caught in my female clothes by her. About five years ago I had been demoted as my boss Tom's d...

2 years ago
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My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 21 Happy Birthday Scott

Even how I saw Sherri that morning seemed different. I didn’t see her so much as the enemy but instead as the person who saved my life. We ate our breakfast and headed to school. As we parked I was even surprised when she took a moment before getting out of the car and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and put on a smile and opened my car door but I was appreciative that she asked. I only needed one thing to be sure I had a chance to make it through the day and I found that as soon as I...

4 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 12 Medical exam follow up

Introduction: This is the next chapter in the series This is the next chapter of the continuing story of Tori the freshman whos life has changed so much since meeting her boyfriend the senior varsity starting quarterback. Now after he broke up with her see how her story continues to change and get more complicated. Be aware that this story is long and continues important pieces to previous chapters in the story. If you have not yet read those chapters you will likely not enjoy the story please...

3 years ago
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Spiral eye

He took the bus back from school as usual on a typical and boring Thursday with nothing particularly interesting or out of the ordinary happening at all. Tom sat at the back of the bus chewing his gum to the beat of the music that blared out of his headphones connected to his iPod. He stared out the window seeing the same sights that he saw every singing week day afternoon. He let out a gentle sigh as he glanced across at the rest of the people in the bus, after checking out every single fellow...

Mind Control
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Downward Spiral

Downward Spiral Chapter I: The Party.STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The following story is entirely fictional, the characters, likenesses, and over all the whole basis of this story is not real. The scenes of extreme torture depicted in this story must not be repeated, even with consent?Emeraude was really pleased, as the party seemed to be on a right path? no, it was not the fact of having a successful party, those parties were a common event. Every month during the school year and every two weeks on...

2 years ago
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Sheeba My Neighbor Part I

By : Vimalesh My dear readers, I am Vimalesh. This is my sixth story in this site. All the already submitted stories were all about the sexual games I had with my maids.  The Maid-Kanakamma’, ‘Again with Kanakamma’, My New Maid-Sujatha’, My Maid at Her house’ and ‘The Whore Maid Yadamma’ are the stories I‘ve already submitted. This time I share a sweet love making session I enjoyed with my sexy neighbor Sheeba and the events that led to our close friendship. Please read the story and send your...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 3 Shelenarsquos Futa Passions Grow

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Thursday Guanting Chan... I couldn’t get the nerdy futa out of my mind. She was what lingered in my thoughts after my gangbang by the A/V Club. That had been a wild afternoon. Not only had they filmed it, but they streamed live on the internet on the school’s Twitch account. Soon, it would be edited and uploaded to YouTube with links for people to buy the DVDs of a futa-bully’s first gangbang. And all I could think about was Guanting Chan. There was no denying that...

3 years ago
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Fathima grows bigger get younger

Hello ISS lovers! The characters in the story do not resemble anybody alive and kicking! I have always been amused reading all those star predictions which kept coming in almost all the newspapers and magazines although I always read them first whenever I browsed anything. However, I was in for a big surprise a few days ago as the prediction for my star perfectly coincided with what happened during the day. The prediction said that I would be getting pleasant news and exactly the same thing...

4 years ago
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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Fucking My Hot Maid Fathima Part 1

Mail id : Fathima, the conservative muslim girl age 28 worked in my house. She, not only worked but stayed in my home, she was abandoned by her parents. My mom decided to protect her until she’s married to someone good. For 10 years she lived with us and we treated her as family. When I was young, she took me to the movies and garden etc. She never went to school but knew how to read and write effectively. She used to join me during my studies. Now coming to her body, she had a milky...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Anushree Chudi Sheikh Jiju Se

Main Anushree..mere Sheikh jiju ne mujhe kaise choda ..unhi ki prerna pa kar main apni aapbiti sunne ke liye utawali ho rahi hoon. Ise aap jaise chahen len, pyar muhabbat se. Apana pyar de kar mujhe nihal karden jisase main aap ko har bar naye-naye tarah se deti rahoo. Meri bahan ki shadi abhi haal hi me hui hai. Sheikh jiju multi-national ek achchhi post par hai. Sajeele sunder nawjawan jiski chahat koi bhee laraki kar sakati hai. Meri bahan badi seedhi hai aura pane duniya mein hi magan...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Lifetime Sexperience With Servant Shekhar

I am a young lady of 28 and married. My husband usually goes on long tours for office work and is not in town for at least 15-20 days in a month. I am staying alone in a 3BHK Row-House in Pune in a posh locality. I am quite a beautiful lady, with well formed body. I am very tall ( 5’10 inches). My body statistics is quite attractive as it measures 36-26-40. I have huge well rounded butts which is my major attraction and men always turn around to view by butts admiringly. I wear saree about 2″...

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Mom Sex Session With Sheikh

Hello story readers. Main vicky singh ek baar phir se lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek aur hot sex stories.Jaisa aap logon ne meri pichli story mein padha tha ki kaise meri mom ne after 10 months 3 sheikhs ke sex kiya tha jismein unhe aur teenon sheikhs ko bahut maza aaya tha.Ab iske aagey ki story yahaan se shuru hoti hai.After giving delivery of baby boy & that sex session. Mummy ke figure par koi change nahin tha.Ek din main aur mummy office mein discussion kar rahe the ek real estate...

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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

3 years ago
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Mom8217s Affair With Sheikh Zayed

Hello friends.Main vicky singh jacob ek baar phir lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye hot sex story jismein main aap sabko bataunga ki kaise dad ke absence mein mummy ne sheikh zayed ke saath ghar mein sex kiya.Toh ab aate hain story par. Ek din mere grandparents ne dad se kaha ki unhe yahaan aaye hue bahut din ho gaye hain aur baby sunny ke saath rehte rehte time ka pata hi nahin chala toh isliye ab woh log cochin(kerala) jaana chahte hain.Phir dad aur mummy donon ne insist kiya ki woh donon kuch...

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Chimp Donkey

Preface:A few weeks ago I visited my local pub. As I was approaching, the owner of the pub was seated outside and chatting to a man I had never seen before. After inviting me to join them, she introduced me to the man whose name was ‘Chimp.’ A short while later, she asked Chimp how his old buddy, ‘Donkey’ was doing… Naturally, with those two strange nicknames in mind, I couldn’t resist writing this story.*I bought my first home for an unbelievably low price. Although it needed a lot of work, it...

Gay Male
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 3

Sherrie & Baby Face BBI was doing great. The downside was that Gabe and Nick were in and out leaving Sherrie too much time. While out shopping she saw a rowdy group of k**s beating one. By the time she turned her car around to investigate, one small k** crawled from the ditch. He was bruised, dirty and his little glasses were broke. She scooped him up and he said, “not a k** Lady” and passed out. She rambled through his back pack and discovered he was actually a “little person”, a dwarf....

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Spirals Part 4

SPIRALS: PART FOUR By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson is a shy, kind and thoughtful girl who has recently discovered that she is the inheritor of an alien genetic code which is actually the physical and psychic remnants of an ancient alien species. Now she is in a deep trance, mediating with her previous, alien self and perhaps fighting for her very identity as a human being. Little does she know that many events are about to converge at her home...! NOTE: This is the continuation of an...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Futa Naked in School 11 Futa Bullys Naughty WeekChapter 2 Shelenarsquos Naughty Offer

Shelena Lowell’s Week, Tuesday I couldn’t believe I was crying. Me! I leaned against the wall in the second-floor corridor, Guanting Chan’s futa-cum leaking out of my pussy. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I struggled to get my emotions under control. Anger boiled through me at the mocking laughter that had surrounded me in the cafeteria. All my life, I had been in charge. The tallest and fastest futa on the team. The one with the biggest cock. Girls were all sluts for my dick even when...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie

Shelton aka Sherrie Gabe and Nick had worked various home construction companies. Both were not “team” workers and had been fired by all the major builders. An accidental meeting at a bar brought them together to form their own company “Boonie Builders”. If it was “in the sticks, off the grid, in no man's land”, they would build it. They were barely surviving for a year, until they built a cabin for Shelton aka “Shell”. Shelton was a architectural designer. He had come out of the closet and...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 2

Boonie Builders #2 One down, one to go, Shell thought. She remembered Gabe's “Hit him between the eyes” and decided she would. As they worked, Shell came out stretched a blue print out on a saw horse table, then moved around them taking measurements. Beneath her shirt, her tits hung free. She climbed a ladder near Nick making sure that her ass cheeks were in his view. Reaching, she flexed her cheeks, tightened them and slacked them. She knew her pantie lines were cutting into each cheek as she...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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My Beautiful Wife Arwa And Shekhar

Hi friends. I am Imran from bomb ay. This wonderful thing happened two years ago when i was on my honeymoon with my 24 years old beautiful wife Arwa. Right after marriage on the third day we went to Kullu-Manali for honeymoon. My wife is very beautiful, slim, athletic body, she has amazing figure of 36-27-38. Has so beautiful pink lips that anybody can die to suck them so hard, Her big eyes, big forehead, Soft cheeks, And amazingly clean waxed body with clean shaved pussy! We reached...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Stunt Double 2 Sheba Always

Stunt Double 2: Sheba Always. By Eric The female German Shepard Sheba who had once been a stunt man named Eric Stoltz looked desperately at Sam, the man who was now her trainer, as the original Sheba had stolen Eric's male human body and life three long days ago. A lifetime ago, really! Eric barked and desperately tried to make writing motions with her paws. All Sam did was to look irritated and command "Quiet!" Damn Sheba's instincts! This body that Eric now found...

2 years ago
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Meri Mom Sushmita Aur Dost Shekhar Ki Chudayi

Hi I everyone this is Raj from Mumbai. I am a big fan of ISS. Jab se maine yahan stories padhni shuru ki hai jab se maine socha kyun na main bhi ek real story yahan post karun. Toh bhaiyo ye story hai 1 mahine pehle ki. Main apni mom Sushmita ke sath jinki age karib 45 hai unke saath rehta hun. Meri mom divorcee hain. Unki figure hai 36-30-38. Woh dikhne me bahut sundar hai aur hot bhi. Woh modern hain isliye zyaadatar top aur jeans pehnti hain. Toh baat aise shuru hui karib 1 mahine pehle hi...

4 years ago
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My Aunt Fathima 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is continuation for my first story My fuck with my Aunt Fathima in this story I am going to describe u about her daughter Afrina she was thin and her figure was super and her body size was 36 34 36 she was amazing she was married to my Fathima aunts brother he was in Dubai and she had a baby 5 months old. Her husband will come for every three years .Afrina came to aunts house and she saw me and we talked with each other she is elder than me for two years and that evening my...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 4

Boonie Baby's Whore Warren came to assist her getting up, he winked at her. Knowing what that wink meant, she clumsily got up spreading her thighs, pausing seconds, twisting on unbalanced legs. She made sure everyone in every direction got flashed. As she stood, Warren told everyone to give them a minute of privacy and grab a cigarette break outside. Sherrie said, “I know what my Baby wants”. She turned around, got on her knees, using her own dripping cum to lubricate her hole, she waited...

3 years ago
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SPIRALS By T-Vixen Stairs. Again, she dreamed of stairs. A long spiral stair case, made of a beautiful, translucent blue crystal. The little girl in her pretty white gown skipped up the steps barefoot, following the endless turn of the corkscrew. Always going, always rising upwards, this stair case stretched across an endless sky of blue and white clouds, heading upwards into a great, golden light. The little girl just kept onwards, humming a song to herself she had known since...

2 years ago
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Spirals Part 3

SPIRALS: PART THREE By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson, a shy, kind and thoughtful girl has been infected with a strange VD called New Blue, which is mutating Karen and allowing her to enthrall and change anyone whom she has sex with. Now her sister Mandy has become infectious too. Having been attacked by strange, mutated animals, Karen has decided that it is time for desperate action against the unwanted visitor between her legs... NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing story....

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The Baroness and the Woodshed

The Baroness and the Woodshed By Stephanie Von Essen A short vignette about a Baroness who craves the harshest disciplinefrom the best dominatrix in Germany during weekly sessions in the woodshed. Eva, you and I have quite a trip to the woodshed in store for you. We haveboth become quite wet from thinking about your planned session all morning.You will receive the discipline you have been craving from the best dominatrixin Germany. Although you are a Baroness and extremely wealthy, you...

4 years ago
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Sherri takes pity on her Guinea Pig8217s enforced celibacy and gives him some pleasure

An original story based on a real-life experience. Sherri turned off the living room TV and yawned as she walked into the kitchen to fetch a bedtime Diet Coke, her firm breasts outlined under her t-shirt as she lazily stretched her arms upward. As she opened the refrigerator door a blast of cold air raised goosebumps on her bare legs; just panties and a shirt was Sherri’s standard nighttime garb. The noise of the refrigerator door was followed almost instantly by a high-pitched...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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