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I’d like to apologize to Sir. Winston Churchill as I lifted the title of this story from the opening chapter of his multi-volume work on English history.

Now, before you begin to read I have a few admonitions. First, don’t look for any graphic sex. This is not ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’. Second there are references to God, Christ in particular. Don’t get in an uproar about it. Third, it is rooted in history, but don’t get mad if I said something wrong or left something out. Last, I might be an American, but I’m crazy for England too.

Well it’s time to start. I hope you like it. More important I hope you think about the central theme.

And so let’s begin:

The riders galloped in just before dawn; there were two of them. The first man to greet them was old Edwy, the master of our Lord’s horse. I could faintly hear him from my place near the forge. My name is Aelfwine. I’m one of our lord’s housemen; that includes me and my two brothers Wulfram and Oswald. We’re part of a group of seven who serve the great lord of these parts. We live in eastern Wessex. Our lord, the good thane Aidan is of genuine Saxon blood. His is an old family; one of the families who participated in the great invasion some five hundred years ago.

As for me and my brothers we’ve got some Saxon blood, but we’re mostly old English; that is Gaelic, and, thanks to our good grandfather, we’ve a touch of Norse. Our grandfather came to this wonderful green land back in the time of Canute the Great. They say those were the days; a time when men were men and the girls, well the girls they were all ripe for the plucking.

I was up early as was my custom. Though I was a houseman, a warrior by profession, I was also a skilled artisan. Yes I worked the forge with an old man, an old man named Donnell. Donnell they say is pure Gael. He looks it too, hair a bright red, and with freckles that cover every inch of his still solid torso. I hear he’s more than seventy years old.

As for me, why I’m a big fellow; I stand near a head taller than most of the men in the village. Only my older brother, that’s Wulfram, looks down upon me. I’ve got good sandy, near blond hair, and that’s without the lime they say the Gael once used back in olden times. My wife says I have soft hazel eyes. My wife Godyfa says the reason she fell in love with me was because of my eyes.

God, or Gods is it, they know I love my wife. I love my wife near as much as I love my two babes. I love my wife almost as much as I prize my honor; of course everyone knows a man’s honor is the true measure of his worth. Trust me; I’m well esteemed among the people in the land. People know not to scoff or defame me or my family. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a base person; a man treats me with respect, regardless of his station, and I treat him the same. If it’s the meanest thrall, the ugliest hag; they may sit with me when I rest. I’ll share my water with any man or woman as long as he or she shows a decent respect and does his or her fair share of the work. We men of the house have a standard to keep; we represent our lord wherever we go.

About my wife; there’s a woman! She denies it, but she’s a true Gael, yes a Britain from the old times. She’s a tiny thing; she only comes to my nipples, a scant scamp she is. But she’s a beauty. Men come from all around just get a glimpse of her fine red hair and her sultry forest green eyes. Her skin is white like the marble the old Romans used to build their baths. Yes we know of the Romans; by the bones of the Saints we know the Romans, it’s their roads we use!

My wife’s hair is a fiery red; when it’s not braided or kept up it reaches well below her wasp-like waist. And curly, is it curly; it takes her hours of diligent work to get it straight enough to braid. I’ll say, though she’s a precious little thing she eats more than a horse fully grown. Sometimes she just amazes me where she puts it! It amazes me more that she agreed to let me take her as wife.

I don’t dare comment on her eating or any of her other habits for her temper is as fiery as her luscious hair. The man fool enough to cross my wife is a fool indeed; she’s a real vixen that one. God how I love her, but she’s a hard one to please. She married down when she agreed to take the sacraments with me. Her father was a great warrior; a houseman of true renown.

My wife; she’s filled with a vivacity and lust for life that I’m sure will defy the reaper when her day comes. Did I say lust? Lust we’re told is a terrible sin, one of the mortal sins. Well my wife is a lusty girl, and I say she lusts for me! We’ve made three babies; two are still alive. The way my wife chases my sword one would think we’d have had twenty already. We might some day; we’re still young.

Enough about my wife; it’s enough to know she puts a fire in my heart. She stirs my loins like no other! Did I say I loved her?

Though the messengers have gone inside, I say inside my lord’s great house, I can still hear old Edwy grumble. He’s a grumbler; he’ll bemoan that any horse that’s well-lathered is a horse that’s been abused. Today his complaints about the horses are only part of his angst; they’re also partly his way of releasing the tension we all feel.

I fear these riders have come with the news that at least one of the two enemies of our magnificent king may have landed. Did I say fear? I don’t mean fear in the sense that I fear any enemy; I fear the disruption their intrusion might cause my king and our people. Even more, I fear the loss of honor.

The old king, a man I was bound to respect and obey, died not long ago. His name was Edward. Edward was a religious man, a pious man; over pious some said. Edward was a Saxon, but due to the political climate he’d lived a good part of his life across the water among the Normans.

Now these Normans are an avaricious gang of cutthroats and thieves. They’re descended from Norse invaders who landed and settled among the Franks in years back, but with this new lord of theirs, this bastard they call William, they’ve become more overreaching than ever.

Well our old king Edward; they called him Edward the Confessor now that should betray his degree of piety. Our Edward is said to have bequeathed our kingdom, our grand land, to this son of a Norman whore. So what! Our wise Saxon council, the Witan, didn’t like it. Who would want to be ruled by a bastard? Our Witan met at one of our sacred places. Yes, they convened and there they elected Godwin’s son; Harold the son of Godwin was chosen by common lot, by a fair vote, to be the new Lord of our England.

Oh yes, Harold Godwinson, the ‘Golden Warrior’ is our true king. It’s his banner, the banner of the fighting man that flies over our lush fields and verdant forests. No foreign murderer shall ever flaunt his tawdry bastard’s claim over our realm.

My lord, the good and noble Aidan is a subject of Harold, and I’m a subject of Aidan. My blood may be mixed, but my heart, my sword and my axe are Saxon through and through. If the bastard comes, why let him. We’ll show him what a Saxon’s power is.

The Normans are horsemen. I’ve seen them. They cover their bodies and their horse’s bodies with steel. I’m not afraid of them. I killed one once. Yes, the scatterbrain was in London. He was all a braggart about this and that. He said any Norman knight was the equal to two housecarls. Those foreigners refer to we housemen as housecarls. Well so much the worse for them. This knight was a braggart. I called him on it. We stepped outside, and I sent him to our sweet Jesus. I used my sword and split him right in two! His blood was splattered all over everything!

So the knight’s lord got angry; he demanded payment. My lord Aidan, when he heard the cause of the disturbance demanded payment in kind. Aidan rightly claimed the Norman knight was a fool to make a claim he couldn’t sustain. When last I heard the two sides were still haggling. It’ll take a monk, or an old Breton, to sort that one out.

It could be the riders brought news of a Norman landing. If they did, then we’ll be called out. Harold has vowed not to let his realm be ravaged by any invader. If the Normans have come we’ll gather quickly, march out, and serve them up. On the other hand the riders might have brought news of another sort.

To the north, across the Poison Sea I’ve been told there’s another claimant to our land. There’s the old warrior of Norway, a killer by the name of Harold Hardrada. Hardrada, though he’s a legitimate king, his claim to our throne is no less perilous than the Bastard’s. Hardrada’s emblem is a flag with a black raven. I’m not sure if it’s the flag or the raven; but all throughout the lands to the east he’s referred to as the ‘land waster’.

Well I say too; let the ‘land waster’ come. If he comes we’ll show him he’s not fighting a pack of pagan Teutons or Slavs. We’ll meet him wherever he chooses; we’ll send him to his heathen afterworld. Yes, I’ve heard the old people say the people of Hordaland and Scodaland, and even the Danes still worship the old stone gods. If they do, and if they come to our shores, we’ll give them a taste of well-forged and well-honed Christian steel. Yes mark me; our loving Jesus and his Saints will give us the power to drown the heathen in a sea of their own blood.

Oh I see my lord has come out through his main portal. He’s waving at me. I best move ahead. It looks as though the time has come.

So here I sit with my brothers and the other men of the house. Lord Aidan is about to address us.

Aidan is an older man; he’s seen war as none other. He stepped up, “Well brave men word has come. The Norse have come a viking, and King Harold has summoned us north. We’re to set out tomorrow at daybreak. We’ll meet our king’s main army north of London, and from there we’ll march on Northhumbria.”

One of our younger warriors lifted his hand. Aidan recognized him, “Yes.”

“You said march on. Didn’t you mean march to?”

“No I said it well. It seems our king’s brother, the deceitful Tostig has sided with Hardrada. I know it’s an evil omen, but Tostig has always been an ill sort.”

My younger brother Oswald broke protocol, “Then we’ll have to take Tostig down and press his head down on a stake.”

Oswald is the youngest among us. He’s still a little foolhardy. Everyone ignored his outburst. I glanced over and saw him blanch. I leaned in his direction and whispered, “Don’t be too down. We were all young once.”

He looked at me like I was mad. Oswald is just four years younger than me. His wife, a tall lean woman has already given him more sons than my Godyfa. I smiled; then he smiled too. After all, we were brothers.

The trek north was rapid. The road was good and straight. The weather, though blustery from time to time, was dry and clear. We got to Northhumbria not long after the Norsemen had landed. However, to everyone’s dismay they’d already sacked several of the towns. They’d even pillaged York!

By forced march we caught the Norse just as they were about to reach their ships. Our scouts had been right; their army was huge, larger than ours. More than five hundred ships were anchored off the coast.

Our Harold was infuriated. The Vikings were laden with British booty. Though I was not near, I still was able to hear him shout, “When we’re through they’ll not need more than ten ships to carry the remnant of their army home.

We were lucky. The Norsemen were so heavy laden with pillage many had set aside their weapons and armor. Oh they carried their equipage, but they just weren’t prepared. We caught them at the river.

Hardrada saw, though he outnumbered us near two to one, he was in a perilous position. He followed the custom.

It is the custom in modern warfare such as this that the leaders should meet and parley. If some agreement can be reached battle might be avoided. My lord Aidan was selected to attend the negotiations. Being his greatest man I accompanied him. I was fortunate; I got to hear the debate.

Most of what I heard I didn’t understand. I know our Harold was furious at the wanton destruction, the senseless rapine, and the sacrilegious destruction of churches and monasteries. To most of this Hardrada only laughed, but when debate over battle took the fore Hardrada tried to demur.

The upshot was Hardrada didn’t want to fight; he offered to share England. He offered our Harold the southern half, if, in exchange, he, Hardrada, was given the north. As if it were just yesterday I can still hear our Harold now, I’ll try to remember his exact words. I recall he looked at the Norseman and exclaimed, “You offer me half of what is already mine? Here’s my counter offer. I’ll give you ten feet, ten feet of good English earth. That’s just enough to bury you in!”

I watched as Hardrada blanched. From that there could be no turning back.

With that negotiation was over. Harold, my lord and the others all stepped back. Harold signaled his trumpeter and the battle commenced. It was a hard fought one too, but the Norsemen, already weary from trying to carry off so much loot were no match for us.

For a short space the battle was indeed still in doubt. The key to the battle was a narrow bridge. If we could cross the bridge we could bring our full force to bear. As it was a great giant, a true berserker, stood in our path. He wielded a great two handed axe. Several of our bravest men were hacked to pieces trying to get at him. I watched; the Norseman delighted in chopping his defeated opponents into tiny little parts. All manner of arms, heads, fingers, and feet littered the bridge. Then at the crucial moment one of our Harold’s own brothers, the courageous Leofwine, stepped forward, and with a swift blow of his fine steel sword he lopped off one of the giant’s arms. Still, though one armed, the giant held out for a few more moments. But our beloved Leofwine was more than the man’s match. With another hard strike he drove his sword deep into the Norseman’s shoulder. Leofwine’s last strike was a thrust deep into the man’s chest; where once a formidable warrior stood, a heap of lifeless bloody pulp joined all rest of the scattered flesh that strewed the bridge. As I stared at it I briefly thought there was a kind of majesty, a strange sort of beauty to what I’d just seen happen.

With the bridge secured we surged across it and into that mass of Vikings. I’ll give the Norsemen their due; they fought like wild men, but our strength, our determination, and the righteousness of our cause was more than a match. We drove them, we drove them hard.

My sword drank it’s fill that day. I brought more than six men down. I would have escaped with glory and honor and without a wound, but in a moment’s pause I looked to my right and saw my young brother Oswald on his knees. A Norseman had struck him a glancing blow across the head and his helm and flown off. It was then I saw a sight that nearly broke my heart. My brother, stunned from the strike, looked up just in time to see the Norseman’s axe cleave his head in two. Eyes, and blood, and brains splashed in all directions.

I lost my mind. I grabbed my sword and charged the Norse marauder. He saw me and prepared himself to receive my charge. I threw my shield aside and charged straight ahead. My brother’s death had to be appeased so that his soul would share paradise with the Jesus. My honor, and my brother’s soul, demanded the Norseman’s death. Sword held high I brought it down on the Norseman. He was too slow. My good metal instrument drove deep into his shoulder. I felt his bones crunch and break away as my steel ripped his flesh apart. I delighted in the sight and sound of his body as it fell to pieces at my hand.

The Viking knew he was a dead man, but he still had enough to swing his axe one more time. His axe caught me a glancing blow across my hip and upper thigh. I felt my blood, warm, wet and sticky, as it flowed out and across my chainmail armor.

One of my boys reached me. These were young men who hoped one day to aspire to houseman. In peacetime they worked as servants; during war, like now, they were companions in arms. The servant’s name was Owen. He got to me and pulled me aside. Soon thereafter, to my chagrin, I passed out and missed the rest of the battle.

When I awakened the battle was long over. Owen was at my side. I asked, “What happened. How did it go?”

Owen replied, “It went well my lord. It was just as King Harold said. There were scarce enough Norseman to man ten ships. They set off late last night.”

I looked around. Our army had vanished as well. I asked, “What, where is our power?”

Owen was checking my leg, he responded, “An ill wind as it were. Just as we were collecting our trophies another rider reached us. The bastard landed just yesterday. Our king has set out south to meet him.”

I was nonplussed, “But our force. We’ve been so diminished?”

“Yes lord, but Harold has sent messages south. He’s called out the fyrd. He’s sent a herald to the King of Mercia. You know the ever tardy one. King Harold is confident that with the fyrd and a timely appearance by Mercia we’ll be more than enough for the Normans.

I thought about that. The fyrd is the force of the common folk. All across the land our kingdom is divided into small shires, little communes. Each shire has a shireeve. In times of crisis it is the duty of the shireeve to call out the farm people, the artisans, and any of the other the able bodied who can wield a sword, an axe, or a spear. In normal times, against a normal foe, the fyrd is a match for anyone. I wondered how they’d fair against the Norman horse, many of whom were I’ve heard little more than paid mercenaries, heartless mean spirited types who fight for pay and the booty they can steal. Then again; what were we?

I looked at Owen, “Our army; has it been gone long? If it hasn’t been too long, and they haven’t traveled too far we might catch them.”

Owen shook his head, “They’ve been gone for the better part of the day. Besides Lord Aidan looked you over. He declared you physically unfit for travel.”

I looked down at my leg. My armor had been pulled off, and my outer wool and inner linen undergarments had been cut away. The wound looked serious, but in my heart I knew it was a superficial thing. I was convinced, if I tried, and with Owen’s help, I could catch the army and be in for the kill. I disliked the Norsemen, but I especially despised the Normans. It would be my greatest pleasure to separate a few of their horses from their heads so I could split open a few Norman chests.

I looked about. Maybe not? The sky was clear. The weather was warm, and there were more than a few pretty maids between here and Wessex. I was a houseman, a warrior; most young women were over eager to spread their legs for a man like me. I know I’d spawned more than a few young boys and girls throughout my King’s realm already.

Godyfa knew this, but she also knew it was my right. Her lot, on pain of death and eternal damnation was to be ever faithful, mine to be fruitful and multiply. Lord Aidan and I had traveled much of the land over the last three years. We’d shared our fruit with many a girl. This was God’s will; the man possessed the conceptus, the woman was the vessel.

Owen looked at me expectantly. I grinned, “We’d probably be too late for the battle anyway. Why not share our seed with the girls of the north and the midlands?”

Owen grinned, “As you say my lord.”

I grinned back and shrugged, “Well if we can’t join the battle we might inspire new Saxon fruit on our journey south.

Owen smiled again. He had high hopes.

As Owen and I trekked back south my wound healed nicely. I knew by the end of the second day we could have made the march and reached King Harold in time. We had other, more pleasant plans. Twice we found villages where the people were glad of our victory over the Norsemen. There were young girls aplenty. I delighted in the thrill of a new maiden every few hours. Their warm young nubile bodies were a delight to me, and I could tell Owen enjoyed them too.

On the third day I sensed a shift in the mood of the common folk. I asked about it. The common folk knew very little. What we heard was typical of Harold. His army passed through quickly. His force took only what food they absolutely required, but still there seemed something was amiss.

On the morning of the fourth day we got the news. The Normans had landed. They’d marched inland burning and ravaging everything in their path. The bastard knew Harold wouldn’t allow it.

Midday of our fifth day back a traveler told us the awful news. The bastard had been intercepted near the town of Hastings. On a hill, he said the name was Senlac, Harold, his remaining housemen and thanes plus the fyrd stood and waited. He said the battle lasted a full day. Our tale teller said twice through a ruse the Normans lured the men of the fyrd away from their secure position atop the hill. Twice the Norman horse cut them to pieces.

Our tale teller was in tears as he described what he’d heard. It was with sadness the way he described how all King Harold’s brothers perished. The outcome looked bleak; with the fyrd gone the Normans alternated arrows with horse attacks. The men on the hilltop became fewer and fewer. They pressed ever more tightly under the banner of our king.

Still our messenger told us victory was near at hand. Mercia was only a few hours away. If Harold and his beleaguered band could hold out till sundown they’d carry the day the next morning. It was then some vengeful old god intervened.

It was as though it had been the twilight of the old gods, all that was good, all that was orderly, all that was Saxon was swept away. Just as the sun was about to set the tale teller told us our grand king looked up. In my mind’s eye I could see his noble visage as he perused the last dying embers of the day. At that instant an errant arrow pieced him in the eye. Harold, King of all of England, my Harold the grandest lord of all Saxony, was killed just as the sun was set.

With Harold and all his brothers dead the rest lost heart. They broke and fled. The Norman horse rode them down and butchered them, butchered them all, killed every one. As I heard the story I wept. How could this be? My world, my whole world had been undone by a single arrow!

Owen looked at me, “What do we do now lord?”

I wiped my eyes, “First we go home. From here on we’ve got to be careful. We can’t be caught on the open road.”

I saw Owen’s distress. I tried to cheer him, “See here Owen. There’s another. There’s the young atheling, the next heir. He’s up and about somewhere. There’s Mercia, There’s Strathclyde. Essex still has able men. Who knows; there’s Cornwall, Wales. Even Northhumbria can still muster a few.”

Owen looked terribly downcast. I tried to give him cheer, “Come now Owen. All the Saxon realm didn’t just disappear. We’ll re-gather. By Christ we know who we are. We’re not like those old Romans or the long gone Celtic tribes. We’re Saxon. We’re a great nation. We’re here to stay. I tell you we’re destined to one day rule all the known world! You watch! We’re not done, not done yet, not by a long shot.” Again I thought of the arrow, the damned arrow. There had to be a lesson there. Someday, some way, I was sure we’d learn from this.

I don’t think he believed me. I wasn’t sure if I believed it either. I only knew we had to get home. I had a wife, children, “Come on Owen. We’ve a lot to do.”

And so the two of us, Owen and me, perhaps we were the last of a once great army; we started south again only now we were no longer soldiers in a victorious army. In truth, I wasn’t sure just what we were.

Our next few days were somber, somber indeed. The further south we traveled the more evidence we found that the Normans were truly amongst us; everywhere we went, everywhere we looked we found the proof of Norman depravity. Rape and murder seemed commonplace. We found little cottages, poor farmers mostly, where no one was left alive. We found the remains of once prosperous home-sites; home-sites with storage and barns all now reduced to charred ruins.

At every site the first thing that accosted us was the smell, the smell of rotted or burned flesh, human flesh. We found no animals, no chickens, no livestock, all had been taken. We found the occasional dog, usually dead. It had probably tried to defend its master.

It was apparent wherever the Normans found a man; he was killed, or I should say butchered. The women, when they were found still alive, told the same story. The Normans rode in at dawn, sometimes dusk, they’d immediately hunt down and kill any able bodied man, sometimes, so we were told, if the man offered any resistance he was beaten to the ground, tied, and then savagely tortured. The methods of torture were so dastardly I dare not mention them. Needless to say our new masters were ingenious in the ways they went about ending innocent lives.

I’d been told stories of myriad ways the Moors brutalized Christians and Jews in far off lands. At the time I thought the tales were fantasies designed to keep us faithful to the man who died for us. By the look of the things I saw now I thought the stories about the Moors seemed almost innocuous. The bodies of the men we found were treated with the savagery only a heathen could devise, but it was our women; the women who suffered the most. At least once a man’s suffering was done his soul went on, but the women were often left alive; alive with their frail womanly bodies carved into ribbons, their fleshy feminine parts torn apart by insidious devices invented just to cause pain.

Owen asked me, “Aelfwine what exactly is a breast ripper?”

I gazed at one particularly sickening sight and answered, “Don’t ask. I’ve heard of them, but until now I never knew they ever existed. Let’s pray we get home before ... I couldn’t go on.”

Wherever we went it seemed the single hamlets, the smaller villages suffered the most. Larger sites and the small towns that we found at crossroads and such suffered less, some not at all. In one larger village we found out another bitter truth.

A few miles from our home village we chanced upon a cluster of homes where few men had been killed, and though most of the women had been sorely abused, none had been murdered. We were quietly pulled aside by an older man; the man by the look of him was of true Saxon blood.

The Old Saxon explained, “We had a priest in our village. He must have had prior contact with the Normans. Maybe through our last king Edward, who knows? Maybe through some other man of this or that pious order,” he spat out the word pious as though it were the venom of some rare serpent, “I tell you houseman these priests conspire with the invader. Our local priest had our friar strangled; then he, the priest, rode off with the Normans. I heard from another man who’d escaped from a more distant village, not yours I think, the priest for his church had done the same.”

I scratched my neck, “So you think the priestly community, being more politically astute, has aligned themselves with the invader at the cost of the people?”

He went on, “I say more. The priests and their fine churches have been untouched. I add their churches haven’t been ransacked, but the friaries, not all but it seems most, have been looted.”

I considered the Old Saxon’s words. It was true there’d always been a low level, but keen, rivalry between the wealthier priests and the less affluent friars. I thought I knew why too; the friars, most of them anyway, were closer to the common folk; the priests were more attuned to Rome. Of course, Saxons like me had no interest in Rome.

I gave the Old Saxon a rueful grin, “Thank you old man. I’ll pay your words some heed when I get home.”

The Old Saxon, ashen and grim faced, responded, “God speed, though I wonder now sometimes maybe the God of choice may not be this Jesus. I know from the old people, those who preceded me, King Alfred was a Christian man, and we should follow the example he set, but our ancestors ... our ancestors had Gods the Jesus God couldn’t stop.”

I chased back my immediate doubts, “Old Saxon I’ve pondered these things myself from time to time. I admit these last days have given me pause, but there’s a man in my shire. I think he might have the answers I need. First though I must see to my family.”

The Old Saxon placed a fixed smile on his lips and waved us good bye.

As we got closer to our village the sights and smells seemed more intermittent. In some places clusters of two or three houses were completely wiped out; in others things seemed untouched. My thought on this was our village was further south; perhaps the Normans hadn’t felt quite as keenly on the booty so close on after the Hastings fight. Mayhap they’d been somewhat less sure?

Nigh on the village I pulled Owen aside. We were well off the road, but I was still worried, “See here Owen. You’re a younger man, a stripling still by the look of you. The weather’s cooler so keeping your sleeves well down won’t cause suspicion. You go on ahead. Slip quietly in the village. Visit the forge first, then the stables. Be discreet. Go unnoticed. Quietly confer with Donnell the forge master and then old Edwy at the stables. Find out all you can. I’ll be at Edgar’s; you know the place in the forest.”

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We were a little family for six months. Yvette and I opened a joint bank account to save for the wedding and a house. I likely could have paid for them outright - and certainly, the family could have - but Yvette wanted our lives together to start on our joint footing. I couldn't argue the logic. I was wrestling with my own inner demons as I realize slowly that while I did want to move back to Reedville when I graduated, I didn't want to work for the fishery. The problem was that I didn't...

4 years ago
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Cronicles of MartosChapter 4 The Vampires Dusk

As the centuries passed, Martos spent more and more time in study and research, planning his next move, and caught up in his work, he stopped caring for anything else. Finding they were free from Martos's strict control, the others felt strange at first, not knowing what to do now. As time passed, they slowly became more and more decadent and out of control. They totally forgot what happened the last time humanity discovered the truth about them. Most vampires separated from the main group,...

1 year ago
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Cronicles of MartosChapter 3 The Vampires Last Dusk

A terrible war had raged the Alpha quadrant for the last century between the immortal vampires and the mortal races of the quadrant. The war lasted so long, with so many casualties, that very few thought the fighting should continue, and even fewer knew why they were still fighting. Finally, the peace offer was made, from the very person that started the war, the vampire leader, Jonathan. This step was something clear only to him, as the other vampires were completely baffled from this...

4 years ago
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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky

“Hi Daddy,” from Marti. “Hello Hank,” from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody called me Hank. “Hey have you started anything for dinner yet,” I asked. “Oh gosh, sorry Daddy, no, I’ll start now,” Marti said. “How about we just do pizza’s instead?” I offered. In unison I got a, “Way cool.” “Just let me relax for a few, have a beer and sort the mail and I’ll call it in; decide what you girls want, pepperoni, sausage, what?” I popped the top...

2 years ago
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Accolades to Jerry Sandusky

Introduction: The title is a joke…so is the man Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy, from Marti. Hello Hank, from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody...

2 years ago
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Risky And Dusky

I graciously opened my eyes that morning with a smile. Although I couldn’t rouse back everything from the dream, I had a flickering memory of how passionate, arousing one it was. As soon as I woke up, I had an intense urge to rub my dick. I headed into the shower, brushed my teeth, and stepped into a frosty shower. My body shivered with the leading droplet of snowy water. I closed my eyes in the shower as I imagined myself again with her absolute hard dick. It was not the first time I had a...

3 years ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 15 Fenton the Goul

A pair of cheetah muzzles nuzzling my face woke me. For a moment I didn't know where I was. It was peaceful. Flash and Dash were sisters. I knew their names. I knew their stories. Born in captivity, they were habituated to humans—not at all like that cheetah mauling a bicyclist near an African game preserve. "Hi, girls," I said. "What's the news?" "Promoted," a voice said. It took me a moment to recognize Lilith. "They are my honor guard now." "What did the dogs have to say...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

"Mr. Vice President, it is true that we are talking about your life. However, we are talking about my job. It is my job to make sure you are safe, secure, and your life is protected at all costs. We can't just 'forget' that part of my job because you are concerned about the President's safety. "At the same time I agree that this is a very unusual problem, and one I have never had to examine before. One the one hand we are talking about you and your safety, but on the other, we are...

4 years ago
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Rejuvenation By Bill Hart Thomas Higgs hobbled slowly up the walk of the imposing mansion. His knees ached. He'd slowed down considerably in the last several years as advancing age took its toll. He was going to turn eighty-four next week. He wasn't as young or as spry as he'd once been, but then who was after making it into their ninth decade. Of late, there had been several times he wished he could be young and full of vigor again. If only he could be young again, there...

3 years ago
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Haileys Capture

Capturing girls is more difficult for me since I am a woman. Getting a young girl to admit she is lesbian or bisexual is nearly impossible with all the bullshit stigmas society puts on those orientations. So I have to take a different approach. I have to play the part of the cool older woman that wants to enable the younger girls to have fun and party. The easiest way I?ve found to do this is to make friends with young girls and offer to buy them alcohol, cigarettes, or get them something they...

2 years ago
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Annas Abrichtung

Annas Abrichtung - Teil 1([email protected])Die folgende Geschichte ist beinhaltet die detaillierte Darstellung unterschiedlichster erzwungener sexueller Handlungen. Sie ist als eine Fantasie f?r Erwachsene und darf nicht von Minderj?hrigen oder solchen Personen gelesen werden, die sich durch solche Darstellungen verletzt f?hlen. Ich weise ausdr?cklich und aus meiner vollen ?berzeugung darauf hin, dass ich solche Handlungen in der Realit?t als verabscheuensw?rdig empfinde und die strafrechtliche V...

1 year ago
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Kim blackmailed part 5

Bonnie: ok bitch, time to take that skirt up a bit (with an evil grin) Kim waited some seconds before she did what Bonnie had asked for. Bonnie: not like that whore, I want it up so you are sitting on your ass, and everyone trying to peak will see what they want. Kim took a deep breath before she stood slightly up to take her skirt up. As she did that she knew that she was dripping wet and that anyone who would look down under her desk would see her naked, shaved cunt. Bonnie then turned up...

2 years ago
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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 2

Leon Bedeau stood at his apartment door peering through the peep hole. The little girl from down the hall, cradling a grocery bag in one arm, was knocking on his door asking to be let in. He wondered what she wanted. He had never spoken to her. Why was she bothering him? And then he noticed the policeman walking towards her, towards his apartment. His fingers tightened on the pistol. Why was she causing him trouble? He wanted nothing more than to be invisible. The policeman was getting...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Adventures 8211 Part 1 Unsatisfied Housewife

Today is the most important day of my life. This was the moment I was waiting for. 13 hours ago, I got married to Anand. He is 35 years old, 8 years older than me. He is a wealthy man. He is not very fit but also not very fat either. I look fair, with a perfect fit body, since I hit the gym regularly. I have a great pair of melons and a perfect round ass. I don’t care whether my new husband is a virgin or not, because I am not a virgin. I lost my virginity 8 years ago. But after that, I think...

3 years ago
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Start Of My First Sexual Fling

Hi Friends, I have about a sexual fling. About me, I’m a 38 years married man, and I work in Bangalore. Basically, from south Tamil Nadu. Interested ladies or couples can ping me in hangouts at I am back again with a lady chat friend who wanted to post her story without revealing her real identity. Please don’t mail me asking for her details or mail id. I won’t be able to share. Let’s get into the story as told by her. I’m Payal, 36 working as a receptionist. As you can imagine, I maintain...

1 year ago
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New Girl

My name is Irene, im new in school and this guy called Josh just look at me every time. After josh's football practice... he walked to me when i'm reading a book. "wanna go out?" he asked. "look, i did not like u at ALL" i replied. josh walked to his friend and said " i dont understand, EVERY girls in this school like me.. even the teachers." he said to his friend, Mark. "u should trick her, that's how i do with my ex." he replied josh with a "duhhhh" look. "my new goal: fuck the new girl" josh...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 28 Missouri

Dave bounced up on the stage from the side aisle. He surveyed the twenty-two-thousand people in the arena and waved to each quadrant of them. There was thunderous applause and cheers. He thought to himself, ‘Shit, I could get used to this ego trip.’ He spread both arms wide and then wrapped them around Ashley and the two of them shared beautiful kiss that was a lot more than just a peck on the lips. The applause got louder, especially when the two of them appeared kissing on the large screen...

2 years ago
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40 Year Old Widow Snatched My Virginity 8211 My First Sexperience

Hello readers. I am Mahesh (My Pen-Name) back again with another true story and this time, narrating my first sexual experience. First, thanks for all the mails/comments/appreciations showered/flooded on me. I didn’t expect this overwhelming response as I just started my hand on writing and just 4 stories old. I did read all your comments. Though I might have replied to only a few. Well, for the comments/questions I got for the Lesbian story I had written, asking me if the story was a true...

2 years ago
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Ghost Of Kareema An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 10

Welcome back, my dear readers. 17 June 1985 Like in a dream, Kareema felt the bus is stopped. Her being taken away, and being undressed, as she laid back, unable to resist. Then, she stopped feeling anything. Kareema woke up, feeling a flow of way we hitting her face. “Wake up, bitch!” A man said as he put away the bucket. Kareema noticed the man. It was the bus driver. She then noticed that she was in a bed, somewhere that looked like a garage. She sat on her bed and looked around. Other...

4 years ago
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Sex ke maje loote

Hi ISS readers aap sabhi ko mera sex bhara namaste. Main Sejal Jain jodhpur ki housewife hoon aur main apne pati (jiska penis chhota aur patla sa hai) se santust nahin thi, wo kabhi bhi mujhe sex ka such nahin de paya, sadi ke char sal bad tak bhi bacha nahi hua tha. Aaj main aapko aapni ek real story batane ja rahi hun jo last week mere sath hui meri hobbies chat kerne ki hai main roj chat kerti hun. Per ek din meri mulakat se hui jo ki Jodhpur ka hi rehnewala hai. Baato baato main na jane...

2 years ago
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Dick JonesChapter 2 lay Misty for me

All right, I bet you're not convinced. You're thinking maybe I have some kind of super-pheromone power -- or maybe Wendy was a closet sex-fiend all this time and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time -- but whatever it is, you're thinking that all this talk about Dick being in control is just a coping mechanism for guilt. Like "It's not me, it's Dick" is an excuse. You're thinking it's me, not Dick. Au contraire. And I can prove it. See, Dick is into stuff that...

1 year ago
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My gfrsquos mom

I was 19 at the time. I was dating the hottest girl in our school, Amy Maiden (16). She is white and has C-cup breasts. She has a petite build and is 5’’ shorter than me (I am 5ft, 11’’). Amy has blue eyes and cherry blonde hair. She has given me a blow job but we’ve never actually had sex. I am white with raven black hair and I have an 7’’ dick. I pulled up to Amy’s house in my black charger. It was summer. It was about 3:30 when I rang the doorbell. Her mom answered the door. As hot as Amy...

4 years ago
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ForeChapter 4

Back at the condo after washing up Ted did what he said he would do and made some butter baked salmon along with the asparagus his mother had left in the refrigerator and microwaved baked potatoes. It made for a very delicious meal along with the bottle of wine Ted had uncorked. Because he had done the cooking, Joni who had already showered said she would do the cleanup which gave Ted time to shower. They listen to the news that was on the television then sat on the balcony and waited to...

3 years ago
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Met Sexy Doctor For My Mother8217s Illness 8211 Pt 4

Hello friends, I am back to share my experience with a beautiful and sexy doctor, Reetika. I want to say thanks to all of you for liking the earlier parts and encouraging me to write my full experience. Some of you were very curious to know what happened next. So I am sharing more of my experience. After releasing my load in her hands, I opened my eyes after 1 or 2 minutes and looked at Reetika. Her eyes were wide open. I saw my cum flowing on her saree. I immediately felt sorry. Me- Oh god, I...

2 years ago
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3 Sissies at Lake House have Fun

It has been almost a year and a half since Steve, Mike and Joe have been meeting at Joe's secluded lake house every month. Of course, it's really a secret meeting of three sissy cross dressers who love to dress femmie and let go and have slutty girlly hot sex. ...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 2 ExileChapter 37

Monday was a totally mundane day. I spread the word that Vance was returning to school Wednesday morning and there was a tone in the air like we were preparing for war. After school, we had our first practice in the new gym with our new coach and it turned out to be the best practice the girls could ever remember. Having nothing to compare it to really, I was just glad it went well. We all split up after practice and Gina drove me home, earning a speculative look from Lana and another one...

1 year ago
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Steam Room Lovers

I was on my last mile of the night, and I was drenched with sweat. I pushed through my workout, breathing heavily, and soaked. I was finally nearing the end of my workout, and I turned off the treadmill and jumped off.I consider myself good looking. I'm 5'7 and all legs. I have dark red hair, and I'm lightly tanned during the summer. I have curves in all of the right places, and boobs that could knock a boy out. I'm 21, and in better shape than most women my age. Even though I only weigh 115, I...

Straight Sex
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My mom my aunt and the sex tape

Note : This story is completely fictional! OK so it was the holidays and i was at my aunts house a total BBW and i had brung my camera to film my family having fun. I had gotten bored and went upstairs to use the computer. I was surfing the net and had saw this SUPER hot chick online and immediately had to jerk one out so i went into an upstairs room set the camera down and thought ah what the hell so i just filmed my self masturbating to show to my girlfriend or something funny. I had closed...

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When I shared a true story about the hot tub in the Astoria Holiday Inn Hotel, I barely believed it myself but it actually happened in 2009. Ben & Cheryl were the sexy couple whom I met in the hot tub there at the hotel. I fingered Cheryl to two huge climaxes as her husband sat next to us, not knowing that he was secretly watching the whole time. Then when he joined her three kids in the pool, she jacked my cock with them only a few feet away. She stroked me hungrily until a huge load of...

2 years ago
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Hit on at the grocery store

I was in the grocery story yesterday picking up some lunch. I was looking around while I was waiting for my sandwich to be made.. Nothing special.. normal crowd. But I did notice a few people looking my way. I figured it was because I was holding my motorcycle helmet(it is bright and gets lots of looks) and some would look away as I would notice them staring. But this one guy did not look away.. he just smiled and so I smiled back. Got my sandwich and pushed my cart down the isle, got in line...

3 years ago
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Champion of Hades

Danny had just sealed the Ghosts back into the Ghost Zone and then his parents shot him in his Phantom form with their Weapon. He was now lying in the Forest of Amity Park when he suddenly began to notice that he was shrouded in a golden glowing aura. A clock appeared in front of him he saw the appeared Clockwork from it. "Do you know what the glowing means Clockwork??" Danny wondered at Clockwork. "You surpassed your Limits and broke the Limiter Daniel," Clockwork explained. Clockwork was the...

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Party pt2

"Aaaaghhh," I gasped, swallowing more of Alex's spunk in the process, "I'm a dirty little cumbucket slut," I moaned, using the words that Sasha and the guys had used to describe me and causing them to giggle, "And I love sucking cock and drinking cum. I don't belong as a real man, I'm much better as a cumstained girly whore!"I couldn't believe some of the things that were coming out of my mouth as I quite happily repeated back everything Sasha and the guys had told me I was with barely a...

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Charlotta The Candy StriperChapter 2

The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...

3 years ago
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I want to fuck my daddy

Introduction: my true feeling n thoughts….comments please BUT NO MEANIES LOL!!!…ILL CALL THIS A SAMPLE OF PluSizePussi…EVERYTHING IS TRUE. IF GOOD COMMENTS N RATE MAYBE A STORY… TRUE AND TELL ALIL BOUT ME HERE N THERE I want my dad to fuck me! I dnt kno were this came frm but I want my daddy to fuck me. Nice hard strokes, lick my pussy,suck my nipples hard,suck on my clit,while I deep throat him, get his dick nice n wet have him stroke his dick while he watch me play wit my pussy. Im 22,...

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double bondage

I decided to write about something my wife and I did as I have never seen this portrayed in story or in the videos on Xhamster. First I should tell you I am a marital and family ther****t. The organization where I worked gave us a “test” to use with married couples which was designed to facilitate sexual communication. As I had done in the past, whenever we obtained anything new on the sexual front I would bring it home to try it out with my wife both to see what the experience would be like...

4 years ago
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Two Aunts and a Bush are better in hand

Let me tell you how this current story starts by going back to 1966. My grandmother had my mom when she was 20 years old. My uncle came five years later and my Aunt Linda eight years after him. My mom was 13 at the time Aunt Linda was born. My Grandmother got pregnant unexpectedly at age 40 with my Aunt Dee. My mom was pregnant at the same time. I was born in August of 1966 and my Aunt Dee was born six weeks after me. True story. My Aunt Linda, Aunt Dee and I were all close growing up....

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Buried TreasureChapter 5

The following day dawned bright and clear. Before breakfast Max freed Toni from the tree he had been chained to throughout the night. A length of chain led from the tree to a loop of chain wrapped around the young man's neck. He had just enough scope to allow him to lie down in his sleeping bag. Max said during the day a chain hobble joining his ankles would be enough to ensure he could work but couldn't run. Mirabelle had slept—between bouts of being used for rough sex—chained to April....

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(Apologies that this is not in the Guidelines, but the term 'shemale' is used only for the purpose of erotic fiction and should not be as a term or to represent trans women in real life. Apologies to any people it may offend) As the alarm clock goes off on my phone and your mom shouts your name 'Ryan' to come down for breakfast I jump out off bed to look at yourself within the mirror. I find to see a 19 year old naked body looking at myself, at 5'9" ft tall, a lean body which sports a few good...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Jamie Michelle The Surrogate Vol 2 E2

The next morning, after a night of fucking Oliver (Oliver Davis) in front of his live-in girlfriend Harley (Harley Haze), Jamie’s (Jamie Michelle) still horny as hell. When Harley’s out running errands Jamie puts her seductive moves on Oliver and the temptation proves too much. The newly anointed “lovers” throw-caution-to-the-wind and go at each other in the kitchen. After an intense suck & fuck-fest, Oliver drops his seed deep in Jamie’s snatch. Not wanting to get caught, the taboo twosome...

2 years ago
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Old Concept New Story

quaint bars to go out to and have a little fun dancing meeting new people that sort of thing. You know trying to fit in a little. Find some people that I liked hanging out with making new friends. Week days were pretty average the same people coming in after work having a drink before going home. Friendly conversation dinner or whatever you do to unwind from your day. So far I liked most of the people I had met. Seemed like your everyday normal type people. It was usually fairly quiet...

4 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 11

The question that Jane asked stunned Marie, so that she couldn’t comprehend what she had just heard. Did her innocent daughter, who claimed to be a virgin, just ask her mother to teach her how to suck her boyfriend’s cock? And how could Marie possibly do that without Jane finding out what a slutty whore she had been in Dubai? Jane took the initiative and said, “I can see that you enjoyed it when Brad sprayed your face with his cum. Where did you learn to like that? Because I am sure that...

2 years ago
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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 5

When they were in their room, Sam asked Amy what they were going to do next. "Find her Sam. I hope to be able to stop her but if I cannot, then I am afraid I will have to destroy her. We are going to have to rent a car and then we are going to have to pay a visit to the Lusty Cravings club and hope that Melanie shows. From there I don't know, we will just have to play it by ear. I don't suppose it would do me any good to ask you not to come because I think it might be very dangerous?"...

3 years ago
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No Time Left For You

“I can’t think of a better reason for inventing time travel, can you?”I, Isaac Heinlein, genius and man about town, scratched my chin, my new beard always made me itchy.“Yeah, but it won’t work, Ray. You’ve seen the movies, it never works properly. There’s butterfly effects and parallel universes and, lets see, grandfather paradoxes, time quakes, broken DeLoreans, Red Lectroids—““The Red Lectroids were in the eighth dimension, not the fourth. Besides, it worked in Superman. He flew so fast...

College Sex
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When I was 31 I spent an hour with a 52 yo colle

Some years ago (I was 31) my firm organized a meeting in Tuscany, in a resort, inviting all the day before.In the afternoon by the poolside I exchanged fluff talk with a group of colleagues,including Daniela (52 y.o.).Some looks and smiles between me and her, there and at dinner.., but nothing more.After dinner we continued to talk during a walk, individually and in group, but I didn't think about sex with her. Back at the hotel we took the elevator to go to the rooms, and we remained the last...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 395

Thanks to Pedant for this one Boris Johnson goes to a little rural village and asks them what he and his government can do for the local people. “We have two major problems,” says a local official. “Firstly, we have a health center, but no doctor working there.” Boris whips out his phone and talks into it for a minute. “I have made a call to my team in Westminster,” he announces, “and we’re going to have an absolutely top-notch doctor here next week to cater to everyone’s needs! What was...

4 years ago
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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 6

Adam watched as his stepdaughter celebrated her sixteenth birthday with her friends. He couldn’t help but feel a bit dull as he knew she had never seen the outside world. However staying in the bunkers was the safest option not only for her but the other residents. Adam had been in the vault the longest and had been voted to become the overseer of the entire population. He wanted to make this birthday special for her without putting her life at risk. He kept pondering ideas about what to do for...

4 years ago
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Gujrati gilolo in rajkot

Hi friends me apani sachi kahani bata raha hu .me rajkot me padata hu. To ek din apani collage me form fill up karane gaya to ek sir ne muje kaha tum apana sara form lekar mere ghar aa jao. Me waha fill karunga. Me ne kaha ok. So he said come at 2 o clock in their house. I m looking very beautiful. Me gore rang ka good looking 2 baje usake ghar gaya . To sir akele hi the. Usne muje andar bulaya aur sofe pe bithaya. Wo mere pas aakar bethe. Wo 35 year old man tha. Wo mere kandhe pe hath...

2 years ago
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The Fall of the Noble Companions

Tears stream down the cheeks of a stunning nineteen year-old redhead, the fluid smearing her makeup and pooling between her lips and the edge of a too-large bit-gag. She screams and struggles, sandwiched between two men each twice her weight. Their cocks fill and tear her holes, lubricated only slightly by the cum of the men that used her just minutes prior. "Do you really think she'll talk?" Don Lurio, famed Mob Boss of West City, towers over his sister-in-law. Leader of the West City Mob,...

1 year ago
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Employing Carly

Hi, I'm Grant and I'm the owner of the local surf clothing shop (officially, that is). My other business interests are a little shadier. I'm the owner and operator of a brothel, and I also have a stable of high class escorts for well-to-do business men. I have a business partner too. He's the local doctor, and he looks after the health of my girls (and gets his fair share of young pussies too). I employ 16 and 17 year old girls in my surf clothing shop with the most suitable 18 yr olds...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 321 Obtaining Our Next Home

Sunday, October 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 The Democrats were having so much fun seeing the massive trouble that Majestic Countdown was causing the Republicans that they didn't want the scandal-creating leaks to stop. The Federal Government's paying us $36.8 billion required an appropriations bill this time, giving the Democrats an easy opportunity to derail the settlement process. [[The previous $18.4 billion had been paid out of spare money the Government had lying around! It came...

4 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 18 A Nightcap

There has been some sort of party. I only know because I have been working to prepare it, and to see that it is a success. I have not seen the guests; I have been kept hard at work downstairs in the kitchen. I can't help feeling like Cinderella. Yes, I bloody well should be going to the ball! In real life, but I actually mean in my former life, I was a university lecturer, married to an engineer, working for a PhD, with a wide circle of friends. To get me here, I have been drugged and...

3 years ago
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Sharing My Girlfriend

It had been a few weeks since I shared my crossdressing secret with my girlfriend Leanne and I'd been spending more time dressing up as a girl. My collection of girly clothing had grown and I'd ordered several more slutty outfits and sexy lingerie sets.Leanne had helped me by giving advice, making sure I bought the right items and occasionally picking out a few things for herself. Outside of buying clothes together, we had retreated into our own routines again, spending more time alone, which...

2 years ago
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Julia shocked by her new reality part 3

“You may only cum today at your boyfriend’s place of work!” The message was formed clearly on her screen below a most humiliating picture of her and all Julia could think about was how she could get to her boyfriend’s office as soon as possible. She put her phone away and washed her mouth with water. Faking an upset stomach she explained to her colleagues she was going home, maybe passing her boyfriend on the way to pick some things up. ~~~ Somewhat surprised Michael watched Julia walk out...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls JC Wilds Weve Created a Horny Monster

We have a really cute girl here today and her name is “BEEP.” She’s also from “BEEEEP” and according to her, Tyler puts the guys to shame from “BEEEEP” because they can’t fuck and I can confirm this. You see we have shot many girls from “BEEEEP” and we hear this same frustrating theme from all of them and I can see why she says it’s hard to make this nervous cutie cum during sex. Well as all our newbie’s find out after Tyler’s taken them on his stiff cock sit & spin ride is that there’s way...


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