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Luna By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Bill Francis drove into the city for his latest meeting with Candy. This had become a regular ritual for him and he eagerly looked forward to each session. It had all started three months earlier when he finally gave into his urges to dress in women's clothing. Even though he had the desire to dress up in girl's clothing as long as he could remember, he had fought them and had never done it. Even if he did give in to the feelings there was no way he would dress near campus, where he was about to start his junior year. The town where his university was located was small and rather conservative. It would be difficult to get clothing and makeup. It would also be a personal nightmare if he was caught. He tried to fight the urges by throwing himself into his studies, but that only worked while he was in class. This strategy only worked when he was busy. As soon as he relaxed they came back. The urges soon began to dominate his thoughts and he knew he needed an outlet. Bill first came up with the idea when he read a magazine article about transsexual sex workers and where hey worked. He figured that this would be a safe way of giving in to his urges to dress. He rationalized it was safer to drive an hour into the city and meet with a transgendered prostitute who he would pay to dress him. Money was not an issue as he had a large inheritance. He wasn't looking for sex, so the worst thing he figured could happen is that he would get ripped off. After a few false runs, where he got cold feet and didn't even talk to the girls, he talked to a shapely African-America prostitute named Candy. What was strange was that as soon as he starting talking to her he felt he could trust her. Candy was tall and buxom. She was very feminine looking and in fact Bill wasn't even sure if she was transgendered until he talked to her. He told her that he didn't want sex, but he would pay her for her time. Candy looked at Bill as if she was sizing him up. Bill was five-ten and thin. He had shaggy shoulder length light brown hair. She smiled and said that she could turn him into a very sexy looking girl and she was right. By the time she was done with Bill he looked like a very sexy young woman. Granted he also looked like a prostitute, as Candy had applied his makeup very heavy and sexy. Of course, when the session ended, Bill cleaned up and changed back into his male clothing. It was then that he asked her if she would buy him some clothes, makeup, shoes, and other items. To his surprise she agreed and he gave her a down payment. To his greater surprise, when he returned a week later when he met with her again, not only had she bought him an entire outfit, but she also picked out a blonde wig, makeup, shoes, and accessories. He happily paid her the rest of the money and then paid her to dress him up again. Over the next few months Bill drove into the city to meet with Candy and see what she bought him. He was quickly building up a large wardrobe. Candy insisted that he keeps his body smooth and hairless. When he first objected, she told him that no one really looked at other people all that carefully and not to worry. So he began to shave his legs, chest, and underarms. Thankfully he had a very light beard and very little body hair on the rest of his body. He was also relieved to see that she was right and that no one noticed his hairless legs when he wore shorts. Two weeks earlier Candy suggested that he drives home dressed as a woman. He objected, but she insisted that it was late and that no one would see him by the time he got back to his small apartment. Again she was right and Bill had to admit that it was quite thrilling to walk out of the hotel where Candy worked. She kidded him that he could make a lot of money if he wanted to because white girls were rare. Bill laughed this idea off, but it hit him that she was right about the race of the girls on the streets. Most of the working girls were Hispanic, African-American or Asian. "A hot looking white bitch would make a lot of money down here," said Candy as she did the final touches on his makeup. Bill noticed that each time she did his makeup heavier...which only made him look sexier...and also more like the working girls. It matched the wardrobe that Candy was dressing him in. Each new outfit was more revealing than the previous one...and for some strange reason he didn't mind. "So what do you say, Billy? Why not come out with me and make some money?" she asked. "Thanks, but I'm not into guys," he replied. "Have you ever been with one?" asked Candy. He shook his head. "Then how do you know? It's a fast way to make a buck," said Candy. " look stunning." Bill just laughed and shook his head. "I'll just stick to dressing." Candy nodded. "I've heard that one before. But tell me have wondered what it's like...right?" Bill nodded. "Not enough to try it." "But does the feeling get stronger when you're dressed as you are now?" "What do you mean?" he asked nervously. She laughed. "I know you're a blonde...but don't act dumb. Look at yourself in the mirror and think about being with a guy. Do it." Bill nodded and did as she said. "Imagine some guy's erect cock slipping between those lush red lips of yours," said Candy. Bill did as she said and realized that he was actually becoming aroused. Not only was his cock getting hard, but so were his nipples. It was all he could do to control himself. Candy noticed the look on his face and smiled. "Don't be ashamed of these feelings. It's obvious that you have a very strong feminine're probably like me and will eventually give in to them." He turned and looked at her. "Honey, you obviously want to be a time you will give in to these feelings," she said. "Did you say gurl?" asked Bill. Candy nodded. "Well, we're not guys anymore and we're not exactly girls, so it's a nice description. It beats she-male, don't you agree?" Bill nodded. "I know how strong they are and how good it feels to give in to them. They don't go away, in fact they only get stronger...right?" asked Candy. He didn't reply, but he realized that she was right. "Have you started dressing on your own?" she asked. Bill nodded. "And have you tried doing your own makeup?" He nodded again. "Have you gone out yet?" He shook his head. She smiled. "But you think about it don't you?" "Yes," he replied meekly. "Sweetie, don't be ashamed of what is happening...I went through the same sort of awakening. I know it's scary, but you can't fight nature...this is who you are... you're destined to be a woman," explained Candy. Chapter 2 Bill thought about what Candy had told him all week. He tried to rationalize his feelings and that he wasn't a transsexual. But the more he thought about it, the harder it was to deny the truth. On Friday night Bill drove around for nearly an hour before he spotted Candy. She was dressed in a red tube dress and high heels. He could see her tattoo on her left upper arm...a lollipop. While he was curious about the tattoo, he didn't ask her about it. He pulled up alongside the corner she was working. "Hi Candy." She smiled. "Hi Billy," she replied as she opened the passenger side door of his car. "I bought you a really hot outfit and I can't wait to see how you look in it." "Cool," he replied. "So have you been dressing this week?" Bill nodded. "Did you go out?" "No," replied Bill. He then thought about it. "Well, I did go out really late one night...I just drove around and didn't stop anywhere." Candy smiled. "So it starts." The drive to the hotel where Candy worked only took ten minutes and he was able to find a parking spot a block away. The hotel desk clerk waved as they walked in and over to the elevator. The hotel was a six story building and had seen better days. Candy had told Bill that besides the working girls, the only people who used the hotel were people down on their luck. The good thing about the place was that everyone minded their own business. "So you don't live here?" he asked. He had been up to the room many times and had wondered if this was her home. Candy laughed. "Please! Honey, I have a real nice condo that over looks the river. This is just my office." The elevator door opened and a short, muscular man stepped out. He had very dark skin, almost black in color and he nodded at Candy, who nodded back. Bill and Candy stepped inside and she pressed the button for the sixth floor. "Who's he?" asked Bill after the door closed. "That's Gautier, he's my pimp," replied Candy casually. "Really?" asked Bill. Candy nodded. "He runs most of the t-gurls around here. He's a good man. No one messes with us and he doesn't abuse us." "I don't remember seeing him before." "That's not unusual. But he knows what's going on at all times." Bill nodded. "Is he from around here?" "No, he's originally from Haiti and many think he knows Voodoo," continued Candy. "He doesn't deny it and I think he likes the fear it puts into others." Chapter 3 They entered Candy's room and she locked the door behind them. The small room was neat and clean and consisted of a twin-size bed, a dresser, a full-length mirror, a table, two chairs, a television, a fridge, and a small stereo. The room also had a small attached bathroom. "Another good thing about Gautier is that everyone here knows who he is and which rooms are used by his girls. No one would ever dare to break into our rooms," she explained. "Okay, Billy, why don't you get undressed and I'll show you what I got you." Bill undressed and draped his clothes over one of the chairs. "You've lost some weight," noted Candy. Bill nodded. Over the past few weeks he had dropped almost fifteen pounds, even though he continued to eat the same amount of food. "I like it; it makes you look more feminine," noted Candy. "Do you want something to drink?" Bill nodded again. Candy walked over to the fridge and pulled out two sodas. She opened the cans and handed Bill one. He took a sip and set it down. As always, the soda was not a name brand and it had a slight almost bitter aftertaste, but Bill didn't say anything about it. He was just glad to have something cold to drink. "Okay, let's do your makeup first. Sit down Billy," she said. Bill did as she said. "You know, we really need to come up with a better name than Billy," she said as she started to work on his face. "Do you have a female name?" "No...I've thought about it...but I haven't come up with one that I like." "Hmmm, since you only come here at night and are sort of the about Luna?" suggested Candy. "Sure, why not," replied Bill with a shrug. "Luna is a good name for a gurl like you," she said. "You might consider a more mainstream name later, but for now, Luna it is." "Thanks," he replied, slightly confused about what she meant about picking a more mainstream name. "Okay, Luna, I'm going to make you look hot!" Chapter 4 Well, what do you think, Luna?" asked Candy. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was stunned by the way he now looked. His face was heavily made up and made him look very sexy and slutty. His lips were colored bright pink and coated with lip gloss. Candy had bought him a new wig; it was long, straight and very blonde, it gave him a very exotic look. Large silver hoop earrings had replaced the studs that he normally wore. On each finger was now glued a long bright pink fake nail. She had dressed him in a tight pink mini-dress and matching four inch pumps. The pumps were open toed and showed off his bright red toenails. The large breast pads under his dress completed the illusion of femininity. "Luna, I'm telling you, you could make a killing out there," stated Candy. Luna shook his head. "I appreciate what you're saying..." Candy put up her hand and cut off Luna. "Honey, you know you want to try it. You're so damn sexy and why not try it?" "I don't think that I'm ready to go out and stand on a corner," said Luna. "Especially the first time." "Why not do me? I can still get very hard and I love having a sexy girl suck me off...and just so you know I've been fantasizing about you doing it for a while," she replied as she sat down on the bed. She lifted up her dress and pulled down her panties, exposing her cock. Luna stared at it, not knowing what to do. Candy gently stroked it. "Thanks to the hormones I'm not that big...I'm sure you won't have any trouble taking it in between those sweet pink know you want it gurl...I can see it in your eyes. Show me what a good slut you are and suck my cock." Luna felt his heart beating hard in his chest as his breathing got harder. He couldn't take his eyes off Candy's erect cock. "Luna, you already look the also have a very feminine personality...I've watch you change and become more of a take the next step," Candy continued. She was right, it wasn't that big, maybe five inches long...just about the same size as his cock, thought Luna as he stared at Candy's cock. "You're not a guy anymore, Luna...accept your feminine side and give in," ordered Candy. Luna felt a slight tingling over his entire body. Candy was right, it was silly to consider himself least while he was dressed. He looked in the mirror, he was a she was a gurl. Candy motioned with her hand. "Come on, want me what a good cocksucker you are and get on your knees... do it slut." Luna felt herself pulled closer to Candy and without another word of protest; Luna lowered herself down to her knees. She moved her mouth slowly towards Candy's cock and began to slowly take it in between her lips. "Ooooh, yes, Luna, that feels good...take it all're doing great," moaned Candy. Luna closed her eyes and continued to take Candy's cock deeper into her mouth. What was strange was how normal it felt. "That's it...all the way in let it slide out between your luscious me what a slut you are...don't fight know you want this," continued Candy. Luna did as she was told and soon Candy's cock was sliding in and out of her mouth. "Let your female side take over, Luna..." ordered Candy. Luna continued to work Candy's cock. She felt, Candy's hands gently grasp the back of her head and begin to work her head up and down. "'re a good cocksucker, Luna...are you sure this is your first time?" continued Candy as she giggled. Luna didn't reply and continued to work Candy's cock with her mouth and tongue. "Okay it comes...take it all," moaned Candy. It took Luna a second to realize what Candy was talking about, and then she realized what was happening. She tried to pull back, but Candy wouldn't let go. Luna had no choice but to swallow every drop of Candy's cum. "Swallow it all, slut," ordered Candy. Luna did as she was told. The taste wasn't that bad. "Now lick me clean," demanded Candy. "Hmm, I can see that you like the taste of cum...just like I do." Again, Luna did as she was told. "Oh, honey that was are a first class cocksucker," said Candy as she gently stroked Luna's head. Luna looked up at Candy. "I know what's going through your little mind right now,'re thinking that this was all a one time thing and that you'll never do it again...but you will. This was just the first time and soon you'll be thinking about doing it again. That's what I once thought and look at me now." Luna stared back at Candy, not knowing what to say. Candy helped Luna up to her feet. "Here, finish your soda and then I'll fix your makeup." Chapter 5 Luna drove home and thought about what had happened that night. She had actually sucked a cock and swallowed cum! Yet, with each passing moment, she was more concerned with what Candy had said. Was she on the road to becoming a whore like Candy? She already considered herself a gurl...would the next step be sucking cock for a living? She tried to get the idea out of her head. As a guy, he was a college student and soon he would graduate and have a great job...why would he want to be a whore? He couldn't be a, she would be the whore...Luna would be the whore and Bill...Billy would just fade away. She tried to shake these ideas out of her head. Yes, she liked dressing as a woman, but that was just a thing she liked to do for fun. She looked in her rearview mirror and saw a beautiful gurl staring back She really didn't want to be a woman....or did she? With her free hand, her fingers slipped down under the top of her dress and began to rub against her nipples. Her mind shifted back to the sensation of sucking Candy's cock and as she thought about it her own cock began to get hard. She was actually becoming aroused by the memories of sucking Candy's cock. By the time she got home, she was completely aroused. She hurried up to her apartment and without bothering to change; she reached under her dress and began to stroke her cock. She could see her feminized reflection in the mirror and the combination of her erect cock and slutty appearance brought her to a massive orgasm. It was unlike anything that she had ever felt in her life. She slipped down to her knees in a post-orgasmic collapse. Without hesitation, she raised her cum covered hand to her mouth and licked off every drop It was only after she calmed down did she realize that she had been thinking of sucking cock the whole time. Chapter 6 Bill drove back downtown the next Friday evening. He had all of Luna's things in a bag and the only thing he could think of was becoming her again. He accepted that once he was dressed he was now a Candy had called him. In fact, he was barely hanging on to his masculine side. He had dressed several times that week and let Luna take over. Nothing happened, but it was becoming obvious that soon staying in the apartment dressed wouldn't be enough. He also wondered what Candy would have in store for him this week. Thankfully, it only took him twenty minutes to find her. She was standing on her usual corner. Tonight she was dressed in a black leather skirt; low cut gold top and gold pumps. "Hi, Luna," she said as he pulled up. "You ready to have fun tonight?" Bill nodded. "How you been this week, babe?" asked Candy, as she got into his car. "I bet you were thinking about what happened last week...right?" Bill nodded again. "And you still came back...what a surprise!" Bill glanced over at her, holding back his embarrassment. Candy laughed. "Honey, I know what you're going through. I'm not making fun of you. Face it; you need to be a gurl. You love dressing like a whore ...and you look great." As they headed into the hotel, they passed Gautier in the lobby and he gave them the once over. "He keeps an office here in the hotel," said Candy as they stepped into the elevator. "That way he can be near us if something happens." "How much does he take?" asked Bill. "Enough," replied Candy with a shrug. "But he's worth it. In addition to watching over us, he helps us invest our money so that we'll have something in the bank when we move on." Bill nodded. "Now, I have a great new outfit for you, Luna," said Candy. "But I want you to do your own makeup tonight...I think you've seen me do it enough times." Chapter 7 There was trial and error, but eventually Luna's makeup looked presentable. "There, that wasn't so bad, I can tell that you've been practicing a lot," said Candy. "You need to practice your eyeliner when you get a chance, it gets easier the more you do it." Luna nodded as she sipped her soda through a straw. She looked at herself in the mirror and was amazed. She really looked feminine; although she didn't look many ways she looked similar to Candy and the other prostitutes. "Now, you're going to love this dress," said Candy as she got up and opened the closet door. She pulled out a tube dress that had a red and black zebra striped pattern. "This will look hot on you." Luna looked slightly concerned. "Um, what will I do about my breast pads?" Candy smiled as she raised her right index finger. "I have something else for you." She walked over to the dresser and pulled out a black strapless bra. "This has padding in it that combined with your own body fat will give you the illusion of breasts," she replied. To Luna's surprise the effect worked just like Candy said. "Damn you're hot!" commented Candy. "If we worked together we'd be rolling in money." Luna had to admit that Candy was least concerning the way she looked. She then replaced his stud earrings with the large gold hoops that Candy had suggested that she wear. Candy looked at her watch. "Luna honey, I need to get back to work tonight. I wish we could play more...maybe next time, okay?" Luna nodded, slightly relieved that Candy was the same time she was disappointed that they couldn't play. "I understand," replied Luna. Her mind began to shift to what she could do now. She looked too damn hot to just go back to that stupid apartment. No, she wanted to do something tonight. "Thanks," replied Candy. "Maybe next time we can take it a bit further." Chapter 8 Candy and Luna stepped into the elevator and were about to head down to the lobby when Gautier stepped inside. He looked at Luna and pressed the stop button. "Candy, I thought you came in here with a client?" he asked with a confused look on his face. Luna could hear a slight accent in his voice and she remembered that Candy said that Gautier was originally from Haiti. Candy laughed. "I did! This is him...or rather HER! This is the one that I've told you about...this is Luna." Gautier's eyes opened wide. "This is the guy you've been dressing?" "Not guy...gurl...and she's a great cocksucker," countered Candy as she playfully nudged Luna. Gautier continued to study Luna. "Very nice...very nice indeed. So, Luna...are you looking for a job?" Luna shook her head. "No...sorry." Gautier shrugged his shoulders. "Too bad, you would be a nice addition...I could do wonders with you." Candy smiled at Luna as if to say I told you so. Gautier pressed the start button and then hit the button for the fifth floor. "Luna, would you join me for a drink?" he asked. Luna was about to say no, but as she looked into his dark brown eyes all she could do was nod yes. He smiled back. "Good gurl." When the elevator stopped he placed his large muscular arm around Luna's waist and escorted her to his office. To her surprise she liked the feel of his arm around her body. Chapter 9 Luna didn't know why she had agreed to go with the pimp, but she seemed to have no choice. Every time she glanced over and made eye contact with him she felt weaker. Gautier opened the door and escorted Luna inside. Unlike Candy's rather sparsely furnished room, Gautier's office was filled with expensive furniture. It was also several rooms. She could see a bedroom off the main office. "Please sit down my dear," he said as he pointed to a leather couch. Luna did as she was ordered. She crossed her ankles after she sat down. He smiled at her as he fixed her a drink. "Very feminine...obedient too, both excellent traits." Luna just smiled back as if she was pleased by his comment. Something wasn't right and inside she felt as if she should leave immediately, but outwardly all she could do was obey him. He handed her the drink. "This is a special cocktail...I think you'll like it," he said as he sat down next to her. She took a sip and there was something familiar about the aftertaste. It took her a second to realize it was similar to the sodas that Candy had given her. "Now, my dear tell me why you don't want to work for me," he said. She set her drink down on the coffee table. "Don't take this the wrong way...but I don't want to be a ....prostitute." He laughed slightly. "And why is that?" "I want to do something with my life," she replied timidly. "If you worked for me you would do that exact thing," he stated. "My gurls all make a lot of money." She nervously picked up her drink and took a sip. "I...just don't think that I would be good at...that." "That's not what Candy told me," he countered. "You enjoyed sucking her cock didn't you? Be honest young lady." She nodded slightly, slightly embarrassed by her answer. "No, my pet, say it," he ordered. "I liked doing it," she replied softly. "Liked doing what?" he asked. "Come dear, you can be honest with me." "I liked sucking her cock," she replied. "Say it louder," he ordered. "I liked sucking her cock," replied Luna. "Just liked doing it?" Luna shook her head. "Okay, I loved sucking her cock." "And did you like the taste of cum?" Luna signed. "Yes, I loved that too. I love cum." He reached over and began to gently stroke her cheek. "And when you sucked Candy's cock, were you were dressed like you are now?" Luna nodded. "And women who dress sexy and give blowjobs are cocksuckers, right?" Luna nodded slightly. "Hmmmm. So that would make you a cocksucker too, right?" She nodded again as the weight of Gautier's words sunk in. "Please tell me what you are, Luna," he stated. She shook her head. "Luna, answer my question, what does that make you?" "I'm...I'm a cocksucker," she replied. "A cocksucking gurl?" he asked. Luna gasped slightly as she realized what he was saying. "Yes...I'm a cocksucking gurl." He smiled. "See that wasn't so hard to admit. I also bet that you have been thinking about sucking cock, haven't you? It's been on your mind all week. Am I right?" Luna nodded again. "There's nothing wrong with it, Luna. Don't be ashamed of what you are. You're a very sexy gurl and gurls can crave sex too. Is that right?" "Yes," she replied. "Now, if a cocksucking gurl that does it for free is a slut...while one that does it for money is a whore...which one do you think is smarter?" he asked. "Be honest, Luna." Luna swallowed and replied softly. "The whore." "Exactly. If you're going to do it anyway, why not get paid for it! And which one would prefer to be? Do you want to be smart whore or would you rather be a stupid slut?" She lowered her head and thought about her answer. She then felt his hand gently touch her chin to raise her head. "What do you want to be, Luna?" "I can't be a whore," she argued weakly. "Why not? You like to suck cock...and you definitely look the part. If you were out on the street you would be making big bucks," he stated. "Look how you're dressed and made up...if you saw another gurl dressed like this what would you think?" "What...what do you mean?" she asked. "What kind of gurl would you think she is?" he asked. Luna nodded slightly. "She...I'm dressed a whore." "And did Candy force you to dress and look this way?" Luna shook her head. "No." "So you willingly dressed like this?" "Yes," she replied. "But she picked out the outfits." "And did she force you to put them on? Did you tell her to get more conservative outfits for you?" Luna shook her head. "And you sought her out to dress you up?" Luna nodded. "It seems that you are the one seeking this sort of life, am I right?" he asked. She thought about what he had just said and all she could do was nod. "Luna my dear, it's obvious that you're on a path to become a whore. You're too smart to be a slut. If it isn't me who put you to work then it will be someone else. These feelings....these cravings are too strong for you to resist. If you surrender to me, I will look after you and treat you as the special gurl you are. There are others out there who don't respect jewels like you. They will abuse and hurt you. You don't want that do you?" Luna shook her head. "Good gurl. Now, we'll need to make some alterations, but they will be the type you'll love. You want to have big tits don't you, Luna?" "Yes...yes I do. I would love to have real tits," she replied eagerly. "I can give you them," he stated. "You want curves too?" Luna nodded. "Yes...yes I do." "You want to have a sexy feminized body...right?" "Yes, I want that so badly," exclaimed Luna. "I can shape your body to make you ooze sexuality...all you have to do is surrender to me." Luna was so confused and ran her fingers through her long wig. "I don't know..." "Luna, while I do have a stable of gurls like Candy, I also train thoroughbreds. I sense that you could become a world class sex worker...a high class whore. I provide gurls like you to exclusive clubs around the world. Darling things like you are in high demand...especially after I finish your physical and mental transformation. Your feminine side is taking over, along with other desirable are a whore at also have a very strong submissive side...eager to please and to obey. You know this to be true and that this is your true nature." Feeling thirsty, she was about to pick up her drink...but she stopped. She looked at the drink and then at Gautier. She remembered something that Candy had told her that he knew magic and she wondered if she was under a spell. She was about to speak when he interrupted her. "Yes, Luna, there is something in the drink. It is a little thing that I picked up from my grandmothers. It doesn't force you to do anything, instead it breaks down a person's inhibitions and allows their most hidden desires to come to the surface," he explained. "Please keep drinking my dear." Luna obeyed without even thinking about it. "It doesn't force you to do just releases the real you," he continued. "And the real you is a feminized whore." Luna absorbed his words as she drank. "It also has prepped your body for a great change," he said as he unzipped his trousers and undid his belt. Next he then slipped out his semi-erect cock. Luna's eyes were immediately staring at his cock, she set the drink down and without thinking she eagerly licked her lips. "Candy raved about your cocksucking abilities...I think it is time you demonstrated them for me," he said. "Consider this part of your job interview. Now, Luna show me what a good cocksucker you are." Without any hesitation, Luna leaned over and began to kiss and lick his cock. "Yes, I knew you wanted this," he exclaimed as he stroked her head. Luna took his cock into her mouth. While his cock was much larger and thicker than Candy's she had no trouble taking all into her eager mouth. "Hmm, Candy was are a born cocksucker...a natural will fit in nicely," he stated. All Luna cared about was pleasuring the large man. Her head was soon bobbing up and down on his cock, her wet lips sliding against his thick cock. "Yes, Luna surrender to the real you...the inner whore," he moaned. Chapter 10 Luna sipped her drink on the couch as Gautier slipped his arm around her shoulders. Instinctively she snuggled close to the large man. "That was superb, Luna," he remarked. "You are gifted my pet and those skills will make men crave you." Noticing her glass was empty; he then stood up and walked over to the bar to prepare her another drink "Thank you," she replied, actually pleased with his compliments. "But you know, sucking cock is just one thing that gurls like to do," he said as he handed her the drink. Luna tasted it and noted that it tasted different. There was a spicy aftertaste that was quite pleasant. "What do you mean, Gautier?" she asked. He smiled. "You are truly a natural blonde. I mean that men will want to fuck you." Luna looked up at him. "You my..." "Call it your ass-pussy, Luna," he interrupted. "My ass-pussy," she repeated. "Doesn't it hurt?" He shook his head. "You will love's part of your nature...think about it...fantasize a man's cock sliding in your body....filling you....fucking you." Luna did as she was told and found that an act that would have repulsed her just a short time ago was suddenly very appealing. She began to rub her nipples as she fantasized about having a cock in her body. Seeing her reaction, Gautier smiled. "Good, gurl. Now would you like me to be your first?" Luna looked up at him and nodded. "Please...I'd be so honored." He began to stroke his cock. "Yes gurl, I will have the honor of deflowering you." Chapter 11 Luna relaxed on the couch, lost in a post-sexual fog. The sensation of being fucked by a man was unlike anything she had ever imagined. Instead of being painful and humiliating, it had been exquisite...enhancing her femininity. She also realized that she had reached a crossroads in her life. "So, will you work for me?" he asked as if he could read her thoughts. She nodded. "Say it, Luna, tell me that you accept me as your pimp and that you wish to be my whore," he said. "Please, Gautier, I surrender to you. I am your whore. Please be my pimp." "And you do this willingly?" "Yes, I give myself to you freely," she replied. "I belong to you." He nodded. "Then it is done. You are now Luna and you are a whore." Luna nodded. She knew that her old life was over. While deep inside there was a flicker of resistance, it was being snuffed out. The fight was futile and she knew it. She was now a fulltime sex was a dream come true. "I have great plans for you won't be working the I have something much nicer in store for you," he continued. "I will do what you wish," she replied. "Of course you have no choice. Now my dear, I need you to undress and to go lay down on the bed," he ordered. Luna stood up and removed her clothes without hesitation. Gautier watched approvingly. "Don't worry my dear; you'll soon have a much more appropriate looking body. A gurl like you needs a sexy body with large breasts and curves," he said. "The body must match the mind." Luna just smiled back. "Lay down on your back, Luna," ordered Gautier as he followed her into the bedroom. She did as he ordered and wondered what was about to happen next. Gautier sat down on the bed next to her and opened a small glass vial. He poured the contents of the vial onto Luna's cock. As soon as the liquid touched her penis, it instantly sprang to life and became completely erect. Without a word, Gautier leaned down and began to lick and suck Luna's cock. A strange sensation began to grow in her body. It wasn't like the build up she knew that preceded an orgasm. It was more of a whole body experience. It felt as if her entire body was tingling. Waves of energy swept through her body...all towards her cock. The sensation grew with each passing second and soon she felt a monstrous orgasm exploding from her cock. It was the most intense sensation that she had ever experienced. Wave after wave of sexual energy swept through her body. All she could do was scream out in sexual bliss until she blacked out. Chapter 12 Luna woke up the next day and confirmed that the changes were real and not some strange dream. She slipped out of bed and examined her very womanly body. She didn't understand how it had happened, but now she had a very feminized physique. Her breasts were large, firm and round. Instinctively she knew they were F-cup. Her nipples were large and dark. They immediately turned hard as she ran her fingers over them. The pleasure generated by them swept through her body. Her breasts looked even bigger combined with her thin waist and large hips and ass. To her initial surprise she still had her cock. It was only slightly smaller than before and she knew that it was fully functional. She knew that that having a cock would make her more money. Her clients would pay for the privilege of touching it. Her face was also changed, her features had softened, her nose was slightly smaller and her cheeks higher. She ran her tongue over her now thick luscious lips. Something felt funny and she stuck out her tongue. There was a metal stud inserted into her tongue. She then remembered that Candy also had a pierced tongue. She then reached up to touch her wig and immediately realized that the long blond hair was real. It was so long that it reached the middle of her back. The color was very pale, almost white. The last thing she noticed was that her skin was lighter in complexion. She realized that it matched her name, Luna. As she examined her body she noted how perfect it was, so feminine, so erotic, and so sexy. Not even her penis ruined her womanly fact it only made her look more exotic. Her body was extreme, but perfect for being a sex worker. She then noticed the tattoo on her shoulder. It was a silver quarter moon. It was quite stunning and she was instantly proud of it. Gautier quietly walked in and smiled as he watched his latest creation admire herself. Obviously she was too good to put on the streets. She would bring a good price. He had posted her photos online and the offers were already coming in. He would probably sell her to one of the sex clubs in Asia or the Middle East. They took good care of their girls. They also paid the most. He would also make any additional modifications they wished. The last gurl he sold ended up with numerous piercings. There were also other modifications...more bizarre...but they also brought more money. However the money was secondary because Luna had already given him the most important "Luna, my dear, you look stunning," he stated. She turned and smiled. "Thank you, Gautier." Her voice was now soft and feminine. "Candy will be by shortly with a new outfit for you. Your transformation was a bit more than I expected and I doubt if any of your old things will fit you." "I understand. I don't mind as I love my new body," she replied with a giggle. "That's nice to hear," replied Gautier. Chapter 13 Gautier checked his computer and was pleased to see that the bidding for Luna was reaching a feverous pace. He decided that he would close the bidding soon as he wanted to move her out quickly. He wasn't worried about anyone tracking Luna down; rather he didn't want her increased sexual urges to take over. He knew from past experience that Luna wouldn't care if she worked the streets or was a sexual hostess in a private club in Tokyo, but he would prefer that she did the later. Leaning back in his chair he sipped a glass of cognac and thought about Luna. He had lost track of the number of males he had transformed over the years. It had all started back in back in Port-au-Prince in the early 1800's when Napoleon's army invaded in a vain attempt to reclaim the island. He closed his eyes and thought about how much his life had changed. At the time his name wasn't Gautier and he was a young girl named Fae. She was told that she had been born five years before the great slave revolt that overthrew the hated French in 1793. When the French returned she saw her mother killed. The soldiers then took turns raping her. They would have killed her if it hadn't been for the arrival of some of Jean-Jacques Dessalines's men. They slaughtered the French and took her to their hideout in the mountains. In the mountains, Fae was treated by several women. In addition to healing her physical injuries they taught her their magic. After the war, Fae worked as a healer. It was a good life, but she realized that she wanted more out of life. She also realized that a woman had limited opportunities. To go beyond her limits she would have to become a man. Fae eventually discovered the spell that would change her life. All she desired was to be transformed into a man; however the spell did more than that, as it gave her perfect health and long life. In over two hundred years he had barely aged a few months. He also took the name Gautier. To make the spell work, Fae had to have sex with men. This allowed her to take the male essence from her victims. To initially start her transformation, she wasn't that picky about whom she picked. As she became more masculine she sought out submissive mates as they were easier to seduce. All the men she used the spell on became gurls like Luna and Candy. The one problem with the spell was that the effects were not permanent and Gautier had to seek out new victims in order to maintain his masculinity and longevity. Eventually, he only sought out those men who desired to be in a sense he was helping them. However, he had longed ceased debating the ethics of what he was doing. His cover as a pimp allowed him to have a ready supply of subjects. He did improve the strength of the spell so that he only needed three or four men a year. The newly transformed gurls were either added to his stable of whores or sold. To make his task even easier he had designed an additional spell that put out a scent that attracted potential subjects like a flower attached insects. Whenever he felt the need to take the masculinity of another he would incorporate the spell with the perfume that he supplied his gurls. The transformed gurls had no idea of the real reason that Gautier transformed them. They only knew that they loved being feminized and craved sex. While the gurls were just a byproduct of his own transformation, he saw no reason to be cruel to them. Gautier didn't want to see his creations hurt and he ensured they were well taken care of. Yes it was true they were sex workers, but the job suited them well and they adapted to it quickly. Luna would only work as a sex hostess for five years and then she would most likely become the fulltime mistress for some rich man who desired a submissive gurl. Gautier knew that Luna wouldn't complain about the life...none of his gurls ever did. Luna had been transformed both mentally and physically into a true sexual servant. The mental transformation would continue as she adjusted to her new life. His mind shifted back to Luna and he studied the latest bid. It was from a very exclusive private sex club in Japan. He had done business with them in the past and knew they could be trusted. He accepted their offer and asked if they needed any additional modifications to her. As he read their reply, he smiled. It was an interesting and exciting request. Chapter 14 Luna inspected her appearance in the full-length mirror of her living quarters and nodded approvingly. She was dressed in a green silky mini-dress that clung to her shapely body. The color of the dress matched her eyes. The pattern of the dress's thin material was a natural pattern of leaves. Her open-toed pumps were also green. A garland of greens and flowers adorned her hair. Luna only wore green colored outfits as it matched her new look. She ran her fingers over her pointed ears. It was one of the modifications that the owner of the club had requested. Luna really didn't mind as it did make her look like a wood nymph. It also made her highly sought after by the customers of the club. It was hard to believe that six months ago she had been a male college student back in the states. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She could barely remember what it was like to be Bill. To her, it was ancient history as she was so much happier as a gurl...although she wished that she really could be a nymph...but that was just a fantasy. Oh, she suspected that her happiness was due in part to her transformation, but there was no sense in worrying about that anymore. She was currently one of the top hostesses in a very exclusive sex club in Tokyo. The club catered to extreme sexual fantasies and a transgendered wood nymph fit right in. She figured she would earn enough to retire in four or five years. Maybe she would find a sugar daddy to take care of her as all of her regular clients were extremely wealthy. It would be nice to only have one man in her life she thought. Chapter 15 Gautier sat in his hotel office and worked on preparing the latest batch of the transformation spell. He was starting to feel the effects of aging and knew it was time to seek out another "donor." The essence he had taken from Luna had been powerful, but as with the others, it was growing weak. He knew that physical changes would soon occur unless he found a new male to transform. There was a knock at his door and it annoyed him. No one was supposed to interrupt him...especially in his office. He ignored it and went back to work. But whoever it was couldn't take a hint. "Go away," he growled. The knocking continued. He angrily got up. It was probably one of the bums who had forgotten which room they lived in. He opened the door and gasped. There were two pleasant looking middle-aged women standing in the hallway. They looked enough alike that they could have been related, maybe even sisters. He also knew what they were. "Hello, Fae," said one of the women. He shook his head. "You got the wrong room old woman. My name is Gautier." "Call yourself whatever you want...but you are Fae," said the second woman. Like him, they were both dark skinned. However, their accents were slightly more pronounced. He knew they were also from Haiti. "We have been looking for you for a very long time, Fae," said the first woman. "Well, what do you want then?" he demanded. "I am a busy man." "This must end," said the second woman. Even though he was much bigger, the two women easily pushed their way past him. Gautier shouted at them. "You have no right..." "Shut your mouth," interrupted the first woman angrily. "This is not a debate." The second woman closed the door and locked it. "Sit down," ordered the first woman lowering her voice again. Gautier reluctantly did as he was told. He would see what they wanted before striking back. His powers were strong and he knew he should be able to defeat two older women. If they were afraid of him, they didn't show it. In fact the two women stood fearlessly in front of him. "You are a disgrace to your lineage, Fae...our lineage," stated the first woman. "You were blessed with great powers and this is how you use them?" added the second with disgust. "I have used my powers to better myself," he replied. "What would you have me do?" "In what way is that?" demanded the first woman. "Yes, you have had a long life...but what good have you done with it?" "You have transformed hundreds of human males into...mockeries of women," added the second. "They wanted to be feminine," snapped Gautier. "I'm not hurting them." "They wanted to be have turned them into something in between male and female," said the first woman. "They don't seem to mind," he replied with a sly grin on his face. "Only because you have twisted their minds," said the second. "And wipe that smile off your face before I do." He started to stand up. However the first woman motioned downward with her right hand. He felt his legs go out and he collapsed back on the couch. "I just gave them what they wanted," he continued. "Don't lie to us," said the first woman as she examined the ingredients that Gautier had spread out on the table. She picked up one vial and sniffed it before handing it to the other woman. "And you used this in your spell?" asked the second woman as she inspected the pale green fluid in the small crystal container. A look of shock and disgust was on her face. "It just makes their transformation...smoother," he replied. "This strips them of their free will!" she snapped. "This is forbidden and you know that!" "They may have wanted to be female...but it was you who twisted their minds so they would want to sell their bodies," added the first woman. "You make them whores so they will not threaten you. Their addictions to sex keep their minds preoccupied. In a way you raped their minds." He then realized that he was in trouble. These two women had great powers, certainly much stronger than his. He knew he had to try a different approach. "You have no right to judge me. You speak of rape, what do you know of rape? When I was a woman I was repeatedly raped and abused! Who helped me then? No one! When I was starving in the slums of Port-au-Prince, who helped me? No one!" shouted Gautier with bitterness. "I had to do what was necessary to better myself and to pay back injuries inflicted on me." "And those that did that to you are long dead and gone," countered the first woman. "Their bones have long turned to dust." "You only use your powers to maintain this outward image. You try to justify what you have done to all those you have hurt by saying that they want to be changed. However, we can see the real do this out of revenge and hatred. Hatred for the men who hurt you...hatred for the men who held you down; times have changed and you haven't," stated the second woman. "So what do you want from me? Do you want me to promise not to change any more mortals into whores?" he snapped as his temper got the better of him. "You are way beyond that," said the first woman. "Your crimes are too horrible to forgive." "What...what do you mean?" he asked. He could see the anger in her eyes. "This must end," said the second woman. " can't do that...what will happen to my gurls...they need my protection!" he argued fighting back panic. "You hurt me and you'll hurt them." "They will no better or worse without you. We cannot undo what was done to them. They will survive," said the first woman. "We are here to ensure that no new 'donors' enter their ranks," added the second. "You cannot kill me...that violates your...our laws," he stammered out. The first woman nodded. "You are correct, Fae, we cannot kill you." A cocky smile appeared on his face. "Let me finish. While we cannot kill you...but we can take your powers and turn your spells against you," continued the first woman. The smile evaporated from his face and he stared back fighting back fear. "What...what do you mean?" "You will see," said the second woman. The first woman swept her right hand across his body. Gautier began to stand up and grimaced in pain. His knees and back hurt. "What have you done?" he begged. "Unfortunately for your victims, the effects of the spell you have been using to maintain your longevity cannot be reversed. They will live out their lives as....what do you call them...oh that's right...gurls," said the first woman. "We will at least see to it that they live out their lives unharmed." "But the benefits of the spell you have enjoyed for centuries can be easily taken away in an instant," said the second with a slight chuckle. He felt pain in his hands, every joint hurt and it was hard to move them. "You are experiencing a rather rapid aging. Magic can't stop the effects of time; it can only delay them." said the first woman. "I imagine that's arthritis you are feeling. Painful isn't it?" "Please...stop it...I'm sorry," he begged as he tried to flex his hands. "It is too late for that, Fae," said the second woman. He looked at the mirror on the wall and gasped. He now appeared to be in his sixties. What little hair he had left was snow white. His face was that of an old man. "I'm so sorry," he croaked as he sat down. It hurt too much to stand. "Please....don 't...don't let me... die." "You should have thought about that years ago," said the first woman. "Everyone dies, Fae, it's part of life." "It's not fair," he moaned. "It is those like you that hurt our reputation and forced us to hide our powers," scolded the second woman. Gautier looked at the two women and tried to focus. He was about to beg forgiveness again when he drifted away into darkness. The two woman watched as Gautier's body turned to dust. In a few more minutes nothing remained of him. "He got off lightly," said the second woman barely holding in her bitterness. The first woman nodded. "I agree, sister. It was too fast and he should have suffered more." Chapter 16 Candy, now Clarice, wondered what had happened to Gautier. He had disappeared a week earlier and no one seemed to know anything. She suspected that some other pimp had killed him, but his body never showed up. Thankfully she had more than enough money to quit the streets. She wondered if the man who had replaced Gautier would be as nice to the remaining girls, but that was not her problem. She was now in a fulltime relationship with a man. There would never be a normal marriage or anything like that, but it was as good as it could be. In Japan, Gautier's passing went unnoticed to Luna. Her life revolved around fulfilling sexual fantasies to rich businessmen and in some cases, businesswomen. Her unique appearance made her sought after and clients made reservations to see her months in advance. As far as Luna was concerned, it was nice to be wanted. "What do we do with this one?" asked one of the two witches as they stood outside of the club. Over the past few months they had sought out every one of Gautier's gurls. The witches did their best to improve the lives of Gautier's victims. "She's the last one on our list," said the second. "She's quite striking. Her ears are very beautiful. The good thing is that they should be easy to correct." The first woman nodded. "Yes, I agree, assuming she wants that. You know, she's very close to being an actual wood wouldn't take much to finish the transformation. The spell that Gautier used to program her was derived from a nymph spell." The second woman nodded. "It would allow us to complete her transformation and not leave her in a limbo status. As a nymph she could be completely female. She would definitely be accepted by the others, it wouldn't be the first time." "I agree; let's set up a meeting with Luna and see if she's agreeable to this proposition," said the first woman. "If not, we can think of something else," said the second woman. Conclusion Luna relaxed high in the branches of her oak tree and looked out over her forest as the sun set in the meadow to the west. The view was spectacular and it was one of her daily joys. She never grew tired of seeing it. She no longer missed being male or even human. There were some regrets that she would never see her family again, but there was nothing she could do about that. Her old life had ended when Gautier had changed her. What was refreshing was that she had free will again. The witches had explained that due to the nature of the spell, she would have stayed submissive and oversexed. The spell that Gautier used on her was too strong to reverse. By becoming a wood nymph she could at least have control over her mind and body again as the spell was designed for humans. It was a fair trade as far as Luna was concerned. She hadn't realized how important free will was until she had lost it. Her body was now completely female and more natural. She no longer had the exaggerated female dimensions that Gautier had bestowed on her. It was another of the great side effects of the change from human to nymph. She didn't miss her old body as large breasts were a hindrance in the trees. Her breasts might not be huge any more, but they were shapely and she loved the way they looked. Her completion was now slightly olive in color and her hair a combination of light brown and green and she kept it adorned with flowers and leaves. It was also amazing how she had been blessed to join a world that the humans thought only existed in myth and fairytales. She giggled as she realized how ignorant she had once been. The woods were filled with creatures that humans had no idea really existed. They were now her friends and neighbors. She also realized how much she still had to learn. Thankfully her sisters in the forest had fully accepted her and were anxious to teach her everything she needed to know in order to exist alongside the humans and to protect her precious forest. And now that she was completely female, she felt whole for the first time in her life. She also experienced sex as a woman and found it beyond her expectations. All humans who entered the forest were watched carefully. Handsome young men were sometimes contacted and seduced. What Luna loved about the experiences was that they were voluntary...for both nymph and human. Luna watched the moon rise as she settled into her tree for sleep and she touched her tattoo. It was a source of constant questions from her sisters. They were fascinated by it and many wanted one of their own. Luna suspected that if some human tattoo artist ever wandered into the woods he would be very popular with her sisters. The End Note: The next Jirra story has been started

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A Very Modern Family Ch 04

Phil sighed as he opened the door to his house. He had an afternoon of house showings planned, but the prospective buyers that he was going to take around cancelled on him at the last minute. ‘Claire?’ he called out from the living room. ‘Hmm… I think I hear something upstairs.’ Phil walked up the stairs towards the noise, which was coming from his bedroom. ‘Claire?’ he said as he opened the door. Phil’s jaw dropped when he walked into the room and saw what was happening. Claire, his...

2 years ago
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Luna 1 Drafted

Luna chapter 1 Drafted A Whateley Academy tale By Irvine This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity. Most of the jargon found in the Whateley Universe is fairly self explanatory, when common acronyms are used for the first time, I have included the expanded version as an explanation. If you would like a deeper explanation of the terms or background information on the 'cannon' characters,...

3 years ago
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For billy69boy

So I was at this lil party and things were getting pretty wild. My girlfriend at the time, a 19-year old asked me if she could invite two girls upstairs to have a little fun with us in our hotel room. Of course, I said sure. Once we got up there, the other two were waiting. One was 18 and one was 19. We all stripped and took a shower together, where we all washed each other. When we were done with the shower, one of the girls (the 18 year old) kinda chickened out and said she just wanted to...

3 years ago
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I am Not Gay Really

Jake had invited me to his club to play tennis one Saturday and after completely dominating me we sat down in the men's grill to have a couple of drinks. Jake is a nice enough guy, but all he talks about are women and sex. Jake's wife is very attractive and more than ten years his junior, but he still can't stop talking about other women. We finally stopped sweating and headed to the shower room to clean up and head home. I undressed in the locker room, wrapped a towel around my waist and...

1 year ago
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Becoming Sarah

I was driving home from a work trip. That is how it started. There was roughly 85 miles to home. I had been driving for about an hour when my mind began wandering the way it always does when I'm not preoccupied. It always goes to the same place. For the better part of five years, I have been cross-dressing in secret whenever I have the house to myself. Sometimes I do it because it excites me sexually, and sometimes I do it just because it feels right. The way silky panties slide around on...

2 years ago
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Sisters in Arms A wish too far

Sisters in Arms... A wish too far...? I was so excited! I was on my way to Stansted Airport to pick up one of my best and oldest friends the lovely Caroline Brooks. We had been really close for over two years now but this was going to be the first time we had ever actually met face to face! When Caroline and I met online all that time ago we hit it off straight away and over the years we had became as close as two people could possibly be, being there for each other through the...

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NubileFilms Ivi Rein Make It Rein

Ivi Rein is dressed to impress for Raul Costa. She struts out of the bedroom in a bedazzled bra and matching thong. The getup is completed with thigh high stockings. Raul is putty in her hands, especially as Ivi goes on to caress her hands all over her sensual curves in a display that is designed to heighten his passion even further. Raul has some sensual tricks up his sleeve as well. Grabbing a rose, he approaches Ivi and runs the velvet petals across her tender belly. He sinks to his knees...

1 year ago
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My first time with a girl Part Four

OMG I had never been touched like that by someone else. Before, if I wanted my clit fondled, I’d do it myself. Louise really knew how to do it though. She tugged it and rubbed it between her fingers. Tingles went throughout my whole body. Her other fingers were rubbing my lips down there too – making it all so great. I knew that I was soon going to cum if she kept on.I was meanwhile moving my own hand down between Louise’s legs from behind. I was trying to reach her own pussy, but my reach...

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BlackNylons1 Lipstick Blowjob Fantasy

your lips covered with lipstick watching my cock slowly disappear into your mouth and as you slowly pull back out your lipstick smears on my cock. you smile up at me as you take my cock back in your mouth slolwly pick up speed so know youre bobbing up and down on my cock covering it your lipstick youre making me moan now as i gently hold on to the back of your head as i brush you hair out of your face so i can watch you expertly suck my cock. you stop sucking and focus on my balls sucking and...

4 years ago
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The Big Tease

We were lying side by side together, her in her sheer satin panties and sexy bra, both shocking pink, and me in my red tight underwear. We were slowly stroking each other all over but I was concentrating on her sexy ass. I loved the feel of her panties underneath my fingers as I ran my fingertips over her perfect ass. She was teasing me by rubbing and squeezing my inner thighs as well as my balls, through my underwear. "Fantasies turn me on, Dave. Yes, you know I love squirming, sweaty...

1 year ago
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In the NavyChapter 15 A Close Call

Captain Sir Anthony Carter K.B., in acting command of HMS Agamemnon, 64, stood on his quarterdeck and watched the huge fleet coming into sight. He knew that Lord Nelson had every line-of-battle ship under his command that could be spared for what the Admiralty hoped would be a decisive battle. Still, the two columns of ships, each with 13 sail of the line, were impressive. At the head of the weather column stood Victory with her three rows of gun ports, followed by Temereire, another huge...

1 year ago
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Hooters Pussy

Sweet Hooters Pussy went out the other night for some beer&wings so i went to the local hooters. been there befor good place the girls are fucking hot.the one girl maggie is so fine, black girl long curly black hair, full lips, huge round fucking tits,nice hips,and a sweet black booty,dark skin. she is too hot. i sit get my drinks and wings we bullshit for a little, me flirting my ass off i wanted her bad. i asked when she was done work and if she wanted to meet me at...

1 year ago
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The Shower Incident

The Shower Incident By Quatre Chapter 1 It all started out the first week my family and I moved into our new house. We lived in a really small town that you if you blinked you would miss it. My father died about a year before we moved. He was a truck driver for a big corporation that didn't pay well, one night my dad had been driving for eighteen hours straight when he drifted off to sleep and off the road. My mom, older sister, and myself moved from our home in L.A. to...

2 years ago
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Satisfaction Guaranteed

"Satisfaction Guaranteed" I looked around the office as I waited. The large Grandfather clock along the wall clicked loudly even in the thickly carpeted room marking the seconds as they ticked by, the sound of time passing echoed past the elegant walnut bookshelves lined with richly bound books and past the elegant furniture and room appointments all the way to the heavy green velvet curtains that framed a large glass window. I studied the view impressed by the clinic's large estate...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sexy Bhabhi

Hai!! Readers!! It was happened with me before six months. And i would like to share my hidden sex story with you all! Kindly bear with me for an hour! First let me introduce myself I’m Mr. X wit good height, slim fitness body n a cute face. Ever i saw a girl who did not gaze at me, still i was very innocent from my childhood! But one situation made me so pervert now i could not sleep at nights! Let me start the story with simple n understandable words- I have an elder brother who got married 2...

2 years ago
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A Wifes PastChapter 4

By the time they returned to Bombay, Suresh was as completely addicted to sex as she. He allowed her to continue working at Hedon & Venery. She wanted to transfer her money to a joint account and he agreed, startled by the amount she had. She was considerably wealthier than he. He started using the Club Gere, often watching her at work with another member while he enjoyed some of the most mind-blowing fucks imaginable. At work, Suresh felt calmer and more confident. He drew up ambitious...

1 year ago
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o seara de mai

Este o dupa amiaza placuta,Tremuram de placere si de excitare. eu si vecinul meu am hotarat sa ne dam intalnire intr.un parc. …Se apropie ora intalnirii, si incep sa ma pregatesc …fac repede un un dus, imi trag o rochita de vara mai lunga putin si fara sutien,sanii mei erau vizibili pentru toti care se uitau la mine,ma aranjez un pic si imi dau cu parfumul care stiu ca pe el…pe claudiu al innebuneste… Ajung in parc la locul stabilit, (un loc mai retras,asta ne place… )si al zaresc pe o banca...

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A Sexy CoPassenger In The Bus

Hello ISS readers! Here, this is Suvansh Singh with my first story. I am 5″11′ tall with an athletic body and a cock of size 6″. This is a real story that happened recently when I was returning from Dehradun to Delhi. I was studying in a reputed college in Dehradun. I took the last bus from Dehradun which was at 12:00 am. As it was vacation time, there was a good amount of rush. So I took a Volvo and was thinking who will be my companion for the night-long travel. Then I saw a gorgeous girl...

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A young man becomes a sex slave to a whole community

It was in the late 70’s and I was visiting my cousin in the south during spring break. The worst of the segregation issues were over but there was still tension in that area. I had longish hair and was very buff as a member of my schools swim team, but was out of action due to an injury. In those days it was common for swimmers to shave all their body hair to reduce drag in the water. I was even shaved in my pubic region after an event by two team mates who ended up with me giving oral...

3 years ago
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Wifes Surprise a bi tale

Since I hit puberty I have always been oversexed. I was fairly popular with the girls when I was single and could usually manage getting laid at least once a week. This, of course, was nowhere near enough for my needs and I would often masturbate up to four times a day. For years all my experiences were purely straight but an evening with some friends starting me thinking.In my late teens I'd found a young lady whose sexual appetite was almost as voracious as mine. We would regularly meet at a...

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My man Nick

It was the the day after Christmas 2000 in Seattle Wa,. I had been at my parents house in Redmond for the past 4 days celebrating the holidays with family. It started to snow around four o'clock that afternoon and i decided i had better head home to my apartment on Capitol Hill before the roads became unpassable, it dosen't take much to shut down Seattle. It took nearly two hours to make the normal twenty mini trip and by the time i got to my apartment there was more than three inches of wet...

2 years ago
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Body Massage Turned Into Sex

Hello friends, Its your friend shared last experience with you, (helping a friend). I provide stress free body massage for good body and soul. This is my part time job for my clients. It is always done at clients house, guest house or hotel with highly privacy. We all know and feel that our body and soul needs relaxation, now days we are very busy at our daily life, we hardly take care of our body. But what about our souls friends? Our soul needs to be carefree, we do need to take care of body...

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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 11

Elaine was sitting on the front porch swing, still basking in the glow of a satisfied woman when her mother arrived with the children late Sunday afternoon. She smiled at her mother as she ushered the children up the walk to the front door. "Looks like you're none the worse for wear," she said to her mother, referring to her having the kids overnight. "I should say the same thing about you," Sandra answered with a knowing smile. "How was it?" Elaine sighed and said, "It was...

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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Unpaid child support Suspect in Custody

Outside Warehouse 9pm Suspects are outside in the warehouses participating in illegal gambling. Suspects were inspected for illegal weapons and narcotics, search was negative and they’re IDs came up clean. We related the suspects, but not before asking who owned the warehouse. Suspect told us that it was TT’s place. We knocked on the front door, but no one answered. Probable cause lead us to come in. We found the suspects in the back of the studio. Upon inspecting their ID’s we found that the...

3 years ago
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How Things Changed At Office 8211 Part I

Let me introduce myself before I can proceed. My name is Sowmya. I used to stay in a hostel in Hyderabad. Being a conservative native background coming to Hyderabad was a great chances of fun for me. Was in steady relationship with one of my seniors in the college. I am 5 6, 34 30 34 wheatish complexion. Now getting into the main story,, it was a normal Monday morning after a bashful n blasting weekend. As usual with no much energy or interest had to wake up and get ready for office where fate...

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Daddy Shoots Deep

Daughter seduces daddy into taking her virginity.I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I couldn't identify them as such right away. I do know that I was confused at first. Very confused. In my head I knew it was wrong – so wrong for me to have such feelings about my father. In my mind I...

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He Watched Me Massage And Fuck His Wife

Hello people, click on this link to read all on this site. After my previous stories, I had got a lot of mail asking me to share details of woman I have had sex with. Myself Aryan aged 23 from Bangalore. I have had a couple of sex experience. Recently I thought of trying to become a masseur. Though I don’t charge I wanted to explore my sex adventure. So I got a message from a couple of called Nikki Suresh. After chatting a while I got to know that they are a couple who were in their mid-30s....

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Bank Holiday Camp Pt 6

I awoke from a deep sleep, and still cuddled up to Mandy’s wonderful naked body as she lay on her back. The duvet had slid down to reveal her firm breasts and her wonderful big nipples. She was still asleep, but my cock wasn’t. It was wide awake and standing to full attention, all six inches of it begging for attention. I moved carefully and slowly down the bed so as not to awaken Mandy just yet. I slowly parted her legs and lay myself between them. I could smell the musky aftermath of last...

4 years ago
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Kat My Sex Life Part 5

We went back to watching the movie. In the next scene the guy had a big cock. Karen laughed and whispered to me “reminds me of Mr. D.”. I said me too. After the movie, in the car, Karen and I discussed the movies we saw. In one of the scenes there was a 3 some scene between 2 guys and a girl. I asked Karen if she would try that. She said yes. We both agreed we would try a threesome either way, 2 guys or 2 girls. Karen changed the subject and started talking about Mr. D. She said it was...

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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...

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Orgy Island

Somewhere on the South American islands of the Parovian Atoll, a party was underway. It was New Years day, but like any other day on the island paradise of Parovia, every day was a party day. The beaches were full. The clubs were loud. The pools crowded with scantily clad tourists. Huge skyscraper hotels, entire villages of bungalows and tiki styled villas filled to the brim with excitement, souvenir stands and sun tan oil. Luxury yachts and jet skis neatly lined across all of the island's...

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Private DancePart One Nurse Cammy

*** This is my first story…Please let me know what you think. Private Dance-Part One: Nurse Cammy My husband was home on leave from his job overseas and I decided to treat him to something special. We live in Las Vegas, with some of the biggest, most outrageous strip clubs in the world. I set up a private table for two at one of the classier joints, with a private dance for us at some time during the evening. When date night came, I dressed in my flirtiest outfit. The corset top hugged my...

4 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 28 Robinsons Present

A few weeks after the unsatisfactory session with Charlotte, it occurred to the Emir that Robinson, the butler, might like to have another English woman in his harem as a concubine, and that Charlotte, the English captive from Tirfil, might fit better into that environment than the Golden Palace harem where she was still clearly in awe of the Princesses and envious of the younger and more beautiful concubines. That would not have mattered to the Emir had she been any good in bed, but she was...

4 years ago
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A true father daughter love

(Jack was sweating, panting, his body getting hotter by the mintute. His wife Helen under him moaning with pleasure as he fucked her slowly. He felt her face she was the most beautiful women in the world to him. Her long brunette hair with her deep green eyes that always made him think of a beautiful medow in a distant valley somewhere. He gyrated his hips foward, pushing his cock deeper into her and watching the smile develop on her face. She grabbed his shoulder "Oh baby I'm close finish...

2 years ago
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A Little Night MusicChapter 13

“I’m your only friend. I’m not your only friend. But I’m a little glowing friend. But really, I’m not actually your friend. But I am.” -They Might Be Giants, “Birdhouse in Your Soul“ Contessa-In-Reggenza Maria Louisa Francesca de San Finzione stood in the secure meeting room inside Castle Finzione. Night had fallen, the lockdown lifted, and tourists released two hours previously. Stavro had been unable to contact his parents during the lockdown, due to a signal jammer being activated to...

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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 17

My parents had come to stay with us for a couple of weeks in the spring and we had all planned to go to the local race meet on Saturday. It was a huge event with most people dressing up in suits and the latest fashion for the ladies. Cherry had purchased a red pant suit with a blazer that sported one large black button at the waist. She wore high heels and matched a fascinator to the outfit that made her a very attractive package. We enjoyed our day and all had way too much champagne. During...

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A summer with my Stepsister Mary Part 1

This is a true story that happened between my stepsister Mary and I. My name is Bobby, and I was 15 and she was 13 when all of this happened. I had just had to move in with my dad at the end of the school year to a small town about an hour away from where I had been living with my mom because she was going to be working on the other side of the country for the summer. I was pretty pissed off with the whole situation because I wasn’t going to be able to see any of my friends all summer, I...

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IN THE MORNING, Allison was all business, and she proved herself an efficient coach/manager. We were up early and headed for United Center where the Bulls play basketball and the Blackhawks play hockey. They bring in big boxes to set up each racquetball court complete with floor and ceiling. The one at center court was Plexiglass so spectators could sit around on three sides. The end wall was solid. With the seating pulled back to the hockey boundaries, there was room to set up twelve...

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Buyer BEware

I originally wrote this for a large breast fetish site but I figured what the hell... also, this is not literature. If you want literature read Tolstoy or Hugo. This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these...

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Maid for Comfort

MAID FOR COMFORT-Part 1 By Hajim Having recently ended a pretty stormy relationship,I was at somewhat of a loose end. I was bored at work and had only a few friends;I had always been interested in all kinds of sex-the kinkier the better! Ihad loved being tied up by one of my ex-boyfriends but when I asked him tobeat me before fucking me, he had spat the dummy and said I was too weird forhim and that was the end of that. I had had my nipples pierced and loved tohang heavy weights on them...

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Wishbone LITE

Wishbone LITE By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This was a short story I entered into a TG fiction competition a few years back with a 1000 word maximum (This story is 1010 words). For the record, I did win first place. I originally wasn't going to upload it here because of how short it is, but decided otherwise and here we are. If there is demand to expand it to something more I'll gladly do...

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