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Wild Card By Julie O Edited By Robert A Chapter 1 "So what are we going to do?" asked Miranda Stroud. "We can't play with only three people." "I don't know," replied Kelly Conrad. "I've asked everyone at work and no one seems even slightly interested." "Well, if we don't come up with a fourth person we'll have to think of something else to do. The last thing I want to do is sit home and watch TV," interjected Sharon Richards. She then snapped her fingers. "Hey, why not my roommate? He plays poker...in fact he's the one who taught me to play." "Sharon...I thought we agreed that it would be an all-girl activity," said Kelly. "I mean, I like Mike...and even though he's not the most masculine guy, we did agree that we wouldn't include guys." "That's it!" exclaimed Miranda. "What?" asked Sharon. Miranda started to laugh. "Maybe he'll let us dress him up as a woman? That way we can play cards tonight and keep it an all-women's poker game." Chapter 2 Mike Phillips looked up from computer at the three young women. He was stunned by their request. "Let me get this straight, you three need a fourth for your 'all-girl's poker night'...and you can't find a fourth and now you want me...assuming I let you put me in a dress?" he asked. "It's an all-women's poker club," corrected Kelly. "And it doesn't have to be a dress," said Sharon. "You can wear a skirt." "That's much better," he replied with a laugh. "So why should I do this?" "Do you have something better to do?" asked Sharon. "I mean you like playing cards and you're pretty good, you did teach me." Mike nodded. "We do play for money," added Kelly. Mike shook his head and laughed. "It wouldn't be fair... I mean I don't think you'd like me taking all your money." "Please!" exclaimed Miranda. "I think you'll find we can kick your butt. Besides, you'll be too worried about how you look to play well." "Yes, you've never played cards worrying how your makeup looks," added Kelly with a grin. "If you think a little thing like being in drag would distract me you have another thing coming," he replied. "Come to think of it, I could use the money." "So you'll do it?" asked Miranda. Mike nodded. "Why not...I have nothing else to do since I got laid off." "But you can't just throw on a few of Sharon's things; you need to take this seriously or we let you play," said Miranda. "In other words, you have to dress up completely." "No problem, how hard can it be?" he asked. "Okay, Kelly and I will go get the refreshments and we'll let Sharon get you ready...you're about the same size," said Miranda. "You sure you want to do this, Mike?" asked Sharon. Mike nodded. "It will take my mind off being unemployed." Chapter 3 Mike and Sharon had known each other since grade school. Both were single children and they had bonded like brother and sister. They had been sharing the apartment for three years. "Why do I have to use this stuff?' asked Mike as he looked at the bottle of hair remover. "I mean, who's going to know?" "Hey you agreed to do this right," said Sharon. "Any guy can put on some women's clothes and makeup...if you're going to be a part of our poker club you're going the whole nine yards." Mike laughed. "Okay...no one else is going to see me and it will worth it to take Miranda and Kelly's money." Miranda, Kelly, and Sharon all worked in the same salon and day spa; and had quickly become close friends. They were all in their early twenties and shared many of the same interests. While they still went out clubbing together, they formed the poker club as an alternative activity. "Maybe they'll take yours," said Sharon. Mike shook his head as he read the instructions on the bottle. "Won't happen. First off, as you know I'm a damn good player and two; I have to watch my money. I did get a severance package, but I need to make it last. I mean, I've been out of work for three months now and it doesn't look like I'm even close to getting another job. I figure if I'm careful I can go another six months before I'm broke." "You know, I have offered to pay the full rent until you get another job," she said as she ran her fingers through she short red hair. "I appreciate the offer, but I want to pay my way for now, okay?" Sharon nodded. "Okay, I'll leave you alone. When you get done, your clothes will be laid out on your bed. After you get dressed, I'll do your hair, nails and makeup." Chapter 4 Sharon stepped back and inspected her roommate and she had to admit that Mike not only looked like a girl, but was pretty cute too. He was now dressed in one of sweaters and a denim skirt. To her surprise, her shoes fit his feet and she had given him a pair of black boots to wear. His light brown hair was now filled with curls that surrounded his made-up face. Thankfully, Mike had pierced ears and she had replaced his gold studs with a pair of large hoops. "You look fantastic, Mike," she said. "Although you now need a new name...how about Molly?" He was staring into her mirror, stunned by how feminine he now looked. "Mike...earth to Mike," said Sharon as she poked him in the arm. He turned and looked at her. "Sorry...I just had no idea that I could look like this." "You do look great, now what about the name?" "Why not...Molly isn't a bad name," he replied. He gently touched his now curly hair. "How long will it stay like this?" "If you don't do anything to it...a few days, maybe longer. I ran out of the straightener, I'll have to bring some home from the salon," she replied. "It's a great new product and we use it on women who cannot decide if they want a full-blown perm." He nodded. "Did you have to do my brows too?" She had shaped them slightly using her home waxer. "No one will notice when you're back to being a guy," said Sharon. "Besides lots of guys get their brows waxed." Molly gave her a look of disbelief. "Hey if you don't believe me ask the other girls...they'll be here soon." "The other girls?" asked Molly. Sharon grinned. "That's right, Molly, you're one of the girls now...at least for tonight. Now, repeat that back to me." Molly rolled her eyes. "Okay, I'm one of the girls tonight." Chapter 5 "Wow, I can't believe it," said Kelly as walked into Sharon and Molly's apartment. She was carrying two grocery bags and food and drink. "So what do you think of Molly?" asked Sharon. Kelly put down the bags and inspected the transformed man. "I love the curls, what product did you use on her?" asked Kelly. Sharon told her. "Hmm, do you think it would work on me...I hate having straight hair," she replied. "Maybe, to be honest, I'm sort of surprised how well Molly's hair turned out," said Sharon. "I've been curious how it would work on really straight hair as I've only used it a few times and those women had some body to begin with." "So do I pass inspection?" asked Molly she helped Kelly with the bags. "More than pass, you look better than some of my clients. Miranda is going to be blown away," said Kelly. "By the way, where is she?" asked Sharon. "She realized that she had had left the chips and cards at her place and so she had to drive back there to pick them up," explained Kelly. "She can be such an airhead sometimes." Chapter 6 Miranda arrived twenty minutes later, carrying the chips and the cards. "Sorry it took me so long, but the traffic was awful," said the raven haired woman. "Well, Miranda, before we start, what do you think of Sharon's new roommate, Molly?" asked Kelly. Miranda nodded in approval. "I'm impressed that you took this so seriously...Molly." "Well, if I'm going to take your money, I might as well play by your rules," replied Molly. "Arrogant little bitch isn't she?" commented Miranda with a laugh. "Here, you set up the table; I need to get a drink. Who else wants one?" The others all nodded. "Okay, I got a great bottle of wine," said Miranda. "Wine?" asked Molly. "Beer goes better with poker than wine." "Your loss, but I'll get you a beer," said Miranda. As they set up the table they decided on the rules and which game they would play. "We usually play Texas hold em," said Sharon. Molly nodded. "Sounds fine to me." "We also play five card stud," added Kelly. "No problem, I've been playing that game since I was a little boy," said Molly. "Don't you mean 'little girl'?" asked Sharon. Miranda returned with the drinks and they started to play. What struck Molly as so strange that evening was how normal everything felt. In many ways it wasn't that different from playing poker with guys. While it was obvious that she was a better player, she also noted that the girls weren't that far behind her. Still by the end of the night, Molly was the big winner. "That was fun," said Molly as they started to clean up. "I also appreciate the extra spending money you girls donated to me." "You know, it was fun," said Kelly. She then looked at Sharon and Miranda. "I think Molly should be the new permanent member of our group. What do you think?" Sharon nodded. "I don't mind if she doesn't." "I have to admit that I wouldn't mind getting a chance to win back my money next week," said Miranda. "Well, are you game, Molly?" asked Kelly. "Um, maybe...but I hope you don't expect me to stay dressed like this until next week?' asked Molly. "That's up to you...but after a few weeks of playing with us, you just might change your mind...you might find that you prefer being Molly," said Miranda. Molly laughed. "I doubt that." "Well, you never know," said Miranda. Chapter 7 Molly checked her email before going to bed. Her hair was still curly but she was more annoyed by her nails. She quickly realized how more difficult it was to type with long nails and she had instant respect for every woman who worked with computers. When she finally went to bed, she slipped into a very deep and restful sleep. The only thing that was strange was that in all her dreams that night she was female. In fact, the dreams were so realistic that when she woke up, she actually checked her body to make sure she was really male. Chapter 8 "I'll try to remember to bring back some of the straightener," said Sharon as they ate breakfast the next morning. "I can't believe how much it changes your appearance...I mean you're just wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, but you still look like a woman. I feel like I should still call you Molly." "I thought it would wash out when I showered, but it looks even curlier," said Molly. While she didn't say it, Molly had to agree with Sharon that she looked very feminine. "I think you're right. Well, that'll make my clients happy, many of them want curly hair without getting a perm," replied Sharon. "I've heard good things about this product, but you are the first person that I've used it on. It really looks great." "I still would prefer to have my hair back to the way it was. Oh, please don't forget the nail polish remover," said Molly as she extended her long pink nails. "You did a great job attaching these things. They feel like they're really part of me." "I'm sorry about that. It's so weird, I thought I had a whole bottle in my bathroom," said Sharon. "Well, it's Saturday and so you don't have to worry about getting called in for a job interview." "Oh, that helps," Molly replied with a smile. "What time will you be home? I would like to go out and run some errands, but it looks like I'm stuck here for now." "Saturday is our busiest day so I have no idea," said Sharon. "If you really can't wait you can come down to the salon with me." Molly laughed, "No thanks." "By the way, thanks for being such a good sport about all this." "I have to admit that it was fun," she replied. "It made me forget my lack of a job for a little while." "And you're really going to do it again next week?" Molly shrugged her shoulders. "Why not? I mean, I havn't done much since I lost my job except sit around my computer. Most of my friends from work have left town." Sharon nodded. "Well, I gotta run, see you later...Molly." Chapter 9 An hour later, there was a knock at the door. Molly peeked through the spy-hole and saw Miranda standing out in the hallway. Molly opened the door. "Hi Miranda. What's up?" Miranda walked inside. "I'm off today and was wondering if you wanted to go grab a cup of coffee." Molly held out her hands and showed off her nails and then pointed to her hair. "Sharon has to bring home the stuff to change me back," said Molly. "Until then, I'm stuck here." Miranda shrugged her shoulders. "So, who said you have to go out as a guy? I'm sure we can pick out something for you to wear and I can do your makeup." "You're serious," said Molly. Miranda took Molly by the hand. "Absolutely, now let's get you dressed. The good thing is that it's January and it's cold outside, people are wearing lots of clothes...so you will definitely fool them." "Do I really look that much like a girl?" asked Molly. Miranda nodded. "Now, come on...unless you want to sit in here all day." Molly hesitated. "I don't know, Miranda. It's one thing to play poker dressed up like this, but going out in public is a totally different story." "Nonsense," replied Molly. "You'll do fine and after I do your makeup and pick out an outfit for you, no one will suspect that you're not a complete woman." Chapter 10 An hour later, Molly nervously walked out of her apartment next to Miranda. She was dressed in a long skirt, a red sweater, a black leather jacket and the same boots as the night before. "Trust me, Molly, you look great," said Miranda as they walked to the parking lot. "Just watch what I do and follow suit." Molly nodded. "I must be crazy to do this." "No, you're not crazy," said Miranda. "In fact you sort of like this don't you?" "I guess so," replied Molly, almost embarrassed to admit it. "I thought so," said Miranda. "I think all of us wonder what it's like to the other gender. I think you're going to really enjoy today." They walked over to Miranda's car, a silver BMW M3 sedan. "Whoa, nice car," exclaimed Molly. "How can afford something like this working at a salon?" Miranda smiled. "I have a large trust fund. I work at the salon because I like it and I plan on opening my own someday and I figure the best way to understand the business is to start at the bottom." "That makes sense," replied Molly who was looking around nervously. "Relax, Molly, no one is going to recognize you," she said. "I have an idea that would make it harder for someone to know who you are." "What's that?" asked Molly. "I think you should let us dye your hair...you'd make a great redhead. I mean, you and Sharon are so close you could pass for sisters," said Miranda. "You can't be serious," said Molly. "You make it sound like I'm going to dress like this all the time from now on." Miranda looked over and nodded. "Maybe you will, who knows? I do think you'll look so pretty and I also know you'll agree with me when you see the results." Molly laughed nervously. "You make it sound like this is a done deal." "It just may be, I always get my way," replied Miranda with a wink. Chapter 11 Miranda walked back to where Molly was sitting and set down the drinks. "Here's yours, cream, two sugars," said Miranda. "Thanks," replied Molly. "It's my pleasure," she replied. Molly took in the aroma of her coffee. It had a slightly different scent that she couldn't quite place, but it tasted good so she didn't say anything. "So, why did you come by this morning?" asked Molly as held her coffee. "I was curious to see how you felt about last night," she said. Molly sipped her coffee. "It was fun taking your money." "I can image that it was, but I am more interested in how you feel about the way you are dressed. I noticed that you seemed very relaxed last night, is that true?" "It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," said Molly. "And what about now?" asked Miranda. Molly glanced around to see if anyone was listening. "I'm a little nervous, but it's also a little exciting too. There's something else." "What's that, Molly?" "It feels surprisingly...normal. I mean, I'm still nervous, but it doesn't feel as strange as I thought it would." Miranda nodded. "I thought so. You've dressed up before right?" "Just once or twice...not like this...it was Halloween," she replied. "But you've never gone out like this...I mean out in public, right?" Molly sipped her coffee and nodded. "And have you ever wondered what it would like to be a woman?" asked Miranda. "I suppose everyone wonders what it would be like...don't get me wrong, I love being a guy." "Maybe it's because you have nothing to compare it to," said Miranda. "Maybe you'll like being a woman more." Molly stared at Miranda. "Is that why you brought me out today?" Miranda smiled back. "Maybe. Then again maybe I just wanted to open up your horizons and give you something new to experience." "Like what?" asked Molly. "Well, if you're game, after we finish our coffee, I want to take you shopping. You fit into Sharon's things okay, but you need your own things. Don't worry this won't cost you a dime, it's my treat." "So how much of a wardrobe do you think I'll need? I mean, the poker club only meets once a week," she replied. "That's true, but you might decide to join us when we go other places. Now, let's go, I have some great ideas in mind for you," said Miranda. Chapter 12 The first place they went was to a lingerie shop. "You need some real breast pads. Your breasts need to move with your body," said Miranda. "They have the real nice silicon ones here, lots of weight to them and they'll bounce when you walk. You also need a larger bra size. I think you should be a couple of cup size larger that Sharon, she's a B-cup and you should be a D-cup." "Isn't that a little large?" asked Molly. "Trust me, you'll look great," said Miranda. The sales woman was very helpful in picking out the right size bra and breast pads. "I can't believe how heavy they are," replied Molly as she modeled them. "Now you know what the rest of us go through every day," said Miranda. "I think they might be too big," said Molly as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "Nonsense," remarked Miranda. "They're perfect for you." "I don't know...they don't exactly make me blend in," she said. "I wouldn't worry about it, I mean you did fine back in the coffee shop," said Miranda. Molly looked at Miranda. "What are you talking about?" "Hmm, I guess you didn't notice all the men checking you out." Molly stared back. "Please tell me that you're kidding." Miranda shook her head. "So I take it that you're not into guys." "Not even slightly interested," replied Molly. "And if I pass as well as you have told me, a guy might be pissed off if he discovered that I wasn't a girl." "What about a guy who likes T-girls?" asked Miranda. "T-girls?" asked Molly. Miranda smiled. "Transgendered, you know male-to- female and still in transition. I know several men who absolutely love women like you." Molly shook her head. "Not even the slightest bit curious what it would be like...to be kissed by a guy?" "Nope," replied Molly. Miranda smiled like she knew something that Molly didn't. "Well, let's pick out a few bras for you...along with some other items. We still need to get you a nice wardrobe. Keep the pads in your bra." Molly nodded and did what Miranda ordered. Chapter 13 After hitting a few boutiques, Molly was quickly acquiring a rather nice wardrobe. Miranda then took Molly to a shoe store and bought her several pairs of shoes. They also stopped and picked up some cosmetics and toiletries. "I can't believe you bought me all these things," said Molly. Molly was slightly taken back by some of the outfits that Miranda had bought her, they were rather sexy and revealing, yet Molly she couldn't bring herself to object. "Don't worry, I know you'll get some good use out of them," replied Miranda. "Now, I have one last place to take you." Miranda then led Molly into a tattoo and body piercing salon. "I'm not getting any ink or piercings," whispered Molly nervously as Miranda pulled her inside. "It doesn't hurt to look," said Miranda. "Kelly and I have decided to get one on our lower back and we're trying to get Sharon to get one too. If you joined us, it would be the whole girl's poker club." "I doubt if Sharon will get one," said Molly. "If she agreed to it, would you get one too?" asked Miranda. Molly shook her head. "You keep forgetting that I have no desire to be a girl." "I bet you'll change your mind," said Molly. "Not a chance," said Molly. "Make that a bet?" asked Miranda. Molly stopped looking at the display of tattoos and stared at Miranda. "You're serious, aren't you?" Miranda nodded. "I bet that you'll get a pretty tattoo like this one within the month, although I suspect you'll be inked within the week." Molly looked at the decidedly feminine tattoo. It was a design of vines and flowers with a butterfly in the center. "What's the wager?" asked Molly. "If you get the tattoo, you also get three additional body piercings," said Miranda. "Belly button, tongue and clit." Molly's eyes opened wide when she realized what Miranda was talking about. "I'm serious," continued Miranda. "And if I win?" asked Molly. "How about five grand?" asked Miranda. "Five THOUSAND dollars?" asked Molly. Miranda nodded. "Sure, but it seems like a sucker bet to me," said Molly. "Why don't you just give me the money and save yourself the wait." "I was about to suggest the same thing. I bet they could get you in right now," said Miranda. "I think that you should get your ears done too, the one hole is fine, but you should have several in each ear." "Why?" "Think about it...guys love a wild girl," said Miranda. Molly felt a strange sensation as she absorbed Miranda's words...she was momentarily aroused at the thought of pleasing a man. "So, do you want to shake on this bet?" asked Miranda as she extended her hand. Molly shook hands with Miranda to seal the bet. "What's the matter, Molly? You suddenly don't look so confident," said Miranda as a grin appeared on here face. Molly shook off the feeling and laughed. "No, I was just thinking how I would spend your money." "You bluff better when you were playing cards," said Miranda. "Oh, you're going to be such a cute girl by the time I'm done with you." Chapter 14 They stopped for lunch at a small bistro near the salon. The waitress obviously knew Miranda and immediately escorted them to a table. "The food here is wonderful, we eat here all the time," said Miranda. Molly scanned the menu and then leaned over towards Miranda. "I need to use the restroom." Miranda smiled and pointed towards the back of the eatery. "The ladies room is to the left." "I can't go in there!' whispered Molly. "Honey, you can't use the men's room can you?" Molly shook her head. "Trust me, just go in do your business and leave...no one will suspect a thing. Just remember to sit down," said Miranda. Molly stood up. "That's a good girl," said Miranda. "Don't forget your purse." Molly sighed and headed towards the restroom. Thankfully, no one else was in it and she quickly slipped into a stall. A few minutes later she rejoined Miranda. "See that wasn't so bad. Oh, and you even redid your lipstick!" said Miranda. Molly then realized what she had done. "That's so weird...I didn't even give it a second thought." "Neither do most women," said Miranda with a wink. Chapter 15 They were just finishing lunch when Miranda's cell phone rang. "Hi, Sharon," she said. "Guess who I'm eating lunch with?" Molly felt her face turning red as Miranda told Sharon about their day. "That's a great idea, I'll let her know," said Miranda. "See you at seven." Miranda closed her phone. "What did you just agree to?" asked Molly. "We're all going out to dinner tonight," said Miranda. "Who is we?" Miranda laughed. "The girl's poker club. Now, we need to get you something a bit dressier for this evening." Chapter 16 "You look great," said Miranda as she inspected Molly. Molly looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror. She was wearing a purple and black patterned sweater dress. Her makeup was slightly heavier as Miranda explained that most women put on more makeup at night. "I can't believe that I'm doing this. Sharon and Kelly must think that I've lost it," replied Molly. "Nope, in fact they can't wait to see you. I think Sharon is excited about the possibility of having a girlfriend for a roommate." "Come on, you can't believe that I'm going to dress like this all the time from now on," said Molly. Miranda nodded. "Face it Molly, you're on the path to being a woman. There's nothing to be ashamed about...you're a very cute girl." "Just because I'm going out with you and the others doesn't mean that I'm going to do this for the rest of my life." Miranda laughed. "It sounds like you're just saying that to convince yourself. Look how easily you agreed to get dressed up yesterday; now look at everything we've done today." "I'll be dressed as guy tomorrow," said Molly. "I doubt that, Molly," said Miranda. "I've been watching you all day...and you're slipping nicely into a female persona." "What do you mean?" "Think about it Molly. Think about everything you did today and with each passing minute it all seemed more natural and normal. You're more of a woman than you realize. Kelly and Sharon already accept you as one of the group." "I doubt the other girls think of me as one of them," said Molly. Miranda grinned. "You just said 'the other girls' my sweet Molly. I think you've already accepted that you're one of us." Molly felt confusion, as there was some degree of truth in what Miranda was saying. "You've very cute too, I bet more that you'll have more than a few guys checking you out tonight," continued Miranda. Molly looked in the mirror and realized that she was rather attractive, especially with her large breasts, which stood up quite prominently. "I think that you like how you look," said Miranda. "In fact I think you now realize how nice it would be to be a woman." "What is going on Miranda? It's like you're trying to turn me into a girl," said Molly nervously. Miranda shook her head. "Not trying my sweet Molly, succeeding." "What...what do you mean?" asked Molly. "Since you brought it up I might as well confess to you. I dabble in magical spells. I discovered one a while back that changes a man into a woman...first in their mind, then the body, all in less than thirty days. I've always wanted to cast it, but I haven't found the right person to change...until last night. I mixed up this spell last night and slipped it into your drink. I gave you the first dose last night and the second part this morning in your coffee. With each passing moment you will change. From what I've seen you'll be changed completely much faster than what the spell states. I can't wait to see when the physical changes start." "You're nuts," replied Molly. "I'm not turning into a girl. I mean, I would notice the changes. I'm happy with the way I am and nothing can change that." "Famous last words, I forget to mention that the spell has a rather special side effect, and it will make you accept what is happening. At first the changes will be so subtle that you won't notice the difference. Little things, like checking your makeup when you're in the bathroom." Molly gasped as she remembered how she had reapplied her lipstick that afternoon. "Oh, and the spell also sends out an aura that affects others so Sharon and Kelly will accept your transformation. It also has one last effect; I have control over you as you transform. The power is subtle, but I can pretty much tell you what to do and you'll do it. To demonstrate this power, you will not mention a thing about the spell to anyone else. Do you understand?" asked Miranda. Without giving it a thought, Molly nodded. "No dear, tell me. Say Miranda, I will do what you tell me," said Miranda. "Miranda, I will do what you tell me," repeated Molly without hesitation. "See how easy that was? From now on you will refer to yourself in female terms. You are now a male to female transsexual. Don't worry, this will seem as natural as it does to be called Molly," continued Miranda. "Now, tell me your name and what you are, don't think, just do it." Molly didn't hesitate. "My name is Molly Phillips and I'm a woman...well I mean I'm actually a male to female transsexual, but I see myself as a woman." She gasped as she realized what she had said. "Good girl, you obviously know that I'm telling you the truth," said Miranda. Molly nodded again. Miranda looked at her watch. "One more thing, you will tell me any and all physical and mental changes you notice. Tell me you will do this." "I will do as you order," replied Molly. "Good girl," said Miranda. "Now, do you have any questions for me? You can always speak freely when it's just the two of us." "Will the change be...complete?" asked Molly with trepidation. Miranda shook her head. "No. While you will be very feminine, you will keep your penis...rather your clitty; it will become smaller, but it will also stay functional. I think this is for the best as you'll be accepted as transgendered. If you suddenly grew a vagina, it might raise some questions." "As opposed to becoming a woman in less than a month?" "I told you that they'll accept what's happening. Now, besides Sharon and Kelly, who else do you hang with? Should you run into an old friend, you can just tell them that you decided to change and they'll accept it." "And when will I tell Sharon and Kelly that I want to be a woman?" "Well, since you brought it up, how about tonight?" asked Miranda. "You can't be serious," said Molly. "They won't believe me." "I am very serious and they will believe you, it's all part of the spell. Now, when I give the signal you will tell Sharon and Kelly that you are transgendered and that you want to live as a woman, do you understand?" "Please don't do this to me," begged Molly. She found it almost impossible to speak her true feelings. "No argument, now tell me what you're going to tell the other girls," ordered Miranda. She let out a big sigh. "I'm going...I'm going to tell that I have always wanted to be a woman...that I'm transgendered and that I don't want to change back. I am going to ask them for their help in making me a girl," said Molly. Miranda smiled. "See how easy that was. It's like you actually believe it yourself...in time you will believe it." Molly sighed. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Partly because I want to see the spell work and also because I find the idea of watching a guy being feminized really erotic," she replied. "I was so wet last night as I watched you play cards knowing that you were starting your path to becoming a woman. I gave my vibrator a real workout last night. The fact that I know you will give me easy access to seeing how you change." "This isn't right, Miranda...can't you see that?" "Maybe, but I can live with my decision to do this. Now, let's go meet the other girls," said Miranda. Chapter 17 Molly felt a shiver of terror run through her body as they drove to the restaurant. She was sitting next to Sharon and every time she tried to tell her roommate what Miranda had done to her, she found that she couldn't; the spell was real. "So did you have a good time today, Molly?" asked Kelly, who was driving. "It was filled with new experiences," replied Molly cheerfully. "I'm glad that Miranda bought you some clothes of your own. We can still share things...but remember that goes both ways. If I see some of your outfits, will you let me borrow them?" asked Sharon. Molly laughed. "That's not a problem." "Well, if you decide to keep dressing like this maybe you'll let me give you a real perm too," continued Sharon. "Maybe," replied Molly. She couldn't believe how accepting Sharon and Kelly were...until she remembered that it was a side effect of the spell. "I also showed her the tattoo," remarked Miranda. "What did you think of it, Molly?" asked Sharon. Before Molly could answer, Miranda interrupted. "She said that if all four of us decide to get one, then she would too," lied Miranda. "Is that true?" asked Sharon. "I wouldn't put it the same way that Miranda did, but I said I would consider it," said Mollie. "I don't know...I'm not against getting a tattoo...it's just that I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain," said Sharon. "But if we all get it at the same time, then I'm in." Inside, Molly was horrified. Sharon was more worried about the pain than the fact that her male roommate might be getting a very feminine tattoo. When she tried to express her true feelings the opposite came out. "Well, if I'm still in the club in a few weeks, then I'll do it," said Molly. "That sounds like a yes to me," said Miranda. "Looks like we all have a new girlfriend," said Kelly. "I think it's great that you're so open to exploring your feminine side." "Thanks," replied Molly. "Molly, why don't you tell them what we talked about today?" asked Miranda. She then nodded at Molly. On the inside, Molly was horrified, but she knew that she couldn't disobey Miranda. She then smiled and began to tell Kelly and Sharon how much she wanted to be a woman. To Molly's shock neither Kelly nor Sharon seemed surprised. "You did seem a little too much at ease last night," said Kelly. "I think it's great and I'll do whatever it takes to help you, Molly." Sharon nodded in agreement as Kelly spoke. "I've always suspected that you were hiding something. I think it's cool that you want to be a girl." Outward Molly beamed with joy, inside she was heartbroken. Chapter 18 Dinner went off without a hitch. Molly noticed that she was actually having a good time, as long as she didn't think about what Miranda had done to her. Later, back in their apartment, Sharon sat down on the couch and motioned for Mollie to sit down next to her. "I think we need to talk," said Sharon. Molly nodded. "I just want to make sure that this is what you want," said Sharon. "This is pretty sudden." "It is," said Molly, even though she was trying to tell Sharon the truth. Inside she was screaming with anger and terror at what was happening, but none of it came out. "So how long have you been holding in these feeling?" asked Sharon. "My whole life," replied Molly. "I just tried to repress them." Just as Miranda had described, Molly was coming up with an appropriate story. She told Sharon that when she dressed for the poker game she decided that she wouldn't go back to being a male. "Just one question, have you ever worn my things before the other night?" asked Sharon. Molly shook her head. "I was tempted...but no I never did it. I couldn't violate our friendship." "But you've wanted your own things?" asked Sharon. Molly nodded. She was even having trouble separating the truth from the spell induced story. "Well, I have tomorrow off, and we can go out and get you a bigger wardrobe...along with cosmetics and toiletries." "I'd like that," replied Molly. "I'm sorry I wasn't more honest with you...but I didn't know how you'd respond." "It's okay...I've always sensed that you were different. And to be honest, it's going to be cool having another girl live with me," said Sharon. "Now, before we go to bed, let me get you a pair of my pjs. I have a really cute pair that would be perfect for you." Molly smiled back and then hugged her roommate. Chapter 19 The next morning, Molly and Sharon were having breakfast. Both were still in their pjs and robes. "So when do you think you'll tell your family?" asked Sharon. "I know it's not likely that they'll come up here, but you'll have to tell them sometime." "I don't know, but I want to see if this is the real me first, if that makes sense," said Molly. "Well, from what I see, you're not going back to being a guy anytime soon," said Sharon. "I didn't think it was possible for someone to change so quickly, but it's like you've been a girl for as long as I've known you." "Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment," said Molly. Inside, she hadn't given up trying to tell Sharon the truth, but she found that the words wouldn't come out. "Oh, since you're going to be a woman from now on, why don't we go down to the salon today and I'll do your hair and nails? We're closed for regular business so I can work on you without interruption." Molly nodded. "I'd like that." At least it wouldn't be Miranda who would be styling her hair and doing her nails. Molly had an idea and she picked up a pen and a pad of paper. She tried to write down what Miranda had done to her, but just like her words, her writing was also affected by the spell. She gave up as she realized that it was a pointless attempt. "I think Miranda was right last night about you looking better as a redhead. I think a dark red would look fabulous on you," said Sharon. "Well, I trust you," said Molly. "And if you don't want to get the tattoo, don't do it because of the rest of us." Sharon smiled back. "Thanks, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I also like the idea how it will bond the four of us." "You mean that?" asked Molly. Sharon nodded. "I'll call Miranda and Kelly and tell them that we're going to do it." Molly nodded as wondered if the piercing would hurt as bad as feared. Chapter 20 Molly stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair was now a dark red and it was styled in large curls. Her eyebrows were also the same color. They were also very thin and highly arched. Together the affect was stunning and it totally feminized Molly's appearance. "You look great," said Sharon as she worked on Molly's nails. "You really look great as a redhead." "I guess that I'm going to have rewrite my resume now," said Molly. Every time she tried to tell Sharon about the spell, she just ended up digging herself into a deeper hole. "I know what you mean. You know, I think that maybe you should shift your sights a bit lower. Since you're going to be living as a woman from now on, maybe you should get a traditional woman's job like a waitress or barmaid, or even a salesgirl...just to see what the rest of us had to go through. You can also go back to computer programming later." "That's not a bad idea," said Molly. "You could also apply to be our receptionist here at the salon. We're going to have an opening soon as Laura is leaving to go back to college." The last thing that Molly wanted to do was work at the same place as Miranda. "I'll keep it in mind. I suppose that I need to get my name changed too." "That would be a good idea," said Sharon. "Well, the nails are done, just sit there and let the polish dry." Molly held out her hands and examined her nails. The tips that Sharon had applied were much longer than the ones she had used the other night. The same color red was on her toenails. "I know that they're long, but you'll get used to them. You don't need to worry about them breaking off, I used the good ones and a very strong adhesive," said Sharon. "They'll be on for a few weeks before I'll need to replace them." "Okay," replied Molly. She wondered if she could type with the nails; but then another thought entered her head, she realized how sexy the long nails made her hands look. Oh, my god she thought, I really am changing into a girl. "Oh, I called Miranda and Kelly and they agreed to meet us for dinner," said Sharon. "That's great," replied Molly, dreading how Miranda would react when she saw her. Chapter 21 Molly was wearing a gray sweater and a black skirt as they walked into the restaurant. Miranda was pleased to see how naturally Molly moved. She had only cast the spell and the changes were amazing, she could barely wait for the physical changes to start. While she couldn't do it tonight, she had plans to accelerate the rate of transformation. She had re-read the spell and it said that sexual contact would speed up the physical changes. Of course the trick would be to get Molly to have sex with a man, but Miranda figured she could pull this off. She had a friend who she knew to be bisexual and he would definitely fall for Molly. He also loved T-girls. "Molly, your hair looks fantastic," said Kelly. "You definitely look better as a redhead." "Thanks, Kelly," said Molly. Over dinner, Miranda brought up the idea about getting tattoos. "When do you think we should get them?" asked Kelly. "Why not Thursday after work?" suggested Miranda. "If you all like that idea, I'll call ahead and reserve it." Sharon looked at Molly and then the others. "Sounds good to me." "I'm game," said Kelly. "What about you Molly?" asked Miranda. "Are you going to be one of the girls?" "I think we know the answer to that question," interjected Kelly, barely stifling her giggles. Molly nodded. "Sure, it will be fun." Miranda felt herself getting wet from the excitement of seeing how Molly was so under the influence of the spell. She decided to press it a bit further. "You know...they also do piercings there," said Miranda. "You mean like belly buttons?" asked Kelly. "And other parts the body... I was thinking of getting my tongue done," said Miranda. "Oooh, I'd like to do that too," said Kelly. "What about you two?" "I'll stick to the tattoo," said Sharon. "What about you Molly?" asked Miranda, knowing the answer. "Maybe," replied Molly. "That sounds like a yes," said Kelly. "Isn't getting a tattoo bad enough or are you three into pain?" asked Sharon. "It won't hurt," said Miranda. "I perfected that anti-pain spell." Molly was shocked that Miranda had mentioned magic. "You mean you actually got one to work?" asked Sharon. Miranda nodded. "It works really well too. I used it after I twisted my ankle during that 5K run back in the fall." "And do we take it before or after?" asked Kelly. "You can do either. I would recommend doing it before, especially for the tattooing," said Miranda. "It removes the pain until the area has healed." "Does it feel numb?" asked Kelly. "I mean, I can deal with a numb spot on my back, but a numb tongue would be terrible." "No numbness...just no pain," said Miranda. "Well, if you all get the piercings and I see that it doesn't hurt...then I'll get one too," said Sharon. Miranda cast Mollie a nod as if to say I haven't forgotten about the other piercings. Chapter 22 On Thursday, Miranda led Sharon, Kelly, and Molly into the tattoo and piercing salon. Before they had left Sharon and Molly's apartment, Miranda had given them the spell to deaden the pain. While Molly was still internally upset about what was happening to her, she found that her resistance to her growing femininity was decreasing. A sense of acceptance was taking over as she realized that with each passing day she her masculinity was slipping away. She had noticed the first physical changes that morning as her nipples were larger and they were darker in color. She also noticed that her skin seemed softer, especially on her face. Her beard was completely gone too. "So who wants to go first?" asked one of the women who were going to do the tattoos. "Well, since this is my idea, I will," said Miranda. "I'll also be the first to get my tongue done too." "Okay, why don't you follow me," said one of the women, who was wearing a nametag that identified her as Scarlett. "I can do the next one," said the first woman, whose name was Azure. "I'll go next," said Molly without hesitation. She couldn't help but notice Miranda's smile. Chapter 23 "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," said Kelly as she sipped her coffee. They were sitting in a local coffeehouse having a celebration. "That spell you gave us is amazing," said Sharon. "I didn't feel a thing." "What's even more amazing is that my tongue is completely healed," said Miranda. "So we don't have to follow the instructions that the woman in the salon gave us." Molly found herself playing moving her tongue around as she got used to the metal barbell that was now sticking through her tongue. She also reached up and touched her ears, which now had several new studs in them. She knew that the she would soon be back at the salon to get the additional piercings and there was noting she could do about it. "I have to admit that I like the effect of the additional studs in your ears, Molly," said Sharon. "The next time I cut your hair I might go with a wilder hair style." "Maybe you should get your nose pierced too," suggested Kelly. "You know Molly, a pretty diamond stud or a hoop, something like that?" Molly glanced at Miranda worried that the raven haired woman would make her do it. "I don't think that would be a good look for her," said Miranda. Molly felt a wave of relief that even Miranda had her limits. "Now, how are we going to show off our new tattoos?" asked Kelly. "Well, considering it's freezing outside, bikinis are out," said Sharon. "We can still go out to the clubs? We can dress so we show them off," said Kelly. "That sounds like fun," said Miranda. "Why not Saturday night?" "Just as long as we crank up the heat in the car on the way there," said Sharon. Chapter 24 On Friday morning, Molly was standing in front of the full-length mirror studying her body. While they were still small, she was definitely growing breasts. Her waist was also thinner and she appeared to have slightly larger hips. As she looked at her naked body, she thought she looked like a young girl...with a penis, or rather a large clitty. She then turned around and examined the tattoo. It was completely healed and Molly had to admit that Azure had done an excellent job. She then remembered what the woman had told her; that most people aren't satisfied with just one tattoo. Molly wondered where her next one would be. Azure said that it was very sexy to get one just above the bikini line. Molly heard the doorbell and she slipped on her robe to see who it was. She looked through the peephole and saw Miranda. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" asked Miranda as she stepped inside. "Fine," replied Molly as she closed the door. "I'm so proud of the way you're handling this," said Miranda. "It's not like I have a choice," replied Molly as she followed Miranda into the kitchen. "Every time I try to tell Sharon the real reason I'm changing, I just tell lies. I've been telling her I used to dress in my mom's clothing. It's getting so that I even believe that I did it." "I know, but soon you'll accept completely your new status and you can get on with your life," said Miranda. "Have you tried to wear male clothing recently?" Molly nodded. "And?" asked Miranda. "Nothing fit right...it also felt strange," replied Molly. "Like it first did when you put on female clothes...and you knew they belonged to the opposite gender?" asked Miranda with a grin. Molly nodded. "You still don't feel any guilt over this?" Miranda slowly shook her head. "None at all. Now, why don't you slip out of your robe so I can see your body?" Molly stood up and started to head to the bedroom. "No, Molly right here...strip," said Miranda. Molly stopped and turned towards Miranda, she then let her robe fall to the kitchen floor. "I love how submissive you are for me. Wow, very impressive! I'm amazed how fast the changes are happening," said Miranda. "Turn around slowly; I want to take this all in." Molly did as she was ordered. "I see that Sharon didn't dye your pubic hairs. No problem, I brought some dye that should match your hair with me," said Miranda. "Is that necessary?" asked Molly. "Yes, as you don't want your lovers to see the difference," said Miranda. "What do you mean?" asked Molly, almost afraid to hear the answer. "Don't be so na?ve, Molly. I've arranged a friend of mine to meet us at the club this Saturday. He's a very hot guy and he loves T-girls. I don't expect you to go home with him immediately, but you will agree to go out with him." "Please, Miranda...don't do this," begged Molly. "Molly, my dear, you're too lovely not to date," said Miranda. "I don't like guys," replied Molly. "You will..." said Miranda as she started to laugh. "Why do you think I had you get your tongue pierced? Guys love the way it feels against their cock when you suck them off." Molly didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Now tell me that you are attracted to men," said Miranda. Molly bit her lower lip and then answered. "I like men." "And you want to date men," continued Miranda. "Yes, I want to date men," answered Molly automatically. "And you want to have sex with them," said Miranda. "Yes, I do, I want to have sex with men," replied Molly. "So you think men are sexy?" Molly nodded. "Well not all men." "Good answers, they sound so natural. Now, come with me, my dear," said Miranda. "I want to dye your hair...and if you're a good girl I'll give you a very special treat." Chapter 25 In addition to dying Molly's pubic hair, Miranda trimmed it and then shaped the area by waxing. "There doesn't that look much better?" asked Miranda. "I want you to look your best when you get your clitty pierced this afternoon. That's right, I didn't forget." Molly just nodded as she knew that words would be useless. Miranda smiled and began to slowly stroke Molly's penis. "Feels good doesn't it? The spell book says that you'll be more sensitive and enjoy sex more...even though you won't be as big." "How small will it get?" asked Molly as she felt herself getting aroused. Her nipples were getting hard and without thinking she began to rub them. "One maybe two inches hard...but it will be big enough. Don't worry, your lovers will have big cocks that will more than make up for your loss," said Miranda. "Now, close your eyes and think of having sex with men." Molly did as she was told and to her shock, she found the idea of being with a man very erotic. She then realized that Miranda was sucking her cock. As she became more aroused, she began to moan, and as she did she noticed her voice was getting higher in tone, and this only served to increase her state of arousal. It didn't take long for her to reach orgasm and she cried out in pleasure as she came. She then felt Miranda's lips against her own and without thinking she began to kiss Miranda back. It was then she realized that Miranda had a mouth full of cum, which Molly readily accepted. Her initial disgust disappeared as she swallowed her own seed. "Very good, now imagine that you are sucking a cock," said Miranda. "Try and imagine how it will feel slipping in and out of your mouth...then filling your mouth with cum." To her shock, Molly found that she was about to cum again. Miranda must have noticed what was happening and she again sucked off Molly. And once again she fed Molly her seed. Chapter 26 "Remarkable," exclaimed Miranda. "What?" asked Molly as stood in front of Miranda. "You're breasts, they look like they've grown in just the last few minutes," said Miranda as she reached over to cup Molly's breasts. Molly looked down and gasped. "Oh my god! You're right!" Miranda laughed. "It must have been the cum you swallowed. I can't wait to see what happens when you're with a man!" "Please Miranda...turn me back!" cried Molly. "You must be kidding, why would I do that? You're becoming a lovely woman and I can't wait to see what happens next. Now get dressed and we'll head down to the piercing salon and get your belly button and clitty pierced. I'll give you the anti-pain spell before we go in." Molly did as Miranda ordered. It was impossible to disobey her. An hour later, Molly was looking at her latest piercings. Through the head of what was her cock...now her clitty was a steel ring. Miranda had commented that an added side effect of the ring was that it would force Molly to sit to pee. Through her navel was a steel post with a small jewel attached to it. The woman who did the piercings was amazed how calm Molly was throughout the procedures. "You know Molly, I would have never guessed you were really a guy," said Amber. "I saw you the other night when you got your tattoo and tongue done and thought you were just another girl." "Thank you," replied Molly. Amber had many tattoos on her body and numerous piercings, including her tongue, nose, ears and eyebrows. Molly wondered what else was pierced. "I'd love to work on you again, if you decide that you want some more piercings or ink," she said. "I'll keep that in mind. I'm think I'm done for now," she said. Amber smiled. "I can always tell customers who will be back and trust me Miss Molly, you'll be back." Chapter 27 "I'm very pleased with the way you acted back in the piercing salon," said Miranda as they shopped for snacks and drinks for that night's poker game. "I really didn't have a choice," replied Molly. "I think Amber is right...I suspect that you'll be back there on your own," continued Miranda. "I doubt it...what else would I have done?" "Oh, I can think of a few things...like your nipples, once they've grown out. I can also see you getting some more ink...not like Amber, but a few small tattoos strategically placed," said Miranda. "Also maybe Kelly was right; a nose ring would be cute on you." As they talked a very handsome man walked past them; pausing only momentarily to look over the two women. He smiled at them and continued shopping. Molly turned slightly to watch him walk away. "He's pretty hot," whispered Miranda. Molly nodded before she realized what she had done. It then hit her that she had found the man attractive and also she liked the fact that he had smiled at her. "Hmm, and to think, just a couple of hours ago you were telling me that you didn't like guys," said Miranda. "Oh, you're going to love Matt, he's even better looking than that guy." Molly just sighed. "So do you want me to tell you about him?" asked Miranda. "Sure, why not? What does he look like?" she asked. She was shocked that she really was interested in what Matt looked like. Miranda laughed. "Oh, you're going to love him...and he's going to eat you up, he loves redheads." Chapter 28 "Molly, it's so cool that you've come out as transgendered," said Kelly as she dealt the next hand. "It allows us to play cards and to keep it an all girls poker club." "I have to agree with her, Molly," said Sharon. "You know, it's strange, but it's like you've always been a girl. In fact, it's hard to picture you ever being a guy." "I agree," said Kelly. "I'm just happy to be accepted as the person I was always meant to be," said Molly. She had tried once again to tell them the truth, but as before the words came out totally different. "Are you going to start hormones?" asked Kelly. "I already have," replied Molly. "Miranda took me to an herbal pharmacy today and I bought some natural ones. I can't start the prescription hormones until I see a therapist," said Molly. It was another lie, but she had to do it. Sooner or later the others would notice the physical changes. "I talked to a lawyer friend of mine and he said that he should be able to push through your name change," said Miranda. "I thought you'd need a letter for that," said Sharon as she folded her hand. "Normally you do," said Miranda. "But he's our family lawyer and he knows how to speed things up." Molly felt like crying as her old life was quickly being erased. But outwards all she could do was smile. "That's wonderful news," she said. "So are you going stay Molly?" asked Sharon. "Yes, I've grown to like the name," replied Molly as she took two new cards. "What about your new middle name?" asked Kelly. "I haven't given it too much though until now," replied Molly. "What's your old one?" asked Miranda. "Alexander," she replied. "So, why not Alexis or Alexandra?" suggested Kelly. Molly won the hand and gathered her chips. "I guess so." "Besides, it's not that important, you'll need to change your name when you get married anyway," said Kelly. Molly laughed. "That's jumping the gun a bit...I mean I'm not even dating yet." "You will," said Kelly. "You're too cute not to have a boyfriend." "She's right, Molly. I can't image you going unattached very long," said Miranda. Molly felt like screaming, but all she could was laugh. "So, do you like guys now?" asked Sharon. "I'm open to the idea of trying new things," said Molly. "So, does that mean you'll go clubbing with us tomorrow night?" asked Kelly. Molly nodded. "I already said I would." "And will you dance with a guy if he asks you?" asked Kelly. Molly nodded. "If he's not a jerk." "Cool," replied Kelly. "She's learning fast!" The others laughed. "You need to be careful, Molly," said Sharon. "I know," she replied. "So, you've been thinking about this?" asked Sharon. Molly nodded again. "I think we'll have to have a little talk with you," continued Sharon. "I mean, you're about to see men from a whole new perspective." As they played cards, Sharon, Kelly, and Miranda talked to Molly about the do's and don'ts of dating men. Molly listened intently. She also realized that another bridge had been burned behind her as she accepted the fact that another part of her transformation was that she now liked men. Chapter 29 Saturday night, the four women headed out on the town. As Kelly had suggested, they all wore outfits that showed off their new tattoos on their backs. They sat down at a table near the dance floor. "How're you doing?" asked Sharon as she leaned close to Molly. "Nervous," she replied over the sound of the dance music blasting in the background. "Just take it easy," replied Sharon. The first thirty minutes or so passed without incident. In spite of her internal struggle regarding her transformation, Molly was fascinated with seeing the whole club scene from the other side. A few guys came up and made really lame come-ons and Molly wondered if she sounded that desperate when she had been a man. She felt a shiver run up her spine as she realized that with each passing moment she saw her male life as in the past. "Looks like a light night," said Kelly. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" Miranda shook her head. "It's still early; let's give it a little longer." A short time later two guys walked up to their table. Molly had to admit that they were both very handsome. One asked Sharon for a dance and the other asked Kelly. Both girls accepted. Miranda leaned over. "My friend Matt Long is over at the bar. He's the one with short brown hair and wearing the black leather jacket." Molly looked over and saw that Matt was staring at her. He smiled and nodded in her direction. "He'll be walking over here in a moment...have fun," said Miranda. Sure enough, Molly watched as Matt slowly made his way over towards the table. She estimated he was six-one, and appeared to be very fit. He looked to be in his late twenties and she had to admit that he a very attractive man. "Hi, Matt," said Miranda. He smiled at her. "You're looking good...as always." "Thank you, my dear. Matt, this is my friend Molly, she's the one I told you about." Matt smiled at Molly as he also ran his eyes over her. "You're even more attractive that Miranda described," he said. "Would you like to dance?" He then extended his hand and Molly took it. Before she knew it, she was out on the dance floor with Matt. The first two songs were rather fast, but the next one was a slow ballad and without asking Matt pulled her close to his muscular body. She realized how dainty she now was as Matt's arms enveloped her. She also felt Matt's hard cock pressing against her. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. "I just love special girls like you." He then kissed her. She didn't reply, but she could feel her heart beating faster. "I promised Miranda that I wouldn't try to take you home tonight, Molly, and I'm a man who keeps his word, but would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?" "I'd love that Matt," she replied without thinking. "Lovely," he replied as he kissed her again, this time on the lips. As they kissed, Molly realized that she would have left with him if he had asked. This reaction both excited and terrified her. They returned to the table and Matt introduced himself to the others. The others girls didn't seem to be bothered by this and in fact they seemed pleased that Molly had found a friend. At one point, the others were all way from the table, leaving just Matt and Molly. He pulled her closer and kissed her. This time his tongue slipped into her mouth. To her shock, Molly returned the act. "Molly my sweet thing, can I have your phone number?" Molly nodded and gave him her cell phone number without hesitation. "Great, so can I pick you up at eight?" he asked as he programmed her number into his phone. He then gave her his number. His hand slipped up and gently cupped one of her breasts. Molly let out a sigh. "Dress sexy for me," he said. Molly couldn't help but notice that this sounded like an order. "I will," she replied. "Good girl...oh, my sweet Molly we will have a wonderful time," he said. He then leaned over and kissed her again. "I'll see you tomorrow, my dear," he said as stood up. "I can't wait," she replied. Chapter 30 When Molly got home, she hurried to her bedroom. Her breast pads felt so tight in her bra and she couldn't wait to remove them. She gasped as she saw the reason why the pads were giving her discomfort. Her own breasts were now much larger. There was no denying that she had breasts...not just some swelling in her nipples. She stood in front of the mirror and cupped them...feeling their weight. She moved up and down and watched as they bounced up and down. She suspected that her contact with Matt was responsible for this latest growth spurt and she wondered what would happen if she continued to see him. As she thought about Matt, she found herself getting aroused. With one hand she began to rub her nipples...and with the other she began to stroke her diminutive cock. The small metal ring in the head of her cock only served to increase her state of arousal. It still got very hard, but it was barely three inches long now. She found herself stroking it harder as she wonder how big Matt's cock was. The more she thought about Matt, the more excited she got and soon she was approaching climax. When she came she found that she couldn't resist licking up her cum from her fingers. To her surprise, she found that she was still quite aroused and as she cleaned up she couldn't get Matt out of her head. Chapter 31 Molly stepped out of bed the next morning and stumbled to the bathroom. It took her a few moments to recognize the fact that her breasts had grown some more while she had slept. They were now the same size as the breast pads and she found that she didn't need the pads when she put on her size 34-D bra. The rest of her body was continuing its changes. She now had a thin waist and wide hips. The only sign that she had once been male was the small pierced cock between her legs. She looked down at it and decided that it was no longer a cock and that it was

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The Loyalty Card

Reception ?So that’s for three nights then. H ave you stayed with us before, Sir?? the receptionist smiled as she handed me back my credit card as I checked in to the hotel. The badge on her right tit said ?Angela – Duty Receptionist?. I wondered how welcoming she might be later. ?Ah, oh, yes,? I replied digging out another piece of plastic from my wallet and passing over my loyalty card, keen to collect the points that would offer me some possible future discount or other uncertain benefit....

2 years ago
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"Good morning sweetie," Mike had been up drinking coffee and writing on the computer for his usual two or so hours already. As Jan groggily made her way to the motorhome's small bathroom, Mike continued, "are you ready for coffee?" "Yea, please," was all that Jan could manage. Mike was a morning person and Jan tried to be. But, after so many years of marriage that was about all she could manage. Mike saved his work on file and fixed Jan her coffee. He knew exactly how she...

3 years ago
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Like to cook? You become a chef. Have an interest in education? Most likely end up a teacher. Me? I wanted to fly, so I became a pilot. Over the years I finagled myself a pilot license with several ratings, then later a spot with an Air National Guard outfit. Unfortunately none of the big airlines was hiring when my time was up, so I had been with a little regional carrier for about two years now. Throughout my trials and tribulations the only constant in life was Amy my wife. My lovely Amy...

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The Student Card

Growing up, I always wanted to be like my brothers. I had two older brothers. I was the daughter my mother wished for. Sadly, her wish only came partially true. I remember my mother discussing me with the other mums. “She’s just a tomboy. It’s just a phase she’s going through.”And then there were the arguments.“No, girls play with dolls, not guns," or, “Don’t play in the mud, you’ll get your dress dirty.” And my all-time favourite, “girls don’t pee standing up, only boys do that.”My Sindy doll...

3 years ago
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The Loyalty Card

Reception "So that's for three nights then. Have you stayed with us before, Sir?" the receptionist smiled as she handed me back my credit card as I checked in to the hotel. The badge on her right tit said "Angela – Duty Receptionist". I wondered how welcoming she might be later. "Ah, oh, yes," I replied digging out another piece of plastic from my wallet and passing over my loyalty card, keen to collect the points that would offer me some possible future discount or other uncertain...

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My get out of Jail for Free Card

It all started when I needed an SD card for my phone, the old one had stopped working. I went to the electronics drawer and found one that had the right amount of storage. But before putting it in my phone I decided to first copy any folders on my computer before formatting it. It was not one of the usual brands my wife and I buy, I thought but maybe it had come with something we had bought; us both being electronic junkies.A week passed and one Saturday while my wife, Amy, was out at some art...

2 years ago
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Wilde Harem Pt 01 Home Sweet Home Ch 01

Onward to the backstory/information dump! My name is Brian Valentine. I recently turned 18 and became a senior at my high school that the author was too lazy to name. Short brown hair, 5'11", 8" dick. I'm not exactly athletic but I keep myself in shape. I've been told I'm attractive but I've never actually had a girlfriend. Yes, I'm still a virgin. My mom had died during childbirth. My father was hit by a drunk driver when I was 13. I currently live with my step-mom Lilith Wilde...

5 years ago
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Erin Explores Ch 01 The Gift Card

Erin woke with a start as the wind billowed the heavy drape curtains through the open bedroom window, catching the curtains on the chair and leaving sunlight to spill directly on her face and torso. A rattle came from downstairs as the postman delivered the mail, startling her, and she grabbed her blackberry from the side table where it lay, face down. Hitting the central button with her thumb, she woke it up and looked at the time, then dropped the phone back on the table, and lay back,...

2 years ago
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The renewable Debit Card

I didn’t give it much more thought and after I purchased my stuff and walked outside I again saw her sitting on a ledge still looking forlorn. From this angle I could see her face, creamy skin, and pale blue eyes. I couldn’t help myself and I walked up to her, “Miss, you OK?” She looked up, and gave me a fake smile and lightly said “No, I guess not.” “What is your name dear?” She told me it was Jen. I asked what the problem was and she went on to tell me that her boyfriend had just broken up...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS11E04 Lilian Cheese 54 from Cardiff

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of terraced two-story homes – brown/grey stone fronted, with white brick surrounds to doors and windows ... Tracking along, looking down streets toward a raised motorway in the background ... And coming to rest on one particularly unremarkable street... The only thing that makes this street any better than any of the others is the presence of our host – blonde and busty, in figure hugging jeans and a t-shirt tight enough we can see she’s not...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess12e08 Olwen Mills 37 from Cardiff

We begin this week’s show outside an impressive looking sporting stadium. Grey Concrete, shiny glass and red painted fences. Huge letters along the top of one stand read “PRINCIPALITY STADIUM” Infront of the stadium, a smaller building – two stories and pitched roof, it looks like a cross between a church and train station ... It’s actually the stadium entrance and ticket office for all Welsh Rugby Union matters. It’s not too busy, but there are a few groups of tourists and fans milling...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E02 Florence Dillon 57 from Cardiff

We begin this week’s show in the full car park of a large NHS hospital. Infront of us, an imposing multi-story white walled structure, with a thousand square windows lined up, side-by-side and one above the next. Clearly built to some glorious 1960’s design, it looks dated and boring. A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “CARDIFF, WALES.” The caption fades, and we turn our camera to the side and see the faded blue frontage of an overhanging structure, a cover for the...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 61 Protesters and Placards

The drive down to the church was rather peaceful and had a very calming effect on the four females involved in Glenda Harper’s and Bryce Unsworth’s wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, the peaceful daze of the moment was soon shattered when the two cars got within five hundred meters of the church. The two limo drivers and their passengers were all suddenly on full alert as they approached a group of people lining both sides of the street and waving placards at the cars as the entourage neared...

2 years ago
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A Turn of the Cards

A Turn of the Cards A Novel by Rebecca Anderson For D, wherever he is. I hope he's still writing. And with thanks to Ken and Raena, who are richer in spirit than any of the characters I could ever hope to describe in this story. I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. ? Ecclesiastes ...

4 years ago
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Blondie Loses Her VCard

We've spent the entire night together. We met in the bar, making eye contact from across the room. It's as if our destiny was to meet, to make eye contact at that very moment. We smiled at each other as he made his way over to me. I could feel my heart thumping. I knew tonight was the right night to do this. I made my choice early this morning. I was tired of being a virgin. I thought I was making the right choice in waiting, but it seemed to never happen for me. So, before I could change my...

First Time
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Darrels Hole Card

I pulled into the lot and parked and as I got out of the car I thought back to the last time Hal told me he was running late and that I should drive to the hotel and meet him there. I had to smile as the events of that night came back to me vividly. I was looking at myself in the full length mirror and thinking, "Not too bad for a thirty-six year old with three kids." Hal would not be ashamed to have me on his arm. I had the perfect 'little black dress' with the perfect sexy strappy high...

2 years ago
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SRU Trading Cards

SRU: Trading Cards By Morpheus Marshal felt disappointed as he walked out of the arcade. He'd thought for sure that he would have beaten that game this time. Still, after another $3 he only got another level than his last time. And at 13 years old, $3 wasn't something to just be thrown away. Shrugging to himself, he thought, "Better luck next time." Having gotten bored of playing video games for the moment, Marshal started walking through the mall, hoping that the comic shop might...

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Wildfire Part 4

Wildfire Part 4 I should make a note about killing off a few of the X-Men in the last chapter. In the most technical sense, this is obviously an alternate universe from the main one, if you follow the comic books. I will use that as an excuse for the differences in characters, events, and the way time flows. For all I know, I may make this the universe where the X-Men cross- over with Star Trek characters (I cant remember the name of the books, or the authors, but both were...

3 years ago
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Gift Cards

Flo and I have been together for nine years the last seven as husband and wife. Flo is a beautiful blonde, six feet tall and 135 pounds. She has been the love of my life since the instant I laid eyes on her in college. Neither of us had much sexual experience before we met but we learned how to give a great deal of pleasure to each other over the years. The event that I am writing about had its genesis five years ago. At that time Flo and I were saving every penny we could get our hands on to...

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Wildfire part 5

Wildfire Part 5 I came around slowly. It took me a few minutes. I was really groggy, so I didn't immediately remember what had happened. But, when I saw that I was laying on the ground, cuffed hands and feet, I did remember. I slowly looked around, hoping not to alert anyone who might be watching. Then I heard a voice that was all too familiar. Cecily said, "You may as well not pretend. One of the telepaths that work for us already sensed it. Oh, don't worry, they couldn't...

2 years ago
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Wilde Stuten mssen gezhmt werden

Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...

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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

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Wild FireChapter 6

The next day, upon the arrival of Mejesse’s mother and father, Mejesse was sitting on the bedside, drinking more of the medicinal slurry. Within a week, she was able to walk to the building site and watch as Ty and Boothe laid out the hearth, then started stacking and mortaring the stone fireplace. They were only able to lay a few layers of stone each day, allowing the sand, mud and grass mortar to set. The next week, Mejesse and Willah began packing for their trip down the mountain. Boothe...

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Jane from Cardiff

It was a pleasant day as I drove into the quiet small town church yard car park dressed smartly in a suit; wedding invitation tucked away in the jacket pocket and vaguely hoping it was going to turn out to be a good day. That's when I spotted her. I recognised the battered old yellow Mazda she owned and she was leaning into the passenger well of the car fiddling with something however I only had eyes for her figure and the top of her legs as her skirt rode-up as she leant-in..She was wearing a...

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Its in the cards

The slut is naked, fixing Master's lunch with an inflated dildo hanging from her asshole, and her tits tightly bound with needles in each nipple.  He sits back in his chair and watches her grimace with every movement.  When he arrived, he set a stack of index cards on the table face-down.  "There are neither safe words nor limits.  When you need me to stop, or you want to cum, eat, drink, piss, anything you want or need, you must first draw a card.  Whatever is on that card will be traded in...

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Wild WoodsChapter 2 Mourning After

Karen and Gee stumbled into Jitterz at eight-thirty. They hadn’t been home yet and weren’t headed there now. It had been a long night, dealing first with the discovery of the body, then the police, and finally, the Family heads. “Oh, my. You two look wrung out. Double Birdie’s Special coming right up. What would you like to eat?” Violet asked as they reached the counter. The contrast of her ginger hair with her light caramel skin never ceased to intrigue Gee. He forgot to answer. “Thank...

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Wild FireChapter 2

Early October, 1841 Shoshone River Valley Wyoming. The giant, flame-red colt known among wrangler camps as Wild Fire, is now 19.5 hands and coming on eighteen months. With hooves hardened and honed by days and miles of gravel, dirt, sand and stone he’s trekked, he’s as surefooted and agile as an antelope. Though his long legs are strong and muscular, he appears tall and awkward, walking a short distance from the herd as he grazes and keeps a close watch for danger... ... Running full...

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Its in the Cards

I banged this out this morning, read it over this afternoon and here it is. Nothing fancy, just my take on the jusicial system and religious judges. It's All In The Cards The guy was steaming. He opened the box of business cards and screamed, "Is this somebody's idea of a fucking joke?" He dumped the box upside down and the cards cascaded down onto the front counter of Excel Job Printing Shop. The unfortunate young woman behind the counter picked up one of the cards and read. She gasped...

2 years ago
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Unlucky at Cards

This story is not intended for commercial use and is not to be posted at any other site without the author's permission. This is not suitable reading for minors. Thanks to Kelly Ann Rogers for her editorial assistance, as well as Josie for allowing me to borrow her name. Josie swears she's never lost at cards. Unlucky at Cards -- "It's your deal." He flushed as he handed over the cards. The blood was rushing to his cheeks. From drinking two Brandy Alexanders? Possibly....

4 years ago
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A Game Of Cards

Dear ISS readers, I m Suresh 35 yrs old living in Delhi. I am a regular reader of this site. The stories here are so erotic that I end up shagging myself to great pleasure. I thought of sharing one of my experiences with u. This happened with me during last August. Well let me start the incident. Please excuse me for any mistakes as I am writing for the first time. I don’t think I should write about or say brag about my stats. I am 5’8 average looking athletic person with normal size dick. Well...

3 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 5

They were now leading one of the mules with them each morning as they ran their trapline. Most mornings, by the time they reached their leanto, they would have as many as twenty beaver pelts. They would scrape them, fold them fur-to-fur and tie them in bundles before putting the bundles into the pack on the mule. Once they were back at the cabin at the end of the day, they would stretch the pelts and hang them to dry. They brought a large pan with them to leave inside the leanto. Each day,...

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Wild Life

Do you know all those games online that claim to have real adult content and real 3D interactive porn? Do you know how they always end up being complete scams? Well, prepare to have your minds blown cause I’m about to show you an adult game that’s actually an adult game with porn scenes and everything. And no, I’m not talking about those cheap-o 2D anime titles that just give you a few animations and are done with it. Welcome to Wild Life, a real adult action RPG that lets you have the porn...

Free Sex Games
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Wild WoodsChapter 11 Emergence

Gee picked Karen up and carried her to the sofa in Wayne’s living room. “What on earth happened?” Jo asked, coming in from the kitchen. “Gee, let us take care of Karen so you can tend to Nina. She’ll trust you more than me.” Wayne directed. Gee reluctantly gave care of his lover over to Wayne and Jo as he ran outside to see Nina now swinging quietly on the rusty chains. Gee approached her slowly. “Nina? Are you okay, honey?” She looked up at him with eyes gradually focusing. “Gee? I had...

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Wild Sex In Hindi

Hi, this is Banty (my nick name) and Stuti. We are married for 09 years and have a son. This story dates back to our honeymoon in beautiful PortBlair island. It’s always to try out something new and adventurous. It was our Honeymoon in Lovely Andaman. Our entire week was enjoyable and full of adventure and sex. We wanted to make the trip a memorable one. We had sex in a lot of places (in open too, sea side) We saw a lot of porn movies in the room (specially Kamasutra) to try out new sex...

4 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 6 Wild Cards

Abbey 'No, ' I thought. Except for the ten minute breaks every two hours, I have been in a constant state of arousal. "Yeah, lets," exclaimed Trish before looking around embarrassingly at the others over her outbreak. "Yeah, lets," echoed Pam. "I'm game," agreed Maggie. The way Pam and Maggie were looking at me, I almost thought they hoped I would say no. Well I am not going to be the party pooper and since they are treating me as a big girl, I will go along. "Yeah," I...

4 years ago
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Wild Sex With Sexy Smoky Girlfriend

Hi. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this is my first story, story includes me and two girlfriends’ mama and Sonam, I have added two parts as mama came after Sonam. Romance with sonam- Myself shyam. We were from same boarding school from childhood, in 9th class somehow our love story started chupke chupke & we both used to exchange love letters and sms,as time passed we became sulty towards each others body but honestly I loved her truly,during winter holiday she asked me to visit her home, I...

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In The Cards

Jareth was relieved when he saw the flicker of campfires on the road ahead. It had been a long and tiring day, most of it spent on horseback, and the next day would prove to be just as strenuous. He prayed that the owner of the fires would prove to be a hospitable sort. If they wouldn’t let him stay the night in their camp, at least perhaps they would provide him with a hot meal and a bath before he set out again. Nudging the sides of his mount lightly with his heels, Jareth guided the stallion...

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Wild Casino

What’s Wild Casino got that makes them so much wilder than the other online gambling dens out there? Is it some Wild West shit where you might have a six-gun pulled on you during a game of poker, or is it a safari theme with an added risk of being mauled by a lion while playing a slot machine? Maybe they mean something else entirely when they say wild. Then again, perhaps it’s just another random word tacked onto “Casino” for the sake of branding. And hey, you’ve got to single out your product...

Betting Sites
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Wildes Studentenleben

Es ist Ende August. Die freie Zeit ist nahezu vorbei. Bald geht es wieder los. Die junge Nina hatte in den letzten Monaten nach Ihrem Abitur das Leben genoßen. Sie war einige Wochen im Ausland im Urlaub und erfreute sich an dem herlichen Wetter diesen Sommer. Nun ist es bald soweit, ihr Informatik-Studium beginnt. Sie wird wegziehen von zuhause, von ihren Freunden in eine fremde Stadt. Sie ist unglaublich aufgeregt. Nina ist jetzt 20 Jahre alt. Sie hat kurze braune Haare mit leichtem rot-ton....

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Wild WoodsChapter 14 Eighth Family

“The first children have arrived,” Adam said when Gee answered his phone Sunday afternoon. “We’ll need volunteers soon.” “How many children?” Gee asked. “So far, we have twin girls, about six years old. They have a little language skill but it has mostly been used to ask where Aunt Ann is. The feds compiled a dossier on the children from what they could locate and were kind enough to include a couple of toys from the girls’ room. These two were being raised by a couple in Ohio as their...

3 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 14

“Watch as I run through all the controls. Look down at the wing on your side; see the flaps move when I push the yoke forward and pull back? Now look back and watch the tail wing and rudder when I pull back and turn the yoke.” “Oh me. This isn’t like driving my scooter at all.” “No it’s not, but it’s not really that complicated either. When we get airborne, I’ll show you all about it. That’s the neat thing about dual controls.” “There sure is a lot of room back there, how many passengers...

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An Unlucky Game of Cards

He'd met these three women at a bar. They were lovely, friendly, open-minded and even seemed to be into one another with that mild lesbianism that seems to come from so many women once they'd had a few drinks.. They'd all sat around at the table sharing those drinks and eventually planning to all head back to one of the girls' house together. From the get-go, his mind was anticipating the ultimate male fantasy - to have a threesome, or in this case, a foursome with some real...

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Wild Sex With My Maid

Hi to all again, friends! My narration of my experience attracted few responses encouraging ones and thanks for that. Now, I’m going to tell you all about my wild sex experience with a maid who had worked in our house during my stay in Chennai few years ago due to my profession, I was in Chennai and I had taken my family along my wife and two kids. Oh and let me introduce myself again to those who are new comers. My name is Shuai now 38 years young 5 feet 10 inches brown complexioned fit enough...

5 years ago
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Cards By Owl "I'm bored." Raven sat around looking at the other five master wizards. "We need to do something interesting." He waited to see what their response would be. "What do you have in mind?" said Telnor, eldest of the group. The others, having deferred for his question, now waited for Raven's response. "I propose a card game," said Raven, "with high stakes." He smiled grimly at the others. "We can all have anything that we want and...

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Leda and the SwanChapter 2 A Game of Cards

Rick knocked on the apartment door and was admitted by Roger. "Ricky mon ami, come in. We have ze snacks already out. Come and sit." Roger led him toward the sofa where a woman with curly, black hair sat. She wore a short, lavender dress cut low to display her ample cleavage. "Zis is Miriam," Roger said. "Miriam, zis is ze Rick I told you about. Miriam is administrative assistant to ze dean of ze Economics department. Ricky I know you have ze perks from your ass occupying ze coveted...

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Wild Sweaty Passionate Sex With My 53 Year Old Maid

Hi everyone in this forum. I have been following ISS for a year now. I hope you will enjoy my first story on ISS and send me your feedback to I am 29 years old, working in a small town. I am unmarried and always enjoyed living alone. Since my growing up days I have been attracted to older women. I believe that they have more sexual energy than the younger ones. The story I am narrating was my encounter with my maid. After joining my new job I had to move to a new location. It took me 10 days...

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Wild days with office staff

Hi ISS Friends I am Rajesh here from Maharastra I am 32 Years old 5”6” I am into business & doing good. I always used to wonder how a person can write so many interesting stories which should be private, but after going through some of them I myself is tempted to write this coz I thought I myself being so interested in sex & specially in experimenting new ways n means in sex I thought my real life incidence will definitely interest my readers. This story is about my encounter with my Office...

1 year ago
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Wild Thang

Suzy and I had booked a last minute cheap bargain Holiday. We found our selves surrounded by mainly wild and single 18 - 30 year olds. At 33 and 34 we were not that much older but married for over ten years. The hotel was jumping to 3 or so in the morning before booze and tiredness took its toll. Susy reckoned that my new shades must have been bought so she couldn't see who I was eyeing up, she constantly joked about me eyeing up the naked flesh on the beach's. I got my revenge when I caught...

4 years ago
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Mirror Site A Better Hand of Cards

Mirror Site: A new hand of cards By Yurix "I lost..." Sebastian wasn't pleased at all. It wasn't the fact that he was a poor loser, which wasn't the case, but he had a terrible tendency to take every small mistake as a big one, and every big one as a disaster. His mind clouded by the thoughts of his last loss, which was that of his job, made him unable to concentrate. The game he was playing wasn't in a casino. It wasn't even a gambler's game. He was playing Duel Monsters, which...

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Playing Cards

Every month me and Francine, my wife spend a night playing cards with my friend Connie and her husband Tim. While playing Canasta we saw on TV that here was a major fire on the other side of town. Since Tim is a fireman he was called to work. At the same time my wife who was a police woman was called to work also. This sadly interrupted our monthly game. Both Tim and Francine left together since the fire station and police station are in the block.As we heard the car leaving. I look at my...

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A Cut of the Cards

"Yeah, I understand what a virus is. What I don't get is how I got it." "You know that little red "M" that comes up on the bottom of your screen, the one that means McAfee, as in McAfee anti-virus protection. The one that..." "The one that's supposed to stop this crap from screwing up my computer so I don't have to be standing here having this conversation with you, that one?" The kid grinned up at me with nicotine-yellowed teeth, twenty years old tops, fucking spider-web tattoo...

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Wild Night With Jody And Her Friends

I had the best time last weekend. I was out with my buddies and we were at our local bar that we always went to. We were just hanging out having some beers and playing darts. It was a pretty slow night, but all of a sudden this group of young pretty girls came into the bar. The one girl was wearing a tiara on her head with a cute pink shirt that said ‘Bride-to-Be.’ She was also in a short mini skirt with black pumps. This girl was absolutely beautiful. All the rest of the girls were wearing...

Group Sex
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Wild Sex in Bangalore

Hi, this is the pink man (name changed) from Hyderabad, age 21, single and a wild guy. I’m here to open up my experience about how I lost my virginity and how amazing it was. If any grammatical mistakes, I apologize. This happened when I was 20 and I just had a very bad break up which totally broke me, so I took a break and went to Bangalore for a small vacation and to meet my friend. As we were staying near the christ university he had many people coming to his place every day to drink or...

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