A simple garden party ends unexpectedly Part 1
- 4 years ago
- 16
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"Well, I have to say, Elspeth, I'm a little disappointed." Brianna tensed even further over her soup, feeling nails digging into her leg as Elspeth flinched.
"Why?" Elspeth managed a strangled gulp, hunkered down over her bowl.
"Well, Brianna's boyfriend that I met this morning said you were seeing someone, and you've not mentioned him all morning?" she sipped gently at her own soup as Elspeth looked down at her own meal, and gave Brianna a slight smile.
What's that about? Brianna thought, covering her frown with her spoon.
"That wasn't my boyfriend," she pointed out, after a second's thought, "Tony's my brother."
"Really?" the older woman smiled, amused at something, and Brianna's suspicions rose that something was going on.
"Leave them alone, love." Elspeth's dad muttered, favouring them both with an apologetic look, as he finished his bowl. "She's nineteen now, she can have a few secrets from her parents, surely. It's what growing up's about."
"If you say so." Mrs Downing obviously disagreed. "I should think, though, that unless she's ashamed of him she'd be telling us. After all, Lorraine says they've been going out since before Christmas!"
"Lorraine?" Elspeth looked up, surprised. "When did you talk to Lorraine?"
"We didn't, dear, we had to listen to Laura all the way here, telling us all about what she knew." She rolled her eyes, ostentatiously, and another time Brianna might have laughed. Instead, though, she just pushed her spoon around the bowl, staring into the tomato soup, wondering if that were really it — if Elspeth was ashamed not of what she was, but of who she was with.
Private schools and the quality of her clothes told Brianna that Elspeth's family never lacked for money, but it wasn't something they'd talked about much. A few skiing holidays had been mentioned, too, and Brianna hadn't really given them any serious consideration at the time, but she was looking now at the delicate pattern of the plate in the fancy restaurant, and feeling out of place in her denim skirt.
"Would you excuse me for a minute." She smiled, wanly, and headed off to the toilets, feeling tears pricking at the back of her eyes.
"You OK?" Elspeth caught her hand and quickly slid it up to her wrist as it came above the table. Brianna stared at it, glumly, and nodded.
"Yeah, I'll be back in a minute." The toilets, thankfully, were empty, and she stopped in front of the mirror to wet her hands enough to rub her eyes, fighting back the tears. It was a stupid worry, she knew, Elspeth wasn't like that. It was just the tension, and natural fear.
"Brianna?" she spun around as Mrs Downing spoke, not unkindly. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Yeah, I just... something in my eye." She smiled, forcing it.
"Both eyes?" They both paused, waiting for Brianna to think of something to say. "I..."
"I'd rather she told me, you know."
"What?" The older woman smiled a gentle, forgiving smile. "You know?"
"I suspected for a while. Then this morning... there are some sounds and smells, you know, that just can't be mistaken for anything else."
"Why don't you tell her you know?" Brianna began to get a little angry. "She's tearing herself up worrying about how she's going to tell you."
"Please, dear, calm down. Elspeth's... school did many wonderful things for her, but it also had a tendency to teach the girls to back away from confrontation, not to stand up and say what she thinks. That's still something she needs to learn to do — that's why we agreed to let her go to university so far away from home, after all, to learn to stand on her own feet."
"So this is, like, some weird home-tutor exam to you?" Brianna asked. "Lady, that's... this is her... No, fuck that, this is my life, too. That's my girlfriend out there being a nervous wreck. She doesn't need to learn to stand up for herself, I'll do it for her." She moved to brush past, and Mrs Downing stepped across in front of her.
"Please... imagine if there were something she weren't telling you, how would you feel?"
"Upset." Brianna admitted. "But if I suspected something, I'd ask and clear the air, I wouldn't leave it hanging like this."
"I have asked, Brianna, several times." She pointed out. "I keep dropping 'boyfriend' into the conversation whenever I can, what else can I do? If I say girlfriend — is it, girlfriend I mean?" Brianna nodded, waiting for her to continue. "If I say girlfriend, she won't need to tell me anything, she'll know that I already know... I want to know my little girl can still come and talk to me, even if she has found someone else that's willing to stand up for her." She managed a wary smile. "Strange as it sounds, I am quite pleased that you'd do that for her, you know."
"Yeah, well," Brianna managed, shrugging slightly, "she thinks long and hard about things and doesn't do anything, I do things and probably don't think long enough or hard enough... we balance out."
"Just... until the end of lunch? Please?"
"Alright." Brianna gave in, reluctantly. "But ease off a little? She's trying to build up to this, she wants to tell you, she's just scared that you'll turn your backs on her. I guess that's not going to happen, but..."
"Never. Now, come on, Bob will be wondering where we've gotten to."
"Dad..." Elspeth looked up, putting the spoon down with a rattle as her hands shook.
"That sounds ominous." He smiled, gently, leaning forward a little. "What's on your mind, you've not been yourself today."
"It's... there's something I have to tell you, tell you both, but I think..." She struggled, looking for the right way to phrase it.
"You think I'll react calmer than your mother will?" he chuckled gently. "I can't promise anything, your mother can still surprise me, even now."
"Yeah." Elspeth smiled, wanly. "I think... I think she might — you both might — have gotten the wrong idea from Lorraine's parents."
"About what?"
"About... my boyfriend."
"Well, they've not told us anything, really." He pointed out, reaching out to take her hands, gently, feeling them shake. "You know Laura, she talks for the love of her own voice. All we know is you've been going out with him since before Christmas, that's it."
"Well, see... there's... something in that isn't quite right." Elspeth pulled her hands back, flitting a glance towards the toilets, hoping Brianna was alright.
"You aren't going out with him any more?"
"No, it's not that."
"You weren't going out before Christmas?"
"No, we were..."
"So? What, then?"
"So... it's..." She pressed her eyes closed, clasped at his hands, and gabbled it out. "It'snotahe!"
"You heard..." she whispered.
"No, darling, I didn't, you jabbered away. Calm down, whatever happens you're still our daug... Oh, god, you're not pregnant are you?"
"NO!" she flushed scarlet as patrons from the nearby tables turned to look at them. "No!" she added again, leaning forward. "Dad, he... Isn't a he."
"Who isn't?" he looked around, searching for who she'd seen.
"No, Dad... my 'boyfriend' isn't a boyfriend. It's... it's a girlfriend." The silence drew out, and she looked up, seeing Brianna and her mother returning. "Oh, Dad, say something, they're coming back!"
"Is it... um... is it... Brianna?" he turned slightly, watching them return, eyes narrowed.
"Well... I can... I can see why you'd like her." He admitted, tracing a curvy outline.
"DAD!" she hissed. "Don't... just because I like girls, doesn't mean you've suddenly got a son!"
"What have you been talking about to look like that?" Mrs Downing sat down, looking back and forward at the pair of them. Brianna took her seat, squeezed Elspeth's hand reassuringly and couldn't decide which of them Mrs Downing had been talking about. They both spent a moment earnestly considering their spoons. "Well, I have to say, Elspeth, you choose your friends well." She gestured towards Brianna as the waiter took the soup bowls away. "She wouldn't breathe a word about your romantic relations."
"Yeah... about that..." Elspeth looked up, feeling Brianna's hand settle on her thigh under the table.
"Yes, dear?"
"There's... there's something you probably should know before we go to dinner with the Matthews tonight."
"Go on, Elspeth, you know you can tell us anything, don't you?" She leant forward to make it obvious she was paying attention.
"Well... I wanted you to meet... the person who I've been going out with since before Christmas."
"Are you going to invite them this evening?"
"I need to ask them, but I was going to, yes."
"Well that's nice, do you think they'll come?" Brianna squeezed, gently.
"I think so, yes. But... I wanted you to meet them before... well, before Lorraine's parents, certainly."
"Well, we can go see him this afternoon, surely?"
"I already invited her to lunch." Brianna felt the tension in her leg, and smiled gently to herself as she saw Mr Downing looking just as nervous as the moment drew out.
"There." Mrs Downing leant forward, laying a hand over Elspeth's white knuckles on the table. "Was that so hard to tell me?"
"You knew!" Elspeth's face paled, and Brianna thought for a moment she was going to faint. "But... wh... how... when? Why didn't you say anything?"
"It wasn't my place to interfere like that, dear, you're choosing your own way, that's why you came to university." She smiled. "I didn't know, not until today. I suspected some things, but... Oh, Elspeth, we love you, nothing's going to change that. Especially not if you choose to associate with people like Brianna, she was ready to throw me out on my ear in there." She pointed back towards the toilets. "Now, with that over, calm down for the main course, you don't want to eat while you're agitated, you'll get indegestion."
Elspeth managed a relieved giggle, this time clasping Brianna's hand and pulling it up onto the table top.
"Did you want to go out for dinner, too?" she turned to Brianna, a proud smile flushed with success plastered all over her face.
"Hell, yeah." Brianna nodded. "You and Lorraine have painted quite a picture of her Mum... I can't wait to see what she makes of this."
"What was it you were saying about acting without thinking long and hard?" Mrs Downing asked, and Brianna just shrugged as the meal arrived.
"It's worked for me up until now."
"Why did you have to meet here?" Marcus stepped aside as Tony trundled in through the door, tugging at his jacket to get it to sit right. "It's not even as though any of you live here any more?"
"I know, I know." He shrugged. "Wasn't my idea, though. Lorraine suggested it — she said it was 'central', which shouldn't make much of a difference seeing as we're going by car."
"Could I just leave you to see to everyone?" Marcus asked, frowning. "It'll be..."
"Crowded?" Tony asked, and Marcus could only nod. "Well, probably... I think they'll want to meet you, though, parents are like that."
"They aren't my parents." Marcus pointed out.
"I know, but..." he could only shrug as the door sounded again. Tony opened as Marcus headed for the kitchen, letting Lorraine in.
"Hi." He managed, a little off.
"Hi." Marcus looked back and forth between the two of them and shook his head.
"Conversation is just going to flood out, isn't it?" he observed
"Are Hope and Shawna here?" Lorraine asked, turning away from Tony as he was about to speak, leaving him open mouthed and off-balance as Brianna and Elspeth came up the stairs to the flat.
"Close your mouth, Tony, I've dressed up before."
"You could have pointed out how I'd dressed up, too." Lorraine pointed out, giving them a little twirl.
"Nice." Elspeth remarked, slipping her coat onto the back of a chair. "I thought about dungarees to make an impression on your Mum, but I decided to go for a dress in the end." Brianna nudged her arm, and Marcus disappeared into the kitchen.
"You worried?" Tony asked, looking at the three of them. Brianna and Elspeth shrugged, Lorraine kept quiet.
"Yeah, that's what I figured." He shoved his hands deep in his pockets and stared at Brianna and Elspeth for a moment. "Could you give us a minute?"
"Sure." Brianna said, having got a nod from her girlfriend, and the pair trekked into the kitchen with Marcus.
"So... how did you want to play this?" Tony asked. "Are we... are we working things out, are we just having a little trouble, what?"
"We're... taking a break." Lorraine looked at him, trying to read how he felt about it from his look. "For them, that is."
"For us?"
"There is no 'us', Tony. Not like that."
"Then why did you invite me? Why did you say we'd talk about this later?"
"To keep my mother happy." She shrugged, staring at her feet. "Well, quiet, at least. Were you really sat on my wall waiting to talk to me this morning?"
"Yes." He admitted. "I... I didn't even see it coming, Lo-lo. Just, out of the blue, 'this isn't working, it's over'. I don't know what bit wasn't working, what I could have done..."
"Does it matter?"
"Yes!" she looked up at the vehemence in his tone, and he stepped back a little, looking nervous. "Yes, I liked you — I still like you. I want to know what I need to change to make this work... if... that's what I wanted to talk to you about."
"You... it's not like you to be up at that time on a Sunday."
"Well, some things are more important than a lie-in."
"It's not normally a lie-in, it's normally a hangover." She pointed out, archly.
"True." He admitted. "I didn't go to the social last night... I figured it must be my night-off by now. Someone else could set up and break the stuff down." They both looked up as someone knocked on the door.
"Shame you couldn't have done that a little more when we were together." She told him, and turned away to the kitchen leaving him to open the door.
"Mr and Mrs Downing." He greeted them, forcing the smile back onto his face.
"Ah, Brianna's brother?" Mrs Downing recognised him. "Tony, right?" He nodded, waving them into the sitting area.
"Tea, anyone?" Brianna poked her head out the kitchen.
"We'd better not." Mr Downing pointed out. "Laura'll find something to complain about if we're not ready to go."
"You'd better put the kettle on, though." Mrs Downing added. "If she decides she wants a cup of tea it'll be better if it's ready."
"Is she someone important?" Marcus asked, leaning on the doorframe as the others all sat down.
"Only in her own mind." Mrs Downing explained, with a smile. "Sorry, Lorraine." She patted the girls leg.
"Then why shouldn't she just accept the situation like everyone else?"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mr Downing asked, interrupting the flow.
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Friends abhi recently main goa gaya aur wahan ka experience share kar raha hun. Main holiday par apne ek cousin ke saath goa ghoome gaya. January ka second week tha aur mausam kaafi badiya tha. Hum friday evening ko pahuche they aur hotel main checkin kiya. Mera cousin (amit) bahut hi utavla ho raha tha goa ke baare main. Usko lagta tha ke yahan ladkiyan hamesha dene ke liye tayaar rehti hai. Hum fresh ho kar ready ho gaye aur hum beach pe jaane lage. Wo bas har ek ladki ko dekh ke ishare kar...
My man and I have been together for several weeks and I had finally let him stay the night. We had a wonderful first night of pleasure where I had more than a few orgasms. Afterward we were talking on the bed and he asked me how my first time was and I said wonderful, a large smile spreading across my face. Then he asked me if it was better tan masturbating and I admitted with my head down in shame that I had never masturbated. “What, really?” He asked in surprise. “Yes, I just never had the...
Alone with Helen"It's okay. He won't bite.""What's his name?""Butchy. Did you just move in here?""Yeah," my mom said. The dog was a little frisky toy beagle. He was jumping all over me. I was sitting on the front steps of the house my mom and I had just moved into in Chicago. "Well, I'm Helen, your neighbor. I live in that blue house over there.."She pointed to a house just one block over. "I'm Grace and this is my son John.""Very nice to meet you. Butchy seems to really like you John.""He's...
I tried not to think too much about Gaelen’s strange behavior after he touched me. My imagination was notorious for going wild already. With a fine expert finesse, I mastered the fine art of jumping to conclusions due to living in colony. Because whatever something happened, we’d all think of the worst scenario that could happen, and when aliens were involved everyone in the colony knew even the most far fetch horrible outcome would most likely happen. So, collectively when things went wrong it...
All arrangements for a photo shoot was there. Sapna came there behind me and rushed to lockers at the side of the wall. She opened one and pulled out a t-shirt. She removed her lehenga there and I could see her back naked as she saw me in the bathroom a few minutes ago. And she wore that t-shirt and a panty. That was a long t-shirt and cover her till knees. Now she came to me and said –“Listen we have to do a photo shoot in a few minutes. My assistant is on leave so I told Ibrahim (Boss-who...
“Which would you like to use today Master?” Deborah Tulsa asked with a sparkling white smile as she obediently held up a gleaming silver tray that contained variety of different sized dildos. The vast array of toys came in a host of colors ranging from pink and red to black and blue. There were toys with ridges, bumps, and even little eggs. On the table beside her were additional trays, one containing a plethora of anal plugs with a range of shapes, sizes and features and another tray filled...
Hi friends myself ashok sharma frm (faridabad).Frnds i m realy very thnks for those who hav read my stories nd mailed me comments on my story me. Friends meri last story aap ne read ki thi ( bahbhi ke saath sex dusri city me ja ker ) jis me mene aap ko btaya tha kese maine bhabhi ko apne dil ki baat btaye or bhabhi ke saath kese maine sex ka shubhaarmbh kiya jo ki fst day or night ki thi aaj main aap ko us ke baad ki story batane ja rha hu bt us se phle main aap ko ek or incedent bata dena...
1st of the four, was this young guy. OMG he was absolutely perfect in every way from the moment I got a glimpse of him getting out of his truck. His look, his aditude, clothes, perfect. I sat him in my chair and pulled his shorts off immediately. I sucked him the best I could considering his size, like a fiend. He gave me some direction, and really responded when i'd push it down my throat. But he seemed to prefer to have me work his head, and stroke his balls more than anything. Now and then...
It started with a shared video,a couple fucking on a motorbike.'I'd love to try that' said emz 'Well I've got the bike,lets do it' I said,half in jest.To my delight a few messages later a time,date and directions had been given.'How will I know you?' she asked. 'leather jacket,jeans,helmet in the colours of the Welsh flag and a big,blue motorbike.How will I know you ?......'leather jacket,black skirt,high heels and a wet patch where my pussy is' Come the day it was up early,shower and on the...
Jeff twirled the ice in his scotch and let out a long sigh. ‘She’s cheating on you,’ the voice in his head said.After all that he had done for her over the past 6 months he just couldn’t believe it. But now, as he thought about it, all the signs had been there. The lack of communication, the persistent mood swings, the excuses not to have sex. All of those things pointed to one excruciating fact: there was someone else. Jeff’s worst fears had now become a reality. He was in Boston on business...
Her evening with Shavon and Vanessa had been wildly thrilling, but as usual Laura was juggling too many affairs and had no time to rest. That very night, when she got home, she had a message from Cecilia on her answering machine. "Laura," Cecilia whispered, "I'm going to stop nursing. Doctor's orders. I should do it right now, but I want one last... [she giggled softly]... milk bath with you. Know what I mean? Give me a call. Soon. We can't wait." Laura felt her body tingle all over,...
Silvitya was worried that the Grand Duke might somehow find out about her conversation with Protector Bulashckt, given his talent for figuring out people’s secrets. However, living two years in the castle had made her as talented at hiding her emotions and thoughts as the ruler was for discerning them. Besides, he was distracted by a secret project. He constantly wrote letters and studied mysterious architectural plans. At first she thought he was still worried about expanding the city wall,...
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Im gonna be late.” As I hurried down the hallway, the echoes of my 5-inch, black stilettos rang loudly causing me greater anxiety than I had anticipated. My white sleeveless dress fluttered as I scurried along. Nearly dropping my bejeweled clutch, I composed myself and walked into the Grand Ballroom. Brilliant hues of light projected themselves onto my face. My eyes focused after a long minute, and I took in my surroundings. The Annual Company Ball was an event full of...
We were on holiday in Yorkshire, Wensleydale to be precise. We’d hired a cottage and used it as our base to discover this lovely part of the country. After visiting a few ancient monuments and taking a whole day to see York we decided to take it easy this day and drive around some of the quainter villages and just chill out. We left a village having had lunch there in a small pub and drove for about fifteen minutes when I saw a sign for a nature walk. “Did you see that, Lisa?” I said quickly...
The story that I'm about to tell you took place 4 years ago when I was 53 and my step-daughter was 26 years old, the oldest of three step-k**s, 1 boy 25 at the time and the youngest a girl 23. This story is about the oldest step-daughter and myself. The wife and I met at a swingers party 2 years before this story takes place. Her three k**s are not into the swingers life styl like the wife and I are. ...
Veronica was a little disappointed to shake herself of the last wild fantasy. How she was able to manipulate John, and how different was his behavior than the real way he acted--no jealousy, just pure hard and simple action. Now he was going to call just the next day and demand explanation. Could she possibly tell him how much better off he'd be if he just loosened up a bit, rode with the punches and let her call the shots? No really, He was as hard headed, old-fashioned and stubborn as they...
Our mission plan changed a little bit from the last time, beyond the obvious required change of a different place for us to drop out of FTL. The logistics stores carried by the Silver Javelin would include a pack of ARMs, just in case we needed them, and six “gift boxes” that might entice the Sa’arm to pay a visit to our friendly minefield. Two of those gift boxes would hold the fake officer’s pistol that the crew had dreamed up, and the containers they were in were a little larger than the...
The club was dark, smoky and smelled of stale beer and cigarettes, and too make matters worse, the last dancer had a pussy that resembled something close to a fast food roast beef sandwich. Her saggy tits that just kind of laid on her beer gut which jiggled in a way to make me not to ever eat Jell-O again. She looked like my Aunt Denise and she’d been the best so far. I looked over at my buddy Jim, who’s birthday we were celebrating, and without a word we mutually decided that it was time to...
The sunshine is peeping through the windows, I'm curled up against you, my head nestled in your shoulder, your arms wrapped around me, and one of your hands is cupping my breast. We are deep in slumber. My soft ass presses up against your groin, it wiggles gently rubbing you, and I can feel you getting hard against me. Even in my sleep I want to feel you inside me. My breathing changes as I begin to awaken, you are still snoring, so I know you are sleeping soundly. Your cock however is...
Sailors in Silk, Chapter 10B - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Myself. Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga. An African Princess, freed from...
Carlo was playing video games in the living room. Aunt Jackie was shopping with Kelly, and Martin was reading a book. Carlo wanted to share his good news with his brother."Martin, I became a man the other day.""Yea, sure. With who? You never leave the house.""If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell.""Okay, I promise. Who did you have sex with?""Aunt Jackie and I had sex together.""Why would Aunt Jackie have sex with a dork like you?""I guess she wanted to have sex. Man. You should...
TabooI slept hard all night, with dreams of being used as a whore and pain slut. I don’t understand why I have dreams about the stuff happening to me that I hate but that turn me on, but I do. Maybe because of what has happened to me since Jeni first walked into my office, catching me with porn on my work computer. Everything went downhill after that. I no longer had any clothes to wear unless they said I could. I had to beg to wear them out in public. Sometimes they would let me dress and other...
Shy conservative middle class house wife to black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...
InterracialThe neon lights of the casino reflect in her eyes as you reach down to help her out of the limo. Her slim hand is cool in yours, and, though currently satiated, you can't help but feel a twinge upon touching her soft skin. You can tell your recent tryst was just an appetizer to her, as well. You draw her out of the back seat, her shapely legs spreading just enough to give you a peek between her thighs as she steps onto the curb.The porters rush out to take your bags, and you place her arm into...
He opened the door with a mixture of anticipation and slight trepidation, and for a moment he was disappointed, but also a trifle relieved. "So, you couldn't persuade her?" "No," she smiled a little ruefully. Then a second or two later she chuckled. "Just winding you up! She'll be up in a minute, she's just paying the cab..." He smiled politely while she grinned up at him playfully. Even allowing for the very warm weather the shorts she was wearing were unbelievably short and the...
My name is Carol and I'm thirty-four years old. I am very pretty, or so I'm told, with large natural 32D tits and tight abs. This is a real story that my husband, John, is obsessed with. He beats off as I share the details of me getting fucked at a friend's wedding.I'm somewhat of an exhibitionist. I love to wear low cut tops that show off my large tits. John encourages my behavior and likes to see other guys check me out, which they do all the time. I don't always close the drapes...
Wife Lovers