Man-Maid Day 2 Part 2 free porn video

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Man Maid Day II Part II: SHE MADE ME-UP July 2008 Gee, can you believe it? Only 3 years between installments, and 10 years since I started this short little story that was never meant to go beyond the first installment. I wish to thank all those fine sisters that have offered their feedback and support over the years, and for the patience you all have shown with my intermittent storytelling efforts. I do apologize for the delays it's always such a bother when your health fails to the point that you cannot even type out a few words on the keyboard. I have now been living with RA for 10 years with the last three being the worst; so far. I am now as close to healthy as I will ever be and hope to remain so for a while at least. I am however, unable to offer any promises on frequency or quality of installments. DAY II With a shiver and a shake I reached down and pulled out the seat belt, automatically attempting to pull it straight across my chest as I always had. For some reason however, it got caught on something along the way and wouldn't sit right, immediately realizing my mistake I reached up and pulled out some extra length near my shoulder allowing the upper strap to traverse the extra me and the lower strap to latch near my skirted hip. Hoping that Debbie had not noticed my antics with the seat belt I looked over to see her looking straight at me with one of her most diabolical 'cat who ate the canary' grins. "Aw, sweetie did that hurt? Guess you just found another of those marvelous 'Man-Maid' inventions that suit them fine but that we 'girls' have learn to live with. Oh, and do remember dear, a lady always sits with her knees together. Otherwise she will have to remain in hobble skirts until she learns some modesty." I simply stared at her and blushed; just another of, I am learning, many adjustments I would have to deal with in my new feminine form. By the time we backed out of the garage the sun was already high in the sky, with few clouds and little breeze it promised to be another glorious day in America's Dairyland. Our neighbor, Mr. Jenson was already out mowing his lawn so my loving, ever friendly wife made it a point to honk and wave as we went by. I tried my level best to be invisible. Other than Mr. Jenson, and that lecherous truck driver at the stop light, our ride to Karin's salon was ah...uneventful. Unless of course you consider my frequent attempts to pull the hem of my dress down to my knees when it wouldn't go past my upper thighs, or my fantasy that I was looking at my beautiful wife's legs wrapped in shimmery tights glinting in the sunshine instead of my own, or perhaps the way the light reflected off of my poorly manicured but still shinny fingernails, the ride was uneventful. No matter how hard I tried to remember that I was a man, my mind continued to focus on how vulnerable and weak my dress and stockings made me feel. How embarrassed I would be if someone saw me, because in spite of assurances from others and my own eyes, I KNEW that anyone who laid eyes on me would know that I was a man. How was I ever going to last the entire summer without a breakdown? I must say that my little sister Karin has certainly invested her share of our inheritance from mother's million dollar cancer policy very wisely as is evident by the popularity and success of her 'little' salon. If her salon, which was actually a full fledged spa and salon, was little to her I would be afraid to see what she would consider large. With several thousand square feet of floor space she has divided it so that she has her own mini-mall. Not far from the downtown business district. She invested in the land before it was surrounded by stores such as Wal-Mart, Target and Kohl's totally ignoring MY advice to lease a small building downtown. I insisted that she would be assured of more traffic and it would give her time to attain a reputation and then she could expand to larger quarters. How silly of me. With five primary entrances she has been able to use half the building for herself and lease out the rest as four separate units. 'KARIN'S' is the anchor in the center with a Sally Beauty Supplies store and a tanning salon to the east and a Glamour Shots type photo studio and a high end lingerie shop offering 'anything custom' as well as off the rack items (it just happens to be one of my wife's and sisters' favorite places to shop) to the west. When we arrived at KARIN'S it was still early so I knew that parking would not be an issue. Thank my lucky stars we could park right near the entrance and I would only have a few meters to be exposed to the public going in and coming out. My loving wife on the other hand had a totally different idea in mind. Instead of parking in front of the salon as I expected she drove all the way over to the west end of the parking lot and chose a spot as far from the building as she could. I, being the ever practical man that I thought I was, said: "What the hell are you parking way out here for? There are spots right up by the door to Karin's salon and you park way out here in the boonies. Look how far we have to walk now, someone will notice me for sure!" With a cold tone and chilling smile she replied: "Gennie, what did we tell you about ladies using that tone of voice and that type of language?" "I'm sorry it's just that I am so self-conscious about the way I look, and I'm nervous about being here and being seen that... oh I don't know it just came out." "Alright sweetie I'll overlook it this time. But remember any further unladylike outbursts such as that will have to be dealt with rather severely. You will better understand my reasons for where we parked when we are done at Karin's." The way she stroked my nyloned thigh with her soft caressing fingers and looked at my imprisoned crotch as she spoke sent cold shivers up my spine. I had no desire to learn what she meant by 'dealt with severely'. The time had come. I knew Debbie would not allow me to stall any longer. I had to open the car door and step out. Attempting to maintain a degree of modesty, while at the same time exiting a vehicle in a short skirt was obviously a learned and practiced skill that I had yet to master. Debbie of course noticed my awkwardness. "Don't worry your pretty little head about that Gennie you will get plenty of practice before the summer is over." I could hardly wait. With Debbie leading the way I did my best to remember the lessons of the previous day's hobble skirt. I was constantly reminding myself to keep my stride short and place one foot directly in front of the other causing my hips to sway slightly in that enticing way the female form has of attracting attention. The pointy high heel helped remind me that I could no longer just plod along like I was in motorcycle boots. I had to instead remember to set my foot down gently with my legs, knees, and back straight; my head up; and my arms in close to my body with elbows crooked not swinging them like an ape in the circus. "Hello! Earth to Gennie!" "Hunh, what?" "We've arrived; we can go inside now Karin is waiting." I was so wrapped up in my posture and feminine comportment that before I realized it we had walked from the edge of the parking lot, down the sidewalk past the lingerie shop and photo studio, and up to Karin's door. It was then that I realized that we had passed several people and none, nada, not one person gave us more than an ordinary glance or a warm smile. I had walked past several people and NO one noticed that I was anything more than a young woman out with a friend on our way to do some shopping! The ladies from the support group were right! People see what they expect to see. If they see a person in a dress with high heels, purse, and extra wide brim floppy straw hat with a ribbon, they see a woman. If that same person is clomping along like an old farmer on his way to the barn people will notice that something is off and only then engage in much closer scrutiny of the person in the dress. "Wow gurl! You did it! That was fantastic, I was so worried that you would freak as soon as you saw someone you didn't know. Not only did you not freak you kept your cool and kept on walking. Oh sweetheart I am so proud of you!" "I, I did? I was so nervous and worried about how I was walking I guess I shut out everything else. Hey we're at Karin's already. I really pulled it off?! I didn't freak did I? I can't believe that's over, what a relief." "Yes miss, you have successfully made a gigantic leap for Gennie kind this morning, but remember honey that was only your first step of what may be a long journey." That's when Karin came out to welcome us to her little establishment. "Karin, did you see Gennie walking over here? She walked right past several strangers without even an eyebrow being raised." "Can you imagine when my girls are finished with her? She may not raise any eyebrows, but she will most certainly turn some heads. She will be irresistible you'll have to keep a close eye on her sweet little ass from now on Debbie." Karin giggled. Debbie smiled. Gennie cringed. "That's ok Karin, Gennie knows to whom she belongs, she, just needs to remember who she is inside. Right now she's confused and stressed. I honestly believe a day at the spa will be an eye opening experience for her, and I know for a fact that I'm going to enjoy every pampered second of our day here. Hey, why are we just standing around out here gabbing precious moments away when we could be in the mud wraps already? Let the pampering begin! Come on Gennie you're going to love this in spite of yourself." And with that proclamation, one tolerable and two stunningly gorgeous ladies entered into no-MAN's land for a day of ... what I could not have imagined. As soon as we had stepped inside and my senses were assailed by the unique odors and d?cor that only beauty salons may claim, my poor frazzled mind shifted into vivid flashback mode. I was immediately reminded why I had not visited my dear little sister's fine establishment since the day before her grand opening. Flashing into my mind were all the hours I had spent sitting by the front window of my mother's salon of choice, the only saving grace was that it was just off State Street, not far from the square with an almost constant flow of people. Enough variety that I could spend my time making up stories about where they were going, what they were like. I made some of them space aliens, others were spies, there was even one old man that walked by almost every time I was there that I imagined was a mad scientist who had developed a special brain transfer machine that could exchange brains between people, or like in a cartoon I remembered between a person and a chicken. At one point I even imagined that he had switched my older sister and myself so that I could ... well you know. I find myself rambling again, sorry. The part that I truly hated about those days however was the seemingly never ending flow of women of all ages who apparently felt it their duty to talk to the boy waiting on his mom and sometimes mom and sisters (those days were really long). I don't know if they thought I was lonely or bored but they just felt compelled to pinch my cheek and squeal about how cute I was. They loved to tell me that with such pretty blue eyes and long lashes I was just too pretty to be a boy. Or another favorite was to rub my head and make a big deal about my "soft girlie curls" much too cute to belong to a boy, "why I would give my right arm to have such pretty hair" they would say to no one in particular. Much to my chagrin amongst those memories of over perfumed, over made up, squealing women popped in a vision of my first experience trying out my mother's lipstick and eye shadow. I could almost feel the waxy lightly sticky sensation of my lips rubbing against each other, almost wanting to stick together but not quite making it, the light distinctive odor of the lipstick itself, had I been able to do so I believe I would have cum just from the sensory impact of that memory alone. "Gennie! Are you ok? You look like you're miles away." "Hunh? Oh yeah, hi sis, I was just remembering going to a place like this as a kid waiting for mom to get whatever done to her hair." I wasn't about to tell her what those memories were. I was a man in a dress and things were bad enough without adding fuel to the fire, since there was no way I was yet ready to admit remembering anything about cross-dressing as a kid. "Debbie, I know what you want to start with so if you go on back to room 5, Sharon is already setup and ready for you. She will start you out with a creamy milk exfoliant treatment followed by our new revitalizing charcoal clay wrap, and by that time Gennie should be just about ready to join you for your manicure and pedicure. Did you want your hair done today?" "I don't think so today Karin, thanks. Gennie will want me for moral support by the time Annie finishes her waxing, and I would like to watch as you do her hair. I think it will be such a hoot to watch my husbandwife getting her hair done for the first time." Milk exfoliant, charcoal wrap, waxing, it sounded more like a kitchen to me than a beauty salon. I had no idea what they were talking about but they certainly seemed excited about the whole thing. "Gennie, you be good now and I will see you after your body wax." Debbie kissed me on the cheek and disappeared into the nether regions of Karin's salon. I don't remember ever feeling as alone and abandoned as I felt right at that moment. Then it hit me what she had said just before she left. "Ah Karin, sweetie, what did Debbie mean by body wax? Are we going to wax my car or something?" "Oh nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over, it's just one small part of your spa experience today. Now come on and we'll get you prepped, Annie is ready and waiting just for you. Here take off your dress and underwear and put this on. You can change right over there in room 3 and then lay out belly down on the padded table." She handed me a pink satin robe that was just long enough to cover my butt if I didn't move. Gee just like home. I wanted to make some witty remark about what I was doing there, and how she needn't go to any trouble on my behalf but the words just wouldn't come out. Instead I meekly followed Karin's instructions and went to room 3 and changed. The table was actually quite comfortable it even had a hole to put your face into as you laid face down. It was nice of the 'man' that 'maid' the design for the table to build in a spot for a person's face but where was the indentation for my big squished tits? I later learned that it was a standard massage table, and Karin was not aware of any tables with indentations for tits, just another of those little inconveniences 'we' ladies have to live with. It wasn't long after I laid down that a pretty young lady came in and closed the door. The name tag on her powder blue smock said her name was Annie. "Hi Gennie, I'm Annie the wax technician here at KARIN'S. Have you ever had your body waxed before?" "Ah Annie, I'm sorry to seem so stupid, but what do you mean by having my body waxed?" When she finally stopped giggling she explained what she was going to do and that yes there undoubtedly would some small degree of discomfort during the procedure. She also explained that usually before she is allowed to perform her magic the victim, ah I mean customer, she must sign a wavier that states that in some instances a rash, swelling, or skin removal may occur as a result of the procedure. I found out that Debbie had signed the wavier for me before we arrived. My poor overloaded brain just kinda phased out on me as Annie explained her procedures to me. I mean really how much can a man be expected to endure? First I wake up with two new appendages on my chest where they don't belong and the appendage that did belong a little farther down is effectively missing. I am forced to pee sitting down. I am required to wear very restrictive clothing during the day and then dressed to look like a flirty teen-aged co-ed for an outing in the evening. I am presented to a group of strangers as a man who "wants" to dress and appear as a woman named Gennie. And now I'm in no-man's land laying nearly naked on a table waiting for a sweet young thing named Annie to rip all the hair out of, (off of?) my poor stressed-out body. I was out of it so much that I didn't realize that Annie had stopped talking and was spreading some kind warm goop on my lower leg. It actually felt kinda nice, warm and reassuring. In my befuddled mind I did not register any fear or apprehension at what was about to come as a result of that nice warm goop, nor the soft cloth that Annie's warm soft hands massaged onto my leg. It wasn't until those very same soft warm hands lifted a corner of the cloth and ... I don't know folks... am I on the right track here? I mean this all happened a bunch of years ago and certain memories are fuzzy to say the least. I mean I see so few stories these days talk about what it feels like to dress and experience these sensations anymore I am not sure there is an audience for me any more. It seems the fare of the day these days is transformation and/or gay sex. Anyway I once again apologize for the time gap between installments and sincerely thank you for reading my humble efforts at entertainment. I love to read e-mail, Hugs g [email protected] or [email protected]

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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

3 years ago
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Real Time Maid Service

Maid had served Ms. Treat for six months. Its training over that time had been rigorous and methodical. After the first meeting with Ms. Treat, maid learned how to address its Mistress properly, how to ask its Mistress questions in the proper form, then to never, ever look directly at Mistress unless so directed, and lastly it learned its positions of "inspection" and "punishment." After instilling the basics in maid, Mistress Treat then instructed maid in the fine art of maintaining...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Maid

The Birthday Maid Today was my Birthday. Not a particularly special Birthday, but a Birthday nonetheless and therefore the optimism that I may get some nice presents was in my head. My wife Helen had asked me to book the day off work as she had a surprise planned for me. No idea what but I do like surprises and any excuse to spend a day away from the office is a good one. The day started normal enough. Helen made me breakfast in bed and I opened my cards and some small presents...

3 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 2

Friday Night Maid Part II - by Diane Leonard As I finished folding his socks, he stood up and looked down on me. "Diane, remove my pants now, but do not get up after you do, just fold them and lay them on the edge of the bed." I reached up, removed his belt, and lay it on the bed. I opened his trousers and as they slid down his legs, I notice that he was wearing boxer shorts and that his manhood was semi erect and poking through the slit in the front. Embarrassed, I looked down...

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Friday Night Maid Part 2

Friday Night Maid Part II - by Diane Leonard As I finished folding his socks, he stood up and looked down on me. "Diane, remove my pants now, but do not get up after you do, just fold them and lay them on the edge of the bed." I reached up, removed his belt, and lay it on the bed. I opened his trousers and as they slid down his legs, I notice that he was wearing boxer shorts and that his manhood was semi erect and poking through the slit in the front. Embarrassed, I looked down and folded his...

1 year ago
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Maid in Error

MAID IN ERROR by enduringshades "Good morning Mr and Mrs Eddington, how are you both?" asked DCI Hunter. "Relieved now the trial is over, Chief Inspector," replied my wife Diane. We were shown into a meeting room by the DCI. A woman was sitting at the table. "Stella Brightman is our witness protection liaison officer," explained the DCI. "She is now responsible for you two and I'll leave you in her capable hands. I will no longer be in contact with you so I wish all the best in...

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The adventures in becoming the maid Trish

The adventures in becoming the maid Trish.By Lindsey AnastasiaIt was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived at this place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run by Mistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size and Mistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males into beautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first day I arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off at the front...

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The maid

Becoming the maid..It was hard to believe that a whole year had passed since I arrived atthis place. The place was called "The Mansion" and it was run byMistress Deena. It was a very large facility almost hotel like size andMistress Deena's main focus was on training and transforming males intobeautiful feminized submissive permanent full time maids. The first dayI arrived at about 10am and after a long cab ride I was dropped off atthe front automatic gate. I gave the driver his fare and then...

3 years ago
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My Hot Maid In Under Construction Apartment

Hi readers, I am john (), I’ll be sharing one of my sex experiences. Actually it’s not exactly a sex story since I have done everything except the intercourse. My dad was transferred to a town, and was living in an apartment and the maid use to work there and her husband works as watchman and also does some odd jobs. I was at my hostel when my parents got transferred so it was the first time I was going to my parents after the transfer. I saw the maid when she came to give some flowers to my...

2 years ago
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Maid to Order

NOTE: The original version of this story has been previously posted under the title "Maid" by JLS and is still freely available on the web. I enjoyed reading the original story and decided that it should be rewritten with a TG twist. I acknowledge and thank the original author and hereby declare that this new version should not be shared with anyone under the legal age of majority and/or distributed for profit or other personal gain. I welcome and implore all feedback and suggestions. If...

1 year ago
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The Story of Lisas Maid

The Story of Lisa's Maid My feet were killing me. But I guess I shouldn't expect anything less after standing and working in 5" heels for the last thirteen hours. My "shift" was almost up - only an hour or two left to go - and I still had the bed to turn down, the candles to light, the strawberries to chocolate, and the champagne to pour. Then my aching arches would finally get some relief. I put the last dinner plate into the cabinet, then minced over to the refrigerator to get...

3 years ago
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Man Maid 2

Friday morning I awoke with less of a hangover than I deserved. Glancing at the clock I saw that I had awoken at my normal time without the aid of the alarm just like any other day. The beer can next to the clock told me that I should feel much worse than I did. My room mate Todd and I having no real social life, generally drink six or seven beers after work, but a can in the bedroom was proof that I had probably had more than usual. Spotting the bags from Frederick?s of Hollywood on...

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Man Maid 3 Todd Speaks

I have been roommates with Ken for several years. We had been friends since high school and now, at the age of thirty-five, I thought I knew him pretty well. But he was making me a little nervous. Although I left for work this morning one hundred percent positive that tonight would be the conclusion to a well played out practical joke on me, my phone call home at five thirty left me less sure than before I called. Let me explain. About a week ago I made a comment that I would pay...

4 years ago
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Me Mother Maid

"Oh God......" Lalit panted. "It feels so good. You suck cock so good."Both a smile and a tinge of embarrassment covered Malini,s face as herassumption proved true. Her eighteen year old son was getting a blowjob. "I wonder who it is?" Malini said to herself as her curiosityovercame her embarrassment.The thought of interrupting them never entered her mind. She knew thatwhen the time came, there wasn't anything she could do the prevent herson from becoming sexually active. No more than her...

2 years ago
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Man Maid Day 2 Part 1

Man Maid Day II: Good Morning Gennie December 2004 "Mbbbmmm, go away I'm sleeping" "Gennie, rise and shine, Karin wants you there early this morning." Gennie? Why would Debbie be calling me Gennie? I haven't been Gennie since ...!!! It can't be! It was all a dream, a very real dream admittedly but still just a dream. Wasn't it? "Gennie, come on Hon, we have a busy day ahead. You need to get up now!" (Groan) Once again I reach down for my morning scratch and encounter...

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The Pampering of Maid Paula

It has been almost a month since Paul Collin's loving wife made the decree that she would never be Miss Jennifer again. Even with hearing those words and knowing how honest Jennifer was, in a dark dirty crevice of his mind the unsure man knew it was too good to be true. He did not accept the fact that his wife did not look down on him for his urges to dress like a woman. How could she be so loving to him when he was so weak and give into dressing how no real man would? The crevice of...

1 year ago
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Maid On My Own Will

MAID ON MY OWN WILL By Monica Graz CHAPTER 1 APRON, THE INITIAL SEED She startled me as I was doing the dishes humming one of my favourite tunes. She came behind me, put her hands around my aproned waist and whispered in my ear, "Robin darling I loved the dinner tonight, your cooking skills are getting better by the day. And you look so neat in your apron, doing the dishes now. Thank you for being such a jewel". She kissed me again and her tongue played a bit more with my...

2 years ago
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A Lady’s Sissy Maid - Day OneSteve was single and it had been awhile since he was in a meaningful relationship, so one Saturday afternoon, he was aimlessly perusing a local fetish contact newspaper when a particular ad caught his eye. It read: “Sissy Maid Sought by Refined Beauty"Classy, beautiful and refined lady is in search of a sincere sissy to perform my household duties and become my personal servant. Applicants must be docile, follow instructions and have a sincere desire to serve and...

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First Sex With My Maid8217s Daughter

Hi I am Eshwar. Now my age is 35, I am from Karnataka State and this is my first sex story that I wanted to share in ISS. In the age of 20-21, I had more sexual feeling on girls/ women’s. I used travel in rush areas such as shopping malls, Buses because I can touch girls / women’s boobs, body. Some times I used to stand behind women/ girls in bus/ shopping malls touching my penis to their ass. I was getting more less thrill, and I had a deep felling to have a sex with women/ girl. Imaging some...

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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

4 years ago
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Extreme Maid Training with Mistress Madame C

Life has become an extremely busy in the C household – and, the general house slave as of late had NOT the met the high standards and range of ever changing skills set out in his contract. As a result -he was fired! The household had to advertise for a new assistant; one with an open mind, one who was adept in the art of assisting Madame’s every whim and alternative lifestyle and, one who was aesthetically pleasing to Madame’s eye and that of her guests. After many months of searching, the day...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid – Part 3 – by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, ‘Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore.’ part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I stood...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard [I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending] With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch...

2 years ago
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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I...

1 year ago
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Crystal Maid Cystal Broken

Crysatal Maid Crystal Broken Mariam eyed him with her big doe eyes as Hamid entered the room. He gestured at her to join him at the small padded bench in the middle of the room. With a single finger he slipped the bra strap of her shoulder. No words were needed and Mariam unhooked her red demi cut bra and stepped out of her matching knickers. He noted with satisfaction her little cock was standing erect. Hamid patted the bench and obediently Marian climbed up and knelled on all...

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Maid Service

If you are not old enough to read this, don't. I know! I know! Yes, I know that this theme has been worked to death but I thought I'd try my hand at it too. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Humiliation Corset Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jason had a little hobby, dressing in a French maid costume before he was married and was afraid of telling his new wife. He thought of playing maid for his wife, but he was afraid to but one day she confronted him and his...

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Playing the Maid

Playing the Maid As far as old country houses go, this one was entirely too big to be quaint, but too friendly to be imposing. It stood on its own acre of land about three hours north of San Francisco, up near Napa Valley. While this was a long commute for us, my wife Emma and I had already been telecommuting to our respective offices a few days each week, and we made arrangements so we only had to be in San Fran the same two days out of the week. It was only by luck that we'd...

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Maid at Arms

Maid at Arms By The sheep of the China Shepherdess Hortence De La Tour awoke before the dawn. She fought off the last bit of sleep in order to prepare herself for the day. This done, she removed the sleeping corset and nightgown. Like the clothes in her closet all her days were the same. The black underwear with a hint of frill. The corset that fell into place that she was able to lace ever so tight. Her body could not...

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Maid To Order

Being almost broke, and being told by her landlord to pay up fast, or lose her apartment, Susan Chambers was desperate for a job. In the classifieds, she found an ad, and decided to at least apply, it sounded like it wouldn’t be that tough a job. “Wanted, a young, attractive female for maid service. Apply to Lady Elizabeth Wentworth, 19 Hudson street. Please apply in person only, no mail in resumes or telephone calls.” She imagined what a maid would do, dusting, cleaning,...

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The Maid In Plain Sight

The Maid In Plain Sight *** The surgeon looked his patient in the eye. From behind a surgical mask and a pair of clear safety glasses, his eyes looked alert. "Before we begin, I have to ask you. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked the surgeon. The patient nodded. "You understand that these procedures are major, and it's going to be a long time before you can change anything back. Some of it can't be reversed. This is your last chance to back out." The...

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Maid of Buxcombe Manor

MAID OF BUXCOMBE MANOR By Lisa Lovelace After two humiliating years as a male maid in petticoats at Buxcombe Manor, I was desperate to escape - but I had to time my attempt perfectly. Through the kitchen window, I could see that the rear door of the caterers' panel truck was open. I needed to duck away from Ms. Buxcombe's party, at which I was serving as the maid, and stow away in the truck just before the caterers closed the rear door and drove away. With luck, the truck would...

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