I Insist free porn video

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Sitting up a little straighter, I raise my hand to get the waiters' attention. The gentleman acknowledges me and walks over.

“Can I have the cheque when you have a moment, please?”

“Sure thing honey, you sure you don’t want to wait a little longer?”

“I think half an hour is embarrassing enough.”

The waiter gives a tight, polite smile, nods and leaves me sitting here alone. I use this time to think maybe there’s a slight possibility my blind date came in, saw me and left. That can’t be true, can it? No, I sure hope not. I’m no model by any means, but I’m definitely not ugly. I would rather describe myself as simply pretty. I am average height and weight; everything about me is average except my eyes. Resembling aquamarine gemstones, these light blues eyes are piercing and almost too light you can see through them. While internally criticizing everything I dislike about myself, increasing my already sour mood, I see a hand with a black book and the bill tucked inside being placed on my table. Without looking up I mumble a "Thank you".

Looking at the bill I see only two glasses of white wine, how pathetic.  I go about digging in my purse for my wallet when a different male voice startles me.

“You’re not leaving already,” he says with such confidence that is more of a statement than a question. His voice is like silk running across my skin giving me goosebumps. Keeping my head down I answer, afraid if I look up he will see me blushing.

“Afraid so.” I keep my eyes on my purse. Yes, I have already found my wallet, but I was pretending not to, so my hands could keep busy as I could feel the stranger’s eyes raking over me. Taking my time, the stranger waits patiently.

“Have a drink with me first.”

I then force myself to look up. Strong, serious, sexy. Oh my goodness he is sexy. Blonde hair that is slightly shorter on the sides and longer on the top is tussled, like bed hair, but in the sexiest way. Light blue eyes -though not as light as mine- burn its way through my own, staring with such intensity.  An average nose and soft full lips all sit on that face with a jaw so angular it could cut glass. He catches me licking my bottom lip and a dark smirk creeps across his face that gives me butterflies.

He returns the favor by dragging his eyes across all my features and down my body. Slow and deliberate, so I can feel his eyes undressing me. The trail continues back up my increasingly hot body, pausing briefly at my collarbone before landing on my eyes.

Blood is pounding inside every part of me and my girly parts are tingling. But, I am never one to be told what to do. So, taking out a fifty-dollar bill I set it on the table, grab my coat folding it over my left arm. I leisurely and purposefully look over his facial features again, then plaster a fake smile on my face.

“No thanks.” That outta get him going.

Something twitches behind his eyes. Knew it. As I start to walk past him, he grabs a hold of my wrist and it sends bolts of adrenaline up my arm and into my bloodstream.

“I insist. A lady that got stood up shouldn’t be leaving here alone.”

“You didn’t ask me to leave with you, you insisted I have a drink with you first.”

“First.” He pauses. “I asked you to have a drink with me first.”  Winking at me, he gestures at the opposing chair for me to take my seat. “Please, one drink, just listen to what I have to say,” he continues.

I ponder the outcome: go home alone, sad and slightly tipsy, or hear this stunning species of a man out and see where the night takes me. Obviously, I choose the second. I walk over, fold my coat on the back of my chair and sit back down.

“One drink.”

He side smiles and waves the waiter back over, asking for a scotch on the rocks and another glass of chardonnay. While ordering, he does not look at the waiter once but keeps his eyes fixated on me the entire time. We sit in silence and when our drinks come he finally speaks up.

“Here’s what I suggest.” He takes a sip and continues. “You come home with me tonight.”

Slightly swirling my glass, I sip, pretending to ponder his rather-so-bold proposition. I grab my long brunette hair that’s in a braid and bring it to the side, so the end is resting just along my chest.

I put on the same fake smile, “No thanks.”

The twitch comes back in his eyes and he takes a deep inhale, clearly not used to hearing that word. He stands up, moving his chair to the side of the table, so he is now beside me. A few heads turn, all wondering what he’s doing. My heartbeat starts to accelerate and my breathing becomes heavier.

He leans in ever so slightly allowing me to smell his cologne, which smells like a rainstorm. I lick my lips again and his eyes catch. Moving towards my ear, he whispers, “I insist.” I can feel his breath on my neck as he waits for my response, not moving an inch. I swallow. I wish I were swallowing his cum. Jesus, focus here!

“That’s very kind of you…”


“Liam.” I love his name on my lips. “But, I’d rather not.”

“Bullshit,” he calls out. I love this banter. It’s infuriating and hot as hell.

“How so?” I implore.

He grabs the tip of my braid, rolling it in between his fingers, grazing my nipple through my dress as he does. They instantly pucker up at his touch and he smiles to himself at this. He lets go all too quickly.

“I have a feeling a woman as beautiful as you, who put all this effort into getting ready for tonight and that had just been stood up wouldn’t want to waste it all by going home alone for no one to see or appreciate.”

I can feel my cheeks get hot as I instinctively grab my wine glass and take a rather large gulp, then another. He leans back and puts on hand low on my knee. Just barely grazing it, making my insides tingle and heat rise between my thighs.

“See, I think…” he continues, "that a woman, such as yourself, would much rather come home with me tonight and let me fuck her.”

My eyes bulge out as I choke on my drink. Grabbing my napkin and bringing it to my lips, his hand starts to move farther up my leg and rests on the inside of my upper thigh. I look at him, his face just a foot away from mine.

“You don’t even know my name.”

“Don’t need to.”

His dark smirk comes back on his face. He leans even closer. “Say yes.” There he goes commanding me again. I surprise myself when I reply, “Yes.” Just audible enough for him to hear. He squeezes my thigh. “Atta girl.”

Ten minutes later, we’re walking into the grand foyer of his building. Ceiling to floor windows replaces the walls, allowing access for the moon to illuminate the marble flooring. His hand clasped over mine -since we left the restaurant- is large and covers mine completely. Pulling me ever so slightly behind him at a quick pace as we step into the elevator. He scans his card and pushes a button. The ride is full of anticipation, but he stands still as a tree beside me, his hand still wrapped around mine. I squeeze my thighs together trying not to get too excited. When we reach his floor, he lets go of my hand and walks out. “Come,” he orders.

“Oh, I’m about to,” I mumble to myself.

If he hears me, he doesn’t show it. He opens the door to his ‘penthouse suite’ and I face him as I brush past, desperate to feel his touch again. I walk in and notice how big his place is; it must cover the entire floor. I don’t note on the details of his apartment because all I can think about is him being inside me. I walk to the wall on the far left and lay my purse on a side table while kicking off my heels. I can hear him lock the door behind me.

Turning to Liam I ask, “Is this the part of the night where you appreciate a woman as beautiful as me?"

He quickly closes the distance between us in three long strides and slams me up against the wall behind me. Air escapes my lungs at the surprise attack. His hands pull the elastic off my hair letting the braid fall out as he shoves his thigh between my legs. Thankful I’m wearing panties or his pants would be completely soaked, I find myself rubbing up against him. Grabbing my hair he pulls my now loose waves down to the side, exposing my neck. Wetness spreads from my collarbone to my ear, as his tongue glides across me.


His tongue further explores my ear and a moan escapes my lips as he nibbles on my earlobe. His tongue is hot and heavy and feels heavenly against my skin. He probes my inner ear with his tongue and I moan again while my hands go exploring.

“I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you walk into the restaurant.”

“You were watching me?” I ask, barely able to get the words out.


"From where?"

"The bar."

“The entire time?”

“Like a hawk,” he admits unashamed.

I drag my nails against his back feeling every curve of his muscles underneath that taught shirt of his. Let’s get rid of this. I reach to the front and start unbuttoning his dress shirt. I get halfway before he grabs my wrists, pushing them against the wall above my head and squeezes tightly. I whimper at the thought of not touching him and this brings a smile to his face. Liam gets down on his knees and lifts my dress further up my body, exposing my panties. Pushing them aside, he slips one finger inside me while simultaneously licking up my inner thigh.

“Ohh,” I gasp out.

He kisses me on my pussy, making my knees buckle. Catching me, he rests my legs on his shoulders. Lightly flicking my clit with the tip of his tongue my eyes roll back with pleasure. I can’t help but moan the entire time while he does delicious things to my pussy. He licks, probes and nibbles my engorging lips then slides a second digit inside me.

Picking up his pace with his fingers, I can feel myself on the verge of coming. I grab hold of his beautiful blonde hair and start to pull on it, shoving myself further into his face, when he abruptly stops.

“What the fuck.” It comes out before I can even think about it.

Wiping my juices off his mouth while standing, he smiles. “Shut up.”

“Make me-”

His kiss crashes into me, literally making me shut up. It’s hot and needy, hands roaming everywhere he feels and tastes amazing. Our tongues meet and dance together in urgency. Hands grab my ass and instinctively I wrap my legs around him as he lifts me. Pushing himself against me, I can feel his cock wanting to spring free from his pants. With one hand still underneath me, Liam grabs my neck with the other trying to force more of him against me. There’s not enough spit, not enough skin and too many clothes in our way.

“Bedroom,” I mutter in between our kisses. “Ha,” he laughs, knowing full well I have no control, no say in the matter. He’ll do what he pleases and honestly, I’m quite happy to oblige, but I’m not going to let him know that.

I hear his buckle coming undone as he pushes his pants down partly with his free hand and without any notice or warning he’s plunging into me. I let out a loud gasp as a deep guttural grunt comes from Liam. I can feel myself spread around his wide girth and it feels so good. My pussy eagerly accepts him with flowing juices allowing him easy access.

Our kiss deepens as he thrusts himself into my pussy over and over and over again. My hands are traveling all over his body, his hair, his strong shoulders, down his back and up to his front. His breath hitches slightly as I pinch his nipple on my way up to find their resting spot around his neck. He sucks on my neck while his cock takes control. I begin to slip farther and farther away from time with each thrust. He stops abruptly again after, I don’t know how long.

I moan with disappointment, “You have a habit of doing that.”

Liam looks into my eyes, completely still and still inside me. Giving me a quick peck, like we’ve known each other forever, he asks, “What’s your name?”

I pause. Now? He’s asking me this now while he’s balls deep inside me? But he waits patiently, so I answer him.


He smiles and nods. “That seems fitting. Laura,” he says slowly, tasting my name on his lips.

“No,” I correct. “Not Laura, Lara.”

“Whatever you say, Miss Croft.”

I roll my eyes with a grin. Never heard that one before. He gives me another peck and does one last hard thrust. A thrust so hard my body curls over him and my nails dig into him so hard he almost starts to bleed. Pulling out, he starts buttoning his pants and turns to walk away leaving me wanting more…again. Halfway to a door he stops and turns, realizing I’m not following.

“Come,” he commands.

“I was trying to,” I explain.

Now it’s his turn to roll his eyes and smile. I pull my dress back down so my pussy is covered up.

“Are you coming or not?”

“Do you insist?” I tease him.

His eyes narrow and his chin juts out. I can tell he enjoys me disobeying him just as much as I enjoy him commanding me, again neither of us will admit it.

“Oh, I really do.”

I nod at him, grabbing my panties from under my dress I pull them down and slip out of them. Walking over to him slowly, I take in his apartment. It’s all cool colors and there’s not much furniture or art or anything really in here, it looks like it could be a staged apartment. When I reach Liam, I hold out my panties to his palm and place them inside. Liam’s large hand wraps around them, bundling them into his fist.

“Yes, sir.”

I salute to him mockingly. I turn and walk towards… The kitchen? The bedroom? I don’t know. I’m just walking the way he was, no time to falter in confidence now. I feel a sharp sting on my ass and yelp and he slaps me from behind.

“ 'Yes sir’ is right.”

Picking me up like I’m nothing, he throws me over his shoulder and carries me into the other room. I use this time to admire his butt, maybe I even touch and pinch it a little bit.

“Stop that,” he calls from in front.


He pushes past the door and sets me face down over his lap and all I can look at is the floor. It’s marble, that’s when I realize he’s carried me to the bathroom. He gives me another sharp spanking. My body twitches as the pleasurable pain sets in.

“I don’t like that word, Lara,” he declares rubbing my butt to try and soothe the sting.

“No?” I tease some more. I can hear his smile, but alas, another sharp pain on my left buttock this time.

“Keep it up and this delicious ass is going to be purple.”

Quite enjoying the spankings I so deserve I wiggle my ass ever so slightly towards him, silently asking for more.

“Do you like being spanked?”

“No.” It comes out quicker than I mean it to.

He lifts my dress up so my bare ass is towards him and spanks me hard again. I groan against him as he slides a finger inside my embarrassingly wet pussy and starts to finger me. Being exposed and knowing he’s looking at me while I can’t look at him is turning me on even more. I start to push my cunt back against his finger.

“Can I have another?”

“Look who’s learning to ask.”

Liam slides a second, then a third finger inside me. Rewarding my politeness. He slips in and out easily and I’m getting close, praying that he’ll let me finish.

“Harder… please,” I add quickly.

He stops and I grunt inwardly. I hear him sucking on his fingers, tasting my sweet nectar. “Fuck,” I mumble. I might finish just to the sound of him licking my dripping juices off his fingers. He slaps my bare ass again and the skin on skin contact is too much. I start to cum all over him. Realizing what’s happening, he plunges his two fingers back inside me and finger fucks me hard and quickly. Another wave of pleasure hits me and I scream out as my cunt clenches around him. He holds still as my body spasms and twitches. Cum now dripping out of my pussy, he keeps his fingers inside my warm pussy rocking them slightly until my orgasm subsides. Liam gives the softest kiss on my bare – and I’m sure very red – ass and then stands me up.

I stand light-headed and a little dizzy from my two orgasms. Steading me with his hands on my shoulders, he smiles. A big, bright, accomplished smile and I want to kiss him so badly.


Liam walks toward the shower and turns it on. Leaning against the door, he has one hand inside the shower feeling the temperature. I blame the delirium of what just happened for my next words.

“What’s the magic word?”

He looks over at me above his one arm leaning against the shower. The lust I saw earlier is burning back into his eyes. His devilish smirk comes back onto his face and he steps to me. My heartbeat picks up, wondering if I have pushed too far. A little afraid and extremely excited to see what he’s going to do I stand completely still. Walking towards me only a few inches away he corners me back against the wall. He towers over me, at least nine inches taller than me.

Peering down at me he says, “That word’s not in my vocabulary, but it’s gonna be in yours very soon.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely it is.”

His face just inches from mine, I want to kiss him. I can feel his breath against my skin, and his rainstorm smell consumes me. Not only can I hear my breath and my heartbeat, but I can hear his also. I tilt my head forward slightly giving him the hint, but he doesn’t take it, he doesn’t even move a fraction of an inch. He wants me to beg. That fucker. I smile, purse my lips and tilt my head back down, not giving in to his silent commands.

His chin juts out again, pushing his tongue on the inside of his cheek. Grabbing my shoulders, and turning me around quickly, he unzips my dress and pulls, it falls to the floor. My back still towards him, he undoes my bra from behind and when it falls to the floor to greet my dress while his long fingers slip around my breasts. He rolls each nipple in between his fingers and pulls slightly, as kisses trail up my back to my neck. I moan and push my backside against him and I am welcomed by the pressing of his cock. He pushes back against me while teasing my nipples. Liam's left-hand slips up my front and around my neck, very lightly choking me. Being completely naked, while he’s still very much dressed, has got me hot and needy. His right-hand travels south, slowly rolling over my breasts, then my stomach. Just as he reaches my pussy, he grazes it, so light I almost don’t feel it, then moves his hand away. I push back one more time and actually plead.


Excited that he has found my breaking point, he turns me back and kisses me with the power of a thousand waterfalls. I can feel his smile against me as he deliciously slobbers all over me. I welcome his tongue with mine and continue on the rest of his buttons. He allows me to undo it and helps shrug it off his shoulders. Black tattoos on his left shoulder welcome my hand as I run it over them. Hot. Very hot.

I undo his pants and he slips those off too, then his briefs. Walking backward with each hand on either side of my face he pulls me with him, his lips stitched to mine. The hot water hits me hard and it feels wonderful. Our kiss is steamy and wet and messy. Liam’s tongue is devouring mine and with his body pressing fully against mine, he still isn’t close enough. He’s taking his time now, enjoying it as much as I am. I guess this is my reward. Maybe I should’ve caved a while ago.

A slippery hand slides down my stomach to reach my aching clit. Rubbing it softly in circles, I break the kiss and my head leans against the shower wall in pleasure. Liam watches me enjoy the magic his fingers are doing to me. I look down at his hand and my eyes focus on his enlarged dick; average length but thick. I wrap my hands around it and without even thinking about it I bend down.

Shoving as much of it as I can into my mouth, I can hear Liam mumble ‘fuck’ under his breath. Pumping with one hand while the other is caressing his balls I try and give him as much pleasure as I possibly can in a single moment. It’s not long before he’s pulling me up by my shoulders and hoisting me on his waist again. Water hits my face, making it hard to breathe, but I don’t care. I’m already so breathless. His fingers probe my pussy guiding his cock to my entrance. This time he goes slow, inch by inch, watching my face as my body accepts him completely.

“Fuck, Lara,” he moans to into my neck. A smile breaks my face at the sound of my name.

“Say my name again.”

He looks at me, no expression on his face. Ugh.


His eyes gaze down to my lips and stay there for a moment. He does that quick peck thing again then looks into my eyes.

“Lara,” he whispers. I moan, smile and close my eyes. Still pumping into me with forceful thrusts he continues, “Lara, you feel so god damn good around my cock. I’ve been hard ever since I saw you walk through that door.”

Really? Wow.

“And now, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll never be able to forget me.”

Oh, I will never forget you, Liam.

In an instant, he’s pulling out, flipping me around and bending me over, a hand on my ass holding me still. With the water pouring against his back he leans down, spits on my aching hole and he slips himself back inside me with a heavy thrust and a grunt to match it. My hands spread against the wall and hold still to feel the force of his thrusts. My pussy constricts around him and begs for more every time he pulls back. Our bodies find a rhythm, and with every slap of his balls against my ass, I can feel myself getting closer to coming.

My toes start to tingle as he hits my g-spot over and over. I feel a finger probe my butt and he allows himself inside. The feeling is overwhelming and I scream as I feel myself being filled up. His dick in my pussy, his finger in my ass sends ripples of pleasure throughout my entire body.

“I’m going to come inside you.” Yet another statement.

But I don’t care, I want him inside me, I want him to fill me up. I want his cum to drip out of my aching pussy when he’s done. I reach down and rub my clit and finally, I break. My heartbeat pounds inside my chest I scream out and my body twitches. Liam groans while removing his finger as he empties himself inside me, and I collapse.

I open my eyes and stretch as silk comforts me. My pussy aches in the best way and I feel physically exhausted. What time is it? Where am I? I roll over and see Liam, staring right at me. I blush and give a small smile. Oh yea, the last thing I remember, he was pumping his goods into me. He watches me silently, his light blue eyes darkening as he looks at me.

“Your eyes are wild,” he proclaims.

I smile a 'thank you' and blush a little more. I look around for a clock or my phone, finding neither he offers up the information.

“It’s 2 AM.” Oh shit.

“Oh shit,” I repeat. “I should probably go.”

I sit up from his extremely soft bed, sheets clenched to my chest looking for my clothes.

“I believe…” he starts. “At the restaurant, I said you should come home with me for the night. It’s only 2 AM, and I still have plenty of time.”

Oh, yes, yes, yes! My head is screaming to stay and I know I’m going to say yes, but I also want to have some fun. I smile politely.

“No, thanks.”

His eyes widen, his wicked smile returning, he grabs my wrist pulling me down underneath him against the bed. He straddles me and holds my arms above my head. His cock becoming quickly hard against my parts and I find myself grinding up to it involuntarily.

“Oh, but I insist.” His mouth plunges down to meet mine.



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If you are about to read this, then you probable agree with me. Despite the abundance of pornographic images available on the web, you can’t beat the written word for fuelling fantasy. Enjoy! All people in this story are over 18, and so should you be. * In the village where I was born, in the Romanian Danube plains, there were a lot of pigs. Some of them had four legs. One of the others was Goran, my stepfather. He beat my mother into submission, he raped my big sister Maria so many times...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 5 Short and Sweet

That was my one and only date with Holly. We weren't right for each other. You probably think I'm crazy for turning down regular sex, but she made me uncomfortable. I don't know what her problem was, but I didn't want to be part of it. Strangely, Terry and Robin became an item. Well, maybe it wasn't strange at all. They were a lot alike and it was good to see two shy, nice people hook up. In the meantime, I was getting email and text messages from Holly wanting to know when we could get...

3 years ago
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Dining on Oysters 2

Two years later, on the evening of her grandmother's funeral, Nancy lay in Brenda's arms casually pulling on her thick and hungry inner lips. "You'll have a little time for yourself now, dear," Brenda whispered. "Perhaps time for a young man or two. Don't expect them as masculine as Bruce or you'll be disappointed.""Do you fuck him?" Nancy asked.Brenda laughed. "Years ago, darling, before I developed my taste for oysters."And Nancy soon found she had the time and the desire to take a man on on...

2 years ago
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How mom did with her brother

One day I and AJ and his aunt (bhua) were sitting in the garden drinking tea.Bhua said to us, my daughter (Pinki) from UK will be here 2 days from now we should pick her up at the airport. Sure we will go to airport and pick her up. How old is she aunt? Aunt: she is 19.Me: so she is at right age for fun.Aunt: I told her all bout fun.Me what do u mean told her? Aunt: I told her all about you and my son AJ and maid and Raja.Me: you are naughty auntyAunt: woman got to do what got to do.Me: ...

4 years ago
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Lonely Twenties Volleyball Season

Summer had come a bit too early in Afer's city, a large world-class city with a beach nearby. At the age of twenty-six, Afer had grown apart from his old friends and was now spending most of the days by himself. Given the amount of vacation time he was taking, Afer realized that he had time to burn. Despite his age, Afer was doing well for himself financially and was on his way to making even more. Looking out on one summer day, Afer noticed a woman in volleyball gear and he noticed he had...

1 year ago
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Le Belle Donne Ch01a

Chapter 1 Just outside San Casciano dei Bagni, on a picturesque vineyard, a beautiful Italian woman in her early forties picked another drove of grapes from one of the many bushes and put it down in her basket.Grazie Dio… Corrina Martaci exhaled lightly as she took off her straw hat and wiped some sweat from her forehead. The warm weather she was used to, but today it was especially humid.Though suddenly she lit up with a smile when she felt a sudden gust of wind come in from the north and...

4 years ago
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The Best Conference Part III

For the next couple of days, I spent my days at the conference and my evenings with Catherine.When we saw each other at the conference, we would exchange pleasantries and maybe chat briefly. Of course, I used the opportunity to have a little fun.The last morning when I saw her between sessions, I told her to find a bathroom to fuck herself in. When she was on her way I called her, and told her to keep me on the phone.She told me when she had found one, that there was no one in there, and I...

1 year ago
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An Itsy Bitsy Vacation

An Itsy Bitsy Vacation By Anon Allsop My stomach was in my throat, I had been building to this very moment for nearly three years. Standing before the mirror in the women's locker room, I trembled like a leaf. Draping a huge beach blanket over my shoulders, it surrounded me like a shroud. I hesitatingly looked toward the door, "It's now or never, Kris." I whispered to myself, regretting the bet I had made with myself so long ago - to lose the weight and complete the transition....

3 years ago
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My Aunt

She was standing there, 5'8 short dark brown hair, 36c breasts, slim body, and the perfect ass I have ever seen. The first time I had my first experience with her is when I was 18 and she was 32 and had 4 kids, and married to my uncle. I went over to her place one day after work and we were all alone as my uncle took my cousins to the lake for the weekend so we had all the time in the world. I have always admired my auntie. I always thought about her she always made me happy and giving her a...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 29 First Christmas

"I'm dreaming of a White Christmas..." Warren was crooning. "Well quit dreaming, because you got one." Peg laughed, as she pointed out the window at the lightly falling snow. It was Christmas morning, and the Kelleher family was gathered around the tree, opening presents. There were a couple of inches of snow on the ground, and it was still falling. It was a perfect New England Christmas morning. A car pulled up in front of the house, as Peg was looking out the window. "Here comes...

4 years ago
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Healing Hands of TimeChapter 2

I was broken out of my self-pitying reverie when Mitzi pulled to a stop in front of her immaculate three bedroom Cape Cod style house. Mitzi received the house free and clear, in lieu of alimony, as part of her divorce settlement. She got the house, children and child support when her husband of nineteen years took up with a twenty-two-year-old bookkeeper at the accounting firm where he worked. To her credit, Mitzi did not mention my problems as I followed her, zombie-like into the kitchen,...

2 years ago
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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 11

Chapter 11 The Last Tango The officer and Detective Callahan appeared at the gate to Gary's cell about 2:00 o'clock that afternoon. "Time to go Shipley." Callahan announced. "You'll get one last chance to modify your statement before you're arraigned, then it's off to Baltimore. Any questions?" "Just one." "Shoot." "Is it possible for you to get any dumber than you already are?" Gary asked and smirked at the detective. "It's nice to see that some things never change."...

3 years ago
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Banging a Beauty

I’m kind of a beast, a guy who does free-lance landscaping which has given me a rugged body. I have a full beard, just long enough to be soft, and I need a haircut more than I get them but don’t like that shoulder length feminine look. I’m definitely a man, as my odor at the end of a day often attests. Whether it’s my appearance or because I don’t go looking for it, I don’t get a lot of pussy. What does tickle my tool from time to time is usually a one-night stand, or, in my case, a one-day. I...

2 years ago
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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave

Anyway, this particular summer when Karen came home she seemed different--still totally hot, with the party girl attitude, but different around me, friendlier somehow. The moment she walked in the door, before she even tried to find mom and dad, she ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "Hey Brian, long time no see! Did you miss me?" I was a little taken aback by this but managed to mumble, "Yeah, I guess so." She laughed and then stepped back and said, "Hey check it out, you like...

2 years ago
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Auntiyo Ne Zabardasti Apna Femdom

Hi, friends . I’m Rahul. My age is 21years. I hope you’ll be good. To friends Bina time bitaye mai apko ak apni sacchi story btata hu. mai pizzahunt me kam karta tha. to ak din jab mujhe delievery karne kisi ke ghar jana tha. to mai btaye address par chala gaya. jaise hi maine doorbell bajayi. to ak sundar gory aunti bahar aayi. aur unhone pizza le liya. us din kafi garmi thi aur mujhe kafi pyass bhi thi. to maine unse ak gilass pani manga. to unhone mujhe bathne ko kaha. to mai vaha ak sofe pe...

3 years ago
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“I was thinking along the lines of four concerts of music and singing, four shows, or Broadway concerts and four premier acts every ninety days starting the first week of September. December would be just the GSS doing winter/Christmas music, with January, February and March being available for Premier acts. April could be another school coming in to use the facility and May could be another Broadway show of us, or a traveling Off-Broadway show, with the place dark for our Summer...

4 years ago
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First Time Swap

My wife, who I will call Amy for want of a better name, as I stated in my previous post, was basically conservative. When she gets a little bit of wine in her, she gets flirty with other men, but nothing overboard.I always wanted to see her with another man, but the closest I could get would be when I was fucking her, and she had some wine in her to loosen her up, of course with black stockings, garter belt and demi-bra on, with her tits hanging out, and I would ask her what she wanted.She...

1 year ago
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fucked boyfriend in front of his foreign clients work from home

A sensual event when silk fucks Nick and juices out his big cock, hard in front of his clients I have always been needed by many men, maybe because I have a body that attracts all.I met Nick (my present boyfriend) on Facebook when he asked me a question "why did you not call me after our last meeting".We met and fucked each other a lot of times, but the one incident I wanted to first share with you guys is this one.All my sex stories have happened and that's how I am inspired to write about it....

4 years ago
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Rather a Lot Of Metal

Chatting to my pals in the pub a couple of night ago and the topic of conversation dropped to it normal gutterial level of the size of cocks and balls. I happened to mention that I really would love a cut cock (Mine isn't) about 10” by 5”with a large head which had a Prince Albert Piercing, and possibly some piercing up the shaft and some in my balls.As I am an avid tights (Pantyhose) wear and love stockings, and panties (which I DID NOT TELL THEM) I also casually mentioned I only liked...

2 years ago
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First Kiss 10 Fuffy 8

When we both pulled back from the kiss, we were both grinning stupidly. We both looked like we won the lottery, I'm sure. It had been an accident... at first.I was just walking around at the Magic Box, helping Giles out with sorting through the inventory. Faith was there, too, being no help what-so-ever. She was sitting at a table with her feet propped up on the table, and was polishing a wicked knife she had bought a few days ago. I was walking past her with this big heavy box Giles asked for....

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The Mysterious Device

Introduction: When an average school kid, Leo finds a mysterious device at a shady corner street his life begins to change… Leo had always been one of the middle class kids at school. Not too popular nor unpopular he sat somewhere in between, but on his 15th Birthday all this began to change. It was the start of another school year. Leo sighed, he had never liked the start of them. With the rush of getting his supplies together and making sure he didnt forget anything he had always preferred...

4 years ago
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The Garage

She was dancing when she saw him. What was he doing out tonight? She turned away and tried not to look at him, her pussy was moist from just seeing him. Why did he have this effect on her? She went to the toilets and checked herself in the mirror, her tanned body looked good in the black dress and her legs looked amazing with her heels on. She brushed her long brown hair and took a deep breath. She wanted him so much, she couldn't stop thinking about him.She went back to the dance floor and...

1 year ago
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A Walk Around the Lake Chapter 12

The shower took longer than anticipated, on her part, for sure, because he joined her.  Hands touching.  Water cascading.  Mouths kissing.  Dinner was long forgotten, as they made love in the shower, and drying each other off, he picked her up, and carried her to the bed, and made love to her all over again.  It was dark, and neither had an inkling to get dressed and go out for dinner.  Dressed in their robes, they padded into the kitchen, and decided on milk and toasted bacon sandwiches for a...

3 years ago
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Magazine Comes To Life

I heard Tim close the front door. “Tim, can you come here for a moment, please,” I called out.I watched as Tim came into the lounge. He was wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I had chosen a sleeveless top and short skirt and I had bare legs.Tim looked me up and down with his usual longing look for me. He was used to me being there and letting myself in. I was the cleaner and came every day and his mum trusted me with the key and I often had the house cleaned before she got back from...

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Big Brother Little Sister

You are 20 and living at home while you attend a nearby college. You have two sisters Karen who is 23 and away at an out of state school and Sam who is 18 and is a senior in high school. _____ It is about eleven thirty in the morning and you are on your way to the most boring class of the day physics. Your not even sure why you signed up for it but, since you did it has been the same everyday. A whole lot of fancy formulas and nonsense you don't even want to understand. For some reason though...

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She wouldn't turn around. I knew she knew I was there. But she wouldn't turn around. I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen. She wore the shortest skirt she had, the tightest tank top that was in her drawer. Her movements were fluid. I had turned on the music she liked to make love to. She wore the outfit she was sure would tempt me. I pushed off the frame, silently stepping behind her. Her breath caught, the pulse in her neck fluttering wildly. My...

Straight Sex
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Through the Looking GlassChapter 6

Todd woke up with a splitting headache. He knew he had been drinking too much the night before, but they were celebrating their first victory after a week's worth of work. Sake hangovers are something to be avoided at all cost, if possible. Sarah had been drinking as well, but she was smart enough to stick with beer, saying something about being allergic to rice. Todd knew better, but didn't let her secret out. He was seriously thinking of using that excuse in the future. He pulled himself...

1 year ago
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Its Always Pleasure To Have Threesome

Hi this is Rekha age 26 Once again back with another story. Hope you guys and girls liked my 1st story “Rakesh Full filled my husband absence”. If anyone didn’t gone through go and have a look. For new readers I am 5’4 and fair in color and hot married girl with good structure 36-24-36 and everyone fall for my ass. Thank you so much for your feedback to my 1st story. I enjoyed very well in Rakesh presence and he always used to fuck me in all angles whatever way it possible. For new readers...

3 years ago
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Enticed Pt 11 Sensei

I stayed late at work Monday to develop and begin printing my new nude photos from the Lodge. I took some of the first 8x10s over to Blaise around 8, which, of course, led to intense lovemaking and a deep sleep in his arms.Tuesday night, I finished the prints and began scanning them to create another photobook. Blaise stayed with me and he ended up on his knees in the darkroom with my cock deep in his throat. We’d never done anything at work. But, I’d fantasized about it several times. The...

Gay Male
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 13

Sarette blocked Corec’s strike, then dashed away before he could close in. They were both wielding wooden staves for their sparring session, but if they’d been using their normal weapons, her staff-spear didn’t have a crossguard, and his sword blade could have slid along the shaft and hit her hand. She wore gloves made of a light chain mesh for protection, but she wouldn’t have wanted to test them against a blade as heavy as the one Corec typically carried. “Good,” he said. “Do you want to...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Maya Farrell Fancy Footwork for Sensual Pleasure

Starting with a foot massage, Maya Farrell enjoys Charles Dera’s fingers, giving her pleasure. He works off her stockings, letting her grab his hard and ready cock. His boxers fall down and she’s hornier than ever! This naughty Latina is ready to gag on that cock, slobbering all over and making a mess of herself. She’s hungry and ready for more, as he pushes her back on the bed to unveil that pretty pussy of hers. After he builds her up with pleasure, he’s ready to enter...

1 year ago
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The Affair Continues Part 3

Teri awoke with a start. She had been sleeping so peacefully. It was such a beautiful dream. Then she realized that it wasn’t a dream. She felt a twinge from her irritated mound and smiled to herself as she remembered being loved by her husband like she hadn’t been loved in a long time. Bill had been so passionate, so driven. He was almost like a sex-crazed teenager tonight and Teri had wanted it all. She needed it. She had craved his touch for so long. Hungered for his love and affection....

2 years ago
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 16 Epilogue

A light breeze drifted over the plateau where Brandon sat looking down at two adolescent children sprawled close together in the waters of their little island's lagoon. As he watched, the memories of fifteen years came back slowly, one by one. The children's births, the time they'd spent together as a family, and even the circumstances that had led to the five of them being here in the first place. They were happy memories, for the most part, and left a smile on his face as they played...

1 year ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 14

Stephanie glared straight into the camera. “Why can’t the stupid driver deliver the package after Daddy comes home?” Alfred, impersonating Grainer’s AI, said, “Miss, the package is for you, and the delivery man insists on a signature.” “But Daddy doesn’t like it when I talk to strangers. He’ll take me to the basement.” Jason glanced up from the live video streaming on his phone. “The basement?” Alfred replied, “Mr. Grainer reserves his more serious punishments for the basement.” “What...

3 years ago
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Baby Sitters first taste of PUSSY

HI, My name is Megan and I have a cool story to tell you and it's 100% true!When I was in high school, in about the 9th grade and I believe I was around 13, we had a neighbor named Lisa Kennedy that was a divorced single mom with a really nice home and pool in the back yard. I would baby sit for her all the time and watch her k**s, the house and feed the dog. One afternoon, she called up on the phone and asked I could come over and just house sit for her since her ex had the k**s that weekend...

3 years ago
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Nice big set

He walked into her room just like he did every night and pulled her gown off. He had to have her huge tits. He pushed her on her back and first ran his hands over the big jugs then he grabbed a nipple and sucked. Even laying on her back they stood up high. She had the best set he had ever seen and ever sucked. As he sucked on one his hand fondled the other making the nipple so hard. Then he ran his hand down between her legs and found her sweet pussy. He rubbed her clit as he sucked then his...

2 years ago
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Meri 20 Saal Ki Kirayedarni

hi frenz,i am arjun from jaipur and 18 by age..first let me tell u about my self…i am a guy with very fair complexion,vry attractive looks height is 6’2″,slim and atheletid body..i have a normal tool of 6″.the girl i m talking off hare is simmi chauhan(name not changed) who was 20 by age,height 5’5″ nearly..i never measured her figure n not se xperienced also that i wud tell u by guessing..my id is ab mai apni story pe aata hu,desi style me..mai aappko phle hi bata deta hu ki use mai chod nahi...

4 years ago
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Overlooked Bride Ch 05

SO FAR: Jilted days away from the altar, Bianca White returns to her homeland to become a business problems consultant in Auckland. Business is beginning to take off but her first client Marty Young has become her romantic quarry and at last his interest in her appears about to erupt. Bianca White regarded as encouraging the response of her client Marty Young that he thought she could be so funny. As well as plying her with Harvey Wallbangers he was inviting her out to the ranch or whatever he...

1 year ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 8

Carol expected to hear screaming and yelling when she returned to the house. Instead she heard only silence. She checked out by the pool, but the pool area was vacant, so she walked toward the kid's wing of the house. As she neared Darla's bedroom, she could hear her sobbing. The girl was lying on her bed curled up in the fetal position and crying as hard as Carol had ever seen her cry. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her daughter into her arms. Darla clung to her like Carol was...

3 years ago
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The Heat From Within

It was a rather rainy Saturday afternoon, as Mike was making his trek homeward. He had stopped off to get some fuel in a little town just south of Fresno. He was in somewhat of a rush to get home to Roseburg Oregon. His step-daughter’s 16th birthday was in two days. She was staying at his friends house while his wife was consoling her older sister in Seattle. husband had left her for a 23 year old intern at his law firm. Mike knew the trek home was at least another 14 hours. That would put him...

4 years ago
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My best friends boyfriend

My best friend's boyfriend and I have always had this crazy chemistry. In the beginning we tried to hide it, but soon others noticed how we looked at each other. Even my friend would ask me if there was anything going on between us, and I would tell her no. It got so bad that I decided to stop coming around. One night after about six months of not seeing them, I had a dream about him. The dream was so powerful that I decided to find out where they had moved to and pay them an unexpected visit....

Love Stories
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fantasy gangbang in a black nightclub

so, I used to have a good friend from nigeria that we sometimes went out with. because she likes to dance we often went to a latin place where lots of black dudes would be showing off their dance moves. I liked the tension and she likes the attention. this night was different because we agreed to get someone else involved at some point. She was wearing a super tight mini skirt that showed off all her curves. I told her at home to take off her underwear that evening, so every now and then you...

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